the fault in our stars vocabulary chapters 19-25

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Post on 09-Oct-2015




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The Fault in Our Stars Vocabulary


1. Composurea. Nounb. Self-controlc. After her fit of anger, she took some time to regain her composure.d. The girl retained her composure during the tornado.2. Terrestriala. Adjectiveb. Relating to the earth.c. The area surrounding the park was a terrestrial habitat for small animals.d. After taking a baseball to the head, the young boy fell down to the terrestrial ground.3. Extola. Verbb. To praise enthusiasticallyc. He loved to extol the GazettE for their music.d. We extol soldiers for their loyalty and devotion for the nation.4. Eradicationa. Nounb. Total destructionc. Hitler started the Holocaust for the eradication of the Jewish people.d. The eradication of poverty is important to the people.5. Infernala. Adjectiveb. Relating to the underworld; irritatingc. Her child is an infernal little brat.d. That infernal cat clawed my face.6. Precociousa. Adjectiveb. Early developmentc. Hazel and Augustus are precocious people due to their experience with cancer.d. The precocious boy knew how to walk at age one.7. Appraisea. Verbb. Asses the quality of something/someonec. After the earthquake that hit Japan, reporters travelled there to appraise the damage.d. The man got his watch appraised and learned it was extremely valuable.8. Voraciousa. Adjectiveb. Eating large amounts of food; large appetite (doesnt have to be food)c. Her brothers voracious appetite never failed to amuse her.d. Football players often have a voracious appetite after a game.9. Bequeatha. Verbb. Pass something on to someone else by a willc. Marys grandmothers antique collection was bequeathed to her.d. Her will bequeathed her pearl necklace to her daughter.10. Incessanta. Adjectiveb. Unpleasant continuation without pausec. Her fathers incessant ranting was starting to annoy her.d. The incessant ringing of the phone annoyed me to no end.