the embedded librarian: taking knowledge where it's needed

Page 1 June 2012 The Embedded Librarian: Taking Knowledge Where Its Needed Bibliography The bibliography includes most works cited in the book as well as other works related to the theme of embedded librarianship. It is organized by organization type, including secionts for academic libraries; medical libraries; libraries in corporate, government, and other specialized organizations; schools and public libraries; with a category for general and other works. Works relating to more than one sector (academic, medical, corporate and specialized, school and public) may be listed more than once. Academic [A] Alford, Emily, and Heidi Schroeder. 2010. Promoting electronic resources to different audiences. Information Outlook 14 (4): 18. Allen, I. E., and J. Seamon. 2008. Staying the course: Online education in the United States. Needham, MA: Sloan Consortium. Allen, L. 2003. New models for public service in academic libraries: Centralized or decentralized? Available from . (Accessed Dec. 30, 2011) Anderson, Rick. 2011, June 15. Print on the margins. Library Journal: 38. Arp, L., B. Woodard, J. Lindstrom, and D. Shonrock. 2006. Faculty-librarian collaboration to achieve integration of information literacy. Reference & User Services Quarterly 46 (1): 18. Association of College & Research Libraries. ACRL standards for distance library services. (July 1, 2008) Available from ng.cfm . (Accessed Dec. 29, 2011) Badke, W. B. 2005. Can't get no respect: Helping faculty to understand the educational power of information literacy. The Reference Librarian 89/90 : 63-80. Banks, Julie, and Carl Pracht. 2008. Reference desk staffing trends: A survey. Reference & User Services Quarterly 48 (1) (Fall2008): 54-9. Bartnik, L. 2007. The embedded academic librarian: The subject specialist moves into the discipline college. Kentucky Libraries 71 (3): 4-9.

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Page 1: The Embedded Librarian: Taking Knowledge Where It's Needed

Page 1 June 2012

The Embedded Librarian: Taking Knowledge Where It’s Needed


The bibliography includes most works cited in the book as well as other works related to

the theme of embedded librarianship. It is organized by organization type, including secionts for

academic libraries; medical libraries; libraries in corporate, government, and other specialized

organizations; schools and public libraries; with a category for general and other works. Works

relating to more than one sector (academic, medical, corporate and specialized, school and

public) may be listed more than once.

Academic [A]

Alford, Emily, and Heidi Schroeder. 2010. Promoting electronic resources to different audiences.

Information Outlook 14 (4): 18.

Allen, I. E., and J. Seamon. 2008. Staying the course: Online education in the United States.

Needham, MA: Sloan Consortium.

Allen, L. 2003. New models for public service in academic libraries: Centralized or

decentralized? Available from .

(Accessed Dec. 30, 2011)

Anderson, Rick. 2011, June 15. Print on the margins. Library Journal: 38.

Arp, L., B. Woodard, J. Lindstrom, and D. Shonrock. 2006. Faculty-librarian collaboration to

achieve integration of information literacy. Reference & User Services Quarterly 46 (1): 18.

Association of College & Research Libraries. ACRL standards for distance library services. (July

1, 2008) Available from

ng.cfm . (Accessed Dec. 29, 2011)

Badke, W. B. 2005. Can't get no respect: Helping faculty to understand the educational power of

information literacy. The Reference Librarian 89/90 : 63-80.

Banks, Julie, and Carl Pracht. 2008. Reference desk staffing trends: A survey. Reference & User

Services Quarterly 48 (1) (Fall2008): 54-9.

Bartnik, L. 2007. The embedded academic librarian: The subject specialist moves into the

discipline college. Kentucky Libraries 71 (3): 4-9.

Page 2: The Embedded Librarian: Taking Knowledge Where It's Needed

Page 2 June 2012

Bartnik, L., Katherine Farmer, Ashley Ireland, Lilia Murray, and Julie Robinson. 2010. We will

be assimilated: Five experiences in embedded librarianship. Public Services Quarterly 6 :


Bean, Teresa M., and Sabrina N. Thomas. 2010. Being like both: Library instruction methods

that outshine the one-shot. Public Services Quarterly 6 : 237.

Becker, Bernd W. 2010. Embedded librarianship: A point-of-need service. Behavioral and Social

Sciences Librarian 29 (3): 237-240.

Bennett, E., and Jennie Simning. 2010. Embedded librarians and reference traffic: A quantitative

analysis. Jounal of Library Administration 50 : 443.

Benton, T. H. 2009. A laboratory of collaborative learning. Chronicle of Higher Education.

Berdish, L., and C. Seeman. 2008. Spanning the straits of business information: Kresge library's

embedded librarian program for MAP (multidisciplinary action program). Paper presented

at Special Libraries Association Annual Conference, Seattle, WA.

Berdish, Laura, and Corey Seeman. 2011. Kresge library's embedded librarianship program: A

student-centered approach. In Embedded librarians: Moving beyond one-shot instruction.,

eds. Cassandra Kvenild, Kaijsa Calkins, 153-164. Chicago: Association of College and

Research Libraries.

———. 2010. A reference-intensive embedded librarian program: Kresge business

administration library`s program to support action-based learning at the Ross School of

Business. Public Services Quarterly 6 (2): 208.

Beric, Bojana, and Lisa R. Coats. 2011. Faculty-librarian collaboration: An embedded librarian

project in health studies. Paper presented at VALE: Virtual Academic Library Environment,

Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ.

Bernath, V. 2007. Subject librarians: Engaging with the learning and teaching environment

[book review]. Library Management 28 (3): 173.

Berry III, John N. 2002. Arizona's new model. Library Journal: 40.

Betty, P., and M. Garnar. 2011. One university, two approaches: The Regis experience with

embedded librarianship. In Embedded librarians: Moving beyond one-shot instruction., eds.

Cassandra Kvenild, Kaijsa Calkins, 139-153. Chicago: Association of College and Research


Beutter Manus, Sara J. 2009. Librarian in the classroom: An embedded approach to music

information literacy for first-year undergraduates. Notes, Quarterly Journal of the Music

Library Association 66 (2): 249-361.

Page 3: The Embedded Librarian: Taking Knowledge Where It's Needed

Page 3 June 2012

Bilema, C., Crocker D, Miller J, Reynolds-Moehrled J, and Shaw H. Faculty and librarian

collaborations: A case study and proposal for online learning environments. Research

Strategies 20 : 334-335.

Black, Christine, Sarah Crest, and Mary Volland. 2001. Building a successful information

literacy infrastructure on the foundation of librarian–faculty collaboration. Research

Strategies 18 (3): 215-25.

Borough of Manhattan Community College. The embedded librarian pilot program. . Nov. 2009.

BMCC Library E-Resources Bulletin 5 (1), p 1. Available from . (Accessed Dec. 29, 2011)

Bowler, Meagan, and K. Street. 2008. Investigating the efficacy of embedment: Experiments in

information literacy integration. Reference Services Review 36 (4): 438.

Bozeman, D. 2008. Embedded librarian: Research assistance just in time. Paper presented at 24th

Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning, Madison, WI.

Bozeman, D., and R. Owens. 2008. Providing services to online students: Embedded librarians

and access to resources. Mississippi Libraries 72 (3): 57-9.

Brew, L. 2008. The role of student feedback in evaluating and revising a blended learning

course. Internet and Higher Education 11 (2): 98-105.

Brophy, P. 2008. Telling the story: Qualitative approaches to measuring the performance of

emerging library services. Performance Measurement and Metrics 9 (1): 7-17.

Brower, M. 2011. A recent history of embedded librarianship: Collaboration and partnership

building with academics in learning and research environments. In Embedded librarians:

Moving beyond one-shot instruction., eds. Cassandra Kvenild, Kaijsa Calkins, 3-17.

Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries.

Burke, John J. Embedded librarian surveys-Miami University Middletown. Last updated Nov.

30, 2010. Available from

(Accessed Dec. 29, 2011)

Burke, John J., and Beth E. Tumbleson. 2011. A declaration of embeddedness: Instructional

synergies and sustaining practices in LMS embedded librarianship. Paper presented at

Association of College & Research Libraries, Philadelphia, PA.

Campbell, J. D. 2006. Changing a cultural icon: The academic library as a virtual destination.

Educause Review; January/February : 16.

Cannon, Kelly, and Jennifer Jarson. 2009. Information literacy and writing tutor training at a

liberal arts college. Communications in Information Literacy 3 (1) (03): 45.

Page 4: The Embedded Librarian: Taking Knowledge Where It's Needed

Page 4 June 2012

Carlson, Jake, and Ruth Kneale. 2011. Embedded librarianship in the research context:

Navigating new waters. College & Research Libraries News 72 (3): 167.

Case, B. D. 2003. Lurking in the library. Classical Studies Newsletter, University of Michigan

VIII (Winter 2003).

Cataldo, T. 2006. Subject specialization in a liaison librarian program. Journal of the Medical

Library Association 94 (4): 447.

Chan, Christopher, and Dianne Cmor. 2009. Blogging toward information literacy: Engaging

students and facilitating peer learning. Reference Services Review 37 (4): 395-409.

Chen, Kuan-nien, and Pei-chun Lin. 2011. Information literacy in university library user

education. Aslib Proceedings: New Information Perspective 63 (4): 399-418.

Chesnut, M. T., S. M. Henderson, J. Schlipp, and R. Zai. 2009. Value-added library resources &

services through Blackboard. Kentucky Libraries 73 (1): 6,6-12.

Chesnut, MaryTodd, Threasa L. Wesley, and Robert Zai. 2010. Adding an extra helping of

service when you already have a full plate: Building an embedded librarian program. Public

Services Quarterly 6 : 122.

Ciccone, K. 2001. Virtual reference, today and tomorrow. ITAL: Information Technology and

Libraries 26 (3): 120-1 (accessed February 22, 2007).

Clark, Sarah, and Susan Chinburg. 2010. Research performance in undergraduates receiving face

to face versus online library instruction: A citation analysis. Journal of Library

Administration 50 : 530.

Coats, Lisa R., and Bojana Beric. 2011. More than a one-shot: Innovative faculty-librarian

collaboration. In Embedded librarians: Moving beyond one-shot instruction, eds. Cassandra

Kvenild, Kaijsa Calkins, 165-184. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries.

Coder, A. 1993. Rethinking reference: New models and how to get there. Infovision 44, (Accessed Dec. 29, 2011)

Cohen, Scott. 2011, June 1. Embedded experts. Library Journal: 10.

Cooke, Louise, Michael Norris, Nial Busby, Thomas Page, Ginny Franklin, Elizabeth Gadd, and

Helen Young. 2011. Evaluating the impact of academic liaison librarians on their user

community: A review and case study. New Review of Academic Librarianship 17 (1): 5.

Cooper, Rebecca A. August 2010. Architects in the mist: Embedding the librarian in a culture of

design. Public Services Quarterly 6 : 323.

Page 5: The Embedded Librarian: Taking Knowledge Where It's Needed

Page 5 June 2012

Council on Library and Information Resources. No brief candle: Re-conceiving research libraries

for the 21st century. Aug. 2008. Washington, DC: Council on Library and Information

Resources. Available from . (Accessed

Dec. 29, 2011)

Covone, Nicole, and Mia Lamm. 2010. Just be there: Campus, department, classroom...and

kitchen? Public Services Quarterly 6 : 198.

Cummings, J., L. Cummings, and L. Fredrickson. 2007. User preferences in reference services.

Virtual Reference and Academic Libraries Portal: Libraries and the Academy 7 (1): 81-96.

Dakshinamurti, G. B., and K. C. Satpathy. 2009. The pro-active academic librarian: The how and

the why - illustrated by case studies from India and Canada. Paper presented at World

Library and Information Congress: 75th IFLA General Conference and Council, Milan,


Daly, Emily. 2011. Instruction where and when students need it: Embedding library resources

into learning management systems. In Embedded librarianship: Moving beyond one-shot

instruction., eds. Cassandra Kvenild, Kaijsa Calkins, 79-95. Chicago: Association of

College and Research Libraries.

———. 2010. Embedding library resources into learning management systems: A way to reach

duke undergrads at their points of need. College & Research Libraries News: 208.

Davis, Hazel. 2002. Information literacy modules as an integral component of a K-12 teacher

preparation program: A Librarian/Faculty partnership. Journal of Library Administration 37

(1/2): 207,207-216.

Davis, M. G., and C. G. Smith. 2009. Virtually embedded: Library instruction within Second

Life. Journal of Library and Information Services in Distance Learning 3 (3/4): 120-137.

Davis, R., and L. Weber. 2002. High tech, high touch: Providing personalized service on users'

turf. Behavioral and Social Sciences Librarian 21 (1): 51-8.

Deitering, A. M., and S. Jameson. 2008. Step by step through the scholarly conversation: A

collaborative library/writing faculty project to embed information literacy and promote

critical thinking in first year composition at Oregon State University. College &

Undergraduate Libraries 15 (1/2): 57-79.

Dene, Jezmynne. 2011. Embedded librarianship at the Claremont Colleges. In Embedded

librarians: Moving beyond one-shot instruction., eds. Cassandra Kvenild, Kaijsa Calkins,

219-228. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries.

Derakhshan, Maryam, and Diljit Singh. 2011. Integration of information literacy into the

curriculum: A meta-synthesis. Library Review (Glasgow, Scotland) 60 (3): 218-29.

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Page 6 June 2012

Dewey, B. 2004. The embedded librarian: Strategic campus collaborations. Resource Sharing &

Information Networks 17 (1/2): 5-17.

DiBiasio, D., and N. A. Mello. 2004. Multi-level assessment of program outcomes: Assessing a

nontraditional study abroad program in the engineering disciplines. Frontiers: The

Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad 10 : 238.

Dinwiddie, M., and L. Lillard. 2002. At the crossroads. Journal of Library Administration 37

(1/2): 251-67.

Drewes, Kathy, and Nadine Hoffman. 2010. Academic embedded librarianship: An introduction.

Public Services Quarterly 6 : 75.

Dugan, M. 2008. Embedded librarians in an Ag Econ class: Transcending the traditional. Journal

of Agricultural and Food Information 9 (4): 301.

Edwards, Mary, Swapna Kumar, and Marilyn Ochoa. 2010. Assessing the value of embedded

librarians in an online graduate educational technology course. Public Services Quarterly 6

(2): 271.

Eke, Kimberly J. 2008. Team teaching with an embedded librarian. Distance Education Library

Report 12 (17).

Fansler, Craig. 2009. The library in the classroom. Library Worklife: HR E-News for Today's

Leaders 6, (12).

Farkas, Meredith G. 2008. Embedded library, embedded librarian: Strategies for providing

reference services in online courseware. In The desk and beyond: Next generation reference

services., eds. Sarah K. Steiner, M. Leslie Madden, 53-64. Chicago: Association of College

and Research Libraries.

Feetham, Margaret. 2006. The subject specialist in higher education - A review of the literature.

In Subject librarians: Engaging with the learning and teaching environment., eds. Penny

Dale, Matt Holland and Marian Matthews, 3-17. Burlington, VT: Ashgate.

Ferrer-Vinent, I. J., and C. A. Carello. 2011. The lasting value of an embedded, first-year,

Biology library instruction program. Science & Technology Libraries 30 (3): 254-266.

———. 2008. Embedded library instruction in a first-year Biology laboratory course. Science &

Technology Libraries 28 (4): 325-51.

Filgo, E. H. 2011. #Hashtag librarian: Embedding myself into a class via Twitter and blogs.

Computers in Libraries. July/August 2011.

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Page 7 June 2012

Fisher, Rick, and April Heaney. 2011. A faculty perspective: Strengthening at-risk students'

transition to academic research through embedded librarianship. In Embedded librarianship:

Moving beyond one-shot instruction., eds. Cassandra Kvenild, Kaijsa Calkins, 35-47.

Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries.

Fister, B. 2010. Critical assets: Academic libraries, a view from the administration building.

Library Journal 135 (8): 24,24-27.

Fletcher, Jon. 2010. Going where your users are: Embedding library resources into VLE course

pages. Multimedia Information & Technology 36 (4): 22.

Floyd, D., G. Colvin, and Y. Bodur. 2008. A faculty-librarian collaboration for developing

information literacy skills among preservice teachers. Science Direct 24 (2): 368.

———. 2007. A faculty-librarian collaboration for developing information literacy skills among

preservice teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education 24 : 368-76.

Foutch, L. 2007. How to embed a librarian. Paper presented at LOEX 2007. Available from . (Accessed Dec. 30, 2011)

Fowler, J., and C. Zimitat. February 2008. Common time: Embedding the concept of academic

and social integration across cognate degree programmes. Innovations in Education &

Technology International 45 (1): 37-46.

Freiburger, Gary, and Sandra Kramer. 2009. Embedded librarians: One library's model for

decentralized service. Journal of the Medical Library Association 97 (2): 139-142.

Fuselier, Linda, and Belle Nelson. 2011. A test of the efficacy of an information literacy lesson

in an introductory biology laboratory course with a strong science-writing component.

Science & Technology Libraries 30 (1): 58-75.

Garson, D., and E. McGowan. 2010. Collaboration as a model: Co-teaching a graduate course.

Information Outlook 14 (1) (Jan-Feb 2010): 17,17-21.

———. 2009. Co-teaching: Why two heads are better than one. Paper presented at Special

Libraries Association Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.

Garson, Deborah S., and Eileen McGowan. 2011. Starring the literature review: An integrative

approach. In Embedded librarians: Moving beyond one-shot instruction., eds. Cassandra

Kvenild, Kaijsa Calkins, 185-195. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries.

Gaspar, Deborah B., and Karen A. Wetzel. 2009. A case study in collaboration: Assessing

academic Librarian/Faculty partnerships. College & Research Libraries 70 (6) (November):


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Page 8 June 2012

German, Richard, and Paul Barham. 2009. The hunter librarian. Paper presented at Positioning

the Profession: The Tenth International Congress on Medical Librarianship, Brisbane,


Gilman, Todd. 2006, Oct. 3. Show your librarian some love. Chronicle of Higher Education

(2006, Oct. 3).

Goss, Harold. 2010. Extending library instruction: Using Blogger to collaborate, connect, and

instruct. Journal of Library and Information Services in Distance Learning 4 (4): 166.

Gronemyer, Kate, and Natalie Dollar. 2011. Collaboration in speech communication: A case

study in faculty-librarian collaboration to teach undergraduates to write a literature review.

In Embedded librarianship: Moving beyond one-shot instruction., eds. Cassandra Kvenild,

Kaijsa Calkins, 107-121. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries.

Hall, R. A. 2008. The "embedded" librarian in a freshman speech class: Information literacy

instruction in action. College & Research Libraries News 69 (1) (January 2008): 28-30.

Hardy, G., and S. Corrall. 2007. Revisiting the subject librarian: A study of English, Law, and

Chemistry. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science 39 (2): 79.

Haycock, Laurel, and Andy Howe. 2011. Collaborating with library course pages and Facebook:

Exploring new opportunities. Collaborative Librarianship 3 (3): 157-162.

Hearn, M. R. 2005. Embedding the librarian in the classroom: An intensive information literacy

model. Reference Services Review 33 (2): 219-27.

Hedreen, R. Summer 2005. The embedded librarian. Southern Connecticut State College,

Distance Education Library Newsletter #2. Available from . (Accessed Dec. 29, 2011)

Heider, Kelly L. 2010. Ten tips for implementing a successful embedded librarian program.

Public Services Quarterly 6 : 110.

Held, Tim. 2010. Blending in: Collaborating with an instructor in an online course. Journal of

Library and Information Services in Distance Learning 4 (4): 153.

Hemmig, William, and Margaret Montet. 2010. The "just for me" virtual library: Enhancing an

embedded eBrarian program. Jounal of Library Administration 50 : 657.

Herring, Susan, Robert Burkhardt, and Jennifer Wolfe. 2009. Reaching remote students: Athens

state University’s electronically embedded librarian program. College & Research Libraries

News 70 (11).

Page 9: The Embedded Librarian: Taking Knowledge Where It's Needed

Page 9 June 2012

Hines, S. S. 2006. What do distance education faculty want from the library? Journal of Library

Administration 45 (1/2): 215-27.

Hoffman, S. 2011. Embedded academic librarian experiences in online courses. Library

Management 32 (67): 444-456.

Hoffman, Starr, and Lilly Ramin. 2010. Best practices for librarians embedded in online courses.

Public Services Quarterly 6 : 292.

Hooks, J. D., and F. Corbett. 2005. Information literacy for off-campus graduate cohorts:

Collaboration between a university librarian and a master's of education faculty. Library

Review 54 (4) (2005): 245-56.

Hooks, J., C. Rahkonen, C. Clouser, K. Heider, and R. Fowler. 2007. Information literacy for

branch campuses and branch libraries. Library Philosophy and Practice (October 2007).

Howard, J. 2011. Tomorrow's academic libraries: Maybe even some books. The Chronicle of

Higher Education.

Jacobs, Heidi LM, and Dale Jacobs. 2009. Transforming the one-shot library session into

pedagogical collaboration. Reference & User Services Quarterly 49 (1).

Jacobs, Warren N. 2010. Embedded librarianship is a winning proposition. Education Libraries

33 (2): 3.

Jastram, Iris, and Ann Gwinn Zawistoski. 2008. Personalizing the library via research

consultations. In The desk and beyond: Next generation reference services., eds. Sarah K.

Steiner, M. Leslie Madden, 14-14-24. Chicago: Association of College and Research


Johnson, B. L., and L. A. Alexander. 2008. Reaching beyond the walls of the library. In The desk

and beyond: Next generation reference services., eds. Sarah K. Steiner, M. Leslie Madden,

25-25-37. Chicago: Association of College & Research Libraries.

———. 2007. In the field. Library Journal 132 (2): 38-40.

Johnson, Rachel E. 2011. ILS and RTP: Support to researchers provided by information and

learning services as part of the research training programme at the University of Worcester,

past, present and future. Journal of Information Literacy 5 (1): 33-44.

Kavanagh, A. 2011. The evolution of an embedded information literacy module: Using student

feedback and the research literature to improve student performance. Journal of Information

Literacy 5 (1): 5-22.

Page 10: The Embedded Librarian: Taking Knowledge Where It's Needed

Page 10 June 2012

Kavanagh, Allison. 2011. The evolution of an embedded information literacy module: Using

student feedback and the research literature to improve student performance. Journal of

Information Literacy 5 (1): 5-22.

Kelly, R. 2008. Team teaching with an embedded librarian. Distance Education Report: 6-7.

Kesselman, Martin, and S. B. Watstein. 2009. Creating opportunities: Embedded librarians.

Journal of Library Administration 49 : 383-400.

Kingcade, Rachel S. 2010. USMC research library: Direct support – We will find you! Destin,

Florida: Military Librarians Workshop.

Kobzina, Norma G. 2010. A faculty-librarian partnership: A unique opportunity for course

integration. Journal of Library Administration 50 : 293.

Krkoska, B. B., C. Andrews, and J. Morris-Knower. 2011. A tale of three disciplines:

Embedding librarians and outcomes-based information literacy competency in Business,

Biology, and Communication. In Embedded librarians: Moving beyond one-shot

instruction., eds. Cassandra Kvenild, Kaijsa Calkins, 121-130. Chicago: Association of

College and Research Libraries.

Kvenild, Cass, and Kaijsa Calkins. 2010. Reference without borders: Serving patrons at a

distance. Colorado Libraries 35 (1): 2.

Kvenild, Cassandra, and Kaijsa Calkins, eds. 2011. Embedded librarians: Moving beyond one-

shot instruction. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries.

Lavoie, Lisa. 2008. Roving librarians: Taking it to the streets. Urban Library Journal 15 (1): 78.

Leong, J. 2007. Marketing electronic resources to distance students: A multipronged approach.

Serials Librarian 53 (3): 77-93.

Lewis, D. W. 2007. A strategy for academic libraries in the first quarter of the 21st century.

College & Research Libraries News (September 2007): 418-34.

Lillard, L. L. 2004. Personalized instruction and assistance services for distance learning:

Cultivating a research relationship. Research Strategies 19 : 204-212.

Lillard, L. L., S. Norwood, K. Wise, J. Brooks, and R. Kitts. 2008. Embedded librarians: MLS

students as apprentice librarians in online courses. Paper presented at Off-Campus Library

Services Conference, Salt Lake City.

Lillard, L., P. Wilson, and C. M. Baird. 2004. Progressive partnering: Expanding student and

faculty access to information services. Journal of Library Administration 41 (1/2): 227-42.

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Lipow, A., ed. 1993. Rethinking reference in academic libraries: The proceedings and process of

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Duke University June 4-6, 1993. Berkeley, CA: Library Solutions Press.

Long, Dallas. 2011. Embedded right where the students live: A librarian in the university

residence halls. In Embedded librarians: Moving beyond one-shot instruction., eds.

Cassandra Kvenild, Kaijsa Calkins, 199-209. Chicago: Association of College and Research


Long, P. D. 2002. Can libraries find a new home in courseware? Campus Technology, (accessed April 18, 2007).

Lubker, I. M., and M. E. Henderson. 2010. Refocusing reference services outside the library

building: One library's experience. Medical Reference Services Quarterly 29 : 218-228.

Markey, K., F. Swanson, A. Jenkins, B. J. Jennings, B. St. Jean, and V. Rosenberg. 2008.

Designing and testing a web-based board game for teaching information literacy skills and

concepts. Library Hi Tech 26 (4): 663-681.

Markgraf, Jill S. 2002. Collaboration between distance education faculty and the library: One

size does not fit all. Journal of Library Administration 37 (3/4): 451.

Martin, Jennifer R. 2010. The newly embedded librarian: Pharmacy information liaison service.

Public Services Quarterly 6 : 187.

Massia, Karla. September 2010. Virtual classroom-real instruction. College & Research Libraries

News 71 (8): 409.

Mastel, Kristen. 2011. Extending our reach: Embedding library resources and services within

extension. In Embedded librarians: Moving beyond one-shot instruction., eds. Cassandra

Kvenild, Kaijsa Calkins, 211-218. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries.

Matava, Tobie, Dan Coffey, and Jeffrey Kushkowski. 2010. Beyond library walls: Embedding

librarians in academic departments. Public Services Quarterly 6 : 165.

Matos, Michael A., Nobue Matsuoka-Motley, and William Mayer. 2010. The embedded librarian

online or face-to-face; American University`s experiences. Public Services Quarterly 6 :


Matthew, V., and A. Schroeder. 2006. The embedded librarian program: Faculty and librarians

partner to embed personalized library assistance into online courses. Educause Quarterly 4 :


Mathews, B. S. 2006. Intuitive revelations: The ubiquitous reference model. Atlanta: Georgia

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McAbee, S. L., and J. Graham. 2005. Expectations, realities and perceptions of subject librarians'

duties in medium-sized academic libraries. Journal of Academic Librarianship 31 (1): 19-


McAdoo, Monty L. 2009. Be the bridge: Librarians can span the gap between students and their

instructors. American Libraries 40 (12) (Dec. 2009): 38,38-40.

McCutcheon, Camille, and Nancy M. Lambert. 2001. Tales untold: The connection between

instruction and reference services. Research Strategies 18 (3): 203-14.

McMillen, Paula, and Jennifer Fabbi. 2010. How to be an E3 librarian. Public Services Quarterly

6 : 176.

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29, 2011).

Miller, Christopher. 2011. Embedded and embodied: Dance librarianship within the academic

department. In Embedded librarianship: Moving beyond one-shot instruction., eds.

Cassandra Kvenild, Kaijsa Calkins, 95-107. Chicago: Association of College and Research


Miller, W. 2006. Introduction: Cooperation within institutions. Resource Sharing & Information

Networks 19 (1) (Sept 2006): 1-3.

Milne, Craig, and Jennifer Thomas. 2011. Embedding a library program in the first-year

curriculum: Experiences and strategies of an Australian case study. In Embedded

librarianship: Moving beyond one-shot instruction., eds. Cassandra Kvenild, Kaijsa Calkins,

47-63. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries.

Montgomery, Susan E. 2010. Online webinars! interactive learning where our users are: The

future of embedded librarianship. Public Services Quarterly 6 : 306.

Muir, Gordon, and Holly Heller-Ross. 2010. Is embedded librarianship right for your institution?

Public Services Quarterly 6 : 92.

Murray, T. June 30, 2010. Embedded library. Available at . (Accessed July 13, 2011)

Nann, John B. June 2010. Personal librarians: The answer to increasing patron contact may be

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