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The Three Key Reasons Sales Cycles Have Increased and How to Deliver Value and Shorten Them

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  • The Three Key Reasons Sales Cycles Have Increased

    and How to Deliver Value and Shorten Them

  • About The AuthorAbout The AuthorAbout The AuthorAbout The Author

    Dirk Zeller

    Real Estate Champions

    Real Estate Champions was founded in 1998 by Dirk Zeller

    after a successful career as a top ten agent in a 4-State region

    for a large international real estate organization. Real Estate

    Champions has become a global coaching and training

    company specializing in the strategies and systems to increase

    sales for real estate companies, real estate teams and real

    estate agents. Real Estate Champions has created and

    delivered custom training and coaching solutions for Century

    21, Coldwell Banker, Prudential, Berkshire Hathaway Home

    Services, RE/MAX, Better Homes and Gardens and ERA

    throughout the United States and the world.

    Dirk Zeller, founder and CEO of Real Estate Champions has

    been an agent, investor, speaker, coach and bestselling author

    for more than 25 years. He has been a featured speaker at

    sales and success conferences on six continents. He is a ten-

    time bestselling author. Dirk is one of only a handful of authors

    worldwide to have written multiple books for the “For Dummies”

    brand. His sales, success and time management books have

    been translated into multiple languages.

    If you are desiring more success and income in your life, we

    encourage you to also visit our website at for more resources to improve

    your success.

    You can contact Dirk at:

    Real Estate Champions

    5 NW Hawthorne Ave., Ste. 100

    Bend, OR 97701


    [email protected]

    © Real Estate Champions. All Rights Reserved

  • © Real Estate Champions. All Rights Reserved

    Contents1. The availability of information 3

    Properties are selling too fast. 4

    Now is a bad time to buy or sell. 6

    There’s nothing good on the market. 7

    2. When the market changes 10

    3. Getting the prospect face-to-face 12

  • © Real Estate Champions. All Rights Reserved

    The Three Key Reasons Sales Cycles Have Increased and How to Deliver Value and Shorten Them

    The sales cycles of most real estate buyers and sellers seem to be getting

    longer. That longer cycle has led to agent frustration, lower lead conversion

    rates and revenue imbalance for some agents, companies, and teams. There

    are a number of factors that seem to be influencing that longer sales cycle.

    1. The availability of information

    The typical consumer that is using the Internet to find out about real estate,

    the marketplace, properties, areas, lifestyle, and school information is on

    information overload. This overload of information leads them to confusion

    and often decision paralysis. The information can also be faulty, incorrect, and

    just dated. This can cause paralysis of thought and fear of action. Consumers

    are using real estate third party sites at record levels. Many organic searches

    for properties guide them to Zillow, Trulia,, and many others.

    The information that is contained on those sites is frequently dated with

    sold properties,

    rather than active

    listings. The sites

    are clogged with

    off the market


    The lack of

    accuracy cause

    the prospect to

    draw the wrong


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    The Three Key Reasons Sales Cycles Have Increased and How to Deliver Value and Shorten Them

    ✤✤ Properties are selling too fast.

    When they reach out for more information and find out a sale

    has already happened they feel discouraged instantly. When this

    happens a few times they start to experience frustration and

    disillusionment with the real estate market. That causes some

    prospects to give up or feel the timing isn’t right for them. A select

    few gain a higher level of desire or motivation. That is the minority

    compared to the ones that end up in a frustrated state.

    When that

    prospect actually

    reaches out to

    you online or

    makes a call

    to you, which

    they do a small

    percentage of the

    time compared

    to the amount

    of searching

    they do, they

    know they are reaching out to a salesperson. They expect a less than

    pleasant experience because of the cumulative sales experience they

    have had in their life.

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    The Three Key Reasons Sales Cycles Have Increased and How to Deliver Value and Shorten Them

    They quickly want to find out about what they wanted, what they had

    an interest in, or a desire for more information, they discover they

    can’t have or even consider at a deeper level that property they want.

    What they desire or are interested in is gone…frustration happens!

    We must understand their psychological state. They blame the

    real estate agent even though we had nothing to do with it. It’s

    our fault to many of them.

    The experience, if that is

    repeated, starts to cause

    them to say, “Properties

    are selling too fast”,

    “The marketplace is

    overheating”, “I think

    we will wait until the

    market calms down a

    little more.” They move

    into a pattern mentally to justify their decision of delay or not now

    or their personal conclusions of the marketplace. Most humans,

    rather than seek to learn, are seeking to justify or validate what

    they already believe. That is especially true for many buyers using

    the Internet.

    The truth is, your market may be experiencing low inventory but

    it’s not no inventory. The speed at which properties are selling is

    overstated because of the lack of accuracy of the inventory of Zillow,

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    The Three Key Reasons Sales Cycles Have Increased and How to Deliver Value and Shorten Them

    Trulia, and and other third party sources. We have to

    deal with a lot of inventory that hinges on these sites as active when

    they have been long ago removed from the marketplace through sale,

    expiration, or withdrawn. This frustration and dissatisfaction will not

    change so we must be more skilled at elongating the conversation

    and move the prospect out of frustration and disappointment to

    opportunity, engagement and especially conversion.

    ✤✤ Now is a bad time to buy or sell.

    The consumers’ mentality, because of that discouragement, draws

    the inference that

    the timing is bad.

    They psychologically

    overstate the risk of

    “Not finding what we

    want”, “Being stuck

    without a home”,

    “Selling our home

    without another property identified” or the market turning to their

    detriment in selection and pricing.

    What they fail to process is that typically trends like I am expressing

    frequently continue for a period of time. They falsely assume the

    market will respond to their desire to wait for a better time with the

    outcome they wish for. I purposely used the word “wish” because

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    The Three Key Reasons Sales Cycles Have Increased and How to Deliver Value and Shorten Them

    in most cases, it is a wish. That’s why a salesperson that can serve

    and compel them through value and positioning themselves as an

    expert can break this cycle. Don’t underestimate the power and

    influence of high level sales skills, which most agents lack. The

    easiest avenue to break this cycle to that is a face-to-face meeting.

    Our ability to sell the value of the meeting, coupled with urgency

    will set you apart from all other agents.`I recently starting working

    with Jason Secor , RE/MAX in Birmington, AL. Jason is one of the

    top teams in the United States. The goal is improving the lead

    conversion of his elite team of buyer’s agents and inside sales

    associates. In less than 3 hours of the right sales training they

    increased their Internet lead based buyer appointments by 32%!

    Don’t underestimate the power and influence of high level sales


    ✤✤ There’s nothing good on the market.The final conclusion buyers arrive at to validate their thinking is

    that there’s nothing good to buy. “If I want to accept a lower quality

  • © Real Estate Champions. All Rights Reserved

    The Three Key Reasons Sales Cycles Have Increased and How to Deliver Value and Shorten Them

    property or a substandard area…I might get a home…but I won’t

    do that.” The challenge with this reaction is that most consumers

    searching online tend to hyper focus with their online search.

    They feel they have access to the same information a real estate

    agent has access to. We have to understand why they come to

    this false conclusion because of ease of access, faster access and

    anonymity, the desire to stay stealth is a powerful force.

    The choke point is created because as the consumer is looking

    at virtual tours and images of listings they frequently are not

    going out to experience the properties. They are just reviewing

    the properties with, “Hey, a picture is worth a 1,000 words”

    mindset. “Because these pictures don’t make my heart rate go

    up when I view them, this

    home is crossed off my list.”

    They get caught in a death

    spiral of their own mental

    outlook. Again, a skilled

    salesperson can throw

    them a lifeline to extract

    them from the rip tide of no


    A typical series of photographs of a home might be worth a

    1,000 words but it falls far short of even one showing. What they

    fail to understand is that real estate agents are notoriously bad

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    The Three Key Reasons Sales Cycles Have Increased and How to Deliver Value and Shorten Them

    photographers. Most agents are not well versed in lighting, photo

    angles, capturing warmth, space and emotions that can be created

    with the right photographs.

    As an agent, one of our primary objectives should be to convince a

    prospect that homes are an emotional and feeling decision. That

    connection can only be known for sure by an interior inspection.

    That by walking through a few homes you would be able to

    customize their search parameters to save them time, potentially

    expand their selection by directing them to niche or pocket areas

    that offer similar amenities and lifestyle they desire.

    Increase the number of “great deals” they have access to.

    This will increase their odds of finding that right home, reduce

    the frustration they are feeling, increase their knowledge of

    the marketplace and if the right property becomes available

    within their current search parameters they will have enhanced

    negotiating power because you could project to the seller they

    have a number of other options if this negotiation is unsuccessful.

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    The Three Key Reasons Sales Cycles Have Increased and How to Deliver Value and Shorten Them

    These are all benefits to them! When exposed powerfully and well

    they create openings and opportunities to ask for an appointment.

    This is where the sales skills, persuasion skills and asking skills

    create the explosion of appointments as with Jason’s team!

    A skilled agent that can express those thoughts, ideas, and

    counsel a prospect can have a vast improvement in conversion

    rates on leads. It is clearly the skill in which we sell service, value

    and align it with the prospect’s emotions and mindset. That is the

    first step with a discouraged or frustrated buyer. Let me caution’s easy to assume that you have these skills. Even if you

    have been in real estate sales for 20 years, the odds based on our

    research is you were never taught these’s not your fault!

    You must take action to change your sales skills.

    2. When the market changes

    Any time change

    happens it can

    cause urgency

    to increase in

    some people and

    prospects. It can

    cause caution

    and fear in other

    prospects. We

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    The Three Key Reasons Sales Cycles Have Increased and How to Deliver Value and Shorten Them

    need to be able to determine which type of prospect we are encountering.

    Does the changing or shifting marketplace give them a “window is closing”

    feeling or response? Does it build urgency or apathy? Do the interest rate

    changes make them more motivated or less motivated to take action?

    As a salesperson, my job is to find out what their reaction is to change. I have

    to understand where they are right now in their thinking. Please recognize

    that their thinking could be incorrect. They just don’t know it yet. The truth is,

    their thinking is their thinking. Whatever it is…I must deal with it. In order to

    “deal with it” effectively I need to know what it is…now!

    If the market change is causing inactivity or pulling back I must be able to

    show them what might happen. They might be priced out, they might have

    to settle for less than they could receive in location and quality in the future.

    Once I do that, they weigh it and accept those outcomes are possible or even

    likely. That will either change their actions or confirm they are willing to

    assume the downside risk of waiting. You must understand that the on the

    fence prospect doesn’t assume the opportunity will get worse…only better. As

    a salesperson, I’m not going to make a sale anytime soon if I can’t show them

    it might be worse to wait.

    There is more opportunity in a changing

    marketplace. That is true whether that

    marketplace change is rising prices or falling

    prices. There is a more limited opportunity

    when a marketplace is stagnant in pricing

    and has limited movement of change. The

    slowness causes complacency on the part

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    The Three Key Reasons Sales Cycles Have Increased and How to Deliver Value and Shorten Them

    of prospects. Ask anyone who is an expert in the financial markets, there are

    people that make money in a downward S&P as well as an upward moving

    S&P. The financial market that creates limited opportunity is stagnation.

    Really knowing the desires, pain points, goals, objectives and dreams of your

    prospects enables you to provide the best counsel and sound reasoning to

    take action. I am not wanting to know those to overuse or improperly use or

    exert influence to take action. My desire is to inform, educate, and guide them

    through the true nature of the marketplace to a decision of yes or no. If they

    decide, after weighing all the factors ...correctly, the timing isn’t right for them

    now who am I to force a change in that? That is my belief in serving prospects

    and clients. The key is are they evaluating and weighing the factors correctly...

    probably not unless I meet with them.

    3. Getting the prospect face-to-face

    The sales cycle is longer in many cases because we didn’t get the prospect

    face-to-face. Too many agents have fallen in love with electronic communication

    in email, text, and social media. All of them have their place to communicate

    efficiently with prospects. They lack the effectiveness that face-to-face

    communication creates. You can shorten the sales cycle, determine the quality

    of the prospect, and serve them with a higher level of service if you acquire a

    face-to-face consultation. You can separate yourself from the other agents they

    are interacting with online. The face-to-face aspect of selling your value has not

    changed with the advent of the increased options of technology communication.

    The key to face-to-face effectiveness that most salespeople miss is your level

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    The Three Key Reasons Sales Cycles Have Increased and How to Deliver Value and Shorten Them

    of comfort with the word “no”. If you want to shorten the sales cycle for your

    leads you have to acknowledge and accept that “no” is a possible answer

    from any prospect. Let the prospect know that “no” is an acceptable answer.

    When someone knows that you aren’t trying to maneuver them to a “yes”, they

    will be more open to sharing their thoughts. That is true if you go for the no

    phone-to-phone or face-to-face. When you gain a face-to-face meeting tell the

    prospect that at the end of your meeting that you would like them to make a

    decision. You can even share with them the decision you ideally want them to

    make, or the decision based on your initial discussion over the phone that they

    should strongly consider.

    Most real estate agents reject the truth of being a salesperson. The truth is

    you are selling your thoughts, ideas and recommendations. Even if you view

    yourself as a “consultative salesperson”, a consultant sells their thoughts,

    ideas and recommendations to a client. Many people like the term consultative

    selling. They frequently, in actions and dialogue, miss the selling part!

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    The Three Key Reasons Sales Cycles Have Increased and How to Deliver Value and Shorten Them

    The decision does not mean they have to buy a

    home today. It could be as simple as; they make

    a decision to explore the market at a deeper

    level, that we go look at a few homes, that they

    are willing to take the next step in the process,

    or meet with a lender. That they will give you

    an honest opportunity to earn their business.

    There are a number of potential decisions

    or commitments they could make after the

    meeting other than buying a home. It might be

    more effective for you and comfortable for them

    to gain a smaller decision or a series of small decisions or commitments.

    Again, you want to reiterate that “no” is a perfectly acceptable answer as well.

    What you want to do is avoid a “maybe” or “I want to think it over” response. I

    am aware this assertive selling approach might be a little out of your comfort

    zone. One of the reasons that sales cycles are longer is salespeople are not

    comfortable in being assertive. Some would call that aggressive, but it’s really

    not. You have expressed to them that “no” is a perfectly acceptable response.

    Aggressive would be non-acceptance of “no” and continuing to over press and

    aggressively maneuver them. To pull out the verbal judo tactics to maneuver

    a “no” into a “yes”. That philosophy isn’t consumer centric. Be assertive and

    say, “I would be delighted to help you.” “I believe I can add some real value

    to your home buying or selling process.” “I carefully select people I can help

    because my time is not infinite.” “Are you wanting to explore your options and

    opportunities further?”

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    The Three Key Reasons Sales Cycles Have Increased and How to Deliver Value and Shorten Them

    A good prospect will see you for the professional you are in sales. They will

    respect your direct approach and give you the information you need to help

    them achieve their objectives. If they lack the desire to take the next step

    you will be able to minimize your investment in time, and have shrunk the

    sale cycle to the earliest possible position. You will have saved yourself time,

    energy, and emotion that can be invested in others who are more likely to

    create a revenue return. Sales is about evaluating the odds of serving a

    particular prospect now or in the future. Sales is an odds based business.

    Don’t be fearful of being assertive to shorten your sales cycle with prospects.

    The sales cycle will continue to elongate if we don’t apply sound principles

    and strategies with prospects. The wide open channel of the Internet has

    elongated the sales cycle because it has created a longer “just looking” or

  • © Real Estate Champions. All Rights Reserved

    The Three Key Reasons Sales Cycles Have Increased and How to Deliver Value and Shorten Them

    “just researching” period for consumers. That period requires our attention

    because the right agent with the right strategy will transfer enough value

    in that period to secure the client relationship. That agent will separate the

    wheat from the chaff early rather than provide service for the next year only to

    find out the answer is “no”, or “We are working with another agent.”

    Success in sales is about

    an effective sales strategy,

    sales system or process,

    sales scripting, and sales

    skills. Those four are like a

    combination lock. If you don’t

    have all four numbers the lock

    doesn’t open. When the lock

    doesn’t open the sales cycle of

    a prospect lengthens and lead

    conversion goes down drastically. The frustration for the salesperson goes up

    and the motivation of the salesperson goes down.

    Salespeople need to be clear about the changes in sales cycles and sales

    strategies in 21st Century sales. The ability to create an aligned system,

    strategy, connecting the right skills and scripts will turn any sales career

    around or drive a good producer to a great producer.

    Focus on going for the no in the next few weeks. Ask more powerful

    straightforward questions to prospects, especially Internet based buyers or

  • © Real Estate Champions. All Rights Reserved

    The Three Key Reasons Sales Cycles Have Increased and How to Deliver Value and Shorten Them

    Internet registration leads. Give them a clearer picture of the market and how

    waiting might be dangerous. I guarantee you will increase your sales.

    If this eBook has made you a little bit uncomfortable about your business

    whether you are an agent, team leader, manager or owner of a real estate

    company. I view that as the first step to decreasing the sales cycles of your


    The first step in creating change and improvement is the awareness that a

    problem exists. You now know that. The next question is what are you going to

    do about it? Let me give you a hint...doing nothing or delyaing in taking action

    once you realize the challenge will not benefit you.

    The biggest waste of time is the moment you realize an issue or problem

    exists and when you take action to resolve or fix it. You are now in that spot.

    Take action, let us help you with bridging the here and send us a

    quick email so we can create the breakthrough you desire for your business!

    [email protected]

    To your Success

    Dirk Zeller, Founder, CEO and Author

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    The Three Key Reasons Sales Cycles Have Increased and How to Deliver Value and Shorten Them

    Find Real Estate Champions at the following links:

    [email protected]


    Books by Dirk Zeller

    CEO and Founder of Real Estate Champions:

    Your First Year in Real Estate

    Success as a Real Estate Agent for Dummies®

    Telephone Sales for Dummies®

    The Champion Real Estate Agent

    The Champion Real Estate Team.

    Successful Time Management for Dummies®

    Thriving in the Marketplace for Dummies®

    Selling all in One for Dummies®

    Effective Time Management for Dummies®

    Running a Great Meeting in a Day for Dummies®