the future of market research - from reporting to consulting - fresh squeece ideas

Download The Future of Market Research - From Reporting to Consulting - Fresh Squeece Ideas

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  1. 1. APRIL 1-3, 2014 TORONTO
  2. 2. APRIL 1-3, 2014 TORONTO Organized by Workshop Sponsors Association & Media Partners
  3. 3. The Future of Market Research: From Reporting to Consulting
  4. 4. QRCA Views Summer 2012
  5. 5. The Commoditization of MR 3
  6. 6. What Clients Want 4
  7. 7. Moving from Reporting to Consulting 5
  8. 8. A defining point-of-view that creates value for your client John McGarr President Fresh Squeezed Ideas
  9. 9. Our North Star While people strive to add meaning to their lives, brands are artifacts of that journey. Brands are culture. Every decision your customer makes is an act of culture 7
  10. 10. Our North Star While people strive to add meaning to their lives, brands are artifacts of that journey. Brands are culture. Every decision your customer makes is an act of culture 8
  11. 11. Culture Changes 9
  12. 12. Culture Creates Complexity There is no silver bullet method 10 # Dots # Links L=n(n-1)/2 # Patterns P=2L n = 4 L = 6 P = 64 n = 10 L = 45 P = 35,184,372,088,832 n = 12 L = 66 P = 73,786,976,294,838,200,000 complexity
  13. 13. Social Science Tools 11 Need Ecology Culture In Action Task, Dont Ask Ethnography Predictive Markets Narrative Semiotics Mobile and Online Modes Hypnosis Gamification EyeTracking BiometricsSocial Listening
  14. 14. A client-side research manager that wants to put a dent in the universe Kristian Gravelle Director Insight and Analytics Astra Zeneca
  15. 15. Client-side MR: The Consumers Voice 13
  16. 16. Think differently 14
  17. 17. Dig Deep 15
  18. 18. Activate: Drive Internalization 16
  19. 19. Partnerships that make each party better Kathie Miller Director Market Research and Decision Science Takeda Pharmaceuticals
  20. 20. Client-Vendor Partnerships 18
  21. 21. Partnerships: Learn and Grow Together 19
  22. 22. The Future of MR
  23. 23. The Future of MR 21 Collaboration Synthesis Storytelling Activation Trust Commitment Passion
  24. 24. [email protected]
  25. 25. APRIL 1-3, 2014 TORONTO Organized by Workshop Sponsors Association & Media Partners
  26. 26. APRIL 1-3, 2014 TORONTO