the mission edge - st. timothy evangelical lutheran...

The Mission Edge St. Timothy Evangelical Lutheran Church 4200 Carlisle Pike Camp Hill, Pennsylvania 17011 May 2020 Issue Over 50 Years of Serving Ministry All events scheduled in the May newsletter are subject to change. Please check with your committee leaders for meeting status, etc. during the CORONAVIRUS LOCKDOWN. Online Worship Join us for Sunday worship services streaming live at 9:30 am on Facebook https://www.facebook. com/groups/1440268679606072/ and/or on St. Timothy’s website at: Congregational Meeting May 17, 2020 POSTPONED Because of the continuing impact the coronavirus is having on our communities and considering state mandates still in effect regarding large gatherings, St Timothy church council at its April 8 th meeting voted to postpone the May 17 th congregational meeting. When there are clear indications that it is safe for large gatherings to convene once again, a new date will be selected for the meeting and will be announced to the congregation. Pentecost Sunday, May 31 st ends the season of Easter. It is the Sabbath day after a week's worth of weeks (50 days) and commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples of Christ after the Resurrection. Pentecost is not a solemn occasion. It is a time for vigor, excitement, energy, movement, birth, fresh air, and fresh commitment. Pentecost is a time of RED -- a color of fire and zeal and passion and heat. The Spirit is incendiary within us. will be on Sunday, May 31 st at the 10:30 am service. A reception following the service will be in the Sunday school room. Congratulations to our confirmands: Gracihana Elliott and Lena Hamann. First Communion Recipients Date to be determined Congratulations to Lilith Murdoch and Gabrielle Kerchner who will be receiving their first communion this year. Please watch the announcement bulletin and/or weekly E-blast for more information. A reception will follow the late service once a date is determined. Teacher Appreciation Sunday On May 17 th , let’s make a special effort to thank all our teachers whether a Sunday School teacher or those leading Bible studies, etc. Your hard work is appreciated.

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Page 1: The Mission Edge - St. Timothy Evangelical Lutheran · Fellowship committee sells both gift cards on the 1st and 3rd Sundays, between

The Mission Edge St. Timothy Evangelical Lutheran Church

4200 Carlisle Pike

Camp Hill, Pennsylvania 17011

May 2020 Issue Over 50 Years of Serving Ministry

All events scheduled in the May

newsletter are subject to change.

Please check with your committee

leaders for meeting status, etc. during


Online Worship

Join us for Sunday

worship services

streaming live at 9:30

am on Facebook



and/or on St. Timothy’s website at:



May 17, 2020


Because of the continuing impact the

coronavirus is having on our

communities and considering state

mandates still in effect regarding large

gatherings, St Timothy church council at

it’s April 8th meeting voted to postpone

the May 17th congregational meeting.

When there are clear indications that it

is safe for large gatherings to convene

once again, a new date will be selected

for the meeting and will be announced

to the congregation.

Pentecost Sunday, May 31st ends the

season of Easter. It is the Sabbath

day after a week's worth of weeks

(50 days) and commemorates the

descent of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples

of Christ after the Resurrection. Pentecost is

not a solemn occasion. It is a time for vigor,

excitement, energy, movement, birth, fresh

air, and fresh commitment. Pentecost is a

time of RED -- a color of fire and zeal and

passion and heat. The Spirit is incendiary

within us.

will be on Sunday,

May 31st at the 10:30

am service. A reception following the service

will be in the Sunday school room.

Congratulations to our confirmands:

Gracihana Elliott and Lena Hamann.

First Communion

Recipients Date to be determined

Congratulations to Lilith Murdoch and

Gabrielle Kerchner who will be receiving

their first communion this year. Please

watch the announcement bulletin and/or

weekly E-blast for more information. A

reception will follow the late service once

a date is determined.

Teacher Appreciation Sunday

On May 17th, let’s make a special

effort to thank all our teachers

whether a Sunday School teacher or

those leading Bible studies, etc.

Your hard work is appreciated.

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From the interim Pastor’s Desk… Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!

Because Christ is risen, we are called to a different kind of life from the world

lost in sin and death. We have died with Christ in our Baptism, and every day we

rise with Christ in the life that the Holy Spirit creates. The fruit of that Spirit, as

Paul teaches in Galatians, is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,

faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

The reality, though, is that in our life together as church we don’t always exemplify the fruit of

the Spirit. It is so easy to fall back into the ways of the world. One only has to look at the

brokenness of our Lutheran life in North America (more than 30 different groups at last count, five

or so of which have significant numbers). The United Methodists are in the process of negotiating a

world-wide split, and Roman Catholics are in the news for their grievous enabling of sexual

predators for many decades.

As we have struggled (very constructively, I might add) with some difficult decisions on how to

respond to the stay-at-home orders due to the coronavirus, it struck me that we need to consider

how as followers of Jesus we make decisions as a congregation.

The way of our political environment is to split into two or more adversarial groups and try to

garner support by arguing with one another, often playing fast and loose with the truth. We magnify

the worst in the “other side,” and explain away the failings and faults of our own. Then we take a

vote and divide into “winners” and “losers.” In the political realm, a “winning” vote of 55% is

considered a landslide, and the 45 go off to lick their wounds and undermine the decisions and

actions of the winners.

I don’t like to take votes in the church except at the end of a long process of seeking consensus.

Our goal is not to create winners and losers, but to reach the point where we can say, “It has

seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us.” This takes a lot longer and is a lot harder than the

world’s way of making decisions. It also takes a lot of humility, and some of us with strong feelings

need to acknowledge that the Spirit may be leading the congregation into different directions than

we originally favored.

The former denomination of many of us (and many other ones) splintered because they adopted

the world’s way of making decisions. Well-funded interest groups advocated for their proposals,

and leadership was often dishonest and refused to take seriously those who disagreed. As Dr. Phil

might ask, “How did that work for you?”

We have a wonderful group of leaders and members at St. Timothy, and we work well together.

I have encouraged our Executive Committee and Council to strive for consensus, with prayer and

respectful listening not just to one another, but listening for the voice of the Holy Spirit speaking

through the other members.

My feeling is that if a congregational vote is not essentially unanimous on any matter, we didn’t

spend enough time and prayer working for consensus. And sometimes the Spirit is speaking

through that pesky minority who keep us from doing what we want.

Going forward, I urge you to continue working for unity and consensus. As we live in peace

with one another, Scripture promises that God of peace will beat down Satan under our feet.

Pr. Steve Shipman, STS

Interim Pastor


[email protected]

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St. Timothy Prayer Concerns

Prayer Request Form Beginning in February, names on the Prayer List will be published for one

month in the announcement bulletin and then removed unless noted

otherwise. Further publication requires an additional request. This applies

both to members and non-members. We will continue to list those serving in

the military and home bound as usual. When you have a request, please fill out a pink

request form located at the entrance to the nave on either side. You may put it in the “office”

mailbox in the narthex, place on the secretary’s desk in the office, or contact a member of the

Congregational Care committee: Janet Reinbrecht, Gary Larson, Glenn Bushey, Lorraine

Conrad, Arlene Young, or Mary Wohler.

Please keep the following people in your prayers:

Praying for the members of St. Timothy…

Updated copies of the “Praying for the Members/Associate Members

of St. Timothy” are in the narthex. The Congregational Care

committee would like to encourage you to use the alphabetical listing

which is broken down into 31 individual days to make it convenient

to pray for the members/associate members during your daily

devotions throughout the month. If you would like to have a listing mailed to you electronically,

please email the secretary at [email protected] and she will send it to you.

Amber Tim Lefevre Home Communion

Marty Bersaw Spencer Lefevre Vivian DeLuca

Fred Bohls The Martinez family Audrey Hettrick

Verlin Curtis & family Marge Mckool & family Ruth Hummel

Thelma Detwiler Carol Odasso Margaret Mans

Jim & Lori Doudrick Rosemary Petrizzo Glenn Taylor

Kayle & Joe Ford Nick Rodites Ron & Sandy Lingle

Baby Shepard David Ford Troy Schlegel

Betty & Fred Gutshall Oscar Squire Deaths

Richard Harlacher Kathy Strait Family of Frances Joy Henry

JoAnn Haubert Phyllis Taylor Family of Christopher Rogers

Dorian Howard Jacqueline Urffer Family of Evelyn Punda

Linda Hoholik Lee Weber Family of Douglas Brunner

Fern Kerchner Virginia Wright Those Serving in our Military

The Krammes family Tonya Zuber Capt. Preston Casper

Matt Krovic Sequan Zuber First SSgt. Tim Haubert

Jim Lapollo Marlona Zuber Airman Shane Penson

Gary Leer LCpl. Matthew Wyant

Jeff Lefevre Lt. Cdr. John R. Kimmel

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May 1 Loretta Evans May 20 Linda Simons

Jared Mummert

May 4 Sebastian Allen

Matt Musselman May 21 Sharon Schwalm

May 10 Lisa Wyant May 22 Nancy Frankenfield

Gary Bender

May 25 Karolyn Rayman

May 11 Toby Goble Rachel Martinez

May 12 Caleb Reed May 26 Jacqueline Keefer

Joshua Reed May 27 Carter McClellan

May 14 Brock Kerchner

May 28 Ken Black

May 16 Bernice Markle

Judy Musselman May 29 Stephanie Picioccio

Mike Tamorria

May 30 Alexandra Milbrand

May 17 Lewis Davis

May 31 Brooke Keefer

May 18 Kevin Sheaffer Andrew Hamann

May 19 Jim Vogel

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Ongoing Fellowship Events

Sunday Mornings Join us between services in

the narthex for coffee and


Sunday Morning Brunch Everyone is invited to join

us for food, fun, and

fellowship at the Silver

Springs Diner at 6520

Carlisle Pike, Mechanicsburg (near Sam’s

Club) on Sundays after the 10:30 am

service. Please let Terry Krammes know

on Sundays if you are planning to attend

in order to reserve a correct table count.

Men’s Breakfast Men’s Breakfast will be held

on the first Saturday of the

month at 8:30 am at the

Peppermill Diner.

No breakfast in May

**1st timers eat FREE**

Upcoming Events

June 2nd Primary Election Day

St. Timothy Café & Bake Sale Please sign up to donate chili,

hot dogs, chips, beverages,

and/or baked goods for the June

2nd primary election day Café

and Bake Sale.

Volunteers are

needed to help setup

and sell at the Café and

Bake Sale. Look for

signup sheets in the

vestibule in May.

Proceeds Benefit the Education Department.

Do You Like to Knit or Crochet? Consider using those talents and

join the Prayer Shawl Ministry at

St. Timothy. This growing group

meets every other Monday. No

meetings until further notice. If

you have any questions, contact the church

office at 717-737-5243 or Mary Urffer.

Gift Cards for Sale The Fellowship committee will

be selling Weis Market gift

cards and Giant gift cards. Not

only are gift cards perfect for

birthdays, anniversaries, showers, or saying

"thanks" for a job well done, they can also be

purchased for your use when you shop at

Giant or Weis. St. Timothy receives five

percent (5%) of the sale for every card. The

Fellowship committee sells both gift cards on

the 1st and 3rd Sundays, between services, in

the vestibule. You may also purchase the

cards during the week from the church office.

Benefits the Discretionary and Fellowship


“Exploring Our Faith” Bible Study:

Please join us every 3rd

Wednesday of the month at

6:00 pm to Explore our Faith

together. The group meets in

the youth room of St.

Timothy Lutheran Church. We seek to

deepen our understanding of scripture and

strengthen our relationship with God. It’s an

opportunity to share individual testimonies

and encourage each other to serve our

neighbors and God fully. This is a casual

group, sharing finger foods over the supper

hour. All are welcome to attend. Please feel

free to bring refreshments to share if you

desire, but this is not mandatory.

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Adult Sunday School Class Sunday school is not just for kids.

Adult Sunday school is held each

Sunday, 9:15 am to 10:15 am, in

the downstairs lounge. Please join

us for a thought-provoking study and lively


Children's Church will be

offered at the 10:30 am service

only on the 2nd and 4th Sundays

of the month.

Thursday Night Bible/Book Study

Are you interested in a weekly

Bible or book study on

Thursday night? Come on

Thursday night at 6:30 pm in

the church lounge. It is led by member Gary

Larson. Come and enjoy the fellowship and


NEW! Carlisle Area Bible Study to

begin Tuesday, May 19th

from 6:30 - 7:30 pm. Deb

Stein has graciously offered to

host a group in her home: 215

Faith Circle, Carlisle, PA

17013. Once gathered the group will discuss

and decide what will be studied moving

forward. This Christian education and

discipleship opportunity will meet the 3rd

Tuesday monthly. Everyone is welcome! You

will not want to miss this time to study, pray

and fellowship with others who desire to

grow in their faith. Questions - contact Deb

Stein at 717 571-9313 or

[email protected]. Come and see!!

A thank you to Mary Wohler for

making masks.

Flower Bed Sponsors Needed A flower bed sponsor is a group,

committee, family, or individual

who wishes to help maintain the

beauty of St. Timothy by providing

general care for one of our many flower beds.

General care includes removing weeds,

debris, etc., trimming shrubs, and planting

flowers throughout the spring and summer

months. If you are interested in being a

sponsor, please sign up on the poster located

on the bulletin board in the narthex.

Downloadable Weekly Devotions

are available for download at:

[email protected]

Church Council Recognitions

The Church Council recognized

the following individuals for

their service to St. Timothy at

their April meeting:

• A special thank you to Pastor Steve,

Mindy, Eli, Linda Townsend, and Chappy

Wagoner for putting together and

continuing our online worship services. It

has become very much anticipated and

looked forward to by our parishioners’ as

well as guests. It is very well presented

and an enjoyment to be able to keep up

with the services.

• Thank you to Al and Gina Kerchner for

cleaning up outside the Church. They did

a wonderful job in making the grounds

look very nice.

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Vacation Bible School 2020 Rainforest Explorers is

scheduled for June 7th -

11th from 6:00-8:30pm.

“The rainforest is a wild

place. To make it

through this unknown world safely, kids need

a guide who can keep them on the right path.

Kids will learn how Jesus is our ultimate

guide in the rainforest and in life. He leads us

to the treasure of eternal life, and He’ll never

leave us!” We are looking for several

volunteers to help. If you are interested please

notify Deb Stein either by email at

[email protected], by phone at 717 571-

9313, or in person. Thanks for your prayerful

consideration. "Items needed for this year’s

VBS will be posted on the table in the

vestibule for those who are able to donate or

loan things for decorating as well as needed

for during VBS. Also, this year’s Mission

Project will be collecting money to supply

mosquito nets to those areas where they are

needed. We will be collecting the entire

month of June. Note: VBS decorating is

scheduled for Saturday, May 23 beginning at

9:30am. If you are able to help please

consider doing so. Thanks!

The Baby Bottle Blast will be occurring

at a later date! The Capital Area

Pregnancy Center’s

annual Baby Bottle

Blessing fundraiser will

be running once we get back to the

new normal. Watch for the bottles

to appear at the church. This is the

biggest fund raiser this organization has

during the year.


will be getting more

active as we move

into spring. We are

looking for people to

give of their time to work a shift in the Food

and Beverage areas at the park. Your wages

($6.00 per hour) will be donated by Hershey

Park to St. Timothy to help offset the budget

deficit. You also receive free voucher(s) to

Hershey Park. Please consider this

opportunity to help raise money for our

mission here at St. Timothy. If you are

interested, there will be a sign-up sheet in the

vestibule for anyone 18 years or older who

would like to help our church by

volunteering at Hershey Park. If you have

any questions please email Chuck Irvin,

Coordinator at: [email protected] or

call him at 717-554-1285 or if you would like

to receive copies of the available shifts send

him your email and he will add you to the

email list to receive schedules.

Monthly Food Pantry Collection

May 2020 New Hope Ministries and the

Ecumenical Food Pantry at Messiah

Lutheran Church.

Cooking Oil, Brown Sugar, Ketchup

Please place items in box in vestibule.

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Sunday Worship

always an Easter celebration!

What was it like for Jesus right before His crucifixion? He

knew it would not be an easy death. The image of the cross must have haunted His thoughts

and filled Him with fear. No wonder Jesus prayed in the Garden “Father, everything is

possible for you. Take this cup from me” (Mark 14:36).

But there’s one thing that makes His prayer different from all the panicky prayers we say

when we’re scared out of our wits. Jesus added, “Yet not what I will, but what you will”.

Jesus desperately wanted to escape and yet He said to God, “Go ahead and let it happen if

that’s Your will”. Why?

Simple. He was focused on each one of us trapped in our fears and captive to the power of

sin, death, and the devil. To set us free, Jesus was willing to face fear Himself. And more

than that, He was willing to die. He walked through fear so He could rescue us from all our


Now, by His suffering, death, and resurrection, Jesus has become our rescuer from all evil!

Now, when we are afraid, we aren’t alone anymore. We have Jesus with us. He holds onto

us, protecting us from evil, because we are the people He loves. He comforts us. He’s

patient with us. He understands us, because He’s also known fear.

What a wonderful God we have! And what a joy it is to attend worship each Sunday

praising our loving God! An Easter celebration each and every Sunday!

Online Scripture Jigsaw Puzzles We have placed several jigsaw

puzzles on our website for you.

The puzzles are worked online

and take about 10 minutes to solve.

These jigsaw puzzles are created from Scripture

graphics from our online worship resource

called SOWER.

New puzzles will be uploaded regularly. Enjoy!

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An Evangelism thought…special delivery!

“Jesus was delivered over to death for our sins

and was raised to life for our justification”

Romans 4:25

A company transferred a man to another country to establish their very first branch office.

While a great opportunity, the move meant that he would be away from his family for several

months. To help ease their time apart, the company provided special computers and cameras to

him and his family so they could connect with each other over the internet. Because of this

wonderful gift, they felt much less separated from each other!

Sin separates people from their heavenly Father. The break between God and man is very deep.

This break is so deep that many people don’t realize how sin affects their lives each and every

day. Many people don’t realize how God’s gift of eternal life in Jesus is their only remedy.

But, whenever you share the love of Jesus with people, the Holy Spirit is at work in their lives

providing a “special delivery” of God’s love.

It’s not so hard to do. Praying with a co-worker, sending a get-well card or an e-mail with a

Scripture verse, inviting a friend or a neighbor to join you at church for Sunday worship, and

comforting someone in mourning with the hope of the resurrection of Jesus, are just some of the

The Meaning of Liturgical Colors For the month of May, the colors of white and red will adorn the altar area.


This is the color of purity and divinity. White reinforces that message of joy.

In addition to its use during the Easter season, white is the appointed color for

such festive Sundays as the Ascension of Our Lord which occurs this year on

May 24th.


Red is a color of power and strength. On May 31st we will be celebrating

Pentecost. This color represents the power and strength of the Holy Spirit.

Source: “The Colors of the Liturgical Season” by Rev. Douglas K. Escue, Lutheran Worship Notes, Issue 29,


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We still have chocolate eggs available! The price is now $0.50 each. We have

peanut butter with both milk and dark chocolate coating. Also, we have about a

dozen or so of the choc chip cookie dough. If you would like to place an order

for eggs, please contact the church office via phone (717) 737-5243 or email –

[email protected]. We can arrange for a no contact pickup. Thank you for

your support!

Calling All Graduates! St. Timothy would like to recognize all our high school and

post-secondary graduates in the Sunday bulletin and monthly

newsletter, but we need to know who they are. If you know of

or are a 2020 high school or post-secondary graduate, please

fill in the form below and leave it in the offering plate, the

office mail slot or email the church office at [email protected] with the


Name: __________________________________________________________

Graduating From: _________________________________________________

Plans for Next Year (College, Military, Job…): ________________________



For the Month of MARCH 2020


Budget Income


Budget Expense POSITIVE


Current Month $30,521 $21,487 9,034

Current Year-to-Date $249,352 $205,985 $43,367

Pastor Salary budgeted in excess

of interim costs $47,010

Adjusted Current Year to Date for

comparative purposes $249,352 $252,995 ($3,643)

Prior Year $254,032 $246,498 $ 7,534

NALC Benevolence Year to date $ 5,112.47

Atlantic Mission Region $ 2,796.89



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Church 205 West Main



In 1887 the Lutheran congregation decided

to erect a new brick church building at its

present site on the north side of West Main

Street. The Old Stone Church was built in

1760 on the site of the log church erected in

1744. The tower bell, which was removed

from the “Old Stone Church” was installed

in the steeple and the completed structure

was consecrated on Nov 16, 1890. In 1913

the west wing, library addition, and the

water powered Möller pipe organ were

added. In 1941 the present Möller pipe

organ, Opus 7026, was installed and in 1947

the Schulmerich Carillonic tower bells were

added in honor of our congregation’s

veterans. They voted to leave the ELCA and

joined the NALC on May 29, 2015. Sunday

services include worship at 9:00 am and

Sunday School at 10:30am. Rev. Nathan C.

Minnich STS is the 19th pastor of Salem

Lutheran Church.


If you are in need of pastoral

care, please contact Interim

Pastor Steve Shipman one of

several ways: call direct on his

cell phone at 570-916-7780; text him on his

cell phone at 570-916-7780; or email him at

either [email protected] or

[email protected].

** If you do not have a cell phone and do

not wish to call long distance, please

contact Will Harmon at 717-991-7447 and

he will contact Pastor Steve directly for


The Lenten Projects

Heifer and

sponsoring Trinity

Lutheran Church

in Warrenton,

Virginia will

continue for a while. Standby for additional

details on these projects. Donations should

be made specifically for each project and

noted on the check which project the funds

are to be assigned to.

MAY 2020

WORSHIP ASSISTANTS No May schedule for worship

assistants will be created

because of the continued

practice of streaming the

worship services. Those

involved in providing these services will

continue to rotate responsibilities for lector,

assisting minister, etc.

Summer Outdoor Worship Begins

June 7th St. Timothy’s outdoor

Contemporary Worship

service begins on Sunday,

June 7th at 9:45 am in the back parking lot

area. Please join us, and bring your own

lawn chair, if you so choose. Folding metal

chairs will be set up for the service.

Everyone in the congregation is invited to

sing on the vocal team for the contemporary

service. Please come to the choir room at

9:20 am for a brief practice. Anyone

interested in providing special music for

either worship service, please contact Chip

Custer. Traditional 8:00 am worship services

are held in the sanctuary

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Don’t keep us a secret…share the news!

St. Timothy Nursery School is currently registering for the 2020 – 2021 school year

Classes are filling up quickly for the 2020-2021 school year,

but please let your family and friends know that we still have

openings in our 2½ year-old, 3-year-old and 4-year-old classes.

Please call 717-418-0676 for more information. Thank you!

Nursery School is Closed for the Remainder of the School Year On April 9th Governor Wolf announced that all schools would remain closed

for the remainder of the 2019-20 academic year, so the nursery school is

closed for the rest of the school year. We are planning on reopening for the

new school year in September.

Opportunity to Help the Nursery School

Amazon Smile - Amazon Smile is a simple and automatic way for you to support our school

every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at, Amazon will donate 0.5% of the purchase

price from your eligible Amazon Smile purchases to our school. Thank you for

helping us earn $105.01 this school year!

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MAY 2020

Sun Worship Services

on Facebook



or on St. Timothy’s











3 4th Sunday of Easter 53rd Anniversary of St. Timothy

Good Shephard Sunday

8:00 am Contemporary Worship

9:15 am Sunday School-Confirmation

10:30 am Contemporary Worship

4 7:00 pm



7:00 pm


5 10:30 am


6:00 pm


7:00 pm VBS


6 Noon Food


7:00 pm


7 9:30 pm Pericope

5:15 pm Via De

Cristo Reunion


6:30 pm NAMI

6:30 pm Bible



9 9:00 am




10 5th Sunday of Easter Of Land & Seasons -Spring

Mother’s Day

8:00 am Traditional Worship

9:15 am Sunday School-Confirmation

10:30 am Traditional Worship

7:00 pm Service at Bethesda Mission

11 7:00 pm



12 9:30 am



Book Club


7:30 pm


7:00 pm Girl


14 6:30 pm Bible




17 6th Sunday of Easter Teacher Appreciation Day

8:00 am Contemporary Worship

9:15 am Sunday School-Confirmation

10:30 am Contemporary Worship

6:00 pm Boy Scout Leaders

18 7:00 pm


7:00 pm



19 1:00 pm

Cong. Care

6:30 pm

Carlisle Area

Bible Study

20 Newsletter


6;00 PM


Our Faith

21 5:15 pm Via De

Cristo Reunion


6:30 pm Bible


22 23 9:30 am



24 Ascension of Our Lord With Gospel Procession

Memorial Day Weekend

8:00 am Traditional Worship

9:15 am Sunday School-Confirmation

10:30 am Traditional Worship






l Day

26 27 28 6:30 pm Bible


29 30

31 Day of Pentecost With Gospel Procession

Confirmation at 10:30 Service

8:00 am Traditional Worship

9:15 am Sunday School-Confirmation

10:30 am Traditional Worship

NOTICE: All events scheduled on the May calendar

are subject to change. Please check with your

committee leaders for meeting status, etc. during the


9:30 am

Page 14: The Mission Edge - St. Timothy Evangelical Lutheran · Fellowship committee sells both gift cards on the 1st and 3rd Sundays, between

St. Timothy Evangelical Lutheran Church 4200 Carlisle Pike Camp Hill, PA 17011

Over 50 Years of Serving Ministry

THE MISSION EDGE is published monthly at


4200 Carlisle Pike, Camp Hill, PA 17011

Volume 29• May 2020• No 05

Newsletter Editor..................... Beckie Brunner


Interim Pastor.............Rev. W. Stevens Shipman

Secretary................................Jennifer Malinosky

Secretary email…………[email protected]

Director of Nursery School..... Rebecca Tartline

Organist………………….……. Gina Kerchner

Music Director...…………………...Chip Custer

Church Office ................ 737-5243 or 737-3773

Email 1................................... [email protected]

[email protected]

St. Timothy

NALC website………….…....

2020 Church Council

Will Harmon, President

Jim Vogel, Vice-President

Lisa Wyant, Secretary

Ken Black

Mindy Fesler

Ross Flint

Amy Gehman

Lola Gehman

Jeff Lefevre

Chappy Wagoner

Rev. W. Stevens Shipman, Interim Pastor

Al Kerchner, Treasurer

Paulette Black, Financial Secretary

Bonnie Harris, Assistant Financial Secretary


We the baptized, responding in our faith created and sustained by the Holy Spirit in Word and

Sacraments, commit ourselves to following Jesus Christ, making disciples, and proclaiming His

salvation by the grace of God through faith alone.