the slient roar of the iot

And why mobile operators need to listen

Upload: rupert-chappell

Post on 21-Jan-2017




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Page 1: The Slient Roar of the IoT

And why mobile operators need to listen

Page 2: The Slient Roar of the IoT

The Internet of Things means billions of connections that don’t say a word.

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That’s exciting. But also kind of scary.

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IoT traffic will make up less than of that

The GSMA estimates that by 2022, the IoT market will be worth

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…the other will be dependent on it.

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IoT will also make mobile operators central to opportunities from self-driving cars to wearables and connected healthcare.

The upside is

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But what happens if your self-driving car loses connection?

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What happens if your wearables get hacked?

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What happens if your connected pacemaker can’t connect?!!

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The Internet of things means real-life applications with real-time delivery demands and very real consequences.

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Delivering the reliability, security and scalability that IoT demands, takes a chain of connectivity.

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Mobile operators need to connect devices to device managers all over the world.

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That’s where multi-hop peering models face a challenge.

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When data hops network you lose:SECURITY VISIBILITY RELIABILITY

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And it’s your customers’ brands that are on the line.

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For end-to-end quality you need end-to-end control.

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