the pastor s corner mst. sahag & st. mesrob armenian church mer doon winter/spring 2010 page 1...

St. Sahag & St. Mesrob Armenian Church Mer Doon Winter/Spring 2010 Page 1 The Pastors Corner Dear Parishioners, other’s Day will soon be here and it is a time to reflect and appreciate the value of our mothers. Young mothers today can be overwhelmed with the pressures of the modern world and unreasonable expectations of what they should do to ensure the upbringing of their child or children but sometimes it is the simplest things that are actually far more important. Time is the most precious gift for any child; spend time with your child and you will go some way to having a happy and contented youngster. We can all remember our own childhood and how important our mothers were. We all have busy lives, juggling work commitments with our family responsibilities, yet somehow mothers have to steer the development of their child’s life while ensuring all around is also running smoothly. Traditional family and community values should not be neglected and it has never been more important to instill into our children a strong moral direction. So take time on Mother’s Day to say “thank you mom” for helping you through your life from playground traumas to board-room dilemmas remember it is your mom’s basic guidance as a child that makes the adult you grow into. Show you Mother how much you love her and especially on Mother’s Day give your Mom a hug and kiss and remember these are the most precious moments spent that you will never forget and do not want to ever regret. Very Rev. Fr. Oshagan Gulgulian, M. Div. The Mother with the Father’s Heart If I'm not sure of who I am, I just need to look at you. You’re the kind of person I'd like to be... One who strives to be like Jesus. I won’t compare your beauty to that Rose, Although I’ve seen you display God's grace when life handed you thorns. No, your humility would not allow it. Instead I will just remind you, Mom, that even a little green sprig is celebrated in a sun-scorched desert. Yes, you are a sign of living water in a land of thirsty hearts and souls. I won’t compare your strength to a mighty tree, although you’ve shaded many weary people, in the healing leaves of your prayers; and fed them by the fruits of the Spirit abundantly growing from He Who dwells within you. Instead I will remind you, Mom, that all it takes is a few broken twigs to create a storm-sheltering nest. And the faith of a little mustard seed moves God’s heart to produce miracles. And I won’t compare your loving heart to all the mothers’ hearts of the world, because you have the heart of the loving Heavenly Father. I love you, Mom, the way you have taught me to love, With the love of the Lord. ~~ Melanie Cummings M

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Page 1: The Pastor s Corner MSt. Sahag & St. Mesrob Armenian Church Mer Doon Winter/Spring 2010 Page 1 The Pastor’s Corner Dear Parishioners, other’s Day will soon be here and it is a

St. Sahag & St. Mesrob Armenian Church Mer Doon Winter/Spring 2010

Page 1

The Pastor’s Corner

Dear Parishioners,

other’s Day will soon be here and it is a time to reflect and appreciate the

value of our mothers. Young mothers today can be overwhelmed with the

pressures of the modern world and unreasonable expectations of what they should do to

ensure the upbringing of their child or children but sometimes it is the simplest things that are actually

far more important. Time is the most precious gift for any child; spend time with your child and you

will go some way to having a happy and contented youngster.

We can all remember our own childhood and how important our mothers were. We all have busy lives,

juggling work commitments with our family responsibilities, yet somehow mothers have to steer the

development of their child’s life while ensuring all around is also running smoothly. Traditional family

and community values should not be neglected and it has never been more important to instill into our

children a strong moral direction. So take time on Mother’s Day to say “thank you mom” for helping

you through your life from playground traumas to board-room dilemmas – remember it is your mom’s

basic guidance as a child that makes the adult you grow into. Show you Mother how much you love her

and especially on Mother’s Day give your Mom a hug and kiss and remember these are the most

precious moments spent that you will never forget and do not want to ever regret.

Very Rev. Fr. Oshagan Gulgulian, M. Div.

The Mother with the Father’s Heart

If I'm not sure of who I am,

I just need to look at you.

You’re the kind of person I'd like to be...

One who strives to be like Jesus.

I won’t compare your beauty to that Rose,

Although I’ve seen you display God's grace

when life handed you thorns.

No, your humility would not allow it.

Instead I will just remind you, Mom,

that even a little green sprig is celebrated

in a sun-scorched desert.

Yes, you are a sign of living water

in a land of thirsty hearts and souls.

I won’t compare your strength to a mighty tree,

although you’ve shaded many weary people,

in the healing leaves of your prayers;

and fed them by the fruits of the Spirit

abundantly growing from

He Who dwells within you.

Instead I will remind you, Mom,

that all it takes is a few broken twigs

to create a storm-sheltering nest.

And the faith of a little mustard seed

moves God’s heart to produce miracles.

And I won’t compare your loving heart

to all the mothers’ hearts of the world,

because you have the heart

of the loving Heavenly Father.

I love you, Mom,

the way you have taught me to love,

With the love of the Lord.

~~ Melanie Cummings


Page 2: The Pastor s Corner MSt. Sahag & St. Mesrob Armenian Church Mer Doon Winter/Spring 2010 Page 1 The Pastor’s Corner Dear Parishioners, other’s Day will soon be here and it is a

St. Sahag & St. Mesrob Armenian Church Mer Doon Winter/Spring 2010

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From the Holy See of Etchmiadzin His Holiness Karekin II Honored in Moscow

The International Foundation for Unity of Orthodox Christian Nations has bestowed upon His Holiness Karekin II, the

Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, this year’s Unity of Orthodox Peoples Award. His Holiness traveled to

Moscow, Russia in early December to receive the honor, which was presented by His Holiness, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow

and All Russia, who chairs the Foundation for Unity. Other recipients of this year’s Unity of Orthodox Peoples Award

include Russia’s President Dmitry Medvedev and filmmaker Emir Kusturica. Now in its tenth year, the program was

established by His Holiness, Patriarch Alexy II, who led the Russian Orthodox Church until his passing in 2008.

Priests Ordained at Holy Etchmiadzin

On December 13, 12 deacons were ordained into the holy priesthood at the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin. Of the 12, three

deacons were ordained as celibate priests and became members of the Brotherhood of Etchmiadzin. The newly-ordained

priests were assigned to serve Armenian communities following the completion of their 40-day seclusion period of fasting,

mediation, and prayer. This ordination follows the ordination held last summer at the St. Gregory the Illuminator Cathedral

in Yerevan. During that service, Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of America

(Eastern), ordained 27 deacons into the holy priesthood.

Սուրբ Յարութեան տօնը Մայր Աթոռ Սուրբ Էջմիածնում

“Քրիստոս յարուցեալ կեանքի ճանապարհն է,

Քրիստոսով զօրութիւնն ունենք նորոգուելու եւ կեանքը բարեփոխելու”

Ապրիլի 4-ին Մայր Աթոռ Սուրբ Էջմիածնում մեծ հանդիսաւորութեամբ

նշուեց Յիսուս Քրիստոսի հրաշափառ Սուրբ Յարութեան տօնը:

Տէրունական տօնի առիթով Միածնաէջ Մայր Տաճարում պատարագ

մատուցեց Ն.Ս.Օ.Տ.Տ. Գարեգին Բ Ծայրագոյն Պատրիարք եւ Ամենայն

Հայոց Կաթողիկոսը: Զանգերի աւետաբեր ղօղանջների ներքոյ

խաչվառներով զարդարեալ եկեղեցականաց թափօրը Վեհարանից դէպի Սուրբ Տաճար առաջնորդեց

Վեհափառ Հայրապետին եւ ՀՀ նախագահ Սերժ Սարգսեանին:

Հայրապետական ամպհովանակիրներն էին ՀԲԸՄ Վարչութեան անդամներ Արիս Ադամեանը եւ Վազգէն

Եակուբեանը, ―Փիւնիկ‖ բարեգործական հիմնադրամի նախագահ Լեւոն Սարգսեանը եւ ԱԺ պատգամաւոր

Արա Բաբլոյեանը: Սուրբ եւ Անմահ Պատարագի ընթացքին Նորին Սրբութեան առընթերականներն էին Մայր

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Աթոռ Սուրբ Էջմիածնի դիւանապետ Տ. Արշակ եպիսկոպոս Խաչատրեանը եւ Երեւանի Սբ. Գրիգոր

Լուսաւորիչ մայր եկեղեցու հոգեւոր տեսուչ Տ. Անուշաւան եպիսկոպոս Ժամկոչեանը:

Պատարագի սրբազան արարողութեան ընթացքին Նորին Սրբութիւնը Հայրապետական իր պատգամը յղեց

Փրկչի Յարութեան տօնի առիթով համայն հայ ժողովրդին` ամենքին փոխանցելով “Քրիստոս յարեաւ ի

մեռելոց” կենդանարար աւետիսը` պատգամի բնաբան ընտրելով “Հաւատի բարի մարտը մղիր եւ պինդ

կառչիր յաւիտենական կեանքից, որին կանչուեցիր” առաքելական խօսքը: (Ա Տիմ. Զ 12)

Հանրապետութեան նախագահից բացի Սուրբ Պատարագի արարողութեանը ներկայ էին նաեւ ՀՀ ԱԺ

նախագահ Յովիկ Աբրահամեանը, ՀԲԸՄ նախագահ Պերճ Սեդրակեանը եւ ՀԲԸՄ Վարչութեան անդամներ, ԱԺ

պատգամաւորներ, ՀՀ կառավարութեան անդամներ, Գերագոյն Հոգեւոր Խորհրդի անդամներ, Հայաստանում

հաւատարմագրուած դիւանագիտական առաքելութիւնների ղեկավարներ, միջազգային

կազմակերպութիւնների ներկայացուցիչներ, բարերար հայորդիներ, գիտութեան, կրթութեան եւ մշակոյթի


Յաւարտ Սուրբ Պատարագի Վեհարանում տեղի ունեցաւ պաշտօնական ընդունելութիւն, որի ընթացքում

Ամենայն Հայոց Կաթողիկոսը հրաւիրեալներին վերստին բերեց Հայրապետական իր օրհնութիւնն ու


Around the World

Jerusalem Patriarch Torkom Manoogian is Honored

by Catholicos and the Republic of Armenia with the St. Mesrob Mashdotz Medal

His Holiness Karekin II traveled to Jerusalem on February 15, where he presented His Beatitude, Archbishop Torkom

Manoogian, the Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem, with the Medal of St. Mesrob Mashdots. Archbishop Khajag Barsamian

and Archbishop Vicken Aykazian, the Diocesan Legate of the Eastern Diocese, were invited by His Holiness to attend the

presentation ceremony as members of the Brotherhood of St. James of the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem. Also

attending the ceremony were the Primates of other Dioceses of the Armenian Church, government officials, and guests. The

Mesrob Mashdots Medal is an exemplary distinction awarded by the Republic of Armenia, at the order of its President.

Armenian President Serge Sargsian issued the medal to Patriarch Torkom Manoogian on the occasion of the 20th anniversary

of the Patriarch’s enthronement, and in recognition of his lifetime devotion to, and leadership of, the Armenian Church and


Iraq’s Armenian Church Helps in Creation of Ecumenical Body

The Diocese of the Armenian Church of Iraq is a member of the newly established Council of Christian Church Leaders of

Iraq, which includes representatives of the Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Oriental, and Protestant churches. The meeting to

launch the council was held at St. Garabed monastery of the Diocese of the Armenian Church in Baghdad on February 9.

Archbishop Avak Asadourian, Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of Iraq, was elected General Secretary of the

Council. The goal of the new organization is to promote ecumenical projects and programs and to allow church leaders to

share experiences about their ministry throughout the country.

In the Diocese of the

Armenian Church of America (Eastern)

New Clergy Appointments

Archbishop Khajag Barsamian recently appointed four priests to serve parishes in Waukegan, Ill.,

Cheltenham, Pa., Cleveland, OH, and St. Paul, Minn. The four priests – Rev. Fr. Paren Galstyan, Rev. Fr.

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Hakob Gevorgyan, Rev. Fr. Martiros Hakobyan, and Rev. Fr. Hratch Sargsyan – completed their studies in Armenia and

were ordained there prior to their arrival in the U.S., with the blessings of His Holiness Karekin II and at the invitation of the

Primate. They spent the last few years interning with clergy in the Eastern Diocese to learn more about the Armenian Church

of America and to prepare to serve the local Armenian communities. Of these four new clergy, the Rev. Fr. Hakob

Gevorgyan has been appointed as the new Pastor of our local sister parish, Holy Trinity Armenian Church, in Cheltnehm,

PA. Fr. Gevorgyan began serving as the pastor of Holy Trinity Armenian Church on January 2, 2010. He is a graduate of the

Vaskenian and Gevorkyan seminaries in Armenia. Fr. Gevorgyan also studied at the Oriental Churches Institute in Germany,

and while still a deacon, he worked as the administrator of the storehouses of Holy Etchmiadzin’s Treasury and Pontifical

Residence. He was ordained into the holy priesthood in December 2007 by Bishop Marcos Hovhannesian. In February

2008, Fr. Hakob traveled to New York and began his internship at St. Gregory the Enlightener Armenian Church of White

Plains, under the guidance of the Rev. Fr. Karekin Kasparian. At the same time, he enrolled in English language courses at

Concordia and Manhatanville colleges, and completed the Clinical Pastoral Education Program at Westchester Medical

Center in Valhalla, NY. Fr. Hakob Gevorgyan and Yn. Anna Gevorgyan have one son, Narek. On Sunday, January 17, the

Parish Council had its official welcome banquet in his honor with over 300 parishioners and other members of the Armenian

community present.

A Departure from the Diocesan Staff

College Ministry facilitator, Julie Hoplamazian, has left her position in the Department of Youth and Education to take up a

teaching position in New York City. Julie joined the Diocesan staff in 2006 and was a creative and inspiring leader of the

College Ministry outreach effort. To Armenian college students across our Diocese, Julie was a mentor, a friend, and an

encouraging presence in their lives over these past several years. She was especially helpful to young people facing their first

extended time away from the security of home, and who felt a need to connect with their church and heritage in a meaningful

way. Seizing upon her formal training in music and education, Julie has moved on to teach music to elementary school

students in Harlem and the Bronx. We know that Julie’s many friends and colleagues throughout our Diocese will keep fond

memories of working with her to advance the mission of the Armenian Church in America.

Women’s Guild School Bag Project to Provide Over 1,000 Bags for Children of Armenia

Some 50 volunteers gathered last October at St. Leon Armenian Church of Fair Lawn, NJ, to assemble 1,140 school bags for

shipment to students in Armenia, as part of the School Bag Project of the Women’s Guild Central Council. The bags were

distributed to students in rural schools by local Fund for Armenian Relief representatives. The School Bag Project was

launched in 1992, and has been chaired by Yn. Violet Kasparian. Since its inception, the program has provided more than

10,000 children with school supplies.

Armenian Church of the Holy Martyrs Hosts

Farewell Banquet for the Very Fr. Vahan Hovhanessian

The Armenian Church of the Holy Martyrs of Bayside, NY, hosted a farewell banquet on January 24, for its pastor, the Very.

Rev. Fr. Vahan Hovhanessian. Diocesan Vicar, the Very Rev. Fr. Haigazoun Najarian, represented the Primate on the

occasion. Fr. Hovhanessian served Holy Martyrs Church for nine years and was recently asked by His Holiness Karekin II to

continue his ministry as the Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of England.

Sacred Music Council Meets at Diocesan Center

Meeting at the Diocesan Center on January 23, members of the Sacred Music Council discussed the upcoming summer

Junior Choir Leadership Program and began planning for this inaugural National Choir Workshop, a series of seminars,

rehearsals, and performances designed to strengthen the work of parish choirs, choir directors, and organists. Both the Junior

Choir Leadership Program and the National Choir Workshop will be held at the Ararat Center in upstate New York, with the

former scheduled for August 15-22, and the latter for August 20-22. Parishes are encouraged to recruit young choir members

interested in the Junior Choir Leadership Program.

Christian Education Coordinator Attends Meeting of the NCC’s

Education and Leadership Ministries Commission in Nashville, TN

Elise Antreassian, the Diocese’s Christian Education Coordinator, attended the annual Administrative Board and general

meeting of the Education and Leadership Ministries Commission (ELMC) of the National Council of Churches (NCC). The

meeting was held January 24-27 in Nashville, TN. The ELMC, representing 36 denominations including the Armenian

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Church, and working through 14 program committees, is devoted to concerns of parish and congregational Christian

education, higher education, leadership development, and biblical translation. Elise serves on the Administrative Board, and

was elected this year to serve as interim vice chair of the commission. She had served as worship leader in the past, sharing

the liturgical experience of the Armenian Church with a very appreciative ELMC membership.

Krikor and Clara Zohrab Information Center Launches New Blog

Blog Launch: The Zohrab Center is proud to announce its new blog, Visit the online

publication for information on upcoming events, news about the center’s work, and other updates. To contact the Zohrab

Center, call (212) 686-0710, or e-mail [email protected].

St. Leon Armenian Church Women’s Guild Publishes Recipe Collection

The Women’s Guild of St. Leon Armenian Church of Fair Lawn, NJ, recently completed a

collection of treasured Armenian and American culinary offerings, titled Recipes & Recollections.

Accompanying the recipes are brief stories and useful tips to guide the reader. The book is

dedicated to grandmothers, mothers, and departed members of the St. Leon Church Women’s Guild.

Now in its 82nd year, the St. Leon Church Women's Guild is known for its excellent culinary

creations. Please visit our Armenian Heritage store in Hayatian Hall if you wish to purchase a copy.

Women’s Guild Releases Hye Reflections Newsletter

The Women’s Guild Central Council has released a new edition of its newsletter, Hye Reflections. Highlights include

updates on the School Bags project, a review of last fall’s symposium in Philadelphia, and the recent publication of New

Faith to New World: Stories from the History of the Armenian Church, which was sponsored by the Women’s Guild through

funds raised during past Saintly Women’s Day commemorations across the parishes.

Parishioner of St. Kevork Armenian Church of Houston, TX Distributes New Film

Filmmaker Garen Topalian recently secured distribution for his second feature film The Beatnicks, which is available for rent

via Netflix, and will be available for retail sale in April 2010. Set in Los Angeles, The Beatnicks follows a poet (Norman

Reedus) and a musician (Mark Boone Jr.) who are in search of a new gig. Topalian served as executive producer of the


Mission Parish of Nashville Continues Virtual Sunday School Program

The mission parish of the Armenian Church of Nashville is continuing its recently developed Virtual Sunday School

program, which allows teachers to conduct lessons online using web conferencing software. Classes are held weekly for 30

minutes, and separate sessions are offered for the 9-13 and 4-8 age groups. Once a month, students and teachers meet in

person to supplement the virtual classes with review sessions and art projects.

CBS’ 60 Minutes Program Airs Segment on the Armenian Genocide

Long-running CBS news program 60 Minutes aired a segment on the Armenian Genocide

during its broadcast on Sunday, February 28, featuring an interview with Prof. Peter

Balakian, author of Black Dog of Fate and The Burning Tigris, and co-translator/editor of

Armenian Golgotha. Reporting the story was senior correspondent Bob Simon, who

previously reported on a segment on the Greek Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch of

Constantinople. The program also included footage from a visit to Der Zor, Syria, where

450,000 Armenians perished during the Genocide, among other interviews and details

documenting the 1915 massacres in the Ottoman Empire.

For those who did not get a chance to see the segment on the Armenian Genocide, please visit;cnav for a summary. For those who did view the

segment, please take a moment to thank CBS and 60 Minutes for featuring the Armenian Genocide:

You can email them at [email protected] or phone them at 212-975-3247.

If you wish to send a message to Bob Simon, the 60 Minutes correspondent who reported the segment about the

Armenian Genocide, you can email him at [email protected].

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If you wish to comment on the segment, you can go to, scroll down to the very bottom, click on the

small words saying User Feedback and write your comments or you can send a letter to: 60 Minutes, 524 West

57th Street, New York, NY 10019.

To order tapes and DVDs, either visit the CBS Online Store, or send an email to CBS News Archives (email is on their

website) or call 800-338-4847. DVDs are also available at

To order a transcript of the segment, call (212) 975-6441 (transcripts are not available on the web.)

Everyone Prays at Holy Etchmiadzin Nominated for 2010 New York Emmy Award

Everyone Prays at Holy Etchmiadzin, a documentary about the Armenian Church, has been nominated for a 2010 New York

Emmy Award. The film details the history and spiritual heritage of the Armenian Church, with a particular focus on the

efforts of the modern Armenian Church to foster Christian unity and interfaith dialogue. The project was produced by Diva

Communications under the leadership of the Eastern Diocese and the National Council of Churches. It aired on ABC-

affiliated stations throughout the United States in December 2008. The awards gala will be held in New York City on

Sunday, April 18. Other nominees in the Religious Programming category include Heavenly Harmony, The Holy Mountain,

The McDonald's Gospelfest 2009, Million Dollar Mistake, and Mysteries of the Church.

Summer Internship Program at the Eastern Diocese

This summer the Eastern Diocese will once again partner with the AGBU Summer Intern Program to offer an eight-week

internship at the Diocesan Center from June 13 to August 7. The program is open to young adults between the ages of 20 and

26. Interns may choose to work in areas such as accounting, development, public relations, education, music ministry, or in

the Krikor and Clara Zohrab Information Center. They will be housed with other AGBU interns in New York University

dormitories, and will engage in various AGBU-sponsored educational, cultural, and social activities. There is no cost to

participate in the program. The application deadline is May 1, 2010. For information or to receive an application, contact

Nancy Basmajian at [email protected], or (212) 686-0710, ext. 143.

News on St. Vartan Camp and Hye Camp

Announcing the 2010 Diocesan Summer Camp Programs

Mark your calendars for a summer filled with friendship, fellowship, and fun at St. Vartan Camp. The beginning of the 2010

camp season is only months away and the brochures for St. Vartan Camp have all been distributed. Online registration began

on February 15 and the Diocese is looking forward to another summer. To apply for camp, please go to

St. Vartan Camp 2010 at the Ararat Center in Greenville, NY

Staff Training: Wednesday, June 23–Saturday, June 26

Session A: Sunday, June 27–Saturday, July 10

Session B: Sunday, July 11–Saturday, July 24

Session C: Sunday, July 25–Saturday, August 7

To receive more information about either camp program, contact Jennifer Morris, Youth Outreach coordinator, at

[email protected], or at (212) 686-0710 ext. 118.

Appointment of St. Vartan Camp Director for Session C

Over the past several years, both Diocesan camp programs have witnessed an encouraging expansion in scope and

participation, under the leadership of our camp directors—Fr. Krikor Sabounjian at St. Vartan Camp, and Fr. Aren Jebejian at

Hye Camp—and our Diocesan Youth Outreach Coordinator, Jennifer Morris. Their leadership will continue to guide our

camp programs, which provide unparalleled opportunities for our children to grow in their faith and heritage. The Diocese

has also appointed a new camp director for Session C of St. Vartan Camp – Fr. Vasken Kouzouian, Pastor of the Holy Trinity

Church of Cambridge, MA. Fr. Vasken returns to this position with a strong background in youth ministry, having spent

many summers attending camp and serving in various capacities. It is worth noting here that St. Vartan Camp has provided

its vital ministry to our youth for 30 years, and Hye Camp will be celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2011. This year, well

over 500 campers, counselors-in-training, and staff will take part in Diocesan camp programs.

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News from St. Nersess Armenian Seminary

St. Nersess Armenian Seminary Offering

Online Course on the Divine Liturgy

On February 3, St. Nersess Armenian Seminary offered the second session of its

online course titled Worthy and Right: The Divine Liturgy of the Armenian Church.

Broadcast live online through the seminary’s Global Classroom program, the course

is taught by the Very Rev. Fr. Daniel Findikyan, seminary dean and professor of Liturgical Studies. The course focuses on

the meaning and significance of the Divine Liturgy, the main worship service of the Armenian Church. Lectures and related

electronic materials explore the biblical roots of the Divine Liturgy, the development of the service, and other topics. The

online format allows those who do not live near the seminary’s New Rochelle, NY, campus to benefit from the unique

educational resources of St. Nersess. To view the lectures delivered, go to and visit the video archives in

the Global Classroom section of the website.

Walk For Faith

St. Nersess Armenian Seminary held its second annual Walk-for-Faith event on Sunday, April 11, with more than 60 people

turning out to support the seminary. The day began with the celebration of the Divine Liturgy, followed by lunch and the


Diocesan Legate’s Activities

At National Council of Churches Assembly,

Archbishop Aykazian Reflects on Term as President

The National Council of Churches’ annual general assembly met

November 11-13 in Minneapolis, Minn., under the joint presidency of

Archbishop Vicken Aykazian, NCC President and Legate of the

Diocese, and Bishop Johncy Itty (who chairs the board of directors of

the NCC’s outreach arm, Church World Service). The meeting

marked the last time the country’s largest ecumenical organization

would gather under Archbishop Aykazian’s presidency. Elected to a

standard two-year term of office in 2007, he is the first Armenian

clergyman (and the first of the Oriental Orthodox family of churches)

to be elected to head the NCC. Archbishop Aykazian also serves on

the central committee of the World Council of Churches, and is an

active figure in the national and international ecumenical arenas.

Primate and Legate Attend Evening in Honor of Dr. Vartan Gregorian

On December 1, Archbishop Khajag Barsamian and Archbishop Vicken Aykazian, attended an awards dinner honoring Dr.

Vartan Gregorian. Dr. Gregorian – past president of Brown University and the New York Public Library, who now heads

the Carnegie Corporation of New York – was presented with the Andrew Heiskell Lifetime Achievement Award for his work

―in advancing the cause of education and promoting its importance to the successful functioning of democracy.‖ The award

was presented by Thomas Kean, former governor of New Jersey. The event was hosted in New York by the local chapter of

Common Cause, a national advocacy organization.

Diocesan Legate Addresses Christian Churches Together Meeting in Seattle, WA

Archbishop Vicken Aykazian addressed U.S. religious leaders during the January 12-15 annual meeting of Christian

Churches Together in Seattle, WA. Archbishop Aykazian spoke about poverty and evangelism. He called on churches,

businesses, and communities to work together to reduce poverty worldwide, noting that in the U.S. alone some 37 million

people live below the poverty level. Archbishop Aykazian also discussed concerns raised by proselytizing activities in

Armenia, where missionaries from the West have posed challenges for the Armenian Church. Archbishop Aykazian is a

member of the Steering Committee of Christian Churches Together.

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Archbishop Aykazian Speaks at Annual Meeting of the Massachusetts Council of Churches

On January 23, Archbishop Aykazian was the guest preacher at the 2010 Annual Meeting of the Massachusetts Council of

Churches, held at Assumption College in Worcester, MA. More than 100 representatives from 17 member denominations

gathered for the meeting, which included a prayer service for Christian unity. During the meeting's business session,

Archbishop Aykazian spoke on The Challenge of Environmental, Economic, and Social Justice. The Armenian Church

joined the Massachusetts Council of Churches four years ago, with the Rev. Fr. Arakel Aljalian, Pastor of St. James

Armenian Church in Watertown, MA, serving on the organization’s Board of Directors.

President Sargsyan Visits Washington National

Cathedral; Diocesan Primate, Legate Attend Service

On Monday, April 11, President Serge Sargsyan of the Republic of Armenia visited the Washington National Cathedral in

Washington, DC, where he took part in a requiem service and placed a wreath on the tomb of President Woodrow Wilson,

who was an advocate of independent Armenia. Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Diocesan Primate, and Archbishop Vicken

Aykazian, Diocesan Legate, attended the day’s events. President Sargsyan— who traveled to Washington to take part in the

Nuclear Security Summit hosted by President Barack Obama—spoke about the Armenian Genocide and the importance of

handling the Armenia-Turkey protocols without preconditions. Washington-area Armenian Genocide survivors and other

community members also took part in the event.

Updates on the Fund for Armenian Relief

New Virtual Lab Opens at FAR’s Gyumri Information Technology Center

and Center Receives USAid Grant to Train New Instructors

In January, the Fund for Armenian Relief’s Gyumri Information Technology (―GTech‖) Center launched a new network

technology training program sponsored by D-Link, an international networking and data communications company

headquartered in Taiwan. The new program is a virtual lab offering courses in network technology. D-Link has also pledged

to award scholarships to two GTech students. Also, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Competitive

Armenian Private Sector Program is supporting a new project at GTech titled Training of Trainees, a program which will

help prepare future instructors for GTech. Recent GTech graduates will have the opportunity to work with Armenian high

tech companies to prepare to teach new generations of GTech students.

Dr. Edgar Housepian Honored by FAR

On January 15, FAR marked its 20th anniversary and honored one of its founding members, Dr. Edgar M. Housepian, at a

gala banquet in Manhattan. His Holiness Karekin II presided, as some 450 people gathered to recognize Dr. Housepian’s

many contributions to medicine, and his involvement in the relief and medical efforts in Armenia. His Holiness presented

Dr. Housepian with the Soorp Krikor Loosavorich medal, the highest honor in the Armenian Church. In addition, Dr.

Housepian received the Mkhitar Heratzi Medal, presented to him by Tatoul Markarian, Armenia’s Ambassador to the United

States, on behalf of Armenia’s President Serge Sargsyan. The evening also focused on Dr. Housepian’s vision for the future

of medicine and medical education in Armenia through FAR’s programs. Randy Sapah-Gulian, Chair of FAR’s Board of

Directors, outlined the organization’s current projects, and spoke about the impact FAR has had on the lives of Armenia’s

citizens over the past two decades. The event helped raise nearly $1 million for the Dr. Edgar M. Housepian Medical

Education Fund.

Recent Donations to FAR Make Possible Improvements

at Vanadzor Orphanage and Nubarashen Special School

FAR recently received generous donations from Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Mary Haratunian, of Glen Head, NY, which

allowed FAR to purchase Gas Pressure Regulation equipment for the Vanadzor Orphanage, which will help reduce costs and

improve the natural gas supply. Additionally, a water tank was installed to temporarily supply water to the orphanage

kitchen. The funds were also used to purchase winter shoes for children and a vacuum cleaner for the Nubarashen Special


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Helping the Victims of the Haitian Earthquake

It has been 21 years since the earthquake that destroyed large areas of Armenia—and 21 years since the world’s beautiful

outpouring of goodwill towards our country and its people. In mid-January, another such tragedy struck on the island nation

of Haiti. In a region already beset by difficulties, this natural disaster was especially destructive, and the news and images

were terribly disheartening. All parishes of the Eastern Diocese were asked to contribute to the relief of this disaster. The

Diocese, through FAR, coordinated this relief effort, working with the National Council of Churches. Thanks to the

generosity of our faithful, over $30,000 was raised. The funds were distributed through Church World Service, the

humanitarian aid arm of the National Council of Churches, with a long record of effective outreach to those in need around

the world.

Join us in 2010 and do more than just see the country’s landmarks! You’ll learn about Armenia’s place in the world, her

religious, political and economic heritage, and engage government and religious leaders in official state visits. You’ll visit

FARs projects in the country and engage in conversations with beneficiaries. You’ll meet with the new established Minister

of Diaspora and His Holiness Catholicos Karekin II in Etchmiadzin. You will also visit FAR’s programs, such as the

Homeless Children’s Center in Yerevan and the Gyumri Information and Technology Center.

The 15th annual FAR Young Professionals Trip will take place July 7th to July 21st, 2010. The two-week trip to Armenia

will include tours of the entire country, with overnights in Yerevan, Stepanakert, Gyumri, Sanahin, Lake Sevan, and Goris.

For more information please visit our Hayastani Kidak

FAR Recognized for its Development Efforts in Gyumri

The city of Gyumri recently recognized FAR as one of the first organizations to support development in the local area. In

addition to providing immediate assistance after the 1988 earthquake, FAR has initiated a number of long-term projects to

bolster education, technology and other sectors in Gyumri. One of its well-known programs is the Gyumri Information

Technology Center, which provides web development and other information technology training to the city’s post-graduate

students. During a special ceremony this month, the mayor of Gyumri presented FAR representatives with a copy of a newly

published book about the city. Titled Gyumri, the book was released in 2009.

FAR Representatives Meet with Mathevosian Scholarship Program Participants in Armenia;

Anoush Mathevosian Honored by FAR for Her Visionary Philanthropy in Armenia

Within the framework of the Mathevosian Scholarship Program, FAR sponsors six medical residents in Armenia who pursue

their post-graduate education at Yerevan State Medical University. As part of the scholarship program, students improve their

professional skills while also maintaining close relationships with the regional hospitals where they will work upon their

graduation. In February, the six scholarship recipients participated in a meeting with representatives of the Yerevan State

Medical University and FAR, where they had the opportunity to discuss their academic progress and share thoughts about the

program. One of the six students recently graduated and began service at the Dilijan Health Center in Dilijan, Armenia.

The Mathevosian Scholarship Program was established in 1997 by Anoush Mathevosian of Great Neck, NY, a visionary

benefactor who was recently honored by Holy Etchmiadzin, the Republic of Armenia, and the Eastern Diocese of the

Armenian Church of America. Ms. Mathevosian was visited in her New York home by Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, the

Diocesan Primate; Ambassador Garen Nazarian, Armenia’s UN ambassador; and Garnik Nanagoulian, executive director of

the Fund for Armenian Relief and honored for her unmatched generosity to the Fund for Armenian Relief—and through

FAR, to the Republic of Armenia. Through FAR, Ms. Mathevosian has built new schools and summer camps, renovated

university labs and auditoriums, and funded educational scholarships for deserving students. ―You are a powerful example of

how to invest in Armenia’s future, in the most effective and wisest way,‖ said Ambassador Nazarian, as he presented Ms.

Mathevosian with the ―Gold Medal‖ of Armenia’s Ministry of Science and Education. Archbishop Barsamian presented Ms.

Mathevosian with the ―St. Gregory the Illuminator Medal‖—the highest award of Holy Etchmiadzin, bestowed by His

Holiness Karekin II, the Catholicos of All Armenians. ―The leadership of the Armenian Church and nation greatly appreciate

all of your efforts on behalf of our homeland,‖ the Primate said.

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Fund for Armenian Relief Shows Significant Growth

of Assets According to Recent Financial Audit Report

FAR’s Board of Directors met on March 24, under the leadership of chair Randy Sapah-Gulian. Diocesan Primate and FAR

Board President Archbishop Khajag Barsamian presided over the meeting, which included a presentation of the

organization’s 2009 financial audit report. Despite the generally unaccommodating economic environment, FAR registered a

significant growth of assets, increased its donor base, and demonstrated continued progress in strengthening its operational

and administrative capabilities. Year after year, FAR has been proving to its loyal donor community that it spends donated

funds with care, by cost-effectively reaching out to help more and more underprivileged people in Armenia and Karabagh.

The auditors stressed that FAR’s accountability, transparency, and strong internal control mechanisms are tools that allowed

FAR to achieve higher standards in providing its services and managing the assets of the organization. The final audit report

will be made available for donors and benefactors soon.

Dear Lord, Thank You For Being There

Dear Lord turn not away, From your people on this day, We need the touch of your mighty hand,

To guide us through this, thy land.

Protect and keep us from doing wrong, Make us see we do belong,

To live our life for the plans you will, Not to complain, your will to fulfill.

Give thy strength and love to guide,

For in you Lord we must abide, Send your Angels to make a band, So we can do the work at hand.

Forsake us not for we are weak,

We knock at the door and always seek, For answers to questions we cannot find,

Only through you Lord will we have peace of mind.

Thank you Lord for being there, Showing that you love and care,

Stay by our side throughout the years, When we reach Heaven you'll wipe our tears.

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Ygn. Marie Der Asadourian

Ygn. Marie Der Asadourian, beloved wife of the late Fr. Vartan Der Asadourian, of blessed memory, passed away in late

February. In a letter to yeretzgin’s family, the Primate, wrote: ―Throughout her life, yeretzgin held the church very close

to her heart. The foundation of that spirit was established in her earliest days when her family lived adjacent to the

seminary of the Great House of Cilicia, in Lebanon....Her knowledge of the church, and especially of Scripture, was

profound. Through her marriage to Fr. Vartan, Ygn. Marie emerged as a loving wife, a caring mother and grandmother,

and a deeply compassionate Christian woman.‖ She is survived by her children Vatche, Harry, and Ralph, and their

families. Her funeral took place on March 2, at Holy Resurrection Armenian Church in New Britain, CT.

Ohannes Barsamian

Dirahayr Ohannes Barsamian, the father of our Primate, Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, passed away on January 22,

following a brief period of illness, at the age of 91. Dirahayr Barsamian was a man of deep Christian devotion, who had

the quiet, gracious manners of an Old World gentleman, coupled with an unconquerable patriotism and love for his

heritage. Simply to be in an Armenian Church, especially during one of its festive liturgical celebrations, filled him with

joy and delight—and he radiated that feeling of joy in our Lord to all around him. He was a familiar figure at St. Vartan

Cathedral, where his saintly demeanor made him beloved and respected by all. He always wore the title of Dirahayr with

great dignity, and a great sense of responsibility. Funeral services took place at St. Leon Armenian Church, in Fair Lawn,

NJ, on January 26. His Holiness Karekin II, presided and delivered a message of consolation. Archbishop Vatche

Hovsepian, formerly the Primate of the Western Diocese, officiated and Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, the present

Primate of the Western Diocese, delivered a heartfelt eulogy. Bishops from the Armenian Church and sister churches,

and clergymen from throughout the Diocese, took part in the funeral service. Dirahayr Ohannes is survived by his wife,

Diramayr Bulbul, their three children: Mardiros, and Nivart, and their families, and Archbishop Khajag.

Thomas Brinker

Thomas Michael Brinker, passed away on February 11, 2010 at the age of 76. He was born in Philadelphia and lived in

Springfield, PA for many years before moving to Naples, Florida, ten years ago. He served in the U.S. Army and was a

member of the Ice Capades, in the 1950s, performing throughout the United Stated and around the world, prior to starting

his 40-year career as a financial consultant, founding The Brinker Organization in Havertown, PA. He graduated from

Eastern University. He received designations of MSFS, CFP, CHFC, CLU AEP, and DBA. He was a former radio host of

Financial Foresight on WWDB, 96.5 FM from 1981 to 1990. He also founded the Tom Brinker Operation Christmas

Baskets. He is survived by his former wife of 47 years, Doris M. Brinker; and four children, Thomas (Donna) Brinker,

James (Sherilyn) Brinker, Joseph (Pam) Brinker, and Diane Brinker. He is also survived by 13 loving grandchildren,

Ryan, Thomas, Talene, Meghan, Andrew, Joey, Jack, Danny, Brooke, Brianna, Sharlene, Kyle, Alec; and his sister, Ann

(Jack) Riehl. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Fetal Hope Foundation, Rena Rowan Breast Cancer

Center, Tom Brinker Operation Christmas Baskets, or the GV Autism Support Group, c/o Joe Brinker, 1 North Armand

Avenue, Havertown, PA 19083.

Rev. Fr. Vahram Hazarian

Rev. Fr. Vahram Hazarian, passed away on January 13, 2010, at the age of 73. Der Vahram was a kind and gentle soul,

whose faithful, spiritual nature made him well-beloved by the people of our Diocese, and especially by those in our

Midwestern communities, where he served our Lord for so long. He is survived by his wife, Ygn. Shoushan, and their

children Raffi and Tamar. Funeral services were held on January 18, in St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Church in

Chicago, beginning with the celebration of the Divine Liturgy. On Sunday, February 28, on the 40th day of his passing,

parishes throughout the Eastern Diocese performed a special hokehankisd service for the repose of Fr. Vahram’s soul.

The family has asked that in-lieu-of-flowers donations be made to the Eastern Diocese’s Clergy Assistance Fund. Checks

should be made out to the Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Memo: Fr. Hazarian/Clergy Assistance Fund),

630 Second Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10016.

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Dear Parishioners and Friends,

In the recent months we have witnessed an especially active time in our Parish. During this time, I have had the opportunity

to discover our community’s dedication to the Armenian Church at an entirely new level. And while many of the activities

we engaged in were not new to our normal schedule, it is the spirit that has been brought to them that has me most excited

about the prospects of this year and what it can be in terms of the Armenian Church’s fulfillment of her mission in the

Philadelphia Community.

The best way to describe this spirit is that it has been one of collective attention and collaboration. If you were to scan the

different events and programs that have occurred since the beginning of the year, what stands out is the degree to which

everyone has been involved. From the Men’s Club with their recent Dinner/Dance, the ACYOA’s Variety Show and

involvement with the April 24th

Commemoration; and finally, the inspiring show of support from everyone on Easter through

the bone marrow drive to support a young girl, Charlotte Conybear, from our community; this spirit has been clearly visible

evident in our community.

Another example of this spirit was our Lenten Season which culminated with Holy Week. Each Friday evening following the

Lenten service, we had the opportunity to hear from individuals from our immediate and extended Armenian community.

Thanks to the work of Lisa Manookian in partnership with Hayr Sourp, this year’s series was a huge success. The series not

only inspired and educated those who attended, but it also solidified this program as a must-see event from week to week for

Armenians throughout the Philadelphia area.

The long list of events, activities and programs also includes our Annual Parish Assembly. There we discussed the

accomplishments of 2009 and the commitments we have for 2010. We also shared about areas within the Parish that need

our collective attention. One of the most significant areas mentioned in this discussion was our Sunday School. For years,

we have had extremely dedicated people doing everything they can to ensure that our Sunday School continues. While that is

still true today, an added element of everyone’s participation is now required in order for us to be able to maximize the

benefit it can have to our community.

An additional area that needs the collective attention of the entire community is Membership. When considering

Membership, everyone baptized in the Armenian Apostolic Church is considered a Member. With that said, an additional

fundamental aspect of membership is the idea of dues. Dues are the initial foundational vehicle for contributing to the

Church. When dues paid membership increases, there is more possible in the Parish because of the confidence of knowing

that the financial support from the community is there.

In recent years, dues paid membership has gradually declined. At the Assembly, we shared about the Parish Council’s

commitment to reverse that trend. Specifically, we are now actively working on different strategies to return to 300 dues-

paid members. With your partnership, we intend to achieve this with the understanding that it will permeate all other areas of

the Parish including the Sunday School and youth in general. When there are more dues paid members, the Parish becomes

stronger in our local community and more people have a voice in the Parish. Additionally, when participation increases, the

number of people who are connected to the Church increases, thus more children and grandchildren to attend the Sunday

School and be a part of the ACYOA.

As someone who was baptized in this Parish, attended Sunday School and has grown up through participation in our

ACYOA, I have been a beneficiary of the kind of work that is possible when the people of our community come together.

Today, we have a new responsibility to come together to ensure that our children and grandchildren continue to have the kind

of Church that we have had and has made us who we are. I appreciate your commitment and dedication to this future and

look forward to our partnership as we work to achieve this together.

Alex Topakbashian

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Annual Christmas Bazaar

Thank you one and all for helping to make the 2009 Annual Christmas Bazaar the great success it was. From

the committee members to all who came and supported the Bazaar – you were instrumental in its success –

especially in light of the inclement weather on Saturday night. Through everyone’s efforts, we netted


A project of this magnitude could only succeed with a multitude of individuals working together, whether cooking, baking,

serving at the buffet, or assisting with numerous other responsibilities. I realize there are many who gave their time and

efforts to make this a wonderful and successful Bazaar – so whoever I have not mentioned specifically by name, thank you

one and all. However, I do wish to acknowledge some individuals.

The main focus of our Bazaar is, of course, the great food – prepared by our fantastic cooks, Maro

Arutunian and Julyet Degirmenci. We are also fortunate to have a great group of men who always come

out to help in preparing the meat and in cooking. They never let us down – thank you guys.

The Attic Treasures, headed by Alma Alabilikian and very ably assisted by Rose Bazarbashian and a

number of helpers, did a marvelous job. To all our parishioners and friends who contributed by ―recycling their treasures,‖

you all helped to make this a financial success. Also, it was great fun to see people so excited about giving their own

treasures and then finding new treasures to take home! Pam Brinker and Karen Cannuscio, who coordinated the Chinese

Auction, did an outstanding job in obtaining the large assortment of wonderful prizes.

The Advance Orders is always a huge source of income for the Bazaar and Lynn Baboujian did a great job. No one knows

how very time consuming this is. Our beautifully decorated hall, Church and Narthex lifted our spirits thanks to Jovia

Keytanjian and her beautiful and creative decorating. The well-staffed buffet table was due to the efforts of Carol

Leszczynski, who also ran the book store. To Haig Geovjian, who runs the beverage table every year and his helpers –

thank you for being there. Thank you to Arpy Jones for her efforts in raising donations through the dinner donations, which

helped to offset some of our expenses. She did a great job, especially considering the economic situation that we have been

faced with. Also, Lisa Manookian, who again did a terrific job with the publicity and various articles in the local

newspapers. And, of course, where would we be without the sweet table. Thank you to all who contributed the great goodies

and to Alice Arakelian, Millie Barsamian and Stephanie Barsamian, who manned the table. A special thank you to

Laraine Ballard, our Treasurer, who took care of the finances throughout the entire Bazaar – not an easy task.

Once again, this year, we had our Mini Oral Auction and acknowledge Sarkis Etoian for being the auctioneer. Our luncheon

after church on Sunday proved to be another success. After the luncheon, through the efforts of Alma Alabilikian, 38

individuals went to the Philadelphia Museum of Art to see the Gorky exhibition. It was indeed the perfect climax to a

wonderful weekend.

Which brings us to this coming year’s Bazaar. The Parish Council needs someone to chair this year’s Bazaar – or perhaps a

team of two or three people. Please consider volunteering and if interested, give Parish Council Chair, Alex Topakbashian a

call at 610-529-0321.

Elizabeth Barsamian

Family Breakfast Sunday

On Sunday, January 31, 2010, the Parish Council and Men’s Club hosted the first Family

Breakfast Sunday for the parish with 75 parishioners feasting on a variety of pancakes, eggs,

bacon, sausage, etc. The event is one of two to be held this year to help raise some funds to

refurbish Hayatian Hall. We extend our thanks to the Men’s Club for graciously cooking

everything and to Khosrof Pakhtigian for donating the sausage.

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Lenten Lecture Series

Monday, February 15 was the first day of Lent—a special time in the year when we guard

against worldly distractions and make room for the Holy Spirit to fill us. The biblical basis

for this period is found in Matthew 4:12: Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the

wilderness to be tempted by the devil. And he fasted forty days and forty nights, and

afterward he was hungry. During Lent we go into our own inner wilderness—caused by

sins, spiritual laziness, and empty vanity. There we confront the devil. Through prayer,

fasting, Bible reading, and self-examination, we have an opportunity to renew our

commitment to God and gain the strength to work at being more loving, humble, and

gentle. This year, we were lucky to put together another great Lenten Lecture Series to nourish our souls featuring a dynamic

group of professionals. Kicking off the six-week series on February 19th was author Michael Bobelian whose recently published book, Children of

Armenia, focuses on post-genocide history, and examines how and why the events of 1915 disappeared from public

consciousness in the mid-1900s. Children of Armenia is Bobelian’s first book and is the first book to chronicle the aftermath

of the Genocide, recounting the Armenian struggle for justice in the face of a century of silence and denial. After an

immediate groundswell of support for the ―starving Armenians‖ led by U.S. President Woodrow Wilson, the atrocities were

wiped from the public’s consciousness and the perpetrators were never held accountable. Bobelian’s book explains how and

why the Genocide disappeared from memory and reveals, for the first time, the Armenian response to Turkey’s recalcitrant

denial of its crimes, taking readers from massive demonstrations to the halls of Congress to courtroom battles. The

presentation was very well received by the 60+ parishioners and community members who came to hear him with several

individuals requesting that we bring him back again. Mr. Bobelian brought copies of his books, which he graciously signed

for everyone who purchased them. For information about Children of Armenia, please visit or Dinner this evening was sponsored by Mr. Hagop Kitabjian, in loving memory of his wife,

Pamela Kitabjian.

On Tuesday, February 26, historian, Dr. Aram Arkun, was scheduled to give a presentation but the evening was cancelled

due to inclement weather.

We welcomed Dr. Ani Kalayjian on March 5 who spoke of Forgiveness and how forgiving enables one to let go of their

anger. Dr. Kalayjian is a Professor of Psychology at Fordham University and the Founder and Co-Director of the

Association for Trauma Outreach and Prevention (―ATOP‖). Recognized as an international expert on the psychological

effect of trauma in disaster victims, she is a pioneering therapist, educator, director and author, who has devoted her life to

bringing healing to those who have survived the devastation of disaster, whether man-made or natural. She brought with her

copies of several books she has authored and co-authored including her most recent publication, Forgiveness and

Reconciliation: Psychological Pathways to Conflict Transformation and Peace Building, which she co-edited. Within days

of her presentation, Dr. Kalayjian left for Haiti along with 15 other mental health professionals in a special ATOP mission to

assist in the rehabilitation efforts of the Haitian people due to the recent earthquake. The Pastor and Parish Council

acknowledge the individuals who responded to Dr. Kalayjian’s appeal for Haiti with donations of bandaids, toothpaste,

toothbrushes, and other items which she transported with her. For more information on Dr. Kalayjian and ATOP, visit Dinner this evening was sponsored by Mr. Hagop Kitabjian, in loving memory of his

wife, Pamela Kitabjian.

Tom Mooradian was our special guest on March 12. An award-winning journalist from Detroit, Michigan, Tom Mooradian

was part of a group of 151 American-Armenians who repatriated to Soviet Armenia back in 1947. There, he graduated from

the Institute of Physical Culture and Sports with a bachelor’s degree, coached junior basketball teams, and became a

legendary basketball player. After spending 13 years trying to return to his homeland, he was granted an exit visa by the

Soviet government, attended and graduated from Wayne State University with a major in journalism, and worked for Detroit

suburban newspapers until his retirement in 2003. Mooradian’s book, The Repatriate: Love, Basketball and the KGB,

recounts the events of his time behind the iron curtain, during the final years of Stalin, providing a first-hand account of what

the Soviet world was really like from 1947-1960. Mr. Mooradian had our audience riveted by the stories he shared with us

and the terrifying situations he encountered, in a most humble and eloquent manner, which endeared him to everyone in the

room. This evening’s dinner was sponsored by the Men’s Club of our parish, and also by John, Laura, Alex and Adam

Torcomian, in loving memory of their father and grandfather, Albert Torcomian.

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Rev. Fr. Hakob Gevorgyan, the new Pastor of our sister parish, Holy Trinity Armenian Church in Cheltenham, made his

first official appearance in our parish on March 19, and we were very happy to receive him. Fr. Hakob spoke of God’s Will

and Happiness. Present this evening were members of his parish and others from throughout the Armenian community

welcoming him in our home. This evening’s dinner was sponsored by Simon & Margaret Ashekian, in loving memory of

John Ashekian on the third anniversary of his passing.

Our guest for our final lecture on March 26 was Shant Mardirossian, Chair of the Near East Foundation. The Near East

Foundation was previously known as Near East Relief, the response to Ambassador Henry Morgenthau’s urgent plea for

assistance to save victims of the Armenian Genocide. A U.S. international NGO, the Foundation builds and supports civil

society organizations in African and Middle Eastern communities experiencing deep poverty, conflict, migration and climate

change. Its 100-plus field staff (primarily comprised of locals who know the culture and language) mobilize ―communities

in peril‖ to find homegrown solutions to agriculture, education, health care and job creation, working hand-in-hand with

them, at a grass-roots level, as equal partners in making our shared world better. The Foundation’s successes have become

the model for the U.S. government’s international aid program and for nearly all current development organizations. On an

annual budget of approximately $7 million, the NEF maintains offices and programs in Palestine, Morocco, Egypt, Jordan,

Mali and the Sudan. Its New York staff of six professionals supports these activities with administration, development and

program management. Mr. Mardirossian spoke of the Near East Foundation’s work in Armenia and throughout the world

and shared a short clip from a DVD presentation being prepared by filmmaker Zareh Tjeknavorian, featuring some of the

orphans who were assisted by Near East Relief years ago. Mr. Tjeknavorian was scheduled to participate but decided to stay

in Armenia when he learned that several orphans sponsored by Near East Relief were still alive. Dinner this evening was

sponsored by John & Rose Hagopian and also Alex, Alexis, Jacob & Jemma Topakbashian.

The series was a well-collaborated effort from many within our parish, particularly Maro Arutunian and Julyet

Degirmenci, who coordinated the meals, with assistance by Chuck & Charlotte Ajamian who did all of the shopping and

prep work. Every Thursday night, Maro and Julyet were assisted by a group of volunteers to help prepare each Friday’s

meal: Marie & Migirdich Azadian, Michelle Baltaian, Maritza Berberian, Lucy Boornazian, Nancy Derderian,

Rosine Gouveia, Arpy Jones, Diane Kapikian, Sarah Kapikian, Carol Leszczynski, and Janet Soghomonian. We also

acknowledge the following individuals for assisting with meal preparation and service on Fridays – Alice Sarajian Denty,

Diana Etoian, Marietta Kukuyan, and Elizabeth Sharoyan. Special thanks go to Elizabeth Barsamian for assisting with

ticket sales and to Karin & Cedric Luhman, who came early each Friday to set the tables and buffet tables, and coordinated

the clean-up at the end.

Annual Parish Assembly

This year’s Parish Assembly was held on Sunday, February 21, 2010 with 72 dues-paid members in attendance. John

Torcomian was elected Assembly Chair and Alexis Topakbashian was elected Assembly Secretary. Our Pastor, The Very

Rev. Fr. Oshagan Gulgulian, presided over his first Parish Assembly as our pastor. Reports were received from the Pastor,

Parish Council Chairman and Treasurer, Nominating and Auditing Committees, and all church auxiliary organizations.

Below is a short summary of some of the highlights:

Pastor’s Report: While only with us for approximately eight months, the Pastor has been eagerly ministering to our parish in

many ways. While his focus has been on the Sunday School, ACYOA and the youth of our parish, in his short time with us,

a good bit of time has been spent on working with all of our parish organizations to enhance many of our activities and for

the spiritual betterment of our community.

Finances/Treasurer’s Report: Parish Council Treasurer, Joseph Brinker, presented the financial report and proposed budget

for 2010, which was adopted by the Assembly.

Facilities Planning Committee: Chair, John Torcomian, reported that Finley Catering recently signed a three-year lease

agreement with the Church, something which the Parish Council has pursued for some time.

Permanent Endowment Fund: Mr. Kodokian informed the membership that the PEF had a total net gain of about $250,000:

$150,000 from asset appreciation and a $100,000 donation from Araxie Soghomonian-Mektarian trust; bringing the total to

$1,085,000. He also reiterated the importance of the PEF for the future health of our Church finances, highlighting that the

PEF has disbursed more than $850,000 over the past 12 years. Mr. Kodokian mentioned that the PEF experienced a 17.6%

gain which is lower than the average US indexes by about 8.5%. However, given the conservative nature of the investments,

the return is in fact very impressive. He also acknowledged a donation from Elizabeth Boyajian and especially

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acknowledged the generous donation from the Araxie Soghomonian-Mektarian trust. Mr. Kodokian gave an overview of

how individuals can donate assets to the PEF.

With respect to distributions, there will be no payout from the Campground Fund because the fund has to be over $600,000.

However, payouts were made to the Parish Council operating budget of $16,050, Sunday School operating budget of $500;

and PEF Coffee hours, including the Araxie Soghomonian-Mektarian Hokehankisd for $766. Mr. Kodokian identified the

different funds and their returns and reviewed the PEF strategy in place for several years, which is to move away from

annuities into low cost mutual funds with Vanguard Investments.

Finally, Mr. Kodokian presented the following recommendations which the PEF had unanimously supported: (1) to lower

the distribution from 6% to 4% to the Parish Council’s general operating budget; and (2) to lower the distribution from 6% to

4% to the Youth Committee and lower the threshold from $600,000 to $550,000. The membership unanimously endorsed

both recommendations.

In concluding, Mr. Kodokian welcomed Nancy Der Simonian to the PEF and thanked Arpy Jones for her tenure on the PEF

and Joseph Brinker for his invaluable financial advice.

Report of 2009 Diocesan Assembly Committee: The Committee included a written report in the annual Parish Assembly

printed report and reported that over $35,000 was received - $25,000 of which was turned over in 2009 and reflected in the

budget as 2009 Diocesan Assembly income. The other $10,600 was included in the 2010 budgeted figure for ―Miscellaneous

Church Income.‖

Vocations – The Call to Serve: A DVD of the continuation of the Diocesan theme from last year was shown.

Election Results: Elections were held for the Parish Council and Nominating and Auditing Committees:

Elected to the Parish Council were: Marie Azadian, Sarkis Etoian, Janet Soghomonian, Alex Topakbashian, and Robin

Williams. Edwig Teberian is the first alternate and Chuck Ajamian is the second alternate.

Elected to the Nominating Committee were: Arpy Jones, Sarah Kapikian, and Carol Leszczynski. George Devletian is

the first alternate. Edward Sarkisian was elected to the Auditing Committee whose other members are Laraine Ballard

and Margaret Ashekian.

Palm Sunday and Holy Week

Palm Sunday and Holy Week began another series of traditional events, beginning with the ACYOA’s Annual Palm Sunday

Luncheon and Variety show. You can read more on that event in the ACYOA section. On Holy Thursday, the Women’s

Guild hosted the traditional Holy Thursday Dinner, which preceded the Washing of the Feet service and the Vigil of the

Passion of Our Lord (Khavaroom). Christ’s Burial Service took place on Saturday at 7:00 p.m. Holy Saturday began early

for the children as they took part in a special Communion early Saturday morning, after which they were treated to a

delicious breakfast hosted by the Men’s Club. Later that evening, the Easter Eve Divine Liturgy (Candlelight Mass-

Jurakhalooytz) took place followed by a special reception hosted by the Tekeyan Cultural Association. Our Pastor began a

new tradition.

Easter Sunday was a special day this year. In addition to the usual throng of worshippers each year, our community took part

in a special bone marrow drive to help a little four-year-old girl in our community who is afflicted with Aplastic Anemia and

may be in need of a bone marrow transplant. Little Charlotte Conybear is the great grand-daughter of Aram Jerrehian, one of

the founding benefactors of our parish. Participants answered a few questions, filled out a form and swabbed their cheeks

with something resembling a long-stemmed Q-tip. Volunteers had bar-coded the forms and Q-tips early in the morning, well

prepared for the onslaught of support that followed immediately after services. Little Charlotte came in the morning with her

parents, Ellen & Jeff Conybear, to greet some of the potential donors and be interviewed by Channel 6 and Channel 10 who

were there to cover the drive.

All five Armenian churches in the Philadelphia area and another seven throughout the country held bone marrow drives on

this day in hopes of finding a match for Charlotte. Unfortunately, no one in Charlotte’s family and no one in the National

Bone Marrow Donor Registry or the Armenan Bone Marrow Donor Registry is a match and Charlotte is one of 900

Armenians worldwide waiting for one. This Easter Sunday, our parish registered 87 donors. Combined with the other drives

across the country, a total of 800+ new donors were registered.

Seventy percent of patients do not have a matching donor in their family. Their only hope is to find a volunteer donor who is

willing to help them. Being a bone marrow donor is an incredible opportunity for an ordinary individual to be a hero – and

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save the life of someone they have never met. It could be Charlotte or it could be someone else. Donors are never required

to pay for the process and most procedures are covered by insurance.

The drive in our parish was coordinated by Arpy Jones and Lisa Manookian. Special thanks to the following individuals

who came in early and volunteered throughout the afternoon to help register donors: Vicken Bazarbashian, Lauren Jones,

Stephen Jones, Diane Khachikian, Marietta Kukuyan, Lorie Odabashian, Aram Oski, Brigitte Poulatian, Suzy

Rechelian, Mihran Toumajan and Talin Toumajan.

For more information on the Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry, please visit For more

information on the National Bone Marrow Program, please visit For more information on bone

marrow drives to assist Charlotte, please visit To organize a drive for Charlotte, please

email Charlotte’s uncle, Dean Jerrehian at [email protected]. To register online to help Charlotte, go to:, click on ―JOIN NOW‖ and use the promo code ―CharlottesMatch.‖

Dear Friends:

On behalf of our families, please accept our most sincere gratitude for your involvement in

Sunday’s bone marrow drive. We are pleased to report that the twelve participating churches

generated over six hundred new samples for the Armenian and National banks. In addition to the

clergy and parish councils that made this endeavor possible, we wish to convey special thanks to

the volunteers who dedicated themselves to organize and conduct the events. And, of course, our

very heartfelt appreciation goes to the potential donors whose generosity may give a lease on life

not only to our dear Charlotte but to others in need. Paraphrasing our late countryman, William

Saroyan, sometimes there are not words to accurately satisfactorily express one’s emotions. This

inspirational experience has been such an occasion.

With warmest wishes, I am

Yours sincerely,

Aram Jerrehian

Men’s Club Hosts Steak Dinner Dance

On Saturday, April 17, the Men’s Club hosted a fabulous steak dinner dance, drawing parishioners and members from

throughout the community. The evening began with a cocktail hour including discounted drinks and delectable appetizers.

Dinner followed featuring a baked potato and filet mignon dinner cooked to perfection and delivered to the tables by our

wonderful ACYOA Juniors. To cap off the meal, an assortment of desserts were arranged in Fellowship Hall including a

delicious cakes, pies and cookies. Throughout the night the Philly Kef Band and DJs Nick and Jake Terkanian had the crowd

dancing to an assortment of Armenian and American favorites through the early morning hours.

The Men's Club would like to express its appreciation to Wedgewood Gardens for donating the beautiful flower

centerpieces; Sunni Cheese for the string cheese, pita and hummus; and our Dinner Sponsors for their financial support:

Migirdich & Marie Azadian, Bruce & Laraine Ballard, Jimmy & Helen Barikian, Rob & Karen Cannuscio, Haig &

Sheena Dadourian, Mark & Jeanne Ellen Gulasarian, Jack & Carol Hoplamazian, Arik Kazanjian, Papken & Anahid

Megerian, Ohannes & Shoushig Meguerian, Alex & Alexis Topakbashian, and Dr. Gerald & Robin Williams. The

Men’s Club also wishes to thank everyone who helped out throughout the night. Of course, the night would not have been

the success that it was were it not for the ACYOA Juniors would worked so hard to cater to all the guests: Aram Cannuscio,

Stepan Cannuscio, Meline Derderian, Dean DerSimonian, Alexander Etoian, Alec Gulasarian, Alex Kodokian, David

Kodokian, Julianna Murphy, and Jason Sadek.

Our Men’s Club: Chuck Ajamian, Souren Baboujian, Jimmy Barikian, Chuck Bulkey, Rob Cannuscio, Boghos Derderian,

Sako Etoian, Haig Geovjian, Mark Gulasarian, Geroge Kodokian, Hrair Megerian, Papken Megerian, Steve Sarian.

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Sunday School Update

During the Lenten season, our Sunday School participated in the Diocesan-wide Sunday School Lenten drive which will

benefit the Children of Haiti and the Gavar School in Armenia. With a death toll that could rise in the hundreds of thousands

and people dying daily from injuries sustained in the January 12 earthquake, recovery in Haiti will take far longer than the

decades during which aid for the 1988 earthquake poured into Armenia. Children have been particularly affected, with

thousands left orphaned. Gavar School in Armenia is the only school in all of Armenia completely devoted to the education

of children ages 6-18 with mental and physical disabilities. Established in 1976, Gavar School has a current enrollment of 90

children with challenges ranging from autism to Down’s syndrome. Among other pressing needs, the physical training

facility requires extensive renovation.

On February 28, the Diocese’s Department of Youth and Education conducted a Teacher Development Project meeting for

the teachers of our parish. The meeting was the first of a series of gatherings at a small number of Sunday Schools and

Armenian Schools designed to more effectively support their work through self-assessment, resource development, and

focused workshops. Conducted by ACYOA Executive Secretary Nancy Basmajian, the meeting brought together our

teaching staff, and our pastor, the Very Rev Fr. Oshagan Gulgulian, for an afternoon of assessing our strengths and

challenges, and brainstorming concrete strategies for improvement. Our teachers greatly appreciated the encouragement, and

thanked Diocesan staff for preparing the workshop. During her visit, Nancy Basmajian, one-time co-director of Christian

Education at the Diocese, also observed classes in the morning. As in the case of other parish schools involved in the Teacher

Development Project, additional visits and tailored workshops will follow.

On Sunday, March 13, a Sunday School teacher’s meeting took place. The teachers continued with the momentum started by

Nancy Basmajian and discussed various initiatives that will be continued for the year 2010. The teachers started planning

concrete goals to be met at various times of the year.

On Saturday, April 3, a special communion service was held in church for our Sunday School children, followed by a

breakfast hosted by the Men’s Club, and an Easter Egg Hunt.

Women’s Guild Update

Spring is here and we are excited about the nice weather we are having after the snows of this past winter. I would like to

begin by ―thanking‖ everyone who has been so generous with their time and talents to come to help prepare for the Friday

night Lenten Dinners. They have been very successful and the speakers were very interesting.

In February we went with Hayr Sourp to visit guests at Sunrise Assisted Living and also Broomall Rehab. Some pictures are

attached here. They were all very happy to have visitors, especially when Hayr Oshagan prayed for them and gave everyone

mas. We have a group of members of the Guild who would be happy to do visitations along with Hayr Oshagan. Please let

us know if you know of someone who would enjoy a visit.

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Our Saintly Women’s Day on Saturday March 13 was attended by over 80 guests – and had the weather co-operated, there

would have been more. Our guest speaker was Rachel Goshgarian PhD, Director of the Clara Zohrab Information Center of

the Armenian Diocese and she was enjoyed by all.

On Thursday, April 1, 2010, we hosted the traditional Holy Thursday dinner prior to the Washing of the Feet and Khavaroum


We invite all parishioners to a special Mother’s Day Champagne Brunch on Sunday, May 9, immediately following Badarak,

with the Men’s Club graciously serving as our hosts.

On Thursday, May 20th, we ask that you join us for the Divine Liturgy at 11:00 a.m., followed by an Ascension Day

Celebration. It promises to be a fun time.

We are also happy to announce that we will be having our next Family Night on Friday, May 21, 2010. Our Bolsa Hye

Yerego will have all the trimmings with music included. A flyer appears in this issue of the Mer Doon.

May God Bless each and everyone and look over those members of our church family who have recently taken ill. I hope to

see you all soon!

Charlotte Ajamian

Graduation Announcements If you have graduated or have a son, daughter or grandchild who is graduating, please forward the following to the office’s

attention and we will highlight the achievements in the next issue of the Mer Doon: name, school graduated from, major,

future plans, names of parents and grandparents, and any other information which you wish to include such as honors,

awards, and hobbies.

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Rev. Fr. Tateos Abdalian to lead 2010 Armenia Service Program

Rev. Fr. Tateos Abdalian, Director of the Diocese’s Mission Parish Program, will lead this year’s ACYOA Armenia Service Program (ASP). The trip is scheduled for June 29 to July 20. Fr. Abdalian is no stranger to the program having served as ASP leader twice before, most recently in 2008. Assisting him will be Lydia Kurkjian, secretary of the ACYOA Central Council, who was an ASP participant in 2005. The ASP is among the most successful and longest-running programs of the ACYOA. Under this year’s theme of Serving the Generations, participants will tour Armenia and spend time in Gyumri, where they will serve the city’s children and seniors through programs run by the Fund for Armenian Relief.

11th Annual ACYOA Young Adult Leadership Conference Held in Tarrytown, NY

About 100 participants—including 67 young adults representing 32 parishes in the Eastern Diocese, along with clergy, Diocesan Council members, and St. Nersess seminarians—gathered in early March for the 11th Annual ACYOA Young Adult Leadership Conference, in Tarrytown, NY. Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, presided over the weekend of workshops, lectures, and faith-building activities, which aimed at strengthening leadership skills among the young adults of the Armenian Church of America. On Saturday, March 6, participants listened to Dr. Marvin Zonis, Professor Emeritus of the Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago, who delivered a talk titled Who Needs Leadership? How to Be a Better Leader. On Sunday, the program concluded with the celebration of the Divine Liturgy at St. Gregory the Enlightener Armenian Church of White Plains, NY. The conference was planned by members of the ACYOA Central Council, with guidance from Archbishop Barsamian, Rev. Fr. Yeprem Kelegian, Rev. Fr. Vasken Kouzouian, Diocesan Council Chair Oscar Tatosian, and ACYOA Executive Secretary, Nancy Basmajian. The Very Rev. Fr. Daniel Findikyan, Dean of St. Nersess Seminary, serve as the conference chaplain and St. Nersess seminarians and ACYOA Central Council members served as group facilitators.

Annual Palm Sunday Luncheon and Variety Show Great Success

On March 28, the ACYOA had their annual Palm Sunday Luncheon and Variety Show following church services featuring musical selections, poetry, dance routines, and original skits.

We would like to thank everyone who volunteered their time to help make this year’s Palm Sunday ACYOA Variety Show a real success. Through the help of the ACYOA Juniors and Seniors, the Women’s Guild, the Men’s Club, our Parish Council, and our parishioners who supported us by attending our affair, this was indeed a memorable occasion.

Special thanks to Julyet Degirmenci, Maro Arutunian. Lynn Baboujian, Maritza Berberian and Diana Etoian, who helped prepare the wonderful meal that we were all able to enjoy before the program

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We truly appreciate the help of John Eskandarian, Arpy Jones, and Lisa Manookian who, as always, were there to make sure all bases were covered. We also thank Nanor Arabatlian, Lisa Baboujian, Lori Baboujian and Mari Degirmenci for their help serving the food – they did a great job and are always there for us!

Kristine Balabanyan, Dee Degirmenci and Andre Topakbashian were a huge help at the ticket table and we appreciate their assistance

We also acknowledge the hard work of Nareg Soghomonian and Vicken Kazanjian, who coordinated all the technical services and video editing for the show

Last but not least, we commend all the members of the Variety Show’s cast who did a wonderful job with their performances.

Celine Arabatlian, Meredith “Miz” Avakian, John Baboujian, Antoine Bazarbashian, Raffi Berberian, Khatchik Bestilyan, Aram Derderian. Arpi Derderian, Talene Brinker, Sarah Derderian, Meline Derderian, Isabella Etoian, Alexander Etoian, Lauren Jones, Stephen Jones, Kristine Kzelian, Angela Kodokian, Lorie Odabashian, Suzy Rechelian, Armand Rechelian, Adrian Stepanian, Alex Torcomian

As the ACYOA Juniors take over the Variety Show beginning next year, the older ACYOA members and the parents of the ACYOA both pledge their support as mentors to ensure the longevity of this show and the health of its future. We ask that everyone in our parish support our youth the same way they supported us over the past six years. Once again, we thank all who were involved in the 6th Annual Palm Sunday Variety Show in helping make this event an outstanding affair

On behalf of the ACYOA and with sincere regards,

Vicken Bazarbashian

Dance As though no one is watching you.

Love As though you have never been hurt before.

Sing As though no one can hear you.

Live As though heaven is here on earth.

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The Permanent Endowment Fund (PEF) is a long term trust fund overseen by a Board of Trustees who invest funds

accumulated through bequests left to the Church, and the Campgrounds Funds. According to the wishes of the donors, fund

distributions are made to specific projects or to the parish’s general operational fund.


The Board of Trustees is made up of seven professionals and our mission is to:

Solicit, generate, receive and administer gifts and bequests

Purchase, invest, retain and manage the principal of the funds

Distribute the income according to the wishes of the donors to the Youth Committee, the Parish general account and to

the Sunday School


Current assets under management are about $1.2 million. A significant portion of the principal has come from generous

donors who desired to create a legacy and support a specific function or project. The Board of Trustees invests the

principal in US and foreign securities which has enabled us to distribute $756,500 over the past 10 years while retaining

the principal. There are many different ways to donate to the PEF:

1. Charitable Giving Techniques During Your Life – donations of money or assets while you are alive.

2. Charitable Remainder Trusts

Charitable Remainder Unitrust – Donor usually retains a right to a fixed percentage of the fair market value of the

trust assets, re-valued annually.

Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust – Donor usually retains a right to a fixed dollar amount year after year. The

increases or decreases in the value do not affect the payments.

Charitable Gift Annuity – Donor transfers the asset directly to the charity in exchange for the charity’s agreement

to pay a fixed lifetime annuity

3. Charitable Income Trusts – Reverse of Charitable Remainder Trust: The income interest is assigned to the charity,

usually for the period of years, and then the remainder generally passes to the donor’s heirs.

4. Beneficiary of a Life Insurance Policy

5. Charitable Giving Techniques (Deceased)

6. You can name our Church as a Beneficiary in your Will

The Trustees of the Permanent Endowment Fund are selected for six year terms by the Parish Council. The Trustees report

directly to the Parish Assembly and operate in accordance with formal written bylaws. The Trustees are tasked to oversee

and grow the PEF and to receive and invest contributions and donations that are made to enhance our Church’s future.

For further assistance, please call:

Sako Etoian – Chairman (610-547-1476)

Rob Cannuscio – Secretary (610-918-9372)

George Kodokian – Treasurer (610-925-0308)

or write to:

The Permanent Endowment Fund

St. Sahag & St. Mesrob Armenian Church

630 Clothier Road

Wynnewood, PA 19096

Remember St Sahag & St Mesrob Armenian Apostolic Church

Of Wynnewood, PA, In Your Will

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Ինչե՜ր ասես, որ չեն արել այս ձեռքերը...

Պսակվելիս ո՜նց են պարել այս ձեռքերը`

Ի՜նչ նազանքով ,


Ինչե՜ր ասես, որ չեն արել այս ձեռքերը...

Լույսը մինչև լույս չեն մարել այս ձեռքերը,

Առաջնեկն է երբ որ ծնվել,

Նրա արդար կաթով սնվել:

Ինչե՜ր ասես, որ չեն արել այս ձեռքերը...

Զրկանք կրել, հոգս են տարել այս ձեռքերը

Ծով լռությա՜մբ,


Ինչե՜ր ասես, որ չեն արել այս ձեռքերը...

Երկինք պարզված սյուն են դառել այս


Որ չփլվի իր տան սյունը`

Որդին կռվից դառնա տունը:

Ինչե՜ր ասես, որ չեն արել այս ձեռքերը...

Մինչև տատի ձեռք են դառել այս ձեռքերը,

Այս ձեռքերը` ուժը հատած,

Բայց թոռան հետ նոր ուժ գտած...

Քար են շրջել, սար են շարժել այս ձեռքերը...

Ինչե՜ր, ինչե՜ր, ինչե՜ր չարժեն այս ձեռքերը`

Նուրբ ձեռքերը,

Սո՜ւրբ ձեռքերը:

...Եկեք այսօր մենք համբուրենք որդիաբար

Մեզ աշխարհում ծնած, սնած,

Մեզ աշխարհում շահած, պահած,

Մեզնից երբեք չկշտացած,

Փոշի սրբող, լվացք անող,

Անվերջ դատող, անվերջ բանող

Ա'յս ձեռքերը`

Թող որ ճաքած ու կոշտացած,

Բայց մեզ համար մետաքսի պես

Խա՜ս ձեռքերը...

A Mother's Hands By: Paruyr Sevak

These very hands, a mother’s hands,

These old and new hands.

Whatever do you want to say

That haven’t been done by these hands?

When I got married

How gracefully these hands had danced,

And with whatever dreams these hands had danced.

Whatever do you want to say

That haven’t been done by these very hands?

The light was not put off till dawn

By these very hands,

When the first baby was born,

It was fed the righteous milk by these very hands.

Whatever do you want to say

That haven’t been done by these very hands?

They are like pillars

Directed to the heavens,

These very hands

Avoiding the pillar of her house

Till her son returns from the battle front.

Whatever do you want to say

That haven’t been done by these very hands?

These very hands

Even though a granny’s hands,

These very hands, having lost their power,

They have regained power

When being with her grandson.

Rocks have been turned down by these very hands

And mountains moved.

Whatever, whatever,

Whatever they don’t cost

These very hands,

These tender hands,

These holy hands.

Let us today, as children do,

Kiss these very hands

Which gave birth into this world

And also fed us,

Which in this world they have won us

And also kept us,

That have never felt full of us

These very hands,

That have wiped the dust

And also did the washing up

Always judging, always working

These very hands.

These very hands

That have been worn out

And also become rough

But for all of us

They are as tender as silk

These perfect hands,

A mother’s hands.

Translated from Armenian by Daniel Janoyan

Glendale, June 1996

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Arshile Gorky Exhibit at Philadelphia Museum of Art

This past fall, our community was excited about the Philadelphia Art Museum’s special exhibition titled, Arshile

Gorky: A Retrospective. The exhibit opened on October 21, 2009 and was viewed by thousands of guests from

throughout the country prior to ending on January 10, 2010. Featured in the exhibit were 178 pieces of Arshile

Gorky’s work, including paintings, sculpture, prints, and drawings spanning Gorky’s career from the early 1920s

until his death in 1948.

In conjunction with the exhibit, the Museum organized lectures by Peter Balakian, Atom Egoyan and others and

showcased Armenian musicians from throughout the country in its Art After 5 series. Many organizations within

our Diocese and in our community sponsored events which included dinner at the Museum and guided tours of

the exhibit. The Museum also sponsored a Family Day to Discover Armenian Art on December 6, which was

attended by many. Five years of incredible effort went into planning this exhibition and its curator, Michael

Taylor, deserves accolades for his dedication and insight. We also applaud the Museum for its acknowledgment

of the Armenian Genocide, both in written references to Gorky’s work and in the lecture presentations. An

Armenian flavor was felt in the museum store where people shopped and the in-house restaurant where they

dined. The Friends of Arshile Gorky Committee, co-chaired by Alma Alabilikian, Nancy Hovnanian, and Joan

Momjian, helped to raised over $70,000 in support of the exhibition. Our community is very grateful to the

Museum for its outstanding outreach to the Philadelphia Armenian community and Armenian community-at-


Philadelphia Chamber Music Society Sponsors All Armenian Concert on December 6, 2009

On December 6, the Philadelphia Chamber Music Society presented an Armenian concert featuring violist, Kim

Kashkashian, and pianist, vocalist and composer Tigran Mansurian. The program highlighted the music of

composers Tigran Mansurian and S. Komitas and included compositions based on Armenian folk songs. The

audience met the artists and composers at a free post-concert reception following the concert, which took place at

the Settlement School of Music.

VivaCell-MTS General Manager, Ralph Yirikian,

Visits The Philadelphia Armenian Community

On Sunday, April 11, 2010, members of the Philadelphia Armenian community gathered at St. Sahag & St.

Mesrob Armenian Church to meet a pioneer and visionary whose company has become a symbol of corporate

excellence in Armenia. Ralph Yirikian is the General Manager of VivaCell-MTS, a 2005 startup which, in the

past five years has become Armenia’s leading mobile operator and number one taxpayer. Through innovation,

VivaCell-MTS has enhanced options and products while spearheading initiatives that have made it a leading

company for Corporate Social Responsibility in Armenia. As a result of these initiatives, the company has

channeled several million dollars into healthcare, cultural, educational, and infrastructure projects throughout


The program was sponsored by Birthright Armenia and hosted by our parish. In introducing Mr. Yirikian, Linda

Yepoyan, the Executive Director of Birthright Armenia, stated that he has ―raised the bar of corporate social

responsibility in Armenia and has taken the lead in volunteerism efforts.‖ Mr. Yirikian addressed the crowd by

first stating that he did not come to promote any product or do any fundraising, but simply to tell a story of how

one company has made a difference in our Hayrenik (―our homeland‖).

VivaCell was founded on three ideals: (1) to bring communication to the people of Armenia; (2) to provide full

network coverage throughout the country via the latest technology; and (3) to promote corporate responsibility.

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The Viva Cell Family is 1,200 strong, with an average age of 32, and fairly evenly split in terms of the

male/female ratio.

Granted a license to operate in Armenia in November 2004, VivaCell-MTS was the second company in its field.

In February 2005, it was awarded supply agreements for a 400,000 subscriber capacity. Commercially launched

in July of 2005, it expanded its subscriber capacity to 800,000 by December 2005 – crossing the level of 50%

market share within six months from the nearest competitor which was ahead in subscribers. By November 2006,

it had reached a capacity for 1,500,000 subscribers, and in July 2007, VivaCell had 1,000,000 active subscribers.

With a network far superior to its nearest competitor, VivaCell presently has more than $2.1 million subscribers

and a market share of 81%.

Customer care is a major priority. VivaCell-MTS has 92 active service centers and 200 call center agents,

providing service 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It also has 13 ―mobile service centers‖ – vehicles equipped

with the necessary technology, visiting all of the villages in Armenia on a regular basis.

The VivaCell Family leads by example in their work ethic of respecting each other regardless of the position held

in the company, and in teaching other companies to do the same. VivaCell-MTS believes in fairness and equality.

Of its 1,200 family members, 33 of them have special needs. Through their employment with VivaCell, the

company is sending a message to the rest of the country stating that there is no shame – only pride – in working

with the handicapped, hoping to remove a prevalent taboo of not associating with those who are disabled.

The company’s commitment to corporate responsibility also extends externally to the environment and society in

general through various investments in social and philanthropic projects. The shareholders believe that it is

important to return to society part of the money generated for helping the business to flourish – by investing sweat

equity into programs and projects to benefit society at large AND NOT simply by having banquets and making

toasts to congratulate the efforts of a few. As well as we maintain our homes, we must also maintain the greater

community in which we live. The company strongly feels that its philosophy of ―corporate responsibility‖

translates into business prosperity for the company through satisfied customers which, in turn, helps the economy

to grow.

After the presentation, a short question and answer forum as held and a reception followed.

Mr. Yirikian is a frequent speaker at numerous academic, business and technology institutions and forums. He

acts as the Head of the Steering Committee of the Armenia Network of the UN’s Global Compact initiative, and

is a Member of the Board of the National Competitiveness Foundation of Armenia. He has received numerous

honors, medals, awards and distinctions from various organizations throughout the world, including the ―Movses

Khorenatsi‖ Medal from the President of the Republic of Armenia and the ―Grigor Lousavorich‖ decoration of

honor from His Holiness, Catholicos Karekin II.

Birthright Armenia partners with dozens of existing internship organizations and study abroad programs to give

young Armenian diasporans a unique and personal immersion experience in Armenia. These organizations and

programs plan each volunteer’s jobsite or community service placement, Birthright Armenia does the rest.

Through its complementary services and financial incentives, Birthright Armenia offers each and every

participant the means and opportunity to experience Armenia like never before.

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Baptisms & Chrismations

January 9, 2010

Cash Samuel Pogharian

Son of Jeffrey & Heather Pogharian

Godfather – Christopher Branin

Godmother – Lori Smith

February 14, 2010

Gevorg Steven Jamgochian

Son of Steve & Christina (Garman) Jamgochian

Godfather – Steven C. Jamgochian

Godmother – Jodi Beth Jamgochian

April 18, 2010

Alex John Kazanjian

Daughter of Sarkis & Hilda Kazanjian

Godfather – Azad Kazanjian

Godmother – Sonya Kazazian McAnnany


April 5, 2009

Ariana Seropian & Mike Gortian

Daughter of Parsegh & Adrienne Seropian

Son of Mike & Denise Gortian

Funerals Iris A. Arthin, beloved wife of the late William Thomas Arthin, passed away on November 24, 2010. Iris is survived by her sons, Bill (Armine) and Sam, and her granddaughter, Julie. Funeral services were held on November 27, 2009 at St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Church. In lieu of flowers, contributions in Iris Arthin’s memory may be made to either St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Church or St. Sahag & St. Mesrob Armenian Church. John Derderian passed away on November 9, 2010. John is survived by his wife, Nancy; and his children Aram, Tamar and Arpi. Funeral services were held at St. Sahag & St. Mesrob Armenian Church on November 14, 2010. In lieu of flowers, contributions in John Derderian’s memory may be made to either St.

Sahag & St. Mesrob Armenian Church or the Armenian Sisters Academy (440 Upper Gulph Road, Radnor, PA 19087). Joseph Hoplamazian, Sr., beloved husband of the late Mary, passed away on January 1, 2010. He is survived by his son, Joseph (Sona); daughters, Pat Pogharian (Sam) and Lucille Mikaelian (Jerry); grandchildren, Lori Pogharian Smith (Kenny); Jeff Pogharian (Heather), Julie Hoplamazian, Chris, and Greg (Debbie); his great-grandson, Cash Pogharian; his brothers, Edward and Jack; and many nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held at St. Sahag & St. Mesrob Armenian Church on January 7, 2010. In lieu of flowers, contributions in Joseph Hoplamazian’s memory may be made to either St. Sahag & St. Mesrob Armenian Church, St. Mark’s Armenian Catholic Church, or the Armenian Sisters Academy. Alice Jamgochian passed away on November 26, 2009. Funeral services were held on December 2, 2009. Alice is survived by her son, Harry. Funeral services were held at St. Sahag & St. Mesrob Armenian Church. In lieu of flowers, contributions in Alice Jamgochian’s memory may be made to the church. Mesrop Kesdekian passed away on January 9, 2010. Funeral services were private. He is survived by his brother James (Margaret) Kesdekian; and his sister Arax, Suny. In lieu of flowers, contributions in Mesrob Kesdekian’s memory may be made to St. Sahag & St. Mesrob Armenian Church. Elizabeth Weller passed away on December 3, 2009. Elizabeth was a professor of child psychiatry and pediatrics at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania and was well-known as an advocate in the field of child and adolescent psychiatry. She is survived by her husband of 31 years, Dr. Ronald Weller; their two children, Andrew and Christine; her brother, Varoujan Boghossian (Knarig), her niece Marie Markarian; her nephew Hagop Boghossian; her father-in-law, Dr. Lowell Weller (Eloise) and numerous cousins. Funeral services were held in Los Angeles. In lieu of flowers, donations in Elizabeth’s memory can be made to the AGBU Armenia Orphan Fund (55 E. 59th Street, New York, NY 10022-1112).

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Thank you for the many cards, phone calls and

donations I have received in honor of my mother

Sarah Muradyan. She was born in 1913, two

years before the genocide which took her family

and left her orphaned. In spite of her difficult

beginnings, she managed to rise above this tragedy

with grace and live a full life. She was a generous

mother, a loving grandmother, a wonderful great-

grandmother, and a very proud great, great grand-

mother. She died 97 years young. She was loved

dearly and will be missed dearly. Thank you for

all of your support during this difficult time.

Sincerely, Alice Dertadian and Children

I would like to thank everyone who sent get well

cards and telephone calls during my confinement

– including the ladies at ―our‖ table during coffee

hour and the Men’s Club.

Diran Shakarjian



The Pastor and Parish Council wish to

acknowledge the following:

The Retired Men’s Club, who donated a

total of $2,400.00 in 2009. The men come

together once a month on Wednesdays to

enjoy each other’s camaraderie and

fellowship and have consistently supported

the parish in numerous ways over the years.

Dot & Rick Melikian, for donating a new

computer system for the church office.

The PAND Organization for their donation

of $2,000.00 representing a portion of the

contributions received from their annual

New Year’s Dinner Dance. Since PAND’s

inception, our parish has received $46,295 in

total contributions.


To Widener University sophomore, Rick

Kazigian, the starting pitcher of Widener’s

baseball team. As a freshman in 2009, Rick:

Finished tied for third in the

conference with 16 appearances;

Ended second the team with a 3.26

earned run average.

Struck out five over two innings v.

Ohio Northern (3/2);

Allowed just one earned run over six

innings vs. Misericordia (3/15);

Recorded the save at the College of

New Jersey (4/7);

Notched the save, striking out three

over two scoreless innings with one

walk and no hits at Elizabethtown

(4/17); and

Recorded the win, pitching six

scoreless innings with six strikeouts

and allowing just five to reach base

vs. Albright (5/1).

Rick is majoring in Business.

Do you have a son, daughter, grandchild,

nephew or niece that you are proud of? If

so, please send it to the church office so we

can include it in the next issue of the Mer


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General Donations


Ms. Seta Bardakjian

In Honor of the Opening of the Doors

on Palm Sunday


Ms. Siranoush Keshishian

For a spiritual promise (oukhd)


Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mihranian

In memory of grandparents, Jirayr & Mikael Dede

and Terezig & Mannhig Yaya


Ms. Betty Boyajian

For her 90th Birthday

Mer Doon Donations


Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hoplamazian


Rev. Fr. Arten & Ygn. Mary Ashjian

$25.00 Diran & Zevart Shakarjian

Memorial Donations

In Memory of Helen Bagdad


Ms. Dorothy Mooradian

$25.00 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kazigian

In Memory of Mkrtich Bedrossian

$100.00 Mr. & Mrs. Vrej Bedrossian

In Memory of Thomas Brinker


Mr. & Mrs. Nishan Der Simonian

In Memory of John Derderian

$100.00 Mr. & Mrs. Ohannes Meguerian

In Memory of Zaven Khachadourian


Mrs. Victoria Hoplamazian

$15.00 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Riser

In Memory of Mary Samuelian


Mr. & Mrs. Jack Hoplamazian

In Memory of Elizabeth Weller


Mr. Ronald Weller

Christmas Youghakin Donations

$250.00 Mr. Samuel Arthin, In memory of Iris Arthin

$200.00 Mr. Richard Oski

$100.00 Mr. & Mrs. Haig Dadourian

Mrs. Victoria S. Daniels

Mr. & Mrs. Hovhanes Kazanjian

Mr. & Mrs. Ohannes Meguerian

Mrs. Dorothy Melikian

Dr. & Mrs. Diran Mikaelian

Mr. & Mrs. Tigran Petrosian

Mrs. Sallee Rush

Dr. & Mrs. Gabriel Tatarian

Dr. & Mrs. Garabet Teberian

Mr. & Mrs. Harry Vartanian

$50.00 Mr. Jeffrey Alyanakian

Mrs. Alice Aznavourian

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Mr. & Mrs. Vrej Bedrossian

Mr. & Mrs. John Clayton

Mr. Charles Kazanjian

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kazanjian

Ms. Tanya Kevorkian

Mr. Hagop Kitabjian

Mr. & Mrs. Papken Megerian

Mrs. Rozaline Meguerian

Ms. Dorothy Mooradian

Mr. & Mrs. Mesrob Odabashian

Mr. & Mrs. John Semerjian

Mr. Albert Seraydarian

Mr. & Mrs. Hirant Torunyan

Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Williams

Mrs. Laura Zakian

Mrs. Zabelle Zartarian

$40.00 Tanya & Lucy Markarian


Mr. & Mrs. Harry Havnoonian

$30.00 Mr. & Mrs. Nubar Igidbashian

Dr. Minas & Kohar Mihranyan

Mr. & Mrs. David Nalbantian

Mr. & Mrs. Aris Topakbashian

$25.00 Mr. & Mrs. David Ahakinian

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Alexanian

Mr. & Mrs. Simon Ashekian

Mr. & Mrs. Albert Baltaeff

Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Barasatian

Ms. Elizabeth Barsamian

Miss Mary Boyajian

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cannuscio

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Chamoun

Mr. & Mrs. Antranig Derderian

Mrs. Alice Dertadian

Mr. & Mrs. George Devletian

Ms. Sonia Djanikian

Mr. & Mrs. John Eskandarian

Ms. Terrie M. Gaspar

Mrs. Eleanor Gurdikian

Mr. & Mrs. Harold Guveyian

Mrs. Shirley HajinianDiane & Vicky Hoplamazian In Memory of her father, Harry Hoplamazian, Sr.:

her grandparents, Hagop & Varsenig Hoplamazian,

Hagop & Parantzen Hoplamazian, and Melki &

Mariam Sarkisian; her godmother, Satenig

Hoplamazian, her godfather Joseph Hoplamazian,

Sr., her aunt Rose, her aunt Kathy, and her uncles,

Sam, John & Aram Arpy, Jeffrey, Stephen & Lauren Jones

Mr. Noubar Karagulian

Mr. & Mrs. Diran Keytanjian

Mrs. Berjouhi Kitabjian

Mr. & Mrs. Antranig Kordzian

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick McNelis

Rev. Dr. Paree & Ygn. Angel Metjian

Ms. Mary Odabashian

Mr. & Mrs. John Parseghian

Mrs. Elizabeth Seraydarian

Mr. & Mrs. Missak Simonian

Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Sohodski

Mr. Haig Torigian

Mr. & Mrs. Mihran Toumajan

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Yulduzian

Zerounian Family

$20.00 Mrs. Angela Adjemian

Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Ajamian

Mr. & Mrs. Harry Amirian

Mrs. Rose E. Arpajian

Mrs. Millie Barsamian

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Boyajian

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Burg

Mrs. Mary Dulgerian

Mrs. Vartouhi Etoian

Mrs. Rose Jingozian

Mrs. Siran Karagulian

Mr. David Marshall

Mr. & Mrs. Raffi Khatchikian

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Leszczynski

Daniel & Norma Takoushian

Mr. & Mrs. Jack Tefankjian

Mrs. Veronica Torcomian

$15.00 Leslie Alyanakian & Francesca D’Amico

Ms. Melena Ayjian

$10.00 Mrs. Alice Arakelian

Ms. Victoria Mirzayan

Mrs. Vickey Sagherian

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Sincere sympathy is extended by the Pastor and Parish Council to the families of those parishioners who have departed from this life. May God receive the souls of all the departed into His everlasting kingdom and send the heavenly consolation of His Holy spirit to those who mourn.

In Lieu of Flowers

In Memory of

Iris Arthin


Edwin Miu & Ellen Ku

Mr. & Mrs. William Shea


Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Brisbine

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher


Mr. & Mrs. Juliu Navarro

Mr. & Mrs. Steven Obee

In Lieu of Flowers

In Memory of

John Derderian


Mr. Raffi Balian

Nancy, Aram, Tamar & Arpi



Mr. & Mrs. Boghos Derderian

Mr. & Mrs. Aram Megerian

Dr. & Mrs. Garo Megerian

Mr. & Mrs. Papken Megerian


Mr. & Mrs. Antranig Derderian

Mr. & Mrs. Armen Derderian

Mr. Berj Massmanian


Lena, Sona & Seta Bardakjian

Mr. & Mrs. Hrair Megerian


Chuck & Charlotte Ajamian

Kevork, Loutfi, Ohan Arabatlian

& Families

Mr. & Mrs. Hratch Arajian

Mr. & Mrs. Armen Arutunian

Lynn, Lisa, John & Lori


Antoine, Rose, Armen & Vicken


Mr. & Mrs. Vahe Bedian

The Berberian Family

Dr. & Mrs. Hagop DerKrikorian

Mr. & Mrs. Dikran Derderian

Mrs. Victoria Hoplamazian

Mr. & Mrs. Henry


Mrs. Silva and Ara Kailian

Mr. & Mrs. Noubar Megerian

Mrs. Rozaline Meguerian

Mrs. Evelyn Meranshian

Mr. & Mrs. Asadur Minasian

Ms. Helen Misk

Mr. & Mrs. Zareh Orchanian

Paoli Cleaners

Mrs. Berjouhi Porsigian

Mr. & Mrs. Parsegh Seropian

SAS Shoemakers

Mr. & Mrs. Onik Solakian

Dr. & Mrs. Garabed Teberian

Tekeyan Cultural Association

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Tenbekjian

Mr. & Mrs. Aris Topakbashian

Mr. & Mrs. John Torcomian

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Torcomian


Mr. & Mrs. George Kodokian

Ovsanna & Therese Sajonian


Adjemian Family

AGBU Young Professionals

Chapter of Philadelphia

Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Ajamian

Rev. & Ygn. Fr. Arakel Aljalian

Mr. & Mrs. Nurhan Antilian

Mr. & Mrs. Melkon Arabatli

Mr. & Mrs. Tigran Aramyan

Mr. & Mrs. Migirdich Azadian

Mrs. Hripsime Babikian

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Baldadian

Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Baltaian

Mr. Steve Barsamian

Mr. & Mrs. Krikor Bejian

Ms. Rhoda Belemjian

Ms. Ardo Besnilian

Mr. & Mrs. Hagop Bezdikian

Mr. & Mrs. Scott Bermingham

Mr. & Mrs. Haig Dadourian

Mr. & Mrs. Yeprem Degirmenci

Mr. Raffaella Demartino

Dr. Najibe Dow & Family

Etoian Family

Mr. & Mrs. Keith Feerrar

Dr. & Mrs. Andre Garabedian

Mr. & Mrs. Edward

Hoplamazian & Children

Mr. & Mrs. Jack Hoplamazian

Mr. & Mrs. Hagop Ishkhanian

& Family

Jones Family

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kaiserian

& Family

Mr. & Mrs. Vartan Kalanyan

Sarah & Diane Kapikian

Mrs. Georgette Kazanjian

Mrs. Grace Keshgegian

Mr. & Mrs. Berge Khatchadrian

Dr. & Mrs. Jacques Khoury

Mr. & Mrs. George Kitabjian

Ms. Marie Koulaksezian

Mr. & Mrs. Herayer


Mr. & Mrs. Gevorg Marashlian

Dr. & Mrs. Raffi Megerian

Mr. & Mrs. John Melian

Rev. Dr. Paree & Yn. Metjian Dr.

& Mrs. Diran Mikaelian

Mr. & Mrs. Zohrab Odabashian

Mr. Rafael Petrosian

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Placido

Mr. & Mrs. Norair Saghian

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Santerian

Mrs. Merle Santerian

Mr. & Mrs. Mayis Seapan

Mr. & Mrs. Adam Schreiner

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Mr. & Mrs. Adam Selverian

Mr. & Mrs. Ara Setrakian

Mr. Varoujan Shirinian

Mr. & Mrs. Alex Topakbashian

Mr. & Mrs. Hirant Torunyan

Ms. Andrea Windsor

Mr. & Mrs. Russ Windsor

& Family

Mr. & Mrs. Garo Yepremian

Mr. & Mrs. Noubar Yeremian

& Family

Zerounian Family


Mr. & Mrs. Mardy Sarkahian

Mr. & Mrs. Hrant Shammassian


Alma Alabilikian & Peter Paone

Mr. & Mrs. John Eskandarian

Ms. Laura Herr

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hovnanian

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Knudson


Mr. Kegham Avedissian

Ms. Taline Baltaian

Mr. & Mrs. Mikail Degirmenci

Mr. & Mrs. Zohrab


Mr. & Mrs. Nishan


Ms. Jill DiMedio

& Zach Channing

Mr. & Mrs. Clive Gouveia

Mr. & Mrs. Nubar Igidbashian

Mrs. Araxie Ishkhanian

Mr. & Mrs. Hagop Kazanjian

Mr. & Mrs. Hovhanes Kazanjian

Mrs. Berjouhi Kitabjian

Mr. & Mrs. Harout Kitabjian

Mr. & Mrs. Krikor Mardikian

Mr. & Mrs. Grant Mazmanian

Mr. & Mrs. David Nalbantian

Mrs. Jeannette Oundjian

Mr. & Mrs. Kosrof Pakhtigian

Mrs. Linda Preske

Mr. & Mrs. Garabed Semerdjian

Ms. Linda Sharigian

Mr. & Mrs. Andre Zeibari


Mr. & Mrs. Harout Aghajanian

Mr. & Mrs. David Ahakinian

Mr. & Mrs. Vahik Andonian

Andonian Family

Ms. Angele Arutunian

Mr. & Mrs. Simon Ashekian

Mr. Souren Baboujian

Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Ballard

Ms. Nancy Basmajian

Mr. & Mrs. Vrej Bedrossian

Mr. Edward Belemjian

Matthew Belluardo

& Lisa Melian

Mr. & Mrs. Sarkis Berberian

Mr. Chuck Bulkey

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cannuscio

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Cecco

Mr. & Mrs. Alain Chamoun

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Chamoun

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Damerjian

Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Dardarian

Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Degirmenci

Mrs. Alice Dertadian

Mr. & Mrs. Zaven Devejian

Mr. & Mrs. George Devletian

Mr. & Mrs. Harry Dorian

Ms. Rose Garabedian

Dr. Garo Garibian

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Gooshian

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Gulasarian

Ms. Lena Guleserian

Ms. Elizabeth Gutchigian

Mr. & Mrs. Haig Hagopian

& Family

Ms. Diane Hoplamazian

Mr. & Mrs. Vaughn


Mr. & Mrs. Hrant Jilozian

Ms. Lisa Kailian

Mr. & Mrs. Serop Kaloustian

Mr. Noubar Karagulian

Mr. & Mrs. Aram Kazanjian

Mr. & Mrs. Shant Kehyayan

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Keytanjian

Mr. & Mrs. Aram Kumkumian

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Kzirian

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Leszczynski

Ms. Lisa Manookian

Mrs. Knarig Mardirosian

Mr. & Mrs. Berdj Mazmanian

Mrs. Dorothy Melikian

Dn. Minas & Kohar Mihranyan

Mr. & Mrs. Set Momjian

Mr. & Mrs. Sahag Odabashian

Mr. & Mrs. Ara Panosian

Mrs. Mary Parnagian

Ms. Gloria Sabater

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sarkisian

Mr. & Mrs. George Semerjian

Mrs. Margo Silk

Mr. & Mrs. Missak Simonian

Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Tashjian

Mrs. Veronica Torcomian

Mr. & Mrs. Mihran Toumajan

Dr. & Mrs. Jerry Williams


Mr. & Mrs. Harry Amirian

Mr. & Mrs. Melcom Avrigian

Mr. & Mrs. Jean Aydinian

Ms. Elizabeth Barsamian

Mr. & Mrs. John Bosnian

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Boyajian

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Brinker

Mr. & Mrs. Aram Ghazarian

Mrs. Shirley Hajinian

Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Hermes

Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Jehanian

Mr. & Mrs. Nerses


Mrs. Asdghig Kazanjian

Ms. Lisa Kazanjian

Mr. & Mrs. Haig Khararjian

Mr. & Mrs. Raffi Khatchikian

Mr. & Mrs. Mesrob Odabashian

Mr. & Mrs. Diran Shakarjian

Mrs. Janet Soghomonian

Mr. & Mrs. Michael


Mr. & Mrs. Karnig Torossian

Mr. & Mrs. Roger Vosgorian


Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Barasatian

Mrs. Millie Barsamian

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Riser


Mrs. Vart Etoian

In Lieu of Flowers

In Memory of

Joseph Hoplamazian, Sr.


Mr. & Mrs. Sam Pogharian

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph

Hoplamazian, Jr. & Family

Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Mikaelian

& Family


Edward & Joan Hoplamazian

& Family

Jack & Carol Hoplamazian

Christine Hoplamazian

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kletjian

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Ralph Arpajian & Nani


Mr. & Mrs. Dikran Barsamian

Dr. & Mrs. Donald Bedrosian

Mr. Roupen Berberian

Mrs. Marge Bogosian

Mr. & Mrs. Richard


Mr. & Mrs. David Hoplamazian

Ms. Diane Hoplamazian

Mr. Garabed M. Hoplamazian

Ms. Marin B. Hoplamazian Mr. Garabed M. Hoplamazian, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Harry Hoplamazian

Mr. & Mrs. Mihran


Mr. & Mrs. Vaughn


Mrs. Victoria Hoplamazian

Mrs. Eileen Barsamian Jennings

Mr. Charles Krikorian

Mr. & Mrs. Roy Mikaelian

Ms. Shirley Mikaelian

Mrs. Virginia G. Miller

Mrs. Anna Nalbandian

Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Pogharian

Mrs. Rita Stepanian

Dr. & Mrs. Gabriel Tatarian

Mr. & Mrs. Steve Vosbikian

& Family

Ms. Marianne Zagara


Alma Alabilikian & Peter Paone

Mrs. Rosette Alyanakian

Ms. Dyan G. Ayjian

Mrs. Hripsime Babikian

Babikian Sisters

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Baldadian

Mr. Steven Barsamian

Mr. & Mrs. Albert Chavooshian

Mr. & Mrs. John Clayton

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dennis

Dr. & Mrs. Andre Garabedian

Garabedian Family

Gibbons Insurance

Mr. Crosby Goshgarian, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hagopian

Ms. Brooke Hoplamazian

Mr. & Mrs. Steve Hovnanian

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Jingozian

Mr. Charles Kazanjian

Mr. & Mrs. Gary Kazanjian

Dr. & Mrs. Albert Keshgegian

Melanie Krikorian & Family

Mrs. Dorothy Melikian

Ms. Margaret Merdjanian

Mr. & Mrs. George Mesigian

Mr. George Marootian

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Paretchan

Mr. Chris Piligian

Mr. & Mrs. Nick Ridgely

Mrs. Merle Santerian

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sarkisian

Mr. & Mrs. John Semerjian

Mrs. Elizabeth Seraydarian

Mr. & Mrs. Ara Setrakian

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Sevag

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Shakarjian

Mr. & Mrs. Theodore


Mr. & Mrs. Paul Tefankjian

Mr. & Mrs. George Terkanian

Mr. & Mrs. Michael


Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Torcomian

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Vosbikian

Sam & Diana D. Vosbikian


Mr. John Chalikian

Mr. & Mrs. Arslan Seraydarian


Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Jehanian


Arlington Cemetery

Mr. & Mrs. Albert Lousinian

Ms. Gohar Merdjanian

Mr. & Mrs. Aris Topakbashian

Mr. & Mrs. Andre Zeibari


Ms. Clara Andonian

Mr. John Arslanian

Ms. Elizabeth Barsamian

Mrs. Millie Barsamian

Ms. Stephanie Barsamian

Mr. & Mrs. Eric Blumberg

Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Ciccotello

Mr. & Mrs. Harry Derderian

Mr. Larry D. Der Hagopian

Mrs. Alice Dertadian

Mrs. Mary Dulgerian

Mr. & Mrs. John Eskandarian

Mrs. Margaret Garabedian

Paris & Sonia Garabedian

Mr. Robert Guveyian, Jr.

Mrs. Helen Guveyian

Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Hamalian

Mr. & Mrs. Haig Hagopian

Mr. & Mrs. Vahe Hagopian

Mrs. Rose Jingozian

Mrs. Asdghig Kazanjian

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kazanjian

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kazigian

Mr. Mesrop Kesdekian

Mr. & Mrs. James Kesdekian

Mrs. Grace Keshgegian

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Keytanjian

Mr. & Mrs. Diran Keytanjian

Ms. Dennis Krepelka

Mr. & Mrs. Aram Kumkumian

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Leszczynski

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Lulejian

Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Mamourian

Mr. Mike Manoogian

Mr. & Mrs. Noubar Megerian

Mr. & Mrs. Ohannes Meguerian

Mr. & Mrs. Albert Momjian

Mrs. Veronica Monokian

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mukalian

Mrs. Mary Parnagian

Mrs. Vickey Sagherian

Mrs. Claudette Sarian

Mr. & Mrs. Steve Sarrafian

Mr. & Mrs. Arden Selverian

Mr. & Mrs. Harry Selverian

Ms. Maritza Shamlian

Mr. & Mrs. Diran Shakarjian

Mr. & Mrs. Sam Silk

Mr. & Mrs. Nazareth Sookiasian

Ms. Araxie Suny

Daniel & Norma Takoushian

Mr. & Mrs. Jack Tefankjian

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Temoyan

Mr. & Mrs. Nicklas Terkanian

Mrs. Rose Tourigian

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Vosbikian

Mr. & Mrs. Mike Vosbikian

Mr. & Mrs. James Walter

Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Williams

Mr. & Mrs. James Yadavaia

Ms. Adriene Zepka

Zerounian Family


Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Ajdaharian

Mr. & Mrs. Bob Antenucci

Ms. Lynne Baboujian

Mr. & Mrs. Alain Chamoun

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Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence

Der Hagopian

Mr. & Mrs. George Devletian

Mrs. Kay Goshgarian

Mr. & Mrs. Raffi Jehanian

Mr. & Mrs. Albert Kapeghian

Ms. Lisa Kazanjian

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Martin

Mr. & Mrs. Mesrob Odabashian

Mr. & Mrs. Kosrof Pakhtigian

Ms. Jenni Philipp

Mr. & Mrs. Ara Shakarjian

Mrs. Veronica Torcomian


Leslie Alyanakian &

Francesca D’Amico

Mrs. Rose Arpajian

Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Barasatian

Mazmanian Family

In Lieu of Flowers

In Memory of

Alice Jamgochian


Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Baltaian

Mrs. Alice Dertadian

Mr. & Mrs. Victor Orlando


Ms. Dennis Krepelka

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Tefankjian

Ms. Mary Teresa Whalen


Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Mirenda



In Lieu of Flowers

In Memory of

Mesrop Kesdekian


Mr. & Mrs. James

Kesdekian and Family


Mr. & Mrs. Edward


Mrs. Victoria Hoplamazian


Mr. & Mrs. Jack Hoplamazian


Mrs. Ayshe Chakmaklian

In Lieu of Flowers

In Memory of

Elizabeth Weller


Ronald, Andrew &

Christine Weller


Mrs. Azniv Jebejian

$20.00 Nevart & Taline Aposhian

Mr. & Mrs. Vrej Bedrossian

Remember Me

Dear I’ll see you one fine day

Another place, another way

Hold me close deep in your heart

And in that way we'll never part

Do the things we liked to do

If not for me than just for you

Tell the kids I love them so

And show them all the love we've known

Smile and let your heart be free

Know you'll always be with me

Your love, it let me live again

And now anew you must begin

I’ll be there for the things you do

And always be a part of you

You'll see me with each song you sing

As the twinkle in your wedding ring.

Please notify the Pastor whenever you know of anyone who is sick,

whether at home or in the hospital

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