the primary update 25.04.13

The Primary Update Grade 2 — Grade 5 Aril 25th, 2013 WELCOME PAGE A warm welcome to those of you who are new in joining our school family after the Spring hoiday. We sincerely hope that you have received a warm welcome and that both you and your child have settled into our school routine happily. A good point of contact when starting a new school is your child’s class representative, so if you haven’t already been put into contact with the relevant person, please do not hesitate to ask your child’s class teacher. As you browse through this edition of the Update you will read and see much of the great opportunities and learning that has been taking place across Grades two to Five the past couple of weeks. ‘Red breaks’ are most definitely upon us with the soaring temperatures. This phrase refers to when it is deemed too hot by the nurse, who has guidelines she follows in relation to this, and as a policy we do not allow the children to play outside in a bid to prevent them from becoming dehydrated and hot. Obviously we would prefer the children to spend as much time outside in the fresh air, however this is not going to be possible for all breaks as the weeks progress. We will aim to allow the children to play outside for the first break as long as we can. However, the lunch break will be spent indoors where the children will eat their food inside their classrooms. Tables will be sanitized before lunch commences and cleaned afterwards before the afternoon session commences. After eating their lunch in the designated time, the children will participate in a variety of structured activities in the gymnasium, listening to stories in the library or having fun in our new soft play area. Even though the children will have limited time outside in the nearer future we will still follow the rule No hat, No play. Unfortunately, there are still many children attending school without a hat. Although this may seem unfair when a child has lost their hat through no fault of their own, we adhere to this rule to ensure your son or daughter is protected from the harsh sun rays. Please remember if you do not have the regulatory school hat then a dark, plain hat will be acceptable. We would really appreciate your co-operation with this. Wishing you a relaxing weekend! Miss Williams

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Page 1: The Primary Update 25.04.13

The Primary Update Grade 2 — Grade 5

Aril 25th, 2013


A warm welcome to those of you who are new in joining our school family after the Spring hoiday. We sincerely hope that you have received a warm welcome and that both you and your child have settled into our school routine happily. A good point of contact when starting a new school is your child’s class representative, so if you haven’t already been put into contact with the relevant person, please do not hesitate to ask your child’s class teacher.

As you browse through this edition of the Update you will read and see much of the great opportunities and learning that has been taking place across Grades two to Five the past couple of weeks.

‘Red breaks’ are most definitely upon us with the soaring temperatures. This phrase refers to when it is deemed too hot by the nurse, who has guidelines she follows in relation to this, and as a policy we do not allow the children to play outside in a bid to prevent them from becoming dehydrated and hot. Obviously we would prefer the children to spend as much time outside in the fresh air, however this is not going to be possible for all breaks as the weeks progress. We will aim to allow the children to play outside for the first break as long as we can. However, the lunch break will be spent indoors where the children will eat their food inside their classrooms. Tables will be sanitized before lunch commences and cleaned afterwards before the afternoon session commences. After eating their lunch in the designated time, the children will participate in a variety of structured activities in the gymnasium, listening to stories in the library or having fun in our new soft play area.

Even though the children will have limited time outside in the nearer future we will still follow the rule No hat, No play. Unfortunately, there are still many children attending school without a hat. Although this may seem unfair when a child has lost their hat through no fault of their own, we adhere to this rule to ensure your son or daughter is protected from the harsh sun rays. Please remember if you do not have the regulatory school hat then a dark, plain hat will be acceptable. We would really appreciate your co-operation with this.

Wishing you a relaxing weekend!

Miss Williams

Page 2: The Primary Update 25.04.13


مسابقة لكتابة القّصة القصيرة :

وم ك يلقد كان لطالب مدرسة جميرا دورا بارزا بالمشاركة بمسابقة القّصة القصيرة على مستوى تعليم التي قامت مدرسة األبتاون باستضافتها وذل

مارس ، فقّدم الطالب القّصة بطريقة عرض مسرحي لشهرزاد وشهريار ، و نالت استحسانا من الحضور ، كما قام الطالب 02األربعاء الموافق

كل بتزين الطاوالت المخصصة للعرض بطريقة جميلة وعرضوا فيها القصص التي قاموا بكتابتها ، وفي نهاية الحفل قامت مدرسة األبتاون بتكريم

المشاركين بشهادات تقدير وميداليات وإلى المزيد من الّنجاحات في المستقبل .

Page 3: The Primary Update 25.04.13


Grade 2 have nearly come to the end of their ‘Water’ topic. They have learned about water use, water conservation, the water cycle and water purification. They carried out some experiments and had lots of fun doing these but particularly enjoyed the Water purification one. The children now have a firmer knowledge of what they can do to save water and to encourage others to do the same. The children have made some fantastic PowerPoints, posters and information booklets entitled ’A Celebration of Water’ as part of their homework.

Well done to the Cheetahs who enjoyed their Marble Day with a pool party!

Polluting the water! Hand wash going in! Soil going in!


Page 4: The Primary Update 25.04.13

GRADE 3 The Entry Point to our new IPC Topic was great fun. The children dressed up in their favourite clothes and played their favourite music.

We had a great deal of interesting descriptions of their clothing and a lot of interesting reasons why they had chosen the music.

We are looking forward to an exciting few weeks thinking about fashion and music.

We are also busy practicing “Porridge’, our production with grade 2.

We hope you will be coming along to see it on Wednesday, May 1st. It should be good.

Emil likes music from films especially music from the James Bond films.

Maria looked like a real fashionista Maryam looked very cool. She was wearing a beautiful scarf

and a bag that was a gift from her grandma.

Jagoda likes a cool and comfort-able style. She does like to

make sure that the colours in

Tanatswa likes colourful clothes.

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Our camp in Dibba, Oman

We were about to go on the bus to Oman, all the grade4 were going and very excited! Once we were on the bus we slept ,it was a good 2 hours and a half. We arrived in Oman where the camp was held. We got there and we had lots of fun. Grade 4 faced their fears and went to do rock climbing on the mountain and abseiling and weaseling.

We had free time when we got back to camp and then had dinner. After dinner Grade4 sat around the camp fire and had to answer questions to get a marshmallow. Then at nine O‘clock we were sent to bed by our teachers and told each other stories till we fell asleep. Most people woke up at about 5:30 which meant we had to wait 1 hour and a half till breakfast.

The next thing we did was get ready for what we were doing. One group went to do kayaking and rock pooling, the other group went to do rock climbing and abseiling and weaseling. Grade4 came back and had lunch and we left. We were all exhausted but very proud of ourselves for facing our fears in Dibba.

By Amanda & Nicole G4 Turtles

Facing our fears in the Dibba mountains

Exhausted! Kayaking.

We are ready to go! Guess who got the answers correct?!

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GRADE 5 Some of Grade 5 students were invited to Meydan Race Track and spent a day with the horses and trainers. The tour included a film about the Arabian horse and the importance it has had throughout UAE history. In addition, the students learnt about feeding, grooming, training programmes for race horses and the differences between thoroughbreds and the Arabian horse. The tour also included a snapshot of the Jockey’s room and a look at the equipment for horse and rider. The students were also given the opportunity to look at the VIP lounge, sample popcorn in the IMAX theatre and a few students were interviewed by Dubai One TV station.

Having fun at Meydan!