the sun. (new york, ny) 1894-11-11 [p 7]....of yards of bluered yellow and whit ribbon will...

I J THE SUN SUNDAY NOVEMBER II 1894 7 THE HORSE SHOW HERE a 4 KSir ranK ORKAT SOCIAL rmro- xiox OPXXS XOMOflflOfl nearly Thirteen Hundred Highly Bred ARImtP l to Strive for Oo- a U e atf ladle TrI ofRII d Glory Jlnrla tl Camtrjc TVekA ttmid- Arr r or Trotter Hnaten noeym- rt4Ae C Jforoo Foalee Broad Mas- TBoraathkred od Branch Hareaau New York great soclsl funeUn the hone Enow will open Madlton- Fquare Garden and judging from the demand for eots and boxes to say nothIng of a mas- alncent entry Hit comprising nearly thirteen hundred highly bred animals this rear4 e hlblllon wiLl eclipse all other show of lie kind ere held In Uil country From tomorrow afternoon until 1ita on Saturday night the Judg- ing ¬ will fto on almost continuously when 1e thing like 130000 In premiums and thousands of yards of blue red yellow and whit ribbon will b distributed to the successful com- petitor ¬ While all thU 1i Rolna on la- the ring New York anua beauty show will be teen In all IU on promenade and It Is doubttull In all the world s greater- number prety wmen coul b gathered to ttllier In one spot than seen la the Oar den on almost anjr afternoon or evening during the week The band which heretofore has been found at C P theFourthavenneend of the Garden will be moved over the main entrance on the Madison avenue ilde u It was found that the mode acre the horses entering the SIng and as a of aldenl han happened through this cause U wee deemed best pt t mak the change ring has been ullghtljr enlarged and In addition loUis big annex on the Twentyseventh street side room has been found down stairs for a number of new stalls At that there I Is not nearly enough room t accommodate the 127 cod entries and owners have been re- quested I t to stable their own horse so a t make room for ontot town entries tn all there are thirtyseven now exhibitor and three hundred more horses tha year tan U t and the loren of the will ba de lighted t hear that the greatest Increase Is mont that particular bre of animal The hkntFI as Uual come up r the not Itronr tough domlat as great an the past Th coaching classes and fourln bands will make a remarkably fine exhibi- tthlayearas 1 the park and road tdeD1 of which there a huge entry list a any number of new and llklnClap will sprung upon a the week The high stepper coaching and carriage t horses t say nothing of thoroughbreds ponies brooc mares and roadsters WIAuo be there In all their glory while as and jumpers whose performances rouso about the only enthusiasm In the show their names are legion Owing to the large number of J entries it has been decided to have a morning as well as a afternoon and even- ing ¬ session a that the spectators dropping In in the morning will have just as good If not a better chance to see the horace at their best Of all the entries the thoroughbreds which come first n the list make about the poorest show- ing ¬ and are hardly up to previous years tn point of quality though there are some fair horses entered Of these the Ilelwood Studs Imprte King Oalop by Qalopln owned by S lad recent Importation and now shown for tteln this country will probably com- mand ¬ te mot attention Among the other entries are E O Cowdlns Autocrat from the Maplewood Stud O W Cooks Ironside bred I in Ireland and W A Wadsworths Imported Devil to Pay by Robert the Devil To make up for the rather weak showing among the thoroughbreds there will be a grand array of trotters and roadsters In fact the best ever shown In this city Heretofore trotting- men have not taken very much Interest In the Show and few of their classes ever titled Jol year however all this 1 changed and some splendid representatives of the great American trotter will be shown In hand or be- foreblkesulkiesduringthe ¬ week C J and Harry Hnmlln of the famous Village Farm who were m1lnl lat year have sent on a entries and if breeding or look ll for anything their horses should IO away a fair share of prizes The carr for trotting stallions 4 years old or over shown with four of their Ietwi bring forward such grand animals Ifarrlmans Stamboul S07H A II Darlings and CY and Harry Hamllns Chimes Lvaar VII Farm Following this will come t stallions kept for service In which no less than thirteen highly bred animals wit compote They are I e Grand B Cannons tone Bnelburne from Burlington Vu E R tounes Mahogany iJlW from North Branch- N Y E 0 Preseotts The Van A A hoofers Ring Rene Jr W It Dlckerraans Helllnl J- hi Dntcher Si ions Paw E U Harrimans Htamboul C J Harry Hamllns Chimes and Silver Chimes and C L FlUgeralds VU- dom227 0 Another dais for trotting stallions between two and fouryearsold brings out nine sters Including Robert Hoes Sllveruoul 70unJr KlnRsIeya Prince Almahonl C J hiamfins Chimes and ViceRegent Amonl the yearling stallions foale In 1HU3 are of iiwhoTjy- irass the Alcntra equally well represented In the open to miles where they will be opposed- Charming by the daughters of Chimes their at Law and C other equally wellknown animas In the driving class for gelding tour year old or over with a record of or bet- ter ¬ thirteen wellknown animals will take part including A A llonners Mary Ansel Lawrence Kips EmoleU and Princess Mary Frank Fer- gusons ¬ Brownie and the hemline Fantasy and Nightingale In the roadster class for a pair of mare or Holdings Col Kip has enter Mona and My May who usually carry be fore them Among the others who have entered- In this class are C Jand UUal1Chrle JI hired and Frank The hackneys bV uver thirty classes t themselves and unusually good lot year The American Hackney Horse Societys 1500 challenge cup for thp best stallion In the b show will brlnit mu a grand field Including Dr W Webbs Matchless of Londesboro- JI Hear II Cheneys Dr Pak Prescott Lawrencua Fashion and U r 1m- porUd ltutusIr the stallions Amonl be found rounle Imprt wl Star of Mepal Robert elth ersi IU Thompson Bland March past and Peetley Champion and A J Cassatts Cadet the hackney mares torn likely mons matrons will fight It out In r claaMS while ss for poole their names legion Including J D Camerons Count UHree Oren tile libble and Thompson little Levrll Among the halfbred hackneys John Jacob Astor who t U a new exhibitor will hav a lot of entries He will ba opposed by VV Webb and Waiter L Clark The pick ewer hot however Is Irescott Lawrences flhspeody and W U Elklnss Imp Marvellous The coaching and heavy draught stallions will well represented by entrlee from the farms C b JohnAJxiaan MoLauehlli Brothers B a- ThompsonAbland Ilnwland and Csrriaeos and horses lubarneM with their gaudy vnalpments- silvermounted I hsrncesand Irreprolatlelok lag grooms will as usual form features of Lime show and judpjng by the entry list there some keen fighting for blue the wl1 cash Amonl the proud exhibitors ire E Fullon Jr lnt Evelyn UAdarnsMUs Louise MBeh I John A LJan John U Shults Jr JOeph E Veiiner ii 8 Uowlana Arhur- PIrre Jr Mrs J II 1thwl Lrtlrd J Clinch illuith flee lrwn W buLl hirukaw Kli 1nlIbelrhon P FCollUraoorge il Hulme >V U Elklns Huthsrford etnyve Rant Oliver II P HelmonL William 1 Carey llarrr HeLouKhlln O J amlln W Swam II ebb Mrs N1n IU t Valmsr and TLB showy tandems and more arlstocratlo fourlnlmnds are also unusually well repre- sented ¬ this year and as the quality the horses entered In these classes are way above the average tbe Judges will Lave an unusually hr Urn cf It picking the winners Among amateur whips who wili show their skill are W- Jjottld BrokawCMIverHKHelmont WBewar1 Wbb E M ruitoi Jr larmondlIPIDd JaTf lcgIWlu O F t Carn I- tI ned ald Iicktrmn Brown array of saddle hone ponies hunters and jumpers The tppn however will as usual draw the crowd t er nothing of the hunting set which form un ¬ usually Interesting adjunct to the show year with the womeu with thai DrO gowns and jaunty riding habits and he men with their top boots and queerly out breeches Among the more pruminsntexhibitors A Lola 3 rrancke Thomas Hitchcock Jr Alexander S t lowland Cbarlss arrl 0 AlUrt Stevens Hlploy L DUon Victor 1r 8 William M Ikiuean de 1eysUr lora neW Judaon Miss Bird Mrs Charles Ifljer Jr Mrs VIiAraud Ralph N Ellis U P vUtney H B taU rau It Uooner E11 mitoo Jr the Hon Hugh J Oran sad Richard Lsvdso burg A private view of the ring acd stable with be srlvrn at the OWeD today The CardeD will be open at U AM tomorrow and the Judging wW com m fees at 2 rJL Otirnmenrlna ca L iA <r 1Z Tnewlar kowsTer the judging will start at 10 A M each day Mondays programme follows j ArI to II Lfloree xerdtd la the ring S PL SiJ BllilJlht b P horses elan 45- LJudgIng 40 P eileen coacblnf tialllons- a elast 41 ri iLJadflaf fifteen roadsters la harness C f Eo it NvQ ulDJf nimttaMii pair i of carriage horr li 5J stag seven horse nader ssddl Ior thorouthbrM ttatllons etas i live AII1rlfrab etaillonsela s 104nd two AmerleeArabnalllnnolwi I IU4- o FJUrJudtiBf su fowmbsnds under 15 hands et Jr M Jndlc gzteeu qualiled hunters caf4 die welpht rt eta 1I11 g 1 ade ot All UatllMl pntered In lu1II1 C 6 04 lCIo 11 tv 23 04 55 vft di and U StIS P dfJudgtnl IIitn Ladles saddle horses lilies to fldeciaeq Is P 1Jodging thlrtyeI blab suppers tltnty OiSO P MJndttmc fortyssren hunters and Jump er1ciaud noxxxa itr JXRSET cur rene Take a Rstad att the Celnaakus ClnVe- Hfcow About Ave hundred people were present at the annual novice boxing champion- ships ¬ of America held under the auspices of the Columbus Athletic Club at Woods Hall Jersey City on Friday night The police were on deca to see that no serious damage was done but stIU there was plenty of slugging the police Interfer- ing ¬ only when there was Immediate danger of a knockout The show was not of a very Here nature owing to the police Interference but nov ertlielces there was a decision given at the con- clusion ¬ of each bout no matter whether It was one round nr three The police called tlmo at 1130 oclock and put a stop to the show The first bout of the evening wu In time lOll pound class the competitors being J Plltn New York and P Welch Brooklyn The former woo Tho next contest was between J Morgan Clinton A C and Q Delap Dolphin A C The former tot the decision In the third bout 1 Mayo Biff A C got the decision over J Lewis- of Brooklyn There came so near being ivknock out Itithe fourth bout Unit tho police had to stop the fighting before the close of the first round To competitors wore II Jordan of New York and J Browne Standard A Co The latter won In the lint round The fifth bout went the limit K Carroll Cathedral Ogettna the decision over T Lee J CA C The sixth bout aim wont the limit and U tagan Nil ACgotjhe decision over o ixjnurigun or ncvr roric inn seventh and lest bout In the tint tries of the lOBponnd class waa between E Ooodbody Empire A C and J Delaney Sutton A O The police stopped tho contest before tho end of tho first round and tho former got the decision The nt bout In the liftpound class was be- tween ¬ W Enrlgut Atalant A O and M Con- nor ¬ West Side A 0 The pair wsro not matched and Connor mad such a marker of his op- ponent that the police stopped tho bout before the close of the first round and Connor wes de- clared ¬ the winner The second bout was between J Cullum IfaftA 0 And C Jurlrel1llJAToeC A O Tha former got thedsclilon The third bout wes between IL Voehl Elizabeth and J Crowe Lexington A C H was a fierce bout the police taking a hand In the last round and Voehl getting the decision Tbe final bout of the evening under the order of the pollco was that between IL Dlpp N 0 and J McGinn Oroenport overweight In the 10 POund class Thefputupa fairly good bout and at the cop got the decision lYkeelasea Howling Schedule The opening games In the Metropolitan Association ef Cycling Clubs wUI be rolled Deal Thursday night Tbe following Uanuwlll compaUt Manhattan Oloyel Club of this city Columbia Liberty Kings County Bnshwtck and ilontank Wheelmen and Brooklyn Bi- cycle ¬ Club I of Brooklyn Union County roadsters ot- Kahway I Castle Point Cyclers I of Iloboken Tourist Cycle Club at Paterson and Atalanta Wheelmen of Newark The teams will ba composed of live men and they will I rollI four games against Iother two home anti two abroad Tha I Da rotIutoa Nov 11TTnlnnContyrsCastIro4ntVnlon County Nor ID Brooklyn Liberty Brooklyn Nor 11 Kltgi ut vs ManhattanKings County Nov iflO > imnll rs fontaUkColumbIa NOT luliu > hwlck > s ToUristlIusbwICtIo- vICMnntaukvsAtalanIa Moatauk- or Manhattan rs Colombia Manhattan 5ov SO Liberty vs Kings County Uberty fOT 8tTourUt rs Union COllnlTourlll- olItCaaIlloIn re Brooklyn Castle Point Columbia Atalanta- lor 154trooklyn vs King County Brooklra- or va union County re Jlonuuk Union County Nov Columbia vs TourIstCoinmnbia7- ov IB Kings County rs AtatiuitaKJngiiCpuaarl- ov 8aMonuok a BuahwlekontaukD- ec 8Ihishwlck vs ManhattnnBushwlck Pee Bllontauk rs Kings CuntytonIaukD- ec Manhattan rs TourtotIanhattanD- ec 41lbertT rs Union County Liberty PO 0 Tourist vs Kings COUOI7ToorlL too Atalanta vaItrooklynAIAICOIL- PC 6 castle Point I rsXIonuuk Oaatle Point The Otlnton County rs Atalanta Onion County flee enrookiynvaColumbia- Dec Brooklyn 7 Columbia vs Caatla Point Columbia Deel0Uonlulla Tourist Montauk Dee Bushwlck vs Columbiafluhwlck Dec Manhattan ra Union County Manhattan flee II Uberty rsCasta Point liberty pee iaTourtst vs Brooklyn Tourist I ec lluasue rote rs imsuwica iasii0 i oins Dee inAtalanta vs UbertyAtaIantD- ec IS Union J rt Kings Co Union County Dec 111Brooklyn rs Manhattan Krooklyn hoc l4KIngs County vs ColumbiaKings County Dec 7Montauk rs ItrooklynMontaukP- ee 17Ilushwlck TS UnlosItuabwlck Jeo ltManhattanLCastIoFOifltManhatta- Dec 18 Uberty ra Columbia Pee IBTourist Liberty tI- IICaoUelolntoKlolIsCooolyCaolle Bee Point Dec IV Atlanta rs liushwlukAtlantaen- 2ui1nlonCounvaColumbal1nlon County pro 20 Brooklyn ra Castlo Polnullrooklyn pee liKings County rt IIushwleklilnn Pead- lCoIumbiavManbattanColumbiaJan Jan castle Iolnt ri Union CoUDtyCastls I Iolnt Jan Atalanta re TourltAtlantaJ- an 8Unloa County rslrooklynUnion County Jan 4Columbia rs Kings CountyColumbia Jan 7Montauk ra ManhattanMontauk- Jan HManhattan ra AlalnUanbalt811 Jan eUberty rt loolukIJbenT- Jn WTourLsvsCaftiPotittTouristJ- an 0 Atalanta rt Kings CountyAtalan- tauCpl Jan lOllruokiyu vs TourtasBrooklynJ- an lOlYnion County vi jiusiiwicUcion Coantyt Jan unualtw1ek valirookiynliuihwlok Jan IltoiumWavLAtnianta tumbii Jan 11Kings County TS Castle County Jan 14Montauk vs omblalooIU Jan 14Bushwlck vaLliwrty4tuahwiek Jan Manhattan rs Kings CouatyManliattan Jan 15Liberty rs Brooklyn Liberty aiaa 10Tourist UnAwickTourial- Wan InCastle Point rs AtalaiitaCaatla Point lan 17Unloa County rs ManhsllsnUnion CoosQV Jan 17 flrooklysvLMOntauk4irookiyp- Jan 18 Klnitt County vt MontaukKings CoOlly 18Columbia rsUnion mbl jn ilTiusiiwatk I rs COUI71 55i4beriy vs Jan S3Tourist TS Montauk Tourist Jan Ifa Atalanta VI Union CountyAtalanta Jan 33Castle Point vs Uber7Castle PolI Jan t4IirookljnraliuthwleJcIIlr- an I7an VAKlnft County rs Union boMIngs JnV tHllilonUui rs Cattle PototJlonteal Jan yiiilbirty rs Tourist Liberty Jan WManhattan ra Brooklyn ttt811 Jan SOTourist rs Columbia Jan VOAtlanla raCastle PointAtaUoU Jan tttUnionCouniyvsTouriaVnioa COOlS Pan vs AtaianIaBki7- Yt lcolumtla vs lJlahlkCOloo Feb iKinzCounty vsLiberty Kings County Yb 4liushwick vi Montauk Iiuahwick- lob 5LtbrtyuIiuthwick liberty Feb 5PtsnhaitIn vs MooliukManhattan- et 0Caiti Point sCoiunibiaCaaii Poie- 3rn OAtaiantavs lontauk Atlanta gob itTourisivallanhttanTouristY- eb 7BrookiynvaUnt0000unlyiiooklyL- yeb 8Columbia TS LibertyCoiumbia- ist 8KlnrsCouj Tourist Kings County pebllilontauk vs Union CountyMontaukI- lushwlck Feb I vs Castle loInl olIule yen IManhattan rsUlxirty Manhattan ob 8rastla Point rs MaabstUBCastle rb a Tourist rs Atlanta tourist Pet 4 Unlou County vs UixrlyUnion County yen t l5IIngs County rs IirooklynKingsCounty Yet H MonUuk rs Liberty Montauk yet iliuhwlik TS Minis County Iluihwlck Feb I9iibeiy It Atalanta Liberty hI BManhattan rs Uu hwlck Manhattan Feb fOiiCaslio Point rs Tourist fasti Point- Feb dOAIaIanta TS Manhattan Atalanta- eb MC Uuubla va brooklyn Columbia HewllBs GossIp There will be Be Central League this season Tho clubs of the latle organisation hav consolidated with lha Amateur Association A special ineetl g of the hank Clerks League was held on Friday at which toe delegates were IntlruAod to hive their men on tht tlleyt oa scheduled lime President Leach of the Bank Club Leagu said ywtardsy that If It Boston Dank Curb League only play employe of banks U would be possible for tile two chaniploa teams to oem together In a bom sad bom seem later In tb season It lbs nub bowltrt are wllltog arrsngemaatt will be eomplsttd la tile Dear future Tb Manhattan Bowling Club has been raorgaals4 Their games ara rolled at Immtnai alleys- Tb Bchuldenmachtl llowllag Club officers are Chart Y Ilsaton P Stole VsJ dsaiiaKtLflaD Prsaldntj rank IiI1Itncr Tree 011st bargain tAtma lua iJIIIT CIUinbla Howling Club bowl at A Hsuuuert alleys solDer lluasell street and IJrlfgt avenue OrenpolnC ersry fhursdav afurooon Tha club ii C0LnP4m5e4 o fourtMn meuibtrs OnVert are at followsi Mrs Uartmann PresIdent Mrs Kroaoko- Captalal Mrs 8i ecbt kfcreuryi Mrs kosMllliauf yressursti Mrs uifftntVlc Pretlilnt A ta trestle bald recently at Holts Bcbulen Sin the bt Marks HuwllnjClub watorgaaUdwltIiUifol- lowlui m mbrsi LT SellgmanuVreJarJck but O DUunhcluar bada C Weber- AuguItWifbi r S Poracbk T 1SurU0eort Bnll JetTalraokumn Haraelt F Olr ut Holt iilhtl The ofllcart arai K bus Prai totlfrwlr VUal d BliCurULUorthi <c aid Treatureri U BelUmaonCtDtalo Gsoiss will be rollt ever frldty af uxovea at Uoui Scautta SI UlJ III 10 i Mark S pii Ti Or AtII Club aad the JerseyCity Au- Ie Chlb iiaclI 1 ud a Jam is tile Athi Q IIo wllDi- IAIrUI oa Uu alltys 01 tAG Oracg Club on t4ay Sight ne10081 nuraijuPatUt A 1M Bodma 1a 164W XaIoD ISa Tol 131 Jersey di 4 CitkU lOll I Cotdasir lOSt Williams J9I KuSiuiittHtjvii To tiS- uco tUII raanAo Hutiu 1401 p111 i3i Podumoi 16 btuumc IU LIon 11 Total 742 Judo ar 1 fL4wkirk IIVI Czd- WwlaumJ I uulJIWWlUl 1sjsi Ujj no- i i r SOB rmtixxoira KEAKVBED Not Be JUg as Corbett but lie X < ret to Oat Thee Jolt the Hume Following the exampl set by such famous generals of the tine as Sullivan Corbett and Jackson Bob FlUtlmmons UII lanky Austra- lian ¬ who expects to have some fun with Corbett shortly In a Sifoot ring called on Dr John Wilson Qtbbs at his horn 60 East Seventy ninth street and had hjmtetf measured yester- day ¬ As Bob himself laid Just before stripping While I dont care myself what I measure- so long aa t can reach Corbett a great many people do and as all the other fellows hav been measured 1 thought t would let Dr Qlbbs try his tape on me Dr Glbto who I Is a specialist In the reduction of obesity as well as an admirer of pugilism some years ago took something IIh eighty pounds of fat oft President Cleveland In Fltrslmmonss cue however there will be no reduction weight and the Doctors main efforts will look rather toward the putting on of flesh than of reducing There WM quite a gathering of spectators In the Doctors office yesterday morning when Fits simmons accompanied by Mike Donovan and Charlie White arrived Bob looked the picture- of health and beyond a strikinglooking brown satin waistcoat covered with horseshoes his np pared was unusually quiet for him After a few preliminaries Fltzslmtnons stripped for the Ioo > tar and the workof measuring was Immediately commenced Wbllo Klmlmmons Is hardly A perfectly formed rnnn no ono who glanced at his tretnen- iloussliouldnrs massive cnoM and abnormally long arms could help thinking be was a per- fectly ¬ formed flKlitlng machine and that or belt will have good cause to remember him If he evermcetH him In the ring Ilelmv the vtnlst Fltzalmmons looks more like a candidate fur a Hhcfllclcl handicap than a fighter but after one look at his arms and chest one ceases to wonder why Dempsey Maker and Hall fell before him Tho examination which only took about halt an hour showed the follow- ing ¬ results AKA years i iifRQ Ilelxlil feet I Imhet Neck Hfi Inchet- Welitit Chest 42 Inchet- Kitianston 47 Inches Right MarpNnrmal iiitnciuslespaniei i24 incire lert bleepNormal II I Inches pzlandei ld4 Inehe 111511 forearmNornialI inehest I tpsnisalit I inche- slrtforearmoriual 11 lucuwi eipanded li > Inches Abilomen na Inches Waist link Inches ll ht IhlRh i w Inches Let Ibl h SO nchet- KlKhtCAir Ill Inches taft calf tu incites length of r1ghtirmflO Inched underarm Inches Length of left armSUH Inchest underarm xvw Inches Shoulder vo Inches Around shoulders and chest 4 ° H Inche- soundchcstsudarrns 62 Inches hiihl wrist finches Left wrist AW Inches llotb anus exundsd 74 incItes Hips D7J1 Inches RlKhtfist Ill Inches Left llel 10 Inches A comparison with Corbetts measurements taken by Ur Ulbbs on Juno 180S some six months before his fight with Sullivan shows that Corbett is 0 feet IM Inches tall his chest measured 44 Inches or IM Inches more than Flttalmmonss Corbetts weight was HU pounds against FltzMmmonsa 105J1 pounds Ills bleeps measured lUbi incites to Bobs KHi t his I neck against the Australians lM 1 forearm 1ft to Kltzslmmonss 12 Corbotts waist was Inches against Hobs V0 > i his calf 10 against rltzulmmonss 13 and his abdo- men ¬ 35 > f to Fltxa UUU Inches From the above It will be seen that Corbett apparently has the <advantage height weight and about everything visa lint reach How ¬ ever this does not provo anything very conclii sin as the majority of Sulllvansmcoiiurcrucnts exceeded torbrtta J Jut aa I ho latters exceed Fltzs yet Sullivan did not wit At the conclusion ot the measuring Dr- nibbi made a physical examination of KHzsimmons At Its conclusion te said that tho Australians condition was ahiolutoly per ¬ foci which was more than he could nay about any other pugilist he hail ever examined Hob seemed delighted lit this and tnld Thats right there l In nothing tbo matter with me as Corbett will tlnd out and hastily donning his clothes ho made a ben line fur Cortlandt street ferry to catch train for Newark Th lTeoS ha r r lilllUrd Match Both Jacob Schaefer and Frank Ivcs finished last night their preliminary practice for the six nights match they aro to play In the Mull son Square Garden Concert Halt beginning to- morrow night They both have developed line form and the practice averages have been sum clently even to promise a close and brilliant en- gagement The match i Is to be at 14Inch balk Uno billiards 3000 points up In blocks of 1100 points a night and he men play for C3100 a ride which Miturlce Daly holds as stakeholder It Is known that Schaefer ha developed some new trick of nursing the Ivories when they are near the anchor position tho anchor shot hav- match ben barred as In the previous the men played In Chtcap The men are to play a second match In Chicago In De- cember ¬ OarantSK at Columbia College Although the boat house on the Harlem River is closed and practically all rowing Lea been given UD for this season the prospects for K university crew of Columbia College next spring continue to brighten every day The principal subject of conversation around the college grounds outside of football Is about the future varsity crew and If the feelings are as deep as they seem to be there will surely be a Columbia eight on the river In the coming spring The graduates have shown that they would- do what they could In favorof the rowing Inter- ests ¬ of the college both In words and actions as was seen when they formed an eight and rowed In the fall regatta two weeks ago Immediately the CbrlMmas holidays all eligible men for the crew will go Into active training at the gymnasium being put to work- on the chest weights backdeveloping exercises and rowing machines and as soon aa all signs of winter have gone tbe boat house on the liar ¬ lem will be reopened and the crew will be put Into the shells on the river As has been estimated roughly Columbia ought to be abl to turn out Judging from the men who have rowed In class crews and are at present In college a crew of an average height of A test 11 to IIH tnohay and an average weight of 108 to hill pound This years fall regatta seems to have aroused an unusually large amount of Interest In the freshmen u well as the upper classes and If they can turn out a crow with live months training comparatively as good l as the one of this tall with three weeks training all prob¬ ability I It will make the triangular frrsliman race at Nw London next spring even more In ¬ teresting than It was lost spring Should a university crew be found and should the fresh men win In the spring old Columbia would once more bo in rowing what she was in years gone by Among the Onremea The regular meeting of the Wyanoke Boat Club which was to have been held cm WuiuUy last at their clubhouse on tbo Hitrleut Ilher anil- oClcers nominated for the ensuing year was postponed until today Sixtynine men are rowing each afternoon with the Harvard freshmen crow under the direction of E II rouncsiy who Ii still doing tho coaching the omen are using the new row- ing ¬ weights w work on the principle of pressure against glycerine It has been suggested to the University Ath letlc Club that a good opportunity for the club- to take up amateur rowing would lx by pa rchaj thy the house aud boat of the defunct Hlaten Island At Ilk tic Club The University Clubs rowing men would be welcomed throughout the country ami by adding thU branch the or ganUatlon would be materially strengthened- The Nonparlel Rowing Club held a meeting at their club house foot uf 1UUM street nn last Bunday afternoon and nominated the following officers to be voted fur at the next mevttng For President llenrv J llebrent Jr VlcoIrol dent E W IIrad bury Financial Secretary Oeorgo Aileyeri Hecordlug becrelary leorge- SI Welch Treasurer George hate Captain John Canavarsfend William IL Code Lleuteu ant Joseph lioland and H Klensn Trustee J IJIehl J J Kraft liobert A Jenkins II M Levy and Ueorg 0 Schneider At the next regular meeting of the Atalanta Boat Club arrangements will be made aud a date flied for their annual ball Nothing will be done aa to the policy the club Intends tu pur- sue ¬ next season whether aggressive or other- wise ¬ until the annual meeting which lakes place In January next It will be decided at this meeting whether the dub colors will be seen In all local amateur events nut season which is likely to be the decision and rowing machines will then be placed in position and crew selected The Passaiq post Club of Newark held IU regular monthly meeting on Friday night at their boat house and postponed the considera- tion ¬ of a winter club room until a later date They decided to increase the annual dues from Jiato lib the increase being made raises fund for racing purposes The following officers were nominated to be voted for at the an- nual ¬ election to be held oa Thursday Dec ii President A H Hopper YlceIrenldent William Vanderveert Kecordlng Becreury Frederick Norris Treasurer William Hoffman Financial Secretary A 0 bnvner Captain M 8 Hrowni First Lieutenant K A McCoy Sec oDd Lieutenant JoA Villavurdli Logkeeper Dr T W Lauterborn Board of Governor teed ft Fortmyer Dr T W Lauterborn W K- Bis wet U Jr W K Van Deraux Fred T Heath member of the Building Committee rerve- fl ve years Fred S Heath Delegates to Pauwalo River Amateur Rowing Association Fred A Fortmeyer M 8 Brown A li Hopper Dele patw to Middle ritale Uegatta Association William Viia IKisuj A J Stephens und A B lIDPPU Sr7 11 t Otis CSEB8 CORKER rJlO1lLU KO 378 BT A o rxtLows wointnW- tOLAMD UAMPTOO PLOCSrIrn flacK s- K jtD4nonQnBKlonQD8irsonqn6 r4 rA Ir1 v- I ei rtj- Jjia 4 i- 1ft JV44Kon- KElSi B B- f jjfW m- I ir 1 WJ W h Y WffA Qon X lUll Kit on Q HBandKBti Be on Q Jet S and K 11- 8wBrrxsrx rrecis Whit to play and mate In thrfcs moves PROBLEM KO 270nv E CAtlPINTJUl TARRT- TOWK W T SUCK TIN nxcxs- Jt on K D 81 QonQ It Aj IU on K Kt and K Kt 81 lets ooQllllandQl1 ihonQ4and K Kt 11 Ps on Q 114 and K U if m J MIL f f i W i- kr JLfh 1 ire H I J fjt wi f II- m Wf f e lM JL- rn O rj 11b J I1t i Y- Wi 2- ra J- fJIr 21 7 fZ1f g tf ti 7 w rfi HM 1 r rl AM f Ftir I KonqKtSl QonK7 Kaon C Rl Band K HBt Kt- sonqltoandgnsi 7 and Q III ron Q II K 2 K fi I 13 Ii K Ii 8 and Kits W1OTX rOUBTKU nicK Willie to play and mate In Iwo moves SOLUTIONS TO PnODLKXS sos 273 AND 274 A treat number of regular solvers of TUB Sty tn writing on NolI7ajulllrPit that If a white pawn were to be plA of n black pawn a rrry Ingenious three morer with n pretty key moo would be the result Inasmuch as the problem at published last Sunday seemed to be welt nigh unsolvable solution lo tbe amended position It held over now next Sunday Appended Is the authors solution to No 274i- Rt I 8 Px Ql 8 P x P mate I QKt 8 It x Qi 2 P x It mil I 0KI 3 UH It i 8 0B 0 mate 2 QlCt H ItIt HI 2 Qll 0 mate I QKl H Illl oi II QU 8 mate 1 QgiIpQne 2 QxlIltnats I 0Ill O iq ti I Qn S mat 1 QI 1 3 IIi II dl 2 Q x nM I QI 1 Q x ieae lt U lKJIOlK r Correct solutions received Iron lpd CacIst Pewton ias Yet Anttur OW YorktUII iue ie Yorlll Frl Inlfl rnnklfn W W itarne Jr lloboien 0 J A Quitrow ew Vorlet it W hyrnsnn Sew orkl May Win iIroklyflt Al Lest Xrw York A 5 Wrdllleollroolln 1 necdre It lluyiei Drooklll CO FieniIiiry itoIont ill tllralh New York J- 8rufrll 1 Now York Jseih lrnIleyltrooklyi Iy lirootirn tieorg I WsIkr I Iuilsieipitla lOI John Jloixlwln New Vorkj Mtrani Mnutreiil Canula Pretty Now York i J Coo Shaef er applngers r alls NY conttEsPoNDxMcr Fred C BostonYes theta things do happen In nearly every tournament his bit docinotcaisto take rrboTd Inanmuch as tour mem hers MrtM that the nook stood at exactly I U oclock I They areued that U would have been Impoulblo to make the lint move and gave the gin e to Albln Of course Albl- nruhtly maIntains that ha deserves credit for having mat U the game difficult Mtlnlti M> that the latter- w at obllired to put In so much time for the ronildera lion of hla morn Hnrcorer Albln told a reporter of Ills tie that he illl draw the attention of blelnlll I to the tact that he htelnlli had very little tIme to spare AarcK rd < your other query ItH Impossible for TIM Huxtuaniwfr Loot at the record of the mla rerta sod you will find that with very few carp tlou all dud well In one tournament and badly In another K E BrooklynYou are advised I to write to J W Ehowaltcr cars of Manhattan Chess club Twenty second street corner of Fourth avenue and he might I ivrmlt the ladlca to whose the games In the ladlct- rhamnlcmlilpaurlei Aa was stated In 21s boa on Tuesday thU l aronteit to which no spectators are- ol ulmlttnl ur the oniclala Kick Again New YorkIt li ajralnil th principle I TNK Ht to reprint news on Sunday which bu ap peared during ha week llonl you see the chos- sCOrUerll almoet excluilrely devoted tou o>e pUyeri who take a liking to problemi Now and thin a game Or news of letter InibortanlM II loon hut that I> aiL W W K llobokrnThe famous painting entitled Una SHila Itcacchutlca a match ranie at chess wag painted I by an Italian painter Lulgl Uuulnl who dIed at the age of 7V years at blena on June IH IHfttt A story of tll picture l waa published I br the artist him- self In I you will Write to Carlo Salrloli I Santa Marina 2B40 Venice helwlug thefHlltorof the Kdufa tfUll fitiicrM might give you Information on the subject and perhaps a cage the picture Whether Corn lIu Vanderbllt ha the painting In hU collection TifF 8ui tines not know It W W New York Charles Duke of Brunlwlok dIed atOenraln IH73 He was a strong chess player and among the masters with whom he frequently played were Kt Annul Horrwltt Anderssen Moruhy liubolsKollsli Rosenthal After Blring up his throne IKto he lived fora tong timeat I aria I Charles Louts was the hereditary prince of Austria lie be fame known among chruplayen on account of the handsome prise he garo on the occasion of a tourna- OldntatOratlin I8MI A GREAT CHESS MATCH AT LONDON Ont hundred ehess player of the City aed Metropol Itan club London I played a team match flfty aside the MetropolItan wluulni by twentysix ant onohalf to twentythree anti ewehalf gaines Most of Olin best players In the metropolis took part In the contest which crested great Interest Appended Is tha game as played by the captains of th team rlt T Physlck CIty O C and the Kav W Wayu Metro poll tan C iSICIUAS i nxrxgcx- nimica wyTr nlrysIcx wyyc I lFMt PKS It Q l lj QiiO itloct S KIK81 F FlJIi DI tll pQlla t JID a gs IU Kt II KI B x Ml 4 Jiti I KID S 14 Qlt s llQ J S K B I iOB it PIt II 111 S liK lM IIIIIKIS Qli 7 lIK Ii IIKIll 17 tQ 4 I K S- S Caitles Castle tt Q 1cQ JQ tt S o lllO IlIJ lii P1 6 ktqs lollUt JIll aL4CJ1 WAyT1POVITIXI rm- euy A vtrSrb j fUJ v O0 t fMZ- l v j J tJ 2- A f y J j j f < 1i1ij1 iI 1 1 1 < Agi 1 y f trs H I A < 1 J 77 lV If r 1 UN4fI 1I xJ 1 av L tw I 4 itJ I 1 > M 43 j V il- JJf1I td TJo j irJi1jfp41 a A r If At I- rL t iU1iL t wuns ruisici roraTux mica SO KtK 4- WillUS Px P- PxP isaQxB on I 7 P0 Kt 4 nIS siaMtqe MtMe 4 OU n- UU SJKtlU KtlUB- V4KtK7ch ittxQi- o SSIt- eslgnt I Kilt Kud 13 U X l Kt II X U 131 Kt x K PARIs VS ST PETKIUBCRO loins more moves hi the ehest match at played by telegraph I between Paris and bt Petersburg hare come to hand Appundedarothetwo games tupUJdat i rifts oAugpt 4 OPIV1N- Orials pills sy Pvvzairiu I ST rrruustraa WAa lJlut White lilac I 4 PQ4 IS K1IH lltJll sid I U X P kJUBI hiMiS 4 3U3- 30Kta IC D 3 rtt QKU 0 KVB3- I iIi 8 i Itt iH- lIfetffi S I- CKIJ 0 IJII II 17 II l II 0 11114 IU 1111- IU HB- HK I iusV- tu lull IlKtt- to uiao- 5t QUa KVKI PKliK a K- SgH4ch IaIxtMe PBE- OOMI1 It U 142 To move OilllEVAHS OAUBIT IT riTEsjisoaa riEis IT nrzssscao rian White Stack Ir A lie JibeS 1 PK 4 PMt sgAJ- S1 K II QK3 KtKBB I oils- SBus hli I 0Ifs- LPQIfISiixP 19 halt- OPU8 554 QxOo- kJKV1 PaCC- Caatlms PQS xM- C1i1 7 ilis I Elas- I e lie tii- S I II XP xP I tO KtQ I l 1 1- 1OoaawCoBBtry Pttk4 xii lu at II II To IDOV liaises to Orctutla The Prospect Harriers are about to be organ- ized ¬ again A meeting for this purpose was held yesterday at 80 Fulton street Brooklyn at which sums of the former members presented plans whereby organization will likely reach a premier place In th athletic realm a boast It could mass only a few years ago being the chief promoter of crowcountry running in America Tb nut meeting will lake plac at 2UO TurtyfuunU iirtet Brooklyn on Nov IV4 when a large number of new members will I- recnUteU and vOc rs elected a l = 4 f vex tun XOTSZIBT- Be Was Vied te Deteetlve but Tithe lie ton Cabman Anaaet nit ham Hit notion ott t The express from the West was just In and a traveller stepped out of the side door ot IhaAl bany station Into the outstretched arms of four- teen ¬ Boston cabmen and hack drivers The traveller a stoutly built man between 30 and 40 with it goodhumored face and a solid dark moustache selected one whom he detected In partially putting away Into thetde pocket of his overcoat a dogeared copy of Carlvlet French evolution1 The cabman touched hi hat In modest appreciation the favor shown by his now fare and after bundling a largo valise upon the dashboard opened the door and stood- walling with a keen twinkle of expectancy You may take me to Young oror Par kens perhaps Mid the traveller with a dis- tinct ¬ Kngllth accent and a decided Interroga- tive ¬ Inflection In his voloe Pardon me waa the Immediate answer but I think roull find Major Pond waiting for you at Parkers The travellers jaw quivered for a moment but only for a moment Alter darting A sharp glance at the cabman he bowed as if obeying orders and entered the vehicle The ride was a nolsT one but brief Rattle rattle bump batter bump I The fart alone ing through the glass In the front of he car ¬ riage found Lie man sitting as erect at the < 10 a week man of Lady Churchill As the cab rolled Into School street the traveller sank Into the corner of the cushioned seat In the attitude of deepest meditation- A moment more seemingly and the door opened The stoutly built passengsr felt in his pocket for change I It It I Is not too great an Intrusion sir should greatly prefer a ticket to your lecture It you have none of the Printed ones with you your agent would doubtless honor one ot your visit ing cards If pencilled by yourself The passenger showed signs of strong Inward emotion Come come I am not accustomed to be beaten at my own tricks sold he almost gruffly Tell me how you have ascertained this and you shall have tickets for your whol family and such cigars as you smoke her In America besides breaking at the end Into a smile Uf course we all knew that you were com ¬ log on tills train that In sill of the members of our Cabmens Literary Guild wan the halt apologetic reply As It happens I am the only member on duty at tills station this morning situ I bad that advantage If you will excuse other personal remarks your coat lapels are badly twisted ilnwnwnrd where they have been grasped by the pertinacious New York re- porters ¬ Your hair has the Quakerish out of a Ihlladclphln barber and your hat battered at the brim In trout shows where you have tightly graspul It In the struggle to stand your ground at a Chicago literary luncheon Your right overshoe hat a I largo block of nn ITolo mud Jut under tho Instep the odor of a Utica cigar hangs about your clothing and the overcoat Itself shows thn slovenly brush Ingot time porters on tho through slceprstroiq Albany The crumbs of doughnut on the top of your bag pardon me your luggag could only have como there In Hprlugllclc and etencllleU upon tile very end of the Wellllliton1n fair- ly ¬ plain lettering Is the name Connn Doyle S C C C C 5 Now I know where tjhcrlock Holmes went when bodied sail this great writer of detec- tive ¬ stories after thn cabman had finished his third glass of brandy neat That leaveR me free to wrlto nny moro adventures of his that I wish except that I must locate them In Boston MAKIXO UI3t FEET AT MOMS Slow Many Crime At Coamlttesl I a th Name orilopltmllljrl- Yom Ilit miadilphla rrm ITow many mistakes are made In thl world with tho best Intentions I How often wo condole with each other when wo should rejoice How frequently a man urge a friend to tako a drink Just one more under the Impression that he t ls doing him a favor when rosily the man Is anxious to gut home to hla family I There Is no mistake no hard to correct nn that hlch Is made with the bestt motives DOMllilc Tho other day Bugglnit Invited Muggins out to dinner Muggins IK rather shy but he managed to scare up enough cour io to accept Mrs Bugglns and the three Misses Bugglns held a council uf war What I Is Mr Muggins fond of J queried- Mrs BuEglns Im blrosod It I know quoth he Find out today It you ran was the edict- S Bugglns went tn a friend for I dont remember Lets ICiII either despises or I If very fond of coffee I think he Is fond of It Yes Im pretty stirs I remember his drinking eight cups tn ono nlnht Tho truth of tbe mutter Is that Muggins batea coffee with a bitter undying hatred that was In- born ¬ If he ever drank eight mugs of anything It surely was not coffee But Bugglns went home anti told his family that as long as Mug ¬ gins had a cup of good coffee he didnt care a row of pins about anything else The dinner came oiT liMe a cup of coffee Mr Muggine said pretty Miss Bueglns first I know you wont refuse So Muggins l took nILTbl gulped It down and tried to look tie second daughter of his hostess spIn his cup empty She rushed up for another hue ehynnts over- powered ¬ him and he took It without a murmur lie swallowed that too Th eagle eye of tbe youngest Miss Bugglus fell upon him He quailed Poor Mr Muggins said she sympathet ¬ ically M have they neglected you f Never mind Ill take caro of you Jler8 acup of coffee How could he refuse He never has discov- ered ¬ how he emptied that cup All he remem- bers ¬ after that It the hot coming up with another cup of coffee on one side of him and Bugglns with a genial smile Inslsttogupon giving him a fifth dose I want to make you feel at horn said be Well then said Muggins recovering from his shyness dont give ma any more coffee Why no- L1IlIue I when Im home I never drink coffee In tact 1 loathe coffee Arranging a Match Ittwacm rilmmer nad Cornet Arrangements are being made for a glove fight between George Corfield the 110pound cham- pion ¬ of England and Hilly PUmmel the 110 pound chamclou of America for 2000 a aide and the championship of England and America- A few days ago Martin fowling Issued a chal- lenge ¬ In the roller flmettr which was cabled to England to match Dilly Pllmmer to tight George Corllelil the Kngllsh 110pound champion for any sum from 1000 to 5000 a side no matter whether Illmmer won or lost with Kelly In- n reply to Illmmers I backers otTer the following cable received at the 1olles Oazttte office yesterday LiiMios Nov 10 firorge Corfleld accepts the challenge of Billy Pllramer and will fight him at 7 stone 12 pounds lor JcSOO a side and largest purse In America If allowed expenses If tatUfactory a deposit posted with tho Jullr Gazette and articles forwarded secure match- to light In January Upon the above cable being received Martin fowling Illmmera hAcker was notified and snld lie would arrange the match but that the club offering the puree would have to defray rn n Waal Smother Go sit Coanere- To TUB EuiTon or TUB SUM Sir Not be- ing ¬ satisfied with the decision that Chuck Connors received over me at the New York Ath letlo Club Oct 71 wish tu tate that I will meet Chuck again before any recognized club for a purse or u side bet Buir WKICH Little John M Uoselp ofth Ulna Jack liarnett John K Sullltaua old mantiter It nut of pugllisiu lie I Is bow the proprietor ot a saloon In Unbutton Prank lIrS lon wishes ta suite for a knockout with utter Young Madden OaipirLeou ur any other 1U1 or 107 pounder E J 7 Iltrlow New Yorkht Is the lnipr ulon among tha sports and followers of tha ring that Tommy Ryan Is a Hebrew Ryan hImself l uroutly dooles I I It though Aleck Oreggalns the California middle t weight who was whlpwxf I Pail Ccedutm win right anybody la America at 11 puuuiU Several wealthy Baa Fran- cisco sports are ready to back him Mike ontrd Is bsnkering after a battle with l Ctarley 11 lurnell Slit says that lurusll would ba simply tapioca for him anti that bl Is prepared lu mats a uutch tomorrow at 1U3 pounds number of local sports will go in Clersland to wit- ness tha billla between Jimmy Dime of Ohio and Jerry Marshall of Australia which will ba divided brfura Ilia buckeye Athlailo Club next Thursday DlgbU Bottle Holder NorwalllGorf La Blanche the Marine fought I with Jack limp tey at kin rauclscu on Aug XT Ibbkl La Blanche used his famous pivot blow stud put Jack to sleep la- the thlrtysecoud round Stanton Abbott expocls lo sail for Kngland before thayesilsout Abbott whobasbeso tot In this oouulry will murely wake a fpJin- d of his birth us Intends to live la America per- pusnontly as ha bat become a eltUea Sob Cunningham who was quit a shining light In tfiatauuiuklusasan amateur wants tu break his I loug absent from the ring by Bghtliig seme good man Cunningham looks forward to a matun with Bunmy Kelly hut ls ready to tack anybody at 110 pounds Sammy Kelly the bantam wbo make bIstro Island hit boo now informed Tea Bca reporter that the longttandlng question of superiority whkih xlsta bo- twe n Marl UcCueof the BcottlshXmerlcaa AthletIc CJub and himsvll It likely to be brought to a focus la a few days Kelly and Uocua are to mst tu arrange a Onlshj battle at 1 1 4 pounds Tha Chicago sports are la ecstasy over Casper Leon the local bantam Casper who should baa defeated Barry when lie must bUn U at present la the Windy City laboring earnestly for another bout with hurry Leon It to meet an unknown lha taller part of this month In Cblcago audit victory perykts upon bte- banutantuwUl lirowdown the gsuotl to tU UU conqueror Robert Drier New York John Bulllvaa Scat met Paddy Kian at Mississippi City Mist on Feb 7 IHnx- Tha tattle wai for lha cuampfoiutilp smut S50OO Bu- lUraa won la ala round Th second meeting be teD UI HUB occurred at San ITraiiclsco on Wor 18 looo Tea coatm wat with regulation gloves for tha gate receipts ilIaD was knocked out In tore rounds Tom Williams lbi Australian welts welsh la a litter te Warnra Lewis hU former bacttr writes that sloe ba bat been tn England ha Las galnod re t0wl repetition ad kooors and that km llcda to conIc hotwll1 and 8gtuI Billy bmllli again Smith deXcatwl Utq at oust Island anti tile oeftst his- guyed utli ailed over tine < OTERTritEUtED HT A LAND UDr BlUster Visits a CpUy Celemy U- llrltlah Celnmnle- JVm At lentilS IalJnttlHatnctrV- iOTontA Nov 2fly a landslip at Bhooihar- Us Bay Cape Commerell on Monday morning last William Klpllnr of Victoria founder of a little commonwealth colony at the northeastern end of Vancouver Island WM carried to a hor- rible ¬ death and Frederick Goal anti Daniel Pat- terson ¬ two of those Intimately associated with him In the enterprise wore very seriously In ¬ jured Details of the tragedy were supplied nn the arrival here this evening of the steamer Princess Louise which also brought to Victoria lot burial the remains of iwor Kipling The landslip was caused by a heavy rain which had been falling continuously for several hays previous to tIn fatal Monday loosening tile f rth anti sand In the 300 or more feet of steep hillside at the foot of while tho cabins of the cooperative colony had been erected The slide cam without the slightest warning at about 030 In the morning the men being at the time In the act of getting out of their beds At first there was n sound like the crash of a falling tree the next Instant the three roan were at their jour ¬ neys end the slide having carried them with It to where the rising title was beating on the thor The cabin was simply lifted from Its foundations as though It were a childs toy and deposited In A crushed antI broken heap of debris at the foot of the cliff beneath an accumulation ot soil roots trees and plant boulders Jack MoClugitn was the first of the settlers to recover consciousness anti rouse himself tn action Ills knee was dislocated but ho sue ccedcdln forcing tho joint back anti then has ¬ tenet to release lila companions lose and Kipling whose cries for aid reached him as he- WM attending to his own Injuries Dan Ialler on with a broken arm WM his assistant William McGarry antI his wife Polly who oo- onpled ft neighboring house escaped by a miracle Half of tha house WAS swept away but It was luckily tho half devoted to the culinary operations of the household These four are the only survivors who were not pinned Into the very earth They at once went to work with a will stimulated by the agonizing cries of tnelr uuhappv friends The rain was descending In torrents and their efforts were further hampered by lack of proper tools to work with almost everything having gone In the general wreck It was 10 oclock before they succeeded In rescuing Unas from under the timbers by which ho was held down but which in reality saved his Ufa ns they pre- vented ¬ his being crushed to death one giant tree having formed a bridge over hun Both legs were broken but It Is confidently antici- pated ¬ that ho will live Kipling was held In the call mire by his leg and his rescuers were forced to labor waist ilccp In the sea the rising title dashing In their fare and almost sweeping them away on half a dozen occasions When loss was freed and borne to the partially demolished house of Mr Mcdarry the tide had covered Kipling to the chest An hour later It had reached his mouth anti In des peratlnn falling to release his broken len It was literally hacked off with an axe just above tha ankle and Immediately this halfdrowned and mutilated hotly was borne where It could be tenderly cared for He did not however long survive the frightful Injuries XXOKKB C03IET A Little Visitor that Travels by ss Curiously RBalir Time TaMe From tht flosSes Evtntno lYatucripf Enckes comet which hints just been discovered on Its return by the Italian astronomer Cerulll who has n private observatory In the southern portion of the kingdom Is out of t he best known of the Jupiter group of comets This grout ito far OA known consists of nineteen objects nil ot which aro members of our solar system antI are revolving about our sun In orbits of from three nnd onehalf years In about double that time The group I is so called becaute there Is every reason to believe that hits wanderers were In ¬ tercepted In their path through space by the giant planet Jupiter anti perturbed Into orbit about the sun the distant eitl nf which lies In limo neighborhood of tile orbit of this planet Knckes comet Is the must noted of this having been known tn notronoment for upward nf a century and having boon sufficiently well observed to conform very closely to Its comput- ed ¬ path It was first seen by Meihaln of Paris on Jan 17 17H1 antI was spin discovered by Miss Caroline Heruchcl In Kovemtier 17ur and after a few days by other astronomers It WAS again observed In 1R05 but none of time astron omcrs at the tune know of the Identity of the objects which they saw In thawlnteroflNlHlD- U was visible for annie seven weeks anti Kncko busied himself with the computation of Its orbit In n remarkably short time ho had his computations finished and was able to show that It was moving In nn orbit of three and onehalf years period that the comets above enumerated were Identical with It anti that It had approached the sun eighteen times In the Intervals unobserved Encko next computed the time of Its return announcing this elate ns May 24 IRS having been delayed on tbo way some nine days by the attraction ot Jupiter und according to this time table the object WHS again observed on Its return This computation of Enckes was n most remarkable one Involving as it did some of the most Intricate antI laborious problems known by the astronomers of the time irons the Edgs of the Ile Bolt From IAt Ltwitton JCVenftw Journal With flour at S3 a barrel and beef neck at three pants a pound the mtnceplu season in Maine looms op most cheerily ceutI 1ttnmtra COOKS TOURSIZ- mTUIZD TKAR Egypt the Nile and Palestine In annual Barlet of Farttas to lbs Coleus tear New York at followtt- H M Norma vata Jn H ° H H tVerr Feb 5 M B Ualer Wllhelm IlA Feb UU Including Trip nn the Nile to the First Cataract and CBBsplBg Tour in hue Holy laud Cruises to the Tropics Three attractive Winter Cruise by the fine Uanishlpt of tile Ouelwo atoanuhlp Company to the Wet ladles aslollowsi February 84 Hti Bf mUsm February lath H H Orinoco FbruBir did M H IMrlbbaa Independent Railroad and Steamship tickets ersry- DcaerlptlT where PrnEmnsme containing lIaise snU tub particulars Free from TUO < CidK t HON Klt sad iewit Ihoadway New York tUA1W llNT0UVMitUOLVtAUFjWCa- mpaniaNov 17 8 A MatrurlaDec 8 1 1SO r M AuranlaNor ii4 8 1 M Campania Drc II 7 A M LucanlaDeol7UU A Ii Luintrla HeclUJ IM- rroin Jler 40 North hIrer foot of Clarkson t VZKNON HHUO WN a COuWl Agts4 UowllugUree- nnatloaiKl Nisvlntloai Counnsv II at rrotn lier 14 North Itlver foouif rulionst AmerlejtK Line for Bouthsmlilan Shortest and most eoarenletit rout tu London No transfer by tinder No tidal delays Cheater Nor 14 U AII I NewYorkr oi 1111 AK lIed MOtor Ila for Antiverii WaeildNor 4UUUAM t jrnr lsnil Mn l 12noon latenxllunal Navigatioc Couipua7 0 howling tirwn Sew York KT OHTiltlEltMAN lLOVII H B CO ll I bllOllT ROUTE TO LUNlXlX ANt CONTINENT FAST KXPHKSS bTLAMEII- KHaileTuesNor liavelTue Nov15 7AM I AM AllerTussJev4uIiAM iisIuuTueslhc 4 11AM- OMLitiCilt a CLb tluwiiugdro- euOLD DOMINION LINE steamers for NOrtFOlK niiTSVnUTII ou P0174 r COMPOIIT soul KkWraltT M iws VIHOIMA niMl lKTtH lllUI anti IUC11MUM VA and IllN11llS D OMoil Tilrs UVI fliurs nut Sat bur h1iClihtOtlJ vIa JAME1I UIVKHMiii Wid anti hat Knr WLsr IXIINr VA Tun Inurs sic1 l bat From 1ler 9 H N It foot Ikach stat aK M Sat uraays 4 1 M Tbruuiili tickets anti freight rates lo all Olnts V I uDllXAUDEUTrKmu Man iii- rVUITI ISTAII MMA- DRIATIf Wrtlnesday Nov 1 1 U A M- rhllONH Wrilnowlay Nut Vi 1 IV 411 1 M- NO COTTON fAHUIKU 11V 1AbSKNUEll bTrAllKIH S4Cu1 cabIn aocomniodattou uu those sttamer S33 suit S4U titeerags trot New York ou Iirltauulo Adriatic and tleruianlo iO on alsjttto aud Iwu tool SISi prelalti ikktsTtlo- onice Hi Broadwtr or uu the what fool of West Tenth II alAlTLANU KUUjKV Airen- ta tCiUnbo2l TO BOSTON 8 I T < AVtIHCIXTEHK- eilucttun lo All 1uluts Last and urlt- ivu NORWICH LINE Steamers CITY O > IOUI newi and LiT OP WOKCUTEUlu commIssion Leave llrr iul l note bee 4U Nlt next Petbrutset st week day only 550PM A Jlua Orchestra on each steamtr ALBANY BOATS PEU1LEH IiE Steamers DRkWantDEaN ItIililiONhleave Vie 41 N impel Canal st aP M dally tbunUays ex espIed hired counectloa with Ualut for points yorth East and We- stFALL RIVER LINE ITAUEU HKUUCKUi OMV stIlu iiUHTON torllmultsd UkiLa bedurod riles Iail < East Steamers PUIhClLLA sud PURITAN rQlcum Dilation A fliti orchestra ou each Leut Pier KH old number K Il tout of Murray tu week days and Sundays at flOUi P VI TROY BOATS ARA1tN AlceaecW CC lulh st dully except Uaturdsy 0 p U huuJay steamer touches si Albany JTKOY EXCUirjKiN 400- NLW iiAVKNKiKk vicrnsiux SIM- Euam rt lUC1IAKLI PECK and O IL MJhTUAM leara Pier 33 fc B dilly buadayt itiTUJ U P M and 11SO P K arrlrlnir lu Urn fur Iralut to MurUtB- UartfordliprlngD ld Holy oka sod llo iiuith- AMs > lLL LIXESlf mrrs leave Pier VI N It 1V tool Vraaklln tt for Craustoas Wot Pulut Cold SprIng Cornwall flshklll Lau Iluf aol Scwburgo week Uit S P Uj biunlayiCAL UJd St M It Vu A U TONINCTONLNEhsuid route to Boston and Ut luuu all far rv lw Mi bUMiun l leive Stew Fist Sd 2i it At li P U cUily except 9MoiUjr 7iiii uvulOoNANuwela- J I1UATH lravevry wwlc fsjr at0PM Iroui itnt cendUag a1 UwIjog fJ1e- nnsyIvania T I RAILROAD STATIONS tool ol Dibrosstt arid CartUndl Sid in rreet Oct in IBM BiflO A It FAST USE Iarlorrar to Pittsburgh 1OOO A III lKNNHYIVANIAtIHITKD Ullm > 0- Comimrluunt Sleeping lImbs Smoking sod Ont serration Cart Artier Chicago V A M Cleveland 6Z1 A M Cincinnati 180 A Indianapolis 74- 1iooif MTOutflCAIAIOANI > ST LOUIS KXPRMS- Iullinaii hleepfnB and Dining Iars to HI 101111 LotS leelli Mud tlilcaitc Arrives Cincinnati 10i43 A M- HI louis 7 1 Ii Ihlenifo n I r M- OiOO P M VlsTKI < S IXIHLmmilman tog atatI lImIng Cars to ChIcago and Cleveland An rIvM Ilevoiand tIlt A M chlosxnw I M iusxtday 1 yitt 1 31 KOUTmVKHTtllN lXlHFAHrullmi Klrr plinncl DinlnKCsri to Clnilnntl soil KL Ixiul Arrive flnclnnstl 0 1 M InlUuipolU IDilttl- Pr It IMIU 7A M wcnnit mnrnltiir too I mrACUIOEXfllfsarnllmanRlreplBf 4 Car to Ill ttthirgn Connertu for Cnlonita tally and Clevelixl nnil toledo except Haturilajr flALTIMU1tMtIMltlNOTONAJ4IThlNS- OOUTJI d flflO flOO lOild Mmltcxl Ilnln Carl It A M Silo Ininine Carl IiOt tlnnitri ronal llmlleil cli Parlor anil Dining Cart 4io It iDlnlnir Cart l4lPl 1 M 1Jiin nlijliU HunOnr H30 Wiii A M Hiud- OnuRrcMlonal Limited all Parlor anil timing Cars 4IIKI6 IIMllllM I far V 00 I1 5 I llill1 bight 4110 P M Soutlirrn Ilallwaj Kiprem ilallr Sleet era to Asheville Tampa Augusta god Nrr Orlcanni- ilevpera IKilA night daily to Uontgomery anti Jaeknhlle 8 tOO I 51hilly for Chesapeake and Ohio lUllraj 1 hmiuh Hlrrnlnx and IJUiltiu tIers Volt Olt > ruiNf eotil lilt and NOllFonKrla ape CharleU Route N A M week UJlalil with Through HliH rH I M ilallr ATLANTICCOtSTIittl SiOO AM ilaltT Kleepcrj t Tampn Jaclciionvlllr Macnn and Chaneatoat 9 DO t I M i ilallr HlrrinTn to Jack > nn lll roll ATI iS m CITV aol LAFK MAY 1 iOOTMweek dan Through Iliirtrt lnrlr Car In Atlantic City Fur Lung llrancli Aiburj Iarlt ixean uro c anti IMlni I 1ienjant liill A M IHilo 8 IO Alt Riul 1 1 50 IV M west ilhay Rumlar V43 A 11 I A t IS I C- M i Do not stop at Atburr lark and owsn Urova on- Eundiji Foil ruiiAiirtpiiiAEt- preMnv0 TiBOoMiOnu ti3 10 IVnna Limited lliilll It AM tilllO I llitlll U 4411111 A 117 M Wl 14 IJ IS night Humlatii liipreai ittlO H KII- V U8I1 I III Limited IU A M S 4 480 6 0 7l4ft H I I 5 l2i luight Ticket nnliins No nn 044 1UM Ii2l Ill and fit llroidwsr I Air iiUs anti foot of iairtsse i> iul- Cortlanili itre ttj4ioiirt atrift BUG Fulton irrit IIH llroaitwnr llrooklvn Antiox fltatlon tot o- cKultmiunt llrnoklrm btallon Jersey ntr TInt Now York Tninifir mnpanr will mil fur and clink l isreigo Stern boltis anti residences hroiixb In des a jiiioity jJtwoonU- cncrul 1 Hanait r Ooncral IaMr tgens AMERICAS OIIAT TRAIL- OAD1NESTYORK NTRAL HUDSON RIVER R B Trom Orand Central Station 43d tU- SiOO d1 A tExtept Sunday Kuiplro Stala Eipret- Iatent train In the world Oi3OA Iilsily last Mall For Syracuse Kocbec tel UulTalo Maitara Fall Chicago XOilOAil tEacopt Sundar Day Express For all Important Stat paints 100lM haiti Houthoestern Umlted For Cin- cinnati ¬ IndIanapolIs HI Ulilltan IThlcago Uiaor MEi Bunnaj For Wit lolntlougbkespe- sic Altianir Try Saratoga 4OSOr MI allr North tUnic Ilrelt d Dna de troll 820 AM Chicago 490 I M- OiOOl 5Daily For Albanr Troy Iiuffaln riarI- nnil < Detroit Ihloto clnelnnaU Bt louis Ci211 iIiaily For froj Saratoga Burlington IlatliburKn and Montreal T 3O I ulinily Kor Auburn lload points r uirl s Niagara Fall Cleveland Clnulnnatl IndIan atiolK M louIs Chicago OiOO l HI ally Only > lciilns ear paiwnsertrnrl- tivhe tcr earrleit on thlf train OtlSI Mliiiy For layton Caps Vincent Oj don buric iierelanil U trolt Chicago OlOlA Mniul fillS l MDallr riccpt SundaK to Iliunelil vIa Harlem IMviilnn Werner 1al ico Carson all through traIns Train HIiiMlniiled by Ilntvh IUM- llrkvuand I WaiinrroniceiatUraudCVntral Station 1 II Ill JIM 7sV llroadwar 31 lait I4tb at Lincoln iMillilliig Vll llniailwny 413 rolumbui nr 51 Ucl 1 mi h it anti Kstn st ulallon Nnw York t 83a and Tit Fulton > t und 74 llroadKay E D brooklyn lUEeai checked from hotel or resIdence by the T > ttc tt Exprem Company JOhN M TOJCEY GEORGE It DAMELH- Ooneral Manacer Oun 1aMenner Agent p LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD Ht lton > foot orCortl Hdt >tc Iesbrossess 7i4X A M dally for HAUCn CltHNK and Inter- mediate ¬ j irntlonii connooUoos except Sunday tot 1oltvlllt and lUadlng IllS A M dally forQENEVA nOCtlESTEU BUT FALO NlAOAlU hALLS SUSPENSION 1IIUDOF and V4 the Wrst sod principal local points dining car tn- fiuopeniloullrldgat rullman parlor car to Wllketbarre- UiOO A SI dally except Sunday for UAUCIC CHUM anti Intermxdlaia points connections for Itenillntr and flarrlAburg- 13i3U I M dUI except Sunday for KLMIRAi sod all Intermediate itatlonm connecuoni for Volts Tllln sod lti niUug chair car to Wllkeabarr- a4ilo l > M dully except Sunday for U and p JUMTION and principal IntermedlaU stations Pull- man liiHTut parlor car to Wllkaibarrai connection fof n lott vtlle- 4iZO I 1 M dally except Sunday for BOOTH nAlsriKLltanrt Intermediate stations Cilfi I II dally fur tASTON anti Intermodlat- atatlnni d p p flion P M dally for nUFFALO NIAGARA FAUfl and all pUnta West Pullman sleeper vestibule train Sew York toCnlrago steeper to liuffalo Cbalrcar Sow York toWllkviharrawMk day > Connections for Heading and IlarrUburg lino 1 > M dally except Sunday for MAUCH CHI N anti luiternwliate atation WiOO 1 > M dally for ITI1ACA GENEVA ROdTE TKIt 1IDFFALO MAOAItA FALLH soC all polnta West Pullman sleepers to Chicago and UufTalo Additional bunday Iralnn 1100 A SL for Uauoh Chunk and Pottirilla and all Intermedlata stations Tickets and Pullman accommodations at 230 lifll Oil nnl laaa llroad ar US flowery 81 Fast 14th- su IM East IMtli suNew York bbO Fulton at4 Court it us broadway and Brooklyn Annex Brook lyn N Y Tan New York Transfer Co will rail for sad enaeat baggage from hotel and residence through to destlna lIon flELAVAfll rA OKA VANN A AND IVKHTKItN It II 4 tOttions In New York Toot or Barclay anSl- SHTI nuir ril A RMppif ftiM AN nur rirr CUAUIIIX i > iNTt > cn LIUIIT Direct route to Newark IlliMimneld Montclalr the- pralugus tununll Uarnardsrllle Hasklng Rids- atilson Miirrlstown Pastale Patersun DoonUin lover htanhop undue lAke lake llopatcong- ckettstoHii < Nhooli T llountaln WashIngton- Jldlllpaittirr Eulou water nap Htrouitiuurg Io 11000 Mouutalu Kranlon Plttston llkosbarra- autlcoke Uanrlllp Northumberland > lontros- liifiiainton Oxford Norwich Wttterrllle Lllca- llcntlflld Hprlug Cortland hyriicu OsweiiQ Itluua Ouegt lmtra Corning luth Dansrllte- BufTalo and all points West NorlhKisI anti South- west OiOO A If Iluffalo Scranton Dlnghamton Utica llchntU hprlngi brracuse suit Osvtego Express Iulliiinn HulTit Parlnr CITJ ConnccU at Iluffala- ith t ral n for Chlcrufoarrlrtng al U vo nest inornlng tito A Illlusuium mall stups at principal Pr tmn VI 1 too I Siranton IllnEhamton and Elmira Mx l rM I pnilman iwirlorrir 4i04 > I M horantun Kllkesbarre and Plymouth haurae Pulliiuli parlor sure 7iio 1 M iliatljiimttnlii VestlbnUd Limited lxpnx fur ixTaMoii lllnhHinton Flmlra litigate Pullninn llunvt Iriulm < nr connects lit UufTal- awlti train for Chicago arriving al US3P M tiers lsv 4 0ilMl I > Ml > allyllurralo Rcranton ninghamton- lltlia h > racu > e and Otwrgo Express fullmua HulTet slcfptrs Tickets ntiil Pullinan accommodations at 73 Uurrar- St at I 5211 udvrny tIckets ut Kerry stations 7M anti vfl rna tway A1 cst rth it jtin fuliimbus- er N v orki 1ih und ibd Fulton st and 74 broad- bay llronkl > u lIne tables gltlngfull luronnktloa- at till sinittub- s1tttluttte Kspreu Company wilt call to anti check t aivaiu from hotel or iMtuca lu dotlnatlon ER LINES lliiuugh I trains I tot CliKagfi anti tlm iest i lea a New Yuck out uf l hsmtwri sidally as fulluws and Dye mlniiti rarll r from M m td U- jO1 I 1 A SI > ttibUit EXPieSS COt Waveriy flIng < I lianiDii tlmlrn Iiunulo bradford and bili its cc l jrli rtir tn HuiTal- oMI 411 I Iiruthituiu limited Solid trait fo- r3JI i nUtx vu I hiutauqua Let fltep rs Its Clitituu i ICC land anti Clufliiunl hittIng car fiH I Si boliti luln t ciiloBj tu Niagara tlOU tail blivpers In HufTalu and Chicigo 81 T 1 M Vlu thautaumitt Like tool Niagara kjlls build iron to Cliusgo Me < vrs to lbs I full llilitg i end tlm iniiutt Dinuijt car 1 1 IllKKls AM Pt 111 IN At CUJJIUIIATIONS AT L VHIJ7 I llilnl V 7 linxxlnay lid hail KlU- si Ch mbttrs and W> kivu l n frrrut hnvr Vurkj 331- Vulliiikt llriuklyu dUO IIud uu at iitiutsei l antI Jersey city fetutlim t rid Truuf Cumptiuy 4lls fur an l ihei ks t42Ki front hotel anti residences to destluat- luiillALTlMOliJ 4 ifOHIO It 21 1 51 rrtus trains to BALTIMORE WASHINGTON CHICAGO CINCIN- NATI ST LOUIS AND ALL POINTS WEST ILIJ MAN Alt SUt It U ON ALL TlUJNi- 4u N w Vnrk rul I liberty > t dally 1tr I ii Ml MI I ligl II aiiaix I 1 ISnUht lot 1lTlnlIJlilU 1 UO P M awl 1UI3 eight tur CINCINN 11 I hT Uitli II uo A M 8 no > M- tor V IS1IIM11IS lULIIJlOKK WOO A il tlM A M lilui i 4 act I ti iV OOP L except auniari binilI U iiiixif il liming Car IVla alguu All train run daily e c pta uo I M- torMlifiilK hay tins I tiiU P tlEx Sunday t ur NEW OHLEANH U Hoanok Bristol antI tlutt- ain 00 through pulUum bleeping Car OUO P U ket oflicet 177 Ml 415 1140 Broadway 81 Est Hth su 4uu irund kt Saw York 3JA hIS Ful- ton > t Jlu Washington it Brooklyn station toot of Liberty si C II It of N J New York Trent Cix will call toe arid check bag gage tu Ckstluatloa New York and Boston All RaT K Y N II and II R li and connections truu Grand Control blatwa- I arsi UMuruf Due C CO A M DprloglUId aad Worcester B Su P M- lOito A M + stw Ixudon awl Proxdtnee > tO P M 10 us A M Sew Li otuu and Irunaence 4 a l p M- uo I I A M bprlnjia ld anti Worcoti ztiu P U I > P A New London tnd Prurl irn a 7 110PM- Ii uP M Sew Iuu0iu and laid ni I V uo P K- k tuOPl Illlnuntlcaud Y aLl X EVOOP U 4 WJ I P M prUjfUad and Wr rcv t r IUUO P M 5 W P M v w L iu m aud frj IJ uca II uo P M 11 ou P Mayrungliridand Wuret r 4Il5AU- 1t uu I P M New Cnuilua anti Providence T 00 A IL PLs dads lucluiitfiK 1utiay- uvIosr A ltit J all pflor fi 1 tar T lriliV- parlvr 5 in star sttta- J1turu servk same hour and by sam ar t4 beuugh

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Post on 07-Jul-2020




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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, NY) 1894-11-11 [p 7]....of yards of bluered yellow and whit ribbon will bdistributed to the successful com-petitor ¬ While all thU 1i Rolna on la-the ring New





KSir ranK ORKAT SOCIAL rmro-xiox OPXXS XOMOflflOfl

nearly Thirteen Hundred Highly BredARImtPl to Strive for Oo-a

Ueatf ladle TrI ofRII d GloryJlnrla tl Camtrjc TVekA ttmid-Arr r or Trotter Hnaten noeym-rt4AeC Jforoo Foalee Broad Mas-

TBoraathkred od Branch HareaauNew York great soclsl funeUn the hone

Enow will open Madlton-Fquare Garden and judging from the demandfor eots and boxes to say nothIng of a mas-alncent entry Hit comprising nearly thirteenhundred highly bred animals this rear4 ehlblllon wiLl eclipse all other show of lie kindere held In Uil country From tomorrowafternoon until 1ita on Saturday night the Judg-ing


will fto on almost continuously when 1ething like 130000 In premiums and thousandsof yards of blue red yellow and whit ribbonwill b distributed to the successful com-petitor


While all thU 1i Rolna on la-the ring New York anua beauty showwill be teen In all IU on promenadeand It Is doubttull In all the world s greater-number prety wmen coul bgathered tottllier In one spot than seen la the Oarden on almost anjr afternoon or evening duringthe week

The band which heretofore has been found atC P

theFourthavenneend of the Garden will bemoved over the main entrance on the Madisonavenue ildeu It was found that the modeacre the horses entering the SIng and as a

of aldenl han happened throughthis cause U wee deemed bestpt tmakthe change

ring has been ullghtljr enlarged and Inaddition loUis big annex on the Twentyseventhstreet side room has been found down stairs fora number of new stalls At that there IIs notnearly enough room taccommodate the 127

cod entries and owners have been re-questedI t to stable their own horse so atmakeroom for ontot town entries

tn all there are thirtyseven now exhibitorand three hundred more horses tha year tanU t and the loren of the will ba delighted t hear that the greatest IncreaseIs mont that particular bre of animalThe hkntFI as Uual come up rthe notItronr tough domlatas great an thepast Th coaching classes and fourlnbands will make a remarkably fine exhibi-tthlayearas 1the park and road tdeD1ofwhich there a huge entry list a anynumber of new and llklnClapwill sprungupona the week

The high stepper coaching and carriage

t horses tsay nothing of thoroughbreds poniesbrooc mares and roadsters WIAuo be there Inall their glory while as andjumpers whose performances rouso about theonly enthusiasm In the show their namesare legion Owing to the large number of

J entries it has been decided to have amorning as well as aafternoon and even-ing


session athat the spectators dropping Inin the morning will have just as good If not abetter chance to see the horace at their best Ofall the entries the thoroughbreds which comefirst nthe list make about the poorest show-ing


and are hardly up to previous years tn pointof quality though there are some fair horsesentered Of these the Ilelwood Studs ImprteKing Oalop by Qalopln owned by S

lad recent Importation and now shown for

tteln this country will probably com-mand


te mot attention Among the otherentries are E O Cowdlns Autocrat from theMaplewood Stud O W Cooks Ironside bredIin Ireland and W A Wadsworths ImportedDevil to Pay by Robert the Devil

To make up for the rather weak showingamong the thoroughbreds there will be a grandarray of trotters and roadsters In fact the bestever shown In this city Heretofore trotting-men have not taken very much Interest In the

Show and few of their classes ever titledJolyear however all this 1 changed andsome splendid representatives of the greatAmerican trotter will be shown In hand or be-foreblkesulkiesduringthe


week C J andHarry Hnmlln of the famous Village Farm whowere m1lnl lat year have sent on a

entries and if breedingor look ll for anything their horsesshould IO away a fair share of prizesThe carr for trotting stallions 4 yearsold or over shown with four of their Ietwibring forward such grand animalsIfarrlmans Stamboul S07H A II Darlings

and CY and Harry Hamllns ChimesLvaar VII Farm Following this willcome t stallions kept for service Inwhich no less than thirteen highly bred animalswit compote They are I e Grand B Cannonstone Bnelburne from Burlington Vu E Rtounes Mahogany iJlW from North Branch-

N Y E 0 Preseotts The Van A A hoofersRing Rene Jr W It Dlckerraans Helllnl J-hi Dntcher Si ions Paw E U HarrimansHtamboul C J Harry Hamllns Chimesand Silver Chimes and C L FlUgeralds VU-

dom227 0

Another dais for trotting stallions betweentwo and fouryearsold brings out ninesters Including Robert Hoes Sllveruoul 70unJrKlnRsIeya Prince Almahonl C J hiamfins

Chimes and ViceRegent Amonlthe yearling stallions foaleIn 1HU3 areof iiwhoTjy-irasstheAlcntraequally well represented In the

open to miles where they will be opposed-


by the daughters of Chimes their at Law andC other equally wellknown animasIn the driving class for gelding tour

year old or over with a record of or bet-ter


thirteen wellknown animals will take partincluding A A llonners Mary Ansel LawrenceKips EmoleU and Princess Mary Frank Fer-gusons


Brownie and the hemline Fantasy andNightingale In the roadster class for a pair ofmare or Holdings Col Kip has enter Monaand My May who usually carry before them Among the others who have entered-In this class are C Jand UUal1ChrleJI hired and Frank

The hackneys bV uver thirty classes tthemselves and unusually good lotyear The American Hackney Horse Societys1500 challenge cup for thp best stallion In the

b show will brlnit mu a grand field Including DrW Webbs Matchless of Londesboro-JI Hear II Cheneys Dr Pak PrescottLawrencua Fashion and U r 1m-porUd ltutusIr the stallionsAmonlbe found rounle Imprtwl Star of Mepal Robert elthersi IU Thompson Bland March pastand Peetley Champion and A J CassattsCadet the hackney mares tornlikely monsmatrons will fight It out In rclaaMS while ss for poole their nameslegion Including J D Camerons Count UHreeOren tile libble and Thompsonlittle Levrll Among the halfbred hackneysJohn Jacob Astor who tU a new exhibitor willhav a lot of entries He will ba opposed by VV

Webb and Waiter L Clark The pickewer hot however Is Irescott Lawrencesflhspeody and W U Elklnss Imp Marvellous

The coaching and heavy draught stallions willwell represented by entrlee from the farms

C bJohnAJxiaan MoLauehlli Brothers B a-ThompsonAblandIlnwland and Csrriaeos and

horses lubarneM with their gaudy vnalpments-silvermountedI hsrncesand Irreprolatleloklag grooms will as usual formfeatures of Lime show and judpjng by the entrylist there some keen fighting for bluethe wl1 cash Amonl the proud

exhibitors ire E Fullon Jrlnt Evelyn UAdarnsMUs Louise MBehI

John A LJanJohn U Shults Jr JOeph EVeiiner ii 8 Uowlana Arhur-PIrre Jr Mrs J II 1thwlLrtlrd J Clinch illuith

flee lrwn W buLl hirukawKli 1nlIbelrhon P FCollUraoorgeil Hulme >V U Elklns Huthsrford etnyveRant Oliver II P HelmonL William 1 Careyllarrr HeLouKhlln O J amlln W SwamII ebbMrs N1nIU t Valmsr and

TLB showy tandems and more arlstocratlofourlnlmnds are also unusually well repre-sented


this year and as the quality the horsesentered In these classes are way above theaverage tbe Judges will Lave an unusually hrUrn cf It picking the winners Amongamateur whips who wili show their skill are W-

Jjottld BrokawCMIverHKHelmont WBewar1Wbb E M ruitoi Jr larmondlIPIDdJaTf lcgIWlu O F t CarnI-

tI ned ald Iicktrmn Brownarray of saddle honeponies

hunters and jumpers The tppnhowever will as usual draw the crowd ternothing of the hunting set which form un ¬

usually Interesting adjunct to the showyear with the womeu with thai DrOgowns and jaunty riding habits and he menwith their top boots and queerly out breechesAmong the more pruminsntexhibitors ALola3 rrancke Thomas Hitchcock JrAlexander S t lowland Cbarlss arrl 0AlUrt Stevens Hlploy

L DUon Victor 1r 8William M Ikiuean de 1eysUr loraneWJudaon Miss Bird Mrs Charles Ifljer Jr MrsVIiAraud Ralph N Ellis U P vUtneyH B taU rau It Uooner E11 mitoo Jrthe Hon Hugh J Oran sad Richard Lsvdsoburg

A private view of the ring acd stable with besrlvrn at the OWeD today The CardeD willbe open at U A M tomorrow and the JudgingwW com m fees at 2 rJL Otirnmenrlna ca

L iA < r 1Z

Tnewlar kowsTer the judging will start at 10A M each day Mondays programme follows

j ArI to II Lfloree xerdtd la the ringS PLSiJBllilJlht b P horses elan 45-

LJudgIng40 P eileen coacblnf tialllons-a

elast 41

ri iLJadflaf fifteen roadsters la harnessC fEo it NvQ ulDJf nimttaMii pair i of carriagehorr li 5J stag seven horse nader ssddl

Ior thorouthbrM ttatllonsetas i live AII1rlfrab etaillonsela s 104nd twoAmerleeArabnalllnnolwiI IU4-o FJUrJudtiBf su fowmbsnds under 15 handset Jr M Jndlc gzteeu qualiled hunters caf4die welphtrt eta 1I11

g 1 ade ot All UatllMl pntered In lu1II1 C6 04 lCIo 11 tv 23 04 55 vft di and UStIS P dfJudgtnl IIitn Ladles saddle horseslilies to fldeciaeq IsP 1Jodging thlrtyeI blab supperstltnty

OiSO P MJndttmc fortyssren hunters and Jumper1ciaudnoxxxa itr JXRSET cur

rene Take a Rstad att the Celnaakus ClnVe-Hfcow

About Ave hundred people were presentat the annual novice boxing champion-ships


of America held under the auspices of theColumbus Athletic Club at Woods Hall JerseyCity on Friday night The police were on decato see that no serious damage was done but stIUthere was plenty of slugging the police Interfer-ing


only when there was Immediate danger of aknockout The show was not of a very Herenature owing to the police Interference but novertlielces there was a decision given at the con-clusion


of each bout no matter whether It wasone round nr three The police called tlmo at1130 oclock and put a stop to the show

The first bout of the evening wu In time lOllpound class the competitors being J Plltn NewYork and P Welch Brooklyn The formerwoo Tho next contest was between J MorganClinton A C and Q Delap Dolphin A C Theformer tot the decision In the third bout 1Mayo Biff A C got the decision over J Lewis-of Brooklyn There came so near being ivknockout Itithe fourth bout Unit tho police had to stopthe fighting before the close of the firstround To competitors wore II Jordanof New York and J Browne StandardA Co The latter won In the lint roundThe fifth bout went the limit K CarrollCathedral Ogettna the decision over TLee J C A C The sixth bout aim wont thelimit and U tagan Nil ACgotjhe decisionover o ixjnurigun or ncvr roric inn seventhand lest bout In the tint tries of the lOBponndclass waa between E Ooodbody Empire A Cand J Delaney Sutton A O The police stoppedtho contest before tho end of tho first roundand tho former got the decision

The nt bout In the liftpound class was be-tween


W Enrlgut Atalant A O and M Con-nor


West Side A 0 The pair wsro not matchedand Connor mad such a marker of his op-ponent that the police stopped tho bout beforethe close of the first round and Connor wes de-clared


the winner The second bout was betweenJ Cullum IfaftA 0 And C Jurlrel1llJAToeCA O Tha former got thedsclilon The thirdbout wes between IL Voehl Elizabeth and JCrowe Lexington A C H was a fierce boutthe police taking a hand In the last round andVoehl getting the decision Tbe final bout ofthe evening under the order of the pollco wasthat between IL Dlpp N 0 and J McGinnOroenport overweight In the 10 POund classThefputupa fairly good bout and at the cop

got the decision

lYkeelasea Howling ScheduleThe opening games In the Metropolitan Association

ef Cycling Clubs wUI be rolled Deal Thursday nightTbe following Uanuwlll compaUt Manhattan OloyelClub of this city Columbia Liberty Kings CountyBnshwtck and ilontank Wheelmen and Brooklyn Bi-


ClubI of Brooklyn Union County roadsters ot-Kahway ICastle Point CyclersI of Iloboken TouristCycle Club at Paterson and Atalanta Wheelmen ofNewark The teams will ba composed of live menand they willI rollI four games against Iother two

home anti two abroad Tha I

Da rotIutoaNov 11TTnlnnContyrsCastIro4ntVnlon CountyNor ID Brooklyn Liberty BrooklynNor 11 Kltgi ut vs ManhattanKings CountyNov iflO > imnll rs fontaUkColumbIaNOT luliu > hwlck > s ToUristlIusbwICtIo-vICMnntaukvsAtalanIa Moatauk-

or Manhattan rs Colombia Manhattan5ov SO Liberty vs Kings County UbertyfOT 8tTourUt rs Union COllnlTourlll-olItCaaIlloIn re Brooklyn Castle Point

Columbia Atalanta-lor 154trooklyn vs King County Brooklra-or va union County re Jlonuuk Union County

Nov Columbia vs TourIstCoinmnbia7-ov IB Kings County rs AtatiuitaKJngiiCpuaarl-ov 8aMonuok a BuahwlekontaukD-ec 8Ihishwlck vs ManhattnnBushwlck

Pee Bllontauk rs Kings CuntytonIaukD-ec Manhattan rs TourtotIanhattanD-ec 41lbertT rs Union County LibertyPO 0 Tourist vs Kings COUOI7ToorlLtoo Atalanta vaItrooklynAIAICOIL-

PC 6 castle PointI rsXIonuuk Oaatle PointThe Otlnton County rs Atalanta Onion Countyflee enrookiynvaColumbia-Dec

Brooklyn7 Columbia vs Caatla Point Columbia

Deel0Uonlulla Tourist MontaukDee Bushwlck vs ColumbiafluhwlckDec Manhattan ra Union County Manhattanflee II Uberty rsCasta Point libertypee iaTourtst vs Brooklyn TouristI ec lluasue rote rs imsuwica iasii0 i oinsDee inAtalanta vs UbertyAtaIantD-ec IS Union J rt Kings Co Union CountyDec 111Brooklyn rs Manhattan Krooklynhoc l4KIngs County vs ColumbiaKings CountyDec 7Montauk rs ItrooklynMontaukP-ee 17Ilushwlck TS UnlosItuabwlckJeo ltManhattanLCastIoFOifltManhatta-Dec 18 Uberty ra ColumbiaPee IBTourist Liberty tI-

IICaoUelolntoKlolIsCooolyCaolleBee PointDec IV Atlanta rs liushwlukAtlantaen-2ui1nlonCounvaColumbal1nlon Countypro 20 Brooklyn ra Castlo Polnullrooklynpee liKings County rt IIushwleklilnn Pead-lCoIumbiavManbattanColumbiaJanJan castle Iolnt ri Union CoUDtyCastls I IolntJan Atalanta re TourltAtlantaJ-an 8Unloa County rslrooklynUnion CountyJan 4Columbia rs Kings CountyColumbiaJan 7Montauk ra ManhattanMontauk-Jan HManhattan ra AlalnUanbalt811Jan eUberty rt loolukIJbenT-Jn WTourLsvsCaftiPotittTouristJ-an 0 Atalanta rt Kings CountyAtalan-


Jan lOllruokiyu vs TourtasBrooklynJ-an lOlYnion County vi jiusiiwicUcion CoantytJan unualtw1ek valirookiynliuihwlokJan IltoiumWavLAtnianta tumbiiJan 11Kings County TS Castle CountyJan 14Montauk vs omblalooIUJan 14Bushwlck vaLliwrty4tuahwiekJan Manhattan rs Kings CouatyManliattanJan 15Liberty rs Brooklyn Liberty

aiaa 10Tourist UnAwickTourial-Wan InCastle Point rs AtalaiitaCaatla Point

lan 17Unloa County rs ManhsllsnUnion CoosQVJan 17 flrooklysvLMOntauk4irookiyp-Jan 18 Klnitt County vt MontaukKings CoOlly

18Columbia rsUnion mbljn ilTiusiiwatkI rs COUI7155i4beriy vsJan S3Tourist TS Montauk TouristJan Ifa Atalanta VI Union CountyAtalantaJan 33Castle Point vs Uber7Castle PolIJan t4IirookljnraliuthwleJcIIlr-

an I7anVAKlnft County rs Union boMIngsJnV tHllilonUui rs Cattle PototJlontealJan yiiilbirty rs Tourist LibertyJan WManhattan ra Brooklyn ttt811Jan SOTourist rs ColumbiaJan VOAtlanla raCastle PointAtaUoUJan tttUnionCouniyvsTouriaVnioa COOlSPan vs AtaianIaBki7-Yt lcolumtla vs lJlahlkCOlooFeb iKinzCounty vsLiberty Kings CountyYb 4liushwick vi Montauk Iiuahwick-lob 5LtbrtyuIiuthwick libertyFeb 5PtsnhaitIn vs MooliukManhattan-et 0Caiti Point sCoiunibiaCaaii Poie-

3rn OAtaiantavs lontauk Atlantagob itTourisivallanhttanTouristY-eb 7BrookiynvaUnt0000unlyiiooklyL-yeb 8Columbia TS LibertyCoiumbia-ist 8KlnrsCouj Tourist Kings Countypebllilontauk vs Union CountyMontaukI-

lushwlckFeb I vs Castle loInl olIuleyen IManhattan rsUlxirty Manhattanob 8rastla Point rs MaabstUBCastlerb a Tourist rs Atlanta touristPet 4 Unlou County vs UixrlyUnion Countyyen tl5IIngs County rs IirooklynKingsCountyYet H MonUuk rs Liberty Montaukyet iliuhwlik TS Minis County IluihwlckFeb I9iibeiy It Atalanta LibertyhI BManhattan rs Uu hwlck ManhattanFeb fOiiCaslio Point rs Tourist fasti Point-Feb dOAIaIanta TS Manhattan Atalanta-

eb MC Uuubla va brooklyn Columbia

HewllBs GossIpThere will be Be Central League this season Tho

clubs of the latle organisation hav consolidatedwith lha Amateur Association

A special ineetl g of the hank Clerks League washeld on Friday at which toe delegates were IntlruAodto hive their men on tht tlleyt oa scheduled lime

President Leach of the Bank Club Leagu saidywtardsy that If It Boston Dank Curb League onlyplay employe of banks U would be possible for tiletwo chaniploa teams to oem together In a bom sadbom seem later In tb season It lbs nub bowltrtare wllltog arrsngemaatt will be eomplsttd la tileDear future

Tb Manhattan Bowling Club has been raorgaals4Their games ara rolled at Immtnai alleys-

Tb Bchuldenmachtl llowllag Club officers areChart Y Ilsaton P Stole VsJdsaiiaKtLflaD Prsaldntj rank IiI1Itncr Tree

011st bargain tAtmalua iJIIIT CIUinbla Howling Club bowl at A

Hsuuuert alleys solDer lluasell street and IJrlfgtavenue OrenpolnC ersry fhursdav afurooon Thaclub ii C0LnP4m5e4 o fourtMn meuibtrs OnVert areat followsi Mrs Uartmann PresIdent Mrs Kroaoko-Captalal Mrs 8iecbt kfcreuryi Mrs kosMllliaufyressursti Mrs uifftntVlc Pretlilnt

A t a trestle bald recently at Holts Bcbulen Sinthe bt Marks HuwllnjClub watorgaaUdwltIiUifol-lowlui m mbrsi LT SellgmanuVreJarJck but O

DUunhcluar bada C Weber-AuguItWifbi r S Poracbk T 1SurU0eort BnllJetTalraokumn Haraelt F Olr ut Holt

iilhtl The ofllcart arai K bus Praitotlfrwlr VUal d BliCurULUorthi <caid Treatureri U BelUmaonCtDtalo Gsoiss

will be rollt ever frldty af uxovea at Uoui ScauttaSI UlJ III 10 i Mark S pii

Ti Or AtII Club aad the JerseyCity Au-Ie Chlb iiaclI 1 ud a Jam is tile Athi Q IIo wllDi-IAIrUI oa Uu alltys 01 tAG Oracg Club on t4aySight ne10081

nuraijuPatUtA 1M Bodma1a 164W XaIoD ISa Tol 131

Jersey di 4 CitkU lOllI Cotdasir lOStWilliams J9I KuSiuiittHtjvii To tiS-

uco tUIIraanAoHutiu 1401 p111 i3i Podumoi

16 btuumc IU LIon 11 Total 742Judo ar 1 fL4wkirk IIVI Czd-


uulJIWWlUl 1sjsi Ujj no-

i i r

SOB rmtixxoira KEAKVBED

Not Be JUg as Corbett but lie X < ret toOat Thee Jolt the Hume

Following the exampl set by such famousgenerals of the tine as Sullivan Corbett andJackson Bob FlUtlmmons UII lanky Austra-lian


who expects to have some fun with Corbettshortly In a Sifoot ring called on Dr JohnWilson Qtbbs at his horn 60 East Seventyninth street and had hjmtetf measured yester-day


As Bob himself laid Just before strippingWhile I dont care myself what I measure-

so long aa t can reach Corbett a great manypeople do and as all the other fellows hav beenmeasured 1 thought t would let Dr Qlbbs tryhis tape on me

Dr Glbto who IIs a specialist In the reductionof obesity as well as an admirer of pugilismsome years ago took something IIh eightypounds of fat oft President Cleveland InFltrslmmonss cue however there will be noreduction weight and the Doctors main effortswill look rather toward the putting on of fleshthan of reducing

There WM quite a gathering of spectators Inthe Doctors office yesterday morning when Fitssimmons accompanied by Mike Donovan andCharlie White arrived Bob looked the picture-of health and beyond a strikinglooking brownsatin waistcoat covered with horseshoes his nppared was unusually quiet for him After a fewpreliminaries Fltzslmtnons stripped for the Ioo>

tar and the workof measuring was Immediatelycommenced

Wbllo Klmlmmons Is hardly A perfectlyformed rnnn no ono who glanced at his tretnen-iloussliouldnrs massive cnoM and abnormallylong arms could help thinking be was a per-fectly


formed flKlitlng machine and that orbelt will have good cause to remember him If heevermcetH him In the ring

Ilelmv the vtnlst Fltzalmmons looks more likea candidate fur a Hhcfllclcl handicap than afighter but after one look at his arms and chestone ceases to wonder why Dempsey Maker andHall fell before him Tho examination whichonly took about halt an hour showed the follow-ing


resultsAKA years

i iifRQIlelxlil feet I ImhetNeck Hfi Inchet-


Chest 42 Inchet-Kitianston 47 InchesRight MarpNnrmal iiitnciuslespaniei i24 incirelert bleepNormal III Inches pzlandei ld4 Inehe111511 forearmNornialI inehest I tpsnisalit Iinche-slrtforearmoriual 1 1 lucuwi eipanded li> InchesAbilomen na InchesWaist link Inchesll ht IhlRh i w Inches

Let Ibl h SO nchet-KlKhtCAir Ill Inchestaft calf tu inciteslength of r1ghtirmflO Inched underarm InchesLength of left armSUH Inchest underarm xvw InchesShoulder vo InchesAround shoulders and chest 4 °H Inche-

soundchcstsudarrns 62 Incheshiihl wrist finchesLeft wrist AW Inchesllotb anus exundsd 74 incItesHips D7J1 InchesRlKhtfist Ill InchesLeft llel 10 Inches

A comparison with Corbetts measurementstaken by Ur Ulbbs on Juno 180S some sixmonths before his fight with Sullivan showsthat Corbett is 0 feet IM Inches tall his chestmeasured 44 Inches or IM Inches more thanFlttalmmonss Corbetts weight was HUpounds against FltzMmmonsa 105J1 poundsIlls bleeps measured lUbi incites to Bobs KHi thisI neck against the Australians lM1

forearm 1ftto Kltzslmmonss 12 Corbottswaist was Inches against Hobs V0 >i hiscalf 10 against rltzulmmonss 13 and his abdo-men


35>f to Fltxa UUU InchesFrom the above It will be seen that Corbett

apparently has the <advantage height weightand about everything visa lint reach How ¬

ever this does not provo anything very concliisin as the majority of Sulllvansmcoiiurcrucntsexceeded torbrtta JJut aa Iho lattersexceed Fltzs yet Sullivan did not witAt the conclusion ot the measuring Dr-nibbi made a physical examination ofKHzsimmons At Its conclusion te said thattho Australians condition was ahiolutoly per¬

foci which was more than he could nay aboutany other pugilist he hail ever examined Hobseemed delighted lit this and tnld Thatsright there lIn nothing tbo matter with me asCorbett will tlnd out and hastily donning hisclothes ho made a ben line fur Cortlandt streetferry to catch train for Newark

Th lTeoS ha r r lilllUrd MatchBoth Jacob Schaefer and Frank Ivcs finished

last night their preliminary practice for thesix nights match they aro to play In the Mullson Square Garden Concert Halt beginning to-morrow night They both have developed lineform and the practice averages have been sumclently even to promise a close and brilliant en-gagement The match iIs to be at 14Inch balkUno billiards 3000 points up In blocks of 1100points a night and he men play for C3100 aride which Miturlce Daly holds as stakeholderIt Is known that Schaefer ha developed somenew trick of nursing the Ivories when theyare near the anchor position tho anchorshot hav-match

ben barred as In the previousthe men played In Chtcap The men

are to play a second match In Chicago In De-cember


OarantSK at Columbia CollegeAlthough the boat house on the Harlem River

is closed and practically all rowing Lea beengiven UD for this season the prospects for K

university crew of Columbia College nextspring continue to brighten every day Theprincipal subject of conversation around thecollege grounds outside of football Is about thefuture varsity crew and If the feelings are asdeep as they seem to be there will surely be aColumbia eight on the river In the comingspring

The graduates have shown that they would-do what they could In favorof the rowing Inter-ests


of the college both In words and actions aswas seen when they formed an eight androwed In the fall regatta two weeks ago

Immediately the CbrlMmas holidays alleligible men for the crew will go Into activetraining at the gymnasium being put to work-on the chest weights backdeveloping exercisesand rowing machines and as soon aa all signsof winter have gone tbe boat house on the liar ¬

lem will be reopened and the crew will be putInto the shells on the river

As has been estimated roughly Columbiaought to be abl to turn out Judging from themen who have rowed In class crews and are atpresent In college a crew of an average heightof A test 11 to IIH tnohay and an averageweight of 108 to hill pound

This years fall regatta seems to have arousedan unusually large amount of Interest In thefreshmen u well as the upper classes and Ifthey can turn out a crow with live monthstraining comparatively as goodl as the one ofthis tall with three weeks training all prob¬

ability IIt will make the triangular frrslimanrace at Nw London next spring even more In ¬

teresting than It was lost spring Should auniversity crew be found and should the freshmen win In the spring old Columbia wouldonce more bo in rowing what she was in yearsgone by

Among the OnremeaThe regular meeting of the Wyanoke Boat

Club which was to have been held cm WuiuUylast at their clubhouse on tbo Hitrleut Ilher anil-oClcers nominated for the ensuing year waspostponed until today

Sixtynine men are rowing each afternoonwith the Harvard freshmen crow under thedirection of E II rouncsiy who Ii still doingtho coaching the omen are using the new row-ing


weights w work on the principle ofpressure against glycerine

It has been suggested to the University Athletlc Club that a good opportunity for the club-to take up amateur rowing would lx by pa rchajthy the house aud boat of the defunct HlatenIsland At Ilk tic Club The University Clubsrowing men would be welcomed throughoutthe country ami by adding thU branch the organUatlon would be materially strengthened-

The Nonparlel Rowing Club held a meeting attheir club house foot uf 1UUM street nn lastBunday afternoon and nominated the followingofficers to be voted fur at the next mevttng ForPresident llenrv J llebrent Jr VlcoIroldent E W IIrad bury Financial SecretaryOeorgo Aileyeri Hecordlug becrelary leorge-SI Welch Treasurer George hate CaptainJohn Canavarsfend William IL Code Lleuteuant Joseph lioland and H Klensn Trustee JIJIehl J J Kraft liobert A Jenkins II MLevy and Ueorg 0 Schneider

At the next regular meeting of the AtalantaBoat Club arrangements will be made aud adate flied for their annual ball Nothing willbe done aa to the policy the club Intends tu pur-sue


next season whether aggressive or other-wise


until the annual meeting which lakesplace In January next It will be decided atthis meeting whether the dub colors will beseen In all local amateur events nut seasonwhich is likely to be the decision and rowingmachines will then be placed in position andcrew selected

The Passaiq post Club of Newark held IUregular monthly meeting on Friday night attheir boat house and postponed the considera-tion


of a winter club room until a later dateThey decided to increase the annual dues fromJiato lib the increase being made raisesfund for racing purposes The following officerswere nominated to be voted for at the an-nual


election to be held oa Thursday Decii President A H Hopper YlceIrenldentWilliam Vanderveert Kecordlng BecreuryFrederick Norris Treasurer William HoffmanFinancial Secretary A 0 bnvner Captain M8 Hrowni First Lieutenant K A McCoy SecoDd Lieutenant JoA Villavurdli Logkeeper DrT W Lauterborn Board of Governor teedft Fortmyer Dr T W Lauterborn W K-

Bis wet U Jr W K Van Deraux Fred T Heathmember of the Building Committee rerve-fl ve years Fred S Heath Delegates to PauwaloRiver Amateur Rowing Association Fred AFortmeyer M 8 Brown A li Hopper Delepatw to Middle ritale Uegatta AssociationWilliam Viia IKisuj A J Stephens und A BlIDPPU

Sr7 11 t


rJlO1lLU KO 378 BT A o rxtLows wointnW-tOLAMDUAMPTOO

PLOCSrIrn flacK s-

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B B-

f jjfWm-

I ir 1 WJW h Y WffA

Qon X lUll Kit on Q HBandKBtiBe on Q Jet S and K 11-

8wBrrxsrx rrecisWhit to play and mate In thrfcs moves


SUCK TIN nxcxs-Jt on K D 81 QonQ It Aj IU on K Kt and K Kt 81 lets

ooQllllandQl1 ihonQ4and K Kt 11 Ps on Q 114and K U if

mJ MILff iWi-

kr JLfh 1 ireH I J

fjt wif II-



f elM JL-

rnO rj 11b






J-fJIr 21

7 fZ1f g tfti7 w


1 rrlAM fFtir I

KonqKtSl QonK7 Kaon C Rl Band K HBt Kt-sonqltoandgnsi 7 and Q III ron Q IIK 2 K fi I 13 Ii K Ii 8 and Kits

W1OTX rOUBTKU nicKWillie to play and mate In Iwo movesSOLUTIONS TO PnODLKXS sos 273 AND 274

A treat number of regular solvers of TUB Sty tnwriting on NolI7ajulllrPit that If a white pawn wereto be plA of n black pawn a rrryIngenious three morer with n pretty key moo wouldbe the result Inasmuch as the problem at publishedlast Sunday seemed to be welt nigh unsolvablesolution lo tbe amended position It held over nownext Sunday

Appended Is the authors solution to No 274i-RtI 8 P x Ql 8 P x P mate

I QKt 8 It x Qi 2 P x It milI 0KI 3 UH Iti 8 0B 0 mate2 QlCt H ItIt HI 2 Qll 0 mateI QKl H Illl oi II QU 8 mate1 QgiIpQne 2 QxlIltnatsI 0Ill O iq ti I Qn S mat1 QI1 3 IIi II dl 2 Q x nMI QI 1 Q x ieaelt U lKJIOlK rCorrect solutions received Iron lpd CacIst Pewtonias Yet Anttur OW YorktUII iue ie YorlllFrl Inlfl rnnklfn W W itarne Jr lloboien0 J A Quitrow ew Vorlet it W hyrnsnn Seworkl May Win iIroklyflt Al Lest Xrw York A 5Wrdllleollroolln 1 necdre It lluyiei DrooklllCO FieniIiiry itoIont ill tllralh New York J-8rufrll1 Now York Jseih lrnIleyltrooklyi Iylirootirn tieorg I WsIkrI Iuilsieipitla lOI John

Jloixlwln New Vorkj Mtrani Mnutreiil CanulaPretty Now York i J Coo Shaefer applngers r allsNYconttEsPoNDxMcr

Fred C BostonYes theta things do happen Innearly every tournament his bit docinotcaistotake rrboTd Inanmuch as tour memhers MrtM that thenook stood at exactlyI U oclockI They areued that Uwould have been Impoulblo to make the lint moveand gave the gin e to Albln Of course Albl-nruhtly maIntains that ha deserves credit for havingmatU the game difficult Mtlnlti M > that the latter-w at obllired to put In so much time for the ronilderalion of hla morn Hnrcorer Albln told a reporter ofIlls tie that he illl draw the attention of blelnlllI tothe tact that he htelnlli had very little tIme to spareAarcK rd < your other query ItH Impossible for TIMHuxtuaniwfr Loot at the record of the mlarerta sod you will find that with very few carptlou all dud well In one tournament and badly Inanother

K E BrooklynYou are advisedI to write to J WEhowaltcr cars of Manhattan Chess club Twentysecond street corner of Fourth avenue and he mightIivrmlt the ladlca to whose the games In the ladlct-rhamnlcmlilpaurlei Aa was stated In 21s boa onTuesday thU l aronteit to which no spectators are-

olulmlttnl ur the oniclala

Kick Again New YorkIt li ajralnil th principleITNK Ht to reprint news on Sunday which bu ap

peared during ha week llonl you see the chos-sCOrUerll almoet excluilrely devoted tou o>e pUyeriwho take a liking to problemi Now and thin a gameOr news of letter InibortanlM II loon hut that I > aiL

W W K llobokrnThe famous painting entitledUna SHila Itcacchutlca a match ranie at chesswag paintedI by an Italian painter Lulgl Uuulnl who

dIed at the age of 7V years at blena on June IH IHftttA story of tllpicturel waa publishedI br the artist him-self In I you will Write to Carlo SalrloliI SantaMarina 2B40 Venice helwlug thefHlltorof the KdufatfUll fitiicrM might give you Information onthe subject and perhaps a cage the pictureWhether Corn lIu Vanderbllt ha the painting In hUcollection TifF 8ui tines not know

It W W New York Charles Duke of BrunlwlokdIed atOenraln IH73 He was a strong chess playerand among the masters with whom he frequentlyplayed were Kt Annul Horrwltt Anderssen MoruhyliubolsKollsli Rosenthal After Blring up histhrone IKto he lived fora tong timeat I ariaI CharlesLouts was the hereditary prince of Austria lie befame known among chruplayen on account of thehandsome prise he garo on the occasion of a tourna-OldntatOratlin I8MI

A GREAT CHESS MATCH AT LONDONOnt hundred ehess player of the City aed Metropol

Itan club LondonI played a team match flftyaside the MetropolItan wluulni by twentysix antonohalf to twentythree anti ewehalf gaines Most ofOlin best players In the metropolis took part In thecontest which crested great Interest Appended Istha game as played by the captains of th team rltT Physlck CIty O C and the Kav W Wayu Metropoll tan C iSICIUASi

nxrxgcx-nimica wyTr nlrysIcx wyycI

lFMtPKS It Q llj QiiOitloct

S KIK81 FFlJIi DI tll pQlla t JIDa gs IU Kt II KI B x Ml4 Jiti I KID S 14 Qlt s llQ JS K B I iOB it PIt II 111S liK lM IIIIIKIS Qli7 lIK Ii IIKIll 17 tQ 4 I K S-

S Caitles Castle tt Q 1cQ JQ tt So lllO IlIJ lii P1 6 ktqslollUt JIll

aL4CJ1 WAyT1POVITIXI rm-euy A vtrSrb jfUJvO0 t fMZ-

lv j J tJ 2-



Jj jf< 1i1ij1 iI1

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UN4fI1I xJ 1

av Ltw I4itJ I1

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JJf1Itd TJo j irJi1jfp41aA

r If AtI-


wuns ruisici roraTux micaSO KtK 4-

WillUSP x P-

PxP isaQxB on I7 P0 Kt 4 nISsiaMtqe MtMe 4 OU n-


ittxQi-o SSIt-

eslgntIKilt Kud13 U X lKt II X U 131 Kt x K

PARIs VS ST PETKIUBCROloins more moves hi the ehest match at played by

telegraphI between Paris and bt Petersburg hare cometo hand Appundedarothetwo games tupUJdat i

rifts oAugpt 4 OPIV1N-Orialspills sy Pvvzairiu I ST rrruustraaWAa lJlut White lilacI 4 PQ4 IS K1IH

lltJll sidI U X P kJUBIhiMiS 4 3U3-

30KtaIC D

3 rtt QKU0 KVB3-

IiIi 8 i Itt iH-

lIfetffiS I-


0 11114 IU 1111-IU

HB-HKI iusV-

tulull IlKtt-touiao-5t QUa KVKI

PKliK a K-SgH4ch IaIxtMe PBE-


ItU 142 To move

OilllEVAHS OAUBITIT riTEsjisoaa riEis IT nrzssscao rianWhite Stack Ir A lie JibeS

1 PK 4 PMt sgAJ-S1

K II QK3KtKBB I oils-SBus hli I 0Ifs-LPQIfISiixP 19 halt-OPU8 554 QxOo-


Caatlms PQS xM-C1i17 ilis I Elas-Ie lie tii-


XP xP I tO KtQ I l1 1-


Pttk4xiiluat II II To IDOV

liaises to OrctutlaThe Prospect Harriers are about to be organ-


again A meeting for this purpose washeld yesterday at 80 Fulton street Brooklynat which sums of the former members presentedplans whereby organization will likely reacha premier place In th athletic realm a boast Itcould mass only a few years ago being thechief promoter of crowcountry running inAmerica Tb nut meeting will lake plac at2UO TurtyfuunU iirtet Brooklyn on Nov IV4when a large number of new members will I-

recnUteU and vOc rs elected

al =

4 fvextun XOTSZIBT-

Be Was Vied te Deteetlve but Tithe lieton Cabman Anaaet nit

ham Hit notion otttThe express from the West was just In and atraveller stepped out of the side door ot IhaAlbany station Into the outstretched arms of four-teen


Boston cabmen and hack driversThe traveller a stoutly built man between 30

and 40 with it goodhumored face and a soliddark moustache selected one whom he detectedIn partially putting away Into thetde pocket ofhis overcoat a dogeared copy of Carlvlet

French evolution1 The cabman touched hihat In modest appreciation the favor shownby his now fare and after bundling a largo valiseupon the dashboard opened the door and stood-walling with a keen twinkle of expectancy

You may take me to Young oror Parkens perhaps Mid the traveller with a dis-tinct


Kngllth accent and a decided Interroga-tive

¬Inflection In his voloe

Pardon me waa the Immediate answerbut I think roull find Major Pond waiting for

you at ParkersThe travellers jaw quivered for a moment

but only for a moment Alter darting A sharpglance at the cabman he bowed as if obeyingorders and entered the vehicle

The ride was a nolsT one but brief Rattlerattle bump batter bump I The fart aloneing through the glass In the front of he car ¬

riage found Lie man sitting as erect at the < 10a week man of Lady Churchill As the cabrolled Into School street the traveller sank Intothe corner of the cushioned seat In the attitudeof deepest meditation-

A moment more seemingly and the dooropened The stoutly built passengsr felt in hispocket for change

IIt It IIs not too great an Intrusion sir shouldgreatly prefer a ticket to your lecture It youhave none of the Printed ones with you youragent would doubtless honor one ot your visiting cards If pencilled by yourself

The passenger showed signs of strong Inwardemotion

Come come I am not accustomed to bebeaten at my own tricks sold he almostgruffly Tell me how you have ascertainedthis and you shall have tickets for your wholfamily and such cigars as you smoke her InAmerica besides breaking at the end Into asmile

Uf course we all knew that you were com ¬

log on tills train that IIn sill of the members ofour Cabmens Literary Guild wan the haltapologetic reply As It happens I am the onlymember on duty at tills station this morningsitu I bad that advantage If you will excuseother personal remarks your coat lapels arebadly twisted ilnwnwnrd where they havebeen grasped by the pertinacious New York re-porters


Your hair has the Quakerish out of aIhlladclphln barber and your hat battered atthe brim In trout shows where you have tightlygraspul It In the struggle to stand yourground at a Chicago literary luncheonYour right overshoe hat a Ilargo block ofnn ITolo mud Jut under tho Instep theodor of a Utica cigar hangs about your clothingand the overcoat Itself shows thn slovenly brushIngot time porters on tho through slceprstroiqAlbany The crumbs of doughnut on the top ofyour bag pardon me your luggag could onlyhave como there In Hprlugllclc and etencllleUupon tile very end of the Wellllliton1n fair-ly


plain lettering Is the name Connn DoyleS C C C C 5

Now I know where tjhcrlock Holmes wentwhen bodied sail this great writer of detec-tive


stories after thn cabman had finished histhird glass of brandy neat That leaveR mefree to wrlto nny moro adventures of his that Iwish except that I must locate them In Boston


Slow Many Crime At Coamlttesl Ia thName orilopltmllljrl-

Yom Ilit miadilphla rrmITow many mistakes are made In thl world

with tho best Intentions I How often wo condolewith each other when wo should rejoice Howfrequently a man urge a friend to tako a drink

Just one more under the Impression that hetls doing him a favor when rosily the man Isanxious to gut home to hla familyI There Is nomistake no hard to correct nn that hlch Is madewith the bestt motives DOMllilc

Tho other day Bugglnit Invited Muggins out todinner Muggins IK rather shy but he managedto scare up enough cour io to accept MrsBugglns and the three Misses Bugglns held acouncil uf war

What IIs Mr Muggins fond of J queried-Mrs BuEglns

Im blrosod It I know quoth heFind out today It you ran was the edict-

S Bugglns went tn a friend forI dont remember Lets ICiII either

despises or IIf very fond of coffee I think he Isfond of It Yes Im pretty stirs I remember hisdrinking eight cups tn ono nlnht

Tho truth of tbe mutter Is that Muggins bateacoffee with a bitter undying hatred that was In-born


If he ever drank eight mugs of anythingIt surely was not coffee But Bugglns wenthome anti told his family that as long as Mug ¬

gins had a cup of good coffee he didnt care arow of pins about anything else

The dinner came oiTliMe a cup of coffee Mr Muggine said

pretty Miss Bueglns first I know you wontrefuse So Mugginsl tooknILTbl gulped Itdown and tried to look tie seconddaughter of his hostess spIn his cup emptyShe rushed up for another hue ehynnts over-powered


him and he took It without a murmurlie swallowed that too Th eagle eye of tbeyoungest Miss Bugglus fell upon him Hequailed

Poor Mr Muggins said she sympathet ¬

ically M have they neglected you f Never mindIll take caro of you Jler8 acup of coffee

How could he refuse He never has discov-ered


how he emptied that cup All he remem-bers


after that It the hot coming up withanother cup of coffee on one side of him andBugglns with a genial smile Inslsttogupon givinghim a fifth dose

I want to make you feel at horn said beWell then said Muggins recovering from

his shyness dont give ma any more coffeeWhy no-L1IlIue

Iwhen Im home I never drink coffee

In tact 1 loathe coffee

Arranging a Match Ittwacm rilmmer nadCornet

Arrangements are being made for a glove fightbetween George Corfield the 110pound cham-pion


of England and Hilly PUmmel the 110pound chamclou of America for 2000 a aideand the championship of England and America-A few days ago Martin fowling Issued a chal-lenge


In the roller flmettr which was cabled toEngland to match Dilly Pllmmer to tight GeorgeCorllelil the Kngllsh 110pound champion forany sum from 1000 to 5000 a side no matterwhether Illmmer won or lost with Kelly In-

nreply to IllmmersI backers otTer the followingcable received at the 1olles Oazttte officeyesterday

LiiMios Nov 10 firorge Corfleld acceptsthe challenge of Billy Pllramer and will fighthim at 7 stone 12 pounds lor JcSOO a side andlargest purse In America If allowed expensesIf tatUfactory a deposit posted with tho JullrGazette and articles forwarded secure match-to light In January

Upon the above cable being received Martinfowling Illmmera hAcker was notified andsnld lie would arrange the match but that theclub offering the puree would have to defrayrn n

Waal Smother Go sit Coanere-To TUB EuiTon or TUB SUM Sir Not be-


satisfied with the decision that ChuckConnors received over me at the New York Athletlo Club Oct 71 wish tu tate that I willmeet Chuck again before any recognized clubfor a purse or u side bet Buir WKICH

Little John MUoselp ofth Ulna

Jack liarnett John K Sullltaua old mantiter It nutof pugllisiu lie IIs bow the proprietor ot a saloon InUnbutton

Prank lIrS lon wishes ta suite for a knockoutwith utter Young Madden OaipirLeou ur anyother 1U1 or 107 pounder

E J7 Iltrlow New Yorkht Is the lnipr ulon amongtha sports and followers of tha ring that Tommy RyanIs a Hebrew Ryan hImself luroutly doolesI IItthough

Aleck Oreggalns the California middlet weight whowas whlpwxfI Pail Ccedutm win right anybody laAmerica at 11 puuuiU Several wealthy Baa Fran-cisco sports are ready to back him

Mike ontrd Is bsnkering after a battle withlCtarley 11lurnell Slit says that lurusll would basimply tapioca for him anti that blIs prepared lumats a uutch tomorrow at 1U3 pounds

number of local sports will go in Clersland to wit-ness tha billla between Jimmy Dime of Ohio andJerry Marshall of Australia which will ba dividedbrfura Ilia buckeye Athlailo Club next ThursdayDlgbU

Bottle Holder NorwalllGorf La Blanche theMarine fought I with Jack limp

tey at kin rauclscu on Aug XT Ibbkl La Blancheused his famous pivot blow stud put Jack to sleep la-the thlrtysecoud round

Stanton Abbott expocls lo sail for Kngland beforethayesilsout Abbott whobasbesotot In this oouulry will murely wake a fpJin-d of his birth us Intends to live la America per-

pusnontly as ha bat become a eltUeaSob Cunningham who was quit a shining light In

tfiatauuiuklusasan amateur wants tu break hisIloug absent from the ring by Bghtliig seme good manCunningham looks forward to a matun with BunmyKelly hut ls ready to tack anybody at 110 pounds

Sammy Kelly the bantam wbo make bIstro Islandhit boo now informed Tea Bca reporter that thelongttandlng question of superiority whkih xlsta bo-

twe n Marl UcCueof the BcottlshXmerlcaa AthletIcCJub and himsvll It likely to be brought to a focus la afew days Kelly and Uocua are to mst tu arrange aOnlshj battle at 1 1 4 pounds

Tha Chicago sports are la ecstasy over Casper Leonthe local bantam Casper who should baa defeatedBarry when lie must bUn U at present la the WindyCity laboring earnestly for another bout with hurryLeon It to meet an unknown lha taller part of thismonth In Cblcago audit victory perykts upon bte-banutantuwUl lirowdown the gsuotl to tU UUconqueror

Robert Drier New York John Bulllvaa Scat metPaddy Kian at Mississippi City Mist on Feb 7 IHnx-Tha tattle wai for lha cuampfoiutilp smut S50OO Bu-lUraa won la ala round Th second meeting beteD UI HUB occurred at San ITraiiclsco on Wor 18looo Tea coatm wat with regulation gloves for thagate receipts ilIaD was knocked out In tore rounds

Tom Williams lbi Australian welts welsh la alitter te Warnra Lewis hU former bacttr writesthat sloe ba bat been tn England ha Las galnod ret0wl repetition ad kooors and that km llcda to

conIc hotwll1 and 8gtuI Billy bmllli again SmithdeXcatwl Utq at oust Island anti tile oeftst his-guyed utli ailed over tine


OTERTritEUtED HT A LAND UDrBlUster Visits a CpUy Celemy U-

llrltlah Celnmnle-JVm At lentilS IalJnttlHatnctrV-

iOTontA Nov 2fly a landslip at Bhooihar-Us Bay Cape Commerell on Monday morninglast William Klpllnr of Victoria founder of alittle commonwealth colony at the northeasternend of Vancouver Island WM carried to a hor-rible


death and Frederick Goal anti Daniel Pat-terson


two of those Intimately associated withhim In the enterprise wore very seriously In ¬

jured Details of the tragedy were supplied nnthe arrival here this evening of the steamerPrincess Louise which also brought to Victorialot burial the remains of iwor Kipling

The landslip was caused by a heavy rain whichhad been falling continuously for several haysprevious to tIn fatal Monday loosening tilefrth anti sand In the 300 or more feet of steephillside at the foot of while tho cabins of thecooperative colony had been erected The slidecam without the slightest warning at about030 In the morning the men beingat the time In the act of getting outof their beds At first there was nsound like the crash of a falling tree thenext Instant the three roan were at their jour ¬

neys end the slide having carried them with Itto where the rising title was beating on thethor The cabin was simply lifted from Itsfoundations as though It were a childs toy anddeposited In A crushed antI broken heap of debrisat the foot of the cliff beneath an accumulationot soil roots trees and plant boulders

Jack MoClugitn was the first of the settlers torecover consciousness anti rouse himself tnaction Ills knee was dislocated but ho sueccedcdln forcing tho joint back anti then has ¬

tenet to release lila companions lose andKipling whose cries for aid reached him as he-WM attending to his own Injuries Dan Ialleron with a broken arm WM his assistantWilliam McGarry antI his wife Polly who oo-

onpled ft neighboring house escaped by amiracle Half of tha house WAS swept awaybut It was luckily tho half devoted tothe culinary operations of the householdThese four are the only survivors who werenot pinned Into the very earth They at oncewent to work with a will stimulated by theagonizing cries of tnelr uuhappv friends Therain was descending In torrents and theirefforts were further hampered by lack of propertools to work with almost everything havinggone In the general wreck It was 10 oclockbefore they succeeded In rescuing Unas fromunder the timbers by which ho was held downbut which in reality saved his Ufa ns they pre-vented


his being crushed to death one gianttree having formed a bridge over hun Bothlegs were broken but It Is confidently antici-pated


that ho will liveKipling was held In the call mire by his leg

and his rescuers were forced to labor waist ilccpIn the sea the rising title dashing In their fareand almost sweeping them away on half a dozenoccasions When loss was freed and borne tothe partially demolished house of Mr Mcdarrythe tide had covered Kipling to the chest Anhour later It had reached his mouth anti In desperatlnn falling to release his broken len It wasliterally hacked off with an axe just above thaankle and Immediately this halfdrowned andmutilated hotly was borne where It could betenderly cared for He did not however longsurvive the frightful Injuries

XXOKKB C03IETA Little Visitor that Travels by ss Curiously

RBalir Time TaMeFrom tht flosSes Evtntno lYatucripf

Enckes comet which hints just been discoveredon Its return by the Italian astronomer Cerulllwho has n private observatory In the southernportion of the kingdom Is out of t he best knownof the Jupiter group of comets This grout itofar OA known consists of nineteen objects nil otwhich aro members of our solar system antI arerevolving about our sun In orbits of from threennd onehalf years In about double that timeThe group Iis so called becaute there Is everyreason to believe that hits wanderers were In ¬

tercepted In their path through space by thegiant planet Jupiter anti perturbed Into orbitabout the sun the distant eitl nf which lies Inlimo neighborhood of tile orbit of this planet

Knckes comet Is the must noted of thishaving been known tn notronoment for upwardnf a century and having boon sufficiently wellobserved to conform very closely to Its comput-ed


path It was first seen by Meihaln of Parison Jan 17 17H1 antI was spin discovered byMiss Caroline Heruchcl In Kovemtier 17ur andafter a few days by other astronomers It WASagain observed In 1R05 but none of time astronomcrs at the tune know of the Identity of theobjects which they saw In thawlnteroflNlHlD-U was visible for annie seven weeks anti Knckobusied himself with the computation ofIts orbit In n remarkably short timeho had his computations finished and was ableto show that It was moving In nn orbit of threeand onehalf years period that the cometsabove enumerated were Identical with It antithat It had approached the sun eighteen timesIn the Intervals unobserved

Encko next computed the time of Its returnannouncing this elate ns May 24 IRS havingbeen delayed on tbo way some nine days by theattraction ot Jupiter und according to thistime table the object WHS again observed on Itsreturn This computation of Enckes was nmost remarkable one Involving as it did someof the most Intricate antI laborious problemsknown by the astronomers of the time

irons the Edgs of the Ile BoltFrom IAt Ltwitton JCVenftw Journal

With flour at S3 a barrel and beef neck atthree pants a pound the mtnceplu season inMaine looms op most cheerily

ceutI 1ttnmtra


Egypt the Nile and PalestineIn annual Barlet of Farttas to lbs Coleus tear

New York at followtt-H M Norma vata Jn H° H H tVerr Feb 5M B Ualer Wllhelm IlA Feb UUIncluding Trip nn the Nile to the First Cataract

and CBBsplBg Tour in hue Holy laudCruises to the Tropics

Three attractive Winter Cruise by the fineUanishlpt of tile Ouelwo atoanuhlp Company to theWet ladles aslollowsiFebruary 84 Hti Bf mUsmFebruary lath H H OrinocoFbruBir did M H IMrlbbaa

Independent Railroad and Steamship tickets ersry-

DcaerlptlTwherePrnEmnsme containing lIaise

snU tub particulars Free fromTUO < CidK t HON

Klt sad iewit Ihoadway New YorktUA1W llNT0UVMitUOLVtAUFjWCa-

mpaniaNov 17 8 A MatrurlaDec 8 1 1SO r MAuranlaNor ii4 8 1 M Campania Drc II 7 A MLucanlaDeol7UU A IiLuintrla HeclUJ IM-

rroin Jler 40 North hIrer foot of Clarkson tVZKNON HHUO WN a COuWl Agts4 UowllugUree-

nnatloaiKl Nisvlntloai Counnsv II atrrotn lier 14 North Itlver foouif rulionstAmerlejtK Line for BouthsmlilanShortest and most eoarenletit rout tu London

No transfer by tinder No tidal delaysCheater Nor 14 U AII I NewYorkr oi 1111 AK

lIed MOtor Ila for AntiveriiWaeildNor 4UUUAM tjrnr lsnil Mn l 12noonlatenxllunal Navigatioc Couipua70 howling tirwn Sew York


KHaileTuesNorliavelTue Nov15 7AM I AMAllerTussJev4uIiAM iisIuuTueslhc 4 11AM-OMLitiCilt a CLb tluwiiugdro-

euOLD DOMINION LINEsteamers for NOrtFOlK niiTSVnUTII ou

P0174 r COMPOIIT soul KkWraltT Miws VIHOIMAniMl lKTtH lllUI anti IUC11MUM VA andIllN11llS D OMoil Tilrs UVI fliurs nutSat bur h1iClihtOtlJ vIa JAME1I UIVKHMiii Widanti hat Knr WLsr IXIINr VA Tun Inurs sic1lbat From 1ler 9 H N It foot Ikach stat a K M Saturaays 4 1 M Tbruuiili tickets anti freight rates loall Olnts V I uDllXAUDEUTrKmu Man iii-

rVUITI ISTAII MMA-DRIATIf Wrtlnesday Nov 1 1 U A M-

rhllONH Wrilnowlay Nut Vi1 IV 411 1 M-

NO COTTON fAHUIKU 11V 1AbSKNUEll bTrAllKIHS4Cu1 cabIn aocomniodattou uu those sttamer

S33 suit S4U titeerags trot New York ou IirltauuloAdriatic and tleruianlo iO on alsjttto aud Iwutool SISi prelalti ikktsTtlo-

onice Hi Broadwtr or uu the what fool of WestTenth II alAlTLANU KUUjKV Airen-



TO BOSTON 8I T< AVtIHCIXTEHK-eilucttun lo All 1uluts Last and urlt-

ivu NORWICH LINESteamers CITY O > IOUI newi and LiT OP

WOKCUTEUlu commIssion Leave llrr iul l notebee 4U Nlt next Petbrutset st week day only550PM A Jlua Orchestra on each steamtr

ALBANY BOATSPEU1LEH IiESteamers DRkWantDEaN ItIililiONhleave Vie41 N impel Canal st a P M dally tbunUays exespIed hired counectloa with Ualut for pointsyorth East and We-

stFALL RIVER LINEITAUEU HKUUCKUi OMV stIlu iiUHTONtorllmultsd UkiLa bedurod riles Iail <

East Steamers PUIhClLLA sud PURITAN rQlcumDilation A fliti orchestra ou each Leut Pier KH

old number K Il tout of Murray tu week daysand Sundays at flOUi P VI

TROY BOATSARA1tN AlceaecW CC lulh st

dully except Uaturdsy 0 p U huuJay steamertouches si Albany JTKOY EXCUirjKiN 400-

NLW iiAVKNKiKk vicrnsiux SIM-Euam rt lUC1IAKLI PECK and O IL MJhTUAM learaPier 33 fc B dilly buadayt itiTUJ U P M and11SO P K arrlrlnir lu Urn fur Iralut to MurUtB-UartfordliprlngD ld Holy oka sod llo iiuith-

AMs> lLL LIXESlf mrrs leave Pier VI N It1V tool Vraaklln tt for Craustoas Wot Pulut ColdSprIng Cornwall flshklll Lau Iluf aol Scwburgoweek Uit S P Uj biunlayiCAL UJd St M ItVu A U

TONINCTONLNEhsuid route toBoston and Ut luuu all far rv lw Mi bUMiun lleiveStew Fist Sd 2i it At li P U cUily except 9MoiUjr7iiii uvulOoNANuwela-J I1UATH lravevry wwlc fsjr at0PM Irouiitnt cendUag a1 UwIjog



I RAILROADSTATIONS tool ol Dibrosstt arid CartUndl Sid

in rreet Oct in IBMBiflO A It FAST USE Iarlorrar to Pittsburgh1OOO A III lKNNHYIVANIAtIHITKD Ullm > 0-

Comimrluunt Sleeping lImbs Smoking sod Ontserration Cart Artier Chicago V A M Cleveland6Z1 A M Cincinnati 180 A Indianapolis 74-1iooif MTOutflCAIAIOANI > ST LOUIS KXPRMS-Iullinaii hleepfnB and Dining Iars to HI 101111 LotSleelli Mud tlilcaitc Arrives Cincinnati 10i43 A M-

HI louis 7 1 Ii Ihlenifo nI r M-

OiOO P M VlsTKI < S IXIHLmmilmantog atatI lImIng Cars to ChIcago and Cleveland AnrIvM Ilevoiand tIlt A M chlosxnw I M iusxtday1

yitt 1 31 KOUTmVKHTtllN lXlHFAHrullmiKlrr plinncl DinlnKCsri to Clnilnntl soil KL IxiulArrive flnclnnstl 0 1 M InlUuipolU IDilttl-Pr

ItIMIU 7 A M wcnnit mnrnltiir

too I mrACUIOEXfllfsarnllmanRlreplBf 4Car to Ill ttthirgn Connertu for Cnlonita tally andClevelixl nnil toledo except Haturilajr


d flflO flOO lOild Mmltcxl Ilnln Carl It A MSilo Ininine Carl IiOt tlnnitri ronal llmlleil cliParlor anil Dining Cart 4io It iDlnlnir Cart l4lPl1 M 1Jiin nlijliU HunOnr H30 Wiii A M Hiud-OnuRrcMlonal Limited all Parlor anil timing Cars

4IIKI6 IIMllllMI far V 00 I1 5 Illill1 bight4110 P M Soutlirrn Ilallwaj Kiprem ilallr Sleet

era to Asheville Tampa Augusta god Nrr Orlcanni-ilevperaIKilA night daily to Uontgomery anti

Jaeknhlle8 tOO I 51hilly for Chesapeake and Ohio lUllraj1 hmiuh Hlrrnlnx and IJUiltiu tIers

Volt Olt > ruiNf eotil lilt and NOllFonKrla apeCharleU Route N A M week UJlalil with ThroughHliH rH I M ilallrATLANTICCOtSTIittl SiOO AM ilaltT Kleepcrj tTampn Jaclciionvlllr Macnn and Chaneatoat 9 DO t

I Mi ilallr HlrrinTn to Jack > nn lllroll ATI iS m CITV aol LAFK MAY 1 iOOTMweek

dan Through Iliirtrt lnrlr Car In Atlantic CityFur Lung llrancli Aiburj Iarlt ixean uro c anti

IMlni I1ienjant liill A M IHilo 8 IO Alt Riul1 1 50 IIV M west ilhay Rumlar V43 A 11 IA tIS IC-

M i Do not stop at Atburr lark and owsn Urova on-Eundiji

Foil ruiiAiirtpiiiAEt-preMnv0 TiBOoMiOnu ti3 10 IVnna Limited

lliilll It AM tilllO Illitlll U 4411111 A 117 MWl 14 IJ IS night Humlatii liipreai ittlO H KII-

V U8I1 I III Limited IU A M S 4 480 6 0 7l4ft HI I 5 l2i luight

Ticket nnliins No nn 044 1UM Ii2l Ill and fitllroidwsr I Air iiUs anti foot of iairtsse i> iul-Cortlanili itre ttj4ioiirt atrift BUG Fulton irritIIH llroaitwnr llrooklvn Antiox fltatlon tot o-cKultmiunt llrnoklrm btallon Jersey ntr TIntNow York Tninifir mnpanr will mil fur and clinklisreigo Stern boltis anti residences hroiixb In des

a jiiioity jJtwoonU-cncrul


Hanait r Ooncral IaMr tgens



Trom Orand Central Station 43d tU-SiOO

d1A tExtept Sunday Kuiplro Stala Eipret-Iatent train In the world

Oi3OA Iilsily last Mall For Syracuse Kocbectel UulTalo Maitara Fall Chicago

XOilOAiltEacopt Sundar Day Express For allImportant Stat paints

100lM haiti Houthoestern Umlted For Cin-cinnati


IndIanapolIs HI Ulilltan IThlcagoUiaor MEi Bunnaj For Wit lolntlougbkespe-

sic Altianir Try Saratoga4OSOr MI allr North tUnic Ilrelt d Dna de

troll 820 AM Chicago 490 I M-

OiOOl 5Daily For Albanr Troy Iiuffaln riarI-nnil


Detroit Ihloto clnelnnaU Bt louisCi211 iIiaily For froj Saratoga Burlington

IlatliburKn and MontrealT 3O I ulinily Kor Auburn lload points ruirl s

Niagara Fall Cleveland Clnulnnatl IndIanatiolK M louIs Chicago

OiOO l HI ally Only > lciilns ear paiwnsertrnrl-tivhe tcr earrleit on thlf train

OtlSI Mliiiy For layton Caps Vincent Ojdon buric iierelanil U trolt Chicago

OlOlA Mniul fillS l MDallr riccpt SundaKto Iliunelil vIa Harlem IMviilnn

Werner 1al ico Carson all through traInsTrain HIiiMlniiled by Ilntvh IUM-llrkvuandI WaiinrroniceiatUraudCVntral Station

1 II Ill JIM 7sV llroadwar 31 lait I4tb at LincolniMillilliig Vll llniailwny 413 rolumbui nr 51 Ucl1 mi h it anti Kstn st ulallon Nnw York t 83a and TitFulton > t und 74 llroadKay E D brooklyn

lUEeai checked from hotel or resIdence by theT > ttc tt Exprem Company

JOhN M TOJCEY GEORGE It DAMELH-Ooneral Manacer Oun 1aMenner Agent p

LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROADHt lton > foot orCortl Hdt >tc Iesbrossess

7i4X A M dally for HAUCn CltHNK and Inter-mediate

¬ jirntlonii connooUoos except Sunday tot

1oltvlllt and lUadlngIllS A M dally forQENEVA nOCtlESTEU BUT

FALO NlAOAlU hALLS SUSPENSION 1IIUDOF and V4the Wrst sod principal local points dining car tn-fiuopeniloullrldgat rullman parlor car to Wllketbarre-

UiOO A SI dally except Sunday for UAUCICCHUM anti Intermxdlaia points connections forItenillntr and flarrlAburg-

13i3U I M dUI except Sunday for KLMIRAisod all Intermediate itatlonm connecuoni for VoltsTllln sod lti niUug chair car to Wllkeabarr-

a4ilo l > M dully except Sunday for U and pJUMTION and principal IntermedlaU stations Pull-man liiHTut parlor car to Wllkaibarrai connection fof nlott vtlle-


1 M dally except Sunday for BOOTHnAlsriKLltanrt Intermediate stations

Cilfi I II dally fur tASTON anti Intermodlat-atatlnni

dp p

flion P M dally for nUFFALO NIAGARA FAUfland all pUnta West Pullman sleeper vestibule trainSew York toCnlrago steeper to liuffalo CbalrcarSow York toWllkviharrawMk day > Connectionsfor Heading and IlarrUburg

lino 1> M dally except Sunday for MAUCHCHI N anti luiternwliate atation

WiOO 1 > M dally for ITI1ACA GENEVA ROdTETKIt 1IDFFALO MAOAItA FALLH soC all polntaWest Pullman sleepers to Chicago and UufTalo

Additional bunday Iralnn 1100 A SL for UauohChunk and Pottirilla and all Intermedlata stations

Tickets and Pullman accommodations at 230 lifllOil nnl laaa llroad ar US flowery 81 Fast 14th-su IM East IMtli suNew York bbO Fulton at4Court it us broadway and Brooklyn Annex Brooklyn N Y

Tan New York Transfer Co will rail for sad enaeatbaggage from hotel and residence through to destlnalIon

flELAVAfll rA OKA VANN A ANDIVKHTKItN It II 4tOttions In New York Toot or Barclay anSl-

SHTI nuir ril A RMppif ftiM A N nurrirr CUAUIIIX i> iNTt >cn LIUIITDirect route to Newark IlliMimneld Montclalr the-

pralugus tununll Uarnardsrllle Hasklng Rids-atilson Miirrlstown Pastale Patersun DoonUin

lover htanhop undue lAke lake llopatcong-ckettstoHii< Nhooli T llountaln WashIngton-

Jldlllpaittirr Eulou water nap Htrouitiuurg Io11000 Mouutalu Kranlon Plttston llkosbarra-

autlcoke Uanrlllp Northumberland > lontros-liifiiainton Oxford Norwich Wttterrllle Lllca-llcntlflld Hprlug Cortland hyriicu OsweiiQ

Itluua Ouegt lmtra Corning luth Dansrllte-BufTalo and all points West NorlhKisI anti South-west

OiOO A If Iluffalo Scranton Dlnghamton UticallchntU hprlngi brracuse suit Osvtego ExpressIulliiinn HulTit Parlnr CITJ ConnccU at Iluffala-

ith t ral n for Chlcrufoarrlrtng al U vo nest inornlngtito A Illlusuium mall stups at principal

Pr tmn VI1 too I Siranton IllnEhamton and Elmira Mx

l rM Ipnilman iwirlorrir4i04 > I M horantun Kllkesbarre and Plymouth

haurae Pulliiuli parlor sure7iio 1 M iliatljiimttnlii VestlbnUd Limitedlxpnx fur ixTaMoii lllnhHinton Flmlra litigate

Pullninn llunvt Iriulm < nr connects lit UufTal-awlti train for Chicago arriving al US3P M tierslsv 4

0ilMl I > Ml>allyllurralo Rcranton ninghamton-lltlia h > racu > e and Otwrgo Express fullmuaHulTet slcfptrsTickets ntiil Pullinan accommodations at 73 Uurrar-

St at I 5211 udvrny tIckets ut Kerry stations 7Manti vfl rna tway A1 cst rth it jtin fuliimbus-er N v orki 1ih und ibd Fulton st and 74 broad-bay llronkl > u lIne tables gltlngfull luronnktloa-at till sinittub-

s1tttluttte Kspreu Company wilt call to anti checkt aivaiu from hotel or iMtuca lu dotlnatlon

ER LINESlliiuugh ItrainsI tot CliKagfi anti tlm iesti lea a New

Yuck out uf l hsmtwri sidally as fulluws and Dyemlniiti rarll r from M m td U-jO1I 1 A SI > ttibUit EXPieSS COt Waveriy flIng< I lianiDii tlmlrn Iiunulo bradford and biliits cc l jrli rtir tn HuiTal-

oMI411 I Iiruthituiu limited Solid trait fo-r3JI i nUtx vu I hiutauqua Let fltep rs ItsClitituu i ICC land anti Clufliiunl hittIng carfiH I Si boliti luln t ciiloBj tu NiagaratlOU tail blivpers In HufTalu and Chicigo81 T 1 M Vlu thautaumitt Like tool Niagara

kjlls build iron to Cliusgo Me < vrs to lbs Ifull llilitg i end tlm iniiutt Dinuijt car 1 1

IllKKls AM Pt 111 IN At CUJJIUIIATIONS ATL VHIJ7 I llilnl V 7 linxxlnay lid hail KlU-

si Ch mbttrs and W> kivu l n frrrut hnvr Vurkj 331-Vulliiikt llriuklyu dUO IIud uu at iitiutseil antIJersey city fetutlim t rid Truuf Cumptiuy 4lls furan l ihei ks t42Ki front hotel anti residences todestluat-luiillALTlMOliJ


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ILIJ MAN Alt SUt It U ON ALL TlUJNi-4u N w Vnrk rul Iliberty > t dally

1tr I iiMl MI Iligl II aiiaixI 1ISnUhtlot 1lTlnlIJlilU 1 UO P M awl 1UI3 eighttur CINCINN 11I hT Uitli II uo A M 8 no > M-

tor VIS1IIM11IS lULIIJlOKK WOO A il tlMA M lilui i 4 act I ti iV OOP L except auniaribinilI U iiiixif il liming Car IVla alguu Alltrain run daily e c pta uo I M-

torMlifiilK hay tins I tiiU P tlEx Sundayt ur NEW OHLEANH U Hoanok Bristol antI tlutt-

ain 00 through pulUum bleeping Car OUO P U

ket oflicet 177 Ml 415 1140 Broadway 81Est Hth su 4uu irund kt Saw York 3JA hIS Ful-ton > t Jlu Washington it Brooklyn station toot ofLiberty si C II It of N J

New York Trent Cix will call toe arid check baggage tu Ckstluatloa

New York and Boston All RaTK Y N II and II R li and connections

truu Grand Control blatwa-I arsi UMuruf Due

C CO A M DprloglUId aad Worcester B Su P M-

lOito A M +stw Ixudon awl Proxdtnee > tO P M10 us A M Sew Li otuu and Irunaence 4 a l p M-

uoI I A M bprlnjia ld anti Worcoti ztiu P UI > P A New London tnd Prurl irn a 7 110PM-Ii u P M Sew Iuu0iu and laid ni IV uo P K-k tuOPl Illlnuntlcaud Y aLl X EVOOP U4 WJ IP M prUjfUad and Wr rcv t r IUUO P M

5 W P M v w L iu m aud frj IJ uca II uo P M11 ou P Mayrungliridand Wuret r 4Il5AU-1t uu IP M New Cnuilua anti Providence T 00 A IL

PLs dads lucluiitfiK 1utiay-uvIosr


ltit J all pflor fi 1 tar T lriliV-parlvr 5

in star sttta-J1turu servk same hour and by sam ar t4
