the primary update 21.02.13

The Primary Update Grade 2 — Grade 5 February 21st, 2013 WELCOME PAGE Dear Parents, It gives me great pleasure to pop in and out of classes to see what your children are doing and to discover what they are learning. I'm very proud of your children's achievements at JBS, and therefore greatly appreciate these updates. So many thanks once again to all students and their teachers, for sharing 'good teaching, good learning and great fun'. My assembly this week was about heroes and I encouraged the children to prepare to be asked a particular question at the end of each day, if I happened to see them. It was " What have you done today to make you feel proud?" When they get home, maybe you could ask them too and let me know what they say? Kind regards to all. Sue Carpenter Head of Primary

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The Primary Update Grade 2 — Grade 5

February 21st, 2013


Dear Parents,

It gives me great pleasure to pop in and out of classes to see what your children are doing and to discover what they are learning. I'm very proud of your children's achievements at JBS, and therefore greatly appreciate these updates. So many thanks once again to all students and their teachers, for sharing 'good teaching, good learning and great fun'.

My assembly this week was about heroes and I encouraged the children to prepare to be asked a particular question at the end of each day, if I happened to see them. It was " What have you done today to make you feel proud?"

When they get home, maybe you could ask them too and let me know what they say?

Kind regards to all.

Sue Carpenter

Head of Primary


قسم الّروضة والنمورة :

فبراير ، حيث قاموا بكتابة المقادير من سميد 31تعلّم طالب الّروضة الّثانية حرف الميم من خالل عمل حلوى الّنمورة وذلك يوم األربعاء

لة وخميرة وسمن ، ومن ثّم خلطوا هذه المقادير وزينوا الحلوى بالمكسرات ,هكذا تعلم الطالب الحرف بأشكاله الثالث المختلفة مع أوقات جمي

استمتعوا بها .


Some of the Grade 2 children listened to the acted out the story of The Great Kapok Tree and then in groups they performed to the rest of the class. In literacy, the children have been learning about and writing their own performance play poems based on the Rainforest. The children were also learning about tribal art work by looking at pictures of indigenous people from various rainforest regions. The children then designed and had their faces painted! They had great fun doing this.

Some of the Cheetahs acting.

Zaid Pablo


This week in Grade 3 we started our new IPC topic- Health and Fitness. For our entry point Mr. Nolan and Mrs. Davies took us to the secondary gym to complete a 'Beep test'. We had to run in between two cones spread 15 metres apart in time to a 'beeping' CD. It was very easy to begin but it beeped faster and faster. People began to miss the beeps and dropped out. The level you drop out on tells you your fitness level. By the end we were all completely exhausted! Landon from Eagles and Hugo from Falcons achieved the highest levels in their classes! We will now spend 6 weeks learning how to improve our health and fitness levels and then complete an exit point beep test!

Stretching before the beep

An exhausted finish! Ready to begin.


We have learnt about the Ice Age in IPC. It was fun because we watched some clips and we researched a lot about the different ice age animals. We found out that a Smiladon or the saber toothed tiger had short legs and had to pounce to catch its prey and it bites the preys neck. We also learnt that homo sapiens had more fur than humans even though they were humans! Now the woolly mammoth, we have learned that the woolly mammoth had to fight young mammoths for leadership they fight till their death whoever dies loses and the winner gets to be leader. Did you know the longest woolly mammoth tusk to be found is 4 metres long?

By Alla – Grade 4 Turtles

GRADE 5 Grade 5 students have started their seamless transition into secondary school. This involves students joining MYP classes and meeting the secondary teachers.

Egg Experiment.

During the IPC unit about forces, the students were challenged to create a protective covering to defy the effects of gravity and allow the egg to drop from a height without breaking. Many used their knowledge of air-resistance and Newton's Law of Gravity when making their contraption. The photos show all the various contraptions created and the few students who successfully dropped their eggs that remained intact. The classes were very creative and Sasha joked that we were completing ''an Eggperiment!'' This led to names for the eggs such as "Egward'' and ''Eggna."


Its That Time of Year Again…Time to get the lice combs out…

Head lice are a common occurrence in school-aged children and are the most adaptable of creatures. Therefore they will be a problem from time to time. It is important to work together as a school com-munity to minimise the frustration caused by the problem.

Head lice are not fussy about the heads they live on—they make no consideration for income, ethnicity or hair colour. They live their entire lives on human heads where their entire food and water source is supplied.

Head lice don’t fly or jump, they crawl from head to head. This often happens when people play or work closely together.

it is important to follow these steps, once a week, in order to control head lice in the school population.

Place hair conditioner on to dry, brushed (detangled) hair. This makes it difficult for lice to grip the hair or run around;

Wipe the conditioner from the comb onto a paper towel or tissue;

Look on the tissue and on the comb for lice and eggs;

If lice or eggs are found, your child should be treated;

If your child has been treated recently and only hatched eggs are found, you may not have to treat since the eggs could be from the old infection.

If your child has head lice – please feel free to contact us for advice.

kind Regards

The School Nurses


We have now almost completed our talks with the primary school about hygiene especially washing hands and spreading germs. We hope that this will be reinforced at home. Especially before eating, using the toilet, coughing or sneezing and before preparing food.

The temperature is beginning to raise once again. Please can I remind parents to ensure that each student brings into school a named water bottle and a named hat. Remember our school policy “No Hat, No play”

Spare hats are available in the school clinic. Wide brim hats 45aed each.

Head lice continue to be a regular visitor to all schools and ours is no exception. Please see the enclosed advise sheet.

Thanks and Regards

Nurse Rachel