the enterprise (williamston, n.c.) 1929-03-29 [p page three] · friday, march 29, 1929 are joint...

Friday, March 29, 1929 Are Joint Hostesses Tuesday Evening » . Mrs. Raleigh Bradley and Mrs. Ltrnan Barnhill entertained with five tables of bridge on Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. Barnhill on Simmons Avenue. Mrs. W. C. Manning, jr., made the highest score and was given a pow- der jar and powder. The hostess served a salad course consisting of chicken salad, sand- wiches, celery, wafers, and iced tea. Those playing were Mesdames Harper Holliday, Hubert Morton, W. C. Manning, jr., Oscar Anderson, Milton Moye, L. H. Davis, J. W. Watts, jr., M. D. Watts. E. P. Cun- ningham, T. B. Brandon, Jim King, H. M. Stubbs, Henry Harrison, Whit Purvis, John H. Edwards, Wheeler Martin, P. H. Brown, Robert Ever- ett, Myrtle Brown, and C. A. Har- rison. Subscription Card Party Tuesday Night The tables arranged for the sub- scription card party to be given by the auxiliary of the Episcopal Church are rapidly being taken and the event promises to be one of the most enjoyable given here for sdlhe time. " T Oak City Local News and Personals Miss Mary Butler, of Greenville, spent last week end with Mrs. Em- ily Bell at Oak City. Mr. Bruce Russell speht last week end in Raleig^. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bradford, of Goldsboro, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Barrett last week# Mr. and Mrs. Joe Davenport, of Greenville, were visitors in town Fri- day. Miss Ina Bishop spent the week end in Rocky Mount. Miss Maqde Erskine spent last week end in Raleigh. Mr. W. C. Andrews is working in Hobgood now. Mrs. W. C. Manning spent last week end in Gum Neck with her parents. Miss Marjorie Johnson is on the sick list. Mr. Marvin Everett spent a few hours in Rocky" Mount Friday. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Davenport were visitors in Scotland Neck last Wednesday. Mrs. T. W. Davenport, Misses .Mildred Davenport and Sara Long Johnson motored over to Rocky- Mount Thursday afternoon. Messrs. J. W. Hines, J. A. Rawls, W. S. Bunting, N. M. Hyman, N. C. Hyman, Jack Smith, R. E. Early, and T. C. Allsbrtnik attend- ed court last week in Williainston. Mrs. Lola Owen and children spent the week end with Mrs. N. W. Worsley. NOTICE OF REAL ESTATE SALE Under and by virtue of tin- authority conferred upon me in a deed of trust executed by H. A. Culliplicr, \V. S. Moore, Clifton Hunter, trustees for Everetts Methodist Episcopal Church, South, on the Bth day of Keliruary, 1427, and recorded in book S-2, .it page 141, of Martin County public regis- try, 1 will on Saturday, tlie 27th day of April, 1929, at 12 o'clock m., in front of the Planters & Merchants Bank, Everetts, N. C., Martin County, sell at public auction, for Cash, to the We sell du Pont paints made by the mak IN fine residential centres du Pont paints arc demanded be- cause of their beauty and durability. They are scientifically built to give full protection. There ia adu Pont finish for every possible need. Every one ia backed by the famous du Pont chemical organization?made by the makers of Duco. Whether it's inside or out, whatever the painting job you have In mind, now is the time to come in and consult with us about it. m 4 . Du Pont PAINTS, VARNISHES, ENAMELS, DUCO ?? B.S.COURTNEY, WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Rejuvenate Your Clothes For Easter Send them here for dyeing and cleaning?we can make them look just like new. Your clothes will lait ?' . longer and look better if you let us take care of. them?just phone 58. All work called for and delivered. I.i W. D. AMBERS Attend Show in Goldsboro Misses Mildred Darden, Esther and Martha Harrison and Messrs. W. H. Carstarphen, Bill Spivey, and Ik. L. Coburn attended the "Vaga- bond King," in Goldsboro last night. Home From University Edwin Manning, freshman at the University of North Carolina, Chap- el Hill, spent the spring holidays with his father, J. E. Manning, near here. In Town Yesterday Ex-Senator W. H. S. Bifrgwyn, ac- companied by Messrs. W. C. Lassiter A. L. Lassiter, J. P. Griffin, all of Woodland, were in town for a while yesterday. highest bidder, the following lands, ti> wit: Beginning at an iron stob on Church Street, being on E. A. Clark corner, thence running a westerly course a- long said street to Mrs. Sudie E. La- nier line, about 70 yards to a proposed stob at a corner of Everetts Baptist Church line and Mrs. Sudie K. Lanier line, thence an easterly course along Everetts Baptist Church line to a stob on E. A. Clark's line, or Paul Bailey line, thence a southern course along E. A. Clark line, the old school property, to the beginning, and being one-halt of the Everetts Baptist Church property and not over and be- ing the same land where the old church is now situated. This the 26th day of March, 192"). V. C,. TAYLOR. inr29 4tw Trustee. NOTICE OP SALE Under and by vitrue'of the authori-j ty conferred upon me in a deed of trust, executed by Susan Swinson, Joe Hol- lonian and wife, Annie Hollomoiv. on | the Ist day of March. 1921, and record-! Ed in book J-l, page 415, 1 will, on Wednesday, (lie 10th day of April, 1929, at 12 o'clock noon at the court- house door in Willianiston, Martin County, sell at public auction for cash j to the highest bidder, the following j land to wit: One certain tract or par- cel of land adjoining lands of Ben- nett Staton, and land formerly owned \u25a0 by Madison Pender, and others, and known as the Lewis Swinson Home Place. This sale will be made for the pur- pose of sntisfymg the terms of said Mortgage. This, the Bth day of March, 1929. T. B. SLADE, Jr., mrl2 4tw Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the authority in this certain deed of trust, executed ' t > the undersigned trustee by \V. M. | Sitter.son, tin the 22nd day of Septem- ber, and of record In the pub- I li«- registry of Martin County, in book I V -2, at page 37, said deed of trust having been given to secure a certain | note of even date and tenor therewith, anil the stipulations therein not having i been complied with, and under and by (virtue of resale, signed by K. J. Peel, clrfk of superior court of Martin County, said land having been sold on February 25th, 1929, a 5 per cent de- posit having been deposited within the time required by law. the undersigned trustee will on Friday, the 29th day of March, 1929, at the courthouse door tit 12 o'clock ni., in Willianiston, North Carolina, offer to the highest bidder, fir cash, the following describe*! prop eny: - First tract: All that tract of land Mid improvements thereon in Martin County, Williamston Township, N. C. containing 213 acres, more or less, and more commonly known as the Joe Sit- tefsOn farni, adjoining Ipe Nicholson, Frank Bennett, and Joe Nicholson on the north. Penny Slade land, Joe gett, Joe Nicholson on the east, and the McCaskey j*oad on the southwest. Second tracn That lot in the town ni Willianiston, N..C., on the north side of Simmons Avenue, and im- provements thereon, and bounded by Simmons Avenue, Mrs Bet tie Harrell, Helen Khodes, and Walter Anderson, and more commonly known as the Joe Sitterson home place. Dated March 12th, 1-W29. W. B. WATTS, n>rls 4tw Trustee. 1 Wheeler Martin, attorney. NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUB- LICATION North Carolina, Martin County, Wil- lianiston Township. Harrison Piano Co. against H. L. Riddick h Notice of Summons and Warrant of Attachment The defendant al>ove - named will take notice that a summons in the a- bove-entitled action was issued against the defendant on the lltli day of March, 1929, by J. 1.. Hassel,, a jus- tice of the peace of Martin County, North Carolina, for the sum of one hundred or.e dollars and tliTrt?-two j cents ($101..12), due said plaintiff by t GOOD FORD SERVICE NOIMMMM a.o.f Bring your'car to us for ? thorough going-over at -* regular intervals. It cosu little and it will be the \ means of firing you many thousands of miles oi pleasant, economical motoring. All our me- chanici are specially trained. All labor charged at km flat rat*. % Williamston ». t. \ Motor Co. fH E ENTERPRISE note. whicKjfwmmon* is returnable be-1 iore said justice at his office at Wil- lirm*tw£ rn' ssrW county, ami in Wil- liamstou Township, on the 20th day of March, 192 v. The defendant will also take no- tice that a warrant ui attachment was issued by said justice on (he 13th day of March. 1929, against the property 61 sa d defendant, which warrant is re- turnable before the said justice at the "iine and place above named for the return of the summons, when and where the defendant is reqgired to ap- pear and answer or demur to the com- plaint. or demanded will be 1 granted. This 13th day of March, 1929. j I. HASSEI.T., tnrls 4lw Just-ce fef the Peace. SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and bv sir.'.u- of the uuhori- ty conf.'Hcd upcu us . ' a do.d of trust executed by B. li. Sherrud and wife, Pattie Sherro.d, on the 20th day of January, 1926, and recorded in book X-2, pages 213 and 214, we will on Saturday. tlie 6th day of April, 1929, 12 o'c'ock noon, at the courthouse door in Williamston. Martin County, sell al public auction f.»r cash to the highe t bidder the following laud, to wit: All that certain tract.or parcel of land lying and being in Hamilton Martin C ounty and State ot Ni rib Carolina, bounded on the north l>> the l lonian land; on the vast by the land 4 of O. I . Everett; on the south by the lands of Davenport tlon can almost ' //? / see Initios grow! ? EYES are no! piurm enough, of court#. Bat «Im| ; \u25a0 difference Is MM when yon UMV.C produrta fcfr flower* and lawn! « Flower* ted upon acienlificatly blended BlooiaAld aeem to j»kc a new interest in life. They are niMH ? of leaf and sturdier of Meat. Tfcr* bloom earlier and more gloriously. Your lawn aMuan a brighter liue when it ia treated MRS. H. P. DOB9OPV, MlIftnkdl 10 V-C Fairway fertiliser. Turf br <>mea firmer, thicker Sirm, GrwoiWo, Noith an.l more velvrtyl It takea aepeeiil food, juat for lawns, Una, write.: '' I want to mv an.l VC Fairway ia the nghl food. plant* ia mm good coodilUn thla What a difference In thirty days! Your eyes eat aee 11 lh'" , Aid eon. inly did wort woWm A LuU or a lot! \ou can try these V-C production with them. I dido 1 know nay fmn- a few potted plants or on an acre of lawu. The beauty of nimua could ao fioe. them ia that they are clean, virtually odorless and pack- M Icanadrmlaa Bloom Atd wtti aged in both »irall and large unita my ownpUnu. 1 aapealdb Go to the neareat «l« Jrr and let him eaplaiu tbe ad* for beuao planta lirnaun a (a ao vantagfa of thra«> t.ifnlijit plant food., lie mil give aasy to u*e, aud aa ilaaat no you deacriptive literature that will help you to improve odor at all." your lawn and garden. i ' I A I PLnAd IH, D lOOttl/ vICL .*M A POOD FOR PLANT* "' »Thia sriaotiAe food |Wv for lawn. UVCFair- L. 9 way ferliliarr. Itpro- la | /r\ iat i dsaeea firm, think l«rf aiiWdV ??<? v- IMDTIIIK,/ ? "lip 111 IIIOOXAM 1. m>U by 111... AmmimJi * k \u25a0 * HARRISON WHOLESALE CO., Williamiton, N. C., Distributors HARRISON BROS, ft CO.. Williamson, N. C? Dealers Extra Dollars come only from EXTRA I YIELD I I surest way to make extra cotton is X to side-dress every acre you plant with Chilean Nitrate of Soda at chopping time. It sets a large crop and sets it early?ahead of the weevil. SIDE DRESSING Meant More Cotton and More Profit . " "I prefer Chilean NUrat. of Soda to anything else as ."top dressing for cotton and corn. I have bought twenty-eight tons of Soda for this year'a crop." C. H. COGDELL, Goldaboro, N. C. * Now is the time to buy your Chilean Nitrate. If you don't know how or where to get it, a Hi letter to the address below will have prompt FREE Hook Our new 44-page book, "How to Ur« Chilean H Nitrate of Soda" tells how to side-dreaa cot- ton, corn and all other crops. Ask for Book No. 1, or tear out this ad and mail it with your name and address. 4tl Chilean Nitrate of Soda I EDUCATIONAL BUREAU \u25a0 >2O Profitttanal Bldf., Ralaigh, N. C. I ?itV In writing, please refer to Ad No. E-68 Being a building occupied as a ga- rage 4n the town of Williamston, Nf. C., on highway No. JO, and adjoining said highway, Melson lot, and the lands of Mrs. Hettie C. Gurganus, and being the same house which was built and occupied by the defendant Hol- liugsworth, and which was listed for tilt' taxes fcr years 1924 and 1925. This 2»>th day of March, 1929. B. A. CRITCHER, H. G. HORTON. mr29 4tw Commissioners. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of a deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee, and s;iid deed of -trust being i curd'.| ,i U; Martin County reg- istry in book 'V 2, page 93, to secure bunds l i* .oil date therewith, and the Ntipulatioii.- n- i having been complied with, at the K'nijest of the holder of said bonds. the undersigned trus- tee will, > n tiic 2(>th day of March, 1929, at 12. o'clock noon, in front of the courthouse doortrf* Martin County, offer at public sale to (he highest bitl- d, r, for v the following described (\u25a0: opcrty ? I lie nutliyided interest of the said Mittie (~ rilucr in an it to a house and \u25a0« t 10ca1,,! in Williju/ston. ,N C., and i i-nded on the «rf\bv the William- and A\ asliinUtiMh road, on the ? nil atit! west by\tLrf lands of Itikk RASTER FLOWERS Mrs B. W. SHELTON Flo list Washington, N. C. St c M rs. W. H. Biggs or Mi s. John Pope Our Representatives, Before Placing Your Order Brothers, and on the west by Rocky Swamp, containing 486 7-12 acres, and more particularly described as fol- lows, to wit: Beginning at the S. E. Davenport corner in Rocky Swamp, ilte same being a corner of this land and the lauds of Davenport Brothers, thence S. 35 E. 230 poles; thence N. 35 F-. 54 poles; thence E. 54 poles; thence E, 100 poles'; thence ,S, 7J E. 83 poles; thence N. 24 W 230 poles; thence VV. 16 poles; thence N. 19 E. 50 poles; thence N. M W. 280 poles; thence S. 15 W. 50 poles; thence S. 35 W. 135 poles to the '?""inning. This sale is made by reason of the failure of B. B. Sherrod and wife, Pat- tie Shcrrod, to pay off and discharge the indebtedness secured bv said ile-d ot trust to the N< rlli Carolina Joint St.u k Land Bank i t Dttrh.'m. A deposit of It) per cent will be r - I'his the J6th day oi February, P'J I '. quired rom the j>urchaser at the -a'.-. THE FIRST NATIONAL 10, Oi DURHAM. INC.. mrß 4tw Trustee. Formerly the First National Trust Co., Durham. N. C. NOTICE OF SALE Under and I>\ virtue of a judgment of the superior court of Martin Coun- ty in an action entitled "D, (}. Mat- thews vs. Mr. llettie C. tiurganus. et al," the undersigned commissioner will, on the 2'>; li da\ of April, 1«'2". in front of the courthouse door of Martin County. at 12 o'clock noon, of- fer-tor.public. ale- to the highest bid- der, for cash, thvMollowing descrilK.l land: Speller and wife, on the north by the lands of the Farmers Warehouse and known as the Hodges house and lot, formerly the old Loyd house and lot. This 20th day of February, 1929. SYLVIA U. GREEN. MrS 4tw Trustee SICK STOMACH First Trial «f BUck-Draofhi Coarincing, Says La if, Who Escaped Safferkg ByTakmg It Jackson. Mm?"My first esrpert- ence with Black-Draught convinced me that It «u a good medicine," \u25a0ays Mrs. Ida Kersh, 311 Booth Con- gress Street, this city, who says sba baa taken Black-Draught for years. "My trouble," writes Mrs. Kersh,* "was sick headache which seemed to be caused by constipation. I used to have a thick, slimy taste In my mouth, and such a tired, bad feeling. This would be followed by headache and sick stomach. I would have to stop my work and go to bed. "I read about Black-Draught and decided to try It. I found that by taking the Black-Draught in time. I could ward off these sick spells. "And so for the last twenty years, when I feel the least bit bad. I take Black-Draught and feel that It. has saved me much pain and sickness." Constipation dams up poisons In j the bowels, where they are absorbed ! Into the general system, causing many serious symptoms. Thousands of letters of praise , from users of Thedford's Black- Draught, on file at the laboratories where Black-Draught la made, tes- tify to the high esteem in which It Is held for the relief of constl- patlon and attendant ills. NC-201 Look Who Is Coming Ollie Hamilton BIG TENT SHOW WILLIAMSTON For 1 Soild Week COMMENCING Monday, April Ist OLLIE HAMILTON HIMSELF ? OLLIE IN PERSON There Is But One Ollie Hamilton Show . * * There Is But One OUie Hamilton This Is Ollie Himself WITH A COMPANY OF 30 PEOPLE » V ' presenting THE LATEST IN COMEDY DRAMAS ' \u25a0 \ EVERYTHING NEW BUT THE NAME Plenty of New Vaudeville Between the /lets ALSO FEATURING THE ORIGINAL VIRGINIA RAMBLERS Dixie's Hottest Jazz Orchestra OPENING PLAY MONDAY NIGHT 'The Ghost Walks' A Mystery Comedy-Drama in Three /lefs Featuring Ollie Hamilton as Jake, in the funniest Black Face part he ever did. See Jake when he sees the Ghosts. You'll laugh. You'll scream. You'll holler. ; - I _ _ , SHOW STARTS 8 O'CLOCK P. M. ADMISSION Children under 12 years old. 10c Adults, 35c ' " c ' "i r~ : LOOK FOR THE BIG TENT t Opposite The Courthouse Williamston April Ist PAGE THREE

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  • Friday, March 29, 1929

    Are Joint HostessesTuesday Evening

    » .

    Mrs. Raleigh Bradley and Mrs.Ltrnan Barnhill entertained with fivetables of bridge on Tuesday night

    at the home of Mrs. Barnhill on

    Simmons Avenue.Mrs. W. C. Manning, jr., made the

    highest score and was given a pow-

    der jar and powder.The hostess served a salad course

    consisting of chicken salad, sand-

    wiches, celery, wafers, and iced tea.

    Those playing were MesdamesHarper Holliday, Hubert Morton,

    W. C. Manning, jr., Oscar Anderson,

    Milton Moye, L. H. Davis, J. W.Watts, jr., M. D. Watts. E. P. Cun-

    ningham, T. B. Brandon, Jim King,H. M. Stubbs, Henry Harrison, Whit

    Purvis, John H. Edwards, WheelerMartin, P. H. Brown, Robert Ever-

    ett, Myrtle Brown, and C. A. Har-


    Subscription CardParty Tuesday Night

    The tables arranged for the sub-scription card party to be given by

    the auxiliary of the Episcopal

    Church are rapidly being taken andthe event promises to be one of themost enjoyable given here for sdlhe

    time." T

    Oak City LocalNews and Personals

    Miss Mary Butler, of Greenville,spent last week end with Mrs. Em-ily Bell at Oak City.

    Mr. Bruce Russell speht last weekend in Raleig^.

    Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bradford, ofGoldsboro, were guests of Mr. andMrs. G. W. Barrett last week#

    Mr. and Mrs. Joe Davenport, ofGreenville, were visitors in town Fri-day.

    Miss Ina Bishop spent the weekend in Rocky Mount.

    Miss Maqde Erskine spent lastweek end in Raleigh.

    Mr. W. C. Andrews is working inHobgood now.

    Mrs. W. C. Manning spent lastweek end in Gum Neck with herparents.

    Miss Marjorie Johnson is on thesick list.

    Mr. Marvin Everett spent a fewhours in Rocky" Mount Friday.

    Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Davenportwere visitors in Scotland Neck lastWednesday.

    Mrs. T. W. Davenport, Misses.Mildred Davenport and Sara LongJohnson motored over to Rocky-Mount Thursday afternoon.

    Messrs. J. W. Hines, J. A. Rawls,W. S. Bunting, N. M. Hyman, N.C. Hyman, Jack Smith, R. E.Early, and T. C. Allsbrtnik attend-ed court last week in Williainston.

    Mrs. Lola Owen and childrenspent the week end with Mrs. N. W.Worsley.


    Under and by virtue of tin- authorityconferred upon me in a deed of trustexecuted by H. A. Culliplicr, \V. S.Moore, Clifton Hunter, trustees forEveretts Methodist Episcopal Church,South, on the Bth day of Keliruary,1427, and recorded in book S-2, .it page141, of Martin County public regis-try, 1 will on Saturday, tlie 27th dayof April, 1929, at 12 o'clock m., infront of the Planters & MerchantsBank, Everetts, N. C., Martin County,sell at public auction, for Cash, to the

    We sell du Pont paintsmade by the mak

    IN fine residential centres du Pont paints arc demanded be-cause of their beauty and durability. They are scientificallybuilt to give full protection.

    There ia adu Pont finish for every possible need. Every oneia backed by the famous du Pont chemical organization?madeby the makers of Duco.

    Whether it's inside or out, whatever the painting job you haveIn mind, now is the time to come in and consult with us about it.

    m 4 .



    Rejuvenate YourClothes

    For EasterSend them here for dyeing and

    cleaning?we can make them lookjust like new. Your clothes willlait ?' .longer and look better if you let ustake care of. them?just phone 58.Allwork called for and delivered.


    W. D. AMBERS

    Attend Show in GoldsboroMisses Mildred Darden, Esther

    and Martha Harrison and Messrs.W. H. Carstarphen, Bill Spivey, and

    Ik. L. Coburn attended the "Vaga-bond King," in Goldsboro last night.

    Home From UniversityEdwin Manning, freshman at the

    University of North Carolina, Chap-el Hill, spent the spring holidayswith his father, J. E. Manning, nearhere.

    In Town YesterdayEx-Senator W. H. S. Bifrgwyn, ac-

    companied by Messrs. W. C. LassiterA. L. Lassiter, J. P. Griffin, all ofWoodland, were in town for a whileyesterday.

    highest bidder, the following lands, ti>wit:

    Beginning at an iron stob on ChurchStreet, being on E. A. Clark corner,thence running a westerly course a-long said street to Mrs. Sudie E. La-nier line, about 70 yards to a proposedstob at a corner of Everetts BaptistChurch line and Mrs. Sudie K. Lanierline, thence an easterly course alongEveretts Baptist Church line to astob on E. A. Clark's line, or PaulBailey line, thence a southern coursealong E. A. Clark line, the old schoolproperty, to the beginning, and beingone-halt of the Everetts BaptistChurch property and not over and be-ing the same land where the oldchurch is now situated.

    This the 26th day of March, 192").V. C,. TAYLOR.

    inr29 4tw Trustee.

    NOTICE OP SALEUnder and by vitrue'of the authori-j

    ty conferred upon me in a deed of trust,executed by Susan Swinson, Joe Hol-lonian and wife, Annie Hollomoiv. on |the Ist day of March. 1921, and record-!Ed in book J-l, page 415, 1 will, onWednesday, (lie 10th day of April,1929, at 12 o'clock noon at the court-house door in Willianiston, MartinCounty, sell at public auction for cash jto the highest bidder, the following jland to wit: One certain tract or par-cel of land adjoining lands of Ben-nett Staton, and land formerly owned

    \u25a0 by Madison Pender, and others, andknown as the Lewis Swinson HomePlace.

    This sale will be made for the pur-pose of sntisfymg the terms of saidMortgage.

    This, the Bth day of March, 1929.T. B. SLADE, Jr.,

    mrl2 4tw Trustee.

    NOTICE OF SALEUnder and by virtue of the authority

    in this certain deed of trust, executed' t > the undersigned trustee by \V. M.| Sitter.son, tin the 22nd day of Septem-ber, and of record In the pub-

    I li«- registry of Martin County, in bookI V -2, at page 37, said deed of trusthaving been given to secure a certain| note of even date and tenor therewith,anil the stipulations therein not havingi been complied with, and under and by

    (virtue of resale, signed by K. J. Peel,clrfk of superior court of MartinCounty, said land having been sold onFebruary 25th, 1929, a 5 per cent de-posit having been deposited within thetime required by law. the undersignedtrustee will on Friday, the 29th dayof March, 1929, at the courthouse doortit 12 o'clock ni., in Willianiston, NorthCarolina, offer to the highest bidder,fir cash, the following describe*! propeny: -

    First tract: All that tract of landMid improvements thereon in MartinCounty, Williamston Township, N. C.containing 213 acres, more or less, andmore commonly known as the Joe Sit-tefsOn farni, adjoining Ipe Nicholson,Frank Bennett, and Joe Nicholson onthe north. Penny Slade land, Joe, Joe Nicholson on the east, andthe McCaskey j*oad on the southwest.

    Second tracn That lot in the townni Willianiston, N..C., on the northside of Simmons Avenue, and im-provements thereon, and bounded bySimmons Avenue, Mrs Bet tie Harrell,Helen Khodes, and Walter Anderson,and more commonly known as theJoe Sitterson home place.

    Dated March 12th, 1-W29.W. B. WATTS,

    n>rls 4tw Trustee.1 Wheeler Martin, attorney.


    North Carolina, Martin County, Wil-lianiston Township.

    Harrison Piano Co. against H. L.Riddick h

    Notice of Summons and Warrant ofAttachment

    The defendant al>ove - named willtake notice that a summons in the a-bove-entitled action was issued againstthe defendant on the lltli day ofMarch, 1929, by J. 1.. Hassel,, a jus-tice of the peace of Martin County,North Carolina, for the sum of onehundred or.e dollars and tliTrt?-two jcents ($101..12), due said plaintiff by t




    Bring your'car to us for? thorough going-over at -*regular intervals. Itcosulittle and it will be the \means of firing youmany thousands of milesoi pleasant, economicalmotoring. All our me-chanici are speciallytrained. All labor chargedatkm flat rat*.


    Williamston». t. \ Motor Co.


    note. whicKjfwmmon* is returnable be-1iore said justice at his office at Wil-lirm*tw£ rn' ssrW county, ami in Wil-liamstou Township, on the 20th dayof March, 192v.

    The defendant will also take no-tice that a warrant ui attachment wasissued by said justice on (he 13th dayof March. 1929, against the property61 sa d defendant, which warrant is re-turnable before the said justice at the"iine and place above named for thereturn of the summons, when andwhere the defendant is reqgired to ap-pear and answer or demur to the com-plaint. or demanded will be 1granted.

    This 13th day of March, 1929.j I. HASSEI.T.,

    tnrls 4lw Just-ce fef the Peace.


    Under and bv sir.'.u- of the uuhori-ty conf.'Hcd upcu us . ' a do.d of trustexecuted by B. li. Sherrud and wife,Pattie Sherro.d, on the 20th day ofJanuary, 1926, and recorded in bookX-2, pages 213 and 214, we will onSaturday. tlie 6th day of April, 1929,12 o'c'ock noon, at the courthousedoor in Williamston. Martin County,sell al public auction f.»r cash to thehighe t bidder the following laud, towit:

    All that certain tract.or parcel ofland lying and being in Hamilton

    Martin C ounty and Stateot Ni rib Carolina, bounded on thenorth l>> the l lonian land; on the vastby the land 4 of O. I . Everett; on thesouth by the lands of Davenport

    tlon can almost' //? /see Initios grow! ?

    EYES are no! piurm enough, of court#. Bat «Im| ;\u25a0 difference Is MMwhen yon UM V.C produrta fcfrflower* and lawn! «

    Flower* ted upon acienlificatly blended BlooiaAldaeem to j»kc a new interest in life. They are niMH ?of leaf and sturdier of Meat. Tfcr* bloom earlier andmore gloriously.

    Your lawn aMuan a brighter liue when itia treated MRS. H. P. DOB9OPV, MlIftnkdl10 V-C Fairway fertiliser. Turf br mea firmer, thicker Sirm, GrwoiWo, Noithan.l more velvrtyl It takea aepeeiil food, juat for lawns, Una, write.: '' I want to mvan.l VC Fairway ia the nghl food. plant* ia mm good coodilUn thla

    What a difference In thirty days! Your eyes eat aee11 lh'"


    Aid eon. inly did wort woWmA LuU or a lot! \ou can try these V-C production withthem. Idido 1know nay fmn-a few potted plants or on an acre of lawu. The beauty of nimua could b« ao fioe.

    them ia that they are clean, virtually odorless and pack- MIcanadrmlaa Bloom Atd wttiaged in both »irall and large unita my ownpUnu. 1 iik.itaapealdbGo to the neareat «l« Jrr and let him eaplaiu tbe ad* for beuao planta lirnaun a (a ao

    vantagfa of thra«> t.ifnlijit plant food., lie mil give aasy to u*e, aud aa ilaaat noyou deacriptive literature that will help you to improve odor at all."your lawn and garden. i '



    »Thia sriaotiAe food|Wv for lawn. UVCFair-L. 9 wayferliliarr. Itpro-la | /r\ iat i dsaeea firm,thinkl«rfaiiWdV ??