the manse on murder hill

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  • 7/24/2019 The Manse on Murder Hill


    Byram (order #5152654)

  • 7/24/2019 The Manse on Murder Hill



    Publisher web site: http ://games. taskboy .com /

    Labyrinth Rules:

    http ://www.goblinoidgames .com / labyrinthlord .html


    The Manse on Murder HillAn Adventure for characters level 1-3

    By Joe Johnston

    One night fteen years ago during the harvest night

    estival, wild screams and sardonic laughter were

    heard coming rom the lone mansion perched atop

    Farview Knoll, ten miles north o the village center.

    Unaccountable lights and high winds worried the

    knoll. he lightning was ferce and odd!colored.

    "n the morning, the last sod who had my #ob ound

    the remains o the occupants, a well!respected cleric

    and his sta, slaughtered by an unknown adversary.

    he mansion has remained empty since then.

    $ost people in the village now avoid talking about

    what happened that night, e%cept or calling Farview

    Knoll &$urder 'ill.&(

    Several children of Little Flanders have gone missing

    near an abandoned house of evil repute. desperate

    town has begged your heroes to e!orcise the house

    of evil spirits and rescue the children. "ill you brave

    the dangers of the #anse on #urder $ill%


    &llustrator: Stuart Robertson

    Reviewers: 'ryce Lynch( Paul )o( Peter Spahn

    Play testing: Peter *wickler

    +diting: aron 'eck( )ryphon +ditorial

    "ritten content: ,opyright -- 0oseph 0ohnston.

    rtwork: ,opyright -- Stuart Robertson

    Labyrinth Lord 1*#2 is copyright -34-( 5aniel

    Proctor. Labyrinth Lord 1*#2 and dvanced Labyrinth

    Lord 1*#2 are trademarks of 5aniel Proctor. *hese

    trademarks are used under the Labyrinth Lord 1*#2

    *rademark License .-( available at .

    Special Thanks


    Sally and Angus Johnston; To Stuart Robertson;To all the fallen heroes of Geneva Lake who cracked

    the Gate Between Worlds for all of us.

    &f you plan to play this( STOP RA!"#$ #O%&


    Byram (order #5152654)
  • 7/24/2019 The Manse on Murder Hill


    A Labyrinth Lord Prepares*his adventure is designed for a balanced party of 64

    characters of levels 47. 8ou may wish for players to

    control multiple characters. thief is strongly

    recommended( as there are many traps and locked

    items. lso( a solid complement of melee 9ghters will beappreciated( as will a cleric and a magic4user.

    *his adventure may be played on its own or as the start

    of a three4part series called he )eturn o the )ed

    alons. &n broad terms( the challenge presented here is

    to recover missing children( alive( from an enemy who

    has forti9ed his position.

    8ou will need the Labyrinth Lord core rules 1see the

    )esourcessection above2 or compatible rules to play

    this adventure. For abbreviations used here( see the

    *ice and +bbreviations section of the Labyrinth Lord

    core rules.

    #onster statistics will appear in the following format

    1e.g.( ,: 3 $5: : 5: 46 #: 6 #v: ;therwise( it is intended that you set the stage

    for the players in your own words( based on your own

    reading of the adventure.

    *here are two areas described herein: the village of Little

    Flanders and the eponymous mansion. Little Flanders is

    part of a larger urban comple! that is e!plored in the

    other modules of this series. >nly details necessary to

    frame this adventure are given here( so that you may

    create the village to your own tastes. $owever( as a

    small agricultural town( Little Flanders can be placedeasily anywhere in a typical fantasy campaign world. &f

    more convenient( you may change the name to an

    e!isting town for which you have future plans.

    s a location( Little Flanders serves to introduce players

    to many rumors about the Farview #anse( its history

    and the villagers themselves. lthough not intended as

    a location for combat( it is a good place for role4playing

    interactions with villagers and for placing many false

    rumors in the heads of the players.

    =ote that the village has few adventuring supplies.

    +ncourage the players to buy their e?uipment before

    traveling to the village. *he scarcity of speciali@ed

    adventuring gear is part of the challenge.

    #uch of the fun of this kind of adventure is in

    manipulating the e!pectations of the players. #ost of

    the people in Little Flanders believe the manse to be

    haunted 1and in a sense( it isAbut that is not the

    immediate problem2. 8our players might hear of an

    evil witch who eats naughty children. >thers will

    whisper of a pact the founders of this town made with

    a demon to ensure prosperity. Still others will assure

    the players that nothing unusual is happening at the

    manse and that the children probably ran away. dd

    whatever other red herrings you think are most likely

    to put your players on the wrong foot.

    t the end of this manuscript( several ideas are

    presented to e!tend the adventures in Little Flanders.

    ll the maps( handouts and pre4generated characters

    appear in the appendices.

    #ost of the monsters in this adventure appear in the

    Labyrinth Lord core rule book. few additional

    monsters are detailed in the reatures -reat and

    mallsection toward the back of this adventure.

    *wo monster types appear here that re?uire note: pit

    vipers and rock li@ards. *o blend in with the

    e!pectations of a =orthern +uropean setting( the

    spitting cobra of the ,ore Rules appears here under

    the title Bpit viper.C Rock li@ards are rebranded giant

    geckos. *he statistics and behaviors of each creature

    match their analog in the core rules.

    A 'illainy (nveiled

    bout two weeks before the arrival of the party( a

    gang of goblinoids called the Ding Ratters moved into

    the abandoned house on Farview Dnoll 1see the map

    in ppendi! +2. *heir mission is to sow misery in the

    village at the urging of an orc named Rooster( wholeads a massive group called the Red *alons. Rooster

    and his scheme to fundamentally change the political

    landscape of the region does not appear directly in

    this adventure.

    *he Ratters< mission is simple: kidnap some of the


  • 7/24/2019 The Manse on Murder Hill


    town of #iddleton 1covered in the ne!t adventure2. fter

    the main forces have passed by Little Flanders 1about a

    week after this adventure starts2( the Ding Ratters will

    slay their captives.

    RoosterEs mercenary wi@ard has created a few illusions

    and traps in the house on Farview Dnoll to scare off

    snoops and would4be heroes. Should these illusions fail

    to dissuade( the swords of the Ding Ratters will appear

    in overwhelming numbers to confront intruders.

    *he Ding Ratters occupy the ground and second oors.

    *he second oor( which has the only remaining

    entrance( has been trapped and decorated to

    discourage investigators. few monsters have been

    coa!ed into guard duty. *he kobolds avoid being on the

    second oor( because they do not wish to be seen( and

    in the basement( which unnerves even them.

    Rooster wants to toughen up the Ding Ratters( who are

    composed of kobolds and goblin mercenaries called

    "olf Raiders. *hey are led by Ree@a( an ambitious and

    capable kobold who founded the warband. "hile Ree@a

    has no love of humans or their children( he feels this

    task is below him.

    For Ree@a( an additional irritant is the inclusion of two

    GassistantsG named >ngol and #oress. *hese two large

    orcs were sent along with the Ding Ratters to make sure

    that the harassment of the village actually happens.

    Ree@a would be overHoyed to see his minders meet with

    the business end of a battle a!e.

    +ven if the heroes destroy the encampment ofgoblinoids in the house( Re@@a may be able to ee(

    Hoining the Red *alon gang in #iddleton. $owever( this


  • 7/24/2019 The Manse on Murder Hill


    amount is not negotiable. s it is( the reward money will

    ruin each of the families.

    'rowne will offer( somewhat abashedly( the use of a

    local barn to the players during the investigation. *he

    barn is empty of animals but has lots of hay. *he closest

    inn is in #iddleton( a three4day travel from Little


    *he sheriff will also offer -4K potions of cure li)ht

    +ounds to the party. $e does this believing that

    something big and ugly is inhabiting the manse.

    'rowne suggests that before heading up to the Dnoll(

    the party should gather as much information as they can

    in town. $e mentions that ,enobite #aster )ervais

    might provide more aid to them and that 'arkeep

    "iggins at the Sleepy )iant public house is a good

    source of information. *he Sleepy )iant at night will

    have K4- customers who may be ?uestioned. 5uring

    the day( there will be only one or two customers. *he

    village s?uare is ?uiet during the day. +very villager will

    know at least one rumor from the Rumor *able in 1oose


    "hen the party has 9nished ?uestioning the locals( it

    should 9nd 'rowne again. *he sheriff will ask 5eputy >!

    to lead the players to Farview Dnoll. $owever( >! will

    enter the house neither for love nor money.

    "hen the party approaches the manse( >! will point out

    the oak tree where the bodies of the missing children! will encamp for up to three days

    waiting for the party to emerge from the manse before

    leaving himself. $e carries a potion of cure li)ht

    +oundsthat he will give to inHured party members.

    Part 1: Little Flanders

    *he village of Little Flanders( pop. -( has prospered

    much in the last - years since the )lorious +!pansion

    that pushed the hostile goblinoids out of the area.

    small farming community that trades with nearby#iddleton( Little Flanders enHoys a temperate climate

    with four varied seasons 1think "estern +urope2. &ts

    government is composed of Sheriff 'rowne and his two

    deputies. #ost of the inhabitants are Lawful.

    *he average villager will be polite but wary of the party.

    *hey do not care for strangers.

    ,onsider setting this adventure in the late harvest

    season: beautiful foliage( abundant winter s?uashes

    and fragrant( decaying vegetation.

    *he village has a very modest GcenterG which consists

    of a village green( a small monastery 1*he Poor

    'rothers of #ercy2( a public house 1*he Sleepy )iant2

    and a sheriffEs of9ce that includes a Hail. >nce per

    week during harvest season( farmers set up stalls to

    sell their produce on the town green.

    Local laws prohibit the use of non4clerical magic

    outdoors in a public area. "eapons may be worn but

    will draw suspicion from the villagers. ntisocial

    behavior( including theft outside of adventuring in the

    manse( will not be tolerated and may get the would4

    be heroes escorted from the town.

    ,oose Talk

    *he statistics for these =P,s can be found in the

    reatures -reat and mall section. illage folk not

    covered there are assumed to be peasants. Some

    villagers will volunteer rumors surrounding the

    Farview #anse if asked. #atch the rumor number

    given with the Rumor *able in the )umors section


    #on-Playin) Character Ru*ors


    Sheriff )erhold 'rowne ( M( 3( -

    5eputy "anda #ilner ;( -( -N( -3

    5eputy Serill G>!G $rofner K( -( -;

    ,enobite #aster Francis


    N( ( M( -7(


    )iles "iggins -( K( 6( 3( --(

    -K( -N


    s the players ask locals about the mansion or

    missing children( roll a dK on the following table for

    rumors. False information appears inside of s?uare

    brackets. Some rumors will not be given by certain

    =P,s for obvious reasons. +ach case where a rumor

    would be inappropriate( a note is given to re4roll.

    ward each character OP for each new rumor.

    dK can be simulated by rolling both a d and a

    dM. Jse the following table to determine the result:


    Byram (order #5152654)

  • 7/24/2019 The Manse on Murder Hill


    d. d1/ evaluates to

    4- 4

    74K 4-

    N46 -47

    34M 74K

    Ru*or Ta0le

    Roll Ru*or

    . *his is the 9rst time any of these children have

    run away or gone missing.

    -. =ewly risen corpses can be seen shambling all

    over Farview Dnoll shortly after sunset.Q

    7. *he cleric who lived in the manseQ performed

    very few healings for the town and e!pected to

    be paid promptly when he did.

    K. *he children have been taken by a demon as

    payment for the prosperity the village enHoys.Q

    N. *he cleric who lived on the hillQ never visited the

    monastery in town.

    6. n evil crone who eats children lives in the

    Farview Dnoll house.Q

    3. 0ust after midnight( a ghostly woman can be

    seen atop the manse looking west.Q

    M. *he manse has been ?uiet for many years.

    ;. *he manse has always been hauntedQ.

    . *he manse is empty. *he children simply ran

    away to their doom.Q

    . *he posse of fathers who tried to rescue theirchildren were torn apart before they entered the


    -. ,enobite #aster )ervais suspects Little

    Flanders harbors a demon4worshipping cult. 7

    7. *he clericQ who lived in the manse was not very


    K. 5ark rituals were performed on Farview Dnoll

    while the clericQ was in residence.

    N. alencia Iuenas is a practicing witchQ. K

    6. =o one in the town remembers ever being

    invited into the manse.

    3. *he house on #urder $ill has two stories and a


    M. *he sheriff is too spooked to go into the manse

    himself. 3

    ;. *he town owes its prosperity to a pact made

    withQ a demon that lives in the manse.

    -. Jnholy circles of power have been found in the

    woods near the manse.Q

    -. Farview Dnoll is a mass grave where

    hundreds of slain goblinoids were dumped at

    the end of the )lorious +!pansion.Q

    --. *he only entrance to the house on Farview

    Dnoll is on the second oor.

    -7. Long ago( a powerfulQ demon ruled this land(

    but was banished.

    -K. &n the basement of the manse is a cache of

    ,hurch gold.Q

    -N. *he Iuenas and "aldoon families are feuding

    over land use.Q K( N

    -6. $orses led toward the manse become over4

    mastered by fear.Q

    -3. Salvator Iuenas would unlawfully let his

    sheep gra@e on Farview Dnoll. K

    -M. Pierre 'agville was prone to 9ts of violent


    -;. *he "aldoon farm has had several poor

    harvests that have all but ruined them. N

    7. *om #iller

  • 7/24/2019 The Manse on Murder Hill


    #otes on this ta0le

    *his rumor should be re4rolled as noted:

    . &f the speaker is a 'agville

    -. &f the speaker is a #iller

    7. &f the speaker is a Poor 'rother of #ercy

    K. &f the speaker is a Iuenas

    N. &f the speaker is a "aldoon

    6. &f the speaker is 'arkeeper "iggins

    3. &f the speaker is Sheriff 'rowne

    M. &f the speaker is 5eputy >!

    ;. &f the speaker is 5eputy #ilner

    Places of "nterest

    *hese numbered locations refer to the map in ppendi!


    1& Sheriffs Of2ce

    5uring the day( Sheriff 'rowne 1see 1ocal Flavor2 or one

    of his deputies will be found here. 'asic adventuring

    supplies 1i.e.( ropes( torches( < poles( small mirrors(

    int and steel( manacles and the like2 can be bought at

    the standard prices from the sheriff( who has a small

    store of such items for his staff. $e has a small supply

    of basic weapons that are sold at a markup( but nothing

    that the players should be too interested in 1i.e.( clubs(

    spears( daggers and slings but not swords( pole arms or

    long bows2. =o one sells metal armor( horses( boats or

    siege e?uipment in Little Flanders.

    "te* Cost

    'lanket( winter - sp,andles( beeswa! 12 N sp

    ,lub N gp

    ,rowbar N gp

    5agger N gp

    5art N sp

    Leather armor 1human2 gp

    Pole( wood < N sp

    Iuarterstaff N gp

    Rope( hemp N< N gp

    Sack( large N sp

    Sling 1- stones2 N gp

    Spear N gp

    *orch 1M2 N sp

    *he sheriff can train 9rst4 and second4level 9ghters(

    dwarves( and halings if you re?uire that P,s receive

    training before gaining the bene9ts of their e!perience


    & The Sleepy $iant Pu0lic 4ouse

    *he pub is generally empty during the day( save for

    the occasional traveling merchant and members ofthe sheriff

  • 7/24/2019 The Manse on Murder Hill


    $ood +ork perfor*ed !onation re6uired

    Potion of cure li)ht +ounds gp

    Scroll of cure li)ht +ounds 3N gp

    ,asting cure li)ht +ounds N gp

    ,asting cure disease - gp

    )ervais will train lawful clerics who are on good terms

    with the 'rotherhood.

    7& 8arvie+ 5anse

    *he details for this location can be found in 2art 54 he

    Farview $anse.

    Part 2: Farview Manse

    *he manse is a two4story building with a basement. ll

    ground4oor access( including windows and doors( hasbeen solidly boarded up. *here is a rickety staircase in

    the back that leads to a balcony with two unlocked

    doors. #ost of the Ding Ratters are on the ground oor.

    *he children are in a cage in a storage room in the


    *he former owner of this property was not a cleric( but

    an evil wi@ard who trucked in matters that he should not

    have. $e built a small but vicious cult that tried to broker

    a deal with an imprisoned demon named 8oral 8nva.

    For the cult( that attempt ended poorly.

    *he basement contains their GchapelG as well as a few

    reminders of their ministry. *he Ding Ratters avoid the

    chapel area.

    *he interior walls are of wood and plaster construction

    with wool and leaves used as insulation. *his insulation

    signi9cantly mufes sound. Jnless otherwise noted(

    walls are about one foot thick. character using an

    a!e or hammer would be able to break through this

    kind of wall in one turn. *his will attract monsters in

    47 rounds. Roll on the "andering #onsters table for

    this oor to determine what wickedness comes.

    &f the players retreat from their assault on the manse(

    make sure that the Ding Ratters improve their

    defenses. *hey will not be caught at4footed again. &f

    the players do not penetrate the ground oor( the

    Ratters may assume that the intruders were

    frightened off. &f the players do make it to the ground

    oor and then retreat( the Ratters will heavily fortify

    the second oor. &t could be a 9ght Hust to get back

    up the stairs.

    &f 5eputy >! has led the party to Farview Dnoll( he

    will point out the large oak tree in the front of the

    manse where the headless remains of the children

  • 7/24/2019 The Manse on Murder Hill


    K. Low moaning from an undetectable direction

    Since these illusions are so transient( no save is


    "andering monsters may be encountered on this level

    once every K turns. Roll d6 indicates an encounter.Roll a d- to determine the encounter.

    Roll #o& 5onster

    4- -4N Spitting pit vipers 1,: 3 $5: - :

    5: 47 blinding spit #: M #v:

    6+T ">+ '+*&5+ *$>S+ "$> 5&S*JR' #8

    $>#+( F>R #8 "R*$ &S )R+*TG $e then charges

    the party. Randomly select a player as the victim of the

    illusion. $e must save vs. spells or be knocked at on

    his back for 4- hp of damage. successful save

    means that the P, merely inches. *he 9gure

    disappears on contact.

    3& B!ROO5 O8 !"SAPPO"#T5#T

    "alls bearded in mildew contain what was once a

    handsome bedroom. ,lapboards cover thin( tallwindows on the north and west walls. *he ruins of a

    bed and table lay along the southern wall. bureau

    has collapsed along the west wall. cursory search

    of the bed uncovers a sack with - sp under the


    7& SCR"PTOR"(5

    #any empty racks are arrayed in rows in what

    appears to have been a si@able private scriptorium.

    *he oor is covered in moldering vellum and

    parchment scrolls in various states of ruin.

    n e!plicit search will turn up dark red stains pooling

    out from under the western door. *hese stains are

    old( but not years old.

    careful search of the area re?uires one turn( during

    which a roll for wandering monsters should be made

    1 on a d6 indicates an encounter2. *he search

    reveals a scroll of lewd poetry concerning the

    adventures of a wandering monk and the many

    brothels of his parish. *his could fetch as much as

    gp from the right collector in a large town. *here is no

    market for it in Little Flanders. &f the ,enobite #aster

    discovers the party has this in their possession( he

    will refuse to talk to them for a week.

    :& B!ROO5 O8 T4 ,OAT4SO5 "!O,

    *his appears to have been a bedroom of some small

    lu!ury( although only moldy tapestries( broken

    furniture and a ruined bed now remain. *all( thin

    windows on the north and east walls are boarded

    over( but they allow some feeble light in. low chest

    along the east wall is trapped with poison gas. Jse

    normal procedures to disarm it. *he gas causes dK

    points of damage if the save fails.

    &n the chest( the party will 9nd a small( repellent idol

    of some frog4like grotes?ue. *he deep blue lapis

    statue weighs 9ve pounds( and in a large town 1like

    #iddleton2 it could be sold for up to N gp to a

    collector or salvaged to a Heweler for gp. &f shown

    to the ,enobite #aster( he will urge the party to

    smash the idol immediately or remand it to his care.


    Byram (order #5152654)

  • 7/24/2019 The Manse on Murder Hill


    lso in the chest is a small monograph of arcane

    procedures for summoning demons and binding them

    to servitude.

    &n particular( the manuscript stresses the importance of

    maintaining the purity of power circles. &t lists the

    following ways that such circles may be destroyed:

    . Pour unholy water on each circle

    -. Place unholy artifacts at each circle

    *his windowless room has been ransacked. 'o!es(

    both opened and closed( lay scattered all over the

    place. careful search of the room 1taking - turns2will turn up a pewter pot with black ink. &n a large

    town or city( this will fetch N gp. lso( a small pouch

    with gp will be found. 5uring each turn searching(

    there is a in 6 chance of a wandering monster

    coming into the room.

    11& %STR# OBSR'ATOR9

    Large open windows appear in every corner of this

    roughly octagonal room. Part of the 6< roof may be

    opened to give a clear view of the night sky. Patterns

    of wear on the oor suggest heavy usage at one time.

    *here are planks nailed to the oor along the eastern


    granite statue of a wi@ened( robed man

    contemplating a globe appears in the center of this

    room. 7 giant toads 1,: 3 $5: -- 1hp N( 7( 2

    : 5: dK #: 6 #v: ;

  • 7/24/2019 The Manse on Murder Hill


    careful search of the statue will uncover a @1 rin) of

    protectionon the hand of the 9gure.

    =ote that the toads can leap from the ground to the

    open windows without much dif9culty.

    *he staircase to the ground oor has been destroyedand covered over with wooden planks. 5etermined

    characters could hack through the planks. *his takes 7

    turns to complete and would put all of the goblinoids on

    an attack footing.

    1& A ST(!9 "# SCAR,T

    'roken shelves( scattered parchment and a ruined desk

    suggest that this room was once a study. *he windows

    here are boarded over. spray of dried blood can be

    discerned along the western wall. >n the eastern wall( a

    large 6 and )have been carved into the wall. >n the

    desk is an old pipe. >n a windowsill lies a tatteredslipper half49lled with roasted leaves. $owever( the

    leaves have been spoiled by mold. Should a P, attempt

    to smoke or burn the leaves( all in the room should save

    vs. poison. *hose that fail will take 4- hp of damage.

    13& B!ROO5 O8 T4 S,P"#$ '"PR

    &n this dilapidated bedroom is a simple bed with moldy(

    stained sheets.

    Jnder tattered sheets sleeps a small spitting pit viper

    1,: 3 $5: 1hp 62 : 5: d7 blinding spit #: 6

    #v: ;

  • 7/24/2019 The Manse on Murder Hill


    &t appears that this room was once a large common

    area study. 'enches are built into the north( west and

    south walls. $owever( this room is now 9lled with half4

    opened crates of arrows( slings( daggers( short swords

    and what seems to be child4si@ed leather armor. n area

    along the eastern wall speaks of a sloppily removed

    stairway that ends in wooden boards tacked on to theceiling.

    *he weapons found here are of poor ?uality and little

    worth. *here are a total of N daggers that are worth

    sp for the lot -N slings that will fetch -N cp - short

    swords worth 6 gp and - suits of half4si@ed leather

    armor worth -K cp.

    *he goblinoids removed the staircase here that led to

    roo* 11. *he hole in the ceiling has been boarded over.

    1;& T4

  • 7/24/2019 The Manse on Murder Hill


    it has been Gorci9edG with crude wall paintings( hanging

    bones and lewd fetishes.

    *his is >ngoln the bed is a religious book of orcish cults 1no value2.

    #oress has made no attempt to personali@e his room(

    save for the bed. &t has been stripped of its original

    coverings. &t now has a worn and utilitarian dark graywool blanket that is thick and uncomfortable looking. t

    the foot of the bed is a low( locked chest.

    *his footlocker holds a letter 1see ppendi! &2( a pair of

    non4magical boots and nothing else.

    /& !# O8 %O,8 RA"!RS 1

    *his long( narrow room is dark. &t contains eight

    bedrolls( each of which contains a sleeping 9gure.

    *his unremarkable room has M G"olf RaidersG goblins

    1,: 6 $5: 4 1hp 3( 6( N( K( 7( 7( 7( 72 : 5: 461short swords2 #: 3 #v: 6therwise( the goblins are awoken immediately( though

    the party does get a free round of attack for surprise.

    +ach goblin has a purse with dK- sp.

    1& !OOR,SS C,,

    *his long( narrow room has no door. &t is dark( stinky

    and 9lled with refuse.

    *his is a trash room for the Ding Ratters. M giant rats

    1,: 3 $5: 1hp K( K( K( 7( 7( -( -( 2 : 5: 47 1 in

    - disease2 #: 6 #v: 6

  • 7/24/2019 The Manse on Murder Hill


    *hese 6 G"olf RaidersG goblins 1,: 6 $5: 4 1hp 3( N(

    K( K( K( K( K2 : 5: 46 1swords2( 4K 1slings2 # 3 #v:


  • 7/24/2019 The Manse on Murder Hill


    a foul4tasting concoction that will restore 46 hit points

    1 dose2.

    33& 5ASTR B!ROO5

    *he door is locked and has not been opened by the

    Ding Ratters.

    *his room appears to be in unaccountably good

    condition. *here is very little dust anywhere( the

    furniture appears undecayed and the walls( ceilings and

    oors all are sound without water damage. &t is as if the

    owner had only recently stepped out. *here are two

    tapestriesAone of the north wall( the other on the south

    Athat depict scenes from the )lorious +!pansion 1e.g.(

    heroes battling cowering goblinoids2.

    *here is a bureau( a desk( a large bed( two side tables

    and a chest at the foot of the bed. *he side tables

    contain candles( int( incense and N gp. >n one of theside tables there is a history book that gives a full

    account of the )lorious +!pansion( should the

    characters have 6 turns to study it. Roll d6 for each

    turn spent reading. result of or - indicates that the

    goblins from room -6 intrude on the readers. >bviously(

    this interruption can only happen once.

    *he bureau contains clothing of 9ne ?uality.

    *he room belonged to the evil wi@ard who formerly lived

    here. *he well4crafted furnishings speak to a high level

    of wealth and comfort. +ach tapestry will fetch N gp in

    a large town and each weighs K pounds.

    *he chest is locked and trapped with poison gas 1-

    save vs. poison or die2. &nside are ( gp( a large gem

    worth 7 gp and a rin) of re)eneration. *he desk has

    a parchment( ?uills and ink. locked drawer contains

    accounting records for the Gseminary.G "hile worthless(

    this ledger will be of interest to )ervais( who will see the

    fraudulent records as a further indictment against the

    former cleric of Farview #anse.

    37& OCC,(!! S4R"#

    *he center of this 7

    ringed with loathsome runes and describes a large 9ve4

    pointed silver star inlaid on the oor. t each point of the

    star is a candle mounted on a 7< candlestick. t the

    center of the circle( a large book rests open on a Nn the book is a @1 silver da))er. "edged between

    the pages is a note that contains the te!t of ppendi!



    *he stone walls of the basement are moist with

    ground water. *he oor is of compacted earth. *he

    ceiling is generally 3and vegetables as well as sacks labeled as rice( driedbeans and our. ll of it has rotted long ago. mong

    the wrecked foodstuffs are K giant centipedes 1,: ;

    $5: 1hp K( 7( -( -2 5: 1poison2 #: 3 #v: 6

    Sv: $2 who will attack if provoked.

    3;& STORA$

    *his -

    holding empty crates( empty sacks and useless Hunk.

    makeshift cage that contains three bound and

    gagged children lies at the center of the room.

    &f he has retreated here( Re@@a will be have his swordat nna

  • 7/24/2019 The Manse on Murder Hill


    &f the party allows Ree@a to ee( he will successfully

    travel to #iddleton. &f the party attempts to apprehend

    or 9ght him( Ree@a ?uaffs his haste potion and ees.

    "ithout magic( the party is unlikely to catch him.

    *he children are bound in manacles that a thief may

    unlock normally. )iven time( Sheriff 'rowne will be able

    to e!tract the children.

    >nce ungagged( the captives will identify themselves as

    nna( Lawrence and =orbert( the missing children of

    Little Flanders. *hey will say that *empesta badgered

    them into e!ploring the haunted house( where they were

    captured by the kobolds. *hey also say that *empesta& '", C4AP,

    *his 6

    oppressive black basalt altar( which has been carved

    with leering( bestial faces. +ven from the distant north

    door( the plainly visible dark stains on the altar suggest

    the unspeakable rites of the past. door on the western

    wall appears north of the altar. 'ehind the benches

    closer to the eastern wall( a circle of sinister runes

    surrounds a 9ve4pointed brass star inlaid in the oor.

    long the southern wall( four robbed 9gures appear

    to be looking at the party( although their faces are

    obscured by their hoods.

    &n this noisome place( black oaths were uttered to

    alien things that sane men fear to name. lthough it

    has been nearly two decades since the last

    ceremony( the sticky evil of those acts poisons the air

    here even now. *he large power circle is dif9cult for

    lawful characters to look at.

    long the southeast wall are K skeletons 1,: 3 $5:

    1hp M( 6( K( 72 5: 46 #: - #v: 6

    *his room contains a low table( a chair( and a coatrack holding ceremonial robes. >n the table is a

    statue and a wide4mouthed silver bowl with old(

    ruddy stains. pedestal along the eastern wall holds

    a moldy tome.

    *his room was used by the evil wi@ard to prepare his

    vile ceremonies in the adHoining chapel. *he unholy

    vestments are worth - gp to buyers in a town larger


    Byram (order #5152654)

  • 7/24/2019 The Manse on Murder Hill


    than Little Flanders. *he unwholesome obsidian fetish

    statue 17 gp2 and the silver bowl 1 gp2 also re?uire

    buyers in a larger venue that Little Flanders.

    ,enobite #aster )ervais will be very interested in both

    the tome and the statue( but he will not pay for them.

    &nstead( he will insist that these unholy items beremanded to his custody. &f the party refuses( he will

    assume the party is under chaotic inuence and attack

    with all the monks he can muster.

    >n a pedestal is a moldering book( locked with a clasp

    in the shape of a demon biting his tail. Should a lawful

    character touch the book( he will receive -43 hp of

    damage. *o a collector of such blasphemies( the book

    will easily fetch N gp. nother copy of the te!t that

    appears in ppendi! 0 appears here.

    71& ,A"R

    crude hole appears in the foundation wall. small

    alcove has been roughed out beyond. *he oor of this

    alcove is littered with bones and fragments of un9nished

    meals. young girl lies prone toward the back. Filling

    most of the space is a giant worm4like creature with

    insect eyes and eight wiggling tentacles protruding from

    its head.

    mighty carcass scavenger 1,: 3 $5: 7 1hp --2

    : M 5: paralysis/swallow #: ; #v: -

  • 7/24/2019 The Manse on Murder Hill


    power in this hovel so that the

    #illennium of *orment can begin.C

    *he party and the Ding Ratters have inadvertently

    completed the work of the original occupants of this

    house. middle4level demon named 8oral 8nva 1see

    reatures -reat and mall2 has been trapped in an

    inaccessible tomb deep under Farview Dnoll. &f a living

    human or demihuman is brought into contact with one

    of the power circles 1found in rooms 7K and 732( the

    demon will possess the victim forever. fter which( 8oral

    8nva will open a portal to his infernal realm to bring

    forth an army of unpleasant critters.

    *his is undesirable( even for chaotic players.

    *he party must ruin the dark magic of these circles to

    break the connection with 8oral 8nva. *o do this( they

    must do any of the following:

    . Pour holy water on each circle

    -. Place the amulets from the ,enobite #aster at

    each circle

  • 7/24/2019 The Manse on Murder Hill


    "hen the power circles in rooms 7K and 73 are

    despoiled in some manner( read the following:

    "ith the destruction of the 9nal

    circle( a disembodied roar of

    cyclopean despair rips through

    the Farview #anse like an

    e!plosion knocking all members

    of your party off their feet. n

    inhumanly loud voice wavers

    between malice and sadness:

    B"hat have you done%

    thousand years of slow

    corruption( putting the pawns on

    the chessboard every few years

    Anow goneT )oneT nd for

    what% *he lives of a few ignorant

    whelps who will lead anonymous

    lives and die like cattle soon


    B*hough buried( & yet have

    friends and minions & can call

    upon. Remember what you have

    chosen to do this day. 'e

    assured that & will...C

    *he house begins to shake even

    more violently and threatens tocollapse on your party. 8ou 9ght

    your way up stairs to the second

    oor( then on to the balcony and

    down the stairs.

    'arely clearing the last stair( the

    Farview #anse collapses in upon

    itself. foul smell of fetid

    corruption billows out from the

    wreck( choking you briey( but

    the day is yours.

    Part ": #ettlin$ %p>n returning to town( the party will be met by all of

    the families who have lost their children as well as by

    the sheriff and his deputies.

    Sheriff 'rowne will pay the bounty of K gp for

    clearing out the manse. $e will also award a bonus of

    gp for each of the four missing children returned

    alive to his or her family. Should the party refuse the

    entire bounty( insisting that the families keep the

    money( award each player M OP.

    &f all the children have survived( there will be a big

    celebration in the town s?uare where the party will be

    publicly lioni@ed.

    &f some children have died( the party will be thanked

    and rewarded as per the bounty. =o one will be in the

    mood to celebrate. $owever( each player will have a

    positive reputation with most of the townsfolk.

    &f all the children have died( the players will be curtly

    paid K gp and asked to leave town as soon as

    possible. *hey will forever after be given a cold

    shoulder in Little Flanders.

    Jpon successful e!ploration of the manse( award the

    party N OP. +ach character will receive an additional

    OP for each missing child returned alive. +ach

    returned corpse of a child will yield but -N OP per


    &f the party banishes 8oral 8nva( award - OP to

    each player. $alve the award if the ,enobite #aster

    had to accompany the party. &n all cases where the

    demon is banished( )ervais will give the party a letter

    of recommendation and tell them to present it to his

    colleague in #iddleton( who has need of capable


    Appendi& A: 'reatures Great and#(all

    The %aldoon 8a*ilyincludes husband Iuimby 1now

    deceased2( wife Sarah and daughter nna 1aged N2.

    *hey are farmers. nna was lost along with the other

    children. *hey have promised nearly all their money to

    the sheriff to fund the bounty. Sarah is frustrated with

    the slow pace of the sheriffEs efforts.


    Byram (order #5152654)

  • 7/24/2019 The Manse on Murder Hill


    The 5iller 8a*ily includes widower *homas 1now

    deceased2( son Ronald 1aged 62( son >dd 1aged 2

    and son Lawrence 1aged 62. *homas ran a our mill with

    his three boys. *he youngest son has been missing for a

    week. fter *homas

  • 7/24/2019 The Manse on Murder Hill


    $e is an avuncular( middle4aged 9ghter who likes his

    village ?uiet. $e has adventured ?uite a bit in his past

    but has settled in Little Flanders to grow fat and old. $e

    is fair4minded( but not naive. Players that try to lie to

    him will ?uickly fall into disfavor. $e is well4regarded

    around town. $e can train 9ghters( dwarves and


    !eputy Serill FOGF 4rofner4 Fighter( Level

    rmor ,lass: 3

    $it 5ice: 1hp M2


    5amage: 46 1add - bonus for strength2

    #ove: ;F L'8R&=*$ L>R5 1*#2 *R5+#RD



    Byram (order #5152654)

  • 7/24/2019 The Manse on Murder Hill


    Appendi& ): Farview Manse Maps

    Second 8loor

    $round 8loor



    Byram (order #5152654)

  • 7/24/2019 The Manse on Murder Hill


    Appendi& *: Little Flanders


    Byram (order #5152654)

  • 7/24/2019 The Manse on Murder Hill


    Appendi& F: Bounty +oti!e

    'eings of Hust demeanor and conscience who are also

    possessed of stout sword arms and fearless hearts are


    Several innocent children of the town have disappeared

    near an ancient pile of ill4omen.

    Should you return the children to their parents( a reward

    in gold shall be yours( with additional incentives to be

    detailed later.

    Fail( and see the future of our town diminish.

    &nterested parties should seek out Sheriff 'rowne in the

    center of Little Flanders town.

    Appendi& G: Letter 1

    *ake the Ding Ratters to Little Flanders and establish

    a base. #ake sure that it is secure from spies. "atch

    the town for opportunities to cause distraction but

    5> =>* get into a direct conict with the humans. &need your Ratters for the 9nal operation.

    & have assigned my lieutenants( >ngol and #oress( to

    advise you.

    "hen your operation is complete( send a messenger

    and decamp. "e will rende@vous outside of


    5o not fail me.



    Byram (order #5152654)

  • 7/24/2019 The Manse on Murder Hill


    Appendi& H: Letter 2

    8ou are to advise Ree@a and the Ding Ratters in the

    Little Flanders operation. Ree@a needs e!perience

    planning more subtle operations.

    &f he fails( you will complete the mission.

    8ou are not to kill Ree@a unless he attempts to ee.


    Appendi& ,: Letter 8ou are >ngolEs wet nurse on the Little FlanderEs

    mission. Should Ree@a and >ngol fail( you must

    complete it.

    5o not allow >ngol to kill Ree@a unnecessarily.

    8ou have proven yourself again and again during our

    long years together( old friend. & order you to stay


    See you in #iddleton.



    Byram (order #5152654)

  • 7/24/2019 The Manse on Murder Hill


    Appendi& : Ar!ane #!roll

    ll praise and celebration to the 5uke of *orment( 8oral

    8nvaT $e that reigns from below will come again when

    payment of blood is rendered here and a mortal vessel


    Long ago( the *ormenter walked these lands and

    brought low those false and prideful kings who fancied

    themselves masters of all they saw. *hey were to learn

    the depths of their mistake when 8oral 8nva opened the

    5un )ate and brought forth his Penumbra rmy.

    For decades( $e ruled the weak and rewarded the

    strong. &t was only by ill4starred luck that the wandering

    priest of the Soft )ods entombed our Lord. 'ut our

    memories are long and we are patient.

    Long have we in the 'rotherhood labored to make ready

    $is return. *he circles are drawn and sancti9ed with

    unholy rituals. *he sacri9ces( easily obtained from the

    local population of rubes( are nearly complete.

    lready $e stirsT $is anger rumbles through the very

    ground and blanches the weak.

    *he time of waiting is nearly over. nd our #aster will

    again put his boot to the throat of the weak.


    Byram (order #5152654)

  • 7/24/2019 The Manse on Murder Hill


    Appendi& .: Pre-Generated 'hara!ters

    #a*e Derrok )rum Sir )uy 0ane 5oe "alt #ad *om *horn

    Class 5warf 5warf Fighter *hief ,leric #agic4Jser +lf

    ,evel - - -

    A, L = = = L = L

    SeG # # # F # # F

    AC 7 K K N 7 6 7

    4P ; ; 6 3

    Str M 3 6 7 N M K

    "nt 3 ; 3 7 M M

    %is N 3 ; M M

    !eG 7 - N M 7 M 3

    Con 3 M M 7 ; 6

    Cha 6 M ; K ; 3 N

    #a*e 6uip*ent

    Derrok Splint mail( war hammer( backpack( N< rope( gp

    )rum ,hain mail( shield( scimitar( backpack( < pole( small mirror( gp

    Sir )uy Scale mail( shield( sword( short bow( - arrows( backpack( crowbar( gp

    0ane 5oe Leather armor( sword( long bow( - arrows( thieves< tools( backpack( gp

    "alt ,hain mail( shield( ail( sling( - stones( backpack( holy water 1 vial2( gp

    #ad *om Silver dagger( sling( - stones( backpack( int and steel( torches 1!62( gp

    *horn ,hain mail( sword( long bow( - arrows( backpack( gp

    #a*e Spells

    "alt Cure li)ht +ounds( detect *a)ic

    #ad *om 5a)ic *issile( sleep

    *horn 5a)ic *issile