the lean organizational development canvas: how to eliminate the trade-off between the business...

Organiza(onal Development Canvas (ODC) A Universal ProblemSolving Workflow, Language and Pla;orm () (+) Copyright 2013. Dr. Rod King. [email protected] & hLp:// & hLp://

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Post on 10-May-2015




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Are you wondering whether to use the Business Model Canvas or the Lean Canvas? See how the Lean Organizational Development Canvas visually eliminates the trade-off between the Business Model Canvas and the Lean Canvas. The Lean Organizational Development Canvas allows you to see the big picture of the Business Model Canvas while focusing on the product-centric details of the Lean Canvas: it's a win-win solution!


Page 1: The Lean Organizational Development Canvas: How to Eliminate the Trade-off Between the BUSINESS MODEL CANVAS and the LEAN CANVAS

Organiza(onal  Development  Canvas  (ODC)  A  Universal  Problem-­‐Solving  Workflow,  Language  and  Pla;orm  

(-­‐)   (+)  

Copyright  2013.  Dr.  Rod  King.  [email protected]  &  hLp://  &  hLp://  

Page 2: The Lean Organizational Development Canvas: How to Eliminate the Trade-off Between the BUSINESS MODEL CANVAS and the LEAN CANVAS

Organiza(onal  Development  Canvas  (ODC)  Classic  Worksheet  for  Universal  Problem-­‐Solving  Workflow,  Language  and  Pla;orm  

(-­‐)   (+)  

Copyright  2013.  Dr.  Rod  King.  [email protected]  &  hLp://  &  hLp://  

Page 3: The Lean Organizational Development Canvas: How to Eliminate the Trade-off Between the BUSINESS MODEL CANVAS and the LEAN CANVAS

(-­‐)   (+)  

Copyright  2013.  Dr.  Rod  King.  [email protected]  &  hLp://  &  hLp://  

Organiza(onal  Development  Canvas  (ODC)  Kanban-­‐inspired  Worksheet  for  Universal  Problem-­‐Solving  Workflow,  Language  and  Pla;orm  

Page 4: The Lean Organizational Development Canvas: How to Eliminate the Trade-off Between the BUSINESS MODEL CANVAS and the LEAN CANVAS

TacQcal  ORGANIZATIONAL  DEVELOPMENT  CANVAS  A  Universal  Problem-­‐Solving  Workflow,  Language  and  Pla;orm  

The  Visual  Layout  of  the  Tac7cal  OrganizaQonal  Development  Canvas  is  adapted  from  The  Business  Model  Canvas  (  and  is  licensed  under  the  CreaQve  Commons  ALribuQon-­‐Share  Alike3.0  Un-­‐ported  License  

Key  Partners  (KP)  

Key  Ac(vi(es  (KA)  

Key  Resources  (KR)  

Value  Proposi(on  (VP)  

Customer  Segments  (CS)  

Customer  Rela(onships  (CR)  

Channels  (CH)  

Environment  (Trends/Forces)  

 Shared  Value  (Vision;  PROFIT)  

(-­‐):  Cost  Structure  (C$)  

(+):  Revenue  Streams  (R$)  

Page 5: The Lean Organizational Development Canvas: How to Eliminate the Trade-off Between the BUSINESS MODEL CANVAS and the LEAN CANVAS

Basic  Topics  of  Ash  Maurya’s  Lean  Canvas  

The  Visual  Layout  of  the  Tac7cal  OrganizaQonal  Development  Canvas  is  adapted  from  The  Business  Model  Canvas  (  and  is  licensed  under  the  CreaQve  Commons  ALribuQon-­‐Share  Alike3.0  Un-­‐ported  License  

Problem   Solu(on  

Key  Metrics  

Value  Proposi(on  (VP)  

Customer  Segments  (CS)  

Unfair  Advantage  

Channels  (CH)  

(-­‐):  Cost  Structure  (C$)  

(+):  Revenue  Streams  (R$)  

Page 6: The Lean Organizational Development Canvas: How to Eliminate the Trade-off Between the BUSINESS MODEL CANVAS and the LEAN CANVAS

Lean  Organiza(onal  Development  Canvas    

     *  Strategic  Level    

*  TacQcal  Level  

Page 7: The Lean Organizational Development Canvas: How to Eliminate the Trade-off Between the BUSINESS MODEL CANVAS and the LEAN CANVAS

Lean  Organiza(onal  Development  Canvas  (LODC)  at  Strategic  Level  A  Universal  Problem-­‐Solving  Workflow,  Language  and  Pla;orm  

(-­‐)   (+)  

Key  Metrics  

Top  3  Features   Top  3  Problems        

Copyright  2013.  Dr.  Rod  King.  [email protected]  &  hLp://  &  hLp://  


(Minimum  Viable  Product/  Landing  Page/  

Mock-­‐up/Prototype/  Pilot  (DraC)  Solu7on/  Complete  Solu7on)  

Page 8: The Lean Organizational Development Canvas: How to Eliminate the Trade-off Between the BUSINESS MODEL CANVAS and the LEAN CANVAS

LEAN  ORGANIZATIONAL  DEVELOPMENT  CANVAS  (LODC)  at  TacQcal  Level  A  Universal  Problem-­‐Solving  Workflow,  Language  and  Pla;orm  

The  Visual  Layout  of  the  Tac7cal  OrganizaQonal  Development  Canvas  is  adapted  from  The  Business  Model  Canvas  (  and  is  licensed  under  the  CreaQve  Commons  ALribuQon-­‐Share  Alike3.0  Un-­‐ported  License  

Key  Partners  (KP)  

Key  Ac(vi(es  (KA)  

Key  Resources  (KR)  

Value  Proposi(on  (VP)  

Customer  Segments  (CS)  

Customer  Rela(onships  (CR)  

Channels  (CH)  

Environment  (Trends/Forces)  

 Shared  Value  (Vision;  PROFIT;  GROSS  MARGIN)  

(-­‐):  Cost  Structure  (C$)  

(+):  Revenue  Streams  (R$)  

Unfair  Advantage  

Key  Metrics  

Top  3  Problems  Top  3  Features  






Staffing  Cost:  

Customer  AcquisiQon  Cost:  

Equipment/Infrastructure/Facility  Cost:  

DistribuQon/LogisQcs  Cost:    

Material/Info’  Cost:  

Page 9: The Lean Organizational Development Canvas: How to Eliminate the Trade-off Between the BUSINESS MODEL CANVAS and the LEAN CANVAS

E  X  A  M  P  L  E  Lean  OrganizaQonal  Development  Canvas  

For  CloudFire’s  Ecosystem  in  Media-­‐Sharing  Industry  

(Maurya  -­‐  2012)      

Page 10: The Lean Organizational Development Canvas: How to Eliminate the Trade-off Between the BUSINESS MODEL CANVAS and the LEAN CANVAS

CloudFire’s  Lean  Organiza(onal  Development  Canvas  (LODC)  –  Maurya  (2012)    Media-­‐Sharing  SoCware  Ecosystem  

Key  Metrics  

Top  3  Features  q  Instant,  no-­‐

upload  sharing  q  iPhoto/folder  

integraQon  q  BeLer  noQfica-­‐

Qon  tools  

The  fastest  way  to  share  your  photos  &  videos  

Parents  (creators)  

Photo  and  video-­‐sharing  without  the  uploading  

Family  and  friends  (viewers)  

Top  3  Problems  q  Sharing  lots  of  

photos/videos  is  Qme-­‐  consuming  

q  Parents  have  no  free  Qme  

q  There  are  lots  of  external  demand  on  this  content  

“Connec(ng  everyone  on  this  planet”  

AcquisiQon:  Number  of  signups  

AcQvaQon:  Number  of  first  crea7ons  

RetenQon:  Number  of  shared  album  and/or  video  

Revenue:  Number  of  payments  aCer  trial  

Referral:  Number  of  invited  family  &  friends  

Breakeven  Point:  2,000  Customers  

Staffing  Cost:  

Equipment/Infrastructure/Facility  Cost:  

Customer  AcquisiQon  Cost:  

DistribuQon/LogisQcs  Cost:    

(-­‐):  Cost  Structure  (C$)  

(+):  Revenue  Streams  (R$)  

Product  (Minimum  Viable  Product/  

Landing  Page/  Mock-­‐up/Prototype/  Pilot  (DraC)  Solu7on/  Complete  Solu7on)  

Copyright  2013.  Dr.  Rod  King.  [email protected]  &  hLp://  &  hLp://  

Material/Info’  Cost:  

Page 11: The Lean Organizational Development Canvas: How to Eliminate the Trade-off Between the BUSINESS MODEL CANVAS and the LEAN CANVAS

Cloudfire’s  LEAN  ORGANIZATIONAL  DEVELOPMENT  CANVAS  (LODC)  –  Maurya  (2012)  Media-­‐Sharing  SoCware  Ecosystem  

The  Visual  Layout  of  the  Tac7cal  OrganizaQonal  Development  Canvas  is  adapted  from  The  Business  Model  Canvas  (  and  is  licensed  under  the  CreaQve  Commons  ALribuQon-­‐Share  Alike3.0  Un-­‐ported  License  

Channels  (CH)  

Environment  (Trends/Forces)  

 Shared  Value  (Vision;  PROFIT)  

Unfair  Adv.  

Key  Metrics  

Top  3  Features  q  Instant,  no-­‐

upload  sharing  q  iPhoto/folder  

integraQon  q  BeLer  noQfica-­‐

Qon  tools  

The  fastest  way  to  share  your  photos  &  videos  

Parents  (creators)  

Photo  and  video-­‐sharing  without  the  uploading  

Family  and  friends  (viewers)  

Top  3  Problems  q  Sharing  lots  of  

photos/videos  is  Qme-­‐  consuming  

q  Parents  have  no  free  Qme  

q  There  is  a  lot  of  external  demand  on  this  content  

Friends/Daycare/  Birthday  ParQes/  Adwords/Facebook/  Word  of  Mouth  

AcquisiQon:  Number  of  signups  

AcQvaQon:  Number  of  first  crea7ons  

RetenQon:  Number  of  shared  album  and/or  video  

Revenue:  Number  of  payments  aCer  trial  

Referral:  Number  of  invited  family  &  friends  

Flickr  Pro;  Smug-­‐Mug;  Apple  Mobile-­‐Me;  Facebook  

Key  Partners  (KP)  

Key  Ac(vi(es  (KA)  

Key  Resources  (KR)  

Value  Proposi(on  (VP)  

Customer  Segments  (CS)  

Customer  Rela(onships  (CR)  

(-­‐):  Cost  Structure  (C$)  

(+):  Revenue  Streams  (R$)  

Breakeven  Point:  2,000  Customers  


“Connec(ng  everyone  on  this  planet”  

Staffing  Cost:  

Customer  AcquisiQon  Cost:  

Equipment/Infrastructure/Facility  Cost:  

DistribuQon/LogisQcs  Cost:    

Material/Info’  Cost:  

Page 12: The Lean Organizational Development Canvas: How to Eliminate the Trade-off Between the BUSINESS MODEL CANVAS and the LEAN CANVAS

Copyright  2013.  Dr.  Rod  King.  [email protected]  &  hLp://  &  hLp://  VDD  University  for  Leaders,  Managers,  and  Entrepreneurs  

                                     LEAN  STARTUP  COCKPIT  (LSC)  For  Organiza(onal  Development  Plan    Date:  …………………………….  


QuesQons  for  Organizing  and  Managing  the  Lifecycle  of  a  Business  Model/OrganizaQon/Ecosystem    

PAST:  Done  (History)          


PRESENT:  Doing  (Today)    



FUTURE:  To  Do  (Someday)          


PAST  Organiza(onal  Dev.  Canvas  

(Business  Model/Ecosystem)  

PRESENT    Organiza(onal  Dev.  Canvas  

(Business  Model/Ecosystem)  

FUTURE  Organiza(onal  Dev.  Canvas  

(Business  Model/Ecosystem)