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Page 2: The Melatonin Method - Amazon S3 · 2015-04-14 · Lose Weight Poor eating habits and stress may cause you to put on that extra weight, but another culprit for your weight gain is


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Optimum Wellness Through Healthy Sleep……………………………………… 4 What Exactly Is Melatonin?…..……………………………………………. 5 Why Take It?…………………………………………………………………. 5 Melatonin On Sleep Promotion……………………………………………………. 7 Melatonin Benefits Beyond A Good Night’s Sleep………………………………. 8 Reverse Aging..……………………………………………………………… 8 Lose Weight………………………………………………………………….. 9 Reduce Premenstrual Symptoms (PMS).……………………………….. 10 Reduce Menopausal Symptoms………………………………………….. 11 Improve Thyroid Function……………………………………………….. 11 Better Muscle Performance……………………………………………….. 12 Migraine Prevention………………………………………………………. 13 GERD Remedy…………………………………………………………….. 14 Melatonin’s Disease Fighting Ability…………………………………………….. 15 An Antioxidant Like No Other.………………………………………….. 15 Frequently Asked Questions……………………………………………………… 17 Who Benefits The Most?………………………………………………….. 18 Recommended Dosage……………………………………………………. 18 What Is The Recommended Dosage?………………………….. 19 When Is The Best Time To Take It?…………………………….. 20 Are There Any Side-Effects?…………………………………………….. 21 Is Melatonin Safe?.……………………………………………….. 21 Should Certain People Avoid It?.……………………………….. 22 Melatonin Drug Interactions.…………………………………………….. 23 7 Tips To Sleep Better With Melatonin.………………………………………….. 24 Customer Loyalty Discount……………………………………………………….. 29 Conclusion…….…………………………………………………………………….. 30 Sources and References…………………………………………………………… 31


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Have you ever used the line “I've just got to catch up on my sleep” to turn down a party invitation on a Saturday night? You’re not alone – around 30 million people in the country use it too. It’s the current sleep situation in the US. According to the National Sleep Foundation, about 20% of Americans report that they get less than 6 hours of sleep on average. It’s a common bedroom woe, and also a common cause for health problems. We’re now living in a 24/7 society. There are numerous opportunities to do things other than sleep, such as watching TV, checking emails, streaming videos on YouTube, posting activities on social media sites, and putting in long hours at work. Your modern lifestyle is definitely affecting how you sleep. It’s time to make it a priority. There’s a new solution to help you achieve a healthy sleep – MELATONIN. This hormone, found naturally in the body, is best-known for its sleep-promoting effects. However, new studies have shown that melatonin is more than just a sleep aid. It has a whole lot of other functions, which can help you towards optimum !4 PACIFICCOAST NUTRILABS

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wellness. Because melatonin production naturally decreases as we age, doctors and scientists have researched how to turn this hormone into an amazing dietary supplement.

W h at E x ac t ly I s M e l ato n i n ?

Melatonin is a hormone that is produced mainly by the pineal gland, which is a pea-size structure at the center of the brain. It acts as a biological clock, telling the body when it’s night and when it’s day. Consider it your all-natural nightcap. Melatonin’s secretion is stimulated as your eyes register the fall of darkness, and suppressed by light. When the sun goes down, the hormone is released into the blood. As melatonin levels begin to rise, sleep becomes more inviting and your mind and body become less alert. Scientists suggest that the hormone is involved in the regulation of circadian rhythms, which is the 24-hour waking and sleeping cycle. It stays elevated in the blood for about 12 hours, then drops down starting from the early-morning hours. As mentioned, the amount produced seems to lessen as we get older.

W h y T a k e M e l ato n i n ? !5 PACIFICCOAST NUTRILABS

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Melatonin, being a natural hormone in the body, can help you sleep without the hazards of prescription sleeping pills. When a person is sleeping, the cells are doing a lot of repairing. Scientists have also discovered that a good-quality sleep plays a critical role in metabolism, memory and other vital functions. That said, sleep deprivation can have negative effects on your mind, body, and overall health. Don’t you just love it when you wake up from a great night’s sleep, feeling rejuvenated? When was the last time you had one? Taking melatonin is the first step toward achieving the healthy sleep you deserve, and reaping its benefits. What’s more, these supplements can strengthen the immune system, reduce free radicals in the body and make you feel better.


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If you find it hard to fall asleep through the night, or wake up feeling tired during the day, you might have a sleep disorder.

Insomnia is just one of the many sleeping disorders most adults experience on occasion. This condition is caused by a variety of factors, typically stress or a decline in melatonin

levels because of aging. It can also occur secondary to another problem, like a medical condition or substance abuse.

Regardless of the cause, melatonin supplementation can promote healthy sleep patterns in most people.

As suggested by the team of researchers in the University of Maryland Medical Center, Melatonin may help people with disrupted circadian rhythms

and low melatonin levels. It not only reduces the time it takes to fall asleep, but also increases the number

of sleeping hours, and boosts daytime alertness.


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M E L A T O N I N B E N E F I T S B E Y O N D A G O O D N I G H T ’ S S L E E P

There’s a reason why melatonin is being recommended by doctors, and used by athletes and even famous celebrities in Hollywood. Added to its powerful ability to encourage sleep, are other benefits not reserved to the midnight hours. From slimming waistlines to regulating ovulation cycles, melatonin definitely puts back the ‘beauty’ in sleep, improving your overall health.

R e v e r s e A gi n g Melatonin may just be the newest anti-aging supplement in the market. If you ever wonder why babies sleep so much, it’s because younger people produce a large amount of this hormone. Your ability to sleep deeply allows cells to rejuvenate and the body to heal. If you’re not worried about ‘aging’ now, you will in the next 30 years. Slow those signs of aging now, and look and feel younger with the help of melatonin.


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A research team at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris, applied a melatonin-based treatment on shrews, and found that it can delay the first signs of aging. The hormone’s anti-aging properties were also explored by two key scientists, Dr. Walter Pierpaoli and Dr. William Regelson. Their book, titled ‘The Melatonin Miracle’, explains your body's aging clock and melatonin’s role as its regulator.

L o s e W e ig h t Poor eating habits and stress may cause you to put on that extra weight, but another culprit for your weight gain is poor sleep. Not getting enough sleep can leave you steering away from your diet and craving more high-sugar foods. It comes as no surprise that low melatonin levels can put you at risk for diabetes. If you want a no-stress strategy to trim down your waistline, it’s easy – get quality sleep. You can achieve this with melatonin. Researchers at the University of Granada, found that melatonin can even control weight gain without reducing food intake. In a separate new study, it’s suggested that melatonin may just turn your body into a calorie-burning machine. The recently published Journal of Pineal Research reveals that melatonin helps your body produce a special kind


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of calorie-burning, brown fat. It’s the key to burning more calories without dieting.

R e d u c e P r e m e n st r ua l S y m pto m s ( P M S )

Some women suffer from a disturbed sleeping pattern while experiencing pre-menstrual syndrome or PMS. About a week prior to menstruation, women may undergo a mood disorder associated with emotional symptoms such as sadness and irritability. Research shows that 7 out of 10 women who suffer from PMS may also have insomnia, making them wake up an increased number of times during the night.

A study by Douglas Mental Health University Institute researchers found that PMS is linked to having low levels of melatonin. This is the reason why disturbed sleep is a common symptom. If you don’t want to send your partner running for the hills because of your mood swings, better improve your sleeping habits. It is recommended to take melatonin supplements from the first day of the cycle or while symptoms are present.


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R e d u c e M e n o pau s a l S y m pto m s

Aside from pregnancy, there’s another life challenge women have to go through. Menopause can happen in your 40s or 50s, but in the United States, the average age is 51. Hot flashes, sleepless nights, weight gain and mood swings are just some of the symptoms women struggle with. Because melatonin is closely linked to estrogen and serotonin, peri-menopausal women also have low melatonin levels. A study was recently conducted at the Menopause Center in Italy, among perimenopausal and menopausal women aged 42 to 62. They were given a daily dose of 3mg of melatonin over six months. Researchers found that the supplement could increase estrogen levels, restoring normal menstrual cycles in some of the younger participants. A remarkable 96% of women also reported total disappearance of morning depression.

I m p r o v e T h y r oi d F u n c t io n


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Your thyroid function decreases as you age. This can lead to various symptoms such as weight gain, constipation, dry skin and more. Even a small decline in the output of thyroid hormone can have negative consequences on your health. Although decreased thyroid function often affects women over 40, men can also experience it, more so if he has a family history. Wake up a sluggish thyroid with the help of melatonin. According to an Italian study led by Dr. Pierpaoli, Melatonin may play a major role in hormonal regulation, especially for those with thyroid imbalances. It was found that melatonin helped facilitate the conversion of T4 to T3, resulting in increased T3 levels. Thyroid expert, Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum shares that the effectiveness of melatonin may stem from its ability to promote quality sleep and restoring the hypothalamic function.

B e t t e r M u s c l e P e r fo r m a n c e

You need proper rest to build muscle, and melatonin may just be the answer to maximize your muscle gains. New, exciting research suggests that taking the hormone before heading to a workout promotes fat metabolism and enhances athletic


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performance. It can also improve recovery and reduce oxidative stress, protecting your muscles from damage while allowing adaptations to happen easily. Every article about building muscle mentions a time for recovery – why? It’s because one of the most critical hormones released during this period is growth hormone (GH). It’s responsible for decreasing your fat mass and regulating muscle growth. A study published in the European Journal of Endocrinology reveals that taking up to 5mg of melatonin an hour before exercise can increase the levels of GH in the blood.

M ig r a i n e P r e v e n t io n Those who suffer from migraines know that they welcome anything just to end the discomfort and fall into a pain-free slumber. Brazilian scientists of Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein in Sao Paolo, have found that imbalances in the level of melatonin may be related to headaches and migraines. Participants of the study were suffering from untreated migraines. They were given 3 mg of melatonin 30 minutes before bedtime. More than two thirds of the 32 patients who finished the study, reported a 50% reduction in the number of headaches


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per month. Additionally, intensity and duration also decreased. Scientists believe that melatonin, as free-radical scavengers, have an anti-inflammatory response to relieve headaches. Adding melatonin to your other migraine-prevention techniques may just be your ticket to a headache-free life.

G E R D R e m e d y If you’re experiencing a burning sensation in the chest or throat, a sour or bitter taste in the mouth, or regurgitation of food, don’t take it for granted. These are all symptoms of Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease or GERD, a severe type of acid reflux. It’s a common condition affecting 10 to 20% of Americans. If not prevented, the stomach acid may eat away the lining of the esophagus, leading to permanent damage. Researchers found that melatonin plays an important role in the gastrointestinal (GI) system. The GI tract actually secretes up to 500 times as much melatonin as the pineal gland. It was also determined that the hormone helps heal damage to the lining. A study published by BMC Gastroenterology explains that melatonin increases blood flow and anti-inflammatory molecules into the esophageal mucous, thus preventing significant injuries.


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M E L A T O N I N ’ S D I S E A S E F I G H T I N G A B I L I T Y

Since its discovery over 50 years ago, scientists have revealed melatonin’s health-promoting benefits. From heart disease, bone health to obesity, the hormone has marked its beneficial effects beyond regulating our internal body clocks. Moreover, one of its most well-studied attributes is its antioxidant properties. A number of extensive research has shown melatonin’s vital role in the body's defense.

A n A n t iox i da n t L i k e N o O t h e r

Did you know that melatonin has been found to possess 200% more antioxidant power than vitamin E? It’s also found superior to vitamin C and glutathione in terms of reducing oxidative damage. Being a potent antioxidant, the hormone helps in fighting diseases related to free radicals, and is capable of scavenging. It’s a very powerful molecule which can easily cross the cell membrane and blood brain barrier.


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Melatonin’s detoxifying ability, which reduces cellular damage in the process, can possibly increase longevity, as well as show exceptional anti-aging effects. It’s a very powerful molecule which can easily cross the cell membrane and blood-brain barrier. The hormone is also capable of scavenging hydroxide, nitrous oxide and oxygen free radicals, which is not possible with other antioxidants. It can surely give your immune system a boost.


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Here are the most frequently asked questions about melatonin - giving you a great way to get

answers to all your basic questions about this amazing sleep hormone.

From the right dosage to the possible side-effects, get to know more about melatonin and how it can

positively affect your sleep.


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W H O B E N E F I T S T H E M O S T ?

People who have trouble sleeping, particularly those who have low levels of melatonin, can benefit from taking supplements. Shift workers with irregular sleep schedules, as well as those who have mild sleep disorders such as insomnia, can choose to include the hormone in their routine. Frequent travelers, bound to both eastward and westward flights, can also take it to decrease the symptoms of jet lag. More than anything, melatonin can influence your circadian rhythms and give you that much-needed restful sleep. Most studies have shown that the hormone can help people fall asleep faster, experience less restlessness and prevent daytime fatigue. However, as mentioned in the previous chapter, the hormone has other benefits beyond sleep. Overall, taking melatonin supplements can help you look and feel younger.

R E C O M M E N D E D D O S A G E Scientists discovered melatonin long before they understood what it does, and how much you need. During the late 80ʹ′s and early 90ʹ′s, most people thought that it was just a sleep !18 PACIFICCOAST NUTRILABS

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hormone. Now, specific dosages are given according to age, gender, and health condition. Nevertheless, melatonin is an essential nighttime hormone. When taken in an appropriate manner, it does wonderful things for the body. The US Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 allowed melatonin to be sold as a dietary supplement. For it to be helpful, the correct dosage, method and time of day it is taken should be appropriate to the problem. You may seek the advice of your doctor, especially if you have a serious underlying condition. It’s also best to not use more of the product than is recommended on the label.

W h at I s T h e R ec o m m e n d e d

D o s ag e ? Tablet sizes usually average 3-5 mg. Based on scientific studies, small doses from 0.25mg to 0.50mg are already proven effective. For adults, recommended dosage depends on the reason for use. Children and pregnant women should consult with a physician first before taking melatonin supplements.


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For insomnia, the typical dose is 0.3mg to 5 mg at bedtime, 30 to 60 minutes prior to sleep. For jet lag, take 0.5-5 mg at bedtime or lower doses of 0.5-3 mg upon arrival at your destination, continuing for 2-5 days. It’s also advised to start off small, around less than half of a milligram each night, before working your way to larger doses.

W h e n I s T h e B est T i m e T o T a k e I t ?

Timing counts when taking melatonin supplements. In most cases, it should be taken at night, usually about 30 minutes prior to going to bed. If you know that you’re going to have a shift in your sleep schedule, taking a supplement will be beneficial. Staying up late for a few nights in a row may disrupt your normal sleeping pattern. If you’re going to travel on a long trip, it’s preferable to take a low dose before getting on your flight. It’s also the best time to take melatonin if you’re over 60 years old and have trouble sleeping. At this age, the body makes less of the hormone and needs more assistance. Melatonin can help set your body clock once again.


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After taking melatonin, it is highly recommended to keep the lights down and turn off your computer or television before going to bed. Receiving light signals in the room as well as dark signals from melatonin might confuse your body clock and the hormone may not work properly. You should normally wake up well and refreshed.

A R E T H E R E A N Y S I D E - E F F E C T S ?

Scientists believe that melatonin supplements are safe for short or long-term use, as long proper dosage and administration are followed. Side-effects depend on how much you take. No major problems have been reported for those taking relatively conservative doses. Doctors have only observed some side-effects in people taking up to 8mg, which include headache, upset stomach, vivid dreams, and small changes in blood pressure.

I s M e l ato n i n S a f e ? Melatonin is one of the least toxic substances known. Supplement forms have been available for sale over-the-counter in the United States for more than two years.


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According to the US Food and Drug Administration or FDA, there are no alarming side-effects reported for melatonin use. Just don’t drive or operate machinery when you are taking it.

S h o u l d C e rta i n P eo p l e A v oi d I t ?

Since there is no sufficient study regarding how excessive exposure to melatonin might affect a fetus or infant, pregnant or nursing women are discouraged from using it. The hormone is also known to boost the immune system, so people with severe allergies or autoimmune diseases should steer clear of it. Melatonin could exacerbate such conditions. In the Netherlands, melatonin is being tested as a form of contraceptive. It is suspected that high doses can interfere with ovulation. So, women trying to conceive should think twice about taking the hormone. The effects of supplemental melatonin are not known in children, but they have naturally high levels of melatonin, so it’s possible they don’t need it.


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Major interactions have been identified with sedative medications. Do not combine Melatonin with drugs that cause sleepiness, such as lonazepam (Klonopin), lorazepam (Ativan), zolpidem (Ambien), and others. Birth control pills were found to increase melatonin levels. Taking them together might cause too much of the hormone in the body. Caffeine was identified to decrease melatonin levels, and may decrease the effectiveness of supplements. Medications for diabetes can also interact with melatonin. Research shows that the hormone might increase blood sugar, which can decrease the effectiveness of diabetes medications. Taking melatonin along with drugs that slow clotting, might increase the chances of bruising and bleeding. More so, combining it with Immunosuppressant drugs such as azathioprine (Imuran), basiliximab (Simulect), and cyclosporine (Neoral) is also discouraged.


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8 T I P S T O S L E E P B E T T E R W I T H M E L A T O N I N

In addition to taking melatonin supplements, well-planned strategies are essential to a deep, restorative slumber. Experiment with a variety of sleep-promoting techniques night after night, and find out what works best for you. As melatonin gets in sync with your circadian rhythm, you should do your part in getting the adequate sleep your mind and body needs. Here are some tips to sleep better while taking melatonin.

# 1 R eg u l a r S c h e d u l e

Keeping up a regular schedule can make you feel more refreshed than sleeping the same number of hours at different times. When it comes to sleeping, consistency is important. Go to bed at the same time every night, and get up the same time each day. To make up for lost hours, take advantage of daytime naps, instead of sleeping late. Doing so can help you pay off your sleep debt and keep your sleep-wake rhythm intact.


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# 2 R eg u l at e C i r ca di a n

R h y t h m To regulate your sleep-wake cycle, you must increase light exposure during the day and boost your melatonin production at night. Bright lights that come from your computer screen and TV, can make it harder for you to sleep at bedtime. They stimulate the mind, instead of relaxing it, and suppress the release of melatonin. When it’s time to sleep, make sure the room is dark, or at least use low-wattage bulbs, and cover your eyes with a sleep mask.

# 3 E at H e a lt h y &

E x e r ci s e It’s important to watch what you eat, as this also plays a role in how well you sleep. Take your dinner at an earlier time and avoid heavy meals within two hours of bedtime. Cut back on caffeine and other diuretics to avoid frequent bathroom trips


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throughout the night. Doing relaxing exercises can also help you sleep more deeply. Try yoga, gentle stretching, or 20 to 30 minutes of daily activity such as brisk walking and gardening.

# 4 B e d t i m e R i t ua l

Sleep easier and deeply by following a relaxing bedtime routine. This will send signals to your brain that it’s time to let go of the stresses for the day. Making your room more sleep-friendly can provide you with a more quality sleep. Make sure your mattress and pillows are giving you the right support your body needs. Listen to recordings of soothing sounds to mask the loud noise from your neighbors or city traffic.

# 5 M a n ag e Y o u r

T h o u g h ts Residual stress, anxiety and anger may keep you awake night after night, unless you figure out how to keep them under control. Manage your thoughts during the day and replace


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worries with more productive thoughts, especially at bedtime. You may need help with stress management, but practicing relaxation techniques may also work. Deep breathing, while visualizing a restful place, is one good example to calm the mind.

# 6 C o p e W i t h

I r r eg u l a r S h i f ts Employees working in shifts may struggle to sleep at home during the day, and stay awake at night. This disrupted sleep schedule can affect your mood, concentration and energy. If possible, avoid rotating shifts to maintain a consistent sleep schedule. Choose the shortest commute in traveling home, and wear dark glasses to stimulate melatonin. Pay off your sleep debt by making sleep a priority on weekends or non-working days.

# 7 F a l l i n g B ac k A s l e e p


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Waking up briefly during the night is normal. You won’t even remember it if you’re a good sleeper. However, for those who are having trouble falling back asleep, the key is not to stress over the fact that you’re awake. If it happens, remain in bed in a relaxed position and try meditation techniques. If 15 minutes has passed, and you’re still awake, do a quiet, non-stimulating activity, such as reading.


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Melatonin on WebMD:


Alstadhaug, K. B., Odeh, F., Salvesen, R., and Bekkelund, S. I. Prophylaxis of migraine with melatonin: a randomized controlled trial. Neurology 10-26-2010;75(17):1527-1532. View abstract.

Bersani, G. and Garavini, A. Melatonin add-on in manic patients with treatment resistant insomnia.

Prog.Neuropsychopharmacol.Biol.Psychiatry 2000;24(2):185-191. View abstract.

Cagnacci, A., Soldani, R., and Yen, S. S. Exogenous melatonin enhances luteinizing hormone levels of women in the follicular but not in the luteal menstrual phase. Fertil.Steril. 1995;63(5):

996-999. View abstract.

Hughes, R. J., Sack, R. L., and Lewy, A. J. The role of melatonin and circadian phase in age-related sleep- maintenance insomnia: assessment in a clinical trial of melatonin replacement.

Sleep 1998;21(1):52-68. View abstract.

Amazing antioxidant and disease fighting properties of melatonin; February 04, 2013; Randy Ice, PT, CCS and David Mitzner, DO.

Melatonin May Aid Weight Loss; Michael J. Breus, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist and a Diplomate of

the American Board of Sleep Medicine.

Zawilska JB, Skene DJ, Arendt J. Physiology and pharmacology of melatonin in relation to biological rhythms. Pharmacol Rep. 2009 May-Jun;61(3):383-410.

Reiter RJ, Paredes SD, Korkmaz A, Jou MJ, Tan DX. Melatonin combats molecular terrorism at

the mitochondrial level. Interdiscip Toxicol. 2008 Sep;1(2):137-49.

You Wanted to Know: GERD Remedies; Mehmet Oz, MD

Twelve Simple Tips to Improve Your Sleep – Explore simple tips for making the sleep of your

dreams a nightly reality. (Healthy Sleep, Harvard Medical School)

Healthy Sleep Tips – A variety of sleep tips including bedtime snacks, exercise, room temperature, noise, and light control. (National Sleep Foundation)