the graffman incorporated - issue 2


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He added: “There is more crime being committed but our detection rate is better.” REWARDS FOR NAMING ‘TAGGERS’ He said: “Someone knows who is doing this.”


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09:30 - 09 February 2007 The Derbyshire police officer spearheading the fight against vandalism has unveiled a new plan.Chief Inspector Graham McLaughlin said residents of blighted communities would be offered cash incentives to identify culprits.The officer, who was appointed last year with a target to reduce criminal damage in the county by 17 per cent over three years, also warned that offenders could be issued with anti-social behaviour orders when caught.After several months of assessing the problem, Chief Insp McLaughlin will launch the campaign during the next few weeks in the worst hit areas.Posters on a theme relevant to the problem - whether it is graffiti or damage to cars - will be put up in public places in the locality. Similarly themed leaflets will be posted in the area, advising residents on how to pass on information.The reward scheme will be run through Crimestoppers, al-though Derbyshire police is helping to fund it. The size of the rewards has not been revealed.Chief Insp McLaughlin said: “Criminal damage is completely unacceptable and is treated very seriously.“People are spoiling local communities by creating environ-ments that feel unsafe.“We’re asking for information about who’s committing these offences and the reward scheme is an incentive for people to come forward.”Between April 1, 2003, and March 31, 2004, there were 18,895 cases of criminal damage in Derbyshire, covering everything from vehicle vandalism to arson.That figure rose to 19,025 in the year to the end of March 2006, but Chief Insp McLaughlin’s target is based on the 2003-4 figure. It means he wants to reduce the number of cases to about 15,600 for the year ending March 2008.If he succeeds and partner agencies help reduce the percep-tion of anti-social behaviour by 75 per cent, the police and various community safety partnerships will share a £1m Government bonus.Among Chief Insp Mclaughlin’s early targets will be the Al-vaston area, where there have been frequent reports of youths hurling bricks and stones at passing vehicles.

He said: “Someone knows who is doing this.”

He added: “There is more crime being committed but our detection rate is better.”

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The Graffman Incorporated has just received the promo copy of “observation” The debut album from producer turned artist Mickey B. A veteran in the music production industry expresses himself on the perceptions of the so called truth. The Graffman caught up with him to see what he had to say.

So Mick, on the album observation you talk about things such as abomination and the third eye observation, tell me a little bit about the subject matter of the album and the idea behind it. Well Sire having a third eye is the ability to see through folly, the misconceptions of a society that demonstrates how man unkind will change law to suit his wants, this is often at the cost of innocent human beings Ok! On the sleeve it states that you written, produced and mastered the album at runariddim studios. This must have been a lengthy project how long did it actually take you to complete the album. No, actually blood I set my self a target to complete the album by Christmas Eve 2006, I started it nine week prior.Working as a producer you must have the opportunity to work with a lot of artists, tell me a little bit about some of the fea-tured artist on the album. Well the artists on the album are good friends of mine, I have worked with them in the past and they always stayed produc-tive in the ting, they gave me the encouragement and inspiration I needed to complete the album.So the album is to be released on get fresh records, have you any plans to release any other artists in the near future? Yeah man, this is just the start for Get Fresh.The album Observation is a calling for other artists that share the same spiritual concept. Do you have a scheduled release date or any other method of supplying the demands for the album? Like mail order or digi-tal download, how can the people get there hands on it? Yeah Ok! So do you have any future plans is there to be a single release?Ive had a remix off the album fixed by a local producer James Campbell who happens to be a long time old friend of mine, he heard the album and could not believe it was me, as he’s only ever knew me as a song writer and music producer. The remixed track will be going out as a single as well as two bonus tracks.It’s hard to categorise the music although there is a definite influence of hip hop, and I quote krs1 when I say its “edutainment”. Who would you say your influences are?I’m pretty much old school, I have always use 2pac as a guide line for rappers I’ve worked with in the past, there’s just a consistency he had on his flow that made him sound unique. His style along with other artist has influenced me, but I like to think that I will develop a unique style for myself in the future. What do you think of the messages that today’s music conveys? I think we must know the difference between what’s considered a message and what is just lyrical entertainment!For instance, lyrics that blatantly suggest the use of guns, delivers a negative message.How ever, lyrics containing fiction or past fact may included the use of guns, is no different to me than watching a movie!Science fiction movie and some dramas contain obscene and graphical scenes, if listener pick up influencing negative messages from these this type of entertainment, there’s more likely to be something wrong with the listener,! Not the source of entertainment. So songs containing lyrics about blowing up cop cars are just lyrical entertainment.. Well I can say I’ve probably listened to the album a dozen times now and I would say there is definitely something in there for everyone. You have research your subject matter and titled it observation are we going to see a conclusion? Yes, hopefully by summer 2007 I will launch the next album titled THE SOLUTION. Can’t give too much of that away yet, ha ha.Ok Mick, well thank you for the interview and cd. Definitely one that should not be slept on so if you not got a copy go get one you won’t be disappointed. Good look with the sales Mick and god bless.

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