the westfield leade - digifind-it · the westfield leade *^e leadinleading and mosg antd widel most...

THE WESTFIELD LEADE *^ e Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County fENTT-FOURTH YEAR—No 10. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26,1913. SIXTEEN PAGES—2 CENTS INKERS CLUB HEARS WOLFE js Bank Check is the Topic of an Address by this Well Known Speaker GAL CLUB'S RAPID GROWTH It Its first meeting last Monday iu tho Washington School ;ly organized Bankers' Club had the opportunity of enlng to an address by 0. Howard ilfo, secretary of the Clearing Section of the American liters' Association, and president [lew York Chapter of the Ameri- Instltute of Banking. Mr. lie's subject was "The Bank k—What It is and What It " The speaker was greeted by audience that tilled tho room and the conclusion of hie address ho kept husy until train time ans- iag questions put to him by the irested members. iter the regular meeting a brief incss meeting of the club was i, at which time sixteen new mem- s ten elected. The nest meeting :be club will be held in the Town 1 Monday evening, December 8'th. speaker of the evening wilt be Hon. George M. LaMonte, Com- aioner of Banking of tba State of Jersey. lr. Wolfe said in part: i take a genuine pleasure in ap- rlng before this club this evening, only for the privilege of meeting talking with its members on a j«t that is of general interest is, hit aiso because a gathering bfa sort la Blgnlflcant. It shows tendency of tho times. Ono of the appalling facts that as bankers, have to deal with is general Ignorance of the Ameri- banker upon the subject of bank- Of all the great nations, this itry alone has not developed tlie atlfically trained banker. Wo admit that there Is no especial I for the profound knowledge of iw when the skies arc clear and ythhig is moving aloes amooth- fonlglu 1 shall try, briefly, to ap- ict] our subject not upon Its nifii! side but rather from that shlrh lias always appealed to tt'at is: from the general pub- pfiint of view. I till not burden you with tho ¥ of tho abuses and false prac- Itavo grown up with the ks, Jupt as they have with thu of c us>' of hank noto issues, nml for samy reasons. We must blush *VA that tho American banker boen largely to blame. Not, PW, through vieiousrKss or (11?- sty or any of the faults that are rally attributed to the banker larpclv through ignoiam-o, W.> P"rh ijn, "\"UFO the bank<r !)<*- (Continued on pago 8) TENBORN ORCHESTRA FRIDAY NIGHT •*l Tmrt in Storrt for the It't'lio'ii Ol I'hrs! ra <;f el<-n ll 1 *' M i* r . IMiiii Dunham MI tin- M'.'I im's STRIKE ON AT NEW GAS TANK Men Walked Out Yesterday Morning.—One Man Arrest- ed But Not Held MAY DELAY THE WORK Yesterday morning over half of tho force of men, employed by the firm of Krauss & Kemper in the erection of the new gas storage tank on North avenue, near the corner of Dudloy avenue, wont on strike for more pay 'and shorter hours. During the day a number of strango men congregated around the spot and mingled with the men who were on strike. According to the story of the as- sistant foreman one of the strangers made a remark that the,job was un- fair and that a cannon would be placed behind the shanty before it was completed. A man said to have made this remark was located and the police notified. Officer Damming was detailed on the call, arrested the fellow and brought him down to the station house, where bo was locked up for a bearing. Last evening In Eecordor Spring- stead'a court the man was called to answer to tho complaint. Ho gave his name as John Demarzo, and his address aa Roaebank, S. I. He pleaded not guilty and said that they PRESENT UWS AREJLL RIGHT Miss Bronson Presents Able Argument on "Why Women do Not Want the Vote," 'PLANTATION LIFE", NOV, 29 Tho labor laws of to-day in the various states affecting women arc all right, said Miss Minnie Bronson, in her lecture on "Why Women Da Not Want the Vote" given iu the Washington School last Saturday evening. Having juat returned from a bis campaign trip In one of tho Western states. Miss Branson was thoroughly familiar with the conditions that ex- ist. She strited that iu California, Einco the women were given the ballot there hud been a falling off commerc- ially and educationally. That there won not ft state Iu tho TTulou where women owned over 10 per cent of property and in most cases this was only held by them for their husbands so that ho could dodgo his creditors. In reference to the liquor question sho stated that tho antls were not lined up with tho liquor Interests, and added that tho \V. C. T. U. mem- bers in tho suffrage movement are being misled. Misa Bronson presented her subject from a legal, economic and wage- earning standpoint, tier vast experi- PRIZE OFFERED FOR SUGGESTION Fifty Dollars for Best Essay on "Keeping Trade at Home." hud picked up the wroug mnn, thatience as government agont among the ho was only looking for work and wage-earners of the big cities enabled knew nothing of the trouble. After tolling the man to go elsewhere and hunt a job, the Recorder dismissed the case. Up to yesterday morning there was about thirty men employed In the erection of the tank and tho foun- dation and tho worn was progres- sing rapidly. Most of the force be- ing employed In what Is known as shop work. her to talk on thia part from pcrBontil experience. She gave tho best ar- guments yet presented to a Westflelil audience In support of the claim that it is not best to give women the bal- lot. Miss Bronson was frequently Interrupted by applause. In closing Misa Bronson stated that If the question of whether or not tho women wanted to vote was left, to I the women to decide tho majority The tank Is being erected for stor- against it would bo very large, age purposes for tho Cranford Gna A lecture on woman's suffrage is to Light Company, and when completed !«• given In the school on tho evening will be in three sections folding like of January 10, 1U14, by a protcasw from Columbia College, New York. a drinking cup. When full the tank will bo about one hunarea and twen- ty feet high. The action nearest raiNTATIOS UKK N TI1K the ground which contains water will | MI8HISSIII I \ A H * l . bo about thirty feet high. It is ox-1 Last week tho lecture was par- [lectod that'the work will bo com-1 ticularly intertsiing to lh« ladies of Dieted about tho end of March. Uho town as was evicioneod by the!are thrtio good bfttllfB in town.—- It is tin? purpose of tho Gns Com-1 small number of men In this iuiilienco. Editor. pimy to erect a neat cottage nrar the j Hut this wwk's lecture will lji» mom | tanli to bo occupied by the man in ! Interesting-to the sterner aox and ft is SUNDAY MOVIES EVERYBODY HAS A CHANCE During the past week a letter ad- dressed to tiiu Editor offering a prize of IIfty dollars for the best essay con- taining a solution of the question of keeping trade at home, has been re- ceived at this office. The parly who signs himself com- nniler is anxious to improve, If pos- sible, tho conditions under which tho trades people of "vVestlleid are now laboring ami if there Is anyone In Wcstflehl who thinks ho or sho has a good solution it is up to them to ivrlte an essay not to exceed one thousand words and send it at once to this on)t:o to bo turned over to the committee named, and have a chance to win Ilfty dollars. Kach answer will bo given a num- ber at this otlico and no nanio need appear until the award is made. Tho essay that wins the prize will ho published In the Loader. Tho following Is a cupy of the let- ter; Dear Leader: Much baB boon said abont tho patriotic duty to buy everything In town. I believe In that. That alone is not sufficient. In hard* times. Wit- ness the two failures of last week, Enclosed find ?fiQ as a prize for the best solution of the question: "What can 1K> done to keep trade In town?" I give the samo to you as trustee, to pay It over to the award of the following committee, namely: E. A. Merrill, W. I. Keeler and George Dehitour. The solo condition is that the ans- wer muBt be something else than tho patriotic duty to buy iu town. Also a Uix on those who undersell will not do. Tli<* situation 1B serious. An army of wngona from New York Is delivering goods in Wcstfield. How can it be obviated? Yonra truly. COMMUTER. Mr. Commuter: How about tho check lining dmwn on an out of town tmnU wh<m there charge other than a small portion ,probahln that tho demand for tickets of the iaud. which will be allowed the j by men will be jjrt-atur than ever bo- csrotnker as a garden, tho entire plot jfore, will be needed for a town and kept in perfect order. WESTFIELD COUNCIL K. OF C. TO BE INSTITUTED Tho lecturer will In; Frank Duroll fiaugher and his subject, ''I'lantatlon Lite In the Mississippi Valley, la one of the best given .In thin country today. .Many interesting stories am lull! I of negro life on Ilif plantations, di- Kc*cn IIUIHIHII Members fit Orilpr j jiidtiltg the optimistic mlrni of the unil Hlgli omnala to WUurm iSouthern nogro, his rare sonse of r . >nl .ill *iml»y j humor and hla adaptability to the l,,ent .HI rlui.uaj. ^ Iwt,lt.> mini's lmitlo of life TIK> amll- Ttit* new Wratlli'lii (.'otiur.ll, No. [,,I1(.e [s taken up tho river from Now nil Knlfiht "f Cohinilmg, will b« j Ortfuim on an ulrt river "packet" iimtlluti'il at ILUliv's H.iil lit'"! 8u"-j anil stops lire umilo at tin- cotton <Ui at 1 p n, AIOIK v>ith tho In-: n,.| ( ) 3i tlm sugar raw 1 plantations, the stituthm thin, degree of tho oriln , r | ry n^,^ , U| ( | niriifiiUiio campa. Tim w|t, i,i' • -•• mplili'd on Hfy-«li mem- j gl( . at r lvt:r lovi.-s nrc iiixpt-rtiKl uml b' i H. Is..tides Or i,f IltiiHil.m, »r K A iti"!«' 1'l.iH.I-lnhla, 1'u ; . lil »i •Iratiipi^nts nest Frl'ln I c^lnN'ilHt ihtlifi n hn« imjh-iit<nl mdiiyj 1 "'* MfOlnley.^i ' " (ci n ilistrlii ileputiw. tin 1 ne^io Retfkun Mariioll, jetty in tin) Yaei prtisont | y\ w svtith for th* Klalterly, | g t Tuskcccf- mid S.-cro- "tit of Mound iltiyou n Valley is visited, uplifl of the negro Hampton \s es- !"f 1l.iHn, , M(Ulll |,, v ( ,r No» lUvi.ii, Conn.; flr - M u huu l t a ^rrmt,el picked aiihHB, at In siuro for nato titiough to Man) (Jrm.d . Kmght« and about l 1 i. i .1, i.,\ Uunham. mio of tho t Atticfh'itn sopranos, has nrkaliU* stH'i f*m in con- tt Miinlfli, Vlpnrm, and Man) m ,lii) Knlfhn fuim adjoining councils »lll ultnt'im tho Institution end e»- cinpIlftiHiilon of dngrM'S 1 unrli will h« Bflrv'i-il to yl»itors In plHlocd. No truer (ilrturc of neern ciitidllloDii In tlio Houth has ev«-r Icon Tickets can be procured at the Leader Office. odd tll<s Btiil candldiitpn *H! tie Wtllelt'a ll<it«1. »t lr» Anlltl iC« Mf- Marenghl; fl- y, M. TtiHy; **• TriMtitori, II i.MSftfrtl »nii John Jh Nll»ni; J, n«t'«; (••<-»mi'"»r, iihyilptttti. Dr I 1 "' M Nll»ni; Purs'rtt't HTOIII.B TO UVMi' Tho Woman'i WOMAN'S CWII1. regular oteotlng of th, Club *»» held In tho t'rrabyterUu r«ri»lt HOMO Monday sfternoon, Nov»mb«r S4lh. At the close or tho builne»3 iiwetln* Mn, llarolil Princes pl»>ed two beauti- ful «el«tlon8, "UutWrfly of l<ov«," by Suhiitl, and "Hnniarinn Mareh," by DBIIOUS. Mrs, Herbert Fowth r«il »n irit«ri>ntln« paper fiitltlfd, "Palnrol" P»iii-ri)l l» tha n«m« Of a snml!, pl«tur<>»que fluhlnn vil- lagii Iu llrllUtiy. Mm. Fomjtb liav- Ing tiait'id the rill«m». pt«««iit«ij it vlviil pMm« at It. mtd iitlotwl Ifw ly from thv book, "ln>l»nil Fi«ln>r- Bisn," by Fierr« l-ntt, th« »c«in«'B *ml character* «f (hi* hnnk hRvluj IKWSI ••tif.»«« flora i'Bln-F'ol Mm. K. If. Vnulhnxr r«-»il » IHUx ilmnm. rltilfA "Thn Ihiit iif tlit> Hon.l," Uy Kftitiflti IHBHCIP OUIHAM AT •THK MKtMOItlHT (UVttCH, W. '•*"* HitK»«ft«* PROVE ATTRACTIVE Wesllleld Thcalrn Filled 1111 Hmidiiy Evening—Dr. laiiniiis Makes Following tho splendid utteEHlsu last winter it was again decided to hohl the HumSay evening union su-r- VICOB In tho Weatllolil Tliuatro this On Sunday evenliiK a lar^* trailer- Ing took purl. In the first of tills win- ter's K^rlt'si of Huii.'lay (nmiiiii? iier- vici'n iu tlici Wnxtflulil Theiilro Ur, Lucuills g;ive as Eifiort !!ie«H on "iBiael In i'^yjii." i(iuchlttg on th*/ yniith of Muht'M in that cnuiitiy. Tlif and Inytructivo tllni, sihowlnj* many of tin. t»muii» upon ftloni! lli« Nlln, the nilns of sticient. ti»tnp!t's imd iltk'ii, tho aHthjin* jutthfMla of farm- Ing Bttll 111 practiro there, and thfi clmriictor of ilia laud around tht> ^reat river. The mmgg were nn- thuslastically Joined In by in'erytKiily, f;^|MM*laliy by thfl lioys, who attended in l»rg« nurolic-m. Th« »ildr<»n ltRXt Hunday will be on Monca »« a sireplierd among the mountains of th» Hlnat Ponliiiala, and »lll bs l>- lu'irntei by s'fllm showing mountain pictures, Th of th« nro held unii*?r t,h« mod i'Mim t ««t. v n»| ^burchtx, end will iirnb- Blily be ecotltxKHt ttnougliiMit ttio IIOIII ITOV('I:I.T. Thtiw who hml this KOOII formim fttt^nrt tb*? t*nfM*#rt glv*'H hy llin Chi! rtrm's Choir of tbn ronitrrKvitnxal h Isst rivt»(iiitg H^rg lnd*t"J for p. P'tHfy nunib*»r on th^ |ifo »** *sil (i*H0«tfil dint wi-ll ts ii. The thiil? %8s snalftf*'<l !>v Mr, Iifml, wiio «t**»*i« nu iuUiiilutIhrn snlh«t In tila VfT? nor, A «>ti.{ili«»lr»'l thn abl" CB has Ihu ffi «rllst» w*r Mr, H™«(ifis : of lunrwl, fint tililft rrulim HIP lr In Km Bfi!*'iif1li1 >•' Mlw> («h«(gi. f'*Ht l'»< reau't* of Ttio Tin rT(rt tmr»n cf MM- W*»h U*r, tllh, tenn t Htittl I I it'i!<•<•« A itMt tn»|t«Mii>i l» nlfJifln-t lo dm Hig |«-iipl« nf nut Inwii *Hi) thetl 1 ft(pinln Capital and Surplus over Assets over $1,000,000.00 The Oldest Banking institution in Wcsttield Solicits Your Business THE PAINT STORE A full line of paints, varnishes, brushes, window shades, etc., can always be obtained at Welch Bros., Inc. PICTURE FRAMES MADE TO ORDER A large assortment of moulding in stock. WELCH BROS., inc. The largest and olilfet Painting antl Decorating Concern in Wostfleld 214 East Broad Street Tel. 168 ' NOTICE Don't forget that West field has a first class and np-to-dnte S, 10 and 25c Store We !iave restocked the entire store with special bargains lor tha week, Don't Fall to comoend gat your share wMlo they last. SPECIAL CANDY SALE NOW ON 20c candy, 10c a pound 40c candy, lOo a hall pound 161 Broad Street EVERY BOY'S LIBRARY A*k yoar Seomt Master atm The Official Boy Seoul Edition I vfry bnf rniy now hiw s llliMiy ..[ IIH onn-alilraiy of liie tut i l)>il, f. r le,i I , u 1 fl lii nt" W-H up (ur tin I j himixinl ** i ll t i \ i J 1 i It i th( ft < I »K<J it d i ni m f )tir c ilors ^n< %<M I ut tiiK library ti flit alsiiit fir i niU, it fa m lifefafy taf »U boyi Miwti.f ih»se I»K.I» li.wand mmtt hut now Ihtf Alt only, a cupy „..,..,,»,, ^ If irouwanl t,>ie«4«f«rle<it)tJit are mall? gixnl, »t.if! to buy thaw l»M>k»-llirre »«(.' twenty five In ail, Hurt t»i*w uml damp day yt.'ii'li ii.tvc : A coir*- [tlr.te. l-.very Hoy's Ubnif, Itoy 'Scout ICillllun. A It* «( lb« IIlUs«-««»t>l«l» ll,lf,««i I1(,lit n» ..Otter M«l»«»«en (,iM*^^ \'rat-i .,..,.,#, .... , , . . , , , , , , , , , , , t { « i p l l t>. 1'ftifid Untivr «rr'"», .... ,.,,.,t,,,,.,, ) ,.Ai0n» K, Mfl',il»i« CthtnU-ilmm , ,„.„ I|j» I Three New Popular Copyright Books - - & F. H. SCHAEFE1 & CO, KtM WBRCT

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Page 1: THE WESTFIELD LEADE - DigiFind-It · THE WESTFIELD LEADE *^e LeadinLeading and Mosg antd Widel Most Widely Circulatey Circulated Weekld Weekly Newspapey Newspaper in Unior inn Unio

THE WESTFIELD LEADE*^e Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union CountyLeading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County



js Bank Check is the Topic ofan Address by this Well

Known Speaker


It Its first meeting last Mondayiu tho Washington School

;ly organized Bankers' Clubhad the opportunity of

enlng to an address by 0. Howardilfo, secretary of the Clearing

Section of the Americanliters' Association, and president[lew York Chapter of the Ameri-

Instltute of Banking. Mr.lie's subject was "The Bankk—What It is and What It" The speaker was greeted by

audience that tilled tho room andthe conclusion of hie address hokept husy until train time ans-

iag questions put to him by theirested members.iter the regular meeting a briefincss meeting of the club wasi, at which time sixteen new mem-s ten elected. The nest meeting:be club will be held in the Town1 Monday evening, December 8'th.speaker of the evening wilt beHon. George M. LaMonte, Com-

aioner of Banking of tba State ofJersey.

lr. Wolfe said in part:i take a genuine pleasure in ap-rlng before this club this evening,only for the privilege of meetingtalking with its members on a

j«t that is of general interestis, hit aiso because a gatheringbfa sort la Blgnlflcant. It showstendency of tho times.Ono of the appalling facts thatas bankers, have to deal with isgeneral Ignorance of the Ameri-banker upon the subject of bank-

Of all the great nations, thisitry alone has not developed tlieatlfically trained banker. Woadmit that there Is no especial

I for the profound knowledge ofiw when the skies arc clear andythhig is moving aloes amooth-

fonlglu 1 shall try, briefly, to ap-ict] our subject not upon Itsnifii! side but rather from thatshlrh lias always appealed tott'at is: from the general pub-pfiint of view.

I till not burden you with tho¥ of tho abuses and false prac-

Itavo grown up with theks, Jupt as they have with

thuof cus>' of hank noto issues, nml forsamy reasons. We must blush*VA that tho American bankerboen largely to blame. Not,PW, through vieiousrKss or (11?-sty or any of the faults that arerally attributed to the bankerlarpclv through ignoiam-o, W.>P"rh ijn, "\"UFO the bank<r !)<*-

(Continued on pago 8)


•*l Tmrt in Storrt for the

It't'lio'ii Ol I'hrs! ra <;f el<-n ll1 *' M i*r. IMiiii Dunham MI

tin- M'.'I im's


Men Walked Out YesterdayMorning.—One Man Arrest-

ed But Not Held


Yesterday morning over half of thoforce of men, employed by the firmof Krauss & Kemper in the erectionof the new gas storage tank onNorth avenue, near the corner ofDudloy avenue, wont on strike formore pay 'and shorter hours.

During the day a number ofstrango men congregated around thespot and mingled with the men whowere on strike.

According to the story of the as-sistant foreman one of the strangersmade a remark that the,job was un-fair and that a cannon would beplaced behind the shanty before itwas completed. A man said to havemade this remark was located andthe police notified. Officer Dammingwas detailed on the call, arrested thefellow and brought him down to thestation house, where bo was lockedup for a bearing.

Last evening In Eecordor Spring-stead'a court the man was called toanswer to tho complaint. Ho gavehis name as John Demarzo, and hisaddress aa Roaebank, S. I. Hepleaded not guilty and said that they


Miss Bronson Presents AbleArgument on "Why Women do

Not Want the Vote,"


Tho labor laws of to-day in thevarious states affecting women arcall right, said Miss Minnie Bronson,in her lecture on "Why Women DaNot Want the Vote" given iu theWashington School last Saturdayevening.

Having juat returned from a biscampaign trip In one of tho Westernstates. Miss Branson was thoroughlyfamiliar with the conditions that ex-ist. She strited that iu California,Einco the women were given the ballotthere hud been a falling off commerc-ially and educationally. That therewon not ft state Iu tho TTulou wherewomen owned over 10 per cent ofproperty and in most cases this wasonly held by them for their husbandsso that ho could dodgo his creditors.

In reference to the liquor questionsho stated that tho antls were notlined up with tho liquor Interests,and added that tho \V. C. T. U. mem-bers in tho suffrage movement arebeing misled.

Misa Bronson presented her subjectfrom a legal, economic and wage-earning standpoint, tier vast experi-


Fifty Dollars for Best Essayon "Keeping Trade at


hud picked up the wroug mnn, thatience as government agont among theho was only looking for work and wage-earners of the big cities enabledknew nothing of the trouble. Aftertolling the man to go elsewhere andhunt a job, the Recorder dismissedthe case.

Up to yesterday morning therewas about thirty men employed Inthe erection of the tank and tho foun-dation and tho worn was progres-sing rapidly. Most of the force be-ing employed In what Is known asshop work.

her to talk on thia part from pcrBontilexperience. She gave tho best ar-guments yet presented to a Westflelilaudience In support of the claim thatit is not best to give women the bal-lot. Miss Bronson was frequentlyInterrupted by applause.

In closing Misa Bronson stated thatIf the question of whether or not thowomen wanted to vote was left, to

I the women to decide tho majorityThe tank Is being erected for stor- against it would bo very large,

age purposes for tho Cranford Gna A lecture on woman's suffrage is toLight Company, and when completed !«• given In the school on tho eveningwill be in three sections folding like of January 10, 1U14, by a protcasw

from Columbia College, New York.a drinking cup. When full the tankwill bo about one hunarea and twen-ty feet high. The action nearest raiNTATIOS UKK N TI1Kthe ground which contains water will | MI8HISSIII I \ A H * l .bo about thirty feet high. It is ox-1 Last week tho lecture was par-[lectod that'the work will bo com-1 ticularly intertsiing to lh« ladies ofDieted about tho end of March. Uho town as was evicioneod by the!are thrtio good bfttllfB in town.—-

It is tin? purpose of tho Gns Com-1 small number of men In this iuiilienco. Editor.pimy to erect a neat cottage nrar the j Hut this wwk's lecture will lji» mom |tanli to bo occupied by the man in ! Interest ing-to the s te rner aox and ft is SUNDAY M O V I E S


During the past week a letter ad-dressed to tiiu Editor offering a prizeof IIfty dollars for the best essay con-taining a solution of the question ofkeeping trade at home, has been re-ceived at this office.

The parly who signs himself com-nniler is anxious to improve, If pos-sible, tho conditions under which thotrades people of "vVestlleid are nowlaboring ami if there Is anyone InWcstflehl who thinks ho or sho hasa good solution it is up to them toivrlte an essay not to exceed onethousand words and send it at onceto this on)t:o to bo turned over tothe committee named, and have achance to win Ilfty dollars.

Kach answer will bo given a num-ber at this otlico and no nanio needappear until the award is made. Thoessay that wins the prize will hopublished In the Loader.

Tho following Is a cupy of the let-ter;Dear Leader:

Much baB boon said abont thopatriotic duty to buy everything Intown. I believe In that. That aloneis not sufficient. In hard* times. Wit-ness the two failures of last week,

Enclosed find ?fiQ as a prize forthe best solution of the question:"What can 1K> done to keep trade Intown?" I give the samo to you astrustee, to pay It over to the awardof the following committee, namely:E. A. Merrill, W. I. Keeler andGeorge Dehitour.

The solo condition is that the ans-wer muBt be something else than thopatriotic duty to buy iu town. Alsoa Uix on those who undersell will notdo. Tli<* situation 1B serious. Anarmy of wngona from New York Isdelivering goods in Wcstfield. Howcan it be obviated?

Yonra truly.COMMUTER.

Mr. Commuter:How about tho check lining dmwn

on an out of town tmnU wh<m there

charge other than a small portion ,probahln that tho demand for ticketsof the iaud. which will be allowed the j by men will be jjrt-atur than ever bo-csrotnker as a garden, tho entire plot jfore,will be needed for a town and kept inperfect order.


Tho lecturer will In; Frank Durollfiaugher and his subject, ' 'I ' lantatlonLite In the Mississippi Valley, laone of the best given .In thin countrytoday.

.Many interesting stories am lull!I of negro life on Ilif plantations, di-

Kc*cn IIUIHIHII Members fit Orilpr j jiidtiltg the optimistic mlrni of theunil Hlgli omnala to WUurm iSouthern nogro, his rare sonse of

r . >nl .ill *iml»y j humor and hla adaptability to thel,,ent .HI rlui.uaj. ^ I wt,lt.> mini's lmitlo of life TIK> amll-

Ttit* new Wratlli'lii (.'otiur.ll, No. [,,I1(.e [s taken up tho river from Nown i l Knlfiht "f Cohinilmg, will b« j Ortfuim on an ulrt river "packet"iimtlluti'il at ILUliv's H.iil lit'"! 8u" - j anil stops lire umilo at tin- cotton<Ui at 1 p n, A I O I K v>ith tho In-: n,.|()3i tlm sugar raw1 plantations, thestituthm th in , d e g r e e of tho o r i l n , r | r y n ^ , ^ , U | ( | niriifiiUiio campa. Timw | t , i,i' • -•• mplili'd on Hfy-«li mem- j g l ( . a t rlvt:r lovi.-s nrc iiixpt-rtiKl uml

b' i H.

Is..tides Ori,f IltiiHil.m,

»r K A


1'l.iH.I-lnhla, 1'u ;

. lil »i•Irat i ipi^nts nes t Fr l ' ln

I c^ lnN ' i lHt i h t l i f in hn« imjh-iit<nl m d i i y j 1 " ' * MfOlnley.^i

' " (ci n i l is tr l i i i leput iw.

tin1 ne^ io RetfkunMariioll, j e t t y in tin) Yaeiprtisont | y \ w svtith for th*

Klalterly, | g t Tuskcccf- midS.-cro-

"tit of Mound iltiyoun Valley is visited,uplifl of the negroHampton \s es-

!"f 1 l . i H n ,, M ( U l l l | , , v (,r No» lUvi.ii, Conn. ;

flr-M u huu

l t

a ^rrmt,elpicked aiihHB,at In siuro for

nato titiough to

Man) (Jrm.d.

Kmght« and aboutl

1 i .

i . 1 ,

i.,\ Uunham. mio of thot Atticfh'itn sopranos, has

nrkaliU* stH'i f*m in con-tt Miinlfli, Vlpnrm, and

Man) m,lii) Knlfhn fuim adjoining councils»lll ultnt'im tho Institution end e»-cinpIlftiHiilon of dngrM'S

1 unrli will h« Bflrv'i-il to yl»itors In

plHlocd. No truer (ilrturc of neernciitidllloDii In tlio Houth has ev«-r Icon

Tickets can be procured at theLeader Office.

o d d t l l<s

Btiil candldiitpn *H! tieWtllelt'a ll<it«1.


• lr»


iC« Mf-Marenghl; fl-

y, M. TtiHy; **•

TriMtitori, II i.MSftfrtl »nii JohnJ h Nll»ni;J , n«t '« ; (••<-»mi'"»r,

iihyilptttti. Dr I1"' M


Purs'rtt't HTOIII.B TO UVMi'



regular oteotlng of th,

Club *»» held In thot'rrabyterUu r«ri»lt HOMO Mondaysfternoon, Nov»mb«r S4lh. At theclose or tho builne»3 iiwetln* Mn,llarolil Princes pl»>ed two beauti-ful «el«tlon8, "UutWrfly of l<ov«,"by Suhiitl, and "Hnniarinn Mareh,"by DBIIOUS. Mrs, Herbert F o w t hr«il »n irit«ri>ntln« paper fiitltlfd," P a l n r o l " P»iii-ri)l l» tha n«m«Of a snml!, pl«tur<>»que fluhlnn vil-lagii Iu llrllUtiy. Mm. Fomjtb liav-Ing tiait'id the rill«m». pt«««iit«ijit vlviil pMm« at It. mtd iitlotwl Ifwly from thv book, "ln>l»nil Fi«ln>r-Bisn," by Fierr« l-ntt, th« »c«in«'B *mlcharacter* «f (hi* hnnk hRvluj IKWSI••tif.»«« flora i'Bln-F'ol Mm. K. If.Vnulhnxr r«-»il » IHUx ilmnm. rltilfA"Thn Ihiit iif tlit> Hon.l," Uy Kftitiflti



'•*"* HitK»«ft«*

PROVE ATTRACTIVEWesllleld Thcalrn Filled 1111 Hmidiiy

Evening—Dr. laiiniiis Makes

Following tho splendid utteEHlsulast winter it was again decided tohohl the HumSay evening union su-r-VICOB In tho Weatllolil Tliuatro this

On Sunday evenliiK a lar^* trailer-Ing took purl. In the first of tills win-ter's K^rlt'si of Huii.'lay (nmiiiii? iier-vici'n iu tlici Wnxtflulil Theiilro Ur,Lucuills g;ive as Eifiort !!ie«H on"iBiael In i'^yjii." i(iuchlttg on th*/yniith of Muht'M in that cnuiitiy. Tlif

and Inytructivo tllni, sihowlnj* manyof tin. t»muii» upon ftloni! lli« Nlln,the ni lns of sticient. ti»tnp!t's imdiltk'ii, tho aHthjin* jutthfMla of farm-Ing Bttll 111 practiro there, and thficlmriictor of ilia laud around tht>^reat river. The mmgg were nn-thuslastically Joined In by in'erytKiily,f; |MM*laliy by thfl lioys, who attendedin l»rg« nurolic-m. Th« »ildr<»nltRXt Hunday will be on Monca »« asireplierd among the mountains ofth» Hlnat Ponliiiala, and »lll bs l>-lu'irntei by s'fllm showing mountainpictures,

Thof th«

nro held unii*?r t,h«mod i'Mimt

««»| ^burchtx, end will iirnb-Blily be ecotltxKHt ttnougliiMit ttio


Thtiw who hml this KOOII formim i»fttt^nrt tb*? t*nfM*#rt glv*'H hy llin Chi!rtrm's Choir of tbn ronitrrKvitnxal

h Isst rivt»(iiitg H^rg lnd*t"J forp. P'tHfy nunib*»r on th^ |ifo»** *si l (i*H0«tfil dint wi-ll t s

ii. The thiil? %8s snalftf*'<l !>vMr, Iifml, wiio «t**»*i« nu iuUiiilutIhrn

snlh«t In tila VfT?nor, A

«>ti.{ili«»lr»'lthn abl" CBhas Ihu ffi«rllst» w*rMr, H™«(ifis

: of lunrwl,fint tililft

rrulim HIP

lr InK m

Bfi!*'iif1li1>•' Mlw>

(«h«(gi.f'*Ht l'»<

reau't* of


Tin rT(rt tmr»n cfMM- W*»h

U*r, tllh, tenn t Htittl II it'i!<•<•« AitMt tn»|t«Mii>i l» nlfJifln-t lo dmHig |«-iipl« nf nut Inwii *Hi) thetl1


Capital and Surplus over

Assets over $1,000,000.00

The Oldest Banking institution in Wcsttield

Solicits Your Business

THE PAINT STOREA full line of paints, varnishes, brushes,

window shades, etc., can always be obtainedat Welch Bros., Inc.


A large assortment of moulding in stock.

WELCH BROS., inc.The largest and olilfet Painting antl Decorating Concern in Wostfleld

214 East Broad Street Tel. 168

' NOTICE •Don't forget that West field has a first class and np-to-dnte

S, 10 and 25c StoreWe !iave restocked the entire store with special bargains lor tha

week, Don't Fall to comoend gat your share wMlo they last.

SPECIAL CANDY SALE NOW ON20c candy, 10c a pound 40c candy, lOo a hall pound

161 Broad Street


Master atm

The OfficialBoy Seoul


I vfry bnf rniy now h iw sllliMiy ..[ IIH o n n - a l i l r a i y ofliie tut i l )> i l , f. r l e , iI , u 1 fl lii nt" W-H

up (ur tin I j himixinl \ »

— * * i ll t i \ i J 1 i It i th( ft < I

»K<J it d i ni m f )tir c ilors n<%<M I ut tiiK library ti flitalsiiit fir i niU, it fa m lifefafytaf »U boyi

Miwti.f ih»se I»K.I»li.wand mmtt hut now Ihtf Altonly, a cupy „ . . , . . , , » , , ^

If irouwanl t,>ie«4«f«rle<it)tJit are mall? gixnl,»t.if! to buy thaw l»M>k»-llirre »«(.' twenty five Inail, Hurt t»i*w uml damp day yt.'ii'li ii.tvc :A coir*-[tlr.te. l-.very Hoy's Ubnif, Itoy 'Scout ICillllun.

A I t * «( lb« IIlUs«-««»t>l«l» ll,lf,««iI1(,litn» . .Ot ter M«l»«»«en(,iM*^^ \'rat-i . , . . , . ,#, . . . . , , . . , , , , , , , , , , , t{«ipll t>. 1'ftifid

Untivr «r r ' "» , . . . . , . , , . , t , , , , . , , ) , .Ai0n» K, Mfl',il»i«CthtnU-ilmm , ,„.„ I|j» I

Three New PopularCopyright Books - -



Page 2: THE WESTFIELD LEADE - DigiFind-It · THE WESTFIELD LEADE *^e LeadinLeading and Mosg antd Widel Most Widely Circulatey Circulated Weekld Weekly Newspapey Newspaper in Unior inn Unio

Fourteen. WESl^lEtD TlRATfflft: ,12,1813,


Members of Loyal AssociationHold Banquet and Indulge

in Merry Making


Each speaker at tho banquet, givenby Union Council uf Uiu Loyal As-sociation, at WillMt's Hotel, on Fri-day evening last, told those presentwhat a lino lot of representative menoi; Westflclrl tho momborship of theorder included.

Tho Loyal Association has somehustlers in it and it wns duo to tlicenhuetlors that .the banquet was hold.First they hustled for members andtlit'H hustled to nntortain them. Huttbo real guest oi1 honor was WilliamTownk-W, or "Dill" Townloy, a-i hei-5 better known to tho rtst of thoLoyal inninbei'K.

Perhaps you liuvol'licard tho story,and Derbies you have not, but it•was told by Orator OruUenden attho banquet and It Is worth repeat-Ing. A membership of flfty-thrcewna all that Union Council couldboast of about, four months apo.Orator! Cruttenden, "Lovl P."Morton and others star tod a member-ship campaign.

"Bill" Townley was approached andtold of the scheme to reach tlie cen-tury mark. He did not like to sayno, so thought to get away from Ulstormentor by promising to bo theone hundredth member when thatmark was reached. To use "Bill's"own words "he was back again in aweek and I just had to keep my pro-mise. Now Ifam only sorry I didnot join sooner, but then 1 could nothave been tli-e hundredth, could I?"

Orator Cruttenden presented "BUI"with a picture taken by photographerBaumann on tho evening of his innl-tiation when almost th© entire mem-bership of the Association werepresent including tho fourteen can-didates that, were Initiated on thatevening.

One fcaturo of tho banqueat wasthe presence of most of tho ministersof the town. Following a most clo-HciouH dinner prepared under tho per-sonal supervision of Mrs. Willett,thcae gentlemen wore called on fora few remarks by Toastmaster Crut-teaden.

Mayor Evans was tho first speaker.Ho spoko of Wostfield, saying It is agood town to live In, it has a brightfuture, but It is up to tho young mento keep thing going. Ho congratu-lated tho members ot the Loyals whohad worked to gain tho 100th mark.

Dr. SU'anss, of tho Presbyterianchurch, was called on to rospontl totho toost "Loyalty," the first obli-gation of tho order, lie said "i.ay-alty," "Defense" and "ProtoetUm"aro splendid words on which to builda Hplonilid order. In iiloning ho saidthat bo kiunv IHI beUer L-ummuitUy inwhit.h to livo than UVstfU-ld nnd tfiLvnas the mtsou that the men wtnvioyal,

JJr, (ireviiwood, of tho First Haptistchurch, Dr. Kooiiii.-t, of I ho Congrega-tional church, and Hov. Dr. Smith,of the Fljtiscopal churoh, mudo ahttrt.a u d i t S^E s

l U ^ r o t s wt th t m l v < d f io in lit v

I h R u i m u u l I t ' v I a t h i r Wfi t tor

son Oti»r i*ak< m \ n u 1 \ M norAlpfTn who t o l d of t i n tuv. l i i n IlHM |

t u f - f i i o H t n f o n l m t l ( ( If h v lo i -

t o n 1K0 i i f h l r t ^ t d tho hiiuiwUin J

I ' t n h i t t in. « vi n h t- *-*tt\l j i t m u r n

M a s f u n i h h i d a n d tit* r tl t t-i" i < h< -t

t l M M o u i p u o « m n t . r t a i m 1 1> H I T -

j \ \\ W t t i b u w i t h h i s l iu iu i i i s ^ o t i t h

a n d imp* i i o i ' i t i JFIB fin 1 M i n l i i l

Sl< ft u ! f i m u thi« W ^ U H U t U u d t i t

H o l d t in i n n it vu t o ImiilW a p

p ! u n l r d mid u p U< * 11 v fun wt r* d < i»-

S\\-* M a r l o n I U & pr< i l d t <1 o v * r t i n

p h n n tluuiif. l n n i t t l i o i n t l r * ' i \* ndif.

To marrow c w n l u p tho f o s t l s vUHf i a w i i t K " ifii n u * SI iu t u n ! a\ 10 n

Hrihif'fcHMit p u m Orntiu Cruttt ndtts ban turn* I liluj t n t iK 'h n* « In U *I'M* »f uni'M un t i l and if l<* oxpwU'riO u t th<» Iu4 nvMiilxts #*U tu rn out


Court Takes Only a Few Minutes to Decide in the Fatal

Scfieerer Case


George Manners, of South Kluier(street, was promptly exonorated and

j discharged by Judge Connolly, lu J011-izabeth on Friday afternoon, tho liear-; ing lasting but a few minutes.I Maunerg was held by order of Pro-iseeutor Stein, following the sad ac-'cldeut which occured on Central ave-nue nn Thursday afternoon last, whenFred Stiliccrer, »on of Mrs. ThrownJlorchcfliii, of Grovo street, lost hisMfo aa tlie result of running into a•wsi&on drivon by Mannora and ownedliy ilaruld Lambert.

Young Kclieei'or, who was 13 yearsold, was returning homo from schoolon a bicycle, following a coal wagondown tho hill on Central avenue unitmade a sudden turn to pass tho wagonas tho Lambert wagon was about topass, going in Liu; other direction.

It if* thought that tho front wheelof tlie boy's bicycle hit n stone andthrow him against tho front wheel ofof the wagon and the force of the fullcaused instant death. Wlien the bodywns examined it was found that twoof his ribs were broken and his lungpunctured.

Dr. Kineh, who was in tho neigh-borhood when tho accident occuredwas summoned and assisted In gettingthe lad's body to tho police stationwhere with Dr, Savoye an examina-tion was matte.

County physician Weutcott wassummoned and after viewing the re-mains gave a permit for tho removalto the homo of tho hoy's mother, onGrovo street. •The funeral B rvices were held from

his late home on Sunday morulngand the remains cremated at Rose-dale cemotry, Linden.


Under tho direction oi Miss MabelBray the vested choir of tho Con-gregational church will give a songrecital on Tuesday evening, Novem-ber 25th, at 8:15 o'clock, in thechurch building.

A delightful program has been ar-ranged under tho ablo leadership ofMiss Uray and a number of beauti-ful selections have been prepared forthe occasion. W. M. Needham, ofthe church, will be at the organ,and they will ho assisted by Mrs.Nylon Zabrslde, of Weatfleld, andAlfred Host, of New York. Rothof those nrtists aro favorites withWt'stilokl imisie lovers and a realtreat is la store for those fortunateenough to obtain aoala for (he eve-ning. Tickets for the concert maybo obtuliR'd from the children of thochoir, from Miss Uray or from theincmhors of tho music comi«ltt«i\Mrs. 1Mwin I'romHH, Park atrcot;Mrs. J.yifH Zabrlakio, Stanley Oval,and MIB. W. R. Davis, chairman,Iloulevartl,



doif i ttib'>. I »t ty,t>it( 1 nit ifnliuiM ut

< mtimltu n I*ro%hh* mi I ml

a t Vt!iu>M f t i i ' i i t

I n I h i iu li t t l n n o f t t u * h U ' r l n U i

m u t t M i n t m l l t M ' b > i l i n n f l fM m n f t i w

U o l f < l u b Mils* > < s t i , I t . r j n i , n ' i l i d M M K

fah«, m tUhi Mfimm m tar hm l«**nia I iHiutir i in- iu t h « I h i o of tnU>rif i l i i

ntt'iitff wml « t lU i l « i t iMH ftiut t\\( ( h i h

tun justly tafew off th*tlf hata to

Sale of Land for UnpaidTaxes Due 1911

i u\ I n l u i t t n Si IK i t I \ i U ( ii t>\ \ dd i v t l i II I i lU j < I I I I H U 1 «i t lit 1.MVI1 » f\ < Hi ! I i m i l l t i I n i l n M t t t » 1Ni \v I i t \ t h U in w i l l >>t i l u ! u h l i ,

a t . . I ! t l i ' 1 i i n l n i n n i t n t - t h . i t i n .n u m n u t r i ] i s i i i i h i i t i n i m I U H I M Itt i i n . x i t i i i n l u m i f o i n h i h , m \ i i•-< i i n I il- Ml** " HI Hi n ! o 1 >l . t t uM I D M I ! | M \ t i \ f 111 h ( ii i n h i i l t i u

i i i . I I l i t u i l ! 1 i l < p i H I u n tu n u 1 < t 1 i t I t ! t h I K H H t i

« U « i I i n t i l H i l i m n I n >niH n n1 i HI i t Ni t . ] I n » i i 1 l « w n i It" t i d I u i f ' It I I . M M M I H |i t ( U i i m • u t su i d i i i i M i d t i<> I | l i h j I I

n n h i t i i I H i . ].t i*. in H M I I I - . 1 u h m i H iN i i I 1 1 V • - t u t \ . '•'••!> I l l 1 t>U I ' H l lU i !th> s a n u u i n l t h o i t t n u u u t o f t l i o l a s t &I x l i l «tn t i t . m n t i f o u l i ) u I t t Kur o l l o u t M%

i h t M i n i - f I ^ T I . d n l l i m i t n i tt h t r t i i i nt<* m i t lMHt 1 ' i i b i i l r f « H ( n t iI 'HH f 1 t l i u l 4«tt H t t O i m t *( 1 «ilH i \ it o I f J H l t t h V t t t t u c l t l u t k 1 4 1

1 h< • i n n o f l l t l i l j I I O I I H I I A i t t l f i > i t v

IKUiv fi v m i d o i l i i u i n m l ( , f 1 n t t t ' U tl . i *>£<* l i t i t h ftvtiuii' H h K k H 7

i h f » u m n f J h h t v two t l r . l h t t f l t i l u lf i i t t> P ) # lit 11 n t K i\t, Hill*** ! t t t n i | ( M i s

f i ) l tu 6t t I M H h A\ ii i i» H I I H k HT 'l l t i ttiiin tf l « n l * tlfillniM tiMtl t l i t r(v

for and on account of I^ots 513 to i>16Broad St. J5ast, Block 105.

The sum of Sixteen dollars and twen-ty-four cents against Joiuia 6. iuuier,for utul on utrcuunt uf eiglit acroa onf o r utul o n utrcuB r o a d titreet E a s t ,

s u m of I ^ ui i- uu< i.en dolla._ . _ o'ttJnBt K. U Hol.lnaon, fur

t t . . a ' on account of itr<i I-til yu*Broad atri'ot Went, Block 420.

The'mini of Thn-f rinllars and flfty-four cents ui;tiliiflt Mutual Uealty Co,,foi- nnd on jit-count of JJCI 5^0 UroauStreet \lrpst, Block 420.

tv cents ULi'iiinst Kulifr Lewis (.jorni^tiii.v,for and oil account of l^ots 115 to 433L'i'iliil' Avi-niifi, JMoek 141.

The sum of Thirty dollars and forty-flvp i*tMil« imainst I-'uber J't-wis ^"»n-ijitiiv fi>r «»iJ «i] ueeunnt oi Luis 5vl;u r,"31 (V(!ar Avenue. Block 1-Ci.

Tlir aum of Nineteen dollars fl-tultu-ciity-iilne cents against I'nbpr LuwlsOomimny, for and on ju'count of Lota&U7 to 555 CvUnr Avtsnne. Block 146.

The aiun of Twenty dollarn and Uar-cvmn HtraliiHt J<'ubor Ijcv/iaConipuny.

..r and on account of Lola Uf to WiCi'dar .Wtnue. Hlock l.'J4.

The sum of Fifty dollnrs and sev-itv-f[ve rou ts ag-alnsi Fabor Lewis,-niipany, fun and on iict-omit of LutH

o00 t" i»ii- i'ddur jWflllli1. JSlock 144.Thit sum of Two dolJiirs and three

•<>nt» umilnsi K M. Wi-lls. fur un«l onicfuimi of Lfjifi S-il LU S.'JJ Centeriin'ft. JJiocU 101?

Tlif Mini of one doiliir nnd two (><miKualiiHt F, M W'rllH, for tmti "ii ac-«.uiiL of Lota 851 to 807 Cctitc-r Street,ihn'k J 010.

Tin- isujii of .Si-voiUj--ont' doIliH-K nndnv rr-nt« iUTtilnst M-.iry C. Wiicox, foi*

n :il"i (.Vntrnl Avi-nu.;, UUmk UK,The Hum of Ten dollars tind fifteen

.•iits upi ins t Anna M, [foyiu^, for uiuln nt'iMiiint. of Lots 701 to 703 Central

The .sum nf Fifty-one cunts itjraiiisl'htJin.'iM .M. Kyser, far uml on jiccoinuI" fjdtM 842 tu 81-1 i..t-111<_'r Street, Block

.83.sum of ThlrttMMi dollars and

wenty cents iiK»lnst T. II. anil Ciiih-•rim; WittiMin.s, fny anil on iicvuunt ufIrnisi- and Lut 1 :'. iVrntial l 'late, Block•IS.The sum of Twenty dolliipt and thlr-

;>•• iimi uu'ucL'ount "of Li>t» 115 to -itSSJolonlul Avr-nu.-. Block 140.

Tin: Hlim of Fifty-thrtii' -dollars andiKhly cents UKuinst FUJKT Lp.wls Cam-umy fur and on" adrount of Lots 501 tn"}.> 'Colonifil Avt'iuit?. flluck 11^.Tho sum of Ten dnH:ii!3 and fifteen•ins fiH-alnKi Fah(*r Lewis Cnrnimny.n- and on :ioruunt of LtitH CK<I to & ti 7>loni;U Avenue, Block 145. 'The sum of Twmity dollars nnd thir-

y cents against Fuber .Lewis Oumpany,'or «nd «n account of Lota 414 to 432lolonial Avenue, Block HI .

The mim of Fifty dollars nnd ucven-,y-tivo c.ontH against Kuber L t u i s Coin-

iiiy, for anil on ju-count of T^ots 600550 Colonial Avenue, Block 143.

The sum of Fourteen dollarB and.wenty-one cents against Fah t r Lewis,'oinpany, for and on account of Lotw56 to uflS Oolunlnl Avenue, Block 146.

Tho sum of Slxty-une cents rt(;ai»atiurah KitterlnRhitm, for imd on ac-:ount of Lots 908 to Dlt) Cleveland Avc-lue, Block 186.

The Hum of Sisty-on« cents againstlumen Kit tyrliiRhimi, for and on ac-•ount of hols 912 to 91*5 (,'lpveUmdVvemic, lllock 18fi.

Thu Hinn of Hixty-(in« npnlH against%,-Lrali Hciiner, for nnd nn account of

Lot!! 9IS t o l»20 Cleve land Avenue.,B lock 186.

T h e yum of T w e n t y - l i v o do l l a r s a n dM r K - e l K h t fon t s t m u i n s t Wi l l i am M.iarr iHon, for a n d on a c c o u n t of Lola

101 to U23 N o r t h C h e s t n u t S t r e e t ,Slock 112.

T h e mini of .Seventy-one tfollars a n dv e n t y - e i ^ h t ct>ntH a ^ a i n ^ t Mary F..

kVileox, for and on a c c o u n t of H o u s euid IMI, 500 to 51L1 CmnlKTland S t r ee t ,Hock 415.

Tilts sum uf T w u i u j - f o u r ilollaiM avid. h l r t y - s i x t -ents uKaiu&t Mary K. N t i l -iun, for a n d on a c c o u n t of H o u s e a n d,ot «2i". to 627 D o w n e r S t r ee t , l l lock

"Tilt* sum of TwulVf aol lur» a n dinl i t .^ 'n cwntH aKutns t i l o b e r i u J l rown,

'or a n d on aeeoun t of Lots 401 to HIS>udly.v AVRIIUO Kust . l l l ock I2fi.

T h e sum of T w e n t y c e n t s jtKfihistMurk S. PiU'i'lne, I':)!1 a n d on tu-cnuntif Lot iri.TU Klin Stfi.t-t Hloi-k t'JK.

T I M ' Minn uf I ^ - h t ilollnrri anil t w e l v eIMIIH UK.ihiHi John J u s t i c e a n d K a t fHtiiri, for a n d on a c c o u n t of Lol.s -127u -\2'.i VAim-r S t ree t Sou th , i l luek :!05.

T h e Hutu (if One d o l l a r liml tvvn i v n t nKiiiriHt Tlnmuis M, Ki\VH«r, f«»r arni mii v i m n t id' Lniu HiOl to 1107 Kiinwiiudivciuii!, MIMCK I S ' J A . •

'I'lit* Hinn of F i t l y - o n e c e n t s n^itinKt' • rank r Welli-s, for a n d on i i m u i n t• f Liit s;iy to Sl l (ir.'iceliind Avenue,t l o rk IK.!

T h e twin uf Nine t inUurs and f.nirLet-nt;nlM aKiiin.^l U u k n u w n O w n e r , fur a n d• n lU'ooiiiU of Lots 1 to IS ( l r a c f l a n d.lap itml Uf>ad, Block lv.

i ht Mum it K d ill u s mil ritn,. t i l 1 . «),ftlri4t U i i k n i i u n O u i i t i fm t.ut\• n ut un! i f I . . ts 7 t<> 1" t. i u < 1 tidl a | a m i H* i-t H l i n k I

L t ( nun of 1 u o d til u s mil Un < <tit*. KfiiiuM U n k n o w n Own r t m

n i n in < mil of 1 otn 7 to I K i muid \[ [[i mi l Ho id UU LI I

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t ^ l m t n « r ( tand on account of Lota

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\ ht wttlH of H v r n l v t h u i L!till i t Hm d v k l i t H i i l d a u n t nu t \V I l l U m \ lliutlMiMi fnr ( ntl on n « t n i m t -.fI. >•-: mitt I at rl t n Mi- K i l n ' t 11Vv< rm 1)1 >•} 1!* ,

1 ti<* miut u f 1 Iutitf < ti autl t t t H i n du p l i f t rnven t o n t H fiH^timt W i l l b t i n U

I U tn f. a J K t m l m l t A v o n u . Htiu h llw' f h s «t im nf ' U i h t y r e n t s ftwahmt

I M m 1' fCoMniHon r^v a m i o h m••tint of f*«u H t f^t t l r iEt ' t t i Wpf iu i

l « m k 18?I n * s u m ttf l i f tv eru* i u i U HK>ttn^i

itrr.iMi H i l l ftM Hiul tin «e<-«iinl >rI . M « 1T1 t o 171 M t a i t y Mti^itt WI*M

i h i s tun if t pi d o l l a r n n d t t*o »«iit^^Tihmf f , t t i f h t r r t n t m f o r n n d on mo u n t uf s i r fet? Un|>w H t r p f l t t f o i k

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1 'H MI « ' f t pr>) r ip! ! (1 II ,fS «.,.


To the numerous friends andpatrons of the Westfield

Shoe Repairing Co.

•« 4 TE beg: to announce the installation of a Newly

Patented Shoe Stitching Machine. On account

of the enormous increased volume of business we were

compelled to he one of the first in our line of work

to adopt this wonderful device. We also at this time

want to thank our patrons for their custom and ex-

tend a cordial invitation to those who have not pat.

ronized our establishment before to give us a trial.

Our guarantee, if the work and material we use is not

satisfactory, we will cheerfully and without ques-

tion refund your money.

As ever at your service



mny, for and on account of Lota 701 to'31 Mountain Avenue, Block 14&.

The sum of Sixty-two dollars andninety- three cents u&alnst Faber i^ewiaCompany, for and on account of Holismand Lot SOI to K13 Mountain Avenue,JUock 148.

Tha sura o£ Kltfht dollars and tw- lvecents agains t Mury C. \Vtli:ox, for andon account ot Hum uml Lot Hz to lit)Sew Mlroul, Wock Dot.

Tlio Burn uf I'lTty-i v,<> Liolhys and3eVenty-cif?hL cents a^iinHi OuiKtMU't-Hnnoccf, for and un uiiounl- of Jluuai.'imd IrfJt 218 to 22i) NurLh fcfirt-i't, Wlut-K

'"'liif sum of Twenty dollars and thir-y ct-ntM i ina i i iHt l -^ ta ' te of" T l u t m a s K « » -luy, fi»r a m i o n n c c o u n t of lltrUB.> m i d.i>t84:i Lo KOfi Kurl . l i AvtimiL1, HUmli Kt 1.

T h e s i i tn uf K o u r U ' O i (lulJiiiH u m l

;i)i , for a n d o n m'i'L.uiit of IWJIIMO n n d.t . $~al t o SO J N'ur t l i AVi-mif, H l o u k 41)4.

Vliu » u t n of T w o dollm-H a n d t h t ' o o• e a t s a g a i n s t K a t a t u of J . i l m i t . Mt ix -.vt-ll for an<l n n iUH-onut of L o t ?« , (llill ' a r k I'iiit-f, B l o c k : i ^ .

Tl ie Hum o f T w e l v e do l l i t r s unt i eUrl i -t>(;n o.flnta a g i i i n s t l a m i n a i t N a y l o r . f o rm i l *-n i i r f i . u n t of t ( t t i '.on HI fi0tj I ' i p -M 1 I <ci l(Un k 1 t

Hit s u m of t v . u d o H i t s m i l t l i mn i t s «k i l i n t M u l o s l n i \ u f in u i d

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1 i t . Iti II K 1i lu Mtim nf I H U I d o l l i i t u i d l u i i t \

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Nov. 17-221

"THE aUALITY SHOfUnder auspices of theNew Jersey Association


Admission - 2&

YOU A The larkatplice-Our Cent-a-Wori

Page 3: THE WESTFIELD LEADE - DigiFind-It · THE WESTFIELD LEADE *^e LeadinLeading and Mosg antd Widel Most Widely Circulatey Circulated Weekld Weekly Newspapey Newspaper in Unior inn Unio


With the Plays and PlayersNew and Old Events Now Being Presented

•'— at Various Playhouses .

Ant or, Evea, 8:1£; mat dally, 2:15—"Seven Keys to Buldpate.

Betaseo, W. 44th St., eve., 8:l6—"TneAuctioneer," with David Warflela.

Booth Theatre, 45th St., west of B'way—"The Great Adventure." by ArnoldBennett.

Geo. JW. Cohan's Theatre, BVay & 4'4dSt.; "Potash & Porlmutter,"

Casino, B'way & 28th St.—"Oh, I Bay!"Comedy, eve. 8:30; mats. Tues, and Bat.

2:30—"The Marriage Game."Cort, 48th St. n, of B way; eves 8:16:

mats. Wed. and Sat., 2:16—"Peg o'My Heart," with Lauretta Taylor.

Criterion, B'way & 44th .St.—"The InsideMan," by Iloland Molineaux.

Eltlnire—W. 42d St., Evea. 8:15; Mats.Wed. & Sat., 3:15—"Within the Law.'

EOmiilre, B'way & 40 St.; Eva. 8:15, Mat.Snt. only 2:15—"Xante," with EthelBarrymoro.

Furtj-eluhtl* St., east of B'wayi eves.8;15, mats. Wed. & Sat. 2:15—"ToDay," with Guy Standing".

Fulton Thi-iitre, 46th St. west of B'way;evea. 8:20; mats. Wed. & Sot. 2:15—"The Misleading Lady."

Gaiety, B'way, 43 et., Friday night—"Nearly Married."

Garriek, 35th St., near B'way; eves. 8:15:mat. Sat. 2:15—"Madame President,"with Fannie Ward.

Globe, B'way & 46th St.Evs. 8:15, Matfiat, only 2:15—"Tho Madcap Duch-esa."

Grand Opera Honne, Evefl. 8:15, mats.Wed, und Sat. 2:15 — "DamagedGoode."

Harris TJwatre—42d St,, W. of B'way;eves. 8:2&; mats. Tues. & Bat. 2:20—•The Tonguea of Men," with Hen-rietta Crosstnan.

Hippodrome, 6th Ava., 43-44th Sta. DailyMats. Evea. at 8:00—"America.

nests the drama which lust season waspronounced by New York dramati<critics to be the season's greatest tftrtller. Associated with M * Granger anthe mi me well known players who contrlbuted to the success of the play a.the Harris Theatre. New York, duringthe long: run last season.

* * +Antor Theatre—"Seven Key* to Bald-

pate."Geo. M, Cohan s mystery farci

"Suvt'ii Keys lo Iialdpate," is one of thbiggest aucirt'Hs^s that tlio As tor Thmi-tr« has housed since it was builtIMfiyuTlfi'lUs who pirivfi to plunt apunch in their plays oan leiirn some-thing by viewing thia latest offeringfrom the pen of young Mr. Cohan,Thia In vk-w of the fact that "SevenKeys to Bald pit tu" furnishes so manypunches thrills and laugha that its au-

!is are treated to a series of sur-prises from the first to tho flnu! cur :

tain. Boats are on attic for two yours.

Comedy-—"The Mnrrlaue tinme."One of the moat genuine comedy hits

if the year Is undoubtedly "The Mur-UigQ Gctme" at the Comedy Theatre.

Miss Alexandra Carlisle, that perfectlydelightful English actress who hasbeen seeii hpru only once or twice be-fore, is playing the loading1 role, andtho success of the play is in no smallmeasure due to her personality andability. The play is by Anno Craw-

HudBon, 44tb St., near B'way; Eys. 8:2$, ' ford Flexner, who 1M a sisier-in-luw ofttit; famouH Ur. Sim tin Flexner of the"*Sfatl"feau"27l5'~"Gen'l. Jclir. Regan.1'

Irving l'loce Theatre, Hi i St. and Irv-ing place—"Kasernenluft."

Knickerbocker. Eves, 8:15. mats. Wed.and Sat 2:15—"The Marriage Mar-bet," with Donald Brian,

Liberty Theatre, W. 42d St.,' near B'way,eves 8:15; wotl. & Hat. mats. 2:15—Christie Mar.Donnld In "Sweethearts."

Little Tbraire, 44th St., near B'way;evea. 8:45; mala. Wed. & Sat. 2:30 —"Prunella."

Longsere, 48th 8t,, West of B'way—"AUele.' Musical comedy.

Lyoeuin, B'way & 35th St—Elsie Fer-guson in "The Strange Woman.

Lyric. Eves. 8:15, mats. Wed. and Sat2:15—"Ourselves."

Hanbattan Opera Ilouse, Eves. 8:15,mats, 2:15—-"Hop O' My Thumb" corn-ins soon.

Moxlne filllott*i Theatre, "The Lure."New AmMterdnm, West 42d St.; eve..

8:15; mats,, 2:16—"Tho IJttte Cafe."Palace, B'way & 47 St.;Dally Mat and

Eves.—Supreme VauclevlHo withCecilia LiOftus.

The Playhouse, 48th St.. East of B'way;eves. 8:15: mat*. 2:15; "The FamilyCupboard."

Princess, 39th St, Bat B'w&y and 6thAVe., Ev. 8:45; mats. 2:30—RepertoireCo.. In one-act plays.

Rt-ptittHc, 42(1 St W. of B'way; eves,8:20; mat Wed. & Bat. 2;20—"Tem-j>eramenUil Journey," with LeoDitrichBteln.

Shubert Theatre, 44th 8t., west ofWway; eves., 8; mats., Sat 2 sharp—Forbes •Robertson farewell with Ger-trude Kliiott.

3l**h Si. Theatre—"At Bay," a play byGeorge Scarborough,

44tb SI. Music Hull—Sam Bernard andvauleviile.

U«J11/.,U'« B'way & 30th St.; evea. 8:15;miit^ Weil. A Hat ^:15-""Orunipy,"with Cyril Maude ami London Ouin-

Wltiter (uirden -50th St. and B'way.;"The Pleasure Kook^ra."

-miRht—8 p. m. "lir" in which Frkdii

llifi rule (it Lucia 'foNVw York. Tim tf»uMl mukft hl» IIM•:.! ttahut imO Arruito,Jlo«Hl ami Itailn will almi be in the cast.

the first Unit* in*r, Halo Cri-Mfa!llT

w l f lay —1 p.

Koekefeller institute.* * *

finlrtj Then t re—"Nearly Married,**

Boisterously funny, without beingvulpfar, "Nearly Married," tho nnoheal thy farco from the pen of Mr.

Kar Solwyn, is playing to crowdedhouses fit tlie Gaiety Theatre.

"Nearly Married" is a smart play forirnart people, and while it la exploitedta u pure farce, and though there is a

bewitching co-respondent iipurinRtmtnently in the enst, the proprieties

are observed with a nicety that neveroffends and therefore may be enjoyedby the most punctilious.

* * *Crnml (l|tprn HDHMC—"Dnmnicei! CimdH."

For tlio balance of the week KtctuirdItennntt and his prlf^tnal compsmy ofCo-Wiirlccrs, come ta the Grand Opera.House in the sensational t*ueloloyiealdrama "DuinaKctl t.ootlM," which htin h;idu ri-mar kill ile runftt t lie Fulton Theatrelust Spring and aKain this Full.

Tho pluy dpnlM with L1K> soc-htl evilami ".sttc.itil dlst-asi!11 in n manner, ft tins iiwu iU"* eribt'dby the Nfw York TIITIPH nri "tlm play"which initiates a n.l\v epo(-h c.f civi-lization."

HrltHix. the df:im;itlHt. drivca liatiiebin Hti-IkitiK 1<'Hftf»n in thf follow in KHtory:

Getit'KT Dupinit. IL weal I hy joiiiij;PurlHlan, rouu-.n to u opvclutlst nn<ll-'iiniH that hi; has IKH-HUUJ (hv victim ofii t c r r t M o b l o o d t n l n t ig t HoK U U H o f

T i l t ' p l i>

in l i ts p

f a

t'<Ml t i l .

ft \lH'.

. • n r n » h i m t h u r t u n m r r y

i'.iinlitioti wiinlsl i>v uMil the ynuiif.-. mun dneMnrnhttf and in tho woodi^ni'i! la intrtuliicL'd to

hapiiy IioiiHi'hoid. A-.-r. b.,ni und tin, j o img

fiithrr und motlicr ft re Hutppint'SH !,« ->f brk'f tluriitfim fi»rnt uiicfln- of h--ivi!itiu\v dlMfiim>idaHtinjj; i b e life nf t in. l u b y

tuxl « h : \ t t r r l U K tin nf Hie"Piiraifiil" with ! >

ud, Jcjrn, ( J u n t a und WUlmlUi'tK will i-niutuut; 8 p,

ml." wi th;unl I icS

ola. l'i>liici-

and ltnttiirr. Tuwish Ob,ir, Mi.l>hlur, AUliotiitwill rm!<Un:t.

^n tun lay- -^ p. m. "Mimi,- Klut.-(Muz.irt) with I'.'.'Ulnn, Hrnipc), AHeI'vlus, Coi-Ka it ml Uruun. Hurtz i-nn

At ihe Oiifiirf.

CftrHoii f t l i f i r f\nst npiMMiritnt'i*), *" <-*n-O n - t i - l " w l l h UIut l>» Chui i i l l iT «fn» Mar>j u u i t i o n w i t h itu> l i i l c n n i t l o i i i i ! Uall.H

ami Thursday, N»v. 28 mid

1>of(i th

adViiiitiHj*'S und t!'"«**>"«« i'f trave'JulthiTtit »»v- of UA tl^foois, UlNfomfuPidor itM'itHVimtarttTftfl If it were tmt«-wofthy fur tut other ut its many mwclNtM* f-n'f alunn tvould jitctify lt» itroat\»HiM. «ml ptvetliwi, tfl thl« rtr»ppnt I(U i-ltivtiiR it miJi'b itiniti Important rob*ihan .inv dtftmntit* «!t)ftrt*»jn i>*tnnt,\\ h< tt inu io.tvfi thf thfdtii* Hftwr ft twofeiiii n h«U hntiin* uoth t tutu Wllti

f«> tit>n. i\itfYif<«oi(iitb, ni m iai t<tnt^tnt|.(tt(,n-i1 (rum ct si-ui

than t nti


frmti ,M.ttli« In

I t is u p m i ' t h i * !>itiULU(iu Lbiit U r i i ub a a t ' 3 hi.=i p i c a fu r a* s t iu i<lnnl iia vust««ni r. .(iilrfiiuc n h . - a l t h otM'Utli'Jiw t t b vvvn n u n r h i f v H'-.MIRI-.

Ti l lS hi Lilt* Vitflt lliSiMIH.HNi-vv V u r k t I-H Him-.: tin- in



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>i.»M t h t - b o u n l

which lias H«l run and tt

u i r U i t

Df t i n *

l t * - r t - i t t l j i l u * i n u w f b t u f i - t i n f i l r . ' j i u . T

1H n u t d v i r s f t o l i i ' i i r l i i K t l i r t n i t h m i d

" T o d a y 1 ' 1? s i l l t h e t r u t h ami i t u t b i m r l > u t

Ui*» t n i i l i .

1! til si p l a y f o r j O U I I K f i n d n b l a i u t

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wh\i ttr<Hlr« tt> fnllnw in the f«>tlHilr wctitiliy iiclKUl'Oift i»rtlUHTH. A lit'Hire Which l»(f»mor«> unit up pin iKs to A wr i t 'l,lmn all uttuT rnusf-a rotiibli

With hin witty tllnKiRittlinmilhiitBt !hf»B suipftHaoil hiithe o!tl German rt<u|.Ip i\rv

The s»irift raaf. mifii* tut Intftp«r of its woy,

•I'M.t x t l l k l n n H|>n»htK ( m m t u p m mltj«y ' o i i r w l v m , " bv Htn linl i ' r o ! h > ] »{ • r v d u r n l u id l i u Ihit i l l i n l t u t i of t t iIti B^^if» H h u h r r t . |it i'U« tu f t t i n m ^ ^ m1'lwlnly rt"tm* vory {'OII

of women—WB wouldn't have it.politics on earth stand against theforce of the people once they arearoused.'*

* * *Pin?house -"Tin* Family CUMl'ft;

;Ui*t week "The Fainlly Cupboard"celebrated its 100th performance in tlioI'layhouso. The Owen Davis drama,the firat serious play of the new season, holds tho record for continuousperiormnnces. Following ore themembers of the cast, having playedevery performance since the play'ipremiere: William Morris, Olive Har-per Thome, Franklyn Ardell. IreneFonwick, Frank Hatch, Ruth BensonHarry Redding, Alice IJnduhl und Tr^neKomaine.

'1'hlrt;-ninth Strvvt •Ihvnin'—"At Bay/'

One of the interesting1 facts about thecompany appearing in "At Bay" at theThirty-ninth Sttuet Thetitre i" NewYork City, is tluit most of the load-ing artists nro either sons or daugh-ter a of famous pfaytTH. Thia in fact

iTht be called tho "second ponera-tion cast." i.tltiB Ohr.vstnl Jlerne, forInfitunco, is the daughter of the lateJames A. Ilerno. Guy Standing is theion of Herbert Standing. Mario Mar-eroiti is the son of a mun who was

famous throughuut all Europe in hieday. One might continue in this man-ner throughout practically the on tirejrK'unizatlon, proving that Intent for:he drama is often an inherited pift.

kVlntrr Gtirdrn "ThecrH."

lMi-a«ure Seck-

The current attraction at tho WinterGarden is "The Pleasure Seekers." Theproduction in said tp be particularlydelightful on nrcoiint of the multitudeof its musical numbers, all of which arevery elaborately staged. The show isescribed as extraordinarily "fast"i*om start to ilnleh without a singlealt or break in the entertainment.


Announcement is now made thatGrace George Is to appear in a nowplay, opening in New York before theholidays. Miss George ended her en-gagement in "Half an Hour" at theLyceum 'Theatre November 15, her en-gaKement with Mr. Charles FroilmanEor the J. M. Barrie play bsing for Its

p.v.' York season only. A'I'IKS Georpeis begun rehearsals of her new playhlch was \y r l t ten for her by Avery

Hopwood, tuithnr of "Seven Daya,""Clothes" ana "Nobody's Widow." Thenew play is entitled "Miss JennyO'Jrme.H." and ia a rollicking: comedy oftin- most lightsome sort. In it MissGeorgo has a rolo in marked contrastto the one of Laily Lillian of "Half anHour," the pitiable bit of aristocracywhich the ungentle Rnrrte UBCK to dlH-day bis irony.

Known as America's foremost com-Hlieane Grace George's acting in this>ltter fifty minutes of life unvsilled, wonK-r ;v lavlBhneHH nf pralso from thosefif'mc crUirs wbo have always welcomotlluvr in roles m«*rt* pleasant and void "fhiM tensUj' of tr:iR-t.'dy, llt-r return t"...iiiL-dy |M now euKtM-l> nvvutled by allhmn wlin Ilnd sm-h a, delight in theInpsse mid grm-cruln^sH nf hi*r *-(»mcdyiortruyiils. Thf piuy-proliiK public e<m-rratulatfs itself upon the opportunity>f M*M?liiK Grucp (ienrg-t- in two fritor-irf'tiitlons In one H(>;isott.

Walker," a fresh humorous effort fromthe Pen of Edgar Allan Wool/, whilethe latter will' render a repertoire ofstandard ballads in a beautiful so-prano. Bird Millman and companyfrom a season in the sawdust, returns tovaudeville, while another special fea-ture is Will Ward and tho MatineeGirla Gus Edwards' latest offering.Others are Claude and Fannie Usher ina now playlet, "The . Straight Path;"Dorothy Brenner. Smith, Cook andBrandon, Knockabout comedians;Schooler and Dickinson, two talentedjuvenile musicians and s'ngers;Itinaldo, the wander ins violinist;Canfleld and Ashley, Le Roy, Wilsonane Tom, and tho Two Bards.

* * *Union Square Theafre,

Ileadliners are pretty evenly dividedon the bill this weolc Tho famouscomedy trio, Ko^er imhof, Hugh Connand Miss Mnrcelle Coreeno head thelist of funnmkers and present a mili-tary playlet, called, "Surffeun Louder,U. S. A." The scene depicts the RedCross quartern in n Western MilitaryCamp before a battle.

Then comes another comedy featurecalled, "All Aboard," and presented bythe Misses Bertie Herron and BonnieOaylord. The scene shows an entirePullman car, with Misses Herron andGaylorii, in the characters of porters.

la a quarter of an hour* of rhyme,reason and music, Franker Wood andBuaee WyUe offer a little musicalcomedy, called, "Good Night."

Among the other comedy numbers areBarney Fa^an and Henrietta Byron, thoRamsdoll Trio, the European novelty,Zylotte, the mysterious Doll Girl; De-Leon and Davies, and Brooks andBow en.

LITTLK WANTED.Man wants little here below,

But when it comes to dressA walk abroad will quickly show

That woman wants still less.—London Opinion.

CateringWe announce the opening of our

Catering Business in all Its branches.Dinners, Weddings, Dinner Parties,'ollatlons, Luncheons and Afternoon

Teaa.All kinds of Soups and Salads-made

to order and delivered daily. Promptattention given to all calls.

Telephone No. 703-M Westfleld.X. G. FOYVLKR, Caterer,

212-14 W. Mroml St.


Fif<h Theatre.

I ' n x ' l u r ' a Kifth Avimue him a vt . r i t -i l i ! . . IVUMI. n f v m i i U - v l i l c ( i i T l h i i f f f u r

J i n ' r i u i u k K f i l v I i i j ; n u ' i u i , r v i ' i y fu ' t , a n i l

I v i i ' ; i r i ' U v c l v t ' n f t t i o n i . lit-lriiv w . - l l

•n l iMi l i i l c i l (,, » |>r . . in l t i l e h i . l i . l i i y » | , | r l t .

>ua l h c i i a i l r u T s t i u i i n r r t f u l l li» j u l l y

• ! V H I l i i v t ' i i p u r t a n d t ' h r l H ( i l l f i N t ' l l ^ o n .

I ' I H . f u r n u T aH-^ lMtc! }\y n c i i n i p i u i y ill .s-

ebrtstttias: gifts([ A year's subscription toonfl or more good maga-zines is an ideal ChristinasGift. It Is a monthly re-minder of you for one year.I BO ml a beautiful Chrlst-inns Card, stating that thegift La from you, to thosewhom you wish to remem-ber in this manner.

Sineprely yours,

Andrew I. ShampanoreTUN MAGAZINE: MAN

'MS Wutcluing Avc, No. l'lainfleUl.

Tutti FruttI andThese flavors mentioned withIce-Cream create a desire. Wecan fulfil that desire and moreThe fruits used in the makingof our ice-cream were handpicked and preserved by us inthe Iruit season. Can you

imagineanything that could bebetter or more appetizing.

Let us hs¥e your order

for the Thanksgiving dinner/

New York Candy Kitchen

Central KailroaaWatch Onspector

ISc:tcpairing of FiOld Fashioned BAntique French

a Specialty

Theo. C. Bothmann, inc.OPTICIAN-JEWELER

Diamonds, Watches and Silverware


2 2 6 Broad St., Near Jersey Central Station, Elizabeth,N,i


Magazine Fair, Dec. 3*4

St. Paul's Parish HouseBe sure to see St. Nicholas Booth with Christ*

mas Tree Furnishings of Every Description,

ODOI lonoi

For All Branches of Electrical W«SEND FOR



The one play dear to millions

BARGAIN n e f lMATINEE « U C , ALWAYS 78C $1.00




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i,\ l fJ \ v - ' i

v.AY /r/


Wlil)NI;Sr-l)AV, DI-CI-MKI-K 3rd, Olio Night Only

'THE MASTER MIND" ir":(PRICI-K 2ffc. »(K:. 7»c, SUMS Um Heat*, $|.{NI

Page 4: THE WESTFIELD LEADE - DigiFind-It · THE WESTFIELD LEADE *^e LeadinLeading and Mosg antd Widel Most Widely Circulatey Circulated Weekld Weekly Newspapey Newspaper in Unior inn Unio



;oal and LumberMoulding a n d M a s o n s ' M a t e r i a l s ,

K i n d J i n g w o o d a n d Fe r t i l i z e r s .ice and Yards: Central toe., near Railroad Grossing, Westfleld, N. J.

Uephone 18- O'dere by mail will receive prompt attention.

Times Were Never BetterWe Can Make Money for YouDon't sit around and think of what might have been or

srtat is to be> s " c h a n action will not get anything for you.Just walk down to the Westfield Inn Building, No. 221 EastBroad Street, and seo our now offices, and while you are look-jog around notice the THREE BIG BARGAINS in WestneldKfal Estate that we have just listed.


jfestfleld Inn Building Telephone 78-M. 221 East Broad St,

A New and Complete Stock in the New Store






The old location, but a new store

tablished 1860 Telephone 50


Funeral Director—Embaltnerj8dy Assistant 47 Elm Street

iimttea Furnfahtd In all Gr*nch«s Repair Work «nd Porch Screens

PAUL CHRISTENSENCarpenter & Builder

First Claim Work at Low Prices

4 North Avenue WESTFiELD

NELSON ARCHBOLDCarpenter and Builder

All Branches of CarpentryRepairing Promptly

Attended to

183 EUCLID AVENUE Telephone Connection


irpenters and Builders *tEWESTFIELD, N, 3.




GENERAL JOBBING CONTRACTORales Cheerfully Furnishel 830 W, Broad St.

I All Kind .

' . « II, ' . OS138-R


318 North Av». & Ki-WCSTrifc'LD, NEW

upwt St.JERSEY

Kalhlm (Ml

H. P. MANNING[limbing, Heating and Tin Work

Street Phone No. 454-m




<»1 |N«

f Vmlf



- 1 t vii'^ ai

M WtlC!

Riimla If JIM1 llt»'4 «Uf

s h i n l ! n o , e l ( h » r <a l f o r

Win. H. BartonUviry u4 losrJNg

?n«6 Three


TO OFFERSpecial Inducements Found tn Om

Aclterttelng Columns. ReadCarefully All tho Advertise

ments, as "What YouWant" Will be Found


"Show Me!"Cbarlta Clark's.

All right; come to

If you need a maid, advertise intho "Special Notice" column.

J. S. Irving Company aro stillselling Lehlgh Coal.

iV dozen Photographs make 12splendid Christmas Gifts LetWurst do it.

Tho Leader is devoted solely tothe public Interest, and has no soltlsh,political or personal ends to serve.

Calendars Suitable for Plioto-raphs or other pictures, all sizes,

at Daumann's Photo Studio, BvoaUStreet. •

"Consult tho Man Who Knows the by-word In WtSgtflold. It refers;o Walter J. Lee, of "the busy cor-ner" In the Flat-Iron Building, who isan authority on Westileld real estateThose who patronize him do well.

Telephone Tuttle Dtos. 414 West-fleld, who will book your request anddeliver at your convenience, theirhigh quality Irfhich coal, wellscreened and freo from slate. TuttleBros,, Telephone 414 Westileld.

The proper way to move today Isby automobile. Quick service, care-ul handling and large varm can bo

had from Wlllougliby. Telephonelilm.

Christmas Photographs—-It is notoo early to think of them. We can

finish them now with all caro andnve them for you for Christmas de-ivery. Biiumann'B, Broad St.

Tho Westfleld Leader office is open'rom 8 a. m. to 6 p. ra., Sundays ox-•eptetl, to recoivo news, advertise-ments or orders for job and bookrlntlug, or furnish Information per-

taining to the town. Our phonenumber aro 407 and 408.

If your house is vacant, now ishe time to shut off the water, and

;t is tho time to have your ulumb-and heating gone over before

winter really sots in, John L. Miller,f Prospect etreet, 'Phone 278, la the.ian to do it.

KVEHY WOMAN wants ami needsthosn books. At an expense of manythousands of dollars anil nearly twoyears' time wo havo completed andreally for delivery, thti Six VolumeInternational Cook ins Library by 4 7of the World's Farmma Cliffs—Uni-ted State.*, Camula mid ICuruin,..Kei-lpi-s new N'OVIT before publish-ed. Very cotupli'to ami eaaliy itn-derstood. Kiu-lt look complete, lieLuxe Reciiie Uiioks. Library I'tmsiiKisof


5ii C f - n l a f i i i i i , l ' r . j i u i i l?2.M! Hi-t, Sis Bookh, f'rt'iiaiil

P.eainiftiliy Kmbossed COVITS, threearid four colon* in at tnut lv!- CartonMnili'i-H. Jlnni'V ri'fmiili'il If ont ill'-llshtwl with tlii-i«> IKIOIIB. MOST] | ) K \ I . CHKiHTMAS I'llKHKNTH.I N T E R N A T I O N A L r i - u i , i K i i i . \ < i c<>.

Security HMK.. I'«» JXriKfli-B, CatH-!«-4t

WKSTFIKMI ft. « I'. .\KH\\msi us xi:w IMIOKI,I:T.

Tin-- Li'Hil'.t' rrc^y luis jllHt iHH'.iiMltin) si'tniiil cdltliin of ttn» fuimtlluti'Miof the UVslllnld IHillillriK ami Loanv\ssociat!iui hi tin* form of u veryI'dliviinli'lit 2" ("•(?" liooklnl. Thoi-uv<>r» Bro of na trtlrai'tlvo isrey,tit'^rini^ on tlio frotit the titles ftitd lo-intlon of ll«» B»»ofl»tloii with tiinv<?ry Itnpoi'liint tnel tliftt th« inror-pnrnllun took plBco on UacKiiibvr t,ISIS.

I'sge two Iwarj t» very Intemllnf;announcpratint to the public MittlnKforth the (dan anil scope of the mm-fl«Uon »n<l HIiiKtrntiutl by tM'ttial fls-tiros Ihn grc«t advantages of tli*Htilldlng snil IAHM |il»» und »l»«i (h«nconomy of tarrowln* monxy In lin«

Pa^«* Ihr**** crtntsliia ft list of HsuolH<K?r«i sh' i tilreflnra flful fh<* fn**nwl i tw n«m<>8 flpi»-nr on tlil» i>«ie<"liav^ lH'-fn !fl*'ntlfti*!j with vliti BSSIH'IH'lion ami lli» p n w r i « i>t \V«'«innldfnr y**af H«tno of tliotn ati*»tni^illh« flreit ttiwIlriK <if ih« muni l»ltmi»nd littVB h<««n oRlrlilly n»nii« t « ls i t h thn nrimnlmflim ••"•f « lm"

lot Id printed III Iti»' torni nf » «IEIJ»tUfe- f^trd IMMI is fifl»l!> ilPlftrlH'it f'it

ts*iM* nf filing sfl«*r H isaa lii'^n

tint fi'WtttaHoim nf Hi* nB«m)»iiiiiiurtil thtmxti ftuinftl In «t>l", »» »Mi lil»«IICf» tritlll! Im. >»>! lfl« nuatlEf

lit I© veft pls*lit ktfH ft-a.1a|il« Btnlt ti** i**l«ilj H^A^tPtlmii }>? BMyiiti**Tll>! HMMtrlstloi! h»« llB'l t>»"l"""'isrn*5 hHftift*-f of il!(if-« f't thH

tulitinn and «n K|>t>ll<iiii»f> !•» nnrht nwl! *lli f»»ir« (ifomti! (rid? Illmlrtlllnti f« .*hl» lli» offlrrtit dt»> tilti

I " tft*llt

i do you need tn the Printing[Hue? We print i t i

InInqnlft« do IH>1In I l h t

q Ofo,i that snih

f(t» Bjii,t|(*m


ADVERTISE ALL OP THB TIME—not extravagantly, not wnatofullj.


OHOosiXe; TIIK RKSIIT PUKBKNT.Atv you in doubt About it enrtai

present? Tho Youth's Coiupunlolias proved to bo one o[ tho besthat can be cb'osen. Perhspa yohave not seen It lately, tind are notquits sure. Then let us sand you asample copy or two. Supposo yoiask for the issqea containing th1

opening chapters of Arthur StamvooiPier's line serial story of life In Iboys' school—"His Father's Sou." Iyou look the paper over carefully:bearing In mind that there are fiftytwo such numbers for a year's sub-scription ol ?2.0O, we are sure you

1 say that a, bettor present couldnot be chosen, whether for a youngperson or for an entire family.

For the year's subscription o( $2there is included a copy o£ Tho Com-panion Practical Home Calendar for1914, and all tlio issues for the re-maining weeks of this year, datingrom the timo tho subscription iB re-

If. you as!< for sample coplea wewill send with them tho Announce1

incut for 1914.1 HE YOUTH'S COMPANION,I'M Berkeley St., Boston, Has?.

New Subscriptions Received nt thisfflce.

1Yonkera. N. Y.—Hobble skirt

^'oarers nifty hop but needn't skip orump Buys Police Captain Coolcy. Heas ordered His eopa to seo that.utolets slow down to ennblo the,'omen to cross the street with dig-Hy.

IntensifyingHuman Desires

Advertising lias clmnged com-(ik'tely man's ways of Hvlng.Hiatory tells us how primitivemmi lived. History tells us howfmm ciuuiKiHi htH waya of dross,IIIH ways at living, and his ovoryday dppirea and ambitions. Ills-lory also tolls us how an article*vna yesterday looked ujum OHthe nrotiuet of an unbuluiU'tHJmini!, tmlaj' lnokeil upon us a lux-ury, am! tomomnv looked uimnIIH a iHH'rsslty. It hut UluslmteHthii tv i . r I'hsiNKlnK niiniJ, tIt** tn-ori-hiuiRttiK' lninian iti-Hii-L'.

•\Vliy is It thero ts thut cun-stant ri'vulutkii] Rfilim <'« ia tl'Rliuimtn lietut tH'twri-iL t-vcrylhllt^m-u- iuul t'Vei-ythiiifj old? It lathat tntfuwe dcslrt! to Imve tlinHi*tliinKM thnt wttl tilve us yi-fulor


IitTv IK wluTi* IHtViTlln. It In n g r e a t oilucut r ivi lUtnti itr ili'VuliiUs puriiomi is to I

f u ciiniii ' idtty urn! <»'iy iin'jiultet' Unit niuylust It.

nt i hi' autiinuililli-.I' 111.insist >>! it liiroini: ivilit 111 Diir Mtri-.-m

• nil,- I In.1111.1 II

t n n i i i i f i i i - i i i

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Tin. i.urif.-isii-nl mi

l-liil.> tin-

di. a l l •!,-• I!IIU! l-llllllt Sfltlt i i l l l t y of l-ili

i t tu Inr-iil•it« t Jw viiliidvut i t thi- fstiiiil

lo inn-nsify

rr i ' i i t i? it K«-H-* In Ki'll ii!^

m i ' i v l i i i n t . IIl i i iTfl i l l l l t II '

arket tor hlH

rm't-l'tlvtanil tli.


Coprriaht titl t>?

For theFeasting!

When . you want auythluglu Whiskeys, Wines, Cordials,Bottled Beers, etc.—and wantTHE BEST—you moke nomtotake by coming HERE forIt,

Wo have tho kind of quality goods that are Indeed cliotce—ttaokind of quality that will gratify YOUR exacting daruandB.

A trial purchase la respectfully solicited.

s- SCHLENGER7 Elm Street. Telephone as9 Westfield, N, J.



MM'KMIIKK, 1(118.S« W<.«tfl«l.| l..)il«« Odd K«llow».S7 Plr«i«'dn ruuncll Koyal AKaauiu.

t'flrte of Our Fldi! Council, V. of 1<SI \Ve»tfl>ld Camp Woodmen.

rt!»r of Wmtflvld C'(i«ni>ll, 1>, of A

aa r«now»' nail—{;<nnpanlo(i Court l.nilj forHt*rt .Men no T'lli* Ord«r of H«il HfciiPrMe at Our P U ( t 'uuudl li*ugl<-

tiifd nf l,ll»rtj.UjwhHffh IMw, A. O, tJ. W.Weiffleld iJ.df n nf 0<t<t tfVllow*.We»iB*la Cimti, W. O. W.

C n l r t l Onunpli. J r . O. » . A. M.IflieoSsIn CdUHfll I!oy(l] Atcsuum.I run I Aiwiii'tntlnil,Mtar of v.'.'stflo!:! rnunoll n«n«li-

tWflnk tr»H -A'JBI f«(1««, r . * A. M,Court J*rtr»l()(«ril, I, O f.l*j#l Ora«r at Hoots.

rt*r of Htp-

W. F. DAY & BRO.





rnest W. WilcoxFormerly ot


540 Cumberland St.'el. I80.J Weatfleld

Estimates Cheerfully FurnishedJobbing ProtiHitly Attended to

O'Donnell Bros.,COSTItAOTOHS AND TISAMflTISIrlfltivtntc Vitit* Sttr VUr or Country1'IBIIOS boxed and hoisted. Truck-U)g nf a,II kmdSi Lawn QraUing-,Budding: &ml Hessllng a £?[>aclulty.

me^r 314 Ceutrfil \ve. »I*h«ne 2DT-W


A. Ii. tiMii% Vimtmanter.O[)«n from 7 s. tn. to 7:30 p. m. Holl-LVH, 7 tti 10:09 a. m

From New York, East, feSouth anduthwest—Open for delivery a t 7:00.39 a. m.; 3:30, 6:3fi p. in.Way mail from KaBton- UiQO R, m.d S:53 p. m,

MAILS Cr.OftT3For New York. Ftiiisiiolphla, Korfh-

ast, Buuth itud BmtUmp8t—S;15. »:1B,11:09 a. m. rii^i-Hih m*\y); n\$Q,3;3Q,

«2fl30. « 2 v mFur iM'tliifl^ht, Brtslun ami w&>-

onft—7:30 R. i a ; X'.Vi, 4:.1O p. in.Usurers' Html (ipUverw t'unnasticsim. Secon<l ilelt very conttneiicwa



New I> hx i) :;:Viirk in

{ \

7,o 1 vi i> ) , ? f.«.J, It Si a

{ 2

l t:l(Kiili«tll at 3 61,

SOS, 8 2 1 , 8.45.i ) 6


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m.i 5m 5 8S jAtlafltl« Olt


tn ,l . » f , • 40 0.t DBS



North Avenue HotelI'lncst Acooiimimlatlons foppermanent and trtuulentguests.

and Suppers fopAutomobile l'srtiea n spec-ialty.

North Avenue West field




Tolcplinno OilO.•Ill NUIITH AVK.

CITY HOTEL2at !•;, nrimil 8tre«l.

D. J. (lurkc, Prop,


l-iiswll^rit Hfciiiiuiioiliiilona for per*miMit'nl nml IriinHlt'iit gu^stg.Steam Ilia! anil lOIwtrlc Light

TIOL. l id. fltabloi attsoliwl.

Alexander Hunt

219 NORTH AVENUEPainting and Wallpapering

Tel, ifM-tt



»««*«»«» H««f«4 ("!, 189 !'»•*\,t An w ilMt«* w hHt, »»• titi mm m.



Specinl Milk

10c. qt.

Home Churned Buttermilk

Our C«i«mn le a Wender-Workar

Page 5: THE WESTFIELD LEADE - DigiFind-It · THE WESTFIELD LEADE *^e LeadinLeading and Mosg antd Widel Most Widely Circulatey Circulated Weekld Weekly Newspapey Newspaper in Unior inn Unio




WAI/TEK J. LEE, Editor and ProoidantC. S. LEE. Vico-Prestilent and SecretaryBE WITT C. PEEK, Treasuror.


nudOmdnl Oman of llie »••" J*r«ey A«»

elation for Poultry Improvement.

'Entered at tho Post Onico at Wpstfleld,N. X, as Second Class Matter,

Advertising Hatca Furnished UponApplication,

Telojihonea;Editorial Dept J»JBusinoa Olllce J»»Jot Printing Dopt 108

To theTo the N i u e r — W « welcome youto WeHtlleld nml ask that Jim will «n»on IIH. or telephone on nay matter per-taining <<> <ll« town, I'lione 407 anil408,

WEDNESDAY, NOV. 26, 1913.

NOTICE TO AHVERTTSKUS.Those desiring to make changed la

their ndverlli»eiueut« miwt have tlielrlav" l" tl'l" <>'"•» N O T I"ATBB THANTUESDAY SOON o( eaon ive*k «o lu-

rived at any suitable solution ofthe matter. It is not even beingmore than casually discussed bythe Town.Council, who, with joy,placed tho real burden ol! respon-sibility on the shoulders o£ the

Tomorrow, the American nationand its representa-

Thanksgiving. tives w h e r e v e rscattered through-

out the world will for the time putasido worry and care and givethanks. All of us will not bethankful for the same things, andall of us will not be able to observethe day as fully as we may desire,but in each of us there is some feel-ing of gratitude for whnt we havereceived during the year and everyhuman being will hare some, rea-son for thanksgiving. The feelingof thankfulness cannot bo createdby a presidential proclamation,but that generally perfunctorydocument 1ms tho effect of makingus got ready for the occasion andfinding the excuse for showing ourthanks. The men nml women whowere tho first to observe a day ofthanksgiving were not so thankfulfor what, they had received, butlaid much stress upon the thanksthey felt for what they hud beenspared They were glad theywere alive and able to have ii senseof appreciation. Those early ob-servers of Thanksgiving were evencompelled to seek out a wild tur-key and depended upon a trustyride, and a poor shot, was oftencompelled to substitute some oilier

Board of Health, and the latternamed body has spent many hoursendeavoring to arrive at the bestpossible plan. The Board ofHealth should not pass tho ques-tion back to the Council until ithas made every effort, in its powerto arrive at the best method.

As to the Town Planning andArt Commission, Bound Brook iswelcome to it and al! the good itenn get out of it. It is verydoubtful if the commission, if itover becomes a reality, will under-take any notable work, especiallywhen it is admitted that the timehas arrived when Westfield "mustgo slow in street improvements."If Westfield must go slow in streetimprovements, in the name of rea-son has the time not arrived whencare should be exercised in plan-ning for expenditures in the nameof "a r t . " Necessities must be pro-vided for before one can afford tothink about luxuries and the Artand Town Planning Commission,by its very name and under thelaw creating it, is without anysort of doubt a luxury with abig L.

c c cThere seems to be a great deal of

hesitancy and in-Time for Action, ability on the

part of manyNew Jersey State and county of-ficials in getting ata sane und sen-iible plan of compelling prisonerswho are sentenced to juil termsto do a reasonable amount of

rk. It is very doubtful if theprisoners themselves would objectto working, as a matter of fact, itia not a matter in which theyshould have any voice, and thebest interests of the county amiState will be best served if prison-ers are made to work. Many ofthem would be better men whilin prison and much better eiti/.eusafter they are released, if theywere made to work at. hard laborduring the entire term of their in-carceration. Just why thereshould be any compensation paidto them or to their families is notby any means clear. Under thepresent system they not only ownnothing but often at the end oftheir term of imprisonment theyreturn to their family, if they

matter should be fully investiga-ted. "Whenever young men willnot enlist in such organizationsthere is something wrong withyoung men, or there is somethingwrong with the organizations.,Membership in the National Guarddoes not at the present time carrywith it even a small percentage ofthe expense that was necessary totho individual previous to the timethe guard was made a part of theregular service of the UnitedStates. The amount of time re-quired for drills and the annualmanoeuvers is not excessive andservice in the guard is honorableto the right minded man.

Promotion comes to those whoqualify themselves for it and it isbut right and proper that everyable bodied young man should beprepared to serve his country.When the population of UnionCounty is taken into considerationthe number of men living in it who

members of the NationalGuard is pitifully small and thereare several towns and communitieswithin its borders that have themen from whom could be made upa number of additional companiesthat would be a credit to the State.Does the fault lie with the youngmen of our towns or with the menwho are at the head of the Nation-al Guard!


Senator James E. Martiue, speak-ing with consistent

Of Course, dignity, has declaredthat he is willing to

sixyears following the end of hispresent term. No one who has

serve his State during the

W h y s a y You know that your

' T i l t h i n k f®mlly needs the Pr<>»It o¥er?"

tection of Life Insur«ance. Thinking itover will not lessenthe necessity. Act.

The PrudentialFORREST F. DRYDEN, President

prefer that the questions that arepending should be settled as quick-ly as is possible, and an opportuni-ty given for such readjustment asivill be required under the newconditions necessarily created un-der the laws already passed andnow going through the legislativemill. Tho one fact that stands outstrongest is that Congress itself istired and anxious to get home.

have one, in a weakened physicalcondition mid morally worse Humthey were when Iliev entered upontheir term of horviliuiiv As to the

'plan of making prisoners do li/jlilI work a t the county suniUiriuin,i that plan does not meet I he »it nil-

bird of the sir or a beast ofiield, but it is no longer n ueees-nity for any niiin exempt an occas-ional politician to rut m m . Letus he imbued with tlie true spiritof Hie, day and look at'oiit us andsee if there is not nome one whowe can help along to a state o f j , i o u ,,t ,,11. In the lirst place itthankfulness. cannot lie benelieinl to the unfor-

tunate invalids who seek health ntthe siiHilofium to lie constantlysurrouniled by convicts nnd thework it is said they will be givenis entirely too light for men of thetypo usually found nerving time inail or prisons,

As ft mat ter of fuel (here ismuch of the work that it ia plan-

C €1 CEvery man who is posseted of a

Reuse of humor is for-Helping tunato and MayorBound Brook. Henry KVIIIIH is par-

ticularly well en-dowed in thif? respect. This facthas never been iimiv erearly dem-onstrated than ivlicn on ft recentoccftHion Mr. I'lvniw visited BoundBrook and told our neighbor* in(lint town of tlin iirwit tumidltsthat would Reeruo to them if theywould only follow thfi uxftrnplu of

watched tho Senator's career andknows of thi? long years of waitingthnt preceded his entrance to pub-lic office, has over :it any timedoubted that he would be willingto accept re-election. When aman has worked' as hnrd as JimMarline has to get public office itis unreasonable to expect him tobe content'with one short term ofsix years. That period of timeseems very brief when one recallsthe number of years the Senatorhas been before the people of NewJersey, and it must he said to hiscredit that, it was not by ••anymenus nt all times iis a candidatethnt he appeared on the stump. Itmust also be said that his can-didacy for re-election will be takeniiiicth more seriously tlmti bis>riginnl nice for the oflice. He,vi!l also fitv the iirnl time have touakc the race in a direct elect ion

and his personal popularity willutvft to be tested more thoroughly'linn it WHS ;it the time he had allof the force and influence ofWoodrow Wilson back of him in nKiiitcst. with a faction in his ownmrty that bus lost a great part ofts Htrongth, but whose opposition

brought support frum elementhat at this time may nut be HO on-thiiHMistie in bin bebnlf.

nod for convicts to do thnt wouldgladly li« performed by the menwho arts among the convnliwcein the institution nntl Inn cmn-|>i>nHation would liriiiji added Imp

Wwtflnlrl And wourfl a Town I'lnn-iiinf? nml Art. Comminution, midadopt the Westflehi pliw for thopollpelinn mid dw|iowl of gtirlmgc,

The licndiT WHS not forttuititt'*n<ui(t)i to be prewtit midfrom the li|« of th" Mayor jimtwlint he ssiid on (hut mnmrnunenniiiii, but it feels »ttrt« Ihftt•s.ii.i'u . i t tin- M.ijur ...tit! v.tti i»Incut Inn litnl sell wtid ftml *wi*ll,»c of Went Held nil know the Mitynr i>nj<')'* a jol<r Htul ho dut'it IM>1tntml teiiihft n K»<ii| *l»ty -Ihcfe inlittle doubt that iir* tnrnl** the pit1

tn»'» just IM mirm'th*1 m lti> potildJill! »n*ltl** frtiHt thii ^Vctybml)1

«lm !iv« in WrMfltiM Mi<nv» thnt ith» firpsprtt nynlpin of gnrlift^n «'n!


Over ono hundred, members of theParent Teachers Association of theMcKlnley School vwere on hand attho meeting held in the McKinleySchool last Thursday afternoon.

Tho speakers of tho afternoon woreDr. Chas. Decker and Prof, J. J.Siivltz. Dr. Decker spoke on "Medi-cal Inspection In the Schools" and"Contagious Diseases." In his re-marks Or. Decker recommended thatwhen a pupil felt ill in the morningho or she should be kept home and ifnothing serious developed tho childcould return to school the next (lay.By this method he said tho spread ofcontagious diseases could ha stop-icd.

Dr. Savitz spoke along the samenes as tho previous speaker, butok occasion to call the attention ofIOSO present to the work being doney the physical culture department,le ppoke. in Ihe highest terms of tho;ork liehiK done by Miss Morris anddiled thut she was a groat power for

od nmoiiK tho children of tho

Mm. A. J. i'latz presided at thenootinp. After the business ses-on refreshment were served.


to them, Th" Lenderknown that the hminlcN of thewmitoriiim cannot do hnrd workbut it l« not intended by our ten;lf<r hearted frr-choldera thnt tin1

aonvtaU HIIIIU do tiny hiird work,Here is where (he freeholdcrNnhoiild tKk" n nlmid firmly (indw.v Hint iirlnojitTR mint be m*t Rtlifird labor. Tht« nimbi of thecount > ttrrd them every dn.v andit is Jibtso!u(ftK iibmtni tu Miy that

workfd m p)ip»\>\y «w free labor,1'b* rrfn!»ti(sit nf it etm !«• found(n nvery nrrlitiit of tlw countrywh* r« th»* system Is in 1)8** liudertilt* dirri'limi nf pjflHli'oi men

It (I It

There tin* a tot (if tired (ml publicservants lit Wnshing-

A Fatigued ton who \<mg for uOongre»8, sight of hom« and th

glint of d roll ofmutiny, for under the

present lulininwlt'iition tin1 job oflieiilK n HciHitor or n I'oujireNUisikm not been » tump. Why, th«.vhirvp iintuiilly been (compel led t(stay in Wnnbin|{ton or piiy Ihclrown f«rfnr<! t» nnt\ from lioiiit-Thin nitlliitloii in one that hhoiihII> rnincdipd mid ft j»l> in the t'oiijrrss «f tlio tltiitfd Hlittcs restore,:o ilN former iitwoNphcre of di^my Btid rwc. Kven the few IU<l«ublic«nN iu fttngri1'!^ hsve licet«>iinp'«l]f'i) tu p1'*)T<<V>n t?fir luv.llies* interests Tor Ihe time n-ml thInw ld'iiclloii (if (» iittnilirr (if IIHMII

!««"ti«n ia mil n (•vetcin.'ll m ju<tt nHiftkcshiit, «1lf1 tnr*l«ft *t tirtt Tll(>gmrtmgi* itollri'iiiiiii r tn to tli«> iHiRnt

(» nmrf malip-riHtiiinli HI IIf

w»pi> was given»f Hftdlitl Slid

Ttld! ihfTf in difficulty jn kfc|iiinft i l * N*«ti»»ri«!

Wl»rsi»th*F»ttHT (Jiwr.l nf t

•Trrwy si}* tu its(Mm* of N

full qtt»t» «tf

u nf tho legft! prtTi'MMl Ity rwwui »f n

!Ml<itir<h« rrijuiritig tt'at tiic ropitol.

A* fnr as th»* pulilii*TI' tiro in«t>,v (viriiut

mini" itntivi<!unW «hi»d J» rt*ad tlmt !liw

nrt mlj)iitrmti«>(, (<>r tt



amt b

U Ijtlitfl ntiMltlll In !(ep(> (!lrf;

aiiig fur ft w!itl«, litit there

AnExampleWill BeMade

of any hunter or hunterstrespassing on the BRIGHT.WOOD FOREST PROPEHffThis large tract is printsproperty, the same as iiyour own home propertyand ye propose to paaiAany trespasser to the Mlextent of the law.



Cleveland's Toy StoreBroad Street, Elizabeth Next to St. John'sCiwi

The Only Real Toy Storein the State

Dolls, Games, Wagons, Dolls, Cabs, Velocii*Writing Desks, etc, in great profusion.

r r r v:n AXII DANCEAT '1'iiK fiOLF

This evening tho members of theiVi>stlIel(l Oolf Club will onjoy sup-icr und a dance, Tho Al Drown Trio.vill furnish tho onttrtniument dur-

tlifl suppor ami also fnniisli ex-•ellent muHic for tlio dancfi. Thoffalr bills fair to he ono of thoigKf'st Huceops of tho season.

DutMKeeps YouWhen yimr fiiend r.rtu--, i-, t c o o twhile you turn up yout eolliir,

you l:iiow lie'sV0.MI1I1U


'uofold— h«>s mot" romfortnUs

you In yen it tollftn KUfmrn! I


»• n t ,>

|h* n,|.t,

Yi.t.r 1>

.» l,h tX'urOl.Tf t*i Mit!t-,Ml«rtmutm

• 1 ,1 .1

F.H.Schaefer&Co7ft Mm Street






Cold WeatherLatest Styles


Blankets FlannelsComfortables EiderdownUnderwear CorsetsHosiery NeckwearGloves NotionsSweaters


Our C«nt-«-Word ColumnLarge Returns,

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I Peoples National Banko! Westfield

Interest begins on the first of eachmonth on all sums deposited on orbefore the 5th of the month.

Compounded serai-annually, Jan-uary 1st and July 1st.

THE MILLION DOLLAR BANKCorner Broad and Prospect Streets

NoThanksgiving Dinner is Complete Without

Cheese (We have just received for this gay and fes-

tive occasion a new lot of



And many others



HAVE YOU EVER STOPPED TO CONSIDER?the superiority and satisfactory way of

Goldberg's Extraordinary Fur DepartmentWe offer you the service of a corps of experts wboknowrvt-ry little detail of tin? fur business and who tfive you



WT TOTHEMEN—Let us bevour val.'t. Your clothes keptn [Kii.ctonl.T fur £1.50 |>«r month. Called for and delivered


I.J3 nnUAD STREET Telephone SM0-J WEBYFIKW, K. J.Re«l<l«n« Telephone 810-J



With «u growing !"•< «l !'»•»• <Ht'"" !" t s

m.,*t of tlirin »rolM<liwl» ami uttmll liiivim n«I, ,„.,-„ \i ,l,t« n (»<•.!linn in fuWir mnlulMH e

I.I Wllil'll OT 111" )UStlv llti'Hil.

Vuntuh-m-c ft! tlii« s<»t •• «« * l l r p |» r *» w l l n i ;t...M «f , | i « u t t h 8ti<l *t»Mli»y «• ""* m o B t

ifujtit^Sng at m y &$ ' !K t l l r S '


POBfOff 101

Collector Clark, oj B. Broad street, \[pent the week end in Boston, |Police Sergeant Rosecrana, of North

avenue, entertained his brother,Harry Hoaecrans, of Brooklyn, over:he week end.

W. M. HarrlBon, a former residentof this town, now or Laurel, Ded,,isiteii the home of his (laughters herelast week.

The services at St. Paul's church,to-morrow. Thanksgiving, will bo as '•follows: Holy Communion at 7:30; |ntorntag prayer, at 10:30.

The insurance loss on tho stock ofthe New Jersey Paint Store wag ad-justed last Thursday. The ownerreceived $300.

Mrs. G. M, Toucey and son, of De-troit, Mich., were the guests at thehomo of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Cox, ofDowner street, during the past week.!

C, P. Wilcos who resigned as driverin tho Westfleld fire department lastweek has secured a position in Hunt-ington, L. 1.

Mrs. Henry Mnoney, of Mountainavenue, had tho mlafotrtune to falldown stairs last Thursday and is con-fined to her home.

Miss LOUIBO Bennett, of First street,entertained about twenty friends ata dance given at her homo on Satur-day evening last.

The Young Peoples Society of theFirst Baptist church held a businessmeeting in the church parlors lastevening, followed by a social hour.

Arthur N. Pieraon, of this town,led the service for men in the Pres-byterian chapel at Cranford luBt•Wednesday.

Mrs. S. H. Eacan, of Elmer street,returned yesterday from a visit toher brother, Wm. Affcck, in Syracuse,N. Y.

A special Thanksgiving servico willbe held by the members of lCpworthLeague, of the First M. K. church,to-morrow morning, at 7 o'clock.

F. h. Ucatty, ot this town, class'15, Wesloyan, Is with tho musicalclub from that college that is givinga series of concerts In Mass. duringthe Thanksgiving vacation.

East TJroad Btrt'ot is now aboutcompleted ami is open to the public.The improvement will make nroadstreet a favorable thoroughfare forautoists.

Do your Christmas shopping now.Avoid the rush of the last days. Helpthe working people to a tiitlu easierhours and help yourself by knowing,"It 1M a Rood job, well done."

Tho ehi.'iinea! c-nKino responded toa phone call from the big woodsaptHion of Prospect street, laet overl-ing, A pile of bt uyh and leavesburning briskly throiiti'iieil a nearbyhouse.

Mr. and Mrs. Percy I). Woolfc, ofiinhway HVwiiuo, i'Hti'rtaineii abouttoitj uf their frhmdtt on Friday even-ing liist. (iuosta wore present fromrialnllelil, Hoseville, Westfiohl unriRailway.

Tbf next regular nieotlns of theWoman':-* Foreign Missionary ^ncietyof tlii} First M. E. church, wil bo lu-ldat T|i*> lionm of Mrs. F. U. Ham, onrroypi'ct street, on Thursday after-noon, lipcmilier 4.

A successful Harvest Home Socialwas held in the Branch Mills chapellast evening.

Mrs. John D. Barr, who has boon111 at her homo on Kim street, Isrftported recovering,

Mrs! Floyd Flske, of Park street,entertained a number of friends atluncheon last Thursday.

Dr. Dumas, of St. Paul's tsreet, re-turned last week from au extendedbusiness trip in Now England.

John Darsh, of Prospect street, willentertain the members of tho UfluPinochle Club this evening.

Miss Leoca Fetty, of Now YorkCity, was the week end guest of Mr.and Mrs. Roy Snyder, of Summitavenue.

Mrs. HuRtt Smith entertained anumber of her friends at her homo,on Clark street, on Saturady eveningtaut.

Mrs. Hanson and daughter, of NewYork City, who have been the guestsof Mrs. Heidi, of Lawrence avenue,have returned to their homo.

The Hoard of Governors of Muhlen-liorg Hospital have issued invitattonsto a special reception to bo given totho town and county oflleinls, andtho medical and journalistic profes-sions of the neighboring communitieson tho occasion of tho opening of thonow private room building of Muhlen-berg hospital, on Friday afternoon,November 2S, from 3 to 7 u'clock.

Fireside Council will have ita usualThanksgiving meeting Thursdaynight. After n short business meet-Ing the council will be entertainedby Joseph Meso, musical humorist, aman of exceptional talent. Duringtho evening there will bo a drawingfor turkeys. Refreshments andu general good time IB promised bythe orator. Members having menfriends are urged to bring them alongas tho business meeting will bo short.

OLD FIRE COMPANY DISBANDSFormer "Westlleld Firemen Turn Over

Balauco to Exempt!.—Will Holda Banquet.

On Friday evening last tho surviv-ing members of the old Wcstfleld Fire

[Department hold a meeting In the liraheadquarters to dope up tho arTahyof th:il urcanlKtitlnn and disband.

There WOK! about thirty of tho oldillro lighters present and aftt'i- talking'over old times settled down to busi*tilths '

F. It. I'fDiilngton acted as chnir-jm;iii of the meeting, .ludgo \V. B.Toucey, secretary ot the old company,recorded ttio tnlnutcfi, and PatrickTraynor, the treasurer, announcedHint tliuro was a balance of $160.78In thetrpasuiy. This Hum was votedio tho exempt tirouieti,

A committee! of four memborR, ap-pointed to arrange for tho banquetnex spring, Is as follows: V,. C Win-ter, of tho ohl Bucket anil Kn^ineCompany; C 11. itc-nniftn, of old Hookand 1.udder Company; Isaac Koeley,of old Chemical F.nslne Company, and('. W. Harden, of the Kxeinpt Flre-


Thin Is {lie name ot the ftest floor thatwns ever sold is W«**actd. A faU tee»tbe dey U vrn* iatroduced and **lll wln-ntttff Hn" way Into the hearts o( the

n.iwpivlfc nl fiSo <bc hats,price hy the barrel. J


Headquartersfor Sweaters

Don't wait until Christmas to makeyour selection of one for a Christmasgift, but do it now, while the assort-ment is complete.


$1.00 to $9.00


It is Not Too Late to Get ThatThanksgiving Turkey


AIIVA.VCI: iTho regular

interesting talk on "The Now SouthAmerica" Hi tho First M. K. rhurchlast Wednesday evening. Hi' luldof tin' neiMls of thai cuimtiy from

A Burprlrti' imrty was ti'lldurwi Mr.mill Mis. IJjval, of Kmbrrn t'rosr-ont,on Tliuisiloy rvn ln i ; last Uy « num-ber of tl'i'ir frlcndi). Ml. and Mid.IHiVfi! Baili'd on Saturday for Florida!whero Ilii')- will Hpctid the winter

Ix'KltT Mn(ff:tt and Howard Mil-l.-r, df thisi town, arronipaniiid by

viral t"lii.lnfl<"l<lor6, went llnhlnglast Sunday off Sandy Hook. Tlwy

turned with 300 whllitig and HUBid ttrni largo cod. The party report

a Km><! day's iport.The Central New Jersey Loyal A«-

tctnbly Hrotlirrhood of St. Andrew,,111 hoiti their »nuual me«tliig on

Friday evening, Noveftttxsr Sfi. In Ht,Jolm'i church, HU»betb. OroritB H.Kandttll. sMoflito »«-fr«t»ry «f thelirntliuthnoil will makfl lli» principal

itdrrM «f thu efenlng.Mayor Etaus 1» dolerinlned tlist

(iimftliloM must be dotm In enforr#Iho iirnrlsiiuillon for niunltnit <los».Ttiti Mayor mid lh«l he found dog»rtiiiiilnis at l»r«» nit »v«r th«mut that Ilifl dog wiif#*n ra'lltUu*r nu«l «:a|itM(-» U«

.'tliiK nf the Ad-•lil »t il»' liiiiue of

jMr. and Mrs. Chns. MacDou^all, ofiltoiiH place, on Friday ovonlng last.jTh'T*! way a f:.o<Ml attfjidiinrf' of Hioliucnitwrs mid the IIVCUIIIK'B programproved a iiuifst ^'iijoyiiblo on'1. Thepup'T on "Confucianism," by A, H.Hulchlnsun, proved Intnmatlngiiful <?nt^rtalnin^. A paper on "Cur-rciil Kvi'litH," by Mr. MurlliiUKiill nlmiprm-t'd laont inti'n'Hlin^. Mu^ir andrefreshments followed tin- lil<<niryp£Ut. Of (lie OVt llili .


II, V. Mt'ycrs, of tin. Veuthor City

> » > We keep open until 9 P. M. tonight

Also all the other tablenecessities and delicacies

Fruits Nuts Preserves Vegetables

Lawrence's Market130-138 Broad Street Flione 270

Brlioolt, vlnited the local »choul« thl»MigB Hlchnida, »f the I'rotipt'ct.

Street School, will vhtil the sclmolafit Bnriligllold, Mass,, nost Monday.

Miu Orr» W. llolllinon, principalloiich«ir of the Vantnrir City Schools,will vlult IhB local school nojt Mtiti-d»y and Tuestldy.

Practically «11 thn t««cl<«f» will.1 tliBlr Thiinkeglvlng hnllilnyB »t


Order at once for delivery tomorrowALSO ALL KINDS of FKUITS AND NUTS


fur lht» <log *ard*a haa t'fttight oal /tw<*lvn 4og*.

« IliM'tltlJf OfUrnnfli, n\ the N^W J

Miss P. Ilutter, of t'nrtland. N. v.,rul \V*n. M, lUard, of Pcun Btnte joll«(i, vlsltod the loi'dl arlinuU IIIIH

h« pi i f i ls 1» • » • *l<'mi'«lHty),,9 w l i r e ,iipOjisHid nt is-<r , in-lnM«»d of 11 :46 , Hchonl* w l " '"•

lay inot i i ln*miiln tl«s«il until

lionjomlriJntillur of thf WMhtneloii Hclioul, In

, „,.,,„,., Hu«r««.] | | , i-h tia« nf ttin VH>«P»H-| ImlMlnx.tipM at tlin homn of Ml»« IltidKP», ni||i,K i»)P vimnry muds by Ilm i!.»tli

n Imdltiy avrtiUP, on FtWn,s affKr-]t,f the format }»»»*•«!-

I f , snil Mbi MitAH'ji*'f, f |f111 ftool, who lm>" iw'*»n

wmr- (ittnlttnl to miMiil^iithlp mi.» %iift

»BIK iniidd »« I'AYV MI«» MlfinlOjHrlmnlmi a W» ot»tl»li »l the Wmlt- Htn l«l

«* tn «ll w(.tit* building »f

"nl»T ovfiltin t,ii( on ni<-iiui>l 'i( llln"•« i«»uwl tbl« ttinn'il tn tli«'lr itnilMltiiw»sl»>1 la I At thu clmiml irtrttis«**»• " ' «' !"« ' " ( h - W"<-«»«("»

rim«Mill"n ff s»|.|Mt of l»« «»^-t.r* • " "

tt(he AweMftn HmA «lll!'l«r«llun ui M hcM In Wilis»ii«-n»t*rii to I I itir-ltni



t TU*nfc.t!ltli.(i." br (l-.fB* Arm**-finm l«m. l*mm r » i i m r r rtujij.r^il «

»in'f* « « I « I I * <•» "Bum* B»»«nn« forH« (5IHi.R'rt'»h>'»ThSt W« SB AmmU-mt

IH b» H * » if ««»»." AHK» «»»<•» f w l H<«lltllBK no»pr»'ir'« i,ri,r!»m»i\nn from • tautH«-<* *•»« I'f th« A«tl»t«s l|n**riitn t« the

t t t f > " HOB nf Mnf .

BreadThat is made by the ZeekBaking Company is onsale at the following places

M, Snyder, E.CMcMahoitDufly Bros,, A, Danker,

Atlantic a PacificM, B. Walker


Page 7: THE WESTFIELD LEADE - DigiFind-It · THE WESTFIELD LEADE *^e LeadinLeading and Mosg antd Widel Most Widely Circulatey Circulated Weekld Weekly Newspapey Newspaper in Unior inn Unio

The Indian, HeWill Not Change

The story of a Navajo Girl of New Mexico

Written expressly for Tlie Leader<M. J. Brown.)

On the streets! of Alburqurquo 1 snwtt drunken Indian girl—and I after-ward found the reason and a story.

The sight of a drunken squaw isunusual, it there Is any bouzlny thebucks dp It, but there is little, for thoreason that the risks are too greatto serve the fire water to Lo.

But this Indian girl was one youwill seldom sc;o in the southwest. Notbecause slio was drunk, that was notremarkable, but becauso of tho wayshe was dresseri.

No Navajo blanket aruund this Kir*!no legging, oar rings, bracelets orbttadK. Nothing" about ht>r indicated theIndian, and only u vii;w of «•revealed her ancestry. But. slm wasfull blood Navajo.

She WHS drosacd in full fuBhlnn andSlit! wore a picture hat that proLci-st more than her futliei's sixmonths1 t-rocery bill. Her clothes wereexpensive, and in K<»O»1 tnHlti. flhn woren tailored suit of brown, with shoesto mutch and wua an all around swull-dressed woman.

^nd sho was drunk—not stugirorlritfdrunk, but Juat noisy.

Or the Rose I*u<) reservation In

runk, but J yWhiskey always fires Indian Mood.

Give the most iieaciiblts bucls a cr-ouitit?of drinks and h« will go to hunting «nmgumont. Uivo him a cuuplu more umlhe will want to Bound the war whoop,

'hunt a hatchet and scalp someone.But the Indian girl;She was handsome as Indian girls

gro, but iior uyoH w«re wild ami show&B t very thing that Mlnnt'hahn'wasn't.

were two white men with

fouth Dakota a few years ago* I sawc\ Co,rlyle gruduate sitting- with th(Hicks und Hquaws around a kettlo ofilthy, rancid meat, and hogging hisportion out of the sliniy mess withsharpened atlck,

The young- Sioux returned, saw con-ditions as the Indian irirl found thornon her reservation. He could notioiicti tliem what ho had been taught,sv he gave up and dropped back.

I have visited thti largest of tho In-tlinn reservations anil tried to undiw-•liimi tho people and it has seemed to

rrjo folly to try to change them amithe 11 WBJ'P, for they won't or can't

Tli[> superintendent of tho Chin LiteJpdii.n school told me the work waoaU>w and diKcoura^in^, for the reasontiic youii^' Indian mada no tlieir jicople after they had

1 Ju so.Id the reservation had nevorI'i'fMi a 11 utori, the land was ail owtn

\ common, find there was little i-i•nj m fioc nmt or Incentive for thoountf Indian wlui had been taught.<\v (.hint's to demonstrate and workmm out.Tho land is owned in common. Itinnot be farmed for want of vviitur.oult ralpirifj is Us only use, nnd thenlhtns ntisu just enough uf entile,ipt-p, horFf-s and goats to live on. Oc*-.HtvDuIly Llifro will be a little quarter

.uri' spot along the river that yets a.lilt If moisture, and some Indian willj'hmt a few .pettch trees, nnd n fewrabbii£os. And then ho win bufld alittle .sunshade arul watch over tho gar-

n all sumrawr, to prevent It beinjf>]en, and ho won't wt live dollars'rtli of produce for hia summer's

Thenher, two sporty looking fellows, whowere IKI doubt "pasteboard tirllats."They were trying to persuade lier togo up a side gLreet, and she was dc;-u i ( , r j ,termined t<> jtiinuio down the main j i j i ( i i n , u a n jg fully natiafk-d with h\nbufltnes* street, and whon (.no of th,> j c o naitloii . No liun no itmbltluii, doesmen took tier arm mid tried to pull 1K) t i v a n t t 0 u m i w m l l o t e n a n K B . V'ouher along, she broke loose with till dimply cannot make anything out ofkimlw of ileHvertoH of wild wi-st firms," Mm. Ue will not work, lie uaren noth-and protests—and trieil to fasten ln»r j n f . f o r money, does not want comforts,white teeth in the mnn'8 wrist. ti |VC him one or two meals a day and

"Shove along you pcofca beat it," [Mmie toWcn, and ho is happy,sho exclaimed. "Any old time I eun't j j drovo tiirtMitfh an abandoned min-vrtlh down the struct without help I ' lljjn^ cam)) in tho mounlniriH of Newmil a taxi. I'm going to K've Main jiexh-o and found It occupied by a bundstreet a tan*fit. anil, listen now, If |Of Indiana. U was oneo it quk'U-Rllveryew follows butt, in I'll have you walk- |I1)1;1O o f , , i r ( , t , production nnd wasliifi luine. CJt t tun?'* I w ori-.ed for twenty year p. AH the nre

Ard down tlie street ana went. S h c | , . , n m i t t t W f t 8 ab;inilon<Hl, and thedown the street shn wpnt. Shemet a woman who was leading a pettlouE ami tried to trade her hut for It.gtu> fc-tiid she 'wtiuted to «>Ht the dugnllvp and give the yaps a free- show,

SVt- went into th« postofilci- iiml toldthe girl clerU to «iv« her u hnmlfiilc£ letters or ring for tho ambulance,A iit'i-uty sheriff tried to quk't her,but she would not tame down. Shehtul ii dray Ku with h.-r to n groceryPOHV unit then; sin* told the i_'lerk lotoad mi llio rlur and dellvnr it to the"hoathcriH and orphans."

The deputy foresaw that. I hi: Klriwoti'.d run amuck befor« hav Jiijf u-orooli'. MP dlti not want to arrt:Ht her,

\rnrr:ibl? old If«h-tu ImlliUi, Uv. tulkudwith tbfi jrirl, ami soon (•()!to Iciivt.' ivlth him.

And th.> story,h«ro it if :This ulrl wan nni! tif <|iii!

i*C (lit.- In it.r!it*'st jilrls ptrk'N*RVSIJ<* ri-Hcrviitton to In- 1iruil.-m Hrluml.

't'hc v.'hltn man wiis potsa ilomnhfltnitlim. !!•• wan

v alei pipfs, Hlimes nnd many IIOUWCHnntl nfflce buildingH stand as a t theiimt- of desertion.

Thp Indian band went tlu-re becnusitthere wert; fi ft«w trrl^-ittod K(minus

vil Hood ranjje for Phcup,'njf the S[>v<Tt> hllzzunta of thrfi- they w(niia not occupy a urnlit- hoiiHi-H, ttiit lived hi tlm ho?hoy hullt of poloa and dirt.

'I'hry broke Into some of the hiH"1' imd lot thplr dons nnd ^>at^opy (hem. Imt J> would not coc.-iul in live in the comfortable hof the white men. In one of tho InIIKH, tho mnlu mnce, Hit* Mir vau ' t


h e r f l innd

n or t in

whit.-- r-s wouM dnIml not fiM

tl fro

to m a k eRHIIK; In

VVrt htM

.Ami tilt-'t'd product wan tlil.Hi r o f t Hfcne.

II-s whlltv ntittl WII* K-'iliK t.. Mliinviie t---auty of a whlt<- inim'.i r ^ i n i l l m i ,r;Unn\tr and iiviHK.iUon |ii< was K*»-iK to ink,- tin* nw rmicriul

H l

H Si f<.t 11 l i l l l

il thnt tlw<the whlie


for tli,* huti-.s ami tin* diHi-? American Imlhin

•And uli.-'ii imUiinfi will F;u throughtb. 1-ardfHt uf sunVrhiK fnmi t-nld .Hir-ing Ku- tprnbit* mountittn bli/./.an)s ofrVhnuiry mid AI(wL-li. with i:nnifoi-tabh>,;,*, hlH for iH'ciliiyln--; wha! runt1'!1 whiti- nuin Itripts to mnko nut of thisKind of an fiitilan ? It IH not a prnin-Uivn mlHHlomiry tmtlnok.

iiilliy, laay, l^nomiu. hiippv it mliH-.ittiv. They dim't want ttlilnj* iliffiTfiii,


,\ In.lliill

Upllf l , slH.W tO t liiflfiiii vmil. i !><• moi i l

mnn'« wnys.t-uilt w«s a ttrunUtu'lutliiK ft'lih f?iinibu>

;> \ -,id nuked m

I hail a ImHi' and sho

fi .

I "

m i a p t s lu i l f nl t h uw a s ab tho

as aml>ltiou», and wurk(»tHim the fav»rlt« «nd jir

til. Hh« easily tnut>t«r«il thiiKUtiRP phc was tmitfbl Dmtiuif h*?B, dotne-Hth' acttjne

f (iu'tt *fhf ft. Itrph Linn I «.T s**h«o| rftyrnt'3

it tuniit? it wi»a now, no«>n ihriiunhhiitt pi*Li|tJr»1 m m*»t iKMilw imi'FfMS It UJ'uti lite StM-

ttuii thph n m k nnd dttt\ la to K«(.. Hi, tf>«frviMIonn mul w»»*fe tavt ntiA vpliti theii jenfilt* It» htP nitrff>|4»ti but it dnffif'j ttfttkfi l l wfiit hnr-lc fr«*nh fr.mi tn.*

»r tit..of her futht

MM' K!>I went «m« k BRit t l f n l

H M . K l |> f n i U N f»K If KM,O ^ t U c t l |t«r 'Utff-fe ' *«* din*

| j f >it.t«n I M tPflt it f*n.i i tht* . »Mt* »i i f ! ) , « H l i l t sini t

Hlopju-d( I V S i IV -

(it m i n i f s . II ml I t.ioliM l i lm ii i-mil.l i m l \

aii.l (Ii,.n t Imni i r t l h i m t lm b o x . H oU>1U'<\ II C i ^ a i c t l f itIX, 1 ;,« ho U':!H SlhllUtti. Hr.lil II hl» xumy a l l ied, n o a r l y t h rovei-ini. tiinl th i -n » i . l l i-hhlK l i .xvn tin-H u l l l.!ili-r 11 ilmviioil ,111 IlutlU i . n iviTu sfiini; ( r l i -ka t h e w h i tiliil nu t hnvc t n n-iu-h ( t i , - m . ' H J I ' 1il lun w n n l M l Ihu t 1JU.T ,,f m , , t c l n : » , «;

jmriinfii ' ly l i u i a c d Ui'i lu i r

m e n

October 0,1913, a t 10 A. M. Prese—Director Cady. Qnd FreehoidoCra(ie, Daiby, Krouse, McMane, Raidolph, Teller and Wilbur. Absent—Freeholders Ackon, Bourdon, Doane,Fay, Gruener, Hall, Hennessy, JOHBMeieol, P«rry, Piorson and Smith.

On motion by Freeholder TelleiIn the absence of a quorum, tho drector declared a recess of flfteeimluutes. At 10:16 tlie board reassembled with the following men"bcrs present: Director Cady, anFreeholders Crane, Dnrby, Krouse;McMane, Randolph, Teller, Smltand Wilbur. Absent—Freeholder!Acken, Bourdon, Doane, Fay, Gru«n-er, Hall, Hennessy, Jones, MeiselPerry and Piorson.

In absence of a quorum, on motionby Freeholder Wilbur, the dlrectodeclared the meeting adjourned.

, J. EWD. HOWE, ClerK.A special meeting of the Board o1

hoson Freeholders of Uniun countyvns held at the Courthouse, Eliza-leth, N. J., on Friday, October 10th913, a t 3 P. M.. for the -nurpose otubmitting and considering a petitionkid with tlie clerk oE the board onaturday, September 27, 1913,1:45 A. M., numerously signed by•sally qualified voters of Unionounty in favor of the adoption ofivll service in said county, The

hoard was called to order with thefallowing members present: DirectorCady, and Freeholders Bourdon,Crime, Doane, Gruener, Krouse,Perry, Smith and Teller. Absent—Freeholders Acken, Darby, Pay, Hail,Hennessy, Jones, McSIane, Meisel,Pierson, Randolph and Wilbur.

Ill absence of a quorum, on mo-tion by Freeholder Krouse, the di-rector declared a recess of fifteenminutes. At. .1:45 P. M. the boardreassembled with Director Cady andFreeholders Smith and Teller pres-ent.

l absence of a quorum, on mo-tion by Freeholder Smith, tho direc-tor declared tho meeting adjourneduntil Monday, October 13, 1913, at10:30 A. M.

J. EWD. HOWE, Clerk.Tho hoard reconvened on Monday,

Octobor 13, miii.iit 10.80A.M. PresentDirector Cudy, and Freeholders Dartiy,Jones, Doano, Gruener. Krouse, McManeMeisel, Parry, Randolph, Smith anilWilbur. Absent—Freeholders Acken,Bourdon, Crane, Fay. Hall, Hennessy,Pierson anil Teller.

The following resolHtion wsvs intro-duced:

Whernafj, It appears there has beenpresented to tho cle-ik of the Board ofUhosen Freeholders of Ihu County ofUnion a petition signed by livo hundredfiOO) legal voters of suid county, re-luesting that tho question of the adop-tion of the provisions of an act entitled,'An act regulating the employment,

tenure and discharge of certain officersand cmpluyta of this Stuto, and- thovarious counties anil municipalitimtheeof, and providing for a civil servicecommissiun, nml donning its powers andduties," approved April 10, 1(108, undtho supplements And amendments there-if: and,

Whereas, A special meeting of thoHoard of CIIOMHI Freeholders of thocomity of Union bus been ciJlcil to rain-lider safno, and tliosamo tab)}; f ound iniuoform, therefore, be it.

UiMjlvt'd, th ttho siiino be curtittoilby tho clerk of this board to tlm dark ofthe county of Union, directing him tofollow the prnci'duro mvtssary to Imvotlio i|in:stlou contiiiniMl in said petitionNtiliniiiliHl to thu legal voters of thocounty of Union at the next regularDli'i'tlini: imd lip it further

Kcsolvcd Tlmt [uililic notice thereofIm given by publication in tho followingmuvN)Hiners, pntilixheU und circulatingin the county of Union, nuinriy. Kliy.ii-hetti Daily .lonrnal, thu tlourier-N'invs,Piaintield, N. ,1 , and tho .Summitllenilil, uneo a ivpck for at imro nwrek, and by posting sui-h notice* illlive uf HID mint public pliicm in said•ounty lor nt leiist four werki Imfui-B.liii electionOn motion by FIVPIIOIIIIT Wilbur

lliisrmohiliiui was on roll cull udoptrdiinaliimmisly. itml, in vinw of tiio re-i|iiiiements, the i'l,.rk In- dinvleil to

mitwitli tlm niunty nttornoy aiulact KciiirillnK tn lih dinrtiuiis

.1. Kim. Itotnt. Clurk.

$ 100 Reward, $1WThe readers of this paper Trfli

pleased to lenrn that iliero Is at leaat on'drcadfd disease that science has bee!ablo to cure Ira all It3 stages, ana that 1Catarrh. Hall's Catcrrli Cure Is the on :

ternally, acting directly upon theand mucous surfaces of tho system, thereby destroying the foundation of tho (US'case, mid giving tho pnticnt otrensth b:bulldlns up tho constitution ami asslstlnflnature In doinff Jta worlE. Tho proprietorshave BO nmch fnlth In Its curatlvn pow-ers that they offer One Hundrcil Dollarsfor ntiy ooso thot It falls to cure. ScncEor list of testimonials.Adilrean V. J. CHENEY A CO,, Toledo, Otfield br nil DrttRKlats, 75c.Take Hall's Family Ptlla forconatlpatlon.

Wo please cverjono with tliequality of our baked goods,whether it bo our regular stockor aprciul caken and pastry.WP lire prepared to executeytiur orders for special cakesfor weddings, birthdays andother occasions, promptly andin a most satisfactory manner.


Coffee Cako and Lunch Bans



: : Work Called For and Delivered ! ',


Watch INDIAN JACK Work In:: the Window :;

Fresh FishAlways on sals

Also Clams and OystersIn season

S E AFOODWestfield Fs0Eoi Market

II. S. MANNING, Prop.Phong 282 114 Broad Street

D. SWIFT & COI PATENT LAWYJRS,1203 Suvenlli SI., Washlnflton. D. C.


Orders promptly filled for allsizes. The best grades andclean screened.



TUTTLE BROS.Coal, Lumber, Masons' Material, Mill Work

Phone 414

Office and Yard Corner Westfield Ave. and Sprinf SL


Up-to-the-Minute Misfits from Tailors Always Here

WOLF OXFormerly with Rogers, Peet & Co. and Saks &. Co.




Baumann's Photo StudioBroad Street and Central Avenue

[Established IS rears In Weitlleid]

High class photographsat reasonable prices Tel. 331-J- Home portraiture ari




<l"llbl Inrun anil | ilu!i > thai i-,,ul,l r,..

u l i


\ t il « i l l W h f i i - H t ' H t ' i j U H t l tn

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l*rticte(llnE» of Union Countyllonrj u( Chnscn lreelinlitt<r«,

A «|w>W H ( t i llmttil i h nhi It] nt

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in, HPHJ, Arlir,i

In tU*ii»tm»<,r

l*ffl, )»«,»» in A H

The Connecting Link

THE telephone links the city and country

togpthfr. AMiough you may

miles from your hom«, the telcplplaces jou within communicntion nlinoststantly.

Arrange to have «telephone Installed m thaiyou can reach Iho homo folk*.




ISMf. W. WARSKB, Sutrkt fionmiiniliit


306 North Avenue WestfieJd

N« tMnus-ftlon ivith aay oiher <'onci*rn


Iliiilillni; 1'lAiiH on Hlmrt A'udtv111 Ullllla nf Hlock rimis

CK. an« wicBn-iiitn AVKNU


Louis Glassif|

Newspapers end Hsiaxlfl**

Delivered to R M U " * »

116 E. Broad St.


t\ A. Dimlism, H. II, Coilitu,I'lalnHeM Weetfteld,

.1 liLM STJ

BAGGAGE^LOCAL EXPRESSl-lamnoiii *nii i

<;!>»wrullj>I'loniiit AI(Mt|t>»,

MudaratIfor iiifilit mid

*lihtinB Wwiifl«(|(J 8

to .

ijjofntng full*|

DO IT N O W !Subscribe & LeaderONE DOLLAR A YEAR



Page 8: THE WESTFIELD LEADE - DigiFind-It · THE WESTFIELD LEADE *^e LeadinLeading and Mosg antd Widel Most Widely Circulatey Circulated Weekld Weekly Newspapey Newspaper in Unior inn Unio



alright 1»1S by the Moreo international Agency—All rights reserved.


By J. B. MORMAN,|llcsl Dairyman and Horticulturist

dairy farmer must seek a|CT price, for bis product for theWing reasons: Higher cost ofj)s heavier freight charges and a

3* rigid d a i I T Inspection. Now,I can b« done about It? Per-, He successful plan of the New

||and dairy farmers as told theter liy ono of them may prove

re: "About thirty years ago' business was ia bad shape,

[ a number of us who kept onlyr cows thought wo could better

selves If we formed a co-operative..; to help each other, and the. |"a which we did It was alongE lines: We formed a society in

"jstrlct covering several squareThe society Issued shares of

I I at a low price of $10, $2u orl a share, each member taking theJiber of shares he wished. ThenIsold our milk In bulk and thus

The farmer should remember thattlieso two opposing effects of limingwork at the same time, and unlesscare bo taken the bad will overcome-the good. To be on the right Bidegrow plenty of legumes.

coa, and her yearly not pronto haveaveraged better than ?3 a piece perbird. The sale of the hens to marketeach year, at an average prlra of 90cents to $1 a piece, lias added thatsum to the gross returns from thepoultry. We have been shown saloslips of ahlpments of hens whichshowed a aet return of $1,03 perbird, alter express charges and roia-ralsslon were deducted.

A study of such decidedly success-ful work with poultry Is most en-couraging. It shows that intelligent,faithful attention to the details otpoultry work brings ample reward. •

_«d cheaper freight ratesler prices for our milk


tosate dealers had to pay oura or go without milk, which they

||!dn't afford to do, so they came- to our terms. That belped a

Later we thought It wouldi to turn some of the milk intoiter and choeBO, BO we branchedI and oither uilt or purchased aemery. Tho money invested wouldInywhcre from $1,00 to $3,000.~Tlie next thing was to run our

merles economically, so we nevertloyed more than ono or two men.I Boon learned business mehtoda,I we worked to Have expenses and|et tho best prices. The milk of3 member or patron of the croaui-

Iwas tested and recorded, and theys paid according to the quality of

j milk. This encouraged the pro-Bon of the best grade ot nillk, forfch we BM-ured top mnrket prices,

problem getting milk to theferneries was easily solved, al-|fh our country is hilly. Nearbypera brought their milk or ci-eam: to tho smaller factories, while

llano society sent out milk path-os, who went from farm to farm.

) farms wore much scattered lo-cations were named for tho out-

; farmers to brlnjr milk to,! tie gatherers got it and curled

• the factory. What have welied? Business methods of farm-

shorter hours of work, more§M>orly interest In each other, 1m-rmertt in our herds and farmst 4 to Q per cent return on oureralivo stock. Finally, we have

fin from one society to 126, withess amounting to $1,000,000). thus proving Hit! lii'iiellt of



* misunders tanding of MIL- truejtliin nf Urn.- tn !.i)il I n t l l i l ; andf Iiioiluitliju has ofh-n broufl i t tin

iU't1 of lmilaK tutu mill* v r u i ll u m t c Tin- t r u t h hi that lime,

1 in hi ing on l j <i soil nHinulaut,dil.ll ,it Hist but <<xhauitl \f) ,

lid'n thn OPJIIMU'i.. i . a boil iiiimlltui lit In t » »' ' * -.-> plant food and :e* a i ' l"• "I a i l N F l u m i d Is d illil ti. 'In ^ni f t th of 1MIH-IHI.IIr i l u m « Hi.' Importaii i i »f

'ni . - . H mi.'ii m the Mill t "ill ,ill sr idb an fu"-t a-, t iny

i II.I liv ll.ii i l . i a j ul U M 1 ib'<' - t il II! l td I nf Mill! M'llG 'I il' 1 '

i ' . . n t i l.< ninipi uml' .u d b,i-. , s\lilih b i n - MH

' i f 'H i i imll i l i i , ' tin- . l u r n i l i 'I • I l l n Of I'll'.! l l th t l Wllftl

il n" m id i i imbim- tin- for-I1 Itn i-nvn'i to coml I"" » i thi i 1 I.,im-, Hinrefori . * h l f h i i

"\ ii, i i l lnod with >i s t rum; arid,i. n .*<•!• to tn.iilr«lli« si.ll a r !

Hi t i l l ' i Ittssx bclntljr land plKB-> ' • ('"«•» and ruck phosphate.!i!" in their »av, but not as|'I .4 .,f Miur soil Thn lust

| i ' in i l» ul Ilinu far uiu In for-"•II m hilly are ground !lme-ul ami rbm>l« Water ulstodiiliitif. flr" USM*<I, but tht»«« ari*In thdi- nature and »ct In *5 - WRY on orEfuUf matter

" tin- i*i i iiftnt'tpal vttvet*l,<nli ..fti., llv« thrmlKB t h "

II • f <M>II Rtldlty iiml (irnmo-iM' i . i t e l arltielijr. Tim ftrnt,•> l« iliittiiK »u of lh<t nttrngfii•« ii HiRlirf «up(ill of UIP unitI., • ,i,i.t,«tit». This •'»« ' f -I"'I. tunr i i i t imt l f f ti»> H-P irf


By B, II. HIBBARD,University of WiscouuEln.

Over nearly the whole of Europefarinosr have learned to work togeth-er In borrowing money, marketingproduce, purchasing supplies and inmany other ways involving education,recreation, sanitation and tho bmiu-tiflcatlon of village and country sur-roundings. In the different countriesabout two-thirds of farmers belongto these co-operative companies, andmembership is based on Bpoclfic, tan-gible reasons. Farmers join theseorganizations to accomplish resultsIn a busines way, which could not bodone through any other availablemeans. For the most part it ia nottho large, well to do farmer who takesthe, keenest interest in co-operation,for the co-operatlvo movement is pri-marily for tho farmer of modestmoans,

Ono of the distinctive features ofEuropean co-operation Is that it goesright to the heart of agriculture. InAmerica we have a great number ofco-operative movements which hard-ly louch the main farm operations,such, for example, as the co-operativetelephones or co-operative fire Insur-ance. Co-operation In Europe, on theother hand, centers about the farmfinance. In fact, in Germany, whereco-operation has reached probably thehighest development, tho nuelousabout which other forms of co-opera-tion is center is the agricultural creditcompany, This means, Bret, a definitevital motive for joining, and, second,It slvcs a permanency and stabilitywhich might be wanting In case theco-operation were attempted primarilyfor tho transaction of some businesewhich lasted for a small portion ofthe year of for something whichplayed a small role in the farmers'affairs.

Po-operation fairly permeates theagricultural operations of Europe,and to-day there are thousands of co-operative credit companies, many ofthem established for a generation andmoro and urn therefore long past theexperimental stage. In nearly allcountries ui-o companies for buyingfarm fiuppliea, such as feed, fertilizerand machinery. On tho selling «Iduare. companies handling butter, b:ii'oii,eggs, poultry, live stork, grain andfruit. !n fnt-t, wherever there is anyrontfiik-ntble amount of bimiiR"JS tobe done in buying uml selling amo:furmeia there Is a co-operative com-pany to j^lve them tho advantagenilleotlvo barg'

Tho Kiirnjiean fanner has learnthnt ins KreatcDl independence andprosperity an- to bo lind bj jitinlu).witb Ins nrljihtiois for the prnmotim-.if tin bi-t intPMsIs of l!n> i illiniumSty

" t !» n t!»**i"« ttho l.p


• ml t i rmlpa t l»fr>n» «)f till '"I II.' regain* ibo »»&!!'*Mil"r

' . ' I 1 fMnls |si till" fatiK f*i*°e

!!<>•• ,tt,,i in ( i « t t l H t | s n *lid

• I 1.1 «vtlli (»lttBf|rtl»'1 llll 'l '«

H 1 t i l l lu iM ' « ftt» «J«TOt «•

Poultry NewsOlllciftl Oi'Kau of tho Now Jersey As-

social Um for l^oultry ]ni]irovcinftiit*

THE BIG SHOWKvoryfooily Satislknl and tho Show

Pronounced the Best Ever.

The members of tho New JerseyAssociation for tho Improvement ofPoultry conducted ono of tho biggestand best shows ever held in this sec-tion of Jersey in tho City Marketbuilding in Pialnfiold last woek.

The attendance broke all previousrecords, aB did aiso the number ofeatrieB, but best of all was tho en-thusiasm displayed by tho membersand those who entered birds la theshow.

At no time during the four days

cockerel; John Cope took first hec,aad second pen,

K. C. Rhode Island Whites—Qor-uton Poultry Yards took first b«nfirst, second and fourth pullet; J*e-laud Shaw took first cockerel andthird pullet.

White Orpingtons—W. I. Codliib-ton won second cock, fourth henthird cockerel, first pullet and firstpen; W. Strnohon won third cockthird hen. first and second cockereland third pen; Mrs. Brickwedel wonfourth'cock; James Eagan won flibtcock, flrat and second ben, fourthcockerel, fifth pullet and frmrth pen,E. O. Ilartmtm won second, third andfourth pullet and second pen; BoolaFarms won fifth cockerel.

Buff Orpingtons—Wilbur Fallonwon third cock, third ben, secondcockerel, first and second pullet, fir tand third pen; E, S. I'ar won fifthcock, second hen, third cockerelthird pullet, fifth pen; Howard MeQueen won tlrst hen, fourth and llftbcockerel, fourth pen; Hillside Farmwon second cock, fourth and fifthhen, first cockerel, second pon; IIH. Lowrio won fourth cock; B. G. 11Hot won IlrBt cock.

Black Orpingtons—Herman UngerClark took first and second cock,first, second, third and fifth hen, firstand second cockerel, third and fourthpullet, second pen; Mrs. Howard Mil-ler won third cock; Henry Gai'retsouwon fourth cock; Mrs. Connor wonfourth hen; August Eckel won firstpen.

Jublleo Orpingtons—R. G. Slorahhad a flue string but thoro wnn nocompetition.

White Favorelle—Harmony Parkhad a very attractive pen without

the show was in progress did the In-^ompotitloiterest slacken for a Eccond. Not onekick was heard as to the wisdom ofthe judges in making the awards, andall seemed pleased with their win-nings.

The big string of cups presented bythe friends of the association madetho competition In all classes keenand spirited.

The following is a list of the classesand prize winners:

Barred Rocks—Linden PoultryYards took first and third cock, fifthhen, first pen; C. J. Singer took firstcock, first hen, second cockerel, fifthpullet, third pen; KndifOlt Farmstook first cockerel; Caatner and Dun-dns took second and fourth cock,fourth hen, second ftnd third pullet,second pen; John Davis took secondlien, fifth pen: Thomas O'Kccfc tookthird, fourth and fifth cockeri-l; Theo-dore Pnpo took first ami fourth pulletand fourth pen.

White Rocks—Armstrong PoultryYards, of Dunellen, took fifth cock,first uiitl fifrond cockerel, first pen;II. 1>. Woodruff took fourth cock andfourth pen; Frank Lcgge took firstcock; Walter Tavi-rner look thirdrook, third and fourth lion, fourthpullet anil HTMIII and fifth pen;Irving Millor mado n tlno showingwith unwashed bltils, tnkinp M>rond

hi'n ntid third pon;rock,

S. d. Brown Leghorn—WilliamSteurnagol wins first cook, and firstpen. These were tho only entries.ert Key took first, second and third;

It. C. Brown Leghorns -Mrs. Hob-sht through the five classes.8., C. White Leghorns—Kndicott

Farms took first, third and fourthcock, second, third mid fifth h'en, firstcockerel, (list and second pullet, sec-ond, third and fifth pon; W. H. Wil-liams took second and fifth cock; firstand fourth hen, second, fourth andfifth cockerel, third, fourth and fifthpullet, first and fourth pen; Wllbur-tha Farms took second cock, thirdcockerel.

S. C. Buff Leghorns---.!. O. Keenantook fourth rock, fifth cockerel, thirdhen, second and. third pullet; FredIlurtram took first cock, second cock-erel and first pen.

S. C. Black Mlnorcivs—WllllBii:Smith won first ruck, second am:third h<-n, second cockerel, first amfourth pullet, first pen; <S. V.. Mllli-iwon third cock; llrnt i-ookurol, secondpullet and fourth pen; Lauren Poul-try Yards won fourth cock, fifth henfourth cockerel, third pull«t, llitnlpen; Armstrong Poultry Yards winsecond ami fifth cock, tirsl witfourth lu-n, fifth cockerel, m-romllien.

Ani'onas Peter Hlrks, M. 1).Joseph t l robcn took first bi-n; PrankFine took fourth i-ockoiel; 11. M.f'ubcrly fifth cock e n d ; II. I!. Clark,tlrflt, tK-roiid uml fifth pullet.

Huff Hocks Six iHilk-ta w.'li'shown, C, M. Afflivt t ak ing »rnt andJatiK-s ( 'ulliluui second and third.

Pa r t r idge Rucks— H. Woodruff(unk IlrBt cock and first ben; Olineiifi'l lnr l inan first pullet .

Wllll.- Wjniidoltt i C. HarryKiherf t"t)k di-plHV wllh flintthird ,md fnui tb Inn , llfili lo t ]t t ^ t .mil foiiitti pullet Emit ii*



l ! \ A F I I I N i l I t

( o i i l t n i t i i i ' i t i uml Hrei i:

| i 1, III u i .ai l» r a f . u i n i r ' , ,

,lild ?I lil o <i )<-n ( o t l ' 1 ' ' ^ liif t i n fa in . b u t li.ih 1" '>,,r m a n . >i.n-> In r ' l i " l n " •'I ini idii I i.Mitt! Mi' Mi-. I l l,. I ' n « l f " o ( u L l i l v f a r m < r nill tln> I H H I M \ u i r k of Hi.

«!!•• in


Wlmi «i> add ihi t tin- 'afjlllll.

I l l M . ( I l l -

motlitr of mils It »lll In- UIIIIII-I.HIIInho didn't ni's-d to tak.- up I'm puulti)work to keep iHTfolf bus) Kl«- ».isiMtractcd to that work IHUIM' II K*VPtht> oiiportuniiy to IntieaH' thn •-KbInrottie of the family and, biin c

wull (.iidnwed with the quality called'faiultr," *h« irraepi'd Iliv opportun-ity Him found tlnw to build tip *poultry <l««pnrtnmnt of 1M layers,whlih ha« (mid her an avi 'nw UP!liroflt of $1,00(1 a >nar fur >e>sr«, andatm tlioruaghly TO)D>« tbe work

Tlii- slut* kept In i'lymoutli Kork«.

B«'oi idlilrdM,D< 11 Mtth ill < n i l ) of i-lcwii

1 M r \ b u d " l i i c d , \ \ II AMIIIaina ('"•l< led t w e n u n i n e b i n H » m i took *«'<'m i d . tlii 11] a m i f i i i i r ih i-ra-kercl . flftl

pullit III t in 11, 1 nMtieim . n d i i) . k . t . r s l , m

nil |iull< 1, (mil

won foullll l-ock, se lien, fireriK-kcrul, Bftfonil pullet, Bt't-ond pon;F. L. Herbert fc Hun won Mtt'oiu

i! third l i n k , tlilrd, follllh Uiulifib hen, second uml fourth cock.jrelllf11, pullet and third i«-n; Mrs. (iL. Rivers wins IlrBt cock, first turnthird cockerel, third pullet mid llretpon; Cm-kroft I.- Mnr«d«n won fmirtlpul le t ; Ted TlioiHlw, Ilrst pullel-

HiK.-r Csimpltu-s -( ' iareriro Hurtmftii liiolt wi-i.iid roi-k. llrnt ben, llftlipuller, firat pen; Mrs. Clinrli-s OwniniiM took llmt ont-H, IMril Olid foiirll:

rocUi - rc l . flltit m i d f o i i r l hChi i r leB Hmll loi ik t i r« t iW i i l i n m Klin-i i inr ,"I Inok HOI-

p n l l e lw k t - r e lIIII iwii

!• ' . I,. llii|i|.e

Join! ( i t .nt l i . i lonk loiirth rock |l»eilti..u. but thvs.i blrtl» .-«ul(l wir

i m k c ! fi mil l pen; Tab., iii.ik thlul n « k ; t h im pnll'!t; Walter

e,tuw* nbwitnn 8lit» »ooi>

mid Mr» HitchrorkI.0U0 iblekdloatnwi »hc mttut havtt o»fly hati'hedand «ell nmtiireil pullnt* If »hfl *«»to net «XM In til" f«» »"1 • » " '(HIM tlni«" *•"•« *•** I18? » 'I'1'1 l ' r"HO, «n she halrhM the ihltko tin1 ftrnt<if Apr!! and IIKIWH them to laUflBinHttittlt h) CBtly CUtol*" 1l>«l«pa

• r h ' "»,». in . . ..).t S.<iJ . - I * . , . In \ i - r..i.i.f. ll.lwr, 1» Rt«« "In"1 r " r '•l

(, HID! wMUiwanl, i.»,!) fur nowTlitu «rr twn (..

' i f.wthrr

t ItiBla 41

tit— timiw* t»


Hill In II"

i l m , i.^cr Iwn «<(««(•« fw t "( "o"!1

l»nrll nr. W

* *

» *t"t*« *»T<MUttn\ 111 «<•<tin. lime n» ht«hf»l I>rl

i-i) lift!ji- n, J(.linm d lir Ir o t t I i r nl-.t m i lI t l ' i i ti.oli fltlli p i n

Ciibii i ibli i i i \ \ \ , i i i i b . t t m • W i l h u r -t h a Ki i t ins m u l t A i l i - . u i u p , tbklitfC.ill tlr«l!> m i l M ' m i l l s

K C Hlimlii U l» in l ! U d s t 'ffllikM. Ineiiicv took first imk, first anilHi,1.1 lien, drat, nwoml and fourlhpuliitH, first and st-tond p«n, serondand third <w-l<i>rol, W It. Tavernflrlook n-cond tnck, »««nd lien, fifth(oilsorel, nfth imltet, third l»n;(ittirgo Couch look ilr»t co(*«ir«l and(bird pullut «lt)i «» «n | (J * ' t l l f e *birds.

It 0 Ilhode Island IUHU -OretonHoultrj y»rdt took Brut rock, thirdhen, third and fifth pnllut; llatmlili'Vardu !««k KPiimd cotk ecfonrt lien,thlnl i>tM-ker*l. Fied Hku> look fourlh

urnmil it

•I j beautiful birds

Ini.k sncdWtilli-r ('

i i l

Tin-re van tm

Help your church, club or charity

YO U can do it by holding a prize Cake-Bak-ing Contest. IVt will furnish prizes free—prises that every woman will want—for

cakes baked with lleckera1 Sutierlifive Flour, The morecakes entered the better the prizes. Write for parttcutim.

The family loafto liave that good home-made taste must be made with flourof the highest quality. Hecketa1 Superlative FIOUF alwaysc n be depended on to yield bread and cake rich withthe delicious 6avor of pure wheat.

IPrtle I day t r eki Ian dirt,tar tha i>rtse CaAttaking c

Hecker-Joiei-Jewell Milling C J ^ HProduce Exchange

anyKltv<-r Hptt>n;b'd llarntmrBS ' . I1".

Dorval ilrtined up (bin I-IBSH. ThereWITH not manf birds tnli'i-eil,

Wlilto Crested Mark 1'ollnliFrank Andrews took Hr»t .oeki-n-land tint and awoml pullet; CImrl.-aKelly took WK-OIHI eoekt-iel anil ililnlpnllftt.

I.arfcenv«lil«r» Ml«» I.. K- Omtmxlwon drat cork, first, nofimd nml thinlhen, aofond and third cockerel, «r<--oftd, third and fourth piillf't and dmtgen; V. II, Anaon *ot» first roikemland lirnt pullwt.

Pit OauM* —Wllllain DIIVIH elraimdup flio i-lttss.

I'tnirllli'il Imlla Itumier Minim[{(idleott Knrtnii tn«K tlr«t, wr.unt»ni1 third In nil I-IMWM.




m M « , I M I I » « « « I Wfen fr<M» I** t*P }*"*>*'«*' " • " »

R, F. H«hen»tfllnf,

Mountain Viewa i A « , 1, MINUKIt

KrMder of Itarreil I'ijfmoiith Rock*WII1TK Wt'AWiXiTTBH

Milk fed tlrolt<*f« *B«1 HOMIW*MounJatntM*. W. 1,

HARMONY PARK andMISS CAREY of(>r|(lngt««s, <!mti(iliu«*,

Iji-ljlHIfllK, IBt*.

ROSE FARM8, C. White litilMtfHi

•Jf.wi.UrJ Mie<( ati4 Ullllty

« i

< "* '< "lift

Scudders Cash Market9 ELM STREET

Oysters R In season Fresh Vegetables

Frosh Fish every da? direct from Fulton marketFresh killed Broilers Lamb— Beef—Pork

George M. Scudder, Inc.


p.i -Mall and i'rionft Orders ileoeiv*Prompt and Careful Attention

Telephone 6500—Markat—Five Five-Hundred



l-'rom time Immemorial gloves havo boen lntlmittoly a^sociatodwith Christmas. They uro by no meiuia tbo leant of Klfta, a nd ai^acc^-ptlbhi lit all times. You enn j^lve them wfion other t'Atts seemout of place. AB a Roneral rule-- Klve cloves when i'eu pro In doubt.Our glovo itepfirtinent. In ready to fulfill ovevy ^tove reuulre.montdlctatod by FiMiikm. Tln> very Uncut Imported nmkoa are com-prised, Including the ce-lebratml Xavler Jouvln, Powncs, Dout'a,iteynior's and Adler'B.

WiMiien'M -l-llntton Xtiviei'iloiivln I''i-enc'i Hid <.lo¥i*s —Made ofIliK-st Beleckul l-'rencb kid skins obtainable, In white, nil BIZOB, pr.ii.50

Woinrii'N l«-IIutt«n SnTlPr .louvln Frcnth Kid (Jltive* Bilkpoint embroidered backs, In lilack and white, nil »ize« pi- 3,50

Women'* lM-lliiltoit Xjivlei- .liiuviti Ki-i-tteh Kid (.ioveR—JVIadoof the Iii-Bl »«k-t!tt'd sklna, In blnrk and whlto, pair il.Otl

WonieiiV 1 ami 2-t"ln»|i riqiie nml (H'l-rseum Kill (Jlovcs—Ourown importation, with tho ut'W witle t'mbroidory; wblln with thewide bluefc embroidery; black wltli til*- wlilo wliitu einbroldery;pair 1.23

WIIIIK'II'H :i-(°litn|> Xnvler .louvin I'Yrnrli Huwle i)lined—Silkpoint ciiibniiib'ri'il bnck«. In blnrk, pair MM

Wimu'ii'n U-t'lasp Snvnrln KW Hlon-s--Our own Importation.I'ftrls point emtiroidered iiHelin. t;iisBett-il nngeta, In tlm best similesof tan, .ubleii blown, KIHJ', navy; itlfio lilnck ami white, pair 1.00

Wuiui'ir* U-('lai>|) Celi-liriKed Xiuiei-Jouvlii I-'K-IH-II Kid (iloves—In tiui, i--,ijlden iiiovvn, Ki*fty tiiupe, blark lind wiilli-, ITuIr 1,50

WIIIHI-II'* ii-('lfi?<ji Olrollun HUt (.lnve% Our own imiioitatlon,I'lirln point back, in Inn, tuililt-n In own, tsruy, bkiek and whlt<-,jujj [• , . . . . . . , , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . ^ o

Wimu- i i ' n U - I ' U K | > I V t - r e - i I ' l q u e l l l . l « i l i .n 'H O u r o w n i n i j i m t n -Him, I ' u r ln | i i i lnt e i u b r o l i l e r e i t biickii, KUHHI'II-II lliiK-Ts, I n n . Koldi ' l lb n . u n , him-li a m i whi t . - , p a i r l -^l*

W O I I I I ' I I ' H ^ l l - l l u t l i i i i X i u i e i - . Imivl i i Ki l l <i ln»e» Mailn ul t l ioH, , , . , , W . | , . | :U. | | F r i ' i i r b k i d eli l im, in b l i i r k m i d whl! . - , p a i r -1.50

W o m e n ' s H i - l l u l l o i i l i i ipo i l i - i l ( i h u c l - l« | i ie K id fll.ivt-» M a d e oft h e finest m-lecti-d s k i i m , full a r m i-lre, i n wl i l te , »-itb wk l« b lm-k

\ V o m i - n ' « U-t'la.H|i J i i i M o t Kid Ul lnr -4 O u r o w n l i n p u r t a t l n u ,I ' a r lu p o i n t e l l l t i l o ld i ' l i ' i l l iockB. Kvnfelei l I I I I K I I S , of tin- fllie..(

T W O W l l | t T I I - W H I I , l ; SI ' l - : i ' l .» l ,HW u i n e i r * li'-K. T.V. U< in-.|> l i l i l ( i l i . n - - • Kllk ) .nlnl . - i i ib iui i t f i rwl

ImrkH. In Hie. bmil « h u d i » of m i l , u r u j . mtiili . , d im. b h w k u m l w l i l t o ,n e w , hi-Bli, HI . ( I , »l labb< »k l lm. |m l r <'•*«

VViiinrli 'n i i i - s . it.'-n SJil . l t i i l l . in I I I I I I I I I - I I - I I Khl ( l b . f r - i-'llll ('111a r u m , 'if HIM IllieHt n e b T l e d ahlli i i . I! | i "n r l bul l b u l l . i n s . In wl l l lo , n i l»\ti't. m i f t l a l , lit. p.'llr . . . . • • '•*••'•*

rilOMPT AM* C I>KI,IVKHIi» l!k' Olill OWS WAflUNH

L. 5. PLAUT & CO.711 TO 721 BKOAI) ST., NBWARK, N. J,

- * * •

H. J. Martin, Jr.

it tills (if'^8 afUtr f Imy iiftyis

Iisil iiitr s l tent iol i s i l l i i rut*

what *« nfieii i-!*lw- t ha t our

l»irj<-(» fiijmlr work [irncUsatlj1

llidlliill » u t i w l "MOOfl »* II»W."

Wi> have tifjlunlr Um i%lll fcofttof imig fssjiRrhiisfft aiul ill®forllltla* (of #kll»l«lll« It- • « •tl«V! »la« Ut@ ''pMit^'* tilt TliSltiJ'iii»ln>» of wh«»l«, or «»t WlIl.niii with »«(| illllit tMinf,ht to our ttiiritlM- f.«H linyw|1(lotiii«ii whd'i (men her*





Page 9: THE WESTFIELD LEADE - DigiFind-It · THE WESTFIELD LEADE *^e LeadinLeading and Mosg antd Widel Most Widely Circulatey Circulated Weekld Weekly Newspapey Newspaper in Unior inn Unio



Pirat Church Workers Adopt PssttIlcnm's Program of Wider


The Men's Brotherhood of th;I<"ir8t M. E. church held a specialmeeting on Thursday night lastconsider Pastor Beam's program agreater activity in Westfleld. ThiCabinet reported favorably on truplans and tlie Brotherhood decided tienter oa the work aB outlined.

Vice President Fallcm was appointed on the committee to take up com-munity study and public welfawhich will include anything thathelp toward the advancementWestflsld mttieriaily and morally. S,D. French will have charge of nearb;city mission work and T. T. Harkrader will be in charge of 28 men whwill take a religious census of West-Held next month. A committee raalso named, consisting of HaroliBrahiard and Dr. Gill, to prepartpublic Jecturea on social problems,education and various lines of community culture. Mr, Whitloclc, MrNewell and Councilman Affleck Yertnamed a committee to consider thesuggestion of starting a churchprinting- plant. A free- empioymontbureau will also probably be organIzed.

Pastor Ream, who was present, oxpressed himself as very much pleasedwith the interest and enthusiasm dis-played by the members of the Broth-erhood and said he knew their "workwould tell not only greatly to thebenefit of tba church hut the com-munity as well.


Interesting Discussion at the Men'sOlulstlan Forum last Sunday,

The Men's Christian Fomm ot theFirst M. B. church resumed discus-sion ot politics last Sunday with par-ticular roferonco to the proper atti-tude a Christian should tako towardthe political questions when electiontoy comes around. C. R. Williamsand J, I). Hicks made short talks.Mr. Hicks arousing considerable in-terest by lila emphatic views In op-position to equal suffrage. Woman'splace was In the homo, with man thehead of affairs. Women, ho declared,could never agree on much of any-thing. Politics and Christianitydidn't mix, according to his opinion»ud ho instanced tlio fall of the for-mer boss of Gravcsend, John V. Mc-Kane, who before his entry into poli-tics was a sfneore Christina. Poli-tics ruined him and he went to thepeneteatlary.

Kdward Malmer said his experiencewas tltat men could and did tRlteChristianity Into politics and ho citedmnny instances of It in the publiccareers of President Wilson, Secretary ;Bryan and others. Harry Parker, F.n. Ham and others contributed to thediscussion and Leader Beattye sum-med up the discussion. He believedthe utlinmto aim of politics, despiteIts present, state to bo steadily towardtho establishment of an lilenl siatt) ofgoi'ieiy. It meant a war on all thingsharmful and hurtful to society, a Let-ter administration of justice, the re-formation of criminals and lilt- col-loctlvo determination to maintain jus-tice to every individual, high nndlow. Society would ultimatelyreach ttu< gresit h'oal o fa universalbrotherhood and the establishment ofheaven upon <?artli.

Next Sunday "Tho Kmaticlpatioliof the Voter" will lie discussed nndthen) will lie short talks on the "In-itiative and Keferi-mluni," t!ie "!£<•-call." mid other ntoilern jiolnical doficea for tho introduction of greaterrulf liy tin1 lH'opU1. The- oilhH'ia andmembers of tlii' Forum arc particu-larly jmxloim to welcome anystnuicorn tn tlii'sw meclinKs nnd willlio iih-.'UHHl In lifivn iliem take ft fullshurn in (lio ilisru^ioiiB which HITopen and Informal. 1-Ivery new Ideawill lie welcomed. Tlu> Fanmi mtu-te•ivory .Sunday iiptn-reii 12 and I, In tlio main auditorium of theclJtirdi.


(Contliuiiu! from pago s).

raiiimtlii' problem has Imon n irrlnm(>m> tuul It is beromhig IHOIIS andnioro I'omplksntiHl, 90 yor font oftlio coat o( fcstidllug dm hanking!btwlncua--1 mean tho ovnrlioail \fhniKf* i»ml (tin accounting <>ost» mill Isimilar «x|)on«oa—-fifnw out of thema of rrhwlin. This ran Im rumlily»lirt*n by conuidriiiK « largo Nationalbunk with a largo Having* hunk. I

"H l» IntoreatliiK to note lhatulirmul. In fJnnimtiy, Kn gland suitli«miiM», whrro they tire fortunate Inhiivtiij. n me,, of hntikfr*, t!n<»tit>rnl>l»m* nro bmidlml »eU<ittltt«iJly,althmitch tho rhnck (in* not uefnlutiento Itio Mine ustont thero a* It huther", fur two r«Moiui—-"boM«f wi«m« ot nnta IMIMI uniJ different btttl-!••<-*» (irnftlfpn, yet iimfr cfteek lawn»I!<1 iii:-ihnil» of KHlMtitm (irii f»r *u>

JJfffrif in Dlifil,"II ni«>- round like » vn1! rmllnil

«*<»«'.n*'flt for m« t« mdkrt (i-(irii Kiln


Winter is HereDiscard your pumps and oxfords and cover your

feet with seasonable footwear.

The right kind for the whole familyDO YOUR XMAS SHOPPING EARLY




"The Up-to-Dato GOOD REPAIRING \QQ Broad S t r e e t

Shoe Store" PHONE 7S.J Westf ie ld , N. J .


With MISS EDNA DUNHAM, Soprano Soloistat the

Presbyterian Church

Friday Evening, November 28, at 8,15 p.m.UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE MEN'S CLUB

For complete program see news columns of The Leader.

Tickets may be secured at either Frutchey's

Drug Store or Casey's Drugstore

• •?• » A • A • i

The Prevailing Fur CreationsK0R THK COMING 8HASON ARK

LYNX Sf^S: MOLE SKIN IWe hare them In such t(*lnptin^ assortment that no matter how

particular you uru In





Vim. 4:I.lilN(J VVUti.


Hand Painted ChinaDECEMBER 2nd, 3rd and 4th

Everybody Is cordially Invited to attend.


nlib )m, injf I

»I1J tuttQl

| | , ni In


<if ItaBurl

«lil T(m \mtiU fl*i.», in myU H1* gitruw wh!?h in shuftltuiway I ta *IttiI I* Mfiittnjf As

i (el li'S«>»(nir a


tit )

fd *fcm M>«I

#i>fc nit ti l«B» l»»*trtpw

tlifnf m UUrfOtTca t«ig (.(ut .In in.) ,.inH


We Give &/£ StampsASK FOR THEM . ^

^ ^ PH.)s M o r k r d w h i t r ^ r i ^ l t i i n j ; o f I l i n Ili-M p r t ]


W E G I V E H.-fC T R A D I N G S T A M P S'OQ0E




We Could Not Affordto keep telling the people through our advertisement about our goods if we only

sel! them once. ' . /

We know, from experience, that if a lady comes into our store and buys once

coming again.

Others have tried us to their satisfaction, why doa't you? ,

You take no risk. We fully guarantee everything we sell to give unquestioned

faction for the price, or hack your money goes.

Wo don't want your money unless we give you full value in return for it.





Telephone 484 W





AGNIFICKNT Persian klt tena forsale. Good home considered beforel>riw». Mrs. Wualiburne, i!24 SummitAve. Call by appointment.

GOOD Chiekering upright pianosale. Price J75.0ff. W, G. Reger,Prospect St. i n - e

forger. 111iO-23-tf

N ESTIMATE for your painting ordecorating costs no tiling1, and willsave you money from the WellerBroe., Scotch Plains. "Uesponalbleand reliable. Tel. HGS-R. §-i9-mt

six ROOM HOUSE to let on OrchardSt,f two blocks from station, gaa,water; bath. Kent reasonablyEauinann, I^hotOKrapher, Broud St. ti

TAXII>ElWHSTr Birds nnd Animal-stuffed and mounted. T. W. SistyWajside Park, 1'iione 1289-J, Dunellen, N. J. ll-12-3moi

RIGHT SUNNY OFFICES for ren t Innew building; centrally located. In-quire W a t e r Company, 107 W. Broad•treat . 3-12-t*

.iniST31AS GIFTS—A year 's aub-Ecriptton to one or more guocl niaga-zintB in an ideal Christrmiw Gift, i tJ3 a monthly reminder of you forone year. 1 semi a beautiful Christ-mas Card s ta t ing that the fflft iafrom you, 10 tlios& whom you wish toremember in this manner. Senfl for36 page catalog of iiiui^aziiie bar-

'fis. Andrew 3. Shampanore, theaaslne Mnn, 26S AVatcliuncr ave-

nue,, No. Phitnflelt}, N, J.

. . . J I K H ' S AVeekly, American SIsizirte, l>olincntov, 1 year eath, $4Hlutmuftnore, the Magazine Man, 268"Wntcliuiij- Ave., No. i'lalidleiti, N. J

)M1>1.If by Jay. Address L,

clfiiin-.* Oitice

ASH ION A HI. M drfSKmnktT, Moderivfit. Mw, Hroil. 250 Muvrav St

iib(!t)i. Tol. connection. 11 -12- * t

ft !H;il-l>I.\C l,«T^—$250 each.Kewood Avenufi Section; only I

ft'.w U-ft, llolmea, WouctruR' 8 torneW J 428 t

)H HEMT—J-ar^e fninl room, ilou .iri out- Hln^Ie rixmi, witli lnjartl. -lit.

lloulevard. 11 ~ 11*

UK RKNT—New eieht room housewith all modern lmi-rovementa.Steam heat, s a s unil Hvclriolty, Ap-

tn your own broker or a t liouse,ner Fi rs t Ktreet and Union Ave-i. If

.HI R K ) i T - S room cottage, newlyjiftlntffi nnd s.11 improvement ft. t'iroveHt.. near ^umnilt sve., chicken houseand burn, fruit tre«a, 6«3 'WGSiflelO

. Tel. 412-J. 1-U-lt

il SAMO—Brimlle ^nulleli hu!IUnit lMh-v. 11ns SH. ' 10-39-2t

II N.\f.K---A full hffi'.l IIil>j\nto). 4 2ft Kiintmlt Ave

IE*'tn(*iiihcr o u r j'.for

It SA1.1-: IttiJrk

lit Tii- ii.«cii ,*?;ifin n v l.,-;Wit.r.

:t1«, 4-cyHud*<f, A-U-lit. i'rf.stn \\y.\\\,

Extra Special-10™;w;t'AHH10P » <•««


llti a can

MA1HM;\ l i ini ' l H

tHr %mr Hi,

ItHANII ((IM,Til<H.So. 1 <mi. His (.mi

li.MHINH:i |iii(i« f*ii- arSf.

('(innANtw jlljikK* rnrUHc' '

» . H. MliNC'B MKAT» tut tMk.

lly HIP Iliil,n,»t.i:



tlllTTKII, iw )h, me, j <<l (to,

TttV OHH P4M»l>N TKAH df» WtWKtmWitll '-.Ini Htiimi"!


lona IMimijor ia 4ft t p » i | f J

til nfiirdtliif; wliti !h» h*tih<

Mark6tptaeB»*0ur C

'iftnnum fltnary nibjr. Ciiil

(••tuii! ?=. suihiflNiM't-rl in !paLh<=r.ill v-is :i2:> M5nintitlli Avu

I ilH S HI4*1 HmjiU (l«t wdter hf»a|R0. t*o* »4. t6-29'3t -

niM HIH! WSKnnI (mk tlln-

U Hum-

^nc! i Hura blipM ?> 4 el#*a*sM Thnman

Ft H\T«111'I» <*r imfurMaht-d H mnn in

(f.*h I'ti't*u' WVntAfl't Mt If ft tf

ni curk m.iiisn iKMiiTtATjintr

TO LET—Large room with board toworking men. Fan wood Ave., neaUolf LinkB. Box 224.

TO LET—Cooper house. Nearest goodresidence to station. Especially fit-ted for physician, cientfst, etc. W,G. Peckham. - I0-29-3t eow

TO LET—Small store occupied byWorl & Mlllett, ?1O. W. G. Pock-ham. 10-29-3t eow

TO liKT—Six room house on DowneSt. Inquire 632 New York Ave.

\* LOAN—Money uii lirst bond anmortgage. C. A. Springstead. 320'• - "• 11-12-tmortgage. CProspect St.

T » v .»C€>«tri1iviij and tender; curs,bridge, t rack signals, etc.; also 6 ciF'cult tfiinKf'oi-iiUM1. all In )n;ri'e.*i;t orUs'r.Cost over $40. Will sell cJiciiii. Cjinhv nven at H. B. Miller Son*, Broad fit.

TO ni<;\T— Suitable for tea me r J-arBpJn>uay wJUi }t\ff*e iMirri find one ann?.IL'O. I \ T. I'eckhiim lX-12-3t

.» RK\ 'P~Tiv« turnlnh^isteam heat, n'rinonnble, with .out board. Me, Leader.

• " p S ^ S S f r o o m for 0M- ^TO H E N T - Flat, (2 'faintly house) fill

rooms ami batii; all im

TO BENT—147 Central avenue; 7 room«and bath; all inim-uvements; two min-utes tn school, Htatitm, s tores o r trol-ley; filso l&l Central flvenue, samecunvprilelices: renlfl reasonable. Apply W, I, Caf'i>0!H<?f. H 9 Centra l Ave

2-18-tfTO ! U S S T - 1 room*,

and 6 room Pl«c«; 5and 6 room apartment on NorthWashington fit., 10 inlnute* walk Gar-wooii factories, cheap. Api»ly VillaBros. Boi 28. Town 4-!3-tf

l'Mtm!-:M*A!t, rerovffred and repairedat t'harles Clark's Men'i Furnlshinemore, Br^ad atrest S-S-tl

l l i v o l . i K ,»t Under

W A N T K H - I , n a n Oin-f, t h i tuus i i ' l rlo?-btrfi on fullv lfnf,rnv, 'd ri'itl H.= !/tN>Fti-^i-t-lfi^^ Hrriisil- . Ail 'ilfSH I.itnn.•nro l.f-iiilor t l - i : - 3 l

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!mt w o iI ' l ann ln

work eaning ithalKreJnho|», Bummtt n»«, be-


A v i ' , H u r -1 1-19-lf

fHitaf'aiiS' far MI* be C.'A nmUh

HOVSB, fi'nr riMHf«», im{ir^i¥«!ii^iHa. .

PR t-«fiil« Hlui bath, st-flin Int** filnii'll |ltll»!1''Sf*F**liHt^! ?f'l» f"** (V*t,1r «i*,•% i t I,«i.«si-r1, I* i^mlwi . t r m .ttr*aiV. H. .3 i t . M It

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tjtlsi' 4!(*!*1 (:O.ft litsfe iJK**fc<i w*rrt''i-'»

HAVK rou iii.fjN RountrnYKT'/-

TJu'tv H«n IIIOIt lir.u!.-:'i i f M ^ Ilh>m 1,1.1....!

N»» !>' ink-i»t nu l l nt-^jtf l t ' 1oJU-JU*' H^Hir:*.{ flrn. h<.fr v, iM tut( i t l l f v |rl ' i n I htnmrlt ll^-.l.i-lttttf gin^fet ii iw.iii l

iin: HAII: if LOW


Im^jTi1 if-j'iv^iw httrilU-I re.reHp'h* Nf

him nrvnluiE J«» HtiiKor, »r WontItromi slf^«(, liftid ft lutfey iiiiniiiwrntirt won ft itm vt riwl *(. ttm ('minifymart) nl the I'luyhniiitn. *r»n.i»i.i •-turkfiy iilgltt ««(1 «v»r^lBliliJif.B t« wltt k felfd,

III l I tV I:U "» 1,1,4

h»* *


t . . .


„,»«.» (tin

tl at

AutomobileUsed cars inolading a

$150Other cars as follows;

Touring—Four-Passenpr •cdell—fise-Passeip •

1912 Roadster will, Wiwk,,

AU cars fufly equipped u

good order,

19 j I Overland Toaritfl

Fin:il word in complttsa]

ment—only run three(k

miles—A Big Bar|«ia


135 Elm Street Wfs!Mi|

Mandolin and Piano I


«27 CllinliprlamI St..

Jot>bin( Promptly

J o h n BrigugiijCarpenterSjailfej

448 W. Broad St,

Player Piei

FORat fadwyP**1

Apply O t t o F«Fourth /

BUTTERA . W . Hov/a


oresiry mu. c.

•^^^•™ - niiat:

wwi,r^- figs!,»,. M, «t » I- g " P « ,

»"«•» tfi tm,t In itx rf««K MUM- i'"-'i"1"»»TMr.wifiisr. tiow-rw aw! r:"T-Srs-';V,,7irwi»»

Page 10: THE WESTFIELD LEADE - DigiFind-It · THE WESTFIELD LEADE *^e LeadinLeading and Mosg antd Widel Most Widely Circulatey Circulated Weekld Weekly Newspapey Newspaper in Unior inn Unio

The Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County


IFAWESTFIELDCOHHUTERSome ihonghts tihat oughtto break through thecrust of indifference andsensitize self-interest : :

For Brother Commuters

Hera comes a Brooklynlte!" ABturn-around was gratified withabove picture, I told my Informerbo was almost right. This onoWealflelder; its parents are theloklynltes." Do you know thatBklyn is tho moat munificent con-utor to the population of West-

And what's better,—for theas bureau and the school teach-—tho city of perambulators andey-dodgers la the best friend ofstork. Apropos of Thanksgiving,we forgot, we Bhould he thank-tor the goodly supply of gooders who are so steadily enhatic-,he population of our town,—thecheerful givers.

se of these kind benefactors inIng her youngsters to ehurclirhankaglving, gave him, for con-itlou, a dime and a penny. Tohis liberality, she reminded him

"tho Lord loveth a cheerful•." Willie returns from churchtho dime still in his possession.In explanation said, "Well, I

knew I could give the penny morecheerfully than the dime, so I keptLlie dime."

On the 7:06. Why is It that thetwo girls, whom we always see to-gether, will cot notice each otherwhen one of them has a gentlemanfriend along?

ciiu weol: would pay for many, manymore. Tho [our per.nk'S change thatsome commuters do not stop for, inthree days would stuff the largestturkey for the largest family of de-serving ones.

On the 7:32. The little fellow;some three feet high. If you knowhim, you know his pet style ofgreeting. A friendly slam oa theback that doubles up many a sixfooter.

Onth«7:63 . That very stout per-son has one good point about him;and that Is—himself. Ho Is thopivot around which no one can sitin an area of three and one half feet,Move over, old top, may be a slimlassie will take a chance at the seat.

On the 8:45. The arlBtocratictrain. I envy them for their easyoffice hours. There is one centralfigure of Interest; tho savant whoseknowledge on all topics has madehim a very prominent figure; and itIs of him who I will write more fullynext week.

"I wish every passenger would holdtheir tickets as high as you do," saidthe conductor on the 5:46, "Somepeople seem to try to find out how farray Dack-bone can stretch, by holdingtheir tickets as low aa they can whenI come to punch them." They for-get that this conductor must beadover seven hundred times at astretch on this trip alone. "Have aheart!"

Beware of the horse hitched to anewspaper wagon at the entrance tothe ferry house at Liberty street.He has a natural talent for nippinghia trade-mark in the nearest partof one's garment.

"Singularly Synthetical Statistics."Tho coins dropped into the Sal-

vation Army girl's tambourine atthe Liberty street ferry house en-trance have bought sorno turkeys;but tile pennies dropped on thenewstand just three steps from tlilidevotee of charity, it sacrificed for


Now then, give way to tho turkey.Maka room. Eat sparingly.—tonight,Retire early. Sharpen your appetite,and let the national bird take It*place.

Hungrily yours,


W. N. Hacked, a former residentof Summit avenue, this town, passedaway at the Murlborough Hotel, InEast Orange, on Monday afternoon.Mr. Hackett was a popular memberof tho old BOCial club and when InWestlloki was interested In churchwork. He is survive..] by a widowand two daughters. The funeral ser-vices will be held from the home othis daughter, Mrs. Sidney H. Carpen-ter. 402 Fourth avenue, Ronevllle,on Friday evening of this wook at So'clock.

Descriptive Letter of the Cere-mony from a Washington

School Girl to HOP Chum


(Special Wire to tha Leader.)Washington, D C Nov. 26, 1913.

Dear Dolly:I did not intend -writing so soon

again, but I must tell you uow allabout the White House weddingwhich took place yesterday at 4:30p. m,, in Use largo East Room, withbeautiful furnishings of white andgold, all decorated with most beauti-ful roses of all kinds.

Tho wholo scene was a pretty af-fair, with Bueh on air of dignity andelegance surrounding it. Tho fol-lowing is an exact copy of Invitation:

The Preeldent and Mrs. Wilsonrequest, 'he pleasure of the presence



at tho marriage of their daughter,Jessie Woodrow,

toMr. Farads Howes Sayre,

on Tuesday, Nov. tho twenty-fifth,Nineteen hundred and thirteen,

at halt after four o'clock atThe White House.

The bridal party stood on a plat-form erected in front of tho tripleeast window in tho large East Room,exactly where Miss Nellie Grant nm]Miss Alice Roosevelt stood. A largewhite silk ropo was extended to forma passageway from the man entranceto the platform. Mr. Francis B.Sayre, tile bridegroom; Dr, Greenfoll.tlic l)OBt man, who worked with Mr.Sayru In Labrador, and Rev. Sylvoster W. Iieack, the President's pastorat Princeton, N. J,, came down themain stair caae. and the pretty brideon tlm arm (if tho President, followedalso the live attendants. The hrld«was beautifully gowned in lustrouswhite satin, softly drnpod and trim-med with real lure. Orange Wosnoro

d«slsus.,outlliu'd Iho open neck, the 'sloevui hid ituop trills of luce and the;handHomo miuare train waa thrcu •yards In length. The full length veilwas of tullo arranged In tho Dutchap Btyle.

The five attendants were mostleautlfully and effectively gowned in

pink eharracuso tho shades har-moniously blended from deep rose tothe palest pink tint which was wornby hor stater Margaret, who %vas Imaid of honor. They all hail ovor-drapsrica of chlft'on, and tunics ofsilver lace, and tho high flaringMaire Antoinette collars were madeof sheer cream laco, nleo the flowingsleeves, which gave the whole scene amost renal appearance. Th« attend-ants all wore hats of pink moire vel-vet and sliver laco.

Mrs. Wilson, who la handsomerthan all the .daughters, andreally looko about us young as anyof them, wore a beautiful «cru vol-rsl gown with draperies of brocadechiffon. Ecru lace and mink tftlltrimming added to tho effect. Theskirt waa prettily draped to one aideof front, with a fall ot laco extend-ing to the bottom ot skirt, and a longsash of lace bshtnd outlined withmink tall fur, completed her gown.

I understand the bride baa IBtrunks filled with her wardrobe, butwhile all of her gowns arc beautiful,up-to-date, none ot them carry thostyleB to excess. Most, if not all, ofhor gowns were made in America, be-ing made in New Vork and Washing,ton. Tim bride's wedding gownand the gowns ot the attendants woreall made by K. K. Hanley Co,, ofNow York.

Mrs. JCBSIO Wilson Sayre wasborn on Aug. 28, 1887, In Oalnos-

lo, Oa., making her 26 years ofago, and as Micro la hardly a year'sdifference between tho Rlrls* ages,you can seo none of them are soawfully old, and right here I willmention that some gossips, doubt-less anxious to keep the matrimonialhull rolling, have started tho reportthat Mine Margaret Wilson is soonto wnd ono of tho ushers, Dr. GilbertHorrax, ot Montclair N. J., but thatis fimphatlcally dented, ns Mlsa Wil-son mot him for tho first time withinthe last week.

Tho hrltlo wan educated by hor

mother and a Gorman governus, un-til Bbo l'cnclicd tho ago of twolve,whsu sho unlKred a private school InPrinceton. In 191)4 she enteredGouches College at Baltimore, Sid.,graduated in 1909, and after a shor t ;timo in society and abroad she be-gan to -work in the Lighthouse Set-tlement iu Philadelphia. Sh» on-joyn such work as do all tho threegirls, and In 1512 sho became an ae*tivo member of the National Boardif tho Y. W. C, A.

Mr. and Mrs. Francis Sayre re--reived the guests in tho Blue Itooni,Loth looking exceedingly happy, of

Tho flno Marine band rendered »charming program during the cere-monies, which was wafted inthrough the velds hall. A* buffetlunch was served In the State diningroom, while the bridal party had a 'able In the adjoining private dining

roam.The bride was rattior Blow In cut-

ting tho 169 pound cake, doubtloaaweighing in hor mind to wa how Itcould be cut to the belt advantage.There was over 000 guests present,and as she had recolved about 200urgent appeals for "a piece ot wed-ding cake to droam on," you canreadily BCO many would be <lUap"polntod,

Mr. ana Mrs, Sayre'a troubles arcJunt beginning, us Bhe has over$10,000 worth of proscnta, Includingsparkling goms and cssponiivo plate,which has all boon hustled to theattic for safe keeping, closely guard-ed by the Whlta House police, tillthey are ready to move Into thslrprotty cottage at Wllllamstown,M(1BS,

You must pardon this long letter,and I havo not told you/half yet, hutwill save other news till !K?xt time.

"STonr lorliigFLO.


The members of Company B, Uni-form Hank, Jr. O. V. A. M., will given dance In the W«3tB«ld theatre HB-sembly linll this avenluff. Music forthe occasion will be furnished byDuBlianok. Already a gooilly numbar

; of tickets has been <old and ths sflnlrproiBlsefi to he both a financial andsocial success.

The National Bank of WestfieldBEGINNING WITH

December 1st, 1913<Z SAVINGS INTEREST

June and December FirstThis will enable our depositors to receive the interest upon the sa¥ings, or to withdraw any

portion of their principal without loss of interest, at a time when it may be used for vacations,taxes, Christmas or other end ol the year requirements. It obviates the necessity of a special sav-ing fund. It furnishes the advantage of Christmas or Holiday Savings Funds with interest at

May be opened at any time. Deposits of ILOO or more maybe made when desired. For lesser amounts w© will continueour Holiday Saving Fund which has proved m successful.


Page 11: THE WESTFIELD LEADE - DigiFind-It · THE WESTFIELD LEADE *^e LeadinLeading and Mosg antd Widel Most Widely Circulatey Circulated Weekld Weekly Newspapey Newspaper in Unior inn Unio

SPORTSAll the Latest News In

Bowling, Basketball, Football, Hockey, Athletics

BOWLINGStanding of Clubs.

W. h.Ked Men 16 3

Royal Arcanum 14 4"Woodmen Camp 2 0 . . . . 14 7Juniors ; . . 11 10Loyal Association 8 13Woodmen Camp 3 6 13Immediate Aid 2 19



December Schedule.

Dec, i—Woodmen 3 vs. Red Men.Dec. 2—Woodmen 20 vs. Royal Ar-

canum,Dec. 4—Loynls vn. Juniors.Dec. 8—Immediate Aid vs. Woodmen

3.Dec. 9—Woodmen 3 vs. Juniors.Doc. 11—Immediate Aid vs. Wood-

men 20.Doc. IB—Red Men vs. Itoyal Ar-

canum.DM , 1G—Red Men vs. Juniors.De c . ig—Woodmen 3 vs. Royal Ar-

canum.Dec. 22—Immediate Aid vs. Loyals.Dec. 23—Royal Arcanum vs. Juniors.Dec. 29—Woodmen 3 ve. Woodmen

20.Dec. 30—Red Mon vs. Loyals.

Woodmen 30 VS. Juniors.

The Juniors were no match for thelocal Woodmen of tho World in theirmatch Thursday evening, ami whilethe Woodchoppers gave the Me-chanics plenty of oppDrtunltlee to de-feat them they just could not do it.The Woodmen started off well in thoopener and then foil into ton bigholes and finished up with 782, theirlowest score of the season.

Shotwell lust missed tho two hun-dred mark and his team wero beatenby 8 pins.

The second game wio belter playedbut Allen could not get hia pins todrop and again the Juniors lasted de-feat. In the final game Cox rollednigh score of the league, 215, andshould have had nine strikes, as thoseven pin stood in the first three

frames after good hits.was the last totals ami


were a much fllsatipointed 1toft for home.

The scores:WOODMEN CAMP 20

Radin 156Khmling H2Kuoua 17SMiller . . . .122(3ox . . 175


JUNIORS.Baker 130Mlnnlck 146Allen . .136Winter 160Sbotwnll 19!)

77-1Woodman—43 strikes

20 splits; 20 misses.Juniors-—3fi strikes.;

17 splits; 34 rates.




830i; 67


to 702Juntoreot that






Uiynl txwwlntimi « , Wo

Tin- I o>.ils ruiiRlu tli<>


JUNIORS.Tinker 175Allen 150Winter . .Cline . .ArchboldShotwell


. 2 0 0





Jackson . . . . . . 152iliiler 109Brown 152Gray 144I'owlcs ISO


112166136163IE 7






. 714Juniors—46 strikes; 57 spares; 13

splits; 34 misses.Aid—!3-i strikes; 5IJ spares; 15

splits; 48 misses.


Tito big match next week takosplace Tuesday, Dec. 2, when theWesllleld Woodmen and itoyal Ar-canum will clash.

Cox rolled an even GOO pins last«eok and lioosted his averago to186.10.

This evening the 12 hour matchiviil bo rolled on FlagR's alleys, andwill finish at 12 noon tomorrow. Thetoanm are well matched and manywill stay on the side line all night.

Koons lilt the pins for 570,Winter had a good chance to win

tho first match hut threw the ballaway,

Tho Aid team are good to havearound when the big teams roll, anthey manage to. up set calculations bytaking one from their contestants.

Havo you a Shotwell FraternalLeague schedule? If not, secure oneat once, It is the best ono ever Kot-ten up for the league.

The prizes will be assembled dur-ing December and placod on ex-hibition.

Mlnnick was swinging like a gateand Mr. Headpin had both w . and J .teams scared to death ns he forcedtwelve splits in the first four framesin the opener.

Friday night the Royal Arcanumteam will roll tho Elizabeth Athleticteam on the Elizabeth alleys, and aeturn match will bo rolled on Flags's

Dec. 10,Are you a subscriber? If not

Imnd your name in for a six monthsubscription for the small sum offifty cents.

Presbyterians, look out for Kim-ball's learn this woek, only three willsatisfy this bunch.


Standing of Teams:W. L.


II.S.8 III828812

6 783


Wi-lllolilWoOllmeil It Httlt' Lit ttioil ff.III! Mtlll-dav n'j i i t ;.iiti the t . ' i i . ^ in nh^mly faMiloi. c . \ ua^ tin' onljWuuilchii|ii»'i lu il«i|i "I ." pii . i., int l n t l n j r , u M U > ( 3 l ! m o i o w e n t h i m t i n

iM' t t 'T illl.l 111 , ' iltmil Wl l l lu ' l l Ill3 i i lnt

g a u m fin 2 o i

The Unuilmeu lin.l tin. iir^l fiuni1

all tlits uitv niii! Him h\ 7U tii"»DutliT won llm s 11 mill pnnio will.

» lll|i!i- hi 111.- Illllsh of ttli) HKOIHIwlil.'h H.IS nlii ami turk i«\i'iv finiui'Thn WiiOilliiiMi l.-il t( II phm III til.'eighth, (' imtrkli'K b> the I u>«hgave thrill thi' advantage In tin* ninthI ! plus lliltler tlM-n ni.ul" ht-i beatctfiirln 1'imiil for 1M, n i l M i mini,tlifuugli wlllioul n inISH for 11)4 andoveryhody IK'^IIII counting Cosbeat Oitmoro 27 plug lint wlimi tinsshoeta were. iftUIed the Uiynlii weresinners by 1H [dun.

Th« Html WHS another pious sameam! (tie l*ayals bmk« all ircotds furfir*! frame* 118,

Fiinn« itflor frame went throughflraii whllflithe WonUmoii »»t « «pll'.ni" ml«» iiilmul with Ihnir mwl«« niultho l.n,vala forifod ttlinlld nil tllfl way,

U11M, AHHOCiiATION.Mutter . . I2K IM 14ft

Th^ie wftH a surprise In store furth« Methodist brethren last FridaynlKlit when I hey met the Oiititiiinal linwlerii and went homeinto loin* MUtut. to their cri'ilit.

Thi> fan mat Methodist onlytin1 {list iUim' liy IB pilift srrm


wonti to

strong enough to defe gby 16 pins. A match la being ar-ranged for next week with a good

Th :out ol town team. The scores:WESTFIEtD THEATRE.

R a t l i n 1 3 «Ehmllng 169Baker . . . . . , 1 5 6Bogert .- 159Stegmeier . . . .174



Carpenter . .IBSMontross . . . . -142WorthRalph. .Slack .

168. 98.116











Nearly two hundred were attractedto the St. Paul's Parish House Fridayevening to witness the basketballgame between St. Paul's "K. B." fiveand tho Scotch Plains Parish House

iu. Tho Karae was fast and wellplayed and the locals got away withtlii! game 33 to 25. Kwlng againproved ho knew liow to make the bas-kets for field goals, and he put' histeam in the lead In the first half, 19to 11), enough advantage to hold thegame safe.

The visitors came back strong intho Eceontl half and scored 15 pointsagainst the "K. IS." 14.

A return game will be played atScotch Plains this Saturday nlEht.

The line-up:•K. D." SCOTCH PLAINS

Taylor Alleg«rleft forward

Ewtnu E. Maretonright forward

Lambert W. Marotoncenter

Randall Ansonright guard

Sieserson Saundersleft guard

Field goals—fiwinB 9, Taylor 4,Wisserson 2, Ilandal! 1, Anuon t,10. Marston 5, W. Murston 2, Alleger2. Foul goals—Ewlng 1, Allegnr 5.Heferee—W, llelnecko.


The girls' basketball team of thoWentflcld High School have adoptedtho following schedule of games forthe coming season. Tlie first gamewill take place this afternoon, whenthe team from tho Crnnford High willbo their opponents:

Tuesday, Dec. 2nd—WestllcW atNorth PlainBeld.


Weetll i ie.Roseuson carried tlie ball ovt»ron ths last down, saving Plainfleldfrom a shut-out. Butler kicked the

The last period was all Westfield.Marsh added another touchdown tothe three already credited to W. H,8., bringing the final score to W. H.S., 26; P. H. S., 7.

Cherry played his usual good gameat quarter and Taylor made good atfull in spite of a lame knee, but thestars of the game were Randall andMarsh. Every time they took theball they geined either in brqkenneld work or line plunging., Notmany Plainfleld plays got around leftend. Miller, Class and Randall nail-ed every one that tried to get bythem. The other side of the linewas by no means weak for Hohen-steln and usually got theirman. If not, lrfarsh did. Plainfloldabounded all hope of gaining throughthe center early in the game, forPoole, Howarth, Marcnghi and Davioswere quite in their way. Piainfieldwas weakened some by the MOBS O(Capt. Peacock, but even with lilm Itwould only have been a question ofhow much. Rosenson played thohost game tor them.

On Friday evening of this week tilecontest that has be«n carried on bythe members of Westfield Camp, No.20, W. O. W., with a gold watch asthe prize, will bo brought to a closeand tlie nrize will bu awarded. Much, . , , , , «interest has been manifested in the *>crs t o k c o P o n t h p hnellB t o r m e m

LOYALS THANKSGIVING PARTYContests Prove Most Interesting to

Members ami Friends.

Last Thursday evening the LoyalAsosciation held their Thaaksgivingparty, the greater portion of theover one hundred members were onhand to see and enjoy the fun.

Orator Cruttendcn had a fine pro-grain In store and it was after mid-night when the company disbanded.

William Gale, Jr., won first prizefor eating the most dry crackers ina given time. "Some work," said"Bill," and it is almost possible thathe has cracker dust in his mouth yet.

Two expert pie caters, dark skin-ned, wore imported fer the occasionand the way thoeo fellows made thepie disappear would make HorrScliaarschmldt think he was to be-come a millionaire in a week.

A delegation from Advance Coun-cil, of Railway, was ou hand to en-joy the fun. It is almost a sure betthat tlicy will visit the Union Councilagain.

Messrs. Forster, Garrettson and AII. Clark were appointed as nomi-nating committee to present thenames of officers for the coming elec-tion.

Two gifts were received, one ahandsome framed enlargement ofthe photograph taken on the nightthe'hundredth member was initiatedpresented by Orator Crutteudon, andanother, a goal mark caTd showingthe new goal of 125 members, whichIs expected to be reached by March1. This card was presented hy F. I.Washburne and is a fine ornament tothe walls of the lodge room, as welas a constant reminder to tho mem

contest, and it Is expected that alltho membership will turn out to hearthe naino of the wnni'r of thn watch.



TO MAKE MERRYnk-^ivih;: party <>n

jors.Orator C rut tendon announced th

h« nest, ma t ing would be a Christmis party and it IK an assured Eacithat tho Christmas party will equal,f not surpass, tho Thanksgivingpartv.

Jlolil '1'haiiUsu

l.'rlday levelling anil <iivti

Vway n Turkey,

Tho turkey will reign supreme atthe IIUU.UIIK of the Kirealde Coutll'IlIt. A., to bo held on Frlilny eveningot this woek.

Plans are coinpleto for orus of tliebls^t'st niglitti tho uieitiborsi of Fire-fiiilo havo ever enjoyed. Of rmiraoihi.y would not toll just what, ia go-

rivi'i-kinuiaii a mmi iiu. n«'i ssai) ii>ti-| 1,^, t 0 im j , jK .u \mi tlioy assured tliolld.Mwe mill tlii.y went at thuwi plna I i,,,ft,if,,. , ! i a l l t | m t i. W(>ui,i „„ ft hisutth a d o or die nrlrlt In tlir> last two ,,,„„ BU(] .„„,.,, ,,,„, t 0 ,,„„„ t h e

Ail lint t 'huK iiiiiile his h ' l.ow" withtin rniji . i i i-,itlnimls urn! huv-'liHl Ihrft 'f..i.ii i.iiiM^ Sii-s 19 7 bl'iliK hlull Kf'oriiI. i tin. •".. Hint .

1.1. !>• HI. I *aii hnnillrapiii'il byilllilillipf into Blillta rnt i t inually. • Nnle-1 ihiin I I of tlu'no umvtd. 'unu'lioniliiiiii fnllliii; In Ills lot.

'Ihli Frlilm Trlilly v«. l'r<"»Hvt«>r-laii After this match the Btandlngur Un> ti.aina will probably need »nhakln^ up.


TnwnleySSrtUb ,

ir.r,. ir.«;

, ..JM, . . 1 5 0

I t l


Wtl HU4WttfWMKN ('AMI' ail

Il«i<l In

Ktiiiu*MUlMCru . ,

. .16*( 7 9





1** 4ft 11


IllahupHobengtelnVmiiii?, O,



.178 •,141!,1!1





ToddHlKiballMn li ii . ,

rlurk, A.

CONOtttvOAflONAI,.I l l

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Tii.i W«'»t"it in i'i»mn

l> THKlTtttiTHAU VUllHlldl'H

*.ld TI-?ntii. i*'am il«-riiBUriB HISIIK n. ins ml v :


uf Ti»« vlctfu.l«»s In »

p°Titf4» «*****'

Th* high

word along to the HIPIIIIICTB.OIU; (if tlit> features of theII be th*. giviup nwnj of a



T-nl l

KKI'ilAT .I> 2«.T.aiid uhl

old st> lIll ii thrillinglp football th

Saturday tlu* plocal Hljili Hehtxjl tfriM piovfdiniu'h for l»l«tnlielil, wlillo Winl

il tiltnoat nil at I'lelntlvlii'splays, l'lalHn*!id*s imW RIOT** »tlu© h> g ptuiflUy- afti^r Hit1)1 iiad bt'

It>r downs wlilrh ga\« tli^m tlull on the flva yard lUic.

Wostnelil klcltisd off Hi I ho land PlatiiMd Rlaitcd

They rentied tiip bull to ttV

B«f«v«f«il H

* \nnbtn


for dowtiN. An tttU.mnUnivtt* lilorkpd and <'hnrry

Ml tuck t« IIIyard Iln«* VV tttntild Wfirki.d Heiilnwly I1I.HU Ilia fli'ti! «n<1 thn iierludvmlcil with thd Mil on l»l«l«flfld •111 >-*Cil HIIP l)n tlm third (,!»> nfMife spruiul t.eriuit Murah nmdn a futirj s rd pluiiRii fur n ini»tnin%n cuts*h i tail tn Mfk Itm eiml Hlmalr nl,

tt fmw»rij |m»o Tin jm«» «t>m niiitiBmJ thKftid. Jumping fur II, humli.i tli «lllt I.IBIIHI mt thlit II (ftrilrd ft.

mn It 1'iitn'i t*k* Inut (tflpf thslfill T*jloi !>( »(l(l Hi. IMIIBIH HI ll.»i

IN*' fw-.#*iit*l lislf Rltutfid up fs^M r!hsn i*m flint l»r (t look *ltuu«« »»limp fm Ti*¥l**f tit t'misR hia s^i.ti'ltli«lh4.ite»( in y*Ut*h tUtht hgt^ift


Last Saturday tho sixth sud lasof the series of afternoon bridge

ea by the ladies of the Westne!Golf Club, was hold at tho cluhouse, There was about forty ladfeipresent. Tho afternoon's prizes wtwon by Mrs. I!, W. Hlllhen, MWin. Ilnstatilo, Mrs. Slacy Heinle:find Miss Smith. Those whoprizes for tht? series were Mrs. M II

nlson. Mrs, It, 8. Gules, Mr:Stai-y Ilmuler, Mrs. tl. ,W. MIMIBPIritiriuj; Jtuumry It in proliable tin

.n* will ho a aorles of eventndso parties.

DON'T DOPE A PUNY CHILDl ' .u iat j limit n u (Jut pi n>, HI! !i >

l t l i i 1 t JU"I. mil u . ,

* tit, uiuli tuff^

lu 'iul In

<1 ing. n uj.1..H11.1I1I

I r . s ' tin it \ * r tiII s p

G. F.TAYLORextends a cordial invitation to his friends anrl cas-

tomers to view the new Winter Models in Brokje

Suits and Overcoats for Men. and Boys.

This season's showing of fine English aad

woolens is particularly attractive.

The great gathering of styles and designs

ample scope to completely satisfy every

for pattern and color.

And the prices are considerably lower than e

quality and tailoring can bo purchased for


BROKAW, BROTHERSAstor Place & Fourth Avenue

New York City

Subway station at door.

oaot aoooi I0E3OE locaoc

The Westfield Hardware €ijis not in bankruptcyas published for the

past week.

This store is now open andoing business

Westfield HardwareL. F. DUKE, Pres.



pt »pcr» t'jijHtif!.r mail il<ut(r<>M

pu is In ' tl I ul i

tlllr,l)iikliii!Ji ill .C n e t l n t il i!.l nn . t l i n t ' t l • v illi. illj

bllilillt tip ft j.I. ..I Ii l! .* V i l t - h i M K i

msl ijiii t^*h!ill li in i . ' im lhv n i f i u r i ' iIwvc <.n<- tt I r u l l ( n , i r (i,i I,,,,,] „ „

Koiall (Hive Oil I v, il i n %1, h .>,,*,

dint's l ! ' » t l m l l . . i l i , n v . , l I , , i ui.I I. ty^Uliilif It ,1,,, , tin -.I, ,1, ,1 I , , |,,,,,,r.l |,i,l>.tlrtt. i 0 nil i».iy nth, r it , .lium Hntntno ,,r,and i ur tailt in u n ro Unit »<• m.t.inly iirgi you ti) U',11 it fins! gut™ it In yourJuMtrn lmt, « • tv iun>" t i n t it mil i(oall WP b,iy It wll , r m ^ t j( u it, (! lug

Rrt t l lOl ivxPi l 1 tiiulu. ml . ,u l i l l ^ ,n-rrit o i l n M n n who iat . l i i.,1,1 ^«ily tiffinliOlit I I . . « , ami «.» it i n t . i u i a n v «!»• ihild »

Hit li.l.l...,,Fn;it.. ,1,L'. I'lLIii'iiTlir,

Vnn »ti.ieiii feml, fi.t.l fun ,li,P ii,fti,,i i,u«»il ,1 HI HI .1 I . . I IH , ,» IH . I» . .im

C1|K#(M!«IIMV n.imitt turn, i,

Wll "..It. {,,1hi-|l"tl . I I:'('!») I1! I.ill• v i f i li-hli, a<! Ii-, i U , r | *liw Oil 1'. ,.i

ti*»ltiwn, >->

i i l


C A R P E T S , RUGS and.-. BEDDING j \

Mattresses Cleaned and RenovatedUPHOLSTERING IN ALL ITSBRANCHES and FURNITURE:: :: REPAIRED :: "




l l t s uvii>'n* ft

Ul ttitn tli»n i»*|,lhut tn tlwlr •Mt«»

Hit,),, ((»f! nan-i

r»,s.lTThe fn*l\ |,|i,pi nm t%

uii 7,QI<Ifeeling lintel'*** tit th**>»»!« ('Vii'Ui l i t Il

Sunday and Daily NewspapersSEND IN YOUR ORDER



I I -(..UneiU

O. H.« Pl»thl»»({ iitMie |A t t *

w«il» totii tim Itttmt ntfln, wall W tm I


*•* #


Page 12: THE WESTFIELD LEADE - DigiFind-It · THE WESTFIELD LEADE *^e LeadinLeading and Mosg antd Widel Most Widely Circulatey Circulated Weekld Weekly Newspapey Newspaper in Unior inn Unio

i of Land lor UnpaidTaxesDue 1811

bile notice 13 hereby given by Adall, Clark, Collector of the Town of>jit>lc!, County of Union, State otJersey, thut lit* wfU sell at publicit the lands, tenements, herecHand real estate herein monUon

tse shorest term for wfcich any peri or persona will agree to Uke the» and pay taxes thereon, including

Bt and cost of sale.I said sale will take place on Sat-

Pee. 13. 1913, ut the hour of %*- m,, at the Town Rooms, on

CsDect street. ID said town. TheM lands, tenements, hereditaments% real estote BO to be sold, and the-mes of tlte persons agalnat whom theMi tsscs have been laid on account offsaine, and tho amount of the taxes

on account or each parcel, ars as

ndsum of Twenty dollars|rtv cents against Faber Lewis Com-Kv- for and on account of Lots 415fi33 Birch Avenue, Block 147.We sum of Thirty dollars ar.d forty-

stils against Faber Lewis Com-for and on account of Lets 501

.„-, Birch Avenue, Block 147,|he sum of Thirtyvtwo dollars and& "rlit cunts against Faber Lewissnean'v, for and on account of LotaI to 5fcl IJirch Avemie, Blutk 14T.1*116 sum of Twfinty dollars and thirtyits nealnst Faber Lewis Company,| and en account of Lots 414 to 43SIcb Avenue, Block 140.

e B«m of Sixty dollars und ninety., against Paber Lewis Company.'

-'and un account of Lots 600 to 658Beb Avenue. Block lit.Whe sum of l^orty-two dollars and

v-three cents against Faber Lewissa*t!3iiv, for and on account of LotfI to 556 Bradford Avenue, Block 144,ffte sum uf Twonty-four dollars antfrty-ais cents against Faber Lewispans*, for and on account of Lotxo 531 Bradford Avenue, Block 134.

'he sum of Five dollars and eight= against Fnuer Lewis Company,

-.and on account of Lots 639 to 543Edford Avenue, Block 134.ffae sum of Sixteen dollar u and twengour cents against Faber Lewis Com%y, tor and on account of Lota 645 to['Bradford Avenue, Block 134.ifee sum of One dollar and two centsEinat Sarah Kitteringham, for and

Mjeount of Lot 352 BriRhtWOOll Avo-. Block 186.The sum of One dollar an3,*two cent;

James Kitterihghatn, for &m„ utit of Lot 334 Bright wood Ave-, Block 186.

.he Bum of One dollar and two centsitnst James Kitterlngham, for &»daccount of Lot 336 BritfhUvood Ave-„ Block 186.:&e sum of Three dollars and five

against Unknown Owner, for andjco'unt of Lots 360 to 3(14 Bright-

Avenu«. Block 1S5A._..a sum of Twenty-three dollars andiy-four cents against Ferris I*ear-

??i!lsB11rl1 O w n c r . for anil on account ofLot 26 Qracelaiul Map and Bead, Block

The sumcents

y, for and>78 Highlan,

ara and forlv-Lewis Oom-i of UHB 6«sB l k Wrne sum of Forty dollars anil nixtv

cents against Faber Lewis CompanySi ia,nJ ,un amount or. Lots 600 to titHighland Avenue, Block 141

I'lie sum of Ninoty-nve dollars andforty-ono cents against Faber LewisCompany, tor and OK account of Housea"ock"m t 0 6 M mtsMm* *y*™£

The sum of Two hundred and btumi-teen dollars ana twenty-one cenisagainst Faber Lewis Company, for and?.! Recount oi House and Lot TOO to 704Highland Avenue. Block HO

The sum of Vprty dollars and sixtycents ttgralnat Faber Lewis Company, foin s tigrainat Faber Lewis Company,and on account of Lots 706 to 722 High-land Avtnufl, Block 140. e

The sum of Forty-four dollars andxty-six cents against Fabtjr Lewis

;'Pnml'any, for and on account of Lota

$00 to §23 Highland Avenue BlockThed sum of Seventy-thrift? dollars

""*" " " ' ' William M.account of

51G Klmboll

account of House andBright wood Avenue.

. for and155 to 159

p 181.The sum of One dollar nncl two centsjtnst Arthur B. Clark, for and onBunt of one-half acre 150 Brisbane

v Block 102.3 mm of Twenty-silent dollars and

y t i cents «gaJnst WUllara Hulett.and on account of Ixits 613 to 515

bd St. East, Block 105.5e i?uni ut Fourteen iloii»ra andi tents against It. h. UoblnaoH, for

Ion account of House and Lot 502| d Sitt'til West, Block 420.

* sum of Three dollars and a^tiln^t MutUHt Itt^ltv (.->nti t'li n^cutint of I-ot 520 Broad

West. Block 420.?um of Nine dollars and fottrternfit. mi si e.uMtilnc \ \ fill mi" Unn account of Housu and Lot GiOsirLft « ^ r Block 4,2*i in i f 1 vU m\ dclUif ftiifl thtiti i iint-t I iht i I t u t i f u n i i m iI «n i iuunt of Lots 115 to 1 IW.iiu. ftir k 141mm of P ' l i d

i; iln^t 1 \h\.rftir urn} i>n account

and *jl ht cents „„:larrlson, for ami tlouse and IJOI 512 toVvenuB, Block US.

The sum of Ki^hteon dollars and.wenty-seven cents\igalust William Miiarrlson, for and on account of LotsE18 to a24 ICimball Avenue* Block 118

The sum of Thirty centa againstI etfir V. Robinson, for and on HC-eount of Lot 144 JLexington Avonuo,

The-sum of One dollar and two centsgainst /TCtta HarrlBon, for nnd on ac-

count o£ Lot 617 Maple Street, BlockThe sum of Two dollars and three

cents against William At. Harrison, forand on account of Lots 519 to 525 MapleStreet. Block 118,

Tlie sum nt Bight dollars and twelvecents against William M. H&rrlson, foraftd on account of Lots 049 to GBEMaye Street, Block 112,

The sum of Thlrtv-sU dollars andfifty-four cents against Homo Build-ing and Supply Company, for and onaccount of Lot3 714 to 726 MountainAvenue, Block 128.

Th« sum of Forty-three dollars amisixty-five cents against Roberta Brown,for and on account of House and Lot413 to 417 Mountain Avenue, Block 125,

The sum of Thlrty-aix dollars and

Women'sConfidence inthe efficacjrof this thoroughly triedhome remedy k never misplaced. Inevery way-in health, Btrtngtb, spir-its and m looks—women find them-eelvea better after timely use cf


S la OKH, ICe**S5e.

fifty-four CfmtB ii(rainst LewisCompany, for and on account of lunsSIB to 622 Mountain Avenue, Block 134.

The sum of Fifty-four dollars andIghty-ono cents against Faber Lewis

Company, for and on accourtt of .Lots537 to 553 Mountain Avenue, Block 144,

Thu sum uf Furty-ei{?ht dollars andseventy-two esiUs against Fab&p l-evvlsCompany, for and on account of l-,ots"17 to €25 Mountain Avenue. Block MS,

The sum of Blghty-one dollars andtwenty cents against Faber t.owig Com-pany, for and or\ account of Ix»t9 701 tti731 Mountain Avenue, Block 145.

• Ttie sum ot Sixty-two dolIarB andninety-three cents against Vaher Lewis(?om[i«ny, for unU on jiccount of Houseand Lot 801 to SU Mountain Avenue,Block 148.

The Hum of Kight dolltua and twelvecents asalnst Mary C Wilcox. for andon account of Barn and Lot 112 to llfiNew street, Block 304.

The sum of Fifty-two <U>Uara amivenly-clglit cent* a^atnat (iuisepjit

ikmecci, for and on account of Houseand Lot 218 to 220 North tiiroet. Block

iiThe sum of Twonty dollars »n*\ thlr-Cifith ii-ain"t i-il^te at ihojmsKtn

hey, for and un aticount o£ 11 u use andH 843 to SCij North Avonue, Blutk 404The sum of i-"*«uri««n ilollars antimtv unt L* nt5? t^HUiit Units JItiriln. for ami on account of Hou3« andsi S57 tu Sgl North Avenue, llh>ck 404The suin of Two clollura and thre^1

rt» afciaitist Kstate of John It. Ma\well, for ;UH1 on account of I-ot "6. St' !k i 1'Jt s Bl i v ili

Hum uf I*stlw a»llor md fcn«it 1 i un i It Savior Jt * t t t 00 U 0b 11

Jl k iri,um uf Two <J«H;ira mid

m i NK A S L fin account of Lot h4, 610 !Ul<kyBlatk 111

Us* Mim of It>fnt> i ibii t <1 tllifuit t.

ami solidf if


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Notice Is horoby given tlmi (lie aboveB an extract from a renolution ntlonloii

n*J f, l]?un?." o f the. T o w n ot West-lie Id,, in the County of l:nlon, ami Hintthe Council will mto t on Monday. Do-

b IIIJ a t eight o ' l k I th

Vhproposed impro'voment.' objectlonB'tottlo Iiroposcd tmprovernent must be IlleiiIn writing "ith the Town Clork at ortifforo the tlma mentioned for »a"meeting.

CHAI!L,E3 OIJARK,Town Clork.

Wrstfleld N, J.. October 1. 191311-12-10-86 (pees SIM)


« " Do NotSufferw,thRheumatism, Selatlea,L u m ? » G6Ut. !!!!

ti'JONES'BREAK-UP «As ft ba se r - •

Frutchey Pharmacy Co.Westlietd, N. J.

real triumph—OasisA new standard in Egyptian cigarettes.Selected tobaccos,manufacturing skill and the knowledge of whatthe Egyptian cigarette smoker wants—ail helped.Sm©k© them. ;You'll endorse our judgment.

liill Pramium Storm, 7th Avenue and 16th Street, New York City |

The First Package is FreeTo every fancy worker, to every lover of beautiful things, to every woman anywherewho is interested in art needlework and who has never used a Silk-Craft Embroidery Pack-age Outfit—we offer a regular outfit free. Not a mere sample, but a complete standard2Se outfit. Don't fail to take advantage of this. Do it today. All leading dry goods anddepartment stores have Silk-Craft Embroidery Package Outfits or can get them for you.

Silk-Craft Embroidery OutfitThe New Silk-Craft Embroidery OutfitT h e Silk-Craft Embroidery Outfit repre ents a

new idea—an idea never before conceived

It is a distinct effort to brini; before artneedlevvftrkers the latest ideas of llic fashioncreators of this country and Europe,long before they could reach you in;any other way — long before youjhavc been able in the past to getihern.

I And it brings these new ideas toyou in an entirely new form,

T h e Silk-Craft Embroidery Outfitcontains a regular 15c Transfe rPattern of the article to be worked.This pattern is included absolutelywithout cost.

You pay only for the actual silkscontained in the envelope, the 15c'Transfer Pattern costs you nothing.

But this is not all. Besides the T u n •fcr Pattern, ?uh paekage coniain? simplf, C4*.y-ta-tmderstand <!irectiot!§ for working the iintvhedpiece, and the- proper nt*die ready to use ihese,like the pattern, arc intituled free.

Twelve Now Designs Each MonthFJLII month there will be twelve nsw

designs—twelve new Silk-Craft EmbroideryOutfits.

These desiens will represent everytjpe (>f fancy work, including novelties,

motifs, scallops, initials, pillow tops,collars; in fact, no matter what yourtaste, there will always be one c*more Silk-Craft Embroidery Outfit*containing the very thing you want.'1 hese designs will be distinctive,unique and authoritative, fur theywill reflect the newest ideas of theUr«ttrs,t originators in the world,

On or about the first of eachmonth, the leading dealers will h»ve

these new «uilks uit band, where>ou may examine them at your


S'lk-Craft Embroidery Outfits ieil for25f and 50<-, none higher (depending OH

4tni)iint of silk required).

On the front (if each package i§ an exacttnlnr irprnduamn of the aniclr all worked up. Yoa

can sec beforehand exactly how it will look.

The Silk-Craft EmbroideryMagazine

In ecmjuiMtlon witk lhi> new Silk Craft Embmi-OulfHr-, %ve art- iMiblnhiiig ii iii'tnthly matsa/ine,

thsTWi now it»g«im; wlil l« nliinl by Mix Kllln

Areher Areh*r, kmmlf Kmhrnidi'iy fclimr t,( (lt«l)«|lli»atof. Uiilljttn our Wullrftttul (Bliiillm furterning ot all th» luwnt thing", no nutter fromWh»t imn o( tlie world ttwy tan*, we will l»"ibUe ta tnskt- tba new Siik-Craft Magwine mark amm *Mp k Oie ail cf rMUiahing,

new f})Ags in? wi\\ b® as uliv^ dm! m «{>-to-d«M «• «»f Wlk - Ojtlt EmWftitltty Outfit*i! *!H t» »» sutiiitriwivii mtd cotrw-t. 8» Mi«

r, tb» IITOIWJ* Emdroldery Eiiitof, canit.

A Wenlth of New Idea*h numi»f «( Iko "Stlkt'rall MUMCIIW" will

t<wt*)« 9 *««lth f>f n*v •o»Kf«ti«ii» (<>f «¥•(¥ artnn-dh-iMtM- All th« new MitthM, «li trie latuim*-)l».wi» at wmiina, HII tlie nr^gt efdHblHiMif»fs»

/ fwl fvciy ftrtittr, #vpry iliitettatUtn. cvt ryHr», will »|i|* BH-DlAl »h«>i»it «f »"¥ (>tli*ftt<»i»rli»f In «(W i«!»K itie Mk Ci»(l M,«»«Iiw

An-1 ttw «•« Milt <'irflt M*j««i» l« Tim tnnil »r% i«'«Iti»*«ifcrri N"t ••nf t«*«nv »tll il «<•••f.«i. I! k wir ph t" tfn* nulMi+t-tsr «"<M W**»ltt fi»«i !'> Mllfiy It wh.«Uv «f •>« fstirtiw. ThB"Silt . i'r^rt t',»il'H*l«y M»j-..|rt->" will («• (|k-(fit.«l«l frw tin nr »»*'«« ilw f"«t <>( w h nnflih

i|jy j.ii.1* ««.««1 Iw ) <irr»Pt '•"•!•• !» V'KIK, Htl'f'.. *Hlt f««r foil

latt I'mUMHf'UHiU *likh («»l«t'Hlci-,.

7%fs rs ffc€ Silk-CraftEmbroidery Outfit


Art l-taipi lviin; 'i hI fare Just nuilinc-d, wWtlr

knots. iliill irrtit («r l « m •ml «m««, liullrt«l l"r Itsr Ibmnt, liull Krfen ln» tii« wiM jjtnsnim,

riiliin mi hunt ot i»rk«ut II yrt jirtfir a KJOIICpiiluw tltk ti«f»lgti ii c^MJif effective,

I Silk-Crafl T n i u h i (atlrni, worth. , 15<t «lfc.;:r«ft Nr«4lr, wimlt lcii Sk«iiu M. llEimnw»)f mil Join' T«»m R«pe>

north . , . !8tI Iruon ih««i ttiih dill JirtrlioM tat mttln(, t<"tt<

Trt»l Y«lu»~**eOfl |b« Imftfc fef such tnvrlttp^ la nn wltwi t«tl«(f

f^f^lifi'ibn t^ the arUrl? »It wark?4 tip. Y»u14& srt tuit tx&tih twig U wilt tusk tn thfinhkgj

Why We Make Thb Offer

^ *«*h«' c* !^ Ot « a Hi f w^ Nfi^v* *h-t? (Jt*1 1*4 Way

M. HcmmwajF & Song* Silk Co. MUI« wftt«t«win»

M'*«t ut i' [ H i t ill i t ' { 1 n !• m

Effie Archer Archerin Charge

r •• -I, ,iVn..* Mi« I ffio A. Areittr,

IHI |Knii>.ni to Hike (lutre*t l)« jiflrtttutil, liw&uae •&«Alun^ a rir»MFkab|s*ilS«*work<*r will * l

Mtc 1, n r it|i ilin »|.|itjf -i.r nt w Sill* t , jtwin vn | tliat tet* art (A*p wht! Ii i n r y ftlt nri

Mw An her l< »lily a « k p l by « Kan ftuitfitioiii'h'ntt In raris, VIIHM «ml l,> Minn, Slioh> t • Ii fepentlii most nf her time in Now Vewk.

Aa a ion*w|ui-m*, rim hi'»(« til i>\ety new tli!n«.1 wry n«w felrn dlmmt lafmt It h m t »tvml, BtiilltU I«T duty -hfr IIIHIWM, *u laptur thew IH*W W«N»for our nt tiMiifrs

Thiu.tlw in-* Stlki'mft KmlmdiWy Outfit! u t« wraalibi Mtildd I < Whui'n What In K m l M

-thfy we * t o «4 i t ul Kuhfcn -sot «n

Two We«k» ONLYCllj) out and mail the faapon t»-(!ay"»thh

off«f (• in-. M«rilv Umilnt. It m f«»4» Billy t»i'ltiwture tii» Mfnmtway hMik l tuil Miultrtmirfy-finilit in this jiH-itlily. TMI vmk* tmm tnhyt\ If N l l l l l 4 l Ult*U»t«i

, unl*M f lf lltiill^4 fHu KMill ill* CMU'OO


rnrr M(

mp>i* pit with tk"lfif OniSi No )i

M( 1I.1 Sis t'ljft


Page 13: THE WESTFIELD LEADE - DigiFind-It · THE WESTFIELD LEADE *^e LeadinLeading and Mosg antd Widel Most Widely Circulatey Circulated Weekld Weekly Newspapey Newspaper in Unior inn Unio

•i HP. TJn'JTriSL" Ln".r.E5, V,"-.HKKCl>y.V. c-'O'.BKi-TK 3", "•'•'•? Vi ~c Hifct^:-




If you're thinking of buying an automobile insist that the dealer in each ear you consider, fill out ono of the .blank lines below. Then "raako 'em prove it ,"make your Chandler dealer prove qur claim and draw your own conclusions. '


















° nt£U)

IIIto •£




asl l3 o


Is t



or V



at a







""— k o a


41 41 O



wt make of

Iectrte Self



(!) "WhatMagneto?

(2> What


<i) Uosffa2) Stromlu're


C(K>yrlKht 1313 by The Chan




Signature of dealer, who (Ills toblanks and proves claims to you.


(Don't fail to have facts filled in on some of the very highest priced cans.)

IMPORTANTAlso compare the Chandler Car point by point.

with all others as regards th« following:—Has itSilent Chain or Spur Gears! The Chnndlcr has im-ported Coventry Chains. Has it Quick AdjustableStorm Curtains? The Chandler has genuine JiffyCurtains. Has it the best make of DemountableKims! The Chandler has Firestone DemountableRims. Is the Motor and Entire Power Plant Stud-Proof (without ugly ssplash pans beneath)! It theValve Mechanism Enclosed f Arc Entire Oiling

Mcchamsm and Oil Pipes Enclosed in Motor? \ oilgot all these advantages in the Chandler, la theClutch Multiple Dine or Cone? The Chandler isMultiple Disc—Discs of Haybestos and Steel.

How about the Bearings in the Transmission andHear Axle! The Chandler has F. & S. Imported An-nular Ball Hearings—not roller bearings. Wlmtmake Carburetor! Siromberg HI the (..handler.Wlmt Cooler! Mayo Clenuinc Mercedes type Ilouoy-coml) Kadiator on Chandler. Wlmt Kloctrio liiKht-inn Svstera 1 Chandler has the WestiiiRhimso. \\ butSpeodomotcrf We use tl..> J(mt>s. U the (insalnu-

Tank in front or in the rear out of danger 1 On theChandler it is in the rear. Has the Gasoline Tankample capacity—suy 20 i?"1'011"' It. has on theChandler. And about Kuad Clearance I TheClmudliT has lO1/- inches. Do you get an 8-dayClock, Holar humps find all other aeeesaorioH thatmake fur comfort find service! You do with th»('handler.

Is the car simple to operate and keep m goodrunning order and is everything easily get-at-able!This is true of the Chandler.

All the above—and other details which shouldwill gladly mail to you wt request, If yc" "'""* *" '••"

C0MP1ETE PEOOP SHEET SENT FREErJjETJa fBUUr &ns*i> J. a&n i. c " ^ «

without first acquainting

able automobile


New York City


Westfield, New Jersey

Intft-SMe Dri*«—Centre Control.Wheel !!«»«. 180 Incliw.HOIK] Cloaraiifi)—10 Jt Inches.\Shtfl* — AHlHfPy tJT» •— »i s <

THE SPECIFICATIONSTnuwmlMlon—Thro® «!>«*! to*-

Hear Aslr—I''|i>»fltt»t Typn, V. A $.

l i . "I."

VnIrM CIICIOSI.IMIlng—1*n«ltl»»-«»«f pnmp In oil

htm. Otl-gsaf'i 08 m»tor bn»«,

Hot Air unit rt«»h l»rlmln« Mtarb-

. . . iwllujjlioow Ivlwlrtfhitii motor.


' I " '•""P l t l l J l

j . H<]|«r I»I»IM.

<la«»l«iw «>»l«m—SSO-«»llo» t»«k Inrvar. UnMitntto i«»K",

Mwmn Una lt«»ij—H«8.l*«»i®««»f

UplHilsCwinf—10 Inch «a»liln»»,lllgli-grisili. tatiml l«*»h«f, lll«h»gi-ail« npfiujfu.

Wlft*I »W«M—llntlt *« w«ho«» t w *ur I .HI 'M. .iiijimiftfils for rainllsllili I T frfttllMlult,

Tii|>—'Mohair l«l« »H't •"**/ ••««•>»»•I l | l l » i '


I'.lwirlrlargo •illlunil»»*f"l

Ciw k— H-'iny New l l f l fd.

In IIIIII"»I"»'> il«r* '•'"" "i in Mlffr•it-liip. IViiilfrs, hiHxl oiiil n»wl

C :l itt r It— M II 11 li.l« l»l»r. JU>l»«iti»ami «('-'•! Imll-li^rltig.










Page 14: THE WESTFIELD LEADE - DigiFind-It · THE WESTFIELD LEADE *^e LeadinLeading and Mosg antd Widel Most Widely Circulatey Circulated Weekld Weekly Newspapey Newspaper in Unior inn Unio




Honest CompariConvince MuddledT

HE Chandler Light Weight Sis at $1785 is th«finest car ever offered to the public in a waythat demands actual comparison with all other

ears—point by point—and gives you the moans tosecure such comparison.

The Chandler Car represents a so much greaterstandard of automobile value that it is in itself asensation. And the new method here employed todemonstrate comparative automobile values placesautomobile buying on a really scientific basis andproves absolutely our confidence in the ChandlerSix.

We want, the honest copmarisons and we giveyou the way to secure them because we know thiswill sell Chandler Cars. If we wore not certain ofsuperiority we would not try to sell this car in thisunusual way.

The Proof Sheet(On Opooilte Side)

shows you a way to eliminate much of the uncer-tainty that has been a part of automobile buying.The man who starts out to buy an automobile in the

sons toBuyers

usual way gets so mueh miscellaneous information—so much general "talk"— and hears so muchcarefully arranged selling argument and so manysubtle "knocks" that he becomes confused byclaims and counter claims and forgets them all,But with The Proof Sheet filled out and proved uphe has before him in tabulated form all the vitalpoints that show which oar he should really buyamong all those he is considering. .He can make hutselection (no matter how great the range of pricedwith absolute accuracy.

LightWeightSix* CHANDLER $1185 Built

by MenWhoKnow

The Chandler light Weight Six bus created aclass of its own. You can get equally light weightin other cars for less money but you cannot getChandler power, flexibility ami quality. You canpay more than $1785 but you eatraol get light weightand Chandler economy of upkeep. You cannot getin any other cur all the advantages ymi get in aChandler. .

The Chandler Six is probably the lightest ear otits size and power ever huilt—yot in the ease of theChandler you have a ear ass strong and sturdy as acar can be mid one of the highest class light weightsixts ever offered under fciOOO. What other fivo-pnRHt'iigor oar, at any price, ofiVrs so many high-

cluss features in design and construction, or suchcomplete and high-grade equipment? Rememberthe Chandler is fundamentally in a class alone, soyou will find that points which are featured by mostears, at various prices, are mere details ot Chandlerconstruction and equipment.

The reason for all Chandler advantages and thesuprisingly low price, considering the quality of ear,is right here :— »

The builders of the Chandler have bf en buildingworld-famous sixes for many years. Thus in theChandler ear you pay no extra price for costly errorsand cxpeiiHivn experiments, but you secure all thetmqiiestionud advantages of the six, with nil tho

Over $4,000,000 worth of Chandler tors already .sold to the .trongwt list of dealtt. ever associated with a new car. Get in touch with the Chandler dealer

in your city and make him prove our claims. Catalogue and name of aearwt dealer on request.

Not Only a Six You Can Afford to BuyBut a Six You Can Afford to Run--

economy of the most economical fours—you get »motor that we believe is unequalled in any car, atany prieu, and which is without vibration lit anyrunning' speed—built in our own factory—mid can-not be found in nny other ear.

The cuv itself is big, Ht urdy, luxurious and grace-ful. It runs from 3 to 55 miles per hour withoutshifting a gear and is one of the best hill climber*ever built, it rides comfortably and safely over badroads beemihe of proper weight distribution audspring suspension. Yet because of its light weigntand remarkably efficient motor it is daily averagingover 1C miles on one gallon of gasoline and you willgot hundreds of extra miles out of every set of tires.


F, 0. OHANDLltt, former vice president, general nuw&ger rod direotor,loiter Motor Oo.

0. tk. BMISS, former mlw nuwmgw, and direetor, toaior Motor Oo,

W. B» St. MIAD, foftnsr <or«lgpn wl« «&»£« imd director, LoiterMotor Oo,

S. RBOAS, former treasurer Mad director, Loaler Motor do,

1, V, WHlfBtOX, foratr MgUt«, Loiter Motor

0, A, C««y, former pwchtaSns agent, tositf M<rt«r <h>,; M«l*K«tMotw Oo,

I, R, HiU.t, fenntr niwagw wpply, rtprtr *»d wrviot dsprtttwati,

I,o«ior Motor Co.

You cannot afford tot

yourself with*


248-247-249 W. 65th Street

E. H. FA1248 Elmball Avenue


Page 15: THE WESTFIELD LEADE - DigiFind-It · THE WESTFIELD LEADE *^e LeadinLeading and Mosg antd Widel Most Widely Circulatey Circulated Weekld Weekly Newspapey Newspaper in Unior inn Unio



to tho Installation of tho moatelaborate sanitary plumbingwo are at all times prepared.If some pips about tho housesprings a leak 'phone us andwe'll bo around in a ji"y. Ifyou plan extensive improve-ments In bathroom, bedroomsor kitchen wo will bs pleasedto show BampleB and to makeyou a close estimate. Wewont your work and dan do Itright.


MR. MAN !Sometimes in your social life there comes an


when your clothes must be ready in an instant




ONORE BROS.Dyers and Cleaners

104 East Broad St. Phone 142-W

What is Good Plumbing?It is plumbing that com-

bines the three points of re-liability, long service, andthorough sanitation.

It js our aim to furnishplumbing service that willmeet these requirementsexactly.

Ask us for p r i c e s on"5t&ui<M>sf fixtures.




Delightful isod iff* bip* o! Uom four to twenl-y.tattf Atft totlie cbaimisg vnstef t«aott* ei t* * ' l * '"

* ^*w Y«i4 H ^

New Ywk to u d UMndIt} N*w YtaL tftdsik.a

aa fo*a, $110 p m y Ssttmby. Dug, listttiiefe afeMH*?•*», wab erety aw*ksn tft-rsltniS,

b ( . UaatiM d l lcilcllf< UW*«l lull i L^m** . W fct isitoi, M*||^. eie.A.lUi


Naisan £ Bahamsi IV? ."^

Medea ntUf

WARD LINECmn) OIf«« fi— l«, & IU M, Y.

SffO Bro.dw.ur. N»«* YoHc (B-»


There was a man in our town,Aad lie was wondrous wise,

He swore (It was his policy)Ho would not advertise

But one sad day ha advertised,And thereby hangs a tale,

The ad was Bet In quite small type,And headed, "Snerlff'g Sale."


Notice is hereby given that CharlesH. Deiunaii. charlfs H. Appley ana iirn-est W. VVilcox, the Board of Assessors

County of Union, hove filed tholr re-maps anil KKHessments for specialts done under certain ordinancesn named. That they have ascer-

tained the whole cost of materials, In-cidental grading and expenses IncurredIn the construction of the Improvementsthcri'ln named, and have assessed tilelands and urenlisra (routine on tno Ira-provemnnta to tho amount that theyhave boon specially licncfltod and thattilt excess of the cost over npeciul nono-lllfi wuu clilirieud to the Town at InnfB.

The ordinuiiccn, names of owners,

as follows:

Improvements under an ordinance en-titled, "An ordinance to establish the(trade and to improve a section of Dud-ley Avenue," passed mid adopted No-vember 20, 1311, nnd known a* SpecialOrdinunce No. ;J3l.\JA IAI14UI4VV * 1 *Ji !**»»•

Lot No. Name of Owner. I'1 tape1—John S. Irving 557.JS2—.Inmos O. Clark 528.SO3—John S. Irving 391.S4—John M. Clark 526


Amount of excess of cost overspecial benefits to be borne

d l d b ' h ' r '

l> 13B.18

Improvements under nn oniinance en-titled, "An ordinance to Improve St.Paul Street from Lenox Avenue to EastBroad Street," passed anil adopted April1st. 1312, and known as Special Ordi-nance No. 333.Lot No. Name of Owner. F' taRe

1—Hector. Wardens and Vefl-tryrnen of St. PaulChurch. 322.5

2—Westfleld SecuritiesCo 50

3—Westfleld SecuritiesCo »0

i— Weatfleld SecuritiesCo 70.5

5—St. Pnui P K Church 1506—VV'iiKtfleld Securities

Co. . . . . . . . . 1 5 07—-Wfstlield Securities

Co8— Weatfleld Securities

Co.9—Wcstneld Securities

Co10—Westlleld Securities

in—W. I). Johnson Cons.On 60.25

20—Louise Lehman . . . . 51.8E2t—Flora Haymnn ....130,3022—Jos. P. Ensrlish, Jr...143.2 1

23—Kmrna Tompktns . . . . 24.724—W. D. Johnson Cons.

Co 42.8

11—Westlleld SecuritiesCo

12—Wextfleltl SecuritiesCo 180

















$1,1)13.53Amount of «xiesn of cost o\x.

special hoiicfits to be borneand paid by the Town a tlart;c . . . . . . JO8.04

3.Improvements under an ordinance en-

itled, "An ordinunce tor I'Slal'listtinglie grsiiii! and impi-uvlliK a rt.ctlon ofliliorn Avenue " pisHed ind adoptedUntth l id 1 (in and known t i bptKlil1 .Ilnanie No Ilkut Nil \ tin. .if Hum r I 1 li,e \nlt1—\MIUim 11 Mill, r Hi "• $•!« 4'1 I p | n s t u p o m 11J 6 Mfc 13— John 1 t o \ 141 r. . ( . 46

4— loan t l inker lr 14.5 _i_4«— (.. ii^i s i ttt i n o -'SI 10

Ij ^ H \\ Ulouj . l i l i \ r7 Q!> 11177— II \ \ Illou h l u r<, 11 ' 7*— ^ II "\\ i l l o u ^ h b v 1 2 ' - ' -<<i H o a . d of I , h u i t l u n .!>'• 414 US

1 0 — \ \ II lol l imon I I I " "

1 - 1 ,1 Ml

UK <* k 111

I llkl </ l u l l I Init <( 1

1,1 |hi I ( 111

aid In

M 1,ill? t i l d

<< o f


214 I "r l - 41

S I . 4t

In lioTown

t . 111 1 aiUimUi

,1 il JlllllIrilltlimi (in V S i

and KnoHn itIII

[ I IS,!

il<i|,lcilpi i I il



" 23.35



Lot No. Name of Owner. f t a E «1— H C Lockwood Co... 1262-MyrtIe B. Oldtord . . 30.34\—H. C. Lc-cliwood Co... 804—Sophia C. Wlcltman.. GO5—Emil OsUrbloom . . . . 606—J. Arthur & aeorclana

Klrkondall 507—J. Arthur & Georgian!

Klrkendall BO8—J. Arthur & Gburglana

KirHondall ' 0!*—Fredericks M, L,

1 0_WmU BH° Mickier' '.'.'.'. 36.83l l _ T h o s . O. Younsr ou12-VVVI). Johnson Cons.^ ^ ^ n M

S316.29Amount of excess of cost over

special uoneflla to be paid andborne by the Town at la rgo . . 521.JO

e.Improvements under an ordinance eii-

naopted°March°3rd, 1913, anil known anEeecliil Ordinanco No. 'lit.Lot No. Name ot Owner. F.taee, .Amt

1—S. H. WUloushby2—S. H. Wiilougtlhy•4 I, u. & Blanche E.

Philips4—W, P. Johnsyn Cons.

Co5— elms. ,E. Cos(1—('has. E. Cox . . . . . .7 j t II CollinsS—lullu K. Collins!)—Margaret L. Seudder 50

10—Margaret u. Scudder 50 -11—lilary McKenna 60.0112—S. D. Winter 153.7

S D, Winter 10.513—w. 1). Johnson Cons.

Co 5014—Herbert E. Hallowav 5015—Theo. A. Pope 501(3—Lawrence Powers . . ""17—Thoa, W. Vf. & Mar-

913, at sight o'clock In the evhear and consider objectionsreports, map3 and assessmentsinjections must be In writing a]IB filed with the Town Clerk aoro the time <"' c^^|f 'g£A


iVeBtflcld, N. J., Nov. 10, 1» 12-3-10 (Fees


. 45

, 50, 60, 50, 50


18garet Banner . . . . 50

-Thos. W. W. & Mar-paret Banner . . . . 50












Notice Is hereby given t h a t t hell ot the Town of Westfleld,County of Union, will meet in ORooms, 121 Prospec t Street, Wsf J,, on Monday evening, Dt15th. 1913, a t e ight o'clock, toand consider objections in wrlany, t o the w o r k done and mfurnished and used In theninrovement, to w i t :

1. Improving Lawrencerom Dudley A.venue to Siucla:ly conatructlng concrete curbs:ers three feet wide over all al,curb lines and by macudamizunpavod portion of the carri.ijrsaid section of Lawrence Avendepth of four Inches.


Westfleld. New Jersey, Nov. 24, 1913.11-26 12-3-10 (Fees ?5.O8)

Amount of excess of cost ovevspecial benefits to be paid andbortio by the Town a t la rge $928.26

Improvements under an ordinance en-titled, "An ordinance to cause concretesidewalks to be laid alo. 'E both sides ofSt. Paul Street from Hast Broad Streetto Lenox Avenue." passed and adoptedMay 19th, 1913, and known a s SpecialOrdinance No. 369.Lot No. Nama of Owner. F ' tage , Amt.

1—Kector, Wardens and.Vestrymen of St.Paul 's Church 322.5 $143.19

£—Wosttlold SecuritiesCo 50 22.20

3—Wcstlleld SecuritiesCo 50 28.20

4—Westfleld SecuritiesCo 70.5 31.50

6—St. Paul Church 150 68.606—Wcstfleld Securities

Co 150 66.007—Westfield Securit ies

Co 70 31.088—Westflold Securities

Co 60 26.64!)—Westncld Securities

Co 60 26.S410—Wcstfleld Securities

Ot 60 26.0411—Westflnld Securities

Co 63.23 28.0712—Westfleld Securities

Co 180 79.92

Sealed proposals wlil be reelhe Council of tlie Town of V

N. J , at tho Town Hall, onDec IB, 1913. at 8 o'clock, P.constructing; about BOO lin. ft. osanitary sewer and appurtenp[Cdgewooa Parkway and :Place.

lOacfc proposal must be acco)>• a certified check ror ?100.0ito the order of the TreasurerTown of Westfleld and signedbidder as an evidence of pood fhe successful bidder will beo furnish a surety company b(lenal sum equal to the estlma3f the work to guarantee theperformance of the contract.

Plans and specifications nexamined at the oinco of A. "STown Engineer, "Westfield, N. I.

The Council reserves tho rlgl t to re-ject any or all bid3 or to accept any bidas they shall deem for the best interest,f the Town.


11-26 12-3-10 • (Fees $7.64)

$571.08iinount of exitsa of cost o \ t r

M|K<1I! In n. IHH tn 1H borneand pild bv thi» l m n a tIHM $25.(9

sIinpi<>\erii' n ls undt i nn ordinance en-

Hlt d \ n otdinai p to impio \ i Weal-t ld UuiUit from South Wemif to P a r ki t n t t iidb^nl und ulopui l May *l)th,

S o " l»i,t N i N irne of ( Inne r 1) I lRe Amt.1- U i « ( | l Mil tin 18 12 $84.24J—Ni 111. P I Stiitt 42F.J 71 !l;l1- I hi i Idr I M f Iilli tt 2 7"i 72.3S1—! i. m U' l&Khm }J 70 72.27- Mi- i n> 1 H f l i

t' Ul 1(11 till 22S.S>rif 1 \ Iliaiuaid fit) liu.iiij7 A I \ \ l l - im HH) 221.00^ [I m l . 1 1 . I l l s *i0 110,SO« l l i , i 1 l i o n , 101 4 183.64

10 ' t i m l o M S m i t h U i. UVj S'.l• 1 - V n \ ( I il m. r | ( 1 ' 1119 .19

, i i . n i i \1 II u lit 77 I7U.17

H \v ^ I m i l ln. ii

i utdnlwItnnd.ilpll

Hllui"l|lht l i t , . ! i l j t t i

It h i ti!R Alii

II i -<I I -<

1 . - \ i t h u r I i m\W16 -I H nl L th Hi mi17 —I mi l l 1 runiii r1H V<>\ I I* I Uf i

s . r n l i I ii hi i iIi.ilit I> I I I ' i

S n u b ( i r l mII II it I I iiniliuI —I IU \ \ I M 1 i' M u i l i i ( M i II \


J l i m n a 1 h I i i l l n1 \ !1 i s II \f KlliU \'I- I n ill* II Wt id

1 111! *-i II n n i I ii l l l l - in\\ m I

t( !\I « II ntli. s 1i - rI s I

! . ttI ri IH \

i.-i m l >i[,b

l:iiiiiloli,h,lUHilllll 11I iin lolpllHnmlolph


'» ' 5

S8',2I I 10

31 (6H . l l

I l i l 1.1.1111 In tir | ill! anill i m In tin l i m n ut liilhi $M« «J

r,Itiijtritipiiii u l« umif i a n ur.Hnftnri. eft

t i l l I v i HI i l i i i t tua tn (iiuiti t h e unhi i t i ov il t ' i i l en s i f biith Hi itiwalKe uf

1 i ti w mi fi im \ U i | l i n id N t K . tt I l int M , ,1 111 I l<!tt.l i (UHl [BVI-1i in . ni n is I -ai*. .1 nil I ii.ini ii .1 y t%l i i f l i i l und k l i m n tt» Hp* i hil m d l


J l I I I I I I in<lnt I? 671I hi, • I I 1 > HI 321

-< i i f i u - M i i ig i t nni I MMis. t l i ,1 71 12

>1 M i l . Hi Mlllllfl I 1 70 12:2 8 - M i l I W » k ' i fn 12:,n ( I l i a 11 1 n i l 1 fS IIi l - I li-H Hi | . i i»l I l i m n

of W * ttii IU 174 11 3S12 m u l l I Hi i« Ii iir 12I I - \Ni Ml, \ Mil tin 71 ISi

< .ilholli i Inn h i fth.- l lniv I r l n t t i 118 H'

16—Ihun i i i II I.ivo 180 I I18 - l i i n n h i n < l l t i m it 8:37 I t t l l i l a m b r t 4 3 8•iH — r d w i i n l * W l n t f r 3(1 E

ft,JSS."2Ami.tint of . i i fji uf in»t over

nppitwl bctirtlts to lip liouifmil ixlit by lh» inwn otIuil.f t l . t i a . t tN . t l r , la »l«.i I n >lii ( K m ihnt lh

( iiiiill ^111 m »t «t tlm c (i ^.H lto..iii i i n » i i t m m \v«»tBfi.i N. J. , <,M imitH th* fltt »!ith d»T of l<rrrtn)ioi


j Coun-in thee Towneflifleld,ceraherreceivetine, If



nd sut-.(? Bothng theway of

tie to a


PROCLAMATION!Whereas. In the opinion of tl e Coun-

cil of the Town of Weatfleld, a rd of theMayor, that public safety req t l res themeasured herein taken, proclamationIs hereby made that up to Feb. st ,1S1<1,all doga, male and female, fotnd run-ning a t large within the limit j of theTown of Weslfleld, except such a s shallbe properly muzzled, securely fastenedabout the nose, after one day's nublitnotice of this proclamation wl 1 be de-stroyed.

By the advice and consent of the'ouncll of the Town of Westfleld.

HBNRT W. EVANS,Attest: Mayor.


Nov. 3rd. 1813.

I*»BI *-yo such

whichd mustor be-

(1 byeatftrld,Monday,II., for

f 8-inchnces in'

npanieddrawnof theby the

tith and•equirednd in ated costfaithful

ay be" Vnra,


In Chanesry of New Jersey.Fidelity Trust Company, comand Paber-Lewis Company, diFl. fa. for sals of murttfaged

By virtue of the above-staof fieri facias to me directed Ilose for Ra'e by public vennu

•.herifTs ofllce In the Courthoutcity of Elizabeth, N. J,, onWEDNESDAY, THE SEVEN'

PAY OF DBCEMBEn. A. tivti o'cloclt in the afternooday. all that certain tract orland, situate, lyiiifi; and beintown of WoHtrielil, in theUnion and State of Kew Jersey

fihiiinc; at r.,n iron pipe stathe intersection of the nortlline of Colonial avenue with IIeasterly line of Highlandthence running north forty-a

cs east one hundred und e'UK Hie said nort!iw«..*ltu-l

Colonial avenue to a stake; tlning north forty-three det?rtlino hundred and fifty feet iothence runnlniT Huiilli forty-s

eH lvi'St one hundred arid cito a slake In the: nortlUMlsterl

;lu' said noftlimtsterly lineand avenue smith forty-lhret•ast one Inimlrt-il ami liflv fu

This description lifltijr takemrviiy niiido by .1. L. Ilauer,

HeiriK a pint of the sameconveyed to Fnber-Lewls CtmWilliam c. IlaUBaanl und wl

'jruiiry 10. lilOil, and recordeiF.Ui of Heeds for Bald I'tiunty, |


1.1S-U UlUSiWI,

n o r in;wiiN<

N l o t h i T y p r v r i « nell of tho Town of WestfielC m i ) ' <if Union, will meetTown ltooniv, 1^1 CniHpei:

i-«tfl^l(l. N. -1., on HnndHy»vv{>inhi'r IHL. l»t». ut t ' lsht *i^rcivt ami ^ijtisutfi1 ob'striting, If any. to the worknt^rluig fui-rU»he«l anU um'd

oilowitu; liiiiiiiivciru-nts to \.1. Ouhsfruttititr elelit inch

ertTr* tiTul HtMnirU'iiiittrcst-»cH«*?is of Jfa?,t-1 AvotiU",m« HcotfU i'lJiiti* jSv^nut*.pIai-H, AUHUH Htreitt. UuriFiirst Rlrwl,%. OonstrtjriinK a mnU\

p0uri<*nani"« tn th» Tow


Betweenjlainant,fentlant.rei.eti writhall ex-, at tine, In the


i of caldlarcel o; in theunty of

iullng atwesterlyK north-avenue;veil de-hty feetline of

^cn run-ef5 vvfata stake;ven tli»-

thty feetv line, of

,t to the

from aJanuary

promisesparty by

re, tiateitIn Bookses 41)9,


Street and theDnion Avenue,

Be It Ordalne by

side of Piersonifr iS 6 iS01"*{J,Avenus to Union 4venu»

m Wo u Av13 already lai

School, and

erty specially brnefiua

ke effect lmm"diat°iv1 9 Pas .ed and adopted'J


Section 1. That t!ie wwEdgewooa Avxnuo ana Pit , M*Bbo extended Bouttiputtirli \Tii "*•tor o£ Plcn-nnt t law to L « *land of James o Clark ™ *

Section 2 That BO much of n, iand expense of such impro,™ ?*can be lawfully MeiwdTiXJuKi*

t t l l b "K*!

fihall be made anil csupervision of the J


ESTATE OF CA'l I l t l

Pursuant to tho oitler of OSTR.TJPARROT, Surrosate of u , * HUnion, mido on the application el iunderalgiiGd Pxecutor o( sa>o«,»~notice la ^erebJ gHm to t « tMof said deceased to exhibit to ti,scriber under oath or afDmiUiaSclaims and dem^nd^ agnina* {^ .-2of said dereased within n!M*,i3gfrom the thirtj-nrht da? of fkriw1913, or thin will l)0 for««( l iSfrom jirosecuting or re oTerice Ssame against tht ^ub^erlber

AUQUsrut> K Oilt,

Levi E. Hart Troctor11-4-91 PMlll

., In tho

[Joiie snU

I Wr-ti-



s iu .nn i ' s s*i^,Jn chancei \ of Nen Terse?

Loula Kaufman, complalnaH sSterpone, et il defuidanis tStxla of mortt,at.ed premise*.

By virtue of the ntu\c Stattd sH %fieri faciaa to me dii'tted 1 sir ~pose for salis b> public Vcftdiio.shertn'a oiflLt. in. the Oourtlieas*.city of EH?ahcth N I nnWEDNfcbD V> #L!Ii; SIVBNTE™.

DAY OF DFPlAlBLh \ D 15% -at two o'clock in the " ' *day, till tt ube t t i td.niof la;mi nnd ttrtinlst11 Iitreln3f'4iticulurly ticserjbi;*!, '•itu tt> Ijjbeing in tho town ot UesifMa,county of I nion ami siitf *)f iaay-

Firet Iract—l^tlnnhii? aUthe gouthnsterl *idt* of DO^E^diytitnt thit e-ftun<1r *i ptid i3t>*>> feel snuthHi.'Ui* h frjraavt*iiiit>; •'ilO ] mnt itiu^iiurthwt-sU iH uuiikr on s<of lot twtntv foui i-4> in{2), on 'Mill ut i U-t tffor sale H% Hirris &. <Ktipld, «n lin* nf (' K Itsey, % mile ftmn 1-pot said u -now on rtU in I i i m touitt

(24). ia blink 1 \u U) tHf huiA* *fcu-ty-livf ind m hi If U ^ L ^ , , or it - u i t tw*. itv otiMr tblocli t«'o \i) KI\ " ' t mat vKJouLithwf>M iK mil 1 indlPK on ***twcnty-oni (>.t) in " ^ **» l-JiSEiid maj ttilt t\ th in ar3 «**g(^3 Ut) f t t t l i . n i ni rth*«wl »Hparftllol wltii !ln in t vouiwi. <tlrpa nml ftirt^-tivi un 1 one ftsli'feet, mort ci \i*t t» iK«'tlienco lo i th ' ist 11 abrg K*|street ttii-lj ihttt ind » " » # *1-a) feet io tho IHIIHI ani! ihce t *uinniim. lUtnr t hirtv thrfe miw

J ttK i n l i K . rth i rd (.13 1 ') fc. tt w o (S2), In b h i k " • • ' •map .

Second Tl u t - l > ^Inrinson ths niutl i i o t . i l l " Ifflrwt t h i n i tin < <nl<mo-humlr .d lh« ( 1 ' ) I" 'ffi,

j f i r t y ' i c d ) m l t u m • ' I»~''r'i*s! snlil dlvlnlnn Inn in I " I " ' I" ; '? , *.: OsKoni i l l t tm ( in ' i n "^ . j?

thfrtiM . I I

II t;thr0T

r»."'vi".''r"jilV ' V i.,-jtlwm.»"- ' H ' '*, i *

'(lrp"«ilil*n\ " i l l " ' " " ' "

SI'KHAI. o n M N A N t n Nil. 3SI>.

f i • ' "An urdimmrw to itsi

shtawftltt Tour fc*"*t wl.Ut l d r k to be Utiii a long

ni 'cr ( 1 . . . f I:.-ll,K t l . n lltsvenl i ti i m !

-t.iilf . t I t i i>i ( 2 ) . .in H

Jltillilliijc I ' ' "l l m i r , , u 1, «lll Ii n n. of v J '! WII 1 I \M

„ .. «»' "«n |i p IItt i i II"

)Hiiiiini» ! n - !S -4 t

t 1


inn t

FAMILY and most ofthe ironing 75 CENTS


WASHINGWe do not mark your linen

Ask us about our improved method

W E S T F I E L D S L A U N D R YTelephone 13S W GEORGE H.

f j

LOSEY, Prop.

Page 16: THE WESTFIELD LEADE - DigiFind-It · THE WESTFIELD LEADE *^e LeadinLeading and Mosg antd Widel Most Widely Circulatey Circulated Weekld Weekly Newspapey Newspaper in Unior inn Unio



Ernest Richardson Ad'(dresses Men's Club on "The

Original Idiot."


rte Original Idiot" was the sub'chosen by Hev. Ernest G.

lards™, pastor of the Simpsonjorlsl church, at Brooklyn, for

• alter dinner speech at the SixthjUl Banouet ot the Men's Club ofPaul's church, held in the parieh

IKS test Thursday evening, provedi interesting topic and the clever

.aimer In which it was handled drewIrtli a lesson which should be takenrlously by all men at this age.JF. Richardson began by defininge word "idiot" ot Greek origin and

|ld how the word was applied toj non-voter, or the man who did

{,: tako part In the government.

i salt! the Greek were tho first\ fcave democracy, that tho present

democracy was an experimentj Iind not yet proved successful.: ileflMi! the word Democracy as

"Hale of the People" and statedl i t D< mocrncy could only succeed\st all the people voto. "Tho lackI \0tc3 Is a shame and a disgrace in

country, never • lias a presidentelected but what tho vote ot

sstsy at homes could have defeatedMr. Richardson quoted figures

lowing tho great proportion of non-bteis ia tho country.

Jin closing he said that a man whoIres only for his own affairs la not

jdesirablo citizen in any sense and•such a man had lived in the ancient|eek times he would have beenilteil an idiot.

|Ecv. Dr. LoomlB, ot tho Congrega-mal church, another speaker of the

after telling a number of, ever ready after dinner ,lokes,

(ok up a more serious question. Hetged the men present to Join in the

•eaient against liquor, making aag plea in behalf of the work.

tier speakers of the evening were[H Pencheoii. Kev. Dr. Steans, andB>or Evans.[President John Spalckhaver, acted1 toaslmaster and previous to In-

iucing the first speaker, welcomedmembers and the guests. He

le of the now Hector in the hlgh-, terms saying that in tho short

fce lie had been In Weatfleld he had! himself to t i l ho had met.

I said that the Meu's Club meanttreat deal to the men of the church,I t at no time was there the needI to-operation BO great as at the

*nt time and In closing askedi ai! men who were members of

t club place their shoulderis to the|«"l and all who were not membersI net In line at once.

ho dinner was served by the wo-|n of tho church. The committeeto prepared tho hanquef comprised§1 .1 [I Taylor, chairman; Mrs.UflliaviT, Mis. McAllister, Mrs.

Mrs. nix, Mrs. Cox, Mrs.|ti-. Mra Westlnke, Mra, Felt, Mrs.

r.nd Mrs. Foster, assisted byFVrrla, Mlsa Noo, Miss Chapman,KpMeombe, Mrs., Hoffman, Mrs.

§rgan, Mrs Walters ami Mre. Gil-

,-.. 'Tying was in charge of Mra.pi I'hliui and Mra. 1'anl Q. Oliver.'t Aaltnwa were: Miss Kyle, Mlsa

J K T MM KoypB, Miss nnchnian,|»N"c, \tia Itmieborgor, Mrs Fran-

>ltd llnl... Miss Elsie l'lillllp. MisslMl, MIMI I,w, Mrs. Faulkner, Mrs. " '

Mrs. Heard, MissIr-. Mi-* II. Codding, Mrs. Bum-Mrs (SrlflUhs, Mia» Uiuiorwootl *'*"'

I MM MiPlintock.'I1 i ui»4 furnished by DtishiitiBk.' 1 Hi [in t eomralttefl of th« club

AMONG THEjHUiHSFirst Baptist Church.

Business meeting of the church to-night at 8:30.

Public worship Sunday morning at10:30. Preaching by the pastor.

Sunday School at 12 o'clock. W,A, Dempsey, superintendent,

Young People's meeting Sundayevening at 7 o'clock.

Evening service at 7:46. Sermonto Ihe young people by the pastor.

C. J. Greenwood, Pastor.

Bethel Baptist Clmrch.Sunday morning service at 10:40.Public meeting at 3 p. m.,Sunday evening service at 8:30.

First Methodist Episcopal Church.9:45 a. m.. Brotherhood devotion-

al service.10:30 a. m.. Public worship and

sermon—"Tha Gospel of Christ andthe Life of Ills Followers."

12:00 m., Sunday School.6:20 p. m., Boys' Meeting.7:00 p. m., Epworth League.7:30 p. m., Orgaa recital,7:45 p. m., Public service and

sermon—"Our Immigrant Mulltl-tudo,"

This evening at 8 o'clock there -willhe a special service of praise . andthanksgiving.

Q. Franklin Ream, Pastor.

expset to return to InterlaUen, N. Y.,in the near future.

Edw. McManus, of New York,spout the week-end with hla mother,Mrs. E. S. McMamis, of Third ave-nue.

Instead of the customary tonof coal being given last Tuesday nightat the moving picture show a turkeywas awarded to the person holdingthe lucky number,

The Garwood Council Jr. O. V. A.M., attended church In a body lastSunday evening and enjoyed a ser-mon on "Fraternallsm" by Rev, El-liott.

The Huber-DIson nuptials tookplace this afternoon at St. Michael'schurch, In Cranford, and was fol-lowed by a reception at the home ofthe bride's parents in Second avenue.

Tho Jr. O. U. A. M., Initiated sixnew members last Monday. Re-freshments were served and tho oldmembers thoroughly enjoyed theevening. The total membership isnow about 55.

Mrs. John KraUky has returnedfrom Morriatown, where slio hasb«on spending sevoral weeks. Mrs.Kratzky has been ill all summer andtho climax camo when her husbandwas injured recently In an automo-bile accident.

The Second Methodist Church.Sunday, preaching at 11 a, m,Sunday School at 3 p. IU.ChrUtian Endeavor, 1 p. m.Preaching at 8 p. m.Mid-week service Tuesday evening,

I p, m., Young men's meeting.Friday, 8 p. m.. Class meeting.

Rev. J. M. Hoggard, Pastor.

Holy Trinity (B, C.) Church,Mass every morning at 7:30.Service on Tuesday and Friday

evenings at 8 o'clock,Sunday masses at 7:16, 9: IB and

10:15 a. m.Sunday School at 2:30 p. m.Benediction of Blessod Sacrament

at 3:1B.Kev. H. 3. Watterson, Itector.

Presbyt*ri»n Church.Mid-week service tonight at eight

o'clock.Sunday morning worship at 10:80.Bible School at 12.Sunday evening worship at 4:30.Christian Endeavor oorTlce at 7


St. Tsui's P. E. Clmrch.Holy Communion, 7:30 a. m., and

on first Sunday in month a secondcelebration at mid-day.

Morning Prayer and Sermon at 11o'clock.

Evening Prayer at 4 o'clock..Sunday School In Parish Mouse at

3:30 a. m.Tomorrow (Thanksgiving) cele-

bration of thft Holy Communion at7:30 o'clock. Morning prayer to: 30.

Rev. Jamos A .Smith, Rector.

The Christian ami Missionary AllianceW. C. T. U. Hall, Prospect St.

Prayer and praise service Friday,8 p. in. ' V4 hour devoted to Biblereading.

H. h. Turner, Paitor,

]t)>nj.»mlu Ton j

v,j« amdontl) ilict Inth<» fmt> Mltti a li i"»l rifti- <ontaiiilii(!

thnt lartrldi," li> Frauk < olllian. aT l h lv.mkt»»\v k t » )

oUKht Ihn rtl'i- ficiiii WJ t >i»i' to theNstlomil Mituh'iiiK »mk« lo lu.u !!•'>with Bl Imiili Mliw C'olll. ti ' l - rd

• il .1 II. fenchoon, 0. II. I.o .N Oiildlng, J. Milf» and C! llI>l

thai t'


NOW OPEN for BDSIiESSAt 22! East Broad St.

C H. TompkinsPainting and Paptr Ifagittg

f^ll an4 fn*|t^rr tiXf ««tllfli^l t*t (t«itlmBl««,



Fidelity f u s t Co.HEWA«», H.

f>mi4 *• t

!l hii,l a il< »• I" <-'•"' r ) I "il li hail b«'iMi i \|)loil 'I.

Ihit Mlfh ¥,{1 Iiui l!if l.t^1 Aft'tr at-h»<l HiiHjiix'il Hi" hammt-i fUfmlIIUHJ iIn- siln-11 final!) »«iit nil' nmlt'» i IIHI>'<-(truck Tonnl i i In I'll 'l*i (>

V.HS *iiiilH!lli^ tloi!?1 !>j 1'r Ili"i k^r«fsa ftuiititii'is^d and oriicti'il tho iii'Jim,! irnn !o t,« «(nt to the i:iiid!"*tl"hufiiltftl. wl«>«e nvory t>ffurl i» brtnpPI,win to »»vo his (iy*«lght


n.f Liberty IlniP C'oniimny. Nil, 1(iitrwiwi Pirn iH-iwrtniM'*, K i " ' " ' ' "

,\cnth nnntini thin <'V.-1nlii« I"Turn Hall, Tim roitimltli-n •<( *•

ctimtirla^d of Thim.ssiirittftlt). Jt.'f. «!«nipf, VV T(.».tinr.

lit »ni! W. Hai-ffii*. ti*'». . „ . , ttirtr rtlitU-s aii'l »'••• l l B "In huniifiunlHy flri'orat*it wllti •cvrritl

Amnft«n flupit am) tmrnrraA Isf^* adTRBC** §*!•! of tlf'feHa hSSti^'fl BiSlli ftllll th«* ftfftltl«ll Hf** C'fl"

thta will *•*> ' * * b«>«t « w r

AH tlf ttl* farfnflrn will t» il

ifknv eliifh %SM lliifi^il til Hit* H^il

Mr«th ®

Ufl<t f)iM<t» h*f* 1"*' • *notrarNir W*W»« fa (saving the

f rn»t\ »l(li tUmt, tiotn ttnriturn'* Hal") In W»'«M« • l l»«

Ml*. HI***. «f Sufth »*»M«i«* IB

Hf X n William ?l>*(i«ift »f»


The following table shows theamount of tax Wesitftold collectsfrom the various corporations doingbusiness in this towntlvo figures and them>ase over last year


I'UItllc SorvietjHnllway Co.,siiL'ceiJSftr t o1; 11 a a 1) e tr..1'IaalnneU &Conmd Jer-sey RailwayCo (S,«OS.64

Public ServiceUk-elric Co.,lessee oftJni-ted ElectricCo., of N. J. 1,153.SO

1'i'lalnlleia-Union WaterCo 951.S!

Cranftirtl OanLlKht Co. . . 532.6«

Now YurHTelephone Co. 1,160.18

with eonipara-amount of ln-:'' '

1013 1313Increase

! : , : n i s3 s s s s i

1.H8.31 4 81)

601. S4 899 11

137,OS 95 C3

88(1.9! 213.25


What a pleasant thing to have said toyou I And why sliouldn t it be? You whoenvy others toeir lovely hair, and arefcshamed of the duU, lifeles, stringy ap-pearance o£ your own—use Harmony HalfBeautifier, and let others envy you.

This delightful liquid seems to polish andbrighten the hair, giving it that burnished,lustrous look you have so often wished itmight have, adding to its softness, making iteasier to put up and "stay put' —making ittnoreattractive and beautiful in every way.It overcomes the unpleasant, oily unieU ofyour hair, leaving a dainty, rich rose per-fwnethat will delight you and those aroundyou. Very easy to apply—simply sprinkle auttleou yourhaireaeh timebetorebrusliing.Contains Kooil; will not change the colorofhair, nor darken gray hair.

To keep hair and scalp dandruff-free andclean, use Harmony Shampoo. ThU pureliquid shampoo gives an instantaneous richlather that immediately penetrates to everypart of hair and scalp.insuriiigaquicU, thor-ough cleansing. Washed off just as quickly,the entire operation takes only a few mo-ments. Can't harm the hair {leaves noharslvDCS3 or stickiness—just ii sweet cleanliness.

Both preparations oune in odd-shap?;1,very ornamental bottles, with sprinklertop3.0Harmony Hnir BKmtififtr, $1.00.Harmony Shampoo, 60c. Both guaranteedto satisfy you in every w ±y, or your moneyback. Sold in this community only at ourstore—The Rexall Store—ona of the morbthani'.OQOIcadinsri'nn; stores of theUnitedStates, Canada and Great Britain, whichown the big Harmony labomtories in Bos-ton, where trie many celebrated HarmonyPerfumes ami Toilet Preparations are mode.

•—Frutcliey Pharmacy Co., cor. 131mand Broad Sis., WeBtfleid, H. 1.

SB,201,OS 15,433.03 (182.001'viltllc Service fnviH;!ilse tax baaed

upon Kroiia reeelltta for business titme Intli*5 Klate of Neiv JurHey during 19Uanil apportUHHMl In [iruintrLloii t«» thevalue of the (iroiierty lu,:atcl within

Tou need not t o an "ad writer" touse these columns. State your wantssimply, and above all truthfully. Ortelephone this office and the clerkwill wrlto your ad. Ont-a-word sdaare the biggest llttlo investments youcan tnaka.

For Sale by

R. F. Hohenstein10 PROSPECT STREET


After DinnerA box of ^

assorted smeill choc-olates or <&$&> pep-permints is mostdelight ful. They pro-mote good cheer,

Besides *^*<f Sionhfi(111(1 <hiM;ol»t*:»- (lieiiiwlpieces of H«vorcome ii» many vtiriettet tosuit every candy tail*.

Wfi fllways have ihmnf»*h.

teo* for llm ««( *«n

FniteheyCm, film

Ait f*r •$** *#* **i

Christmas GiftsThat Are Useful

Tim gift that plensea most is the gift that «MI beHISGII the most.

Electrical apjilioiioes for household purposes, suehas toasters, grills, pwolntors, Vacuum cloanors midirons iimko attractive imd useful giEts thai are sure toho appreciated.

We have a large and varied assortment of such ar-ticles at reasonable prices. As a holiday offer we willsell suoli articles iu groups of threes at spueial reducedprices. The groups vary as shown by the two examplesherewith given:

<iroui» N o . '£,

Toaster Stove . , . . , , . . . . $ 4,306-iiouml Iron , , , It,1* hPremier Olnatier . . . . . . . 30,00

<;r.mi. No. 14.Tercolator , . $ T . l Sfi-l>ovind Iron , , , , . . . . . . . 8.75" ' " ' 3T.50

ROBUlnr pr l^f ••• W7.»5Simoial nrlv:o SS.SB

I l oy i l kv r pHve ,,.SJIPtr ial IPHCP . , , , 4J.00

Bavins . $E.oo , ; s 40

Tho prices quoted am standard fur tho separateitems when flu-, same are sold singly. You can aftvomoney by grouping your purchases. Monthly pay-ments accepted.

Public Service Electric Co.

soraot 30K30C

F.P.GLATTES-lormerly with J. G. Bantle, ol Platnlleld


Where It Is possible to get a beautifullytailored suit at a moderate price. Expertworkmanship and perfect Itt guaranteed.





Golden Harvest Dayat Bamberger's

Tim most inti'fMttiiijj niw-iliiy sali- iii the history of Now-

nrk will he held Saturday, November UMh, at tin- llaiiihiTKi-r

store in Newark. It will !»• the 56th UoMfii HurvcBt Day celf-

lirntiun -ami wlmt a cetebrntion it will b«s! 'I'lif Bitinlierger

store ia fniiMrtw lot it» Uoldvn Harvest Day vaim-n, ami this or-

IVriiiKa iiliuiiu-d for Huturiliiy'» lire far nijierioi- to any hwto>

foro Hiimiimi'i'd. UiiunUy, tlmw am »onif i«w lniudre-1 and

fifty (Initloii llnrvent Day »|»«lal«. Hnttirdfty iliert' will iw

MOIiK THAN KiailT HUNUItBD 8l"E(!iAIi Cl'BMH! Hufe-i

Iy, jmi will nut num uliupiiiug *t HIP Uninl)t<i'gi'r Btnrt; iu

Hntunlay! (f«t «nn of th« iloidtn U»rvr»t B»y book-

,....m-y MVIIIB <i|ij«irttittitlPH of (Jdiil«!i Uftrvwt O»y No, 68 «rc-

li«i Kraut for you !i» iota*-

L. Batnberger & Co.NEWARK. N, 4.

Page 17: THE WESTFIELD LEADE - DigiFind-It · THE WESTFIELD LEADE *^e LeadinLeading and Mosg antd Widel Most Widely Circulatey Circulated Weekld Weekly Newspapey Newspaper in Unior inn Unio




Harry Miller, ot TJila Town, laketo Mniilcwooil Police Stn'lon

Sounds flBhy, but wo linve Harryword for it. it in hard to lma&lmthat Harry would 1)0 arrested toHluuilitiB sill'. Is nut Ills wuy idoing thtiiKS an a rule, not n. shado-of doubt would hri\u been cast IC

'had boon reported that ho had bet1

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE GROWTH wrested tor racing a National caor even a Royal Blue lino train, butho story goes that over along titfoot ot tho hills, in a little towi

Given Recently by Clarence C.Eaton, C. S. B., at First

Church, Cranford

Tlio remarkablo betterment•"Wrougbt lii the temperament, charac-ter, tiaults, and deeds of men byChristian Science are tlio direct re-sult of the casting out of eyiis ordevils. This of obedienceto the Master's command is attract-

known as Maplewood, he was actuall;arrested for standing still, In his neStuts roadster.

This story would never have beeiwritten if Harry had x>laeGfl a bo:of matches iti tho outeido pocket o

ing more attention today, perhaps, h , c o a t b u t ! l 0 d W n . t j a E d therob:than mere physical healing. The | B t h 0 t a l e ,latter ia an JacldtuiUl experience on j A f t o r Bshlns ] n v a i n tm a matcitho way to tho ultimate of reforma- : R b r o u g ! l t t h e c a r to a stop o)Uoa and transformation The moat w h a t | s kmwn M V a l l e } , B t r o o t a nprecious gifts of Christian Science „ standing accidentally toucheare to bo designated as peace, con- e l e e t a r l c button that controls thtentment, satisfaction, Joy—expert- h s n d , , g h t s , [ ) u t t | n g them out for

second. Ho secured the match amencea and conditions for which wecrave and which can become ours only Wf ls a b o u t l 0 e i o n h u w a y

through the casting out of evil and whea he w a B h o U e d b y o x l o o (

tho acquirement of enlarged spltlrual . . M a p J e w o o d . . , Finest." Harry knowsunderstanding. By a proper appll- "a o l l c e m a n a c l B a n d w h a t acation of Bclentiiic and demonstrable•™ "L ™ ' ™ " ™ ™ r a . « poHceman will do so ho waited fotknowledge of spiritual, truth error* £ B t r o „, h e l a w t 0 c o m e

5L^! I"' ! ? 0h.AhW?.. T? CT "What are doing there!" »aid meoonuciousneBS are cast out, dis-solved, and dissipated, as naturally,sciontlflcatly, an Inevitably as lightdestroys the darkness. Usually thefirst errors to yield In one's mentalityare those which have found expres-sion in physical infirmities, but thisI» not the goal which ChristianScenco urges us to seek. We shouldstrive for and win a consciousnessthoroughly purged of evil, and eo we

- press forward, as Mrs. Eddy has soaptly put it in our text-book, "untilboundless though walfca enraptured,

Looking for a match," saidWho is with you?" "No one,"

Haary. "Let me look," said the>r, producing a little vest pocketric light he peered in tho toneauie car, under the Beat, under the

oven lifted the hood in histo find an accomplice His

search In vttln, the ofllcor scratchedtho back of his head and invitedHarry to give htm a ride to the policestation, explaining that there hadbeen a number of robberies in theneighborhood" and that he iiati toand conception uneonBned is winged " f " ""™ " l u .T" - ,' ' " " „ „

to reach the divine glory." (Science j ^ ^ J BUatiect8 b e f o r o t h e po1 °°

peatles as Instituted by the Master w h a t y o u , f0'" 8 a i d t h o ?mc', , .remained dormant, but in these lat- J " " ™ ^ l h™.**'" a n d a

T,c'ub B"d

ter days Christian Science represents ' w a r " 5-ou; „ ( O f c ?" r B C ; , H a " y ,b e :ins a little follow and besides ho hadthe restoration and eiUfalbhnent of

Ita practice. Les. than fifty yearst0 um Ms hm<B an" °™ tm* t0

yonrs ago only one person on earth oporato the car. ho assured the officer

\ A!tev arlde<!f " i ' 0 Wo<!kcalijod what Christian Science in thisrespect means to the world. To-daymany thousands are vividly consciousthat it is wholly due to ita teachingsand practice that they are alive andalilo to say they are healthy anil

tho of-cer complimenting Harry on tho run.

ning' au.ilitles of his new car, the po-Hco station was reached and Harrywas ordered to g«>t out and walk

happy. If in less than a halt a cen- n H« a d- onCe mom hfnR w a r n c t 1 n°i

tury, much of which time was ncces- to t r J ' t 0 <*cape- a s "]"" ttre t w o ° t h -Barily gpont in overcoming the pro- c r o f f l c o r s o n ani> l n t o w n R l u ' ! l e

Judlceu of mortals and dealing with ™ s ai>t t 0 "" < a u s .1 ' t ttsal11 J)rovl(li"Kmany problems lncldfcut to tlio for- l l 0 W l l s standing stllKnative period of all earthly undertak-' A f t e r " f{!w vigorous digs in thelng»: if during the>e trying yean of r l l M t t l 0 d c c l i o f f l c e r , w af arousedthe reestubllshmMit of a'rollfilous f r o m B O m e w o n < l e r f u l ( l r e a r a »n'lpracttco which hnd been entirely n.-s-

I ! a ) r>' w n s uUtm a ( ' l i a n ( ; ( ' t 0 t e "iet'ted anil In diaue« for upward six-tefii hundred yearn; if notwithstand-ing tin) almost universal and per-

wlll> ! l" w a 9 ' e t 0- A t t o r listening fora wt l l l (> ' ih0 "mwt t o l c l 1 I l ! r r y t 0

u ' " v" $ 1 ° ' " l l i s a a t o kl*l'hxS and

v o l U " v u r

' l l l s k ' " ! " u : k o r " n t - I ' f'«'

ing the almost universal and per•talent practiro of ignoring God as < '"'nc " s n l n <nl M<»"<1»>- fortin> hfiiicr of tin! sick and scditinf; l n K 'maierlal monim for relief and deal- l l i l t r>' l v o l U " v u r " " M«»l!i*ying, no mntler how utterly Inadequateor futile—If in tho face of all thisChrlsdan Sclcnco has rnieonat'-lyproved <-nnal i<> tliu task of reloa»lnKfrois the bonds of Bin. Buttering, andill«n»o hundrfida or thousand)) of pro-plt>, nro » s not justified .n inylriKthem htm com" to their rfallrjilloii


u u t


( a i " K l r a s t l < T l tonsorlal arllet thath o w o u l 1 1 Ket U l ° m"'"')1 b l » * ""'IS' rTiniiH lin (U.I, and pertiiliis lie didn i > t " ' ' " ' " y t l a r ( 1 '» P'1' J'»llr money1>ac'k n f t f t r °" c " K'vl"K It up," said

so onoi-hnlr.

w h o w a a t h "




t 'nnteiiiplntei! Imyiiig a i n r for

"Sevenly-t lve coi i ts ," said thohfT" ,"uh- " " f ' 6 ' ' l l t H - s " ' ' e rp ic ldet i l l s l l l l l f l - f onie a n m n d Monday andI"'5' l l l < ' bct- < i""<1 ll-v<'•"

tiifi fu\i)\mf>ni of J^.SUB' propjHM'j:"He that IK'H iNHh on inp, tlio worksthat I do sl.fUl))« do nlso; ni»! (trenturworks (ban tlic»n nlmll h<> do- bcraum* l 1 m t lln<1 1>w'" v-'lll!lll« ''Is turn ulnceI KO unto my Father." "And t>i«w '*" '"i""*"* ' " e'Pvi-n. ami whu hadHljsiiB shall fulluw them that belhn'e:In my name shall they cunt mildevils: they slml! apeak with nt>»totiRiii's: th^y gimll tuko up •\er|>enta;mid it tt;e>' drink isuy dcaitly thing,it shall not liurt them; Uiflj shalllay hands on tho »Mt, and they u!t»ll " — Iiwrovcr." A WAMimVil, nillTlllt.VI' I'AIITV j

In tho mlnlrtry ot Chrl*U»n «M-: A hlrtliflay j,»fiy was hold I w loaf« ihfl eiulRMor 13 to owraplltjr all ai»tu.,i»,v aftmm.nn at the h«im- n( Itliat U possible forth* human to com- M r - KSlA M r , T_ H11.0M1> M 7 8 I |preh«i.a and mvtom of true charity, M [ U k . 8 OV),tlMe, t ( , r U t H , , M l y a t ; l l l , 0 |

*? , " , ,'f ,ca.M'm o f KeBUln" low HU»ao, who l» 1 }«H8 old. Thirty* " , . i , , .*? «>nH>r«h«n»IvnIy t W1,H, , a u , l i u l a u , , , ! B n l l w l , r B«nibod ed !« th« I3th CimptM of t . l ret,,ivwl b y M r ( l i l l l f 0 B < ! ,„„Corlntht«fl«. Th« b«n*ractl»n« of K m n m u o f vVoMBalU, andChristi»n Se.len«# «*te»d to All el*»- pi(>r<l|u,o HniHh, ot N*>w Yorkw» without dlstlnetion M to Mtit.iwi. „,, b y M r }Ui'mui M r , ,tjr, «u* . « » t » ; , « d talmlMi in M „ „ , M r t - m M t ,,{)w((,k

tho »«•»»« of "•J«wM«jti*>>rt prMtlw t |,,, m m niclmrd* mnu Dolpb nullrmnedji [,;a)1 j[|,Hai,|. 'fhe enterinftimKiit


th« intnutfptor willfor nrary Ht\i\Mlt?abl& fondidoti tftivitltth esatsfclnd ftf(* subj«K't«d, In RK-sriciatfiin, fdUo^iihlp, ttMd coutltir*€!"rl«t|ft« Helence Mr«« nion tn »»irfc! «h«orf«(n'fl of tlio K<»M«n rui«,

l^wsltii, of N(*w V«r^, plaj*Mi tsftv^ral

tion» v>«r«! iMEtlc tumi an<1 yoiiQwritry^unthiiumms. A iitrgo Ettrihday

n. Adit*

C*>r of jUf »fld Mr«, W. h Hpiirlntifcft, K'**1* **J»»i*«tm, «*n»^ MUni^ini, tiui

*rti# s!4'»s«r *t«^ ftrraii^r'ti ItP Miss HUM !s!r* JMblo*1 t't'lti, it^HMHid lt**ii!,^ tsnr t * Hudtlcni'-ti urtfi MlM !^V*ii« WltMiitn )1 Wridim, jv , liutwrtr***fjF, siofw Elmo t^^f i tr yi«jsg[ p*» w&itiuH,. Mfiiiniiu jift^^Sf rftiii*1!?^

*--3T*J*r*v*?t $ff$i$}f gif}$, tt&til&& W*f|6 pl^|f -U*fSi>!snSl, MsrlOU fjtiuhl, tJIU^fi

f>t**jUM)} Sf«i#*: Mr* s»4 M*1** W, N Millar «f>f) rhfjro lftt»i*«.H^ffc(tfii&( Mf. *»A M»* WUMaMtj - . ^ ^ ^ - . ^ * ^ *r^it««lf'k*, M/, att<S Mf« J \Ut rHI . , HITfl?*» AU*f i ' l "

iinym«V'w«Tn..wi «" *M" C »H;;t;wSJ«» »«„•;,,;",• «;:.,;z:»"Iwaiti-r j»x*W>r s».l ^jui^hler, iffSM MF« rtle^fat! it*5i+ni4s, Mfffl-!t«nt«-» (sjniif-t, Mr» John

H l*«rr«M» nf

<ft* KftWM AMI) t-"Af T»

to r}t.«ru>- !)'» Tutlw* hontB A >«r. i

CH» * Mi l :H « H Mo

I n


Bowling, Basket Ball & Gym

" SHOESFor Men, Women and Children

Silberg Bros*163 BROAD STREET WESTFIELD, ff. J.

Christmas Draws Nearer Every Hour!

B e t t e r Make T h a tA p p o i n t m e n t Today


The PhotographerIn Your Totvn

I 3 ELM STREETPhone 569

What do you need in the Printingline? We print it!

Buy EarlyTo Buy Wei!On all sides we hear that familiar phrase, "Do yi»Christmas Shopping early."

About this time last year our store was stocked wi&Christmas giveables.

Then tha holiday crowds began to pour in and we lnj|some of the busiest weeks of our career.Before we knew it, it was a week before Xmas and osrstock of Gift Things that Men Wear was almost ex.hausted.We were compelled to take in an entirely new aswtf-ment for the nest week's crowds, and here we speakfrankly—it was selected from sources already denistejby holiday demands and consequently was not mmtas the first.

At the present time, we have in our store the most m&plete collection of Gift Things for Dad and the bojithat long weeks of careful study could assemble,If yon want to do justice to the Season of Giving bmEAELY and buy WILL.

Special unique Holiday Gifts fromfifty cents upward. A small depositreserves any article in our store untilthe Holidays,


"Most Things Men Wear"

214 WE5T FRONT STREETSight Next to Proctor's

The Leader==$I-52 timesyear. Subscribe NOW,]


Your Thanksgiving DinnerWill not be complete without delicacies and necessities from

Hutchinson & SonOur store is always filled with fresh and well selectedstock, to a few items of which we wish to call yourattention on this festival occasion.


Hutchinson SpecialIs Urn best Hour for results in your Thanksgiving baking

Sunshine »nd Victoria Home-made Cakes, Pumpkins for Pie®, Ktelnss andBrtck'a Mince Meat, California Table Appba and Table Peare, Fresh ToW©Raisins, Honey tn the Comb, Old Fashioned Plum Pudding, Pnrk and TJlferdCandies.


Above all else do not fail to top off your Th«n1<sfriving Dinner with]Hutehinson's famous brand of eoffee-OUJR PRIDE *


Elm andBroad Stgs

148 Westtield,tm N.