the se7en letters

The Seven Letters Khalyd Muzaffar 1 The Seven Letters

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A sad story about a lost love !


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The Seven LettersKhalyd Muzaffar


The Seven Letters

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The Seven LettersKhalyd Muzaffar


Dedicated to you as alwaysThanks for all the


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The Seven LettersKhalyd Muzaffar


It was a cold night and a foggy one. It was barely visible but Cyrine still could see her father leaving the front gate. As soon as the figure of her father had vanished, she jumped and dragged out a box underneath her bed. Searching through the box, she quickly took out a book and there it was, a letter with a white envelope but no words on it. She hastily but cautiously opened up the envelope and took the letter out of it. Then, she waited, for it was getting very difficult to breathe. She could hear her own heartbeat. She thought it was better if she drank a glass of water but upon seeing the letter once again, her thought subdued and she opened up the letter and began to read.

“To the most beautiful girl on Earth, Cyrine,An Angel with a mesmerizing pair of brown eyes, dark black hair as the

shadow of the moon on earth, a voice that intoxicates you and lays you on the bed

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of serenity, a smile that stops the world and starts your journey to wonderland. Cyrine, you are one of the best things that an eye can see, right in the list of moon, rose, sunset, dew and others. For me, you are the definition of beauty, the inspiration behind staying awake all night, the reason of stopping my eye blinks, and the sunshine of my heart’s garden.

Now, as far as I’m concerned, I’m one of the many addicts of your beauty. One who couldn’t refrain from watching the purity of your soul. I wish to show you the intensity of my madness. But, I have doubts whether my legs could support my body, whether my mind would still work, whether my mouth could speak out my heart’s words, or whether my heart would still beat. For I’m not me, when I’m with you.

I promise, we will meet one day when words wouldn’t be needed to communicate. Till then, please wait for me. On 13th of every month, please visit the shopkeeper in front of your college a box would be awaiting you. Tell the shopkeeper, that you are an angel, then only will he hand over the box.

Thanks for coming to this world, Yours Always

Secret Admirer ”

Wow! This was something, Cyrine didn’t expect. She was just swept off her feet. Who could it be? She thought. She at once got up and called her friend who had given her the letter but she could provide nothing. The letter was given to her by some stranger in class whom she had never seen before.

Cyrine was disappointed, but the letter had sent her deep into ecstasies. It was a different feeling; she was happy but at the same time, felt as if a part of her was missing. She liked this feeling; it gave pleasure as well as pain.


The 13th of January came. Cyrine hadn’t slept from the past few days as she was overwhelmed by the thought of the box that awaited her. She had been cursing the night for being too long. Finally, the sun rised and brought forth the spring in her heart.

Cyrine left her home in such a hurry as if she was to catch the bus to paradise. She felt that even the road had elongated the night before, then she began complaining that the bus was moving too slow. Finally, she reached college and right from her first step, it

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was evident she was not moving towards college. As she began to reach it, she hesitated. She thought it wouldn’t be nice to go straight and ask for it. So, she made a plan.

As she entered the shop, she went straight to the nearest counter and asked for a book. After she had paid for the book, she spoke out in a very low tone, “Excuse me. Do you have a parcel for someone here”. The shopkeeper without even looking up, answered, “Who wants to know?” Cyrine sensed that there was one, so she answered, “I’m an angel”. The shopkeeper looked straight up as if he woke up from a dream and quickly he leaned down, and took out a box. Handing over it to Cyrine, he bid her good day.

Cyrine observed the box before holding it. There was nothing written on it. She took it and stepped out of the shop. She was excited about what could be inside it. So, instead of entering the college, she walked towards a secluded place and opened up the box.

Cyrine wasn’t a materialistic girl. Worldly possessions hardly lured her and she somehow knew her ‘Secret Admirer’ would outclass her expectations. Upon opening the box, a smiled escaped from Cyrine’s face. There in the box lay an old pen with no cap, a half empty bottle of perfume, a half torn leaf and a note folded twice. Though Cyrine was bond to read out the note first, she subdued the thought and took the pen and checked out if it could write. To her surprise it did. Before she could move on and examine the perfume, she at once took out the note and started reading.

“ To the most beautiful girl on Earth, Cyrine.I know you expected a lot from me, but these are the most precious

possessions, I have, besides you. The pen was gifted to me by an old woman, when I was a kid. I lost my mom, when I was born. And this woman called me as her son, I could hardly control my emotions and I hugged her and swore I’ll not leave her till I die. After a long period of time, when I had lost my strength, she put me down and took out a bar of chocolate and a pen from her pocket. She told me as long as the chocolate lay inside me, in my stomach; I will never feel the hunger of love and the pen was a magical one. If I wanted something badly, I should write it down and God will read it and turn it into reality. I was a kid back then, I was overjoyed. But it was turns out, she was right about the pen, but it takes time, a whole lot of time.

The half-emptied perfume was my mom’s. My dad gave it to me on my 5 th

birthday. I never used it. I would just open it and smell it. It is the most exotic perfume, I have ever come across. It makes me feel like I’m in my mother’s lap and she is brushing my hair with her fingers.

Now, the half torn leaf, it just symbolizes me without you, a body without soul, a flower without colour, sun without light, eyes without sight. Just close your eyes and imagine how complete would I look with you.

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I’m giving you the pen so that you would write everything you want to be true.

I’m giving you the perfume, so that your smell will always be near me, beside me, within me. I give you the half-torn leaf so that you know incompleteness destroys you and leaves you worth nothing.

Bye CyrineSecret Admirer”

Cyrine was speechless. Her secret admirer was more than she expected. She was lost, just lost. She had thought about the happiness of receiving the gift but had no idea about the sadness she would feel, she sadness of the completion of the letter, the sadness of the depth of loneliness, the sadness of realizing that she had to wait another 30 days.

Cyrine spent her days thinking about her secret admirer. She was in a state of restlessness as a sorrowful eye awaits tears, as a dry land waits for the soothing drops of rain, as a mother waits for the safe arrival of her son from war.

For Cyrine, things seemed different now. She didn’t know how but they had changed for sure. He had changed her for sure. He room seemed like a cage trapping her from the outside world, the books seemed to have lost the knowledge they beheld. Her days never seemed to bring forth something of interest. But at the end she was happy that she was closer to the day she would receive the letter. Every time, the thought of the letter passed her mind she could feel herself flying. Her all worries seemed to vanish. And a new hope of living overtook her.


The 13th of February came. It was a very cold day. Snow had beautified all the ugliness man had caused to the nature. The sky seemed to be satisfied, for her daughter was dressed in white gown waiting for the sun to shine and add to the beauty of her daughter.

Cyrine wasn’t feeling comfortable. The thought that the day will be over and she had to wait again, troubled her. Her heartbeat was very fast; still she managed to look calm. She had to befool her parents and so far she had been successful.

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Cyrine hardly noticed anything on her way to the bookseller. On arriving at the bookseller, she went straight to the man she had met a month before. After a formal greeting, he handed her the box.

Cyrine went to the same place she had opened the box before, but she was a bit disappointed as there were a couple of people sweeping the place. Cyrine didn’t want them to watch her while she opened the box. So, she waited till they would finish. To her relief, just after a couple of minutes, they left and Cyrine eagerly opened up the box.

She was a bit taken back when she noticed the contents of the box. There lay 3-4 photographs, a tissue paper covered up in an transparent envelope so as to pressure it and a letter. She at once took out the letter and started reading.

“ To the most beautiful girl on Earth, Cyrine.

You may be wondering why it takes me 30 days to write a letter, why it takes me so much long to keep some useless things in a box and pass it onto you. It’s hard for me to justify your this regret. I’m a very poor writer. Before I take the pen in my hand, I have so much to tell you. But as I start, they all disappear. I’m just left wondering what should I write not to bore you out. When I just think that this letter will be in your hands, I freak out. I get so much nervous that breathing seems like moving a mountain. Your beauty is hard to put in words. How can I explain colour, smell, feelings, and your aura? I envy the things that your eyes see, because for a moment they crossed your mind. I envy the wind that brushes your hair, for it has known what darkness is. I envy the rain that touches you, for it has known what softness is all about. I envy the sun rays that warm you, for they have known what closeness is all about. Now, about the things in the box. These four photographs are the evidences I have that proves that angels live on earth. One of the photographs is of , when you were waiting for the bus in the rain. I was right opposite to you on the other side of the road watching you. You looked amazing! The other photograph is when you were shopping with your friend. You were dressed in blue and carried out yourself with a warm smile. You looked beautiful.The other photograph is taken randomly as you were moving fast through the crowd and I took the snap. You are somewhere in this crowd, so this photo is also important for me. And the last photograph is of my mother. Your eyes resemble hers. I never saw her but when I see you I realize what she could have looked like.

Now, the tissue paper. Well, one day when I has just sitting in the college canteen, you came along with your friends. You drank a cup of coffee and cleaned your hands with the tissue paper. After you left, I hurried to the place and took out the tissue paper. Ever since, I preserve it as an artifact. It may be just a tissue paper for you, but for me, it’s the lucky piece of paper that was blessed by the touch of your hands. It is priceless “

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Cyrine couldn’t read the letter any more; she burst into tears like a small kid whose mother has left her with a stranger, like a mother who lost her child amidst a crowd, like the dark clouds that drain out every single drop of rain from itself to quench the thirst of his beloved earth.

After a few minutes of pure submission to tears, Cyrine gathered herself and started to read again.

“For the most part of my life, I haven’t been a good person. The world has always seemed meaningless to me. The people have never but once bothered to talk to me and it was ,when I failed. People only appreciate you when they see their own reflection in you. People only care when they know it’s their own blood. People only love when they know they will be loved. I failed as a good friend for no one wants a person to die for him rather one who can kill others for him.I failed as a good son, for I never could understood why it was necessary for my father to bring home a new mother for me, when all I wanted was a caring father.I failed as a neighbour, for I was too much of a burden on them when I wanted them to teach me to cook.

After all these failures, I want to succeed. I don’t want to fail as a lover. I know, to be able to be a match for you, I have to change. I have to change a lot. And I’m trying. Please give me time. Please wait. Always yours.Your secret admirer.”

Cyrine closed letter and with choking voice said,“You are worth the wait. You are worth the wait. You are …….”

Much of Cyrine’s days were spent in dreaming. Dreaming about the time, she would be together with her beloved she would realize what true happiness is. She couldn’t now even think of a life without him. No matter how he looked, no matter how he spoke, no matter who he was Cyrine wanted him and only him.

For Cyrine, the whole world revolved around a single thing. It was him. He gave her the meaning of loneliness and the feeling of incompleteness. It didn’t take Cyrine too long to realize that she was in love with this stranger who was more familiar than anyone she had in the whole world. With this sweet pain, the miserable days and cruel nights passed on.

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It took an eternity for 13th of March to appear. It was still cold despite the blazing sun. Winter wouldn’t just let go. Trees seemed happy about the sun shining so bright but at the same time worried for their old friend, winter, was departing. They had to flower again to satiate the rule of nature. They had to look good in the eyes of man. Their nakedness was never appreciated, for a man can’t see the inside beauty, the beauty of its existence.

Cyrine left her home in pretty much the same manner she had a month before. After attaining the box, she went to the same old place she used to go and opened up the box. This time she was a bit patient as compared to the previous times. The box had a book that looked like a diary and a letter. On examing the diary, she found it was empty, not a single word written on it . Finally, after she was satisfied that there was nothing in the diary of her interest, she opened up the letter.

“To the most beautiful girl on Earth, Cyrine,Writing this letter, a lot of things flashed before my inward eye. The time I

first saw you, the time my eyes met yours….. a pair of brown eyes, guarded by the tall trees of your eyebrows covered up by the black clouds of your eye lashes……. It was a memorable journey…… I can’t explain how I felt. It was as if you stretched yours hand and pulled my heart out. Your eyes got so into me that I …….. I ………. I have refused to believe that there can be anything more beautiful in this world. There is but one competitor, your smile. But there is an advantage that your eyes hold on your smile. You eyes talk to my soul but your smile just talks with my heart. In the past 30 days, I have tried a lot to change and I can say, it is evident. I’m not the same old shy person, I used to be. Now, I don’t end my conversations with others just after a few words of greeting. Though I haven’t been successful in finding a friend, I’m not disappointed, for I know you are always here to stay for me. Isn’t it?The diary in the box is going to be the book that will hold the answers to the question I’ll be asking you. The questions would need time to be answered. Take your time, there is plenty of it.The questions are those that I always loved to be asked . But there was no one to do so. I hope you don’t get irritated by these.

Q.1: In your life, whom do you idolize?

Q.2: What part of the day do you feel is the best?

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Q.3: How many stars have you counted till now.

Q.4: How would you try to explain colour to a blind by birth.

Q.5: What are the places you wish to visit before marriage, alone ?

Q.6: Would you like to sit alone in a park or would you prefer to have a great time with your family.

Q.7: What would have you done if I would have told you all about my craziness right in front of you.

There are the first seven question I want you to answer My next questions would be in the next letter I would give you. The day we would meet, I would read all the answers.Waiting for that day.Yours to staySecret Admirer.”

This was the first time, Cyrine was happy after reading out the letter. She was excited for she had to answer his questions. She had liked the questions. Cyrine, knew there and then that the coming weeks were going to be interesting. “This boy is really mad, for he wants to read my clueless answers,” Cyrine told herself. But at the same time, she was smiling, for the poor soul was in love. ******************************************************

The 13th of April came. The trees had forgotten the sad departure of winter. They were now rejoicing for the birth of leaves & fruits. Everything seemed to have had a rebirth. The birds never seemed to cease singing. There was spring at every foot and a song in every heart. Everything seemed bright.

Cyrine did the usuals. This time, the box had a book, an old watch, a small mirror and a letter. Cyrine took out the book and started glancing at its content. It was a novel.She wasn’t much of a reader but this time, she right away wanted to start reading but she had to read the letter, so, she closed the novel. Taking out the letter, she started….

“To the most beautiful girl on Earth, Cyrine,Hope your previous month had great and peaceful days. I couldn’t see you

last month. Not even once. I had a bit of unavoidable business to attend to. Anyways, this month’s box contains a special thing, my old watch. It’s hard to believe that it stopped the same time I first saw you. I think it’s working is

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somewhat related with my heart. I first time. I saw you, you were dressed in white frock with black circles. Right the first look of yours, totalled me. After a few hours, when I regained my senses, I noticed my clock had stopped working. I showed 11:43 AM, and I think it was the time, I saw you. I never replaced the battery, for I don’t want time to move on. It was the time of pure submission of my heart in the hands of cruel love. The mirror also used to be mine. But from that fateful day, its not. Every time I look into it, I see your face. I now, totally agree with the saying, “Your eyes only see what your heart wants it to see ”.Well, the novel is a nice read. It’s very interesting to know what happens to the girl in the novel. If you are free some day, do give it a try. Now, the questions part, hope you don’t mind.

Q.1: What would you do if you came to know that someone dies for you and can’t say so ?

Q.2: If we were to meet, what place would you recommend.

Q.3: If you were to change one such moment in your past that you think ,it would have been better the other way round, what would that be ?

Q.4: Whom would you like to be with, someone who can write a song for you but can’t sing it for you or someone who can’t write a song but could sing for you ?

Q.5: What is the most crazy thing you have done or tried to do in your life ?

Q.6: What is the longest time you have ever waited for someone?

Q.7: If you were to go to your past and spent some time with someone, with whom would it be.

Waiting eagerly to know your answers.Always & Always yoursSecret Admirer ”.

Cyrine closed the letter and took out the novel and started reading.


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Cyrine hardly noticed when the 13th of May appeared. It was like yesterday, when she had read his letter. She had finished the novel two times now. She had loved it. She had even written her viewpoint on the diary about the novel. She was so much desperate to meet him. She had a lot, lot to talk about. She wanted to tell him of her joys, sorrows, experiences, dreams, fears. She wanted him to see the world through her own eyes.

Cyrine reached the bookshop a bit early today. The shop was still closed. She was excited by the thought that she may see her secret admirer deliver the box. She waited for the shopkeeper at a far place so that she couldn’t be noticed. She waited and waited. It would have been an hour that the shopkeeper showed up. Just as the shopkeeper finished placing the holdings outside the shop, Cyrine rushed in.

Cyrine : Good morning.The shopkeeper : Good morning madam. How are you?Cyrine : I’m fine, thank you.The Shopkeeper : You are a bit early today.Cyrine: Why? Isn’t the box delivered yet?The Shopkeeper : No, madam. It is here. Though there is only a letter this time.Cyrine : So the box hasn’t reached or what?The Shopkeeper : No, madam. Only a letter has been given to be delivered to you.

Cyrine took the letter and left the shop. She was angry by herself. She thought, if she had waited, a box would have definitely been awaiting her. As it was a letter, she decided to go home & read it there. She had to lie to her mother because she didn’t attend the classes.

Her mother was surprised to see her at an unexpected time. Cyrine made herself look ill and her mother believed her. Entering her room, she opened up the letter and began reading.

“ To the most beautiful girl on Earth, Cyrine,

Blessed is the hour when I met you. Blessed my eyes were when I saw you. Blessed my heart is to love you. Blessed my mind is to think of you. Blessed I’m to know you. Ever since the day I saw you, I feel like I’m flying, through the valley of sorrow, through the river of loneliness, through the ocean of my tears to the distant land of hope. You know, this is the first time I have fallen for someone and when things seemed to straighten up, faith intervenes. Actually, I’m never supposed to be happy. Every time I want to see a rainbow, it doesn’t rain. Every time I wish to feel the rain, the sun blazes as to burn me up.

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There are tough times for me. It feels as if I’m running a lost race. I stumble at every leap, yet your love erects me and pushes me forward. I have a serious battle to win before I can stand up in front of you.Do pray for me, for I’m weak. Do play for me, for I want to win. Do pray for me, for I can’t bear separation.Do pray for me, for I want to give a tough fight. Do pray for me, for I don’t want to be just a past memory.Do pray for me, for in the future, I want to be your shadow.Do pray for me, for I want to be with you.Do pray for me, for I want to feel your sweet embrace.Do pray for me, for I want to breathe your air.Do pray for me, for I want to drown in your eyes.Do pray for me, for I want to hear your angelic voice.Do pray for me, for I want to see my reflection in your eyes.Do pray for me, for I want to be in your prayer.Do pray for me, for I need your prayer.

I don’t have any questions for you, for I myself have been reduced to a question. But I’m sure, whatever happens, happens for good. Just give me time to defeat my opponent, for I know I’ll win. I know I’ll win.

Farewell my love.Secret Admirer.”

Cyrine couldn’t believe what had happened. Her lover had to fight to be with her? But why? Whom was he fighting against? She was frustrated. She wanted to end her life. If only she could know with whom he was fighting against she would tear him apart. Cyrine collected herself and started to pray, for she had a long prayer to offer.


By the time 13th of June appeared Cyrine was literally dead. She spent her days & nights praying for her secret admirer. Hardly a moment passed that Cyrine could have smiled. Even her friends and parents thought something was wrong. But she never ever uttered a word about him.

On the morning of June13th, Cyrine cried like a little girl. She prayed with teary eyes to God to help her secret lover. She loved him, she wanted him, and she needed him. She was ready to part with all her possessions, just, just for him. She was love sick and he was her drug, she was a lost boat, and he was the wind, she was the soft rose and he was

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the morning dew. She was a painter, he was her hands. She was now a dreamer and he was the reason.

Cyrine reached the shopkeeper with promising hopes. To her surprise there were two letters this time. On one was written I and the other, which was closed in such a way as to prevent anyone for opening it, had II written on it.The letters gave her a perplexed feeling. She decided not to go home for she didn’t want the previous episode to the repeated. She decided to go to the same old place, where she used to open the box. With trembling hands, she opened up the letter I and started.

“To the most beautiful girl on Earth, Cyrine,

On the night of July 13th, 1988, I was brought upon into this world. My father as he says, without even thinking, just called out ‘Here is my boy. And he shall be called Khalyd’. Before I could experience what a mother is, I was shown the anger of a father. I grew up alone. I lived in my own fantasy world. My home used to be the shadow of an apple tree that grew on the bank of the stream near my house. The tree hardly ever flowered. Maybe it was for my sake, as no one was interested in a fruitless tree. I got the whole tree for myself. The tree was my mother. I slept in her shadow, played on her branches, hugged it when I was overjoyed; leaned against it when I had to cry.I spent my childhood days alone, dreaming about what my life could have been if I had a mother. I didn’t have the luxury of being a brother. I didn’t have the pleasure of having a sister. I had a dad who seldom could spare his time on me. You must now have known why I can’t afford to lose you. There is nothing in my past worth mentioning. For me, life changed when I saw you for the first time. Your beautiful brown eyes…….they are like an ocean where you want to be drowned rather than rescued; like an island, where you want to be lost and never found again; like the morning breeze, when you feel it you want to fly with it. Now, the question part.

1) Suppose you were given one super power like the power to fly, etc…. What would you choose.

2) What are the things you wish to change about yourself and me?3) What seems more beautiful to you….. A full moon or a red rose with dew on its

petals.4) Which song do you think defines you or in a way is sung for you.5) If you could live your life as someone else, a celebrity or a great personality,

whom would you close.6) What is the best thing about you? Atleast one.7) Five best days of your life.

Now, listen carefully. Don’t open the other letter, II written on it. I trust you won’t open it. In case, I there is no letter next month, you shall open it. But there are very low chances of a letter not being there.

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Goodbye Cyrine Always yours Khalyd”.

Cyrine wanted to open up the second letter as well. But her secret admirer, no, Khalyd, trusted her she wouldn’t. So, she just put it in her bag and opened up the diary to answer his questions.


The 13th of July came and with it came Khalyd’s birthday. Cyrine had been thinking the whole month about what to do on that day. She came up with an idea of giving him a gift, which she would give to the shopkeeper and it would reach him eventually. Now, she thought what possible gift should she give him. She thought and thought. Should she gift him a watch? A rose? A book? A bracelet? And finally, she knew exactly what would be the proper gift. She bought a diary and wrote all the questions he had asked her. Now, he had to answer his own questions. “Hmmm, that would be interesting”, thought Cyrine.

Cyrine left her house in a very proud manner. She was happy because this time she too had something to give. She now felt as if she had changed. She wasn’t the same old Cyrine who used to indulge in meaningless talks. She hardly spoke with anyone unless it was necessary. She spent her free hours writing answers to his questions or thinking about why did he ask those questions in the first place. She seemed more content now. She had realized who she was, what she wants and most importantly, who she wants.

She reached the shop in a very good mood. Upon greeting the shopkeeper, she enquired about the letter. But there was none. She was a bit disappointed but she remembered Khalyd had already told her what to do. She gave the diary to the shopkeeper and told her to pass it on the letter giver. He agreed and Cyrine left the shop.

She had the letter with her in her bag. She went to the same old place and cautiously started to open the letter, for it was taped all over. After it was done, she started reading.

“To the most beautiful girl on Earth, Cyrine,I hope you never get to read this letter. I wish this letter remains unread

forever. Dear love, I had been sick .Remember about the battle, I told you about, that battle which I had to fight. Well, it was against death. Now that you are reading this letter, you know that I have lost the battle. I have been denied the pleasure of seeing you again. My dreams, my wishes all have been shattered.

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Ah! My dream to meeting you, gone. Ah! My dream of hearing your voice, gone.Ah! My dream of holding you, gone.Ah! My dream of watching you beautiful eyes, gone.Ah! My dream of dreaming about you, gone.

Still I’m thankful to Almighty for the days I live. I have seen everything I wished for.I saw beauty when I met you. I heard the sweetest voice on Earth when I heard you.I have felt pleasure when I thought of you. I have known pain when I was writing this letter, thinking about what I lost.

Thanks Cyrine for everything you are. I have spent my best days thinking about you. Now, It doesn’t matter to me that I’m leaving this world. I was just surviving before, you became a reason for me to live. And I have lived enough. There is nothing more or nothing else, a man would ask.

Now dear, I need a favor from you. I may be gone, but please take care of my heart. It’ll always remain with you. I need you to live my part as well. Though I have lived enough, I wanted to do a lot of things together with you. I have written them down.

1. On a full-moon night, draw the alphabets of your name with the stars. I didn’t get the chance to complete mine.

2. If you get the chance of going to a beach, don’t miss walking by the shore in the rain.

3. Go to a music concert, if possible.4. Try singing, you have a wonderful voice. I could hardly speak.

I always wanted to see you smile, it makes you shine. Do try to greet everyone with a smile, people will hardly notice whether its night or day. My story may have been over, but there are still a lot of Khalyd’s ready to die for you. Forget about me, there are better Khalyd’s for you. Those who wouldn’t leave you like I did. Just give them chance to prove what they stand for, you wouldn’t be disappointed. Remember, there is a Khalyd in every boy, some are proud of it and carry it on with themselves while others are ashamed of it and drag it, covered up in the darkest places of their heart.

I just have 1 last wish from you. Please, just for once, visit my grave. But you have to promise, it would be just for once. I’m resting right near my mom. I have written the location below. Just for once visit me, and bless my name by uttering it from your lips and I would fade away from your memory as if I never existed.

Goodbye Cyrine, Goodbye

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The Seven LettersKhalyd Muzaffar


It was a pleasure knowing you”.

Cyrine couldn’t believe what had just been revealed before her. She could hardly cry. She was shocked. Just minutes before, she was thinking about how Khalyd would feel when he would know about her gift. She was given the best return gift by him, the end of his part in her life. Cyrine didn’t go to home for she didn’t want her parents to see her in this state. She took a taxi and decided to make the visit to the resting place of her beloved.

Cyrine hardly noticed what was going on…… it was just like a nightmare but she knew there was no waking up this time. Upon reaching the cemetery, she searched for the office of the workers. She told them about the grave she wanted to see, and a man nodded in affirmative and started out towards the place.

Cyrine didn’t know whether to smile for she was visiting Khalyd’s mother or cry because her beloved rested at the same place. The man suddenly stopped and pointing

towards a white grave said, “There it is” and he returned back. Cyrine, just as she saw the man was out of sight, broke down and tears flooded the white cheeks of hers. She couldn’t manage to control herself and see the graves. She leaned down right there and let her sorrow to drain out with the tears.

After a considerable amount of time, Cyrine collected herself and she was surprised as she realized someone was sitting right besides her. A hand was out stretched towards her holding a white handkerchief. “You shouldn’t have read that letter. There was no box today because I wanted to meet you. But I reached a bit late, and you had left. I’m sorry you got to see all this”, said the person. Cyrine just gave him a puzzled look. “Oh, I forgot. I’m Khalyd.” Cyrine started crying more bitterly, the only difference being the tears were of joy now.

***********************************************************************THE END

Page 18: The Se7en Letters

The Seven LettersKhalyd Muzaffar


I’m highly thankful to all my friends, who helped me with their gift ideas, my mom, for believing in me, my sister, for her everlasting praises, And most importantly, YOU, for giving me the reason of writing.

Do send me your feedback on:Facebook: Khalyd MuzaffarEmail ID: [email protected] No: +919018809838 , +919596315717

Page 19: The Se7en Letters

The Seven LettersKhalyd Muzaffar