the puget sound mail. · the puget sound mail. ... n h

NO. 8. == MAIL. ''1' 18, 1 883, SOUND ====_ .. --=-=--=- -====---=== & Comp ound . d. • Stoves ! -- Carofully - .I 1.'1' 1.1 ,1,1 :\1-: Ill' - PUGET T im IX .\ :.t I·:H1V,\. , VI la IC OIn , "'V . LA COX XE H. TE HRITO HY, SA TU UDAY, A (J SOPHUBJ lBROEN80NI PROPRIETOR, L. STEINWEG u ... ::n : 1I .\ sTun . 0"- Oo mmol' oid Stroot, So a.ttl o, w. T. Who!" lII l1 l", ntul lh·tuil 0'",,1" ' 1'1 11.1 Je>b bor_ a :n.C1 D e a l.e r a W. Oa rry a La ,s. and We n-8eleoted 8took of Ch a rt er Oak w 1'rosoriptiono F. W. WU S THO FF,F ront 8t ., s oa tt l.., W. T., 80ll 14. O. Q, 8te lnw ell', Beatti e, GROCERIES, DR'Y, GOODS, CLOTHING & HARDW.ARE. w, l ::'Xor<1 \\-rn '0 , T 1' UII 1IlJ d S te e l. MECHANl CS· TOOLS my Specially: GUNS, RIFLE S, REVOLVEBland A1dMUNl TION: The Lu g.. t SI..k Of F"h lng Tackle . nd Seln. Tw ln. ..or brought to th e Territory; Olaal aud nil grad.. of Sporting Powd. r. :\ rODlJ)l"", " ork -" t:x'r n.\ l'AUTa r" , ..11 1......1111 ,l ll cl,ln.. k. p" r nn. t. nll , ' 11 " ..,I. (;o'lu lr , (,. tr ' I IJ'VIIJ. lIl;:'I " QRipll, . tl.II 'I .... I... F un t '" Bradley Sulk.y n Rke" Bullard Improved Hay Teddeto; Palonl Hay C arri er. ; Ha rpoon Horoe Hay Forb ; Schuilier Far m, Frelghl Rnd Spring Wagon" O..den City ClIpp, r Plows, from 6 to 20 luch... !l VII ,D EIl S' ) ('\1'I:ItIAI" 1I1lW l\ AX/) 1.111F. Gene r al Merc ha ndis AT PADILLA BAY For tho A ooommod:l.tionof tho Settlors in t h::I.t S. c- ti on, we would all to C::I.ll an d. E a.m.ino our Stock and 1'rioos boforo going furthor. J. SCH RAM IUIII .'IIIt!1I 1 '1' 0 11 1'1, I'I'I'IIIIIII'Q lIIul 1' 11 11 1') ' lIu ub. StlllluIICr)·. Ell'" .':tc., I:: Ic., A l w ll Y'" "" Il ll lul lli PH I ' 1' ;8 , 111\"1 111{ pur chu-u.l th., iu tHI'Utll l) ( IlIr lutu pnrt uur, :\1It. \\'11,,· LI.\. \I HU:\. I I14 k II C'JlItilu l 11 IlCII uf tlto pu trunago, hH l m'llI" tho puull e uf Ill'" 1,,·t·tl 'JIJ II I uu outlou to ul! Il n h"I"!'f, und u'tor1 un"CUVQI' to Hit·o ,' I1 .i1 ·o dllH..r"d loll. ( ..hull kl'"P u (nil lind n"' ul'l muu t of 1"'" iJl".l'l hltlU' IlIflln Jl >' I: <'" t ill n wul! ,"og u lnl, ',) 1J1'\1g' Htcro . - .U I()- " t:IIS11.\ LC. \\' T THE 1.. \ W. T. II !!,. [lll.,... rr,"Ia.t. 10 ,t "I:An l.'·. '" T ENGRA V ER S, •n :ATTI . &, "' .T. -!JUl.... tit "li D .uoaT'" UF- YOJ ... XI. C. H. HANFORD, A TTo a NE Y' AND COUKII£ LOR A T LAW, Ht"A"rl' U :. W. T. Wool. Hide. and Fu .... r or .. blob 1f, will pap 'De IIItMtt liar., rri.... .1.... Mall fer PrI....u.t. ......]l:Dlt .. OO. 1e&UI.. W. T, W••'.r to Ill. Trad. at I an FnnciICo ,PrlOIL Al "1 'O HS L:\ ' AS O (·u 1,;MH:t .on .A'l 1.1\ " . rROCTOR IN ttCAl·ft .t:. \\0' . "1". - _. _------ Watohe., Clook. , Jewel ry .nd 811v erwa re of the 8.8tQuallty. 8.B AX TER & CO" I mpo r t. ,. ot J Oa KION AJl'D DOUITI O W INES. LI QUORS, , TOBACCOS AND C10AR S. Iktl. A. eDU tor lb . OAII BOURBON WHISKY , L. P. SMITH & SON -; -' WA TC H MA K ER S, J EWELER S &. Attorneys a.t Law, ) IT ' · lOO('S,'" T JOll X A. l'l'ot&:yPublic ana.CcnvoylUl cor , - 'I' H 1:- P UG J::T )l AIL. .• . n ar ' . . ". f; , 111 1. .. . STRUVE& HAIN ES, .lTTORHEY'fJ AT LAW. BR OWN & REED, L nn d & LlIW A t t or n 0 y"-, W. '1' •• W ill 1111'1 110 III all t li . (''' T lth .11.1 1.- 11,1om- , •• lIr l h.l·.rrit'f," .... l' l ' UH ItY &. Ol v il En ginee rs & S llrveyofs, III " II Ihe Co ur " III "' n. Mnl ton Terrltur,. Watohmakel'am i Jeweler, w.. t ••I...... r l'l('k. lIud J ,·...,·I'y 'rl'"I..... 1 "' I 11,, " ",, 11,·.·. . \ 11w."k '01 "" ,,"10.. 1""II C" '01" . Ilr.I.". rr" m ..r -- - -- T. U· LA OONNER DRUG STORE. the l'lnh , 000 ot the remnan t. of Hob' I'Jn'. 11ft. )', hruku down n _hurl dilltfth rt " liar ehe I"tt had ic r. hUb fur ,. "nlr•. CUlih'.t OVOt the will. I T h" I' oulhlt,. trlke ot 'tl,,,''' \1110 0\'' '', 14"J.d UII" much "tt",n llun II Iho 1 '1hu J' ''I'''U nt . full of Illk·n l. ..... alul 1.'41111 · IIIllU.... , ,..Jlt ",j"lnul1 o tl1, rwl lll. h I.. th Ollllhi ti l" ( ' h lu llWU ''' hll'hOIl'' 111 '11 "' Ill 'Ilrl"'" to, d A)'. '1'1 '1 1<" lI"fllfo " IntutH]1ltn l1eohl'l h" ," nHo r u l Ilut 'I . ", .. l'1I11lno l nlHl lIr" nl IIhllll .lf. III Ih" 1I1II1o'l lllt1 nul . f<lud ) tllml to "rilnlrlllio lU ll In crook.ll• 111: '''. 'I'h" :-iii .... 1I1\I1I,..hl rl,l HUllnMtl nl 'l llt",l\O'\ I ll ' 1II II I.hl!l·lI".. l·vet'l' lllJ tr l..1 uf CtJloliul Uuldu 11 11'. ' fur du. 1''' 111(;' (' 01111 1 11 , III l,rO f,; IlI .d,u" al HI. .IL e, .\ 1 lIurl lttlllulI, lcwn, R wumnu ""IV knueklot l,I 'H' n III ho e duu r) nrd nlld 101.Lud ____ J CE RCEN80 N. _ L 'O"" ",.m \1'..1,1"., ,,,, ' 10.1 , Cl f f :100" t"IlIJl UIIIlUIII" & CA 1111 W IU I lItllU Uttlllt dllll"lIr n ft .t·lujl IU ttun· "rUt It1Jruullli II,,, Ul..n lfectlon uf IlIdlnll , "" .. . , Hllll lv" l1eunoune•• Iii ", I",m. 011 whlch h. will ' Iu r " lI h lIllI.lO' ur I1IRd v. '1'1 ,1,1 de..trncnve l ' t nl Je r Uoe of 1:rh·...oll·. ' IV .... ,uulllt." urv . nhl U.Ibu 'vtr lill'. StU \ e•• Ilnll j;'t·tj·. Ti n :lI IC I tru lll'e \\·llrl'. 1,li;I;::.I: .. ( '"rd Itnllll.". ItII U·S. Sh.,t't·lroll uud l' 0l.ltt r. \\t'ut lIut Ih lll ,,",U)'. I .\ d ' Il rllullvuli ru oecc rred III .\ll.IlIr"c.'.I.t . S " V"I UIlIf'lt lQ" Rru nul IIJ Ilv <"!1I11l_.l! uu. 1I11·utl ,I'r o t.I" , ... !ol om (lllr M' d ",. ttIJ U IIlu "lidIH It'lu., (011111. ..It rff'-'Illl)' I.' (' 1110",,0, ... t-Ich lor 11M). ju . llllo·. 1 t h••(' I.,r ll,,1 IJllIwlfltI lut IoIo liioh tllliL I,ur .: ItUllll U". _.- __ _ .___ __ It I.. f fll,o r tt' ,1 tlm t t ill' .t" " Uhl' I .. ,tt lu I,:. \flU IU l n,1 Ihe 14l flll. ul 11 .1 . Oi. lrha l.·"w, LI CLOT HIER & - ENG L · -I -SH-- 1,,_, Ilul\, S "WI ,u, l, It . J. _ ' J. I· . 1 .0 " f:. - lI t: ,U;lill IX - , ,,II' or, n l ,ill"" 1.' .... ,, 11 11 I tl lfll t IIl1'mor . G I h d tI.u \\' Mh'rll C lIl l.IIl COll ll " t ll ) UII Mull. enera ere an 198 1 ·1, ,,' .....'•• nhn•• '''.'' J' .. C.. lw , T IHl II U 1l1l"Or 4 .,f t Lo A' u I'lr h·,, 11 '(" ' ''' 11 I; OSU.r1 :"' O lfr .... teu. u s. or rl·I·" rl Ih"l H,. ) n rtl "nll.tI,,,,1 wllh th' l I ..ult 'l ( t1lt'lr flt d ll lllul\f »· llrllll tkll. CROOERIES HA RD WAR ED RY GO ODS BOOTS AND SHOES ' .1I"' " '''' -"...",.., ... 'h. ,,,. I.•.•" ",.• I I - f )--_. I -I " ,hll ll'. :\ " ' 111 <I \\,1': VAUlt Y A L.\W if': STUUI\ Uk" O U D:"1.};) S '- 1.1=>1 :>110 .. , [" 111111,. n uf r lll'lli. hill:.;' lhv Ull H"ullounlJl. T el 'llI" 1 '11... 1l1l'l llbur" of tho 1"' 1 111 ...lto I\ fl' t.. (·" rul,fllu "Hh tI ..• rWo "" '111 CLOTHIER &. EN C LI8H, 111I\U 1" ·" lI ..(·Il't' t"", I. __ __ _ _ \ ',.'1 '1 11111, :-tl 11,.:1 1 l, to l\\t"'l IIIf ' r.. tlonll -T (:> T :B: E -- --- - ".-...- - ---- .\ llr " nt 11 ..• n r' ·Utt ' .\ lit il li G II f t it" Uu Cl k. III :-il'W \"u rk. hrl ' lI lJ """ IlUrn.. 1 COUN TRY TR AD E I ... ltl ..." ,·.., . .., · ..... ''' ' '1 ' K" .... I . 111'.11) h lJ' lrllJ. 1 Tl lII IIf 1"'1. 1", '11. I" nc- Clu n 'tl III cr "uk l'I1 Il(,l"'" I Ch il,r J u. t1,... W..II., w". hun II ... tltl ll'r e I ,, 1,lInl " " Urn Ill . '11". ..IIlW,l lu '11111 .... /1. II " 'rurt lhlll I Ih" t II _ 'I. t ll iO Ilu ll 1' \ ' "11,1 01 hl 'llIlrl"", t (' .. \\ d e lllJ'l ,I,·. T h.. ,l lIttle t rtmCl'r " HI II." \\ '"" h ' rh l' 1l:lJfl " '1 "11 1 1l...,,1"{l el' t'" I" dt. J'I\I.!hlllll ti ,l' 11 11 _1 . n' . .. u t IlUJl"UIllI'flll)'. At Chl c,lo:n, ulli 011 " IIlrik«:. Th""l t, · I, " 111 AI Ih.. t1II. I''' lII, 1'" ., 11 '" fe· ·Ullltd. -." .. . I '=.l. r It Ie ( IUt" to • (, ( lUI , nt t,? I 'I II. I': lt"ho WIIIl" I.,..I,." wnll Wall tlfO I llr lUlIl J.,' I rBllu ,1" nh uJ; IU 1111 I AIDI PHOJ, l;l.:J::. I.)' tl", lri"h 1..11111. Our Hto" k CQlh tl lll . IJt n i"nll LuI'.' or U OQll. to L. roulld 10 AI '1'1" , Cnrt'l' ''''' U1 il'rrlllnJIlll'IU 1.1..(;1, d..tlll\t. SIOI,', ,III 1)( " hidl ". \, wUltl d Illt\'; pl\l r inl (',-.:tiufI IIltd l ulloi t. t·d III "nu t l," , l 'l t cll \"d l"lttl"", ,h nt " "r I'"t rulwllt:. .. CIU(,I lIlIIJ . " ', ••, ll.'I\ .U.\ ' ' Grit I T I,·· 1l0",, · IlIlH.. rm l or :-iI\Vllt urnce ",. I,..." " lI .. t 111,.. 1 \\lth 11I"" r ItllIU111l th'llf(,I whn Rf " t" lII '. lIr It. F W W U , 'S I .. ST 'H 0 F F 1·\I'W")" lLt SI\CrUIIll'll tu. , 1Ir1l1l(lIt 1"IJl , "n nl'" 1 1.11\ 1110111.1 " -- GI-n.n d D is pl ay of- - .. hl rlhlll")II . lo"'n, II"" 1 .1" ..11 ro lJl lt1d A ' It I I I 'I tl' PlIIt.) 11I \d hi ,,'Illru I" f'Jr tu· g rlcu ura mp eme nt s 1 l·n ',. 'u' '' ' ",".h km , '1""01 ' "''''''' ' h" r "h ·tl lllltl lo: (lIlI'II,",I\ 1' HI,r nUlIL I " 1I11 .II"h,u ''' 1<1 rl'nl " "l lIlt. III s t·:."I· ' .. ll lxn. :ICS, " fl h T"l llc or. " ·Ire. Buokeye Self Rake Keapol-.. 'l' hiJ f'Olilllll.. III lullIrual Buokeye New Mod M OW01'. III·j", llIt", 1 l ,,11II 1II \'Hllllll ot KIl'Julllt·, 61. , 'l l.IIII., HlJV lI,,11l1 ( ', M. H./rlol, .t lUs nltll \·f'I·U.'U) ur lIorlzullt ul I:: lIfI IlCI , Ch M lt l'd "lthlll llr. dllr IUlil rHtotJII. WNfI 1" ln · t! fr u nt tl lO , ,,11 III lo TI ., II )' llllllt , nlnl, It I" .UI'I·"l1ell. Thu Irl"l1 1'llr llroUIt., . , II "' . lICUtfll! "n. lIuIJ urlt)·• HfI {A-U tll'" "" Villll ll' 1" III" Ultl CAlI,,1 will I". tlnl" IIl'\ll uI"";'. thll l'lliez "allir he 11 '1) 11 lI"tl ll1 t1u. ' 111M Ihlll il flul!11I h, ·ll lle rt'l, t 11 11 1.. 1":lll:html '" o" u."v. IJ,JIIvI" IInJIl .h e wll ill ot du t'rl II" t ll. T lill CUllnl tift ChA lllhortil. dt"Cllde lll) I,flt. II', 1I1mnnu, un\l uf III. Amerioan rltle h'"I\1 , .... u ll tll(,lHI.'(l r I·tl r.... tu ut:r) ,,11 ..a uf II to 'I' ll"!'lIl lie Cl\n,,1 """ ,olllint t.ll louh d nn III t:nlli nlu) wit h Itl Ot. favor UlllII h"''' lul u n . ·I'h.. d, ol.r" hn. Ill'(l . l\rfll! "I M"Jorr". ul e 01 t ilt lko le"rlo hl _lUh,. , A ", . rtoD' riot occort• •) III W.durll. It.- W. L. Btelnwel', Wbat com I. he ltlil II lloU Alt"l . CO A 11011 of e on "r.II " In"" Innl 01 e, w,, · foun,I dfoW'nut! In ' b. I·olo mfto. I" I 'atetl . TI le "cll na Am . ,l o" " Onu'"'' III lf flllLerl'l . )I nl eo, .. " II "Uacktrtl U II )I ulUl. )' IlhIM. t". rt bl)' .... "1 1" 11 a' itl tbe "" lJe " 01 Ihe C.lmt' f1 ,l.lIlto)tIt1. rUI, of Ihe chock bo,. tn ti l" "' , lItem Unl oll uft1t"eIlltUhlcIIKO"!Ia ll work I t ok. " uf their . )'ml'alhy tor tI •• (l1.. raU•••T he Knhl'hl.ll1·. ml,l,u who pro llON ' 0 Ill . lend ti le 'Crtennt". Conc l .'" Ill •• com · U1 . Ilt"inu to Ill ru t1.fllr tllM" low"rd tile ... II n" .lI un . Al lt OCl h.,ler. ) lhlll .. " IlIotll o Ih r. '" Ii lin . In ' he Iurn Ctl 01n 1I k1" m hull". GENERAL ANDTSE 1'hfl lAndOn1re h... d.., hliPtJ hi tn or ot ... ,... ... w Ih. low n . 11 . ur t:q- 'rhe Wf'lIle m Union omCl lai • • "'1. tl l,,1 1 1' :m : IU D / O "ul! Ohi o III. (; hl ""80 tlOt'. 1101 " plJlla r .0 .anAuln "• ... The Hi,b•• t prJ_ paid ter Mark.t Produce. FUll, Hill" and OJ}_,, i.i:i iAUOHT FER 'iY'" a: M :HA tlCH¥; ",·rouscul AT 1. \\' :. 1 1ft .. fa Collm 11" Blot lr. con n Mill ud Conlllllrc lal Ii nel ., up ataln. -- P t'B LI81t £D EVERY - ... T- L! DONNER , Washington Territ ory, J .t.J(IIB POWER, : : P,op rl.tor. • ua8 CRIPTION RAT" ;==- 0 •• "IlT, to A4• • uo 3 00 II. III.UUlf , • tOO T1I.r.' • • aU" . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . . . . co ... 00 buqulQ' lu .. Uon ........ .. ...... 61) .Alibe ral n dlloUu \0 n cuhu a d'rtr tl U ,. . .. u n "·.,:a .. n nx .U . (.'AII U!'4 . .II... - NOI, 1. 11 &114 3, Open HOIII' . Corume" el..l,tr 'lt , w, T. -- q,-rloii Ris -H A[[ER ,

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Post on 27-Oct-2019




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N O. 8 .==

MAIL.' '1' 18, 1883,

SOUND====_ .. --=-=--=--====---===


Compound.. d. •

St o v e s !

-- -~-------

Carofully- .I 1.'1' 1.1,1,1 :\1-: Ill' -


T im Il E.~T I X .\ :.t I·:H1V,\.

, VIla I C OIn, "'V . ~ L' .




-- Jun :\ c ~ u...::n :1I .\ sTun . 0"-

Oommol'oid Stroot, Soa.ttlo, w. T.Who!" lII l1 l", ntul lh·tuil 0'",,1"'1'1 11.1

Je>b bor_ a :n.C1 D e a l. e r a

W. Oa rry a La,s. and Wen-8eleoted 8took of

Cha rte r Oak

w 1'rosoriptiono

F . W. WUS THO FF, F ront 8t. , s oatt l.. , W . T . , 80ll 14.

O. Q, 8te lnw ell', Beat ti e,




l ::'Xor<1\\-rn'0 , T 1'U I I 1IlJd S te e l.MECHANl CS· TOOLS my Specially : GUNS, RIFLE S, REVOLVEBland

A1dMUNl TION: The Lu g..t SI..k Of F"hlng Tackle . nd Seln. Tw ln. ..orbrought to th e Territory ; Olaal aud nil grad.. of Sporting Powd. r.

:\ rODlJ)l"", " ork -" t:x'r n.\ l'AUTa r" , ..11 1......1111 , l llcl,ln.. k. p" r nn. t. nll , ' 11 " ..,I.(;o 'lu lr , (,. tr ' I IJ'VIIJ . lIl;:'I " QRipll, . t l.II 'I .... I.. . •

Funt '" Bradley Sulk.y n Rke" Bullard I mproved Hay Teddeto; PalonlHay Carrier. ; Ha rpoon Horoe Hay Forb ; Schuili er Far m, Frelghl Rnd SpringWagon" O..den City ClIpp, r Plows, from 6 to 20 luch...

!l VII ,D EIl S' ) ('\1' I: ItIAI" 1I1lW l\ AX/) 1.111F..

Gene r al Merc handisAT PADILLA BAY

For tho A ooommod:l.t ion of t ho Set tlors in th::I.t S.c­tion, we would all to C::I.ll an d. Ex·

a.m.ino our Stock and 1'rioosboforo going furthor.


DI·II l:·~ IUII I . ' II It !1I1 .U t ' c ll l'l ll t ·~ ,

'1'0 111'1, I' I'I'IIIIIII'Q lII ul 1'11 111') ' .\ I'f\ch'~•lIu ub. Stlll luIICr)·. Ell '" . ':tc., I::Ic .,

A l w ll Y'" "" Il ll l u l lli H I' : :\ TTL I ~ : PH I ' 1';8 ,111\"111 1{ purchu-u.l th., iu tHI'Utll l) ( IlIr lutu pnrt uur, :\1It. J "\ ~ I 1':H \ \'11,,·

LI.\.\I HU:\. I 1· "' '' l' l.1 c t t n ll ~· I14 k II C'JlI t ilu l11 IlCII uf t lto pu trunago, hHl m'l lI "tho puulle u f Ill'" 1,,·t·tl'JIJIII uu ou tlou to ul! Il n h"I"!'f, und u'tor1 un"CU VQ I' toHit·o ,' I1 . i1·o dllH..r"d loll . ( ll kl'"P u (nil lind I~U III Jltu t \l n"' ul'l muut o f1"'"iJl".l'l h ltlU'IlIflln Jl >' I:<'" t ill n wul! ,"og u lnl, ',) 1J1'\1g' Htcro .

- .U I()-

" t:IIS 11.\ LC. \\' T


1..\ l..'lI S ~oU . W. T.

II !!,. " ~II : ' M 'I [l ll., ... rr,"Ia.t.10 ,t »! ~

"I:An l.'·. '" T

ENGRA V ER S ,•n :ATTI.&, "'. T .

-!JUl.... tit "liD .uo aT'" UF-

YOJ... XI.


Ht"A"rl'U :. W. T.

Wool. Hide. and Fu....r or .. blob 1f, will pap

'De IIItMtt liar., rri.... .1.... Mall ferPrI....u.t.

......]l:Dlt .. OO.1e&UI.. W. T,

W••'.r to Ill. Trad. at I an FnnciICo,PrlOIL

Al "1'OHS L:\' AS O (·u 1,;MH:t .on .A'l 1.1\ " .


ttCAl·ft . t:. \\0' . "1".

- _._------

Watohe., Clook . , Jewel ry.nd 811verware of the


8 . BAXTER & CO"I mpo r t. ,. ot




C10ARS.Iktl. A. eDU t or lb .


L. P. SMITH & SON-; - '


~l c:O: .\U(] tlT &. 'l'1 :\I\JlA~I .

Attorneys a.t Law,) IT ' · lOO ( ' S , ' " T


J Oll X A. TI.:~=,"AX'fJ

l'l'ot&:yPublic ana.CcnvoylUlcor,

- 'I' H 1: -

P U G J::T SOL'~ U ) l AIL.

• .•. n ar ' . . ". f; , 111 1. .. .


BR OWN & R E E D,L n n d & LlIW A t t or n 0 y"-,

Ul.\·~lI · I .\, W. '1'••W ill 1111'1 110 III all t li . ('''Tlt h .11.1 1.-11,1om­

, • • lIr lh.l·. r ri t' f,"

....Olll.c. ( I' . I ' I .IJl.

l'll 'UH ItY &. S ~lI\\' .

Olvil Engineers &Sllrveyofs,

.t' ,. ("tl~ III " II Ihe Cour " III "'n. Mnl tonTerrltur, .

Watohmakel' ami Jeweler,w..t ••I...... r l ' l('k . lIud J ,·...,·I'y ' r l'"I.....1 "' I

• 11,, " ",,11,·.·. .\ 11w."k '01 "" ,,"10..1"" I I C" '01" .I lr.I." . rr" m n ll l,n , I~ .. r I h " ~ ll t l \JU I" l i ll o( ~~ . ll ll .

~~.,~,. -- - --J 'J.i .n~~~i~r.~ l_"' U III " T. U· H l::I :l't\~I~,l".

LA OONNER DRUG STORE. A''''I.hl ~~ ::P~:':~~:'~~:; I. "oldl'h,the l' lnh , 000 ot th e rem nan t. o f Hob' I'Jn' .11ft. )', h ruku down n _hur l dill tfth r t " liar eheI"tt ~nr ftJUr. llthl had i c r. hU b f ur ,."nlr•.

ftTll-:~~:t~ ' ~ln.~,:,~':'~~~: O'~'h~;: h\'~~kt,~'(,~CUlih'.t OVOt the will.

I T h" I' oulhlt, . trlke o t 'tl,,,'''\1110 0\''' '',t~, l''' 14"J.d UII" much "tt",n llun II Iho ~ t1, t •


'1hu J' ''I'''U nt . full o f Illk·nl. ..... al ul 1.'41111 ·II IllU...., ,..Jlt",j"lnul1 o tl1, rwllll. h I.. th Ollllhiti l" ( 'h lullWU ''' hll'hOIl'' 111 '11 "' Ill 'Ilrl"'" to ,d A) ' .

'1'1'11<" lI"fllfo " IntutH]1ltn l1eohl'lh" ," nHo ru l Ilut 'I . ", .. l'1I11lno lnlHl lIr" nl IIhllll.lf.Th~ t1 t' v t'l tlf'l lllr lll~ III Ih" 1I1II1o 'l lll t1 nul .

f<llud ) t llml to " riln lrlllio lU ll In c rook.l l •111: '''.

'I'h" :-iii....1I1\I1II,..hl rl,l HUllnMtlnl 'l llt",l\O'\I ~ I ll ' 1IIIII.hl!l·lI"..l·vet•

'l' lllJ tr l..1uf CtJloliul U u ldu 1111'. ' fur du.\'.I,~~'I ~l n ., 1''' 111(;'('01111 111 , III l,rOf,; IlI . d ,u" al HI.

1I ~~~\I~~·~jh~ :;~ II~ nf l:jJ~II~I Il ~ ,~ :ill t. ni lll,~~L~1l : ~:.ILe ,

.\ 1 lIurl lt tll lulI, l c wn, R wumnu ""IVknueklotl,I'H' n III ho e duu r) nrd nlld 101.Lud

____ ~_:-_ J CE R C E N 8 0 N . _ "r.,~ ~~'':.';,,,, L'O""" ",.m\1'..1,1"., ,,,, ' 10.1,hl ~I~ I,,1 Clf f :100 " t"IlIJl UIIIlU III" l·hlr l l.! "h l.l ~ '"

& CA 1111 WIU I lItllU Uttlllt dllll"lI r n ft.t·lujl IU ttun·"rUtIt1Jruullli II,,, Ul..nlfectlon u f 11l~ IlId ln ll, " "...,Hllll lv" l1eunoune• • Iii ", I" , m. 011 whlch h.

wil l ' Iu r " lI h lIllI.lO'~I ,,~o ur I1IRdv.'1'1,1,1 d e..t rncnv e l't nl Je rUoe o f 1:rh·... oll·.

' IV...., uull lt . " urv . nhl U.Ibu ' v tr lill'.

StU \ e•• Ilnll j;'t·tj·. Ti n :lI ICI trul ll ' e \ \·ll r l '. 1,li;I;::.I:n~· 'I~~~.I!aI I~(i~~.. ~~r: ll~ur~~IJ'~r ( '"rd

Itnllll.". ItIIU·S. Sh.,t' t· l ro ll uud l' 0 l.ltt r. n lt:i~II I~~~!:::~ :'~"~'~ld u~l:o:~ C1~II~ ':~'I:'I~I: I" ¥I::\\ t'u t lIu t Ih lll ,,",U)'.

I.\ d ' Il r llullvuli ru oecc rred III .\ ll.IlIr"c.'. I.t .S " V" I UIlIf'lt lQ" Rru nul IIJ Ilv <"!1I11l_.l! uu .

1I11·utl ,I'r o t.I" , ...!olom (lllr M' d ",. ttIJ UIIlu "lidIHIt'lu.,(011111.

.. It rff'-'Illl)' I.' ( ' 11 10" ,,0, . .. t-Ich lor 11M).ju . llllo·.1 th••(' I.,r ll,,1 IJllIwlfltI lut IoIo liioh tllliLI,ur .: I~ I tUl lll U" .

_.- __ _ .___ __ It I.. f fll,o r tt' ,1 tlm t t ill' .t""Uhl' I ..,tt lu I,:.\flU IU l n,1 Ihe 14l fl ll. ul 11.1. Oi. lrha l.·" w, LI CLOTHIER & - ENGL·-I -SH-- ~h· rr ll l w,,~ 1,,_, Ilul\, S"WI,u,l, It . J.

'~~~O_W_'_._"U_I l:,, _ _ • ' 1 1I; ~ ~ :.h~I;~t~tl:i:I. \~::~ "n~lIVJI I:IIIII ' I ,tll~i lll\~"~l~;J . I· . 1.0" f:. - lI t: ,U;lill I X - r U.IIJ,~~· , ,,II' or, n l ,ill"" 1.' ....,,11 11 I tl lfll t IIl1'mor .

G I h d • ~~~u tI.u \\ ' Mh' rll C lIl l.IIl COll ll " t ll ) UII Mull.enera e r e a n 1981 ·1,,,'.....'••nhn••'''.''J'.. C.. lw ,T IHl IIU1l1l"Or4 ., f t Lo A' uI'lrh·,,11 '(" ' '''11

I; OSU.r1 :"'O lfr .... teu. u s. o r rl·I·" rl Ih"l H,. ) n rtl "nll.tI,,,,1 wllh th' l "~" ~I ..ult 'l ( t1lt' lr flt d ll lllul\f»· llrllll tkll.

CROOERIES HARD WAR E DRY GOODS BOOTS AND SHOES ' .1I"' " ''' ' -"...",.., .... 'h. ,,,. I. • .• " " ,.•I I - f )--_. I -I :t~II~~,,~v~::::~~\~~r:'i.~~; 1l " ,hll ll' . :\ " ' 111 <II

\\,1': VAUlt Y A L.\W if': STUUI\ Uk" I l,;~ I :~ t:\(~t; :::~ ';" r~ : :~~~t'~~I~~lI~~'~~' ~1' l l h, Il ('f.·\1

~Oa&'lnB' O U D:"1.};) S '-1.1=>1:>110 .., \I't~t~,~, ~f: ~: IJ1~: ~ ! t':II: ~I'~~ I: III~~\ ~~:IIt'~~t~, ["

~ u ll 111111,. n ~1n,1 t:i 1l1t.r uf r lll'lli. hill:.;' l h v ~ Il I UlJ Ull H"u llounlJl. T el 'llI" 1 '11... 1l1l'lllbur"of tho II r l tl ~" 1"'1111 ...lto I\ fl't .. (·" rul,fll u "Hh tI ..• AlII lI r h~1l 1i rWo ""'111

C L O T H I E R &. EN C LI8H, 111I\U 1" ·" lI ..(·Il't' t"",I.__ __ _ _ ~ 1 1)1 1 11 1 \ ',.'1 '1 11111, :-tl 11,.:1 1 l.~ i \' c) I ' . I tl l ; ~ ;' T,r:;I !;I I:~ t" HJhl\' . ~ l,to l\\t"'l IIIf' r ..tlonll

- T (:> T :B:E -- ---- ".-...- - ---- .\ llr "nt 11 .. • n r' ·Utt' .\ lit il li G II f t it" UuCl k.III :-il'W \"u rk. •~ hrl ' lI \" ' ~ lJ """ IlUrn.. 1

COUN T R Y TR AD E I ...ltl..." ,·.., . .., · ,·..... ''' ' '1 ' K" ....I. 111'.11) h lJ'lrllJ .

1 Tl lII ~ 1 11 )' "r IIf 1"'1. 1", '11. I" nc-Clu n 'tl IIIcr "uk l'I1Il(,l"'"

I Ch il,r J u. t1,... W..II., w". hun II ... tltl ll'r

e Id ~rl~:J\~.,~~::I~rvl' ;II .~~;~;~~; : '; ~t11 ,, 1,lInl " "UrnIll . '11". ..IIlW,l lu '111 11 .... /1. II " 'rur t lhlll

I :·t;~II~i t ~~~ :'11',I.~~ ~~~\~r~1 fJ~ lh~I~:lt:.I~'·~.J I ·~)I~~Ih"t II _ 'I . t ll iO Ilu ll 1' \ ' "11,1 0 1 hl ' l lIlrl"",

t (' .. \\ d e lllJ'l ,I,·.T h.. ,l lIttle t rtmCl'r " HI II." \\ '"" h ' rh l' 1l:lJfl

" '1"11 1 1l...,,1 "{l el' t ' " I" dt. J'I\I.!hlllll ti ,l' 11 11 _1 .n' . .. u t IlUJl"UIllI'flll)'.

At Chl c,lo:n, ~.O ~, " 1 t'd . w'Jfku ~ n ,~ ulli 011" IIlrik«:.

T h""lt, ·I," 111 AI Ih..t1II. I''' lII, 1'" ., 11'" fe ··Ullltd .

-." .. . I ,,1 ; :~~\r;n~ll,~ «:(;~ )~ I ,I~ ~~',~~.i,~tit~. : : :n'(~IJ~i.u'·"'=.l.r I t Ie ( IUt" ~I'J('I :I to •~ d l (, ( lUI , (1~)U~H nt ~ .ow rl'lc ~ , A ~J, t,? I 'I II. I': lt"ho Hhl~Il!lI t WIIIl" I.,..I,." wnllWall

1\t~"U l n lJlutllll~ tlfO I llr lUlIl J.,' I rBllu I .~" ,1"nh uJ; IU 1111 I AIDI PHOJ, l;l.:J::. I.)' tl ", lri"h 1..11111. •Our Hto" k CQlhtl lll . IJt n i"nll LuI'.' o r UOQll. h,· n(.oro ll ~· to L. rou lld 10 AI '1'1", Cnrt'l '''''' U1il' r rlllnJIl ll'IU 1.1..(;1, d..tll l\ t .CQuu t r~' SIOI, ', ,III 1)( " hidl ". \, w Ultld Illt\'; pl\l r inl(',-.:tiufI IIltd l ulloit. t·d III "nu t l," , l 'l tcll \"d l"lt tl"",,h nt " " r ~' ou r I'"t rulwllt:. u;~I ~ :~..~;~!l,~:31: }:~""~~~~I::~~.1'l1 CIU(,IlIlIIJ .

" ', ••, l l .' I\ Jo:\~' .\ . .U.\ ' ' Gr it I T I,·· 1l0",,· IlIlH.. rm l or :-iI\Vllt urnce ",.I,..."• • " lI .. t 111,.. 1 \\lth 1: ~' Ilt'tIll 11I"" r ItllIU111l th 'llf(,I

whn Rf " t" lII'. lIr It.

F W W U,'S I (l ~~~~I ..~,· r~; lt:~I ! ,.III~: I I~· I;r.~?l';lIJr ~~I IlI!::~I~~

ST 'H 0 F F 1·\I'W")" lLt SI\CrUIIll'll t u.• • , 1Ir1l1l(lIt 1"IJl , " n N~~f'I , ttlO nl'" 11.11\111 0111 .1 "

--G I-n.n d D isp l ay o f - - ~~l- '\~;~l ..hl rlhlll")II. lo"' n, II"" 1.1" ..11 rolJllt1d

A ' It I I I 'Itl' P lIIt.) 11I\d h i ,, 'Illru I" Nllrl~lk f'Jr tu·g rlcu ura mp ements 1l·n',. 'u '''' ",".h km, '1""01' "'' ''''' '• • ~ h" r "h·tllllltllo: (lIl I 'II,",I\ 1'

HI,r nUlIL I" 1I11.II"h ,u '''1<1 rl'n l " "l lIlt. IIIn[(:lil·: rl~ s t·:."I·' .. ll lxn.:ICS, " fl h T"l llc or. " ·Ire. ~~:~k~d ':ll~:· I~~ ic~~:I~t':t~~!ll":~II,,;~t";~U Il I ' I . t

B u o k e y e Self R a k e Keapol-.. 'l' hiJ f 'Olill lll..~ lum· r III l ul lIrua l Hfl ~. IIU «:Buokeye New Mod -~ M OW01'. I.~l " III·j", llIt", 1 l,,11II1II \ 'Hl ll l ll ot KIl'Julllt·,

61. , 'l l.IIII., HlJVlI,,11l1 A~" ut , v l , ~t,I ( ', M. H./r lo l,

.t lUs Thrf'~hf·r~. nltll \ ·f'I·U.'U) ur lIorlzulltu l I:: lIfI IlCI , tJ r' I!:::" ~";~n:~:~~~r~;t i l «l "" Ch M lt l'd "lthlll llr.dllr IUli l rHtotJII. WNfI 1" ln ·t! fr u nt tl lO , ,,11 III~;1~~~,':L loTI. , II ) ' ~l llllllt , nln l, It I" .UI'I·"l1ell.

Thu Ir l"l1 1'llr llroUIt., . , II"'. lICUtfll! " n.

~,~I:,~~I~ I\~I l'~~I: ~~'~:'llthi};' C~'I~I\I :~~~~wl"'II1lIIi~ lIuIJurlt)·•

HfI {A-U tll'" "" Villll ll' 1" III" Ultl CAlI,,1 willI". tlnl"IIl'\ll uI"";' . ,,~tu thll l'lliez "allir he11'1) 11 lI"tl ll1 t1u. ' 111M Ihlll il flul!11I h, ·ll lle rt'l, t11 11 1.. 1":lll:html ' " o"u."v.

IJ,JIIvI" IInJIl .h e wll illot du t'rl II" t ll.T lill CUllnl tift Ch Alllhortil. dt"Clldelll) I,flt.

II ' ,1I1m nnu, un\l u f III. Amerioan r ltle h'"I\1,

....u ll t ll(,lHI.'(lr I ·tl r....

I , ;~'~I:I ,~IIII~I~~~t'''~JI~I~~'' tu ut:r) ,,11 ..a uf II to

'I'll"!'lIllie Cl\n ,,1 """ ,olllint t.ll louh d nnIII t :nlli nlu) wit h ItlOt. fa vor UlllII h"''' lul un .

·I'h.. d,ol.r" hn. Ill'(l . l\rfll! " I M"Jorr" . ul e0 1 t ilt lkole"rlo hl_lUh,. ,

A ",. rtoD' riot occort• •) III W.durll . It. -

W. L. Btelnwel', Wbat com 1·~~::lli:17:1~:1 ~;::::C:"~:I~·Jr:::~ I. he ltlilII lloU Alt"l .

CO A 110 11 of e on "r.II"In"" I n nl 01 )1 ;~h, w,,· foun,I dfoW'nut! In ' b. I·olo mfto.

I" 'r~:ldD:~l~~~.~ tl~~~r';...~I:t~II'::Il~ ' :;I~/I';~I 'atetl .

TI le "cllna Am. ,l o" " Onu'"'' III lf flllLerl'l .)I nleo, .. " II " Ua c ktrtl U II )I ulUl. )' IlhIM. t".rt bl)' ...."11" 11 a' itl t be ""lJe" 0 1 Ihe C.lmt'f1,l.lIlto)tIt1. •

rUI, of Ihe ch ock bo,. tn ti l" "' , lItemUnl oll uft1t"eIlltUhlcIIKO "!Ia ll wo rk I t ok. "u f t heir . )'ml'a lhy tor tI •• (l1.. ra U••••

T he Knhl'hl.ll1 ·. ml,l,u who pro llON ' 0 Il l .l end ti le 'Crtennt". Concl.'" Ill•• com ·U1. Ilt"inu to Ill ru t1.fllr tllM" lo w" rd tile ... ~IIn" .lIun .

Al ltOClh.,ler. ) lhlll .. " IlIotllo Ih r. '" Ii lin .11l~II In ' he Iurn Ctl 0 1 n 1I k1" m hull".

GENERAL"'ERC~ANDTSE 1'hfl lAndOn1re h... d.., hliPtJ hi tn or ot...,... ~ ... • ~~k:'J~:I~IlI:: A·r~~ rd w Ih. low n . 11. u r t:q-

'rhe Wf'lIle m Uni on omCllai • •"'1. tl l,,1

~:)'d~m~-:. ftr~~u ~I' I~f.~:~~~::~;1l "I~:11':m:IU D / O "ul! Ohi o III. (;h l ""80 tlOt'. 1101 " plJlla r. 0 .anAuln "•

... The Hi,b•• t prJ_ paid ter Mark.t Produce. FUll, Hill" and OJ}_,, "'~h~~~ :::::'~~:~;..:A'·l:j.l::'::~I:'a'::

i.i:iiAUOHT:· FER'iY'"a: M:HAtlCH¥;" , · r o u s c u l ,\ 'i 1H·OC ~~U.o lUo\ AT 1.\\': .

1 1ft. . fa Collm 11" Blot lr.. con n Mill udConlllllrc lal I inel. , up ataln.

-- -- _."'-~P t'B LI81t £D EVERY s"\r C Ill)~ Y

- ...T-

L! DONNER, Washington Territory,~ · . r-

J .t.J(IIB POWER, : : P, op rl.tor.

• u a8 CRIPTION RAT" ;==-0•• "IlT, to A4• • uo 3 00II. III.UUlf , • tOOT1I.r.' • • aU" . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . . . . co... It~a~~~ : Il't~lIv.~r.I~:~f~.~~::.~ .I . t1 00...b n buqulQ' l u ..Uon.......... ...... 61)

.Alibe ral n dlloUu \0 n cuhu ad'rtr tl U ,. .

.. u n "· .,:a..n nx .U . (.'AII U!'4 .

.II....- NOI, 1. 11 &114 3, Open HOIII' . Corume"el..l,tr'lt ,

HI ~ A·rrl. l::, w,T .

- - q,-rloiiRis-HA[[ER,




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A 'AIIL ftV'lK'1lC


" T \ All ST IS I



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L L. ANDREWS, L a Oonner , W , T

-- \ (1/ :IT Fon -

- 0 -

DI \I.LlI 1:1 (If:ll II \1.


S EATrr L E , w , T .

Gootl», 00, Boots 0 S ltOCS. Iiard uuire,ANII


rI'mwn: l',

FilII t l) VIsit th e One I' l'i l e ])I'~ Qoolls ](OIl HO,:-;0 ~o I !lOST srnazr HI \T TI I


.ill/or iley a t Law,\I lI ATCml \ \ T



Garr It SLott's Steam Engllll's and Thre hers,

QUICK SA.l~E .A~D LIGH'!' PROFI'!'-0 - -

OALL ot L L Anc.1 rew8 Ice VIDcont. Cuatom wau e Boot. anel Sbollhe l't' l t 10 the woebl

\~D A L\IlOE LI ST OF o TII En KI:lDH OF ~'AmlI~O UIPLE ·~[t::lIS A~D roOI S

rouns TR UI,I,

WADDELL & MILES,\'t hoh'Ml,le a ud It~ ' n ll U e nl e r _ln

8'1'0, E .', T IN &; ]-J \.R D\VA R E,



- - 0- -\ 01- ST !'\ ron T i n

CEI,BUIl \ fI D sr-comncx T\\ Is F. n tx DEllS . ) [cCOIU IIC K ..0

CHA ~ I I'IOs 310\1 nus \S" 1l \IN \I AOO~S

S. T. VALENTINE & CO,l,A CO~~ En , w, T.

Df,AL E!l S 1:1

Ilnnlwnre and Farming

Walter A, Woods' Harvesting Machinery,J~1\.. BELLE \VA GON , ',



~1:ERO I-:rA ~

& V.A. II L BUS C 1:-1.



DE \ 1.} n s I~ \~ D ~[\~ U I'ACTUIlEIlS OF

FUrniture. Bedding and Upholstery Goods.Fi II C I'm )01: Sn it s, };IIH~ Chllll 'H. Lounges,

Sll1'ln ~ lind IIlIh' )llIllJe~ a s.

DIlAPf nIES ~I \ D1: TO (iiWi"it01~AL"'. lIU: LATEST STILES--0--Dcnm • lll ock, ~ rout 5t , HI ATTU: " T

E l c rr t il u 1' AT ' YU"TCOK " ver mudflnt. Ott ltAl D rallre ed Incorporetoes. tako out claim and npproprlatetbe OIUtt l1f\hl In front of tOWD OH r.. bleh the t kle h•• ebbed and flowodwltb out interruption lor agel andceuturuUI pnlllt About " "qunrc mill'of mud lints '0 etnked out Rodclaimed ~(lRrl, 1\11 hell' thutnaelveato n KltC O 'W hich mnk ee the Co ni Cofenco in their por tion Injllu ctioliK.prollocu l lol " ol nlma counte r c lnlm8entered nil round nud hl1.,l e" to pf"" flner ally All tho resul t of rnUronctboom Lot,. of tr oub le on old M('t

li en mintl. who th ought they ownednl1 tho wnl<:or front

I u be mere "pocltlc " 0 mev etntethn t 1\(r ] u'fC' no Cnnt\elt\ nud othor.ha ve oq~'l\ulzotl l\ rnil roml nud run t..f{ntloll com pn n,) "ith tho vlewo f l)ro.Jcel lnU'1" 0 or th re e fnl lr(J:llll ln vnn0\1 8 d lrect lon e from Bolli ngham l J. ,nud 111\\ 0 Rh kc li off nil rnnll) .W nereh A('t"l fo r tb r ut purpoRc9 a ll th o mudfinhl in front of "hnteom nuder thel>rm ililonMof 1\ ce r tni n United Sln t(,MHtaluto nllowlug 20 nero tr ncha uf th op ub lle doreelu to r su ch pu rp olltiRCcrrnin llw'ol(J I nrtl l'tl Il' e ango t h C'HCmorements procee led t o help them"~ho,, t o nil th o nvailnbl e ntud lint ..t be renbo ut eom n ,rotlmg " nlsl ll cppi ll wnte r nu l orur III" ebo ut in bonhf8J1Q'RGod in th,,, work Cnpt Roederr u bed to Senttl e nml tn gaR'erl r 1\'\

itr H'\h IfJ~ t o ob tnin R fe Htrnll1 l11~In ju nction l\J;ttlin illl nil , n r h e H10 pr ocee tllo J: :\t t ll1 ~ ju nct ur e Jlhl;(oGreeno " l\'I c ut or t ow n- ll"ny up InP uynll up Il\tomlin " n f£'liHIOU8 revr, ,,I, I,oJ onel reach o f tho telegr a phUk, G eneral Ornll t who WM , w ''' Nlow. y 10 0 111 0 rum! ret rent etu r lll J:;' t hememo rable Bleck 1 flda ,) exertement In " all " I1{Oo l 1111\11\ ' OUR ago




rj •.,iIII..






MUSEUM OF ANATOMY,'61 M in k . , I!Itr_t.

0 0 4nd 1...,,1 h c.~,olllh._ .....1.0. .. ,Ild_rl llllt ' '' II an _I.l'rlvateotU OIt -~1 1 U"""y.trf'fll.

( nl!'- 11~Ut n 0 11 1.... t lIl1..uhooJ"'u ll.n UI. 8111W'. lIf !\Ieu

J . R , C A TE S &. 00.I Ul) l l tII :1 0U ~


'r ] - .t·:CLOT HING



