the red regime


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Page 1: The red regime





Page 2: The red regime


Table of content Pet Sematary 4-5

The playstation 4 a perfect videogame console!


The ugly truth 8

Running for a Dream 9

The real true 10-11

Euthanasia: A medical problem 12-13

The sinking of the most powerful German ship


The marshmallow salad 16-17

Change of Plans 18-19

A boost morale player 20-21

How are things in the airport? 22-23

Laura Loo Road to the 24

Director of the municipal system DIF, Maria

Romero 25

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The crash of the Airbus a320 plane26

Cetys starts a leadesrhip program 27-28

Pepper 29

Two weeks at London! 30

Best of wild beautiful places around the world


Best tacos in Mexicali 36

Microsoft vs. apple 37-41

Synyster Gates Profile:

(Guitarrist) 42-43

How to make tomatillo sauce. 44

Interview to: Alexis Ignacio Munguia (State

representative archer) 45

Mars has nitrogen, key to life: NASA 46

Nightmare on Elm Street 47

The technology dependence 48

Extras 49-53

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Pet Sematary

Historically the novels of different authors have had power over man to lead them to another reality in

different situations where the plot, power, variety of characters, the places where the play takes place

and other literary characteristics is developed, conceived explosions of feelings and stimulate the

reader's thoughts .

Exactly the same goes for this book. "Pet Sematary ", by the author Stephen King, is an interesting

novel that keeps captivating combinations between the reality of life and their daily problems, and

fantastic, but terrifying story of the resurrection of the dead.

The plot of this novel begins with a mournful and unknown place the Creed family have just arrived,

moving there when the father, Louis Creed, get a better job in the university town nearby.

Immediately they know Mr. Jud Crandall, an elderly man who lives with his wife right in front of them,

passing by the busy highway that is active 24 hours a day. The characters are conformed by a very rich essence, combining both fantastic and common features,

such as romantic conversations between couples, talks about the children homework and

responsibilities, the repairs in the house that need to be done or simple narrations about the daily

shopping, but in the other hand we have this dark and powerful diabolic force that is always there,

always watching the Creed family, which inserts the idea in the reader´s mind that all this unnatural

facts which are developed through this literary work can happen to anyone at any time.

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“Pet Sematary” is an incredible novel that may keep the reader with suspense, terror, and mystery to

the bone, and will do that by times the reader doesn´t want to continue reading, however will be

incapable to do so.

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The playstation 4 a perfect videogame


The product I am going to talk about is the playstation 4. This videogame console is very

attractive it has too many advantages. One of the extreme changes of PS4 is that now you

have to pay PSplus if you want to play online. Psplus is a membership which gives you

many advantages like playing on internet, free monthly games, discounts in the playstation

store, etc.

Another change in PS4 is the remote controller. The PS4 controller is more technological,

it has a touchpad sensor in the center and you can use it I interactive games making this

console more innovative. PS4 is constructed with good quality materials, one example of

this is graphic card which gives the user that is playing a great experience. The RAM

memory of the playstation is very quick so it prevents the slowdown of the console.

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Even though there are many attributes of this console there are some disadvantages too.

One of this is that the startup of the PS4 is not very fast so it could spend some time. One

big disadvantages is that the PS4 servers are very easy to hack or shut down so in some

point you will probably have some troubles if you want to play in internet. Besides of this I

believe that PS4 is a great videogame console and you could have a great time using it.

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Felipe is a very simple person

And for him the casino has become indispensable

It was unpredictable his entrance and concrete his move

In a shorten way the chips were given and remove.

From his eyes a tear was dropped

It never stopped

When he saw that all his money was gone

More tears were dropped

Felipe cried and cried

Because his chips had flown

Along with the money he never owned

The ugly truth

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I went running

I tied my shoes

My legs get stronger

It felt really great

I run another mile

I don’t stop for a while.

I just went to run more than 2 miles

And I felt stronger

I run all the way home

And wait for some more

I went to sleep

But I couldn’t sleep

I started thinking about a sheep

At the end I run behind the sheep

I just want to get some sleep

Running for a Dream

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Scolding and abuse. Nothing but blows. This

is how young people in today's society see

their own mothers. A real injustice, a total

lack of conscience and moral to the person

who has loved us so passionately and care

with such dedication and zeal, even though

we do not deserve it.

The kindness that our family has taught us

since childhood is unique, irrevocable and

unconditional, even more so is our mother.

So then, what is the real problem for the

young people, who just do not appreciate all

these truths? Is it because this afternoon our

mom said we could not use the car to go out

with our friends. Or because she does not

give us permission to play longer our

videogames. Or because they doesn´t made

the food we wanted. Maybe because there

are not washes the clothes you was going to

wear on the night party.

Only for stupid things, typicals from

individuals who can not see beyond their


Are we dominate by that dark way of seeing

our mothers? Do their love, affection,

understanding, care and concern that our

mothers have professed throughout our lives

is easily overshadowed by ephemeral

feelings that are revealed occasionally with

either anger or by our whims?

Yes, because we do not remember the

immense amount of values mom has taught

us throughout life. We forget that she wakes

up before us every day of her life to treat us

the best way, to help us and give us the best,

only to us, their children, expecting, and

certainly without receiving anything in return.

Being a mother means picking up the kids

from school, listen carefully to the stories that

school filled with excitement and also

manage all caution and concentration of the



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world; get home, take 2 hours to make the

food, to finally see how your husband and

your children eat everything in 5 minutes and

shoot out of the table, having in regret not

even a "thank you".

Mothering covers the learning of

understanding from the vague feelings of

your children to the deepest dilemmas that

may arise them, and help them in all possible

ways, so in that way they can continue going


Being a mother means running beside your

child when they are learning to ride a bike.

Tired of anger that your child does not know

how to make the rule of 3 but still keep

teaching. Wash clothes every day. Study with

them for school exams. Feed them the

smallest and make different meals for the

oldest. Answer the phone, change the diaper

of your baby, heat the milk bottle, and pick up

the kitchen all at the same time.

The value of a mother is not won by

situations that you allow to them, but what

you don´t let them do for the good of

themselves. This value is not earned because

the mother wants it, it just simply appears; the

mother does anything to see their children

happy, realized, complete and in the end this

estimate is gained without even intuit or try it.

All this and more is what makes a real


For me it's not worth that my mother does all

this for me when she is mistreated and I do

not appreciate everything she does for me.

Our mothers are one of the most important

people in our life. For that we should

appreciate more their devotion, let´s take of

them, y give them the best of us, just like they

have been doing through all of our lives.

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Euthanasia: A medical problem

Certain times people have listened about the euthanasia, a topic that is extremely

controversial. People believe that after death there will be only peace, and if you’re

suffering in this life, at the moment you die you will go through a better life but,

what if all this ideas are wrong?

Euthanasia is a topic with too much debate, many people believe that is something

that should be practiced when someone is suffering or has a disease that does not

have a cure; other people just think that euthanasia is something that should never

be in practice because it is considered as an inhuman act.

There are two types of euthanasia, the first one it is the active euthanasia and the

second one it is the passive. The active one is when one person induces to

someone’s death by injecting them the magic substance. The passive is when the

person decides to stop medicating or having their treatment.

Most of us have heard about a girl named Valentina Mureira, who has a terrible

disease named cystic fibrosis. This disease does not leave the girl to breathe

normally, because she has to be connected to a special machine which helps her

to breathe.

Valentina asked to her countrie’s president for an authorization in which the

government let the doctors of Valentina to practice her the euthanasia, so she

could finally sleep in peace.

When we talk about this kind of topics you could have many points of view and

many opinions, besides euthanasia is a medical practice and there are daily cases

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in which doctors use this resource, I think it’s a bad option because it goes against

all human beings and nature.

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The Tirpitz was

the second of

two Bismarck-

class battleships

built for Nazi



(navy) during

World War II.

Tirpitz displaced

42,900 t (42,200

long tons) as

built and 52,600

metric tons (51,800 long tons) fully loaded, with a length of 251 m (823 ft 6 in), a

beam of 36 m (118 ft 1 in) and a maximum draft of 10.6 m (34 ft 9 in).

It was put in service on February, 1941, and through all the war, the ship

demonstrated to be an invincible and mighty marine force, making the German

navy an important part of the army.

Referring to his tasks, the Tirpitz realized an incredible list of interesting missions

around the North Sea, located in the northern Europe and southern England.

Just before the Tirpitz began his service, and while doing an intensive training

program, he was called to form a temporally fleet with other heavy and light ships,

called the Baltic fleet, which will prevent the escape of the soviet navy stuck in

Saint Petersburg’s bay, while the German ground and air forces besiege the city.

On November 13 the Tirpitz was deployed into Norway. The ship would be able to

attack convoys bound for the Soviet Union, as well as act as a fleet in being to tie

down British naval assets and hold back an Allied invasion of Norway. During all

this time, the British forces tried to sink the Tirpitz in several occasions without

getting any advantage of it, even when they had decoded the german military

communication machine, called “Enigma”.

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After that, the Tirpitz was assigned to belong to another fleet, which mission was to

attack the allied convoys sent to northern Russia to support soviet troops that were

fighting against the German army. Unfortunately, because of the lack of fuel and

weak escorts to protect the Tirpitz, the high ranked generals decided that the ship

should stay on the Norway bay.

Obviously this a was tremendous ship that still have an excellent career for coming

due to his size and gun power, and England knew it very well. Through the

missions accomplished by the Tirpitz, the England air forces sent a few attacks to

destroy the ship. On March 9, the British threw an attack conformed by 12

torpedoes airplanes. Another attack was sent on March 30, when 33 Halifax

bombers tried to destroy the battleship, even though they didn´t even hit it. Several

more attacks were made by the Real Air Force, but they didn´t succeed.

On 1942, the German admirals decided that the fleet needs to act all together, so

the Tirpitz, with the help of other heavy ships, bombed Spitsbergen, a British island

that possessed some military intelligence artifacts. The fleet achieved to conquer

the island, and return to Norway waters, leaving the Tirpitz on standby.

But the British will not yield, until

sink this potent battleship, which

had caused them a lot of troubles

by now. Operation Catechism, the

final British attack on Tirpitz, took

place on 12 November 1944. A

force of 32 Lancasters dropped

29 Tallboys, a huge kind of bomb,

on the ship, with two direct hits

and one near miss. A second hit

amidships between the aircraft

catapult and the funnel and caused severe damage. A very large hole was blown

into the ship's side and bottom; the entire section of belt armour abreast of the

bomb hit was completely destroyed.

After all this damage, it was only matter of time the sinking of the Tirpitz.

In the aftermath of the attack, rescue operations attempted to reach men trapped in

the hull. Workers rescued 82 men by cutting through the bottom hull plates.

Figures for the death toll vary from approximately 950 to 1,204. Approximately 200

survivors of the sinking were transferred to the heavy cruiser Lützow in January


The mighty monster Tirpitz was finally destroyed.

The tallboy bomb, used to destroy the


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The marshmallow salad

The homemade marshmallow salad is not very complicated to do, the combination

of ingredients which you use to prepare the salad it makes it very delicious. If you

want to eat a good combination you could drink a cold glass of milk.

This dessert is perfect for family or friend reunions or you could also bake it in

holidays like Christmas, birthdays or also in a casual day.

The materials you need to make the walnut pie are the following:

2 bags of marshmallows

1 big sour cream

1 can with fruits of Doyle

2 cups of coconut

2 or 3 bars of Philadelphia cheese

2 cups of walnuts

1 beater

1 big recipient

The first thing you have to do for making the salad is to add the sour cream and the

Philadelphia cheese in the recipient, you have to shake them until you get a thick

and creamy mix.

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When you finish shaking the mix you have to leave it in the refrigerator for two

hours, so the mixture can get a better consistency. After that you only add the

other ingredients and you mix them again.

Now your salad is ready, but if you want to add a fancy taste you could add a little

bit of rum.

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Change of

Plans When all the classes were over me and my friends hang

out at the classroom to organize a reunion on a sport bar, we were planning at

what time to meet on a friend’s house so we can go all

together to the bar.

At 9pm we were supposed to meet at my friend’s house so

at 7 pm I started to change of clothes as soon as I finished I

go to my friend’s house, when I arrived my other friends were there because they

arrive earlier they were discussing about a company, they wanted to start a

company of empanadas so they were organizing their future sales.

Their meeting take a while, hours pass and we finished going to the bar almost at

11pm, I decided to take my friends in my car, the engine start, I push the pedal and

we go straight to the bench, it was a hard

blow. We get out of the car and check if it

was alright, we noticed that both tires where

busted, the crazy night that was plan passed

to a lame night changing the tires of my car.

My friends help me out, it take us 1 hour to

change one single tire and it was still

missing one, but that one don’t took us so long because we gain experience with

the first one. When we finish putting the tire I invite my friends to eat tacos. Our

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plans to drink and play pool were gone. The only good thing about that night is that

they demonstrate me that I can count with them in any situation.

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A boost morale player

There are only certain people in the world who are actually able to raise and lead

the sporting spirit of a team. This is the case of José Clemente Noriega Valdez, a

leading player of the CETYS football team.

It would be interesting to understand how this type of characters boost morale and

motivate the team, with their unique personality.

1. For how long have you been

practicing this sport?

I have played this sport for four

years. Since eighth grade, and then

played 3 seasons in the three years

of high school, first, third and fifth


2. What position do you play?

Full back.

3. Do you think that this position is a

factor that gives confidence to

push your team?

All positions are important to support

your team. However I think this

position is a little more, because this

position is responsible for advancing

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yards to the team and make

annotations, which can boost the

morale of the team.

4. Do you consider that you have a

special quality to improve your

team self-steam when the things

are getting worse?

I wouldn´t call it a gift, but I consider

myself a person supports its partners

and encourages them to pursue.

5. What do you do the increase the

morale in your team?

If in a game we are doing badly plays

we can fix it on the next play, and you

can always go for more.

6. Do you think that this gift can help

you to develop your conception as

a person and then this will open

you doors to succeed?

Yes. In fact, last season several of

my colleagues were selected from

different teams throughout the

country, I called for the Tecnológico

de Monterrey.

7. On your own opinion, do you think

that this kind of motivation really

helps the team when they are

having a bad time?

I think is a little quite help motivating

when something is not going well. It

is always encouraged to have a pat

on the back to move forward.

8. Do you consider that this supports

makes your team members see

you like an important part of the


Generally a certain respect among

team members is generated.

However it is always important to

have a good personality, because

then the respect of your peers is lost,

and from them to you.

9. Have this quality had increase

your popularity around the

campus, or isn´t a factor that you

consider that could do it?

No, I do not consider it a factor. The

popularity of the school doesn´t

depend of the position you play or

what sport you play, but the

personality that keep every day with

fellowship, and friendship.

10. Do you think that this kind of

personality should be present in

every member team in every sport


I believe that everyone can support

their team, regardless of anything the

team where you play; you can always

support your team with your


Thanks for your time and we appreciate to

have such a prominent player like you in our

school team.

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How does the airport works?

This interview has the purpose to show how

are things in the airport, because of this we

ask Carlos Velazquez a friend of the family

that work in this area and has this position

for four years. It is important to know this

information because daily there are many

flights in Mexicali city so by reading this

interview the reader can learn some


What is your position in your job?

“I am the Airport Chief of Volaris in the

International airport of Mexicali”

In what does your job consist in?

“I am the responsible of the general operation

of the airline, i am also responsible of the flights

reception, the documentation to the authorities

of civil aviation, the baggage documentation,

but my principal function consist in check that

the standards and policies of the airline fulfill


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What is the security protocol in the


“We ask to the clients to get one or two

hours before the flight, because the flight

documentation close half hour before the

flight, in this way that let us finish the

documentation that we give to the


What happens if this protocol fails?

“If the protocol fails the operation turns non-

functional and we have to provide of more

time, time that we do not have because this

operation must be quickly and effective and

if we lose time we neglect other areas”

How many years have you been in

that position?

“Here in Mexicali I have one year and in

Tijuana I worked in the same position for

three years”

Which are the most common

destinations of the clients?

“Mexico City and Guadalajara”

How many flights are in a day?

“Approximately four flights”

Have you had an uncomfortable

situation with a client?

“Yes, there are some uncomfortable

situations but most of them are because the

client do not access to fulfill the rules or

security codes and all of this make us to

make decisions in where the only affected is

the client. Once a client of the airline was

complaining and asking why did we were

checking him and he joke saying: Yes I

have a bomb with me, obviously this was

only a joke but that make us to follow

instantly the security protocol and to be

alarmed and after that the person can’t fly in

that moment”

What are the most common problems

that you face?

“When clients arrive late and when they

have excessive weight in their stuff”

How much is the weight limit that can

you carry?

“Our airline lets the clients to have a

suitcase of 25 kilos and two bags without

passing the 7 kilo”

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Which is our favorite athleticism discipline and why?

Long jump. Because is a tryout that I can succeed easily.

When did you start training?

2 years ago.

For how long did you train after your first competition?

It took me 6 months.

What motivated you to keep training?

That someday I can have the Baja Uniform.

How did you earn your Baja Uniform?

Passing to a region competition. In that competition you receive the full uniform.

How was your experience in the region competition?

It was a very interesting experience even though my performance wasn’t as I

expected to be. I won second place.

Which are your favorite shoes for training?

They are called spike but they always depend on the discipline you are

looking for.

Did you like your trip to Tijuana?

I felt excited because I always wanted to be in that competition.

How was your experience in the regional competition?

I like meeting with different people around the country, so it was

very funny and excited.

What do you think about your trainer?

He always supported me even with my personal problems that’s why I estimate him as a coach

and as a friend.

Laura Loo Road to the


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What is the main activity of your position?

To coordinate the actions of the institution.

How many years does this job last?

3 years

What year was DIF founded?


Approximately how many people work in this association?

More than 300 people in the office

What is the main function of this governmental group?

Helping the families to achieve a good life quality.

What activities DIF do to help families?

We give food and monetary donations to them.

How do you get funds for such activities?

From the government taxes and people’s donation

Are there any organizations that are partners with DIF?

We have some organization that help in the distribution of the resources, but

not one in special.

Currently, does the DIF require assistance to meet its objective?

All possible assistance count

What are your plans for the future?

Expanding our system to places where the help has not been given.

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The crash of

the Airbus

a320 plane

The aircraft, an Airbus A320, has

disappeared from the radar in the

Alpes de Haute Provence and

crashed near the town of

Barcelonnette, in a rugged area of more than 2,000 meters above sea level on the

south side of the French Alps. On board there were 144 passengers, including two

babies, and six members of crew.

The flight took off at 9:55 a.m. from Barcelona’s airport, and was scheduled to land

in the German city of Dusseldorf at 11.55 a.m., but never reached its destination.

Before 11:00 a.m. the flight had lost contact with French’s control tower.

At 10:45 a.m., the radars located the plane at 38,000 feet, about 11,500 meters of

altitude. A minute later the pilot initiates a decrease of altitude, unauthorized, and

continues to lose altitude for 8 minutes. " The aircraft stopped broadcasting signal

at 10:53 , when it was at an altitude of 6,000 feet ( 1,800 meters). The plane

crashed then," said Thomas Winkelmann , President of the company


The Directorate General of the French Civil Aviation (DGCA) has confirmed that

the plane did not send an alert before the accident. "It was the air traffic controller

who issued the warning because they had lost contact with the plane," noted a

spokesman for the FAA, although earlier he had informed otherwise . The weather

conditions were not particularly bad at the time of the accident, he added.

French researchers haven’t lost a minute to analyze the second black box of

Germanwings plane that crashed in the French Alps last March 24 with 150 people

on board. The recording device, discovered Thursday afternoon in the disaster

zone, arrived overnight at the premises of the French Bureau of Investigation and

Analysis (BEA ) , on the outskirts of Paris. One Friday morning, the BEA

announced that the data confirm a deliberate action. The first black box had

allowed and advance of the hypothesis that the copilot, Andreas Lubitz , was only

in charge and voluntarily crashed the machine.

And the hypothesis was correct, future research of the black box confirmed that

after all, it was a complete suicide by Andreas Lubitz, whom suffered from

depression, the main pilot tried to open the cabin, because the copilot locked it. In

that moment, Lubitz lowered the plane causing an imminent crash.

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The University knows that it is its responsibility to help the country in the cultural

formation of their students, that’s why CETYS puts in action at every campus a

program to achieve this goal in an easier way.

Spinoza Garcia, the director of comprehensive training at CETYS University

founded FORTES “a leader is someone who’s not afraid to act first”, this project

consist in the participation of students who have proved to have abilities in

leadership. These students from second semester will start the process of

FORTES with events providing experience that could improve their skills in

leadership and companionship, so in the future those students will have an

important change in our society.

This events consists in encounters with national and international social leaders, at

least one each month for the students, the leaders will provide advice and stories

on how they achieved those status, in that way, scholars can use that learning in

their own lives.

FORTES has a specific methodology, it is divided in three phases:

Sensitization: Lectures that are related with the signature and the

experience that the lecturer provides cover this phase.

Analysis: Taking a posture based in the information from sensitization.

Action: All the knowledge learned from the program will be put into action,

creating and applying initiatives to help the society in a permanent way.

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As we can see, CETYS is increasing the quality that they provide to their students,

this program will have an impact on the city as the time passes by; so know we

have to wait and see the results that this university has to offer.

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I was at my house watching a movie when suddenly I receive an incoming call. It

was my grandmother she wanted me to go to her house because her dog was

having a heart attack, I don’t really wanted to go but my mom obligated me to go.

When I arrived to my grandmother’s house they were all kind of sad, they wanted

me to carry the dog to my aunt’s car so they can take her to the veterinary, and it

was a very wear experience because the dog was literally dying on my arms, but I

was only exaggerating.

The veterinary told us to take the dog for an analysis I thought we would take it

tomorrow but my grandmother wanted to be right now so I carried the dog again an

take her to the analysis, it was a very tricky place because I couldn’t find it was a

very hidden place, when I parked we run all the way to the other veterinary,

because they were about to closed.

We wait for a while, they told us that the dog has a very big heart and that’s why he

can’t even stand up. Grandmother started crying she decided to sleep the dog. It

was a very painful situation for her I was supporting her all that lapse of time. I

carried the dog for a last time to my grandmother’s car; when we arrive to her

house I started digging a whole on the back yard it take me a while but it was done,

they all say a few words to the dog because she was with the family since my mom

was a teenager they were all crying but at the end we all say good bye to the old

pretty dog “Pimienta”.

I don’t really cry because I don’t spend enough time to play with her like my mom

and aunt did, it seem like the person who can’t handle it was my grandmother

because she was the one who bought it and care it all the time, when I die bury her

with me were the only words she was constantly saying when Pimienta was bury.

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On April 2012 I was selected with another 19 students of my junior high to go to

England to a program called BEO (British English Olympics) in which 20 students

from each school had to compete in different categories like debate, country

presentation, song presentation, poetry, sustainable project, etc. I went with my

school, Colegio Bilingue Calmécac, with some of my friends and known people.

This trip lasted 2 weeks and I think it is my best experience ever. In my journey we

met people from other countries like Russia, Brazil, Costa Rica, and obviously

people from England. We visited typical places like London Eye, Big Ben, the

cathedral and a town called Horsham, we also traveled in subway and visited

museums. When we visited London Eye I lived a bittersweet experience. It was

almost time to return to the school where we were sleeping, and we couldn’t take

longer because British people are very punctual and we were going to miss the

bus. We were running to the train when suddenly, I crashed with a women that was

with her boyfriend, so he got mad and he punched me in my back, leaving me a big

bruise, after that we reclaimed and they give us a special trip to a nearby town and

all because of me. Beside that bittersweet memory I spent a great time in England

and I left very happy.

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Best of wild beautiful places

around the world

A small account of the most interesting and wild sites in our


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Our world is the home of many awesome places, which tend to attract

millions of visitors each year. However, from one corner of the world to

another one, there are an infinite of extraordinary sites that many

people may not even know that exists.

We leave you with the beauty of our planet.




When the cherries begin to bloom,

the crowd of people starts visiting

the famous cherry park that has

this tree variety. They come not

only to admire the flowers but also

to eat and drink under its

branches and have a fun (and

noisy) time - typical Japanese

pastime during this season. Every

year, the Japan Meteorological

Agency predicts the heyday for

each region - one more example

of how the Japanese love these

flowers that decorate every year

the country with their pinks.


Full of impressive colors and spiral

shapes, the grooves on these fields

creates a mixture of enchanting

patterns. This photography was

taken by a 51 year old amateur

photographer, called Zhang Ning,

during his travels across China.

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Known for its culture-laden

provincial capital, Florence, an

impossibly beautiful countryside of

rolling hills and cypress stands,

Tuscany can overwhelm a visitor

with options. Skip the lines at the

Uffizi and revel in the ideal vision of

the Renaissance in the chapel of the

Palazzo Medici, where Benozzo

Gozzoli´s fresco “Journey of the

Magi of Bethlehem” depicts his

Medici patrons as the wise men.

And don´t miss Siena, home of

Europe´s finest medieval square

and the Palio bareback horse race

in July and August.


Windmills, wooden shoes and

colourful fields filled with tulips.

That is how Holland looks on a

postcard. Spring in Holland is

marked by flowers and flower

bulbs. The most famous places

are Keukenhof and the flower-bulb

region but Flevoland is not as

well-known even though it boasts

Holland’s longest and most

colourful tulip route in the



There were many losers in the

Vietnam War, but nature

perseveres as the perennial

winner; the eternal splendor of

Vietnam’s La Drang is perhaps

most evocative of that. Visiting the

La Drang Valley now we can´t find

any traces of the once bloody

battles. Wild nature has healed all

the wounds and scars of war. La

Drang Valley now is dotted with

wild little flowers which secure

those who rest here a permanent


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Rising up like rocky cathedrals, the

Dolomites are spiked with craggy

pinnacles and carved with verdant

valleys just begging to be explored

on skis, mountain bite, or foot. But

there´s more to this region than

thrill-seeking: The mountains are

strewn with abandoned bunkers,

fortifications, and tunnels left over

from World War I when this was the

front line between Austria and Italy,

as well as charming Tyrolean

villages where the ancient Ladin

language is still spoken


With its signature honey-colored

Stone buildings and rolling

farmland dotted with sheep and

scored by hedgerows, the

Cotswolds in southwestern

England seem conjured from the

pages of a children´s book. Day-

trippers from London or Oxford

peruse the tiny, timeless villages

like the Slaughters and Broad

Campden, tour the 15th-century

Sudeley Castle, and walk

Donnington Way, a 62- mile

circular hike linking 15 country

pubs through the North Cotswolds.


With vast stretches of untamed

Artic wilderness, Sweden´s

Lapland is ideally traversed on

dogsled. Whizzing through

snowscapes behind a team of

charging huskies allows you up-

close glimpses of moose, lynx,

reindeer, and other wildlife. Unwind

each day in a wood-heated sauna,

and then dig into local fish and

game dishes around a roaring fire,

under a mantle of starry skies.

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This is a hotel made of pure

ice and snow. Located at the

outsides of the city, the

essence of this site offers the

visitors a new style of life,

combining the beauty of the

nature and facilities of a

warm, complete cottage. One

of the most nature places

visited in all the country.






Neuschwanstein Castle was

commissioned as the private refuge

for Ludwig II of Bavaria, but opened

to the public immediately after his

death in 1886. Now recognizable as

the inspiration for Disney's Sleeping

Beauty Castle, Neuschwanstein is

one of the most popular castles in

Europe. This fairy tale castle will

take you to a very distant age,

where the architecture beauty and

the wild opened spaces can

transform your concept of


Page 36: The red regime


Best tacos in Mexicali

Mexicali is a well-known city for its tacos, its common to find a taco stand when you

drive, you can almost find one at the corner of every street. But it’s food after all,

and there are better than the others, that why we show which tacos are better in

our beloved city.

This is the result, according to the blog Habitual Mexicali, who polled the residents.

At 1st place with a 26% of acceptance we have:

Homemade tortillas give the taco a unique taste,

also the waitress serve fast, but In this case,

the quality is the problem since everyone

from Mexicali goes to this stand, making it

crowded at a fast rate. Main problem would

be overpopulation.

On 2nd place with a 15% we have (but now it’s called el huarachon):

This is a good place for students, because the tacos are

affordable, this place also gives you frijoles for free and there is a

huge variety in sauces, which help the taco to achieve this

special flavor. But the place is some-what unsanitary.

On 3rd place with a 10% of acceptance is:

This taco stand is a little bit fancier than the others, the price of

the tacos is a good way to express the fanciness of a place, which

are a little bit expensive than the others stands, but after all, taste

is the most important thing to consider, and this are well balanced

tacos, but not good enough to achieve a higher place.:

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Microsoft vs. apple Big companies always come into battle to determine if their product is the best, but after all, it depends on the buyers.

Which brand has better products for you?

¿which brand is more innovative?









Microsoft Apple Other









Microsoft Apple Other


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¿which desktop computer would you chose?

¿which laptop would you chose?












Microsoft Apple Other









Microsoft Apple Other


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¿which cellphone brand would you chose?

¿which one has a better performance for you?








Microsoft Apple Other











Microsoft Apple Other


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¿why would you chose Microsoft?

¿why would you chose Apple?










Price Performance Style Easy to use Compatibility











Price Performance Style Easy to use Compatibility


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From one to 10, rate each computer considering each



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

People 2 7 1


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

People 3 2 2 3

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Synyster Gates Profile: (Guitarrist)

Birth name: Brian Elwin Haner Jr.

AKA: Synyster Gates.

Born: July 7, 1981 (age 33) Huntington Beach, California US.

Genres: Metalcore, Hard rock.

Instruments: Guitar, vocals, drums, piano, bass guitar, violin.

Years active: 1998 – present.

Music industries: Good Life Recordings, Hopeless, Warner Bros,


Associated acts: Avenged Sevenfold, Pinkly Smooth.


Notable instruments: Schecter Synyster Custom.

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Pinkly smooth.

Avenged Sevenfold:

Page 44: The red regime


How to make tomatillo sauce.

The delicious traditional tomatillo sauce has

become very famous in Mexico in dishes as chicken

enchiladas or can also be useful in breakfasts such as scrambled eggs,

chilaquiles or even a beans taco. Tomatillo sauce is so useful to give a

fabulous flavor to almost everything you can eat. You can even use it as

a dip with a toast. The ingredients are:

1 pound of tomatillos, husked.

1 teaspoon minced garlic.

1 serrano chile peppers, minced.

2 tablespoons chopped cilantro.

1 ½ teaspoons salt, or to taste.

2 cups of water.

First you put the peppers to cook on fire and wait that

they’re completely roast. After that, grab a dish so you can start the

first mix which is putting the garlic and cilantro and salt into the

dish. After doing the mix you can either start cooking the tomatillos

into the pan and you cover them up into aluminum and then cover up the

pan. After 10-15 minutes, the tomatillos should be finally cooked. In

that time you can mix the peppers with the mix you did before. Use a

smasher and make sure everything is completely mixed and smashed.

Then you put the tomatillos into the dish where is the mix and

start to smash (be careful, tomatillos are hot). After that, the sauce is

done, tomatillos have a lot of water inside so, sometimes it wouldn’t be

necessary to add water, it will depend on how spicy the sauce is, and

you can reduce the spiciness with the cups of water. And there it is,

tomatillo sauce, enjoy it with some toasts or breakfasts or in your


Page 45: The red regime


Interview to: Alexis Ignacio Munguia (State representative


1. How long have you been training?

I’ve been training a year and a half. I started

in January 11th, 2013 and I’ve been doing it.

2. How much time do you invest practicing?

I invest 4 hours a day practicing. 21 hours a


3. How did you earn the state representation?

Competing in states and I tried my best.

4. What is your training technique for your daily routine?

Concentrate and make the things right and make what the trainer says to me.

5. How was your experience training in the state competition?

I got very nervous but I started to control myself. First, I thought I wouldn’t compete,

because I was shooting awful, but then I got rid of all those

negative thoughts and I was growing until I got the first place.

6. Have you liked the travels you done on your competitions?

Yes and No, because I get dizzy on the roads but generally I do.

7. What do you think of your trainings?

It’s very good to train all day. As many say: “Practice makes the


8. What do you think of your trainer?

My trainer is one of the best in Mexico, even in the world but it’s a

very good trainer and I think I’ll be successful if I’m still training

with him, and because of that he has shown to be one of the

greatest trainers in Mexico.

9. What motivates you to keep on training?

It motivates me that my family feels proud of me and I can show I’m good at something.

10. How do you see your progress in the trainings?

Every day I’m doing everything alright but I’m low at score. When I do things correct

constantly I’m going to keep a high score so now I’m doing fine.

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Mars has nitrogen, key to life: NASA

Washington – NASA’s Curiosity rover found nitrogen on the surface of

Mars, this brings up previous ideas of searching for life in other planets,

and, because of nitrogen being one of the principal components of life, as

earth composes of those elements too.

While Curiosity was drilling into Martian

rocks, it found evidence of nitrates in those rocks.

These rocks are the evidence that they can be used

by living organisms.

The Curiosity team has other evidences that

make them

think that is

clearly people,

or at least new

organisms living in there, such as

liquid water and organic matter,

being this, the essential elements for

life to exist.

Nitrogen is, as said before, essential

for all known forms of life.

But, NASA still doubt of the

possibility of life existing on Mars because the surface is inhospitable for

known forms of life.

One hypothesis they made up, is that maybe nitrogen existing there

is because of meteorite impacts, and other biological processes.

Page 47: The red regime


Nightmare on Elm

Street The movie that scared the hell out of some of use, for me, a classic, for other

people, garbage, and the last percentage, consider this movie as a masterpiece. Fred Krueger, the guy that scared most of us for being one of the most mysterious creatures in the history of movies. His ability of appearing in dreams and search for you and scare you to death to then kill you is alright. The scary thing was, the dream becomes mysteriously true, so, killing you in your dreams means you die in real life. I believe since the release of this movie, people were afraid to sleep because of dreaming of Fred Krueger killing them in some way.

In my opinion, I always knew Fred Krueger as a classic horror character, but I never saw the movie until this year. As a horror movie, I wasn’t scared at all, time has changed, but I believe that if I were in the release date of the movie it would be traumatic. I didn’t scare much, but I think it’s a

classic and a movie everyone can enjoy because it’s such an amazing idea to bring horror into your dreams to then become true.

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The technology dependence.

As we know it, technology is moving on day by day, computers are

now essential things in our home. School work with technology these days,

the industries work with technology, and all the new things work with it, the

question is, is technology making ourselves dependant? I think some people

are. Seriously, we all live in our cell

phones, our computers, our TV’s, cars, and

new products that the companies have


The truth is, we can’t leave that

behind, as human beings we always

progress. However, we can’t depend on

technology to do all our work neither being

on our electronic devices all day long,

because we all have a social life to live in the world outside. I believe

most of the people that depend on this technology, spend their time on a

social network for hours and hours.

On the other hand, kids and teens often spend their time playing

videogames, watching movies or just wasting time on their cell phones. And

some people just watch TV too much. I

don’t say technology is a waste of time.

I say, the majority of the people that

knows how to handle technology usually

waste productive time.

I personally think, technology is

slaving human race to the limits. In

conclusion, I gotta say, technology is a

useful tool in our world, because it can open your mind and entertain

yourself, but, technology is seriously a big problem since it’s used for

everything and, we forget about all the things we used to do without

technology such as going out, hang out with friends, be with the family.

The technology is an excellent tool but never forget how beautiful life is.

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3 This team is from Oakland and they are called "Warriors".

5 They used to be called Hornets.

6 Michael Jordan is well know because of playing with this team.

7 Their logo is a clover.

8 Kobe Bryant plays in this team.


1 Is the second basketball team of New York.

2 The team based is in Dallas and they used a horse as a logo.

4 Is one of the most popular basketball teams in New York.

Page 51: The red regime


March 21 - April 19


Active, Demanding,

Determined, Effective,


April 20 - May 20


Security, Subtle

strength, Appreciation,

Instruction, Patience

May 21 - June 20



Indecision, Inquisitive,

Intelligent, Changeable

June 21 - July 22


Emotion, Diplomatic,

Intensity, Impulsive,


Page 52: The red regime



July 23 - August 22


Ruling, Warmth,

Generosity, Faithful,


November 22 - December 21


Philosophical, Motion,



August 23 - September 22


Analyzing, Practical,

Reflective, Observation,


December 22 - January 19



Dominance, Perservering,

Practical, Willful

September 23 - October 22


Balance, Justice,

Truth, Beauty,


January 20 - February 18


Knowledge, Humanitarian,

Serious, Insightful,


October 23 - November 21


Transient, Self-Willed,

Purposeful, Unyielding

February 19 - March 20


Fluctuation, Depth,

Imagination, Reactive,


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Sudoku Fill the blank space with number a different number

vertically and horizontally