the seven years war


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Page 1: The seven years war


Page 2: The seven years war

Intro to the problem The French

and the English began to argue over who owned what in America.

The French began building bases in English America.

Page 3: The seven years war

British French

Fort Necessity Fort Duquesne * George Washington * Delaware & Shawnee Indians

The Ohio Valley

1754 The First Clash

1754 The First Clash

Page 4: The seven years war

Braddock’s Defeat So the English sent General Edward

Braddock commander in chief of the British forces to America to drive the French out of the Ohio Valley

They marched in columns and rows, and took time out everyday to sit and have tea

The French and Native Americans hid behind trees and fired at the bright uniforms of the British

The British lost badly loosing nearly 1,000 soldiers including their Commander in Chief General Edward Braddock

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Page 6: The seven years war

The French and Indian War

1756: The fighting in America leads to the start of a war in Europe between the French and English known as the Seven Years War

The first years of the war went terrible for the British and their American colonies

The French captured several British forts including forts at Lake Ontario and Lake George

France’s Native American allies began staging raids on frontier farms from New York to what is now West Virginia

They killed settlers, burned farmhouses and crops, and chased many families back to the coast

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Fortunes Reverse In 1757, expansion advocate William Pitt became the British Prime Minister and vowed to lead country to victory.

Pitt concentrated on: expelling the French

from North America buying the cooperation

by the colonists by stimulating the North American economy with a massive infusion of British currency

buying the support of the Native Americans with promises of fixed territorial boundaries.

Page 8: The seven years war

Fortunes Reverse

The greatly fortified force devastated the Cherokee to the South and began capturing strategic French forts and cutting off their supply lines.

The British conquered Quebec in 1759. In 1760, they captured Montreal. In the final years of the war, the British defeated

the French Navy and took French colonies in the Caribbean.

The French Empire in North America came to an end.

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North America 1763: