the.+ soil - · and jiver,.oo that the pulmnnlo syrup and the ......

~ome new and p¯rtioulariy 8,, t Jrom Engla.d: and"+,n Uge~’gY t¯bliahed in thet city for the importstiou of them.The’agent sta~s Lbat h c bee receiv- ed.JnstrU~ions to order £rom Uhina lO0 tons Of thio+p~!dm, s0d to follow thisorder up’bx ~egulur invoices hereafter ; al.~ that ho bas ,ben requested by his employers to order ~th~-~hi’~/ilm’e~’a :l~ge- q~antily~f~the ~ n[alarmers to cul- tlvate it;’besauseit isabout tobecume a lca~iog new fibre hQ there isencourage- But why ~hould nOt’the At lande~tates, ~nd indeed, the Southern Stales generally, un- ....... ~ertakelthe cultivation-o( .t-ltis’.¯PfautY"/If Louisiana, Why ca++ it n6L bor, i’d~ Alabama end 3Iis~i~iPl,i? Itlaa very hardTp~]uni~.=Th~-e~eku far~rs:s~y that it alan& draught suprislngly, and th*t the s:6ot~will 6~/bo i~jmedby GUy Wioter fros~ which are likely to visit California Gad olher .. States’in the race parallels of latltudo/ The ehtefdifficulty in talcing irts found in the i¯toase heat of the South, which pro- vaik-betweetie.~ttlng time and tl/e "now wither under continued exposure to the But this is P that can b~ oh- ingenuity of our planten iwill soon them. The folhwi~gare raid to be ¯mona wiil~the euhiva- .chea ..... ,. a.d it will in length of wear and in the great variety to which it-is ’upplicahloi/ It it will, by rather rapid advance~’ effect gr~i-~d ~r/die~lYH~gea i¯ : the stylca of ¯ re peaked, the barr~lg maYbe’placed i. rotation’ of ~!0rsuboil~ithe~om in" which are kept. ’.The berrele maybe set on ptece&.~r~oss the top "of .the bars’sis six inches high an’d laying 9i the pieces to set the berrelaon. The space between ¯ the barrelswill make it ¯convenient fur taking 0ut the potatoes aa + needed, and WiQ give-venii]qtion to each barrel as/the pota~tocsn,UBt be uncovered !t th top ~1 the barrel tbr the hcaicd air to escapu. hd+tO room where the potatoes are Io be kept, sod the st~vo should sol in the middleof kep/. them Iron+ October 6p to the atiddlc I~y healing the room with aconnectiu Ires .tha atove~of-tlie kitchen into=sdrutn el" tho ehautber, ,whioh is s good’ way when a chum .bei. can be hodlot. such n purpo~o, be mode sUflibieotly- warns with-a Ililte cont~ccic~ frem the ~tov6 of thehitch" "The-ronm should not be exposedto too much light--liave it darkened wkh cur; tainfriCihewitidown, butit would be’ era|tl6 not to keepthee+ in aL.oom wiudow;40d .the n6rth and’weatlsi~ rooms. - , ." ¯ The tLnlperature of warmth in the room ,houldbe from seventy.five to eighty." de- so as tb keepthemwarm to+dry iu the room be cool, (thouch u0t feel chilley,)they will become damp and wet; and being kept ia dais,chilled, cold, Wet state, theywill not keep, hence mUSt be kept in a ore the gram tad wni¯ the*ground is yea colt; with 0t- tare’s roetora,+uodiaturbed ;. the resultis been*o6capiod by his roOts/seance last talh By n littln oegligenoe,* he.bee lost his paaturo’for :the Kreoier panof the’ sea~u.. . ’" Io case of n6,pasture, I edmmence feed- ing hogs greeno¯is as soonns it is ’trill ouough to in0W,and conLinue it iill "afth/’ hurvest, They thrlvo much better fed that :. coiu-t ben-with n~onllt. Coarse hay,+mude [rom. swemp ~l’n.’~, nrid-straW, the botts of cornstalks, and Wrlous other articles, whch -nearly e~’ prodnces..eontsln ntoroor. ]e~s "nultilivo properiics, nndare availablefor food, Th~ prnctice of Ioddorin tbese artideiiu ih,~i/-erudo alato, er seat- tering t +cm on the ground from the stack ~’ard, cotupeliing the animals t~s cnt: theut or starve, is wrolehcd policy. They would onfs~,.ran iafinitcly better purpose for bed ding or manure. " ¯ " ," The ]~e-qt nnd dn]~,t~ne i0]an of rendering the nl~i’e named article*vnluahle as Iodder ringthem upas fitiob’ as possible., acdtltcr, with the cut teed, by wliich monns nearly the whol0 of it will bc eaten ; the course parts glvtns bldk to the food, and the fi’her parts furnishing ciotlr~shmeat. The pro- ,owhat to J¯son Lurk ; his jam- ulrk 7 ght~/, beants as theyrodn.along a¯d~imoglned I consternationof OldHarry when ho should discover tho 16as. Bat it provedno light gmn to thedi, for before tl roe weary males had be6?/~mpllshsd bulked, stood still, + add in sph~ Of beating and + eehxidg, twlte’hln+g ¯rid ’p’ash;ng,’ re- tus~d Jotan h0ur’to move on~ At iast.ihe HuM+red.’ .... t,onco up wdrk of the derail raid 81ow’s cousinBill’s ¯ house, ",i I¢~ eli the ¯ .... ,ioea]y !-’,That ~: left-hande~,,baek- aucl then come oats, and ho condeseudcd to proceed t’o the eltli’0f hi8journdy+ at W~lich:J-~hey R-rT+iv~d abeut~ mid.lght; all tltreoquitc,benumbed. home, res0’vcd to make the Next:morni_ng, on lhcir way to the sit_y, they halted at 81ow’a house, went:in, end were surprised to find hito~quiie as cheer- tul ds usuul. + IIc Was evidently not yet awaro of his loss. "~Iorniu,’ Old tlarry. Heord-you wnn ~oing to pd nt your Jtnu~ white, and did not know but might have more paint tha’n youcould use; uod if .you"bad Yba !adght+ scll us. soniC, to’ .save" Usthe trnubld of going clear to tho’eity, as we are gu ng:10 do a little pointing up our way." "WellI did buya Cask of ¯lead ycster- --ell some at n piuch. 1towmuch- would t?" ’* W~!.wontlgln: w~ut iu the. neighbOr, hood of ,,bOut uigu on’t0 h~,lf a’.cask, it "it’s real bang up whitelead, aud not too high. Suppusey.ouletthe know where it is. I and_bad_spixits.~ I_+havo~no=doubt ~+ome ovil spirits bedivilcd that ’ere ~ask:of Iosd away up to"Sai+ds.’ i + and+that -this tal~giho:llm;t-ehance.~- tell ride to tho village, .t O determine the ’truth ,they rode¯thither, L~xrk offered,to bet teu ’cents it weathcre ;_~lark.said_he h6.w0uld_ llavo notliing to do withwitchcraft; Qdirk was non-eommiit~l’;and Old Harry fro- qucntly ~repeated with great solemnity the mysterlohnrcvo]ati0¯ : . 1 : You’ll flqd it iu front of Saudo’, the grocer," ¯ ~’Aod + there it is t." .:cn~l Old Harry, clapping his bends, as the wagon droveup to. th~ grocery, nnd all hastily align.ted with expressions’of wonder. "Thislsmycagk; add now what do youthink of the spirits?" the astooishmeut of a crowd of gapers,wht* came to he:there.- " . ~ ’ :. ?* I think they must havebee¯ evil spit- its,Old Harry, to haveptayed you suoh a " exclaimed Lurk. imHfa~ in freezingweather and u~rU to¯the vcry place where I wanied it." L " .P How?" crid .the toasted o¯ea i "i bought Lhet caek of whitelead lnrmy cous- Jn_Bill.~and ngreed~oAeli~ er-it =t o-h~; roommu~t hsve air--’ huve a’wi.dow }raid and enabling the anintais to dijest themmore should be Polled np, .is n0i ee impor.. Tho staining of food is becoming a. moro time ¯ ¯ is beat thento keep’the .room.+.+’d,lrk,+with tenlicn to the preparalion of the~oodds not too-much- cask--for it’s peaty p ondtf.:reus, you tony undc~taud f: the:mis~-h~ef; :- uud were ridicule the old sou I~T his quaniilles, re aa to Imeoro of "lmving Ihe requshe stock ulwayaouhand, has been one reasonwhy they have turned their et- IcnVio¯ Io this Ch~n:i grnp’J,,st now, nnd are drawing Ilto attention el the worh[ to it, The nrtioh it~ell ia nat now aa u tnalo- rlal Ior teslilo JabrJes+ l,’il~y yeir~ngq, su ranter 0oat~made ef ii wereknown under the n,me of sca-gra~. and,’behtr0 criimlitfe canto inin In,hiGh, i .... : ....... Was ttl~drpttr [adli,s’-hklrls.--1~’or- ~:t,.r++ p:i~t certainlhvnrho .lyh’s’of ’gO,,ll+ have heell tna~o in I’.’urolte hY inl(siltg Chinu grlt~.s Wilh word .nd w]lh ~ilk, as Ihey d. now i. ....... t hil,a--and-Jol~an~ll’ut~ |t~.~do,e_rea~olL or other, gmlbl ~UllilnPr e(utlP~ have di~uppoart~tl’ frnut’ Iho n;arkel, r Ih,, fa.iti,ln Ita~ changcd, nell le,rha1~s, lho ntgnuf,,oturerg Ihcnt+clv’ea wilhthew Ibis artieh front the market bccuo,e tltert~ wn* too much wear lu’it, It waa well known abet Its gloss was I)erltmnoot, and that Jt re~embhd fine I +,on it: les ture and ~mo]i*o~, but, apparently [t would last tornvor, ,Pate- a[bly too~ the p¯reba~rs got tired of wc,+r. Ing It, as ia Imttlnfre~u0ntly the casewith rogeud it) other Iong.oudur[ng texl]lea, Th(sro sro ~voraiverlctlea of l{¯mlo=-a word I,y the way, whlnh is not to Ibund In Wobstcr’a i)iothmary, allhuttgtt .the plant h~.a.~en Jn use for’ leatlh Ikhrhm more than" fifty year., and hl Asis Ior hulnhrlls ol years It la called itt centlnon ImrlntlCO Chln¯-grass sltd sea.grasa, Tho |Pronch call it Ar#~ el+bt Chin*.-.. Its belanhv~l tmtnas ere ~/rtlot Nil, ra ¯nd Urt;e,, (’It,tar/eatS,S. two diatluqt ;varieties of the epmn plant ; in¯| ll,te*l,t+l~in tenl+/~balt, whhdt hot la the ~oisntiOo nSl¯egivonto l~ntio, on se, oount of Iho toughne~ of its fihro, intl [. Ihe .ep©~los now oitlllvaled i, ’l’exua’J’hc I~tUto’*/Lash" Is ut’hldlan origlu, II I. enidthl~t ]laittle co¯nul be rnbod uu idanta ¯ tionstrout seed, Itetmu~o the haler ia Ion re.ell and delicateler fhld cull¯re, and re. quires finely droucd gnrlle¯ beds fl, r proper devoloilment- The id¯t~t meat I~ abed on phntalluus ¯ hunt oulthtgk .itd reels, The flr,t crop for g¯pl) outl|ng. and root, Ior Ihe Ilest, ,ndcerml, soilswill yield thl~ Crelm el 600 to 1000 pouuds wright por ¯ere. The raw fibre Is worth tou ¢~nta |lu gold) per pound,¯t pmacnt " i/d~//~PAg,/; "L~dgii;, ........................ i¯ Ibo early Imrt of lummer,Eslher bdd upou the lrou¯d dudugthe liuter, sod crrc¯d them in tbc sua to dry, an4 pirs,-(thc tltne allowed ~r the uew, I swh: : process, tho lemperatur6 becomee impot~taott will.nbt bear a k/wer to; degrce, wi~.hout injltry. ’J"ue time for kceping" sweot pbtntoes in s warm room generally expirca+about’=thc ,nid,lle of April; but they ~r, be kept and be.good up to ihe first +of Oetobep, when third week of April remove the potatoes lrmnthe whrm room’lo a cool dry hu-h~ur~7-and rooont.’ The roop~ stunt be cool in ’which they are (o be kept; Ior. il kept in awarm reom dutieg ih3 warn, monlhs, the pnta. I~)es will sprout and bcconte I-il ty tVi I dry, ’wh to, nlreekstl rough.llnm and in cooso. qucnee are, not good,lint when keut in h nod. dry roont, as ] Itavo stated, thoywill I~+goed,as 1 have had thont eo, and to keep npto Iho tirol o| October, whloh is ihs ILogM. I q [ Many ef our lartners do not know tbc i,nl,nrnl,,i vn{ue of Erass aa let’d for; ’+tt le.~t ono w*,nhl thlnk ~t+ wh,qt I i~cirhogs ill ,moll yatd~, or ut huet ou rely isPIiIlly pnMortt. |"arnlors who kl O,WtllO re01 vahlo all SilO, fated, wou],l n.~,Onlt lhhlk .f l.i.lng catl!c, and t,t~kins milk o.d bul. ter, hy Ioetlh,g Iheir slack grain nlone ihtr. illg the Phi,hi euutulcr, na Io tun]Grinds It) r.i~o hogs atnl nlnko thetlttelltc+m I,rnttls. hic wllhoul n gt+ud mtpl*ly t*l gr¯.s’, I luu,t ~uy lbet st,illS men stokepork withlittlet,r no gra~, nlltl |hid it Inoro prulliuhh Ihun mtlling Iht,ir gruin ; bul if Iht T Wl,ttld rabu lurer uorn slld Inore grass, lie, Jr net’pl’llfilS w+mhl bn tw.~or three dnlhr, Io nee Olhcr, wish, and eta ntnch lopecn~l ol I,ber. You will I’requently sen hrgn 5elds el pamhro duttod all orcr wllh eutth., trhen on tho siting ravin Iho hugs ore in mn*]l yurds, ckiogout a pour nxislcnuo on drx e*,rtt. 11 tim OWltCr knew that if the SalllO antenna .f gross~,ltsttmed hyn s0mll In,rtlnn nf hi, cattle, was glwn lu hL.lag., the Itrelllnun Iho letlur would be Lw,r to unoon Ills rornwr, youwould t~rlahlly t~¢o a It’f, qlU, lie wtmhl put his hogs on i~as- tttre Inlnlollletcly, if he hod to dlspeac t,l’ a Imrh el hh cattle in order Io duso. Agou,I .npld~ ol ErnM for hrectler, l.ol nldOhl Vatlle, Tbey should be put ne IreS. iuro’two ur iltreo weeks bofnro btel’di.g thnc, na It iuerea*nk the milk Iteglly. lira.odors, ~ut ¯ go~xl supply of £ra~, wilh .nlne 0oru, will trot unlyrut~hl th0ir flrah betKruw unnthlually, end be eaeliy flUened In the lull or winter, wf~ilo the itiga wLll I,e large and hcahhy,st,d their growl. ~111 not be checked dorhtg the wlulor. |f breeders withtheir pig, emtfincli io areal! ~arthduri*tK the omottter, and/ed un grain .loGo, it will ts~e Iwo Of Iho h,r- : mer to nmke a ,hadow iu the Fall, ;~ltilo tha-hmu+-will+l+~mall and l~r-amlltu is* to Wtnlor qaatiare gt*~l eel,Jonas for diso.e. 7t-ff’thT]//it tlm-0r’t~[,y’lsras~e-10-q(5 thdr pig, rokmqt lergu ovfr the wb~b lmm. Th* tveult is, the pig~ do wall, but Out they went but’foondn’06d~2 ."’ roi~gh roads," said Su.ds. nlso larns to a us~:fu . " Why, toin’thcre [" said Old lhrry, in .... ariid6 which hus bec;++ nnnmtlly,wasted,evlden’t dls.nmy. ". - exclaimed Qark/ . . even utaong ~hat-T~d~i~d~g-6oll ..... ~ot-a-s~t for+cera, + " n,ustha;/o.dreaiued]L Factis, slow, e,:cr sdddonly;~eomiTc:t~:~.. ;’~ly; Where mealis.not tu be ibad,+andthe since you got ’neeulated with.spiritualism wagou’u"broke d n"- "’ es-,+ sten’utingel,lUlratus, or Inlge boiliegkettle your wii£havebeen wandering.’*’.ell, o* pounds--.,,, and’I[., mdst.. .I ~ve palos"’.. : ’" " ±~- Get=lhe_splrtte to takait beck¯ p, It Ul|Swcr~r. y0U know ’era old friends of yours--ain*t to mix. sliced rools~-lurni the night bcfbre ; ................... I)arsldllS, tCgo., withihe rhott cut ’to,hlor. ht.~isied th.t uoi+ody ~¢otdd bo.lhol Imoltgh they?" to qleal suoh n’lond on such n omit and "lh, hal" ro¯rod everybedy~ ’" Best straw eutteru have thoroughly I,erformed Ihcir wotk.--Rnr,] Antcr~eun. .A. "l>rltot loill Joko. Formt, r Ihtrry Slow houeht n while lead itt Iho rily,, wuigldng 1,(8~0, pem,ds, hl, d it IlUt into his wogon, and drove out wilhit to his house, three tulles dhtant, h we. winter, There was no snow on Ihtl glonnd~ nodlho road~ were unasu h,lo eorruEationa olnloot os ]mr.d aa stone. Sot!h II roadand such ¯ 10ad, nn’a ~tlnging etJ]d I,ight, were a cevcro trlu] to farmer, I,orsc, atai wagml ; but ncilher go’co.out till.[u~i ns Slow reached the gate, and then tho gate, drove hnrsound.wogmt lit, ao,I wailed till utnrnlt,g fur h,’ll*, While Sl,*w was thawing’ hhtars, hands, and toes, nnd wondering vvl,~alher there was ntorofresi lit ntoonlighl thnudnrknum~, nnnlher o’.o horso w~gon drove aloeg.~ ’l’hl. tmellllned ihrne aclllmintunees id l,is --.brant ],,rk. llall M.rk.nnd Tent Q*tirk -on’their way holno Io It village scvun ndl0s lurlhor front Ihc chy. Th, Yhad nit hmd.hl the wogen t.aVe~’llUt W0S "asidet,f t hotnsc]ves--elSvo’ral lusds ul ’* heavy wet," whhdl t|tey hull ,tnkcn ht st sundry Invsrns" ou Iho rond Io prevent the tuonulight Slant et rlking" tl) t heir ere¯Ins"e, ]|ot n~tuntlig!tt, WbQn 1(skcn very eohl, Ima nu hth]¯hmlhtg elF, mr as nny Inhhti~ht sleighiog-lmrly will lest yO0. Jt nffeClUll lhls parly e three, nn,I cx~lh, d Iheir hunu,rona prlq,e,,.[ll0a. tt tt lhdlo I eril, d ’L’l,nl Quirk ,1 ¯s -ho splod the tm.k all while lead nutsido Slow’a gato ; *’ |u?rt+’s a gU I" Jl*~q*t l.urk rctgned ht lhc heros*. ’* No go, YnU ahnnhlsay, Ohlllarryloh| nte hn was guh,g Io I,alnt hta In*u.c,n.d hc’s been fOOl enough to hny eltO lht*umtnd pounth In do I, wLth I 8.ntul.,dy ha. hrnt+hl it, ahd Icll If or hhu in roll hr. h’il’be e hard tug Ior ihe old urn¯, blupp’oaa w0 tako the Jltb ttlf hi. Itgnda" ¯ " What I lloll that.li0~y ~askup thut rongh ctrriago,way theTd~7~lhl niKht?1 wuuldn’t do{t for my grandfather, let aiUllO Old Ihrry," "Didn’t mean that, °’ enid l,utk, wink. lng m0rrlly. *’We can Moohim the troohle by Just taking it into this wag,¯ and carr~ilt/h to our vii"go. Otd Harry ’a ¯ spiritual"t, ¯ud ho’ll think thn gpiritn did it," --. And t~a aphlt*d~L~..~mre--ou~ull h.-+J I it hsdeel beoo.lor the aplrhl they wt, uhlu’t "lr$~e- ntm-t her potato4 seth rpTamlcal-J~k-e u catryioi !ucb ¯ wrightasv¢¯ m]lua, Ovuf a reugh IOld, in Iho *+’vl,l. /Jut |,y iha atd ."1’11 toil youwlta~it is, Slow; if you havo u ca++k ol white lead, aud it. is re. nirk, here¯ is. medium. Just we go in nndhavea sittlog, end see if the splrlta will loll hhnwhere ti,o cesk o!’ whho lead ix ot the present ntomcnt.’* " Best why ht alto wor]dl" ~id Slow, cheering up ; nndsoon they were nil four ~eotodnround a ’tablet cmnpaHng flogcr- nailo: und-allera soleota silonca of.about A~’e animates. Tom Quirk’e oycs eloped, .he n-hi~eltoi~vitb- vpirlla woro Slittetzing the gas out ot h[ut I)et,+re m;~ering’ his body to peaess him; arid soonIt. lips begon to move. ** 1 on+ the spirit of yo,tr. Unolo. Plato l"n ]~e,’ whlsl~red Quirk. trot. +’ To oddto his "flTorrificatloo, Old Harry engaged for a fuueral., except Lurk .inshted on ol his, sayfng he ’l he farmer stood staring ,ilene0, enci~ tw~ttettt Iooklnginore gloomy, when suddenly hu became’frlsky again end began to lauglt’ hysterically. ¯ In laughed longand loudly, boutov0r, p’ut hls hands to his sides, gro~ed us if in Us" his eonvul- si0ns al,pcarcd to grow more crowd stared apd ~aid that this trcuhh_had net htm cr~)zy. The grocer shookhh head eudl~gave htta a drink ’to braoe hia wenk n,’rvea. " ehhpugh we entertain eoa~ how much Ovil only. n"d it ahd ih¯t is:pernicious, impairit/g the health and ¯ thorteniog the:life.¯" .Ou the. othor’ hand, -the:add’Goatee:of smoklog ¯ndohewiugtake _t~ebuJ! .by the\’h0t0ph/md’iun-deri+ake ti/ pbydology, for~, repairs cerebral, weate,’and prolongs llfe. We shall not tako part in grounds who hay0 not form~ the habit of, uelngto- b/co0from everle¯rolng to ¯ + ,-: ’* ;~.’e I~ lhat’equeeel’-* ,aid Old--flurry i his n~olc." " is that an?" ~ahlLurk ; ’* t]tett I’ln u I~c i0ver iu Htiriluali~m rigitt offl I never ~een the ht, ut, ol ii I" " Died ,)f h~ckJsw-rtnt a nocdlo into hint --but this is nolhing to what yuuwill bear, aodtleo I I(tO, lh, rc Iho Inhlotiplmdtoward Mark, who s,tl tqqtlmito Quirk. "l)oe’t do that. again," said Mark iu+ Lurk, *’ 1 li,lu t doit saidI,urk. ,! ,at l’he spirit did It, of eour.+~, said Slow, with a eonlhlont slnilo. ’* llarkl lie’s ~ayi,lg eOlne’thlhs," ,t L’v0 Iironght theao lhrooanon Itero to prover the truth et Slllri(utllmu to Ibetu," whispered Qttlrk (the s|drit), huarsely, il’thn el,Iris has eon+o whhout nu overcoat, hild lnk0n ¯ severe cohL " Lwillshowyou whcro the e¯ek i.t" |lore Quirk bout over the luldo at,ll moved his right hnnd norvou~ly In and fro, aa tl its the act ol’ Wl’[llng, ¯ "lly Ihunth~r ho wnnls paper end pcu. ell t5 wriloh,outl’* said I/lowprullucJng t Iltmu_arLIclcs" Q~lrk acized thcl’n, aetl connnsnocd fu. rlnuely, itt a bald Itaod, front right tt) left, ucd~lmtldenly alOllped, sta0nltittg bh foot flsro~ly npau Lhe lurmer’s ioO--IlnJ,thco awekn Iremt hi, tmucn I ** What hM ho writ?" asi,I 810W, ecaX" ing hla tee. "llurn L bees wHdngT" *aid Quirk, nfleeting great aurpr{m, end helplughim. ~,lf to bnndy in r~palr tbc streln ¯Ira¯ hie faonhle~k "l~oke Iikcit," aatd l,urkl "hut I "Don’t take onso, old It’s u iit il~ I~r,,;~.; ~-~o~ o~ sell’, lluw du yon ft’*.[ now ?" "Fccl[" cried Slow el’ralghln[ug Up. " I feel beautifully, I ¯over loll so fun~ before in nil uty ]ilo. U tt I* Futmylwh~t lor? inqu[red’thothree J0ker~. + " What for? iteasott enouglt ; becaeae [ end tnY wile hesrd you slop at our gate ]uot nixltt, heard ull you said, raw you tug, nnd straht at tltst cask--yes, and euw you drh’n off with it-of cour.e we oouh|u’t be mt cruel as to Hmii )’oil ~ practical JokoT-O nol--hal hal--lt~ dclcrednod to nlako you bTidg It hndWto the very phco you teok it frnol I" , ’ **The douse you dldl" crled all three looking blank. "(l yea we did, Good’Joke wnm’tIL [ld,.llal ~V Ivl0.1t~ bngk, or IIqy Ior_t0dttg it, *Jr be arrested--ha, ha, h¯ I" ,, ,i iis, Its, hal now eoheed the crowd, at Ihl, turn,it itS’ ibo LehiGh." Old Slow is noteo slow slier ailx~’ ** The uld hyuun l" oxelaimu~t Lurk grit. tlng Itla~t.llt. . "SlOel,y.heuded old wcmell"growled Mark, l’h,t ever 1 should be ttkcn ht by a gray.heudt~l, Sllirituel aid heUlon I" greta. ed Tmu Quirk. t, Found It In Irent nf Sands* the ire~r, didn’twc~’* repealed 81ow,**’~ea. and mu.t curry it back to llarry Slaw, hhak imilladu¯. It is euapish trick. ~Boyera- volt against boyhood, n¯d think’ they ate men when old enough to copy the faut’.a 0t an imperfect manhood~ Theynre very opt to ©rawl into manhood through th¯ dirty door oi vice, + ," ’ ,," h ma~ be said Ihet, though’ there Is ¯o natural ¯ cravingfO~J u¯y partiouhr* drug, like to,ace,, yet l¯ a highly ett~flced ¯tats of ~’oioly me¯ Grave atimulenta~ and that tobacco, alcohol/ eto.I if used ~th rigid nrodcrsl!¯n, adapt themeelvgs as urtlfl~l supp|ice to en artifloial Wttpt. . " That men living under the hlgh~ egelb Ing contlit|ong of n~oderu eodety needcur. taln slim¯Is¯aa,’ we erenot d[al~kgl tOde n,v. But in ~electlttg o¯o should avoid tho~e ioh ere po~ulkr~ liable to ebeae, and o¯iploy thorn whiG" ~experieoce has shown to bo safe, Tea tad ’~ffeo aromm.~lstlm. ulonts. Thoyure¯otdegeuoratlug. What. ever u.e tobacoo and wine are ellegod to have in repalrius earvous wasteS~ tee and coffeewill gerve in like m¯¯¯er, without the te.tptai]¯¯a Io exeeee wh|vb io w|th tinge more v[o[ont drug(5. ~. The hsblt of ualug Iobasoo le~t.mcm to vul&¯rh~. I do apt by toy m~m overs pser ot’tobscho’il vulgar, or’~hkt ¯ ver~ ¯no who I/etakea himadf to it will, of ¯ ceeml~, beceme vulger; el I~, ucem of tcb¯o0o Itow i¯dlffnrent t the feelings bl othelm, karl hebltmdly k~l imd¯udtmht

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Post on 01-Sep-2018




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these wlmt I u¯w tell

c for-whan-the"’a begin to heat. ISeaweed Tonic and Mandrake

t b* freely Used to ~leanse thn stomitokand JiVer,.oo that the Pulmnnlo Syrup and thefood will make " "

Wills aet.uall *bslzuetlant

s see¯ reEevedand thn ll~er" ... ,- . _ .

ingreat eare~l

" nti~gtart th ..... ties,TO AH :W& ~chenor. ~,dr,k. Wlll..

¯ " Taste tl a g,nUn stimulantand slteratlv.~ aud the alkali in the Seaweed. ". Set ~xp at Short Notice¯which thi0+prupor*llou ie made of, a,sl.ta the

he I + H’ammontOn Fr’~|t ~eRle- ltomanhtothrowo¯tthogeotroJn~tOd|llOlro " +the beatinducementa ereoffered th’~fandwlththoPulmouleSyrup, anditiommlo T]’N+ ~JO~,~][~::~ AI~’~)

terms in the moat in,theiSt° goodstomneh.blood without fermentation.., or co¯ring.Sheet Iron ]YJ[alsnfaetnrer,r climate, with ’sJelana do eel anr~ ~amd Dealer to all kldds of Wi.t~w Olat*, .~bre,


~b+.iuuli.. ........

Packed In begs ef~00 pooud|_oeeh .......D!KON,~II~ItPLE~S & CO.,

AGENT8¯$9 South Water and 40 S*uth}Wharvo|,


.’ .."-Fo~l*ebyWM REYKOLDS."70 South Slroet,

And by.dealers generally throughout theseus-

, For InfnrmaSou address Henry Bower,PhSo.

Zmprovementa"J ++,oy.:Fruit Jars. +

the treatment of the me,,

Storenull " " ,oral ussortu~en of Tin Ware, t

+ " J’e. ~.Gutters’-¯*td Leeder~ patu. :,. _ 1, : . . . - , ~ It II a snarl Ipl~vcnffV~fi~mlel

S : lusldtnt to thll unreal- . . ,

" + Ifa ixtreon hasoon~ptioe,ofeouree th’e longs In wast of a good 8ewlugMafhloe,"" + .... " - in soma, way am dDnased, either tubercles,~l b.+. cloth

purehar~ nlo’~ey is ~leewhere. We elalm Inen~*~ the

.... The.+ Soil ......

Ii ¯ marionmixed all



~itabh for

provezdent o~’er at othe., t e s itch i, la]/ro e a~.In much cues what must be dt~n’e?, I& ale, alike on both ~idea efthe fabric, almost noise, the

l~ma hoe-looking tad sptrlte~ hor.e~not.only the lungs that are wasting, but it ia leas, stmple la con,traction, i~ not liable to get - + " +~Thestomachandltv+rhaveleat ~Tt/tofrepair. Uai’ingarerer.iblefeudenab]ing TokeeI~Crs,~fC~.+hts~rn- aw, snylcadnl] poytlu wholhlout of food. Now the the operutor~ to atltch, ell,ca~ to the right or/eft,~ ties Is Invaluable.- It’ta a lure pro. Tt!R~, s.t L*:..r Usa%Dr. 8chenok’s.three media nt pleasure. " .. : ’ venOveaaalnst ino4e~,l~ollow tents.¯ S¯ B. ROWLEY+"which will briGS np a tone to the’-stan~aeh,

~ Item, etc. It I,M b~m p~ven b7adelphla, l’a.the poUeetwlll bogle to want food, it will digest HAKI~O FOUR DIFFEREST 8TITCIIE$. actual experiment to Increase the

orally and make good blood ; then the ¯patient Leek+ Ix’not, Double Lock gqd Dou+’le f~’fior, quanUty ef milk add rntam twenty " 3lay.27,1869. "¯ ’per t~-’at, asul sulks.the bue~r’arm N.n. Peppl¢ bnylng~nd.uslug the "harrow.begins to gain in 8uh, and aa loon am the body Fall] ~t ~d IweeL In fattening canto, it ed Stason." " Franklin Dexter," ,’ Deter ’ " nedI~gl’~l to grow, the lungs ccmmenco to hell up, than can be done by n.y other Sewing lmmms their hide, and Imaacs "Slat" Jars, for keeping fruit, ate alto liable forand the patient gets fie,by and well¯ This is the The Floreoee i~ Licensed.and parties ~dfri,fge~eut__- ....... : -o1~ way to cure Consumption. + " In an Stl’~luel of Swine ~ouahl.~qem tn The llero¯ Gem mad All-~ilhtlmr~qWhen thePe tl uo Inng ̄ disease and All mael, it, e~ sold sre -ilaye outside, shoulders for the rubbere to restComp|alnt and Dyopeptia, pt In repairapes, thereby avoiding 11.8 eo~alngin eGo*not withTooto and blandrulm Pills ar* sudsiest:with*mr ,and’anyone purchae.

the Pulse, is ~yrup.- Take the Mandrake Pills eatlsl , eta return them by eatedeel~U~llyprlve~te~ tills the’fruit. Eaiy to 8cal. Easy to Open. Forfrmly in uU billions tomplaln+s,-an they el*t pru; for the use or them, - bin; In tlm~b’ I tier’rain prcvengl~ ~ pale to the trade byfoettyharmleru., of ktnd~ mamf~rth~HoeCholer~g S.B. ROWLEY,. Dr, e~Jnyed unlnternr.ted " " "

’ely laot stage of l’ulmona~hy.lclane herin

for the ¯sale of the BlektordKnittieg blaehtne, ao improven~nt

|’rice ~;0, IX liberal di.count to the

by the aforusn d reed c uea,and*ineehtareeovery FOSTER L’RICIIAEDR0.~. Gen. Agents,and they are ;,;any thousand| elmliarly nffruted haveeaed Dr. . 505 Itr.udwny~ ~New York8ehenek’s preparation with the s,me remarkable

_1151 Wa~,hinKl*n Ft. l]oslon.4[i2-success. PUrl directimoq ec¢omp&ny

,o markets.


¯ " " - ~romtwo+hundred_to fi~’e

married people, eald. "D¯t ar’

advice most be addresled.~lS gi~sJtdrioe free..buLfor Lthornuationlwith hie Respirometer" abe0~oe h0uro from 9 A. ~. "to 3’t’. u"

Pries of the Pulmenio ~ymp and ~eawced Tenifi~eneb ~1,50 por hurtle.or 7.50 ahi|f-d,q~Mandrake Wills ~ cents a box. Wor ~ale

,Ca i6-1


r f¯mHy sewing,

~ome new and p¯rtioulariy

8,, tJrom Engla.d: and" +,n Uge~’gYt¯bliahed in thet city for the importstiou ofthem. The’agent sta~s Lbat h c bee receiv-ed.JnstrU~ions to order £rom Uhina lO0 tonsOf thio+p~!dm, s0d to follow thisorder up’bx~egulur invoices hereafter ; al.~ that ho bas,ben requested by his employers to order~th~-~hi’~/ilm’e~’a:l~ge- q~antily~f~the~

n[a larmers to cul-tlvate it;’besauseit isabout tobecume alca~iog new

fibre hQ there isencourage-

But why ~hould nOt’the At lande~tates, ~ndindeed, the Southern Stales generally, un-

....... ~ertakel the cultivation-o( .t-ltis’.¯PfautY"/If

Louisiana, Why ca++ it n6L bo r,i’d~ Alabama end 3Iis~i~iPl,i? Itlaa veryhardTp~]uni~.=Th~-e~eku far~rs:s~y thatit alan& draught suprislngly, and th*t thes:6ot~will 6~/bo i~jmedby GUy Wioter fros~which are likely to visit California Gad olher

.. States’in the race parallels of latltudo/The ehtef difficulty in talcing irts found inthe i¯toase heat of the South, which pro-vaik-betweetie.~ttlng time and tl/e "now

wither under continued exposure to theBut this is P that can b~ oh-

ingenuity of our planten iwill soonthem. The folhwi~g are raid to be ̄ mona

wiil~ the euhiva-

.chea ..... ,. a.d it will

in length of wear and in the great varietyto which it-is ’upplicahloi/


it will, by rather rapid advance~’ effectgr~i-~d ~r/die~lYH~gea i¯ : the stylca of

¯ re peaked, the barr~lg maYbe’placed i.rotation’ of ~!0rs uboil~ithe ~om in" which

are kept. ’.The berrele maybe set on

ptece&.~r~oss the top "of .the bars’sis sixinches high an’d laying beards 9ithe pieces to set the berrelaon. The spacebetween¯ the barrels will make it ¯convenientfur taking 0ut the potatoes aa+ needed, andWiQ give-venii]qtion to each barrel as/thepota~tocs n,UBt be uncovered !t th top ~1the barrel tbr the hcaicd air to escapu.


room where the potatoes are Io be kept,sod the st~vo should sol in the middle of

kep/. them Iron+ October 6p to the atiddlc

I~y healing the room with aconnectiuIres .tha atove~of-tlie kitchen into=s drutnel" tho ehautber, ,whioh is s good’ way whena chum .bei. can be hod lot. such n purpo~o,

be mode sUflibieotly- warns with-aIlilte cont~ccic~ frem the ~tov6 of the hitch"

"The-ronm should not be exposed totoo much light--liave it darkened wkh cur;tainfriCihewitidown, butit would be’era|tl6 not to keep thee+ in aL.oomwiudow;40d .the n6rth and’weatlsi~rooms. - , ." ¯

The tLnlperature of warmth in the room,hould be from seventy.five to eighty." de-

so as tb keep them warm to+dry iu the

room be cool, (thouch u0t feel chilley,)theywill become damp and wet; and being keptia dais,chilled, cold, Wet state, they willnot keep, hence mUSt be kept in a

ore the gramtad wni ̄ the*ground is yea colt; with 0t-tare’s roetora,+uodiaturbed ;. the resultis

been *o6capiodby his roOts/seance last talh By n littlnoegligenoe,* he.bee lost his paaturo’for :theKreoier panof the’ sea~u.. .’" Io case of n6,pasture, I edmmence feed-ing hogs green o¯is as soon ns it is ’trillouough to in0W,and conLinue it iill "afth/’hurvest, They thrlvo much better fed that

:. coiu-t ben- with

n~onllt. Coarse hay,+mude [rom. swemp~l’n.’~, nrid-straW, the botts of cornstalks,and Wrlous other articles, wh ch -nearlye~’ prodnces..eontsln ntoro or. ]e~s"nultilivo properiics, nndare available forfood, Th~ prnctice of Ioddorintbese artideiiu ih,~i/-erudo alato, er seat-tering t +cm on the ground from the stack~’ard, cotupeliing the animals t~s cnt: theutor starve, is wrolehcd policy. They wouldonfs~,.r an iafinitcly better purpose for bedding or manure. " ¯ "," The ]~e-qt nnd dn]~, t~ne i0]an of renderingthe nl~i’e named article*vnluahle as Iodder

ring them up as fitiob’ as possible., acd tltcr,

with the cut teed, by wliich monns nearlythe whol0 of it will bc eaten ; the courseparts glvtns bldk to the food, and the fi’herparts furnishing ciotlr~shmeat. The pro-

,ow hat to J¯son Lurk ; his jam-

ulrk 7


beants as they rodn.along a¯d~imoglned Iconsternation of Old Harry when ho shoulddiscover tho 16as. Bat it proved no lightgmn to thedi, for before tl roe weary maleshad be6?/~mpllshsdbulked, stood still, + add in sph~ Of beatingand+ eehxidg, twlte’hln+g ¯rid ’p’ash;ng,’ re-tus~d Jotan h0ur’to move on~ At iast.ihe

HuM+red.’ .... t,onco upwdrk of the derail raid 81ow’s cousin Bill’s ¯ house,",i I¢~ eli the ¯ ’ ....

,ioea]y !-’,That~: left-hande~,,baek- aucl then come

oats, and ho condeseudcd to proceed t’o theeltli’0f hi8 journdy+ at W~lich:J-~hey R-rT+iv~dabeut~ mid.lght; all tltreoquitc,benumbed.

home, res0’vcd to make the

Next:morni_ng, on lhcir way to the sit_y,they halted at 81ow’a house, went:in, endwere surprised to find hito~quiie as cheer-tul ds usuul.+ IIc Was evidently not yetawaro of his loss.

"~Iorniu,’ Old tlarry. Heord-you wnn~oing to pd nt your Jtnu~ white, and didnot know but might have morepaint tha’n you could use; uod if .you" badYba !adght+ scll us. soniC, to’ .save" Us thetrnubld of going clear to tho’eity, as we aregu ng:10 do a little pointing up our way."

"Well I did buya Cask of ¯lead ycster-

--ell some at n piuch. 1tow much- wouldt?"

’* W~!.wontlgln: w~ut iu the. neighbOr,hood of ,,bOut uigu on’t0 h~,lf a’.cask, it "it’sreal bang up white lead, aud not too high.Suppusey.oulet the know where it is. I

and_bad_spixits.~ I_+havo~no=doubt ~+omeovil spirits bedivilcd that ’ere ~ask:of Iosdaway up to"Sai+ds.’ i + and+that -this

tal~giho:llm;t-ehance.~- tell

ride to tho village, .t O determine the ’truth

,they rode ̄thither, L~xrk offered, to bet teu’cents it weathcre ;_~lark.said_he h6.w0uld_llavo notliing to do with witchcraft; Qdirkwas non-eommiit~l’; and Old Harry fro-qucntly~repeated with great solemnity themysterlohn rcvo]ati0¯ : . 1 :

You’ll flqd it iu front of Saudo’, the grocer,"

¯ ~’Aod+ there it is t." .:cn~l Old Harry,clapping his bends, as the wagon drove upto. th~ grocery, nnd all hastily align.ted withexpressions’of wonder. "Thislsmycagk;add now what do you think of the spirits?"

the astooishmeut of a crowd of gapers, wht*

came to he:there.- " . ~ ’ :.?* I think they must have bee¯ evil spit-

its,Old Harry, to haveptayed you suoh a" exclaimed Lurk. ’

imHfa~ in freezing weather and u~rUto¯the vcry place where I wanied it." L "

.P How?" crid .the toasted o¯ea i "i

bought Lhet caek of white lead lnrmy cous-Jn_Bill.~and ngreed~oAeli~ er-it =t o-h~;

room mu~t hsve air--’ huve a’wi.dow }raid and enabling

the anintais to dijest them moreshould be Polled np, .is n0i ee impor.. Tho staining of food is becoming a. moro

time ¯ ̄

is beat then to keep’the .room.+.+’d,lrk,+with tenlicn to the preparalion of the~o oddsnot too-much-

cask--for it’s peaty p ondtf.:reus, you tony

undc~taudf: the :mis~-h~ef; :- uud

were ridicule the old sou I~T his

: . Women of New York:the eeas0n’; they are l

Th. aud’the same night or next_morale, vnuUlnt~L J0 iu the market

Addrudrl 1at New Yorkyork.--~l-$-=


~0rr~Davi~’ ]~in Killer, half mile+ £rom the° over Gee and-a-s ~e fo~owlng from thl FroTtdan0o Ad- °


_~.uoatl~l~nt~smsur~toprwall, vver~bod.YJ..h.ould lamild and delightful ihe wioter~Im nl~lm.lly iopplltdwlth Parry Dark’ Vegetable out-doer work can be

met is no wartner iu the north.lm for a dot’s oaeardon or ̄ Irlp to ggrolat, Pereot)s wanting n ehen~e for health wJlJ

’’" : -- [I ~d j ~~ j ¢#ndldou to pl~ee their hands on be satisfied here--the mtldomm of the at a m0m~nt’a w,rut"It. J~ny dl~amm Inei- son¯

t b’" long beenthe summer

health. No ~Jimmm.¥¯von iu this section.

and i,dee,t all i,url,n,esfired. It nJ~s ight needle, Pd)NTA|~T’~O

alGOl Uot |ell’Inn dress of Ihe operalor, and ¢o Every Eh,d of Butincs~. and Ionianot’ require to i,o lak~,t aparl I,, ho . led It of the I’eioni+ not i.j.rcd by +being’turne+i backwerd, and " ]Yf FR,~NKT,IN CII.~M]3ERT.AI.Y,i% Ihercforn, fiat¯liable to be put nut.of order by .... Of Ihe Untied Sh|e, Dar.childrenor Inexl,erleneed persuti~. It ia made "There sue i.mkofthekhldw vhwllltakeinthemolt thor,alan lUanoer~ el the ",,st material, rank wilh it for autheuFurbcnutyande~ce vnce¢ff~t teh,for*trengl , ©oraple+ene~."--.~firil, nel~, at,d du (,f seam, fnr Thi~ Is the only


quaniilles, re aa to Im eoro of "lmving Iherequshe stock ulwayaou hand, has beenone reason why they have turned their et-IcnVio¯ Io this Ch~n:i grnp’J,,st now, nndare drawing Ilto attention el the worh[ toit, The nrtioh it~ell ia nat now aa u tnalo-rlal Ior teslilo JabrJes+ l,’il~y yeir~ ngq,su ranter 0oat~ made ef ii wereknown underthe n,me of sca-gra~.

and,’behtr0 criimlitfe canto inin In,hiGh, i.... : ....... Was ttl~drpttr [adli,s’-hklrls.--1~’or- ~:t,.r++ p:i~t

certain lhvnrho .lyh’s’of ’gO,,ll+ have heelltna~o in I’.’urolte hY inl(siltg Chinu grlt~.sWilh word .nd w]lh ~ilk, as Ihey d. now i.

....... t hil,a--and-Jol~an~ll’ut~ |t~.~do,e_rea~olLor other, gmlbl ~UllilnPr e(utlP~have di~uppoart~tl’ frnut’ Iho n;arkel, r Ih,,fa.iti,ln Ita~ changcd, nell le,rha1~s, lhontgnuf,,oturerg Ihcnt+clv’ea wilhthew Ibisartieh front the market bccuo,e tltert~ wn*too much wear lu’it, It waa well knownabet Its gloss was I)erltmnoot, and that Jtre~embhd fine I +,on it: les ture and ~mo]i*o~,but, apparently [t would last tornvor, ,Pate-a[bly too~ the p¯reba~rs got tired of wc,+r.Ing It, as ia Imt tlnfre~u0ntly the case withrogeud it) other Iong.oudur[ng texl]lea,

Th(sro sro ~vorai verlctlea of l{¯mlo=-aword I,y the way, whlnh is not to Ibund InWobstcr’a i)iothmary, allhuttgtt .the planth~.a.~en Jn use for’ leatlh Ikhrhm morethan" fifty year., and hl Asis Ior hulnhrllsol years It la called itt centlnon ImrlntlCOChln¯-grass sltd sea.grasa, Tho |Pronch callit Ar#~ el+ bt Chin*.-.. Its belanhv~l tmtnasere ~/rtlot Nil, ra ̄ nd Urt;e,, (’It,tar/eatS,S.two diatluqt ;varieties of the epmn plant ;in¯| ll,te*l,t+l~in tenl+/~balt, whhdt hot lathe ~oisntiOo nSl¯e givon to l~ntio, on se,oount of Iho toughne~ of its fihro, intl [.Ihe .ep©~los now oitlllvaled i, ’l’exua ’J’hcI~tUto ’*/Lash" Is ut’hldlan origlu, II I.enid thl~t ]laittle co¯nul be rnbod uu idanta¯tions trout seed, Itetmu~o the haler ia Ionre.ell and delicate ler fhld cull¯re, and re.quires finely droucd gnrlle¯ beds fl, r properdevoloilment- The id¯t~t meat I~ abedon phntalluus̄ hunt oulthtgk .itd reels,The flr,t crop for g¯pl) outl|ng.and root, Ior Ihe Ilest, ,ndcerml, soils willyield thl~ Crelm el 600 to 1000 pouudswright por ̄ ere. The raw fibre Is worthtou ¢~nta |lu gold) per pound, ̄t pmacnt

" i/d~//~PAg,/; "L~dgii;, ........................

i¯ Ibo early Imrt of lummer, Eslher

bdd upou the lrou¯d dudug the liuter,sod crrc¯d them in tbc sua to dry, an4

pirs,-(thc tltne allowed ~r the uew, I swh:: process, tho lemperatur6

becomee impot~taot t

will.nbt bear a k/wer to;degrce, wi~.hout injltry.

’J"ue time for kceping" sweot pbtntoes in swarm room generally expirca+ about’=thc,nid,lle of April; but they ~r, be kept andbe.good up to ihe first +of Oetobep, when

third week of April remove thepotatoes lrmn the whrm room’lo a cool dry


rooont.’ The roop~ stunt be cool in ’whichthey are (o be kept; Ior. il kept in awarmreom dutieg ih3 warn, monlhs, the pnta.I~)es will sprout and bcconte I-il ty tVi I dry,’wh to, nlreeks tl rough.lln m and in cooso.qucnee are, not good, lint when keut in hnod. dry roont, as ] Itavo stated, thoy willI~+goed, as 1 have had thont eo, and tokeep np to Iho tirol o| October, whloh is ihs

ILogM. I q [

Many ef our lartners do not know tbci,nl,nrnl,,i vn{ue of Erass aa let’d for;’+tt le.~t ono w*,nhl thlnk ~t+ wh,qt I i~cir hogs

ill ,moll yatd~, or ut huet ou rely

isPIiIlly pnMortt. |"arnlors who kl O,W tllO

re01 vahlo all SilO, fated, wou],l n.~,Onlt lhhlk.f l.i.lng catl!c, and t,t~kins milk o.d bul.ter, hy Ioetlh,g Iheir slack grain nlone ihtr.illg the Phi,hi euutulcr, na Io tun]Grinds It)r.i~o hogs atnl nlnko the tlttelltc+m I,rnttls.hic wllhoul n gt+ud mtpl*ly t*l gr¯.s’, I luu,t~uy lbet st,illS men stoke pork with littlet,rno gra~, nlltl |hid it Inoro prulliuhh Ihunmtlling Iht,ir gruin ; bul if IhtT Wl,ttld rabulurer uorn slld Inore grass, lie, Jr net ’pl’llfilSw+mhl bn tw.~or three dnlhr, Io nee Olhcr,wish, and eta ntnch lope cn~l ol I,ber.

You will I’requently sen hrgn 5elds pamhro duttod all orcr wllh eutth.,trhen on tho siting ravin Iho hugs ore in

mn*]l yurds, ckiog out a pour nxislcnuo ondrx e*,rtt. 11 tim OWltCr knew that if theSalllO antenna .f gross ~,ltsttmed hy n s0mllIn,rtlnn nf hi, cattle, was glwn lu hL. lag.,the Itrelllnun Iho letlur would be Lw,r touno on Ills rornwr, you would t~rlahlly t~¢oa It’f, qlU, lie wtmhl put his hogs on i~as-tttre Inlnlollletcly, if he hod to dlspeac t,l’a Imrh el hh cattle in order Io du so.

A gou,I .npld~ ol ErnM for hrectler, l.olnldOhl Vatlle, Tbey should be put ne IreS.iuro’two ur iltreo weeks bofnro btel’di.gthnc, na It iuerea*nk the milk Iteglly.lira.odors, ~ut ̄ go~xl supply of £ra~, wilh.nlne 0oru, will trot unly rut~hl th0ir flrahbet Kruw unnthlually, end be eaeliy flUenedIn the lull or winter, wf~ilo the itiga wLll I,elarge and hcahhy, st,d their growl. ~111not be checked dorhtg the wlulor.

|f breeders with their pig, emtfincliio areal! ~arth duri*tK the omottter, and/edun grain .loGo, it will ts~e Iwo Of Iho h,r- :mer to nmke a ,hadow iu the Fall, ;~ltilotha-hmu+-will+l+~mall and l~r-amlltu is*to Wtnlor qaatiare gt*~l eel,Jonas for diso.e.7t-ff’thT]//it tlm-0r’t~[,y’lsras~e-10-q(5 thdr pig, rokm qt lergu ovfr the wb~blmm. Th* tveult is, the pig~ do wall, but

Out they went but’foondn’06d~2 ."’ roi~gh roads," said Su.ds.

nlso larns to a us~:fu . " Why, toin’thcre [" said Old lhrry, in ....ariid6 which hus bec;++ nnnmtlly, wasted, evlden’t dls.nmy. ". -

exclaimed Qark/ . .

even utaong ~hat-T~d~i~d~g-6oll ..... ~ot-a-s~tfor+cera,+ " n,ustha;/o.dreaiued]L Factis, slow, e,:cr sdddonly;~eomiTc:t~:~.. ;’~ly;

Where mealis.not tu be ibad,+and the since you got ’neeulated with.spiritualismwagou’u"broke d n"- "’ es-,+

sten’utingel,lUlratus, or Inlge boilieg kettle your wii£ have been wandering.’*’.ell, o* pounds--.,,, and’I[., mdst.. .I ~ve palos"’.. : ’" "±~- Get=lhe_splrtte to takait beck ̄p, It Ul|Swcr~ r. y0U know ’era old friends of yours--ain*t

to mix. sliced rools~-lurni the night bcfbre ; ...................I)arsldllS, tCgo., with ihe rhott cut ’to,hlor. ht.~isied th.t uoi+ody ~¢otdd bo.lhol Imoltgh they?"

to qleal suoh n’lond on such n omit and "lh, hal" ro¯rod everybedy~ ’" Best

straw eutteru have thoroughly I,erformedIhcir wotk.--Rnr,] Antcr~eun.

.A. "l>rltot loill Joko.

Formt, r Ihtrry Slow houeht nwhile lead itt Iho rily,, wuigldng 1,(8~0,pem,ds, hl, d it IlUt into his wogon, anddrove out wilh it to his house, three tullesdhtant, h we. winter, There was no snowon Ihtl glonnd~ nod lho road~ were unasu

h,lo eorruEationa olnloot os ]mr.d aa stone.Sot!h II road and such ̄ 10ad, nn’a ~tlngingetJ]d I,ight, were a cevcro trlu] to farmer,I,orsc, atai wagml ; but ncilher go’co.outtill.[u~i ns Slow reached the gate, and then

tho gate, drove hnrso und.wogmt lit, ao,Iwailed till utnrnlt,g fur h,’ll*,

While Sl,*w was thawing’ hh tars, hands,and toes, nnd wondering vvl,~alher therewas ntoro fresi lit ntoonlighl thnu dnrknum~,nnnlher o’.o horso w~gon drove aloeg.~’l’hl. tmellllned ihrne aclllmintunees id l,is--.brant ],,rk. llall M.rk. nnd Tent Q*tirk-on’their way holno Io It village scvunndl0s lurlhor front Ihc chy. Th, Y had nithmd.hl the wogen t.aVe ~’llUt W0S "aside t,ft hotnsc]ves--elSvo’ral lusds ul ’* heavy wet,"whhdl t|tey hull ,tnkcn ht st sundry Invsrns"ou Iho rond Io prevent the tuonulight Slantet rlking" tl) t heir ere¯Ins"e, ]|ot n~tuntlig!tt,WbQn 1(skcn very eohl, Ima nu hth]¯hmlhtgelF, mr as nny Inhhti~ht sleighiog-lmrly willlest yO0. Jt nffeClUll lhls parly e three,nn,I cx~lh, d Iheir hunu,rona prlq,e,,.[ll0a.

tt ttlhdlo I eril, d ’L’l,nl Quirk ,1 ̄ s -ho splodthe tm.k all while lead nutsido Slow’a gato ;*’ |u?rt+’s a gU I"

Jl*~q*t l.urk rctgned ht lhc heros*. ’* Nogo, YnU ahnnhl say, Ohlllarryloh| nte hnwas guh,g Io I,alnt hta In*u.c, n.d hc’s beenfOOl enough to hny eltO lht*umtnd pounth Indo I, wLth I 8.ntul.,dy ha. hrnt+hl it, ahdIcll If or hhu in roll hr. h’il’be e hardtug Ior ihe old urn¯, blupp’oaa w0 tako theJltb ttlf hi. Itgnda"¯ " What I lloll that.li0~y ~ask up thutrongh ctrriago,way theTd~7~lhl niKht? 1wuuldn’t do {t for my grandfather, let aiUllOOld Ihrry,"

"Didn’t mean that,°’ enid l,utk, wink.lng m0rrlly. *’We can Moo him thetroohle by Just taking it into this wag,¯and carr~ilt/h to our vii"go. Otd Harry’a ̄ spiritual"t, ̄ ud ho’ll think thn gpiritndid it,"--. And t~a aphlt* d~L~..~mre--ou~ull h.-+J Iit hsd eel beoo.lor the aplrhl they wt, uhlu’t"lr$~e- ntm-t her potato4 seth rpTamlcal-J~k-eu catryioi !ucb ̄ wright asv¢¯ m]lua, Ovufa reugh IOld, in Iho *+’vl,l. /Jut |,y iha atd

."1’11 toil you wlta~ it is, Slow; if youhavo u ca++k ol white lead, aud it. is re.

nirk, here¯ is. medium. Just we go innnd have a sittlog, end see if the splrltawill loll hhn where ti,o cesk o!’ whho leadix ot the present ntomcnt.’*

" Best why ht alto wor]dl" ~id Slow,cheering up ; nnd soon they were nil four~eotod nround a ’tablet cmnpaHng flogcr-nailo: und-aller a soleota silonca of.aboutA~’e animates. Tom Quirk’e oycs eloped, .he

n-hi~eltoi~vitb-vpirlla woro Slittetzing the gas out ot h[utI)et,+re m;~ering’ his body to peaess him; aridsoon It. lips begon to move.** 1 on+ the spirit of yo,tr. Unolo. Plato

l"n ]~e,’ whlsl~red Quirk.

trot.+’To odd to his "flTorrificatloo, Old Harry

engaged for a fuueral., exceptLurk .inshted on

ol his, sayfng he’l he farmer stood staring

,ilene0, enci~ tw~ttettt Iooklnginore gloomy,when suddenly hu became’frlsky again endbegan to lauglt’ hysterically.

¯ In laughed long and loudly, bout ov0r,p’ut hls hands to his sides, gro~ed us if in

Us" his eonvul-si0ns al,pcarcd to grow morecrowd stared apd ~aid that this trcuhh_hadnet htm cr~)zy. The grocer shook hh headeudl~gave htta a drink ’to braoe hiawenk n,’rvea. "

ehhpugh we entertain eoa~ how much

Ovil only. n"d it

ahd ih¯tis:pernicious, impairit/g the health and¯ thorteniog the:life.¯" .Ou the. othor’ hand,-the:add’Goatee:of smoklog ̄ndohewiugtake_t~ebuJ! .by the\’h0t0ph/md’iun-deri+ake ti/


for~, repairs cerebral, weate,’andprolongs llfe. We shall not tako part in


who hay0 not form~ the habit of, uelng to-b/co0 from ever le¯rolng to ̄ + ,-:

’* ;~.’e I~ lhat’e queeel’-* ,aid Old--flurryi

his n~olc."

" is that an?" ~ahl Lurk ; ’* t]tett I’ln uI~c i0ver iu Htiriluali~m rigitt offl I never~een the ht, ut, ol ii I"

" Died ,)f h~ckJsw-rtnt a nocdlo into hint--but this is nolhing to what yuu will bear,aod tleoI I(tO,

lh, rc Iho Inhlo tiplmd toward Mark, whos,tl tqqtlmito Quirk.

"l)oe’t do that. again," said Mark iu+Lurk,

*’ 1 li,lu t do it said I,urk.,!,atl’he spirit did It, of eour.+~, said Slow,

with a eonlhlont slnilo. ’* llarkl lie’s~ayi,lg eOlne’thlhs,"

,t L’v0 Iironght theao lhroo anon Itero toprover the truth et Slllri(utllmu to Ibetu,"whispered Qttlrk (the s|drit), huarsely,il’thn el,Iris has eon+o whhout nu overcoat,hild lnk0n ̄ severe cohL " Lwillshowyouwhcro the e¯ek i.t" |lore Quirk boutover the luldo at,ll moved his right hnndnorvou~ly In and fro, aa tl its the act ol’Wl’[llng, ¯

"lly Ihunth~r ho wnnls paper end pcu.ell t5 wrilo h,outl’* said I/low prullucJngt Iltmu_arLIclcs"

Q~lrk acized thcl’n, aetl connnsnocd fu.rlnuely, itt a bald Itaod, front right tt) left,ucd~lmtldenly alOllped, sta0nltittg bh footflsro~ly npau Lhe lurmer’s ioO--IlnJ,thcoawekn Iremt hi, tmucn I

** What hM ho writ?" asi,I 810W, ecaX"ing hla tee.

"llurn L bees wHdngT" *aid Quirk,nfleeting great aurpr{m, end helplug him.~,lf to bnndy in r~palr tbc streln ̄ Ira¯ hiefaonhle~k

"l~oke Iikcit," aatd l,urkl "hut I

"Don’t take onso, old It’su iit il~ I~r,,;~.; ~-~o~ o~sell’, lluw du yon ft’*.[ now ?"

"Fccl[" cried Slow el’ralghln[ug Up." I feel beautifully, I ¯over loll so fun~before in nil uty ]ilo.U

tt I*Futmyl wh~t lor? inqu[red’thothreeJ0ker~. + ’

" What for? iteasott enouglt ; becaeae [end tnY wile hesrd you slop at our gate]uot nixltt, heard ull you said, raw you tug,nnd straht at tltst cask--yes, and euw youdrh’n off with it-of cour.e we oouh|u’t bemt cruel as to Hmii )’oil ~ practical JokoT-Onol--hal hal--lt~ dclcrednod tonlako you bTidg It hndWto the very phcoyou teok it frnol I" , ’

**The douse you dldl" crled all threelooking blank.

"(l yea we did, Good’Joke wnm’t IL[ld,.llal ~V Ivl0.1t~ bngk, or IIqy Ior_t0dttgit, *Jr be arrested--ha, ha, h¯ I"

,, ,iiis, Its, hal now eoheed the crowd,at Ihl, turn,it itS’ ibo LehiGh." Old Slowis not eo slow slier ailx~’

** The uld hyuun l" oxelaimu~t Lurk grit.tlng Itla~t.llt. .

"SlOel,y.heuded old wcmell" growledMark,

l’h,t ever 1 should be ttkcn ht by agray.heudt~l, Sllirituel aid heUlon I" greta.ed Tmu Quirk.

t, Found It In Irent nf Sands* the ire~r,didn’twc~’* repealed 81ow, **’~ea. andmu.t curry it back to llarry Slaw, hhak

imilladu¯. It is euapish trick. ~Boyera-volt against boyhood, n¯d think’ they atemen when old enough to copy the faut’.a 0tan imperfect manhood~ Theynre very optto ©rawl into manhood through th¯ dirtydoor oi vice, ’ + ’ ," ’ ,,"

h ma~ be said Ihet, though’ there Is ¯onatural̄ craving fO~J u¯y partiouhr* drug,like to,ace,, yet l¯ a highly ett~flced ̄tatsof ~’oioly me¯ Grave atimulenta~ and thattobacco, alcohol/ eto.I if used ~th rigidnrodcrsl!¯n, adapt themeelvgs as urtlfl~lsupp|ice to en artifloial Wttpt. . "

That men living under the hlgh~ egelbIng contlit|ong of n~oderu eodety need cur.taln slim¯Is¯aa,’ we ere not d[al~kgl tO de n,v.But in ~electlttg o¯o should avoid tho~e

ioh ere po~ulkr~ liable to ebeae, ando¯iploy thorn whiG" ~experieoce has shownto bo safe, Tea tad ’~ffeo aromm.~lstlm.ulonts. Thoy ure¯otdegeuoratlug. What.ever u.e tobacoo and wine are ellegod tohave in repalrius earvous wasteS~ tee andcoffee will gerve in like m¯¯¯er, without thete.tptai]¯¯a Io exeeee wh|vb io w|th tingemore v[o[ont drug(5.

~. The hsblt of ualug Iobasoo le~t.mcmto vul&¯rh~. I do apt by toy m~movers pser ot’tobscho’il vulgar, or’~hkt¯ ver~ ̄no who I/etakea himadf to it will, of¯ ceeml~, beceme vulger;el I~, ucem of tcb¯o0o Itow i¯dlffnrent tthe feelings bl othelm, karl hebltmdly k~l
