the plato society of zagreb · the plato society of zagreb ulica grada vukovara 54 (institute of...

The Plato Society of Zagreb Ulica grada Vukovara 54 (Institute of Philosophy) HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia Prof. dr. Marie-Élise Zovko, President e-mail: [email protected] ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ OIB (Tax identification number) 06484762072 Account number: 2360000-1101912932; IBAN HR3623600001101912932; SWIFT ZABAHR2X (Zagrebačka banka d.d., Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 10, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia) Tel: ++385-(0)1-457 8076; Fax: ++385-(0)1-618 4383; Mob.++385-(0)98-985 2552 International Symposium of the Plato Society of Zagreb in cooperation with the Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb and the City of Hvar Bildung and Paideia: Philosophical Models of Education. Bildung i paideia: Filozofski modeli odgoja i obrazovanja. Bildung et paideia: Modèles philosophiques de l'éducation. Bildung und Paideia: Philosophische Bildungsmodelle. Bildung e Paideia: Modelli filosofici di educazione under the official patronage of the President of the Republic of Croatia, Prof. dr. Ivo Josipović and Hvar, 12.-17. listopada, 2013. Program 1 October 12, 2013 Afternoon, evening: Arrival of participants in Hvar via Split. Accommodation in Hotel Palace, Sunčani Hvar, d.d. Registration of participants. October 13, 2013 9.00 Registration of participants 10.00 Opening of the Symposium. Greeting of Symposium participants by Organizing Committee Chair, Prof. dr. Marie-Élise Zovko, Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb / President, The Plato Society of Zagreb Philosophy, Education and Culture in Classical Greece and the Hellenistic Period 10.15 First lecture Prof. John Dillon (Trinity College, University of Dublin) "Paideia Platonikê: Does the 1 Program may be subject to changes.

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Page 1: The Plato Society of Zagreb · The Plato Society of Zagreb Ulica grada Vukovara 54 (Institute of Philosophy) HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia

The Plato Society of Zagreb

Ulica grada Vukovara 54 (Institute of Philosophy)

HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Prof. dr. Marie-Élise Zovko, President

e-mail: [email protected]


_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ OIB (Tax identification number) 06484762072

Account number: 2360000-1101912932; IBAN HR3623600001101912932; SWIFT ZABAHR2X

(Zagrebačka banka d.d., Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 10, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia)

Tel: ++385-(0)1-457 8076; Fax: ++385-(0)1-618 4383; Mob.++385-(0)98-985 2552

International Symposium of the Plato Society of Zagreb

in cooperation with

the Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb

and the City of Hvar

Bildung and Paideia: Philosophical Models of Education. Bildung i paideia:

Filozofski modeli odgoja i obrazovanja. Bildung et paideia: Modèles

philosophiques de l'éducation. Bildung und Paideia: Philosophische

Bildungsmodelle. Bildung e Paideia: Modelli filosofici di educazione

under the official patronage of

the President of the Republic of Croatia,

Prof. dr. Ivo Josipović


Hvar, 12.-17. listopada, 2013.

Program1 October 12, 2013

Afternoon, evening: Arrival of participants in Hvar via Split. Accommodation in Hotel

Palace, Sunčani Hvar, d.d. Registration of participants.

October 13, 2013

9.00 Registration of participants

10.00 Opening of the Symposium. Greeting of Symposium participants by Organizing

Committee Chair, Prof. dr. Marie-Élise Zovko, Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb / President,

The Plato Society of Zagreb

Philosophy, Education and Culture in Classical Greece and the Hellenistic


10.15 – First lecture

Prof. John Dillon (Trinity College, University of Dublin) – "Paideia Platonikê: Does the

1 Program may be subject to changes.

Page 2: The Plato Society of Zagreb · The Plato Society of Zagreb Ulica grada Vukovara 54 (Institute of Philosophy) HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia

The Plato Society of Zagreb

Ulica grada Vukovara 54 (Institute of Philosophy)

HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Prof. dr. Marie-Élise Zovko, President

e-mail: [email protected]


_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ OIB (Tax identification number) 06484762072

Account number: 2360000-1101912932; IBAN HR3623600001101912932; SWIFT ZABAHR2X

(Zagrebačka banka d.d., Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 10, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia)

Tel: ++385-(0)1-457 8076; Fax: ++385-(0)1-618 4383; Mob.++385-(0)98-985 2552

Later Platonist Programme of Education Retain any Validity?"

11.00 – Second lecture

Prof. Michael Erler (Universität Würzburg) "Exegese und Polemik: Die Dialoge Platons

im Kontext hellenistischer Paideia"

11.45 Third lecture

Prof. Dr. Christoph Horn (Universität Bonn) : "Werner Jaegers 'Paideia' und der 'Dritte


* * * A f t e r n o o n b r e a k * * *

16.00 Walk and guided tour: themes from the archeological and cultural history of the City

of Hvar – Prehistoric settlement, Hvar culture, early trade routes, Greek diaspora, Middle


17.00 Fifth lecture

Prof. dr Frans de Haas (Leiden University) "Public or private? The Aims of education in

Ancient Philosophy and Today"

17.45 Sixth lecture

Dr. Laura Candiotto (Ca' Foscari University of Venice) "The educational role played by

emotions in the Socratic dialogues of Plato. The case of shame"

18.30 Seventh lecture

Prof. dr. Herbert Hrachovec (Universität Wien) "The Socrates Treatment"

19.30 Dinner


* * * Guest Lecture * * *

"Hvar culture – advanced culture of the Neolithic"

speaker – to be announced

in cooperation with Hvar Heritage Museum

Venue: Hvar City Loggia

Page 3: The Plato Society of Zagreb · The Plato Society of Zagreb Ulica grada Vukovara 54 (Institute of Philosophy) HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia

The Plato Society of Zagreb

Ulica grada Vukovara 54 (Institute of Philosophy)

HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Prof. dr. Marie-Élise Zovko, President

e-mail: [email protected]


_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ OIB (Tax identification number) 06484762072

Account number: 2360000-1101912932; IBAN HR3623600001101912932; SWIFT ZABAHR2X

(Zagrebačka banka d.d., Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 10, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia)

Tel: ++385-(0)1-457 8076; Fax: ++385-(0)1-618 4383; Mob.++385-(0)98-985 2552

October 14, 2013

"Mirror of Truth" – Cultivation and transformation of humanity through the

Encounter of Philosophy with Nature, Culture, and Art

9.00 First lecture

Prof. Sarah Wear (Franciscan University of Steubenville) "Greek Paideia and Christian

Virtue: Basil and Gregory Nazianzen on the Importance of Reading Homer"

9.45 Second lecture

Renate Kroschel (Margarete Ruckmich Akademie, Freiburg), Marie-Élise Zovko (Institut

za filozofiju, Zagreb) –- "Homoiosis theou and Gottebenbildlichkeit– The analogy of

image and archetype, and the assimilation of the human to the divine in Plato and Meister


10.30 – Coffee break

11.00 Third lecture

Prof. Gerold Necker (Universität Halle, Germany) "Kabbalah and education: an

epistemological approach"

11.45 Fourth lecture

Dr. Elke Morlok (Hochschule für Jüdische Studien, Heidelberg) "Transmission of secrets

in medieval kabbalah - education or initiation?"

* * * A f t e r n o o n b r e a k * * *

16.00 Walk and guided tour: themes from the historical and cultural heritage of the City of

Hvar – Ottoman Wars, Renaissance

17.00 Fifth lecture

Prof. Agnieszka Kijewska (Catholic University of Lublin, Poland) - ‘Ordinary

Experience’ as Starting Point For Instruction: The Case Of Nicholas Of Cusa

Page 4: The Plato Society of Zagreb · The Plato Society of Zagreb Ulica grada Vukovara 54 (Institute of Philosophy) HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia

The Plato Society of Zagreb

Ulica grada Vukovara 54 (Institute of Philosophy)

HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Prof. dr. Marie-Élise Zovko, President

e-mail: [email protected]


_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ OIB (Tax identification number) 06484762072

Account number: 2360000-1101912932; IBAN HR3623600001101912932; SWIFT ZABAHR2X

(Zagrebačka banka d.d., Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 10, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia)

Tel: ++385-(0)1-457 8076; Fax: ++385-(0)1-618 4383; Mob.++385-(0)98-985 2552

17.45 Sixth lecture

Dr. Martino Rossi Monti (Florence) – "Too Painful to Watch? The Representation of

violence and suffering in Classical Athens"


Judith Ingolfsson, Vladimir Stoupel (Berlin) "Judging creativity: the relationship between

the artist and his audience"

18.45 Dinner

20:30 * * * Guest Performance * * * by


in cooperation with Hvar Summer Festival

Cloister of the Franciscan Monastery

with concert lecture on the topic:

and concert on the theme:

"Cultivating Freedom and Tolerance"

Ernst Bloch (1880-1959) - Sonata No. 2 "Poème mystique" for Violin and Piano (1924)

Aaron Copland (1900-1990) - Sonata for Violin and Piano (1943)

Karol Rathaus (1895-1954)- Sonata for Violin and Piano Nr. 1 op. 14 (1925)

George Gershwin (1898-1937) - Suite from "Porgy and Bess" arr. for Violin and Piano by

Jasha Heifets

October 15, 2013

Bildung in Idealism, Romanticism and Beyond – Culture and the cultivation

of humanity

9.00 First lecture

Prof. Violetta Waibel (Institute of Philosophy, Universität Wien) "'Bildungstrieb' – ein

Modell von gestern?"

Page 5: The Plato Society of Zagreb · The Plato Society of Zagreb Ulica grada Vukovara 54 (Institute of Philosophy) HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia

The Plato Society of Zagreb

Ulica grada Vukovara 54 (Institute of Philosophy)

HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Prof. dr. Marie-Élise Zovko, President

e-mail: [email protected]


_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ OIB (Tax identification number) 06484762072

Account number: 2360000-1101912932; IBAN HR3623600001101912932; SWIFT ZABAHR2X

(Zagrebačka banka d.d., Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 10, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia)

Tel: ++385-(0)1-457 8076; Fax: ++385-(0)1-618 4383; Mob.++385-(0)98-985 2552

9.45 Second lecture

Dr. Tamás Hankovszky (Péter Pázmány Katholische Universität, Ungarn) "Philosophie

der Bildung im frühen Fichte"

10.30 – Coffee break

11.00 Third lecture

Prof. dr. Jure Zovko (Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb; University of Zadar) "Hegels

Konzept der Bildung im heutigen Kontext"

11.45 Fourth lecture

Dr. Carlotta Santini (Università del Salento – Centro Studi Colli Montinari) "Friedrich

Nietzsche a Basilea. Per un’apologia degli studi classici"

* * * A f t e r n o o n b r e a k * * *

16.00 Walk and guided tour: Themes from the historical and cultural heritage of the City of

Hvar: Venetian rule to Napoleonic Era

17.00 Fifth lecture

Prof. Tomislav Zelić (University of Zadar, Croatia) "Bildung and the historical and

genealogical critique of contemporary culture"

17.45 Sixth lecture

Dr. Jones Irwin (Dublin City University, Ireland; University of Warwick, UK) "Critique

of the University from Lyotard, Freire and Succeeding Radical Educational Thought"

18.30 Seventh lecture

Dr. Flavia Conte (Lyceo Leopardi Majore di Pordenone, Italy) "Legitimacy and

delegitimation of the teaching word in the post-modern era"

19.30 Dinner

Page 6: The Plato Society of Zagreb · The Plato Society of Zagreb Ulica grada Vukovara 54 (Institute of Philosophy) HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia

The Plato Society of Zagreb

Ulica grada Vukovara 54 (Institute of Philosophy)

HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Prof. dr. Marie-Élise Zovko, President

e-mail: [email protected]


_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ OIB (Tax identification number) 06484762072

Account number: 2360000-1101912932; IBAN HR3623600001101912932; SWIFT ZABAHR2X

(Zagrebačka banka d.d., Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 10, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia)

Tel: ++385-(0)1-457 8076; Fax: ++385-(0)1-618 4383; Mob.++385-(0)98-985 2552

October 16, 2013

All-day excursion, guided tour and visit to archeological, cultural and historical sites of Hvar:

Jelsa, Pitve, Purkin Kuk, Tor, Starogradsko polje (UNESCO World Heritage Site), Vrboška, Stari

Grad (Pharos)

9:00 departure from Hvar by bus

Pelegrini Tours, Hvar

return to Hvar around 19.00

October 17, 2013

Bildung & Critique of Bildung: Philosophy and Education in Today's Society

9.00 First lecture

Prof. Byron Kaldis (Hellenic Open University, Greece) – "Deep-Citizenship: Lessons

from Bildung and Paedeia"

9.45 Second lecture

Marcello Ostinelli (Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana Locarno,

Switzerland) "Tre modelli dell’educazione del cittadino a confronto: umanesimo civico,

repubblicanesimo classico, liberalismo politico"

10.30 Coffee break

11.00 Third lecture

Prof. Daniel Kolak (William Paterson University of New Jersey) "Into the Global

Learning Community: A Tripartite Learning Model Integrating Humanism, Religion and


11.45 Fourth lecture

PD Dr. Rudolf Seising (European Centre for Soft Computing, Mieres Asturias/ Spain)

"Wie genau kann ich wissen? Űber Wissenschaftsphilosophie und Bildung"

* * * A f t e r n o o n b r e a k * * *

16.00 Walk and guided tour: Themes from the historical and cultural history of the City of

Hvar – 19th

century and Austro-hungarian Empire to 20th


Page 7: The Plato Society of Zagreb · The Plato Society of Zagreb Ulica grada Vukovara 54 (Institute of Philosophy) HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia

The Plato Society of Zagreb

Ulica grada Vukovara 54 (Institute of Philosophy)

HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Prof. dr. Marie-Élise Zovko, President

e-mail: [email protected]


_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ OIB (Tax identification number) 06484762072

Account number: 2360000-1101912932; IBAN HR3623600001101912932; SWIFT ZABAHR2X

(Zagrebačka banka d.d., Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 10, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia)

Tel: ++385-(0)1-457 8076; Fax: ++385-(0)1-618 4383; Mob.++385-(0)98-985 2552

17.00 Fifth lecture

Prof. Giannis Stamatellos (IB Doukas School, New York College, University of Oxford)

"Plotinus' virtue theory and its implication in computer ethics education"

17.45 Sixth lecture

Dr. Jonathan Doner (Virgina, USA) WUltimate Meaning and the Game of Games:

Toward a Model of Individualized Paideia"

18.30 Seventh lecture

Dr. Karin Hutflötz (Hochschule für Philosophie SJ, Akademie der Bildenden Künste, München)

"Why philosophize in (elementary) school? Toward a justification of philosophy as educational


19.30 Conference Dinner

21.00 Poster Session

Philosophy, Culture and Humanitas from Ancient Times to the Present

Authors' Presentation of Posters

Visit of the Exhibit by Symposium participants

October 18, 2013

continuation of Poster-Session

Departure of symposium participants

Organisational Committee: Renate Kroschel, Stipe Kutleša, Marie-Élise Zovko (Coordinators)

Miško Ivić, Stipe Ivković, Martina Labaš, Jelena Ladišić, Marta Mišković, Maja Nebes, Kristina Pešo, Luka

Pospiš, Ante Sesar, Nives Delija Trešćec, Simona Vlahović