the time motion theory

Original Theory

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Post on 01-Jul-2015




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The Time Motion Th


Original Theory

The basic idea of the time motion theory is that earth is divided by different time periods in our history. And to travel to one of these periods mean you would have to line up with a certain part of earth’s orbit of the sun.

The theory suggest that by lining up on the moon, you could wait for the certain point of earth’s orbit to face you. Then by using speed faster than that of light. You could travel back in time.

The time motion theory has one flaw. By this you could travel back in time, but not forward.

Carl Saegan suggested that time travelers may very well be in out world right now from the future. Just disguised as modern humans. Some ancient astronaut theorist state that the supposed alien race named by humans as the “greys” may very well be humans from the future. Judging by the fact that they have basic human anotomy.