the most worshipful grand lodge of free and accepted ... · resolution on recognition of the usage...


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Page 1: The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted ... · Resolution on Recognition of the Usage of the Lewis Jewel ..... 13 Resolution on Legislation for Candidates to be ... Grand

The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of






Page 2: The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted ... · Resolution on Recognition of the Usage of the Lewis Jewel ..... 13 Resolution on Legislation for Candidates to be ... Grand


Resolution Amending Reg. 26.21 to Provide for Due Process ....................................... 1

Resolution on Stating Reasons for Recommendations on Proposed Legislation ............ 3

Resolution Regarding Frequency of Proposed Legislation ............................................. 4

Resolution on Expulsion for Conviction of Certain Crimes ............................................ 5

Resolution Protecting Whistleblowers Who Report Unmasonic or Other Illegal Conduct ........................................................................................ 6

Resolution to Amend Regulation 44.47 to Require Proof of Intentional Violation at All Masonic Trials ........................................................... 8

Resolution Amending Regulation 44.23 Addressing Due Process ................................. 9

Resolution to Allow Lodge Minutes to be Printed and Distributed .............................. 10

Resolution on Procedure of Legislation ......................................................................... 11

Resolution on Recognition of the Usage of the Lewis Jewel ........................................ 13

Resolution on Legislation for Candidates to be Placed on the Grand Lodge Website ................................................................... 14

Resolution for Merging the Cipher Code into the Floorwork Manual .......................... 16

Resolution on Grand Lodge Checks or Drafts ............................................................... 17

Resolution on Lodge Education Committee .................................................................. 18

Resolution on the Endowment Procurement Committee ............................................... 19

Resolution on Grand Honors ......................................................................................... 20

Resolution to Conduct Business in Any Degree ............................................................ 21

Resolution to Amend the Masonic Jurisprudence Committee ...................................... 23

Resolution for Social Media Policy ............................................................................... 25

Resolution for Equal Time ............................................................................................. 27

Resolution to Change the Election of Lodge Officers ................................................... 29

Statement of Condition ................................................................................................ 30

Proposed Budget .......................................................................................................... 32

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WHEREAS, Regulation 26.21 was adopted in 1953 and provides for the penalties of admonition and reprimand for circulating to an unidentified number of Masons any written or printed material which, in the Grand Master’s opinion, contains critical or controversial information; and WHEREAS, this Regulation fails to specify the application of due process in the form of notice and an opportunity for trial as set out in the Penal Code of the Digest of the Masonic Law of Florida; and WHEREAS, this is the only Regulation in the Digest of the Masonic Law of Florida that provides for a penalty without specifying the application of due process; and WHEREAS, Freemasons have fought for, and have long championed, the principles of democracy, including the fundamental right of due process; and WHEREAS, the Regulation, by not specifying the application of due process and authorizing summary conviction and sentence, is not consistent with the basic due process principles of democracy; and WHEREAS, fundamental fairness requires that due process be specifically accorded to all Masons who face a charge of unmasonic conduct; and WHEREAS, Masons pride themselves on eliminating any conflicts with due process and providing fundamental fairness and Masonic Rights in all matters of Penal Affairs. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Regulation 26.21 of the Digest of the Masonic Law of Florida is hereby amended to read as follows:

26.21 No Mason or Masons subject to the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Florida shall, by written or printed critical or controversial communications of any kind, circularize the Officers and members of any Particular Lodge in this Grand Jurisdiction.

It is the intent, spirit, and purpose of this Regulation to prevent the dissemination and circulation of critical and controversial communications between or concerning Masons in this Grand Jurisdiction. It is not the intent, spirit, or purpose to prohibit or interfere with official communications by Officers and members of the Grand Lodge, and by Officers and members of Particular Lodges, and by District Masonic Officers, necessarily carried on between Grand Communications for the orderly and regular conduct of the affairs of Masonry in this Grand Jurisdiction, and such communications are specifically exempted from the provisions of this Regulation. Likewise, non-controversial Masonic bulletins and publications are specifically exempted.

Between Annual Grand Communications of the Grand Lodge, the enforcement of this Regulation is placed in the hands of the Grand Master and he shall have the power to file charges of unmasonic conduct for violating this Regulation, recommending admonition or reprimand,

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issue such admonitions, reprimands, Executive Orders and Edicts, as he may be advised, necessary to carry out the spirit, intent, and purpose of this Regulation. All of his acts and doings in the enforcement and administration of this Regulation shall be reported at the next Annual Grand Communication of the Grand Lodge with his report for review by the Grand Lodge. Charges of unmasonic conduct brought under this Regulation shall proceed in the manner provided for by the due process provisions of the Penal Code of the Digest of the Masonic Law of Florida (Chapter 44). Respectfully submitted, RW George L. Waas, P.D.D.G.M., District 7 RW James J. Olsen, P.D.D.G.M., District 7 RW Charles S. Elul, P.D.D.G.M., District 7

(Jurisprudence recommends rejection.)

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WHEREAS, Masons pride themselves on greater transparency and openness in the conduct of Grand Lodge Proceedings; and WHEREAS, Masons pride themselves on an informed Craft, believing that an educated Mason is a dedicated Mason; and WHEREAS, each year, the Jurisprudence Committee includes, in the publication containing Proposed Legislation, the Committee’s recommendation regarding each proposal; and WHEREAS, the Jurisprudence Committee does not presently accompany its recommendation with a short and plain statement explaining its reason(s) for its recommendation, or the Committee vote on the recommendation; and WHEREAS, the current process of explaining the Jurisprudence Committee’s reasons and vote orally at meetings and at Grand Lodge does not sufficiently and adequately allow for the Brothers of the Particular Lodges to become fully aware of the impact of Proposed Legislation; and WHEREAS, a brief, concise statement of the reason(s) for the Jurisprudence Committee’s rationale and Committee vote will serve the ends of justice and lead to a better informed Craft, which will promote dedication to the Fraternity. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Regulation 13.22(a) of the Digest of the Masonic Law of Florida is hereby amended as follows:

13.22 All motions, Resolutions, Reports, and other proposals for Grand Lodge action shall, prior to such Grand Lodge action, be referred to, acted upon, and recommendation made in regard thereto by an appropriate Grand Lodge Committee, including but not limited to:

(a) All proposals for legislation, trials and appeals, Charters, relations with other Grand Jurisdictions, relations with Foreign Jurisdictions, Appendant and Allied Orders, Masonic Digest, all Resolutions except Memorial Resolutions, and all matters of Masonic Law, policies, and procedures, shall be referred to the Committee on Masonic Jurisprudence and the appropriate subcommittee thereof. Each Committee recommendation regarding Proposed Legislation shall be accompanied by a statement in writing of no more than one hundred (100) words explaining the reason(s) for the recommendation, accompanied by the Committee vote on each recommendation.

Respectfully submitted,

RW George L. Waas, P.D.D.G.M., District 7 RW James J. Olsen, P.D.D.G.M., District 7 RW Charles S. Elul, P.D.D.G.M., District 7

(Jurisprudence recommends rejection.)

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WHEREAS, Masons have long advocated and fought for the principles of a democratic society; and WHEREAS, one of the great freedoms of democracy is the ability to enact, amend, and repeal laws; and WHEREAS, the ability to enact legislation should be as free of restrictions as possible; and WHEREAS, the current limitation on Proposed Legislation is unduly and unnecessarily restrictive; and WHEREAS, the ends of justice and fair play direct that the current limitations on the frequency of Proposed Legislation be lifted in favor of greater opportunity for the Craft to consider and vote on matters of importance to the Fraternity in the least restrictive means available. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Regulation 12.12(f) of the Digest of the Masonic Law of Florida is hereby amended as follows:

12.12 All motions, Resolutions, Reports, and other proposals for Grand Lodge action shall, prior to such Grand Lodge action, be referred to, acted upon and recommendation made in regard thereto by an appropriate Grand Lodge Committee, including but not limited to:

(f) All proposals of like or similar nature or topics, as determined by the Grand Lodge,

having been rejected by the Grand Lodge at two (2) three (3) consecutive Annual Grand Lodge Communications, shall not be submitted for consideration again for a period of three (3) one (1) years. Respectfully submitted, RW George L. Waas, P.D.D.G.M., District 7

(Jurisprudence recommends rejection.)

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RESOLUTION ON EXPULSION FOR CONVICTION OF CERTAIN CRIMES WHEREAS, there are certain crimes for which expulsion from the Fraternity is the only proper penalty; and WHEREAS, currently under Regulation 44.23, expulsion may only be ordered when one is convicted of murder, attempted murder, sexual battery, child molestation, terrorism, or the use of a firearm during the commission of a felony; or if he enters a plea bargain in which one of the stipulations is that he admit his guilt or enters a plea of anything other than “not guilty” when charged with one or more of the listed crimes; and WHEREAS, it is necessary for the well-being of our Fraternity to include additional crimes that call for expulsion so that, in part, there is no attempt to avoid this penalty by pleading to a charge not specifically included within the listed crimes, or a heinous crime for which no man should be allowed to remain a Mason. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Section 44.23 of the Digest of the Masonic Law of Florida is hereby amended to read as follows: 44.23 (First four (4) paragraphs remain the same.) The Grand Master shall enter an order for Expulsion from the Fraternity for any member who is “convicted,” of any of the following crimes or who when charged with any of these crimes enters into a “pre-trial Intervention program” or who joins in any “plea bargaining” in which one of the stipulations is that he admit his guilt or who enters a plea of anything other than “not guilty” when charged with Murder, Attempted Murder, Sexual Battery, Child Molestation, Terrorism or the use of a Firearm during the commission of a Felony. Crimes for which expulsion shall be ordered upon conviction shall include those crimes listed above, as well as the following: Travelling to Meet a Minor for Illegal Sexual Conduct, Sexual Exploitation of a Minor, Soliciting a Child for Unlawful Sexual Conduct Using an Electronic Device, any act that constitutes a Forcible Sex Offense or Sexual Assault, Child Pornography, Aggravated Assault, Aggravated Battery, Child Endangerment, Felonious Child Neglect, Kidnapping, Attempted Kidnapping, Rape, Attempted Rape, Felonious Trafficking in Illegal Substances, Arson, Burglary, Perjury, Grand Larceny, and Grand Theft. Respectfully submitted, RW George L. Waas, P.D.D.G.M., District 7

(Jurisprudence recommends adoption.)

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WHEREAS, Freemasons have fought for, and have long championed, the principles of democracy; and WHEREAS, one of democracy’s great principles is petitioning for redress of grievances; and WHEREAS, one of the methods of petitioning for grievances is to point out to the populace misdeeds of those who are either elected or appointed representatives; and WHEREAS, Regulation 26.21 allows a Grand Master to summarily discipline any Mason for circulating any written or printed material which, in the Grand Master’s opinion, contains critical or controversial information; and WHEREAS, this Regulation applies to any written or printed matter even if the information is truthful, addresses unmasonic or other illegal conduct, and is therefore of importance to the Craft; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the Craft that acts of misconduct or unmasonic conduct be made known; and WHEREAS, the circulation of a truthful statement pointing out misconduct must not be considered unmasonic conduct. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Regulation 26.21 of the Digest of the Masonic Law of Florida is hereby repealed.

26.21 No Mason or Masons subject to the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Florida shall, by written or printed critical or controversial communications of any kind, circularize the Officers and members of any Particular Lodge in this Grand Jurisdiction. This provision shall apply only to uncivil criticism or personal attacks. However, this provision shall not apply to any Mason who reports matters of unmasonic conduct or other acts of misconduct as set out in the Digest of the Masonic Law of Florida. It shall be deemed unmasonic conduct for any Mason to take retaliatory action against one who reports unmasonic or other acts of misconduct. Masons may file compalints that they believe reasonably evidences a violation of a law, rule, or Regulation; gross mismanagement; gross waste of funds; or an abuse of authority.

It is the intent, spirit, and purpose of this Regulation to prevent the dissemination and circulation of critical and controversial communications between or concerning Masons in this Grand Jurisdiction, except as otherwise provided herein. It is not the intent, spirit, or purpose to prohibit or interfere with official communications by Officers and members of the Grand Lodge, and by Officers and members of Particular Lodges, and by District Masonic Officers, necessarily carried on between Grand Communications for the orderly and regular conduct of the affairs of Masonry in this Grand Jurisdiction, and such communications are specifically exempted from the provisions of this Regulation. Likewise, non-controversial Masonic bulletins and publications are specifically exempted.

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Between Annual Grand Communications of the Grand Lodge, the enforcement of this Regulation is placed in the hands of the Grand Master and he shall have the power to issue such admonitions, reprimands, Executive Orders, and Edicts, as he may be advised, necessary to carry out the spirit, intent, and purpose of this Regulation. All of his acts and doings in the enforcement and administration of this Regulation shall be reported at the next Annual Grand Communication of the Grand Lodge with his report for review by the Grand Lodge. Respectfully submitted, RW George L. Waas, P.D.D.G.M., District 7 RW James J. Olsen, P.D.D.G.M., District 7 RW Charles S. Elul, P.D.D.G.M., District 7

(Jurisprudence recommends rejection.)

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WHEREAS, there are provisions setting out offenses against Masonic Law that are vague and otherwise subject to differing subjective interpretations, such as Regulations 44.01, 44.02, and 44.08; and WHEREAS, due process is the democratic process of notice and trial by which subjective judgment is tested and proof of a violation established; and WHEREAS, due process requires proof that a person knowingly violated Masonic Law or should have known that his conduct violated Masonic Law; and WHEREAS, except for Regulation 44.04, there is no other provision in Masonic Law that requires proof of intent in order to sustain a conviction of unmasonic conduct; and WHEREAS, fundamental fairness consistent with democratic principles requires that violations of law be based on intent and knowledge rather than whim, conjecture, or surmise; and WHEREAS, due process compels that the evidentiary standard for establishing a penal violation be clearly set out in the Penal Code so as to fully inform all Masons of what is required at a Masonic Trail; and WHEREAS, Masons pride themselves on eliminating any conflicts with due process and providing fundamental fairness and Masonic Rights in all matters of Penal Affairs. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Regulation 44.47 of the Digest of the Masonic Law of Florida is hereby amended to read as follows:

44.47 All charges for unmasonic conduct shall be tried upon their merits; and no quibbles, technicalities or special pleadings shall be allowed to prejudice, retard or defeat the ends of Fraternal Justice. In Masonic Trials, the main points of law shall be: First, a charge plainly stated; second, a reasonable notice to the accused; and third, a speedy and impartial trial. In all Masonic Trials, proof on intent to engage in unmasonic conduct shall be required in order to establish a violation. Intent shall be established by clear and convincing evidence that the accused knowingly violated Masonic Law or that he should have known that his conduct violated Masonic Law. Respectfully submitted, RW George L. Waas, P.D.D.G.M., District 7 RW James J. Olsen, P.D.D.G.M., District 7 RW Charles S. Elul, P.D.D.G.M., District 7

(Jurisprudence recommends rejection.)

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RESOLUTION AMENDING REGULATION 44.23 ADDRESSING DUE PROCESS WHEREAS, Masons pride themselves on eliminating any conflicts with due process and providing fundamental fairness and Masonic Rights to those accused of unmasonic conduct; and WHEREAS, Masonic Law recognizes that due process requires (a) a charge clearly stated; (b) reasonable notice; and (c) a fair and impartial trial; and WHEREAS, due process is precisely that; a process that is not to be undermined by the actions of anyone; and WHEREAS, the right to a fair and impartial trial as required by due process is undermined if the choice of the type of trial (Lodge or Trial Commission) or the location of the trial is made by the Grand Master in contravention of the accused or Lodge notwithstanding the language of Regulations 44.34 and 44.63; and WHEREAS, the right to a fair and impartial trial as required by is undermined if the penalty as set out in the judgment of either the Lodge or Trial Commission is increased by the Grand Master prior to review on appeal; and WHEREAS, a Mason does not agree to be bound by disregard of or non-compliance with Masonic Jurisprudence. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the first paragraph of Regulation 44.23 is hereby amended to read as follows: 44.23 Notwithstanding any other provision of this Penal Code, the Grand Master may, upon receipt of copy of charges or at any other time or stage of the proceedings, take such action in regard to the proceedings as he may be advised, including but not limited to directing the Lodge as to further proceedings, abatement of proceedings pending investigation, appointment of Trial Commission, referral of the matter to the Penal Affairs Committee or to the Chairman thereof or to any member or members of the Committee with such orders as he may deem appropriate, and in any and all other ways control and direct the proceedings to a conclusion. However, nothing herein or elsewhere in the Digest shall be construed to authorize the overriding of the choice of trial or trial location by the accused or Lodge of the accused, or authorize imposition of a penalty greater than that imposed in its judgment by the Lodge or Trial Commission. The remaining paragraphs remain unchanged. Respectfully submitted, RW George L. Waas, P.D.D.G.M., District 7 RW James J. Olsen, P.D.D.G.M., District 7 RW Charles S. Elul, P.D.D.G.M., District 7

(Jurisprudence recommends rejection.)

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WHEREAS, it is desirous to expedite Particular Lodge Meetings in order to make them more meaningful and beneficial to Lodge members, such as providing for additional Masonic Education, thereby encouraging attendance; and WHEREAS, the reading of Lodge Minutes can take considerable time, thereby promoting tedium; and WHEREAS, Lodge Members recognize the importance of Lodge Minutes, but often find their reading detrimental to Lodge Proceedings. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Regulation 25.28 of the Digest of the Masonic Law of Florida be changed as follows:

25.28 The minutes of the Lodge at every Communication must be read for correction and approval before the closing of the Lodge, unless dispensed with by the Worshipful Master, but the minutes of the previous Communication or Communications shall be read for final adoption at the next Stated Communication. If desired by the Worshipful Master of the Lodge, he may direct the Secretary to produce printed copies of the minutes prior to the Stated Communications for the members to review. A motion can then be made during Lodge Stated Communications to accept the minutes as “printed and distributed,” thereby fulfilling the need to read them. Further, none of the printed minutes are to leave the Lodge and should be destroyed following the meeting. Respectfully submitted, W Kenneth Giesow, P.M., Chaplain, Dunedin Lodge No. 192 RW Richard G. Hoover, Junior Grand Warden, Nitram Lodge No. 188 RW Robert W. Matheson, P.D.D.G.M., Dunedin Lodge No. 192 RW Glen B. Bishop, P.D.D.G.M., Clearwater Lodge No. 127 RW G. Raymond Vance, D.D.G.M., District 20, Pearl of the West Lodge No. 146 W Matthew Panzano, P.M., Dunedin Lodge No. 192

(Jurisprudence recommended rejection.)

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WHEREAS, in December of 2011 a fraternal Resolution was submitted to Grand Lodge in proper format and before the time deadline, and was to address the Craft as a petition for “Masonic Relief” signed by 229 Master Masons; and WHEREAS, the resolution was addressed to the Grand Lodge Delegates in accordance with the provisions found in the Digest of the Masonic Law of Florida, Article V, Sections 1 and 2, where it states (The Grand Lodge Delegates) “And is the supreme head and authority of Ancient Craft Masonry in this jurisdiction.” And “It has original jurisdiction over all subjects of legislation for the benefit of the Craft, and judicial powers in the interpretation and administration of its own Laws, and in the trial and punishment of its own Officers and members, and appellate jurisdiction in all cases involving Masonic rights and benefits-not in violation of this Constitution, and the established Landmarks of the Order;” and WHEREAS, precedents have been set with many fraternal Resolutions that are found in the Grand Lodge Proceedings; and WHEREAS, there have been Resolutions prevented from being brought to the Grand Lodge Floor before, thereby denying the Lodges represented their right to make an informed decision; and WHEREAS, since the Grand Lodge Delegates have supreme power over all Fraternal Matters at a Grand Lodge Communication according to the Constitution in Article V, Sections 1 and 2; and WHEREAS, it is believed that the two hundred and twenty nine (229) members of the Craft who signed the “petition for relief” had a right to be heard by the Grand Lodge Delegates, and the eight hundred plus Delegates at the Grand Lodge Communication had a right to decide for themselves what would be the correct course of action. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that all future Resolutions (Fraternal or Corporate) be reviewed by the Resolutions Committee as found in Chapter 13, Section 2, and after recommendations are made to the author of the Resolution for any additions, corrections, or omissions, it shall be turned over to the Jurisprudence Committee, who shall present it to the Grand Lodge Delegates with their recommendations. The changes to Article IX, Section 2, are underlined and bold. Article IX, Section 2.

Fraternal Committees - The Fraternal Committees of the Grand Lodge as defined in Article I of the Constitution are:

(1) The Committee on Masonic Jurisprudence, which shall be divided into such sub-

committees as shall be prescribed herein or by Regulations of Grand Lodge, and such other sub-committees as the Grand Master shall deem appropriate, but there shall be a sub-committee designated Committee on Resolutions, a sub-committee designated Committee on Masonic Digest, a sub-committee designated Committee on Appeals, a sub-committee designated Committee on Lodge Charters, a sub-committee designated

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Committee on Appendant and Allied Orders, and a sub-committee designated Committee on Foreign Relations.

Sub-committees shall be composed of a Chairman and at least two (2) other members. All Resolutions, except Memorial Resolutions, all penal appeals, all applications for Lodge Charters, all requests for recognition or withdrawal of recognition of organizations whose membership is predicated on Masonic affiliation, all correspondence or reports of recognized foreign Jurisdictions and all matters of recognition or withdrawal of recognition of foreign Masonic Jurisdictions and all matters of Masonic Law, customs, practices, policies and procedures shall be referred to this Committee for report and recommendation to the author of said resolution for any irregularities before the Grand Communication and then to the Grand Lodge Delegates thereon. All Resolutions whether corporate or fraternal, shall follow the same procedure as legislation and be included in the Grand Lodge Legislative Packet and voted on by the Craft.” Exception for insertion in the legislative booklet may be made for laudable Resolutions by the Grand Master. All Past Grand Masters in good standing shall be members of this Committee together with such additional members as may be appointed by the Grand Master.

Respectfully Submitted, RW John R. Stokes, P.D.D.G.M. RW Jimmie G. Boone, P.D.D.G.M.

(Jurisprudence recommended rejection.)

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RESOLUTION ON RECOGNITION OF THE USAGE OF THE LEWIS JEWEL WHEREAS, there is currently no way for father and son to show their pride in both being Masons; and WHEREAS, There is a jewel called a Lewis Jewel which can be worn by a Mason, if, at the time of his Initiation, his Father was a Mason in good standing, or if his deceased father was in good standing at the time of his death would qualify to wear this jewel. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that The Grand Lodge of Florida adopt the usage of the Lewis Jewel and that the application for the Lewis Jewel may be made by the father or son and would be submitted to the Lodge Secretary who would confirm the standing of both the father and the son and attests to the accuracy of the information, and, the Lewis Jewel will be suspended by two (2) chains, with two (2) bars to contain the name of the father and the date of his Initiation and the lower bar will contain the name of the son and his date of Initiation; and The jewel would then be ordered by the father or family member and presented at either the time of the son’s Raising or thereafter. If the father is deceased then the jewel could be presented by a family member at an open meeting or by the Worshipful Master or a Brother in Lodge at the time of his Raising; and The Grand Lodge is not involved in the purchase or administration of the jewel other than the authorization by the Grand Master for the wearing of the jewel in Lodge or at other Masonic Functions. Respectfully submitted, RW Jimmie G. Boone, Sr., P.D.D.G.M., Solomon Lodge No. 20

(Jurisprudence recommends rejection.)

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WHEREAS, there has been a growing number of candidates that have placed their names in the political arena for positions in the Grand Lodge line-up; and WHEREAS, the future of the Fraternity in Florida and the direction it will take will be directly influenced by the choices we make in our Officers; and WHEREAS, the active members of the Craft have amassed a huge amount of contacts over the years but we have difficulty with remembering names; and WHEREAS, it is sometimes difficult to have access to an individual’s resume; and WHEREAS, a candidate on his own cannot announce his intentions or start a dialogue without violating the Digest with regard to politicking; and WHEREAS, we should never miss an opportunity to enlighten ourselves on the qualifications of a candidate; and WHEREAS, we need to have access to the candidates so we can make an informed decision on our future. THEREFOR IT BE RESOLVED that all candidates will have their resume’s placed on the Grand Lodge Website with a current picture and be allowed to purchase a name badge that has their name and the words “Candidate for (name of position they are seeking) in the Grand Lodge of Florida,” which will allow us the ability to see who is running and if we have questions, to have a one on one discussion if we so desire. Changes to the Digest are found in Regulation 5.02 and the words to be added are bold and underlined. 5.02 (a) in part:

The Grand Secretary shall send a copy of all nominating petitions and signed written statements of incumbent officers and all personal and Masonic information forms of all nominees to each Particular Lodge, the Grand Lodge elective officers, the District Deputy Grand Masters, the District Instructors, and Past Grand Masters on or before March 15.

A candidate for a Grand Lodge Office may purchase his own badge with his name and

the words Candidate for (Name of position) in The Grand Lodge of Florida and wear it while officially running for an Elected Office. A copy of the candidate’s resume and picture shall be added to the Grand Lodge Website on or before March 15th and removed as soon as practicable after election.

No other written or printed material or matter shall be distributed by mail or otherwise by, or

in behalf of, any candidate or nominee for Grand Lodge Office.

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Respectfully Submitted, RW John R. Stokes, P.D.D.G.M. RW Jimmie G. Boone, P.D.D.G.M.

(Jurisprudence recommends rejection.)

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WHEREAS, The Grand Lodge of Florida has seen fit to provide a First Letter Cipher book to assist in teaching the Esoteric Work and to assist the Brethren in being proficient in all the Degrees; and WHEREAS, The Grand Lodge of Florida has provided a Floorwork Manual to help the District Instructors on proper movement during the various Masonic Ceremonies; and WHEREAS, these two (2) tools provided by the Committee on Work have be invaluable to the District Instructors and the Lodges for both instruction and individual Degree Practices; and WHEREAS, there have been some discussions about District Instructors having difficulties following the Floorwork Manual during Schools of Instruction; and WHEREAS, both the First Letter Cipher and the Floorwork Manual have been adopted by the Craft as useful tools for the instruction of its members. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that portions of the Cipher be included into the Floorwork Manual so that the letters or words correspond with the floorwork actions associated with them. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Committee on Work be authorized and directed to implement the changes into the Floorwork Manual in a manner that would meet the specific needs of the Committee and the District Instructors as mentioned above. Respectfully submitted, RW Rudin “Rudy” J. Boatright, P.D.D.G.M. RH Corey D. Kosciuszko, District 12 Instructor RW Antonio “Tony” C. Chavez, P.D.D.G.M. RW Patrick F. Farrell, P.D.D.G.M. RW William J. Austin, P.D.D.G.M. RW Charles M. Barr, P.D.D.G.M. RW Frank E. Kleese, P.D.D.G.M. RW John R. Stokes, P.D.D.G.M. RW Jimmie G. Boone, P.D.D.G.M.

(Jurisprudence recommends adoption.)

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RESOLUTION ON GRAND LODGE CHECKS OR DRAFTS WHEREAS, the requirement for two (2) original signatures on checks or drafts not to exceed $5,000 is outdated; and WHEREAS, the Corporate Board of The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Florida feels the checks and balances in effect to the funds of the Masonic Home of Florida and The Grand Lodge of Florida are sufficient to require one (1) original signature with the limit of $10,000; and WHEREAS, the banking institutions will only guarantee one (1) signature. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Article I, Section 9 (a) be amended to reflect the requirement of two (2) original signatures to be for all disbursements over $10,000 which will require genuine signatures of at least two (2) Corporate Officers as follows: Article I, Section 9 (a) of the Constitution amended to read: Section 9. Powers, Duties & Limitations of and on Corporate Board – The Corporate Board shall also have the following powers, duties, and authority and be subject to the limitations, restrictions, and prohibitions enumerated herein: (a) Prescribe by appropriate Resolution the manner, procedure, and requirements for disbursement of Grand Lodge funds but such Resolution shall provide for one genuine signature of at leas one Corporate Officer and one facsimile signature on all checks or drafts not to exceed $5,000 $10,000. All disbursements over $5,000 $10,000 will require genuine signatures of at least two Corporate Officers. (2015) Respectfully submitted, MW Richard E. Lynn, P.G.M. Grand Secretary and Secretary to the Corporate Board

(Jurisprudence recommends adoption.)

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RESOLUTION ON LODGE EDUCATION COMMITTEE WHEREAS, The Uniform Code of By-Laws Sections 10.01 and 10.05 were changed to remove the phrase “and Primary Schools” in 2010 and to recognize this standing Committee required by all Lodges as the “Committee on Masonic Education”; and WHEREAS, Article X, Section 25, of the Constitution of this Grand Jurisdiction was not changed to conform with the change to the Uniform Code of By-Laws Sections 10.01 and 10.05. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Article X, Section 25, of the Constitution be amended to read: Section 25. The Master and Wardens of each Particular Lodge are a standing Committee on Masonic Education and Primary Schools in their respective Lodge jurisdictions. (2015) Reference Chapter 24:


GRAND JURISDICTION OF FLORIDA 10.01 Committees of the Lodge. – There shall be the following standing Committees: Finance, Vigilance, Petitions, Masonic Education, Board of Relief, Charity, and Lodge Property (2010) 10.05 Committee on Masonic Education. – The Committee on Masonic Education shall be composed of not fewer than five members of knowledge, dedication, and tact, of which at least one shall be a Past Master and Chairman appointed by the Worshipful Master, who shall be responsible for reporting to the Master on the Candidate’s progress through the Three Symbolic Degrees and Masonic Education Program as prescribed by Regulation 37.12 and 37.18. Respectfully submitted, MW Richard E. Lynn, P.G.M. Grand Secretary

(Jurisprudence recommends adoption.)

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RESOLUTION ON THE ENDOWMENT PROCUREMENT COMMITTEE WHEREAS, at the 166th Annual Grand Communication a Resolution was adopted to change the Zones in this Grand Jurisdiction from 7 Zones to 10 Zones and from 30 Districts to 36 Districts; and WHEREAS, said Resolution stated, “that the number of Zone Chairmen for the various Committees and members of these Committees be adjusted to not more than eleven (11) unless specified in Regulations, and that all Grand Lodge Committee appointments be adjusted to reflect and assure maximum productivity in service for the Craft”; and WHEREAS, Article IX, Section 1 (5), of the Constitution and Regulation 13.01 governing the Endowment Procurement Committee was not changed to reflect the increase in the number of members that may be appointed yearly by the Grand Master due to the increase in the number of Zones. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Article IX, Section 1 (5), of the Constitution and Regulation 13.01 be amended as follows: Article IX, Section 1 (5) amended to read: (5) The Endowment Procurement Committee shall be composed of the Junior Grand Warden as Chairman and not more than twenty-five (25) thirty-five (35) members, which Committee shall be divided into such Sub-Committees as shall be prescribed by Regulation of the Grand Lodge and such other Sub-Committees as the Chairman of the Committee shall deem appropriate, but there shall be a Sub-Committee designated Let Your Pennies Make Good Cents, a Sub-Committee designated Wills and Gifts, and a Sub-Committee designated Masonic Home-100, each Sub-Committee to be composed of a Chairman and at least three (3) other members of the Committee. (2015) Regulation 13.01 amended to read: 13.01 The Endowment Procurement Committee shall be composed of the Junior Grand Warden as Chairman and not more than twenty-five (25) thirty-five (35) other members appointed annually by the Grand Master. The duty and function of this Committee shall be to provide a coordinated program for solicitation of funds for the Masonic Home Endowment Fund. There shall be various Sub-Committees including “Let Your Pennies Make Good Cents,” “Wills and Gifts,” and “Masonic Home -100,” and others as the Chairman may deem appropriate. (2015) Respectfully submitted, MW Richard E. Lynn, P.G.M. Grand Secretary

(Jurisprudence recommends adoption.)

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RESOLUTION ON GRAND HONORS WHEREAS, Regulation 26.12 (a) states: “A Master Mason member in good standing in a Florida Lodge upon whom the Master Mason Degree was conferred in a Florida Lodge or in a Lodge of a Grand Jurisdiction recognized by the Grand Lodge of Florida in a calendar year fifty (50) or seventy (70) or more years prior to the current calendar year shall be entitled to receive and there shall be presented to him an appropriate pin and certificate in recognition of such fact, which pin and certificate shall be presented with appropriate ceremony which, if conducted in Lodge Communication shall include Grand Honors;” and WHEREAS, we recognize and honor all of our members of fifty, fifty-five, sixty, sixty-five, and seventy years and over by a presentation of a certificate and pin; and WHEREAS, it would be fitting to honor all members with fifty years or more receiving a certificate and pin with Grand Honors, if presentation is to be made in a Lodge Communication. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Regulation 26.12 (a) be changed to read: A Master Mason member in good standing in a Florida Lodge upon whom the Master Mason Degree was conferred in a Florida Lodge or in a Lodge of a Grand Jurisdiction recognized by The Grand Lodge of Florida in a calendar fifty (50) or seventy (70) or more years prior to the current calendar year shall be entitled to receive and there shall be presented to him an appropriate pin and certificate in recognition of such fact, which pin and certificate shall be presented with appropriate ceremony which, if conducted in a Lodge Communication shall include Grand Honors. (2015) Respectfully submitted, MW Elmer G. Coffman, P.G.M., Orange Park Lodge No. 267

(Jurisprudence recommends adoption.)

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WHEREAS, The Grand Lodge of Florida was organized on July 5, 1830; and WHEREAS, the practice of the time was for all Lodges to meet in the Entered Apprentice Degree by all of the Grand Lodges in the United States and the world; and WHEREAS, it was not until the 1842 Baltimore Convention that the proposition of meeting in the Master Masons Degree was brought up for discussion and Florida was not represented at this event; and WHEREAS, it was not until 1843 that Florida was represented at the Baltimore Convention by RW Thomas Hayward, then P.D.G.M.; and WHEREAS, sometime after this date Florida changed the Lodges meeting from E.A. to Master Masons; and WHEREAS, although this was thought to relieve the problems of the times, in reality it is hurting those we seek to attract by keeping them away from us while they go through the E.A. and F.C. Degrees; and WHEREAS, Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Masons are all as Brother Masons the world over; and WHEREAS, there are sixteen (16) Grand Lodges that have amended their Laws, Rules, and Regulations to allow the Particular Lodges to meet and conduct business in the E.A. Degree at the discretion of the Worshipful Master. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Particular Lodges in Florida be allowed to meet in any Degree for the transaction of Lodge business at the discretion of the Worshipful Master, with the exception of conferring the Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason Degree, proficiencies and Masonic Trials shall be conducted in the appropriate Degree of the Work and Instruction being conferred, proficiencies given, and trials conducted. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Entered Apprentices will be required to pay the full Lodge dues for the use of the Lodge as in Regulation 24.05, U.C.B. 4.01. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that only Master Masons will be eligible for elections in the Particular Lodge. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Annual Communication of The Grand Lodge of Florida shall conduct its business in the Master Mason Degree as in Ancient Form. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that only those Masons that have reached the Sublime Degree of Master Mason will be entitled to receive a Grand Lodge Certificate of Membership. Article IV, Section 1. The Annual Communication of The Grand Lodge of Florida shall be held within the State of Florida between the 1st of April and the 30th of June at the time and place to be appointed by the Grand Master by Executive Order. The Grand Lodge shall be opened in the Master Mason Degree as in Ancient Form. At least sixty (60) days prior to the time and place of the Annual Communication, notice shall be provided to each of the Particular Lodges, Grand Lodge Officers, and Past Grand Masters. The

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Grand Master may call a special Communication of the Grand Lodge when, in his opinion, the interest of the Craft may require it. (1996) (2015) Article X, Section 2. The Officers of a Lodge are the Worshipful Master, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Treasurer, and Secretary, who must be elected by ballot, and a majority of all the votes cast is necessary to a choice and shall have a current paid dues card for the forthcoming year, or a receipt for the same, prior to installation. The Subordinate Officers are the Senior Deacon, Junior Deacon, Senior and Junior Stewards, and Tyler, who are appointed by the Worshipful Master, but the Senior Warden has the nomination of the Junior Deacon; and the Worshipful Master may also appoint a Chaplain and a Marshal. All Officers elected and appointed shall be Master Masons. (1997) (2015) Article X, Section 12. The work and business of the Lodge must may be transacted in a Master Mason Lodge any Degree, except the work and lectures in conferring the Degrees of Entered Apprentice, and Fellow Craft; but those Degrees should be opened when there is no work to be done, for the instruction of the young Masons, and Master Mason as well as proficiencies shall be conducted in the same Degree. , and aAll Degrees should be closed at the close of every Communication. (2015) Regulation 19.02 Every Officer of a Lodge must be a Master Mason and a member thereof, except the Musician and Tyler, and he must be a Master Mason and member of some Lodge. (2005) (2015) Regulation 24.05 UBC 6.01 Officers. – The Officers are: a Master, whose title is Worshipful; a Senior Warden; a Junior Warden; a Treasurer; a Secretary; a Senior Deacon; a Junior Deacon; two Stewards and a Tyler; all of whom shall be Master Masons, the first five of whom shall be elected by separate ballot, at the first Stated Communication in December in each and every year. The Master shall appoint the other Officers, but the Senior Warden may nominate the Junior Deacon; Provided, that when, from any cause, the election is not held at the time above specified, the Master may order an election at any time thereafter, on or before December 27, but not afterwards, except by Dispensation from proper authority. (2015) Regulation 24.05 UBC 6.02 Chaplain and Marshal. The Worshipful Master, if he so desires, may appoint a Chaplain and a Marshal whom shall be Master Masons in good standing. Regulation 24.05 UCB 8.01 Master’s Authority. – All appropriate business of general character shall be transacted in the Master Mason Lodge any Degree, under the special and absolute direction of the Master. (2015) 35.01 All Balloting must be done in a Master Mason Lodge can be done in any Degree under special and absolute direction of the Master, and at Stated Communications; except by special permission of the Grand Lodge or its authority. Fraternally and respectfully submitted, MW Jorge L. Aladro, P.G.M.

(Jurisprudence recommends rejection.)

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WHEREAS, the Masonic Jurisprudence Committee does not have the same requirements for membership as all other Grand Lodge Committees; and WHEREAS, in the past there have been several Resolutions presented trying to eliminate or reduce the membership makeup of the members at large of this Committee, meaning non-Past Grand Masters; and WHEREAS, this Committee, unlike all Committees, is not truly representative of the Craft at large because it does not meet an equal number of members from the ten (10) Zones; and WHEREAS, the Grand Lodge needs to preserve funds wherever and whenever possible. There is no need for this Committee to have this large of a number of members (averaging 24 to 31 members usually an equal number of non-Past Grand Masters to that of living Past Grand Masters); compared to our Sister Grand Lodges where the majority of the Jurisprudence Committees are made of 3, 5, or 7 members; with the makeup of Brothers from the Craft, where Past Grand Masters may be appointed but not exclusively; and WHEREAS, a great majority of the members are politicized by the events way before the meetings are even held and this can be seen by the many reversals which this Committee has made of approval and then disapproval or vice versa; and WHEREAS, we can basically do better with less members in this Committee with equal representation of one member per Zone as all other Committees with a Chairman. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Article IX, Section 2 and 7 of the Constitution be changed to read as follows: Article IX, Section 2. Fraternal Committees – The Fraternal Committees of the Grand Lodge as defined in Article I of the Constitution are:

(1) The Committee on Masonic Jurisprudence, which shall be divided into such sub-committees as shall be prescribed herein or by Regulations of Grand Lodge, and such other sub-committees as the Grand Master shall deem appropriate, but there shall be a sub-committee designated Committee on Resolutions, a sub-committee designated Committee on Masonic Digest, a sub-committee designated Committee on Appeals, a sub-committee designated Committee on Lodge Charters, a sub-committee designated Committee on Appendant and Allied Orders, and a sub-committee designated Committee on Foreign Relations.

Sub-committees shall be composed of a Chairman and at least two (2) other members. All Resolutions, except Memorial Resolutions, all penal appeals, all applications for Lodge Charters, all requests for recognition or withdrawal of recognition of organizations whose membership is predicated on Masonic affiliation, all correspondence or reports of recognized foreign Jurisdictions and all matters of recognition or withdrawal of recognition of foreign Masonic Jurisdictions and all matters of Masonic Law, customs,

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practices, policies, and procedures shall be referred to this Committee for report and recommendation thereon. All Past Grand Masters in good standing shall be members of this Committee together with such additional members as may be appointed by the Grand Master. (2015) Article IX Section 7. Number of Committees - Except as specified above or elsewhere in this Constitution, each Committee shall be composed of not fewer than three nor more than eleven members, except the Committee on Masonic Jurisprudence which shall have such number of members as may be determined by the Grand Master, subject to provisions of Sub-section (1) of Section 2 thereof. The Committee on Masonic Education shall be composed of not fewer than three nor more than twelve members. The Committee on Work shall be composed of not fewer than ten nor more than fifteen members, of which one must be Spanish speaking. (2015)

And to be changed in any other place in the Digest of the Masonic Law of Florida, such as in the Corporate Committees Chart on page 152b, Constitutional Provisions in Chapter 13 which is the same as above on page 139. Fraternally and respectfully submitted, MW Jorge L. Aladro, P.G.M.

(Jurisprudence recommends rejection.)

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RESOLUTION FOR SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY WHEREAS, The Grand Lodge of Florida is aware that Social Media is an integral part of the communication tools available in our society and wants to promote its proper use within the context of Freemasonry. We recognize that Masons being a part of Society participate in Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and other media. We as Masons must be aware that our individual postings reflect our moral and principle standards and by our membership those of Freemasonry.

Social Media Policy

A Mason must conduct himself with the same civility and conduct that is required of him in Lodge.

A Mason who is portraying himself as such in any Social Media Outlet must be aware that his postings are a permanent record; consequently the way he communicates and behaves will impact the opinion of those he may come in contact with in a constructive or destructive way about himself and the organizations to which he belongs.

A Mason must never post any part of the Ritual Work as mandated by the Statues, Rules, and Regulations of The Grand Lodge of Florida.

A Mason must never discuss outside the Lodge what is said in it, as mandated by the Statues, Rules, and Regulations of The Grand Lodge of Florida.

A Mason is bound by his tenure to obey the moral law and live by the eternal virtues which are charity, temperance, tolerance, truth, and justice; whose plumbline of moral rectitude will guide all his actions and anything outside of this realm is considered unmasonic conduct.

A Mason must never post or discuss Lodge notices and information contained within Lodge notices beyond the time and place of meeting.

A Mason must never write, discuss, or reveal anything related to a petition, background investigation, Lodge investigation, election, or rejection of a candidate.

A Mason must never identify any Freemason as a member of the Craft unless he has provided his consent, or has already identified himself as such.

A Mason must not use Social Media to contact other Grand Jurisdictions unless you are a member of it. Remember that Masonic Protocol calls for communications between Grand Jurisdictions must be conducted through the Office of the Grand Secretary.

A Mason must not use Social Media to obtain personal advantage in promoting political, religious, or business activities by targeting Masons (except those businesses engaged in Masonic Products.)

A Mason must whisper counsel Brother to Brother if he feels his posting is improper within the context of our Constitution, Rules, Regulations, and Edicts of The Grand Lodge of Florida.

WHEREAS, the actions of a Mason online must promote the highest standards of morality and integrity as an example to the world of our high expectations of our members; and WHEREAS, posting a comment related to the Fraternity and then posting a disparaging comment about a social or political stance can easily be misconstrued by readers that your stance

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is representative of Masonry and all Masons. Remember that the public and members of the Masonic Fraternity are reading your posts online so govern yourself accordingly; and WHEREAS, these rules are only to apply to sites, pages, etc., of those Brothers that recognize themselves as Masons, display Masonic symbols, or discuss Masonry in their particular space; and WHEREAS, these rules and others closely similar to these, have been adopted by more than one third of the Grand Lodges in the United States and have been found to meet a happy medium for all parties concerned. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that we adopt this Social Media Policy as the rule for governing ourselves as Masons in the Social Media. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Chapter 44 of the Digest of the Masonic Law of Florida reflect the underlined changes in subsection 44.02 to include the new language.

44.02 Every breach or violation of proper fraternal deportment in the Lodge, and every wrongful disobedience of a legitimate order, notice, or summons from competent Masonic authority, is contempt.

44.02.1 When using Social Media while portraying yourself as a Mason by words,

emblems, pictures, or other form will constitute a breach or violation of the Social Media Policy and Masonic Law, which shall be a direct violation of Regulations 44.01, 44.02, 44.08 and 44.09. Fraternally and respectfully submitted, MW Jorge L. Aladro, P.G.M.

(Jurisprudence recommends adoption.)

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WHEREAS, it is only fair that Brothers with opposing views be given equal time to present their positions on Proposed Legislation; and WHEREAS, the debate held at the Annual Grand Communication is the only time the Craft has the opportunity to present its views on Proposed Legislation; and WHEREAS, in order to make an informed decision the Craft should have the benefit of opposing views. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Grand Master provide equal time for opposing views on any and all Legislation presented for consideration at the Annual Grand Communication, regardless of the party presenting said Legislation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Grand Master notify the Craft of the rules which he will use for governing the debate on the Proposed Legislation and that these rules be made known to the Craft when the Proposed Legislation is sent to the Particular Lodges before the Annual Grand Communication. To amend the following sections of the Constitution and Regulations: Article XV, Section 4. At no time and under no circumstances and by no person shall any copy be made of the secret work adopted by the Grand Lodge, nor any notes or memorandum made or prepared therefrom, nor any changes, amendments, or deletions made thereto or therefrom, unless authorized by Grand Lodge in Annual Grand Communication, and then only after sixty (60) days notice to the Particular Lodges of any proposed change, modification, abridgement, amendment or repeal hereof, together with rules governing the debate on Proposed Legislation as set by the Grand Master for that Annual Grand Communication. (2015) At no time and under no circumstances and by no person shall any copy be made of the Ciphers authorized by Grand Lodge, nor any notes or memorandum made or prepared therefrom, nor any changes, amendments, or deletions made thereto or therefrom, unless authorized by the Grand Lodge. (1995) Article XV, Section 5. The provisions hereof shall not be changed, modified, abridged, amended, or repealed by any manner or means whatsoever except by direct action of the Grand Lodge in Annual Grand Communication after not less than sixty (60) days notice to all Particular Lodges of any proposed change, modification, abridgement, amendment, or repeal hereof, together with rules governing the debate on Proposed Legislation as set by the Grand Master for that Annual Grand Communication. (2015) Regulation 12.15 Any proposed amendment or alteration of the Constitution, or Regulations to be presented to the Grand Lodge for adoption at an Annual Communication shall be submitted to the Grand Secretary before December 31 by Resolution explaining the reasons for amending the Constitution or Regulation or proposing new Constitutional provisions or Regulations, using no more than two letter size typewritten single spaced pages, and must be sent by the Grand Secretary to each Particular Lodge, the Grand Lodge Elective Officers, the District Deputy Grand Masters, the District

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Instructors, and Past Grand Masters no later than sixty (60) days prior to the Grand Lodge Annual Communication, together with the rules governing the debate on Proposed Legislation as set by the Grand Master for that Annual Grand Communication. (2015) Same for the Constitutional Provisions in Chapter 38 and Regulation 38.04 (d) and (e) Fraternally and respectfully submitted, MW Jorge L. Aladro, P.G.M.

(Jurisprudence recommends adoption.)

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RESOLUTION TO CHANGE THE ELECTION OF LODGE OFFICERS WHEREAS, the Grand Master receives numerous complaints and charges regarding Lodge elections and electioneering; and WHEREAS, some Lodges do not have a Brother ready to succeed to the next elected office; and WHEREAS, some Brothers have been elected to office and have refused the office, and the Brothers of the Lodge did not know the specific Brother’s position on being elected; and WHEREAS, whisper campaigns cause dissension within the Lodge; and WHEREAS, while current policy may have served us well in the past, it is time for open, honest communications with each other regarding elections; and WHEREAS, there is a need to avoid cumbersome paperwork by keeping any change simple. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that By-Law Section 7.02 of Regulation 24.05 of the Digest of the Masonic Law of Florida, Uniform Code of By-Laws, be amended as follows:




7.02 Manner and Method of Election. – In the election of Officers, the ancient regulations shall be observed. There shall be no nominations, nor electioneering. Electioneering is any communication directed to the Brothers that supports or opposes a Brother for Elective Masonic Office. However, it shall not be considered electioneering: (1) for the Secretary upon request, to make available to each Brother a copy of a list of the current Lodge Officers; (2) for any Brother to disclose, upon request, the name of a Brother currently holding an office; or (3) for any Brother, upon request, privately to disclose in a one-on-one situation the name of a Brother for whom the disclosing Brother is voting for Masonic Office. nominations shall be made in writing to the Lodge Secretary prior to the opening of the first Stated Communication in December. The written nomination shall also include a statement from the Brother making the nomination that the nominee has agreed to accept the position if elected. Discussions regarding nominees for office may take place among Brethren, but not in open Lodge. A majority of all votes cast, respectively, shall determine. In each succeeding ballot for the same office, when more than two members are voted for, the name or names of the Brother or Brethren having the lowest number of votes, shall, by order of the Master, be dropped; and all votes cast in derogation of said order shall not be counted. (2014) (2015) Respectfully submitted, MW James W. Ford, Grand Master

(Jurisprudence recommends adoption.)

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STATEMENT OF CONDITION Pursuant to Chapter 14, Regulation 14.12, 2(d), of the Digest of the Masonic Law of Florida, the Proposed Budget for the 2015-2016 Grand Lodge fiscal year is attached. Below are summaries of the expenses anticipated and income needed to fund both the Grand Lodge Administrative Budget (“A” Budget) and the Masonic Home of Florida Budget (“D” Budget) for the Grand Lodge year ending March 31, 2016. GRAND LODGE ADMINISTRATIVE “A” BUDGET: The proposed Grand Lodge Administrative Budget for 2015-2016 totals $1,592,348 a decrease of $4,473.00 from the 2014-2015 budget. This includes a contingency reserve of $222,025. We currently have 4,423 Brothers who are 50 year exempt and approximately 518 Brothers are expected to reach the 50 years of service in the coming year; all affecting our income. We have approximately 39,125 members, however, of this number only approximately 32,022 pay dues which include Perpetual Members who are not subject to an increase. The per capita tax increase last year will not be available for budgeting until the 2016-2017 budget year, as the monies will not be collected until the end of 2015. It should be noted this increase will only cover the loss of revenue due to suspensions and the increase in fifty year exemptions and maintain our current level of revenue. The Grand Secretary, the Grand Treasurer, and the Grand Lodge Staff continue to do an outstanding job in controlling costs and at the same time providing an extremely high level of service to the Craft. The Corporate Board together with the Grand Lodge Office are developing sources for additional revenue attempting to help offset the losses projected in the coming years. MASONIC HOME OF FLORIDA “D” BUDGET: The Proposed Budget for the Masonic Home of Florida for 2015-2016 totals $8,168,315. This includes a contingency reserve of $268,357. It is important to know that the Masonic Home of Florida is funded by voluntary contributions. No monies from dues or per capita tax fund the Masonic Home. Recognizing that the state of the economy remains very soft, contributions are down, bequests are almost nonexistent, and our Life Care Residents are bringing in less and less assets. The combined value of the Masonic Home Endowment Funds as of December 31, 2013, was $60,414,899 and as of December 31, 2014, it was $79,005,265. Aging equipment continues to be challenging; however, the Board of Trustees reviews the requirements for repair and replacement endeavoring to stay within the budget projections. Our Administrator and her staff, the members of the Board of Trustees, and the Masonic Home Budget Committee are to be commended for their efforts in providing and maintaining a well-run Five Star Facility.

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The Corporate Board will continue to review the Proposed Budgets until our Grand Lodge Communication in May of 2015 when the Finance and Accounts Committee will finalize any changes in the revenue and expense figures. The Proposed Budgets have been reviewed and recommended by the undersigned members of the Corporate Board of The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Florida and is presented to the Particular Lodges and their Delegates for consideration and approval. Respectfully submitted, s/James W. Ford MW James W. Ford, Grand Master s/Steven P. Boring RW Steven P. Boring, Deputy Grand Master s/Stanley L. Hudson RW Stanley L. Hudson, Senior Grand Warden s/Richard G. Hoover RW Richard G. Hoover, Junior Grand Warden s/Elmer G. Coffman MW Elmer G. Coffman, P.G.M., Grand Treasurer s/Jim J Harris MW Jim J Harris, P.G.M. s/H. Michael McCool RW H. Michael McCool, P.D.D.G.M.

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FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015-2016 APRIL 1, 2015 THRU MARCH 31, 2016

INCOME ANTICIPATED AVAILABLE INCOME REVENUES: 2014-2015 2015-2016 Current Assessments 529,280 529,280 G.W.N.M.A. @ $5 Each Initiation 5,590 5,590 Fees Collected 1,768 1,768 Computer Services 10,931 13,683 Sale of Publications 30,772 25,403 Sale of Merchandise 1,228 1,192 Miscellaneous 12,800 4,273 Checking & Savings Interest - 0 - - 0 - Parking Lot Rent 22,640 25,668 Postage - Reimbursement 14,655 14,843 Investment Income G/L Endowment 26,462 36,571 Gains/(Loss) Grand Lodge Endowment 97,231 82,714 Investment Income “F” Fund - 0 - - 0 - Investment Income Budget (Cash Mgmt Fd) 5,865 8,448 Investment Income “C” Reserve (Cash Mgmt Fd) 5,342 24,327 Investment Income Curr Rev (Cash Mgmt Fd) 21,013 - 0 - Cash Mgmt Gains/Loss 23,221 17,517 SUBTOTAL 808,798 791,276 Due from Masonic Home/Grand Lodge Admins. 525,262 531,072 Undesignated Funds 2013-2014 Budget 312,761 270,000 Funds from “F” Accounts - 0 - - 0 - Funds from Store -0 - - 0 - Loan from FA-100 - 0 - - 0 - LESS: Perpetual Membership Trf to G/L Endow. - 0 - - 0 - Return of Investments to Endowment - 0 - - 0 - Repayment of Loan from FA-100 (50,000) - 0 - FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR “A” GENERAL FUND: 1,596,821 1,592,348

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PROPOSED BUDGET BUDGET 2014-2015 2015-2016 ADMINISTRATION: A-1 GRAND COMMUNICATION EXPENSES: 101 P/D & Mileage - Representatives-Lodges 61,000 60,000 102 P/D & Mileage - Committees 32,000 15,000 103 P/D & Mileage - Grand Lodge Officers 20,000 19,000 104 Officers & DDGM’S to be Installed 5,000 5,000 119 G.S. Personnel & Court Reporter 7,000 8,000 121 Distinguished Guests Rooms 10,000 10,000 122 Grand Master’s Banquet & Luncheons 10,000 25,000 123 Grand Master’s Banquet Entertainment 1,000 1,000 125 Ladies Entertainment 4,000 4,000 126 Auditorium & Bus Rental - 0 - - 0 - 120 Printer, Supplies, Rentals, & Office Space 16,000 16,000 TOTAL GRAND COMMUNICATION EXPENSE: 166,000 163,000 A-2 GRAND OFFICERS EXPENSES: 200 Grand Master 10,000 10,000 200A Promotional 8,000 8,000 201 Grand Master’s Secretary 4,000 4,000 202 Deputy Grand Master 7,000 8,000 202A Deputy Grand Master’s Secretary 2,000 2,000 203 Senior Grand Warden 6,000 8,000 204 Junior Grand Warden 6,000 8,000 205 Grand Secretary 6,000 6,000 206A Grand Treasurer 6,000 6,000 206 Other Grand Lodge Officers 4,000 4,000 208 D.D.G.M. Expense Allowance - 0 - - 0 - 209 D.I. Expense Allowance - 0 - - 0 - 207 D.D.G.M. Organization Meeting 7,000 7,500 211 Masonic Conferences of North America 14,000 10,000 210 Southeastern Masonic Conference 5,000 5,500 212 Tri-State Degree 500 500 TOTAL GRAND OFFICERS EXPENSE: 85,500 87,500 A-3 EXPENSE OF COMMITTEES: 301 Corporate Board 8,600 9,500 302 Finance and Accounts 800 800 303 Masonic Jurisprudence 3,000 3,000 303A Foreign Relations 800 800 304 Committee on Work 7,500 6,000 305 District Instructor School - 0 - - 0 - 307 Masonic Education 4,000 4,000 308 Public Education & Citizenship 3,000 3,000 309 Museum and History 500 500

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PROPOSED BUDGET BUDGET 2014-2015 2015-2016 310 Masonic Youth Activity 200 200 311 Legal Advisory Panel 30,000 15,000 312 General Service Panel 500 500 313 Penal Affairs Panel 6,000 8,000 314 Masonic Youth Association 1,000 1,000 315 Masonic Youth Scholarship 10,000 10,500 316 Publicity Committee 1,000 2,000 319 Grand Master’s Charity 500 500 321 Perpetual Membership 200 200 323 Insurance Committee 500 1,000 325 G.L. Fraternal Administrative Endowment 500 500 326 Positive Membership - 0 - - 0 - 328 Masonic Leadership Training 4,000 3,000 329 Masonic Medical Research Lab 1,000 500 330 Child ID 1,000 1,000 TOTAL COMMITTEE EXPENSE: 74,600 71,500 A-4 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE: 400 Salary - Grand Secretary 69,000 69,000 402 Salary - Grand Treasurer 20,000 20,000 403 Other Salaries 410,000 410,000 409A Taxes - Med FICA 7,235 7,400 409 Taxes - FICA 30,938 30,938 410 Taxes - Unemployment Compensation 2,672 2,785 410A Workers Compensation Insurance 1,330 1,035 419 Employee Group Insurance 55,192 49,750 424 Employee Retirement Fund 15,000 14,000 425 Employee Retirement Admin 4,277 3,090 430 Training and Education 1,000 1,000 416 Audit 9,000 9,000 428 Computer Consultant & Management 50,000 50,000 418 Jewels, Badges, Aprons 23,000 23,000 413 Relief Association Dues 500 500 414 Masonic Service Assoc. of U.S. 2,500 2,500 421 Monuments & Memorials 3,000 3,000 427 Grand Lodge Library 125 125 432 G.M. Conference Foreign Relations 100 100 415 George Washington Memorial Assn. 9,300 9,300 417 Other Expense 5,000 5,000 438 Investment Fees - 0 - 5,500 499 Depreciation Provision (Art. XIV, Sec. 9) - 0 - - 0 – 423A Office Supplies & Expense 7,000 5,000 429 Computer Software 3,000 5,500 423 Computer Supplies 4,000 6,500 406 Postage & Shipping 34,000 34,000 404 Telephone & Telegraph 18,000 20,000

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PROPOSED BUDGET BUDGET 2014-2015 2015-2016 408 New Equipment 3,000 6,000 411 Rental/Lease Equipment 20,000 20,000 422 Repairs/Maintenance Office Equipment 2,000 2,000 405A Printing Administrative Needs 5,000 5,000 405B Printing G/L Publications Free 20,000 20,000 405C Printing G/L Publications for Resale 18,000 10,000 405D Print Shop 15,000 15,000 407 Florida Mason Publication 22,000 20,000 437 Travel 700 700 420 Insurance Premium 30,000 30,000 412 Bond Premium Grand Lodge/Lodges 5,100 5,700 436 Corporate Filing Fee 300 300 TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE: 926,269 922,723 A-5 GRAND LODGE BUILDING & GROUNDS: 501 Electricity 38,000 38,000 502 Water and Sewage 10,000 10,000 503 Gas Furnace/Fuel 5,000 5,000 506 Air Conditioner Maintenance 10,000 6,000 512 Plants and Landscaping 2,100 3,000 510 Janitorial Service 12,000 12,000 509 Supplies 1,600 1,600 505 Repairs/Maintenance/Alterations 20,000 20,000 504 Insurance 24,000 24,000 511 Taxes: State and County 12,000 6,000 TOTAL G.L. BUILDING & GROUNDS EXPENSE: 134,700 125,600 SUBTOTAL: 1,387,069 1,370,323 A-6 CONTINGENCY: 600 Budget Reserve 199,752 222,025 GRAND TOTAL: 1,596,821 1,592,348

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APRIL 1, 2015 THRU MARCH 31, 2016 INCOME ANTICIPATED AVAILABLE INCOME REVENUES: 2014-2015 2015-2016 Residents Fee Earned 2,335,914 1,978,559 Private Pay 982,750 1,015,612 EA Initiation Home Building 5,590 5,590 Miscellaneous 39,097 17,564 OES Deceased Guest Balance - 0 - - 0 - Resident Guest Admission Fee 5,000 9,000 Grand Chapter Operations 122,443 125,675 Investment Income “E” Fund 622,355 812,667 Capital Gains/Loss from “E” Fund 1,183,695 1,380,883 Investment Income “F” Fund (64 Fd) - 0 - - 0 - Investment Income Resident Fund 34,896 58,284 Investment Income “C” Fund 106,319 129,519 Capital Gains/Loss “C” Fund - 0 - 31,708 Investment Income “C” Fund (Csh Mgmt Fd) 63,444 68,411 Investment Income Budget Fund (Csh Mgmt Fd) 5,400 6,963 Cash Management Gain/Loss 21,398 14,307 Investment Income MH Endowment Fund, Inc. 501,140 635,917 Gains/Loss MH Endowment Fund, Inc. 1,507,843 1,133,248 Interest Notes Recv/Interest Check 90 Fd - 0 - - 0 - SUBTOTAL: 7,537,284 7,423,905 Unexpended Funds Previous Year 527,302 750,000 Loan from Endowment - 0 - - 0 - Transfer from “F” Accounts - 0 - - 0 - LESS: EA Initiation Home Bldg. (Reg. 14.03) (5,590) (5,590) Return of Earnings Endowments - 0 - - 0 - SUBTOTAL: 8,051,334 8,168,315 FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR “D” MASONIC HOME: 8,051,334 8,168,315

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APRIL 1, 2015 THRU MARCH 31, 2016 PROPOSED BUDGET BUDGET 2014-2015 2015-2016 D-1 ADMINISTRATION: 100 Salary - Administrator 145,404 145,404 100A Performance Bonus - 0 - - 0 - 103 Other Salaries 161,136 226,136 103A Performance Bonus - 0 - - 0 - 409A Taxes - Med FICA 4,445 5,387 115 Taxes - FICA 17,009 21,367 114 Unemployment Compensation 2,138 2,025 114A Workers Compensation Ins. 8,970 8,250 118 Employees Group Insurance 10,824 16,838 116 Employees Retirement Fund 9,200 9,100 117 Employees Retirement Fund Admin. 2,589 3,950 125 Training and Tuition 1,000 1,000 124 Employee Incentives 5,000 5,000 119 Employment Recruiting 3,000 3,000 119A Drug Testing 3,000 3,000 122 Audit 22,000 22,000 108 Legal Fees and Expense 2,500 2,500 107 Trustee Expense 10,000 30,000 113 Dues/Professional Organizations 3,000 3,000 128 Computer Consultant 3,000 3,000 131 MH Publication 20,000 20,000 132 Advertising 20,000 100,000 123 Grand Lodge Admins. Charges 525,262 531,072 105 Office Supplies 3,500 3,500 105A Office Equipment 3,000 3,000 105B Office Equipment, Lease, & Maintenance 9,000 9,000 104 Postage and Shipping 4,000 4,000 106 Telephone 20,000 18,000 112 Travel Expense 4,000 4,000 109 Facility Insurance Premium 450,000 450,000 120 License Audit Life Care 500 500 121 License Fee - City, County, State 10,000 10,000 110 Life Insurance Resident Guests 4,000 6,000 111 Burial Expense 20,000 20,000 130 Employee Tuition Reimbursement - 0 - - 0 - 129 Electronic Payroll MGMT 7,680 7,680 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION EXPENSE: 1,515,157 1,697,709

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PROPOSED BUDGET BUDGET 2014-2015 2015-2016 D-2 DIETARY: 200 Salary 523,433 537,000 200A Performance Bonus - 0 - - 0 - 115A Taxes - Med FICA 7,589 7,787 115 Taxes - FICA 32,453 33,294 114 Unemployment Compensation 5,344 5,335 114A Workers Compensation Ins. 15,304 12,000 118 Employees Group Insurance 43,297 44,167 116 Employees Retirement Fund 15,703 13,500 117 Employees Retirement Fund Admin. 3,685 3,650 209 Training and Tuition 500 500 208 Uniforms 5,000 4,000 203 Kitchen and Dining Room Equip. 7,000 7,000 201 Staple Food 297,000 297,000 202 Replacement of Expendables 7,700 7,700 204 Paper and Plastic Supplies 14,000 14,000 205 Cleaning Supplies and Chemicals 12,000 12,000 206 Linen Rental - 0 - - 0 - TOTAL DIETARY: 990,008 998,933 D-3 NURSING: 300 Salaries 1,679,500 1,679,500 300A Performance Bonus - 0 - - 0 - 409A Taxes - Med FICA 24,353 24,353 115 Taxes - FICA 104,129 104,129 114 Unemployment Compensation 13,123 14,250 114A Workers Compensation Ins. 49,103 37,500 118 Employees Group Insurance 102,831 137,904 116 Employees Retirement Fund 50,386 41,000 117 Employees Retirement Fund Admins. 6,957 7,000 302 Medical Director Stipend 20,400 20,400 301 Physician Consulting Service 135,000 135,000 306 Req. School Tuition 2,000 2,000 303 Prescription Drugs 180,000 180,000 304 Medical Supplies 70,000 70,000 305 Hospital Outpatient Service - 0 - - 0 - 307 Medical Equipment 16,000 20,000 308 Medical Office Supplies 4,000 4,000 308A Copier Leasing & Maint 3,500 3,500 309 Transportation 1,500 1,500 310 Medicare Supplemental Insurance 25,000 25,000 312 Uniforms - 0 - - 0 - TOTAL NURSING: 2,487,782 2,507,036

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PROPOSED BUDGET BUDGET 2014-2015 2015-2016 D-4 HOUSEKEEPING: 400 Salaries 309,450 309,450 400A Performance Bonus - 0 - - 0 - 115A Taxes - Med FICA 4,487 4,487 115 Taxes - FICA 19,186 19,186 114 Unemployment Compensation 3,474 3,300 114A Workers Compensation Ins. 9,048 6,875 118 Employees Group Insurance 16,236 38,450 116 Employees Retirement Fund 9,285 7,750 117 Employees Retirement Fund Admin. 604 605 406 Training and Tuition 250 250 401 Uniforms 1,500 1,500 403 Dry Cleaning 600 600 404 Supplies 39,000 39,000 405 Housekeeping/Laundry Equipment 4,000 4,000 407 Lease/Purchase Equipment - 0 - - 0 - 408 Linen Replacement 8,000 8,000 TOTAL HOUSEKEEPING: 425,120 443,453 D-5 RECREATION: 501 Salaries Recreation 139,050 139,050 501A Performance Bonus - 0 - - 0 - 115A Taxes - Med FICA 2,016 2,016 115 Taxes - FICA 8,621 8,621 114 Unemployment Compensation 1,069 1,018 114A Workers Compensation Ins. 4,066 3,090 118 Employees Group Insurance 10,824 5,760 116 Employees Retirement Fund 4,175 4,250 117 Employees Retirement Fund Admin. 1,985 3,500 510 Training and Tuition 600 600 502 Allowance Resident Guests 30,600 30,600 503 Treats 9,600 9,600 504 Chapel 3,480 3,480 505 Newspaper/Magazines 1,500 1,500 506 Equipment/Supplies 5,500 5,500 507 Beauty and Barber Supplies 2,000 2,000 508 Dry Goods/Clothing 2,500 2,500 509 Volunteer Services 700 700 TOTAL RECREATION: 228,286 223,785 D-6 MAINTENANCE - BUILDING & GROUNDS: 600 Salaries Maintenance 138,154 138,154 600A Salaries - Security 113,954 113,954 600B Performance Bonus - 0 - - 0 - 115A Taxes - Med FICA 3,656 3,656

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PROPOSED BUDGET BUDGET 2014-2015 2015-2016 115 Taxes - FICA 15,631 15,631 114 Unemployment Compensation 7,772 2,380 114A Workers Compensation Ins. 7,371 5,600 118 Employees Group Insurance 16,236 16,646 116 Employees Retirement Fund 7,500 7,100 117 Employees Retirement Fund Admin. 4,465 2,425 613 Training and Tuition 500 500 614 Uniforms 2,500 2,500 698 MH Depreciation (Art. XIV, Sec. 9) 72,000 72,000 608 Water 95,000 95,000 607 Electric 420,000 420,000 605 Fuel, Natural Gas, and Propane 115,000 115,000 606 Fuel/Diesel 10,000 10,000 610 Equipment Purchase 20,000 20,000 603 Equipment (Maintenance or Replacement) 35,000 35,000 609 Auto Expense - Fuel 7,000 7,000 609A Auto Expense - Repairs 5,000 5,000 611 Grounds Maintenance/Equipment 50,000 50,000 602 Building Maintenance 75,000 75,000 612 Masonic Home Improvement 600,000 600,000 604 Supplies 15,000 15,000 615 Lease/Purchase Equipment - 0 - - 0 - 616 Lease/Cable TV 36,000 36,000 TOTAL BUILDING AND GROUNDS MAINTENANCE: 1,872,739 1,863,546 SOCIAL SERVICE: 750 Salaries Social Service 50,800 50,800 750A Performance Bonus - 0 - - 0 - 115A Taxes - Med FICA 737 737 115 Taxes FICA 3,150 3,150 114 Unemployment Compensation 267 254 114A Workers Compensation Ins. 1,486 1,130 118 Employees Group Insurance 5,412 5,550 116 Employees Retirement Fund 1,525 1,525 117 Employees Retirement Fund Admin. - 0 - - 0 - 760 Training and Tuition 500 500 770 Office Supplies 200 200 TOTAL SOCIAL SERVICE: 64,077 63,846 TOTAL FOR MASONIC HOME OPERATION: 7,583,169 7,798,308 D-7 NON-RESIDENT RELIEF: 701 Non-Resident Relief 10,000 10,000 TOTAL NON-RESIDENT RELIEF: 10,000 10,000

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BUDGET BUDGET 2014-2015 2015-2016 D-8 EMERGENCY RELIEF: 802 Emergency Relief 5,000 5,000 TOTAL EMERGENCY RELIEF: 5,000 5,000 D-9 HOSPITAL SERVICE FUND: 902 Hospital and Medical Care 1,000 1,000 TOTAL HOSPITAL AND MEDICAL CARE: 1,000 1,000 TOTAL MASONIC HOME OPERATIONS/ NON-RESIDENT EXPENSE: 7,599,169 7,814,308 MASONIC HOME PROMOTIONAL EXPENSES: D-10 ENDOWMENT AND BUILDING FUND: 1001 L.Y.P.M.G.C. Committee 3,000 3,000 1002 Wills and Gifts Committee 2,000 2,000 1003 MH-100 Committee 2,000 2,000 1004 Endowment & Investment Committee 4,000 400 1006 Legal Expenses 20,00 20,000 1007 Fundraiser 6,000 6,000 1005 Investment Fees 250 250 TOTAL MH PROMOTIONAL EXPENSES: 37,250 33,650

TOTAL HOME OPERATIONS & RELIEF APPROPRIATIONS: 7,636,419 7,847,958 D-11 PROPERTIES COMMITTEE: 1101 Properties Committee 2,700 2,000 1102 Properties Management and Expense 50,000 50,000 TOTAL PROPERTIES COMMITTEE: 52,700 52,000 SUBTOTAL: 7,689,119 7,899,958 D-12 BUDGET RESERVE: 1200 Adjusted D-1200 Contingency Reserve 362,215 268,357 SUBTOTAL: 8,051,334 8,168,315