the foundation to€¦ · investing in yourself is conception, implementation is the birth. so take...

THE FOUNDATION to SUCCESS Melanie D. Nelson - DoMore LLC

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Page 1: THE FOUNDATION to€¦ · Investing in yourself is conception, Implementation is the birth. So take ACTION. I am also known for saying; “wrong action is better than NO action”


Melanie D. Nelson - DoMore LLC

Page 2: THE FOUNDATION to€¦ · Investing in yourself is conception, Implementation is the birth. So take ACTION. I am also known for saying; “wrong action is better than NO action”


They are not all created equal.

The FIRST in the most important.

But without all of them… You will struggle unnecessarily.

Page 3: THE FOUNDATION to€¦ · Investing in yourself is conception, Implementation is the birth. So take ACTION. I am also known for saying; “wrong action is better than NO action”


To think you can reach a new level of success without learning and growing is delusional at best. The moment you think you know it all is the pride before the fall. In my 3 day leadership program I teach my students to adopt the attitude “I am student of Life, for life”. You are the common denominator of your success and failures, you lead yourself through this life, therefore; YOU are your GREATEST ASSET. You can never loose when you INVEST in YOURSELF, you can ONLY win! Keep investing until you get where you want to go… by then you will understand it never stops.

To me and most other highly successful people I know, INVESTING in myself means; 1. I am consistently (daily) feeding my MIND with new knowledge through books, online programs, videos, reading articles etc… Every couple months I am personally attending a seminar, training or conference that will accelerate my growth.

2. Everyday I invest in my HEALTH. For now, we have this one body, there isn’t a spare hanging in the closet (yet). I have made my health a priority even when I was young and broke. There is no excuse. Respect yourself and the life you have been given by really caring for yourself. Remember; INVESTING INTELLIGENTLY means getting the Highest Return on your Investment. This is true in ALL aspects of life, not just money.

Page 4: THE FOUNDATION to€¦ · Investing in yourself is conception, Implementation is the birth. So take ACTION. I am also known for saying; “wrong action is better than NO action”


This is easy to say, hard to do. Unfortunately, we all think we do it, but we don’t. When you are learning be aware of the thought “I know that”. Remember, you only KNOW it if you or your life is a LIVING example and embodiment of it. If not, you have read it and talked about it, but best to keep your nose down and learning. Be aware that over 80% of the thoughts and beliefs we operate on are subconscious. So if you weren’t born into a family that knew HOW to build abundance, wealth, freedom, happiness and fulfillment, it will be counter-intuitive to you. All too often you will subconsciously dismiss an idea or concept that will create wealth, only because you were not “programmed” to accept it. Or you don’t believe it is possible for you to attain it, even with all the instruction and guidance in the world. This is WHY we must invest in ourselves, so we can continually expand our context of what is possible for ourselves and our lives. Another key factor in both investing and opening your mind is ensuring you surround yourself with the RIGHT people. One’s who will support and encourage your goals and direction. One’s who will challenge you, expect more from you and thus, hold you to higher level. One’s who will educate you. These are not all the same friend or type of people. So your NETWORK is your NET-WORTH. They say you are the Average SUM of the 5 people you spend the MOST time with. I strongly suggest you take a good look at this. It was pivotal for me personally to create a new network, and had I not, I am certain I would have succumb to the negativity of the one I was born and raised into.

Page 5: THE FOUNDATION to€¦ · Investing in yourself is conception, Implementation is the birth. So take ACTION. I am also known for saying; “wrong action is better than NO action”


It is not enough to show up and watch the game, you must enter the ring and PLAY to WIN. You MUST bring your A-Game. This does not mean everyday you win… some battles you lose, but you can still win the war. It means you give it your 100% everyday, and some day’s your 100% looks a little different. Never allow yourself to “Check out”. Don’t misunderstand; I have my moments, but that is what they are, moments. Times where I want to say “fuck it” or “Peace out”, but I have trained myself to move forward anyway, so those moments don’t end up lasting days or months. (or for some people, I see them waste away YEARS!) If you think you will create a new level of success or reach your vision without getting beat up you are sorely mistaken. Start each day, enter each room, with the attitude of “what can I bring, give or contribute?” and when you show up like that, you will WIN big. Switch the perspective from “what's in it for me”, to “what can I do to participate & contribute” and watch your life SOAR! Have you ever seen a professional sports star of the winning team take credit in the post-game interview? NOPE and you are not likely to see that, ever. In order to get to THAT level, you have come to the understanding that not just sports, but life is a TEAM sport. Yes, your role is crucial, however, you won’t win unless you GIVE IT YOUR ALL and contribute to the plays on the field. YOU MATTER. YOUR ROLE MATTERS, YOUR DREAM MATTERS, but you have to be willing to WORK your ASS off for it. period.

Page 6: THE FOUNDATION to€¦ · Investing in yourself is conception, Implementation is the birth. So take ACTION. I am also known for saying; “wrong action is better than NO action”


My secret to success was not that I was smarter or more talented, I just implemented what I learned immediately. Not tomorrow, or next week or month, but immediately. That way I could sustain my current level of success and be prepared for my next one. As you invest, learn, grow and play full out on the field, don’t forget to take time to debrief the wins, losses and strategies. There is always something to learn from each day, each person/encounter, each win and each loss. If you don’t take time to examine what that is, you may find yourself in a world of hurt. You might have just caught on that this is a CYCLE. Implementation is the birth of really LEARNING something, because you are LIVING it… Investing in yourself is conception, Implementation is the birth. So take ACTION. I am also known for saying; “wrong action is better than NO action”. At least you will learn something, at least you are participating. No action is the equivalent of death. Taking action will REQUIRE you to face a fear or multiple fears. It’s not comfortable facing fears, taking action into the unknown or towards your goals. In fact when I mentor or consult with business owners, I say; “you must get comfortable with TWO FEELINGS. The feeling of being uncomfortable and the feeling it is not going fast enough.” As long as you implement immediately, you will get where you want to go, it’s only a matter of time.

Page 7: THE FOUNDATION to€¦ · Investing in yourself is conception, Implementation is the birth. So take ACTION. I am also known for saying; “wrong action is better than NO action”


Thank you for reading this. I truly hope it helps you on your journey. It was my honor to serve you at Inspire and Succeed 2019. Anytime you are struggling… Come back, read these FOUNDATIONAL rules to success, chances are you simply forgot about one in your current challenge. I teach and train on a multitude of topics as it relates to success in business, personal finance, professional development, leadership and personal growth all over the world live, but I recently committed to sharing more of me ONLINE, so please feel free to follow me on my Social Media Channels for more good shit. ;-) Melanie D. Nelson.

© Do More LLC November 2019 - This cannot be duplicated or reproduced without the authors written permission

Page 8: THE FOUNDATION to€¦ · Investing in yourself is conception, Implementation is the birth. So take ACTION. I am also known for saying; “wrong action is better than NO action”

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Melanie D Nelson

Melanie D Nelson