the french revolution and napoleonic era chapter 18

The French The French Revolution and Revolution and Napoleonic Era Napoleonic Era Chapter 18

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Page 1: The French Revolution and Napoleonic Era Chapter 18

The French Revolution The French Revolution and Napoleonic Eraand Napoleonic Era

Chapter 18

Page 2: The French Revolution and Napoleonic Era Chapter 18

The French Revolution and Napoleonic Era

Louis XIV - The Sun King– Louis XIV was an absolute

ruler and domineering personality

– He ruled during France’s Golden Age

– His palace of Versailles was the envy of Europe

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The French Revolution and Napoleonic Era

Versailles – exemplified the

opulence with which the French Royalty lived.

– Succeeding Monarchs lacked Louis XIV personality and would bear the brunt of his extravagance.

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The French Revolution and Napoleonic Era

Structure of French Society [Old Regime] Estates

– First Estate: consisted of the clergy who ran the schools, recorded births and deaths and managed church affairs. They paid no taxes.

– Second Estate: French Nobility [less than 2% of population] and only they could serve as officers in the Army or hold high posts in government.

– Third Estate: majority of French citizens were in this estate. Included poor peasants and wealthy bourgeois merchants

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The French Revolution and Napoleonic Era

Underlying Economic and Social Problems– Poor harvests led to problems in feeding France’s growing

population [18m in 1715 to 25m in 1789].– Ancient customs duties inhibited trade and commerce within

France adding to existing inflation.– Huge government debt because of France’s wars. French

support for the colonists during the American Revolution nearly doubled the debt.

– Skyrocketing inflation: one loaf of bread = a month’s wage. – In a desperate attempt to raise money, Louis XVI called the

Estates General [Parliament] into session for the 1st time since 1614.

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The French Revolution and Napoleonic Era

From Estates General to National Assembly– Voting based on Estate, 1 vote each.– Louis XVI rejected a plan to let all estates meet

together. – Members of the 3rd Estate then declared themselves a

National Assembly and prepared to write a constitution.

– Louis XVI banished them from their meeting hall.

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The French Revolution and Napoleonic Era

– Oath of the Tennis Court : On June 20, 1789

members of the Third Estate met on a Tennis Court and agreed to not disband until a constitution for France was written. Many Nobles and clergy decided to join the National Assembly.

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The French Revolution and Napoleonic Era

Economic Crisis and Revolt

– Summer of 1789: inflation was skyrocketing, drought, food shortages and taxes were overburdening the people.

– Storming the Bastille, July 14, 1789: French Peasants storm the French prison as an act of rebellion against the old regime.

– Peasants attacked their landlords and destroyed their tax records and deeds of debt.

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The French Revolution and Napoleonic Era

The National Assembly Responds– Reforms:

• abolished tax exemptions for Nobles• made all male citizens eligible for government and church

positions• ended most feudal custom duties inhibiting commerce• Declaration of the Rights of Man: stated democratic principles

would be the basis of French government and called for equality of all citizens.

• Civil Constitution For The Clergy: Abolished special privileges of the church, put church affairs under the control of the government and began selling off church land to raise money.

• Metric system, begun under Louis XVI, was adopted in 1791.

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The French Revolution and Napoleonic Era

Louis XVI: Prisoner in His Own Country– October 1789: Parisians

marched on Versailles forcing Louis and his family to stay at the palace in the city.

– Marie Antoinette, the Queen, incurred the wrath of French citizens. They resented her indifference to their struggles and her lavish lifestyle.

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The French Revolution and Napoleonic Era

Constitution of 1791 [Stage 1]– made France a Constitutional Monarchy limiting the

power of the King.– Legislature made the laws, the King would carry them

out or veto them. The legislature could override his veto.

– A new judicial system was created. – Guaranteed equal rights to all citizens forever

abolishing feudalism.– Very similar to the American system except it retained

the Monarchy.

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The French Revolution and Napoleonic Era

Louis XVI’s Great Mistake– Louis XVI attempts to flee to Austria in hopes

of raising an army to defeat the Revolution but is caught at the border..

– Louis and family are returned to Paris under house arrest and Louis is forced to accept the new Constitution.

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The French Revolution and Napoleonic Era

France’s First Revolutionary Government– Legislative Assembly was internally divided and the

seating arrangements would have long lasting effects.– Right Wing: Girondins were moderate revolutionaries

who sought to preserve a constitutional monarchy– Left Wing: Jacobins were radical revolutionaries who

sought to overthrow the monarchy and make France a Republic

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The French Revolution and Napoleonic Era

France Reacts With War– Monarchs throughout Europe [Austria in particular]

were afraid the Revolution would spread to their country and began preparing to use force if necessary to restore Louis XVI to his throne.

– April 1792, the Legislative Assembly declares war on Austria. Prussia comes to the defense of Austria.

– The war initially is disastrous for France. Prussia and Austria threatened Paris and scapegoats are needed. Many believe Louis XVI is aiding the enemy.

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The French Revolution and Napoleonic Era

The National Convention [Stage 2]– Paris Commune, August 1792, revolution breaks out

in Paris. Sans-Culottes, revolutionaries, take over city government, calling themselves the Commune, and storm the King’s Palace.

– Writings of Jean-Paul Marat encouraged the people to take violent action.

– Revolutionaries call for elections based on universal male suffrage to create a National Convention and demand a new Constitution.

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The French Revolution and Napoleonic Era

The Republic [Stage 2, the Radical State]– September 1792 the National Convention abolishes

the Monarchy and declares France a Republic.– Evidence of the King’s attempt to plot with émigrés

and foreign enemies leads to Louis XVI’s trial for treason. He is found guilty and executed on January 21, 1793.

– October 16, 1793 Marie Antionette is executed for treason as well.

– Liberty, Equality, Fraternity became the rallying cry of the French Revolution.

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The French Revolution and Napoleonic Era

France At War– March 1793 – Disgusted with the September

Massacres, Great Britain, Dutch Netherlands, and Spain join Austria and Prussia in a war against France.

– French armies struggle as the Prussians and Austrians threaten France.

– Desperation sets in and the National Assembly creates A Committee for Public Safety.

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The French Revolution and Napoleonic Era

Reign of Terror [July 1793-July 1794]– Committee of Public Safety had virtual dictatorial

powers• Led by Maximilien Robespierre• Put France on a Military Preparedness Schedule by raising

new armies and creating conscription where all men were eligible for military service. By 1794 France’s Army was 1,169,000.

• Prices restrictions were put on food and wages.• All class distinctions and titles were eliminated, everyone

was referred to as Citizen.• New Calendar and clock were created, attempted to supplant

the influence of Christianity.

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The French Revolution and Napoleonic Era

The Reign of Terror– To combat internal enemies

the Committee for Public Safety set up tribunals. From July 1793 to July 1794 during The Reign of Terror about 30,000 people were executed for treason against the Republic.

– Eventually, France repulsed her enemies and the need for a reign of terror ended. Robespierre was executed on July 28, 1794.

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The National Razor

Guillotine– Method of execution made

every “equal” in death– Considered humane and

therefore not “cruel or unusual punishment” similar to the demand made in the English Bill of Rights and the US 8th Amendment.

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The French Revolution and Napoleonic Era

The Directory [1795-1799] [Third Stage]– New Constitution of 1795 created and legislative body

and executive branch with 5 directors.

– Successes: • France had the largest Army in Europe and was able to

pursue an aggressive foreign policy

– Failures:• Lifted price controls which led to inflation and riots.

• Directory was inefficient and corrupt.

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The French Revolution and Napoleonic Era

The Rise of Napoleon Bonaparte– born of Italian descent on

the Island of Corsica– By age 27 rose to the rank

of General– Between 1795-1797

Napoleon won major victories against the Austrians in Italy.

– Invasion of Egypt and Defeat of the British led to him becoming a national hero.

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The French Revolution and Napoleonic Era

The Consulate: Napoleon as First Consul– 1799 Napoleon returned to

Paris and led a revolt against the Directory with help of 2 sitting Directors.

– New Constitution was written with the Republic run by a Consulate. 3 Consuls served as heads of State with Napoleon as First Consul.

– By a plebiscite in 1802 Napoleon was named Consul for Life and in 1804 years later named himself Emperor.

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The French Revolution and Napoleonic Era

Napoleon’s Domestic Achievements– Napoleonic Code: brought about the reforms

of the revolution into a single unified code of laws in existence to this day.

• All men are created equal before the law [turned back earlier revolutionary equality for women]

• Freedom of religion• Freedom of enterprise [to work in any occupation]• Re-drew the boundaries of France making for

efficient government

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The French Revolution and Napoleonic Era

Napoleon’s Domestic Achievements– Finance & Economics

• Taxation: all citizens must pay, no exemptions.• National Bank of France• Issued paper currency

– Education• Government run schools called Lycees were the first steps toward

public education

– Religion• Concordant of 1801 With Rome• recognized Catholic faith as the faith of the majority of French

citizens in return Pope would not demand the return of church land seized during the revolution.

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The French Revolution and Napoleonic Era

Napoleon’s Foreign Policy [1800-1807]– Wars of Conquest & Aggression

• Napoleon chose to attack France’s enemies rather than passively defend

• Through cunning tactics and diplomacy Napoleon was able to subdue his enemies

• 1805 He defeated the Austrians and Russian at Austerlitz

• 1805 Naval Defeat at Trafalgar ends his plan for invading England

• 1806 he defeated the Prussians at Jena and at Friedland in 1807.

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The French Revolution and Napoleonic Era

Europe Under Napoleon’s Rule [1807-1812] System of Alliances

– Controlled France and Netherlands directly– Spain, Italy and the Confederation of the Rhine were satellite

states run by Family members.– Austria and Prussia were forced allies– Only Britain and Russia remained as enemies

Reforms– Spread the ideals of the French Revolution: abolished serfdom,

religious toleration, and the Napoleonic Code

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The French Revolution and Napoleonic Era

France vs Britain– Cape Trafalgar: British Naval victory ending

Napoleon’s attempt to invade Britain.– Continental System: Napoleon’s blockade of

British trade with the continent of Europe• forbid European nations to trade with Britain• Britain replied by seizing any ship trying to trade

with France• Led to American dispute with Britain and the War

of 1812

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The French Revolution and Napoleonic Era

The Rise of Nationalism– nations began to despise French rule and longed for

the day they ruled their own countries

Nationalism: – an intense feeling of commitment or loyalty to one’s

own nation or culture

Uprising in Spain– Spaniards were the first to revolt using guerrilla

warfare tactics to harass French troops

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The French Revolution and Napoleonic Era

Napoleon’s Attack on Russia– Tsar [Czar] Alexander I decided to ignore Napoleon’s

continental system and resumed trade with Britain in 1812.

– Napoleon invaded Russia in June of 1812 with 500,000 troops. Napoleon defeated the Russians but his supplies line were over extended. He withdrew and faced harassment from Russian troops. Thousands of French troops starved and froze to death. Less than 100,000 escaped Russia.

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The French Revolution and Napoleonic Era

Europe Revolts– Napoleon’s defeat in Russia encouraged Prussia &

Austria to join Britain and Russia in attacking France.– By March 1814, Napoleon’s efforts to rebuild a new

army failed and the Allies captured Paris.– Napoleon was forced into exile on the Isle of Elba.– Louis XVIII, brother of executed Louis XVI was

returned to the throne of France.

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The French Revolution and Napoleonic Era

Napoleon’s Return & The Hundred Days– Many French were dissatisfied with the return of the

old monarchy. – Napoleon escaped from Elba in March of 1815,

organized an Army, marched on Paris and forced Louis XVIII into exile.

– The Allies responded quickly. In June of 1815, a joint British & Prussian army under the Duke of Wellington defeat Napoleon at Waterloo.

– Napoleon is again exiled to St. Helena in the South Atlantic where he dies in 1821.

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The French Revolution and Napoleonic Era

The Legacy– “I am the Revolution” Napoleon Bonaparte

– In what ways was Napoleon the embodiment of the Revolution?

– In what ways did Napoleon turn back the clock on the Revolution?