the southern colonies maryland, virginia, the carolinas, and georgia

The Southern Colonies Maryland, Virginia, The Carolinas, and Georgia

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Post on 23-Dec-2015




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The Southern Colonies

Maryland, Virginia, The Carolinas, and Georgia

Mason Dixon Line Boundary between Pennsylvania and

Maryland that divides the Middle Colonies from the Southern Colonies

Maryland Geography - coastline with warm climate Founder - Lord George Calvert founded as a

haven for religious freedom Government -allowed men to have a say in

government by creating an elected assembly Economy – fishing, farming, lumber, shipping,

slave trade Religion – Act of Toleration – provided religious

freedom for all Christians. Lord Baltimore himself was Roman Catholic as

were most people in the colony

Virginia Sir Walter Raleigh set up the Virginia Company

to make money by trading the raw materials in the new colonies

Climate – very fertile land and warm climate Religion - the Church of England Politics – House of Burgesses

Elected representatives

Economy- Farming tobacco, slave trade

The Carolinas Founded by a group of eight nobles (Eight Lord

Proprietors) who separated and settled in the north and the south of the area

Climate – Very fertile land and warm climate Religion – religious freedom Politics – Set up Fundamental Constitution of

Carolina which was ruled by Parliament, type of representative government

Economy – Farming and slave trade Rice, cotton, tobacco, and indigo – a plant used to

make blue dye.

Georgia Founded by James Ogelthorpe Place where debtors (people who owed money

they could not pay) could start a new life. Economy – farmed tobacco, cotton, indigo, rice,

and took part in the slave trade Religion – religious freedom Politics – had a governor with representatives Climate – warm climate with fertile farmland

Bacon’s Rebellion English settlers were invading Indian lands. Settlers asked the government to interfere and do

something about the Native Americans but they refused

In 1676, Nathaniel Bacon organized men and women on the frontier and raided Indian villages. Then, he led his followers to Jamestown and burned the capital. This was known as Bacon’s Rebellion.

Bacon soon died and so did his rebellion. This was the earliest form of resistance against the


Tidewater Plantations

People built their plantations along the rivers or coasts so they could load ships armed with their crops.

The planters family lived in a huge house while the slaves lived in small quarters, harvested the crops, and cleaned the house.

VA, MD, NC grew tobacco, SC and GA grew rice and indigo, all areas grew cotton

Backcountry South Base of the Appalachians

with rolling hills and thick forests The people here viewed

each other as equals and were largely self-sufficient.

There were few enslaved Africans here.