the weekly expon ent , friday. novemb er 10, 1916 · g1 1wral and is a wizzard at open field 11iay...

ifxpnueut VOLUME VIII. THE WEEKLY EXPON ENT , FRIDAY. NOVEMB ER 10, 1916 BURKE IS PRESENTED M ' F. 'h . ' B h s , WITH LEATHER MEDAL ontana s 1g ting 0 cats tage eather Do<. tor Is Awarded Token for Splendid Football Weather He Co 1ccx:ted for M1ss.oula Game m de t 1.: ur tion '! (')..· •l 1 I h fo1 thl k J1 .l'!'h anri Pll I I rn nitt ted b.) P1 r l11 r' f> 111 1 1 j ll' Wl'\lh r \\I w re Wonderful Battle Against Invading Missoula on College Field Light Montana State College Eleven Astonishes Twenty-five Hu ndred Spectators by Holding the Famous Missoula Eleven to a Six-Sfx Tie In Battle for State Intercollegiate Championship--Bobcats Score Experienced Than 15 Grabbed Outfight Game Is University Athletes Who Have Weight Advantage of More pounds to the Man---Four Accurate by Speedy Team-mates and Boost for Passes by Boberg Are Result In the College Score Wonderful Eleven From Bennion Who Developed BOBCATS WILL PLAY GONZAGA SATURDAY M S. C. Football Warriors Will Play Fast Gonzaga Aggregation in Spo- kane tomorrow. Dahl Out of Game Tlw u.• .. 111 1 ... tt aft ·rnnCl:l 11n 11aiH :'\n ! for Spoka1w \·lwn• lhP)' \\ill with llW S(_'f<lPllY <; m rnorp i1111•1 rt.l11t th. 11 ll lirsl it ,. rnlid ..:eprn Jf K (' is lo uphold he 1l•putatio11 1·!-;tahlishe1l Satur 1lay slw mnsl lieat Spokane team hy nst twenty poim.; hP<·ausf' )Tis -0111<. 1\· a their ganu.· with 1 2o to 0 HCOrP. Gonzav;a hi t->Ure to takP a '1L?;:11:1 t thP :\[iur>s, antl it will ht:' a hnrd between two evpn- )f('[saa<·-:. Gonzn- hn:ck. iH n grand g1 1wral and is a wizzard at open field 11Iay He did nll thE- damage againS':. "l""bl" pr res1 01 cle1l with a h .. '\"; I \\Pni t 111k::; to t 11· I Cl ' for Inexperienced Material---Every Man on College Team Puts up Great Fight the and will have IO be COil· 1 e 1oi or coc e 1·e 1 11)()11 him. I watched . The rest of the team thP rn 11hY :\I lied o expre!'i.;; n is very evenly balanc·ecl a:td all arP J! deal of -nrtc 'ltion fo1 tlu" 1 C'oad1 ligln. Hob- WPrt.' playPrl 10 a :-;t11ndi:.Lill. The Bob-, prnYing for the Bollc·ats. I Second Quarter I aggres!'ive fighters. " ath r, t'l.e>y rrofessor <"a' :sprung the surprls\.• of cat l'ieven. Timl· timt:> woulrl into .! 1 n·r·ovt--n.·11 a 1·11 lilc 011 tht:' \\'ilh the of lh'lhl , \\ho P.irke w h :m txrr:i JarJ.!<• mHlal It e, 1 .., 0 n \\hf'n they held the m1t<h-tout- the 111 \\t'tght b('JtlC: trom J.111 to 1 a muss ot !1U£cllll'l1 arnl an ec.rnid donn B1).-r1 a 11 ctn lnJUI) m tlw :\lH>:>oul.t lf'ft"' aholl ind1e..: •n fd Grizzllps ·u li-t :.1111 the G11zzlit•s 1anl;'1d 110111lm"t .. rnt 1.ner :-;hoot out 111 thP olhC:'t l:-.p1\ltii thr> hnt tot six ya111s Kame 1lJP C'O)lege team 1"ill line up !'f!.1.tnPtl'I" Thf' Je.11lwr nl ''hirh it lie on tht! college field la:-;t 1:11 1 ro 'l hl had till' Ue:-.t !<.f•lP \\Ith thief> 01 1cu1 h,•11::; T\\O tor otfH1de t·ost the um· the o..:ti.mP as lt 'lid with m•1P na a1 1 propri:lt1>l) to ilay out·weight:>ll 1: pounds cf tin .1 g11nwn1 Ill tlw hn<'kl1i:hl .rnd lo l11m t'.q1tam C'lark had \Jet->Jt 'e1s11· tl'n \rtl"lls M1ssu11l,1 1e<·o\('I ·\ BP1g-111,rn "rnd RHP at end pos1t1ons, ·1 clonrl and hl111· 11 tilP ir·an. !hf' ('OllC'ge tt•am 11ht•11 au.ul, \\,b \an1·tl and o..:h1ftld trc,m t'n'1 t11 lh1..• h.i1 .!!Pli\ ;11 .• 1 Pd n 11ct-' t11111l1ll· on their 2fl vardlmP Borton Ca11t DuquettP at 15hrne It \\.H I• 1111\\ ..,, I ':Ith llk\.• rtemons and ma up 111 an1l I 1h.rn was :\l!n .... oula tJ 1\t•t' llhl\,... qu:u ll'! lint fa1lt-'d to r onlt : I !1t:-1H% made ou n tat kle around I and 2\Cat Spadde:i at gu.trds. xp<'11 :::em 11 p0l ... 11e1t :1 bPltei· oi pla)s \\h 11 Thl"' at 1he ht.trl ht lllt tu l'X ... , in h1:-. Ill''• (' 1111,n .n Keercltl ('0111'1 makP hut l\\o. cent('r, .Tolle) and ll<in· ltht'\ Iarl,t>d 1:1 \\eight e::qH.·nenc.:\.', .ind 1 t.1(kle huckh \\tlh g1ea1 ,.ll\'l'C!.i:i. :..di11nrrit•'s \\t 0 1 1 1h .. i• ti llhp t·oll.:1-'-c l>rar-ttl .rnd !.it::11 Hryan fullback. and Pr•H :-.--or B11rl,p ha" alwa)!-i re1mtatinn. The ... t''lll·d 111 Onl) a small sh.1re ol th<' pla)h <re good thoHbli .1 .t c.:onst. t ·n. 1mnu•d 411 to Bob1..•rg. Boberg at q11an1:>r Gra,·en. Senz. Al much intC'rest in prodnring goor\ wea- 1he hecond period \\hen efl .t111und tlut t•1nb 1esulted 111 g-aim;. Evary man 1111 th<.• Hdw t \lllt:>Hll j Rnh1:>rts sullstitHLl.'d for Dahl. F 1: 1 . Borton. and Stearns will substitute thf'r rflt the of )f. $. C. He kit end ror a twcmy-five yar11 nm 1o then· touchdown was s('ore(I to the la!:."t and to 11ick a star lln-au and .Jolh•,· madt' a Lot·il d The officia ls al'e: Hinderman. referee. I<' 1t any ttme i:1 the goal line )frQuanit:'s 1ry fn 'on ·rn t·nd r' n In the last half th\! out of bunch ts rtiffkull How-lr 01 H ,,·!hi' lil'f'' Di:yan vi•nted c :\loyer. umpire. a:1d \Yoodward head Er• ot o( old f'hemi!;try huildiug, j goal hil the tTOss·bar. Jn th1 la ;t 1 Gri%Zlif's dl111H;1.•d thl'i1 . tl::tl'k tt1 1 w1n· t'' ,.i· .Jolie) 's work. horh or of fPnsP 1 C'lat k, who w, 1 :-. l'.l< k\r>tl afti·r sign lin!.! lint>sman. all of Spokane Hinderman fl up thP atmosphere by wav- cur.ner 1 h 13 Boh('3ts cnmpletic I wnr hut• J•l in!!'lh !1111 111 l.\· one man. gan· nu1I at bat·king 1111 the linf' I !or ;.L fair t·au.:h. t·o:-:.ling •he t·ollt·-P 01 refereed the \Yasbington-::'-. l ontana lll::. a 1 ttl1 in. ti"t:nknt arn\l;ul 111 llH' ... nhational forward pa!'s('5; ont ol Ii\'" ld< 3 rso:i. wa in !his rp ... p1;.·<·t on fil°fl'H't' was n•alh wo111l1_•rf11l i:-; yard JH:nah\' sanllcrs<•ll riwl c:ame in :\1isl-'01ila antl a tlc>penaablt• a r It v.a ... altogeth;r. ritring 1 ·mcml'!s for a total <list nc« " ;. au <w«lsional t<wkl_' aro11nd 1 Llti' in 'l•i!P <>I tlw fn<·t that lw has \<lams '°'"°n throngh the line man. Coac-h llennio;i and Manager !'''ruP 1nkPn nt nppre<'1auon be gn·en yarilii. the lal'>t pai:1s 1h1 hill phl:i.· 1 hr 1 ·P torwanl pnssu·• for a lOtal h<1·n out_ than a week Berg 1ul1 1 ,\\t'll by ::Sa:Hlt-r ... 011 for tn 011 '.1 iit·- ::;trand will alTonqiauy It'am whkh to him wtthi;l fonr yards of the lol nf 5.\ y11rds \\t'rt' l'OTllJlh-tt>d 1 n1a11 at l'll<l cnnnot be overlooked. layecl siilit Uutk Two li:tl' playl'l- nd will rPTurn S.11uclay 011 train :"\o. 4 ley an1l Hober.e; hit tbe line and riv Line Plunge s Fail Hi· was IIl every play and :;peared tetl three .JonPs ;.:-at Ut (• 11.d -- --- !':>(·ore tied Tlle try for g:oal Thl HnbC'illS tril-'il Y<llllly 10 j)ll'ITt' S(JlllC im11ossible cat ches. Boberg'i-; on thP old. hlddt:>n ball tri<·k au1l W(•nt l [0[CUM[N ·No sopue rNTER GT 5 WEll I 'Ohl whPn the ball tOU('hl"d tilfl. tht> ht><t\ lo weird lit PU!-'e of 1he I and the manner in which hr around Jett end 1hruugh a broken Ir ft[.-111 [ 11 nil [ ' 1 g 1 : 01111 u and was downed by the ,-isito:·"· E.nn and were piloted Bobcats were feature:.. field !or a 2;; yard rnn n thC' c::nal er oula .1eam betore it ('OUld be kic:kecl. " .. hlll fight The punting of Bn·an was also nl lme :'.\kQuarrie's Hlll'Illlll al The tie score IB accepter! Joc·ally a:i and pep anrl an f>H"n bn•ak in luck I the stella r ,·ariety. hit the t•ross bar. +i-n . •I '.l "Oltla la virtual ''ictory. were t he chief asst•ls ol lhti lo('als. Jn A crowd of 2,!100 people witnessed, ..\. i1111 or o\ ,, , I I Bryan kicked 50 to Sherk \\ ho - I Miss o\J la Ha " Pep 11 punting Br)••I• hatl !ht• 1he game boo:-1t('rs n1·r tilt• Bt:arcatt:1 s . l>•l. tJ\l r ":\kquarrie. Y;-11·clage f.!,aintod irom sc· 1 Lurnf'.cl Tht> failPd at Tryouts for the on lhP !"' rr:p !If C. last w ·ek This was Uie m Hing .... In tht· i111art<'r the l'Uil••g-e ap- l" ihe r sit) 21ti. colll'ge, :1 1 jthe line and fJYe on an rnn. "ill he this aflernoon in tj1p -11nd iu town ;.\-·ith pep to spare ieams in. yeon; DUI' proarlwd 110 llt.>lHer to goa l A\' eragt- per scrimmag:l' \·11he1 punted 20 .Jolley room. The as iirants for th<' IH':-.j)ll1 hp thal 1h .... majority of inK lltt:-i t1me t.h e Gr1zz1lir·s h:iY" wo11 than lht· lil .\ai rl hnP althoii<>h rhn _ ·J> 1 11 _ jhil the l111e on a split IJllC'k 1ur s••\ell . _ ... , .. 1 _ . t!P mPn rnade> thP trip !hf' C'hant\" :l rflputation as one of the lie!"t rnnt · '""' .. - !'ll)_. :, .. ,:. s. co ege. :: .. yards Inn tllis 'as lost when llt .•ntz t:11·t w teamh na\P b1.-en thf' - will ol 1Le :-..; P A few ball i::t the norU1wc::;t A entire Qll:lrter was phiyt;>d 10 llniYer ) an.Jag:<" gauw<.1 by Iol'\\iJl'll I HohE:'rg Inr a ou till 1 ext 1 .i·t\ 011 for the pll:--l rwo weeks amt It ts t il e te. o.n1 t.!1at• hel d ;_,rac,p11,c,·e Grizzlies haYe possPssion ot the hall The Grizzlies c·ompleted pasties Bryan math.' four Lrom _1111nt 101m.11101• full) expected th,\t 1be ll)OUt w1ll bf' ul tlJt;. i '"" werP tra\·el· n1ajorily of the plaver· in th li1 11 H·rntory 011Jy on<·(' <lid thr l niYen;itv . c·ollel!,e, tjfl. I - I h·r" b111 1hr· t::.n·at1·1 portion n ew werP <Pn . . !An attempt nt lrom pl,1 \t'l ' hoth <:Ontf':-;ted. Ru1Ps \\ere pub a• th1 .:--c1uw .1n1l " takin!.:. their 10 : 1 tie at last Thanks- o:i Bozeman grouml rhat was wlwn our of eight ;i1tem1H:-- wlllll:' tht' Hoh· was fumbl d. Clark made t\\O throug-h . - fff .. r trip. The loc;1I organization fall- gi q ng The UH6 Grizzlies (lc-rea1ed ihey rc(·Ovf'retl on a f11111ble on the t'U ls made four out oL :3e\'en g:ootl. nu·kh_. but the old tnu• n 11:-.heit in a 101 mer issue of lhe Prl throi.tth :-;omf' misuiHler!'-t...1.ndbg to South Dakota and Gonzaga b nt were yard line but th.t- lo1s ball _on unot.h· [ kya u of tlw C'oilC'ge fo1 pla) wao.; smf'ared .\li·Qnarrie JIUlll• .. 1 f'llt a:Hl have lleen posted in thP Matn roet-"t as it harl been bf"aten Uy \\"ashingt(.11 re· r--r t)ll tht.> t11st 11lay bad1 team IY on ten 1111nts. )ltCiua1TIE fin yards to the two ya1,I line A hall (r": several week:-., t anne lit most I' 11e ors were Jl 'dla e !On. ·' onlann :\Lost of the pla)ing in ihe sPcund nine ki ck !>). Rorw11 ti-Ul..lstilllthl for Chrbtensou The interclass dehate is one 11f the d b t I . •t . I tl l d (" 'I . . 1 1 11ntpd lhree timei-; in th (l 11e1·iod I ror the Grizzlic•s :\\'e ra ged al' .vard-; I"'. . houReS period on sl1k of thP The l•niversity 1nn1bled four lfmes l1;.n!-ll111 and Jolley eac-h hit tlw big <"Onte!'ts of the anrl hi being c.cbo r·l11t· of the l" Tlw official :-,11 yard line The l" niacle on•--' itl\11· ,·11111 !lie i·oll eg• r·•co,·e1·1••l tl11·1•1• 111 fo1· two as time was i·alled eage rly looked forward to by both ,_, , ref'11ires for en another out of 111;.1t<•rial ltl'h ... .. "" tran ce a t·hartn trip of four hundrP.d is due Coach Bennion for rnrn- s!un. resulrilli.:! in lhPit them Thl' t•olleg1.: fum · Third Quarter lower clases. The debate is schedul- 10 or from ; 1 n aihletic C'Ontes t ing out the team lh('l.t nm\ reprPsents tonC'bdtrnn :\1. $. (' was hl'11l 1 ur hlt•s. 1wo or whkh :\lissoul<1 n...'('O\'tll' Till' recovt;-red the ed for the first or Recond F'ridny in .an'J it will probabl y l>t- notahlti rein· :\[oatana State. downs on the 2:-, yard 1111(' ;i nd ano1lw1 t•d when muffed the l'atdl. December Not only b this clash ot t •rf"P<l hy the me:t "ho made thP trip u Line Heavy time lotlt 1h e hall on H fumble when \\as ihri ·t· tinws lo::;;t eight on nn encl run. Three ctl:-is importan<·e but also of t•ollege 'fl Ho7.t·mall. The l' line averaged 20 pounds hea\·- only sevente<.•n from tht' line. Jnr n <lista.ic:e of 3:-i \'ards Tia• Uni- 1 line 11lays \cit still tu go and .\le importance as it ghe:-; some line on th<.· lat·t that the plans lor ier to the man hut Their was Ti1\. uni\ f'rsi1y ihrt.\e a111l I' e1:;i ts w;1s r1cnalize:1 four 11mes for l Quarrie for ;.1 goa l from the debating material for --J>t-<·ial from \fbsoula ff'll through only fan Beul/. aiid Keeran the tllf· rolll•ge twl1·p 1:1 the' p<•nrnl ·a of 30 yards. ment. No goal .Joli e) and lln1..;1 .1 work. Tho!'e who will rnke part in tl'ip f;f'C.tion wa.c; in f'\·idenl''' :'.\Tishoula w<'re pitled agams t Place Kicks Fa 1 Game in Detail -First Quarter eacb made five th rough the li 1w !lentz the tryout :ire Stewart, \\'arr Hayes. M -t heir ron<'P allfl the f3orlnn and C'aptain Duqueue, whom The \·isitOr!'i triecl two 1 ThP univt-rsil_\ \\on Lile antl thrOllAh again and gm a;id Cray for sophomores and De· I ti . I r I f I \ I r r H I t I I Enon . .AlexantlPI'. and for wen unanimous in tbl'ir ,hl·Y Ollt.v . :eighed GO pound"'. In spite rn 11e 11rc quanpr .. a ter the tollege < tu delt:>IH\ thl west goal Ory:m 0 : oss 0 1 'l'. ry< 11 1' 11 1 "' 1 ll.i• fri shllH'J _,r ai:--e of the treatment rece 1 ,·ed. of this handicap both th e big men braced 0:1 th e yard lilw. The, kkketl off Gt.I agains t a -;J1 I ===\=(= "o ="=t= i n='= "' = tl = '= 111 = \=,'=1,;.,::«c:' ='= '' = " :.. "= ·= 1 ================= M.S.C. Stages Stupendous Rally before Missoula Game (,rizzlies made two of 4 .• y breeze. to Clar k who Plans Nearly Complete For Girls Vocational Congress E NTIRE STUDENT B ODY AND HALF OF BOZEMAN UNITE IN STAGING BIGGEST FOOTBALL RALLY EVER SEEN IN MONTANA. VARI · ETY PARADE AND SPEECHES BY PROMINENT MEN HELP TO MAKE AFFAIR SUCCESSFUL. eaC' h in this pPriod witho111 loslllg tlw und fell. The Grizzlies 1ried Jell <.lilt\ ball whllP the madl> first 1 but werP ou t of bounds .. 'i. down but onte. An exchnnv;e ot rumhle :-;pq>n :-OkQ11arr1e rl'n1Y- 111111ts 111 th e mirlclle of the period gain Pred a. srco:1d fumhle on ;1 fake punt 1)d :i<1 yards for til t! college. ! a11d 12 yards. ;\fct!tiarrit..• l !l 11· Tht·m wl1 hin 2fl yards or th e I au. th r Jattl'r r£' llirn ini; Li . .Joll e:- lrnt the oppo.·i:ig clefenhe \\i.lf.> too lilllcl !Jan sen ea('h lriNl tht' linP with lluberg's clrop-klck fel l Stlt'(eS)';. Ti112 col ll:'ge was pe1· tli ·d NE W VO CATIONS FOR HIGH SCHOOL GiR._s ARE SUGGESTED IN ·l111rt 1 hC' I JHllHt •d and th" J., yard:' a nd Bryan pt111tt:>ll .i;;. l'l11k PROGRAM WHICH WILL dE ATTENDE.O BY ONE GIRLS C"o ll<•ge 1wl«e in th e <1uarler hil right uwklt• for thr ee and l...:. ('l•r:t 1 FROM ALL PARTS OF THE ST/,TE. TqAVELIN(" EXPENSES ARE We Score < ana· around for rour morP. :\kQuarrit· I PAI D BY THE WOMEN'S CLUB t. COLLEGE CL UBS OF BUTTE 11 1 h< l:•s1 periorl lh €:' game WA:-i pu nt ed till yards to lhe goal l i11e AND HSLENA WILL SEND RE rR":r=N TAT IVES 13ryan lost tht• ball to l\ Tissoub' I ,,Ii The «rossed t.h e ceu t er or the he fumiJll•d art<.-r a pretty gain .. \Ji:.· 1 !:Pat ,\ Jissoula' Heat .\f1:-;:sou1a· wa .... , Each Class Repre sen 1 .ed lot only th t- 1111ce. wh en four SlH'te:iR· sou la rumbl ed on the play on t he I The program t or th e Gui;,; \'m:,\lnu 1 •1 <'ry thaL echoed up and clown the 'I rrer;hma n class was first, boys fnl forward p::sKes took them within 22 11ne an<t He1 !:'!; rN·o\e1Pd 1 htt>c· .d at 1he co ll egt< hee·l ret·T:-- last Friday night at the OiggH•l ,in d iris n1arcbing in doubl e column th e of th e goal-posl!-i. ThP line nettrd nothn g bnt ,111 oft- nC'.trh rompleh.'d b) l 1 nn B fl{'r- 11) f:\·er staged iu the state or even hC:-aded by four members of the class <:1izzlies. <·c. n 11 rning rile advance bC'-- :--1dr pennlry made it (ll:-.t down Ht) n(·k •lean ol \\Onw11 TlH' l lw;:ffing a reprcRentation of a HtulfPtl ;n i1H· 1h .I quarter, to an \'.t'n1 tJlrongh KPl•r.11 for 11Rkf'<.: plan• 'l\o' and \\ii\ be at iwnhwl•st Tlw. student '.1oh<<tl drrnning a large ;;ri rht· lu· 11 L' y:1nl P by 8traight linP jabs, Heb!; gc\lllC' d 2S on :111 exrur!it1on I _nrlPtl b.' .1bout 1011 hlixh 1 o<J\ turned ou( to JOrn 111 dlP fun rP:-it or the C'la8s nu1tThed i1111rl lw dliefly b aud one ror· arou nil right end Bergman failed 0:1 g'lfls from nil O'er th e stnte. \\ h ose n,J the whole city was to . . . t JI' e Id h ti 1 girb <lrcssf'd 1n gre1:11 and wh11· and wnrd pa· A fumble' on thf' five an e nd run and B1 vnn wns cm ered rnxe mg PH ' ll 1--t't" t " iieppicst" or srnrl- the hoy:; a ll carrving torches ear- F!!«l line ;£lYP th e culleg1· th e ball to 011 nn attemptl'Cl 1.rnt hC' I wome-:i's clubs. under." iila•. 1 lo)·ail:-· the_v llad ever ing miners capK and rape :s . .A.11n1her punt out'' clan ge r. Thr> colle gP 11u11 tr ,\ i:i y<1rch: to th r line on b c l}t " 1 ,'., 11 _c State Fetll' lal ion ° 1 Al :--en•n o'c·l<x·'< ever .. - !-l11dent was I u J feature of thf:' section was a wag t treate ned o=icr again when an l'•)X1 play Amon g th ose who will E\Jllienr on tht' 1 :r:sent to take part in the big oarade, toot ba ll hQUad in action. a lth ough a C'Xd1nn ge of kic·ks ga ined :{:i )"Hrds and Thr tried the li:te and en< l progrum n rC' · nr. He rb en n. t..\:istlt>r tilt prort•ssion starteil at th e coun liitie ti ght and perhaps paddetl in gan" lh e Gri zz lir> s th e ball on au a nrl gained two rollowetl by a s11lit or th e Murray in Hutt<". 01 l:r.n 8 e headerl by Pres ident Ha milton placei:; thC'cy gave a , ·ery good id ea of yard line. A pass put it on th e ten. buck for four McQuarrle punted 30 "\\'pman·s \\ "ork in the Ho:-pita l:" :\1rs. •;id President Scbeucb ot the St.ate a team iu signal practice. Anoth r pass took it ove r but th e en· a nd out or OomHh; Roberg went L. 0. E:dmunds of on .. Thp 1 nivprsily Immediately behind came Tho Sophmore class was next all/ tire left si de or t he Lr line was off!'ltde aro und right. end for eight hut a line \\ 1 o man Printer ;" Katller!n c S q_:p college regimental band beaded dressed in various costumes and made ou the pl;l v The co llege punt ed four piny and fumbl e fo ll owed for no μ.a in. Bartlett of Bozema n. o:1 "The Husi L) Prof. E. L. Cur ri er and lead by UI> the c lowu sec tion of the perade I times and the twlC'e . l:ryan punt ed 40 to ('lark, who re tur -1 ness \Voman;" ilnry Ellcnl Chase tt ·rPctor Lou Howard , next came Ule with tbe Juniors. Afea1. ure of l Stars of Game ed fiv e. Bobcats J len nllzed for off ti ·ner<'nt rlasseR and de1>artment.s In l t I · t r l · I c t · Cl I a ti h c ostume and pulling various I IJc I ';::1':1 1 " fvr a;e:1 j ,'.' ; 11 111 ·· (ContinuC' d on Po. ge F'our.) IJis fierC'e line smashing came near Miss ula ball on own 40 yard lilll'. . lion s on Great Vocation." "Typi- <'n l tor \\'omen: · anu Girl nnd \Yomen," \\. "'. Uail. C'ditor of Gazetll'. on "i\ews11a1u. 1 r V\"ork for \'\·omen ;"' :Hiss .Jlnry Han· son. d eputy sheriff of Cascade <.·01,nty, on "'The Offk c of l 'nblic 8Pnicr: Miss :\lary \YilC'Y on ·The \Yom:n Homes t en1kr:" :'ll iss Erma 1 t the Mont ann 8tation 1 "The \\'omnn Ch emist;· · Prof. .\° Oif fo1·d Nash of the State musiN'. I depnrtment on .. Mu sic ns a \ 'ocnt10n The College clubs or Bmtc and H.e 1 t•n will have representatives on the pro gram, a=id several members of the State college anc.l t•xtcnslon staff. not named alJoYe win also h!lnparts. Se\·ernl oth er outside arc nlso still to be henrd from Th e program promises in intl"reg!. variety and n ove lty to be quite to thnt given in pre\'ious yt>nrs, an th e atten dan ce ts expected to be larger.

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Page 1: THE WEEKLY EXPON ENT , FRIDAY. NOVEMB ER 10, 1916 · g1 1wral and is a wizzard at open field 11Iay He did nll thE- damage againS':. "l""bl" pr )fe~80f res1 01 cle1l with a h .. '\";

ifxpnueut VOLUME VIII.



BURKE IS PRESENTED M ' F. 'h . ' B h s , WITH LEATHER MEDAL ontana s 1g ting 0 cats tage

\~ eather Do<. tor Is Awarded Token for

Splendid Football Weather He

Co 1ccx:ted for M1ss.oula Game

m de t 1.: ur tion

'! (')..·

•l 1 I h d~ fo1 thl k J1 .l'!'h anri Pll I I

rn nitt ted b.) P1 r l11 r' f> 111 11 j ll' Wl'\lh r \\I w re C'llJO~itH!,.

Wonderful Battle Against Invading Missoula Eie~ven on College Field

Light Montana State College Eleven Astonishes Twenty-five Hundred

Spectators by Holding the Famous Missoula Eleven to a Six-Sfx Tie

In Battle for State Intercollegiate Championship--Bobcats Score Experienced

Than 15



Game Is

University Athletes Who Have Weight Advantage of More

pounds to the Man---Four Accurate

by Speedy Team-mates and

Boost for

Passes by Boberg Are

Result In the College Score

Wonderful Eleven From Bennion Who Developed


M S. C. Football Warriors Will Play

Fast Gonzaga Aggregation in Spo­

kane tomorrow. Dahl Out

of Game

Tlw u.• .. 111 1 ... tt ye~tenlay aft ·rnnCl:l

11n 11aiH :'\n ! for Spoka1w \·lwn•

lhP)' \\ill b~ 1 tle with llW S(_'f<lPllY <; m

~ rnorp i1111•1 rt.l11t th. 11 ll lirsl it

,. rnlid ..:eprn Jf ~I K (' is lo uphold

he 1l•putatio11 1·!-;tahlishe1l Ja~t Satur

1lay slw mnsl lieat tl.~ Spokane team

hy nst twenty poim.; hP<·ausf' )Tis

-0111<. 1\· a their ganu.· with 1 2o to

0 HCOrP. Gonzav;a hi t->Ure to takP a

'1L?;:11:1 t thP :\[iur>s, antl it will ht:' a

hnrd f1111~hl «OHTC·~1 between two evpn-)f('[saa<·-:. Gonzn­

hn:ck. iH n grand

g1 1wral and is a wizzard at open field

11Iay He did nll thE- damage againS':.

"l""bl" pr )fe~80f res1 01 cle1l with a h .. '\"; I \\Pni t 111k::; to t 11· I Cl ' for Inexperienced Material---Every Man on College Team Puts up Great Fight the ~line' and will have IO be COil·

1 e 1oi or coc e 1·e 111)()11 him. I ~tantly watched . The rest of the team

:\.~ thP rn 11hY :\I lied o expre!'i.;; n is very evenly balanc·ecl a:td all arP

J! ~a deal of -nrtc 'ltion fo1 tlu" ~1'01' 1 C'oad1 nennio:1·~ ligln. ~hifl)· Hob- WPrt.' playPrl 10 a :-;t11ndi:.Lill. The Bob-, prnYing di~as1rous for the Bollc·ats. I Second Quarter I aggres!'ive fighters.

" ath r, t'l.e>y i'r".:::t~nte1l rrofessor <"a' elt..~\Cll :sprung the surprls\.• of th<.~ cat l'ieven. \\I\~ mnn~ e~·<~i.1~· hala~H'NI., Timl· afle~· timt:> h~ woulrl phlll~C' into .! 1 l~y n·r·ovt--n.·11 a 1·11 lilc 011 tht:' \\'ilh the e~c·cption of lh'lhl , \\ho

P.irke w h :m txrr:i JarJ.!<• mHlal It e,1 .., 0 n \\hf'n they held the m1t<h-tout- the 1an~r 111 \\t'tght b('JtlC: trom J.111 to 1a muss ot :-;t!·u~gltng !1U£cllll'l1 arnl an ec.rnid donn B1).-r1 a 11 Ham:a~n t'UC.hlsu~talned ctn lnJUI) m tlw :\lH>:>oul.t

lf'ft"' rm~ aholl ~C\1;11 ind1e..: •n fd ~late 1111 1\t'r~ity Grizzllps ·u li-t :.1111 \\hilt~ the G11zzlit•s 1anl;'1d 110111lm"t .. rnt 1.ner :-;hoot out 111 thP olhC:'t l:-.p1\ltii throu~h thr> hnt tot six ya111s Kame 1lJP C'O)lege team 1"ill line up

!'f!.1.tnPtl'I" Thf' Je.11lwr nl ''hirh it we1~ lie on tht! college field la:-;t s~u11t· 1:11 1 ro ~~-. 'l hl <ollt'~<' had till' Ue:-.t !<.f•lP \\Ith thief> 01 1cu1 1,1 lkll~r-. h,•11::; T\\O p<n,\ll.t-~ tor otfH1de t·ost the um· the o..:ti.mP as lt 'lid Satunln~ with

m•1P na a1 1 propri:lt1>l) t•11~r!"ve11 to ilay Althou~h out·weight:>ll 1: pounds cf tin .1 g11nwn1 Ill tlw hn<'kl1i:hl .rnd 1·n~ lo l11m t'.q1tam C'lark had \Jet->Jt 'e1s11· tl'n \rtl"lls M1ssu11l,1 1e<·o\('I ·\ BP1g-111,rn "rnd RHP at end pos1t1ons,

l'f'l~..,c-111 1~1ltll ·1 clonrl and hl111· 11 tilP ir·an. !hf' ('OllC'ge tt•am rou~ht 11ht•11 au.ul, \\,b 11101~~ \an1·tl and o..:h1ftld trc,m t'n'1 t11 lh1..• h.i1 .!!Pli\ ;11 .• 1 Pd n 11ct-' t11111l1ll· on their 2fl vardlmP Borton ~rn<J Ca11t DuquettP at t~ckJp..,

15hrne It \\.H I• 1·~ 1111\\ ..,, I ':Ith llk\.• rtemons and ma ch~ up 111 ~Jll'C"I an1l I ~IJePdlt."I' 1h.rn was :\l!n .... oula tJ 1\t•t' llhl\,... qu:u ll'! lint fa1lt-'d to r onlt: I !1t:-1H% made ~1x ou n tat kle around I Robert~ and 2\Cat Spadde:i at gu.trds.

~,. ~111 xp<'11 n1~ :::em 11 p0l ... 11e1t :1 bPltei· a~soruuent oi pla)s \\h 11 Thl"' 11111\t'r~ll) at 1he ht.trl ht lllt tu l'X ... , tat101i~ in h1:-. Ill''• p.~u (' 1111,n .n Keercltl ('0111'1 makP hut l\\o. Chri~tensen. cent('r, .Tolle) and ll<in·

o;:tP~l ltht'\ Iarl,t>d 1:1 \\eight e::qH.·nenc.:\.', .ind


t.1(kle huckh \\tlh 11~1 g1ea1 ,.ll\'l'C!.i:i. :..di11nrrit•'s puntin~ \\t 0 11 1h .. i• ti llhp t·oll.:1-'-c l>rar-ttl .rnd :\l1~11a1.Ti1 !.it::11 haltba«k~. Hryan fullback. and

Pr•H :-.--or B11rl,p ha" alwa)!-i ~howu re1mtatinn. The unner:-lt~ ... t''lll·d 111 Onl) a small sh.1re ol th<' pla)h ~tart- <re good thoHbli .1 .t c.:onst. t ·n. 1mnu•d 411 to Bob1..•rg. Boberg at q11an1:>r Gra,·en. Senz. Al

much intC'rest in prodnring goor\ wea- 1he hecond period \\hen Jone~ ~k1ned efl .t111und tlut t•1nb 1esulted 111 g-aim;. Evary man 1111 th<.• Hdw t \lllt:>Hll j Rnh1:>rts sullstitHLl.'d for Dahl. F 1 : 1. Borton. and Stearns will substitute

thf'r rflt the sltldent~ of )f. $ . C. He kit end ror a twcmy-five yar11 nm 1o al!Jlf)u~h then· touchdown was s('ore(I tt111~ht to the la!:."t and to 11ick a star l, 1~ 11 lln-au and .Jolh•,· madt' a Lot·il d The officia ls al'e: Hinderman. referee.

•(U~ I<' ~et•n 1t aln1o~t any ttme i:1 the goal line )frQuanit:'s 1ry fn 'on ·rn t·nd r' n In the last half th\! out of th<.~ bunch ts rtiffkull How-lr01 H ,,·!hi' lil'f'' Di:yan vi•nted ·~., c :\loyer. umpire. a:1d \Yoodward head

Er• ot o( tlll~ old f'hemi!;try huildiug, j goal hil the tTOss·bar. Jn th1 la ;t 1 Gri%Zlif's dl111H;1.•d thl'i1 . tl::tl'k tt1 1 w1n· t'' ,.i· .Jolie) 's work. horh or of fPnsP 1 C'lat k, who w,1:-. l'.l< k\r>tl afti·r sign lin!.! lint>sman. all of Spokane Hinderman

fl irMn~ up thP atmosphere by wav- cur.ner 1h 13 Boh('3ts cnmpletic I wnr hut• J•l in!!'lh !1111 111 l.\· one man. gan· nu1I l'~PPC'ially at bat·king 1111 the linf' I !or ;.L fair t·au.:h. t·o:-:.ling •he t·ollt·-P 01 refereed the \Yasbington-::'-. lontana

lll::. a 1 ttl1 in. ti"t:nknt arn\l;ul 111 llH' ... nhational forward pa!'s('5; ont ol Ii\'" ld<3 rso:i. wa 1lall:!;(•rn11~ in !his rp ... p1;.·<·t on fil°fl'H't' was n•alh wo111l1_•rf11l ~1111! i:-; yard JH:nah\' sanllcrs<•ll riwl c:ame in :\1isl-'01ila antl i~ a tlc>penaablt•

a r It v.a ... altogeth;r. ritring ~hat 1 ·mcml'!s for a total <list nc« " ;. barru•~. au <w«lsional t<wkl_' aro11nd 1 Llti' in 'l•i!P <>I tlw fn<·t that lw has \<lams mad~ '°'"°n throngh the line man. Coac-h llennio;i and Manager

!'''ruP 1nkPn nt nppre<'1auon be gn·en yarilii. the lal'>t pai:1s pla<'in~ 1h1 hill phl:i.· 1 hr1 ·P torwanl pnssu·• for a lOtal h<1·n out_ le~~ than a week Berg 1ul11,\\t'll by ::Sa:Hlt-r ... 011 for tn 011 '.1 iit·- ::;trand will alTonqiauy th~ It'am whkh

to him wtthi;l fonr yards of the ~oat. lol nf 5.\ y11rds \\t'rt' l'OTllJlh-tt>d 1 n1a11 at l'll<l cnnnot be overlooked. layecl siilit Uutk Two li:tl' playl'l- nd will rPTurn S.11uclay 011 train :"\o. 4

ley an1l Hober.e; hit tbe line and riv Line Plunges Fail Hi· was IIl every play and :;peared tetl three _ya1t1~ .JonPs ;.:-at Ut (• 11.d -- ---

!':>(·ore wa~ tied Tlle try for g:oal wa~ Thl HnbC'illS tril-'il Y<llllly 10 j)ll'ITt' S(JlllC im11ossible catches. Boberg'i-; on thP old. hlddt:>n ball tri<·k au1l W(•nt l [0[CUM[N ·No sopue rNTER G T 5 WEll AE~At~fNT~D I 'Ohl whPn the ball tOU('hl"d tilfl. tht> ht><t\ lo weird lit PU!-'e of 1he I ~·as!>ing and the manner in which hr around Jett end 1hruugh a broken Ir ft[.-111 [ 11 nil [

' 1 • • g 1:01111 u and was downed by the :\Ii~ ,-isito:·"· E.nn rnn~ and pah~1·-., were piloted t~ie Bobcats were feature:.. field !or a 2;; yard rnn n thC' c::nal

er UNl~EHSIT~ STUDENT~ oula .1eam betore it ('OUld be kic:kecl. " 1~ ~(Jlld .. 1h<..1nla~t· hlll fight The punting of Bn·an was also nl lme :'.\kQuarrie's Hlll'Illlll al ~oal

The tie score IB accepter! Joc·ally a:i and pep anrl an f>H"n bn•ak in luck I the stella r ,·ariety. hit the t•ross bar. ~1·or•~ +i-n .

• I '.l "· "Oltla la virtual ''ictory. were the chief asst•ls ol lhti lo('als. Jn A crowd of 2,!100 people witnessed,

..\. fff:'~t',(;·a, i1111 or o\ ,, , I I Bryan kicked 50 to Sherk \\ ho -~ I

Misso\J la Ha " Pep 11 punting Br)••I• hatl !ht• ar\q1:ita~f' 1he game

boo:-1t('rs n1·r 0111p~mit>d tilt• Bt:arcatt:1 s . l>•l. tJ\l r ":\kquarrie. Y;-11·clage f.!,aintod irom sc· 1 Lurnf'.cl tl~n. Tht> u:11n·~ity failPd at Tryouts for the i:fcerda~i.; df'b2.~f

on lhP !"' rr:p '° !If ~. C. last w ·ek This was Uie fir~t m Hing .... In tht· rir~t i111art<'r the l'Uil••g-e ap- l" ihersit) 21ti. colll'ge, :1 1 jthe line and lo~t fJYe on an e1~d rnn. "ill he ~ll.'ld this aflernoon in tj1p

-11nd llrhl~d iu town ;.\-·ith pep to spare !~\\'Pen .the~e ieams in. l~~ yeon; DUI' proarlwd 110 llt.>lHer to :\li~Houla's goa l A\'eragt- per scrimmag:l' \·11he1 .\kQu;lrr~l:' punted 20 yards~ .Jolley En~lish room. The as iirants for th<'

IH':-.j)ll1 hp 1~,n thal 1h .... majority of inK lltt:-i t1me t.he Gr1zz1lir·s h:iY" wo11 than lht· lil .\ai rl hnP althoii<>h rhn _ • ·J> 1 11

_ jhil the l111e on a split IJllC'k 1ur s••\ell . _ ... , .. 1 _ .

t!P mPn rnade> thP trip b~· !hf' C'hant\" :l rflputation as one of the lie!"t rnnt · '""' .. - !'ll)_. :, .. ,:. ~·a~{ s. co ege. ~ :: .. yards Inn tllis 'as lost when llt.•ntz t:11·t w teamh na\P b1.-en hu1nm~ thf' m1d111~ht

- ~ ~oort will ol 1Le :-..; P A few ball maWtine~ i::t the norU1wc::;t A entire Qll:lrter was phiyt;>d 10 llniYer ) an.Jag:<" gauw<.1 by Iol'\\iJl'll Jl<isseti~ I HohE:'rg Inr a Joi:;~ ou till 1ext 1.i·t\ 011 for the pll:--l rwo weeks amt It ts

t ile te.o.n1 t.!1at• held ;_,rac,p11,c,·e Grizzlies haYe possPssion ot the hall The Grizzlies c·ompleted thr1..~I:" pasties Bryan math.' four Lrom _1111nt 101m.11101• full) expected th,\t 1be ll)OUt w1ll bf'

ul tlJt;. i '"" werP se:~~onerl tra\·el· n1ajorily of the plaver· in th li1 11 H·rntory 011Jy on<·(' <lid thr l niYen;itv . ~1~1, c·ollel!,e, tjfl. I - I h·r" b111 1hr· t::.n·at1·1 portion wcr~ new werP <Pn ~ -~ . . !An attempt nt ~oat lrom pl,1 ·~111C'nt \t'l ' hoth <:Ontf':-;ted. Ru1Ps \\ere pub

a• th1 .:--c1uw .1n1l " takin!.:. their 10 :1 tie at ~fissoula last Thanks- o:i Bozeman grouml rhat was wlwn our of eight ;i1tem1H:-- wlllll:' tht' Hoh· was fumbl d. Clark made t\\O throug-h . -

fff .. r trip. The loc;1I organization fall- gi q ng The UH6 Grizzlies (lc-rea1ed ihey rc(·Ovf'retl on a f11111ble on the t'U ls made four out oL :3e\'en g:ootl. ~ight nu·kh_. but the old tnu• h,to~\ n 11:-.heit in a 101 mer issue of lhe Ex1.<1~1

Prl throi.tth :-;omf' misuiHler!'-t...1.ndbg to South Dakota and Gonzaga b nt were 2~ yard line but th.t- lo1s ball _on unot.h · [kya u of tlw C'oilC'ge an~rau.Pd fo1 pla) wao.; smf'ared .\li·Qnarrie JIUlll• .. 1 f'llt a:Hl have lleen posted in thP Matn

roet-"t th~ir assorir1<~s as it harl been bf"aten Uy \\"ashingt(.11 8t.atC''~ re· r--r fumbl1~ t)ll tht.> t11st 11lay bad1 team IY )a~ds on ten 1111nts. )ltCiua1TIE fin yards to the two ya1,I line A hall (r": several week:-.,

t anne lit most I' 11e n~1 ors were Jl 'dla e aggreg~ !On. ·' onlann ~;1a 1 " :\Lost of the pla)ing in ihe sPcund nine kick!>). Rorw11 ti-Ul..lstilllthl for Chrbtensou The interclass dehate is one 11f the

d b t I . •t . I tl l d (" 'I . . 1111ntpd lhree timei-; in th (l 11e1·iod I ror the Grizzlic•s :\\'era ged al' .vard-; I"'. .

=n~ u:tatp~!~~a;~~r~o~:~:;~ternity houReS ~:111~.l~e1::~1era~:~~~e:~s:o:~;t t~i b~1~~c~ period w~.s on :\lis~oula·::; sl1k of thP The l•niversity 1nn1bled four lfmes l1;.n!-ll111 and Jolley eac-h hit tlw li-i~ big <"Onte!'ts of the ~·ear anrl hi being

c.cbo r·l11t· of the l" Tlw official :-,11 yard line The l" niacle on•--' itl\11· ,·11111 !lie i·oll eg• r·•co,·e1·1••l tl11·1•1• 111 fo1· two as time was i·alled eagerly looked forward to by both

,_, , ref'11ires for en another out of ~ret!'n 111;.1t<•rial ~\ 1 ltl'h ... .. ""

tran ce a t·hartn trip of four hundrP.d ('r~d1l is due Coach Bennion for rnrn- s!un. thi~ resulrilli.:! in lhPit them Thl' t•olleg1.: mactt~ ~tin:• n fum · Third Quarter lower clases. The debate is schedul-

~ tlt·~ 10 or from ;1n aihletic C'Ontes t ing out the team lh('l.t nm\ reprPsents tonC'bdtrnn :\1. $. (' was hl'11l 1ur hlt•s. 1wo or whkh :\lissoul<1 n...'('O\'tll' Till' Grizzlie~ recovt;-red the kicl~un ed for the first or Recond F'ridny in

.an'J it will probabl y l>t- notahlti rein· :\[oatana State. downs on the 2:-, yard 1111(' ;i nd ano1lw1 t•d when H.C'i~s muffed the l'atdl. Sanc~C'r· December Not only b this clash ot

t •rf"P<l hy the me:t "ho made thP trip u Line Heavy time lotlt 1he hall on H fumble when ('nlle~w \\as p~naliz<·d ihri·t· tinws ~l·ll lo::;;t eight on nn encl run. Three ctl:-is importan<·e but also of t•ollege

'fl Ho7.t·mall. The l ' line averaged 20 pounds hea\·- only sevente<.•n yard~ from tht' line. Jnr n <lista.ic:e of 3:-i \'ards Tia• Uni- 1 line 11lays \cit still t>i~h't tu go and .\le importance as it ghe:-; some line on

DP~Jdte th<.· lat·t that the plans lor ier to the man hut Their orfC':ts~ was Ti1\. uni\ f'rsi1y 1u1~tt><l ihrt.\e ~inH·s a111l I' e1:;i ts w;1s r1cnalize:1 four 11mes for l Quarrie ~ried for ;.1 goa l from 11~a.~e the debating material for ('Olle~fafc

--J>t-<·ial from \fbsoula ff'll through only fan Beul/. aiid Keeran the tllf· rolll•ge twl1·p 1:1 the' p<•nrnl ·a diSL~lllt'l' of 30 yards. ment. No goal .Jolie) and lln1..;1 .1 work. Tho!'e who will rnke part in

tl'ip .\li~soula f;f'C.tion wa.c; in f'\·idenl''' :'.\Tishoula taC'kle~ w<'re pitled agamst Place Kicks Fa 1 Game in Detail-First Quarter eacb made five th rough the li 1w !lentz the tryout :ire Stewart, \\'arr Hayes.

M -t heir ron<'P Cl'.lti n~. allfl the f3orlnn and C'aptain Duqueue, whom The \·isitOr!'i triecl two phH·t.~·kitki-; 1 ThP univt-rsil_\ \\on Lile w~s antl l.Jrokl~ thrOllAh again and gm ll<1hf'r~ a;id Cray for tin~ sophomores and De·

I ti . I r I f I \ I r r H I t I I \"ri<.>~. Enon . .AlexantlPI'. and l~r i<'e for

,.;~11ors wen unanimous in tbl'ir ,hl·Y Ollt.v.:eigh ed GO pound"'. In spite rn 11e 11rc quanpr .. a ter the tollege < ho:-.l~ tu delt:>IH\ thl west goal Ory:m 0 : oss 0 1'l'. ry< 11 1'11 1 "' • 1 ll.i• fri shllH'J

_,rai:--e of the treatment rece1,·ed. of this handicap both the big men It.a~ braced 0:1 the 1 ~1 yard lilw. The, kkketl off Gt.I yard~. agains t a -;J1 ~ht I ===\=(="o="=t=in='="'=tl= '=111= \=,'=1,;.,::«c:' ='=''=" :.."=· =1 =================

M.S.C. Stages Stupendous

Rally before Missoula Game

(,rizzlies made two advanc:f'~ of 4 .• y breeze. to Clark who r~1111·ned ~1x

Plans Nearly Complete For

Girls Vocational Congress





eaC' h in this pPriod witho111 loslllg tlw und fell. The Grizzlies 1ried Jell <.lilt\

ball whllP the Bobcal~ madl> first 1

but werP ('hll~ed ou t of bounds .. 'i.

down but onte. An exchnnv;e ot rumhle 1 0~1 :-;pq>n :-OkQ11arr1e rl'n1Y-

111111ts 111 th e mirlclle of the period gain Pred a. srco:1 d fumhle on ;1 fake punt

1)d :i<1 yards for t il t! college. JJlat'ill~ ! a11d ~ained 12 yards. ;\fct! tiarrit..• l!l 11·

Tht·m wl1 hin 2fl yards or th e ~oa l , I Hr~ au. th r Jattl'r r£' llirn ini; Li . .Joll e:­

lrnt the oppo.·i:ig clefenhe \\i.lf.> too lilllcl !Jansen ea('h lriNl tht' linP with

~t rong n~1 d lluberg's clrop-klck fel l ll~l Stlt'(eS)';. Ti112 col ll:'ge was pe1· tli ·d NE W VO CATIONS FOR HIGH SCHOOL GiR._s ARE SUGGESTED IN

·l111rt 1 hC' I JHllHt•d Oll('~l and th" J., yard:' a nd Bryan pt111tt:>ll .i;;. l'l11k PROGRAM WHICH WILL dE ATTENDE.O BY ONE HUNU H~I) GIRLS

C"o ll<•ge 1wl«e in the <1uarler hil right uwklt• for three and l...:. ('l•r:t 1 FROM ALL PARTS OF THE ST/,TE. TqAVELIN(" EXPENSES ARE

We Score < ana· around for rour morP. :\kQuarrit· I PAI D BY THE WOMEN'S CLUB t. COLLEGE C L UBS OF BUTTE

11 1 h< l:•s1 periorl lh €:' game WA:-i pu nt ed till yards to lhe goal l i11e AND HSLENA WILL SEND RE rR":r=NTAT IVES

13ryan lost tht• ball to l\Tissoub' I ,,Ii

The colle~e «rossed t.he ceu ter or the he fumiJll•d art<.-r a pretty gain .. \Ji:.· 1

!:Pat ,\Jissoula' Heat .\f1:-;:sou1a· wa .... , Each Class Represen 1.ed lot only th t- 1111ce. wh e n four SlH'te:iR· sou la rumbled on the nc>~t play on t he I The program tor the Gui;,; \'m:,\lnu

1 •1 <'ry thaL echoed up and clown the 'I h<~ rrer;hma n class was first, boys fnl forward p::sKes took them within 22 ~ard 11ne an<t He1!:'!; rN·o\e1Pd 1 htt>c· .d cong 1 e~:s at 1he co llegt< ha~ hee·l

ret·T:-- last Friday night at the OiggH•l ,in d iris n1arcbing in doubl e column th e ~hadnw of th e goal-posl!-i. ThP line pl~t.\ S nettrd nothn g bnt ,111 oft- nC'.trh rompleh.'d b) ~lr:-1 l 1nn B fl{'r-

11) f:\·er staged iu the state or even hC:-aded by four members of the class <:1izzlies. <·c. n 11 rning rile advance bC'-- :--1dr pennlry made it (ll:-.t down Ht) n(·k •lean ol \\Onw11 TlH' tone;11'~

llw;:ffing a reprcRentation of a HtulfPtl ;n i1H· 1h .I quarter, advanC'l~cl to an \'.t'n1 tJlrongh KPl•r.11 for ~I\<' 11Rkf'<.: plan• 'l\o' 2.~-:!-, and \\ii\ be at

f· iwnhwl•st Tlw. ~ntirl'• student '.1oh<<tl drrnning a large ;;ri rht· lu· 11 L' y:1nl J· P by 8traight lin P jabs, Heb!; gc\lllC'd 2S on :111 exrur!it1on I _nrlPtl b.' .1bout 1011 hlixh s~ hool

1 o<J\ turned ou( to JOrn 111 dlP fun rP:-it or the C'la8s nu1tThed i1111rl lw dliefly b s~ !e r~o n, aud one ror· arou nil right end Bergman failed 0:1 g'lfls from nil O'er th e stnte. \\ hose

n,J the whole city was pre~ent to . . . t JI' e Id h ti

1 girb <lrcssf'd 1n gre1:11 and wh11· and wnrd pa· A fumble' on thf' five an end r un and B1 vnn wns cm e red rnxe mg expt\ns~s ~1 r PH ' ll

1--t't" t J~ " iieppicst" ~xhibition or srnrl- the hoy:; a ll carrving torches an <~ ear - F!!«l lin e ;£lYP th e culleg1· th e ball to 011 nn attemptl'Cl for~q1rd pa~s 1.rnt hC' I wome-:i's clubs. under." iila •.1 n~r·rn~e.d

t·~t lo)·ail:-· the_v llad e ver witne:.~ed. ing miners capK and rape:s . .A.11n1her punt out'' clange r. Thr> collegP l!C~I 11u11 tr ,\ i:i y<1rch: to th r line on th~ bc l}t"1,'.,11_c State Fetll' lal ion °1 \\ un·en~;

Al :--en•n o'c·l<x·'< ever .. - !-l11dent was I u

J feature of thf:' Fr~h section was a wag t treatened o=icr again when an l'•)X1 play Among those who will E\Jllienr on tht'

1 :r:sent to take part in the big oarade, toot ba ll hQUad in action. a lthough a C'Xd1nn ge of kic·ks ga in ed :{:i )"Hrds and Thr gruln ~ tried the li:te a nd e n<l progrum nrC' · nr. He rben n. t..\:istlt>r

tilt prort•ssion starteil at the coun liitie tight and perhaps paddetl in gan" lhe Gri zz lir>s th e ball on lht~ au a nrl gained two rollowetl by a s11lit or the Murray hos11it~l in Hutt<". 01

l:r.n 8e headerl by Pres ident Ha milton placei:; thC'cy gave a , ·ery good id ea of yard lin e. A pass put it on th e ten. buck for four McQuarrle punted 30 "\\'pman·s \\"ork in the Ho:-pital:" :\1rs.

•;id President Scbeucb ot the St.ate a team iu signal practice. Anoth r pass took it over but the en· a nd out or OomHh; Roberg went L . 0 . E:dmunds of Ah~rnrokce. on .. Thp

1 nivprsily Immediately behind came Tho Sophmore class was next all/ tire left side or the Lr line was off!'ltde around right. end for e ight hut a line \\1oman Printer ;" Mi~s Katller!nc S

q_:p college regimental band beaded dressed in various costumes and made ou the pl;l v The co llege punted four piny and fumbl e fo ll owed for n o µ.a in . Bartlett of Bozeman. o:1 "Th e Husi

L) Prof. E. L. Currie r and lead by UI> t h e c lowu section of the perade I times and the univer~lly twlC'e. l:ryan punted 40 to ('lark, who re tur-1 ness \Voman;" Mi s~l ilnry Ellcnl Chase

tt ·rPctor Lou Howard , next came Ule with tbe Juniors . Afea1.ure of lht~ l Stars of Game ed five. Bobcats Jlen nllzed for off ~~ ~·~=~~~:· ~r '~~a;~n~~·~rkn~~~;10~r~:

ti ·ner<'nt rlasseR and de1>artment.s In l t I · t r l · I c t · Cl I a ti h

\ari~d costume and pulling various ;i~:~!~~ :;·' ~:~~~~~ ~\~~~\,:;~g:~ I IJc :ac::~: ~:1

;cfe,:::~·of~~: ~~7.:i1

:: I ~1

:o:en ';::1':11" fvr a;e:1 ~:~:-c1~uou~in·~' j ~.1:11,~~'~0~~;0i1.~e~:~~t.rt'.~~~;~~ ,'.'; u

0:~ 11~~' 11 111 ·· (ContinuC'd on Po. ge F'our.) IJis fierC'e line smashing came near Miss ula ball on own 40 yard lilll'. . lions on "Th~ Great Vocation." "Typi-

<'n l Yocation~ tor \\'omen: · anu "Thl~

Girl nnd \Yomen," \\. "'. Uail. C'ditor

of ~the Billin~s Gazetll'. on "i\ews11a1u.1 r

V\"ork for \'\·omen ;"' :Hiss .Jlnry Han·

son. deputy sheriff of Cascade <.·01,nty,

on "'The Offkc of l 'nblic 8Pnicr:

Miss :\lary \YilC'Y on ·The \Yom:n Homesten1kr:" :'ll iss Erma Les~t'I 1 t

the Montann ~~XJ)f?riment 8tation 0· 1

"The \\'omnn Chemist;·· Prof. .\° Oif

fo1·d Nash of the State collr~e musiN'. I depnrtment on .. Music ns a \ 'ocnt10n

The College clubs or Bmtc and H.e1t•n will have representatives on the pro

gram, a=id several members of the State college fncnlt~· anc.l t•xtcnslon

staff. not named alJoYe win also h!ln•

parts. Se\·ernl other ~peakers frClJ~1

outside arc nlso still to be henrd from The program promises in intl"reg!.

variety and novelty to be quite equa~

to thnt given in pre\'ious yt>nrs, an

the attendance ts expected to be


Page 2: THE WEEKLY EXPON ENT , FRIDAY. NOVEMB ER 10, 1916 · g1 1wral and is a wizzard at open field 11Iay He did nll thE- damage againS':. "l""bl" pr )fe~80f res1 01 cle1l with a h .. '\";



I 011t~rowth or ..\luntbly E:xponent. ~stablisbed January l, 1895.)

f'iahlislll'd ,.,. 1.ry f·'rida.r of 1lw 1·1111t•ct ~f>Ul' h~ ""1:111 d10H·11 from tilt•

rudrnh of till' .\lonL.~na ~Hatt• l'o!k,..,c ol Agni 11Ju111• .111tl 'h·<.·haalC' Al'ts.

of tJJt~ PntH.·rsity of 'lnaiaua. BoZt'lll•.n . ..\lonu:1a

Entt.•n·d ~ls st'C'OlHh;lass m;llt<·r nt H112 1 111a11 \lont:uin.

nud(·r Act of l'1.1ng1e~'"' of ..\fan•h ;.;, l-"1-:1.


Y1~:·r Two Tl11llnrs P1•1

~t11d1.nls ht>t'Olllt' ~11\l~{'rihrr~ upon pnynh'nt ot 1lw T1 .1 l't·nt:-; \'1•r 1·op:o.

i.•i.:.ul;1r ;tcfi\"JIY 11•1

LlllTOH l;>.;-l'llll'I~

J'l'Sl'>ESS ~l \ ;>.; \Gl•cll



1 JIHTLATIO:\ ~IA;>.;.-ll;EH


Hll'IFTY llEl'OllTEll


.\SSJSTA:'\T IH"SI:\"J-:~8 'L.\:'\.\<.t·:H

AS~l~TA'\'I' Sl'01lT$ \\'l!JTFH

:il'ECl.~L \\'RITEH

Hl'El'IAL l\'1\ITl-:1!.

E. L. COLI·:. ·1,

llAl!OL() tllt'h:iO;>.;, I>

l' r. STH.\XAHA;>.;. IX

no:-.: l,A ;>.;(:O HH . ·1~

ll.\\.11> ·111o~I A '5,


1· 11'T 11 l•,O\\"LhH,

I> '·,Hl·:J1 \\" \1 .. 1. \Lf<:

l.!ll·:!:on "\l' "ILL.\:\. i'' \Llll•;wr I HllHTU)>;, ·1,

JOI!:\ \\ ~11'.\AH. I '

l 't·r.' 1h111 g to "ear for men

\\ c lllll'I\ ,jJHJ l hi! 11"l'll

Michigan Block -, Does Your Work

Need 'Pep'? I >11n11g- till' "11HlT \\"l.' ;p

:lp! I~ I ~l'l "hl~"J..!'l'h. (.';!{ (1 ~I lllllll', ..;Ju .. p 11111 lllltd1. \\ t.·

11l'l'd "'111111..·thin;..: to qu1ck~11 u-... \"othin.! .. !: a .... :..!111111 ;i ...

h;dl h1111r at a



General Repo rtorial Staff 'll\ Rus ... l'll

Reporters being selected by competition

at Templeton I~ I


who \\it llPs~Pd 1 hat It' Jnr thl inti· ·1 oll1':!.iiltl' diam-

lOll'"'h I Of ''l l! ll,l J, st :' r<f;ly flt l'IHH ll 1l(1 llllll( o•r \"dl11 h ~icit• llP 13\._

(lr1rl. 1 It r1·s1st ft'diul! ot in! ·11-.l' prid1 for lhP w11nd1·rlul t1g IL 1g-<1 l:-'•

11d~ in wp1~h1 :wd t'X11t' i<'llt l' madt> ,. 111 1111 11 111 t/11· h'1a· a111J gold 11111-

11:1111~ It j!-' not ntlf·n thtu lllt 11 ,1n_ fl\ih.•-t·d In Stt' ii l:;tllH' a h It.'

agaiu~t odds as t1l{1k 1la<'~ 1111 lOIJ 'Ul' lh•ld ~aTnnln~. 11 is 1111 tllill 1an·r

, <·1 nsinu th:lt a t •ht .ii:?:ai.1:-:t "llc·11 t:n•nt odds n•snlts 111 :1 \ ldt:r.' tor !ht>

:-lll:lllf r flJll C.Illlll. 1111 th. 1 ,.. j 1 1 w ,u liapp• n• d 1•11 ("0\lt•!!t t1t•'!l fur

\\h 11 \I 11 l,111 l ="t tP ti+>d 1 ht :--;lctlt· t Ill\ '"'ll' c.1 1 \'ii hL• \\"PH 3 \ll'lnl;.· Ill

, \er.\· "''' l' cit lh1 \\r1nl

fr i!<- sa 1· IV ~ay th.11 110 -.i.ll r clca ll'I' fi~lll \\,Is \\l'I rna1h 11 11 a

).{ontana Stntr (·ollf'~•' gridiron lht. oldt:-;t :11111111111-.; I'll 1h1 ... 11! 1111-.;

r 1Icd to rf•1n.1J \ l t'I• \\h IL ""m tl1 h' ,cf t 1.·lnu..:.11110 :..:h 1:-.. ' ' 11 .1g

d1tl 1hat 011t• loat pi1tu1, t d

ft.-'an 1g into c1 \t•lf'ran lon1h

t itlt: \.\11·1 H·Jlt t.·cl Ul. .. i- .111rl ~nld Ph·n·n

m <"ll.nt :111il on11iehtinc. 1111·111 1 0111 tl·p

sl,nh11::: "1hd1t. to thr 1 (•sin1-- l!"U" "'Clll· \\hi(l• "Ill lu \indh 1·t>c·.t1!4·cl

to tlw minds nf lhu ... e who ~a'" or lllan' yPa 1 1 n co1111·

Tc· the na•n who 111adP that lk.llt nnd 10 l'o:wh F'r1•d Ht.·11ni1111 t1 \\ht 1•

n1s1 iratin:i till' -.;p)(•1Hlt•I ''att]1 wa"' 111 no :-;rnall p.1r1 1111" lh1• I·'\. pi 1 1 \·

11·11 ls it ht ,,rt, n. t.::r It 1 ati••t1f:..

The REXALL Store.

We Fit Your Feet

.t11 1 ' ( r 1111r ... 1. "Ill 1 '' t ... t: 11

I' 't

Douglas Shoes

$ 1 00. $4 50 illlll $5 00



:: :: :::: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :::: : : "'!

J 1,,, 11 l ., s wll' orgauizt" tor

d1 Ii 11 1.; 11 Tl11 r:-11<1~· :\'on?m· h1·1 ~· l.a:-;t )1 :ir th1 lihl annnul de

bi. "' eu ill prepar:i1 1ry ~tu· ti• 1 11 I\ h1· ;...I ll'llil 11',tJ "l\lf!t'!llS

.\!( l'l' 11tc l"Sl 11,cJ l'll·

11111:-.ia:-.11 ''ill iiL' 111a11ill" lt•1l 1111 ... :>-tar

S. o f A. Liter.:iry Scc~<'ty'

Th\_· "1• 1111 11 r-.rurn. h1•hl "l" ljp1,

, 11racti1,n tu ;1 ~ 1·-.1L n1 •111,, r •I

il1~1lls who atlt 1 111l1·il thl.' lih•l1ll"\" lill H·

Try Our---

LOG CABIN TAFFY Special 40c lb.




Frnm the h1g- " one .... to the habit.· .. cut tr p11tll'd

Corn<.: and "t't them

LANGOHR S The Florist



The Gallatin Lumber Co. Headquarters for the Famous Owl Creek and Peerless Bear

Creek Coal.-Your trade will be appreciated.

c >pp1i..1te Loun J Lnu~t.:. 20


l·Jec!rical .\laduncn. l>e>t Oak Tanned Leather an<I expert 1\111'kma11..;.kip dLle~ it.. L:u..lie...,· ht:'cJ .... a ~pe(ialt~ l.o" price ....


Jtlfltl h.11mar. l'rup.


1 J. '~Pri11 Pnz1.:• l ll \\ 1 It

\\ a .... l.nn~ l·alled f11r uul l1d1\l'l't•l Price:-- Rca:--llll;:dil

il•K. h1•l<i Oil T1t•·,day. >:•l\•·llilH·r . Alumni and 11 wa~ a lirt>IY pro!-!r<lll: ~111d l'.i!..!.hl~ I \ I.. J)U\itbn:1. 1· who i~ nnw t•m11lo..,.·

'1kn·s\!llJ.,: i\S wplJ as tll!<l'"1lt"fl\I". Students ed b y the Anaconda Copper MiD.iD.C"

I I <:0111pnny as .l ch1 m_1:-.t <·a1~1P nn•r ~1

SH O RT COU RSE BASKET BAL~ I!.===========-= St',.. tlw ~.llll•· h-.., :-.~tt r.l,n

W I h' :--:1 11 ·11 1 011rsP h:1skl•tball 1iracta·e.



a S S \•hkh \\<l"' dt·lay1:1l 011 :H· .. ·01111t of lhP Jlonh:I' Tho1111~1111. '11'..!, 11111 111 f-

l ;'n'. lLts a~alll ht.•c•n ~tarted. Tht• Fn•tl CQt•lun l:t \\its 1'.111' of the ~llRl'd ou )l. ~. f' 1 1·:un~. r~ne"«.•:~ a:-t-

.:\o -.;mall p.tr1 11[ tht•.., 11·c1·""s nt ~ turh.y ...!"llf1

a ..... <lilt.' w tl.t• 1\ \.ork \\ill lw p11:-h1·1) ·u; fnst as po"~iblt·,'old time roott•r:- to _take lT1 llh.· an· tJtulintaiH:e~. and ... aw tht.· ~TPal .3m~


I\•• c·rn1 it>n1tio11 11 tilt: ii 11 o h1 a 111• 11·lia r~ a1icl uther h11 1w:o:~ nw1 '..----------------! 111 1 it , thouglll 1hat 1.:rC'l• w1~1:"k!-' mwl g-nmP with .\ti ~·~ouhi. He ts 011

the gridiron sarnrday

wht.•n the~ 11 "'I 1h1· l' :-.Ion .... 1 ~ 111t: :t ll·rnoun 11111·11 • tli • contt·"l Thb 1---------------~ 1"·ill pi lilt.• he~:- 11 '"'l\ilpt· fni H.t.··i-,:-;till managing tht.> A l' .\\ t·<•lll\i:·ny

1r•t rllh J1t'rm1 ll•1l th1• t.'lllJ.i,)ti)f" ... 1<1 s•t• th•• -llllf' hut It .tl~o imprr~sl'd FRESH 1011 111 pit-k tht• lt•an1 l<•rm iwar \ nat:undu I' Ott Rornn..-~. lti. who i::- h.i..a:._1 ~1 th<' 111111or1arH1• of 1h1.: 1·ontt·st 1.1011 tl1c 11,,11 ... 1uoi.i1t• .iii! 11l<i~t •t

1• ~.. 8t"YP1~1 "1:-itk ~amt.•s an• lwrngl - Billing-s a::::u1i:-one

11( the in:o.tn1ctor~

pa 1 Ill •'>thing lit•• n·1·onl hr•aK' c ''I< 1<1""" '-id<' from 1111· 1111:.111'!al MEATS plann ed beside• a series of i11lt•t'- Rollett Kelk·\ ·u. eamt· mer from in the high ,dwol ilwre ,.11

d 1 ~ ... atn

sta11d1n>i1tl, !ho ~··nrro1•s a•t rf lh >1'110' II d•rn••ll'l ato·d !heir s,qr- AND 'a •• 111 ,., rwo ,, 1 whidt.will,h-·,. A :i:wonda t o:--Pt:>lht>blc;:~o~ll~~l~~amt.'. letiC(·Oat.:h, !.'}Will Satunla) .11

th .11

1ort of th1 101.1. 1 u1111 an111Jt• -..1 1li11t l1tu~ s ' '' e;IL' J, ;....1i.: •• ty CANNED htYt'tl 11 ·hi nilh·~<' !-!Yl11na~rnm ~.nt· JI {\ n•turnl"tl homl' ~und.\) .tth:tnotm.Jnnd ztidiron 6lrt"11g:\hl'n111 th1 1 od·flf'> 1,g \\hit I .tln•t'·l' '\ f{'d l11 w1·t•11 th" \'II~· a HJ iirlla~ Tht• ~nil Yt>ar \:-.:hi y(;>a r . and -

lhe hill GOODS ~,.,. · \ \s ~··c· tr Pl lht· 1irs1 '.\P:U I Two of tlw 11 Ot't 1.•n husial:'th r0<11-

1 .\lrs. (;l'or~i:t. Rmlst""\.l'it rormtrn

Th .. l'XJ><lll• 1ot 11b•, lh;, »1'1 'l »l) lo <>lt•rul 10 he lrnsu""' 111c11 AT !'la" ,.,.,al lite gnme ~alnnl11_1 wt·n• L,11111'111 t:eor;da Collllm. ·1 t or At•klev tow

ut lloz .. 111:111 lh•· 1 I"•'' 1 11' 11' 1

·"' l • 11<1 f; fo1 i1 1, ·111e •l11•nhu11" wll, >II•" pt nulh- DR\itlso 11 anti \\'alter Grnnt''· buth 01 is ri,ltin~ in rho 1·ity

nC'tion. ing- hut haskt.>t·hal\ lilis yc·a1 and wit.1 I the class of nq ·,. Both ar r nti" lontl


A~ru11•)1-.,1·1L1no1 1 '" ~atl1\ltS\\ll ht• pir·t:-lit1.\ll 1;.

Tht ~tndents 01 lht hon ('DllfSPS wh+ i Ill(•\ t• )k I 11'1 tn Iii• I' l tilt! in

c1h1r wnyl dt>lllOti·trated tlil'ir \\il111lt:" If;~ lo s1 11or1 tlw 1•1111·!.!t• t. 1111.

Iltr('trfon', tht: fa1· t•ll'gil;1iit;. r11h:- <111 l\f' tin: ... 1w1 1011r 1' 11•'1·111..;

"' th• 11ri\· il'.l!t• of J1llrtit'i11atit11..:: In C" 1,

for l.Hk llf nt• rC'·t 111 101 ·gt.' u ti' Hit·~ 111 1111• 1ar1 of 'h· \\II\ tr

1·r r :- 11lc11t I )11,.. :\t .. I' nr1 • o l'"t:1 t ,.,, • h,1\1· •wnJ; ll• d to

ll !l1 r c I: 1 h llL <·111.c• :1 11\t' 11.u1 111 Jl·1h111..• ut ·o'

Foerschler' s Cash Meat M(}rket --- ---- ---------'

lt,gial l 1dinr 'lit· l1t•\t·l"l!iel1 a 1 ·1 111

\\·(.· )HiJlf.' tlH·y ,, II k 1·11 llJ) !ht ( f ! l.'11!1 pi1 it 11

"'' ,\1 I \I h·~ 1 HE FL AGS






11 ·, .••. 111tl·t• 11 lht> rail boy

1·111111 1~. 1 o ";1 kt' the raill'oad man. Hu.:. Hc•n ,,·us 011 the job ri1•st. He

'1 •l Ill( day a1 thrre. H~ is ri:~h1 nu lhl' minutt· \\)H.•n tlu·r('·~

,iris run

"I lit r,11]ro,1tl hoys all Iii~ liig

11. I if li1•lp~ I hl'lll llli! k1• 1 hl•

• 1d1 111 1,1lb 'all ah11 1 '

. lid .


lit 11 t lt·nn l .H·

ll 1 ...... ll .111

" I( •d

Sa11tl1H 11: \\ ilf 11t \ 1·r ~ 111 :-;,1.

I Y• l 11 111..:1 I I~ lll'll lil ., Ill :----------------------------------- 'l ' 11 1111'11· s {,\ll

f GET THJ.: COLLEGE SPIRIT ANO HAVE I "''· 11• .•••orl) •''"'111'1'"" """J ! i i 1•11 1lirrn i.;-11. lit 111t l\\o \\,iys

YOU" CLOT! ES PHESSEO BY I 1 h.dt 111111 "' :di <>r ,, ,olilY

College Press Club ! 1




PHOl\'E 602 M. I H. A. Pea~e & Co. Suits Called for and Delivered. l

I ----11

'' e "Hai!:r.arl·" Store


1hp llf·lp nf ('ond1 I .111io11 llH•~ hopt· tl in .\na1·0111la. \\"•\\ 1 1i...:- '{1l, wa~ ~t>en :H lb

ii h,.\ I' l , I I 1! 1

gridin··1 1 "' :-:::;\~ renew·111:. nC"

\l l' \\ l\i]IJllt .lilt! l\.t'H)llll l:ll· l!ll<linta. """ :lllll T"OOlillg ft)!' thfl g 1>

" t 111 t 11~ I tlll ol!~l 111· n/tl. hcith t'\. t:'i. \\l'l"l' i.1t1·n•slt.1d :-.\lt t'· c.;at::-

la" ... ~ t lP ft1llnw111~ 1,f l•lttll'~ ,\l the Hr11i11·!..:olit·a1 i··ash ~. t· I it·r-: \\fl'• • {t 1 ·«I llardnn 1·;,l•I\ nrday

FAC ULTY RECITAL rP:-;11! n1; ll.1rn Hoh:l''-1111 \i<'l"·

1·:::-illt·nt II (;J.111' I Ut l1 I. :'.• l't''~

ry and 1rpa-.;l'n·i a:1il ltiP l'l1rn it·\·

1 !hJt•lit llli\I: tgl.'I

(II (If !!;·':\~JU~·

'l the

"Fighting Bobcn1•

'I lit· musk 1lt- 1~1r1nw1 .. "11! ·:"'P it Ii his \\nrk at Hi'lin~s 1011 .... • nuu~h ll• lll::-1 rcdtal 011 Thur-.i1,,., ('\·,·nine;.

I ~l Yt•mber lti, al ' :~n o• lf•c·k in tb~ r~~\·inbly hall ., It pro1· 111 ''Ill 111

n s PPlt:'r~. 'll!I . '' 110 is t'<llT)·in~ on C'lnclr piano. 'j, Jin .1nc~ \'CCal nam·

111\f:~tig1ttion w< 1rl\ for thP nure:rn of h1 1:-- h) tlw 111 •:Hl1rr~ ,. th!?' mu~h!

l:-:.tu 111lanh; . ill'JHtrtm~nt 01· t'~mmerce • f:n.:·11l1y Stmle11~l> and townsnP1>pt~ anli Lal>ul', \\':1~hing'to:1. U. l .. 1;;pent :Ht• 1, d .,IJy ill\lfl•d LO :111·11<1. sl•tne tirm.• 011 the hill la ::; t ~nrnnlay. _____ _

I It will he l'Pl·alled .h) th t.• oltlt'r nw. m-]),•rs und fnruHy 1l i:1t Pet er• wn, a DELTA CHI SMOKER

pr11min£>nt figun• 111 srn dent nc·t i\ ity

1t1a1r?-i l>Plll " edltcu 01 tiil' Ex11onr·nt.


:111 <; \\·.:s st'<'~llt.1 011 tht• .Jmuo1 A·inunl. form a l mi.xer ~n th .form _of _a ::-.mole. •r

and repre~entecl the s t.itt' in th(' orn· Tuesdny evemn,.:.. 1ht• ht~ .1ttuHt11 con t l'~t '.\11 Pett·i~ ha~ ht.'en of the e, ... nu~ '.1 th"'. dccth•n n ...

lgon<' tor ahout fl\t:' )e.lrtl, and dur111g l tmn:-; which ".tr\: r....·t~f..'.1~·ed . ".t. tn: that titne hns n<'hit..'H'd mut'h sncC'e~~ bou~e ?.s fast a:-. the~ \\tit' se<u11:<l b

Delta Chi F1 ,uen11t) held n 111

At lll"t'Seut he is trnvE>ll:i~ for tht• the lorn l telC'grn.11l1 olfi<.:e A ih·1

g-11,·1·n1llll'llt i11vestig<11111g th~ st:'l'Ond lund1 wn.: "''nl· l ·1111 1 1 o 'K i•f'

. .. p

\.It \\'\It ' t~I· THE SHORT COURSE

Page 3: THE WEEKLY EXPON ENT , FRIDAY. NOVEMB ER 10, 1916 · g1 1wral and is a wizzard at open field 11Iay He did nll thE- damage againS':. "l""bl" pr )fe~80f res1 01 cle1l with a h .. '\";





,, I I•


Spend Your College Days

In College CLOTHES



t." .. l>b..'1... i~ I l ,(\c._.::l lllt:ll.

f 1 e\ an S20. :'2_:.. $Jo a11d S35.

t·' t:r) ·Ill:. l ~1.>1·-.d ya Jue

Holloway's Quality Corner

College Men's English Last



Those Election Bets

(an he ~cttlc<l at H .\Xl..:: & EIY~. lt \\'as a gno<l racc.:-almc ... t

as g-ood a - the game with ~ ti ~~oula la~t ~aturday. l~c..:at

Gonzaga the 1 lin c:s and l ·tah-thcn i:nme m, pick 1rut ~1 "'llit

a nd

.ArLer the :\lissoula game Saturday to arriH~ tomorrow to be a guest ;1 t

one or the most enjoyable dance~ or llamilton .• hall during her cour::;e or

th~ year was ghe;i by the A. S. M lectures here. l) • Ulrich will be

8. C. A large crowd wns present pleatsantly remembered by nrnu)' at

"Let Hank '& Ed Do It"

and everybod)· had a. g-ood time. the college 11eople a:1d ller \'isit t his

:_\I u~H: wa~ rurnislH:d by Chisholm'!l> time i~ being looked fonvnrd Lo witll :-::Ulllt:.' boyH and girls 1 would lilh~ Lo

nn:hestrn A lar~e 1111mh1.:r of '.\lis- a great deal of pleasure P,i\l' thh:: ad\·ic:e ~oon rou \\Iii oe marriC'd ;ind out from und r the houaP,

1''1a1'ik l larri." t:.>njoyed a Yisit !"!('Ill roof, but for the l\\'O or thr(>e f1'· fiYP

:\l1. and \lrs. Lnrnl c.f Thl'E'•· ForkH hiH motber the pai:;L weel\·end. :\lr"· or six y<.~ars tlun you ar(' going l\t hi\

Hai ris t·amt:.> up to see the foo Lball ai homp tr)- to make ":\ l ather D~ar·s e:ame as well as 10 \0 hdt with hC'r son lifp mart plt?a!:;ant ; try to mnko UJ) to s1•£•n1 ,1 number of day~ tht' past wpf'k

v sili11~ with thei 1 da11,.;hh'rs .. lan ... lle

nnd Helen Lund. Tht·) 1·amP up to

ii 1 l\'1111 tht t1mthall t;<.1m1•

.\[is:.; :\1argaret \\'alsh had a-. her

her for lilP l W('lllY years of .-an1fi1·Q . -- . I whirh ho~ m:HIC' possihlP \·o1n llr<.'H

'!is~ .\lune ~3unut..•l\ t::ntt>rtamt·d at ent situation. gl't\ that '.\l<•tlll•r

a dehghtful dinner iiarty. [or. :\li~s Dear·· bus tiOme lad clotlles" :;u cb

. as you wear youn;elt'. You tbink ~1113

\\ t.. ha\ t: Jtl:--1 rn·~1\ ul a \.'• mplt:tt: , -..-..1 rtnrt.·11t i 1

in h1),c-...



\ 11ur' ~·an iil· ht:-.t -.11ilnl \( )\\

GEO. H. WILLSON GO~ "'On the way to the post office ."

g.ue~1 the pa~t wf'tk·end. her si~ter.

~[is!' E~tellc \\¥alsb of 1 lek:ta A num·

:\l;.1d~P l)onaldsnn and :\11~s 1 ert;>ba \ g

~l'lrnlten ot 1 le.le:1a <:overs Wt'l~ is an old Ind\-. whe:t a n ma ..... ¥ I pla(·ecl ro1.· Lnc1lle :\lon ronon. Doro- f h I ¥

5 lltt ..,t :-------------------------------.

th) ~fills '.\1il's l)onald~on. ~lb:; act er leart ma)' be just as yo1:?1g A G M KEE \\·nll"h 1lurinf? lu·r \'isit h(•rP.

Thursday c·H•Hinir ''is~ Katherine

£'\earns and ~1i~s '.\{!111.!aret \\~<ll~h en·

tflrtained flt an f'lal>ornte \\'el~rh

riu-ehil party for thp dsitinp. cirl. from

Helena. Then:• Wt--'l"f' a lan;t.' nurnhPr

of Lhe girls lll'f'~t·nl and a ~e:-1Pr:tl good

lime was bad by all.

'.\lrs. !{earns or Tow n~end ~pent a

JllHt ot the 1a~t week. 'isitiu_~ htr

da t?:hter KatherlnP, at Hnmillo11 hall.

~d111lten. '.\Ti~~ nunnell . 1\1Hl :\lbs nun as your 0 '' ii. Arter you murrit--'(I I c twll. 11111 lbn t' honw. \ 011r ll\\ n Jam la~ l • •

\\tll t Cllllt' .11111 \Oii! 111tt.•1f'sl " II 1 I 11•1\tf'1r·tl111thPm ~1.1kt>tlll'1ds1\1• Th p e

. lrs. lll•lll'). of Townst:nd ~i>t·nt lhP t pas! \\t'('k \'isiti:tg her !'(.)(} l'on. s t 01')' tn \lntlwr llt-'ar." lnd1\pn1all) n r \nlll' lift• al hOJlll-' ,1 hll•s-.:ed 111~ \'. \ e r1 e llt·nry. In 1he \ollng hn~h;1nd llnd fntlwr


.\1 ,.;:-. Estht:r Baker ot llel::-ua w;is a Ht!


th(' \\C-f:li·end gtu:sl of '.\tis:-. :\latT

.l;rnP Kennedy at llamilton llall

farm:-;_ 11p·10-liatf' m~diin('1·y and a<lll-

1 Pd land b ;i wondenul thing: 11 "llf!lls --------- ------ ------­

\'r11-.JH•111 ~ but \l Ill.I) sp('\1 jll O••qlPl-USE OUR SHINGLES

P1t.·~nle111 H11n111to11 en1P1ta1ned .ls P,· 1 r \\P rlnnk ('f ,111 lll\t•stlllt:'lll 0111 . . _

hb gt1('-.;ts llw J1Rst \\ l'(~k etHl P1 Psi on the f,ii 111 lot let ii:, nwtr h 1 ln ,i l11 r11\ t'.'I I ht· .roe ti 11 h·, "'l

tlrnt S< hendt ProfPsso1 Ehocl, a11d smul,u 111 P"I llH'lll "hn 11 shall m .. Kt' knn. r!it.:) will pn \ 1,;· f,1 r 11 ,n


-- I It\ .ll \lotlwt !)par'--." f•\Jll'llsl' \\"nat-1

='=)1=- ='='="=h=el=l=l=ri=r=h=o=l ='=l=in=n=e=a=p=o=li="=i=s='=''=" ="=~;=h=o=-<1-::o=l ="=":::'=o=u=la====== ' .\fothei lkar · ~ .. lot ,1 mon• thi•t·J'llll .ti -.ia1.. 11r,: 111 t..'\t•ry ,,.1.' 1:1.

one Our c-ollc~e:-. arf' r1•adli11g out 1 t! mack oi t'H· hl'"'\ \\iti d-.. ih.

. d bl k bb 1 I II SHO RT COURSE SOCIETY MEETS 'in a wonderfnl way to 1·11t·n11J:1g1· th1

in tan an ac ' ru er so c I Enginee-ring I developml-'ut or more and better li\'c·

'"' """" '"" 1


"" ""'"'":,0


~'" "'"''" 1::~i0':~!,j~:::~::j:~~{'~'.'.;0i?:: ~~l:'.~;:1[:~:~::~~~~~E'.~~~~~ and

' 1111 clnecl liil') art l'a-._, t11 l:t)

·u1d la-.t a h·ll!_!' t111 c.· \\ 1.: h:l\l'

tlH·m 111 nil pn11wr -.hi11g 1

\\1111d-. an1\ in 'ari11·i-. -.1 ·c.• ...

Reed' S BOO f ery JI 1~~1r ;1,~ 1~~ ~:'\~~:~~a';~;t·n ;;~r~~~~11 ~1.~ I~ \':::;~~~:~:~~and 1 :~:t1 b~rb~li~~a:1~~·l':~·i\',~~ ~·~~rr 11~;1; 1r;;::~e E;:~~01~\~1~e~e;~rt~e,~~

" ~ a ~racl11cue in lltP PtH!lltt~criin; \'t>~· l>r \\"e-kh \\3!- nex1 on thP prn- amount ot ~tre~~ is laid on ead ilt.:

ilt'J1art11H n1 tn t~1111, ml 1-.:. auw t'tn}l1n~ gram. an d his talk wai-. a \l'r~· inlt>r· JHlrtment. I would hk( lo ha\i• Lili:'

t.>-ll by 1lu• A (' )I tompany 3t An :i- t>:-.ting Ollf-. \\'illiam H~a :1 and liar· 1wwspa11t>I':-. or tht> ~orthwl-'~1 join me

1 nda. wood Arkwrie;ht i~lll'd thl· 1wrils ia ' tt•<tst to :\lothi:>I Dt•ar :\la)


.-. Schlechten s d. tu 10

12 s. Black Ave. I


-o- <lttd dt->nwrits of rlry Jund furruin~ :i.t 1 lwr lift-' ht.· a mon full nntl mor\.· h:1p-

l'rofl~s::-or Thalf"r TL't't'lltl) rt.~l·t:i\eil ~c•llll' length. and 1rt•1t• follo1\l'd h~ 1·~ Olll-' as 1lw yt>;Hs roll by

Bozeman Farmers' Creamery Charles nu::-... ell who ~11nl>1• on 'C'harr· -1-ortlaud Li\t'SllH'k Repont•.

q 'ery nwch a111in.>tiatl'cl gift in tht" Jlarclin Early miked or an lilt 11

frnm oi a box or tine iruut from .Joe LitPrary S.oC'lety" and Prule~sor llobt

,1udnine & :;ons

Truman. ·1:J. '.\fr. Trutt: 111 i~ in thP nt,:>.Xl spokt- npon ' Tllf' H11ral ~khool

t:IllJ,Joy c." lh•. '.\lontana Powc-r com- Ralph lh·dfielcl .ind Hus'it>ll Jlk1'.1•\

tiaay at Canyon F('l ry. ~lr St:rnle)' I di:-:c.·n~sPU athletk!' and Isa a<· Plmnle~· U1 ndas. ·ia b abo at ('1nyon Ferry. ,e:aH• a mil~ npo:1 !hf> propni;.ed hand

--0- The next meeting will be behl '.'\on·ni

Tht' t>11~i.1ef'rin~ 1h,,11ar1111ent is soo·1 ber 21st.

to hnn a r11el tl.:"stin~ apparat11~ by

i:t"an~ r.r whir·h all i 11c•l ... n1111liNl to

the college may be tt.-MPd. The ap­

JHtratus will ah:.o he nsed hy thP en-



)l r


-<>-a "'t'ai01 in mediani


Till:' tullu\\ in!:, indd,~nt happt• iwd at

Tht> Dalles lu:'I Wf:'Pk 11111 iu~ tht «Oll­

n~ntion of thP Oregon '.\flnlH::r:, c·on-

ll wa::. ;\l thf:' noon hour l•'nu1

.--------- AH Kinds of Frozen Products

! MEN'S _1 ------·-------

! Mad~=to=Measure l ,....i - F-IR-ST- CL_A_ss_ P_H_O_To-s--.---------

1 11

!! o~~?s!?u~~Y II



Cor. Main and Tracy Stss.

F abrics and Models to Suit ---------Sweaters <·.ii l'Ili-!inec e,, is 1les1g:iing testine. hour of each other, ead1 one of U1nn

attac·hmcnts for laUoratory atllwra!11,,:. c:ontai:llng farmers' familte~- lht>

which \~ill in(·rNtSl.' 1l1t> cffikPnt·y ot number of <:hildren 1an~i11g" rrum r"1:r

lL~ laboratory scnirP or that app:na· to :-ix Tlw ynHn~ lJf'OJllt-> were hrighl·

tu~ Lo whic'h tht• a1u1thmC'nt~ arf' ap eyed nnd purpO~t>l't1\, ''ttll <lre\.;f'e•I ;in<I

I I 1,1


! Every Taste : Prices to Suit t I;-------------------------------.

I Every Pocketbook_ Montana State College of Agricul-\\ "re really with the fin-

e .... t lint ,) f ~\\Tatt:r-- wc\·e l'\·er

-.h11\\Jl and a '\\Caler ,, (.:er

ta inly I ,-:tln.1!.k additHJtl to

an_\ <Jill" .. wardn1ht·- .nur 1..·c1l-

lc(tiun ol • • weat1.:r ... iur buth

mt:n ~lllll \\'oll1t:'ll , ... t::xtt·

C\ ('.f~ "lZt: , t.·n:r~ ''eight t:\ ery

l- l11r and CYCI") ... t~k that ,, pt 11h1la r---m1~se~ and womans

.. ,, cat..:r"' ~-t .. =iu l•J ~12..)0 lllcll::>

'"'\\t.."Cilt'f'"' S2._:;o lO $! 1.00

Chambers= Fisher Co.


Hair Tonic ~top, tht hair from falling, re-

Ill( 'l' ... danclruii, n1,un~ht"' the

r1 )j ':-- .rnd make~ tht' hair ~nH\

wtll .. 11<1 pretty Hcautiful hair


I ' I





plied fnll of Yim The father wa:-; ·\ 11;0.~

-er- 11ero11s looking intli\ idual in l'"C'h ('1.H·

'.\Ir :::;1na11. in~nuc-tnr ill ttll~ctric.11 anti showing plenty or t·ontac t w11h his

1·11einf'cring wil gnt:' & lctture to the lellow-mn:1. The uutomohill~~ wt•rl? all

Pltc·11 k duh thb aller110011 on lhe !1 - h < 1 , .... :·

C'Ons truC'tinn ancl opttratio.1 c;f tht> \"ol

ta ~laLion of thE' .\lontatl<l PowPr C'OIH-

11 (I ! p tn d:HP Th \\ if('

.. "other Dear.·• if ro11

panr ~ituated uc•ar n:·t•:11 Falb 1 •• 1·1·d pl:li,1 1 ~ ilrt·~"l'cl \VOm:1!1 wh<•..:"

The EIPC·trical dnli has rH·f'i\t:d ih \ · life ·"'*'' '1a•d to hn\ t' 1 -·'Tl '.{l .1·11

\·allmetPr enameled in IJille amt ~old J '_'· 1l1t' end 1 :1at tilf'l't' niig,ht 111;> v t!,:ll·

1 in~. ThPy tin~ in 1IH' :-;h, pe of 3 lrtt·L«~ ho: s. «ontt>:ned l111sha!l1l ~ anJ

- ·O lt1l:.ll·J1ower 111to11wuile:-< Tlw;r laq·~

r'rore:-.:-<OI' Thall'r n·cf-!llly rerein•cl a iml 1c·:.l 1·d 1,~n1 tl11 •1r P;1un l ir•~ h:11l

\rtlt'r from Hamilton ~tt·t 1. :1 gr;11! 1, 1·1 C'llt' < rcsi>rn<~<I saC'rHir Th:'t

1~ate in 1he ~lt>(·trical t·n~itweri11~ •1•" hatl ti• NI '° st'tt tlwir s• rnh sln:·!:

(curse i11 irn~. 'Ir. Stf'f'J i~ ni prP!'.l:- 1•npron•d ,-p·n niter •ear iJ:- th1' n,..;l

e11t em11lc\yf'd a t tlif' Erit-' \\·ork-. of n, The \Hll'c> 1Hecl -.;'r<' 11111iJ a1 1lit>

t!JP (:eneral Eh:tlri,·al 1om11an~· at t··~'ellt l"l1• .' I is st" ~1e:1rc1 • tirnl lht-Y

IO:rie 11t:'n 1syln11iill. Hf· 1~ 111 d1:1rg:l' ti.i•! !'it'Pll 11,~ 11 ba1m· ,. 1Hi)IJ1'.Jll with alt I the lf•sti11g 11i dt~nric' loc'OJJIMi \·es tl1P \me~t lilbo1 .. sa\·11.~ clc•vi('.:oo 10 lht..

·11111 has te~te1J 11raf'tically all <Jr the 111c! that Tiie li\t•:-.ft1•k mig111 l it mH·:l

new lol·omoti\'E>s for the C'hi<·ago . .'\ l it- 111 11Je mr :;t ;.111111·1>\"l•(i munN ·· T h('

'\ 11kt><' and ~t Paul railway. :nt ~t t.\·pc· or ma«h 1 ·1ery harl 11~ "-1 1:~

~ll'. Stl·Pl has hrolhl· Ul Jil't:Sf:'tll !.f'li\H't:-(1. 1)qring ;,I, this ,P·rind or

r\\ l'lll_\ tn :-::25.cx_1 hll) ... a gen 11111c all w1><1I wor~ted Llf ca.;.-

1 -.1mt..'rl' -..11it. ii1111.:ill·d in tip tnp

I 111a1111cr an<l worth ful ly 30 to

-lO per cen t nll>re_ Superfine I qua liti e• at $30 to $35 of im-

ported wca\es and de,.igi». ~''"" un 'ic\\ and await in g; thl." pk<.1-..un.~ 11f all 1nen who appre­ciate: the ..:.upreme mt..·rit" 111

made to-mea:"<urc dntlu .. ·-..

l 11·1•ular l'nrt.. ....,l11n i111· .\11..·11


I• ·n rc ·ll-'ri as a rr~shman in the ele<'trl-lt'l •·· 1h1· Lome. or r,_the!· 1i1.:> house

·al Pngim·~ririg course. 111 w! i< i1 t '.1c mothe1 ht." Id : .. , •. :1y lia1l 1 Wear Yellow '




remailwd l~H~ ~ame- ·1-. it \\ .~ \\ ht-11

~he wenl into It n brfd('_ 81\P ha11

not tho11Kht it po~!-iihlC' lo ha\P ho: I

II and c·old water }li11ecl all O\·pr th1

house. with a roomy balh ThP met

II ::, · 1.1.·l.d. 11rnt\l take that motH' \ I t'or lhP 11wni nl•c·e ... sary xhecp-lli\ 1iini


Tracy \ill ShP is still 11 ... in~ thi.; --~tlllf' «h I I

ker<•se:ie lnmps 1t wo11ld Ii<• 1111 "'



power plant nnd ha\e e>lecL1·1<'1t\ 111 Phone 46

ture and Mechanic Arts Practical courses in Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. Mechanic Arts. Agriculture, Dairy, Hor­ti cultural. Home Economics, Industrial Chemistry. Economic Biology, M usic and Art .

Beautiful grounds. commodious buildings , complete wood and iron shops. extensive laboratories, model kit chen and sewing rooms, music and art studio.

J.M. Hamilton, President. Bozeman, Montana.




A Perfect Salad Dressing The Best, Tastiest and Most Satisfactory is FERNDELL,

15(• .. 35<' and 60(' per bottle. For sale onl) at


Auto Delivery. Telephone 88.

I t

I~ ... 'llll't J1ing- that en:r) lady I

.\I b:-> l lt·len .\r. Bcn:1rtt of ('hic:ago

\ill be a visitor tn Bozeman .~o\·em-

1.;·r 11; LO 18. 1\11~~ Bcnnl'tt iH the

11a11ager of thP <'ol!Pgi:ue !111r" t J 1 11

\\'0111en's 0< rupntion, arnl will l1t· one

1r the promin{'nt -.:ppakPrs at the \·a·

·atioual <'o:-1grcss to be held .H ll.•·

lJO\"C 1li1 l{'S,

pense 10 run a \\1re f10111 the nt ,1 11·~1 I the house, father really needC'd th:H f I

------------~--~~~~-- '--------------------------------!

dc~1re ..... Frndom fn1111 bald

.._)Hlh ,_ lhl man· ... greate:st

IJ11)H.: 50c ·11 d $1 the bottle

<>Id .. n ly at

Roecher's Drug Store

Bozeman, Mont.

mc.tH.'Y to huild a l'ilo The thil11J·r 11

' (

nrr c·om n~ pretty f:lsl in the fir~t

st:q.~,:;os 1·1 marrt~d life. tih(• wot1hl

h:n1• 111,t·d some ilC'lp :1rnl pl'\' 1 :ipr. I:. might lrnvp ha.11 a t:irl \\, ;p it Hfli 101·

--- -- lhP laC'I rho1t tht•v hail n·n·ntl;. '•'tlllll !

DR. MABEL ULRICH TO SPEND ed anotht1 r h11:Hlrf'd and sl:xl\' .• H·r I WEEK AT ST;).TE COLLEGE. rrn,·t ;,ind must pay for 1ba1 at1tl h;1 \1

more hand:-; in the fi~ld. Of (1111rsP

I~ Jli \l'llwl l 'lrii h will arri\'C' :it !IH• no mone\· ll:id hN!ll ~prnt for pi<·1u1'f'" I

cllee(• S:uutdav XO\Plllh(·r 11 IO re- to put on ihe walls het·a11se !jll'l h ql

na 11 oH·r tht· w1·ek-e 111 Dr l 'lricn not 1ime lo took at th em In Lit l 1r1 111

vil1 addr<'ss thP women or 1he C'ollege time. the young- peOJ)le arP ..,to\\1nt~

r tiJP first lt.-cllJl'l' .it i .:~n that t~\ell· t•p, :eltl 1g tlwlr t•dn<'atlon man 11

1: li

l'' Furtlwr a1111unnc•('t1H·nts rrgard them g111ng lo th" Pnh'f'"~ity arnl \ t"· 1

rw hrr 1t1y will he pu~lc•1 011 ti11 ri<"111t111 .. 1l rnl11.;~e1\. Pnming hatk t. th<.':t

ulletiu Uua 1l tl ~ .... 11 hall. home~ r1dl of puq1cjse TJ til •Sl' ~C'H


College Expenses BY SHAVING YOURSELF-­


price of a shave)-OTHERS FROM $1 00 AND UP.


Owen house Hardware Co.mpany ~----------------------------


Page 4: THE WEEKLY EXPON ENT , FRIDAY. NOVEMB ER 10, 1916 · g1 1wral and is a wizzard at open field 11Iay He did nll thE- damage againS':. "l""bl" pr )fe~80f res1 01 cle1l with a h .. '\";


·-----1 good for lollr and Sanderson made it ! FRESHMEN TESTED OM I ~\~: ~,~j~~ ;:i~h~.::·,~· u~:,~:s ~~~rt;~l~~~-: SENT DAY TOP1I,CS

Fashion Barber Shop Under Gallatin Trust and Savings Bank.

Clean and Sanitary Bath Rooms

place. Mollben •Hbstituted for Clark. PRE ~·\oltheu mnde three turougli ~he> line and Renlz cam~ around rnr rn . .ir. "iu10.

.Jolley for gra\'('~ Sanden;on 111<\de Professor Duddy Finds that Freshmen

if fir~l down on the (Olh~g-'! ;)I yard Do Not Know Many of the Heroes 1ine. Adams Wft!:i J!Ooct for fin" off

I tacl\.le A forward pa:->'- wa~ grou:1dcd_ r.ncl Oeutz nuldC' unot her fh·e. San

of the Hour

I dc-l's(.)n hit the lint> for three. A pretty forw;irrl pCl.$S LO Alcnrs plac•erj the ball l .. ast. \\·eek the dHSF:C8 in fre~lnneu

I within five yarcls of the g-oal. hau- Engli~h. under Jlrofe!:ibOr Llutldy. \Vere

I The 6allatin Laundry Company I I Is giving better servjce this year than ever on I

account of the success obtained since adopting l I a stnctly cash system. Make arrangements with 1

I your landlady to take care of your laundry when I same ts delivered, otherwise it will be returned l

I to laundry. We are here to serve you. I

j l'he 6allatio Laundry Company I ------' / tl@r~cn fnnibltc>d nnd tht> college re- l!.?~ted a::1 to thC'ir I nnwledgP conteT:i-

<"OH•recl. 1-!an~('n a:id .Jt>lley earh made ing 11n'81.:·nt day hb111ry nn<l cnrrenl -------~------ ------·------- events An examination \ .. il:i giYen

LCeretana Means Quality 1· ,::~d~m line hncks. llrran puntel ,,,, \•hi•'J ill\OJ\cll history, politic .• and

- I

Adams hil the line for two an,1 a iutl11.;1 1~,.,u1.·~ llf ·~lll•Oll~rnc·(• a11U the R iled 0 T Th T d

I tl'"-lllt:-- obta1:1l1l trnm lht..,, lll1e~t1ons In Flour and o ats- ry em o ay. 1 pags wa~ g1·011ndecl \n. end run e:a•th'U

I fin•. l bri:::ten~on hlcwkerl a pa$c: t :i :i~kt>cl wrrl 1.:xrn nH- lY '.tdf"<l t1n1l

The Bozeman Milling Co!npany the fuurth dO"ll. Bn. ti lost nr.,, 011 qneer. HOWARD'S

HETTY WAS RIGHT an encl run ai1d .h!IIP:"> 1.ii11..•'1 at p·p :\'inety·t.?H? µHJH'rs wt.:n i..':..:amtued ---------------,liIH' 'T'he B1)buit~ thC'n h(.>g,01 1tpr and tbp aH·r.1ge crcHles \\Cit' bel\\een

reaLUte Ucl\anre frnm_ tht? :.;n ~ ::i.trl tine I 'Jl'. llld :n. Jler c.enl ... \ntl thr .lowel'.t ------------------------------,A f()]\\,ll'cl p.'.h;~ to nc1g"111<1.l h<lm1<1 g1adPs \\('Te \\ood'\\Urrl Dea1..h De-

Jf) •~11ds Jluqut•Tte muffed th• Ilt':\l V11es. and Knowles ~ome of the

Th B H t I l11nss httt Ste.1rn~ gzald;.ed then'." nnril lnm11srng an<\\ers lo Lile qHest1nns e ozeman 0 e t for n 20 yard S')in. Another t.~ yur:l g1re11 hy f11e wicte-aw~.kc frPshme:)

'I pass to Dergman placed lhe :11 11 11 n we1·e as followR:

< Jnr ~uits anrl ( h-erc1>at .... are rig-Jn 111 l'\·u·: '"1..'. TaK('

a l1 :ok al 1.1ur ndut.:!"' nt $20.00


the 20 :.ard \inf'. Bryan c;i11g~ll .1 ti I Identify the followine:: 1. Buc-har­yarrl pass und('r tilt> shadow or t!..:.e est .\ commander of the U S. army g-oal post::, .. lolly hit the line for alHilit in l\fexico. a .'.\JexiC"an tflwn etc. 2.

three anrJ Doberg pushed it oYer t~1e Y<ln<'e MeCormic:k-finentor of Me­

line through cenf Pr Tin• drn.:H'C> tt1 1 Cormick binder. and a noted 011era

kick goal wa;.; lost when th<> l':i\I .\··1,.; :::inger :L Tyms l'obh-a ('elebrated nllowf'd to ton<'h thf' .r:-ro11nd n1:11 1 !Je l omcdian. l Salo-1ika-a great den-


l1a.-.: muved t•l the (~all at in Hinck

der 1 lr>ll·m·"y·, hasL·mcnt un­Sv trc. Ulad,

vl.enna B k Grizzlies rushed nnt arni d ,,.,.,h·rl the C'e.r. and a town in ti1<:> \\"est lndif'!'>. 1 a ery ball. il. Robert LanRing-A post o[fke sec-

\ f1ob1er, Prop. / Scor(• ti-ti. relarr. The mo~t nmusing anrl c01ni-

Ask Your grocer for Pllt~ty and Bryan kicked orr_ ::iO IO SclPd.<Z!rson ca! aUS\\t:r \\TittE'n by il brie-ht freshie

M h • B d ' I who l'el11rned 211. Sa1Hlersnn hit left lo the question: ''ldE-ntify Gompers.''

ot er s rea . J ta<':lde fnr ri''e and Lile old "touch- This freshman e\·iciently recalled his

I p R lls--d- H M d J down" play gai:iect lil. l\lolthen marle childl1ood days a:1d in a serious man-

------------' dy cepted a p,lss bllL ran out ot bounds. by the habios." The largest number

Ed. and Lou Howard.


Just Received Some New Cedar Chests

Sizes for Any Purpose 1

arty o Caann ome a el / five through the !me Bryau rntcr- ner answerecl, "Jt is an overalls worn

·--------------1 ---1

Two line pla)s and Biyan rmnted :~n or an::-wers \Vtts to the question of P. DAVIDSON Deliveries IO .30 a.m., 4 :oo p.rn. and out or bounds On .:\[isRou!a's 2.) :t.:tin~ .. l~~e. sl~c~'i(~ of your count)'.

M. Call 28 W. f 'arct hue. thee failed to ga111 0:1tl1!'PC1· E1,,.,ht.\·ll\. clll.\j\\er wrre correst out

Dental :tnd Ural Sun~cou 11111..' pln,\s an<l ;\l<'Quarne punted •V or the rnnety-one Only one perRo:i

warcis 10 thP c·oll.:>_gc> ~. \·an! line ·whPI'-:' C'orrectly state1l tbP po~ition held by

D. D. SMITH Commercial nank Huildinc: I ~, it rolled OHL of bo1111d~. Bryan lllllt Sir Edward Grey.

f £ W Th I ed 30 to Adams. :\fii::so11la madf' :.-11 -------- Don't Worry Phone 386·W • • 0ffip80fi yard~ 1111 a fon\ard pn~s going to tht THE SHORTHORN NIGHTSHIRT - ,1, I I collegl" lo ,·an! 111\L· A line smash w:'l.s

-----·-----------: j BARBER SHOP. 1 · stopp<"tl dead and the t· was peuali,ed

BRIGADE failure in cake filling or icing. Order a can of

1 OPEN j five for off side. :\lolthe:1 ·wa~ smvtll· Last Friday night on the eye of Lhe

· I I· •tier \ati•mal ll,·111k uf ( 'alla b' b 1 1 1 11 P .~1i~..:~1ng a...:count wit l t H!l , - 1 ' -1 ered on thf' ne.\L <:Htempt at :i r'lss 1g game, one unc rec s 10r rnrns in


~ank and pay all you!· college I tin \alley. laud :\IcQ11arrie'~ vla('.e kick wa~ b'ocK- ghostly gnrb. garherc-cl at the C'OTner

cxpe11s1;;."- i>y check. This will eel. Bryan pnnteLl .• o yard~ to sar- of Tllircl it:irl L'ollegt> avenues and i:H

enahk you to keep acn1rate ~ College Students a Specialty. -derson anrl 11t·r~man dropped hi11t 11, 1-:::i:i. henclecl by a !:lrge auto truck

and the problem is s-0lved. per can

A receipt booklet with each can ..... 30c

4\:C\Hlllr ·i your cxpenililur..:'"l. •- --------- /hi~ tracks. :'llC'Quarric punted ;s;, c-ont~lning fourteen loyal girls. ano

GALLATIN TRUST & and Olll of Un11n1t8. :\lolthen inler1 i'Pt uearrng aloft the short COUTse banner,

SAVINGS BANK j 1 -----------, 1ed a ri;iss o:. 11;, 4,, y,ird line. Tin'"· I began their march down Third to the

W S. Davidson, Cashier. t Say that was some feet ball j The teams lined l\IL 1 Ligh school where liter Joined the THOS. H. REA & CO.

Coal, Wood Lumber

Kenyon=Noble Lumber Co. 320 West Main St.


i< 1r ~h11l""' that are g·oocl tht hesl ~·ear h•r t~H.' mnnt'y. (;tvl'.' u:-. a lri~I

J. H . HARRIS & CO. I 'rnprict·1r:-. ,, ! !.\ITI'->

ll lhl.'l l" h

than anutltcr

mt.:11 ff\vllr;d>I}

E. Long

. llll(.' tl11ng· 11\l•l"t I Lh:tl 1111prc~:-.c;-;

with '.\lu1htng-

'' ca1 I !n111n Suit~. 1t 1~ their nnfal-1111< JH.:d1." •. :tit1n 111 fil.

I I ~tnte r· Position StutP Col pg-e eollege Jorl'et: already assembled .. By t game. The best ever, we are j L€'ft F!nd . I the lime they reac.:hed the srhonl the)-

j <lrr Bi->re.mau had been reinforced by t\\'2-ll~Y othar

I proud of you from the coach Left Ta1·kle memhers of the clan a:icl had made

up. It was surely the greate1lt J Kerran Bonnn sufficient noise Lo attract tt1e alten-

1 1 1 Left r;.unnl lions of Lhe resicl nts along the way ever.

1, . Dahlhel'~ IJahl. Rnherts whn 11o<'kPd 10 their door~ to watC'h

I · Center LESLIE E. GAGE I La.nrin l'llristen!'<eU A Borton the somewhat unusual speeliicle.

Right r~narrl The Uoy~ were well organized, and

Jeweler and Optician. I! \lc·Q1rn1Tir> )lc.:Spadden by their lusiy display or spirit at·

ITi;:dn T:u·kle trc.H·ted mu('h fa \'Ol'able- L·ummeut -----1 Bt>ntz nuquette throughout the e,·eninf:'.

Commercial National Bank

ltig-ht End f Shenk H.ehu:, StN1rns

11 Qllarterbn<'k

.Jo:-tj)s Hoberg- The first-year i:;lwrt course classes


I I Left Half

:\folllwn {'lark Hansen hL~ld a ~hort meeting Tuesday e\·en-Capital Stuck _ $J 50.0CXJ Fullbn<'k inK. at which time a class pin of

1 511rplu, and Profits. $250,000 ~nnde1 .. on Br) 111 hlue and white lelters of gold was

J H t Right llalf decitled upon, and t11e amount of the . Baker, Cashier.

1 'd

1 Bozeman . - - - ~1ontana I·"' (~t1~11~ i~d~ luhn~on. rt.~l~~.\'.~~· Onn·es c· a$s d11es fo1· the year \Y:1s fixed.

----------------' L ~t~' umpire The se('Olld year clas~es met \Yed~ f""" n Powell head llnPsman ! nesday afternoon c111d after tr.3:1sact-




We Cater to College




I ing the us11al routine business. came

, to a. decision regarding their class pin. which is Lo Lie of black und ~old. I

Work on 1918 Year Book Witt Com I mence This Week . Freshmen to -

Have Photographs as Soon As Possible

Btt.~ns tow•1rds oq:wnizing H class ha~ketbnll team were also tatien


JOIN OUR L"and_,. Sale ~atunla) all price:-: rcdw:ed. Tafiie~ any flaY"'lr

I5c Peanut Candr atHI c·ocnanut Ca-nd) Carmt'l~ any kind L-renm h: i:;~e.;;

Pean111 11alb

-\11 1 lome :-1 acle and Pnre


20c 30c 35& 20&

Cook By Wire Use an Electric Grill.


Will Press Your Clothes.


Montana Power Company

but had 1ie\·er witnessed SU('h a dem-j ~hip that the of1icials were- trying to

(Co!llinued from Page 01M.) onstrat.ion as this one. He gaYe,words bring alJout between the two schools ---- - - I of enronrageme11t to the player::. anct :rn1l tht-n said !hat he hoped the out-i ht." r'.Jass. tlleu went on to ~ay that this was comf" oi cbe game would be satisfae-MQNTANA'S BOBCATS l...:ditor-iiH'hief Hulll'rl Sti'L'ets llf The Junior C"ia~~ t'Omewhere and by tlrn begin11ing of a new era of mutual tory a.ncl tbar. the Cnb·ersity student.s

1 !he ninl'teen·PightPC'Il i'llontanan hns sorne meanR. olitai11ctl the ~enices or good feeling between Lhe two sc:hoolS,would do all that they rould to mak'3 finished his u11lline or th~. buok and "'ever·1J l·lr',.,... lta11d car ,·l11'ch 1 r 1 ' I I d · •1· I

~ • 9'- " ~ \ nee and bet.ween the college swtlents anc l.1•e game to _1e p aye rn ;' 1~sou l ~!annetl tlll~ work a11d is nnw waiti:1g plneetl upon th~ tra('k!:> of the street nsiness men of Bozeman. next .rear as big a suet.•ess as [bis one

for tilt' hid:-< on pdntinµ; and t>Tlgrav· iailway a:iil made H very novel and in· 1\lr. John \\'al :-<h theu spoke for tbe'wa!;';. to (lark d:lcl~ tell, to m1dl'll=<c1 ·i ner ing winch are expe(·ted 1011

1{" time tere~ting fea!ure or the parade. rity· of Ht.w.enrnn, represe1tting the Re-I Pictures on Screen

il'OntillUCd from f' :-.~'e 011'"'.)

G-1lZ?.he:; changc•cl thelr taC'tu.:s 11.d he-1 ~hls we~k l'he !ilnt'f wa:,; ;tpJ10lnted nei-hif'~ and callefi cllarncterized the tail l\ l er<'hnnts Associnrion. His. tall~ Tlu:• ahe ntion of the- crowd was Uten

1g,1u flerie 111w pl1111,:?:1:•s w1tl1 S:it 11ler- .ist ~pirng hut ~lllt'l' thn-'<.' of ~ the :--.lrnior !"illtnl. .\11 CJ( tbt~ men marched was snappy and to th<' IJOint. ::;~yin_g:jtlir<?L·1ed lO n large sheet on the sid.

:-.011 a.nij Arl:nn~ ctol11g Uw { h•\n1;1nE! Illt'mhei~ taih d iu rt.'lllni 11 will be cdnng in a digniried manner set of! that the entire city n( Bozenrn.n was 1nf the huilding opposite the 1'.:::xpouent.. I

Sanderson hit thf' IJUP rm C'l!..11 .. .tlHI ihi1.·~~·11 ' 10 .lppu1.H surne <m(' ·'b~ Cy monncJeg and Crock coats. behind the college and \\'OHld nil tum offil·e and uvon whit'h Jlt<'llllN> o[ th

A.1..Lmh for thl'l'L'. ThL•se Lwo nwn f'l\l"h ro t:tkl' ilwir phwcs. "Stn\t;>( ht~n. as Th._- tt--am followc-cl behincl with the out for the hi~ game un lh1..· followin liifrerf•1n mt>"mhC'r-i:: ot the team wer(t

mac le tour throu~h the lint .\. t'1•1"\\'lL d ::~~~tO:~:::·,h hc.~:~r~:e a~·:;n~t;~;·! frf~:~m~:~ toaeh in n.uto111obiles a 11cl following day. Ile finh:;hi:oll Ii:.· leading ·three r shown. Cht"•erl'.' were gh en for each

pas~ lO ~hPITk g-ai1wtl jll, pl.ll'ilH!. me them L'ame the large lrllf'k nf the Roz. cheers ior thP team. )lissoul:.i. AUct Iman fl:-· his picture fll'PC'•HPtl nnd ~ all 0.1 tile l'Olh:.e.e :~u Yard li11• '.:.:.n- ~man Firr Llcpanment. a large stt.•am for Uozt•nrnn. shon. 1rihute was gi\·eu h~ "Doc '

dPr:ion !in lhe linr twkt> fd'f a l<.11,11 it~dt:~,; 1 ~i~c·~'. 1 e ~~·: 1~.t;:;~l .~1(~;~il7lt~'.~1d ::~; rolli.'"r with a sh1;11 \\hbtlr and the The next cull \\as ior ('na.·h Be-u· Lu<·e ·L-.. The meetin~ l'lo::-ed •yith~ b an' r{'qllL'~lt><l to h:.1'·1;• thL•ir pictures I nt ti+.."'\.'e11 A fakf' 11lal'l'kick 1or.~·aru ~·a1::;; <·HJT,\ing th~ ~qwukers at the ri!.lly. nion who said tt r.~"· word~ as to the yells gfren by both rollege anrl. l'nher·

vas:; was bJo,·ked liy .Jollt·y. ;\J<.:l,lnarrie ~~:·~~s~~~~e'~ thel11:->1!l\"C:":-> iJPfon rhi• stnff Short Course .... ame and the team iu ¥.t>llernl ancl sity srndent~ and the <·rowd d!'ew llat.:k missed anolhcr 11lace kkk. l-la11~en, In the first plac·p the clas:-;-

.folley and Bryan eaC'h failcrl to gnin es are larger than usu;d anti Lhey fi:ld

tltrou~h thP line illlll Pllllled ;;, H a di(fitlllt maltC'r tu l~l"ranµ;c things so the book \\.'ill ('OJU~" ou1 the sa.mC'

s.trrPt was enjoyNl to the lle~imentHl Haurl for the S<U d.s to Clark wl10 was llowned on

N'\.·x~ 11" +..' the11 \\"il .... llahil1t), hlr; <iw::-i 20 \·art! lin<.• Thrr>C' line 11la)'!o-; ~izc <l!-; llefoi·e. ahio lhe cost m' nrnter-1 . · • . wl Is i.'Onsitlerably hig\wr whic:h will

111 tht: rear ('Hnie tile en1ire !Jud) asserted 1hil.l e\·c-ry ma11 on lhP 1enrn

of the-. Shon Cour~e ~llld(>nts the girls -noultl gi\'O all ht' had on che fc.llnwlng

in a large 11iotor tr\IC'I( n1lt.J rbe boys day and that allhough, playing- 11ncler

m'ltThing a1'Ld cloing :.t serp utine be- the heaYy 01ltls or lightn e~s and in

bind in. their "uight.~s."' The i1ro- e:q->rrlenc'C' wou\cl make 1111 the 11:1!

c:e:-:tslon i11·oeeeded t.o the C'it.y Hall ~Ulce in fi!.'.:ht. H(' wa8 followed hy

ahlller of lhe c\•ening.

ivearahdj }, and rc:h~iuahk 1uettPd six be1ure ~h·Q11nn1t• p1111tf>li 1int·rea.~H:" the ('o~L or pHtlin)..) oul th e

! It\ lo BoUc·rg:. "Ho" rct111·nect the lJLok. The pcr~on 8etll li ng in till' larg-

1 punt the entire di~tt11H·e. e~t nnmbt•r or sna11shots that can be Cet t\l~ 111 ~111 g·\\-ear ltlll iii.- f Hoberg.and Hanse-11 m<lde Llll'ee and u~e<l will t'('ct.1i\·1.• a c·opy or the An:rnal

~uitcd " 1 I ktep ,,·arm ~Lnd a forward pass was blocked. Bob~rg's tree·. The buok "ill be ready for dis~ cu111 fo1t ·tl.! i.: llti-.. w~inter. \II drop fdl slim1 A.dams erndii.ii:; trihution sonielimc between April and

\\'a'lh"'{ ..., , ll'"' and labn c~. I'' oui .. e 10 } un.l lme Sanderson rush· 1'.\Tay 1

· ed th 1111e ror e;ght on Lwo Lrial:; an rt

The Willson Co.11 A<lttnt:-> fvr tlHL•e Clctrk gained two on C'liarles R11s!5ell. who found i t LC'i.'es

1 an end run and Snntletson mndP -iinr> san 10 atLc·1d lo ~ome cattle lrnsjness

l--11• B or.ema.n Since '66" tl'reng'h th(' l111e ~ Sandelsnn fl\(' ; 1or hrn fnthcr. rPIUrlll'd in t·m~ u 1 Lake

·---------------. !through the line Keeran a1ound \\.as up his worl~ again on Monday.

'l'hi;:; rally WU::\ !l hi~ s11t·eess

weather torubiiw<l wilh Hu, best col·

and back to thp itenqiora.ry sln.nd er- Ca1)t.ain .Jay Duq1u"tle \\hO. afu.•r he· lege s1iirit that bas eYer l>C'en tihown

ecled on th e corner or Main St1·ec·Ljin~ grpc1ed \\llh a splendid ovation at. i\iontnnu ~tatC' and the tirele·

aucl Central .Avenue. Here the crowd b~ tiiP st1Hknts, promised that Lhf' I wvrk of f·\·e r y sludent headed hy the gathered LO hear the "pep:· t.allrs gi\'· I 111en would do thei:· best and would C'onunittee iL a SUC"l'e,,s.

en lJy some of the busrness men.


play as .t.her ne"er pla.yud hefor~. 'T'ht:> 5ttJcli"nL~ romm1uee bc.:>~tled liY

merubera of the faculty , and suale1ns Pres. Hamilton mad£> n ft'\\ rc-mark::i "Re.<l." l'nrl em. ' Ji, "JaC'k" Swe~ll. and to cheer Lhe team on to vic-tor y. concerning the game and after 1h!!lk was '\\'hit.. Manning. ·11,

flon. Justin Smith or Ilozemau wasting the citizens; of 8o:rnman LOr their Ronne Ti', Fred Dullo<:k '17, ".luck·

tbe first spea~~r. be .!:i11oke a.t length j suppon int.rocl~c.ed l~res. Sheuc.h of ~ w~nL, ·1 .•. "Bri.c~ • On~n~mu~n~. ·is. on coltcgr spirit. shttng that he had lhe State lin1verstty. President lla1nlrl IJ1C':kSO:l, l1 . Ho"a1d :Searuanst

seen demcnslrallons east and west S~L.;l:.t ttl J so:ucth!nt; of tL.l'• relation-/ '11) . LP""er C'()\f' 'l7 and 1.121e Park 'lS