the journey to conversational interfaces

The Journey to Conversational Interfaces Romin Irani | Xoriant | @iRomin

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Post on 14-Apr-2017




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Page 1: The Journey to conversational interfaces

The Journey to Conversational Interfaces

Romin Irani | Xoriant | @iRomin

Page 2: The Journey to conversational interfaces


Chatbot Ecosystem

Our Story

Help Desk Bots

Initial Target Platform - Slack


Go Language

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Chatbots! Chatbots! Chatbots!

It is usually another way to interact with your Web Application, API or Mobile Application

Multiple Messaging Platforms

“Chatbots” are expected to be “The Thing” to do in 2017 ;-)

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Rule-based v/s AI

● /find * contains=`xyz`● /find pdf since=2d

● I’d like all documents that contain “xyz”

● Get me all PDF documents created in the last 2 days

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Why Slack ?

Popular Messaging Platform

Integrates with Popular Applications

APIs for Custom Integration

Good Documentation

App Store

Starting point to learn more

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Respond to Questions


Customized Bot


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Slack API - Go Language packages

You can do everything with standard Go packages

Alternately, here are a couple of packages to consider:

Skills needed

Basic Go Syntax (Struct, Dealing with JSON)

HTTP Basics + Go Language http packages

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Respond/ticket list

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Reporting Issue - Slash Command

Slash Command → Messages that start with a slash (/)

For e.g. /ticket or /report or /search

/ticket listlist

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Handling a Request from Slack

http.HandleFunc("/ticket", MyTicketHandler)

func MyTicketHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

//Extract out multiple params from Request

//Validate if the request is coming from Slack and your team

//Perform business logic

//Compose the Response Struct

json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(/* Slack Response Struct */)


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Slack Incoming POST parameters


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Slack Message Formats - 1

{ "username": "Server Monitor" "text": "Cloud Storage Service is facing intermittent issues.\n",}

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Slack Message Formats - 2{ "attachments": [ { "title": "New Ticket: Printer is not working", "title_link": "", "text": "The Printer is not functioning….", "fields": [ { "title": "Priority", "value": "High" }, { "title": "Reported by", "value": "romin", } ], "footer": "My Help Desk system", "ts": 1395676789 } ]}

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Sending Notifications - Incoming Webhook

A mechanism to post a message to a Channel or a specific user

New Tickets are routed as Notifications to respective Channels (Teams)

Updates to Tickets are routed to the specific Users

v := url.Values{"payload": {string(b)}}http.PostForm(WebhookURL, v)

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Analytics - Outgoing Webhook

Calls your Webhook based on messages sent in a Channel

Any message or specific Trigger Words

Track Command Usage , Sentiment Analysis and more

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Explosion of Commands…

/ticket list/ticket create <title> <details> <priority> <department>/ticket update <status> <comment>/ticket close <id>/ticket view <id>/ticket help


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Can we do better?

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General AI Agents

Messaging Platforms

NLP , AI as a Service Platforms

Frameworks & DeploymentPlatforms


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Our current architecture

Messaging Platforms



Machine LearningDomains

Bot Endpoint + Logic

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Diagram inspired from :

Which tickets are assigned to me?

User input in Natural Language


NLP Tool


intent : tickets_search,entities: status : open, user : romin, Max_count : 5,

Structured Data3

Here are your tickets:1….2…3….

Bot output in Natural Language


How it works?

TicketsAPI / Database


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Lessons Learnt

Go + Slack is a powerful combination to get going with your Bots.

Need to target most popular Chat platforms.

Build v/s Buying a Machine Learning Engine. Good Alternatives out there but choose carefully.

Voice Interfaces.

It is a journey.

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Thank You