the role and limitations of accounting

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  • 8/7/2019 The Role and Limitations of Accounting


    Homework for next weeks classes(17 & 18 November):

    Read Hall et al (2009) Chapter 43The Role and Objectives of AccountingMarcous et al (2009) Chapter 58Limitations of Accounts

    Answer Revision questions, Marcous p412 Q1-8

  • 8/7/2019 The Role and Limitations of Accounting


    The Role and Limitationsof Accounting

  • 8/7/2019 The Role and Limitations of Accounting


    Learning Objectives

    Discuss the purpose of accounts Identify which accounting information is relevant

    for particular stakeholders Distinguish between internal and external users of accounting information

    Discuss the limitations of public accounts andexplain the areas that need further research whenmaking recommendations

  • 8/7/2019 The Role and Limitations of Accounting


    D efinition of Accounting

    The process of recording, classifying

    and summarising business transactionswith the aim of providing useful financialinformation for a range of users

    (Hall et al, 2009)

  • 8/7/2019 The Role and Limitations of Accounting


    Provide information for stakeholders customers, shareholders, suppliers, etc.

    Provides the opportunity for the business to monitor itsown activities

    Provides transparency to enable the firm to attractinvestment

    Reduces the chance for fraud not 100% successful!!

    The Purpose of Accounts

  • 8/7/2019 The Role and Limitations of Accounting


    F inancial AccountingThe preparation of company accounts from business records

    - G eared toward external users of accounting information- C oncerned with past performance

    Management AccountingThe preparation of financial statements, reports and data for useby managers

    - Aimed at internal users of accounting information- C oncerned with the future

    Financial v Management Accounting

  • 8/7/2019 The Role and Limitations of Accounting


    Management- Recording- Analysis and Evaluation- C ontrol- Decision making

    Employees Owners

    Internal Users of Accounts

    Refer Handout: Users of Accounts

  • 8/7/2019 The Role and Limitations of Accounting


    Legal Requirements- Tax authorities, Auditors, Registrar of C ompanies

    Performance & Stability Requirements- B ankers, Suppliers, C ompetitors, Local

    C ommunity, Media, Investors Statistical Requirements

    - G overnment

    External Users of Accounts

  • 8/7/2019 The Role and Limitations of Accounting


    B alance Sheet- A snap -shot of the business at a specific point- Lists assets, liabilities and capital of the business

    Profit and Loss Account- Provides a summary of the years trading activities,

    stating the turnover (revenue from sales), businesscosts, profit/loss and how the profit is used

    C ash Flow Statement- Shows the flows of cash into and out of a business

    in a trading year

    Key Financial Accounting Statements

  • 8/7/2019 The Role and Limitations of Accounting


    S ample Annual Reports

    Next plc

  • 8/7/2019 The Role and Limitations of Accounting


    Limitations of Accounts

    Accounting data should be used with cautionas part of an overall picture of the business

    What is not covered may be more importantthan what is

  • 8/7/2019 The Role and Limitations of Accounting


    Focus on quantitative data- take no account of important qualitative data, such as theculture of the firm, a highly skilled, motivated workforce,

    customer service record etc Using profit as a performance indicator - the long -term success of a business may depend on awillingness to sacrifice profits over the short -medium term

    The state of the market- accounts reflect on what has happened in the past but nobusiness environment will remain static

    Limitations of Accounts

  • 8/7/2019 The Role and Limitations of Accounting


    Quality of the workforce Quality of the businesss technology Market share New product success Arrival of a new competitor Loss of a valued supplier

    Examples of What Accounts Leave Out

  • 8/7/2019 The Role and Limitations of Accounting


    Land and B uildings Intangible Assets Debtors Stock Profit Quality

    Problems Interpreting Accounts

  • 8/7/2019 The Role and Limitations of Accounting


    Window Dressing

    Window dressing refers to attempts bybusiness to present its accounts in the best light

    Has become more of a necessity as pressure toplease shareholders and the C ity increases

    It is NOT illegal Deliberate deception in the accounts is fraud

  • 8/7/2019 The Role and Limitations of Accounting


    How do firms massage the accounts? Timing of reporting

    B alance sheet snapshot of a business at a point in time,

    therefore: Delay major payment Include large injection of cash/assets

    Exploit accounting procedures often a wide range in thedefinition, e.g:

    Depreciation Extraordinary items

    Window Dressing

  • 8/7/2019 The Role and Limitations of Accounting


    Extraordinary Items

    Large one off costs outside the normal tradingactivities of a company

    e.g. C losure of a factory/business unit As an example of window dressing, somecompanies will choose to write off assets in an

    accounting period when the business has donebadly anywayG etting rid of all the bad news at once is

    perceived as better than continued badperformance over a number of years(Hall, p.318)

  • 8/7/2019 The Role and Limitations of Accounting



    To window dress their accounts, a companycould increase the potential life of machinery

    E.g., take a building initially valued at 1 million If the business depreciates the building over

    10yrs, the cost of depreciation each year will be100 000B ut, if it were to depreciate the building over 25years instead, then the annual depreciationcharge would be 40 000

    Profit on the P&L would be 60 000 more for thefirst 10 years

  • 8/7/2019 The Role and Limitations of Accounting


    P ast P aper Questions

    06-07 v3Question 6

    B ecause accounts do not contain any non -numerical data the profitand loss account does not tell you all there is to know about thehealth of a company. B riefly highlight FOUR other types of information that would help with the interpretation of the accountsstatement.

    [ 4 ]

  • 8/7/2019 The Role and Limitations of Accounting


    P ast P aper Questions06-07 v2Question B6

    Window dressing is the term given to the legal manipulation of accounts by a business to present a financial picture which is to its


    a)Discuss how a company might report its accounts to make thecompany look good [8]

    a)Explain why a company might want to window dress its accounts

    and give your opinion on how normal or acceptable you think thepractice is. [12]

  • 8/7/2019 The Role and Limitations of Accounting


    Homework for tomorrows class(18 November):

    (1) Read Marcous et al (2009) Chapter 58S ources of F inance

    (2) Create a glossary of financial terminology,to include the following terms:

  • 8/7/2019 The Role and Limitations of Accounting


    F inancial Glossary (1)

    Window D ressing

    Intangible Assets

    D epreciation

    P rofit Quality

    Income S tatement

    Extraordinary Items

    S hareholders

    D ebtorsBalance S heet



