the blue · the blue review november 2015 ... positive reports for the recently scheduled bluegrass...

PROFILE IN LEADERSHIP CHARLOTTE ROBINSON Church Historian, Librarian, Facilitator of BRC Book Club, Covenant Sunday School Class Teacher The Blue Review November 2015 Charlotte grew up in Brookfield, MO, where her parents were active in the Methodist Church. Her mother was the Youth Director in the late 1950’s and extended an invitation to youth from a local black church to attend a youth meeting. Her church disapproved, but that example taught Charlotte the importance of welcoming all people into the church. She graduated from the University of MO, where she met her husband, Dwight. After Dwight graduated, they moved several times with his job and finally landed in Kansas City in 1962. They began attending BRC after a visit from a lay member, as well as the minister, and became members later the same year. The church was starting to grow and it soon became the center of their life. Both of their children were baptized and married at BRC, as well as baptisms for all four grandchildren here. Charlotte has taught Sunday School for almost 40 years, with help from Dwight for the last 20 years in the Covenant Class. After some time she noticed the need for an improved library. Under her leadership, our current library has grown to several hundred volumes. While serving on the 150th church anniversary committee, she wrote a church history book and has filled many notebooks preserving the history of the church. Like most people, Charlotte has faced struggles over the years. It is the love of a church family—a listening ear, a hug, support through hard times—that has sustained her and kept her strong. After 53 years of membership at Blue Ridge church, she believes we will continue to serve on this corner for many years to come. There are times when awe and gratitude overwhelm us, whether we're seeing a sunset, watching a child laugh or just appreciating a special moment. These are the moments when we just want to thank O Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name, make known his deeds among the peoples. Sing to him, sing praises to him; tell of all his wonderful works. Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice. Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually. Remember the wonderful works he has done, his miracles and the judgments he has uttered. God for the good things in our lives, and praise God for the amazing world around us. The Book of Psalms is full of beautiful words that do just that. Psalm 105:1-5 is such a psalm. ( Join Us Sunday! Sunday School 9:00 am Advent Study 9:00 am (Beginning Nov. 29) Worship 10:00 am

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Church Historian, Librarian,

Facilitator of BRC Book Club,

Covenant Sunday School Class Teacher

The Blue Review November 2015

Charlotte grew up in Brookfield, MO, where her parents were active in the

Methodist Church. Her mother was the Youth Director in the late 1950’s

and extended an invitation to youth from a local black church to attend a

youth meeting. Her church disapproved, but that example taught Charlotte

the importance of welcoming all people into the church. She graduated

from the University of MO, where she met her husband, Dwight. After

Dwight graduated, they moved several times with his job and finally landed

in Kansas City in 1962.

They began attending BRC after a visit from a lay member, as well as the

minister, and became members later the same year. The church was

starting to grow and it soon became the center of their life. Both of their

children were baptized and married at BRC, as well as baptisms for all four

grandchildren here. Charlotte has taught Sunday School for almost 40

years, with help from Dwight for the last 20 years in the Covenant Class.

After some time she noticed the need for an improved library. Under her

leadership, our current library has grown to several hundred volumes.

While serving on the 150th church anniversary committee, she wrote a

church history book and has filled many notebooks preserving the history

of the church.

Like most people, Charlotte has faced struggles over the years. It is the

love of a church family—a listening ear, a hug, support through hard

times—that has sustained her and kept her strong. After 53 years of

membership at Blue Ridge church, she believes we will continue to serve

on this corner for many years to come.

There are times when awe and gratitude

overwhelm us, whether we're seeing a

sunset, watching a child laugh or just

appreciating a special moment. These are

the moments when we just want to thank

O Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name,

make known his deeds among the peoples.

Sing to him, sing praises to him;

tell of all his wonderful works.

Glory in his holy name;

let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice.

Seek the Lord and his strength;

seek his presence continually.

Remember the wonderful works he has done,

his miracles and the judgments he has uttered.

God for the good things in our lives, and praise God for the

amazing world around us. The Book of Psalms is full of

beautiful words that do just that. Psalm 105:1-5 is such a psalm.


Join Us Sunday!

Sunday School 9:00 am

Advent Study 9:00 am (Beginning Nov. 29)

Worship 10:00 am

We have great opportunities in this community for mission and ministry. I hope you share my excitement about

these opportunities and others we can name together in the near future. Remember, God opens the future; we

have the call and the opportunity to walk into that new day.

Grace and Peace,



[email protected]


I am excited about the future because we are turning Blue Ridge Church around. Our attendance has

been up 20 to 30% and pledges are up $23,000 for this coming year. Even better, we have more pledges

yet to come in. So things are moving in a good direction.

In this turnaround let me share some thoughts about new directions.

First, I would like to see us increase our attendance to 150 in the next several months. Then after that

another 50 to get us around 200 in attendance. If we can move beyond 150, we can then go to two

services. I am aware that many of you find our contemporary service very meaningful and would like to

see it move more in that direction. At the same time, a sizable group of you express interest in a more

traditional service. If we could move to two services, I think it would increase our attendance overall, and

two forms of worship would speak more fully to the entire congregation.

Research shows that congregations grow best when church members invite family, friends, neighbors, and work

associates to go with them to church. In other words invitations to those you have basic relationships with are the

best way to reach out to new participants in worship and potential members.

I ask each of you to engage in this new effort.

Second, we have 10 to 15 young adults who participate in Blue Ridge Church. I am very interested in working

with our young adults to discover the ways that we can be more responsive to our young adults and those in the

wider community. If you are a young adult and would like to work with me on this, please let me know. My phone

number and email address are below.

Third, the demographics around the church indicate that we have a large number of single parents. I would be very

interested in an effort to reach out and be responsive to this group. For example, we could work on a single

parents night out. But I am most interested in being responsive to the expressed concerns and opportunities the

group would identify. Again, are there two or three of you who would like to work with me on this ministry? Please

give me a call or send an email.

Finally, we have a large number of people over 55 years of age in the community around our church. In a very real

sense, part of the future of this congregation rests with older people. While we already have several significant

opportunities in the church for this age group, I am interested to see if there are also new directions we need to

consider and implement. Please let me know with a phone call or an email.

Council News - October 2015

The council meetings of September and October,

2015 continued our discussions from the summer about

current church projects and new directions to pursue in


Attendance and giving are both up. Tex would like to

see us reach 150 by Christmas and 200 by May.

Hitting these goals would develop our “critical mass”

for the next stages of Blue Ridge growth – possibly 2


Though we are paying the bills and using less of the

endowment money than we planned, a challenge that still

haunts us is the debt we have from the geothermal

project. We still owe almost $258,000. It’s difficult to

justify “dream” projects like Community Centers,

commercial refrigerators and hiring staff/giving raises

when this obligation is still outstanding. We look forward

to the congregation “stepping up” to the financial

challenges we face and committing faithfully to this

year’s Generosity Campaign.

The Board reviewed and adopted the Trustee

proposal for a Wedding and Building Use Fee Schedule.

Having this schedule gives us better guidelines for the

way folks use our facility. We have also had very

positive reports for the recently scheduled Bluegrass

Group monthly meetings. There are many opportunities

for serving our mission field by having this group use the

church each month – and the music is FANTASTIC!

Tex continues to open up topic areas for us to

pursue in ministry. We gave him the floor and he

addressed the following topics.

1. Youth and Teens serving: KOAM - exactly on

target, also Youth serving communion on 3rd

Sundays. We need to get word out to single

people and single people w/ children, the Parent's

Night Out project - who do we see that is called

to do that?

2. Time for Talking w/ Tex - He sees a need/desire

for guests and friends of the church to have a

time to talk things over after church - whatever is

on their mind. Could be the sermon, the church

or their general faith questions.

3. The Justice Team - no they don't have super-

hero/heroine names or capes. They are

interested in ministry issues dealing with justice

in our society. So far Missy Marcella, Connie

Turnipseed, Bonnie Downs and Deb DeMoss are

talking over issues and planning. I think I saw

Donna Teachman hanging with that group also.

4. Mission collaboration with Woods Chapel - Their

Nicaragua effort may be of interest to folks

looking to participate from Blue Ridge

5. More2 (More Square -

Tex believes the church should be involved with

organizations that have already established

structures to deal with justice issues. He cited the

pharmacy/medication cost injustices for folks

desperately needing medicine they cannot afford.

As time began to run out, Tex rapidly shared topics in

the following areas:

+ Older people in church - "stalking", Adventures in

Learning, Golden Key, McDonalds

+ "Old People on a Mission" (comparable to Kids on a


+ People aged 35-55 - "What are we doing for them?"

+ Time of prayer, relationship building.

+ Mission outpost visiting, perhaps during Lent

+ Website revamp - What can we do better there?

+ Outdoor signage/advertising along Blue Ridge Blvd,

Can we get past "No"?

Previously, we announced the Charge Conference

at Blue Ridge for Nov. 1, but the World Series Game

5 was scheduled for the same time slot. The Charge

Conference was rescheduled to join the Nov. 8

charge conference at First UMC of Blue Springs.

Pastor Parish Relation Committees (PPRC) will meet

from 6-7 pm and the Charge Conference will be from

7-8 pm.

As you might suspect, we have more conversa-

tion to flesh out the areas where we have folks called

to serve. I look forward to serving the Lord with you.

Board meetings are the second Tuesday of the

month. Our next Board meeting will be November 13

at 6:30 p.m.

- Brad Teachman, Council Chairperson


Great fun was had by a l l who part ic ipated in th is

year ’s Trunk or Treat Celebrat ion on Hal loween

night . More than 150 chi ldren were t reated to

candy out of 15 decorated t runks by about 25

vo lunteers. The weather was ideal , everyone was

in good spir i ts and the candy d id not run out!

Thank you to everyone who donated candy,

decorated t runks, or volunteered in any capaci ty!

Let all guests who arrive be received like Christ. For he is going to say, “I came as a guest, and you received me.” Rule of St. Benedict

What does it take to be a good host and welcome guests in a manner that will increase their desire to return?

Seven ways to start the process for all of us include the following:

1 – Invite your guests with a personal invitation.

2 – Arrive early to make sure everything is ready for the guests’ arrival.

3 – Greet the guests warmly at the entrance and escort them to the sanctuary and to their seats.

4 – Assist guests in understanding what is taking place (order of worship, communion procedure, etc.).

5 – Anticipate and answer as many questions as possible in advance, so guests do not have to ask.

(Do they have any questions?)

6 – Do something extra to make your guests visit special.

7 – Walk guests to the door and invite them back.

Someone welcomed each of us to church and to God while we were yet sinners (Romans 5:8). When we extend

a hand of welcome to guests, believers and nonbelievers, we are extending God’s hand. When we welcome

guests to our church, we open the possibility that they will welcome God into their lives. From Beyond the First Visit by Gary L. McIntosh

Communion for Our Homebound Members

After talking with Pastor Tex about some of our members who could not be in church to take communion, I have

been taking the bread and juice to a couple who were very regular in attendance, before illness made that too

difficult. After church I have lunch, then come back and get the elements left from the morning service, and take it

to their home. I call before going, to make sure the time is good. I think there are other homebound who would be

interested in having communion once a month in their home. It takes no special skills and I would be happy to

show you how to do that. It has been an uplifting ministry for me, and I really believe it is for those I have served,

as well. Can you help with this ministry?

Volunteers are also needed for:

Sunday morning communion preparation, set up and clean up

Changing paraments seasonally, for holidays and funerals

Picking up those who can no longer drive to church on Sunday and for special services and events

If you are interested in any of these ministries, please call and leave a message on my home phone, 816-373-2237,

or email at [email protected]. Sue Klotz

It may seem early to be thinking of Christmas, but it is not too early to reserve a December date for decorating the

church for the holidays. Please join us on Saturday, December 5, at 10 AM to put ornaments on the big tree,

hang wreaths, and put out the nativity scene. We need some younger people to climb the ladders in order to put

the star and other ornaments near the top of the tree. There is plenty to do even for those who can only reach the

lower limbs of the tree. We will have some hot drinks and doughnuts to keep up our energy!! It is a great time of

fellowship so come and join the fun. If you have questions, please call Charlotte Robinson at 816-353-4946.


The Christmas story we know so well is really a compilation of accounts found in each of the

Gospels. Although the four books present the event somewhat differently, each of them leads us

on the Advent journey of preparation for Christ’s coming. Awaiting the Already takes us on a tour

through the Gospel narratives, showing us what parts of the Christmas story come from which

Gospel, and helps us to recognize that each Gospel writer invites us to encounter a fresh experi-

ence of the birth of Christ. Books will be available for purchase ($8 book/shipping) Nov. 8-29 at

the church. Classes will be held in the Dining Room, 9:00-9:45 am on Sunday mornings.

Week One

Nov. 29 Jer. 33:14-16

Nov. 30 Romans 10:9-18

Dec. 1 Luke 10:21-24

Dec. 2 Matt. 15:29-37

Dec. 3 Matt. 7:21, 24-27

Dec. 4 Matt. 9:27-31

Dec. 5 Psalm 147:1-6

Week Two

Dec. 6 Luke 3:1-6

Dec. 7 Isaiah 35:1-10

Dec. 8 Luke 1:26-38

Dec. 9 Psalm 103:1-4,8,10

Dec. 10 Isiah 41:13-20

Dec. 11 Isaiah 48:17-19

Dec. 12 Rev. 11:19a; 12:1-6a

Make room in your heart and in your busy days throughout Advent for a few minutes each day reading scripture and praying, in preparation

for the Savior who is to come.

Week Three

Dec. 13 Philippians 4:4-7

Dec. 14 Num. 24:2-7; 15-17a

Dec. 15 Matt. 21:28-32

Dec. 16 Luke 7:18b-23

Dec. 17 Gen 49:2, 8-10

Dec. 18 Matt. 1:18-25

Dec. 19 Luke 1:5-25

Week Four

Dec. 20 Luke 1:39-45

Dec. 21 Zeph. 3:14-18a

Dec. 22 Luke 1:46-56

Dec. 23 Luke 1:57-66

Dec. 24 Luke 1:67-79

Dec. 25 John 1:1-18

The barrels have been delivered

from REAP and are waiting to be

filled with Christmas gifts for

needy families. Gifts should be

new and unwrapped. Please pick

up a list of ideas that is clipped to

the barrels. December 6th is the

deadline for donations of gifts.

Make a needy family’s Christmas

one to remember!

EVEning Circle First Monday

Unit Meeting Second Wednesday

Priscillas Third Wednesday

Mission Team Fourth Wednesday

Connecting Hands Fourth Wednesday

For more information, please contact:

Sandy McConnell at 816.224.4603 or

[email protected]

REAP Pantry, 1st Sunday

Prayer Shawl Ministry, Every Tuesday, 10 am

Women’s Bible Study, 1st & 3rd Thursday, 10 am

Hartman Breakfast, 1st Thursday at Ginger’s, 8 am

Council, 2nd Tuesday, 6:30 pm

Book Club, 2nd Tuesday, 7 pm

Golden Key, 2nd Thursday at Noon

Grief Care, 3rd Wednesday at 10 am


Special Days and Holidays November 29 First Sunday in Advent

Advent Study begins, 9:00 am

December 1 World Aids Day

December 5 Hanging of the Greens, 10:00 am

December 6, 13, 20 Sundays of Advent

December 21 Winter Solstice

December 24 Christmas Eve

Worship: 7 and 11 pm


December 21 Watch Night/New Year’s Eve

January 1 NEW YEAR’S DAY 2016

January 3 Epiphany Sunday

January 10 Baptism of the Lord


Invite people to church.

Invite people to Jesus.

From the Hospi tal i ty Committee

Thank you to You – who have extended the

gracious love of Christ by sharing food snacks in

the Blue Café and/or by serving as our welcomers

(greeters) on Sunday mornings! It is so nice to be

welcomed with big smiles and yummy treats. We

would also like to say thank you once again to our

steadfast Connectors who serve as hosts to our

new guests: Phyllis Harrel, Beverly Scalet, Edna

Scahill and Charlie Hulse. Opportunities to serve as

Connectors, greeters or to share food snacks are

always available. We invite you to sign up at the

Welcome Center in the Blue Café area.



December 4; 7:00 pm

Fel lowship Hal l


1. Listen without interrupting. (Proverbs 18)

2. Speak without accusing. (James 1:19)

3. Give without sparing. (Proverbs 21:26)

4. Pray without ceasing. (Colossians 1:9)

5. Answer without arguing. (Proverbs 17:1)

6. Share without pretending. (Ephesians 4:15)

7. Enjoy without complaint. (Philippians 2:14)

8. Trust without wavering. (1 Corinthians 13:7)

9. Forgive without punishing. (Colossians 3:13)

10. Promise without forgetting. (Proverbs 13:12)

Blue Ridge Boulevard United Methodist Church 5055 Blue Ridge Boulevard Kansas City, MO 64133

Blue Ridge Blvd. United Methodist Church 5055 Blue Ridge Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64133

Tuesday -Thursday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm

Tex Sample Pastor

[email protected]

Direct: 816-682-6078

Kevin Hershberger Director of Worship Arts

[email protected]

Sarah Jarvis Financial Secretary

[email protected]

Peggy Simpson Church Administrator

Church Office: 816-353-1435

Church Fax: 816-353-8770

[email protected]


Thanksgiving (Nov. 23rd) at 7:00 p.m., you are invited to a

casual, family-friendly service of Thanksgiving with our

Raytown neighbors of all faiths. It's a wonderful opportunity

to share in a time of gratitude with people of other faith

communities. And then there's always great refreshments

afterwards! Everyone is encouraged to bring a sack of

groceries (non-perishables) for those in our community

who are hungry. REAP, 9300 E 75th St., Raytown, MO.

ADVENT AND CHRISTMAS SERVICES All services will be led by Pastor Tex Sample

NOVEMBER 29, First Sunday in Advent

The Common Good

Jeremiah 28:4-11 & Galatians 6:7-10

DECEMBER 6, Second Sunday in Advent

The God Who Pitches Tents, Luke 3:1-6

DECEMBER 13, Third Sunday in Advent

The Nitty Gritty God, Matt. 3:1-6

DECEMBER 20, Fourth Sunday in Advent

Duke’s Dining Room Table, Matt.1:18-25


7:00 pm Wonderful Child

11:00 pm The Manger God

Candlelight Communion


Christmas Blues, Matt. 2:12-23

JANUARY 3, Epiphany Sunday

By Another Road, Matt. 2:1-11