the enterprise (williamston, n.c.) 1908-09-11 [p...

TiiE ENTERPRISE V.OL. IX. NO. 51 t WILLIAMSTON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, igoß. REPUBLICAN CONGRESS- IONAL CONVENTION ?* * The Republicans of the First Congressional district met here last night in Brown's Opera House, there being an unusually large number present, and the enthusiasm among the delegates increased in proportion to their numbers. The convention was called to or- dt-r by Chairman I. M. Meekins. The chairman read the roll and stated the object of the meeting to be the nomination of a congressman and presidential elector. 011 mo- tion the temporary organization was ma le permanent with I. M. Meekms.chairman.Alex Berrv, sec- retary. The chairman stated that the convention had a distinguished Republican with them, the Hon. R. Z l.inuey, and named a com- mittee of three to escort the speaker to the Opera House. After a few minutes the committee returned with Mr. Linney, applause greet- ing their entrance. Those who have heard Mr. Lin- ney can appreciate his style and oratorv. Those who have not con- not appreciate any report in print, for Mr. l.uiney needs to be heard to be ei joyed, and the Democrats present laughed as much as the Republicans at the sharp thrusts made at all the leading Democratic leaders, and the witty remarks and stories. The speaker tepoke of freedom, that man in about 6000 year's i f the world's history had only enjoyed 4110 years of personal freedom. From this State political conditions were taken up The tariff and protection was the great help to the people, whereby the country had grown and prospered. Cleveland and other prominent Dem crats were declared as being good men, honest but mistaken in their views of conditions, the mat- ters that affect conditions. Nomi- nee for Governor Kitchin came in for some remarks, only as a Dem- ocrat and candidate, lis personal character being praised. The speech lasted an hour and forty minutes, and was interrupted many times by laughter and applame.? Washington Messenger, Wednes- day yth. [ Not being able to get Wednes- day's report in time for this issue we willpublish it next week. Ed.] Mr. A. J. Manning of Jamesville w is in town Wednesday. PASSENGER TRAIN WAS 1 WRECKED X The train due here at 4:30 from Plymouth did not show up on time Wednesday afternoon. About twenty minutes to five o'clock a message was received telling of a wreck at the junction at Plymouth. The Norfolk & South- ern freight train ran into the pas- senger train cutting it in two. The message stated \that the passenger train ran up to tpe junction, blew its signals and started ahead, as it was crossing the' N. & S. track the freight on that road ran into it knocking the ' Jim Crow" car off its trucks a .d turning the car over. The first class car was not damaged very much, only the front wheels! of the front truck leaving the rails. | The engine 011 the N. & S. train j was demolished. There were three passengers in the car for colored people, one of these, Ella Hart, was hurt slightly, the others getting off with only a shake up. The passengers in the first class car were given a -slight shaking. The passenger train, rather the engine and baggage car of the pas- senger train, arrived here a little after seven o'clock. A car brought from Parmele by the evening train was picked up here by Captiu 1 Wooten, and the passengers taken | on their way. " Senator Stubbs, letuming from | the Convention in Washington was abroad the train when the wreck 1 occured, but returned to Plymouth | and spent the night, coming up on the train yesterday morning. The colored woman, Ella Hart, 1 was the only one hurt. One of the worst features of kid- ney trouble is that it is an insidious disease and before the victim real; , danger he may have a fatal malady. Take Foley's Kidney , Cure at the first sign of trouble as it corrects irregularities and pre- vents Bright's disease and diabetes. C. C. Chase; S. R. Biggs. NEWS FROM THE COUNTY Social and Other News as Furnished by Our Regular Correspondents at Everetts, Bear Grass and Hamilton. EVERETT ITEMS Miss Lillye Wynn spent Monday night here with friends. Miss Febie Riddick is spending a few days with Miss Hattie James. Several people attended the year- ly meeting at Flat Swamp Sunday. Miss Alma Congleton from near Oak Gfove is visiting Mrs. P. James. Miss Bettie Leggett of Cross Roads is visiting Mrs. J. Sv Peel this week. Mr. W. E. Finch and sister spent a few days with Mrs. Fannie Darch this week. Mr. Simon Rogerson spent Sun- day here with bis brother Mr. John Rogerson. Miss Lucy Riddick returned Sat- urday evening after spending some time in Roper. Mrs. from Gum- berry, Va., is the guest of Mrs. B. F. Berry this week. Misses Helen and Rachel Ed- monson spent a few days here with Mr. J. Edmonson. Mrs. W.J. Everett and Simon Everett spent a few day< with Mrs. J. F. Everett last week. Miss Daisy Whitley of Rocky Mount is spending some time with Mr. G. P. McNaughton. Rev. Mr. Joyner is holding a series of meetings here this week > assisted by Rev. Mr. Anderson. There was a hig fire about i jo' lock Friday night, Mr. Frank . | Button having his residence burned >on Main street losing most of his , property. He has the sympathy ol the entire community. DARDENS ITEMS . a Miss Ella Lee Allen is on the J sick list this week. t Mr..and Mrs. Walter 'Bateman of . Plymouth were here Saturday. Mr. Golden Simpson who has been dangerously ill is convalescing. Miss Donnie Belle Gardner spent Sunday with Miss Bemice M. Fa- gau. Miss Minnie Riddick spent Mon- day afternoon with Mrs. A. B. Waters. Miss Martha Clark was a guest of Mrs. H. C. Spruill Sunday af- ternoon. Mr. Bell and Mrs. Annie Bate- man weie out driving Sunday afternoon. Blonnt'snew store opeued up this week, but, not before one was needed here. Miss Olive Jackson spent last WJ«k lb Plymouth the guest of Miss Nellie Gnrganus. */ \ ROBERSONYILLE NEWS ITEMS Graded School Opening, an Efficient Corps of Teach- the Stork Visits two Homes ?Baseball 1 News ?People Coming and Going Bv JOHN D. EVERETT * Miss Effie Roebuck is 011 the sick list. Mr. H. I. Coffield was in town Mr. J. A. Coffield spent Tuesday in Greenville. Dr. Hargrove returned from Tar- boro Monday. Mr. W. S. Barnbill went to Everetts Monday. < Mr. Herbert Salsbury of Has- sell was here Sunday. Mr. L. S. Thompson of Graham spent Sunday in town. The Parker buggies will go out at yearly meeting time. Mr. Henry Taylor spent Sunday at Mr. A. S- Roberson's. Mr Hubert Morton returned from Farinville Saturday. The merchants are opening up brand new goods this week. Miss Redmond of Tarboro visited Mrs. J. H. Roberson Sunday. Miss Sue House, of Greenville, is visitng Mrs. Jule Otterbridge. Mr. S. Justus Everett and fam- ily, of Palmyra, were in town Sun day. Miss Lillian Gainer, of Bethel js visiting Miss Annie Mooring this week. Miss Daisy Wynn of Williamston is visiting friends and relative iu town. Miss Katie Harrison,of Brinkley- ville visited Mrs. W. Z. Morton Friday. Mrs. R J. Nelson is spending this week c.t her father's in Edge- combe. Messrs. Bailey and Barnhill are running a special reduction sale this week. Farmers were well please with the prices received for their tobacco Wednesday. > ?? Mr. Wilmer House and sister, of Oak City, spent Sunday at Mr. J. G. Barnhill's. There was a large crowd at Flat Swamp Sunday, attending the Yearly Meeting. Misses Lillie Bunting and Ida Bullock left Monday for their homes in Bethel. Miss Bonner went to Conetoe Friday, accompanied by Miss Lena Parker to Parmele. Mr. and Mrs. John Griffin were the happy recipients of a real new baby girl last week. Mr. G. M. Roberson left Mon- day for Baltimore and other cities to purchase new goods. Miss Faye Everett returned Sun- day from Rocky Mount where she has been visiting relatives. >?» Mr. A. R. Dunning's new brick store is now in process of construc- tion by Mr. M P. Smith. Mr. J. H. Taylor went back to Farmville Monday to resume his work on the tobacco market. Mr. L. B. Wynn and daughter Miss Lillie, of Williamston spent Sunday at Mr. W. S. Barnhill's. Messrs. R. H. and H. L. Sals- Dury with Robert and Julia spent Sunday with Mrs. W. Tj. Morton. Misses Nince Roberson and Fe- fie Riddick spent Sunday in the country with Miss Bessie Roberson. Mr. Alphonso Everett and sister, Miss Hattie, of Palmyra were the guests of Mr& G.M.Roberson Sun- \u2713 day- ? Miss Bonner while visiting Mrs. G. M. Roberson, was taken quite ill, requiring the services of a phv- sician. Mrs. J. L. Wynn, of Everetts was in town Monday to make ar- rangements for sending her daugter To school. Miss Mamie Roberson left for Wilson Monday to take a position on the faculty of the Atlantic Chis- tion College. '? Messrs W. L. and Theodore Johnson went to Gold Point Tues- day to see their sister, Miss Florence who is very ill. Misses Beulah Speight and Bessie Allen, of Winterville, are visiting Misses Naomi liverett and Varina Ross this week. Mrs. R. F. Bonner, of Aurora, came Wednesday to see her daugh- ter who is seriously ill at Mrs. G M. Roberson's. Misses Sallie Everett,Mollie,Bry- an. Berta and Mabelle Smith were the guests of Miss Lillian Smith Saturday night. Misses Chandler and Malone, the new teacher# at the graded school, are with Mrs. A. S. Rob- erson for the winter. The Eastern Carolina Telephone Co. is moving its central into the upper story of I)rs. Nelson and Hargrove's brick store. Mifs Hilda Crawford, who has bee.) visiting friends iu and near town, returned to, her home in Williamston Wednesday. Mrs. Knight and little son and daughter of Washington are spend- ing a few days with Mrs. W. H. Adkins. Mrs. Knight will then leave for Durham her future home. The teachers and pupils at the Graded School were honored Fri- day by a visit from the County Superintendent R. J. Peel. PrOf. Peetmade a strong, practical talk to the high school pupils. The Graded School has the larg- est enrollment in its history. New pupils keep coming in.° It is a fine thing for the pupils and teach- ers for the pupils to .enter at the beginning and attend regularly. The giants hitched on the Tennis court Monday; when there was a match game beteen Messrs. A. R. Dunning and Joe Mizell against Messrs. J. H. Everett and Boden- hammer. Dunning and Mizell are wearing the victory. Messrs. Allen and John Mizell, Henry Johnson, G. R. L. Roebnck, Tom Edmondson and wife, White and family, Mrs. Mary Everett, Misses Alibert and Margeret Brown, from near Greenville, were the guests of J. B. Rawls Sunday. Mr. Wilic Robgerson happened to a serious accident Tuesday. While mending a belt at the mill his knife slipped and inflicted a dangerous wound in his thigh. A large vein was severed and the skill of Dr. Ward was needed at once to check the gush of blood. He is now doing well. Miss Ethel Peel and Mr. Abram Roberson, our graduates of last spring left for college Honday. Miss Peel will be admitted to the sophomore class 6f the Atlantic Christian College without examina- tion. Mr. Roberson will enter the State University unconditioned on certificate from our school. They are both exceptionally bright stud- ents, and will doubtless make a * . ' i (Continued on page 8)^ sr.oo 5 Year in Advance LATHAM AND MARTIN NOMINATED The Second Senatorial District Convention in Wash- ington Tuesday?Senator Stubbs Tem- porary Chairman - The second district, Democratic Senatorial Convention met in the court house in Washington at 12.30 o'clock Tuesday. The con- vention was called to order bv Mr. Joseph F. Tayloe. 011 motion the convention took recess until 2 p. m. on account of delayed delagates. The Senatorial Convention met again at 2p. m Mr. J. F. Tay- loe, Chairman of the district exe- cutive comtnitte, presided. On roll call, all counties found represented. On motion Harry W. Stubbs was elected tenipory chair-f man, W. K Jacobson and C. 1.. Stephens secretaries. Upon being escorted to the chair, Mr. Stubbs spoke of the past, that the men to i be nominated he expected to see > elected, but there w%s no use dis- \u25a0 guising the fact that there was more , unrest and disquiet in the district [ than had prevailed in ten years. ; The party should proceed with > caution and deliberation. He then J made a personal statement, that he I was not a candidate, and gave rea- . sons for it. On motion, the temporary organi- ' zation wns made permanent. J. F | Tayloe made a motion that the con r vention proceed to nominate can- -1 didates. On roll call S. S Mann, " of Hyde, nominated C. W. Davis. W. I). Grimes, of Beaufort, notn- -1 , mated Monroe CJ»yton, pf Hyde, ] Pamlico presented D. B. Hooker. ; L. W. Bond, Jr., nominated Van ' B. Martin, of Washington, Nor- r . wood Simmons, ot Beaufort, nom- inated Kred P. Latham. Seconding speeches were made by J. F. Tay- loe for Latham, A. O. Gaylord for Martin, J. R. Barber for Hooker, G. H. Hill for Clayton. The Excutive Coinittee is as fol- lows: T. H. B. Gibbs, of Fairfield; Tyrrell, Mart Majette, Columbia, Pamlico, S. W. FenebeeT Bayboro, Martin, W. A. James, Robersonville, Dare, T. S.Meekins, Manteo,Washington, J. O. Plymouth; Beaufort, J. F. Tayloe. Mr. Tayloe was elected chair- man. On roll call it was found that Messrs. Latham and Martin were the nominees. On motion their nomination was made un- animous. Bees Laxative Cough Syfup al- ways brings quick relief to coughs, colds, hoarseness, whooping-cough and all bronchial and throat trou- ble. Mothers especially recom- mend it for children. Pleasant to take, gently laxative. Sold by Chase's Drug Store. ?The following young people spent Tuesday picnicing at Oak- hurst.the country home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Whitley: Misses Delha Lanier, Katie Blount, Kva Gaynor, Augusta Charles, Mar- garet Cordon, Louise Fowden and Pennie Biggs, and Messrs. Grover Godwin, Durward Gurganus, Bruce Whitley, George Whitley, Vernon Godwin and W r ig Watts. Miss Nannie Biggs was Chaptrone. Mrs. Tim Coburn of Newport News, Va., is a guest in the home ' of Mr. N. T. Coburn. | Mrs. John Waters left for her home in Pinn rs, Va , last week " after visiting relatives here. Mr. N. A. Getsinger and Miss Sabrah Hudson attended church at Roanoke Grove Sunday night. Mrs. Courtney Marrow and sis- ter Miss Ruth Coburn spent Sun- ' day afternoon with Mrs. 11. C. Spruill. Mr. aiul Mrs. C C. Fagan spent Tuesday iu Williamstoy while there Mrs. Fagan had some dental 1 work done. Mis'e-i Mattie Fagan and Bernice Fagan were out driving Sunday afternoon, and found lots of nice [ grapes and figs. I Misses Coburn and Mary Man- > gelet of Buell, Va., left for their ' home Monday, after spending some time visiting frietodSi and Mr. F<. L. Hudson who has been , teaching in the graded school here, left for Guilford College last~v#eek. He has made many friends here who.hated to see him leave. Miss Addie Rollins with us s again to teach in the primary de- ? partment of our school. She is [ like a ray of sunshice in our midst . and it is delightful to hear her sing and play so many new songs. BEAR GRASS ITEMS Mrs. Lavenia Harris, who has . been on-the sick list for some time, is better now. Mr. Calvin Ayers left for Nor- folk Monday morning. i Miss Minnie Rawls is spending some time with Mrs. Lavenia Har- ris. T ' M iss Dora Corey spent Tuesday 1 in Williamston. Mr. Mc. Taylor is 011 the sick list this week. i C> or G doses "666" will cure any case of CHILLS and FBVKR. ? * How to Avoid Appendicitis Most victims of appendicitis are those who are habitually constipat- ed. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup cures chronic constipation by stim- ulating the liver and bowels, and restores the natural action of the bowels. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does not naseate or gripe and is mild and pleasant to take; Refuse substitutes. C. C. Chxse; S R. Biggs. A CORRECTION THK KNKEKI'HJSK; ' Williamston, N. C. Gentlemen: I see in vour Gold Point Items that Gold Point and Hansel Is beat/ < Hamilton in a game of ball by the score of i to o. It is a mistake. They did not get to Hamilton till five o'clock we agreed to play a five-inning game and when the game ended the score stood 2to i in favor of * Hamilton. They claim that we forfeited the game; but it was only a five-inning game. Respectfully, W. N. SHHRROD. Healthy kidneye filter the im- purities from the blood, and unless they do this good health isimpossi- i ble. Foley's Kidney Cure makes soiled kidneys and will positively cure all forms of kidney aud blad- der disease. It strenghtens the whole system. C. C. Chase; S. R. Biggs. Death of An Intent The infant oj Mr. and Mrs. K, B. Crawford died yesterday morn- ing about five o'clock. The funeral service was conducted yesterday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock by Klder Sylvester HasselL The child was born at one o'clock Wednesday night, and only lived about four hours. The mother of the chili is doing as well as the physician could ex- pect. DeWitt's Little Early Risers small pills, easy to take, gentle sure. Sold by Cease's Drug Store-"'' Bigg's Drug Store. ' '

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Page 1: The Enterprise (Williamston, N.C.) 1908-09-11 [p ] · TiiE ENTERPRISE V.OL. IX. NO. 51 t WILLIAMSTON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER




?* *

The Republicans of the FirstCongressional district met here lastnight in Brown's Opera House,there being an unusually largenumber present, and the enthusiasmamong the delegates increased inproportion to their numbers.

The convention was called to or-dt-r by Chairman I. M. Meekins.The chairman read the roll andstated the object of the meeting to

be the nomination of a congressmanand presidential elector. 011 mo-tion the temporary organizationwas ma le permanent with I. M.Meekms.chairman.Alex Berrv, sec-retary. The chairman stated thatthe convention had a distinguishedRepublican with them, the Hon.R. Z l.inuey, and named a com-mittee of three to escort the speakerto the Opera House. After a fewminutes the committee returnedwith Mr. Linney, applause greet-ing their entrance.

Those who have heard Mr. Lin-ney can appreciate his style andoratorv. Those who have not con-not appreciate any report in print,for Mr. l.uiney needs to be heardto be ei joyed, and the Democratspresent laughed as much as theRepublicans at the sharp thrustsmade at all the leading Democraticleaders, and the witty remarks andstories. The speaker tepoke offreedom, that man in about 6000

year's i f the world's history hadonly enjoyed 4110 years of personalfreedom. From this State politicalconditions were taken up Thetariff and protection was the greathelp to the people, whereby thecountry had grown and prospered.Cleveland and other prominentDem crats were declared as beinggood men, honest but mistaken intheir views of conditions, the mat-

ters that affect conditions. Nomi-nee for Governor Kitchin came infor some remarks, only as a Dem-ocrat and candidate, lis personalcharacter being praised. Thespeech lasted an hour and fortyminutes, and was interrupted manytimes by laughter and applame.?Washington Messenger, Wednes-day yth.

[ Not being able to get Wednes-day's report in time for this issuewe willpublish it next week. Ed.]

Mr. A. J. Manning of Jamesvillew is in town Wednesday.



The train due here at

4:30 from Plymouth did not showup on time Wednesday afternoon.

About twenty minutes to five

o'clock a message was receivedtelling of a wreck at the junction at

Plymouth. The Norfolk & South-ern freight train ran into the pas-senger train cutting it in two. Themessage stated \that the passengertrain ran up to tpe junction, blewits signals and started ahead, as itwas crossing the' N. & S. track thefreight on that road ran into itknocking the ' Jim Crow" car offits trucks a .d turning the car over.The first class car was not damagedvery much, only the front wheels!of the front truck leaving the rails. |The engine 011 the N. & S. train jwas demolished.

There were three passengers inthe car for colored people, one ofthese, Ella Hart, was hurt slightly,the others getting off with only a

shake up. The passengers in the

first class car were given a -slightshaking.

The passenger train, rather theengine and baggage car of the pas-senger train, arrived here a littleafter seven o'clock. A car broughtfrom Parmele by the evening train

was picked up here by Captiu 1Wooten, and the passengers taken |on their way. "

Senator Stubbs, letuming from |the Convention in Washington wasabroad the train when the wreck 1occured, but returned to Plymouth |and spent the night, coming up on

the train yesterday morning.

The colored woman, Ella Hart, 1was the only one hurt.

One of the worst features of kid-ney trouble is that it is an insidiousdisease and before the victim real; ,

danger he may have a fatalmalady. Take Foley's Kidney ,Cure at the first sign of trouble asit corrects irregularities and pre-vents Bright's disease and diabetes.C. C. Chase; S. R. Biggs.


Social and Other News as Furnished by Our Regular

Correspondents at Everetts, Bear Grass

and Hamilton.


Miss Lillye Wynn spent Monday

night here with friends.Miss Febie Riddick is spending

a few days with Miss Hattie James.Several people attended the year-

ly meeting at Flat Swamp Sunday.

Miss Alma Congleton from near

Oak Gfove is visiting Mrs. P.

James.Miss Bettie Leggett of Cross

Roads is visiting Mrs. J. Sv Peelthis week.

Mr. W. E. Finch and sister spenta few days with Mrs. Fannie Darchthis week.

Mr. Simon Rogerson spent Sun-day here with bis brother Mr. JohnRogerson.

Miss Lucy Riddick returned Sat-urday evening after spending sometime in Roper.

Mrs. from Gum-berry, Va., is the guest of Mrs. B.F. Berry this week.

Misses Helen and Rachel Ed-monson spent a few days here withMr. J. Edmonson.

Mrs. W.J. Everett and SimonEverett spent a few day< with Mrs.J. F. Everett last week.

Miss Daisy Whitley of RockyMount is spending some time withMr. G. P. McNaughton.

Rev. Mr. Joyner is holding a

series of meetings here this week> assisted by Rev. Mr. Anderson.

There was a hig fire about i

jo' lock Friday night, Mr. Frank. | Button having his residence burned>on Main street losing most of his

, property. He has the sympathyol the entire community.


. a Miss Ella Lee Allen is on the

J sick list this week.

t Mr..and Mrs. Walter 'Bateman of. Plymouth were here Saturday.

Mr. Golden Simpson who hasbeen dangerously ill is convalescing.

Miss Donnie Belle Gardner spentSunday with Miss Bemice M. Fa-gau.

Miss Minnie Riddick spent Mon-day afternoon with Mrs. A. B.Waters.

Miss Martha Clark was a guestof Mrs. H. C. Spruill Sunday af-ternoon.

Mr. Bell and Mrs. Annie Bate-man weie out driving Sundayafternoon.

Blonnt'snew store opeued upthis week, but, not before one wasneeded here.

Miss Olive Jackson spent lastWJ«k lb Plymouth the guest of MissNellie Gnrganus.




Graded School Opening, an Efficient Corps of Teach-

the Stork Visits two Homes ?Baseball

1 News ?People Coming and Going


Miss Effie Roebuck is 011 the sick

list.Mr. H. I. Coffield was in town

Mr. J. A. Coffield spent Tuesdayin Greenville.

Dr. Hargrove returned from Tar-boro Monday.

Mr. W. S. Barnbill went to

Everetts Monday. <

Mr. Herbert Salsbury of Has-

sell was here Sunday.

Mr. L. S. Thompson of Graham

spent Sunday in town.

The Parker buggies will go out

at yearly meeting time.

Mr. Henry Taylor spent Sundayat Mr. A. S- Roberson's.

Mr Hubert Morton returnedfrom Farinville Saturday.

The merchants are opening up

brand new goods this week.

Miss Redmond of Tarboro visitedMrs. J. H. Roberson Sunday.

Miss Sue House, of Greenville,is visitng Mrs. Jule Otterbridge.

Mr. S. Justus Everett and fam-

ily, of Palmyra, were in town Sunday.

Miss Lillian Gainer, of Bethel js

visiting Miss Annie Mooring this


Miss Daisy Wynn of Williamstonis visiting friends and relative iu


Miss Katie Harrison,of Brinkley-

ville visited Mrs. W. Z. Morton


Mrs. R J. Nelson is spending

this week c.t her father's in Edge-


Messrs. Bailey and Barnhill are

running a special reduction sale

this week.

Farmers were well please with

the prices received for their tobaccoWednesday. > ??

Mr. Wilmer House and sister, of

Oak City, spent Sunday at Mr. J.G. Barnhill's.

There was a large crowd at Flat

Swamp Sunday, attending theYearly Meeting.

Misses Lillie Bunting and Ida

Bullock left Monday for theirhomes in Bethel.

Miss Bonner went to ConetoeFriday, accompanied by Miss LenaParker to Parmele.

Mr. and Mrs. John Griffin werethe happy recipients of a real newbaby girl last week.

Mr. G. M. Roberson left Mon-

day for Baltimore and other citiesto purchase new goods.

Miss Faye Everett returned Sun-day from Rocky Mount where shehas been visiting relatives.


Mr. A. R. Dunning's new brickstore is now in process of construc-

tion by Mr. M P. Smith.

Mr. J. H. Taylor went back to

Farmville Monday to resume hiswork on the tobacco market.

Mr. L. B. Wynn and daughter

Miss Lillie, of Williamston spent

Sunday at Mr. W. S. Barnhill's.

Messrs. R. H. and H. L. Sals-Dury with Robert and Julia spent

Sunday with Mrs. W. Tj. Morton.

Misses Nince Roberson and Fe-fie Riddick spent Sunday in the

country with Miss Bessie Roberson.

Mr. Alphonso Everett and sister,

Miss Hattie, of Palmyra were theguests of Mr& G.M.Roberson Sun-

\u2713 day-?

Miss Bonner while visiting Mrs.

G. M. Roberson, was taken quiteill,requiring the services of a phv-sician.

Mrs. J. L. Wynn, of Everettswas in town Monday to make ar-rangements for sending her daugterTo school.

Miss Mamie Roberson left forWilson Monday to take a positionon the faculty of the Atlantic Chis-tion College. '?

Messrs W. L. and Theodore

Johnson went to Gold Point Tues-day to see their sister, Miss Florencewho is very ill.

Misses Beulah Speight and BessieAllen, of Winterville, are visitingMisses Naomi liverett and VarinaRoss this week.

Mrs. R. F. Bonner, of Aurora,came Wednesday to see her daugh-ter who is seriously ill at Mrs. G

M. Roberson's.

Misses Sallie Everett,Mollie,Bry-an. Berta and Mabelle Smith werethe guests of Miss Lillian SmithSaturday night.

Misses Chandler and Malone,

the new teacher# at the gradedschool, are with Mrs. A. S. Rob-erson for the winter.

The Eastern Carolina TelephoneCo. is moving its central into theupper story of I)rs. Nelson andHargrove's brick store.

Mifs Hilda Crawford, who hasbee.) visiting friends iu and near

town, returned to, her home inWilliamston Wednesday.

Mrs. Knight and little son anddaughter of Washington are spend-ing a few days with Mrs. W. H.Adkins. Mrs. Knight will thenleave for Durham her future home.

The teachers and pupils at the

Graded School were honored Fri-day by a visit from the CountySuperintendent R. J. Peel. PrOf.Peetmade a strong, practical talkto the high school pupils.

The Graded School has the larg-est enrollment in its history. Newpupils keep coming in.° It is afine thing for the pupils and teach-ers for the pupils to .enter at thebeginning and attend regularly.

The giants hitched on the Tenniscourt Monday; when there was amatch game beteen Messrs. A. R.Dunning and Joe Mizell againstMessrs. J. H. Everett and Boden-hammer. Dunning and Mizell are

wearing the victory.

Messrs. Allen and John Mizell,Henry Johnson, G. R. L. Roebnck,Tom Edmondson and wife, Whiteand family, Mrs. Mary Everett,Misses Alibert and MargeretBrown, from near Greenville, werethe guests of J. B. Rawls Sunday.

Mr. Wilic Robgerson happenedto a serious accident Tuesday.While mending a belt at the millhis knife slipped and inflicted a

dangerous wound in his thigh. Alarge vein was severed and theskill of Dr. Ward was needed at

once to check the gush of blood.He is now doing well.

Miss Ethel Peel and Mr. AbramRoberson, our graduates of lastspring left for college Honday.Miss Peel will be admitted to thesophomore class 6f the AtlanticChristian College without examina-tion. Mr. Roberson will enter theState University unconditioned oncertificate from our school. Theyare both exceptionally bright stud-ents, and will doubtless make a

* . ' i

(Continued on page 8)^

sr.oo 5 Year in Advance

LATHAM AND MARTIN NOMINATEDThe Second Senatorial District Convention in Wash-

ington Tuesday?Senator Stubbs Tem-

porary Chairman-

The second district, DemocraticSenatorial Convention met in thecourt house in Washington at

12.30 o'clock Tuesday. The con-vention was called to order bv Mr.Joseph F. Tayloe. 011 motion theconvention took recess until 2 p. m.on account of delayed delagates.

The Senatorial Convention met

again at 2p. m Mr. J. F. Tay-loe, Chairman of the district exe-

cutive comtnitte, presided. Onroll call, all counties found

represented. On motion Harry W.Stubbs was elected tenipory chair-fman, W. K Jacobson and C. 1..Stephens secretaries. Upon beingescorted to the chair, Mr. Stubbsspoke of the past, that the men to

i be nominated he expected to see> elected, but there w%s no use dis-

\u25a0 guising the fact that there was more, unrest and disquiet in the district

[ than had prevailed in ten years.; The party should proceed with

> caution and deliberation. He then

J made a personal statement, that he

I was not a candidate, and gave rea-. sons for it.

On motion, the temporary organi-' zation wns made permanent. J. F

| Tayloe made a motion that the con

r vention proceed to nominate can-

-1 didates. On roll call S. S Mann," of Hyde, nominated C. W. Davis.

W. I). Grimes, of Beaufort, notn--1 ,

mated Monroe CJ»yton, pf Hyde,] Pamlico presented D. B. Hooker.; L. W. Bond, Jr., nominated Van' B. Martin, of Washington, Nor-

r .

wood Simmons, ot Beaufort, nom-inated Kred P. Latham. Secondingspeeches were made by J. F. Tay-

loe for Latham, A. O. Gaylord forMartin, J. R. Barber for Hooker,G. H. Hill for Clayton.

The Excutive Coinittee is as fol-lows: T. H. B. Gibbs, ofFairfield; Tyrrell, Mart Majette,Columbia, Pamlico, S. W. FenebeeTBayboro, Martin, W. A. James,Robersonville, Dare, T. S.Meekins,Manteo,Washington, J. O.Plymouth; Beaufort, J. F. Tayloe.

Mr. Tayloe was elected chair-man. On roll call it was foundthat Messrs. Latham and Martinwere the nominees. On motiontheir nomination was made un-


Bees Laxative Cough Syfup al-ways brings quick relief to coughs,colds, hoarseness, whooping-coughand all bronchial and throat trou-

ble. Mothers especially recom-mend it for children. Pleasant totake, gently laxative. Sold byChase's Drug Store.

?The following young peoplespent Tuesday picnicing at Oak-

hurst.the country home of Mr. andMrs. Geo. W. Whitley: MissesDelha Lanier, Katie Blount, KvaGaynor, Augusta Charles, Mar-garet Cordon, Louise Fowden andPennie Biggs, and Messrs. GroverGodwin, Durward Gurganus, BruceWhitley, George Whitley, VernonGodwin and Wr ig Watts. MissNannie Biggs was Chaptrone.

Mrs. Tim Coburn of NewportNews, Va., is a guest in the home

' of Mr. N. T. Coburn.

| Mrs. John Waters left for herhome in Pinn rs, Va , last week

" after visiting relatives here.

Mr. N. A. Getsinger and MissSabrah Hudson attended church at

Roanoke Grove Sunday night.

Mrs. Courtney Marrow and sis-ter Miss Ruth Coburn spent Sun-

' day afternoon with Mrs. 11. C.Spruill.

Mr. aiul Mrs. C C. Fagan spentTuesday iu Williamstoy whilethere Mrs. Fagan had some dental

1 work done.Mis'e-i Mattie Fagan and Bernice

Fagan were out driving Sundayafternoon, and found lots of nice

[ grapes and figs.

I Misses Coburn and Mary Man-

> gelet of Buell, Va., left for their' home Monday, after spending

some time visiting frietodSi and F<. L. Hudson who has been

, teaching in the graded school here,left for Guilford College last~v#eek.He has made many friends here

who.hated to see him leave.

Miss Addie Rollins with us

s again to teach in the primary de-

? partment of our school. She is[ like a ray of sunshice in our midst

. and it is delightful to hear her singand play so many new songs.


Mrs. Lavenia Harris, who has. been on-the sick list for some time,

is better now.Mr. Calvin Ayers left for Nor-

folk Monday morning.iMiss Minnie Rawls is spending

some time with Mrs. Lavenia Har-ris. T '

M iss Dora Corey spent Tuesday1 in Williamston.

Mr. Mc. Taylor is 011 the sicklist this week.

i C> or G doses "666" will cureany case of CHILLS and FBVKR.

? *

How to Avoid AppendicitisMost victims of appendicitis are

those who are habitually constipat-ed. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrupcures chronic constipation by stim-ulating the liver and bowels, andrestores the natural action of thebowels. Orino Laxative FruitSyrup does not naseate or gripeand is mild and pleasant to take;Refuse substitutes. C. C. Chxse;S R. Biggs.



Williamston, N. C.Gentlemen:

I see in vour Gold Point Itemsthat Gold Point and Hansel Is beat/ <Hamilton in a game of ball by thescore of i to o.

It is a mistake. They did notget to Hamilton till five o'clock

we agreed to play a five-inninggame and when the game ended

the score stood 2to i in favor of*

Hamilton. They claim that weforfeited the game; but it was

only a five-inning game.Respectfully,


Healthy kidneye filter the im-purities from the blood, and unlessthey do this good health isimpossi-

i ble. Foley's Kidney Cure makessoiled kidneys and will positivelycure all forms of kidney aud blad-der disease. It strenghtens thewhole system. C. C. Chase; S. R.Biggs.

Death of An IntentThe infant oj Mr. and Mrs. K,

B. Crawford died yesterday morn-ing about five o'clock. The funeralservice was conducted yesterdayafternoon at 2.30 o'clock by KlderSylvester HasselL The child was

born at one o'clock Wednesday

night, and only lived about fourhours.

The mother of the chili is doingas well as the physician could ex-


DeWitt's LittleEarly Riserssmall pills, easy to take, gentlesure. Sold by Cease's Drug Store-"''Bigg's Drug Store.

