the highlands v2

The Highlands 11

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Post on 25-Jan-2017




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Page 1: The Highlands v2

The Highlands


Page 2: The Highlands v2

Last year I had the great privilege of spending nine unforgettable months in the Scottish Highlands.

One evening in late October my partner came back home with some unexpected news. His work was offering him the possibility to join a project in the North of Scotland for a year. Neither of us had been to that part of Scotland before, so we sat down and talked about it. We had heard so many lovely stories about the Highlands and how gorgeous this part of the world was. So really, it did not take us long to decide that we were going to accept this incredible opportunity.

We left in mid-March, and our journey was a very long one, not only because it took us over ten hours to get there, but mainly because we wanted to stop the car every two seconds to witness the constant spectacle taking place in front of us. We were exited, dazzled and blown away by the outright generosity of Nature.

It was mile after mile of continuous beauty, each changing in colour and shape. We drove through dense forests, deserted roads, abandoned ruins, towering mountain ranges, lochs and wild rivers. It was pure delight… We felt lucky, light and alive.

Words & Photos by Emilie Van Camp

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When we finally arrived, one of the first things we did was buy ourselves warm coats, boots and a big map to plan our new adventures. We knew we only had a year to explore everything and did not want to waste any time.

Artistically speaking, I was really excited to play with a completely new blank canvas. I could not wait to capture all of the vibrant colours and unique light. Nature can definitely be astounding and overwhelming. Its power to make you feel so small in the face of the Universe is very much present, yet you want to embrace it. It literally opened my eyes and I felt a complete new person.

I believe this is where I found myself as an artist.

We started exploring the West Coast and did a trip to the Isle of Skye, which was simply stunning. It hides some of the most beautiful beaches in the world, however do not be fooled by the turquoise-transparent colour of the water, it is freezing! In the summer, light does not fade until midnight, and there is something quite magical about holding hands and walking on a deserted white sand beach at night.

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My favourite place has to be Glen Affric, I will never forget it. I truly hope this place will remain pure and unspoiled because it is simply perfect. You can only access the Glen by foot after driving through a long and windy single track road. But on arrival, your heart stops and you have to pinch yourself to confirm you are not dreaming. Nature was at its rawest state; vibrant, intense, powerful, delicate, beautiful and generous. This was the place… this was our place.

We first discovered Glen Affric mid-November when the autumnal colours were at their best. We sat down on the edge of the loch and contemplated everything that surrounded us, overcome with emotions.

Although we left Scotland before we could stay a whole year, we were lucky enough to spend enough time there to see this part of the world through all four seasons. I was really worried to miss seeing the landscapes covered in snow - winter being one of my favourite seasons - and I could just imagine how beautiful everything would be, so surreal and magical. Four days before we left, as if life wanted to grant me with my wish, I woke up one day in a different world.

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I had to go out. We drove for hours trying to make the most of the light and capturing every single last moment we had there. This white sheet offered me some of my favourite memories from the Highlands. Everything was clean and peaceful, all in perfect harmony with itself. The wild deers run alongside the road with us for a last journey together. Nature holding us one more time.

It is quite a dangerous place to be when it snows but we could not leave without seeing the Glen one more time. When we returned however, there was a different feeling to that I remembered… we were leaving Scotland. Our hearts were heavy, mirroring the snow storm outside. The snow was extremely heavy and dense - it would not have been long before we would have been completely stuck - but as always it took us by surprise and we felt in a very different place. For me, the snow brings a complete new dimension and feeling. The air made your lungs ache, your blood rushed to your cheeks. You breathe. You feel refreshed. You feel privileged.

My time in Scotland was just about the most beautiful experience I have ever had. This part of the world is simply magnificent and so generous - it shares everything with you, even its most beautiful secrets! The spectacle of beauty surrounding you is breathtaking, and you feel grateful to be able to be part of it.

Time stops and the smile on your face never disappears.

I will return one day...
