the sabbath barricade מחסום השבת a story with pictures by nahum gutman animated by...

The Sabbath Barricade תתתתת תתתתA Story with Pictures By Nahum Gutman Animated by PitchiPoy

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Post on 04-Jan-2016




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Page 1: The Sabbath Barricade מחסום השבת A Story with Pictures By Nahum Gutman Animated by PitchiPoy

The Sabbath Barricadeמחסום השבת

A Story with PicturesBy

Nahum GutmanAnimated by PitchiPoy

Page 2: The Sabbath Barricade מחסום השבת A Story with Pictures By Nahum Gutman Animated by PitchiPoy

Questions to remember:Copy three questions into your notebook.

1. Is the train going to London?2. Is a woman holding a basket on

her head?3. Is the carriage stopping?4. Is an Arab man climbing into the

carriage?5. Is he wearing a green hat?6. Are the men learning English?7. Is the big man smiling?8. Are horses pulling the carriage?9. Is the driver whipping the horses?10.Is the man playing the trombone?

11.Are the horses walking slowly?

12.Is the man wearing boots?

Page 4: The Sabbath Barricade מחסום השבת A Story with Pictures By Nahum Gutman Animated by PitchiPoy

1. Is the train going to London?2. Is a woman holding a basket on

her head?3. Is the carriage stopping?4. Is an Arab man climbing into the

carriage?5. Is he wearing a green hat?6. Are the men learning English?7. Is the big man smiling?8. Are horses pulling the carriage?9. Is the driver whipping the horses?10.Is the man playing the trombone?

11.Are the horses walking slowly?

12.Is the man wearing boots?

1. No, it isn’t. It is going to the Yafo seashore.

2. Yes, she is.3. Yes, it is.4. Yes, he is.

5. No, he isn’t. He is wearing a red hat.

6. No, they aren’t. They are singing.7. Yes, he is.8. Yes, they are.9. Yes, he is.10.No, he isn’t. He is playing the

oud.11.No, they aren’t. They are running

quickly.12.No, he isn’t. He is wearing


Page 6: The Sabbath Barricade מחסום השבת A Story with Pictures By Nahum Gutman Animated by PitchiPoy

Now….write your own questions. Use the Word Bank.

• ride a donkey• build• hold• walk• sandcastle• guard• beans and potatoes• umbrella

Page 7: The Sabbath Barricade מחסום השבת A Story with Pictures By Nahum Gutman Animated by PitchiPoy

Well done, kids!