the marvelous land of ozt.doc

The Marvelous Land of Ozt by L. Frank Baum Author's Note AFTER the publication ["pAblI'keISqn] (публикации) of "The Wonderful Wizard of OZ" I began to receive letters from children ['CIldrqn] (детей), telling ['telIN] (говорящие) me of their pleasure ['pleZq] (удовольствие) in reading ['rJdIN] (чтения) the story and asking [RskIN] (просящие) me to "write [raIt] (написать) something more" about the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman. At first I considered these little letters, frank (искренние) and earnest ['E:nIst] (серьезные) though [Dqu] (хотя) they were, in the light of pretty compliments ['kPmplImqnts]; but the letters continued to come during succeeding [sqk'sJdIN] (следующие) months [mAnTs] (месяцы), and even years. Finally I promised ['prPmIst] (обещал) one little girl, who made a long journey to see me and prefer her request [rI'kwest] (просьбу), -- and she is a "Dorothy," by the way -- that when a thousand ['Tauz(q)nd] (тысяча) little girls had written ['rItn] (напишут) me a thousand little letters asking [RskIN] (прося) for the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman I would write [raIt] (напишу) the book. Either little Dorothy was a fairy ['feqrI] (фея) in disguise [dIs'gaIz] (переодетая), and waved [weIvd] (взмахнула) her magic wand [wPnd] (палочкой), or the success [sqk'ses] (успех) of the stage [steIG] (театральной) production [prq'dAkSqn] (постановки) of "The Wizard of OZ" made new friends for the story, For the thousand ['Tauz(q)nd] (тысяча) letters reached their destination ["destI'neISqn] (пункт назначения) long since -- and many more followed them. And now, although pleading ['plJdIN] (признавая себя) guilty ['gIltI] (виновным) to long delay [dI'leI] (задержке), I have kept my promise in this book. L. FRANK BAUM. Chicago [SI'kRgqu], June [Gu:n] (июнь), 1904

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The Marvelous Land of Ozt

by L. Frank Baum

Author's Note

AFTER the publication ["pAblI'keISqn] (публикации) of "The Wonderful Wizard of OZ" I began to receive letters from children ['CIldrqn] (детей), telling ['telIN] (говорящие) me of their pleasure ['pleZq] (удовольствие) in reading ['rJdIN] (чтения) the story and asking [RskIN] (просящие) me to "write [raIt] (написать) something more" about the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman. At first I considered these little letters, frank (искренние) and earnest ['E:nIst] (серьезные) though [Dqu] (хотя) they were, in the light of pretty compliments ['kPmplImqnts]; but the letters continued to come during succeeding [sqk'sJdIN] (следующие) months [mAnTs] (месяцы), and even years.

Finally I promised ['prPmIst] (обещал) one little girl, who made a long journey to see me and prefer her request [rI'kwest] (просьбу), -- and she is a "Dorothy," by the way -- that when a thousand ['Tauz(q)nd] (тысяча) little girls had written ['rItn] (напишут) me a thousand little letters asking [RskIN] (прося) for the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman I would write [raIt] (напишу) the book. Either little Dorothy was a fairy ['feqrI] (фея) in disguise [dIs'gaIz] (переодетая), and waved [weIvd] (взмахнула) her magic wand [wPnd] (палочкой), or the success [sqk'ses] (успех) of the stage [steIG] (театральной) production [prq'dAkSqn] (постановки) of "The Wizard of OZ" made new friends for the story, For the thousand ['Tauz(q)nd] (тысяча) letters reached their destination ["destI'neISqn] (пункт назначения) long since -- and many more followed them.

And now, although pleading ['plJdIN] (признавая себя) guilty ['gIltI] (виновным) to long delay [dI'leI] (задержке), I have kept my promise in this book.


Chicago [SI'kRgqu], June [Gu:n] (июнь), 1904

To those excellent good fellows ['felq(u)z] (товарищам) and comedians [kq'mJdiqnz] (комикам) David C. Montgomery and Frank A. Stone whose clever personations (воплощение) of the Tin Woodman and the Scarecrow have delighted thousands ['Tauz(q)ndz] (тысячи) of children ['CIldrqn] (детей) throughout [TrH'aut] (по всему) the land, this book is gratefully ['greItf(q)li] (с благодарностью) dedicated ['dedIkeItId] (посвящается) by THE AUTHOR ['LTq] (автором)

Chapter 1. Tip Manufactures ["mxnju'fxkCqz] (изготовляет) a Pumpkinhead

In the Country of the Gillikins, which is at the North of the Land of Oz, lived a youth [ju:T] (юноша) called Tip. There was more to his name than that, for old Mombi often declared that his whole [hqul] (полное) name was Tippetarius ; but no one was expected [Ik'spektId] (никто бы не стал) to say such a long word when "Tip" would do just as well.

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This boy remembered [rI'membqd] (помнил) nothing of his parents ['peqrqnts] (родителях), for he had been brought when quite young to be reared ['rIqd] (на воспитание) by the old woman known [nqun] (известной) as Mombi, whose reputation ["repjV'teISn] (репутация), I am sorry ['sPrI] (жаль) to say, was none of the best. For the Gillikin people had reason to suspect her of indulging [In'dAlGIN] (занятиях) in magical arts [Rts] (искусствами), and therefore hesitated ['hezIteItId] (с неохотой) to associate [q'squSIIt] (общались) with her.

Mombi was not exactly a Witch, because the Good Witch who ruled that part of the Land of Oz had forbidden [fq'bIdn] (запретила) any other Witch to exist [Ig'zIst] (существовать) in her dominions [dq'mInjqnz] (владениях). So Tip's guardian (опекунша), however much she might aspire [qs'paIq] (стремиться) to working ['wE:kIN] (занятиям) magic, realized ['rIqlaIzd] (отдавала себе отчет в том, что) it was unlawful ['An'lLful] (противозаконно) to be more than a Sorceress, or at most a Wizardess ['wIzqdqs] (волшебницей).

Tip was made to carry wood from the forest, that the old woman might boil [bOIl] (сварить) her pot [pPt] (котел). He also worked [wE:kt] (работал) in the corn -fields ['kLn-'fJldz] (кукурузных полях), hoeing ['hquIN] (тяпая) and husking ['hAskIN] (очищая от шелухи) ; and he fed [fed] (кормил) the pigs [pIgz] (свиней) and milked ['mIlkt] (доил) the four-horned [hLnd] (рогую) cow [kau] (корову) that was Mombi's especial [I'speS(q)l] (особая) pride.

But you must not suppose he worked [wE:kt] (работал) all the time, for he felt that would be bad [bxd] (плохо) for him. When sent to the forest Tip often climbed trees for birds' eggs [egz] (яйцами) or amused [q'mjHzd] (забавлял) himself chasing ['CeIsIN] (гоняясь за) the fleet [fli:t] (шустрыми) white rabbits ['rxbIts] (кроликами) or fishing ['fISIN] (ловя рыбу) in the brooks [bruks] (ручьях) with bent pins [pInz] (). Then he would hastily ['heIstili] (торопливо) gather ['gxDq] (собирал) his armful ['Rmful] (охапку) of wood and carry it home. And when he was supposed [sq'pquzd] (должен был) to be working ['wE:kIN] (работать) in the corn-fields ['kLn-'fJldz] (кукурузных полях), and the tall stalks [stLks] (стебли) hid [hId] (скрывали) him from Mombi's view, Tip would often dig [dIg] (рыл) in the gopher ['gqufq] (сусликовые) holes [hqulz] (норы), or if the mood [mHd] (настроение) seized [sJzd] (охватывало) him -- lie [laI] (ложился) upon his back between the rows [rquz] (рядами) of corn [kLn] (кукурузы) and take a nap [nxp] (дремал). So, by taking care not to exhaust [Ig'zLst] (истощить) his strength [streNT] (силу), he grew as strong and rugged ['rAgId] (крепкий) as a boy may be.

Mombi's curious magic often frightened her neighbors ['neIbqz] (соседей), and they treated ['trJtId] (обращались с ней) her shyly ['SaIlI] (осторожно), yet respectfully [rIs'pektfulI] (уважительно), because of her weird [wIqd] (сверхъестественных) powers ['pauqz] (сил). But Tip frankly ['frxNkli] (открыто) hated ['heItId] (ненавидел) her, and took no pains [peInz] (нисколько не заботился) to hide [haId] (скрывать) his feelings ['fJlINz] (чувства). Indeed, he sometimes showed [Squd] (выказывал) less respect [rI'spekt] (уважения) for the old woman than he should have done, considering [kqn'sIdqrIN] (принимая во внимание тот факт, что) she was his guardian.

There were pumpkins in Mombi's corn-fields ['kLn-'fJldz] (кукурузных полях), lying golden red among the rows [rquz] (рядов) of green stalks [stLks] (стеблей); and these had been planted ['plRntId] (посажены) and carefully tended ['tendId] (о них заботились) that the four-horned [hLnd] (рогая) cow [kau] (корова) might eat of them in the winter ['wIntq] (зимнее) time. But one day, after the corn [kLn] (кукуруза) had all been cut and stacked [stxkt] (убрана), and Tip was carrying ['kxrIIN] (нес) the pumpkins to the stable ['steIbl] (хлеб), he took a notion ['nquS(q)n] (пришла в голову мысль) to make a "Jack Lantern ['lxntqn] (фонарь) " and try to give the old woman a fright [fraIt] (испуг) with it.

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So he selected a fine, big pumpkin -- one with a lustrous ['lAstrqs] (ярким), orange ['PrInG] (оранжево)-red color -- and began carving ['kRvIN] (вырезать) it. With the point [pOInt] (кончиком) of his knife he made two round eyes, a three-cornered ['kLnqd] (углами) nose, and a mouth shaped [SeIpt] (в форме) like a new moon [mHn] (месяца). The face, when completed [kqm'pli:tId] (закончено), could not have been considered strictly ['strIktlI] (в полном смысле) beautiful; but it wore a smile so big and broad [brLd] (широкую), and was so Jolly ['GPlI] (веселое) in expression, that even Tip laughed [lRft] (засмеялся) as he looked admiringly [qd'maIqrINli] (с восхищением) at his work.

The child had no playmates ['pleImeIts] (друзей), so he did not know that boys [bOIz] (мальчишки) often dig [dIg] out (вырезают) the inside [In'saId] (внутреннюю часть) of a "pumpkin-jack," and in the space [speIs] (место) thus made put a lighted ['laItId] (зажженную) candle ['kxndl] (свечку) to render ['rendq] (сделать) the face more startling ['stRtlIN] (страшным); but he conceived [kqn'sJvd] (придумл) an idea of his own that promised ['prPmIst] (обещала) to be quite as effective [I'fektIv] (эффективной). He decided to manufacture ["mxnju'fxkCq] (изготовить) the form of a man, who would wear this pumpkin head, and to stand it in a place where old Mombi would meet it face to face.

"And then," said Tip to himself, with a laugh [lRf] (смехом), "she'll squeal [skwi:l] (завизжит) louder [laudq] (громче) than the brown [braun] (бурая) pig [pIg] (свинья) does when I pull [pul] (дергаю) her tail, and shiver ['SIvq] (затрясется) with fright [fraIt] (страха) worse [wE:s] (сильнее) than I did last year when I had the ague ['eIgju:] (лихорадка)!"

He had plenty ['plentI] (уйма) of time to accomplish [q'kPmplIS] (завершить) this task [tQ:sk] (задачу), for Mombi had gone to a village ['vIlIG] (деревню) -- to buy [baI] (купить) groceries ['grquseriz] (продукты), she said -- and it was a journey of at least two days.

So he took his axe to the forest, and selected some stout [staut] (крепкие), straight saplings ['sxplINz] (молодые деревца), which he cut down and trimmed [trImd] (обрезал) of all their twigs [twIgz] (ветки) and leaves. From these he would make the arms, and legs, and feet of his man. For the body he stripped [strIpt] (содрал) a sheet [Si:t] (слой) of thick [TIk] (толстой) bark (коры) from around a big tree, and with much labor ['leIbq] (трудом) fashioned ['fxS(q)nd] (придал ей форму) it into a cylinder ['sIlIndq] of about the right size, pinning ['pInIN] (приколов) the edges ['eGIz] (края) together with wooden pegs [pegz] (колышками). Then, whistling ['wIslIN] (насвистывая) happily ['hxpIlI] (со счастливым видом) as he worked [wE:kt] (работал), he carefully jointed ['GOIntId] (соединил) the limbs [lImz] (конечности) and fastened them to the body with pegs [pegz] (колышками) whittled ['wItld] (которым придал) into shape [SeIp] (форму) with his knife.

By the time this feat [fJt] (подвиг) had been accomplished [q'kAmplISt] (совершен) it began to grow [grqu] (становиться) dark, and Tip remembered [rI'membqd] (вспомнил, что) he must milk [mIlk] (подоить) the cow [kau] (корову) and feed [fi:d] (накормить) the pigs [pIgz] (свиней). So he picked [pIkt] up (поднял) his wooden man and carried it back to the house with him.

During the evening ['JvnIN] (вечера), by the light of the fire in the kitchen ['kICIn] (кухне), Tip carefully rounded ['raundId] (округлил) all the edges ['eGiz] (края) of the joints and smoothed [smHDd] (отшлифовал) the rough [rAf] (неровные) places ['pleIsIz] (места) in a neat [nJt] (ловко) and workmanlike ['wE:kmqnlaIk] (искусно) manner. Then he stood the figure ['fIgq] (фигуру) up against the wall and admired [qd'maIqd] (стал любоваться) it. It seemed remarkably [rI'mRkqbli] (удивительно) tall, even for a full-grown man; but that was a good point [pOInt] (вещь) in a small boy's eyes, and Tip did not object [qb'Gekt] (не возражал) at all

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to the size of his creation [kri:'eISqn] (создания).

Next morning, when he looked at his work again, Tip saw he had forgotten [fq'gPtn] (забыл) to give the dummy ['dAmI] (чучелу) a neck, by means of which he might fasten ['fRsn] (прикрепить) the pumpkinhead to the body. So he went again to the forest, which was not far away, and chopped [CPpt] (срубил) from a tree several pieces of wood with which to complete his work. When he returned he fastened a cross-piece to the upper ['Apq] (верхнему) end of the body, making a hole through the center to hold upright the neck. The bit [bIt] (кусок) of wood which formed [fLmd] (образовывал) this neck was also sharpened ['SRp(q)nd] (заточен) at the upper ['Apq] (верхнем) end, and when all was ready Tip put on the pumpkin head, pressing ['presIN] (насаживая) it well down onto ['Pntu] (на) the neck, and found that it fitted very well. The head could be turned to one side or the other, as he pleased, and the hinges ['hInGIz] (шарниры) of the arms and legs allowed [q'laud] (позволяли) him to place the dummy ['dAmI] (чучело) in any position he desired [dI'zaIqd] (желал).

"Now, that," declared Tip, proudly [praudli] (с гордостью), "is really a very fine man, and it ought to frighten [fraItn] (напугать) several screeches ['skrJCIz] (визгов) out of old Mombi! But it would be much more lifelike ['laIflaIk] (правдоподобным) if it were properly ['prPpqlI] (как следует) dressed."

To find clothing seemed no easy task [tQ:sk] (задача); but Tip boldly ['bquldli] (храбро) ransacked ['rxnsxkt] (обшарил) the great chest [Cest] (сундук) in which Mombi kept all her keepsakes ['kJpseIks] (подарки) and treasures ['treZqz] (сокровища), and at the very bottom he discovered some purple trousers ['trauzqz] (брюки), a red shirt [SE:t] (рубашку) and a pink [pINk] (розовую) vest [vest] (куртку) which was dotted ['dPtId] (усыпана) with white spots [spPts] (пятнышками). These he carried away to his man and succeeded [sqk'sJdId] (смог), although the garments ['gRmqnts] (одежда) did not fit very well, in dressing ['dresIN] (одеть) the creature in a jaunty ['GLntI] () fashion ['fxS(q)n] (). Some knit [nIt] (вязаные) stockings ['stPkINz] (чулки) belonging [bI'lPNIN] (принадлежащие) to Mombi and a much worn [wLn] (изношенная) pair [peq] (пара) of his own shoes completed [kqm'pli:tId] (завершили) the man's apparel [q'pxrql] (наряд), and Tip was so delighted that he danced ['dRnst] (танцевал) up and down and laughed [lRft] (смеялся) aloud [q'laud] (громко) in boyish ['bOIIS] (мальчишеским) ecstacy ['ekstqsi] (восторгом).

"I must give him a name!" he cried. "So good a man as this must surely have a name. I believe," he added, after a moment's thought, "I will name the fellow ['felqu] (приятеля) 'Jack Pumpkinhead!'"Chapter 2. The Marvelous Powder of Life

After considering [kqn'sIdqrIN] (обдумав) the matter carefully, Tip decided that the best place to locate [lqu'keIt] (установить) Jack would be at the bend in the road, a little way from the house. So he started to carry his man there, but found him heavy and rather awkward (неудобный) to handle ['hxndl] (управляться с) . After dragging ['drxgIN] (протащив) the creature a short distance Tip stood him on his feet, and by first bending [bendIN] (согнув) the joints of one leg, and then those of the other, at the same time pushing ['puSIN] (толкая) from behind, the boy managed to induce [In'djHs] (заставить) Jack to walk to the bend in the road. It was not accomplished [q'kAmplISt] (совершено) without a few tumbles ['tAmb(q)lz] (падений) , and Tip really worked [wE:kt] (работал) harder ['hQ:dq] (усерднее) than he ever had in the fields [fJldz] (полях) or forest; but a love of mischief ['mIsCIf] (озорству) urged [E:Gd] (подгоняла) him on, and it pleased him to test the cleverness ['klevqnIs] (искуссность) of his workmanship ['wE:kmqnSIp] (работы) .

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"Jack's all right, and works [wE:ks] (работает) fine!" he said to himself, panting ['pxntIN] (тяжело дыша) with the unusual exertion [Ig'zE:Sqn] (напряжения) . But just then he discovered the man's left arm had fallen ['fLlqn] off (отвалилась) in the journey so he went back to find it, and afterward, by whittling ['wItlIN] (выстрогав) a new and stouter ['stautq] (более прочный) pin [pIn] (штырь) for the shoulder-joint [ 'Squldq-GOInt] ( плечевого сустава) , he repaired [rI'peqd] (отремонтировал) the injury ['InGqrI] (повреждение) so successfully [sqk'sesfqli] (удачно) that the arm was stronger ['strPNq] (сильнее) than before. Tip also noticed that Jack's pumpkin head had twisted ['twIstId] (повернулась) around until it faced [feIst] (оказалась со стороны) his back; but this was easily remedied ['remIdId] (поправлено) . When, at last, the man was set up facing ['feIsIN] (лицом к) the turn in the path [pRT] (тропинке) where old Mombi was to appear [q'pIq] (появиться), he looked natural ['nxCrql] (естественным) enough to be a fair [feq] (неплохой) imitation ["ImI'teISqn] (имитацией) of a Gillikin farmer, -- and unnatural [An'nxCrql] (неестественным) enough to startle ['stRtl] (напугать) anyone that came on him unawares ['Anq'weqz] (случайно, неожиданно) .

As it was yet too early ['E:li] (рано) in the day to expect [Ik'spekt] (ожидать) the old woman to return home, Tip went down into the valley ['vxlI] (долину) below the farm-house and began to gather ['gxDq] (собирать) nuts [nAts] (орехи) from the trees that grew there.

However, old Mombi returned earlier ['E:lIq] (раньше) than usual ['jHZuql] (обычно) . She had met a crooked [krukt] (горбатого) wizard who resided [rI'zaIdId] (жил) in a lonely ['lqunli] (отдаленной) cave [keIv] (пещере) in the mountains ['mauntInz] (горах) , and had traded ['treIdId] (обменялась) several important [Im'pLtqnt] (важными) secrets ['sJkrIts] of magic with him. Having in this way secured [sI'kjuqd] (завладев) three new recipes ['resIpIz] (рецептами) , four magical powders ['paudqz] (порошками) and a selection [sI'lekSqn] (набором) of herbs [hE:bz] (трав) of wonderful power ['pauq] (силы) and potency ['pqutqnsI] (мощи) , she hobbled ['hPb(q)ld] (ковыляла) home as fast as she could, in order to test her new sorceries ['sLsqriz] (чары).

So intent [In'tent] (занята мыслями) was Mombi on the treasures ['treZqz] (сокровищах) she had gained [geInd] (заполучила) that when she turned the bend in the road and caught a glimpse [glImps] (взгляд мельком) of the man, she merely nodded ['nPdId] (кивнула) and said:

"Good evening ['JvnIN] (вечер) , sir [sE:] (сэр) ."

But, a moment after, noting ['nqutIN] (заметив) that the person did not move [mHv] (двигался) or reply, she cast a shrewd [SrHd] (сообразительный) glance [glRns] (взгляд) into his face and discovered his pumpkin head elaborately [I'lxbqrqtli] (тщательно) carved by Tip's jack-knife.

"Heh!" ejaculated [I'GxkjuleItId] (воскликнула) Mombi, giving ['gIvIN] (издав) a sort of grunt [grAnt] (ворчание); "that rascally ['rRskqlI] (негодный) boy has been playing ['pleIIN] (играет) tricks [trIks] (шутки) again! Very good! ve -- ry good! I'll beat [bJt] (изобью) him black-and-blue for trying to scare [skeq] (напугать) me in this fashion ['fxS(q)n] (образом)!"

Angrily ['xNgrIli] (со злостью) she raised [reIzd] (подняла) her stick to smash [smxS] (ударить) in the grinning ['grInIN] (ухмыляющуюся) pumpkin head of the dummy ['dAmI] (чучела) ; but a sudden ['sAdn] (внезапная) thought made her pause, the uplifted [Ap'lIftId] (поднятая) stick left motionless [mquS(q)nlqs] (неподвижно) in the air.

"Why, here is a good chance [CRns] (шанс) to try my new powder!" said she, eagerly ['Jgqli] (воодушевленно). "And then I can tell whether that crooked [krukt] (горбатый) wizard has

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fairly traded ['treIdId] (обменялся) secrets ['sJkrIts], or whether he has fooled [fHld] (одурачил) me as wickedly ['wIkIdli] (гнусно) as I fooled [fHld] (одурачила) him."

So she set down her basket and began fumbling ['fAmblIN] (рыться) in it for one of the precious powders ['paudqz] (порошка) she had obtained [qb'teInd] (добыла).

While Mombi was thus occupied ['PkjupaId] (занята) Tip strolled [strquld] (пошел) back, with his pockets ['pPkIts] (карманами) full [ful] (полными) of nuts [nAts] (орехов) , and discovered the old woman standing beside his man and apparently [q'pxrqntli] (по всей видимости) not the least bit [bIt] (ни капельки не) frightened by it.

At first he was generally ['GenqrqlI] (в целом) disappointed ["dIsq'pOIntId] (разочарован); but the next moment he became curious to know what Mombi was going to do. So he hid [hId] (спрятался) behind a hedge [heG] (изгородью), where he could see without being seen, and prepared [prI'peqd] (приготовился) to watch [wPC] (наблюдать).

After some search the woman drew from her basket an old pepper-box, upon the faded ['feIdId] (выцветшей) label ['leIbl] (этикетке) of which the wizard had written ['rItn] (написал) with a lead-pencil [led'pensl] (графитовым карандашом):

"Powder of Life."

"Ah -- here it is!" she cried, joyfully ['GOIf(q)li] (радостно). "And now let us see if it is potent ['pqutqnt] (имеет силу). The stingy ['stInGI] (скупой) wizard didn't give me much of it, but I guess [ges] (думаю) there's enough for two or three doses ['dqusIz] (доз) ."

Tip was much surprised when he overheard ["quvq'hE:d] (услышал) this speech. Then he saw old Mombi raise [reIz] (подняла) her arm and sprinkle ['sprINkl] (посыпала) the powder from the box over the pumpkin head of his man Jack. She did this in the same way one would pepper a baked [beIkt] (печеную) potato [pq'teItqu] (картошку) , and the powder sifted ['sIftId] (посыпалась) down from Jack's head and scattered ['skxtqd] (рассыпалась) over the red shirt [SE:t] (рубашке) and pink [pINk] (розовому) waistcoat ['weIskqut] (жилету) and purple trousers ['trauzqz] (брюкам) Tip had dressed him in, and a portion ['pLS(q)n] (часть) even fell upon the patched [pxtSt] (латаные) and worn [wLn] (поношенные) shoes.

Then, putting ['putIN] (кладя) the pepper-box back into the basket, Mombi lifted her left hand, with its little finger ['fINgq] (пальцем) pointed upward, and said:


Then she lifted her right hand, with the thumb [TAm] (большим пальцем) pointed upward, and said:


Then she lifted both hands, with all the fingers ['fINgqz] (пальцами) and thumbs [TAmz] (большими пальцами) spread [spred] out (растопыренными), and cried:


Jack Pumpkinhead stepped back a pace [peIs] (шаг), at this, and said in a reproachful [rI'prquCf(q)l] (укоризненным) voice:

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"Don't yell [jel] (кричите) like that! Do you think I'm deaf [def] (глухой) ?"

Old Mombi danced ['dRnst] (затанцевала) around him, frantic ['frxntIk] (в возбуждении) with delight [dI'laIt] (удовольствия).

"He lives!" she screamed [skrJmd] (закричала) : "He lives! he lives!"

Then she threw [TrH] (подбросила) her stick into the air and caught it as it came down; and she hugged [hAgd] (обняла) herself with both arms, and tried to do a step [step] (па) of a jig [GIg] (джиги); and all the time she repeated [rI'pJtId] (повторяла) , rapturously ['rxpCqrqsli] (восторженно) :

"He lives! -- he lives! -- he lives!"

Now you may well suppose that Tip observed [qb'zE:vd] (наблюдал за) all this with amazement.

At first he was so frightened and horrified ['hPrIfaId] (шокирован) that he wanted ['wPntId] (хотел) to run away, but his legs trembled ['tremb(q)ld] (дрожали) and shook so badly that he couldn't. Then it struck [strAk] (внезапно показалось) him as a very funny ['fAnI] (забавная) thing for Jack to come to life, especially as the expression on his pumpkin face was so droll [drqul] (чуднАя) and comical ['kPmIk(q)l] (комичная) it excited [Ik'saItId] (возбуждала) laughter ['lRftq] (смех) on the instant. So, recovering [rI'kAvqrIN] (оправившись) from his first fear, Tip began to laugh [lRf] (смеяться); and the merry [merI] (веселый) peals [pJlz] (смех) reached old Mombi's ears and made her hobble ['hPbl] (ковылять) quickly to the hedge [heG] (изгороди), where she seized [sJzd] (схватила) Tip's collar ['kPlq] (воротник) and dragged [drxgd] (потащила) him back to where she had left her basket and the pumpkinheaded ['pAmpkIn'hedId] (с головой из тыквы) man.

"You naughty ['nLtI] (дрянной), sneaking ['snJkIN] (подлый), wicked boy!" she exclaimed, furiously ['fju(q)riqsli] (в ярости):" I'll teach [ti:C] (научу) you to spy [spaI] out (выведывать) my secrets ['sJkrIts] and to make fun [fAn] (смеяться) of me!"

"I wasn't making fun [fAn] (не смеялся) of you," protested Tip. "I was laughing at old Pumpkinhead! Look at him! Isn't he a picture ['pIkCq] (красавец), though [Dqu] (все-таки)?"

"I hope you are not reflecting [rI'flektIN] (не размышляете) on my personal ['pE:snl] (личном) appearance," said Jack; and it was so funny ['fAnI] (забавно) to hear [hIq(r)] (слышать) his grave [greIv] (серьезный) voice, while his face continued to wear its jolly ['GPlI] (веселую) smile, that Tip again burst [bE:st] (разразился) into a peal [pJl] of laughter ['lRftq] (смехом) .

Even Mombi was not without a curious interest in the man her magic had brought to life; for, after staring ['steqrIN] (посмотрев) at him intently [In'tentli] (пристально) , she presently asked:

"What do you know?"

"Well, that is hard to tell," replied Jack. "For although I feel [fJl] (чувствую) that I know a tremendous [trI'mendqs] (очень) lot [lPt] (много) , I am not yet aware [q'weq] (знаю) how much there is in the world to find out about. It will take me a little time to discover whether I am very wise or very foolish ['fHlIS] (глупый) ."

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"To be sure," said Mombi, thoughtfully ['TLtf(q)li] (задумчиво) .

"But what are you going to do with him, now he is alive?" asked Tip, wondering.

"I must think it over," answered Mombi. "But we must get home at once, for it is growing ['grquIN] (становится) dark. Help the Pumpkinhead to walk."

"Never mind me," said Jack; "I can walk as well as you can. Haven't I got legs and feet, and aren't they jointed ['GOIntId] (скреплены суставами)?"

"Are they?" asked the woman, turning to Tip.

"Of course they are; I made 'em myself," returned the boy, with pride.

So they started for the house, but when they reached the farm [fRm] (фермерский) yard [jQ:d] (двор) old Mombi led the pumpkin man to the cow [kau] (коровий) stable ['steIbl] (хлев) and shut him up in an empty ['emptI] (пустом) stall [stLl] (стойле) , fastening [fRsnIN] (заперев) the door securely [sI'kjuqli] (надежно) on the outside.

"I've got to attend [q'tend] (заняться) to you, first," she said, nodding her head at Tip.

Hearing ['hIqrIN] (услышав) this, the boy became uneasy; for he knew Mombi had a bad [bxd] (плохое) and revengeful [rI'venGful] (мстительное) heart, and would not hesitate ['hezIteIt] (не колеблясь) to do any evil ['Jv(q)l] (злую) thing.

They entered ['entqd] (вошли в) the house. It was a round, domeshaped ['dqum'SeIpt] (куполообразная) structure ['strAkCq] (постройка), as are nearly ['nIqli] (почти) all the farm [fRm] (фермерские) houses in the Land of Oz.

Mombi bade [beId] (попросила) the boy light a candle ['kxndl] (свечу), while she put her basket in a cupboard ['kAbqd] (шкаф) and hung her cloak ['klquk] (плащ) on a peg [peg] (вешалку) . Tip obeyed [qu'beId] (повиновался) quickly, for he was afraid of her.

After the candle ['kxndl] (свеча) had been lighted ['laItId] (зажжена) Mombi ordered ['Ldqd] (приказала) him to build [bIld] (приготовить) a fire in the hearth [hRT] (очаге) , and while Tip was thus engaged [In'geIGd] (занят) the old woman ate [et ] (ела) her supper ['sApq] (ужин) . When the flames [fleImz] (пламя) began to crackle ['krxkl] (потрескивать) the boy came to her and asked a share [Seq] (долю) of the bread [bred] (хлеба) and cheese [Ci:z] (сыра) ; but Mombi refused [rI'fjHzd] (отказала) him.

"I'm hungry!" said Tip, in a sulky ['sAlkI] (хмурым) tone.

"You won't be hungry long," replied Mombi, with a grim [grIm] (зловещим) look.

The boy didn't like this speech, for it sounded ['saundId] (звучал) like a threat [Tret] (угроза) ; but he happened to remember he had nuts [nAts] (орехи) in his pocket, so he cracked [krxkt] (разбил) some of those and ate [et ] (съел) them while the woman rose, shook the crumbs [krAms] (крошки) from her apron ['eIprqn] (передника) , and hung above the fire a small black [blxk] (черный) kettle.

Then she measured ['meZqd] (отмерила) out equal ['i:kwql] (равные) parts [pRts] (части) of

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milk [mIlk] (молока) and vinegar ['vInIgq] (уксуса) and poured [pLd] (налила) them into the kettle. Next she produced [prq'djHst] (достала) several packets ['pxkIts] (пачек) of herbs [hE:bz] (трав) and powders ['paudqz] (порошков) and began adding ['xdIN] (добавлять) a portion ['pLS(q)n] (часть) of each to the contents ['kPntents] (содержимое) of the kettle. Occasionally [q'keIZqnli] (время от времени) she would draw [drL] (подходила) near the candle ['kxndl] (свече) and read from a yellow paper ['peIpq] (бумажки) the recipe ['resIpI] (рецепт) of the mess [mes] (варева) she was concocting [kqn'kPktIN] (готовила).

As Tip watched [wPCt] (наблюдал за) her his uneasiness [An'JzInIs] (беспокойство) increased [In'krJst] (нарастало) .

"What is that for?" he asked.

"For you," returned Mombi, briefly ['brJfli] (кратко) .

Tip wriggled ['rIg(q)ld] (закрутился) around upon his stool [stHl] (табурете) and stared [steqd] (посмотрел) awhile [q'waIl] (немного) at the kettle, which was beginning [bI'gInIN] (начинал) to bubble ['bAbl] (закипать). Then he would glance [glRns] (поглядывал) at the stern [stE:n] (строгие) and wrinkled [rINk(q)ld] (морщинистые) features ['fi:Cqz] (черты) of the witch and wish he were any place but in that dim [dIm] (тускло освещенной) and smoky ['smqukI] (заполненной дымом) kitchen ['kICIn] (кухне), where even the shadows ['Sxdquz] (тени) cast by the candle ['kxndl] (свечей) upon the wall were enough to give one the horrors ['hPrqz] (кошмары) . So an hour passed away, during which the silence was only broken by the bubbling ['bAblIN] (кипением) of the pot [pPt] (котелка) and the hissing ['hIsIN] (шипением) of the flames [fleImz] (пламени).

Finally, Tip spoke again.

"Have I got to drink [drINk] (выпить) that stuff?" he asked, nodding toward the pot [pPt] (котелка).

"Yes," said Mombi.

"What'll it do to me?" asked Tip.

"If it's properly ['prPpqlI] (правильно) made," replied Mombi, "it will change [CeInG] (превратит) or transform [trxns'fLm] (трансформирует) you into a marble statue."

Tip groaned ['grqund] (простонал), and wiped [waIpt] (вытер) the perspiration ["pE:spq'reISqn] (пот) from his forehead with his sleeve [slJv] (рукавом).

"I don't want to be a marble statue!" he protested.

"That doesn't matter I want you to be one," said the old woman, looking at him severely [sI'vIqli] (строго).

"What use'll I be then?" asked Tip. "There won't be any one to work for you."

"I'll make the Pumpkinhead work for me," said Mombi.

Again Tip groaned ['grqund] (простонал).

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"Why don't you change [CeInG] (превратить) me into a goat [gqut] (козла), or a chicken ['CIkIn] (цыпленка)?" he asked, anxiously. "You can't do anything with a marble statue."

"Oh, yes, I can," returned Mombi. "I'm going to plant [plRnt] (посадить) a flower garden ['gRdn] (сад), next Spring [sprIN] (весной), and I'll put you in the middle of it, for an ornament ['Lnqmqnt] (украшения). I wonder I haven't thought of that before; you've been a bother ['bPDq] (источник беспокойства) to me for years."

At this terrible speech Tip felt the beads [bJdz] (капли) of perspiration ["pE:spq'reISqn] (пота) starting ['stRtIN] (начали выступать) all over his body, but he sat still and shivered ['SIvqd] (дрожал) and looked anxiously at the kettle.

"Perhaps it won't work," he mutttered ['mAtqd] (пробормотал), in a voice that sounded ['saundId] (звучал) weak [wJk] (слабо) and discouraged [dIs'kArIGd] (уныло).

"Oh, I think it will," answered Mombi, cheerfully. "I seldom ['seldqm] (редко) make a mistake [mIs'teIk] (ошибку)."

Again there was a period ['pIqrIqd] of silence a silence so long and gloomy ['glu:mI] (мрачная) that when Mombi finally lifted the kettle from the fire it was close to midnight ['mIdnaIt] (полночи).

"You cannot drink [drINk] (пить) it until it has become quite cold [kquld] (холодным)," announced the old witch for in spite [spaIt] (несмотря) of the law [lL] (закон) she had acknowledged [qk'nPlIGd] (призналась в том, что) practising ['prxktIsIN] (занимается) witchcraft ['wICkrRft] (колдовством) . "We must both go to bed now, and at daybreak ['deIbreIk] (рассвете) I will call you and at once complete your transformation into a marble statue."

With this she hobbled ['hPb(q)ld] (заковыляла) into her room, bearing ['beqrIN] (неся) the steaming ['stJmIN] (испускающий пар) kettle with her, and Tip heard her close and lock [lPk] (заперла) the door.

The boy did not go to bed, as he had been commanded to do, but still sat glaring ['gleqrIN] (уставившись) at the embers ['embqz] (угли) of the dying ['daIIN] (угасающего) fire.

Chapter 3. The Flight of the Fugitives ['fjHGItIvz] (беглецов)

Tip reflected [rI'flektId] (размышлял).

"It's a hard thing, to be a marble statue," he thought, rebelliously [rI'beliqsli] (возмущенно), "and I'm not going to stand it. For years I've been a bother ['bPDq] (обуза) to her, she says [sez] (говорит); so she's going to get rid [rId] (избавиться) of me. Well, there's an easier ['JzIq] (более легкий) way than to become a statue. No boy could have any fun [fAn] (веселье) forever [fq'revq] (вечно) standing in the middle of a flower garden ['gRdn] (сада)! I'll run away, that's what I'll do -- and I may as well go before she makes [meIks] (заставит) me drink [drINk] (выпить) that nasty ['nRstI] (отвратительный) stuff in the kettle." He waited until the snores [snLz] (храп) of the old witch announced she was fast asleep [q'sli:p] (крепко спала), and then he arose [q'rquz] (поднялся) softly ['sPftli] (тихо) and went to the cupboard ['kAbqd] (шкафу) to find something to eat.

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"No use starting ['stRtIN] (не имеет смысла отправляться) on a journey without food [fu:d] (еды)," he decided, searching ['sE:CIN] (ища) upon the narrow ['nxrqu] (узких) shelves [Selvz] (полках).

He found some crusts [krAsts] (корочки) of bread [bred] (хлеба); but he had to look into Mombi's basket to find the cheese [Ci:z] (сыр) she had brought from the village ['vIlIG] (деревни). While turning over the contents ['kPntents] (содержимое) of the basket he came upon the pepper-box (коробку для перца) which contained [kqn'teInd] (содержала) the "Powder of Life." (порошок жизни)

"I may as well take this with me," he thought, "or Mombi'll be using ['jHzIN] (будет использовать) it to make more mischief ['mIsCIf] (вреда) with." So he put the box in his pocket, together with the bread [bred] (хлебом) and cheese [Ci:z] (сыром).

Then he cautiously ['kLSqsli] (осторожно) left the house and latched [lxCt] (запер на засов) the door behind him. Outside both moon [mHn] (луна) and stars [stRz] (звезды) shone [Squn] (светили) brightly ['braItli] (ярко), and the night seemed peaceful ['pi:sf(q)l] (тихая) and inviting [In'vaItIN] (привлекательная) after the close and ill-smelling ['smelIN] (дурно пахнущей) kitchen ['kICIn] (кухни).

"I'll be glad to get away (сбежать)," said Tip, softly ['sPftli] (тихо); "for I never did like that old woman. I wonder how I ever came to live with her."

He was walking slowly toward the road when a thought (мысль) made him pause.

"I don't like to leave [lJv] (оставлять) Jack Pumpkinhead to the tender ['tendq] mercies ['mE:siz] (на попечение) of old Mombi," he muttered ['mAtqd] (пробормотал). "And Jack belongs [bI'lPNz] (принадлежит) to me, for I made him even if the old witch did bring him to life."

He retraced [rI'treIst] his steps (вернулся) to the cow-stable [ 'kau 'steIbl] (хлев) and opened the door of the stall [stLl] (стойла) where the pumpkin-headed ['hedId] (тыквоголовый) man had been left.

Jack was standing in the middle of the stall [stLl] (стойла), and by the moonlight ['mu:nlaIt] (свете луны) Tip could see he was smiling just as jovially ['Gquviqli] (весело) as ever.

"Come on!" said the boy, beckoning ['bekqnIN] (делая знак рукой)."

"Where to?" asked Jack.

"You'll know as soon as I do," answered Tip, smiling sympathetically ["sImpq'TetIkli] (сочувственно) into the pumpkin face.

"All we've got to do now is to tramp [trxmp] (идти)."

"Very well," returned Jack, and walked awkwardly ['Lkwqdli] (неуклюже) out of the stable ['steIbl] (хлева) and into the moonlight ['mu:nlaIt] (лунный свет).

Tip turned toward the road and the man followed him. Jack walked with a sort of limp [lImp] (хромота), and occasionally [q'keIZqnli] (время от времени) one of the joints of his legs would turn backward ['bxkwqd] (назад), instead of frontwise ['frAntwaIz] (вперед), almost ['Llmqust] (почти) causing ['kLzIN] (заставляя) him to tumble ['tAmbl] (падать). But the Pumpkinhead

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was quick [kwIk] (быстро) to notice ['nqutIs] (заметил) this, and began to take more pains [peInz] (стараться) to step [step] (ступать) carefully; so that he met with few accidents ['xksId(q)nts] (несчастных случаев).

Tip led him along the path [pRT] (тропинке) without stopping ['stPpIN] (останавливаясь) an instant (ни на секунду). They could not go very fast, but they walked steadily ['stedili] (без остановки); and by the time the moon [mHn] (Луна) sank [sxNk] away (скрылась из виду) and the sun peeped [pJpt] (выглянуло) over the hills [hIlz] (холмов) they had travelled ['trxv(q)ld] (прошли) so great a distance that the boy had no reason to fear pursuit [pq'sjHt] (преследования) from the old witch. Moreover [mL'rquvq] (более того ), he had turned first into one path [pRT] (тропинку), and then into another, so that should anyone follow them it would prove very difficult ['dIfIkqlt] (трудно) to guess [ges] (догадаться) which way they had gone, or where to seek [sJk] (искать) them.

Fairly satisfied ['sxtIsfaId] (довольный) that he had escaped (избежал) -- for a time, at least -- being turned (превращения) into a marble statue, the boy stopped his companion [kqm'pxnjqn] and seated ['sJtId] himself (сел) upon a rock by the roadside ['rqudsaId] (дороги).

"Let's have some breakfast ['brekfqst] (завтрак)," he said.

Jack Pumpkinhead watched [wPCt] (посмотрел на) Tip curiously, but refused [rI'fjHzd] (отказался) to join [dZOIn] (присоединиться) in the repast [rI'pRst] (трапезе). "I don't seem to be made the same way you are," he said.

"I know you are not," returned Tip; "for I made you."

"Oh! Did you?" asked Jack.

"Certainly. And put you together. And carved your eyes and nose and ears and mouth," said Tip proudly [praudli] (с гордостью). "And dressed you."

Jack looked at his body and limbs [lImz] (конечности) critically ['krItIkli].

"It strikes [straIks] (сдается) me you made a very good job [GPb] (работу) of it," he remarked.

"Just so-so (так себе)," replied Tip, modestly ['mPdIstli] (скромно); for he began to see certain defects [dI'fekts] in the construction [kqn'strAkS(q)n] of his man. "If I'd known [nqun] (бы знал) we were going to travel together I might have been a little more particular [pq'tIkjulq] (старательным)."

"Why, then," said the Pumpkinhead, in a tone that expressed [Iks'prest] (выражал) surprise, "you must be my creator [krJ'eItq] (создатель) my parent ['peqrqnt] (родитель) my father!"

"Or your inventor [In'ventq] (изобретатель)," replied the boy with a laugh [lRf] (смехом). "Yes, my son [sAn] (сын); I really believe I am!"

"Then I owe [qu] (обязан) you obedience [q'bi:djqns] (повиноваться)," continued the man, "and you owe [qu] (обязан оказывать) me -- support [sq'pLt] (поддержку)."

"That's it, exactly", declared Tip, jumping ['GAmpIN] up (вскакивая). "So let us be off (пошли)."

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"Where are we going?" asked Jack, when they had resumed their journey.

"I'm not exactly sure," said the boy; "but I believe we are headed ['hedId] (направляемся на) South, and that will bring us, sooner [sHnq] (рано) or later ['leItq] (поздно), to the Emerald City."

"What city is that?" enquired the Pumpkinhead.

"Why, it's the center of the Land of Oz, and the biggest ['bIgIst] (самый большой) town [taun] (город) in all the country. I've never been there, myself, but I've heard all about its history. It was built by a mighty ['maItI] (могущественным) and wonderful Wizard named [neImd] (по имени) Oz, and everything there is of a green color -- just as everything in this Country of the Gillikins is of a purple color."

"Is everything here purple?" asked Jack.

"Of course it is. Can't you see?" returned the boy.

"I believe I must be color-blind [blaInd] (дальтоник)," said the Pumpkinhead, after staring ['steqrIN] (поглядев) about him.

"Well, the grass is purple, and the trees are purple, and the houses and fences ['fensIz] (заборы) are purple," explained Tip. "Even the mud ['mAd] (грязь) in the roads [rqudz] (дорогах) is purple. But in the Emerald City everything is green that is purple here. And in the Country of the Munchkins, over at the East, everything is blue; and in the South country of the Quadlings everything is red; and in the West country of the Winkies, where the Tin Woodman rules, everything is yellow."

"Oh!" said Jack. Then, after a pause, he asked: "Did you say a Tin Woodman rules the Winkies?"

"Yes; he was one of those who helped [helpt] (помог) Dorothy to destroy [dIs'trOI] (уничтожить) the Wicked Witch of the West, and the Winkies were so grateful ['greItf(q)l] (благодарны) that they invited [In'vaItId] () him to become their ruler, -- just as the people of the Emerald City invited [In'vaItId] () the Scarecrow to rule them."

"Dear me!" said Jack. "I'm getting ['getIN] (становлюсь) confused [kqn'fjHzd] (сбитым с толку) with all this history. Who is the Scarecrow?"

"Another friend of Dorothy's," replied Tip.

"And who is Dorothy?"

"She was a girl that came here from Kansas, a place in the big, outside World. She got blown [blqun] (унесена) to the Land of Oz by a cyclone, and while she was here the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman accompanied [q'kAmpqnId] (сопровождали) her on her travels ['trxv(q)lz] (странствиях)."

"And where is she now?" inquired the Pumpkinhead.

"Glinda the Good, who rules the Quadlings, sent her home again," said the boy.

"Oh. And what became of the Scarecrow?"

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"I told you. He rules the Emerald City," answered Tip.

"I thought you said it was ruled by a wonderful Wizard," objected [qb'GektId] (возразил) Jack, seeming ['sJmIN] (который казался) more and more confused [kqn'fjHzd] (сбитым с толку).

"Well, so I did. Now, pay attention, and I'll explain it," said Tip, speaking slowly and looking the smiling Pumpkinhead squarely ['skweqli] (прямо) in the eye [aI] (глаза). "Dorothy went to the Emerald City to ask the Wizard to send her back to Kansas; and the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman went with her. But the Wizard couldn't send her back, because he wasn't so much of a Wizard as he might have been. And then they got angry at the Wizard, and threatened to expose [eks'pquzeI] (разоблачить) him; so the Wizard made a big balloon and escaped in it, and no one has ever seen him since."

"Now, that is very interesting ['IntrIstIN] (интересная) history," said Jack, well pleased; "and I understand it perfectly ['pE:fIktlI] (полностью) all but the explanation ["eksplq'neISqn] (объяснения)."

"I'm glad you do," responded Tip. "After the Wizard was gone, the people of the Emerald City made His Majesty, the Scarecrow, their King; "and I have heard that he became a very popular ['pPpjulq] (знаменитым) ruler."

"Are we going to see this queer King?" asked Jack, with interest.

"I think we may as well," replied the boy; "unless you have something better to do."

"Oh, no, dear father," said the Pumpkinhead. "I am quite willing ['wIlIN] (готов) to go wherever [weqr'evq] (куда бы ни) you please.

Chapter 4. Tip Makes an Experiment [Iks'perImqnt] in Magic

The boy, small and rather delicate ['delIkIt] (хрупкий) in appearance seemed somewhat (немного) embarrassed [Im'bxrqst] (смущен) at being called "father" by the tall, awkward, pumpkinheaded ['pAmpkIn'hedId] (тыквоголовым) man, but to deny [dI'naI] (отрицать) the relationship [rI'leISqnSIp] (родство) would involve [In'vPlv] (вызвало бы) another long and tedious ['tJdjqs] (скучное) explanation ["eksplq'neISqn] (объяснение); so he changed [CeInGd] (сменил) the subject ['sAbGIkt] (тему) by asking, abruptly [q'brAptli] (вдруг):

"Are you tired?"

"Of course not!" replied the other. "But," he continued, after a pause, "it is quite certain I shall wear out (изношу) my wooden joints if I keep on walking."

Tip reflected [rI'flektId] (подумал), as they journeyed ['GE:nId] on (продолжали идти), that this was true. He began to regret [rI'gret] (сожалеть) that he had not constructed [kqn'strAktId] (не сконструировал) the wooden limbs [lImz] (конечности) more carefully and substantially [sqb'stxnSqlI] (основательно). Yet how could he ever have guessed [gest] (мог догадаться) that the man he had made merely to scare [skeq] (напугать) old Mombi with would be brought to life by means of a magical powder contained [kqn'teInd] (содержащегося) in an old pepper-box?

So he ceased [si:st] (перестал) to reproach [rI'prquC] (укорять) himself, and began to think how

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he might yet remedy ['remIdI] (исправить) the deficiencies [dI'fIS(q)nsiz] (недостатки) of Jack's weak [wJk] (слабых) joints.

While thus engaged [In'geIGd] (занятые) they came to the edge [eG] (опушке) of a wood, and the boy sat down to rest upon an old sawhorse (козлы для пилки) that some woodcutter ['wud"kAtq] (пильщик) had left there.

"Why don't you sit down?" he asked the Pumpkinhead.

"Won't it strain [streIn] (перенапряжет) my joints?" inquired the other.

"Of course not. It'll rest them," declared the boy.

So Jack tried to sit down; but as soon as he bent his joints farther than usual they gave way (прогнулись) altogether [Lltq'geDq] (до конца), and he came clattering ['klxtqrIN] (со стуком) to the ground with such a crash [krxS] (грохотом) that Tip feared he was entirely ruined.

He rushed to the man, lifted him to his feet, straightened ['streItnd] (выпрямил) his arms and legs, and felt of his head to see if by chance [CRns] (случайно) it had become cracked [krxkt] (треснутая). But Jack seemed to be in pretty good shape [SeIp] (форме), after all, and Tip said to him:

"I guess [ges] (полагаю) you'd better remain standing, hereafter [hIqr'Rftq] (впредь). It seems the safest way."

"Very well, dear father." just as you say, replied the smiling Jack, who had been in no wise (никоим образом не) confused [kqn'fjHzd] (смущен) by his tumble ['tAmbl] (падением).

Tip sat down again. Presently the Pumpkinhead asked:

"What is that thing you are sitting on?"

"Oh, this is a horse," replied the boy, carelessly ['keqlIsli] (небрежно).

"What is a horse?" demanded Jack.

"A horse? Why, there are two kinds [kaIndz] (вида) of horses," returned Tip, slightly puzzled how to explain. "One kind of horse is alive, and has four legs and a head and a tail. And people ride upon its back."

"I understand," said Jack, cheerfully "That's the kind of horse you are now sitting on."

"No, it isn't," answered Tip, promptly ['prPmtli] (быстро).

"Why not? That one has four legs, and a head, and a tail." Tip looked at the saw-horse (козлы для пилки) more carefully, and found that the Pumpkinhead was right. The body had been formed [fLmd] (сделано) from a tree-trunk [trANk] (ствола), and a branch [brRnC] (ветка) had been left sticking ['stIkIN] (торчащая) up at one end that looked very much like a tail. In the other end were two big knots [nPts] (сучки) that resembled [rI'zembld] (были похожи на) eyes, and a place had been chopped [CPpt] away (было вырублено) that might easily be mistaken [mIs'teIk(q)n] (ошибочно принято) for the horse's mouth. As for the legs, they were four straight limbs [lImz] (конечности) cut from trees and stuck [stAk] (вставленные) fast into the

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body, being spread [spred] (расставлены) wide apart [q'pRt] (врозь) so that the saw-horse would stand firmly when a log [lPg] (бревно) was laid [leId] (положено) across it to be sawed ['sLd] (чтобы пилить).

"This thing resembles [rI'zemb(q)lz] (похожа на) a real horse more than I imagined [I'mxGInd] (себе представлял)," said Tip, trying to explain. "But a real horse is alive, and trots [trPts] (идет рысью) and prances ['prRnsIz] (гарцует) and eats [Jts] (ест) oats [quts] (овес), while this is nothing more than a dead horse, made of wood, and used to saw logs [lPgz] (бревна) upon."

"If it were alive, wouldn't it trot [trPt] (идти рысью), and prance [prRns] (гарцевать), and eat oats [quts] (овес)?" inquired the Pumpkinhead.

"It would trot and prance, perhaps; but it wouldn't eat oats," replied the boy, laughing at the idea." And of course it can't ever be alive, because it is made of wood."

"So am I," answered the man.

Tip looked at him in surprise.

"Why, so you are!" he exclaimed. "And the magic powder that brought you to life is here in my pocket."

He brought out the pepper box, and eyed [aId] (стал рассматривать) it curiously.

"I wonder," said he, musingly ['mjHzINli] (задумчиво), "if it would bring the saw-horse to life."

"If it would," returned Jack, calmly for nothing seemed to surprise him, "I could ride on its back, and that would save my joints from wearing ['weqrIN] out (износа)."

"I'll try it!" cried the boy, jumping up. "But I wonder if I can remember the words old Mombi said, and the way she held her hands up."

He thought it over for a minute ['mInIt], and as he had watched [wPCt] (наблюдал) carefully from the hedge [heG] (изгороди) every motion ['mquSqn] (движение) of the old witch, and listened to her words, he believed [bI'li:vd] (полагал) he could repeat [rI'pi:t] (повторить) exactly what she had said and done.

So he began by sprinkling ['sprINklIN] (посыпав) some of the magic Powder of Life from the pepperbox ['pepqbPks] (перечницы) upon the body of the saw-horse. Then he lifted his left hand, with the little finger pointing upward (вверх), and said: "Weaugh!"

"What does that mean, dear father?" asked Jack, curiously.

"I don't know," answered Tip. Then he lifted his right hand, with the thumb [TAm] (большим пальцем) pointing upward (вверх) and said: "Teaugh!"

"What's that, dear father?" inquired Jack.

"It means you must keep quiet!" replied the boy, provoked [prq'vqukt] (раздраженный) at being interrupted ["Intq'rAptId] (тем, что его прерывают) at so important [Im'pLtqnt] (важный) a moment.

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"How fast I am learning ['lE:nIN] (учусь)!" remarked the Pumpkinhead, with his eternal [i:'tE:nl] (вечной) smile.

Tip now lifted both hands above his head, with all the fingers ['fINgqz] (пальцами) and thumbs [TAmz] (большими пальцами) spread [spred] out (растопыренными), and cried in a loud voice: "Peaugh!"

Immediately the saw-horse moved, stretched [streCt] (вытянул) its legs, yawned [jLnd] (зевнул) with its chopped [CPpt] -out (вырубленным) mouth, and shook a few grains [greInz] (крупиц) of the powder off its back. The rest of the powder seemed to have vanished ['vxnISt] (исчез) into the body of the horse.

"Good!" called Jack, while the boy looked on in astonishment [qs'tPnISmqnt] (изумлении). "You are a very clever sorcerer ['sLsqrq] (волшебник), dear father!"

Chapter 5. The Awakening [q'weIknIN ] (пробуждение) of the Saw-horse

The Saw-Horse, finding himself alive, seemed even more astonished [q'stPnISt] (изумленным) than Tip. He rolled his knotty ['nPtI] (сучковатые) eyes from side to side, taking a first wondering view of the world in which he had now so important [Im'pLtqnt] (важное) an existence. Then he tried to look at himself; but he had, indeed, no neck to turn; so that in the endeavor [In'devq] (попытке) to see his body he kept circling ['sE:klIN] (кружиться) around and around, without catching ['kxCIN] (не поймав) even a glimpse [glImps] (мимолетный взгляд) of it. His legs were stiff [stIf] (жесткие) and awkward, for there were no knee [nJ] (коленных) -joints in them; so that presently he bumped [bAmpt] (врезался) against Jack Pumpkinhead and sent that personage tumbling ['tAmblIN] (опрокинул) upon the moss [mPs] (мох) that lined [laInd] (окаймлял) the roadside ['rqudsaId] (обочину).

Tip became alarmed [q'lRmd] (встревожился) at this accident ['xksId(q)nt] (несчастного случая), as well as (так же как и) at the persistence [pq'sIstqns] (постоянства) of the Saw-Horse in prancing ['prRnsIN] (скакания) around in a circle [sE:kl] (по кругу); so he called out:

"Whoa! (тпру) Whoa, there!"

The Saw-Horse paid no attention (не обращал внимания) whatever to this command, and the next instant (мгновение) brought one of his wooden legs down upon Tip's foot so forcibly ['fLsIbli] (сильно) that the boy danced ['dRnst] (затанцевал) away in pain to a safer distance, from where he again yelled [jeld] (закричал):

"Whoa! Whoa, I say!"

Jack had now managed to raise [reIz] himself (подняться) to a sitting ['sItIN] (сидячее) position, and he looked at the Saw-Horse with much interest.

"I don't believe the animal can hear [hIq(r)] (слышать) you," he remarked.

"I shout [Saut] (кричу) loud enough, don't I?" answered Tip, angrily ['xNgrIli] (сердито).

"Yes; but the horse has no ears," said the smiling Pumpkinhead.

"Sure enough! (Точно!) " exclaimed Tip, noting ['nqutIN] (заметив) the fact for the first time.

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"How, then, am I going to stop him?"

But at that instant the Saw-Horse stopped himself, having concluded [kqn'klHdId] (придя к выводу) it was impossible to see his own body. He saw Tip, however, and came close to the boy to observe [qb'zE:v] (рассмотреть) him more fully.

It was really comical ['kPmIk(q)l] to see the creature walk; for it moved the legs on its right side together, and those on its left side together, as a pacing ['peIsIN] (идущая иноходью) horse does; and that made its body rock sidewise ['saIdwaIz] (качаться из стороны в сторону), like a cradle ['kreIdl] (колыбель).

Tip patted ['pxtId] (похлопал) it upon the head, and said "Good boy! Good Boy!" in a coaxing ['kquksIN] (успокаивающим) tone; and the Saw-Horse pranced [prRnst] (поскакала) away to examine [Ig'zxmIn] (изучить) with its bulging ['bAlGIN] (на выкате) eyes the form of Jack Pumpkinhead.

"I must find a halter ['hLltq] (повод) for him," said Tip; and having made a search in his pocket he produced [prq'djHst] (достал) a roll [rqul] (моток) of strong cord [kLd] (веревки). Unwinding ['An'waIndIN] (размотав) this, he approached [q'prquCt] (подошел к) the Saw-Horse and tied [taId] (привязал) the cord [kLd] (веревку) around its neck, afterward fastening [fRsnIN] (прикрепив) the other end to a large tree. The Saw-Horse, not understanding ["Andq'stxndIN] (понимая) the action ['xkS(q)n] (действие), stepped backward ['bxkwqd] (назад) and snapped [snxpt] (оторвал) the string [strIN] (веревку) easily; but it made no attempt [q'tempt] (попытки) to run away.

"He's stronger than I thought," said the boy, " and rather obstinate ['PbstInIt] (упрямый), too."

"Why don't you make him some ears?" asked Jack. "Then you can tell him what to do."

"That's a splendid ['splendId] (прекрасная) idea!" said Tip. "How did you happen to think of it?"

"Why, I didn't think of it," answered the Pumpkinhead; "I didn't need to, for it's the simplest and easiest thing to do."

So Tip got out his knife and fashioned ['fxS(q)nd] (вырезал) some ears out of the bark (коры) of a small tree.

"I mustn't make them too big," he said, as he whittled ['wItld] (строгал), "or our horse would become a donkey ['dPNkI] (ослом)."

"How is that?" inquired Jack, from the roadside ['rqudsaId] (обочины).

"Why, a horse has bigger ears than a man; and a donkey ['dPNkI] (осел) has bigger ears than a horse," explained Tip.

"Then, if my ears were longer, would I be a horse?" asked Jack.

"My friend," said Tip, gravely ['greIvli] (серьезно), "you'll never be anything but a Pumpkinhead, no matter how big your ears are."

"Oh," returned Jack, nodding; "I think I understand."

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"If you do, you're a wonder," remarked the boy "but there's no harm [hRm] (вреда) in thinking ['TINkIN] (думать, что) you understand. I guess [ges] (полагаю) these ears are ready now. Will you hold the horse while I stick them on?"

"Certainly, if you'll help me up (поможешь мне встать)," said Jack.

So Tip raised [reIzd] (поднял) him to his feet, and the Pumpkinhead went to the horse and held its head while the boy bored [bLd] (проделал) two holes [hqulz] (дырки) in it with his knife-blade [bleId] (лезвием) and inserted [In'sE:tId] (вставил) the ears.

"They make him look very handsome ['hxns(q)m] (красивым)," said Jack, admiringly [qd'maIqrINli] (любуясь).

But those words, spoken ['spqukqn] (произнесенный) close to the Saw-Horse, and being the first sounds [saundz] (звуки) he had ever heard, so startled (напугали) the animal that he made a bound (прыжок) forward and tumbled ['tAmb(q)ld] (опрокинул) Tip on one side and Jack on the other. Then he continued to rush [rAS] (нестись) forward as if frightened by the clatter ['klxtq] (стуком) of his own foot-steps.

"Whoa!" shouted Tip, picking ['pIkIN] himself up (вставая); "whoa! you idiot ['IdIqt] whoa!" The SawHorse would probably have paid no attention (не обратил бы внимания) to this, but just then it stepped a leg into a gopher ['gqufq] (сусличью) -hole and stumbled ['stAmb(q)ld] (споткнулся и упал) head-over-heels [hJlz] (кубарем) to the ground, where it lay upon its back, frantically ['frxntIkli] (яростно) waving its four legs in the air.

Tip ran up to it.

"You're a nice [naIs] (хороший) sort of a horse, I must say!" he exclaimed. "Why didn't you stop when I yelled [jeld] (закричал) 'whoa?'"

"Does 'whoa' mean to stop?" asked the Saw-Horse, in a surprised voice, as it rolled its eyes upward to look at the boy.

"Of course it does," answered Tip.

"And a hole in the ground means to stop, also, doesn't it?" continued the horse.

"To be sure; unless you step [step] (перешагнешь) over it," said Tip.

"What a strange place this is," the creature exclaimed, as if amazed [q'meIzd] (удивленный). "What am I doing here, anyway ['enIweI] (вообще)?"

"Why, I've brought you to life," answered the boy "but it won't hurt you any, if you mind me (если будешь меня слушаться) and do as I tell you."

"Then I will do as you tell me," replied the Saw-Horse, humbly ['hAmblI] (покорно). "But what happened to me, a moment ago [q'gqu] (назад)? I don't seem to be just right, someway ['sAmweI] (немного)."

"You're upside ['ApsaId] down (лежишь на спине)," explained Tip. "But just keep those legs still a minute ['mInIt] and I'll set you right side up again."

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"How many sides [saIdz] (сторон) have I?" asked the creature, wonderingly ['wAndqrINli] (с интересом).

"Several," said Tip, briefly ['brJfli] (коротко). "But do keep those legs still."

The Saw-Horse now became quiet, and held its legs rigid ['rIGId] (неподвижными); so that Tip, after several efforts ['efqts] (попыток), was able to roll [rqul] him over (перевернуть его) and set him upright.

"Ah, I seem all right now," said the queer animal, with a sigh.

"One of your ears is broken," Tip announced, after a careful examination [Ig"zxmI'neISqn] (осмотра). "I'll have to make a new one."

Then he led the Saw-Horse back to where Jack was vainly ['veInlI] (тщетно) struggling ['strAglIN] (was ~ - пытался) to regain [rI'geIn] (вновь встать на) his feet, and after assisting [q'sIstIN] (оказав помощь) the Pumpkinhead to stand upright Tip whittled ['wItld] out (выстрогал) a new ear [Iq] (ухо) and fastened it to the horse's head.

"Now," said he, addressing [q'dresIN] (обращаясь к) his steed [sti:d] (коню), "pay attention to what I'm going to tell you. 'Whoa!' means to stop; 'Get-Up!' means to walk forward; 'Trot!' means to go as fast as you can. Understand?"

"I believe I do," returned the horse.

"Very good. We are all going on a journey to the Emerald City, to see His Majesty, the Scarecrow; and Jack Pumpkinhead is going to ride on your back, so he won't wear out his joints."

"I don't mind," said the Saw-Horse. "Anything that suits [sjHts] (подходит, устраивает) you suits me."

Then Tip assisted [q'sIstId] (помог) Jack to get upon the horse.

"Hold on tight [taIt] (крепко)," he cautioned ['kLS(q)nd] (предостерег), "or you may fall off and crack [krxk] (расколоть) your pumpkin head."

"That would be horrible ['hPrqbl] (ужасно)!" said Jack, with a shudder ['SAdq] (содроганием). "What shall I hold on to?"

"Why, hold on to his ears," replied Tip, after a moment's hesitation ["hezI'teISn] (колебания).

"Don't do that!" remonstrated [rI'mPnstreItId] (возразил) the Saw-Horse; "for then I can't hear [hIq(r)] (слышать)."

That seemed reasonable ['ri:znqbl] (разумным), so Tip tried to think of something else.

"I'll fix [fIks] (исправлю) it!" said he, at length (наконец). He went into the wood and cut a short length of limb [lIm] (ветку) from a young, stout [staut] (крепкого) tree. One end of this he sharpened ['SRp(q)nd] to a point [pOInt] (заострил), and then he dug [dAg] (проделал) a hole in the back of the Saw-Horse, just behind its head. Next he brought a piece of rock from the road

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and hammered ['hxmqd] (забил) the post firmly into the animal's back.

"Stop! Stop!" shouted the horse; "you're jarring ['GRrIN] (трясешь) me terribly ['terqb(q)li] (ужасно)."

"Does it hurt?" asked the boy.

"Not exactly hurt," answered the animal; "but it makes me quite nervous ['nE:vqs] (нервным) to be jarred [GRd] (когда меня трясут)."

"Well, it's all over now" said Tip, encouragingly [In'kArIGINli] (ободряюще). "Now, Jack, be sure to hold fast to this post and then you can't fall off and get smashed [smxSt] (разбиться)."

So Jack held on tight [taIt] (крепко), and Tip said to the horse:

"Get up."

The obedient [q'bi:djqnt] (послушное) creature at once walked forward, rocking ['rPkIN] (раскачиваясь) from side to side as he raised [reIzd] (поднимал) his feet from the ground.

Tip walked beside the Saw-Horse, quite content [kqn'tent] (довольный) with this addition [q'dIS(q)n] (прибавление, пополнение) to their party. Presently he began to whistle ['wIsl] (свистеть).

"What does that sound [saund] (звук) mean?" asked the horse.

"Don't pay any attention to it," said Tip. "I'm just whistling ['wIslIN] (am ~ - свищу), and that only means I'm pretty well satisfied ['sxtIsfaId] (доволен)."

"I'd whistle ['wIsl] (бы свистел) myself, if I could push [puS] (сжать) my lips [lIps] (губы) together," remarked Jack. "I fear, dear father, that in some respects [rIs'pekts] (отношениях) I am sadly ['sxdli] (к сожалению) lacking ['lxkIN] (неполноценный)."

After journeying ['GE:nIIN] (пройдя) on for some distance the narrow ['nxrqu] (узкая) path [pRT] (тропинка) they were following ['fPlquIN] (шли) turned into a broad [brLd] (широкую) roadway ['rqudweI] (дорогу), paved [peIvd] (вымощенную) with yellow brick. By the side of the road Tip noticed a sign [saIn] (вывеску) -post that read:


But it was now growing ['grquIN] (становилось) dark, so he decided to camp [kxmp] (расположиться лагерем) for the night by the roadside ['rqudsaId] (края дороги) and to resume [rI'zju:m] (возобновить) the journey next morning by daybreak ['deIbreIk] (рассвете). He led the SawHorse to a grassy ['grQ:sI] (покрытому травой) mound [maund] (холму) upon which grew several bushy ['buSi] (ветвистых) trees, and carefully assisted [q'sIstId] (помог) the Pumpkinhead to alight [q'laIt ] (спешиться).

"I think I'll lay you upon the ground, overnight ['quvq'naIt] (на ночь)," said the boy. "You will be safer ['seIfq] (безопаснее) that way."

"How about me?" asked the Saw-Horse.

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"It won't hurt you to stand," replied Tip; "and, as you can't sleep, you may as well watch [wPC] out (сторожить) and see that no one comes near to disturb [dIs'tE:b] (беспокоить) us."

Then the boy stretched [streCt] himself (растянулся) upon the grass beside the Pumpkinhead, and being greatly wearied ['wIqrId] (изнуренным) by the journey was soon fast asleep [q'sli:p] (заснул).

Chapter 6. Jack Pumpkinhead's Ride to the Emerald City

At daybreak ['deIbreIk] (рассвете) Tip was awakened [q'weIkqnd] (разбужен) by the Pumpkinhead. He rubbed [rAbd] (протер) the sleep from his eyes, bathed ['beIDd] (искупался) in a little brook [bruk] (ручейке), and then ate [et ] (съел) a portion ['pLS(q)n] (порцию) of his bread [bred] (хлеба) and cheese [Ci:z] (сыра). Having thus prepared [prI'peqd] (приготовившись) for a new day the boy said:

"Let us start at once. Nine [naIn] (девять) miles [maIlz] (миль) is quite a distance, but we ought to reach the Emerald City by noon [nHn] (полдню) if no accidents ['xksId(q)nts] (происшествия) happen." So the Pumpkinhead was again perched [pE:Ct] (уселся) upon the back of the Saw-Horse and the journey was resumed.

Tip noticed that the purple tint [tInt] (оттенок) of the grass and trees had now faded ['feIdId] (потускнел) to a dull [dAl] (тусклый) lavender ['lxvIndq] (бледно-лиловый цвет), and before long this lavender appeared [q'pIqd] (казалось) to take on a greenish ['gri:nIS] (зеленоватый) tinge [tInG] (оттенок) that gradually ['grxGuqli] (постепенно) brightened ['braItnd] (становилась ярче) as they drew nearer ['nIqrq] (приближались) to the great City where the Scarecrow ruled.

The little party had traveled ['trxv(q)ld] (прошел) but a short two miles [maIlz] (мили) upon their way when the road of yellow brick was parted ['pRtId] (разделена) by a broad [brLd] (широкой) and swift [swIft] (быстрой) river. Tip was puzzled how to cross over; but after a time he discovered a man in a ferry-boat ['ferI-'bqut] (пароме) approaching [q'prquCIN] (приближавшегося) from the other side of the stream [strJm] (реки).

When the man reached the bank Tip asked:

"Will you row [rqu] (перевезете) us to the other side?"

"Yes, if you have money," returned the ferryman ['ferImqn] (паромщик), whose face looked cross (сердитым) and disagreeable [dIsq'grIqbl] (неприятным).

"But I have no money," said Tip.

"None at all?" inquired the man.

"None at all," answered the boy.

"Then I'll not break [breIk] (буду ломать) my back rowing ['rquIN] (перевозя) you over," said the ferryman ['ferImqn] (паромщик), decidedly [dI'saIdIdli] (решительно).

"What a nice [naIs] (хороший) man!" remarked the Pumpkinhead, smilingly ['smaIlINli] (улыбаясь).

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The ferryman stared [steqd] (пристально посмотрел) at him, but made no reply. Tip was trying to think, for it was a great disappointment ["dIsq'pOIntmqnt] (разочарование) to him to find his journey so suddenly brought to an end.

"I must certainly get to the Emerald City," he said to the boatman ['bqutmqn] (лодочнику); "but how can I cross the river if you do not take me?"

The man laughed [lRft] (рассмеялся), and it was not a nice [naIs] (добрый) laugh [lRf] (смех).

"That wooden horse will float [flqut] (не утонет)," said he; "and you can ride him across. As for the pumpkinheaded ['pAmpkIn'hedId] (тыквоголовый) loon [lu:n] (парень) who accompanies [q'kAmpqniz] (сопровождает) you, let him sink [sINk] (утонет) or swim [swIm] (плывет) it won't matter greatly which."

"Don't worry ['wArI] (беспокойся) about me," said Jack, smiling pleasantly upon the crabbed [krxbd] (раздражительного) ferryman; "I'm sure I ought to float [flqut] (должен держаться на поверхности воды) beautifully ['bjHtqf(q)li] (превосходно)."

Tip thought the experiment [Iks'perImqnt] was worth [wE:T] (стоящий) making, and the Saw-Horse, who did not know what danger meant [ment] (означала), offered ['Pfqd] no objections [qb'GekS(q)nz] (не возражала) whatever. So the boy led it down into the water and climbed upon its back. Jack also waded [weIdId] in (зашел в воду) up to his knees [nJz] (колен) and grasped [grRspt] (схватился за) the tail of the horse so that he might keep his pumpkin head above the water.

"Now," said Tip, instructing [In'strAktIN] (инструктировал) the Saw-Horse, "if you wiggle ['wIgl] (будешь дрыгать) your legs you will probably swim [swIm] (поплывешь); and if you swim [swIm] (поплывешь) we shall probably reach the other side."

The Saw-Horse at once began to wiggle ['wIgl] (дрыгать) its legs, which acted ['xktId] (служили) as oars [Lz] (веслами) and moved the adventurers slowly across the river to the opposite ['PpqzIt] (противоположной) side. So successful [sqk'sesf(q)l] (удачной) was the trip [trIp] (переправа) that presently they were climbing [klaImIN] (взбирались), wet [wet] (мокрые) and dripping ['drIpIN] (промокшие), up the grassy ['grQ:sI] (поросший травой) bank.

Tip's trouser ['trauzq]-legs (штанины) and shoes were thoroughly soaked [squkt] (промокшие насквозь); but the Saw-Horse had floated ['flqutId] (держалась на поверхности) so perfectly ['pE:fIktlI] (отлично) that from his knees [nJz] (колен) up the boy was entirely dry. As for the Pumpkinhead, every stitch [stIC] (шов) of his gorgeous ['gLGqs] (великолепного) clothing dripped [drIpt] (капал) water.

"The sun will soon dry us," said Tip "and, anyhow ['enIhau] (так или иначе), we are now safely ['seIfli] (благополучно) across, in spite [spaIt] (несмотря) of the ferryman ['ferImqn] (паромщика), and can continue our journey.

"I didn't mind swimming ['swImIN] (я не прочь был поплавать), at all," remarked the horse.

"Nor did I," added Jack.

They soon regained [rI'geInd] (вернулись на) the road of yellow brick, which proved to be a

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continuation [kqn"tInju'eISqn] (продолжение) of the road they had left on the other side, and then Tip once more mounted ['mauntId] (усадил) the Pumpkinhead upon the back of the Saw-Horse.

"If you ride fast," said he, "the wind will help to dry your clothing. I will hold on to the horse's tail and run after you. In this way we all will become dry in a very short time."

"Then the horse must step [step] (шагать) lively ['laIvlI] (быстро)," said Jack.

"I'll do my best," returned the Saw-Horse, cheerfully.

Tip grasped [grRspt] (схватился за) the end of the branch [brRnC] (ветки) that served ['sE:vd] (служила) as tail to the Saw-Horse, and called loudly ['laudli] (громко): "Get-up!"

The horse started at a good pace [peIs] (темпом), and Tip followed behind. Then he decided they could go faster ['fRstq] (быстрее), so he shouted: "Trot [trPt] (рысью!)!"

Now, the Saw-Horse remembered [rI'membqd] (вспомнил) that this word was the command to go as fast as he could; so he began rocking ['rPkIN] (скакать) along the road at a tremendous [trI'mendqs] (страшной) pace [peIs] (скоростью), and Tip had hard work -- running faster ['fRstq] (быстрее) than he ever had before in his life -- to keep his feet.

Soon he was out of breath (запыхался), and although he wanted ['wPntId] (хотел) to call "Whoa!" to the horse, he found he could not get the word out of his throat [Trqut] (горла). Then the end of the tail he was clutching ['klACIN] (сжимал), being nothing more than a dead branch [brRnC] (ветка), suddenly broke [brquk] away (отломился), and the next minute ['mInIt] the boy was rolling ['rqulIN] (катился) in the dust [dAst] (пыли) of the road, while the horse and its pumpkin-headed rider ['raIdq] (всадник) dashed [dxSt] (мчались) on and quickly disappeared in the distance.

By the time Tip had picked [pIkt] himself up (поднялся на ноги) and cleared [klIqd] (очистил) the dust [dAst] (пыль) from his throat [Trqut] (горла) so he could say "Whoa!" there was no further ['fE:Dq] (дальнейшая) need of saying it, for the horse was long since out of sight.

So he did the only sensible ['sensqbl] (разумную) thing he could do. He sat down and took a good rest, and afterward began walking along the road.

"Some time I will surely overtake ['quvq'teIk] (обгоню) them," he reflected [rI'flektId] (размышлял); "for the road will end at the gates of the Emerald City, and they can go no further ['fE:Dq] (дальше) than that."

Meantime ['mJntaIm] (тем временем) Jack was holding ['hquldIN] (держался) fast to the post and the Saw-Horse was tearing ['teqrIN] (мчался) along the road like a racer ['reIsq] (беговая лошадь). Neither ['naIDq] (никто) of them knew Tip was left behind, for the Pumpkinhead did not look around and the Saw-Horse couldn't.

As he rode, Jack noticed that the grass and trees had become a bright emerald-green in color, so he guessed [gest] (догадался) they were nearing ['nIqrIN] (приближались к) the Emerald City even before the tall spires [spaIqz] (шпили) and domes ['dqumz] (купола) came into sight.

At length (наконец) a high wall of green stone [stqun] (камня), studded ['stAdId] (усыпанная) thick [TIk] (обильно) with emeralds ['em(q)rqld] (изумрудами), loomed [lHmd] (появилась)

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up before them; and fearing ['fIqrIN] (опасаясь, что) the Saw-Horse would not know enough to stop and so might smash [smxS] (разбить) them both against this wall, Jack ventured ['venCqd] (решился) to cry "Whoa!" as loud as he could.

So suddenly did the horse obey [qu'beI] (послушалась) that had it not been for his post Jack would have been pitched [pICt] (сброшен) off head foremost ['fLmqust] (вперед), and his beautiful face ruined ['rHInd] (разбитое).

"That was a fast ride, dear father!" he exclaimed; and then, hearing ['hIqrIN] (услышав) no reply, he turned around and discovered for the first time that Tip was not there.

This apparent [q'pxrqnt] (видимое) desertion [dI'zE:Sqn] (оставление) puzzled the Pumpkinhead, and made him uneasy. And while he was wondering what had become of the boy, and what he ought to do next under such trying circumstances ['sE:kqmstqnsIz] (тяжелых обстоятельствах), the gateway in the green wall opened and a man came out.

This man was short and round, with a fat [fxt] (пухлым) face that seemed remarkably [rI'mRkqbli] (удивительно) goodnatured ['gud'neICqd] (добродушным). He was clothed [klquDd] (одет) all in green and wore a high, peaked [pi:kt] (остроконечную) green hat upon his head and green spectacles over his eyes. Bowing ['bauIN] (кланяясь) before the Pumpkinhead he said:

"I am the Guardian of the Gates of the Emerald City. May I inquire [In'kwaIq] (узнать) who you are, and what is your business?"

"My name is Jack Pumpkinhead," returned the other, smilingly ['smaIlINli] (улыбаясь); "but as to my business, I haven't the least idea in the world what it is."

The Guardian of the Gates looked surprised, and shook his head as if dissatisfied ['dIs'sxtIsfaId] (неудовлетворенный) with the reply.

"What are you, a man or a pumpkin?" he asked, politely.

"Both, if you please," answered Jack.

"And this wooden horse -- is it alive?" questioned ['kwesC(q)nd] (спросил) the Guardian.

The horse rolled one knotty ['nPtI] (сучковатый) eye [aI] (глаз) upward and winked [wINkt] (подмигнул) at Jack. Then it gave a prance [prRns] (скачок) and brought one leg down on the Guardian's toes [tquz] (палец ноги).

"Ouch [auC] (ай)!" cried the man; "I'm sorry ['sPrI] (прошу прощения, что) I asked that question. But the answer is most convincing [kqn'vInsIN] (убедительный). Have you any errand ['erqnd] (поручение), sir [sE:] (сэр), in the Emerald City?"

"It seems to me that I have," replied the Pumpkinhead, seriously ['sI(q)riqsli] (серьезно); "but I cannot think what it is. My father knows [nquz] (знает) all about it, but he is not here."

"This is a strange affair [q'feq] (дело) very strange!" declared the Guardian. "But you seem harmless ['hRmlIs] (безобидные). Folks [fquks] (люди) do not smile so delightfully [dI'laItfqli] (приятно) when they mean mischief ['mIsCIf] (задумали недоброе)."

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"As for that," said Jack, "I cannot help my smile, for it is carved on my face with a jack-knife."

"Well, come with me into my room," resumed the Guardian, "and I will see what can be done for you."

So Jack rode the Saw-Horse through the gateway into a little room built into the wall. The Guardian pulled [puld] (вынул) a bell-cord [kLd] (шнур колокольчика), and presently a very tall soldier -- clothed [klquDd] (одетый) in a green uniform ['jHnIfLm] -- entered ['entqd] (вошел) from the opposite ['PpqzIt] (противоположной) door. This soldier carried a long green gun [gAn] (ружье) over his shoulder ['Squldq] (плечо) and had lovely green whiskers that fell quite to his knees [nJz] (колени). The Guardian at once addressed [q'drest] (обратился к) him, saying:

"Here is a strange gentleman ['Gentlmqn] who doesn't know why he has come to the Emerald City, or what he wants [wPnts] (хочет). Tell me, what shall we do with him?"

The Soldier with the Green Whiskers looked at Jack with much care and curiosity [kjuqrI'Ps(I)tI] (любопытством). Finally he shook his head so positively ['pPzqtIvlI] (уверенно) that little waves [weIvz] (волны) rippled ['rIp(q)ld] (прошли рябью) down his whiskers, and then he said:

"I must take him to His Majesty, the Scarecrow."

But what will His Majesty, the Scarecrow, do with him?" asked the Guardian of the Gates.

"That is His Majesty's business," returned the soldier. "I have troubles ['trAb(q)lz] (проблемы) enough of my own. All outside troubles ['trAb(q)lz] (проблемы) must be turned over to His Majesty. So put the spectacles on this fellow ['felqu] (парня), and I'll take him to the royal palace."

So the Guardian opened a big box of spectacles and tried to fit a pair [peq] (пару) to Jack's great round eyes.

"I haven't a pair [peq] (пары) in stock [stPk] (запасе) that will really cover ['kAvq] (закроет) those eyes up," said the little man, with a sigh; "and your head is so big that I shall be obliged [q'blaIGd] (вынужден) to tie [taI] (привязать) the spectacles on."

"But why need I wear spectacles?" asked Jack.

"It's the fashion ['fxS(q)n] (мода) here," said the Soldier, "and they will keep you from being blinded ['blaIndId] (ослепленным) by the glitter ['glItq] (блеском) and glare [gleq] (блеском) of the gorgeous ['gLGqs] (прекрасного) Emerald City."

"Oh!" exclaimed Jack. "Tie [taI] (привяжите) them on, by all means. I don't wish to be blinded ['blaIndId] (ослепленным)."

"Nor I!" broke [brquk] in (вмешался) the Saw-Horse; so a pair [peq] (пара) of green spectacles was quickly fastened over the bulging ['bAlGIN] (навыкате) knots [nPts] (сучки) that served ['sE:vd] (служили) it for eyes.

Then the Soldier with the Green Whiskers led them through the inner ['Inq] (внутренние) gate and they at once found themselves in the main [meIn] (главной) street [stri:t] (улице) of the

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magnificent [mxg'nIfIsnt] (величественного) Emerald City.

Sparkling green gems [Gemz] (драгоценные камни) ornamented ['O:nqmqntId] (украшали) the fronts [frAnts] (фасады) of the beautiful houses and the towers ['tauqz] (башни) and turrets ['tArqts] (башенки) were all faced [feIst] (украшены) with emeralds ['em(q)rqld] (изумрудами). Even the green marble pavement ['peIvmqnt] (мостовая) glittered ['glItqd] (сверкала) with precious stones [stqunz] (камнями), and it was indeed a grand [grxnd] (величественный) and marvelous sight to one who beheld [bI'held] (лицезрел) it for the first time.

However, the Pumpkinhead and the Saw-Horse, knowing ['nquIN] (не зная) nothing of wealth [welT] (богатстве) and beauty ['bjHtI] (красоте), paid little attention to the wonderful sights they saw through their green spectacles. They calmly followed after the green soldier and scarcely ['skeqsli] (едва) noticed the crowds [kraudz] (толпы) of green people who stared [steqd] (уставились) at them in surprise. When a green dog ran out and barked at them the SawHorse promptly ['prPmtli] (быстро) kicked [kIks] (пнул) at it with its wooden leg and sent the little animal howling ['haulIN] (воющую) into one of the houses; but nothing more serious ['sIqrIqs] (серьезное) than this happened to interrupt ["Intq'rApt] (прервать) their progress ['prqugrqs] (движение) to the royal palace.

The Pumpkinhead wanted ['wPntId] (хотел) to ride up the green marble steps and straight into the Scarecrow's presence ['prezns] (присутствие); but the soldier would not permit [pq'mIt] (не разрешил) that. So Jack dismounted ['dIs'mauntId] (спешился), with much difficulty ['dIfIkqltI] (трудом), and a servant ['sE:vqnt] (слуга) led the Saw-Horse around to the rear [rIq] (задний двор) while the Soldier with the Green Whiskers escorted [Is'kLtId] (сопроводили) the Pumpkinhead into the palace, by the front entrance ['entrqns] (вход).

The stranger ['streInGq(r)] (незнакомец) was left in a handsomely ['hxnsqmli] (красиво) furnished ['fE:nISt] (обставленном) waiting room while the soldier went to announce [q'nauns ] (доложить о) him. It so happened that at this hour His Majesty was at leisure ['leZq] (отдыхе) and greatly bored [bLd] (скучающий) for want (из-за недостатка) of something to do, so he ordered ['Ldqd] (приказал) his visitor ['vIzItq] (посетителя) to be shown [Squn] (пригласили) at once into his throne room.

Jack felt no fear or embarrassment [Im'bxrqsmqnt] (смущения) at meeting ['mJtIN] (встретив) the ruler of this magnificent [mxg'nIfIsnt] (великолепного) city, for he was entirely ignorant ['Ignqrqnt] (несведущий) of all worldly ['wE:ldlI] (светских) customs ['kAstqmz] (обычаях). But when he entered ['entqd] (вошел в) the room and saw for the first time His Majesty the Scarecrow seated ['sJtId] (сидящего) upon his glittering ['glItqrIN] (сверкающем) throne, he stopped short in amazement.

Chapter 7. His Majesty the Scarecrow

I suppose every reader ['ri:dq] (читатель) of this book knows [nquz] (знает) what a scarecrow is; but Jack Pumpkinhead, never having seen such a creation [kri:'eISqn] (создание), was more surprised at meeting ['mJtIN] (встретив) the remarkable [rI'mRkqbl] (выдающегося) King of the Emerald City than by any other one experience of his brief [bri:f] (недолгой) life.

His Majesty the Scarecrow was dressed in a suit [sjHt] (костюм) of faded ['feIdId] (выцветшие) blue clothes, and his head was merely a small sack [sxk] (мешок) stuffed with straw, upon which eyes, ears, a nose and a mouth had been rudely ['rHdli] (грубо) painted to represent

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["reprI'zent] (изображать) a face. The clothes were also stuffed with straw, and that so unevenly ['An'Jv(q)nli] (неравномерно) or carelessly ['keqlIsli] (небрежно) that his Majesty's legs and arms seemed more bumpy ['bAmpI] (комковатые) than was necessary ['nesIsqrI] (необходимо). Upon his hands were gloves [glAvz] (перчатки) with long fingers ['fINgqz] (пальцами), and these were padded ['pxdId] (подбиты) with cotton [kPtn] (ватой) . Wisps [wIsps] (пучки) of straw stuck [stAk] out (торчали) from the monarch's coat [kqut] (пиджака) and also from his neck and boot [bHt] (ботинок) -tops. Upon his head he wore a heavy golden crown set thick [TIk] (часто) with sparkling jewels, and the weight [weIt] (вес) of this crown caused his brow [brau] (бровь) to sag [sxg] (свисать) in wrinkles [rINk(q)lz] (морщинами) , giving ['gIvIN] (придавая) a thoughtful ['TLtf(q)l] (задумчивое) expression to the painted face. Indeed, the crown alone [q'lqun] (только) betokened [bI'tqukend] (придавала) majesty (величественность); in all else the, Scarecrow King was but a simple [sImpl] (простое) scarecrow -- flimsy ['flImzI] (хрупкое), awkward, and unsubstantial ['Ansqb'stxnSql] (непрочное).

But if the strange appearance of his Majesty the Scarecrow seemed startling ['stRtlIN] (поразительной) to Jack, no less wonderful was the form of the Pumpkinhead to the Scarecrow. The purple trousers ['trauzqz] (брюки) and pink [pINk] (розовый) waistcoat ['weIskqut] (жилет) and red shirt [SE:t] (рубашка) hung loosely ['lu:slI] (свободно) over the wooden joints Tip had manufactured ["mxnju'fxkCqd] (сделал), and the carved face on the pumpkin grinned [grInd] (ухмылялось) perpetually [pq'peCuqli] (постоянно), as if its wearer ['weqrq] (владелец) considered life the jolliest ['GqulIIst] (самой веселой) thing imaginable [I'mxGInqbl] (которую можно себе представить).

At first, indeed, His Majesty thought his queer visitor ['vIzItq] (посетитель) was laughing at him, and was inclined [In'klaInd] (склонен) to resent [rI'zent] (обидеться на, возмутиться) such a liberty ['lIbqtI] (вольность); but it was not without reason that the Scarecrow had attained [q'teInd] (приобрел) the reputation ["repjV'teISn] (репутацию) of being the wisest ['waIzIst] (самый мудрый) personage in the Land of Oz. He made a more careful examination [Ig"zxmI'neISqn] (осмотр) of his visitor ['vIzItq] (посетителя), and soon discovered that Jack's features ['fi:Cqz] (черты лица) were carved into a smile and that he could not look grave [greIv] (серьезным) if he wished to.

The King was the first to speak. After regarding [rI'gRdIN] (разглядывания) Jack for some minutes ['mInIts] (минут) he said, in a tone of wonder:

"Where on earth [E:T] (же) did you come from, and how do you happen to be alive?"

"I beg your Majesty's pardon ['pRdn] (прошу прощения)," returned the Pumpkinhead; "but I do not understand you."

"What don't you understand?" asked the Scarecrow.

"Why, I don't understand your language. You see, I came from the Country of the Gillikins, so that I am a foreigner ['fPrInq] (иностранец)."

"Ah, to be sure!" exclaimed the Scarecrow. "I myself speak the language of the Munchkins, which is also the language of the Emerald City. But you, I suppose, speak the language of the Pumpkinheads ['pAmpkIn'hedz] (тыквоголовых)?"

"Exactly so, your Majesty" replied the other, bowing ['bauIN] (кланяясь); "so it will be impossible for us to understand one another."

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"That is unfortunate [An'fLCnIt] (очень жаль), certainly," said the Scarecrow, thoughtfully ['TLtf(q)li] (задумчиво). "We must have an interpreter."

"What is an interpreter?" asked Jack.

"A person who understands ["Andq'stxndz] (понимает) both my language and your own. When I say anything, the interpreter can tell you what I mean; and when you say anything the interpreter can tell me what you mean. For the interpreter can speak both languages ['lxNgwIGIz] (языках) as well as understand them."

"That is certainly clever," said Jack, greatly pleased at finding so simple [sImpl] (простой) a way out of the difficulty ['dIfIkqltI] (затруднительного положения).

So the Scarecrow commanded the Soldier with the Green Whiskers to search among his people until he found one who understood ["Andq'stud] (понимает) the language of the Gillikins as well as the language of the Emerald City, and to bring that person to him at once.

When the Soldier had departed [dI'pRtId] (ушел) the Scarecrow said:

"Won't you take a chair [tSeq] (стул) while we are waiting?"

"Your Majesty forgets [fq'gets] (забывает) that I cannot understand you," replied the Pumpkinhead. "If you wish me to sit [sIt] down (сесть) you must make a sign [saIn] (знак) for me to do so." The Scarecrow came down from his throne and rolled an armchair ['RmtSeq] (кресло) to a position behind the Pumpkinhead. Then he gave Jack a sudden ['sAdn] (внезапный) push [puS] (толчок) that sent him sprawling ['sprLlIN] (опрокинуло его) upon the cushions in so awkward a fashion ['fxS(q)n] (способом) that he doubled ['dAb(q)ld] up (сложился) like a jackknife ['GxknaIf] (складной нож) , and had hard work to untangle ['An'txNgl] (распутать) himself.

"Did you understand that sign [saIn] (знак)?" asked His Majesty, politely.

"Perfectly ['pE:fIktlI] (вполне)," declared Jack, reaching ['rJtSIN] (протягивая) up his arms to turn his head to the front, the pumpkin having twisted ['twIstId] (повернулась) around upon the stick that supported [sq'pLtId] (поддерживала) it.

"You seem hastily ['heIstili] (в спешке, наскоро) made," remarked the Scarecrow, watching ['wPCIN] (наблюдая за) Jack's efforts ['efqts] (попытками) to straighten ['streItn] (выпрямить) himself.

"Not more so than your Majesty," was the frank reply.

"There is this difference ['dIfrqns] (различие) between us," said the Scarecrow, "that whereas [weqr'xz] (тогда как) I will bend, but not break [breIk] (сломаюсь), you will break [breIk] (сломаешься), but not bend."

At this moment the soldier returned leading ['lJdIN] (ведя) a young girl by the hand. She seemed very sweet [swJt] (милая) and modest ['mPdIst] (скромная), having a pretty face and beautiful green eyes and hair. A dainty ['deInti] (элегантная) green silk skirt [skE:t] (юбка) reached to her knees [nJz] (колен) , showing ['SquIN] (показывая) silk stockings ['stPkINz] (чулки) embroidered [Im'brOIdqd] (вышитые) with pea [pi:] (гороховыми) -pods [pPdz] (стручками),

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and green satin ['sxtIn] (атласные) slippers ['slIpqz] (туфли) with bunches ['bAnCIz] (пучком) of lettuce ['letIs] (салата) for decorations ["dekq'reIS(q)nz] (украшения) instead of bows [bauz] (бантов) or buckles [bAklz] (пряжек) . Upon her silken ['sIlkqn] (шелковом) waist [weIst] (корсаже) clover ['klquvq] (клевера) leaves were embroidered [Im'brOIdqd] (вышиты), and she wore a jaunty ['GLntI] (изящный) little jacket trimmed [trImd] (отделанный) with sparkling emeralds ['em(q)rqld] (изумрудами) of a uniform ['jHnIfLm] (одного) size.

"Why, it's little Jellia Jamb [Gxm]!" exclaimed the Scarecrow, as the green maiden [meIdn] (девушка) bowed her pretty head before him. "Do you understand the language of the Gillikins, my dear?"

"Yes, your Majesty, she answered, "for I was born [bLn] (родилась) in the North Country."

"Then you shall be our interpreter," said the Scarecrow, "and explain to this Pumpkinhead all that I say, and also explain to me all that he says. Is this arrangement [q'reInGmqnt] (условия) satisfactory ["sxtIs'fxktqrI] (удовлетворительные)?" he asked, turning toward his guest [gest] (гостю).

"Very satisfactory ["sxtIs'fxktqrI] (удовлетворительные) indeed," was the reply.

"Then ask him, to begin [bI'gIn] (начать) with," resumed the Scarecrow, turning to Jellia, "what brought him to the Emerald City"

But instead of this the girl, who had been staring ['steqrIN] (смотрела во все глаза) at Jack, said to him:

"You are certainly a wonderful creature. Who made you?"

"A boy named [neImd] (по имени) Tip," answered Jack.

"What does he say?" inquired the Scarecrow. "My ears must have deceived [dI'sJvd] (должно быть обманули) me. What did he say?"

"He says that your Majesty's brains seem to have come loose [lu:s] (мозги, похоже, набекрень)," replied the girl, demurely [dI'mjuqli] (тихо, спокойно).

The Scarecrow moved uneasily [An'Jzili] (неловко) upon his throne, and felt of his head with his left hand.

"What a fine thing it is to understand two different languages ['lxNgwIGIz] (языка)," he said, with a perplexed [pq'plekst] (озадаченным) sigh. "Ask him, my dear, if he has any objection [qb'GekSqn] (возражение) to being put in jail [GeIl] (тюрьму) for insulting [In'sAltIN] (оскорбление) the ruler of the Emerald City."

"I didn't insult ['InsAlt] (не оскорблял) you!" protested Jack, indignantly [In'dIgnqntli] (возмущенно).

"Tut [tAt] () -- tut [tAt] ()!" cautioned ['kLS(q)nd] (предостерег) the Scarecrow "wait, until Jellia translates [trxns'leIts] (переведет) my speech. What have we got an interpreter for, if you break [breIk] out (рвешься) in this rash [rxS] way (так опреметчиво)?" broke out

"All right, I'll wait," replied the Pumpkinhead, in a surly ['sE:lI] (сердитым) tone -- although his

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face smiled [smaIld] (улыбалось) as genially ['Gi:njqlI] (добродушно) as ever. "Translate [trxns'leIt] (переводи) the speech, young woman."

"His Majesty inquires [In'kwaIqz] (спрашивает) if you are hungry, said Jellia.

"Oh, not at all!" answered Jack, more pleasantly, "for it is impossible for me to eat."

"It's the same way with me," remarked the Scarecrow. "What did he say, Jellia, my dear?"

"He asked if you were aware [q'weq] (знаете ли Вы) that one of your eyes is painted larger ['lRGq] (больше) than the other," said the girl, mischievously ['mIsCIvqsli] (шаловливо).

"Don't you believe her, your Majesty, cried Jack.

"Oh, I don't," answered the Scarecrow, calmly. Then, casting ['kRstIN] (бросая) a sharp look at the girl, he asked:

"Are you quite certain you understand the languages ['lxNgwIGIz] (языки) of both the Gillikins and the Munchkins?"

"Quite certain, your Majesty," said Jellia Jamb [Gxm], trying hard not to laugh [lRf] (смеяться) in the face of royalty ['rOIqltI] (королевского величества).

"Then how is it that I seem to understand them myself?" inquired the Scarecrow.

"Because they are one and the same!" declared the girl, now laughing merrily ['merili] (весело) . "Does not your Majesty know that in all the land of Oz but one language is spoken ['spqukqn] (говорят на одном языке)?"

"Is it indeed so?" cried the Scarecrow, much relieved [rI'lJvd] (с большим облегчением) to hear [hIq(r)] (услышав) this; "then I might easily have been my own interpreter!"

"It was all my fault [fLlt] (вина) , your Majesty," said Jack, looking rather foolish ['fHlIS] (глупо)," I thought we must surely speak different languages ['lxNgwIGIz] (языках) , since we came from different countries."

"This should be a warning [wO:nIN] (предупреждение) to you never to think," returned the Scarecrow, severely [sI'vIqli] (строго) . "For unless one can think wisely ['waIzli] (мудро) it is better to remain a dummy ['dAmI] (чучулом) -- which you most certainly are."

"I am! -- I surely am!" agreed the Pumpkinhead.

"It seems to me," continued the Scarecrow, more mildly ['maIldli] (мягко), "that your manufacturer ["mxnju'fxkCqrq] (изготовитель) spoiled [spOIld] (испортил) some good pies ['paIz] (пирогов) to create [kri:'eIt] (создать) an indifferent [In'dIf(q)rqnt] (равнодушного) man."

"I assure [q'Suq] (уверяю) your Majesty that I did not ask to be created [kri:'eItId] (созданным)," answered Jack.

"Ah! It was the same in my case [keIs] (случае)," said the King, pleasantly. And so, as we differ ['dIfq] (отличаемся) from all ordinary ['LdInrI] (обычных) people, let us become friends."

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"With all my heart!" exclaimed Jack.

"What! Have you a heart?" asked the Scarecrow, surprised.

"No; that was only imaginative [I'mxGInqtIv] (образно (говоря)) -- I might say, a figure ['fIgq] of speech," said the other.

"Well, your most prominent ['prPmInqnt] (рельефная) figure ['fIgq] seems to be a figure ['fIgq] of wood; so I must beg you to restrain [rIs'treIn] (сдерживать) an imagination [I"mxdZI'neISn] (воображение) which, having no brains, you have no right to exercise ['eksqsaIz] ()," suggested the Scarecrow, warningly ['wLnINli] (проявлять).

"To be sure!" said Jack, without in the least comprehending ["kPmprI'hendIN] (совершенно ничего не понимая).

His Majesty then dismissed [dIs'mIst] (отпустил) Jellia Jamb [Gxm] and the Soldier with the Green Whiskers, and when they were gone he took his new friend by the arm and led him into the courtyard to play [pleI] (сыграть в) a game [geIm] (игру) of quoits [kwOIts] (метание колец в цель).

Chapter 8. Gen [Gen]. Jinjur's Army of Revolt

Tip was so anxious to rejoin [rI'GOIn] (присоединиться к) his man Jack and the Saw-Horse that he walked a full [ful] (целую) half the distance to the Emerald City without stopping ['stPpIN] (не останавливаясь) to rest. Then he discovered that he was hungry and the crackers ['krxkqz] (печенье) and cheese [Ci:z] (сыр) he had provided [prq'vaIdId] (запас) for the Journey had all been eaten ['Jtn] (было съедено) .

While wondering what he should do in this emergency [I'mE:GqnsI] (положении) he came upon a girl sitting ['sItIN] (сидящая) by the roadside ['rqudsaId] (обочины дороги) . She wore a costume ['kPstjum] that struck [strAk] (поразил) the boy as being remarkably [rI'mRkqbli] (необыкновенно) brilliant ['brIljqnt] (блестящим): her silken ['sIlkqn] (шелковый) waist [weIst] (лиф) being of emerald green and her skirt [skE:t] (юбка) of four distinct ['dIstINkt] (различных) colors ['kAlqz] (цветов) -- blue in front, yellow at the left side, red at the back and purple at the right side. Fastening [fRsnIN] (скрепляли) the waist [weIst] (лиф) in front were four buttons ['bAtnz] (пуговицы) -- the top one blue, the next yellow, a third [TE:d] (третья) red and the last purple.

The splendor [splendq] (великолепие) of this dress [dres] (платья) was almost ['Llmqust] (почти) barbaric [bR'bxrIk] (варварское); so Tip was fully justified ['GAstIfaId] (оправдан) in staring ['steqrIN] (рассматривать) at the gown [gaun] (платье) for some moments ['mqumqnts] (мгновений) before his eyes were attracted [q'trxktId] (привлечены) by the pretty face above it. Yes, the face was pretty enough, he decided; but it wore an expression of discontent ['dIskqn'tent] (недовольства) coupled ['kAp(q)ld] (сешанного) to a shade [SeId] (оттенком) of defiance [dI'faIqns] (пренебрежения) or audacity [L'dxsItI ] (смелости) .

While the boy stared [steqd] (смотрел) the girl looked upon him calmly. A lunch [lAnC] (обед) basket stood beside her, and she held a dainty ['deInti] (маленький) sandwich ['sxnwIG] in one hand and a hard-boiled [bPIld] (сваренное) egg [eg] (яйцо) in the other, eating with an evident ['evIdqnt] (очевидным) appetite ['xpItaIt] that aroused [q'rauzd] (вызвал) Tip's sympathy

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['sImpqTI] (сочувствие).

He was just about to ask a share [Seq] (долю, часть) of the luncheon ['lAnCqn] (обеда) when the girl stood up and brushed [brASt] (смахнула) the crumbs [krAms] (крошки) from her lap [lxp] (подола платья).

"There!" said she; "it is time for me to go. Carry that basket for me and help yourself to its contents [ 'kPntents] (содержимое) if you are hungry."

Tip seized [sJzd] (схватил) the basket eagerly ['Jgqli] (зд. быстро) and began to eat, following ['fPlquIN] (следуя за) for a time the strange girl without bothering ['bPDqrIN] (не) to ask questions ['kwesCqnz] (вопросы). She walked along before him with swift [swIft] (быстрыми) strides [straIdz] (большими шагами), and there was about her an air of decision [dI'sIZqn] (решительности) and importance [Im'pLtqns] (значительности) that led him to suspect she was some great personage.

Finally, when he had satisfied ['sxtIsfaId] (удовлетворил) his hunger ['hANgq] (голод), he ran up beside her and tried to keep pace [peIs] (не отставать) with her swift [swIft] (быстрая) footsteps ['futsteps] (походка) -- a very difficult ['dIfIkqlt] (трудный) feat [fJt] (подвиг), for she was much taller ['tLlq] (выше) than he, and evidently ['evIdqntli] (по всей видимости) in a hurry ['hArI] (торопилась).

"Thank you very much for the sandwiches ['sxndwIGIz]," said Tip, as he trotted ['trPtId] (семенил) along. "May I ask your name?"

"I am General Jinjur," was the brief [bri:f] (краткий) reply.

"Oh!" said the boy surprised. "What sort of a General?"

"I command the Army of Revolt in this war," answered the General, with unnecessary [An'nesIsqrI] (излишней) sharpness ['SRpnIs] (резкостью).

"Oh!" he again exclaimed. "I didn't know there was a war."

"You were not supposed [sq'pquzd] (не должен был) to know it," she returned, "for we have kept it a secret ['sJkrIt]; and considering [kqn'sIdqrIN] (принимая во внимание тот факт) that our army is composed [kqm'pquzd] (состоит) entirely of girls," she added, with some pride, "it is surely a remarkable [rI'mRkqbl] (удивительная) thing that our Revolt is not yet discovered."

"It is, indeed," acknowledged [qk'nPlIGd] (подтвердил) Tip. "But where is your army?"

"About a mile [maIl]  from here," said General Jinjur. "The forces ['fLsIz] (силы) have assembled [q'sembld] (собрались) from all parts [pRts] (частей) of the Land of Oz, at my express [Iks'pres] (специальной) command. For this is the day we are to conquer His Majesty the Scarecrow, and wrest [rest] (вырвем) from him the throne. The Army of Revolt only awaits [q'weIts] (ожидает) my coming to march upon the Emerald City."

"Well!" declared Tip, drawing ['drLIN] (делая) a long breath, "this is certainly a surprising [sq'praIzIN] (неожиданная) thing! May I ask why you wish to conquer His Majesty the Scarecrow?"

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"Because the Emerald City has been ruled by men long enough, for one reason," said the girl.

"Moreover [mL'rquvq] (более того), the City glitters ['glItqz] (сияет) with beautiful gems [Gemz] (драгоценными камнями), which might far better be used for rings [rINz] (кольца), bracelets ['breIslIts] and necklaces ['neklqsIz] (ожерелья); and there is enough money in the King's treasury ['trqZqrI] (казне) to buy [baI] (купить) every girl in our Army a dozen [dAzn] (дюжину) new gowns [gaunz] (платьев). So we intend [In'tend] (намереваемся) to conquer the City and run the government ['gAvnmqnt] (правительство) to suit [sjHt] ourselves [auq'selvz] (как считаем нужным)."

Jinjur spoke these words with an eagerness ['JgqnIs] (горячностью) and decision [dI'sIZqn] (решимостью) that proved she was in earnest ['E:nIst] (говорила серьезно).

"But war is a terrible thing," said Tip, thoughtfully ['TLtf(q)li] (задумчиво).

"This war will be pleasant," replied the girl, cheerfully.

"Many of you will be slain [sleIn] (убиты)!" continued the boy, in an awed [Ld] (со страхом) voice.

"Oh, no", said Jinjur. "What man would oppose [q'pquz] (противостоять) a girl, or dare [deq] (посмеет) to harm [hRm] (причинить) her? And there is not an ugly ['AglI] (некрасивое) face in my entire Army."

Tip laughed [lRft] (засмеялся) .

"Perhaps you are right," said he. "But the Guardian of the Gate is considered a faithful ['feITf(q)l] (верный) Guardian, and the King's Army will not let the City be conquered without a struggle ['strAgl] (борьбы)."

"The Army is old and feeble ['fJbl] (слаба)," replied General Jinjur, scornfully ['skLnfqli] (презрительно). "His strength [streNT] (мощь) has all been used to grow whiskers (бакендарды), and his wife [waIf] (жена) has such a temper ['tempq] (характер) that she has already pulled [puld] (вырвала) more than half of them out by the roots [rHts] (корни). When the Wonderful Wizard reigned [reInd] (правил) the Soldier with the Green Whiskers was a very good Royal Army, for people feared the Wizard. But no one is afraid of the Scarecrow, so his Royal Army don't count for much in time of war."

After this conversation ["kPnvq'seISqn] (разговора) they proceeded [prq'sJdId] (шли дальше) some distance in silence, and before long reached a large clearing ['klIqrIN] (поляна) in the forest where fully four hundred ['hAndrqd] (сотни) young women were assembled [q'sembld] (собрались). These were laughing and talking ['tLkIN] (разговаривали) together as gaily ['geIlI] (весело) as if they had gathered ['gxDqd] (собрались) for a picnic ['pIknIk] instead of a war of conquest ['kPNkwest] (захватническая).

They were divided [dI'vaIdId] (разделены) into four companies ['kAmpqniz] (роты), and Tip noticed that all were dressed in costumes ['kPstjHmz]  similar ['sImIlq] (похожие) to that worn [wLn] (который носила) by General Jinjur. The only real difference ['dIfrqns] (отличие) was that while those girls from the Munchkin country had the blue strip [strIp] (полоску) in front of their skirts [skE:ts] (юбки), those from the country of the Quadlings had the red strip [strIp] (полоску) in front; and those from the country of the Winkies had the yellow strip in front, and the Gillikin girls wore the purple strip in front. All had green waists [weIsts] (лифы),

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representing ["reprI'zentIN] (символизирующие) the Emerald City they intended [In'tendId] (намеревались) to conquer, and the top button [bAtn] (пуговица) on each waist [weIst] (лифе) indicated ['IndIkeItId] (указывала) by its color which country the wearer ['weqrq] (владелец) came from. The uniforms ['jHnIfLmz]  were Jaunty ['GLntI] (изящные, стильные) and becoming [bI'kAmIN] (шли им к лицу), and quite effective [I'fektIv]  when massed [mxst] (собранные) together.

Tip thought this strange Army bore [bL] (носили) no weapons ['wepqnz] (оружие) whatever; but in this he was wrong. For each girl had stuck [stAk] (заткнула) through the knot [nPt] (узел) of her back hair two long, glittering ['glItqrIN] (блестящие) knitting-needles (спицы).

General Jinjur immediately mounted ['mauntId] (взошла на) the stump [stAmp] (пенек) of a tree and addressed [q'drest] (обратилась) her army.

"Friends, fellow-citizens ['felqu'sItIz(q)nz] (сограждане), and girls!" she said; "we are about to begin [bI'gIn] (вот-вот начнем) our great Revolt (восстание) against the men of Oz! We march to conquer the Emerald City - to dethrone [dI'Trqun] (свергнем с трона) the Scarecrow King -- to acquire [q'kwaIq] (захватим) thousands ['Tauz(q)ndz] (тысячи) of gorgeous ['gLGqs] (великолепных) gems [Gemz] (драгоценностей) - to rifle ['raIfl] (разграбим) the royal treasury ['trqZqrI] (казну) -- and to obtain [qb'teIn] (получим) power ['pauq] (власть) over our former ['fLmq] (бывшими) oppressors [q'presqz] (угнетателями)!"

"Hurrah [hu'rR]!" said those who had listened; but Tip thought most of the Army was too much engaged [In'geIGd] (заняты) in chattering ['CxtqrIN] (болтовней) to pay attention to the words of the General.

The command to march was now given ['gIv(q)n] (дан), and the girls formed [fLmd] themselves into four bands [bxndz] (отряда), or companies ['kAmpqniz] (роты), and set off with eager ['i:gq] (энергичным) strides [straIdz] (шагом) toward the Emerald City.

The boy followed after them, carrying ['kxrIIN] (неся) several baskets ['bRskIts] (корзинок) and wraps [rxps] (свертков) and packages ['pxkIGIz] (пакетов) which various ['veqrIqs] (различные) members ['membqz] (участники) of the Army of Revolt had placed in his care. It was not long before they came to the green granite ['grxnIt] walls of the City and halted ['hLltId] (остановились) before the gateway.

The Guardian of the Gate at once came out and looked at them curiously, as if a circus ['sE:kqs] (цирк) had come to town [taun] (город). He carried a bunch [bAnC] (связку) of keys [kJz] (ключей) swung [swAN] (висящую) round his neck by a golden chain [CeIn] (цепи); his hands were thrust [TrAst] (засунуты) carelessly ['keqlIsli] (небрежно) into his pockets ['pPkIts] (карманы), and he seemed to have no idea at all that the City was threatened by rebels ['reblz] (повстанцами). Speaking pleasantly to the girls, he said:

"Good morning, my dears [dIqz] (дорогуши)! What can I do for you?"

"Surrender [sq'rendq] (сдавайся) instantly ['Instqntli] (немедленно)!" answered General Jinjur, standing before him and frowning ['fraunIN] (хмурясь) as terribly ['terqb(q)li] (ужасно) as her pretty face would allow [q'lau] (позволило) her to.

"Surrender [sq'rendq] (сдаваться)!" echoed ['ekqud] (повторил) the man, astounded [qs'taundId] (изумленно). "Why, it's impossible. It's against the law [lL] (закона)! I never heard of such a thing in my life."

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"Still, you must surrender [sq'rendq] (сдаться)!" exclaimed the General, fiercely ['fIqsli] (свирепо). "We are revolting [rI'vqultIN] (поднимаем восстание)!"

"You don't look it," said the Guardian, gazing ['geIzIN] (глядя) from one to another, admiringly [qd'maIqrINli] (с восхищением).

"But we are!" cried Jinjur, stamping ['stxmpIN] (топая) her foot, impatiently [Im'peISqntli] (нетерпеливо) ; "and we mean to conquer the Emerald City!"

"Good gracious ['greISqs] (боже правый)!" returned the surprised Guardian of the Gates; "what a nonsensical [nPn'sensIkql] (бредовая) idea! Go home to your mothers, my good girls, and milk [mIlk] (доите) the cows [kauz] (коров) and bake [beIk] (пеките) the bread [bred] (хлеб). Don't you know it's a dangerous ['deInG(q)rqs] (опасная) thing to conquer a city?"

"We are not afraid!" responded the General; and she looked so determined [dI'tE:mInd] (решительно) that it made the Guardian uneasy.

So he rang [rxN] (позвонил в) the bell [bel] (колокольчик) for the Soldier with the Green Whiskers, and the next minute ['mInIt] was sorry ['sPrI] (пожалел) he had done so. For immediately he was surrounded by a crowd [kraud] (толпой) of girls who drew the knitting-needles from their hair and began jabbing ['GxbIN] (тыкать) them at the Guardian with the sharp points [pOInts] (концами) dangerously ['deInG(q)rqsli] (опасно) near his fat [fxt] (толстых) cheeks [CJks] (щек) and blinking [blINkIN] (мигающих) eyes.

The poor man howled [hauld] (взмолился) loudly ['laudli] (гроко) for mercy ['mE:si] (пощаде) and made no resistance [rI'zIstqns] (сопротивление) when Jinjur drew the bunch [bAnC] (связку) of keys [kJz] (ключей) from around his neck.

Followed by her Army the General now rushed to the gateway, where she was confronted [kqn'frAntId] (столкнулась с) by the Royal Army of Oz -- which was the other name for the Soldier with the Green Whiskers.

"Halt [hLlt] (стойте)!" he cried, and pointed his long gun [gAn] (ружье) full [ful] (прямо) in the face of the leader ['lJdq].

Some of the girls screamed [skrJmd] (завизжали) and ran back, but General Jinjur bravely ['breIvli] (храбро) stood her ground and said, reproachfully [rI'prquCf(q)li] (с осуждением):

"Why, how now? Would you shoot [Su:t] (стрелять в) a poor, defenceless [dI'fenslIs] (беззащитную) girl?"

"No," replied the soldier. "for my gun [gAn] (ружье) isn't loaded ['lqudId] (заряжено)."

"Not loaded?"

"No; for fear of accidents ['xksId(q)nts] (несчастные случаи). And I've forgotten [fq'gPtn] (забыл) where I hid [hId] (спрятал) the powder and shot [SPt] (дробь) to load [lqud] (заряжать) it with. But if you'll wait a short time I'll try to hunt [hAnt] them up (разыскать их)."

"Don't trouble ['trAb(q)l] (утруждайте) yourself," said Jinjur, cheerfully. Then she turned to her Army and cried:

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"Girls, the gun [gAn] (ружье) isn't loaded ['lqudId] (заряжено)!"

"Hooray [hu'reI] (ура) ," shrieked [SrJkt] (завопили) the rebels ['reblz] (повстанцы), delighted at this good news [njHz] (новость), and they proceeded [prq'sJdId] (продолжили) to rush [rAS] (нападение) upon the Soldier with the Green Whiskers in such a crowd [kraud] (толпой) that it was a wonder they didn't stick the knitting-needles into one another.

But the Royal Army of Oz was too much afraid of women to meet the onslaught ['PnslLt] (нападение). He simply ['sImplI] (просто) turned about and ran with all his might through the gate and toward the royal palace, while General Jinjur and her mob [mPb] (банда) flocked [flPkt] (ринулись толпой) into the unprotected ['Anprq'tektId] (незащищенный) City.

In this way was the Emerald City captured without a drop [drPp] (капли) of blood [blAd] (крови) being spilled [spIld] (пролитой). The Army of Revolt had become an Army of Conquerors ['kPNk(q)rqz] (завоевателей)!

Chapter 9. The Scarecrow Plans [plxnz] (планирует) an escape

Tip slipped [slIpt]  away (ускользнул) from the girls and followed swiftly after the Soldier with the Green Whiskers. The invading [In'veIdIN] (окупационная) army entered ['entqd] (вошла в) the City more slowly, for they stopped to dig [dIg] (выковырять) emeralds ['em(q)rqld] (изумруды) out of the walls and paving-stones ['peIvIN-stqunz] (булыжников) with the points [pOInts] (остриями) of their knitting-needles. So the Soldier and the boy reached the palace before the news [njHz] (новость) had spread [spred] (распространилась) that the City was conquered.

The Scarecrow and Jack Pumpkinhead were still playing ['pleIIN] (играли) at quoits [kOIts] (метание колец в цель) in the courtyard when the game [geIm] (игра) was interrupted ["Intq'rAptId] (прервана) by the abrupt [q'brApt] (внезапным) entrance ['entrqns] (входом) of the Royal Army of Oz, who came flying in without his hat or gun [gAn] (ружья), his clothes in sad [sxd] (ужасном) disarray ['dIsq'reI] (беспорядке) and his long beard [bIqd] (борода) floating ['flqutIN] (плывущая) a yard [jQ:d] behind him as he ran.

"Tally ['txlI] one for me (добавь одно очко на мой счет)," said the Scarecrow, calmly "What's wrong, my man?" he added, addressing [q'dresIN] (обращаясь к) the Soldier.

"Oh! your Majesty -- your Majesty! The City is conquered!" gasped [gRspt] (произнес задыхаясь) the Royal Army, who was all out of breath.

"This is quite sudden ['sAdn] (неожиданно)," said the Scarecrow. "But please go and bar [bR] (закройте) all the doors and windows [wIndquz] (окна) of the palace, while I show [Squ] (буду показывать) this Pumpkinhead how to throw [Trqu] (бросать) a quoit [kOIt] (кольцо)."

The Soldier hastened ['heIs(q)nd] (поспешил) to do this, while Tip, who had arrived [q'raIvd] (прибежал) at his heels [hJlz] (за ним вслед), remained in the courtyard to look at the Scarecrow with wondering eyes.

His Majesty continued to throw [Trqu] (бросать) the quoits [kOIts] (кольца) as coolly ['kHli] (невозмутимо) as if no danger threatened his throne, but the Pumpkinhead, having caught sight of Tip, ambled ['xmbld] (пошел) toward the boy as fast as his wooden legs would go.

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"Good afternoon, noble [nqubl] (благородный) parent ['peqrqnt] (родитель)!" he cried, delightedly [dI'laItIdli] (с радостью)." I'm glad to see you are here. That terrible Saw-Horse ran away with me."

"I suspected [sqs'pektId] (так и думал) it," said Tip. "Did you get hurt? Are you cracked [krxkt] (треснувший) at all?"

"No, I arrived [q'raIvd] (прибыл) safely ['seIfli] (благополучно) ," answered Jack, "and his Majesty has been very kind indeed to me.

At this moment the Soldier with the Green Whiskers returned, and the Scarecrow asked:

"By the way, who has conquered me?"

"A regiment ['reGImqnt] (полк) of girls, gathered ['gxDqd] (собравшихся) from the four corners ['kLnqz] (уголков) of the Land of Oz," replied the Soldier, still pale [peIl] (бледный) with fear.

"But where was my Standing Army at the time?" inquired his Majesty, looking at the Soldier, gravely ['greIvli] (многозначительно).

"Your Standing Army was running," answered the fellow ['felqu] (человек), honestly ['PnIstlI] (честно); "for no man could face the terrible weapons ['wepqnz] (оружие) of the invaders [In'veIdqz] (оккупантов)."

"Well," said the Scarecrow, after a moment's thought, "I don't mind much the loss [lPs] (потеря) of my throne, for it's a tiresome ['taIqsqm] (утомительная) job [GPb] (работа) to rule over the Emerald City. And this crown is so heavy that it makes [meIks] (заставляет) my head ache [eIk] (болеть). But I hope the Conquerors ['kPNk(q)rqz] (Завоеватели) have no intention [In'tenS(q)n] (намерения) of injuring ['InGqrIN] (обидеть) me, just because I happen to be the King."

"I heard them, say" remarked Tip, with some hesitation ["hezI'teISn] (нерешительно), "that they intend [In'tend] (намереваются) to make a rag carpet ['rxg 'kQ:pIt] (ковер из лоскутков) of your outside and stuff their sofa-cushions (диванные подушки) with your inside [In'saId] (внутренностями)."

"Then I am really in danger," declared his Majesty, positively ['pPzqtIvlI] (с уверенностью), "and it will be wise for me to consider [kqn'sIdq] (найти, обдумать) a means to escape (способ бегства)."

"Where can you go?" asked Jack Pumpkinhead.

"Why, to my friend the Tin Woodman, who rules over the Winkies, and calls [kLlz] (называет) himself their Emperor," was the answer. "I am sure he will protect [prq'tekt] (защитит) me."

Tip was looking out the window.

"The palace is surrounded by the enemy ['enImI] (врагом)," said he "It is too late [leIt] (поздно) to escape. They would soon tear [teq] (разорвали бы) you to pieces."

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The Scarecrow sighed [saId] (вздохнул).

"In an emergency [I'mE:GqnsI] (чрезвычайной ситуации)," he announced, "it is always a good thing to pause and reflect [rI'flekt] (подумать). Please excuse [Ik'skjHz] (извините) me while I pause and reflect."

"But we also are in danger," said the Pumpkinhead, anxiously." If any of these girls understand cooking ['kukIN] (готовке), my end is not far off!"

"Nonsense ['nPnsqns] (чепуха)!" exclaimed the Scarecrow. "they're too busy ['bIzI] (заняты) to cook [kuk] (готовить), even if they know how!"

"But should I remain here a prisoner ['prIznq] (военнопленным) for any length of time," protested Jack," I'm liable to spoil."

"Ah! then you would not be fit to associate [q'squSIIt] (общаться) with," returned the Scarecrow. "The matter is more serious ['sIqrIqs] (серьезное) than I suspected [sqs'pektId] (думал)."

"You," said the Pumpkinhead, gloomily ['glu:mIlI] (уныло), "are liable (можешь) to live for many years. My life is necessarily ['nesIsqrIlI] (неизбежно) short. So I must take advantage [qd'vRntIG] (пользоваться) of the few days that remain to me."

"There, there! Don't worry ['wArI] (беспокойся)," answered the Scarecrow soothingly ['sHDINli] (успокоительно); "if you'll keep quiet long enough for me to think, I'll try to find some way for us all to escape."

So the others waited in patient ['peISqnt] (терпеливом) silence while the Scarecrow walked to a corner and stood with his face to the wall for a good five [faIv] (пять) minutes ['mInIts]. At the end of that time he faced [feIst] (повернулся лицом) them with a more cheerful ['Ciqf(q)l] (веселым) expression upon his painted face.

"Where is the Saw-Horse you rode here?" he asked the Pumpkinhead.

"Why, I said he was a jewel ['GHql] (драгоценностью), and so your man locked [lPkt] (запер) him up in the royal treasury ['trqZqrI] (сокровищнице) ," said Jack.

"It was the only place I could think of your Majesty," added the Soldier, fearing ['fIqrIN] (опасаясь, что) he had made a blunder ['blAndq] (ошибку).

"It pleases [plJzIz] (нравится) me very much," said the Scarecrow. "Has the animal been fed [fed] (покормлено)?"

"Oh, yes; I gave him a heaping ['hJpIN] (с верхом) peck [pek] (1/4 бушеля) of sawdust ['sLdAst] (опилок) ."

"Excellent!" cried the Scarecrow. "Bring the horse here at once."

The Soldier hastened ['heIs(q)nd] (поспешил) away, and presently they heard the clattering ['klxtqrIN] (стук) of the horse's wooden legs upon the pavement ['peIvmqnt] (мостовой) as he was led into the courtyard.

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His Majesty regarded [rI'gRdId] (осмотрел) the steed [sti:d] (коня) critically ['krItIkli] (критическим взглядом). "He doesn't seem especially graceful ['greIsf(q)l] (грациозным)!" he remarked, musingly ['mjHzINli] (задумчиво). "but I suppose he can run?"

"He can, indeed," said Tip, gazing ['geIzIN] (смотря) upon the Saw-Horse admiringly [qd'maIqrINli] (любуясь).

"Then, bearing ['beqrIN] (неся) us upon his back, he must make a dash [dxS] (прорваться) through the ranks [rxNks] (ряды) of the rebels ['reblz] (повстанцев) and carry us to my friend the Tin Woodman," announced the Scarecrow.

"He can't carry four!" objected [qb'GektId] (возразил) Tip.

"No, but he may be induced [In'djHst] (можно заставить) to carry three," said his Majesty. "I shall therefore leave [lJv] (оставлю) my Royal Army Behind. For, from the ease [Jz] (легкости) with which he was conquered, I have little confidence ['kPnfIdqns] (уверенности) in his powers ['pauqz] (способностях)."

"Still, he can run," declared Tip, laughing.

"I expected [Ik'spektId] (ожидал) this blow [blqu] (удар)" said the Soldier, sulkily ['sAlkili] (угрюмо); "but I can bear [beq] (перенести) it. I shall disguise [dIs'gaIz] myself (замаскируюсь) by cutting ['kAtIN] off (отрезав) my lovely green whiskers. And, after all, it is no more dangerous ['deInG(q)rqs] (опасно) to face those reckless ['reklIs] (безрассудные) girls than to ride this fiery ['faIqrI] (горячей), untamed [An'teImd] (необузданной) wooden horse!"

"Perhaps you are right," observed [qb'zE:vd] (заметил) his Majesty. "But, for my part, not being a soldier, I am fond [fPnd] (люблю) of danger. Now, my boy, you must mount [maunt] (сесть) first. And please sit [sIt] (садись) as close to the horse's neck as possible."

Tip climbed quickly to his place, and the Soldier and the Scarecrow managed to hoist [hPIst] (поднять) the Pumpkinhead to a seat [sJt] (место) just behind him. There remained so little space [speIs] (места) for the King that he was liable to fall off as soon as the horse started.

"Fetch [feC] (принеси) a clothesline ['klquDzlaIn] (бельевую веревку)," said the King to his Army, "and tie [taI] (свяжи) us all together. Then if one falls [fLlz] (упадет) off we will all fall off."

And while the Soldier was gone for the clothesline ['klquDzlaIn] (бельевой веревкой) his Majesty continued, "it is well for me to be careful, for my very existence is in danger."

"I have to be as careful as you do," said Jack.

"Not exactly," replied the Scarecrow. "for if anything happened to me, that would be the end of me. But if anything happened to you, they could use you for seed [si:d] (семена)."

The Soldier now returned with a long line [laIn] (веревкой) and tied [taId] (связал) all three firmly together, also lashing ['lxSIN] (привязав) them to the body of the Saw-Horse; so there seemed little danger of their tumbling ['tAmblIN] (свалятся) off.

"Now throw [Trqu] open (распахивай) the gates," commanded the Scarecrow, "and we will make a dash [dxS] (будем прорываться) to liberty ['lIbqtI] (свободе) or to death."

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The courtyard in which they were standing was located [lqu'keItId] (расположен) in the center of the great palace, which surrounded it on all sides [saIdz] (сторонам). But in one place a passage ['pxsIG] (коридор, проход) led to an outer ['autq] (внешним) gateway, which the Soldier had barred [bRd] (запер) by order of his sovereign ['sPvrIn] (повелителя). It was through this gateway his Majesty proposed [prq'pquzd] (предложил) to escape, and the Royal Army now led the Saw-Horse along the passage ['pxsIG] (коридору) and unbarred ['An'bRd] (отпер) the gate, which swung [swAN] backward ['bxkwqd] (открылись) with a loud crash [krxS] (треском, грохотом).

"Now," said Tip to the horse, "you must save us all. Run as fast as you can for the gate of the City, and don't let anything stop you."

"All right!" answered the Saw-Horse, gruffly ['grAfli] (хриплым голосом), and dashed [dxSt] (рванул) away so suddenly that Tip had to gasp [gRsp]  for breath (хватать ртом воздух) and hold firmly to the post he had driven ['drIvqn] (вбил) into the creature's neck.

Several of the girls, who stood outside guarding ['gRdIN] (охраняя) the palace, were knocked [nPkt] over (сбиты) by the Saw-Horse's mad [mxd] (бешеным) rush [rAS] (напором). Others ran screaming ['skrJmIN] (крича) out of the way, and only one or two jabbed ['Gxbd] (стали тыкать) their knitting-needles frantically ['frxntIkli] (неистово) at the escaping [Is'keIpIN] (убегающих) prisoners ['prIz(q)nqz] (военнопленных). Tip got one small prick [prIk] (укол) in his left arm, which smarted ['smRtId] (вызывал жгучую боль) for an hour afterward; but the needles had no effect [I'fekt] upon the Scarecrow or Jack Pumpkinhead, who never even suspected [sqs'pektId] (догадывались) they were being prodded ['prPdId] (колют) .

As for the Saw-Horse, he made a wonderful record ['rekLd] () upsetting [Ap'setIN] (перевернув) a fruit [frHt] (с фруктами) cart [kRt] (тележку), overturning ['quvqtE:nIN] (отпрокинув) several meek [mi:k] (кроткие) looking men, and finally bowling ['bqulIN] (прокатившись) over the new Guardian of the Gate -- a fussy ['fAsI] (нервная) little fat [fxt] (толстая) woman appointed [q'pOIntId ] (назначенная) by General Jinjur.

Nor did the impetuous [Im'petjuqs] (стремительный) charger ['CRGq] (конь) stop then. Once outside the walls of the Emerald City he dashed [dxSt] (несся) along the road to the West with fast and violent ['vaIqlqnt] (мощными) leaps [lJps] (скачками) that shook the breath out of the boy and filled the Scarecrow with wonder.

Jack had ridden ['rIdn] (скакал) at this mad [mxd] (безумной) rate [reIt] (скоростью) once before, so he devoted [dI'vqutId] (направил) every effort ['efqt] (усилие) to holding ['hquldIN] (держать), with both hands, his pumpkin head upon its stick, enduring [In'djuqrIN] (перенося) meantime ['mJntaIm] (тем временем) the dreadful ['dredf(q)l] (ужасную) jolting ['GqultIN] (тряску) with the courage of a philosopher [fI'lPsqfq].

"Slow [slqu] (замедли) him up! Slow him up!" shouted the Scarecrow. "My straw is all shaking ['SeIkIN] (сбивается) down into my legs."

But Tip had no breath to speak, so the Saw-Horse continued his wild [waIld] career [kq'rIq] (продолжал дико нестить) unchecked ['An'Cekt] (беспрепятственно) and with unabated ['Anq'beItId] (неослабевающей) speed [spJd] (скоростью) .

Presently they came to the banks [bxNks] (берегам) of a wide river, and without a pause the wooden steed [sti:d] (конь) gave one final ['faInl] (последний) leap [lJp] (скачок) and launched

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[lLnCt] (забросил) them all in mid [mId] () -air.

A second ['sekqnd] (секунду) later ['leItq] (спустя) they were rolling ['rqulIN] (катились), splashing ['splxSIN] (распространяя брызги) and bobbing ['bPbIN] (всплывая и погружаясь) about in the water, the horse struggling ['strAglIN] (пытался) frantically ['frxntIkli] (неистово) to find a rest for its feet and its riders ['raIdqz] (ездоки) being first plunged [plAnGd] (погружались) beneath [bI'ni:T] (под) the rapid ['rxpId] (быстрым) current ['kArqnt] (течением) and then floating ['flqutIN] (всплывали) upon the surface [s'E:fIs] (поверхность) like corks [kLks] (пробки).Chapter 10. The Journey to the Tin Woodman

Tip was well soaked [squkt] (промок до нитки) and dripping ['drIpIN] (капала) water from every angle [xNgl] (lчасти, досл. угла) of his body. But he managed to lean [li:n] (наклониться) forward and shout [Saut] (прокричать) in the ear [Iq] (ухо) of the Saw-Horse:

"Keep still, you fool [fHl] (дурак)! Keep still!"

The horse at once ceased [si:st] (прекратил) struggling ['strAglIN] (биться, бороться) and floated ['flqutId] (плавал) calmly upon the surface [s'E:fIs] (поверхности), its wooden body being as buoyant ['bOIqnt] (плавучее) as a raft [rRft] (плот).

"What does that word 'fool' mean?" enquired the horse.

"It is a term [tE:m] (выражение) of reproach [rI'prquC] (упрека)," answered Tip, somewhat ashamed [q'SeImd] (стыдясь) of the expression. "I only use it when I am angry."

"Then it pleases [plJzIz] (доставляет удовольствие) me to be able to call you a fool [fHl] (дураком), in return," said the horse. "For I did not make the river, nor put it in our way; so only a term [tE:m] (выражение) of reproach [rI'prquC] (упрека) is fit for one who becomes [bI'kAmz] (становится) angry with me for falling ['fLlIN] (за то, что я упал) into the water."

"That is quite evident ['evIdqnt] (очевидно)," replied Tip; "so I will acknowledge [qk'nPlIG] (признаю) myself in the wrong." Then he called out to the Pumpkinhead: "are you all right, Jack?"

There was no reply. So the boy called to the King "are you all right, your majesty?"

The Scarecrow groaned ['grqund] (простонал).

"I'm all wrong, somehow ['sAmhau] (зд. похоже)," he said, in a weak [wJk] (слабым) voice. "How very wet [wet] (мокрая) this water is!"

Tip was bound so tightly ['taItli] (крепко) by the cord [kLd] (веревкой) that he could not turn his head to look at his companions [kqm'pxnjqnz]; so he said to the Saw-Horse:

"Paddle ['pxdl] (греби) with your legs toward the shore [SL] (берегу)."

The horse obeyed [qu'beId] (подчинился), and although their progress ['prqugrqs] was slow [slqu] (медленное) they finally reached the opposite ['PpqzIt] (противоположный) river bank at a place where it was low enough to enable [I'neIbl] (чтобы дать возможность) the creature to scramble ['skrxmb(q)l] (взобраться) upon dry land.

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With some difficulty ['dIfIkqltI] (трудностью) the boy managed to get his knife out of his pocket and cut the cords [kLdz] (веревки) that bound the riders ['raIdqz] (ездоков) to one another and to the wooden horse. He heard the Scarecrow fall to the ground with a mushy ['mASI] (мягким) sound [saund] (звуком), and then he himself quickly dismounted ['dIs'mauntId] (спешился) and looked at his friend Jack.

The wooden body, with its gorgeous ['gLGqs] (роскошной) clothing, still sat upright upon the horse's back; but the pumpkin head was gone, and only the sharpened ['SRp(q)nd] (заостренная) stick that served ['sE:vd] (служила) for a neck was visible ['vIzqbl] (видна) . As for the Scarecrow, the straw in his body had shaken ['SeIkqn] (сбилась) down with the jolting ['GqultIN] (от тряски) and packed [pxkt] itself [It'self] (спрессовалась) into his legs and the lower ['lquq] (нижней) part of his body -- which appeared [q'pIqd] (выглядела) very plump [plAmp] (пухлой) and round while his upper ['Apq] (верхняя) half seemed like an empty ['emptI] (пустой) sack [sxk] (мешок) . Upon his head the Scarecrow still wore the heavy crown, which had been sewed [squd] on (пришита) to prevent [prI'vent] (предотвратить) his losing ['lHzIN] (потерю) it; but the head was now so damp [dxmp] (сырая) and limp [lImp] (мягкая) that the weight [weIt] (вес) of the gold and jewels sagged [sxgd] (осел) forward and crushed [krASt] (раздавил) the painted face into a mass [mxs] of wrinkles [rINk(q)lz] (морщинок, складок) that made him look exactly like a Japanese ["Gxpq'ni:z] (японский) pug [pAg] (мопс) dog.

Tip would have laughed [lRft] (рассмеялся бы) -- had he not been so anxious about his man Jack. But the Scarecrow, however damaged ['dxmIGd] (поврежденный), was all there, while the pumpkin head that was so necessary ['nesIsqrI] (нужна) to Jack's existence was missing ['mIsIN] (пропала); so the boy seized [sJzd] (схватил) a long pole [pqul] (шест) that fortunately ['fLtSnItli] (к счастью) lay near at hand and anxiously turned again toward the river.

Far out upon the waters ['wLtqz] (воде) he sighted ['saItId] (заметил) the golden hue [hjH] (цвет) of the pumpkin, which gently ['Gentli] (мягко) bobbed [bPbd] (качалась) up and down with the motion ['mquSqn] (движением) of the waves [weIvz] (волн). At that moment it was quite out of Tip's reach, but after a time it floated ['flqutId] (подплыла) nearer ['nIqrq] (ближе) and still nearer until the boy was able to reach it with his pole [pqul] (шестом) and draw [drL] (подтянул) it to the shore [SL] (берегу). Then he brought it to the top of the bank, carefully wiped [waIpt] (стер) the water from its pumpkin face with his handkerchief ['hxNkqCIf] (платком), and ran with it to Jack and replaced [rI'pleIst] (вернул) the head upon the man's neck.

"Dear me!" were Jack's first words. "What a dreadful ['dredf(q)l] (ужасный) experience! I wonder if water is liable to spoil pumpkins?"

Tip did not think a reply was necessary ['nesIsqrI] (необходим), for he knew that the Scarecrow also stood in need of his help. So he carefully removed [rI'mHvd] (вынул) the straw from the King's body and legs, and spread [spred] (разложил) it out in the sun to dry. The wet [wet] (сырая) clothing he hung over the body of the Saw-Horse.

"If water spoils [spOIlz] (портит) pumpkins," observed [qb'zE:vd] (заметил) Jack, with a deep sigh, "then my days are numbered ['nAmbqd] (сочтены)."

"I've never noticed that water spoils [spOIlz] (портит) pumpkins," returned Tip; "unless the water happens ['hxpqnz] (оказывается) to be boiling ['bOIlIN] (кипящей). If your head isn't cracked [krxkt] (треснула), my friend, you must be in fairly good condition."

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"Oh, my head isn't cracked [krxkt] (треснула) in the least," declared Jack, more cheerfully.

"Then don't worry ['wArI] (волнуйся)," retorted [rI'tLtId] (ответил) the boy. "Care (забота) once killed a cat [kxt] (кошку)."

"Then," said Jack, seriously ['sI(q)riqsli] (серьезно), "I am very glad indeed that I am not a cat."

The sun was fast drying ['draIIN] (сушило) their clothing, and Tip stirred [stE:d] (шевелил) up his Majesty's straw so that the warm [wLm] (теплые) rays [reIz] (лучи) might absorb [qb'zLb] (поглотить) the moisture ['mOIsCq] (влагу) and make it as crisp [krIsp] (свежей) and dry as ever. When this had been accomplished [q'kAmplISt] (было сделано) he stuffed the Scarecrow into symmetrical [sI'metrIkql] shape [SeIp] (форму) and smoothed [smHDd] out (разгладил) his face so that he wore his usual ['jHZuql] (обычное) gay [geI] (веселое) and charming ['CRmIN] (очаровательное) expression.

"Thank you very much," said the monarch, brightly ['braItli] (весело), as he walked about and found himself to be well balanced ['bxlqnst] (уравновешенный). "There are several distinct ['dIstINkt] (явных) advantages [qd'vRntIGIz] (преимуществ) in being a Scarecrow. For if one has friends near at hand to repair [rI'peq] (чинить) damages ['dxmIGIz] (повреждения), nothing very serious ['sIqrIqs] (серьезное) can happen to you."

"I wonder if hot [hPt] (яркий, жаркий) sunshine ['sAnSaIn] (солнечный свет) is liable (может) to crack [krxk] (растрескать) pumpkins," said Jack, with an anxious ring [rIN] (ноткой) in his voice.

"Not at all -- not at all!" replied the Scarecrow, gaily ['geIlI] (весело)." All you need fear, my boy, is old age [eIdZ] (возраст). When your golden youth [ju:T] (юность) has decayed [dI'keId] (досл. сгниет) we shall quickly part company (расстанемся) -- but you needn't look forward to it; we'll discover the fact ourselves [auq'selvz] (сами), and notify ['nqutIfaI] (известим) you. But come! Let us resume [rI'zju:m] (продолжим) our journey. I am anxious to greet [grJt] (поздороваться) my friend the Tin Woodman."

So they remounted [rI'mauntId] (вновь сели на) the Saw-Horse, Tip holding ['hquldIN] (держался) to the post, the Pumpkinhead clinging ['klININ] (держался) to Tip, and the Scarecrow with both arms around the wooden form of Jack.

"Go slowly, for now there is no danger of pursuit [pq'sjHt] (преследования)," said Tip to his steed [sti:d] (коню).

"All right!" responded the creature, in a voice rather gruff [grAf] (хриплым).

"Aren't you a little hoarse [hLs] (охрип: игра слов - horse - лошадь, hoarse - охрипший)?" asked the Pumpkinhead politely.

The Saw-Horse gave an angry prance [prRns] (скачок) and rolled one knotty ['nPtI] (сучковатый) eye [aI] (глаз) backward ['bxkwqd] (назад) toward Tip.

"See here," he growled [grauld] (проворчал), "can't you protect [prq'tekt] (защитить) me from insult ['InsAlt] (оскорблений)?"

"To be sure!" answered Tip, soothingly ['sHDINli] (успокоительно). "I am sure Jack meant

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[ment] (не имел в виду) no harm [hRm] (плохого). And it will not do for us to quarrel ['kwPrql] (ссориться), you know; we must all remain good friends."

"I'll have nothing more to do with that Pumpkinhead," declared the SawHorse, viciously ['vISqsli] (зло). "he loses ['lu:zIz] (теряет) his head too easily to suit [sjHt] (подходить) me."

There seemed no fitting ['fItIN] (подходящего) reply to this speech, so for a time they rode along in silence.

After a while the Scarecrow remarked:

"This reminds [rI'maIndz] (напоминает) me of old times [taImz] (временах). It was upon this grassy ['grQ:sI] (покрытом травой) knoll [nqul] (холме) that I once saved Dorothy from the Stinging ['stININ] (жалящих) Bees [bJz] (пчел) of the Wicked Witch of the West."

"Do Stinging ['stININ] (жалящие) Bees [bJz] (пчелы) injure ['IndZq] (вредят, портят) pumpkins?" asked Jack, glancing ['glRnsIN] (смотря) around fearfully ['fIqf(q)li] (испуганно).

"They are all dead, so it doesn't matter," replied the Scarecrow." And here is where Nick Chopper destroyed [dIs'trOId] (уничтожил) the Wicked Witch's Grey [greI] (серых) Wolves [wulvz] (волков) ."

"Who was Nick Chopper?" asked Tip.

"That is the name of my friend the Tin Woodman, answered his Majesty. And here is where the Winged Monkeys captured and bound us, and flew away with little Dorothy," he continued, after they had traveled ['trxv(q)ld] (проскакали) a little way farther.

"Do Winged Monkeys ever eat pumpkins?" asked Jack, with a shiver ['SIvq] (дрожью) of fear.

"I do not know; but you have little cause [kLz] (причины) to worry ['wArI] (беспокоиться), for the Winged Monkeys are now the slaves of Glinda the Good, who owns ['qunz] (владеет) the Golden Cap that commands [kq'mRndz] (пользуется) their services ['sE:vIsIz] (услугами)," said the Scarecrow, reflectively [rI'flektIvli] (задумчиво).

Then the stuffed monarch became lost in thought recalling [rI'kLkIN] (вспоминая о) the days of past [pQ:st] (прошлых) adventures [qd'ventSqz] (приключений). And the Saw-Horse rocked [rPkt] (зд. скакала) and rolled over the flower-strewn [strHn] (усыпанным) fields [fJldz] (полям) and carried its riders ['raIdqz] (ездоков) swiftly upon their way.

* * * * * * * * *

Twilight ['twaIlaIt] (сумерки) fell, bye [baI] and bye [baI] (), and then the dark shadows ['Sxdquz] (тени) of night. So Tip stopped the horse and they all proceeded [prq'sJdId] to dismount ['dIs'maunt] (спешились).

"I'm tired out," said the boy, yawning ['jLnIN] (зевая) wearily ['wIqrIlI] (устало); "and the grass is soft and cool [kHl] (прохладная). Let us lie [laI] (ляжем) down here and sleep until morning."

"I can't sleep," said Jack.

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"I never do," said the Scarecrow.

"I do not even know what sleep is," said the Saw-Horse.

"Still, we must have consideration [kqn"sIdq'reISqn]  for (проявить уважение к, считаться с) this poor boy, who is made of flesh [fleS] (плоти) and blood [blAd] (крови) and bone [bqun] (кости), and gets [gets] tired (устает)," suggested the Scarecrow, in his usual ['jHZuql] (обычной) thoughtful ['TLtf(q)l] (задумчивой) manner. "I remember it was the same way with little Dorothy. We always had to sit [sIt] (сидеть) through the night while she slept [slept] (спала)."

"I'm sorry ['sPrI] (извините)," said Tip, meekly ['mJkli] (кротко), "but I can't help it. And I'm dreadfully ['dredf(q)li] (ужасно) hungry, too!"

"Here is a new danger!" remarked Jack, gloomily ['glu:mIlI] (мрачно). "I hope you are not fond [fPnd] (не любишь) of eating pumpkins."

"Not unless they're stewed [stjHd] (тушеные) and made into pies ['paIz] (пироги)," answered the boy, laughing. "So have no fears ['fIqz] (страх) of me, friend Jack."

"What a coward ['kauqd] (трус) that Pumpkinhead is!" said the Saw-Horse, scornfully ['skLnfqli] (презрительно).

"You might be a coward ['kauqd] (трус) yourself, if you knew you were liable to spoil!" retorted [rI'tLtId] (возразил) Jack, angrily ['xNgrIli] (сердито).

"There! -- there!" interrupted ["Intq'rAptId] (прервал) the Scarecrow; "don't let us quarrel ['kwPrql] (ссориться). We all have our weaknesses ['wJknIsIz] (слабости), dear friends; so we must strive [straIv] (стараться) to be considerate [kqn'sIdqrIt] (проявлять уважение) of one another. And since this poor boy is hungry and has nothing whatever to eat, let us all remain quiet and allow [q'lau] (позволим) him to sleep; for it is said that in sleep a mortal ['mLtl] (смертный) may forget [fq'get] (забыть) even hunger ['hANgq] (голод)."

"Thank you!" exclaimed Tip, gratefully ['greItf(q)li] (с благодарностью). "Your Majesty is fully as good as you are wise -- and that is saying a good deal [dJl] (многое)!"

He then stretched [streCt]  himself (растянулся) upon the grass and, using ['jHzIN] (используя) the stuffed form of the Scarecrow for a pillow ['pIlqu] (подушки), was presently fast asleep [q'sli:p] (уснул).

Chapter 11. A Nickel-Plated ['pleItId] (никелированный) Emperor

Tip awoke [q'wquk ] (проснулся) soon after dawn [dLn] (рассвета), but the Scarecrow had already risen ['rIzn] (встал) and plucked ['plAkt] (собрал), with his clumsy ['klAmzi] (неуклюжими) fingers ['fINgqz] (пальцами), a double-handful ['dAbl-'hxndful] (двойную пригоршню) of ripe [raIp] (спелых) berries ['berIz] (ягод) from some bushes ['buSIz] (кустов) near by. These the boy ate [et ] (съел) greedily ['grJdIlI] (с жадностью), finding them an ample ['xmpl] (обильный) breakfast ['brekfqst] (завтрак), and afterward the little party resumed its Journey.

After an hour's ride they reached the summit ['sAmIt] (вершины) of a hill [hIl] (холма) from

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whence [wens] (откуда) they espied (увидели) the City of the Winkies and noted ['nqutId] (заметили) the tall domes ['dqumz] (купола) of the Emperor's palace rising ['raIzIN] (поднимающиеся) from the clusters ['klAstqz] (групп) of more modest ['mPdIst] (скромных) dwellings ['dwelINz] (домов).

The Scarecrow became greatly animated ['xnImeItId] (оживленный) at this sight, and exclaimed:

"How delighted I shall be to see my old friend the Tin Woodman again! I hope that he rules his people more successfully [sqk'sesfqli] (с большим успехом) than I have ruled mine [maInd] (моими)!"

Is the Tin Woodman the Emperor of the Winkies?" asked the horse.

"Yes, indeed. They invited [In'vaItId] (пригласили) him to rule over them soon after the Wicked Witch was destroyed [dIs'trOId] (уничтожена); and as Nick Chopper has the best heart in all the world I am sure he has proved an excellent and able emperor."

"I thought that 'Emperor' was the title ['taItl] (титул) of a person who rules an empire ['empaIq] (империей)," said Tip, "and the Country of the Winkies is only a Kingdom ['kINdqm] (королевство)."

"Don't mention ['menS(q)n] (говори об) that to the Tin Woodman!" exclaimed the Scarecrow, earnestly ['E:nIstli] (серьезно). "You would hurt his feelings ['fJlINz] (обидел бы его) terribly ['terqb(q)li] (ужасно). He is a proud man, as he has every reason to be, and it pleases [plJzIz] (доставляет удовольствие) him to be termed [tE:md] (называться) Emperor rather than King."

"I'm sure it makes [meIks] (делает) no difference ['dIfrqns] (разницы) to me," replied the boy.

The Saw-Horse now ambled ['xmbld] (скакал) forward at a pace [peIs] (скоростью) so fast that its riders ['raIdqz] (ездоки) had hard work to stick upon its back; so there was little further ['fE:Dq] (дальнейшего) conversation ["kPnvq'seISqn] (разговора) until they drew up beside the palace steps.

An aged ['eIGd] (пожилой) Winkie, dressed in a uniform ['jHnIfLm] of silver cloth [klPT] (ткани), came forward to assist [q'sIst] (помочь) them to alight [q'laIt ] (спешиться). Said the Scarecrow to his personage:

"Show [Squ] (веди) us at once to your master ['mQ:stq] (господину), the Emperor."

The man looked from one to another of the party in an embarrassed [Im'bxrqst] way (смущенно), and finally answered:

"I fear I must ask you to wait for a time. The Emperor is not receiving [rI'sJvIN] (принимает) this morning."

"How is that?" enquired the Scarecrow, anxiously." I hope nothing has happened to him."

"Oh, no; nothing serious ['sIqrIqs] (серьезного)," returned the man. "But this is his Majesty's day for being polished ['pPlISt] (наведения глянца); and just now his august [L'gAst] (августейшая) presence ['prezns] (особа) is thickly ['TIkli] (густо) smeared [smIqd] (обмазан) with putz-pomade [pq'mRd] ()."

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"Oh, I see!" cried the Scarecrow, greatly reassured ["rJq'Suqd] (успокоенный). "My friend was ever inclined [In'klaInd] (склонен) to be a dandy ['dxndI], and I suppose he is now more proud than ever of his personal ['pE:snl] (личная) appearance."

"He is, indeed," said the man, with a polite [pq'laIt] (вежливым) bow. "Our mighty ['maItI] (могущественный) Emperor has lately ['leItlI] (недавно) caused himself to be nickel-plated ['pleItId] (никелированный)."

"Good Gracious ['greISqs] (бог ты мой)!" the Scarecrow exclaimed at hearing ['hIqrIN] (услышав) this. "If his wit [wIt] (ум) bears [beqz] (имеет) the same polish ['pPlIS] (блеск), how sparkling it must be! But show [Squ] (проведи) us in -- I'm sure the Emperor will receive us, even in his present [preznt] (теперешнем) state [steIt] (состоянии)."

"The Emperor's state [steIt] (состояние) is always magnificent [mxg'nIfIsnt] (великолепное)," said the man. "But I will venture ['venCq] (осмелюсь) to tell him of your arrival [q'raIvql] (прибытии), and will receive his commands [kq'mRndz] concerning [kqn'sE:nIN] (относительно) you."

So the party followed the servant ['sE:vqnt] (слугу) into a splendid ['splendId] (роскошную) ante ['xntI ]-room  (прихожую), and the SawHorse ambled ['xmbld] (скакал) awkwardly ['Lkwqdli] (неуклюже) after them, having no knowledge ['nPlIG] (знания) that a horse might be expected [Ik'spektId] (должна) to remain outside.

The travelers were at first somewhat awed [Ld] (были поражены) by their surroundings [sq'raundINz] (окружающей обстановкой), and even the Scarecrow seemed impressed [Im'prest] (под впечатлением) as he examined [I'gzxmInd] (изучил) the rich [rItS] (богатые) hangings ['hxNINz] (портьеры) of silver cloth [klPT] (ткани) caught up into knots [nPts] (узлы) and fastened with tiny silver axes ['xksIz] (топориками). Upon a handsome ['hxns(q)m] (красивом) center-table ['teIbl] (столе) stood a large silver oil-can (масленка), richly ['rIClI] (богато) engraved [In'greIvd] (гравированная) with scenes [sJnz] (сценами) from the past [pQ:st] (былых) adventures [qd'ventSqz] (приключений) of the Tin Woodman, Dorothy, the Cowardly Lion and the Scarecrow: the lines [laInz] (линии) of the engraving [In'greIvIN] (гравировки) being traced [treIst] (были выписаны) upon the silver in yellow gold. On the walls hung several portraits ['pLtrIts], that of the Scarecrow seeming ['sJmIN] (казалось) to be the most prominent ['prPmInqnt] (заметным) and carefully executed ['eksIkjHtId] (выполненным), while a the large painting ['peIntIN] (картина) of the famous ['feImqs] (знаменитый) Wizard of Oz, in act [xkt] (во время) of presenting [prI'zentIN] (дарения) the Tin Woodman with a heart, covered almost one entire (целый) end of the room.

While the visitors ['vIzItqz] (посетители) gazed [geIzd] (глазели) at these things in silent ['saIlqnt] (безмолвном) admiration ["xdmq'reISqn] (восхищении) they suddenly heard a loud voice in the next room exclaim [Iks'kleIm] (воскликнул):

"Well! well! well! What a great surprise!"

And then the door burst [bE:st] open (распахнулась) and Nick Chopper rushed into their midst [mIdst] (середину) and caught the Scarecrow in a close and loving ['lAvIN] (нежные) embrace [Im'breIs] (объятия) that creased [krJst] (помяли) him into many folds [fquldz] (складки) and wrinkles [rINk(q)lz] (складки).

"My dear old friend! My noble [nqubl] (благородный) comrade ['kPmrId] (товарищ)!" cried the

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Tin Woodman, joyfully ['GOIf(q)li] (радостно). "How delighted I am to meet you once again!"

And then he released [rI'lJst] (отпустил) the Scarecrow and held him at arms' length while he surveyed [sq'veId] (рассматривал) the beloved [bI'lAvd] (любимые), painted features ['fi:Cqz] (черты).

But, alas [q'lxs] (увы)! the face of the Scarecrow and many portions ['pLS(q)nz] (части) of his body bore [bL] (носили) great blotches ['blPCIz] (пятна) of putz-pomade [pq'mRd] (); for the Tin Woodman, in his eagerness ['JgqnIs] (горячем желании) to welcome ['welkqm] (приветствовать) his friend, had quite forgotten [fq'gPtn] (забыл) the condition of his toilet ['tOIlIt] and had rubbed [rAbd] (втер) the thick [TIk] (толстый) coating ['kqutIN] (слой) of paste [peIst] from his own body to that of his comrade ['kPmrId] (товарища).

"Dear me!" said the Scarecrow dolefully ['dqulfqli] (печально). "What a mess [mes] (беспорядок) I'm in!"

"Never mind, my friend," returned the Tin Woodman," I'll send you to my Imperial [Im'pI(q)riql] (императорскую) Laundry ['lLndrI] (прачечную), and you'll come out as good as new."

"Won't I be mangled ['mxNg(q)ld] (меня разве не прогладят катком для белья) ?" asked the Scarecrow.

"No, indeed!" was the reply. "But tell me, how came your Majesty here? and who are your companions [kqm'pxnjqnz]?"

The Scarecrow, with great politeness [pq'laItnIs] (вежливостью), introduced [Intrq'djHst] (представил) Tip and Jack Pumpkinhead, and the latter ['lxtq] (второй) personage seemed to interest the Tin Woodman greatly.

"You are not very substantial [sqb'stxnSql] (прочный), I must admit [qd'mIt] (признать)," said the Emperor. "but you are certainly unusual, and therefore worthy ['wE:DI] (достоин) to become a member ['membq] (членом) of our select [sI'lekt] (избранного) society [sq'saIqtI] (общества)."

"I thank your Majesty, said Jack, humbly ['hAmblI] (скромно).

"I hope you are enjoying [In'GOIIN] (находишься в) good health [helT] (здравии)?" continued the Woodman.

"At present [preznt] (в данный момент), yes;" replied the Pumpkinhead, with a sigh; "but I am in constant ['kPnstqnt] (постоянном) terror ['terq] (ужасе) of the day when I shall spoil."

"Nonsense ['nPnsqns] (чепуха)!" said the Emperor -- but in a kindly ['kaIndlI] (добрым), sympathetic ["sImpq'TetIk] (сочувственным) tone. "Do not, I beg of you, dampen ['dxmpqn] (мочи) today's sun with the showers [Sauqz] (ливнями) of tomorrow [tq'mPrqu] (завтрашнего дня). For before your head has time to spoil you can have it canned [kxnd] (законсервировать), and in that way it may be preserved [prI'zE:vd] (сохраняться) indefinitely [In'defInItli] (неопределенно долго)."

Tip, during this conversation ["kPnvq'seISqn] (разговора), was looking at the Woodman with undisguised ['AndIs'gaIzd] (нескрываемым) amazement, and noticed that the celebrated ['selqbreItId] (прославленный) Emperor of the Winkies was composed [kqm'pquzd] (состоял)

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entirely of pieces of tin (олова), neatly ['nJtli] (аккуратно) soldered ['sPldqd] (спаянные) and riveted ['rIvqtId] (склепанные) together into the form of a man. He rattled [rxtld] (дребезжал) and clanked [klxNkt] (гремел) a little, as he moved, but in the main [meIn] (большей частью) he seemed to be most cleverly ['klevqli] (искусно) constructed [kqn'strAktId] (сконструирован), and his appearance was only marred ['mRd] (испорчена) by the thick [TIk] (толстым) coating ['kqutIN] (слоем) of polishing ['pPlISIN]-paste [peIst] () that covered him from head to foot.

The boy's intent [In'tent] (пристальный) gaze [geIz] (взор) caused the Tin Woodman to remember that he was not in the most presentable [prI'zentqbl] (презентабельном) condition, so he begged [begd] (попросил) his friends to excuse [Ik'skjHz] (извинить) him while he retired [rI'taIqd] (удалился) to his private ['praIvIt] (личную) apartment [q'pRtmqnt] (комнату) and allowed [q'laud] (позволил) his servants ['sE:vqnts] (слугам) to polish ['pPlIS] (отполировать) him. This was accomplished [q'kAmplISt] (сделано) in a short time, and when the emperor returned his nickel-plated ['pleItId] (никелированное) body shone [Squn] (блестело) so magnificently [mxg'nIfIsqntli] (великолепно) that the Scarecrow heartily ['hQ:tili] (искренне) congratulated [kqn'grxCVleItId] (поздравил) him on his improved [Im'prHvd] (улучшенной) appearance.

"That nickel-plate [pleIt] (никелировка) was, I confess [kqn'fes] (признаюсь), a happy ['hxpi] (удачная) thought," said Nick; "and it was the more necessary ['nesIsqrI] (необходима) because I had become somewhat scratched [skrxCt] (поцарапан) during my adventurous [qd'venCqrqs] (опасных) experiences [Iks'pI(q)riqnsIz] (приключений). You will observe [qb'zE:v] (заметите) this engraved [In'greIvd] (выгравированную) star [stR] (звезду) upon my left breast [brest] (с левой стороны груди). It not only indicates ['IndIkeIts] (указывает) where my excellent heart lies [laIz] (лежит), but covers ['kAvqz] (прикрывает) very neatly ['nJtli] (искусно) the patch [pxtS] (заплатку) made by the Wonderful Wizard when he placed that valued ['vxljHd] (ценный) organ ['Lgqn] in my breast [brest] (грудь) with his own skillful ['skIlf(q)l] (умелыми) hands."

"Is your heart, then, a hand-organ ['Lgqn]?" asked the Pumpkinhead, curiously.

"By no means," responded the emperor, with dignity ['dIgnIti] (достоинством). "It is, I am convinced [kqn'vInst] (убежден), a strictly ['strIktlI] (строго) orthodox ['LTqdPks] (ортодоксальное) heart, although somewhat larger ['lRGq] (больше) and warmer ['wLmq] (теплее) than most people possess [pq'zes] (обладают)."

Then he turned to the Scarecrow and asked:

"Are your subjects ['sAbGIkts] (подданные) happy ['hxpi] (счастливы) and contented [kqn'tentId] (довольны), my dear friend?"

"I cannot say," was the reply. "For the girls of Oz have risen ['rIzn] (подняли) in revolt and driven ['drIvqn] (изгнали) me out of the emerald City."

"Great Goodness ['gudnIs] (боже мой)!" cried the Tin Woodman, "What a calamity [kq'lxmIti] (беда)! They surely do not complain [kqm'pleIn] (жалуются) of your wise and gracious ['greISqs] (доброе) rule?"

"No; but they say it is a poor rule that don't work both ways [weIz] ()," answered the Scarecrow; "and these females ['fJmeIlz] (женщины) are also of the opinion [q'pInjqn] (мнения) that men have ruled the land long enough. So they have captured my city, robbed [rPbd] (украли) the

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treasury ['trqZqrI] (сокровищницу) of all its jewels, and are running things to suit [sjHt] themselves (как им вздумается)."

"Dear me! What an extraordinary [Ik'strLd(q)n(q)ri] (странная) idea!" cried the Emperor, who was both shocked [SPkt] (шокирован) and surprised.

"And I heard some of them say," said Tip, "that they intend [In'tend] (намереваются) to march here and capture ['kxpCq] (захватить) the castle and city of the Tin Woodman."

"Ah! we must not give them time to do that," said the Emperor, quickly; "we will go at once and recapture ['ri:'kxpCq] (отвоюем) the Emerald City and place the Scarecrow again upon his throne."

"I was sure you would help me," remarked the Scarecrow in a pleased voice. "How large an army can you assemble [q'semb(q)l] (собрать)?"

"We do not need an army," replied the Woodman. "We four, with the aid [eId] (помощью) of my gleaming ['glJmIN] (блестящего) axe, are enough to strike [straIk] (наводить) terror ['terq] (ужас) into the hearts [hQ:ts] (сердца) of the rebels ['reblz] (повстанцев)."

"We five," corrected [kq'rektId] (поправил) the Pumpkinhead.

"Five?" repeated [rI'pJtId] (повторил) the Tin Woodman.

"Yes; the Saw-Horse is brave [breIv] (храбрый) and fearless ['fIqlIs] (бесстрашный)," answered Jack, forgetting [fq'getIN] (забыв о) his recent ['ri:snt] (недавней) quarrel ['kwPrql] (ссоре) with the quadruped ['kwPdruped] (четвероногим).

The Tin Woodman looked around him in a puzzled way, for the Saw-Horse had until now remained quietly ['kwaIqtli] (молча) standing in a corner, where the Emperor had not noticed him. Tip immediately called the odd [Pd] (странно)-looking creature to them, and it approached [q'prquCt] (подошел) so awkwardly ['Lkwqdli] (неуклюже) that it nearly ['nIqli] (чуть не) upset [Ap'set] (опрокинул) the beautiful center-table ['teIbl] (стол) and the engraved [In'greIvd] (гравированную) oil-can (масленку).

"I begin [bI'gIn] (начинаю) to think," remarked the Tin Woodman as he looked earnestly ['E:nIstli] (внимательно) at the Saw-Horse, "that wonders ['wAndqz] (чудеса) will never cease [si:s] (прекратятся)! How came this creature alive?"

"I did it with a magic powder," modestly ['mPdIstli] (скромно) asserted [q'sE:tId] (сказал) the boy. "and the SawHorse has been very useful ['ju:sf(q)l] (полезный) to us."

"He enabled [I'neIb(q)ld] (помог) us to escape the rebels ['reblz] (повстанцев)," added the Scarecrow.

"Then we must surely accept [qk'sept] (принять) him as a comrade ['kPmrId] (товарища)," declared the emperor. "A live Saw-Horse is a distinct ['dIstINkt] () novelty ['nPvqltI] (новинка), and should prove an interesting ['IntrIstIN] (интересный) study ['stAdI] (предмет изучения). Does he know anything?"

"Well, I cannot claim [kleIm] (похвасться) any great experience in life," the Saw-Horse answered for himself. "but I seem to learn [lE:n] (учусь) very quickly, and often it occurs

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[q'kE:z] (кажется) to me that I know more than any of those around me."

"Perhaps you do," said the emperor; "for experience does not always mean wisdom ['wIzdqm] (мудрость). But time is precious Just now, so let us quickly make preparations ["prepq'reIS(q)nz] (приготовления) to start upon our Journey.

The emperor called his Lord [lLd] High Chancellor ['CRnsqlq] (лорд-канцлера) and instructed [In'strAktId] (дал указание) him how to run the kingdom ['kINdqm] (королевством) during his absence ['xbsqns] (отсутствия). Meanwhile ['mJn'waIl] (тем временем) the Scarecrow was taken apart [q'pRt] (разобран) and the painted sack [sxk] (мешок) that served ['sE:vd] (служил) him for a head was carefully laundered ['lLndqd] (выстиран) and restuffed [rI'stAft] (вновь набит) with the brains originally [q'rIGInqlI] (первоначально) given ['gIv(q)n] (данными) him by the great Wizard. His clothes were also cleaned [klJnd] (почищены) and pressed [prest] (выглажены) by the Imperial [Im'pI(q)riql] (императорскими) tailors ['teIlqz] (портными), and his crown polished ['pPlISt] (отполирована) and again sewed [squd] (пришита) upon his head, for the Tin Woodman insisted [In'sIstId] (настаивал на том, что) he should not renounce [rI'nauns] (отказываться от) this badge [bxG] (символа) of royalty ['rOIqltI] (королевской власти). The Scarecrow now presented [prI'zentId] (представлял из себя) a very respectable [rIs'pektqbl] (респектабельную) appearance, and although in no way addicted [q'dIktId]  to vanity ['vxnIti] (совершенно не был тщеславным) he was quite pleased with himself and strutted ['strAtId] (ходил с важным видом) a trifle ['traIfl] (немного) as he walked. While this was being done Tip mended ['mendId] (починил) the wooden limbs [lImz] (конечности) of Jack Pumpkinhead and made them stronger ['strPNq] (крепче) than before, and the Saw-Horse was also inspected [In'spektId] (осмотрен) to see if he was in good working ['wE:kIN] (рабочем) order.

Then bright and early ['E:li] (рано) the next morning they set out upon the return Journey to the emerald City, the Tin Woodman bearing ['beqrIN] (нес) upon his shoulder ['Squldq] (плече) a gleaming ['glJmIN] (сияющий) axe and leading ['lJdIN] the way (шел впереди), while the Pumpkinhead rode upon the Saw-Horse and Tip and the Scarecrow walked upon either side to make sure that he didn't fall off or become damaged ['dxmIGd] (поврежден).Chapter 12. Mr. H. M. Woggle-Bug (жук), T. E.

Now, General Jinjur -- who, you will remember, commanded the Army of Revolt -- was rendered ['rendqd] (стала) very uneasy by the escape of the Scarecrow from the Emerald City. She feared, and with good reason, that if his Majesty and the Tin Woodman joined ['dZOInd] (соединят) forces ['fLsIz] (силы), it would mean danger to her and her entire army; for the people of Oz had not yet forgotten [fq'gPtn] (не забыли) the deeds [dJdz] (подвиги) of these famous ['feImqs] (знаменитых) heroes ['hI(q)rquz] (героев), who had passed successfully [sqk'sesfqli] (успешно) through so many startling ['stRtlIN] (потрясающих) adventures [qd'ventSqz] (приключений).

So Jinjur sent post-haste [heIst] (с большой поспешностью) for old Mombi, the witch, and promised ['prPmIst] (обещала) her large rewards [rI'wLdz] (награду) if she would come to the assistance [q'sIstqns] (помощь) of the rebel ['rebl] (повстанческой) army.

Mombi was furious ['fjuqrIqs] (в ярости) at the trick Tip had played [pleId] (сыграл) upon her as well as at his escape and the theft [Teft] (похищение) of the precious Powder of Life; so she needed ['nJdId] (нуждалась) no urging ['E:GIN] (убеждении) to induce [In'djHs] (заставить) her to travel to the Emerald City to assist [q'sIst] (помочь) Jinjur in defeating [dI'fJtIN] (победить) the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman, who had made Tip one of their friends.

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Mombi had no sooner [sHnq] (как только) arrived [q'raIvd] (прибыла) at the royal palace than she discovered, by means of her secret ['sJkrIt] (тайной) magic, that the adventurers were starting ['stRtIN] (готовились отправиться) upon their Journey to the Emerald City; so she retired [rI'taIqd] (удалилась) to a small room high up in a tower ['tauq] (башне) and locked [lPkt] (заперла) herself in while she practised ['prxktIst] (будет применять) such arts [Rts] (умения) as she could command to prevent [prI'vent] (предотвратить) the return of the Scarecrow and his companions [kqm'pxnjqnz].

That was why the Tin Woodman presently stopped and said:

"Something very curious has happened. I ought to know by heart and every step [step] (шаг) of this Journey, yet I fear we have already lost our way."

"That is quite impossible!" protested the Scarecrow. "Why do you think, my dear friend, that we have gone astray [qs'treI] (заблудились)?"

"Why, here before us is a great field of sunflowers ['sAn"flauqz] (подсолнухов) -- and I never saw this field before in all my life."

At these words they all looked around, only to find that they were indeed surrounded by a field of tall stalks [stLks] (стеблей), every stalk [stO:k] bearing ['beqrIN] (имел) at its top a gigantic ['GaIgxntIk] (огромный) sunflower ['sAn"flauq] (подсолнух). And not only were these flowers almost ['Llmqust] (почти) blinding ['blaIndIN] (ослепительные) in their vivid ['vIvId] (ярких) hues [hjHz] (оттенках) of red and gold, but each one whirled [wE:ld] (вращался) around upon its stalk [stO:k] (стебле) like a miniature ['mIniqCq] wind-mill [mIl] (ветряная мельница), completely [kqm'plJtlI] (совершенно) dazzling ['dxmz(q)l] (ослепляя) the vision ['vIZqn] (зрение) of the beholders [bI'hquldqz] (смотрящих) and so mystifying ['mIstIfaIIN] (вводя в заблуждение) them that they knew not which way to turn.

"It's witchcraft ['wICkrRft] (колдовство)!" exclaimed Tip.

While they paused [pLzd] (остановились), hesitating ['hezIteItIN] (в нерешительности) and wondering, the Tin Woodman uttered ['Atqd] (издал) a cry of impatience [Im'peIS(q)ns] (нетерпения) and advanced [qd'vRnst] (пошел вперед) with swinging ['swININ] (размахивая) axe to cut down the stalks [stLks] (стебли) before him. But now the sunflowers ['sAn"flauqz] (подсолнухи) suddenly stopped their rapid ['rxpId] (быстрое) whirling ['wE:lIN] (вращение), and the travelers plainly saw a girl's face appear [q'pIq] (появилось) in the center of each flower. These lovely faces ['feIsIz] (лица) looked upon the astonished [q'stPnISt] (изумленных) band [bxnd] (путешественников) with mocking ['mPkIN] (насмешливыми) smiles [smaIlz] (улыбками), and then burst [bE:st] (разразились) into a chorus ['kLrqs] (хором) of merry [merI] (веселого) laughter ['lRftq] (смеха) at the dismay [dIs'meI] (страха) their appearance caused.

"Stop! stop!" cried Tip, seizing ['sJzIN] (хватая) the Woodman's arm; "they're alive! they're girls!"

At that moment the flowers began whirling ['wE:lIN] (вращаться) again, and the faces ['feIsIz] (лица) faded ['feIdId] away (исчезли) and were lost in the rapid ['rxpId] (быстрых) revolutions ["revq'lHS(q)nz] (вращениях).

The Tin Woodman dropped [drPpt] (уронил) his axe and sat down upon the ground.

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"It would be heartless ['hRtlqs] (бессердечно) to chop [CPp] (рубить) down those pretty creatures ['krJtSqz] (существа)," said he, despondently [dIs'pPndqntli] (уныло). "and yet I do not know how else we can proceed [prq'si:d] (продолжать) upon our way"

"They looked to me strangely ['streInGli] (странным образом) like the faces ['feIsIz] (лица) of the Army of Revolt," mused [mjHzd] (сказал задумчиво) the Scarecrow. "But I cannot conceive [kqn'si:v] (понять) how the girls could have followed us here so quickly."

"I believe it's magic," said Tip, positively ['pPzqtIvlI] (уверенно), "and that someone ['sAmwAn] (кто-то) is playing ['pleIIN] (играет) a trick upon us. I've known [nqun] (знал) old Mombi do things like that before. Probably it's nothing more than an illusion [I'lHZqn] (иллюзия), and there are no sunflowers ['sAn"flauqz] (подсолнухов) here at all."

"Then let us shut our eyes and walk forward," suggested the Woodman.

"Excuse [Ik'skjHz] (извините) me," replied the Scarecrow. "My eyes are not painted to shut. Because you happen to have tin eyelids ['aIlIdz] (веки), you must not imagine [I'mxGIn] (думать) we are all built in the same way."

"And the eyes of the Saw-Horse are knot [nPt] (из сучков) eyes," said Jack, leaning ['lJnIN] (наклоняясь) forward to examine [Ig'zxmIn] (изучить) them.

"Nevertheless ["nevqDq'les] (тем не менее), you must ride quickly forward," commanded Tip, "and we will follow after you and so try to escape. My eyes are already so dazzled ['dxz(q)ld] (ослеплены) that I can scarcely ['skeqsli] (едва) see."

So the Pumpkinhead rode boldly ['bquldli] (храбро) forward, and Tip grasped [grRspt] (схватился за) the stub [stAb] (обрубок) tail of the Saw-Horse and followed with closed [klquzd] (закрытыми) eyes. The Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman brought up the rear [rIq] (задняя сторона), and before they had gone many yards [jRdz] a joyful ['GOIf(q)l] (радостный) shout [Saut] (крик) from Jack announced that the way was clear [klIq] (свободна) before them.

Then all paused [pLzd] (остановились) to look backward ['bxkwqd] (назад), but not a trace [treIs] (следа) of the field of sunflowers ['sAn"flauqz] (подсолнухов) remained.

More cheerfully, now they proceeded [prq'sJdId] (продолжили) upon their Journey; but old Mombi had so changed [CeInGd] (изменила) the appearance of the landscape ['lxndskeIp] (местности) that they would surely have been lost had not the Scarecrow wisely ['waIzli] (мудро) concluded [kqn'klHdId] (пришел к мысли) to take their direction from the sun. For no witch-craft [krRft] (колдовство) could change [CeInG] (изменить) the course of the sun, and it was therefore a safe [seIf] (надежный) guide [gaId] (проводник).

However, other difficulties ['dIfIkqltiz] (трудности) lay before them. The Saw-Horse stepped into a rabbit ['rxbIt] (кроличью) hole and fell to the ground. The Pumpkinhead was pitched [pICt] (подброшен) high into the air, and his history would probably have ended at that exact [Ig'zxkt] (самый) moment had not the Tin Woodman skillfully ['skIlfqli] (умело) caught the pumpkin as it descended [dI'sendId] (падала) and saved it from injury ['InGqrI] (повреждений).

Tip soon had it fitted to the neck again and replaced [rI'pleIst] (снова поставил) Jack upon his feet. But the Saw-Horse did not escape so easily. For when his leg was pulled [puld] (вытащена)

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from the rabbit ['rxbIt] (кроличей) hole it was found to be broken short off, and must be replaced [rI'pleIst] (заменена) or repaired [rI'peqd] (отремонтирована) before he could go a step [step] (шаг) farther.

"This is quite serious ['sIqrIqs] (серьезно)," said the Tin Woodman." If there were trees near by I might soon manufacture ["mxnju'fxkCq] (изготовить) another leg for this animal; but I cannot see even a shrub [SrAb] (куста) for miles [maIlz] (мили) around."

"And there are neither ['naIDq] (ни) fences ['fensIz] (заборов) nor houses in this part of the land of Oz," added the Scarecrow, disconsolately (печально).

"Then what shall we do?" enquired the boy.

"I suppose I must start my brains working ['wE:kIN] (работать)," replied his Majesty the Scarecrow; "for experience has taught [tLt] (научил) me that I can do anything if I but take time to think it out."

"Let us all think," said Tip; "and perhaps we shall find a way to repair [rI'peq] (отремонтировать) the Saw-Horse."

So they sat in a row [rqu] (ряду) upon the grass and began to think, while the Saw-Horse occupied ['PkjupaId] (занимал) itself [It'self] (себя) by gazing ['geIzIN] (глядя) curiously upon its broken limb [lIm] (конечность).

"Does it hurt?" asked the Tin Woodman, in a soft, sympathetic ["sImpq'TetIk] (сочувственным) voice.

"Not in the least," returned the Saw-Horse; "but my pride is injured to find that my anatomy [q'nxtqmI] is so brittle ['brItl] (хрупкая)."

For a time the little group [grHp] (группа) remained in silent ['saIlqnt] (безмолвное) thought. Presently the Tin Woodman raised [reIzd] (поднял) his head and looked over the fields [fJldz] (поля).

"What sort of creature is that which approaches [q'prquCIz] (приближается к) us?" he asked, wonderingly ['wAndqrINli] (с удивлением).

The others followed his gaze [geIz] (направление взгляда), and discovered coming toward them the most extraordinary [Ik'strLd(q)n(q)ri] (странный) object [qb'Gekt] they had ever beheld [bI'held] (видели). It advanced [qd'vRnst] (приближался) quickly and noiselessly ['nOIzlqsli] (бесшумно) over the soft grass and in a few minutes ['mInIts] (минут) stood before the adventurers and regarded [rI'gRdId] (смотрел на) them with an astonishment [qs'tPnISmqnt] (удивлением) equal ['i:kwql] (равным) to their own.

The Scarecrow was calm [kRm] (спокоен) under all circumstances ['sE:kqmstqnsIz] (обстоятельствах).

"Good morning!" he said, politely.

The stranger ['streInGq(r)] (незнакомец) removed [rI'mHvd] (снял) his hat with a flourish ['flArIS] (), bowed very low, and then responded: "Good morning, one and all. I hope you are, as an aggregation ["xgrI'geISqn ] (скопление), enjoying [In'GOIIN] (отличаетесь) excellent health

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[helT] (здоровьем). Permit [pq'mIt] (позвольте) me to present [preznt] (предъявить) my card [kRd] (карточку)."

With this courteous ['kE:tjqs] (вежливой) speech it extended [Ik'stendId] (протянул) a card [kRd] (карточку) toward the Scarecrow, who accepted [qk'septId] (принял) it, turned it over and over, and handed ['hxndId] (передал) it with a shake [SeIk] (покачиванием) of his head to Tip.

The boy read aloud [q'laud] (вслух):

"MR. H. M. WOGGLE-BUG (жук), T. E."

"Dear me!" ejaculated [I'GxkjuleItId] (воскликнул) the Pumpkinhead, staring ['steqrIN] (глядя) somewhat intently [In'tentli] (внимательно).

"How very peculiar [pI'kjHliq] (странно)!" said the Tin Woodman.

Tip's eyes were round and wondering, and the Saw-Horse uttered ['Atqd] (издал) a sigh and turned away its head.

"Are you really a Woggle-Bug?" enquired the Scarecrow.

"Most certainly, my dear sir [sE:] (сэр)!" answered the stranger ['streInGq(r)] (незнакомец), briskly ['brIskli] (отрывисто). "Is not my name upon the card [kRd] (карте)?"

"It is," said the Scarecrow. "But may I ask what 'H. M.' stands [stxndz] for (значит)?"

"'H. M.' means Highly Magnified," returned the Woggle-Bug, proudly [praudli] (гордо).

"Oh, I see." The Scarecrow viewed [vjHd] (окинул взглядом) the stranger ['streInGq(r)] critically ['krItIkli] (критически). "And are you, in truth, highly magnified?"

"Sir [sE:] (сэр)," said the Woggle-Bug, "I take you for a gentleman ['Gentlmqn] of judgment ['GAGmqnt] (рассудительность) and discernment [dI'sE:nmqnt] (проницательность). Does it not occur [q'kE:] (не кажется) to you that I am several thousand ['Tauz(q)nd] (тысяч) times [taImz] (раз) greater ['greItq] (больше) than any Woggle-Bug you ever saw before? Therefore it is plainly evident ['evIdqnt] (очевидно) that I am Highly Magnified, and there is no good reason why you should doubt [daut] (сомневаться в) the fact."

"Pardon ['pRdn] (извините) me," returned the Scarecrow. "My brains are slightly mixed [mIkst] (смешались) since I was last laundered ['lLndqd] (выстиран). Would it be improper [Im'prPpq] (неудобно) for me to ask, also, what the 'T.E.' at the end of your name stands [stxndz] for (означает)?"

"Those letters express [Iks'pres] (выражают) my degree [dI'gri:] (ученую степень)," answered the Woggle-Bug, with a condescending ["kPndI'sendIN] (снисходительной) smile. "To be more explicit [Iks'plIsIt] (ясно), the initials [I'nIS(q)lz] (инициалы) mean that I am Thoroughly Educated (основательно образованный)."

"Oh!" said the Scarecrow, much relieved [rI'lJvd] (с облегчением).

Tip had not yet taken his eyes off this wonderful personage. What he saw was a great, round, buglike ['bAglaIk] (похожее на жука) body supported [sq'pLtId] (поддерживаемое) upon two

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slender legs which ended in delicate ['delIkIt] (хрупкими) feet -- the toes [tquz] (пальцы ног) curling ['kE:lIN] (загибались) upward. The body of the Woggle-Bug was rather flat [flxt] (плоское), and judging ['GAGIN] (судя) from what could be seen of it was of a glistening ['glIs(q)nIN] (блестящего) dark brown [braun] (коричневого) color upon the back, while the front was striped [straIpt] (полосатый) with alternate [Ll'tE:nIt] (чередующимися) bands [bxndz] (полосками) of light brown and white, blending ['blendIN] (смешиваясь) together at the edges ['eGiz] (краях). Its arms were fully as slender as its legs, and upon a rather long neck was perched [pE:Ct] (сидела) its head -- not unlike ['An'laIk] (очень похожая на) the head of a man, except [Ik'sept] (за исключением того) that its nose ended in a curling ['kE:lIN] (загнутая вверх) antenna [xn'tenq ], or "feeler ['fi:lq] (усик)," and its ears from the upper ['Apq] (верхних) points [pOInts] (кончиков) bore [bL] (имели) antennae [xn'tenJ ] that decorated ['dekqreItId] (украшали) the sides [saIdz] (стороны) of its head like two miniature ['mIniqCq], curling ['kE:lIN] (загнутые) pig [pIg] (поросячие) tails [teIlz] (хвостики). It must be admitted [qd'mItId] (признать) that the round, black [blxk] (черные) eyes were rather bulging ['bAlGIN] (навыкате) in appearance; but the expression upon the Woggle-Bug's face was by no means (отнюдь не) unpleasant [An'pleznt] (неприятное).

For dress [dres] (одежда) the insect wore a dark-blue swallowtail ['swPlqu'teIl] coat [kqut] (фрак) with a yellow silk lining ['laInIN] (подкладкой) and a flower in the button [bAtn]-hole (бутоньерке); a vest [vest] (жилет) of white duck [dAk] (парусины) that stretched [streCt] (обтягивал) tightly ['taItli] (туго) across the wide body; knickerbockers ['nIkqbPkqz] (бриджи) of fawn [fLn]-colored ['kAlqd] (желтовато-коричнево цвета) plush [plAS] (плис), fastened at the knees [nJz] (колен) with gilt [gIlt] (позолоченными) buckles [bAklz] (пряжками); and, perched [pE:Ct] (сидела) upon its small head, was jauntily ['GLntIlI] (небрежно) set a tall silk hat.

Standing upright before our amazed [q'meIzd] (изумленными) friends the Woggle-Bug appeared [q'pIqd] (казался) to be fully as tall as the Tin Woodman; and surely no bug in all the Land of Oz had ever before attained [q'teInd] (достигал) so enormous [I'nLmqs] (огромного) a size.

"I confess [kqn'fes] (сознаюсь)," said the Scarecrow, "that your abrupt [q'brApt] (внезапное) appearance has caused me surprise, and no doubt [daut] (несомненно) has startled my companions [kqm'pxnjqnz]. I hope, however, that this circumstance ['sE:kqmstqns] (обстоятельство) will not distress [dIs'tres] (не огорчит) you. We shall probably get used to you in time."

"Do not apologize [q'pPlqGaIz] (извиняйтесь), I beg of you!" returned the Woggle-Bug, earnestly ['E:nIstli] (горячо). "It affords [q'fLdz] (даставляет) me great pleasure ['pleZq] (удовольствие) to surprise people; for surely I cannot be classed [klRst] (отнесен к разряду) with ordinary ['LdInrI] (обычных) insects ['Insekts] (насекомых) and am entitled [In'taItld] (имею право на) to both curiosity [kjuqrI'Ps(I)tI] (любопытство) and admiration ["xdmq'reISqn] (восхищение) from those I meet."

"You are, indeed," agreed his Majesty.

"If you will permit [pq'mIt] (позволите) me to seat [sJt] myself (сесть) in your august [L'gAst] (королевском) company," continued the stranger ['streInGq(r)] (незнакомец), "I will gladly ['glxdli] (с радостью) relate [rI'leIt] (поведаю) my history, so that you will be better able to comprehend ["kPmprI'hend] (понять) my unusual -- may I say remarkable [rI'mRkqbl] (удивительную)? -- appearance."

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"You may say what you please," answered the Tin Woodman, briefly ['brJfli] (кратко).

So the Woggle-Bug sat down upon the grass, facing ['feIsIN] (лицом к) the little group [grHp] (группе) of wanderers ['wPndqrqz] (странников), and told them the following ['fPlquIN] (следующую) story:Chapter 13. A Highly Magnified History

"It is but honest [PnIst] (честно) that I should acknowledge [qk'nPlIG] (признаться) at the beginning [bI'gInIN] (начале) of my recital [rI'saItl] (рассказа) that I was born [bLn] (родился) an ordinary ['LdInrI] (обыкновенным) Woggle-Bug," began the creature, in a frank (искренним) and friendly tone. "Knowing ['nquIN] (зная) no better, I used my arms as well as my legs for walking, and crawled [krLld] (ползал) under the edges ['eGiz] (краями) of stones [stqunz] (камней) or hid [hId] (прятался) among the roots [rHts] (корнями) of grasses ['grRsIz] (трав) with no thought beyond [bI'jPnd] (сверх) finding a few insects ['Insekts] (насекомых) smaller ['smLlq] (меньше) than myself to feed [fi:d] (питаться) upon.

"The chill [CIl] (холодные) nights [naIts] (ночи) rendered ['rendqd] (делали) me stiff [stIf] (одеревенелым) and motionless [mquS(q)nlqs] (бездвижным), for I wore no clothing, but each morning the warm [wLm] (теплые) rays [reIz] (лучи) of the sun gave me new life and restored [rI'stLd] (возвращали) me to activity [xk'tIvItI]. A horrible ['hPrqbl] (ужасное) existence is this, but you must remember it is the regular ['regjulq] (обычное) ordained [L'deInd] (уготованное судьбой) existence of Woggle-Bugs, as well as (так же как и) of many other tiny creatures ['krJtSqz] (существ) that inhabit [In'hxbIt] (населяют) the earth [E:T] (землю).

"But Destiny ['destIni] (Судьба) had singled ['sINg(q)ld] me out (выбрала меня), humble ['hAmbl] though [Dqu] I was (каким бы жалким я ни был), for a grander ['grxndq] (более великого) fate [feIt] (предназначения)! One day I crawled [krLld] (подполз) near to a country school [sku:l] (школы) house, and my curiosity [kjuqrI'Ps(I)tI] (любопытство) being excited [Ik'saItId] (возбуждено) by the monotonous [mq'nPtnqs] hum [hAm] (гулом голосов) of the students ['stjHdqnts] (учеников) within, I made bold [bquld] (насмелился) to enter ['entq] (вползти) and creep ['krJp] (проползти) along a crack [krxk] (трещины) between two boards [bLdz] (досок) until I reached the far end, where, in front of a hearth [hRT] (камином) of glowing ['glquIN] (тлеющих) embers ['embqz] (догорающих угольков), sat the master ['mQ:stq] (учитель) at his desk [desk] (столом).

"No one noticed so small a creature as a Woggle-Bug, and when I found that the hearth [hRT] (камин) was even warmer ['wLmq] (теплее) and more comfortable ['kAmftqb(q)l, 'kAmfqt-] (удобный) than the sunshine ['sAnSaIn] (солнечный свет), I resolved [rI'zPlvd] (решил) to establish [Is'txblIS] (построить) my future ['fjHCq] (будущий) home beside it. So I found a charming ['CRmIN] (прелестное) nest (гнездо) between two bricks and hid [hId] (спрятал) myself therein [Deqr'In] (в нем) for many, many months [mAnTs] (месяцев).

"Professor Nowitall is, doubtless ['dautlIs] (без сомнения), the most famous ['feImqs] (известный) scholar ['skPlq] (ученый) in the land of Oz, and after a few days I began to listen ['lIsn] (слушать) to the lectures ['lekCqz] (лекции) and discourses [dIs'kLsIz] (доклады) he gave his pupils ['pjHp(q)lz] (ученикам). Not one of them was more attentive [q'tentIv] (внимателен) than the humble ['hAmbl] (скромный), unnoticed ['An'nqutIst] (незаметный) Woggle-Bug, and I acquired [q'kwaIqd ] (приобрел) in this way a fund [fAnd] (кладезь) of knowledge ['nPlIG] (знаний) that I will myself confess [kqn'fes] (признаюсь) is simply ['sImplI] (просто) marvelous. That is why I place 'T.E.' Thoroughly Educated upon my cards [kRdz] (визитках); for my greatest ['greItIst] (величайшая) pride lies [laIz] (основывается) in

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the fact that the world cannot produce ['prPdju:s] (создать) another Woggle-Bug with a tenth [tenT] (десятой) part of my own culture ['kAlCq] and erudition ["erH'dISqn]."

"I do not blame [bleIm] (виню) you," said the Scarecrow. "Education is a thing to be proud of. I'm educated myself. The mess [mes] () of brains given ['gIv(q)n] (данных) me by the Great Wizard is considered by my friends to be unexcelled ['AnIk'seld] (непревзойденная)."

"Nevertheless ["nevqDq'les] (тем не менее)," interrupted ["Intq'rAptId] (прервал) the Tin Woodman, "a good heart is, I believe, much more desirable ['dIzaI(q)rqb(q)l] (желательно) than education or brains."

"To me," said the Saw-Horse, "a good leg is more desirable ['dIzaI(q)rqb(q)l] (желательна) than either."

"Could seeds [sJdz] (семена) be considered in the light of brains?" enquired the Pumpkinhead, abruptly [q'brAptli] (резко).

"Keep quiet!" commanded Tip, sternly ['stE:nlI] (строго).

"Very well, dear father," answered the obedient [q'bi:djqnt] (послушный) Jack.

The Woggle-Bug listened patiently ['peISqntli] (терпеливо) -- even respectfully [rIs'pektfulI] (почтительно) -- to these remarks [rI'mQ:ks] (замечания), and then resumed his story.

"I must have lived fully three years in that secluded [sq'klHdId] (укромном) school [sku:l] (школьного)-house hearth [hRT] (камине)," said he, "drinking thirstily ['TE:stIli] (жадно) of the ever-flowing ['flquIN] (вечно текущего) fount [faunt] (источника) of limpid ['lImpId] (прозрачного) knowledge ['nPlIG] (знания) before me."

"Quite poetical [pqu'etIkql]," commented ['kPmqntId] the Scarecrow, nodding his head approvingly [q'prHvINli]] (одобрительно).

"But one day" continued the Bug, "a marvelous circumstance ['sE:kqmstqns] (обстоятельство) occurred [q'kE:d] (произошло) that altered ['O:ltq] (изменило) my very existence and brought me to my present [preznt] (теперешней) pinnacle ['pInqkl] (вершине) of greatness ['greItnIs] (величия). The Professor discovered me in the act [xkt] (во время) of crawling ['krLlIN] (ползания) across the hearth [hRT] (камин), and before I could escape he had caught me between his thumb [TAm] (большим пальцем) and forefinger ['fLfINgq] (указательным пальцем).

"'My dear children ['CIldrqn] (дети),' said he, 'I have captured a Woggle-Bug -- a very rare [req] (редкий) and interesting ['IntrIstIN] (интересный) specimen ['spesImIn] (экземпляр). Do any of you know what a Woggle-Bug is?'

"'No!' yelled [jeld] (заорали) the scholars ['skPlqz] (ученики), in chorus ['kLrqs].

"'Then,' said the Professor, 'I will get out my famous ['feImqs] (знаменитое) magnifying ['mxgnIfaIIN] (увеличительное)-glass [glRs] and throw [Trqu] (брошу) the insect upon a screen [skri:n] (экран) in a highly-magnified condition (в сильно увеличенном состоянии), that you may all study ['stAdI] (изучить) carefully its peculiar [pI'kjHliq] (необычное) construction [kqn'strAkS(q)n] (строение) and become acquainted [q'kweIntId] (знакомы) with its habits ['hxbIts] (привычками) and manner of life.'

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"He then brought from a cupboard ['kAbqd] (шкафа) a most curious instrument ['Instrumqnt], and before I could realize ['rIqlaIz] (понять) what had happened I found myself thrown [Trqun] (брошенным) upon a screen [skri:n] (экран) in a highly-magnified state [steIt] (состоянии) -- even as you now behold [bI'hquld] (видите) me.

"The students ['stjHdqnts] (ученики) stood up on their stools [stHlz] and craned ['kreInd] (вытянули) their heads forward to get a better view of me, and two little girls jumped upon the sill [sIl] (подоконник) of an open window where they could see more plainly.

"'Behold!' cried the Professor, in a loud voice, 'this highly-magnified Woggle-Bug; one of the most curious insects ['Insekts] (насекомых) in existence!'

"Being Thoroughly Educated, and knowing ['nquIN] (зная) what is required (требуется) of a cultured ['kAlCqd] gentleman ['Gentlmqn], at this juncture ['GANkCq] (в этот момент) I stood upright and, placing ['pleIsIN] (положив) my hand upon my bosom ['buzqm] (грудь), made a very polite [pq'laIt] (вежливый) bow (поклон). My action ['xkS(q)n] (действие), being unexpected [AnIk'spektId] (неожиданным), must have startled them, for one of the little girls perched [pE:Ct] (взобравшаяся) upon the window-sill [sIl] (подоконник) gave a scream [skrJm] (крик) and fell backward ['bxkwqd] (назад) out the window, drawing ['drLIN] (утащив) her companion [kqm'pxnjqn] with her as she disappeared.

"The Professor uttered ['Atqd] (издал) a cry of horror ['hPrq] (ужаса) and rushed away through the door to see if the poor children ['CIldrqn] (дети) were injured by the fall. The scholars ['skPlqz] (школьники) followed after him in a wild [waIld] (дикой) mob [mPb] (толпой), and I was left alone [q'lqun] (один) in the school [sku:l]-room (классе), still in a Highly-Magnified state [steIt] (состоянии) and free to do as I pleased.

"It immediately occurred [q'kE:d] (пришла в голову мысль) to me that this was a good opportunity ["Ppq'tju:nItI] (возможность) to escape. I was proud of my great size, and realized ['rIqlaIzd] (понял) that now I could safely ['seIfli] (безопасно) travel anywhere ['enIweq] (куда угодно) in the world, while my superior [sH'pI(q)rIq] (незаурядная) culture ['kAlCq] would make me a fit associate [q'squSIIt] (подходящим товарищем, коллегой) for the most learned ['lE:nId] (ученого, образованного) person I might chance [CRns] (иметь случай) to meet.

"So, while the Professor picked [pIkt] (поднимал) the little girls -- who were more frightened than hurt -- off the ground, and the pupils ['pjHp(q)lz] (ученики) clustered ['klAstqd] (столпились) around him closely ['klqusli] grouped [grHpt] (тесной группой), I calmly walked out of the school [sku:l] (школы)-house, turned a corner, and escaped unnoticed ['An'nqutIst] (незамеченным) to a grove [grquv] (роща) of trees that stood near."

"Wonderful!" exclaimed the Pumpkinhead, admiringly [qd'maIqrINli] (с восхищением).

"It was, indeed," agreed the Woggle-Bug. "I have never ceased [si:st] (прекращал) to congratulate [kqn'grxCuleIt] (поздравлять) myself for escaping [Is'keIpIN] (сбежал) while I was Highly Magnified; for even my excessive knowledge ['nPlIG] (чрезмерные знания) would have proved of little use to me had I remained a tiny, insignificant ["InsIg'nIfIkqnt] (незначительным) insect."

"I didn't know before," said Tip, looking at the Woggle-Bug with a puzzled (озадаченным) expression, "that insects ['Insekts] (насекомые) wore clothes."

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"Nor do they, in their natural ['nxCrql] (естественном) state [steIt] (виде)," returned the stranger ['streInGq(r)] (незнакомец). "But in the course of my wanderings ['wPndqrINz] (странствий) I had the good fortune ['fLCHn] (мне повезло) to save the ninth [naInT] (девятую) life of a tailor ['teIlq] (портного) -- tailors ['teIlqz] (портные) having, like cats [kxts] (кошки), nine [naIn] (девять) lives, as you probably know. The fellow ['felqu] (человек) was exceedingly [Ik'si:dINlI] (чрезвычайно) grateful ['greItf(q)l] (признателен), for had he lost that ninth [naInT] (девятую) life it would have been the end of him; so he begged [begd] (испросил) permission [pq'mISqn] (разрешение) to furnish ['fE:nIS] (снабдить) me with the stylish ['staIlIS] (стильным) costume ['kPstjum] I now wear. It fits [fIts] (сидит) very nicely ['naIsli] (хорошо), does it not?" and the Woggle-Bug stood up and turned himself around slowly, that all might examine [Ig'zxmIn] (осмотреть) his person.

"He must have been a good tailor ['teIlq] (портной)," said the Scarecrow, somewhat enviously ['enviqsli] (с завистью).

"He was a good-hearted ['hQ:tId] (добросердечный) tailor, at any rate [reIt] (в любом случае)," observed [qb'zE:vd] (заметил) Nick Chopper.

"But where were you going, when you met us?" Tip asked the Woggle-Bug.

"Nowhere ['nquweq] (никуда) in particular [pq'tIkjulq] (в особенности)," was the reply, "although it is my intention [In'tenS(q)n] (намерение) soon to visit [vIzIt] (посетить) the Emerald City and arrange [q'reInG] (договориться о том, чтобы) to give a course of lectures ['lekCqz] (лекций) to select [sI'lekt] (избранных) audiences ['LdIqnsIz] (слушателей) on the 'Advantages of Magnification ["mxgnIfI'keISqn] (увеличения).'"

"We are bound (направляемся) for the Emerald City now," said the Tin Woodman; "so, if it pleases [plJzIz] (угодно) you to do so, you are welcome ['welkqm] (приглашаем вас) to travel in our company."

The Woggle-Bug bowed with profound [prq'faund] (большой) grace [greIs] (грацией).

"It will give me great pleasure ['pleZq] (удовольствие)," said he "to accept [qk'sept] (принять) your kind invitation ["InvI'teISqn] (предложение); for nowhere ['nquweq] (нигде) in the Land of Oz could I hope to meet with so congenial [kqn'Gi:njql] (приятной) a company."

"That is true," acknowledged [qk'nPlIGd] (подтвердил) the Pumpkinhead. "We are quite as congenial [kqn'Gi:njql] (близки) as flies [flaIz] (мухи) and honey ['hAnI] (мед)."

"But -- pardon ['pRdn] (извините) me if I seem inquisitive [In'kwIzItIv] (назойливым) -- are you not all rather -- ahem [mhm] (гм!)! rather unusual?" asked the Woggle-Bug, looking from one to another with unconcealed ['Ankqn'sJld] (нескрываемым) interest.

"Not more so than yourself," answered the Scarecrow. "Everything in life is unusual until you get accustomed [q'kAstqmd] (привыкаешь) to it."

"What rare [req] (редкая) philosophy [fI'lPsqfI]!" exclaimed the Woggle-Bug, admiringly [qd'maIqrINli]] (с восхищением).

"Yes; my brains are working ['wE:kIN] (работают) well today [tq'deI] (сегодня)," admitted [qd'mItId] (признался) the Scarecrow, an accent ['xksqnt] (с оттенком) of pride in his voice.

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"Then, if you are sufficiently [sq'fISqntli] (достаточно) rested and refreshed [rI'freSt] (освежились), let us bend (направим) our steps toward the Emerald City," suggested the magnified one.

"We can't," said Tip. "The Saw-Horse has broken a leg, so he can't bend his steps. And there is no wood around to make him a new limb [lIm] (конечность) from. And we can't leave [lJv] (оставить) the horse behind because the Pumpkinhead is so stiff [stIf] (тугой) in his joints that he has to ride."

"How very unfortunate [An'fLCnIt] (незадача)!" cried the Woggle-Bug. Then he looked the party over carefully and said:

"If the Pumpkinhead is to ride, why not use one of his legs to make a leg for the horse that carries ['kxrIz] (везет) him? I judge ['GAG] (полагаю) that both are made of wood."

"Now, that is what I call real cleverness ['klevqnIs] (ум)," said the Scarecrow, approvingly [q'prHvINli]] (одобрительно). "I wonder my brains did not think of that long ago [q'gqu] (давным давно)! Get to work, my dear Nick, and fit the Pumpkinhead's leg to the Saw-Horse."

Jack was not especially pleased with this idea; but he submitted [sqb'mItId] (покорился) to having his left leg amputated ['xmpjuteItId] (ампутирована) by the Tin Woodman and whittled ['wItld] down (обстругана) to fit the left leg of the Saw-Horse. Nor was the Saw-Horse especially pleased with the operation ["Ppq'reISqn], either; for he growled [grauld] (ворчал) a good deal [dJl] (долго) about being butchered ['buCqd] (подвергнут пыткам)," as he called it, and afterward declared that the new leg was a disgrace [dIs'greIs] (позор) to a respectable [rIs'pektqbl] (почтенного) Saw-Horse.

"I beg you to be more careful in your speech," said the Pumpkinhead, sharply [SRpli] (резко). "Remember, if you please, that it is my leg you are abusing [q'bjHzIN] (оскорбляешь)."

"I cannot forget [fq'get] (забыть) it," retorted [rI'tLtId] (ответил) the Saw-Horse, "for it is quite as flimsy ['flImzI] (хрупкая) as the rest of your person."

"Flimsy ['flImzI] (хрупкий)! me flimsy!" cried Jack, in a rage [reIdZ] (ярости). "How dare [deq] (смеешь) you call me flimsy?"

"Because you are built as absurdly [qb'sE:dlI ] (нелепо) as a jumpingjack ['GAmpIN'Gxk] (дёргающаяся фигурка на ниточке (игрушка))," sneered [snIqd] (усмехнулся) the horse, rolling ['rqulIN] (закатывая) his knotty ['nPtI] (сучковатые) eyes in a vicious ['vISqs] manner (злобно). "Even your head won't stay [steI] (не сидит) straight, and you never can tell whether you are looking backwards ['bxkwqdz] (вперед) or forwards ['fO:wqdz] (назад)!"

"Friends, I entreat [In'trJt] (умоляю) you not to quarrel ['kwPrql] (ссориться)!" pleaded ['plJdId] (попросил) the Tin Woodman, anxiously." As a matter of fact, we are none of us above criticism ['krItIsIzm]; so let us bear [beq] (терпеливее относиться) with each others' faults [fLlts] (недостаткам)."

"An excellent suggestion [sq'GesCqn] (предложение)," said the Woggle-Bug, approvingly [q'prHvINli]] (одобрительно). "You must have an excellent heart, my metallic [mI'txlIk] friend."

"I have," returned Nick, well pleased. "My heart is quite the best part of me. But now let us start

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upon our Journey.

They perched [pE:Ct] (посадили) the one-legged [legd] (-ногого) Pumpkinhead upon the Saw-Horse, and tied [taId] (привязали) him to his seat [sJt] (сиденью) with cords [kLdz] (веревками), so that he could not possibly ['pPsqblI] () fall off.

And then, following ['fPlquIN] the lead [lJd] (идя вслед за) of the Scarecrow, they all advanced [qd'vRnst] (двинулись) in the direction of the Emerald City.

Chapter 14. Old Mombi indulges [In'dAlGIz] (занимается) in Witchcraft ['wICkrRft] (колдовством)

They soon discovered that the Saw-Horse limped [lImpt] (хромал), for his new leg was a trifle ['traIfl] (чуток) too long. So they were obliged [q'blaIGd] (вынуждены) to halt [hLlt] (сделать привал) while the Tin Woodman chopped [CPpt] it down (подрубил) with his axe, after which the wooden steed [sti:d] (конь) paced [peIst] (шел) along more comfortably ['kAmftqb(q)li, 'kAmfqt-] (уверенно). But the Saw-Horse was not entirely satisfied ['sxtIsfaId] (удовлетворен), even yet.

"It was a shame [SeIm] (жаль) that I broke [brquk] (сломал) my other leg!" it growled [grauld] (ворчал).

"On the contrary ['kPntrqrI] (напротив)," airily ['eqrIlI ] (беззаботно) remarked the Woggle-Bug, who was walking alongside [q'lPN'saId] (рядом), "you should consider [kqn'sIdq] (рассматривать) the accident ['xksId(q)nt] (несчастный случай) most fortunate ['fLtSnIt] (удачный). For a horse is never of much use until he has been broken  (пока не объезжен - игра слов: broken = сломан, а также объезжен)."

"I beg your pardon ['pRdn] (извините)," said Tip, rather provoked [prq'vqukt] (сердито), for he felt a warm [wLm] (зд. живой) interest in both the Saw-Horse and his man Jack; "but permit [pq'mIt] (позвольте) me to say that your joke [dZquk] (шутка) is a poor one, and as old as it is poor."

"Still, it is a Joke [dZquk] (шутка)," declared the Woggle-Bug; firmly, "and a Joke derived [dI'raIvd] (происходящая) from a play [pleI] (игры) upon words is considered among educated people to be eminently ['emInqntli] (в высшей степени) proper ['prPpq] (пристойной)."

"What does that mean?" enquired the Pumpkinhead, stupidly [stjH'pIdIti] (с глупым видом).

"It means, my dear friend," explained the Woggle-Bug, "that our language contains [kqn'teInz] (содержит) many words having a double ['dAbl] (двойное) meaning ['mJnIN] (значение); and that to pronounce [prq'nauns] (произнесение) a joke [dZquk] (шутки) that allows [q'lauz] (позволяет) both meanings ['mJnINz] (значения) of a certain word, proves [prHvz] (доказывает) the joker ['Gqukq] (шутник) a person of culture ['kAlCq] (культурный) and refinement [rI'faInmqnt] (утонченный), who has, moreover [mL'rquvq] (более того), a thorough ['TArq] (полное) command of the language."

"I don't believe that," said Tip, plainly; "anybody ['enIbPdI] (любой) can make a pun [pAn] (каламбур)."

"Not so," rejoined ["rJ'GOInd] (возразил) the Woggle-Bug, stiffly ['stIfli] (холодно). "It

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requires [rI'kwaIqz] (требует) education of a high order (высшего порядка). Are you educated, young sir [sE:] (сэр)?"

"Not especially," admitted [qd'mItId] (признался) Tip.

"Then you cannot judge ['GAG] (судить о) the matter. I myself am Thoroughly Educated, and I say that puns [pAnz] (каламбуры) display [dIs'pleI] (свидетельствуют о) genius ['GJniqs] (гениальности) . For instance ['Instqns] (к примеру), were I to ride upon this SawHorse, he would not only be an animal he would become an equipage ['ekwIpIG]. For he would then be a horse-and-buggy ['bAgI] (кабриолет - игра слов buggy - кабриолет, а также кишащий клопами)."

At this the Scarecrow gave a gasp [gRsp] (замер) and the Tin Woodman stopped short and looked reproachfully [rI'prquCf(q)li] (укоризненно) at the Woggle-Bug. At the same time the Saw-Horse loudly ['laudli] (громко) snorted ['snLtId] (фыркнул) his derision [dI'rIZ(q)n] (осмеяние); and even the Pumpkinhead put up his hand to hide [haId] (скрыть) the smile which, because it was carved upon his face, he could not change [CeInG] (сменить) to a frown [fraun] (выражение неодобрения).

But the Woggle-Bug strutted ['strAtId] (шел с важным видом) along as if he had made some brilliant ['brIljqnt] (умное) remark [rI'mRk] (замечание), and the Scarecrow was obliged [q'blaIGd] (вынужден) to say:

"I have heard, my dear friend, that a person can become over-educated; and although I have a high respect [rI'spekt] (уважение) for brains, no matter how they may be arranged [q'reInGd] (организованы) or classified ['klxsIfaId] (классифицированы), I begin to suspect that yours [jLz] (твои) are slightly tangled [txNgld] (запутаны). In any event [I'vent] (случае), I must beg you to restrain [rIs'treIn] (сдерживать) your superior [sH'pI(q)rIq] (превосходное) education while in our society [sq'saIqtI] (обществе)."

"We are not very particular [pq'tIkjulq] (требовательные)," added the Tin Woodman; "and we are exceedingly [Ik'si:dINlI] (чрезвычайно) kind hearted ['hQ:tId] (добросердечные). But if your superior [sH'pI(q)rIq] (превосходная) culture ['kAlCq]gets [gets] (начнет) leaky ['li:kI] (протекать) again -- " He did not complete the sentence ['sentqns] (предложение), but he twirled [twE:ld] (повертел) his gleaming ['glJmIN] (блестящим) axe so carelessly ['keqlIsli] (небрежно) that the Woggle-Bug looked frightened, and shrank [SrxNk]away (отошел) to a safe [seIf] (безопасное) distance.

The others marched on in silence, and the Highly Magnified one, after a period ['pIqrIqd] of deep thought, said in an humble ['hAmbl] (покорным) voice:

"I will endeavor [In'devq] (постараюсь) to restrain [rIs'treIn] (сдерживать) myself."

"That is all we can expect [Ik'spekt] (ожидать)," returned the Scarecrow pleasantly; and good nature ['neICq] (дух) being thus happily ['hxpIlI] (счастливым образом) restored (восстановлен) to the party, they proceeded [prq'sJdId] (продолжили) upon their way.

When they again stopped to allow [q'lau] (позволить) Tip to rest -- the boy being the only one that seemed to tire [taIq] (уставать) -- the Tin Woodman noticed many small, round holes [hqulz] (норок) in the grassy ['grQ:sI] (покрытом травой) meadow ['medqu] (лугу) .

"This must be a village ['vIlIG] (деревня) of the Field Mice," he said to the Scarecrow." I

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wonder if my old friend, the Queen of the Mice, is in this neighborhood ['neIbqhud] (местности)."

"If she is, she may be of great service [sE:vIs] (be of ~ - быть полезной) to us," answered the Scarecrow, who was impressed [Im'prest] (поражен) by a sudden ['sAdn] (внезапной) thought. "See if you can call her, my dear Nick."

So the Tin Woodman blew [blH] (дунул) a shrill [SrIl] (пронзительную) note upon a silver whistle ['wIsl] (свистке) that hung around his neck, and presently a tiny grey  mouse popped [pPpt] (выскочила) from a near-by hole and advanced [qd'vRnst] (двинулась) fearlessly ['fIqlqsli] (бесстрашно) toward them. For the Tin Woodman had once saved her life, and the Queen of the Field Mice knew he was to be trusted ['trAstId] (доверять)."

"Good day, your Majesty, said Nick, politely addressing [q'dresIN] (обращаясь) the mouse; "I trust [trAst] (полагаю) you are enjoying [In'GOIIN] (находитесь в) good health [helT] (здравии)?"

"Thank you, I am quite well," answered the Queen, demurely [dI'mjuqli] (скромно), as she sat up and displayed [dI'spleId] (показала) the tiny golden crown upon her head. "Can I do anything to assist [q'sIst] (помочь) my old friends?"

"You can, indeed," replied the Scarecrow, eagerly ['Jgqli] (горячо). "Let me, I intreat [In'trJt] (прошу) you, take a dozen [dAzn] (дюжину) of your subjects ['sAbGIkts] (подданных) with me to the Emerald City."

"Will they be injured in any way?" asked the Queen, doubtfully ['dautf(q)lI] (с сомнением).

"I think not," replied the Scarecrow. "I will carry them hidden [hIdn] (спрятанными) in the straw which stuffs [stAfs] (набивает) my body, and when I give them the signal ['sIgnql] by unbuttoning ["An'bAt(q)nIN] (расстегнув) my jacket, they have only to rush [rAS]  out (выскочить) and scamper ['skxmpq] (нестить) home again as fast as they can. By doing ['dHIN] (сделав) this they will assist [q'sIst] (помогут) me to regain [rI'geIn] (вернуть) my throne, which the Army of Revolt has taken from me."

"In that case [keIs] (случае)," said the Queen, "I will not refuse [rI'fju:z] (не откажу) your request [rI'kwest] (просьбе). Whenever [wen'evq] (когда) you are ready, I will call twelve [twelv] (двенадцать) of my most intelligent [In'telIGqnt] (умных) subjects ['sAbGIkts] (подданных)."

"I am ready now" returned the Scarecrow. Then he lay flat [flxt] (улегся) upon the ground and unbuttoned [An'bAtnd] (расстегнул) his jacket, displaying [dIs'pleIN] (показав) the mass [mxs] of straw with which he was stuffed.

The Queen uttered ['Atqd] (издала) a little piping ['paIpIN] (пискливый) call, and in an instant a dozen [dAzn] (дюжина) pretty field mice had emerged [I'mE:Gd] (появилась) from their holes [hqulz] (норок) and stood before their ruler, awaiting [q'weItIN] (ожидая) her orders ['Ldqz] (приказы).

What the Queen said to them none of our travelers could understand, for it was in the mouse language; but the field mice obeyed [qu'beId] (повиновались) without hesitation ["hezI'teISn] (колебания), running one after the other to the Scarecrow and hiding ['haIdIN] (пряча) themselves in the straw of his breast [brest] (груди).

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When all of the twelve [twelv] (двенадцать) mice had thus concealed [kqn'sJld] (спрятали) themselves, the Scarecrow buttoned [bAtnd] (застегнул) his Jacket securely [sI'kjuqli] (надежно) and then arose [q'rquz] (встал) and thanked [TxNkt] (поблагодарил) the Queen for her kindness ['kaIndnIs] (доброту).

"One thing more you might do to serve [sE:v] (быть полезной) us," suggested the Tin Woodman; "and that is to run ahead [q'hed] (впереди) and show [Squ] (показывать) us the way to the Emerald City. For some enemy ['enImI] (враг) is evidently ['evIdqntli] (очевидно) trying to prevent [prI'vent] (не дать) us from reaching ['rJtSIN] (добраться до) it."

"I will do that gladly ['glxdli] (с удовольствием)," returned the Queen. "Are you ready?"

The Tin Woodman looked at Tip.

"I'm rested," said the boy. "Let us start."

Then they resumed their journey, the little grey Queen of the Field Mice running swiftly ahead [q'hed] (впереди) and then pausing ['pLzIN] (останавливаясь) until the travelers drew near, when away she would dart [dRt] (мчалась) again.

Without this unerring ['An'E:rIN] (верного) guide [gaId] (гида) the Scarecrow and his comrades ['kPmrIdz] (товарищи) might never have gained [geInd] (никогда не добрались бы до) the Emerald City; for many were the obstacles ['Pbstqk(q)lz] (препятствия) thrown [Trqun] (брошенные) in their way by the arts [Rts] (хитростями) of old Mombi. Yet not one of the obstacles ['Pbstqk(q)lz] (препятствие) really existed [Ig'zIstId] (существовало) -- all were cleverly ['klevqli] (ловко) contrived [kqn'traIvd] (придуманные) deceptions [dI'sepS(q)nz] (хитрости). For when they came to the banks [bxNks] (берега) of a rushing ['rASIN] (стремительной) river that threatened to bar [bR] (преградить) their way the little Queen kept steadily ['stedili] (неуклонно, твердо) on, passing ['pRsIN] (проходя) through the seeming ['sJmIN] (кажущийся) flood [flAd] (поток) in safety ['seIftI] (безопасности); and our travelers followed her without encountering [In'kauntqrIN] (не встретив ни) a single ['sINgl] (одной) drop [drPp] (капли) of water.

Again, a high wall of granite ['grxnIt]  towered ['tauqd] (возвышалась) high above their heads and opposed [q'pquzd] (препятствовала) their advance [qd'vRns] (продвижению). But the grey Field Mouse walked straight through it, and the others did the same, the wall melting ['meltIN] (растворилась) into mist [mIst] (туман) as they passed it.

Afterward, when they had stopped for a moment to allow [q'lau] (позволить) Tip to rest, they saw forty ['fLtI] (сорок) roads [rqudz] (дорог) branching ['brRnCIN] (разветвляющихся) off from their feet in forty ['fLtI] (сорока) different directions [dI'rekS(q)nz, daI-] (направлениях); and soon these forty roads began whirling ['wE:lIN] around (вращаться) like a mighty ['maItI] (громадное) wheel [wJl] (колесо), first in one direction and then in the other, completely [kqm'plJtlI] (совершенно) bewildering [bI'wIldqrIN] (застилая) their vision ['vIZqn] (взор).

But the Queen called for them to follow her and darted ['dRtId] (помчалась) off in a straight line [laIn] (линии); and when they had gone a few paces ['peIsIz] (шагов) the whirling ['wE:lIN] (вращающиеся) pathways ['pRTweIz] (тропинки) vanished ['vxnISt] (исчезли) and were seen no more.

Mombi's last trick was the most fearful ['fIqf(q)l] (страшный) of all. She sent a sheet [Si:t]

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(стену) of crackling ['krxklIN] (потрескивающего) flame [fleIm] (пламени) rushing ['rASIN] (летящую) over the meadow ['medqu] (луг) to consume [kqn'sju:m] (поглотить) them; and for the first time the Scarecrow became afraid and turned to fly.

"If that fire reaches ['rJCIz] (доберется до) me I will be gone in no time!" said he, trembling ['tremb(q)lIN] (дрожа) until his straw rattled [rxtld] (зашуршала). "It's the most dangerous ['deInG(q)rqs] (опасная) thing I ever encountered [In'kauntqd] (сталкивался)."

"I'm off, too!" cried the Saw-Horse, turning and prancing ['prRnsIN] (скачя) with agitation ["xGI'teIS(q)n] (волнении); "for my wood is so dry it would burn [bE:n] (сгорит) like kindlings ['kIndlINz] (лучины)."

"Is fire dangerous ['deInG(q)rqs] (опасен) to pumpkins?" asked Jack, fearfully ['fIqf(q)li] (с испугом).

"You'll be baked [beIkt] (сваришься) like a tart [tRt] (пирог) -- and so will I!" answered the Woggle-Bug, getting ['getIN] down (становясь) on all fours [fLz] (четыре лапы) so he could run the faster ['fRstq] (быстрее).

But the Tin Woodman, having no fear of fire, averted [q'vE:tId] (предотвратил) the stampede [stxm'pi:d] (паническое бегство) by a few sensible ['sensqbl] (разумными) words.

"Look at the Field Mouse!" he shouted. "The fire does not burn [bE:n] (жгет) her in the least (нисколько). In fact, it is no fire at all, but only a deception [dI'sepSqn] (обман)."

Indeed, to watch [wPC] (увидев, как) the little Queen march calmly through the advancing [qd'vRnsIN] (приближающееся) flames [fleImz] (пламя) restored (восстановило) courage to every member ['membq] (члене) of the party, and they followed her without being even scorched [skLCt] (не опалившись).

"This is surely a most extraordinary [Ik'strLd(q)n(q)ri] (удивительное) adventure [qd'venCq] (приключение)," said the Woggle-Bug, who was greatly amazed [q'meIzd] (поражен); "for it upsets [Ap'sets] (нарушает) all the Natural ['nxCrql] (естественные) Laws [lLz] (законы) that I heard Professor Nowitall teach [ti:C] (преподавал) in the school-house."

"Of course it does," said the Scarecrow, wisely ['waIzli] (с умным видом). "All magic is unnatural [An'nxCrql] (противоестественна), and for that reason is to be feared and avoided [q'vOIdId] (избегать). But I see before us the gates of the Emerald City, so I imagine [I'mxGIn] (полагаю) we have now overcome ["quvq'kAm] (преодолели) all the magical obstacles ['Pbstqk(q)lz] (препятствия) that seemed to oppose [q'pquz] (мешали) us."

Indeed, the walls of the City were plainly visible ['vIzqbl] (видны), and the Queen of the Field Mice, who had guided ['gaIdId] (указывала путь) them so faithfully ['feITfulI] (точно), came near to bid [bId] (сказать) them goodbye [gud'baI] (до свидания).

"We are very grateful ['greItf(q)l] (благодарны) to your Majesty for your kind assistance [q'sIstqns] (помощь)," said the Tin Woodman, bowing ['bauIN] (поклонившись) before the pretty creature.

"I am always pleased to be of service [sE:vIs] (полезной) to my friends," answered the Queen, and in a flash [flxS] (мгновение ока) she had darted ['dRtId] (помчалась) away upon her journey home.

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Chapter 15. The Prisoners ['prIz(q)nqz] (узники) of the Queen

Approaching [q'prquCIN] (приблизившись к) the gateway of the Emerald City the travelers found it guarded ['gRdId] (охраняемые) by two girls of the Army of Revolt, who opposed [q'pquzd] (мешали) their entrance ['entrqns] (входу) by drawing ['drLIN] (вынув) the knitting-needles from their hair and threatening ['TretnIN] (угрожая) to prod [prPd] (пронзить) the first that came near.

But the Tin Woodman was not afraid.

"At the worst [wE:st] (в худшем случае) they can but scratch ['skrxC] (поцарапать) my beautiful nickel-plate [pleIt] (пластину)," he said. "But there will be no 'worst,' for I think I can manage ['mxnIG] (удастся) to frighten [fraItn] (напугать) these absurd [qb'sE:d] (нелепых) soldiers very easily. Follow me closely ['klqusli] (близко), all of you!"

Then, swinging ['swININ] (размахивая) his axe in a great circle [sE:kl] (кругу) to right and left before him, he advanced [qd'vRnst] (двинулся) upon the gate, and the others followed him without hesitation ["hezI'teISn] (колебания).

The girls, who had expected [Ik'spektId] (ожидали) no resistance [rI'zIstqns] (сопротивления) whatever, were terrified ['terIfaId] (пришли в ужас) by the sweep [swJp] (взмахом) of the glittering ['glItqrIN] (сверкающего) axe and fled [fled] (побежали) screaming ['skrJmIN] (пронительно крича) into the city; so that our travelers passed the gates in safety ['seIftI] (целости и сохранности) and marched down the green marble pavement ['peIvmqnt] (мостовой) of the wide street [stri:t] (улицы) toward the royal palace.

"At this rate [reIt] (если так пойдет и дальше) we will soon have your Majesty upon the throne again," said the Tin Woodman, laughing at his easy conquest ['kPNkwest] (победу) of the guards [gRdz] (стражей).

"Thank you, friend Nick," returned the Scarecrow, gratefully ['greItf(q)li] (с благодарностью). "Nothing can resist [rI'zIst] (устоять против) your kind heart and your sharp axe."

As they passed the rows [rquz] (ряды) of houses they saw through the open doors that men were sweeping ['swJpIN] (подметали) and dusting ['dAstIN] (стирали пыль) and washing ['wPSIN] (мыли) dishes ['dISIz] (посуду), while the women sat around in groups [grHps], gossiping ['gPsIpIN] (болтая) and laughing.

"What has happened?" the Scarecrow asked a sad [sxd] (грустного)-looking man with a bushy ['buSi] (густой) beard [bIqd] (бородой), who wore an apron ['eIprqn] (фартук) and was wheeling ['wJlIN] (вез) a baby ['beIbI]-carriage ['kxrIG] (коляску) along the sidewalk ['saIdwLk] (тротуару).

"Why, we've had a revolution ["revq'lu:Sqn], your Majesty as you ought to know very well," replied the man; "and since you went away the women have been running things to suit [sjHt] themselves (как им заблагорассудится). I'm glad you have decided to come back and restore [rIs'tL] (восстановить) order, for doing ['dHIN] (заниматься) housework ['hauswE:k] (работой по дому) and minding ['maIndIN] (заниматься с) the children is wearing ['weqrIN] out (истощает) the strength [streNT] (силу) of every man in the Emerald City."

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"Hm!" said the Scarecrow, thoughtfully ['TLtf(q)li] (задумчиво). "If it is such hard work as you say, how did the women manage ['mxnIG] (справлялись) it so easily?"

"I really do not know" replied the man, with a deep sigh. "Perhaps the women are made of castiron ['kRst'aIqn] (чугуна)."

No movement ['mu:vmqnt] (движение) was made, as they passed along the street [stri:t] (улице), to oppose [q'pquz] (помешать) their progress ['prqugrqs] (продвижению). Several of the women stopped their gossip ['gPsIp] (болтать) long enough to cast curious looks ['luks] (взгляды) upon our friends, but immediately they would turn away with a laugh [lRf] (смешком) or a sneer [snIq] (ухмылкой) and resume [rI'zju:m] (возобновляли) their chatter ['Cxtq] (болтовню). And when they met with several girls belonging [bI'lPNIN] (принадлежавшими) to the Army of Revolt, those soldiers, instead of being alarmed [q'lRmd] (встревоженными) or appearing [q'pIqrIN] (казаться) surprised, merely stepped out of the way and allowed [q'laud] (позволяли) them to advance [qd'vRns] (продвигаться) without protest ['prqutest].

This action ['xkS(q)n] (действите) rendered ['rendqd] (сделало) the Scarecrow uneasy.

"I'm afraid we are walking into a trap [trxp] (ловушку)," said he.

"Nonsense ['nPnsqns] (чепуха)!" returned Nick Chopper, confidently ['kPnfIdqntli] (уверенно); "the silly ['sIli] (глупые) creatures ['krJtSqz] (создания) are conquered already!"

But the Scarecrow shook his head in a way that expressed [Iks'prest] (выражал) doubt [daut] (сомнение), and Tip said:

"It's too easy, altogether [Lltq'geDq] (всё). Look out for trouble ['trAb(q)l] (беды) ahead [q'hed] (впереди)."

"I will," returned his Majesty. Unopposed ["Anq'pquzd] (беспрепятственно) they reached the royal palace and marched up the marble steps, which had once been thickly ['TIkli] (густо) crusted ['krAstId] (покрыты) with emeralds ['em(q)rqld] (изумрудами) but were now filled with tiny holes [hqulz] (дырочками) where the jewels had been ruthlessly ['rHTlqsli] (безжалостно) torn [tLn] (выдраны) from their settings ['setINz] (оправы) by the Army of Revolt. And so far not a rebel ['rebl] (повстанец) barred [bRd] (преграждал) their way.

Through the arched [RCt ] (аркообразные) hallways ['hLlweIz] (коридоры) and into the magnificent [mxg'nIfIsnt] (величественный) throne room marched the Tin Woodman and his followers ['fPlquqz] (спутники), and here, when the green silken ['sIlkqn] (шелковый) curtains [kE:tnz] (занавес) fell behind them, they saw a curious sight.

Seated ['sJtId] (усевшись) within the glittering ['glItqrIN] (сверкающем) throne was General Jinjur, with the Scarecrow's second-best crown upon her head, and the royal sceptre ['sqptq] (скипетром) in her right hand. A box of caramels ['kxrqmelz], from which she was eating, rested in her lap [lxp] (коленях), and the girl seemed entirely at ease [Jz] (совершенно спокойно) in her royal surroundings [sq'raundINz] (окружении).

The Scarecrow stepped forward and confronted [kqn'frAntId] (встал напротив) her, while the Tin Woodman leaned [lJnd] (оперся) upon his axe and the others formed [fLmd] (образовали) a half-circle [sE:kl] (круг) back of his Majesty's person.

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"How dare [deq] (смеешь) you sit [sIt] (сидеть) in my throne?" demanded the Scarecrow, sternly ['stE:nlI] (сурово) eyeing ['aIIN] (смотря на) the intruder [In'trHdq] (самозванца). "Don't you know you are guilty ['gIltI] (виновна) of treason ['trJzn] (измене), and that there is a law [lL] (закон) against treason ['trJzn] (измены)?"

"The throne belongs [bI'lPNz] (принадлежит) to whoever [hH'evq] (любому кто) is able to take it," answered Jinjur, as she slowly ate [et ] (ела) another caramel ['kxrqmel]. "I have taken it, as you see; so just now I am the Queen, and all who oppose [q'pquz] (противостоят) me are guilty ['gIltI] (виновны) of treason ['trJzn] (измене), and must be punished ['pAnISt] (наказаны) by the law [lL] (закону) you have just mentioned ['menS(q)nd] (упомянул)."

This view of the case [keIs] (дело) puzzled the Scarecrow.

"How is it, friend Nick?" he asked, turning to the Tin Woodman.

"Why, when it comes [kAmz] (речь идет) to Law [lL] (Законе), I have nothing to, say" answered that personage. "for laws [lLz] (законы) were never meant [ment] (предназначены) to be understood ["Andq'stud] (пониматься), and it is foolish ['fHlIS] (глупо) to make the attempt [q'tempt] (попытку)."

"Then what shall we do?" asked the Scarecrow, in dismay [dIs'meI] (с тревогой).

"Why don't you marry ['mxri] (жениться на) the Queen? And then you can both rule," suggested the Woggle-Bug.

Jinjur glared [gleqd] (бросила взгляд) at the insect fiercely ['fIqsli] (свирепый).

"Why don't you send her back to her mother ['mADq], where she belongs [bI'lPNz] (где ей место)?" asked Jack Pumpkinhead.

Jinjur frowned [fraund] (нахмурилась).

"Why don't you shut her up in a closet ['klPzIt] (чулане) until she behaves [bI'heIvz] herself (начнет вести себя как следует), and promises ['prPmIsIz] (пообещает) to be good?" enquired Tip. Jinjur's lip [lIp] (губы) curled [kE:ld] (скривились) scornfully ['skLnfqli] (в презрительной усмешке) .

"Or give her a good shaking ['SeIkIN] (встряску)!" added the Saw-Horse.

"No," said the Tin Woodman, "we must treat [trJt] (обращаться с) the poor girl with gentleness ['GentlnIs] (добротой). Let us give her all the Jewels she can carry, and send her away happy ['hxpi] (счастливой) and contented [kqn'tentId] (довольной)."

At this Queen Jinjur laughed [lRft] (засмеялась) aloud [q'laud] (громко), and the next minute ['mInIt] clapped [klxpt] (хлопнула в) her pretty hands together thrice [TraIs] (трижды), as if for a signal ['sIgnql].

"You are very absurd [qb'sE:d] (глупые) creatures ['krJtSqz] (создания)," said she; "but I am tired of your nonsense ['nPnsqns] (чепухи) and have no time to bother ['bPDq] (заниматься) with you longer."

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While the monarch and his friends listened in amazement to this impudent ['Impjudqnt] (дерзкую) speech, a startling ['stRtlIN] (удивительная) thing happened. The Tin Woodman's axe was snatched [snxCt] (вырван) from his grasp [grRsp] (рук) by some person behind him, and he found himself disarmed [dIs'Rmd] (обезаруженным) and helpless ['helplIs] (беспомощным). At the same instant a shout [Saut] (раскат) of laughter ['lRftq] (смеха) rang [rxN] (зазвенел) in the ears of the devoted [dI'vqutId] () band [bxnd] (группы), and turning to see whence [wens] (откуда) this came they found themselves surrounded by the Army of Revolt, the girls bearing ['beqrIN] (держали) in either hand their glistening ['glIs(q)nIN] (сверкающие) knitting-needles. The entire throne room seemed to be filled with the rebels ['reblz] (повстанцами), and the Scarecrow and his comrades ['kPmrIdz] (друзья) realized ['rIqlaIzd] (поняли) that they were prisoners ['prIz(q)nqz] (узниками).

"You see how foolish ['fHlIS] (глупо) it is to oppose [q'pquz] (выступать против) a woman's wit [wIt] (ума)," said Jinjur, gaily ['geIlI] (весело); "and this event [I'vent] (событие) only proves [prHvz] (доказывает) that I am more fit (подходящая) to rule the Emerald City than a Scarecrow. I bear [beq] (желаю) you no ill will (зла), I assure [q'Suq] (уверяю) you; but lest [lest] (чтобы не) you should prove troublesome ['trAblsqm] (причинили проблемы) to me in the future ['fjHCq] (будущем) I shall order you all to be destroyed [dIs'trOId] (уничтожены). That is, all except [Ik'sept] (кроме) the boy, who belongs [bI'lPNz] (принадлежит) to old Mombi and must be restored to her keeping ['kJpIN] (возвращен в ее владение). The rest of you are not human ['hju:mqn] (люди), and therefore it will not be wicked to demolish [dI'mPlIS] (уничтожить) you. The Saw-Horse and the Pumpkinhead's body I will have chopped [CPpt] up (изрублены) for kindlingwood ['kIndlIN'wud] (растопку); and the pumpkin shall be made into tarts [tQ:ts] (пироги). The Scarecrow will do nicely ['naIsli] (хорошо) to start a bonfire ['bPn"faIq] (костер), and the tin man can be cut into small pieces and fed [fed] (скормлен) to the goats [gquts] (козлам). As for this immense [I'mqns] (огромного) Woggle-Bug -- "

"Highly Magnified, if you please!" interrupted ["Intq'rAptId] (прервал) the insect.

"I think I will ask the cook [kuk] (повара) to make green-turtle ['tE:tl] (черепаший) soup [su:p] of you," continued the Queen, reflectively [rI'flektIvli] (задумчиво).

The Woggle-Bug shuddered ['SAdqd] (содрогнулся).

"Or, if that won't do, we might use you for a Hungarian [hAN'geqrIqn] (венгерский) goulash ['gu:lxS], stewed [stjHd] (тушеный) and highly spiced [spaIst] (приправленный пряностями)," she added, cruelly ['krHqli] (безжалостно).

This programme ['prqugrxm] of extermination [Iks"tE:mI'neISqn] (уничтожения) was so terrible that the prisoners ['prIz(q)nqz] (пленники) looked upon one another in a panic ['pxnIk] of fear. The Scarecrow alone [q'lqun] (один) did not give way to despair [dIs'peq] (отчаянию). He stood quietly ['kwaIqtli] (спокойно) before the Queen and his brow [brau] (брови) was wrinkled [rINk(q)ld] (сморщены) in deep thought as he strove [strquv] (пытался) to find some means to escape (способ совершить побег).

While thus engaged [In'geIGd] (поглощенный размышлениями) he felt the straw within his breast [brest] (груди) move [mHv] (двигается) gently ['Gentli] (слегка). At once his expression changed [CeInGd] (сменилось) from sadness ['sxdnIs] (грусти) to joy [GOI] (радость), and raising [reIzIN] (подняв) his hand he quickly unbuttoned [An'bAtnd] (расстегнул) the front of his jacket.

This action ['xkS(q)n] (действие) did not pass [pQ:s] (не прошло) unnoticed ['An'nqutIst]

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(незамеченным) by the crowd [kraud] (толпой) of girls clustering ['klAstqrIN] (столпившихся) about him, but none of them suspected [sqs'pektId] (догадывалась) what he was doing until a tiny grey mouse leaped [lJpt] (выскочила) from his bosom ['buzqm] (груди) to the floor and scampered ['skxmpqd] (побежала стремглав) away between the feet of the Army of Revolt. Another mouse quickly followed; then another and another, in rapid ['rxpId] (быстрой) succession [sqk'seSqn] (последовательностью). And suddenly such a scream [skrJm] (крик) of terror ['terq] (ужаса) went up from the Army that it might easily have filled the stoutest ['stautIst] (смелое) heart with consternation ["kPnstE:'neISqn] (ужасом). The flight (отступление) that ensued [In'sjHd] (последовало) turned to a stampede [stxm'pi:d] (паническое бегство) , and the stampede [stxm'pi:d] to a panic ['pxnIk].

For while the startled mice rushed wildly [waIldlI] (дико) about the room the Scarecrow had only time to note a whirl [wE:l] (кружение) of skirts [skE:ts] (юбок) and a twinkling ['twINk(q)lIN] (мерцание) of feet as the girls disappeared from the palace -- pushing ['puSIN] (толкаясь) and crowding ['kraudIN] (налетая) one another in their mad [mxd] (безумных) efforts ['efqts] (попытках) to escape.

The Queen, at the first alarm [q'lRm] (тревоге), stood up on the cushions (подушках) of the throne and began to dance [dRns] frantically ['frxntIkli] (безумно) upon her tiptoes ['tIptquz] (кончиках пальцев). Then a mouse ran up the cushions, and with a terrified ['terIfaId] () leap [lJp] (прыжком) poor Jinjur shot [SPt] (бросилась) clear [klIq] (прямо) over the head of the Scarecrow and escaped through an archway ['RCweI] (проход под аркой) -- never pausing ['pLzIN] (останавливаясь) in her wild [waIld] (диком) career [kq'rIq] until she had reached the city gates.

So, in less time than I can explain, the throne room was deserted [dI'zE:tId] (покинут) by all save the Scarecrow and his friends, and the Woggle-Bug heaved [hJvd] (издал) a deep sigh of relief [rI'li:f] (облегчения) as he exclaimed:

"Thank goodness ['gudnIs] (слава богу), we are saved!"

"For a time, yes;" answered the Tin Woodman. "But the enemy ['enImI] (враг) will soon return, I fear."

"Let us bar [bR] (забаррикадируем) all the entrances ['entrqnsIz] (входы) to the palace!" said the Scarecrow. "Then we shall have time to think what is best to be done."

So all except [Ik'sept] (кроме) Jack Pumpkinhead, who was still tied [taId] (привязан) fast to the Saw-Horse, ran to the various ['veqrIqs] (различным) entrances ['entrqnsIz] (входам) of the royal palace and closed [klquzd] (закрыли) the heavy doors, bolting ['bqultIN] (запирая на засов) and locking ['lPkIN] (запирая на ключ) them securely [sI'kjuqli] (надежно). Then, knowing ['nquIN] (зная) that the Army of Revolt could not batter ['bxtq]  down (снесет) the barriers ['bxriqz] in several days, the adventurers gathered ['gxDqd] (собрались) once more in the throne room for a council ['kaunsl] (совета) of war.

Chapter 16. The Scarecrow Takes Time to Think

"It seems to me," began the Scarecrow, when all were again assembled [q'sembld] (собрались) in the throne room, "that the girl Jinjur is quite right in claiming [kleImIN] (притязании) to be Queen. And if she is right, then I am wrong, and we have no business to be occupying ['PkjupaIIN] (захватывать) her palace."

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"But you were the King until she came," said the Woggle-Bug, strutting ['strAtIN] (важно прохаживаясь) up and down with his hands in his pockets ['pPkIts] (карманах); "so it appears [q'pIqz] (кажется) to me that she is the interloper ['Intqlqupq] (человек, вмешивающийся в чужие дела) instead of you."

"Especially as we have just conquered (победили) her and put her to flight," added the Pumpkinhead, as he raised [reIzd] (поднял) his hands to turn his face toward the Scarecrow.

"Have we really conquered her?" asked the Scarecrow, quietly ['kwaIqtli] (тихо). "Look out of the window, and tell me what you see."

Tip ran to the window and looked out.

"The palace is surrounded (окружен) by a double ['dAbl] (двойным) row [rqu] (рядом) of girl soldiers," he announced.

"I thought so," returned the Scarecrow. "We are as truly ['trHlI] (на самом деле) their prisoners ['prIz(q)nqz] (пленные) as we were before the mice frightened them from the palace."

"My friend is right," said Nick Chopper, who had been polishing ['pPlISIN] (полировал) his breast [brest] (грудь) with a bit [bIt] (кусочком) of chamois-leather ['Sxmi 'leDq] (замши). "Jinjur is still the Queen, and we are her prisoners ['prIz(q)nqz] (пленные)."

"But I hope she cannot get at us," exclaimed the Pumpkinhead, with a shiver ['SIvq] (дрожью) of fear. "She threatened to make tarts [tQ:ts] (пироги) of me, you know."

"Don't worry ['wArI] (беспокойся)," said the Tin Woodman. "It cannot matter greatly. If you stay [steI] (останешься) shut up here you will spoil in time, anyway ['enIweI] (в любом случае). A good tart [tRt] (пирог) is far more admirable ['xdm(q)rqb(q)l] (лучше) than a decayed [dI'keId] (разложившися) intellect ['Intqlekt]."

"Very true," agreed the Scarecrow.

"Oh, dear!" moaned [mqund] (простонал) Jack; "what an unhappy [An'hxpi] (несчастный) lot [lPt] (удел) is mine! Why, dear father, did you not make me out of tin -- or even out of straw -- so that I would keep indefinitely [In'defInItli] (вечно)."

"Shucks [SAks] (ерунда)!" returned Tip, indignantly [In'dIgnqntli] (возмущенно). "You ought to be glad that I made you at all." Then he added, reflectively [rI'flektIvli] (задумчиво), "everything has to come to an end, some time."

"But I beg to remind ['rImaInd] (напомнить) you," broke [brquk] in (перебил) the Woggle-Bug, who had a distressed [dIs'trest] (страдальческий) look in his bulging ['bAlGIN] (навыкате), round eyes, "that this terrible Queen Jinjur suggested making a goulash ['gu:lxS] of me -- Me! the only Highly Magnified and Thoroughly Educated Woggle-Bug in the wide, wide world!"

"I think it was a brilliant ['brIljqnt] (блестящая) idea," remarked the Scarecrow, approvingly [q'prHvINli]] (одобрительно).

"Don't you imagine [I'mxGIn] (считаешь) he would make a better soup [su:p]?" asked the Tin Woodman, turning toward his friend.

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"Well, perhaps," acknowledged [qk'nPlIGd] (признал) the Scarecrow.

The Woggle-Bug groaned ['grqund] (простонал).

"I can see, in my mind's eye [aI] (мысленным взглядом)," said he, mournfully ['mLnfqli] (мрачно), "the goats [gquts] (козлы) eating small pieces of my dear comrade ['kPmrId] (товарища), the Tin Woodman, while my soup [su:p] is being cooked [kukt] (варится) on a bonfire ['bPn"faIq] (костре) built of the Saw-Horse and Jack Pumpkinhead's body, and Queen Jinjur watches ['wPCIz] (смотрит, как) me boil [bOIl] (варюсь) while she feeds [fJdz] (поддерживает) the flames [fleImz] (огонь) with my friend the Scarecrow!"

This morbid ['mLbId] (ужасная) picture ['pIkCq] (картина) cast a gloom [glHm] (уныние) over the entire party, making them restless ['restlqs] (неспокойными) and anxious.

"It can't happen for some time," said the Tin Woodman, trying to speak cheerfully (весело); "for we shall be able to keep Jinjur out of the palace until she manages ['mxnIGIz] (удастся) to break [breIk] down (взломать) the doors."

"And in the meantime ['mJntaIm] (тем временем) I am liable (скорее всего) to starve [stQ:v] to death (умру с голоду), and so is the WoggleBug," announced Tip.

"As for me," said the Woggle-Bug, "I think that I could live for some time on Jack Pumpkinhead. Not that I prefer pumpkins for food [fu:d] (еды); but I believe they are somewhat nutritious [nju:'trISqs] (питательные), and Jack's head is large and plump [plAmp] (пухлая)."

"How heartless ['hRtlqs] (бессердечно)!" exclaimed the Tin Woodman, greatly shocked [SPkt]. "Are we cannibals ['kxnIb(q)lz], let me ask? Or are we faithful ['feITf(q)l] (верные) friends?"

"I see very clearly ['klIqlI] (ясно) that we cannot stay [steI] (оставаться) shut up in this palace," said the Scarecrow, with decision [dI'sIZqn] (решительно). "So let us end this mournful ['mO:nf(q)l] (мрачный) talk [tLk] (разговор) and try to discover a means to escape (сбежать)."

At this suggestion [sq'GesCqn] (предложение) they all gathered ['gxDqd] (собрались) eagerly ['Jgqli] (с нетерпение) around the throne, wherein [weqr'In] (там, где) was seated ['sJtId] (сидел) the Scarecrow, and as Tip sat down upon a stool [stHl] (табурет) there fell from his pocket a pepper-box (перечница), which rolled upon the floor.

"What is this?" asked Nick Chopper, picking ['pIkIN] up (поднимая) the box.

"Be careful!" cried the boy. "That's my Powder of Life. Don't spill [spIl] (просыпь) it, for it is nearly ['nIqli] (почти) gone."

"And what is the Powder of Life?" enquired the Scarecrow, as Tip replaced [rI'pleIst] (положил обратно) the box carefully in his pocket.

"It's some magical stuff old Mombi got from a crooked [krukt] (горбатого) sorcerer ['sLsqrq] (колдуна)," explained the boy. "She brought Jack to life with it, and afterward I used it to bring the Saw-Horse to life. I guess [ges] (думаю) it will make anything live that is sprinkled ['sprINk(q)ld] (посыпан) with it; but there's only about one dose [dqus] left."

"Then it is very precious," said the Tin Woodman.

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"Indeed it is," agreed the Scarecrow. "It may prove our best means of escape from our difficulties ['dIfIkqltiz] (затруднительного положения). I believe I will think for a few minutes ['mInIts]; so I will thank you, friend Tip, to get out your knife and rip [rIp] (отпороть) this heavy crown from my forehead."

Tip soon cut the stitches ['stICIz] (стежки) that had fastened the crown to the Scarecrow's head, and the former ['fLmq] (бывший) monarch of the Emerald City removed [rI'mHvd] (снял) it with a sigh of relief [rI'li:f] (облегчения) and hung it on a peg [peg] (колышек, вешалка) beside the throne.

"That is my last memento [mI'mentqu] (напоминание) of royalty ['rOIqltI] (королевской власти)" said he; "and I'm glad to get rid [rId] (избавиться) of it. The former ['fLmq] (бывший) King of this City, who was named [neImd] (назывался) Pastoria, lost the crown to the Wonderful Wizard, who passed it on to me. Now the girl Jinjur claims [kleImz] (притязает на) it, and I sincerely [sIn'sIqli] (искренне) hope it will not give her a headache ['hedeIk] (головную боль)."

"A kindly ['kaIndlI] (добрая) thought, which I greatly admire [qd'maIq] (восхищаюсь)," said the Tin Woodman, nodding approvingly [q'prHvINli] (одобрительно).

"And now I will indulge [In'dAlG] (позволю себе) in a quiet think," continued the Scarecrow, lying back in the throne.

The others remained as silent ['saIlqnt] (молчаливые) and still as possible, so as not to disturb [dIs'tE:b] (беспокоить) him; for all had great confidence ['kPnfIdqns] (уверенность) in the extraordinary [Ik'strLd(q)n(q)ri] (необычайные) brains of the Scarecrow.

And, after what seemed a very long time indeed to the anxious watchers ['wPCqz] (наблюдателям), the thinker ['TINkq] (мыслитель) sat up, looked upon his friends with his most whimsical ['wImzIkql] (загадочным) expression, and said:

"My brains work beautifully ['bjHtqf(q)li] (прекрасно) today [tq'deI] (сегодня). I'm quite proud of them. Now, listen! If we attempt [q'tempt] (попытаемся) to escape through the doors of the palace we shall surely be captured. And, as we can't escape through the ground, there is only one other thing to be done. We must escape through the air!"

He paused [pLzd] (замолчал) to note the effect [I'fekt] of these words; but all his hearers ['hIqrqz] (слушатели) seemed puzzled and unconvinced ['Ankqn'vInst] (сомневающиеся).

"The Wonderful Wizard escaped in a balloon," he continued. "We don't know how to make a balloon, of course; but any sort of thing that can fly through the air can carry us easily. So I suggest [sq'Gest] (предлагаю) that my friend the Tin Woodman, who is a skillful ['skIlf(q)l] (искусный) mechanic [mI'kxnIk], shall build [bIld] (построит) some sort of a machine [mq'Si:n], with good strong wings, to carry us; and our friend Tip can then bring the Thing to life with his magical powder."

"Bravo ['brR'vqu]!" cried Nick Chopper.

"What splendid ['splendId] (замечательные) brains!" murmured ['mE:mqd] (пробормотал) Jack.

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"Really quite clever!" said the Educated Woggle-Bug.

"I believe it can be done," declared Tip; "that is, if the Tin Woodman is equal ['i:kwql] (способен) to making the Thing."

"I'll do my best," said Nick, cheerily ['CIqrIli] (весело); "and, as a matter of fact, I do not often fail [feIl] (терплю неудачи) in what I attempt [q'tempt] (делаю). But the Thing will have to be built on the roof of the palace, so it can rise [raIz] (подняться) comfortably ['kAmftqb(q)li, 'kAmfqt-] (беспрепятственно) into the air."

"To be sure," said the Scarecrow.

"Then let us search through the palace," continued the Tin Woodman, "and carry all the material [mq'tI(q)rIql] we can find to the roof, where I will begin  my work."

"First, however," said the Pumpkinhead, "I beg you will release [rI'lJs] (избавите) me from this horse, and make me another leg to walk with. For in my present [preznt] (теперешнем) condition I am of no use to myself or to anyone else."

So the Tin Woodman knocked [nPkt] (разрубил) a mahogany [mq'hPgqnI] (из красного дерева) center-table to pieces with his axe and fitted one of the legs, which was beautifully ['bjHtqf(q)li] (красиво) carved, on to the body of Jack Pumpkinhead, who was very proud of the acquisition ["xkwI'zISqn] (приобретением).

"It seems strange," said he, as he watched [wPCt] (наблюдал за тем, как) the Tin Woodman work, "that my left leg should be the most elegant ['elIgqnt] and substantial [sqb'stxnSql] (прочная) part of me."

"That proves [prHvz] (подтверждает) you are unusual," returned the Scarecrow. "and I am convinced [kqn'vInst] (убежден) that the only people worthy ['wE:DI] (достойные) of consideration [kqn"sIdq'reISqn] (внимания) in this world are the unusual ones. For the common ['kPmqn] (обычные) folks [fquks] (люди) are like the leaves of a tree, and live and die [daI] (умирают) unnoticed ['An'nqutIst] (незамеченными)."

"Spoken ['spqukqn] (сказано) like a philosopher [fI'lPsqfq]!" cried the Woggle-Bug, as he assisted [q'sIstId] (помогал) the Tin Woodman to set Jack upon his feet.

"How do you feel [fJl] (чувствуешь себя) now?" asked Tip, watching ['wPCIN] (наблюдая за тем, как) the Pumpkinhead stump [stAmp] (ковылял) around to try his new leg."

As good as new" answered Jack, joyfully ['GOIf(q)li] (радостно), "and quite ready to assist [q'sIst] (помогать) you all to escape."

"Then let us get to work," said the Scarecrow, in a business-like tone.

So, glad to be doing anything that might lead [lJd] (привести) to the end of their captivity [kxp'tIvItI] (плена), the friends separated ['sepqreItId] (разделились) to wander ['wPndq] (побродить) over the palace in search of fitting ['fItIN] (доходящего) material [mq'tI(q)rIql] to use in the construction [kqn'strAkS(q)n] (строительстве) of their aerial ['eqrIql] (воздушной) machine [mq'Si:n].

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Chapter 17. The Astonishing [q'stPnISIN] (удивительный) Flight (полет) of the Gump

When the adventurers reassembled ["rJq'semb(q)ld] (вновь собрались) upon the roof it was found that a remarkably [rI'mRkqbli] (необыкновенно) queer assortment [q'sLtmqnt] (набор) of articles ['RtIk(q)ls] (предметов) had been selected by the various ['veqrIqs] (различными) members ['membqz] (участниками) of the party. No one seemed to have a very clear idea of what was required (требовалось), but all had brought something.

The Woggle-Bug had taken from its position over the mantle ['mxntl]-piece (каминной доской) in the great hallway ['hLlweI] (коридоре) the head of a Gump, which was adorned [q'dLnd] (украшена) with wide-spreading ['spredIN] (расставленными) antlers ['xntlqz] (рогами); and this, with great care and greater difficulty, the insect had carried up the stairs [steqz] (лестнице) to the roof. This Gump resembled [rI'zembld] (был похож на) an Elk's (лося) head, only the nose turned upward in a saucy ['sLsi] (дерзкой) manner and there were whiskers (борода) upon its chin [CIn] (подбородке), like those of a billy-goat ['bIlI-gqut] (козла). Why the Woggle-Bug selected this article ['RtIkl] (предмет) he could not have explained, except [Ik'sept] (помимо того) that it had aroused [q'rauzd] (возбудил) his curiosity [kjuqrI'Ps(I)tI] (любопытство).

Tip, with the aid [eId] (помощью) of the Saw-Horse, had brought a large, upholstered [Ap'hqulstq] (обитую) sofa to the roof. It was an oldfashioned ['quld'fxSqnd] (старомодный) piece of furniture ['fE:nICq] (мебели), with high back and ends, and it was so heavy that even by resting ['restIN] (положив) the greatest ['greItIst] (самый большой) weight [weIt] (вес) upon the back of the Saw-Horse, the boy found himself out of breath when at last the clumsy ['klAmzi] (громоздкая) sofa was dumped ['dAmpt] (свалена) upon the roof.

The Pumpkinhead had brought a broom [brHm] (метлу), which was the first thing he saw. The Scarecrow arrived [q'raIvd] (прибыл) with a coil [kOIl] (бухтой) of clothes-lines [laInz] (бельевых веревок) and ropes [rqups] (канатами) which he had taken from the courtyard (внутреннего двора), and in his trip [trIp] (подъема) up the stairs [steqz] (лестнице) he had become so entangled [In'txNg(q)ld] (запутался) in the loose [lu:s] (свободных) ends of the ropes [rqups] (канатов) that both he and his burden ['bE:dn] (ноша) tumbled ['tAmb(q)ld] (свалились) in a heap [hJp] (кучу) upon the roof and might have rolled off if Tip had not rescued ['reskjHd] (спас) him.

The Tin Woodman appeared [q'pIqd] (появился) last. He also had been to the courtyard (внутреннем дворе), where he had cut four great, spreading ['spredIN] () leaves from a huge ['hjHdZ] (огромной) palm [pRm]-tree that was the pride of all the inhabitants [In'hxbItqnts] (жителей) of the Emerald City.

"My dear Nick!" exclaimed the Scarecrow, seeing what his friend had done; "you have been guilty ['gIltI] (виновен) of the greatest ['greItIst] (величайшем) crime [kraIm] (преступлении) any person can commit [kq'mIt] (совершить) in the Emerald City. If I remember rightly ['raItlI] (верно), the penalty ['penltI] (наказание) for chopping ['CPpIN] (срубание) leaves from the royal palm [pRm]-tree is to be killed seven times [taImz] (раз) and afterward imprisoned [Im'prIznd] (заключен в тюрьму) for life."

"It cannot be helped [helpt] (ничего не поделаешь) now" answered the Tin Woodman, throwing down the big leaves upon the roof. "But it may be one more reason why it is necessary ['nesIsqrI] (необходимо) for us to escape. And now let us see what you have found for me to work with."

Many were the doubtful ['dautf(q)l] (полные сомнения) looks ['luks] (взгляды) cast upon the

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heap [hJp] (кучу) of miscellaneous ["mIsI'leInjqs] (ранообразного) material [mq'tI(q)rIql] that now cluttered ['klAtqd] (загромождал) the roof, and finally the Scarecrow shook his head and remarked:

"Well, if friend Nick can manufacture ["mxnju'fxkCq] (изготовить), from this mess [mes] (кучи) of rubbish ['rAbIS] (мусора), a Thing that will fly through the air and carry us to safety ['seIftI] (безопасность), then I will acknowledge [qk'nPlIG] (признаю) him to be a better mechanic [mI'kxnIk] than I suspected [sqs'pektId] (думал)."

But the Tin Woodman seemed at first by no means sure (совершенно не уверен) of his powers ['pauqz] (силах), and only after polishing ['pPlISIN] (полирования) his forehead vigorously ['vIgqrqsli] (усердно) with the chamois ['Sxmi] (замша) -leather ['leDq] (кожа) did he resolve [rI'zPlv] (решился) to undertake ["Andq'teIk] (взяться за) the task [tQ:sk] (дело).

"The first thing required for the machine [mq'Si:n]," said he, "is a body big enough to carry the entire party. This sofa is the biggest thing we have, and might be used for a body. But, should the machine [mq'Si:n] ever tip sideways ['saIdweIz] (накренится), we would all slide [slaId] off (соскользнем) and fall to the ground."

"Why not use two sofas?" asked Tip. "There's another one just like this down stairs [steqz] (внизу)."

"That is a very sensible ['sensqbl] (разумное) suggestion [sq'GesCqn] (предложение)," exclaimed the Tin Woodman. "You must fetch [feC] (принести) the other sofa at once."

So Tip and the Saw-Horse managed, with much labor ['leIbq] (трудом), to get the second sofa to the roof; and when the two were placed together, edge [eG] (край) to edge, the backs and ends formed [fLmd] (образовали) a protecting [prq'tektIN] (защитный) rampart ['rxmpRt] (вал) all around the seats [sJts] (сидений).

"Excellent!" cried the Scarecrow. "We can ride within this snug [snAg] (уютном) nest (гнездышке) quite at our ease [Jz] (удобно)."

The two sofas were now bound firmly together with ropes [rqups] (канатами) and clothes-lines [laInz] (бельевыми веревками), and then Nick Chopper fastened (прикрепил) the Gump's head to one end.

"That will show which is the front end of the Thing," said he, greatly pleased with the idea." And, really, if you examine [Ig'zxmIn] (осмотрите) it critically ['krItIkli], the Gump looks ['luks] (выглядит) very well as a figure ['fIgq]-head (носовое украшение). These great palm [pRm]-leaves, for which I have endangered [In'deInGqd] (подверг опасности) my life seven times [taImz] (раз), must serve [sE:v] (послужить) us as wings (крылья)."

"Are they strong enough?" asked the boy.

"They are as strong as anything we can get," answered the Woodman; "and although they are not in proportion [prq'pLSqn] to the Thing's body, we are not in a position to be very particular [pq'tIkjulq] (привередливыми)."

So he fastened (прикрепил) the palm [pRm]-leaves to the sofas, two on each side.

Said the Woggle-Bug, with considerable [kqn'sIdqrqbl] (большим) admiration ["xdmq'reISqn]

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"The Thing is now complete (готова), and only needs [nJdz] (необходимо) to be brought to life."

"Stop a moment!" exclaimed Jack." Are you not going to use my broom [brHm] (метлу)?"

"What for?" asked the Scarecrow.

"Why, it can be fastened to the back end for a tail (хвост)," answered the Pumpkinhead. "Surely you would not call the Thing complete (готовой, завершенной) without a tail."

"Hm!" said the Tin Woodman, "I do not see the use of a tail. We are not trying to copy a beast, or a fish, or a bird. All we ask of the Thing is to carry us through the air.

"Perhaps, after the Thing is brought to life, it can use a tail to steer [stIq] (управлять) with," suggested the Scarecrow. "For if it flies [flaIz] (полетит) through the air it will not be unlike ['An'laIk] (непохожей на) a bird, and I've noticed that all birds have tails [teIlz] (хвосты), which they use for a rudder ['rAdq] (руль) while flying."

"Very well," answered Nick, "the broom [brHm] (метла) shall be used for a tail," and he fastened it firmly to the back end of the sofa body.

Tip took the pepper-box from his pocket.

"The Thing looks ['luks] (выглядит) very big," said he, anxiously; "and I am not sure there is enough powder left to bring all of it to life. But I'll make it go as far as possible."

"Put most on the wings," said Nick Chopper; "for they must be made as strong as possible."

"And don't forget [fq'get] (забудь) the head!" exclaimed the Woggle-Bug.

"Or the tail!" added Jack Pumpkinhead.

"Do be quiet," said Tip, nervously ['nE:vqsli]; "you must give me a chance [CRns] to work the magic charm (заклинание) in the proper ['prPpq] (правильным) manner."

Very carefully he began sprinkling ['sprINklIN] (посыпать) the Thing with the precious (драгоценным) powder. Each of the four wings was first lightly ['laItli] (слегка) covered with a layer ['leIq] (слоем). then the sofas were sprinkled ['sprINk(q)ld] (посыпаны), and the broom [brHm] (метла) given a slight [slaIt] (небольшой) coating ['kqutIN] (слой).

"The head! The head! Don't, I beg of you, forget [fq'get] (забудь о) the head!" cried the Woggle-Bug, excitedly [Ik'saItIdli] (взволнованно).

"There's only a little of the powder left," announced Tip, looking within the box." And it seems to me it is more important [Im'pLtqnt] (важно) to bring the legs of the sofas to life than the head."

"Not so," decided the Scarecrow. "Every thing must have a head to direct [dI'rekt] (направлять) it; and since this creature is to fly, and not walk, it is really unimportant ['AnIm'pLt(q)nt] (неважно) whether its legs are alive or not."

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So Tip abided [a'baIdId] (подчинился) by this decision [dI'sIZqn] (решению) and sprinkled ['sprINk(q)ld] (посыпал) the Gump's head with the remainder [rI'meIndq] (остатками) of the powder.

"Now" said he, "keep silence while I work the charm (заклинание)!"

Having heard old Mombi pronounce [prq'nauns] (произносила) the magic words, and having also succeeded [sqk'sJdId] (совершив удачную попытку) in bringing the Saw-Horse to life, Tip did not hesitate ['hezIteIt] (колебался) an instant in speaking the three cabalistic ["kxbq'lIstIk] words, each accompanied [q'kAmpqnId] (сопровождаемое) by the peculiar [pI'kjHliq] (особым) gesture ['GesCq] (жестом) of the hands.

It was a grave [greIv] (серьезная) and impressive [Im'presIv] (впечатляющая) ceremony ['serImqnI].

As he finished ['fInISt] (закончил) the incantation ["Inkxn'teISqn] (заклинание) the Thing shuddered ['SAdqd] (вздрогнула) throughout [TrH'aut] (всем) its huge ['hjHdZ] (огромным) bulk [bAlk] (корпусом), the Gump gave the screeching ['skrJCIN] (хриплый) cry that is familiar [fq'mIljq] (свойствен) to those animals ['xnIm(q)lz] (животным), and then the four wings began flopping ['flPpIN] (хлопать) furiously ['fju(q)riqsli] (неистово).

Tip managed to grasp [grRsp] (схватиться за) a chimney ['CImnI] (трубу), else he would have been blown [blqun] (был бы сдут) off the roof by the terrible breeze [brJz] (ветром) raised [reIzd] (поднятым) by the wings. The Scarecrow, being light in weight [weIt] (вес), was caught up bodily ['bPdIlI] (целиком) and borne [bLn] (поднят) through the air until Tip luckily ['lAkIli] (к счастью) seized [sJzd] (схватил) him by one leg and held him fast (крепко). The Woggle-Bug lay flat [flxt] (плашмя) upon the roof and so escaped harm [hRm] (вреда), and the Tin Woodman, whose weight [weIt] (вес) of tin anchored ['xNkqd ] (закрепил) him firmly, threw [TrH] (схватил) both arms around Jack Pumpkinhead and managed to save him. The Saw-Horse toppled ['tPp(q)ld] (опрокинулся) over upon his back and lay with his legs waving helplessly ['helplIsli] (беспомощно) above him.

And now, while all were struggling ['strAglIN] (пытались) to recover [rI'kAvq] themselves (встать на ноги), the Thing rose slowly from the roof and mounted ['mauntId] (поднялась) into the air.

"Here! Come back!" cried Tip, in a frightened voice, as he clung [klAN] (держался) to the chimney ['CImnI] (трубу) with one hand and the Scarecrow with the other. "Come back at once, I command you!"

It was now that the wisdom ['wIzdqm] (мудрость) of the Scarecrow, in bringing the head of the Thing to life instead of the legs, was proved beyond [bI'jPnd] (вне) a doubt [daut] (сомнения). For the Gump, already high in the air, turned its head at Tip's command and gradually ['grxGuqli] (постепенно) circled ['sE:k(q)ld] (стал кружить) around until it could view the roof of the palace.

"Come back!" shouted the boy, again.

And the Gump obeyed [qu'beId] (послушался), slowly and gracefully ['greIsf(q)li] (грациозно) waving its four wings in the air until the Thing had settled [setld] (села) once more upon the roof and become still (неподвижной).

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Chapter 18. In the Jackdaw's Nest

"This," said the Gump, in a squeaky ['skwi:kI] (пискливым) voice not at all proportioned [prq'pLS(q)nd] (не соответствующим [размеру]) to the size of its great body, "is the most novel ['nPvql] (новый) experience I ever heard of. The last thing I remember distinctly ['dIstINktli] (отчетливо) is walking through the forest and hearing ['hIqrIN] (услышал) a loud noise [nOIz] (шум). Something probably killed me then, and it certainly ought to have been (должен был придти) the end of me. Yet here I am, alive again, with four monstrous ['mPnstrqs] (чудовищными) wings and a body which I venture ['venCq] (осмелюсь) to say would make any respectable [rIs'pektqbl] (уважающее себя) animal or fowl [faul] (птицу) weep [wJp] (плакать) with shame [SeIm] (стыда) to own. What does it all mean? Am I a Gump, or am I a juggernaut ['GAgqnLt] (военный корабль)?" The creature, as it spoke, wiggled ['wIg(q)ld] (покачало) its chin [CIn] (подбородка) whiskers (усами) in a very comical ['kPmIk(q)l] manner.

"You're just a Thing," answered Tip, "with a Gump's head on it. And we have made you and brought you to life so that you may carry us through the air wherever [weqr'evq] (куда бы ни) we wish to go."

"Very good!" said the Thing. "As I am not a Gump, I cannot have a Gump's pride or independent ["IndI'pendqnt] (свободолюбивый) spirit ['spIrIt] (дух). So I may as well become your servant ['sE:vqnt] (слугой) as anything else. My only satisfaction [sxtIs'fxkSqn] (удовлетворение) is that I do not seem to have a very strong constitution ["kPnstI'tju:Sqn] (телосложение), and am not likely ['laIklI] (скорее всего не) to live long in a state [steIt] (положении) of slavery ['sleIvqrI] (рабства) ."

"Don't say that, I beg of you!" cried the Tin Woodman, whose excellent heart was strongly ['strPNli] (очень) affected [q'fektId ] (задет, тронут) by this sad [sxd] (грустной) speech." Are you not feeling ['fJlIN] (не чувствуешь) well today [tq'deI] (сегодня)?"

"Oh, as for that," returned the Gump, "it is my first day of existence; so I cannot judge ['GAG] (судить) whether I am feeling ['fJlIN] (чувствую себя) well or ill (плохо) ." And it waved [weIvd] (помахал) its broom [brHm] (метлой) tail to and fro [frqu] (туда-сюда) in a pensive ['pensIv] (задумчивой) manner.

"Come, come!" said the Scarecrow, kindly ['kaIndlI] (доброжелательно). "do try, to be more cheerful ['Ciqf(q)l] (веселым) and take life as you find it. We shall be kind masters ['mRstqz] (хозяевами), and will strive [straIv] (постараемся) to render ['rendq] (сделать) your existence (жизнь) as pleasant (приятной) as possible. Are you willing ['wIlIN] (готов) to carry us through the air wherever [weqr'evq] (куда бы ни) we wish to go?"

"Certainly," answered the Gump. "I greatly prefer to navigate ['nxvIgeIt] (лететь по) the air. For should I travel on the earth [E:T] (земле) and meet with one of my own species ['spi:Si:z] (вида), my embarrassment [Im'bxrqsmqnt] (смущение) would be something awful ['Lf(q)l] (ужасным)!"

"I can appreciate [q'prJSieIt] (понять) that," said the Tin Woodman, sympathetically ["sImpq'TetIkli] (сочувственно).

"And yet," continued the Thing, "when I carefully look you over, my masters ['mRstqz]

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(хозяева), none of you seems to be constructed [kqn'strAktId] (изготовлен) much more artistically ['RtIstIk(q)li] (искусно) than I am."

"Appearances [q'pIqrqnsIz] (внешний вид) are deceitful [dI'si:tf(q)l] (обманчив)," said the Woggle-Bug, earnestly ['E:nIstli] (серьезно). "I am both Highly Magnified (увеличенный) and Thoroughly Educated (хорошо образованный)."

"Indeed!" murmured ['mE:mqd] (прошептал) the Gump, indifferently [In'dIfrqntlI] (безразлично).

"And my brains are considered remarkably [rI'mRkqbli] (очень) rare [req] (редкими) specimens ['spesImInz] (образцами)," added the Scarecrow, proudly [praudli] (гордо).

"How strange!" remarked the Gump.

"Although I am of tin," said the Woodman, "I own a heart altogether [Lltq'geDq] (абсолютно) the warmest ['wLmIst] (самое теплое) and most admirable ['xdm(q)rqb(q)l] (замечательное) in the whole [hqul] (всем) world."

"I'm delighted (рад) to hear [hIq(r)] (слышать) it," replied the Gump, with a slight [slaIt] (легким) cough [kPf] (кашлем).

"My smile," said Jack Pumpkinhead, "is worthy ['wE:DI] (достойна) your best attention. It is always the same."

"Semper idem ['aIdem]," explained the Woggle-Bug, pompously ['pPmpqsli] (напыщенно); and the Gump turned to stare [steq] (посмотреть) at him.

"And I," declared the Saw-Horse, filling ['fIlIN] (заполняя) in an awkward pause, "am only remarkable [rI'mRkqbl] (замечательный) because I can't help it (не могу с этим ничего поделать)."

"I am proud, indeed, to meet with such exceptional [Ik'sepSqnl] (исключительными) masters ['mRstqz] (хозяевами) ," said the Gump, in a careless ['keqlIs] (небрежным) tone. "If I could but secure [sI'kjuq] (получить) so complete an introduction ["Intrq'dAkSqn] (представление) to myself, I would be more than satisfied ['sxtIsfaId] (удовлетворен)."

"That will come in time," remarked the Scarecrow. "To 'Know Thyself (себя)' is considered quite an accomplishment [q'kAmplISmqnt] (достижение), which it has taken us, who are your elders ['eldqz] (старшие), months [mAnTs] (месяцы) to perfect ['pE:fIkt] (совершить). But now," he added, turning to the others, "let us get aboard [q'bLd] (на борт) and start upon our journey."

"Where shall we go?" asked Tip, as he clambered ['klxmbqd] (вскарабкался) to a seat [sJt] (сидение) on the sofas and assisted [q'sIstId] (помог) the Pumpkinhead to follow him.

"In the South Country rules a very delightful [dI'laItf(q)l] (очаровательная) Queen called Glinda the Good, who I am sure will gladly ['glxdli] (с радостью) receive us," said the Scarecrow, getting ['getIN] (садясь в) into the Thing clumsily ['klAmzili] (неуклюже). "Let us go to her and ask her advice [qd'vaIs] (совет)."

"That is cleverly ['klevqli] (умно) thought of," declared Nick Chopper, giving ['gIvIN] (~ a boost

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- подсаживая) the Woggle-Bug a boost [bu:st] () and then toppling ['tPplIN] (повалив) the Saw-Horse into the rear [rIq] (задний) end of the cushioned ['kuS(q)nd] (с подушками) seats [sJts] (сидений) ." I know Glinda the Good, and believe she will prove a friend indeed."

"Are we all ready?" asked the boy.

"Yes," announced the Tin Woodman, seating ['sJtIN] himself (усаживаясь) beside the Scarecrow.

"Then," said Tip, addressing [q'dresIN] (обращаясь к) the Gump, "be kind enough to fly with us to the Southward ['sauTwqd] (Юг); and do not go higher ['haIq] (выше) than to escape (избежать) the houses and trees, for it makes [meIks] me dizzy ['dIzI] (вызывает головокружение) to be up so far."

"All right," answered the Gump, briefly ['brJfli] (коротко).

It flopped [flPpt] (взмахнул) its four huge ['hjHdZ] (огромными) wings and rose slowly into the air; and then, while our little band [bxnd] (группа) of adventurers clung [klAN] (вцепилась) to the backs [bxks] (спинки) and sides [saIdz] (бока) of the sofas for support [sq'pLt] (поддержки), the Gump turned toward the South and soared [sLd] (взмыл) swiftly and majestically [mq'GestIklI] (величаво) away.

"The scenic ['si:nIk] (живописный) effect [I'fekt], from this altitude ['xltItjHd ] (высоты), is marvelous," commented ['kPmqntId] the educated Woggle-Bug, as they rode along.

"Never mind (не обращайте внимания на) the scenery ['si:nqrI] (пейзаж)," said the Scarecrow. "Hold on tight [taIt] (крепко), or you may get a tumble ['tAmbl] (вывалиться). The Thing seems to rock (трястись) badly.'

"It will be dark soon," said Tip, observing [qb'zE:vIN] (заметив) that the sun was low on the horizon [hq'raIzn]. "Perhaps we should have waited until morning. I wonder if the Gump can fly in the night."

"I've been wondering that myself," returned the Gump quietly ['kwaIqtli] (спокойно). "You see, this is a new experience to me. I used to have legs that carried me swiftly (быстро) over the ground. But now my legs feel [fJl] (дают ощущение) as if they were asleep [q'sli:p] (спавшие)."

"They are," said Tip. "We didn't bring 'em to life."

"You're expected [Ik'spektId] (должен) to fly," explained the Scarecrow. "not to walk."

"We can walk ourselves [auq'selvz] (сами)," said the Woggle-Bug."

I begin to understand what is required of me," remarked the Gump; "so I will do my best to please you," and he flew on for a time in silence.

Presently (вскоре) Jack Pumpkinhead became uneasy.

"I wonder if riding ['raIdIN] (путешествие) through the air is liable (может) to spoil (испортить) pumpkins," he said.

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"Not unless you carelessly ['keqlIsli] (неосторожно) drop [drPp] (уронишь) your head over the side," answered the Woggle-Bug. "In that event [I'vent] (случае) your head would no longer ['lPNq] (больше не) be a pumpkin, for it would become a squash [skwPS] (кашей)."

"Have I not asked you to restrain [rIs'treIn] (ограничить) these unfeeling [An'fi:lIN] (жестокие) jokes [Gquks] (шутки)?" demanded Tip, looking at the Woggle-Bug with a severe [sI'vIq] (строгим) expression.

"You have; and I've restrained [rI'streInd] (ограничил) a good many of them," replied the insect. "But there are opportunities ["Ppq'tjHnItiz] (возможности) for so many excellent puns [pAnz] (каламбуров) in our language that, to an educated (образованного) person like myself, the temptation [temp'teISqn] (искушение) to express [Iks'pres] (выразить) them is almost irresistible ["IrI'zIstqbl] (непреодолимо)."

"People with more or less education discovered those puns [pAnz] (каламбуры) centuries ['senCurIz] (столетия) ago [q'gqu] (назад)," said Tip.

"Are you sure?" asked the Woggle-Bug, with a startled (удивленным) look.

"Of course I am," answered the boy. "An educated Woggle-Bug may be a new thing; but a Woggle-Bug education is as old as the hills [hIlz] (холмы), judging ['GAGIN] (судя) from the display [dIs'pleI] (шоу) you make of it."

The insect seemed much impressed [Im'prest] (поражен) by this remark [rI'mRk] (замечанием), and for a time maintained [meIn'teInd] (сохранял) a meek [mi:k] (покорное) silence.

The Scarecrow, in shifting ['SIftIN] his seat [sJt] (поменяв место), saw upon the cushions the pepper-box which Tip had cast aside [q'saId] (отбросил в сторону) , and began to examine [Ig'zxmIn] (изучать) it.

"Throw [Trqu] (брось) it overboard ['quvqbLd] (за борт)," said the boy; "it's quite empty ['emptI] (пустая) now, and there's no use (нет смысла) keeping ['kJpIN] (хранить) it."

"Is it really empty ['emptI] (пустая)?" asked the Scarecrow, looking curiously (с любопытством) into the box.

"Of course it is," answered Tip. "I shook out every grain [greIn] (крупицу) of the powder.

"Then the box has two bottoms ['bPtqmz] (дна)," announced (объявил) the Scarecrow, "for the bottom on the inside [In'saId] (внутренней стороны) is fully an inch [InC] (дюйм) away from the bottom on the outside (внешней стороны)."

"Let me see," said the Tin Woodman, taking the box from his friend. "Yes," he declared (объявил), after looking it over, "the thing certainly has a false [fLls] (двойное) bottom. Now, I wonder what that is for?"

"Can't you get it apart [q'pRt] (разобрать), and find out?" enquired Tip, now quite interested ['IntrIstId] (заинтересовавшись) in the mystery ['mIst(q)rI] (тайной).

"Why, yes; the lower ['lquq] (нижнее) bottom unscrews ['An'skrHz] (отвинчивается)," said the Tin Woodman. "My fingers ['fINgqz] (пальцы) are rather stiff [stIf] (негибкие); please see if you can open it."

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He handed ['hxndId] (передал) the pepper-box to Tip, who had no difficulty ['dIfIkqltI] (сложности) in unscrewing ['An'skrHIN] (отвинтить) the bottom. And in the cavity ['kxvItI] (полости) below were three silver pills (таблетки), with a carefully folded ['fquldId] (свернутой) paper ['peIpq] (бумагой) lying underneath ["Andq'nJT] (под) them.

This paper ['peIpq] (бумагу) the boy proceeded [prq'sJdId] (продолжил) to unfold ['An'fquld] (разворачивать), taking care (стараясь) not to spill [spIl] (просыпать) the pills, and found several lines [laInz] (строк) clearly ['klIqlI] (ясно) written ['rItn] (написанных) in red ink [INk] (чернилами).

"Read it aloud [q'laud] (вслух)," said the Scarecrow, so Tip read, as follows ['fPlquz] (следующее):

"DR ['dPktq]. NIKIDIK'S CELEBRATED ['selqbreItId] (знаменитые) WISHING PILLS (таблетки желания). 

"Directions [dI'rekS(q)nz, daI-] (указания) for Use: Swallow (проглотите) one pill; count (сосчитайте до) seventeen by twos; then make a Wish (загадайте желание). - The Wish will immediately (немедленно) be granted ['grRntId] (исполнено). CAUTION ['kLS(q)n] (предостережение): Keep in a Dry and Dark Place."

"Why, this is a very valuable ['vxljuqbl] (ценное) discovery [dIs'kAvqrI] (открытие)!" cried the Scarecrow.

"It is, indeed," replied Tip, gravely ['greIvli] (серьезно). "These pills may be of great use to us. I wonder if old Mombi knew they were in the bottom of the pepper-box. I remember hearing ['hIqrIN] (слышал, как) her say that she got the Powder of Life from this same Nikidik."

"He must be a powerful Sorcerer ['sLsqrq] (волшебник)!" exclaimed the Tin Woodman; "and since the powder proved a success [sqk'ses] (успешным) we ought to have confidence ['kPnfIdqns] (доверие) in the pills."

"But how," asked the Scarecrow, "can anyone count seventeen by twos? Seventeen is an odd [Pd] (нечетное) number ['nAmbq] (число)."

"That is true," replied Tip, greatly disappointed ["dIsq'pOIntId] (разочарованный). "No one can possibly ['pPsqblI] (в состоянии) count seventeen by twos."

"Then the pills are of no use to us," wailed [weIld] (завопил) the Pumpkinhead; "and this fact overwhelms ["quvq'welmz] (переполняет) me with grief [grJf] (горем). For I had intended [In'tendId] (намеревался) wishing that my head would never spoil."

"Nonsense ['nPnsqns] (чепуха)!" said the Scarecrow, sharply [SRpli] (резко). "If we could use the pills at all we would make far better wishes ['wISIz] (желания) than that."

"I do not see how anything could be better," protested poor Jack. "If you were liable (должны были) to spoil at any time you could understand my anxiety [xN'zaIqti] (беспокойство)."

"For my part," said the Tin Woodman, "I sympathize ['sImpqTaIz] (сочувствую) with you in every respect [rI'spekt] (отношении). But since we cannot count seventeen by twos, sympathy ['sImpqTI] (сочувствие) is all you are liable (можешь) to get."

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By this time it had become quite dark, and the voyagers ['vOIGqz] (воздухоплаватели) found above them a cloudy ['klaudI] (покрытое облаками) sky, through which the rays [reIz] (лучи) of the moon [mHn] (луны) could not penetrate ['penItreIt] (проникнуть).

The Gump flew steadily ['stedili] (ровно) on, and for some reason the huge ['hjHdZ] (огромная) sofa-body rocked [rPkt] (раскачивалась) more and more dizzily ['dIzIlI] (головокружительно) every hour.

The Woggle-Bug declared he was sea [si:]-sick [sIk] (ему было плохо от качки); and Tip was also pale [peIl] (бледный) and somewhat distressed [dIs'trest] (подавленный). But the others clung [klAN] (держались) to the backs [bxks] (спинки) of the sofas and did not seem to mind the motion ['mquSqn] (движение) as long as they were not tipped [tIpt] (выброшены) out.

Darker ['dRkq] (темнее) and darker grew the night, and on and on sped [sped] (несся) the Gump through the black heavens ['hev(q)nz] (небеса). The travelers could not even see one another, and an oppressive [q'presIv] (гнетущая) silence settled [setld] (воцарилась) down upon them.

After a long time Tip, who had been thinking ['TINkIN] (задумался) deeply ['dJplI] (глубоко), spoke.

"How are we to know when we come to the pallace (дворец) of Glinda the Good?" he asked.

"It's a long way to Glinda's palace," answered the Woodman; "I've traveled ['trxv(q)ld] (прошел) it."

"But how are we to know how fast the Gump is flying?" persisted [pq'sIstId] (настаивал) the boy. "We cannot see a single ['sINgl] (единой) thing down on the earth [E:T] (земле), and before morning we may be far beyond [bI'jPnd] (позади) the place we want to reach."

"That is all true enough," the Scarecrow replied, a little uneasily [An'Jzili] (тревожно). "But I do not see how we can stop just now; for we might alight [q'laIt ] (приземлиться) in a river, or on, the top of a steeple ['sti:pl] (шпиль); and that would be a great disaster [dI'zRstq] (катастрофа)."

So they permitted [pq'mItId] (позволили) the Gump to fly on, with regular ['regjulq] (постоянными) flops [flPps] (взмахами) of its great wings, and waited patiently ['peISqntli] (терпеливо) for morning.

Then Tip's fears ['fIqz] (опасения) were proven ['prHvqn] to be (оказались) well founded ['faundId] (обоснованными); for with the first streaks [skrJks] (лучами) of gray dawn [dLn] (рассвета) they looked over the sides [saIdz] (бокам) of the sofas and discovered rolling ['rqulIN] (холмистые) plains [pleInz] (равнины) dotted ['dPtId] (усыпанные) with queer villages ['vIlIGIz] (деревушками), where the houses, instead of being domeshaped ['dqum'SeIpt] (в виде купола) -- as they all are in the Land of Oz -- had slanting ['slRntIN] (покатые) roofs ['rHfs] (крыши) that rose to a peak [pi:k] in the center. Odd [Pd] (странно) looking animals ['xnIm(q)lz] (животные) were also moving ['mHvIN] (перемещались) about upon the open plains [pleInz] (равнинам), and the country was unfamiliar [Anfq'mIliq] (незнакома) to both the Tin Woodman and the Scarecrow, who had formerly ['fLmqli] (раньше) visited ['vIzItId] (had ~ - посещал) Glinda the Good's domain (владения) and knew it well.

"We are lost (мы заблудились)!" said the Scarecrow, dolefully ['dqulfqli] (печально). "The Gump must have carried us entirely out of the Land of Oz and over the sandy ['sxndI]

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(песчаные) deserts ['dezqts] (пустыни) and into the terrible outside world that Dorothy told us about."

"We must get back," exclaimed (воскликнул) the Tin Woodman, earnestly ['E:nIstli] (зд. громко). "we must get back as soon as possible!"

"Turn around!" cried Tip to the Gump. "turn as quickly as you can!"

"If I do I shall upset [Ap'set] (перевернусь)," answered the Gump. "I'm not at all used to flying, and the best plan [plxn] () would be for me to alight [q'laIt ] (приземлиться) in some place, and then I can turn around and take a fresh [freS] (новый) start."

Just then, however, there seemed to be no stopping ['stPpIN] (для остановки)-place that would answer their purpose ['pE:pqs] (цели). They flew over a village ['vIlIG] (деревней) so big that the Woggle-Bug declared it was a city, and then they came to a range [reInG] (гряде) of high mountains ['mauntInz] (гор) with many deep gorges ['gLGIz] (ущелий) and steep [stJp] (крутых) cliffs [klIfs] (утесах) showing ['SquIN] (видных) plainly.

"Now is our chance [CRns] (шанс) to stop," said the boy, finding they were very close to the mountain ['mauntIn] (гор) tops. Then he turned to the Gump and commanded: "Stop at the first level ['levl] (ровном) place you see!"

"Very well," answered the Gump, and settled [setld] down (опустился) upon a table ['teIbl] (плато) of rock that stood between two cliffs [klIfs] (утесами).

But not being experienced [Ik'spI(q)riqnst] (опытным) in such matters ['mxtqz] (делах), the Gump did not judge ['GAG] (не рассчитал) his speed [spJd] (скорость) correctly [kq'rektlI] (правильно); and instead of coming to a stop upon the flat [flxt] (ровной) rock he missed [mIst] (не попал) it by half the width [wIdT] (ширину) of his body, breaking ['breIkIN] off (отломив) both his right wings against the sharp edge [eG] (край) of the rock and then tumbling ['tAmblIN] over (скатываясь) and over down the cliff [klIf] (утесу).

Our friends held on to the sofas as long as they could, but when the Gump caught on a projecting (выступающую) rock the Thing stopped suddenly -- bottom side up - and all were immediately dumped ['dAmpt] (выброшены) out.

By good fortune ['fLCHn] (к счастью) they fell only a few feet; for underneath ["Andq'nJT] (под) them was a monster ['mPnstq] (громадное) nest, built by a colony ['kPlqni] of Jackdaws (галок) in a hollow ['hPlqu] (полом) ledge [leG] (выступе) of rock; so none of them -- not even the Pumpkinhead -- was injured by the fall. For Jack found his precious head resting ['restIN] (лежащей) on the soft breast [brest] (груди) of the Scarecrow, which made an excellent cushion ['kuSqn] (подушкой); and Tip fell on a mass [mxs] of leaves and papers ['peIpqz] (бумаг), which saved him from injury ['InGqrI] (ран). The Woggle-Bug had bumped [bAmpt] (ударился) his round head against the Saw-Horse, but without causing ['kLzIN] (не причинив) him more than a moment's inconvenience ["Inkqn'vJnjqns] (неудобства).

The Tin Woodman was at first much alarmed [q'lRmd] (встревожен); but finding he had escaped without even a scratch ['skrxC] (царапины) upon his beautiful nickle ['nIk(q)l]-plate [pleIt] (пластине) he at once regained [rI'geInd] (вернул) his accustomed [q'kAstqmd] (свойственное ему) cheerfulness ['CIqfqlnIs] (веселое настроение) and turned to address [q'dres] (обратиться) his comrades ['kPmrIdz] () .

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"Our Journey had ended rather suddenly," said he; "and we cannot justly ['GAstli] (справедливо) blame [bleIm] (винить) our friend the Gump for our accident ['xksId(q)nt] (аварии), because he did the best he could under the circumstances ['sE:kqmstqnsIz] (обстоятельствах). But how we are ever to escape (выбраться) from this nest I must leave [lJv] (оставить) to someone ['sAmwAn] (кому-нибудь) with better brains than I possess [pq'zes] (имею)."

Here he gazed [geIzd] (посмотрел) at the Scarecrow; who crawled to the edge [eG] (краю) of the nest and looked over. Below them was a sheer [SIq] (крутой) precipice ['presIpIs] (обрыв) several hundred ['hAndrqd] (сотен) feet in depth [depT] (глубиной). Above them was a smooth [smHD] (гладкая) cliff [klIf] (скала) unbroken ['An'brqukqn] (целая) save (кроме) by the point [pOInt] (места) of rock where the wrecked [rekt] (разрушенный) body of the Gump still hung suspended [sq'spendId] (подвешанный) from the end of one of the sofas. There really seemed to be no means of escape, and as they realized ['rIqlaIzd] (осознали) their helpless ['helplIs] (беспомощное) plight [plaIt] (положение) the little band [bxnd] (группа) of adventurers gave way to their bewilderment ['bI'wIldqmqnt] (замешательству).

"This is a worse [wE:s] (более плохая) prison ['prIz(q)n] (тюрьма) than the palace," sadly ['sxdli] (с грустью) remarked the Woggle-Bug.

"I wish we had stayed [steId] (остались) there," moaned [mqund] () Jack.

"I'm afraid the mountain ['mauntIn] (горный) air isn't good for pumpkins."

"It won't be when the Jackdaws (галки) come back," growled [grauld] (проворчал) the Saw-Horse, which lay waving its legs in a vain [veIn] (тщетном) endeavor [In'devq] (усилии) to get upon its feet again. "Jackdaws are especially fond [fPnd] (любят) of pumpkins."

"Do you think the birds will come here?" asked Jack, much distressed [dIs'trest] (обеспокоенно).

"Of course they will," said Tip; "for this is their nest. And there must be hundreds ['hAndrqdz] (сотни) of them," he continued, "for see what a lot of things they have brought here!"

Indeed, the nest was half filled with a most curious collection [kq'lekSqn] (коллекцией) of small articles ['RtIk(q)ls] (предметов) for which the birds could have no use, but which the thieving ['TJvIN] (воры) Jackdaws had stolen ['stqulqn] (украли) during many years from the homes [hqumz] (домов) of men. And as the nest was safely ['seIfli] (надежно) hidden [hIdn] (укрыто) where no human ['hju:mqn] (человеческое) being could reach it, this lost property ['prPpqtI] (собственность) would never be recovered [rI'kAvqd] (возвращена).

The Woggle-Bug, searching ['sE:CIN] (порывшись) among the rubbish ['rAbIS] (мусоре) -- for the Jackdaws stole [stqul] (украли) useless ['jHslqs] (бесполезные) things as well as (так же, как и) valuable ['vxljuqbl] (ценные) ones -- turned up with his foot a beautiful diamond ['daIqmqnd] (бриллиантовое) necklace ['neklIs] (ожерелье). This was so greatly admired [qd'maIqd] (любовался) by the Tin Woodman that the Woggle-Bug presented [prI'zentId] (передал) it to him with a graceful ['greIsf(q)l] (изящной) speech, after which the Woodman hung it around his neck with much pride, rejoicing [rI'GPIsIN] (радуясь) exceedingly [Ik'si:dINlI] (очень) when the big diamonds ['daIqmqndz] (алмазы) glittered ['glItqd] (сверкали) in the sun's rays [reIz] (лучах).

But now they heard a great jabbering ['GxbqrIN] (трескотня) and flopping ['flPpIN] (хлопанье)

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of wings, and as the sound [saund] (звук) grew nearer ['nIqrq] (ближе) to them Tip exclaimed:

"The Jackdaws are coming! And if they find us here they will surely kill us in their anger ['xNgq] (гневе)."

"I was afraid of this!" moaned [mqund] (простонал) the Pumpkinhead. "My time has come!"

"And mine [maInd] (моё), also!" said the Woggle-Bug; "for Jackdaws are the greatest ['greItIst] (самые большие) enemies ['enImiz] (враги) of my race [reIs] (вида)."

The others were not at all afraid; but the Scarecrow at once decided to save those of the party who were liable to be injured by the angry birds. So he commanded Tip to take off Jack's head and lie [laI] (лечь) down with it in the bottom of the nest, and when this was done he ordered ['Ldqd] (приказал) the Woggle-Bug to lie beside Tip. Nick Chopper, who knew from past [pQ:st] (прошлому) experience just what to do, then took the Scarecrow to pieces (all except [Ik'sept] (кроме) his head) and scattered ['skxtqd] (рассыпал) the straw over Tip and the Woggle-Bug, completely [kqm'plJtlI] (полностью) covering ['kAvqrIN] (закрыв) their bodies ['bPdiz] (тела).

Hardly ['hRdlI] (едва) had this been accomplished [q'kAmplISt] (сделано) when the flock [flPk] (стая) of Jackdaws reached them. Perceiving [pq'sJvIN] (заметив) the intruders [In'trHdqz] (незваных гостей) in their nest the birds flew down upon them with screams [skrJmz] (криками) of rage [reIdZ] (ярости).

Chapter 19. Dr ['dPktq]. Nikidik's Famous ['feImqs] (знаменитые) Wishing Pills (пилюли)

The Tin Woodman was usually ['jHZuqli] (обычно) a peaceful ['pi:sf(q)l] (мирный) man, but when occasion [q'keIZ(q)n] (обстоятельства) required (требовали) he could fight [faIt] (сражаться) as fiercely ['fIqsli] (яростно) as a Roman ['rqumqn] (римский) gladiator ['glxdIeItq]. So, when the Jackdaws (галки) nearly ['nIqli] (чуть не) knocked [nPkt] (сбили) him down in their rush [rAS] (атаке) of wings, and their sharp beaks [bJks] (клювы) and claws [klLz] (когти) threatened to damage ['dxmIG] (повредить) his brilliant ['brIljqnt] (блестящую) plating ['pleItIN] (никелировку), the Woodman picked [pIkt] up (поднял) his axe and made it whirl [wE:l] (вращаться) swiftly around his head.

But although many were beaten [bJtn] off (сбиты) in this way, the birds were so numerous ['njHm(q)rqs] (многочисленны) and so brave [breIv] (храбры) that they continued the attack [q'txk] as furiously ['fju(q)riqsli] (ожесточенно) as before. Some of them pecked [pekt] (клевали) at the eyes of the Gump, which hung over the nest in a helpless ['helplIs] (беспомощном) condition (состоянии); but the Gump's eyes were of glass [glRs] (стекла) and could not be injured (повреждены). Others of the Jackdaws rushed (бросились) at the Saw-Horse; but that animal, being still upon his back, kicked [kIks] (бил) out so viciously ['vISqsli] (сильно) with his wooden legs that he beat [bJt] off (сбил) as many assailants [q'seIlqnts] (нападавших) as did the Woodman's axe.

Finding themselves thus opposed [q'pquzd] (встретив такое сопротивление), the birds fell upon the Scarecrow's straw (солому), which lay at the center of the nest, covering ['kAvqrIN] (укрывая) Tip and the Woggle-Bug and Jack's pumpkin head, and began tearing ['teqrIN] it away (отрывать) and flying off with it, only to let it drop [drPp] (бросить), straw by straw into the great gulf [gAlf] (пропасть) beneath [bI'ni:T] (внизу).

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The Scarecrow's head, noting ['nqutIN] (заметив) with dismay [dIs'meI] (тревогой) this wanton ['wPntqn] (бессмысленное) destruction [dIs'trAkSqn] (разрушение) of his interior [In'tIqrIq] (внутренностей), cried to the Tin Woodman to save him; and that good friend responded (ответил) with renewed [rI'njHd] (возобновленной) energy ['enqGI]. His axe fairly flashed [flxSt] (мелькал) among the Jackdaws, and fortunately ['fLtSnItli] (к счастью) the Gump began wildly [waIldlI] (дико) waving (махать) the two wings remaining [rI'meInIN] (оставшиеся) on the left side of its body. The flutter ['flAtq] (махание) of these great wings filled the Jackdaws with terror ['terq] (ужасом), and when the Gump by its exertions [Ig'zE:S(q)nz] (усилиями) freed [frJd] (освободил) itself [It'self] (себя) from the peg [peg] ("крючка") of rock on which it hung, and sank [sxNk] (упал) flopping ['flPpIN] (махая крыльями) into the nest, the alarm [q'lRm] (смятение) of the birds knew no bounds [baundz] (границ) and they fled [fled] (бросились прочь) screaming ['skrJmIN] (пронзительно крича) over the mountains ['mauntInz] (горами) .

When the last foe [fqu] (враг) had disappeared, Tip crawled (выполз) from under the sofas and assisted [q'sIstId] (помог) the Woggle-Bug to follow him.

"We are saved!" shouted the boy, delightedly [dI'laItIdli] (с радостью).

"We are, indeed!" responded the Educated Insect (образованное насекомое), fairly hugging ['hAgIN] (обняв) the stiff [stIf] (жесткую) head of the Gump in his joy [GOI] (радости). "and we owe [qu] (обязаны) it all to the flopping ['flPpIN] (маханию крыльями) of the Thing, and the good axe of the Woodman!"

"If I am saved, get me out of here!" called Jack; whose head was still beneath [bI'ni:T] (под) the sofas; and Tip managed (Типу удалось) to roll [rqul] (~ out - выкатить) the pumpkin out and place it upon its neck again. He also set the Saw-Horse upright (на ноги), and said to it:

"We owe [qu] (обязаны) you many thanks [TxNks] (слов благодарности) for the gallant ['gxlqnt] (доблестную) fight [faIt] (битву) you made."

"I really think we have escaped very nicely ['naIsli] (хорошо)," remarked the Tin Woodman, in a tone of pride (гордости).

"Not so!" exclaimed a hollow ['hPlqu] (глухой) voice.

At this they all turned in surprise to look at the Scarecrow's head, which lay at the back of the nest.

"I am completely [kqm'plJtlI] (совершенно) ruined ['rHInd] (испорчен)!" declared the Scarecrow, as he noted ['nqutId] (заметил) their astonishment [qs'tPnISmqnt] (удивление). "For where is the straw that stuffs [stAfs] (наполняет) my body?"

The awful ['Lf(q)l] (ужасный) question startled (поразил) them all. They gazed [geIzd] (стали глядеть) around the nest with horror ['hPrq] (ужасом) , for not a vestige ['vestIG] (следа) of straw remained. The Jackdaws had stolen ['stqulqn] (украли) it to the last wisp [wIsp] (пучка) and flung [flAN] (бросили) it all into the chasm [kxzm] (пропасть) that yawned [jLnd] (зияла) for hundreds of feet beneath [bI'ni:T] (под) the nest.

"My poor, poor friend!" said the Tin Woodman, taking up the Scarecrow's head and caressing [kq'resIN] (гладя) it tenderly ['tendqli] (нежно); "whoever [hH'evq] (кто бы) could imagine [I'mxGIn] (подумать) you would come to this untimely [An'taImlI] (безвременный) end?"

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"I did it to save my friends," returned the head; "and I am glad that I perished ['perISt] (погиб) in so noble [nqubl] (благородным) and unselfish ['An'selfIS] (неэгоистичным) a manner."

"But why are you all so despondent [dIs'pPndqnt] (подавлены)?" inquired the Woggle-Bug. "The Scarecrow's clothing is still safe [seIf] (цела)."

"Yes," answered the Tin Woodman; "but our friend's clothes are useless ['jHslqs] (бесполезны) without stuffing ['stAfIN] (набивки)."

"Why not stuff him with money?" asked Tip.

"Money!" they all cried, in an amazed [q'meIzd] (удивленным) chorus ['kLrqs] (хором).

"To be sure," said the boy. "In the bottom of the nest are thousands ['Tauz(q)ndz] (тысячи) of dollar ['dPlq] bills -- and two-dollar bills -- and five-dollar bills -- and tens, and twenties ['twentiz] (двадцатки), and fifties ['fIftiz] (пятидесятки). There are enough of them to stuff a dozen [dAzn] (дюжину) Scarecrows. Why not use the money?"

The Tin Woodman began to turn over the rubbish ['rAbIS] (мусор) with the handle ['hxndl] (ручкой) of his axe; and, sure enough, what they had first thought only worthless ['wE:TlIs] (бесполезные) papers ['peIpqz] (бумажки) were found to be all bills of various ['veqrIqs] (различного) denominations [dI"nPmI'neIS(q)nz] (достоинства), which the mischievous ['mIsCIvqs] (вредные) Jackdaws had for years been engaged [In'geIGd] (had been ~ - занимались) in stealing ['stJlIN] (воровством) from the villages ['vIlIGIz] (деревень) and cities ['sItiz] (городов) they visited ['vIzItId] (посещали).

There was an immense [I'mqns] (огромное) fortune ['fLCHn] (состояние) lying in that inaccessible ["Inxk'sesqbl] (недоступном) nest; and Tip's suggestion [sq'GesCqn] (предложение) was, with the Scarecrow's consent [kqn'sent] (согласия), quickly acted ['xktId] upon (выполнено).

They selected all the newest ['njHIst] (самые новые) and cleanest ['klJnIst] (самые чистые) bills and assorted [q'sLtId] (собрали) them into various ['veqrIqs] (несколько) piles [paIlz] (куч) . The Scarecrow's left leg and boot [bHt] (ботинок) were stuffed with fivedollar ['faIv'dPlq] bills; his right leg was stuffed with ten-dollar bills, and his body so closely ['klqusli] (туго) filled with fifties ['fIftiz] (пятидесятками), one-hundreds and one-thousands ['Tauz(q)ndz] (тысячами) that he could scarcely ['skeqsli] (едва) button [bAtn] (застегнуть) his jacket with comfort ['kAmfqt] ().

"You are now" said the Woggle-Bug, impressively [Im'presIvli] (со значением), when the task [tQ:sk] (задача) had been completed [kqm'pli:tId] (выполнена), "the most valuable ['vxljuqbl] (ценный) member ['membq] (член) of our party; and as you are among faithful ['feITf(q)l] (верных) friends there is little danger of your being spent [spent] (потрачен)."

"Thank you," returned the Scarecrow, gratefully ['greItf(q)li] (с благодарностью). "I feel [fJl] (чувствую) like a new man; and although at first glance [glRns] (взгляд) I might be mistaken [mIs'teIk(q)n] (ошибочно принят) for a Safety ['seIftI] Deposit [dI'pPzIt] Vault [vLlt] (хранилище сберегательного банка), I beg you to remember that my Brains are still composed [kqm'pquzd] (состоят) of the same old material [mq'tI(q)rIql]. And these are the possessions [pq'zeS(q)nz] (имущество) that have always made me a person to be depended [dI'pendId] (можно положиться) upon in an emergency [I'mE:GqnsI] (критическом положении)."

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"Well, the emergency [I'mE:GqnsI] is here," observed [qb'zE:vd] (сказал) Tip; "and unless your brains help us out of it we shall be compelled [kqm'peld] (вынуждены) to pass [pQ:s] (провести) the remainder [rI'meIndq] (остаток) of our lives in this nest."

"How about these wishing pills?" enquired the Scarecrow, taking the box from his jacket pocket. "Can't we use them to escape (сбежать)?"

"Not unless we can (если не можем) count seventeen by twos," answered the Tin Woodman. "But our friend the Woggle-Bug claims [kleImz] (утверждает) to be highly educated (высоко образованный), so he ought easily to figure ['fIgq] out (выяснить) how that can be done."

"It isn't a question of education (образования)," returned the Insect; "it's merely a question of mathematics ["mxTI'mxtIks]. I've seen the professor work lots [lPts] (множество) of sums [sAmz] (арифметических задач) on the blackboard ['blxkbLd] (доске), and he claimed [kleImd] (утверждал) anything could be done with x's and y's and a's, and such things, by mixing ['mIksIN] (смешивая) them up with plenty ['plentI] (множеством) of plusses ['plAsIz] and minuses ['maInqsIz] and equals ['Jkwqlz] (знаков равенства), and so forth [fLT] (и так далее). But he never said anything, so far as I can remember, about counting ['kauntIN] (считать) up to the odd [Pd] (нечетного) number ['nAmbq] (числа) of seventeen by the even numbers ['nAmbqz] (четными числами) of twos."

"Stop! stop!" cried the Pumpkinhead. "You're making my head ache [eIk] (болеть)."

"And mine," added the Scarecrow. "Your mathematics ["mxTI'mxtIks] seem to me very like a bottle [bPtl] (бутылка) of mixed [mIkst] (смешанных) pickles ['pIk(q)lz] (маринованных огурцов) the more you fish [fIS] (вылавливаешь) for what you want the less chance [CRns] (шанс) you have of getting ['getIN] (достать) it. I am certain that if the thing can be accomplished [q'kAmplISt] (выполнить) at all, it is in a very simple [sImpl] (простым) manner."

"Yes," said Tip. "old Mombi couldn't use x's and minuses ['maInqsIz], for she never went to school [sku:l] (школу)."

"Why not start counting ['kauntIN] (считать) at a half of one?" asked the Saw-Horse, abruptly [q'brAptli] (вдруг). "Then anyone can count up to seventeen by twos very easily."

They looked at each other in surprise, for the Saw-Horse was considered the most stupid ['stjHpId] (глупым) of the entire party.

"You make me quite ashamed [q'SeImd] (стыдящимся) of myself," said the Scarecrow, bowing ['bauIN] (кланяясь) low to the Saw-Horse.

"Nevertheless ["nevqDq'les] (тем не менее), the creature is right," declared the Woggle-Bug; for twice [twaIs] (дважды) one-half is one, and if you get to one it is easy to count from one up to seventeen by twos."

"I wonder I didn't think of that myself," said the Pumpkinhead.

"I don't," returned the Scarecrow. "You're no wiser ['waIzq] (мудрее) than the rest of us, are you? But let us make a wish at once. Who will swallow the first pill?"

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"Suppose you do it," suggested Tip.

"I can't," said the Scarecrow.

"Why not? You've a mouth, haven't you?" asked the boy.

"Yes; but my mouth is painted on, and there's no swallow connected [kq'nektId] (глотки соединенной) with it,' answered the Scarecrow. "In fact," he continued, looking from one to another critically ['krItIkli] (критическим взглядом), "I believe the boy and the Woggle-Bug are the only ones in our party that are able to swallow (глотать)."

Observing [qb'zE:vIN] (отметив) the truth of this remark [rI'mRk] (замечания), Tip said:

"Then I will undertake ["Andq'teIk] (возьмусь) to make the first wish. Give me one of the Silver Pills."

This the Scarecrow tried to do; but his padded ['pxdId] (раздутые) gloves [glAvz] (перчатки) were too clumsy ['klAmzi] (неуклюжие) to clutch [klAC] (ухватить) so small an object [qb'Gekt] (предмет), and he held the box toward the boy while Tip selected one of the pills and swallowed ['swPlqud] (проглотил) it.

"Count!" cried the Scarecrow.

"One-half, one, three, five, seven, nine, eleven,!" counted ['kauntId] (считал) Tip. "thirteen, fifteen, seventeen."

"Now wish!" said the Tin Woodman anxiously:

But Just then the boy began to suffer ['sAfq] (испытывать) such fearful ['fIqf(q)l] (страшную) pains [peInz] (боль) that he became alarmed [q'lRmd] (испуган).

"The pill has poisoned ['pOIz(q)nd] (отравила) me!" he gasped [gRspt] (произнес, задыхаясь); "O -- h! O-o-o-o-o! Ouch [auC] (ой)! Murder ['mE:dq] (убийство)! Fire! O-o-h!" and here he rolled upon the bottom of the nest in such contortions [kqn'tLS(q)nz] (судорогах) that he frightened them all.

"What can we do for you. Speak, I beg!" entreated [In'trJtId] (умолял) the Tin Woodman, tears of sympathy ['sImpqTI] (сочувствия) running down his nickel cheeks [CJks] (щекам).

"I -- I don't know!" answered Tip. "O -- h! I wish I'd never swallowed ['swPlqud] (глотал) that pill!"

Then at once the pain stopped, and the boy rose to his feet again and found the Scarecrow looking with amazement at the end of the pepper-box.

"What's happened?" asked the boy, a little ashamed [q'SeImd] (стыдящийся) of his recent ['ri:snt] (недавнего) exhibition ["eksI'bISqn] (поведения).

"Why, the three pills are in the box again!" said the Scarecrow.

"Of course they are," the Woggle-Bug declared. "Didn't Tip wish that he'd never swallowed ['swPlqud] (глотал) one of them? Well, the wish came true, and he didn't swallow one of them.

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So of course they are all three in the box."

"That may be; but the pill gave me a dreadful ['dredf(q)l] (ужасную) pain, just the same," said the boy.

"Impossible!" declared the WoggleBug. "If you have never swallowed it, the pill can not have given ['gIv(q)n] (причинить) you a pain. And as your wish, being granted ['grRntId] (будучи исполненным), proves [prHvz] (доказывает) you did not swallow the pill, it is also plain [pleIn] (очевидно) that you suffered ['sAfqd] (чувствовал) no pain."

"Then it was a splendid ['splendId] (прекрасная) imitation ["ImI'teISqn] (имитация) of a pain," retorted [rI'tLtId] (возразил) Tip, angrily ['xNgrIli] (сердито). "Suppose you try the next pill yourself. We've wasted ['weIstId] (зря потратили) one wish already."

"Oh, no, we haven't!" protested the Scarecrow. "Here are still three pills in the box, and each pill is good for a wish."

"Now you're making my head ache [eIk] (болеть)," said Tip. "I can't understand the thing at all. But I won't take another pill, I promise you!" and with this remark [rI'mRk] (словами) he retired [rI'taIqd] (отошел) sulkily ['sAlkili] (с мрачным видом) to the back of the nest.

"Well," said the Woggle-Bug, "it remains [rI'meInz] (остается) for me to save us in my most Highly Magnified and Thoroughly Educated manner; for I seem to be the only one able and willing ['wIlIN] (желающий) to make a wish. Let me have one of the pills."

He swallowed ['swPlqud] (проглотил) it without hesitation ["hezI'teISn] (колебания), and they all stood admiring [qd'maIqrIN] (восхищаясь) his courage while the Insect counted ['kauntId] (считал до) seventeen by twos in the same way that Tip had done. And for some reason -- perhaps because Woggle-Bugs have stronger stomachs ['stAmqks] (желудки) than boys -- the silver pellet ['pelIt] (пилюля) caused it no pain whatever.

"I wish the Gump's broken wings mended ['mendId] (были починены), and as good as new!" said the Woggle-Bug, in a slow, impressive [Im'presIv] (выразительным) voice.

All turned to look at the Thing, and so quickly had the wish been granted ['grRntId] (исполнено) that the Gump lay before them in perfect ['pE:fIkt] (полной) repair [rI'peq] (исправности), and as well able to fly through the air as when it had first been brought to life on the roof of the palace.

Chapter 20. The Scarecrow Appeals [q'pJlz] (обращается) to Glenda the Good

"Hooray [hu'reI] (ура)!" shouted the Scarecrow, gaily ['geIlI] (радостно). "We can now leave [lJv] (покинуть) this miserable ['mIzqrqbl] (злосчастное) Jackdaws' nest whenever [wen'evq] (когда) we please (захотим)."

"But it is nearly ['nIqli] (почти) dark," said the Tin Woodman; "and unless we wait until morning to make our flight we may get into more trouble ['trAb(q)l] (беду). I don't like these night trips [trIps] (полеты), for one never knows (никогда не знаешь) what will happen."

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So it was decided to wait until daylight ['deIlaIt] (рассвета), and the adventurers amused [q'mjHzd] (развлекали) themselves in the twilight ['twaIlaIt] (сумерках) by searching ['sE:CIN] (ищя) the Jackdaws' nest for treasures ['treZqz] (сокровища).

The Woggle-Bug found two handsome ['hxns(q)m] (красивых) bracelets ['breIslIts] of wrought [rLt] (чеканного) gold, which fitted his slender (тонкие) arms very well. The Scarecrow took a fancy ['fxnsI] (был неравнодушен) for rings [rINz] (кольцам), of which there were many in the nest. Before long he had fitted (надел) a ring to each finger ['fINgq] (палец) of his padded ['pxdId] (туго набитых) gloves [glAvz] (перчаток), and not being content [kqn'tent] (довольным) with that display [dIs'pleI] () he added one more to each thumb [TAm] (большой палец). As he carefully chose those rings set with sparkling stones [stqunz] (камнями), such as rubies ['rHbiz] (рубинами), amethysts and sapphires ['sxfaIqz], the Scarecrow's hands now presented [prI'zentId] (имели) a most brilliant ['brIljqnt] (блестящий, сверкающий) appearance.

"This nest would be a picnic ['pIknIk] for Queen Jinjur," said he, musingly ['mjHzINli] (задумчиво). "for as nearly ['nIqli] (насколько) as I can make out (понять) she and her girls conquered (завоевали) me merely to rob [rPb] (лишить) my city of its emeralds ['em(q)rqld] (изумрудов)."

The Tin Woodman was content [kqn'tent] (доволен) with his diamond ['daIqmqnd] (алмазным) necklace ['neklIs] (ожерельем) and refused [rI'fjHzd] (отказался) to accept [qk'sept] (принимать) any additional [q'dISqnl] (дополнительные) decorations ["dekq'reIS(q)nz] (украшения); but Tip secured [sI'kjuqd] (раздобыл) a fine gold watch [wPC] (часы), which was attached [q'txCt] (прикреплены) to a heavy fob [fPb] (цепочке), and placed it in his pocket with much pride. He also pinned [pInd] (приколол) several jeweled ['GHqld] (с драгоценными камнями) brooches ['brquCIz] to Jack Pumpkinhead's red waistcoat ['weIskqut] (жилету), and attached [q'txCt ] (прикрепил) a lorgnette [lL'njet], by means of a fine chain [CeIn] (цепочкой), to the neck of the SawHorse.

"It's very pretty," said the creature, regarding [rI'gRdIN] (разглядывая) the lorgnette approvingly [q'prHvINli]] (одобрительно); "but what is it for?"

None of them could answer that question, however; so the Saw-Horse decided it was some rare [req] (редкое) decoration ["dekq'reISqn] (украшение) and became very fond [fPnd] () of it.

That none of the party might be slighted ['slaItId] (чтобы не выказать никому из группы неуважения), they ended by placing ['pleIsIN] (надели) several large seal [sJl] () rings upon the points [pOInts] (кончики) of the Gump's antlers ['xntlqz] (рогов), although that odd [Pd] (странный) personage seemed by no means gratified ['grxtIfaId] (нисколько не обрадован) by the attention.

Darkness ['dRknIs] (темнота) soon fell upon them, and Tip and the Woggle-Bug went to sleep while the others sat down to wait patiently ['peISqntli] (терпеливо) for the day.

Next morning they had cause [kLz] (причину) to congratulate [kqn'grxCuleIt] (поздравить) themselves upon the useful ['ju:sf(q)l] (пригодным) condition of the Gump; for with daylight ['deIlaIt] (рассветом) a great flock [flPk] (стая) of Jackdaws approached [q'prquCt] (приблизилась) to engage [In'geIG] (вступить) in one more battle ['bxtl] (бой) for the possession [pq'zeS(q)n] (обладание) of the nest.

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But our adventurers did not wait for the assault [q'sLlt] (атаки). They tumbled ['tAmb(q)ld] (попадали) into the cushioned ['kuS(q)nd] (покрытые подушками) seats [sJts] (сидения) of the sofas as quickly as possible, and Tip gave the word to the Gump to start.

At once it rose into the air, the great wings flopping ['flPpIN] (хлопали) strongly ['strPNli] (энергично) and with regular ['regjulq] motions ['mquSqnz] (движениями), and in a few moments ['mqumqnts] they were so far from the nest that the chattering ['CxtqrIN] (щебечущие) Jackdaws took possession [pq'zeS(q)n] (завладели) without any attempt [q'tempt] (попытки) at pursuit [pq'sjHt] (преследования).

The Thing flew due [djH] (в направлении) North, going in the same direction from whence [wens] (откуда) it had come. At least, that was the Scarecrow's opinion [q'pInjqn] (мнение), and the others agreed that the Scarecrow was the best judge ['GAG] (судья) of direction. After passing ['pRsIN] (пролетев) over several cities ['sItiz] (городами) and villages ['vIlIGIz] (деревнями) the Gump carried them high above a broad [brLd] (широкой) plain [pleIn] (равниной) where houses became more and more scattered ['skxtqd] (редкими) until they disappeared altogether [Lltq'geDq] (совсем). Next came the wide, sandy ['sxndI] (песчаная) desert separating ['sepqreItIN] (отделяющая) the rest of the world from the Land of Oz, and before noon [nHn] (полудня) they saw the dome-shaped [dqum-SeIpt] (куполообразные) houses that proved they were once more within the borders ['bLdqz] (пределах) of their native ['neItIv] (родной) land.

"But the houses and fences ['fensIz] (заборы) are blue," said the Tin Woodman, "and that indicates ['IndIkeIts] (указывает на то, что) we are in the land of the Munchkins, and therefore a long distance from Glinda the Good."

"What shall we do?" asked the boy, turning to their guide [gaId] (проводнику).

"I don't know" replied the Scarecrow, frankly ['frxNkli] (откровенно). "If we were at the Emerald City we could then move [mHv] (двинуться) directly [dI'rektlI] (прямо) southward ['sauTwqd] (на юг) , and so reach our destination ["destI'neISqn] (пункта назначения). But we dare [deq] (смеем) not go to the Emerald City, and the Gump is probably carrying ['kxrIIN] (несет) us further ['fE:Dq] (дальше) in the wrong direction with every flop [flPp] (взмахом) of its wings."

"Then the Woggle-Bug must swallow another pill," said Tip, decidedly [dI'saIdIdli] (решительно), "and wish us headed ['hedId] (двигались) in the right direction."

"Very well," returned the Highly Magnified one; "I'm willing ['wIlIN] (готов)."

But when the Scarecrow searched [sE:tSt] (порылся) in his pocket for the pepper-box containing [kqn'teInIN] (содержащей) the two silver Wishing Pills, it was not to be found. Filled with anxiety [xN'zaIqti] (беспокойством), the voyagers ['vOIGqz] (воздухоплаватели) hunted ['hAntId] (обшарили) throughout [TrH'aut] every inch [InC] (дюйм) of the Thing for the precious box; but it had disappeared entirely.

And still the Gump flew onward ['Pnwqd] (вперед), carrying ['kxrIIN] (неся) them they knew not where.

"I must have left the pepper-box in the Jackdaws' nest," said the Scarecrow, at length (наконец).

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"It is a great misfortune [mIs'fLtS(q)n] (неудача)," the Tin Woodman declared. "But we are no worse [wE:s] off (в нехудшем положении) than before we discovered the Wishing Pills."

"We are better off (в лучшем положении)," replied Tip. "for the one pill we used has enabled [I'neIb(q)ld] (дала возможность) us to escape from that horrible ['hPrqbl] (ужасного) nest."

"Yet the loss [lPs] (потеря) of the other two is serious ['sIqrIqs] (серьезна), and I deserve [dI'zE:v] (заслуживаю) a good scolding ['skquldIN] (нагоняя) for my carelessness ['keqlIsnIs] (беспечность)," the Scarecrow rejoined ["rJ'GOInd] (возразил), penitently ['penIt(q)ntli] (виновато). "For in such an unusual party as this accidents ['xksId(q)nts] (непредвиденные случаи) are liable (могут) to happen any moment, and even now we may be approaching [q'prquCIN] (приближаемся к) a new danger."

No one dared [deqd] (осмелился) contradict ["kPntrq'dIkt] (возражать) this, and a dismal ['dIzmql] (гнетущая) silence ensued [In'sjHd] (последовала).

The Gump flew steadily ['stedili] (неизменно) on.

Suddenly Tip uttered ['Atqd] (издал) an exclamation ["eksklq'meIS(q)n] (восклицание) of surprise. "We must have reached the South Country," he cried, "for below us everything is red!"

Immediately they all leaned [lJnd] (наклонились) over the backs [bxks] (спинки) of the sofas to look -- all except [Ik'sept] (кроме) Jack, who was too careful of his pumpkin head to risk [rIsk] its slipping ['slIpIN] (соскальзывание) off his neck. Sure enough; the red houses and fences ['fensIz] (заборы) and trees indicated ['IndIkeItId] (указывали на то, что) they were within the domain of Glinda the Good; and presently, as they glided ['glaIdId] (двигались) rapidly ['rxpIdli] (быстро) on, the Tin Woodman recognized ['rekqgnaIzd] (узнал) the roads [rqudz] (дороги) and buildings ['bIldINz] (постройки) they passed, and altered ['O:ltq] (изменил) slightly the flight of the Gump so that they might reach the palace of the celebrated ['selqbreItId] (прославленной) Sorceress (волшебницы).

"Good!" cried the Scarecrow, delightedly [dI'laItIdli] (радостно). "We do not need the lost Wishing Pills now, for we have arrived [q'raIvd] (добрались) at our destination ["destI'neISqn] (цели)."

Gradually ['grxGuqli] (постепенно) the Thing sank [sxNk] (снижалась) lower and nearer to the ground until at length it came to rest (приземлился) within the beautiful gardens ['gRdnz] (садах) of Glinda, settling ['setlIN] (сев) upon a velvety ['velvItI] (бархатистую) green lawn [lLn] (лужайку) close by a fountain ['fauntIn] (фонтана) which sent sprays [spreIz] (брызги) of flashing ['flxSIN] (сверкающих) gems [Gemz] (драгоценных камней), instead of water, high into the air, whence [wens] (откуда) they fell with a soft, tinkling ['tINklIN] (звякающим) sound [saund] (звуком) into the carved (высеченную) marble basin ['beIsn] (чашу) placed to receive them.

Everything was very gorgeous ['gLGqs] (великолепно) in Glinda's gardens ['gRdnz] (садах), and while our voyagers ['vOIGqz] (воздухоплаватели) gazed [geIzd] about (осматривались) with admiring [qd'maIqrIN] (восхищенными) eyes a company of soldiers silently ['saIlqntli] (бесшумно) appeared [q'pIqd] (появилась) and surrounded them. But these soldiers of the great Sorceress were entirely different from those of Jinjur's Army of Revolt, although they were likewise ['laIkwaIz] (также) girls. For Glinda's soldiers wore neat [nJt] (изящные) uniforms ['jHnIfLmz] and bore [bL] (носили) swords [sLdz] (мечи) and spears [spIqz] (копья); and they

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marched with a skill [skIl] (умело) and precision [prI'sIZqn] (with a ~ четко) that proved them well trained [treInd] (тренированы) in the arts [Rts] (искусстве) of war.

The Captain ['kxptIn] commanding [kq'mRndIN] (командующий) this troop [tru:p] (отрядом) -- which was Glinda's private ['praIvIt] (личный) Body Guard [gRd] (телохранитель) - recognized ['rekqgnaIzd] (узнала) the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman at once, and greeted ['grJtId] (поприветствовала) them with respectful [rIs'pektf(q)l] (уважительным) salutations ["sxlH'teIS(q)nz] (приветствием).

"Good day!" said the Scarecrow, gallantly ['gxlqntli] (галантно) removing [rI'mHvIN] (снимая) his hat, while the Woodman gave a soldierly ['squlGqlI] (воинский) salute [sq'lu:t]; "we have come to request [rI'kwest] (просить об) an audience ['Ldjqns] with your fair [feq] (прекрасным) Ruler (правителем)."

"Glinda is now within her palace, awaiting [q'weItIN] (ожидает) you," returned the Captain ['kxptIn]; "for she saw you coming long before you arrived [q'raIvd] (прибыли)."

"That is strange!" said Tip, wondering.

"Not at all," answered the Scarecrow, "for Glinda the Good is a mighty ['maItI] (могущественная) Sorceress, and nothing that goes on (происходит) in the Land of Oz escapes [Is'keIps] (ускользает от) her notice ['nqutIs] (внимания). I suppose she knows why we came as well as we do ourselves [auq'selvz] (сами)."

"Then what was the use of our coming?" asked Jack, stupidly [stjH'pIdIti] (в недоумении).

"To prove you are a Pumpkinhead!" retorted [rI'tLtId] (ответил) the Scarecrow. "But, if the Sorceress expects [Iks'pekts] (ожидает) us, we must not keep (заставлять) her waiting."

So they all clambered ['klxmbqd] (выбрались) out of the sofas and followed the Captain toward the palace -- even the Saw-Horse taking his place in the queer procession [prq'seSqn] (странной процессии).

Upon her throne of finely ['faInli] (с изящной) wrought [rLt] (чеканкой) gold sat Glinda, and she could scarcely ['skeqsli] (с трудом) repress [rI'pres] (подавить) a smile as her peculiar [pI'kjHliq] (необычные) visitors ['vIzItqz] (посетители) entered ['entqd] (вошли) and bowed before her. Both the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman she knew and liked; but the awkward (неуклюжий) Pumpkinhead and Highly Magnified Woggle-Bug were creatures ['krJtSqz] (существа) she had never seen before, and they seemed even more curious than the others. As for the Saw-Horse, he looked to be nothing more than an animated ['xnImeItId] (оживлённый) chunk [CANk] (кусок) of wood; and he bowed so stiffly ['stIfli] (церемонно) that his head bumped [bAmpt] (ударилась) against the floor, causing ['kLzIN] (вызвав) a ripple [rIpl] (волну, взрыв) of laughter ['lRftq] (смеха) among the soldiers, in which Glinda frankly ['frxNkli] (искренне) joined ['dZOInd] (присоединилась).

"I beg to announce [q'nauns ] (заявить) to your glorious ['glLrIqs] (великолепному) highness ['haInIs] (Высочеству)," began the Scarecrow, in a solemn ['sPlqm] (торжественным) voice, "that my Emerald City has been overrun ["quvq'rAn] (заполонён) by a crowd [kraud] (толпой) of impudent ['Impjudqnt] (наглых) girls with knitting-needles (вязальными спицами), who have enslaved [In'sleIvd] (поработили) all the men, robbed [rPbd] (лишили) the streets [strJts] (улицы) and public buildings ['bIldINz] (здания) of all their emerald jewels (драгоценностей), and usurped [jH'zE:pt] (узурпировали) my throne."

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"I know it," said Glinda.

"They also threatened to destroy [dIs'trOI] (уничтожить) me, as well as all the good friends and allies ['xlaIz] (союзников) you see before you," continued the Scarecrow. "and had we not managed to escape their clutches ['klACIz] (лап) our days would long since have ended."

"I know it," repeated [rI'pJtId] (повторила) Glinda.

"Therefore I have come to beg your assistance [q'sIstqns] (помощи)," resumed (продолжил) the Scarecrow, "for I believe you are always glad to succor ['sAkq] (приходить на помощь) the unfortunate [An'fLCnIt] (несчастным) and oppressed [q'prest] (угнетённым)."

"That is true," replied the Sorceress, slowly. "But the Emerald City is now ruled by General Jinjur, who has caused herself to be proclaimed [prq'kleImd] (провозглашена) Queen. What right have I to oppose [q'pquz] (выступать против) her?"

"Why, she stole [stqul] (украла) the throne from me," said the Scarecrow.

"And how came you to possess [pq'zes] (обладать) the throne?" asked Glinda.

"I got it from the Wizard of Oz, and by the choice [COIs] (выбором) of the people," returned the Scarecrow, uneasy (чувствуя себя неуютно) at such questioning ['kwesC(q)nIN] (допроса).

"And where did the Wizard get it?" she continued gravely ['greIvli] (серьёзно).

"I am told he took it from Pastoria, the former ['fLmq] (прежнего) King," said the Scarecrow, becoming [bI'kAmIN] (становясь) confused [kqn'fjHzd] (смущенным) under the intent [In'tent] (пристальным) look of the Sorceress.

"Then," declared Glinda, "the throne of the Emerald City belongs [bI'lPNz] (принадлежит) neither ['naIDq] (ни) to you nor to Jinjur, but to this Pastoria from whom the Wizard usurped [jH'zE:pt] (узурпировал) it."

"That is true," acknowledged [qk'nPlIGd] (признал) the Scarecrow, humbly ['hAmblI] (покорно); "but Pastoria is now dead and gone, and some one must rule (править) in his place."

"Pastoria had a daughter ['dLtq], who is the rightful ['raItf(q)l] (законная) heir [eq] (наследница) to the throne of the Emerald City. Did you know that?" questioned ['kwesC(q)nd] (спросила) the Sorceress.

"No," replied the Scarecrow. "But if the girl still lives I will not stand in her way. It will satisfy ['sxtIsfaI] (удовлетворит) me as well to have Jinjur turned out (если выгонят Джинджер), as an impostor [Im'pPstq] (самозванку), as to regain [rI'geIn] (вновь завладеть) the throne myself. In fact, it isn't much fun [fAn] (интересно) to be King, especially if one has good brains. I have known [nqun] (знаю) for some time that I am fitted to occupy ['PkjupaI] (занимать) a far more exalted [Ig'zLltId] (высокое) position. But where is the girl who owns ['qunz] (владеет) the throne, and what is her name?"

"Her name is Ozma," answered Glinda. "But where she is I have tried in vain [veIn] (тщетно) to discover. For the Wizard of Oz, when he stole [stqul] (украл) the throne from Ozma's father, hid [hId] (спрятал) the girl in some secret ['sJkrIt] place; and by means of a magical trick with which I am not familiar [fq'mIljq] (знакома) he also managed to prevent [prI'vent] her  (ему

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удалось не дать ей) being discovered (быть найденной) -- even by so experienced [Ik'spI(q)riqnst] (опытной) a Sorceress as myself."

"That is strange," interrupted ["Intq'rAptId] (прервал) the Woggle-Bug, pompously ['pPmpqsli] (напыщенно). "I have been informed [In'fLmd] (информирован) that the Wonderful Wizard of Oz was nothing more than a humbug ['hAmbAg] (обманщик)!"

"Nonsense ['nPnsqns] (чепуха)!" exclaimed the Scarecrow, much provoked [prq'vqukt] (возмущенный) by this speech. "Didn't he give me a wonderful set of brains?"

"There's no humbug ['hAmbAg] (обмана) about my heart," announced the Tin Woodman, glaring ['gleqrIN] (свирепо смотря) indignantly [In'dIgnqntli] (возмущенно) at the Woggle-Bug.

"Perhaps I was misinformed ['mIsIn'fLmd] (неправильно информировали)," stammered ['stxmqd] (сказал, заикаясь) the Insect, shrinking ['SrINkIN] (отходя) back; "I never knew the Wizard personally ['pE:snqlI] (лично)."

"Well, we did," retorted [rI'tLtId] (ответил) the Scarecrow, "and he was a very great Wizard, I assure [q'Suq] (уверяю) you. It is true he was guilty ['gIltI] (виновен) of some slight [slaIt] (незначительных) impostures [Im'pPsCqz] (жульничествах), but unless he was a great Wizard how -- let me ask -- could he have hidden [hIdn] (спрятать) this girl Ozma so securely [sI'kjuqli] (надежно) that no one can find her?"

"I -- I give it up!" replied the Woggle-Bug, meekly ['mJkli] (смиренно).

"That is the most sensible ['sensqbl] (благоразумная) speech you've made," said the Tin Woodman.

"I must really make another effort ['efqt] (попытку) to discover where this girl is hidden [hIdn] (спрятана)," resumed the Sorceress, thoughtfully ['TLtf(q)li] (задумчиво). "I have in my library ['laIbrqri] (библиотеке) a book in which is inscribed [In'skraIbd] (записала) every action ['xkS(q)n] (поступок) of the Wizard while he was in our land of Oz - or, at least, every action that could be observed [qb'zE:vd] (замечена) by my spies [spaIz] (шпионами). This book I will read carefully tonight [tq'naIt] (сегодня вечером), and try to single ['sINgl] out (найти) the acts [xkts] (поступки) that may guide [gaId] (направить) us in discovering [dIs'kAvqrIN] (поисках) the lost Ozma. In the meantime ['mJntaIm] (тем временем), pray [preI] (пожалуйста) amuse [q'mjHz] yourselves [jq'selvz] (развлекайтесь) in my palace and command my servants ['sE:vqnts] (слуг) as if they were your own. I will grant [grRnt] (дам) you another audience ['Ldjqns] tomorrow [tq'mPrqu] (завтра)."

With this gracious ['greISqs] (любезной) speech Glinda dismissed [dIs'mIst] (отпустила) the adventurers, and they wandered ['wPndqd] (побрели) away through the beautiful gardens ['gRdnz] (сады), where they passed several hours [auqz] (часов) enjoying [In'GOIIN] (наслаждаясь) all the delightful [dI'laItf(q)l] (восхитительными) things with which the Queen of the Southland ['sauTlqnd] (Южной Страны) had surrounded (окружила) her royal palace (королевский дворец).

On the following ['fPlquIN] (следующее) morning they again appeared [q'pIqd] (предстали) before Glinda, who said to them:

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"I have searched [sE:tSt] (поискала) carefully through the records ['rekqdz] (записях) of the Wizard's actions ['xkS(q)nz] (поступки), and among them I can find but three that appear [q'pIq] (кажутся) to have been suspicious [sq'spISqs] (подозрительные) . He ate [et] (ел) beans [bJnz] (бобы) with a knife, made three secret ['sJkrIt] (тайных) visits ['vIzIts] to old Mombi, and limped [lImpt] (хромал) slightly on his left foot."

"Ah! that last is certainly suspicious [sq'spISqs] (подозрительно)!" exclaimed the Pumpkinhead.

"Not necessarily ['nesIsqrIlI] (обязательно)," said the Scarecrow. "he may, have had corns [kLnz] (мозоли). Now, it seems to me his eating beans [bJnz] (бобы) with a knife is more suspicious [sq'spISqs]."

"Perhaps it is a polite [pq'laIt] (вежливый) custom ['kAstqm] (обычай) in Omaha, from which great country the Wizard originally [q'rIGInqlI] (по происхождению) came," suggested the Tin Woodman.

"It may be," admitted [qd'mItId] (согласился) the Scarecrow.

"But why," asked Glinda, "did he make three secret ['sJkrIt] visits ['vIzIts] to old Mombi?"

"Ah! Why, indeed!" echoed ['ekqud] (повторил) the Woggle-Bug, impressively [Im'presIvli] (с чувством).

"We know that the Wizard taught [tLt] (обучил) the old woman many of his tricks [trIks] (приёмам) of magic," continued Glinda; "and this he would not have done had she not assisted [q'sIstId] (если бы она не помогла) him in some way. So we may suspect (подозревать) with good reason that Mombi aided ['eIdId] (помогла) him to hide the girl Ozma, who was the real heir [eq] (наследница) to the throne of the Emerald City, and a constant ['kPnstqnt] (постоянная) danger to the usurper [jH'zE:pq] (узурпатора). For, if the people knew that she lived, they would quickly make her their Queen and restore [rIs'tL] (вернули) her to her rightful ['raItf(q)l] (законное) position."

"An able argument ['Rgjumqnt]!" cried the Scarecrow. "I have no doubt [daut] (сомнения) that Mombi was mixed [mIkst] up (замешана) in this wicked (нехорошем) business. But how does that knowledge ['nPlIG] (знание) help us?"

"We must find Mombi," replied Glinda, "and force [fLs] (заставить) her to tell where the girl is hidden [hIdn] (спрятана)."

"Mombi is now with Queen Jinjur, in the Emerald, City" said Tip. "It was she who threw [TrH] (чинила) so many obstacles ['Pbstqk(q)lz] (препятствий) in our pathway ['pQ:TweI] (пути), and made Jinjur threaten ['Tretn] (угрожать) to destroy [dIs'trOI] (уничтожить) my friends and give me back into the old witch's power ['pauq] (власть)."

"Then," decided Glinda, "I will march with my army to the Emerald City, and take Mombi prisoner ['prIznq] (захвачу Момби в плен). After that we can, perhaps, force [fLs] (заставить) her to tell the truth about Ozma."

"She is a terrible old woman!" remarked Tip, with a shudder ['SAdq] (дрожью) at the thought of Mombi's black [blxk] (черном) kettle; "and obstinate ['PbstInIt] (упрямая), too."

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"I am quite obstinate myself," returned the Sorceress, with a sweet [swJt] (милой) smile. "so I do not fear Mombi in the least. Today I will make all necessary ['nesIsqrI] (необходимые) preparations ["prepq'reIS(q)nz] (приготовления), and we will march upon the Emerald City at daybreak ['deIbreIk] (рассвете) tomorrow."

Chapter 21. The Tin-Woodman Plucks [plAks] (срывает) a Rose

The Army of Glinda the Good looked very grand [grxnd] (величественной) and imposing [Im'pquzIN] (внушительной) when it assembled [q'sembld] (собралась) at daybreak ['deIbreIk] (рассвете) before the palace gates. The uniforms ['jHnIfLmz] of the girl soldiers were pretty and of gay [geI] (весёлых) colors ['kAlqz] (тонов), and their silver-tipped [tIpt] (с серебряными наконечниками) spears [spIqz] (копья) were bright and glistening ['glIs(q)nIN] (блестящие), the long shafts [SRfts] (древки) being inlaid ['In'leId] (инкрустированы) with mother-of-pearl [pE:l] (перламутром). All the officers ['PfIsqz] wore sharp, gleaming ['glJmIN] (блестящие) swords [sLdz] (мечи), and shields [SJldz] (щиты) edged [eGd] (обрамленные) with peacockfeathers ['pJkPk'feDqz] (павлиньими перьями); and it really seemed that no foe [fqu] (враг) could by any possibility ["pPsq'bIlItI] (возможность) defeat [dI'fi:t] (победить) such a brilliant ['brIljqnt] (блестящую, выдающуюся) army.

The Sorceress rode in a beautiful palanquin ["pxlqn'kJn] which was like the body of a coach [kqVC] (кареты), having doors and windows with silken ['sIlkqn] (шёлковыми) curtains [kE:tnz] (занавесками); but instead of wheels [wJlz] (колёс), which a coach [kqVC] (карета) has, the palanquin ["pxlqn'kJn] rested upon two long, horizontal ["hPrI'zPntl] bars [bRz] (брусьях), which were borne [bLn] (несли) upon the shoulders ['Squldqz] (плечах) of twelve [twelv] (двенадцать) servants ['sE:vqnts] (слуг).

The Scarecrow and his comrades ['kPmrIdz] (товарищи) decided to ride in the Gump, in order to keep up (чтобы не отставать) with the swift [swIft] (быстрым) march of the army; so, as soon as Glinda had started and her soldiers had marched away to the inspiring [In'spaIqrIN] (воодушевляющие) strains [streInz] (мелодии) of music ['mju:zIk] played [pleId] (которую играл) by the royal band [bxnd] (оркестр), our friends climbed into the sofas and followed. The Gump flew along slowly at a point [pOInt] (точке) directly [dI'rektlI] (прямо) over the palanquin ["pxlqn'kJn] in which rode the Sorceress.

"Be careful," said the Tin Woodman to the Scarecrow, who was leaning ['lJnIN] (наклонился) far over the side to look at the army below. "You might fall."

"It wouldn't matter," remarked the educated Woggle-Bug. "he can't get broke [brquk] (игра слов: broke - нищий; сломанный (устар.)) so long as he is stuffed with money."

"Didn't I ask you" began Tip, in a reproachful [rI'prquCf(q)l] (укоризненным) voice.

"You did!" said the Woggle-Bug, promptly ['prPmtli] (незамедлительно). "And I beg your pardon ['pRdn] (прошу прощения). I will really try to restrain [rIs'treIn] (сдерживать) myself."

"You'd better," declared the boy. "That is, if you wish to travel in our company."

"Ah! I couldn't bear [beq] (вынести) to part (расстаться) with you now," murmured ['mE:mqd] (прошептал) the Insect, feelingly ['fi:lINlI] (с чувством); so Tip let the subject ['sAbGIkt] (тему) drop [drPp] (оставил).

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The army moved steadily ['stedili] (неуклонно) on, but night had fallen ['fLlqn] (наступила) before they came to the walls of the Emerald City. By the dim [dIm] (тусклом) light of the new moon [mHn] (луны), however, Glinda's forces ['fLsIz] (войска) silently ['saIlqntli] (бесшумно) surrounded the city and pitched [pICt] (разбили) their tents [tents] (палатки) of scarlet ['skRlIt] (алого) silk upon the greensward ['grJnswLd] (дёрне). The tent of the Sorceress was larger than the others, and was composed [kqm'pquzd] (была сделана) of pure [pjuq] (чистого) white silk, with scarlet banners ['bxnqz] (флагами) flying above it. A tent was also pitched [pICt] (разбита) for the Scarecrow's party; and when these preparations ["prepq'reIS(q)nz] (приготовления) had been made, with military ['mIlItqrI] (военной) precision [prI'sIZqn] (точностью) and quickness ['kwIknIs] (скоростью), the army retired [rI'taIqd] (удалилась) to rest.

Great was the amazement of Queen Jinjur next morning when her soldiers came running to inform [In'fLm] her of the vast [vRst] (огромной) army surrounding [sq'raundIN] (окружившей) them. She at once climbed to a high tower ['tauq] (башню) of the royal palace and saw banners ['bxnqz] (знамёна) waving in every direction and the great white tent of Glinda standing directly [dI'rektlI] (прямо) before the gates.

"We are surely lost!" cried Jinjur, in despair [dIs'peq] (отчаянии); "for how can our knittingneedles ['nItIN'nJd(q)lz] (вязальные спицы) avail [q'veIl] (быть полезными) against the long spears [spIqz] (копий) and terrible swords [sLdz] (мечей) of our foes [fquz] (врагов)?"

"The best thing we can do," said one of the girls, "is to surrender [sq'rendq] (сдаться) as quickly as possible, before we get hurt."

"Not so," returned Jinjur, more bravely ['breIvli] (храбро). "The enemy ['enImI] (враг) is still outside the walls, so we must try to gain [geIn] (выиграть) time by engaging [In'geIGIN] (завязав) them in parley ['pRlI] (переговоры). Go you with a flag [flxg] of truce [trHs] (перемирия) to Glinda and ask her why she has dared [deqd] (осмелилась) to invade [In'veId] (вторгнуться) my dominions [dq'mInjqnz] (владения), and what are her demands [dI'mRndz] (требования)."

So the girl passed through the gates, bearing ['beqrIN] (неся) a white flag [flxg] to show she was on a mission ['mIS(q)n] (миссией) of peace [pJs] (мира), and came to Glinda's tent. "Tell your Queen," said the Sorceress to the girl, "that she must deliver [dI'lIvq] up (выдать) to me old Mombi, to be my prisoner ['prIznq] (пленной). If this is done I will not molest [mqu'lest] (досаждать) her farther."

Now when this message ['mesIG] (сообщение) was delivered [dI'lIvqd] (доставлено) to the Queen it filled her with dismay [dIs'meI] (тревогой), for Mombi was her chief [CJf] (главный) counsellor ['kaunslq] (советчик), and Jinjur was terribly ['terqb(q)li] (ужасно) afraid of the old hag [hxg] (ведьмы). But she sent for Mombi, and told her what Glinda had said.

"I see trouble ['trAb(q)l] (беду) ahead [q'hed] (впереди) for all of us," muttered ['mAtqd] (пробормотала) the old witch, after glancing ['glRnsIN] (взглянув) into a magic mirror ['mIrq] (зеркало) she carried in her pocket. "But we may even yet escape by deceiving [dI'sJvIN] (обманув) this sorceress, clever as she thinks [TINks] (считает, думает) herself."

"Don't you think it will be safer ['seIfq] (более безопасно) for me to deliver [dI'lIvq] (выдать) you into her hands?" asked Jinjur, nervously ['nE:vqsli] (нервно).

"If you do, it will cost [kPst] (будет стоить) you the throne of the Emerald City!" answered the

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witch, positively ['pPzqtIvlI] (уверенно). "But if you will let me have my own way, I can save us both very easily."

"Then do as you please," replied Jinjur, "for it is so aristocratic ["xrIstq'krxtIk] to be a Queen that I do not wish to be obliged [q'blaIGd] (вынужденной) to return home again, to make beds and wash dishes ['dISIz] (посуду) for my mother."

So Mombi called Jellia Jamb [Gxm] to her, and performed [pq'fLmd] (исполнила) a certain magical rite [raIt] (обряд) with which she was familiar [fq'mIljq] (знакома). As a result [rI'zAlt] (в результате) of the enchantment [In'CRntmqnt] (заклинания) Jellia took on the form and features ['fi:Cqz] (черты лица) of Mombi, while the old witch grew to resemble [rI'zemb(q)l] (походить на) the girl so closely ['klqusli] (сильно) that it seemed impossible anyone could guess [ges] (догадаться об) the deception [dI'sepSqn] (обмане).

"Now," said old Mombi to the Queen, "let your soldiers deliver [dI'lIvq] up (выдают) this girl to Glinda. She will think she has the real Mombi in her power ['pauq] (власти), and so will return immediately to her own country in the South."

Therefore Jellia, hobbling ['hPblIN] along (ковыляя) like an aged ['eIGd] (пожилая) woman, was led from the city gates and taken before Glinda.

"Here is the person you demanded," said one of the guards [gRdz] (охранниц), "and our Queen now begs [begz] (просит) you will go away, as you promised ['prPmIst] (обещали), and leave us in peace [pJs] (покое)."

"That I will surely do," replied Glinda, much pleased; "if this is really the person she seems to be."

"It is certainly old Mombi," said the guard [gRd] (охранница), who believed [bI'li:vd] (полагала) she was speaking the truth; and then Jinjur's soldiers returned within the city's gates.

The Sorceress quickly summoned ['sAmqnd] (вызвала) the Scarecrow and his friends to her tent, and began to question the supposed [sq'pquzd] (мнимую) Mombi about the lost girl Ozma. But Jellia knew nothing at all of this affair [q'feq] (деле), and presently she grew so nervous ['nE:vqs] (нервной) under the questioning ['kwesC(q)nIN] (распросами) that she gave way and began to weep [wJp] (плакать), to Glinda's great astonishment [qs'tPnISmqnt] (удивлению).

"Here is some foolish ['fHlIS] (глупый) trickery ['trIkqrI] (обман)!" said the Sorceress, her eyes flashing ['flxSIN] (сверкали) with anger ['xNgq] (гневно). "This is not Mombi at all, but some other person who has been made to resemble [rI'zemb(q)l] (походила на) her! Tell me," she demanded, turning to the trembling ['tremb(q)lIN] (дрожащей) girl, "what is your name?"

This Jellia dared [deqd] not (не осмеливалась) tell, having been threatened with death by the witch if she confessed [kqn'fest] (признается в) the fraud [frLd] (обмане). But Glinda, sweet [swJt] (милая) and fair [feq] (прекрасная) though [Dqu] (какая бы) she was, understood ["Andq'stud] (понимала) magic better than any other person in the Land of Oz. So, by uttering ['AtqrIN] (произнеся) a few potent ['pqutqnt] (мощных) words and making a peculiar [pI'kjHliq] (особый) gesture ['GesCq] (жест), she quickly transformed the girl into her proper ['prPpq] (истинное) shape [SeIp] (обличие), while at the same time old Mombi, far away in Jinjur's palace, suddenly resumed her own crooked [krukt] (горбатую) form and evil ['Jv(q)l] (злые) features ['fi:Cqz] (черты).

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"Why, it's Jellia Jamb [Gxm]!" cried the Scarecrow, recognizing ['rekqgnaIzIN] (узнав) in the girl one of his old friends.

"It's our interpreter (переводчица)!" said the Pumpkinhead, smiling pleasantly.

Then Jellia was forced [fLst] (вынуждена) to tell of the trick Mombi had played [pleId] (разыграла) and she also begged [begd] (умоляла о) Glinda's protection [prq'tekSqn] (защите), which the Sorceress readily ['redIlI] (охотно) granted ['grRntId] (предоставила). But Glinda was now really angry, and sent word to Jinjur that the fraud [frLd] (обман) was discovered and she must deliver [dI'lIvq] up (выдать) the real Mombi or suffer ['sAfq] () terrible consequences ['kPnsIkwensIz] (последствия). Jinjur was prepared [prI'peqd] (готова) for this message ['mesIG] (сообщению), for the witch well understood ["Andq'stud] (поняла), when her natural ['nxCrql] (настоящая) form was thrust [TrAst] (вернулась) upon her, that Glinda had discovered her trickery ['trIkqrI] (трюк). But the wicked old creature had already thought up a new deception [dI'sepSqn] (обман), and had made Jinjur promise to carry it out. So the Queen said to Glinda's messenger ['mesIndZq] (посыльному):

"Tell your mistress ['mIstrIs] (хозяйку) that I cannot find Mombi anywhere ['enIweq] (нигде), but that Glinda is welcome ['welkqm] (может свободно) to enter ['entq] (войти в) the city and search herself for the old woman. She may also bring her friends with her, if she likes ['laIks] (захочет); but if she does not find Mombi by sundown ['sAndaun] (заката), the Sorceress must promise to go away peaceably ['pJsqbli] (с миром) and bother ['bPDq] (не беспокоить) us no more."

Glinda agreed to these terms [tE:mz] (условия), well knowing ['nquIN] (зная) that Mombi was somewhere ['sAmweq] (где-то) within the city walls. So Jinjur caused the gates to be thrown [Trqun] open (приказала распахнуть ворота), and Glinda marched in at the head of a company of soldiers, followed by the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman, while Jack Pumpkinhead rode astride [qs'traId] (верхом на) the Saw-Horse, and the Educated, Highly Magnified Woggle-Bug sauntered ['sLntqd] (шёл) behind in a dignified ['dIgnIfaId] (величавой) manner. Tip walked by the side of the Sorceress, for Glinda had conceived [kqn'sJvd] (почувствовала) a great liking ['laIkIN] (симпатию) for the boy.

Of course old Mombi had no intention [In'tenS(q)n] (намерения) of being found by Glinda; so, while her enemies ['enImiz] (враги) were marching ['mRCIN] (двигались) up the street [stri:t] (улице), the witch transformed herself into a red rose growing ['grquIN] (растущую) upon a bush [buS] (кусте) in the garden ['gRdn] (саду) of the palace. It was a clever idea, and a trick Glinda did not suspect; so several precious hours [auqz] (часов) were spent [spent] (проведены) in a vain [veIn] (тщетных) search for Mombi.

As sundown ['sAndaun] (закат) approached [q'prquCt] (приближался) the Sorceress realized ['rIqlaIzd] (поняла) she had been defeated [dI'fJtId] (потерпела поражение) by the superior [sH'pI(q)rIq] (огромной) cunning ['kAnIN] (хитрости) of the aged ['eIGd] (старой) witch; so she gave the command to her people to march out of the city and back to their tents [tents] (палаткам).

The Scarecrow and his comrades ['kPmrIdz] (товарищи) happened to be searching ['sE:CIN] (искали) in the garden ['gRdn] (саду) of the palace just then, and they turned with disappointment ["dIsq'pOIntmqnt] (разочарованием) to obey [qu'beI] (подчиниться) Glinda's command. But before they left the garden ['gRdn] the Tin Woodman, who was fond [fPnd] (любил) of flowers, chanced [CRnst] (случайно) to espy [Is'paI] (заметил) a big red rose growing upon a bush [buS] (кусте); so he plucked ['plAkt] (сорвал) the flower and fastened it

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securely [sI'kjuqli] (надёжно) in the tin buttonhole ['bAtnhqul] (бутоньерке) of his tin bosom ['buzqm] (груди).

As he did this he fancied ['fxnsId] (показалось, что) he heard a low moan [mqun] (стон) proceed [prq'si:d] (исходил) from the rose; but he paid no attention to the sound [saund] (звук), and Mombi was thus carried out of the city and into Glinda's camp [kxmp] (лагерь) without anyone having a suspicion [sq'spIS(q)n] (подозрение) that they had succeeded [sqk'sJdId] (они удачно завершили) in their quest [kwest] (поиски).