the story of mickia elmore

The Story of Mickia Elmore 9/18/2010 This is the story of the only (at time of writing) girl I have ever loved. She had, probably, more influence on my life than anyone else. Had I not known her, I would have probably been a completely different person, for better or worse. This is the most personal story I have, and also the most important story I have ever written, or told. 2001, Knoxville, Tennessee, I’m fourteen, and I receive my first kiss at a skating rink, after asking out my first girlfriend (which I wrote on a card, since I was too shy to say it in person). It was nothing special, just a peck on the lips, and to be honest I don’t even think I enjoyed it all that much, but it felt wonderful to finally get some physical affection from a female. The following week, she breaks up with me, because I am too shy, I think she said was the problem. I felt kind of bummed, but it wasn’t like I became attached within a week. This isn’t the girl this story is about though… So, I go over to my friend Brandale Elmore’s house, because at the time we use to play Nintendo 64 a lot at his house. During the (very short) time I was with my first girlfriend, his sister (Mickia) started flirting with me, trying to kiss me and whatnot. I told her I had a girlfriend at the time, and I wouldn’t cheat (and I have never cheated on a girlfriend to this day) on her. I had known her and her brother for about two years at this point, and while I never hung out with her aside from a few times she used to lay in my lap as we played N64, I did meet her first, and she introduced me to Brandale. Approximately 1999, I was walking through the trailer park (Yeah, I used to live in a trailer park, fuck you) where I used to live, and this girl who had just recently

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The Story of Mickia Elmore


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The Story of Mickia Elmore 9/18/2010

This is the story of the only (at time of writing) girl I have ever loved. She had, probably, more influence on my life than anyone else. Had I not known her, I would have probably been a completely different person, for better or worse. This is the most personal story I have, and also the most important story I have ever written, or told.

2001, Knoxville, Tennessee, I’m fourteen, and I receive my first kiss at a skating rink, after asking out my first girlfriend (which I wrote on a card, since I was too shy to say it in person). It was nothing special, just a peck on the lips, and to be honest I don’t even think I enjoyed it all that much, but it felt wonderful to finally get some physical affection from a female. The following week, she breaks up with me, because I am too shy, I think she said was the problem. I felt kind of bummed, but it wasn’t like I became attached within a week. This isn’t the girl this story is about though…

So, I go over to my friend Brandale Elmore’s house, because at the time we use to play Nintendo 64 a lot at his house. During the (very short) time I was with my first girlfriend, his sister (Mickia) started flirting with me, trying to kiss me and whatnot. I told her I had a girlfriend at the time, and I wouldn’t cheat (and I have never cheated on a girlfriend to this day) on her. I had known her and her brother for about two years at this point, and while I never hung out with her aside from a few times she used to lay in my lap as we played N64, I did meet her first, and she introduced me to Brandale.

Approximately 1999, I was walking through the trailer park (Yeah, I used to live in a trailer park, fuck you) where I used to live, and this girl who had just recently moved in stopped me. She asked me where I was going, and I told her I was headed to my house, and she asked “Can I come?” Seemed kind of weird, but I told her she could, so we went through the woods (it’s a shortcut) to my house. There, my friend Doug, was playing my Playstation I think. I assume I introduced them, and we chatted or something, fuck I can’t recall that shit, but eventually she went to get her brother. So, he shows up, and he is one weird dude, he has an afro-esque poofy hairstyle, and it looks like he is wearing lipstick (I believe it was chapstick). When they leave my friend Doug says, referencing Brandale, “What the fuck was that?” or something like that, haha.

One interesting tidbit of info, before I continue to the more pertinent part of the story. About a few months, maybe weeks, of me meeting them, Mickia tried to play with my cocker spaniel Max, who didn’t like strangers. He bit into her cheek, and she ran throughout the house, with blood pouring from her mouth. Later, I jokingly started calling her Triple M, Max Mouth Mickia.

So, anyway, after I break up with the first girl, or rather she breaks up with me… I go back over to Brandale’s house to play games with him. Mickia starts flirting with me again, but despite me being single, I don’t go for it. It’s hard to recall exactly why I didn’t, because I know I felt lonely back then, but maybe it was just shyness. I have a bad problem with social anxiety, so it is hard for me to deal with situations that make me

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feel vulnerable around people. Well, I think I was looking for an excuse to get her to kiss me, so I didn’t have to open myself up. She asked me “So, are you still dating that one girl” and I say “No”. She leans in to kiss me, and this time I don’t stop her.

So, I start visiting “Brandale” more often, and one thing I forgot to mention was the fact that I moved out of the trailer park not long after I met them, so now I am actually riding a bike like twenty minutes out to see them. Mickia starts putting her head on my body at different places, joking about finding the most comfortable place to put her head, until she gets to my penis. This was amazingly sexy to me, because at the time I was very unpopular at school, and girls weren’t in to me, and here this girl is already getting dirty with me. We also sneaked kisses while Brandale and I were playing games together, at one point he said “I saw that.” One time I went in to try a French kiss which I had never done before, and was nervous about trying, but as soon as I was reaching my tongue out she had already pulled back from the peck. She must have seen this, because she immediately came back and gave me my first ever French kiss, and it was incredible. From then on, we French kissed all the time.

One day, we make this kind of date plan where we will go to that skate rink where I met my first girlfriend. It will be me, her, her brother Brandale, my friend Micky, and Micky‘s sister. Micky is talking to her about being with me, and she basically came out and said that she would be willing to have sex with me. This made me feel good about myself, but it also made me very nervous. I admit, I can be a big pussy about stuff like this, the idea of sex made me feel naked and vulnerable; what if I did it wrong? What if I wasn’t good? I also found out something kind of disturbing… see, I assumed she was thirteen years old, but she wasn’t, she was ten! Fucking insane isn’t it? I found out more news… I thought she was a virgin still too, but she wasn’t, she had already had sex with my friend Micky.

Here is another interesting tidbit of info, Micky comes to me one day, probably a few months before me and Mickia get involved, and tells me he has lost his virginity. I don’t remember if I even took him seriously, but I said “Awesome! Let’s go tell Brandale!” and he sounds reluctant to go tell Brandale about it. At the time, I thought it was because he didn’t want to spread a bunch of lies to everyone, but now I think it’s kind of funny.

So, Micky and I, and I think his older sister (she is a month older than me, I believe) go into the woods to talk about stuff. He kind of talks me into this deal where we take turns having sex with Mickia, and I kind of accepted into it, and I’m not sure why at the time, I guess I just wanted to have sex and lose my virginity, and didn’t think past that. So, we go back to his house, and Micky’s sister goes and talks to Mickia. She comes back, and is kind of laughing, and says “she thinks you guys are in love”. This made me feel like a total douche bag.

We finally head off to the skating rink. I think I bought everyone a slice of pizza to eat and told them owed me for it except Mickia, but to this day I don’t think the assholes ever paid me back. Well, I was new to dating, and to be honest, Mickia and I

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weren’t officially dating, so I start hugging up on my ex-girlfriend’s sister who is there. We just did this as friends, so I didn’t think it was a big deal at the time, but Mickia was pissed about it, and told Micky’s sister that she was over me. I tried to apologize the whole night, but she would have none of it. When we went home, I spent the night at Micky’s house. I think that night was the first night I ever truly cried, that was when I first cried because I knew I was in love, and I fucked it up.

The next morning, Micky and I go hang out in the woods. Over a period of time, we had built a kind of clubhouse out there, complete with a couch and bed. Mickia met us out there, but she wouldn’t talk to me again. I think her and Micky started flirting, which hurt my feelings, so I went to leave and started crying again. As I was leaving, Micky tried to stop me from leaving, saying he would stop, but I just had to go home. The one great thing in my life was gone.

I should say, a lot of the things about this story are hard to keep in chronological order, and in fact, some of what I’m saying may have happened a little differently than I remember, so it’s really hard to remember what exactly happened next. Somewhere around this time summer hit, and I use to visit my father wherever he was living for three months. He moved a lot, so I got to visit a lot of spectacular places. Last year it was San Diego, California, and this year it was Albuquerque, New Mexico. I dyed my hair (blonde) for the first time, on this vacation. So, anyway, I went back to Tennessee! I was living on the Knoxville border, but Mickia & Brandale were living on the other side, in Maynardville, Tennessee. For those of you who have seen Inglourious Basterds, that is where Lt. Aldo Raine is from.

So, one day I head back to the trailer park. Mickia is there, and she says I look silly with my blonde hair, and told me I should dye it pink. This isn’t really pertinent to the story, but this is when she started talking to me again, I believe. A few days later, maybe weeks, hell maybe a month, I can’t remember this shit, she is hanging out with a friend. As we are all talking, we both look at each other and kiss. Her friend asks “Do you guys know each other?” Our response? “No…”.

Something I forgot to mention, not long after we first “broke up” I moved further away from the trailer park. We bought a house that was an hour and a half walk from it, and Mickia used to brag about how much I loved her, because I would walk so far to see her everyday. Another detail I didn’t mention was that she talked me into going to church with her, while I was religious at the time, I really just went to be with her. They got mad about us sitting together, so sometimes she would sit in front of me, and we would stick our hands out the window of the bus, so we could hold each other’s hand.

Anyway, we kind of started a trend of us breaking up and getting back together, this happened a lot! I think this was her nice way of not cheating on me, I think she would break up with me, then fuck some guys, then get back with me, and never fuck me. Granted, it was my fault, I never asked for sex, I was too much of a coward. I really just loved being with her, but I also wanted to make love to her too. Seems kind of corny, but I really didn’t want to have sex with her for pleasure, I just wanted to know what it would

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feel like to share a vulnerable intimate moment with each other, going slow and looking into each other’s eyes.

In around October, still 2001, an interesting situation came up. We weren’t dating at the time, and Micky, her, me, and this other guy were all in the woods. Somehow, I think Micky talked her into having sex with me (since I was too chickenshit). She said she would, but only if they were around… I dunno what that was about, but she later told me she didn’t want to have sex with me, because she loved me, which totally fucking blew my mind. Well, we stripped down somewhat, and I pulled down my pants… the first time I had ever done this in front of a woman, and I got on top of her. I should note that the guys there were actually kind of “keeping guard“, not really within view, so it’s not like I exposed myself to everyone. Anyway, I couldn’t get it up, and she wasn’t helping. I went to French kiss her, and she bit my tongue so hard it hurt for a week after that. Did I tell you she was crazy? She had actually randomly attacked me on various occasions without any provocation. Well, it didn’t work out, so she got dressed and went home.

Cute corny tidbit here, after visiting her I would sit on the steps of this church waiting for my mother and step-father to pick me up. While I was sitting there I would pray to God, begging him to let us work, because I loved her so much. Every time I did this, shit seemed to get worse, so maybe this is helped lead me to become an atheist.

Well, shit got worse! This guy, who used to go to the church we went to sometimes (not the church I said beside though, a bus came and took us to a place called Hines Creek) would make fun of me for being with her. Ironically, it turns out not long after he said this to me, she went and had sex with him. Brandale once told me that irony was god’s joke on humanity, he said Mark Twain said that, but I looked it up and found no such quote. This really hurt my feelings, I felt crushed. I loved her so much, I was taught you have sex with those you love, but she was fucking other people, because she loved me too much to have sex with me.

Things got even worse after that, turns out while I was on my summer vacation, she was sleeping with a guy I had met while we were first together. This wouldn’t be so bad, except she had gotten pregnant. Two days ago I was telling this story to a girl I had just met on Facebook, because I was half-asleep and she was interested in my story, so I finally spent about six hours telling her the whole thing, which if I was sober (me being half-asleep is about the same as me being drunk) I wouldn’t have felt comfortable doing. Anyway, not to go off on a tangent, but she asked me if I could change anything about what had happened back then, would I? I said “not anymore”. You see, at the time, I was jealous, I loved her so much I wanted to be the father of the baby; I imagined us happy together, raising a kid together; it seemed romantic. I would feel loved; I would feel like I was a part of something special. Now, I realize that would have been a worse predicament if it was mine. Last I heard, she was still trying to get child support from the guy. As it was, I held her in my arms despite the fact she was swollen pregnant with another man’s child, and it didn’t change the fact that I loved her.

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Last day of 2001, I go with my friend Joe (RIP) to a New Year’s Eve party, he would always take me to parties, and I would always hate going, because I don’t like being around people. I guess I just got so bored being alone, I would go anyway, even though I knew they would suck. Anyway, while bored to shit there, I noticed Mickia was at the party. Apparently, her brother (not Brandale, she has another) was dating the girl that lived there, so she tagged along. She danced with me there, it was the first time I had danced with a girl before, but when I went in to kiss her, her brother pushed me. He didn’t like me dating her. So, we went upstairs to hang out up there. The countdown started, and we kissed at midnight 2002.

From 2002 on, the story is mostly lost to me, but I remember a few sweet moments we had though. She had come down with the cold, and told me not to kiss her, but I said “I don’t care, you are worth it to me.” The next day she called me, and I told her I had gotten sick, so she said “I told you” to which I responded “it was worth it.” I also didn’t tell her I loved her until 2002 I believe. One time, we were talking on the phone and as we were getting off the phone I thought I heard her say it as I was putting the phone down. I quickly picked the phone back up and said “what did you say?” She laughed and said “never mind” and I said “no, tell me, I didn’t hear you”. She said “I love you” and I responded “I love you too” and we hung up.

By summer 2003, I was tired of the bullshit. My father was living in Fort Worth, Texas, my hometown, so I moved to live there permanently. What I did wasn’t really a nice thing, as we were dating at the time, but I moved there without calling her and telling her I was leaving. She usually called me, because her parents hated me. One tidbit I forgot to mention was that when we had gotten together for the first time, we were getting back from a walk, and she gave me a big kiss before going inside, and her dad saw it, and told me I wasn’t welcome back, from then on we had to hide seeing each other, so we would only meet at church or in the woods. Well, once I got to Texas, I called her house and reached her other brother, and he said that she wasn’t staying there anymore, so I never called again.

The whole time I was in Texas, I never dated. I came close once, but I didn’t really like the girl, so it didn’t pan out. I didn’t even kiss a girl while there. 2006 hits, about April, and I miss Mickia; I had been thinking about her a lot. You know, they say you never appreciate something until it’s gone, but really I think we only remember the good aspects. Sometimes you get it back, and realize it really wasn’t that great. I realize Brandale uses the internet a lot, so I google his name, and find some aliases of his. I search those, and come across his email. I email him, and a few days later I get a response. He tells me about how his life is going etc. and then we start talking on AIM. Well, this story isn’t about him, so he gives me Mickia’s AIM account, but says she doesn‘t get on often. A few days later, I am on the internet, and POP she appears online. I message her, “hey”. She responds back with a greeting of her own. I say “guess who” and she asks who it is. I say “Greg”. Right away she knows who it is (ironically though, last I heard she was dating another guy named Greg) and says “I miss you”.

We start talking on the phone, and I find out she has a boyfriend she wants to get

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married to, they met five months ago. I tell her that is a little soon to be thinking about marriage. At some point I kind of started pushing for us to possibly get back together, but she said there was no more us, which was understandable, because I up-and-left her and she finally moved on. This was the first time she loved a guy more than me, and I always imagined her wanting to be back with me if we ever made contact again. In fact, I think back in 2002 she had told me she wanted to marry me, so it kind of hurt knowing she didn’t feel that way anymore. At one point she started a 3-way telephone conversation involving her boyfriend, herself, and I, and I ended up cussing him out and hanging up the phone. It was the first time I had ever had such a reaction.

Regardless, she still wanted to see me again, so I make plans to go back to Tennessee. I had gotten pretty fat after I left Tennessee in 2003. I had gone up to about 220-230 pounds by the beginning of 2006. I had tried to lose weight a few times, but done so unsuccessfully. However, before I went back to Tennessee I wanted to look good for Mickia, so starting right after I talked with her to the day I left, I walked every single day, like three times a day, and each walk was an hour long. I would just walk around this little closed store sometimes (got questioned by the cops twice because of that) and walked around the neighborhood as well. I started drinking only diet drinks and healthy food and probably only took in about a thousand calories a day. I dropped down to 185 pounds by the time I had arrived. I even took pictures every month documenting this process. Sometimes love can be a good and strong motivating factor for success.

Sometime between July 16 and 18 of 2006, my step-brother and I head out there, to stay with my step-father (his father), but he is just visiting, whereas I am moving down there to stay. As we are picking up Brandale, Mickia and her boyfriend drive by us, and we all stop, and she runs over to me and hugs me… it was a great moment. When we got back to the place (it was a different location than last time I lived in Tennessee) Brandale and I immediately headed off on a walk to his friend’s house. Let’s just fast forward to the fun part, this story is kind of a side-story which has nothing to do with Mickia at first, but is interesting nonetheless.

It is dark out as we leave Brandale’s friend’s house, so we decide to find a place to sleep. Brandale has a plan… there is this used car lot nearby we can sleep at, by climbing into a car for the night, or we can find a better place to stay! We will decide this by flipping a quarter. Heads for car lot, or tails for other. It lands on heads, so we scout the place for a decent car. It’s a very spooky place, so we say “fuck the quarter” and keep trucking. We come to a church. We try to pass out on the front steps of it, but it’s uncomfortable, luckily Brandale notices a side-door, and it is unlocked! We go inside the church, and Brandale puts his personal belongings down on a table or something in the main room. We search the adjacent rooms and find pillows. We notice a basement, and the basement has the only window door in the entire church, which becomes important fast, because as soon as we go down to investigate a cop drives by!

Brandale looks straight at the cop, and he later told me the cop looked straight at him, so he says “fuck it” (he didn’t actually say that by the way) and opens the door and goes right up to the cop and starts talking. He tells the cop the whole story, and explains

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that the door was unlocked, and we weren’t breaking in, we were just looking for a place to stay. Brandale always tells me he has good luck, and I always tell him I have bad luck, but on this day, his luck prevailed… the cop checked our ID’s and gave us a ride home. I should note, this was my first day back and I had actually forgotten the way back to my house. Also of note, Brandale had asked his parents earlier if I could stay at his house, to which they replied “No”. Well, that didn’t stop us from deciding to just have the cop drop us off at his house anyway.

Brandale decided some espionage-style shit was in order, and had me climb through his window with a ladder that was outside. While inside, his sister started talking to him from her room, I guess they have thin walls (which becomes potentially disturbing a month later). She asks, “when will you see Greg again?” or something to that effect, and I come up with a plan. He walks into Mickia’s room with me hiding behind him, and does a “tah dah” style introduction for me, which results in her running over to me and giving me a huge hug. He then goes back to his room, and we spend the rest of the night talking. We then start flirting, and then we start making out. She tells me that even though she is with the other guy she wants to marry, that “this just feels right”. We pass out, with me holding her in my arms, the first time I ever literally (still not metaphorical yet) slept with a girl.

I wake up, and hear a lawnmower, it’s her mother outside. I quickly sneak over to Brandale’s room, and he is sleeping nude… ugh. I wake him up eventually, and we head outside, he said we might as well tell his mother I had to stay due to circumstances. As soon as we walk outside, she is furious. She always seemed like a real bitch to me, one time I called Brandale and she told me to never call her house again. Anyway, she asks where I slept, and Brandale says I slept in his room. There was one problem though, Brandale didn’t lock his door, and his mother came in his room while he was asleep, and of course… I wasn’t in there! So he says this, “Greg slept on the floor… in Mickia’s room”. Well, that went over as well as one would imagine an obvious bullshit lie like that would, and she starts saying how his father was going to kick my ass or something. We decided to do some chores for her, in hopes she would calm down, and I guess it went pretty well, as I didn’t get my ass kicked when the father came home, in fact, he gave me a ride back to my house.

August 10, 2006, I am applying at places to try to find some work. I also try this new energy drink/soft drink hybrid called Vault. I’m OCD, I just like mentioning impertinent details! Later that night I head to Brandale’s house, we have this plan to camp outside his house. Well, when I get there his parents bitch about it, so it doesn’t work out, and I don’t have a ride home. I pretend like I do, and Mickia and I make plans to meet outside when her parents go to bed. As I perambulate the area outside her house, it starts to rain. Sounds retarded, but I think I even begged god (whom I didn’t really believe in anymore at the time, as I was in my agnostic stage) for me and Mickia to finally make love that night, as I walked in the rain. I had earlier told Mickia on the phone that I didn’t want to have sex when she was still with that guy, and I wanted it to be special when it happened… ohh, I didn’t mention, she had just broken it off with that guy.

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Finally, I saw a flashlight, Mickia was in a coat, and came down to meet me. We walked and talked for a bit, and then we grabbed each other and kissed as the rain fell on us. I don’t remember if it was that romantic of a moment or not, but I was just glad to kiss her while she wasn’t with some other guy. She decided to sneak me into her house again, as I had done the previous time, but this time I was even more nervous about it, and I get nervous very easily. We went to her room, and due to our clothes being soaking, was a good excuse to strip down. She had nothing but a shirt on, and she climbed on to her bed, while I only had my underwear on. Now, I know everyone gets nervous their first time, but this time the sex wasn’t what made me nervous, it was the fact that her parents would effing kill me if they discovered us.

I crawled on top of her, and we kissed a little, and I took her shirt off, and now she was fully nude. I kind of gave her the signal that I wasn’t quite erect yet, and she asked “do you need some help?” I sat back, and slipped my underwear off, and she leaned forward on her bed, and started going down on me. I couldn’t feel a thing because I was so nervous, but it looked fucking amazing. In my head I was thinking “Holy fucking shit, I’m actually getting a blowjob!” After a while, she wanted me to continue on to penetration, so I crawled back on top of her and…. immediately went flaccid again. She started sucking on me again, and I tried again for sexual intercourse, but no dice. She tried to mount me, in hopes that would work, to which it didn’t. She then asked me if I had erectile dysfunction. I told her I just didn’t feel comfortable, because I was in an unwelcome house. We sat and talked for a while, played around, and did a little groping. She got up and went to the mirror, and I followed her, rubbing my penis up against her butt. I held her, and rubbed around her body, but felt too shy still to touch near her breasts, so she put her hands on mine, and lead them there, and I squeezed her breasts. Mood killing tidbit, when I stood up, I felt something wet on my penis… I looked down and the dog had just licked my penis, so technically I got two blowjobs in one night! Yeah, it was kinda… gross or weird, but it’s not like I put peanut butter on my dick and lead him to it.

Well, eventually we got back on the bed, and I was able to calm down enough, and get my penis erect. I crawled on top of her, and we started going at it. I heard her say something to the effect of “I can’t believe we waited five years for this!” Now, without proper context, that could be seen pejoratively, but she meant it in a good way, and it made me feel good. She made the sexiest noise when I first put my penis into her, I can’t even explain it, it was like a moan in a very low (but high-pitched) voice, but it turned me on so much. Then she would kiss on my bicep as I made love to her. Her bed wasn’t very stable, and it kept slamming into the wall, luckily she had music on loud, so I guess no one would notice how noisy we were. At one point her speakers were rocking back and forth, and it looked like they might fall over. She scratched my back to hell, and I had marks the next day, but I found it arousing. I kept trying to get her to look into my eyes, but she would only glance, and then look away. I tried going slow a few times, but she didn’t seem to enjoy it as much, so I usually just went faster. I eventually got tired, and asked if she wanted to be on top, but she said her vagina went dry, so we stopped. I didn’t orgasm, but I still loved it. She said we lasted for an hour and a half.

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We got dressed, and she brought me some kool-aid, then she lied down on my lap. She had school the next morning, so I had to go. I had brought a camera, and we took a few pictures from that day I lost my virginity, and I snapped one, before leaving, of her, and then I left.

While she was sixteen at the time, and I was nineteen, what happened was not illegal. There is a four year law in Tennessee, so as long as the age difference is less than four years apart, it is legal to have sex with an underage girl. Next month I think was when I finally got the pictures developed, and I loved being able to look at her in pictures. The only thing I was upset about was that I let Brandale take a picture of us, and it turned out very crappy. It was way too far back, and everything looked dark.

Wait, wait… there was one very important detail I forgot to mention. As I left her house, her dog followed me. I walked for four hours in the ran, wearing soggy clothing; my toes had become water-logged, sore, and were bleeding. At about 6 A.M. I reached the place where one of my friend’s was working with his uncle, and I passed out in his car… the dog had followed me the entire trip. His uncle gave me a ride home, and I went to sleep at my friend’s house. I woke up and my step-father was telling me about her mother calling, leaving threatening phone messages. The dog was gone, and unless they got it back, they would take legal action. This scared me at the time, because I didn’t know about the four year law, so I thought that could come up. Luckily, they found the dog, and all was well… of course, now they hated me even more, if that was possible.

October 8, 2006, I am going to Mickia’s friend’s house to meet them both. As soon as I step on to the porch, Mickia gives me a running hug so hard, I nearly fall right off of it. I go inside, but the father is mad because he wasn’t given warning of me coming to visit, so he takes Mickia and I to her house. Well, that doesn’t sound too pleasing, so as soon as we reach her house, I step out of the car, and walk down the street at the end of her driveway. After a good while, I see her coming down to meet me, and we go to another of her friend’s house, a guy that owns a ranch with horses. Mickia’s mom starts driving down there, so they hide me in a small barn house, espionage again! When she leaves, Mickia decides she wants to ride a horse, and asks me if I will ride with her. Normally, I’d be too much of a pussy to do this, but I wanted to have something to remember with her, so I agree. It was pretty fun I must admit, but I actually fell off the horse later. I wasn’t hurt! Then we head to the creek to hang out there. A prophetic tidbit I forgot to mention, I told the guy, I think his name was Ray that I was glad everything had gone okay, to which he replied “well, the day isn’t over”.

It starts getting dark, so we head back over to her house. I come in the back door, and Brandale says in a very spooky tone “dude, you aren’t welcome here.” He didn’t say it in a way that was implying he didn’t want me over, but he said it as a warning to me. We went outside, and I had this plan to spend the night in the woods behind their house, and they could meet me in the morning. However, Mickia wanted me to sleep in her room, and she had a very sexy looking shirt on too, so I couldn’t turn her down. We go to her room, and I think to avoid making noise, I didn’t quite close the back door all the way… this becomes very important very soon.

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She locks the door of her room, and quickly someone comes and tries to open it. I hear a voice, “Mickia, open this door”. At first I thought it was her brother Brandale, because it sounded just like him. However, it wasn’t… it was her father, and he knew I was in there. I started to back into the closet, but it probably would have done no good. I was scared shitless. Then something interesting happens, the very dog that had caused me so many problems two months ago pressed on the back door. The back door swings open, and the dog runs outside. Her father goes to get his car keys, to chase after the dog, and as he is doing so Mickia looks right at me and says, “Greg…. RUN!” I bolt out of both doors like a bat out of hell. As I am running down the street I see the dog running in front of me, and I also notice lights catching up to me. Her dad stops the car, and gets out, and I am standing by the dog. I start apologizing to him, and he says “well, at least help me get my dog” so I shoo the dog over to him, and he puts the dog in the car. Then he probably woke up the whole neighborhood. “YOU ARE ONE LUCKY MOTHER FUCKER, I WAS GOING TO KICK THE SHIT OUT OF YOU! IF YOU EVER COME AROUND HERE AGAIN…” and the whole time he is saying this I keep saying “I’m sorry, sir”.

He eventually drives back, and I’m walking home again. Four hours later I get to my friend’s work, or I should say, his former work site, as he isn’t working there anymore. That means I have to keep walking! Not much longer a cop stops me. This scares me, because I thought they called the cops on me. They have me empty my pockets, and then they start verbally harassing me. They ask me if I smoke pot, to which I reply that I didn’t (I had recently gone straight edge at the time). They then say to me, “you didn’t complete high school, did ya?” to which I reply that I had. They check my ID and when I was cleared they offered me a ride home. I had them drop me off at an abandoned farmhouse my step-father had just moved away from, I had various reasons for doing this. One of them was probably the fact the friend I was rooming with did a lot of drugs and had druggie friends over, and I didn’t want to get him (and possibly us) into trouble. That night, I walked up to this place we call the mountain, because my step-father left a tent up there, so I slept inside of it.

The following morning, I took another four hour walk into Fountain City, where my roommate was living. When they got back, they asked me what the fuck had happened, and I said “Man, it was so fucking crazy, I don’t even wanna talk about it right now.” I didn’t tell the story to them until like a month later, just because I was so shaky about the whole thing.

One day my step-father comes into the house, I think it was the same day as the release of the Playstation 3. He says, “We have to get going, the cops will be here soon.” I’m like “What the fuck?” Apparently, Mickia had run away from home, and I was the assumed culprit who had housed her. I was told an AMBER Alert was put out on me, but that turned out to be bullshit. My roommate’s uncle had stopped by the house earlier, and snooped around, which I later found out was because the cops had stopped by the place where he worked asking about Mickia. We went and hid out over at my roommate’s mom’s house as I checked the internet for the AMBER Alert, and they watched the TV

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for it. They called the parents of Mickia, and I think everything got worked out. I think she was staying with a new boyfriend she had or something.

April 17, 2007 I go to pick up Brandale to hang out. I had recently gotten my camcorder my mother had bought me for a Christmas/Birthday combo gift (I was born on January 15) so I took it with me to film footage. Mickia was there, and I got to take footage of her, and then we dropped her off at her ex-boyfriend’s house, but right before she got out she gave me the last kiss I have ever received from her to this day.

May 2007, I can’t put up with the adventures anymore, so I run away again, this time to Spokane, Washington where my father has moved. I start calling Mickia, and it turns out her boyfriend went to jail for violating probation or something, so she starts talking to me more. I hadn’t told her I lost my virginity to her, so I finally told her, she said that was sweet that she was my first. Later, on AIM she told me she wanted to marry me again. Now, I have this thing about wanting my life to work out like a movie, I think it is caused by my OCD. I remember something Brandale told me in 2000, before I started dating his sister, he said to me “You know what would be cool? If you married my sister.” I guess I wanted that to be an auspicious sign of how my destiny would work out so perfectly.

It didn’t… while waiting for her to turn eighteen, she found another guy and they got married. About a year or so later, they got a divorce, and now she is with that other guy named Greg last I have heard. She refuses to even be my friend anymore, because when I brought my girlfriend with me to pick up Brandale while she was there with her boyfriend, I wouldn’t talk to her much, because I felt awkward. I am happy to say I have finally moved on, after being obsessed with her for so many years.

-Greg “dratsab” Huffman

(3/27/2012) NOTE: I forgot to mention this when I wrote the story, but there was an interesting event that happened before the opening of this story took place. There was this girl from my 8th grade gym class named Kathy, and she thought I needed to be given affection. She, literally, gave me a hug out of nowhere while I was eating during cafeteria. One chunky chick even made a bitch comment about her needing to go take a bath now, implying I was stinky/repulsive, but whatever. Anyway, she was the first girl that was actually nice to me… though after that I don’t remember much of else going on between us (I remember her trying to talk to me in gym class though). Well, one time while riding into the trailer park, I remember seeing a girl in the middle of the rocky road that winds through the place. When I saw her from a distance it reminded me of Kathy, and in fact, I maybe for a second or two thought it actually was her… especially because she was flagging me down. Well, it turned out to be Mickia. This seemed kind of interesting to me in retrospect.

(6/3/2012) NOTE: Last night I spoke with Mickia over Facebook, and it turns out she stumbled upon a copy of this that was posted on the internet. I sent a copy of this to her friend, and she must have uploaded it onto the net in my name (despite the fact I asked

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her to keep it private). Anyway, she told me that the reason she bit my tongue was because my breath was bad, which makes sense… I was unhygienic as a kid. Also, she told me the whole baby thing was made up, she only has one kid (and it is about a year old at the date of this note). She said she made it up to get attention, and considering the fact she even gained weight to pull it off, I guess she did a pretty good damn job.

(9/27/2013) NOTE: I had considered talking my friend AJ DeNecochea into doing an audiobook of this story for me and he finally did it today! However, he got the pronunciation of her name wrong. He said “mick-EYE” but her name is more like the “mica” part of the word “formica” or “mike-uhh”. I would also like to add two more things. One being that I think that it was my fault the file got out publicly. I believe I put the file online so that her friend could access it, as she didn’t understand file transfer. Second, Mickia also wrote a story about us, though it is shorter, and I have it archived.