the seo copywriter's guide to more compelling content


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Post on 22-Jul-2016




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Business only comes from customers who are thrilled and knowledgeable about the services you have to offer. The importance of providing compelling content for a brand comes down to making or breaking the success of a company. You probably don't spend your free time reading dull, poorly-presented content, and why would your customers? Revamp your writing style to attract informed, satisfied customers using a few tricks of the trade.

Perpetual "On The Clock" Brainstorming

Write. Everything. Down. If you have a brilliant idea that you don't bother to jot down, you run the risk of a) it slipping your mind or b) your brain focusing on that one idea, without leaving room for anything else. Much of our thoughts are associative: one thought makes you think of another. Write your idea down, and make room in your mind to develop the idea.

Brainstorming shouldn't be limited to the time you put aside for writing. Ponder the topic in your car, or while walking your dog. Even if you think your topic would seem vapid to the general public (e.g. boot sole repair), develop on ideas and presentation techniques that will give your topic new life.

Know Your Stuff

Have you ever heard the phrase, "the more you know about something, the more interesting it becomes"? It's the same with writing content: the more you know about your topic, the easier it will be for you to captivate an audience. Take the time to earnestly learn about your topic, thereupon proving that you believe in what you're talking about. If you don't believe in your subject, then why should your readers?

Empathize with your Audience

What demographic will be reading your website? Put yourself in their place. If you were them, in what voice would you want to be spoken to? What tidbits of information would you be dying to know? Most importantly: what would inspire you to do business with your company?

Remember that potential customers are the ones you want to woo, and your content should be made for them.

Thrive on Imperfection the First Time

First drafts will, and should be, a giant blunder. After mapping out the direction you want your content to take, play around with how you're going to put your idea to words. Accept the fact that your first draft is going to be so-so, so that you can freely put your ideas on paper before you forget them.

Make it Readable

If your content is long and contains little information, you're going to bore and ward people off. Yet, if you try to cram too much information into a tight word count, people will find themselves reading the same sentence over and over.

Delete anything that deviates from the point, starting with paragraphs, and eventually words. Use shorter sentences and paragraphs. Read it yourself: did your eyes glaze over? Did you run out of breath? This could mean a potential customer is looking elsewhere.

Make it Original

Instead of repeating or summarizing what others are saying, standout content offers its own spin. Research and collect inspiration elsewhere, yet make your point using an innovative perspective.

Many companies make the mistake of looking at their competitors when deciding on a writing voice. Emulating another writer's voice will feel unnatural and appear contrived. Instead of trying to fit in, develop a refreshing read, and your business will be irresistible.

Make it Trustworthy

In addition to knowing your topic, show your audience that you know what you're talking about. Earn your reader's trust and they will repay you by relying on your website as a source of information.

Rather than including anxiety-inducing sales pitches, use your content to add knowledge and value to your reader's life. Don't stretch the truth. If you provide an extraordinary fact, back it up.

Employ a Captivating Language

Captivating language uses idioms, metaphors, and questions to connect with the audience. It also abolishes the use of umbrella words such as "good" and "said," and replaces them with consciously chosen ones. It also stays away from buzzwords ("utilized," anyone?) and words that have had their meaning depleted by overuse (e.g. "amazing").

To keep your words from appearing pretentious, avoid using them to sound smart. If your word choice is too showy, you can alienate your readers. Instead, think of powerful language as a courtesy you extend to your audience -- instead of forcing them to endure ten uses of "good," you want to stir up surprise and delight.