chapter 3. during the restoration serious colonization resumed: ct—incorporated 2 other colonies...

British Imperial and Colonial America Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 Slide 2 Slide 3 During the Restoration serious colonization resumed: CTincorporated 2 other colonies 1662 Carolinasnorth separated 1691; south attracted slaves to drain swamps and work rice NYtransferred to royal status 1685 NJunited under royal control 1702 (Delaware still attached) GAcarved from SC as buffer and utopian penal colony 1732 MEattached to Mass Bay Slide 4 1700-1750 population rose to a million Travel still cost about a years wages Most people lived in countryside but cities were growing quickly, yet paled to London (700,000) Stratification increased with the wealth of some cities controlled by 5% Growing poor became more evident Slide 5 Slide 6 Revenue Act 1673 placed duties on exports from colonies after Navigation Acts Colonists scuttled these restrictions 1679 MA was denied access to NH land 1684 MA charter annulled 1686 CT and RI charters revoked Mass. Bay and Plymouth become Dominion of New England Slide 7 James II admired Louis XIVs authoritarianism NY and NJ added to Dominion Town meetings banned in Mass Public Church of England worship encouraged Previous land titles challenged, new titles granted for a fee Slide 8 Slide 9 James abdicates in bloodless coup 1689 English Bill of Rights established Constitutional monarchy created based on Lockes Two Treatises on Govt (1691) Duties and regulations relaxed Slide 10 Jacob Leisler led a Dutch militia to oust an Andros appointed Lt. Gov. Leisler turned oppressive and was hung and decapitated Andros deported Gang of protesters in Maryland removed the Catholic govt making Church of England official Glorious Revolution noticeably anti- Catholic Slide 11 French and British enter a constant state of war in late 17 th to the fall of Napoleon King Williams War(1689-1697) French attack New England from St. Lawrence Queen Annes War (1702-1713) British regain Hudson; gain Newfoundland, Nova Scotia; fighting in Mobile and Carolinas Part of War of Spanish Succession(1701-1714) Charles II has no heir and a conflict erupts over Hapsburg land between all parties Treaty of Utrecht (1713) Britain gains Gibralter, recognition of Iroquois as British subjects, claim to OH and Miss. Valleys and contract to supply slaves Slide 12 Slide 13 From 1500s onwards scientific and intellectual knowledge spread from Europe Philosophers and scientists promoted rational, natural, logical order and understanding Distinctly secular Locke, Montesquieu, Franklin Slide 14 Revival of Christianity also swept colonies 1720 - 1770 John Wesley (GA), John Edwards (CT), Frelinghuysen (NJ), Tennant (Mid-Atl) Large enthusiastic crowds around powerful rhetoric Split churches into old light and new light Churches bore educational institutions Princeton (NJ Presby.), Columbia (NY Anglican), Brown (RI Bapt.), Rutgers (NY Dutch Ref.) Revivals and awakenings devolved power, challenged status and encouraged inclusion Slide 15 Sought to restore simplicity and spirituality to Christianity Rejected Calvinism Founded on the beliefs of Margaret Fell and George Fox arguing for believers inner light No ministers at meetings; converts would quake when possessed Penns Frame of Govt applied Quaker ideals to politics w/o a legal church Slide 16 Crowds mingled at revivals Baptists allowed slaves to worship German Moravians used Christs suffering to convert Indians Natives generally began to reject colonial society and separate themselves Slide 17 Slide 18 Slide 19 Britain came to rely more heavily on American trade Sugar, rum, tobacco, rice These societies were organized around plantation economies By 1700 British supplanted Portuguese as slavers By 1750 half of Britains exports came from sugar or tobacco Slide 20 Slave trade could bring 10 times the value of a purchased slave at market Growth of slave trade led to growth in related industries Shipbuilding, port construction, weapons, sugar, tobacco, rum, textiles, iron commercial expansion led to growth in Britains Navy Slide 21 Slave system likely displaced 9-11 million Africans altering continental societies Wars and raids between states and rival groups contributed growing number of slaves Middle Passage was brutal Overcrowding, little nutrition, unsanitary, punishments, 1 in 10 trips saw revolts; at least 1000 died Probably a million died of sickness Dysentry, scurvy, measles, yellow fever, small pox Slide 22 Conditions in New World were no better 10 hours of work, shabby shelter, paltry diet, brutal discipline 10 times cheaper to buy new slaves than care for them After Bacons Rebellion coastal Virginia and the Carolinas turned to slavery Slide 23 By 1720 African slaves made up 20% of Chesapeake society Within 30 years, a third (3/4s were American born) Some owners purchase females for growth 1692 VA law stated that English and Africans could not copulate 1705 all non-Christian imports counted as slaves Slide 24 Mid Atlantic slaves fared better than Caribbean and Chesapeake counterparts Tobacco was less labor intensive Disease didnt spread as easily Profits were lower and care of slaves was necessary Slide 25 SC turned to profitable rice cultivation In some areas 80% of population was slaves Work tougher, sun hotter, disease rampant To discourage rebellion, diverse groups were needed from different parts of Africa Slide 26 Marriages began slowly, ethnic lines were crossed Languages assimilated, created and even died off (Gullah, Geechee) Crafts, rituals were retained and syncretized Education and possessions limited Lashings, chainings, humiliations, amputations, movement restrictions Slide 27 Resistance took all forms: fleeing, dodging work, slowing down, breaking tools, even violence Stono Rebellion (1739) in Chas., Sc saw large groups of slaves attack and kill at least 25 whites Attempted to march to St. Augustine Subdued within 6 months Led to decline in slave importation Slide 28 Slide 29 Largest ports in the North closely linked to Indies Rum, fish, furniture, bread Stable merchant class developed By 1750s the largest cities neared 20,000 (Boston, NYC, Philly) the smaller at 10,000 (Chas., Newport) Nearly half of NE society was of the middling ranks On the bottom were hordes of laborers Slide 30 Puritan women essential to the household economy, duty bound to be subservient Land was the most crucial asset The frontier was always an option for more land Puritan society doubled in 25 years Society broke down as inheritance dwindled, land was bought up and traditional methods of family control fell apart Families shrunk, frontier exploration expanded, yields increased and localized exchange grew Slide 31 Better land and growing season, mild climate Population quadrupled during early 18 th Living conditions were diverse 1 or 2 room houses, stone mansions, small farms, slaveholding Excess labor available Quaker dominated, banned slavery German influx of Protestants Scots and Irish came too Slide 32 Society was not just slave and master Many gentry lacked aristocracy and connections to attain wealth and appointments After Bacons Rebellion taxes and voting restrictions lowered creating alliance and allegiance More affluent competed with one another Sons educated at best schools Brick mansions outward wealth Mirror the wealthy of England Slide 33 Interior and rural communities were largely non-English Less sophisticated and less connected to Atlantic economy Independent spirit and closer to egalitarian Little to no representation, few taxes or official justice Slide 34 The commercial success of colonies might have led to more lenient colonial policies dubbed Salutary Neglect Local assemblies controlled taxation and appointments Parliament had no representatives from the colonies but had authority over them Not physical representation but virtual more voting age citizens reside in the colonies than in Britain Slide 35 Slide 36 1600 2 million Indians east of Miss., 1700 250,000 Drawn into the Atlantic economy, natives attacked one another Wars over population evolved into wars over territory Strategy of playing French and British off one another was fraying Border disputes became frequent Slide 37 GA subsidized as a buffer colony to protect SC rice Its proximity to FL and increased naval seizure likely led to conflict War of Jenkins Ear (1739-1748) began as British assault on N FL Spain reinforced in GA Oglethorpe ambushed Spanish units on St. Simons ended Spanish expansion in the South Treaty of Aix la Chappelle (1748) restored French and British possession, eliminated Spanish from New World Slide 38 King Georges War (1744-1748) FR, SPN/ ENGAmerican theater of War of Austrian Succession Conflict over Nova Scotia and Ohio borderlands French had also began creating border fortifications linking Canada to Louisiana Largely fought by native allies without much aid from mother countries British created OH Company in 1747 to counter French control Slide 39 1754 Col. George Washington sent to protest French claims at Ft. Duquense Washington was overwhelmed, surrendered 1755 Gen. Braddock attacked again and was killed 70% casualty rate British sent reinforcements 1756 French and Indian War for control of North America breaks out Slide 40 Slide 41 Slide 42 Shortly after conflict began a larger global war broke out (7 Years War) included Prussians, Austrians, Russians, French, British 1763 Treaty of Paris gave British control of Canada, land south along Miss., all of Eastern North America Drove French from India, Martinique, Guadaloupe Drove Spanish from Cuba, Florida and the Philipines Proclamation Line of 1763 prohibited settlement beyond Appalachians Slide 43 Slide 44 Slide 45 Many natives were alarmed at the new British Dominion Neolin, a revivalist, advocated pan-Indian resistance Ottawa chief Pontiac led a rebellion from NY to MN Agreed to compromise and recognize British ascendance Paxton, PA settlers marched on Philly to demand anti-Indian militias Slide 46 Slide 47 Slide 48 British technology and output were growing quickly Americans extended more credit and bought 30% of British exports Access to credit allowed farming and business expansion Colonists bought more consumer goods leading to a trade deficit and recession Living standards had increased but colonists were dependant Slide 49 Eastern land became scarce; land disputes erupted More yeoman and tenant farmers headed inland SC raids on property led to a vigilante groupThe Regulators Suppressed outlaws Demanded interior representation Sought equal tax distribution Slide 50 NC recession nearly bankrupted tobacco farmers Creditors took them to court Regulator mobs resisted and demanded reforms Royal Gov. suppressed leaving 30 dead and executing leaders Regulators were unable to take power from the elite, but did force concessions Slide 51 Trade and Navigation Acts highly regulated how colonies could trade Hat Act (1732) prohibited selling and exporting hats as well as hiring blacks in hat industry Sugar and Molasses Act (1733) extra taxes on non British molasses Iron Act (1750) prohibited growth of iron industry outside of raw metals Slide 52 Slide 53 Colonists began to dominate Atlantic trade 95% of continental and Caribbean traffic, 75% of Atlantic Relied on British credit saw a drain of cash to England Small banks began issuing currency Parliament Act (1751) prohibited establishment of banks and paying private debts with paper money Slide 54