the small business owner’s guide to exercising


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The Small Business Owner’s Guide to Exercising

Page 3: The small business owner’s guide to exercising

If you are on a computer for most of the day, chances are that you are also sitting most of them time.

Why not try standing more while working? Just by standing instead of sitting you are already burning

calories, believe it or not.

Of course, mechanical standing desks are pretty expensive if you want the kind that you are able to lift

up and move down with the touch of a button. But there’s no rule that says you need one of these

pricey desks in order to stand more.

You can stand at your kitchen counter and work. Heck, you can even work at the bar while standing.

Not only does standing burn calories, it also helps decrease the chance of developing chronic back

pain issues in the long run.

Stand Up More

Page 4: The small business owner’s guide to exercising

Are you walking enough? Walking is a great calorie-burning activity that a lot of people seem to avoid

for some reason. If you want to stay fit and active while working, try to walk as much as possible.

You can do so many little things to increase the amount of walking you do on daily basis. You don’t

always have to park as close to your office building as possible. Find a spot at the back of the lot and

walk a little bit if you are already driving to work. If your place of work is only a couple miles away from

your home, why not get up a bit earlier and walk there?

Walk Around

Page 5: The small business owner’s guide to exercising

If you’re going to take lessons from successful businesspeople, why not learn from the best? Late

Apple leader Steve Jobs would very often take meetings on the go. That does not simply mean that he

would meet outside of the office, he would actually walk while talking to business associates.

Taking a nice walk outside of the office while having a meeting will not only help you get some

exercise in during the workday, it can also be very inspiring.

If you know that your business associates are athletes or fitness buffs, combining business with

exercise can be the perfect solution. Find out which of your business contacts enjoy jogging or playing

squash and set up regular exercise sessions where you can not only bond and talk business, but also


Turn Meetings Into Exercise Sessions

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When you set up business meetings and project deadlines, you pencil them in and then stick to your

schedule, right? Why not do the same for exercise? Schedule your workouts just as you would your

business obligations. Include them on the same calendar even. And then make sure you stick to them.

Treat your workouts like you would any other work obligation because, believe it or not, getting enough

exercise is equally important to your health and success. And if you have a hard time motivating

yourself, try to find a workout buddy.

You are always punctual to meetings because there are other people involved who depend on your

presence, right? Why not do the same with exercising? If there is someone counting on you to show

up, you will be more motivated to do so.

Make Exercise a Priority

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As the leader of your company, you are setting an example for your entire team. When you show your

team that you are dedicated to the company and work as hard as the rest of them, you are inspiring

them through your actions. Why not do the same when it comes to promoting good health company-


The healthier you and your team are, the more productive you will be. Staying fit and healthy should be

a business-wide goal. There are many ways to you can get your team involved.

Get Your Team Involved

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