the lightning legacy: chapter nine

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    I Just Wanted a Friend
    Chapter Nine
  • 2. Welcome back, readers! Are you ready for some college drama? I hope you are, because weve got a lot going on here. First of all, the Lightnings now live in their very own Greek House. Second, Belle and Buzz have joined their siblings. I did play them in the main household, but nothing happened that you need to know, so dont worry about it. On to chapter 9!
  • 3. Ive been waiting for you guys to show up.
    Huh? Buzz asked, spinning around. Oh. Hi. Who are you?
    The girl laughed. Im Peppermint. Ive got this place all set up. Ive been waiting for you guys.
    Buzzs eyebrows scrunched in confusion. What do you mean?
    Peppermint smiled at him. You need a placeholder, dont you?
    This is a Greek House, green dude. Does that clear things up?
  • 4. Oh! So you mean my bloodline finally has a Greek House instead of staying in a laggy dorm like Gen-A did? Buzz asked.
    Peppermint laughed again. I guess so. But I dont get this whole Gen-A Gen-B thing
    Buzz was eager to explain, as he knew something she didnt. Were legacy children, he explained. The legacys supposed to go on for 26 generations, each ones children starting with the consecutive letter of the alphabet.
    Oh, so youre Lightnings.
  • 5. The kids unpacked and settled in the first day at the house, and willingly got into bed at 10, eager for their classes to start. Buzz, however, went to visit the placeholder, who hed taken a bit of a liking to. Peppermint had her own room in the greek house, where as Batman, Bellatrix, Belle and Buzz all shared a room.
    So youve just been here waiting for us to show up? Buzz asked.
    Pretty much, Peppermint answered.
    What are you studying? Buzz asked. Im studying Dead Languages.
    Um, Im studying Dental.
    Great, Buzz thought. Were scoring zero on the similarities chart.
  • 6. Classes went well, and the kids celebrated their first day by holding the first of many toga parties. Batman threw it, since he had the want, the popularity sim he is. He also invited an old friend.
    Ooh, that looks fun! Can I join?
    No, Tiffany. Youll probably break your pelvis with your zero dancing skill since I havent had a chance to skill you up yet.
    You cant even do that in sims!
    What, break a pelvis? Well, sims cant directly kill one another, but we know what happened last generation. Things roll a bit differently around here.
    *huff* Fine.
    Tiffany: Im totally not knocking on your dancing skills. Its just that you and Batman have business to attend to. Also, sorry if the next slide disturbs you. I need it for plot purposes.
  • 7. (Yeah, thats Tiffany making out with Batman on the couch. Again, sorry if it disturbs you. I know its not going to disturb me when my simself is making out with Obi-Wan. Ill just be jealous. But you might be different.)
    Buzz, being the weirdo that he is, swirled into his PJs instead of a toga. Oh well.
    So Buzz, whats your favorite kitchen utensil?
    Um. A spatula? (I can hear Lauren screaming one of her ultrasonic screams right now. I stole the spatula line from her.)
    Peppermint shifted in her seat and said, cool, returning her attention to the TV screen.
  • 8. Now, I know its obvious that theyve already had their first kiss by the last slide, but I just put this in for Tiffany.
  • 9. So, Bellatrix began one morning , How are things going with Tiffany, Batman?
    I was actually about to bring that up, Buzz said.
    Batman looked at him, confused. What?
    Buzz looked at his Pop-Tart uncomfortably. I was just wondering how you got her to like you you know?
    Um, Im not really sure. She just kind of already liked me and yeah. I dont know how it happened.
    Bellatrix looked at Buzz.
  • 10. Why dont you just try to make the first move? Bellatrix asked Buzz. Thats what Batman did.
    Actually, Tiffany kind ofOW! Batman yelped, for Bellatrix had kicked his shin.
    Buzz stared at the tabletop thoughtfully. Maybe he would just make a move.
    Then Bellatrix spotted Peppermint coming from the bathroom, freshly showered and quickly said, Hey, Batman, can you help me with my essay for class?
    Heck, no, I dont know the first thing abAck! Bellatrix grabbed him by the ear and pulled him away to the bedroom.
  • 11. So Buzz decided to make a move with a little flirt over breakfast with an invisible fork. It didnt go over so well. But Peppermint did her best to let him down nicely.
    Sorry, Buzz, theres just this flu going around campus and Im trying my hardest not to get it.
    Oh. Sorry. Buzz then left the table to go to his classes, disheartened.
  • 12. When he came back for lunch, he found Peppermint talking to Buzz very animatedly more so than when she ever talked to him. Changing his mind about the grilled cheese, Buzz decided to take a shower and get to his next class early.
  • 13. Augh! No! Bad Peppermint! No throwing pink hearts for Batman! I did NOT tell you to hit on him! Man, Tiffanys going to kill me.
    Oh, but hes soooo hot.
    But Buzz had more fangirls.
  • 14. Its okay, though, because Batman went and threw RED hearts for Tiffany the next sim week. See, Peppermint? RED HEARTS!!!
  • 15. It wasnt to say that Peppermint and Buzz didnt have a good friendship. Although shed seemed a little more distant since the attempted flirt, shed still dance with him at the parties they had every other night. She did enjoy Buzzs company and Buzz definitely felt the same.
  • 16. The girls of the family had yet to find someone to be interested, but Belle had found other friends in all the strays that wandered by. She missed Bubbles, the dog who considered the young woman her master. Leroy, a big brown dog, quickly became her favorite and they spend the night hours playing fetch, until Leroy would mysteriously disappear at the property line with no lick good-bye.
  • 17. Bellatrix hadnt found anyone either, but the Knowledge/Grilled Cheese sim could care less. College life was treating her well. She was easily passing all her courses with a solid four-oh.
  • 18. Speaking of grilled cheese, the rest of the family was adapting to letting Bella cook, even though it was always grilled cheese. At least she graced them enough to do something else besides the sandwich for lunch.
  • 19. Buzz and Peppermint had another one of their bedtime conversations a couple of weeks later.
    Peppermint, about what happened a few weeks ago. Buzz began. He took a deep breath. Im sorry. I know it made you uncomfortable. I just wish I could take it back so all this awkwardness between us would go away. Can you just remember that Im sorry, and think on that and maybe we can go back to the way it was? he finished in a rush.
    Not wanting to see her reaction, he turned and almost ran out the door, hearing Peppermint say, Buzz-wait! Buzz---
    But by then the door had closed.
    The door closed behind him. Peppermint sighed and went to take her shower, mulling things over while the hot water ran down her face.
  • 20. Peppermint was waiting for Buzz when he got back from class.
    Buzz, Ive been thinking all day
    Buzz sighed. I know, I know. You think of me as a friend only, not as someone to romance. Peppermint reached out to his face. Buzz, I just
    Dont, he said. Now, if youll excuse me, I have to go change.
  • 21. Belle had been up late playing with Leroy. She heard Buzz walk into the room and sat up sleepily.
    Is it time for class? she yawned.
    Oh. Buzz turned around from the dresser. Um, no. Go back to sleep.
    His sister obliged and was soon breathing deeply again.
    He got his everyday on and walked outside to make some lunch, but Peppermint intercepted him.
  • 22. I love you, you idiot, she muttered and her lips met his.
  • 23. When they broke away, they remained in each others arms.
    You mean it? Buzz asked.
    Heck yes, the girl answered. I threw red hearts for you aaages ago.
    Buzz bit his lip. But then why didnt you let on.
    Peppermint smiled rather shyly. I was afraid youd think it was too sudden.
    Oh, girl, you do NOT know the wants I just rolled for you.
    Peppermint smiled mischievously. Are they purple?
  • 24. A few weeks later the Lightnings discussed how things were going over grilled cheese (as per usual). Buzz and Batman were talking excitedly about the next party they were going to throw.
    I just love parties, Batman sighed. They give me an excuse to invite Tiffany over.
  • 25. I know youre all with Tiffany and Im with Buzz, but man Batman, I just gotta tell you, you are smexy!
    Peppermint is one of the weirdest sims Ive ever played.
  • 26. Said Grilled Cheese sim was cleaning up the leftovers from another toga party when the door opened and she heard Belles voice.
    Bellatrix? it said.
    The eldest Lightning kept on her way to the dishwasher. Im over here, she called.
    She put the dishes away, and turned to see Belle.
    Huh. Belle had disappeared, and when she walked into the bedroom, all the sign of her sister was a curled up ball under the covers.
  • 27. Belles dreams that night were fitful.
    She dreamed of Leroy. She and the dog had a good relationship now and she was thinking of adopting him. She missed having a dog in the house.
  • 28. Just that night, theyd been playing Razzle. It was Leroys favorite game. He was such a nice and gentle dog and she didnt ever fear him getting out of control like she did with some strays.
    Leroy! Leroy! Over here! No, over here! Ha ha, no, its OW!
    Leroy had caught her finger with his teeth. He hadnt bitten it off, thank goodness, but had made a good cut.
  • 29. She didnt think much of it, but went inside to wash it off, instructing Leroy to stay. The water, however, felt so good, she decided to take a shower instead of just wash the cut. Noticing it was about 4 am, she decided just to pull an all nighter. Then she heard Leroy barking outside and ran out. What is it boy? Aaaaaugggh. Leroy, have you had your rabies shots?
    A voice answered in her head, Like that matters in this. Im sorry. But now we can understand each other. By the way, I have had them. Again, Im sorry. I only wanted a friend.
  • 30. Leroy, how could you?? she cried as she loped inside the house, unable to remember how to walk normally. Suddenly starving, she walked to the fridge intent on getting food, when suddenly a voice screamed, Belle, what happened to you?! On instincts not her own, she whirled around and growled.
  • 31. AND. Thats it. This chapter is 10 slides shorter than I normal, but I really wanted to end it with that last slide, and I ran out of pictures to use where Belle wasnt all wolfed up. Dont forget to comment and thanks for reading!