the key to powerful presentations


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Post on 27-Jun-2015




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The key to powerful presentations lie in great designs and creativity


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Bruce Baird has extensive experience in domestic and international public policy development and how commercial opportunities are influenced by governance issues. As a previous Statecraft ( is a bipartisan Australian government relations and public affairs consultancy with offices in Sydney and Canberra and representation in Washington DC. Statecraft is comprised of a team of professionals with extensive political and commercial experience who understand the critical nexus between business, media and government and the importance of effective communication. This experience enables the Statecraft team to the Statecraft team with a unique ability to navigate the complex and dynamic external environment many companies experience in Australia and offshore.

Statecraft takes a comprehensive view of the environment in which each client operates and provides comprehensive advice and support relating to all avenues of influence to ensure clients achieve the right outcomes. The consultancy’s holistic approach has seen it quickly grow to become an emerging mid-tier consultancy with reach in a broad range of markets. Statecraft recognizes that investors are becoming increasingly cognisant of the impact of decisions by external stakeholders like government and the media. Statecraft understands that in today’s crowded marketplace, every company or group seeking to facilitate investor opportunities must mitigate all risks, including those associated with media, government and regulatory issues. Statecraft’s experience, networks and comprehensive understanding of the many layers of influence impacting on the decision making process adds material value to its broad range of clients

Statecraft provides clients with the following services:

• Federal, State and local government relations, intelligence and analysis; • Regulatory affairs advice and support; • IPO and ongoing investor relations support; • Corporate affairs counsel and support; • Issues & crisis management; • Media relations; • Sovereign risk; • Other stakeholder relations; and • Financial transaction communications.

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Sectoral Evidence

Statecraft has either worked or currently works with clients in the following sectors:

• Property development; • Aviation; • Telecommunications; • Resources; • Energy; • Private equity; • Finance; • Pharmaceutical; • Healthcare; and • Infrastructure.

Case Study One

Statecraft was approached to assist a large off-shore company with the Australian facets of a major global transaction. The company required assistance with government relations and public affairs, given a number of potential difficulties that could emerge. Statecraft assisted the company with its submissions to regulatory authorities such as the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) and the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB). Statecraft developed the company’s key messages for each Australian stakeholder involved in the transaction, including State and Federal Governments, ensuring that each message was tailored to its audience.

A key component of the transaction was the existence of State-based restrictions on the cross ownership of assets involved with the transaction. Statecraft executed a number of strategies that involved numerous stakeholders to ensure these issues were addressed in a transparent and timely manner. Statecraft simultaneously commenced an engagement programme with the Federal Government. This programme ensured that the client was provided access at advisory and Ministerial levels within relevant portfolios and able to communicate key messages that resonated with each target audience. Statecraft’s engagement programme followed on with a series of in-person and remote briefings to keep key government contacts up to date with developments as the transaction progressed.

Important themes regarding the transaction were communicated to the media both directly and via a broad range of third-parties, complimenting the engagement with relevant government and regulatory contacts. Statecraft carefully developed the client’s relationship with influential external stakeholders, who proved to be powerful messengers in targeted media during the transaction. This comprehensive government relations and public affairs strategy saw the client achieve its goals for the Australian market. It is only through an understanding of all aspects of the relevant stakeholders that Statecraft was able assist this client successfully navigate the matrix of conflicting interests to achieve a strong commercial result.

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Case Study Two

An Australian company that was listed on the Australian Stock Exchange operated in an area with significant regulatory risk, particularly relating to the proposed Australian Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS).

The company was concerned that analysts and retail and institutional investors were becoming increasingly concerned about how an ETS could impact the company, potentially weighing on the company’s share price. These concerns had arisen at a commercially sensitive time for the company.

The Statecraft team carefully reviewed what steps the company would be able to take to mitigate any additional costs arising from the introduction of an ETS and how the company would likely be treated by the Federal Government following the release of its Green Paper. Statecraft then conducted a similar assessment for the company’s main competitors and undertook a sectoral analysis to provide more context for the clients’ concerns.

The Statecraft team then undertook a perceptions audit amongst analysts, retail and institutional investors, identifying those areas of concern and what messages would resonate while regulatory ambiguity continued. Statecraft then developed messaging that was both realistic and positive while highlighting the competitive advantage the company had developed due to its early and comprehensive response to the prospect of an ETS being introduced. Given the significant information deficit that was present with all target audiences, it was important that this messaging had the right tone and was reassuring without being flippant. Statecraft’s extensive experience in shaping political and commercial messaging was integral to getting this exercise right.

This messaging was incorporated in key components of the company’s investor relations program and the client was able to exert control and mitigate the potential regulatory risk.

Simultaneously, Statecraft managed and facilitated the client’s engagement with key decision makers in the Federal Government, ensuring that the company’s concerns were highlighted and constructive suggestions forthcoming. This engagement programme was backed up by strong engagement by supportive trade unions and local community groups in target marginal Federal seats.

This engagement programme provided a strong platform from which senior company representatives were able to communicate to investors that the company was actively engaged with the policy development process, while driving home its competitive advantage over other companies in that sector.

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Case Study Three

An Australian listed company was faced with proposed changes to Federal legislation that would have adversely impacted on its operating position. The timing of the proposed changes was poor, with the company in the later stages of joint venture discussions with an off-shore operator.

Statecraft was engaged to coordinate the company’s response.

The Statecraft team quickly gained a comprehensive understanding of the company’s operations and the market in which it operated. After initial discussions with key Federal Government contacts, Statecraft identified the optimal methods for the client to influence key decision makers. Statecraft then enacted a strategy that saw the client broaden its engagement with other operators in the market and develop a consensus position for the sector that significantly strengthened the company’s case with key policy makers. Other external stakeholders who benefited from existing market conditions were engaged and their views were communicated to key influential contacts at both senior and junior levels in the Federal Government. This communication was both public and private and was effective in maximising broad support for the client’s case.

Statecraft then mobilised the company’s institutional and retail shareholders on the issue, effectively communicating how they could influence key decision makers in targeted geographic regions. This strategy had two key benefits: it reassured shareholders that the company was enacting a strategy to pre-empt unfavourable legislation while engendering greater shareholder support by encouraging participation in an important public affairs campaign.

The proposed change was ultimately adjusted to take into account the concerns of the sector. Statecraft assisted the company communicate its success to analysts and investors, strengthening the company’s share price over the short term. The company’s reputation was enhanced in the market and a potentially damaging change to the relevant legislation was averted. Statecraft was able to provide a sophisticated and holistic approach that effectively interacted with the large number of interested stakeholders. This approach got results in a challenging timeframe for the client.

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Senior Team

Michael Priebe – Managing Partner


Michael Priebe has a broad background in corporate affairs, government relations and issues management. Michael’s experience in Australian and international politics has provided him with a unique perspective.

Michael is a former domestic policy adviser to a previous Australian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Trade and has held a number of senior political positions. These high-level advisory roles saw him regularly interact with corporate and government representatives from across the globe. Michael was also an adviser to a Congressional campaign in a competitive district in California in the 2000 US elections.

Applying his exceptional skill set to corporate issues, Michael has provided Australian and international companies with assistance on a broad range of complex issues. This has seen him assist with major international financial transactions and providing strategic counsel and support on complex government and regulatory issues. Michael is increasingly sought after for his sharp, cogent strategies that get results.


James Keulemans – Partner


James Keulemans has over twelve years of experience working in public affairs across the public and private sectors. He has worked for members of parliament, a government regulatory body and leading consultancies in Australia and the United Kingdom.

James is adept at managing complex public affairs issues and is highly regarded for developing strategies to manage the dramatically changing nexus between stakeholder groups and corporate Australia.

Recent projects include development of a communications strategy to support a leading energy supplier’s successful bid for the privatisation of Queensland’s state-owned energy companies; crisis and issues management for a major pharmaceutical company; and management of a comprehensive engagement program regarding telecommunications regulation and community and stakeholder relations for an environmentally sensitive development.

James has a reputation for quickly providing clients with a thorough analysis of their issues and then taking swift action to deliver lasting results.


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Senior Team cont.

Greg Holland – Advisory Board Member


For over two decades, Greg Holland has played a major role in government relations at all levels of government, coupled with time spent working in international business development in the private sector. He was a Senior Ministerial Advisor in the Hawke Government, a former Executive Director of the Public Affairs division of Australian Associated Press (AAP) and a former Chief Executive of International Business for AAP with 14 Joint Ventures in Asia.

Greg also has first hand experience in grass roots politics, having contested the Southern Sydney seat of Hughes for Labor at the 2004 and 2007 Federal elections.

Greg’s comprehensive understanding of government relations and public affairs offers a sound understanding of the workings of how government decision making interacts with communities and organised stakeholders. He has played an integral role in the development and implementation of government relations programs in areas such as electricity privatisation, telecommunications, urban renewal and land development, foreign investment and public-private sector financing.


Trisha Cashmere – Senior Consultant


Trisha Cashmere is a lawyer whose practice has encompassed environment, planning and public law in a major Australian law firm. Trisha has represented or advised various corporate and government clients, and has also spent periods of time seconded to various State Government Agencies, where she gained unique insights into government operations. Prior to commencing her legal career Trisha spent time employed in both the public and private sectors.

Trisha’s focus has been on domestic and international legal and policy development in the area of Climate Change, and has advised on various carbon projects. Trisha has a particular interest in the development of the Australian Emissions Trading Scheme and on the potential impact on Australian business. Trisha’s detailed knowledge of Australian government greenhouse policy will ensure Statecraft’s clients receive rational and coherent advice as they endeavour to adapt to the carbon economy.

Trisha is a graduate of the University of New South Wales achieving excellent results and also holds a bachelor’s degree with Honours in Applied Science from the University of Sydney.


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For Further Information

For a confidential conversation relating to your clients needs, please contact:

Michael Priebe

Managing Partner

Email: [email protected]

DD: + 61 2 8231 7090

Mob: +61 0 418 482 514