the daily · i'raml c good fight. trong...

THE DAILY IOWAN VOLUME XU lUNDGREN MAY COME TO IOWA 'T.tH T WJJt LEU I A PO IDLE CO.\. H F OR BASEBALL TE,UI P UBLISHED BY THE S'IUIlES TS OF THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA. IO WA nT\, 10\\.\, nu[).\'Y )J on J.\' SL\Hl" 17, 1013 lOW A RI FLE T EAM SHOOTS ;\l llJc Good Sho \l in!; ill BoUt hoot' 'f bi We 'k- Tl' Out, al" Still 1) n In the two matches shot by th un Iv rslty rltle team against NEXT BIG DEBATE COMES TO NIGHT H. \;\lI'IOXS HIP I' RE I.l)lI NAR1ES WILL 0 'cn .\.T X,\T HAL .E A Dl TOJUU)1 STRA GE BE L G 'TARTLES MEN EnJ,,'11leCl' )rade J> cu li ll r Dh,co\"ery In 0 11 of TlleJ r Il oom La, t E venin g :lfystery UI)on mystery! Who Is it I thllt nightly takes 'up his abode in NWrBER 76 IOWANS MAY GO TO fROZEN lHE NOR1H n":l'O H'I 'lm 'r ll . \T TEFAN WIf.' , T. \I \E TWO Ul'\ J\'EIl. I- T\' AT DE NT ON TRIP \\'a Witlt tit Chi ago Nlltionul ll- nlverslty of allfornlo. and hoose T LIm to )l t Zeu -Tit ' room :l03 ;\. engineering I>ec uJi ur Q UUJl fiClltiOIl tor Salar y Only Qu tion B efol'e AU.- nlted States oUe e of Veterinary Qu tJ on l! On of e nJv rsal In- Who Is It that goes In that room TI'ill -l own )Ie n Think Til y an letJ c Board-}' '' · t J ntel'd lIal·t- men!, Un k Ibun Gume. Csrl Lundgr n. star twirl I' of the Chicago National League club In 1910 and 1911. bas formally made appllciltion to 'oach the University l1rgeous this w ek. Iowa mad '1 good score. Tb se are the IniUal matches of the season. I tel'e , t-Both T 11 111 i'raml c Good Fight. trong and night art r night, quietly clo sand locl;s th door ami loses hhuself In the land of nod? The result of tile work wlll not I The se and publiC debate of the be known till all the reports year tal<es place tonight when th lim to go to Wa hlngton and b Phllomathean Ilnd Irving teams clash judged. but Is It probable that 'Iowa In th prelimInary ontal!l for the That's the <juestlou whl('h the en- gineers undertook to solve last ev n- Ing. For veral weeks past student QuaIJfy-'l en P rom/ n t'nt In 17m- " (, 1 '<;1 1 C'1t · c1 <",>--. ·ttlll (, ''' It!theM. of Iowa ba bil l! tellm tbls spring Wi ll be at th top as usual. university champlonllhlp. It prom- working In the e,'enlng In room .Before tbe ranks of profes- According to th pres I' gula- Ises to be a "peppery" debate. for N have n: tlced someone juggling WAil/TEO-Five men of sci- entific ability who can qualify as ar tic explor rs. lust be I an; not overly pos ssed of ml88lonary temp ram nt; pre- ferably five f et. elgbt or ten slonal bas ball. he was the box ar- tlons (en men shoot In each match teams are evenly matched and the wHh the ('urtaln which covers the Inches taIJ; and with appet! s tlst of the Unlv rsity of Illinois Ilnd the five highest scores count. men have spent n. long tim pr par- window In the wall betw en the two easily oontrolled. team. H was a. sensation while at The members of th rltle team try ing for th discussion. The out- rooms. this Institution and Coach JIuft', wbo toJ' pia es and the ten maldng thl) come tonight will determine which Sometlm s he as callght It has been reported that two at that time wall scouting tor tbe best averages ea('b week are chosen at the teams will meet the Zetagath- the curtain and n. tull vi w prominent state university men are Cubs gave him a tryout with Frank for the shoot. The tryouts for lans later III the year in the final or the scen ry In 20;; N, fltefansBon- Anderson e 'pedltlon which ll'aves In .\))1'11 for the fro7.en north and whlc l) Is to Include five men of lentltlc ,",VI"'U>\ ." S aggregation. He Immedl- pla('es on tbe team are held Mon- ('onte t for the cbamplonshlp. at ely upon being ileen 11e would drop day, Tuesday and' 'Wednesday of I The qu stion for argument [s Ii thl' ('ov ring and dl appear \11 cf- s ason In fa!'t cQmpany was a Sue- ,eh w k. Th III n how an Im- 11 one. and on that Is a subject forts to get a ('lose view oC his f a- won the majority of his provem nt oC' nill points In the oC present day discussion. tur tnll d, Not a light could ba second shoot o"er tbelr previous ",111 affirm ane1 Philo d ny this prop- In th room through the In· ability In addition to Ih two ex- Iowa could onslder Itself fortu- SCOI·e. osition: "Resolv d. That th tervenlng transluc nt curtain-aIr piaI' rs, Dr. R. I. AndErson and nate If Lundgren would consent to Tb resull of tbe first match wa olted States should bo was silent. deathly sl1 ilL Ylljhmar SteCansson. comc for a reasonable saalry. Thill as foHows: I cted for a term of six years and TIle mystery beCi me too mUCh!H Their names are withheld as defi- is all that stands between the two be Ineilglble for re-election, constJ- Illst and the tiling cnDle to a II acl , nlte \'.ord has not been rCl'eived from parties at th present time and It Is Arthu r 1. Arneson .. ] 00 !l6 tut/onallty grante d." Both the dem- last evening ,,,hen the mysterious Stefallsson. although it s ems as- belJeved that these details Can be aI'- Bernhard Relnsc·\l .. , .. .. !):J ocratic and socialist pl atforms COIl- featu rs allll ared again. crowel urcd that Jowa Is going to be I'ep- -anged satisfactorily. Last sprIng John W. Brooks .. ,.. 2 !l G tal ned planks agreeing substantiallYoC husky engineers colle({ed and d - resented on tile trip Into the rcth: be coached the Princeton team and Vern Ice Weems ..... '0 !I with this proposal In the last elec- termln d that ghost or no ghost. ocean, And now It Is reported that tlon. man-klller or no man-killer, a per- the two aspirants for the bonor haye succeed d In wln n'l ng the eastera championship. BaIIketball Game Tomorrow aft ernoon at 2: 30 th first game In th e ,I nt er-de partment league will be played between th e To ta l 1 . .... .. ... .. 447 4 3 " Lloyd R. Borland .... 7 90 177 Ir ving In stitute wlll be repre sent- sonag of this ear th or othe r regl- George W, Cain .. , . . . 5 91 176 ed by James L. Hodgson of Iow\\ ons, that being was to be found out . Fr en Boern er .. .. ... 0 !) 6 176 City ; John Brooks of He drick; and n In Room ente r d Into serious training as pros- pectl v candi dates fo r the trip. j\{ay Play Pool Raymond L. Jaeger .. . 84 III 175 Harry H. Gould of Iowa City. the Through a crack In the curtai n To land lubbers such quallficatlou3 Arnold J. Oehler ... .. 7 9 167 leader of the team. Those who rep- the ghostly personage was even for an ar tic ex pedition as Stefan- Total . , . .. .. .. .. . 414 45 7 71 resent tb e PhlJomatbea are GUY G. seen stealthily sneaking across the sson and Anderson deem requisite Tbe second shoot as follows: Gabrielson of Sioux City; Warren far end of the room. That helght- ar e perhaps ludicrous but consld- ing this game the medics wlll con - Arthur J. Arne on . , ., 9 95 193 Avery of Savage, Mont.; and Felix ened t he Interest and resolution ered In the light of t he remarkabl l3 liberal artl! and the dtlnts. Follow- test with the engineers and on Wed- nesday evening the pharmacists and the laws will play. These are un- ulually strong teams representing the different colleges this year and Bernhard Reinsch .. .. 90 99 189 B. Ross of Galt, Iowa. leader. turned Into action. undertaking are vitally necessary. Paul G. !Ingham .. . ,. 92 95 187 This Is th e IIrst time that th e ques- By dint of much ingenuity the Some unus ual amu seme nt has been John W. Brooks . .. .. 8 99 187 tion of a single term presidency has door of 20 5 N was unlocked and created at the expense of the two Woo. W. Han8eU . . . .. 91 92 183 been debated at Iowa. The debate man hacking man the sturdy engln- men who have applied for the trip, Total . .. .. .. .. . , .415 9 480 939 will for this reason prove highly In- eers edged Into the room in the however. In the first place they on acoount of the rivalry wh.lcb bas Waldo W. Wa.lker .... 86 97 183 tereating not only to the members darkne88, every moment expecting must be lean . One of these jus t alwaYI! existed between certain de- Lloyd R. Borland ... .. 89 91 1 0 of the sooietJes Involved, but also to a sturred club or billy to descend now Is almost a heavy weight, but partments, the games wlll be lnter- George W. Cain ... _ .' 89 91 180 political science Itudent8 and to per- out of the Inky blackness upon their declares be can qualify by April. t Fred Boerner _ ...... 86 94 180 sons who are watching the several cranluml!. Talk abou His friends suggest that he play pool The liberal arts quintet have 11.1- Verruce Weems .. . .. 85 89 174 admlwstratlon with respect to Its bravery! Gee! Instead of going to churCh, since It ready made the assertion that they '35 '62 897 Total ............ fulfillment of tbls party pledge. Be Was Gone Is an Idea of Stefansson's that no will win the championship and from The team showed Improvement ManbaU Laws Out Suddenly somebody fumbled onto words of Christianity be brought to their line-up their chances are good oVer last match, th ... five highest h 1 d kl B th f th v Forensic rooters will miss the the electric light button and-Inap! t e h on e Es mOB. 0 0 e to say the least. Stewart. former h men making nine points more t an Marshall law debaters In th e tbe darkness disappeared. And the Iowa men being of mor e than ordl- star on tile Clinton high schoo) team last match. and the team (10 men) plonshlp serlell this year, but In tbe mysterlou8 being? As scarce as nary churCh going abJlIty It appears wUl play oonter, Shrader and Beem, 35 points higher. who are out for the varsity at the first ot the season, will be at the l-auI OorbtJI 18 Here forward positions. with nles. Hanna. Paul Corbin, from the Shanai mls- nd other stars competing for the slon, North CbIna. is In the city to· Interest of making that society more dental oonvenlence8 On hens. As an they will bave some dffflculty In qual- strictly a law organization, the law8 Imaginary quantity as the square Itylng on the third requisite It have withdrawn from the Forensic root of -1. Gone! Gone! Gone! Steransson's Idea of the blonde sav- League and left the battle trlangu- And where? Nobody knows. UP age stili bolds good. lar the ventilator shaft, out on the roof Oat . Down Eating guards. The dents have always had day and will give Ws time during . ,... a strong aggregation and they can- tills morning and the early part of The debate will commence at 8 and orr In the airship, else a broad o'clock and be beld In the nat- leap up over the window sill o"d can qualify 88 to the appetite clause Botb Iowa men are confident they not be counted out before the game this afternoon to penonal IntervlewtI ..... I ural science 8pdltorlum. down thIrty feet to the s ,layed. ",lth those wbo wish to talk over. solid Botb are heavy eaters, but Febl'u- The medics wlll bave practically the opportunities for personal work the same team that they bad last In China. ground below, or el8&-where? Tb e ary and MarCh, they say, will be Jlastadon Tooth Found men lOOked high and low for the good months In which to train and r The largest tooth ot a mastadon personage and nowbere QquId he be test their ability along tbls Une as ever toune! In Iowa was dug" out of found. Oertainly. tbe man had a It was always a hardship for them a cra: el pit at Harn1>f.on .JanuaI'J 14 •• avetslon to being discovered. to control their eating capacIties In season. The enginee rs can be count- These Interviews may be arranged ed upon to have a "scrappy" team. for with either one of the assocla- Parsons, the football star, the Stev- tlon secretaries. This afiel'llOGn at enson brothers. Oxley and Prince 4: 30 at Close hall he wlJ1 k to It HI be good ne to Iowa. 1I'or be &ure'IT was In the room thirt y the .'nter time. 'will compose the team which wlll play the medles. Wre tUng Olass }Ieets The wrestling class .Is meeting fiv e Umes per week and Director Scboe- (Continued on page 3) the taculty and students of the un 1- dents to know tbat MI'. Brandt. the minutes before and as surely was Anderson and StefanB80n wlll verslty on "New Students In Old finder • .Is planning on placing It 1n not there when the boys arrived. cboose five men to accompany them. China." and this eveDln g at 7: 30 .at the museum here. This will be '! Perhaps skel,l"g There That Iowa will be represented by at the Congregational eburc- b b wlJI ' alullb)e addition to the a) ady theory hU b61en formulated least two In tbe ezpediUon see1ll8 &8- speak to the l'edPle Of be city Oh large eollectlon of p ib1tltorte allf- tltat th "l'IOn ill ome tramp or sured and It h88 been reported that the slgnlftcance of the Chinese re"- mal remains that are In the geolo- Stefansson Is favorable to ta1d1lg olutlon. tJ lc&1 museull1. (Continued on page 4) three from here.

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Page 1: THE DAILY · i'raml c Good Fight. trong and night art r night, quietly clo sand locl;s th door ami loses hhuself In the land







IOW A nT\, 10\\.\, nu[).\'Y )Jon Xl~(}, J.\'SL\Hl" 17, 1013


;\l llJc Good Sho\l in!; ill BoUt hoot'

'fbi We 'k- Tl' Out, al"

Still 1) n

In the two matches shot by th

un Iv rslty rltle team against



WILL 0 'cn .\.T X,\T HAL

(.,'lE~ .E A DlTOJUU)1


EnJ,,'11leCl' )rade J> cu li ll r Dh,co\"ery

In 0 11 of TlleJ r Iloom La, t


:lfystery UI)on mystery! Who Is it

I thllt nightly takes 'up his abode in

NWrBE R 76


n":l'OH'I'lm 'rll .\T • TEFAN 'O~

WIf.' , T.\I\E TWO Ul'\ J\'EIl. I­


\\'a Witlt tit Chi ago Nlltionulll- nlverslty of allfornlo. and hoose T LIm to )l t Zeu -Tit ' room :l03 ;\. engineering bulldlng~ ;\J"u~' I>ecuJiur Q UUJl fiClltiOIl tor th~ Salary Only Qu tion Befol'e AU.- nlted States oUe e of Veterinary Qu tJon l! On of e nJv rsal In- Who Is It that goes In that room TI'ill-lown )Ien Think Til y an

letJc Board-}' ''· t J ntel'd lIal·t­

men!, Un k Ibun Gume.

Csrl Lundgr n. star twirl I' of

the Chicago National League club In

1910 and 1911. bas formally made

appllciltion to 'oach the University

l1rgeous this w ek. Iowa mad '1

good score. Tb se are the IniUal

matches of the season. I

te l'e ,t-Both T 11 111

i'raml c Good Fight.

trong and night art r night, quietly clo sand

locl;s th door ami loses hhuself In

the land of nod?

The result of tile work wlll not I The se and publiC debate of the

be known til l all the reports hav~ year tal<es place tonight when th

lim to go to Wa hlngton and b Phllomathean Ilnd Irving teams clash

judged. but Is It probable that 'Iowa In th prelimInary ontal!l for the

That's the <juestlou whl('h the en­

gineers undertook to solve last ev n­


For veral weeks past student

Qua IJfy-'le n P rom/nt'nt In 17m­

" (,1'<;11 C'1t·c1<",>--. ·ttlll (, ''' It!theM.

of Iowa ba bill! tellm tbls spring Will be at th top as usual. university champlonllhlp. It prom- working In the e,'enlng In room 20~

.Before en~erlng tbe ranks of profes- According to th pres n~ I' gula- Ises to be a "peppery" debate. for N have n: tlced someone juggling

WAil/TEO-Five men of sci­

entific ability who can qualify

as ar tic explor rs. lust be

I an; not overly pos ssed of

ml88lonary temp ram nt; pre­

ferably five f et. elgbt or ten slonal bas ball. he was the box ar- tlons (en men shoot In each match teams are evenly matched and the wHh the ('urtaln which covers the Inches taIJ; and with appet! s

tlst of the Unlv rsity of Illinois Ilnd the five highest scores count. men have spent n. long tim pr par- window In the wall betw en the two easily oontrolled.

team. H was a. sensation while at The members of th rltle team try ing for th discussion. The out- rooms.

this Institution and Coach JIuft', wbo toJ' pia es and the ten maldng thl) come tonight will determine which Sometlm s he as callght It has been reported that two

at that time wall scouting tor tbe best averages ea('b week are chosen at the teams will meet the Zetagath- the curtain and takln~ n. tull vi w prominent state university men are

Cubs gave him a tryout with Frank for the shoot. The tryouts for lans later III the year in the final or the scen ry In 20;; N, fltefansBon­

Anderson e 'pedltlon which ll'aves In

.\))1'11 for the fro7.en north and whlc l)

Is to Include five men of lentltlc

,",VI"'U>\." S aggregation. He Immedl- pla('es on tbe team are held Mon- ('onte t for the cbamplonshlp. at ely upon being ileen 11e would drop

day, Tuesday and' 'Wednesday of I The qu stion for argument [s Ii thl' ('ov ring and dl appear \11 cf-

s ason In fa!'t cQmpany was a Sue- ,eh w k. Th III n how an Im- 11 one. and on that Is a subject forts to get a ('lose view oC his f a-

won the majority of his provem nt oC' nill points In the oC present day discussion. tur tnll d, Not a light could ba

second shoot o"er tbelr previous ",111 affirm ane1 Philo d ny this prop- In th room through the In· ability In addition to Ih two ex-

Iowa could onslder Itself fortu- SCOI·e. • osition: "Resolv d. That th tervenlng transluc nt curtain-aIr piaI' rs, Dr. R. I. AndErson and

nate If Lundgren would consent to Tb resull of tbe first match wa olted States should bo was silent. deathly sl1 ilL Ylljhmar SteCansson.

comc for a reasonable saalry. Thill as foHows: I cted for a term of six years and TIle mystery beCi me too mUCh!H Their names are withheld as defi-

is all that stands between the two be Ineilglble for re-election, constJ- Illst and the tiling cnDle to a II acl , nlte \'.ord has not been rCl'eived from parties at th present time and It Is Arthur 1. Arneson .. ] 00 !l6 tut/onallty granted." Both the dem- last evening ,,,hen the mysterious • Stefallsson. although it s ems as-belJeved that these details Can be aI'- Bernhard Relnsc·\l .. ,

.. .. !):J ocratic and socialist platforms COIl- featu rs allll ared again. crowel urcd that Jowa Is going to be I'ep--anged satisfactorily. Last sprIng John W. Brooks .. ,.. 2 !l G tal ned planks agreeing substantiallYoC husky engineers colle({ed and d - resented on tile trip Into the rcth:

be coached the Princeton team and Vern Ice Weems ..... '0 !I with this proposal In the last elec- termln d that ghost or no ghost. ocean, And now It Is reported that

tlon. man-klller or no man-killer, a per- the two aspirants for the bonor haye succeed d In wlnn'l ng the eastera


BaIIketball Game

Tomorrow afternoon at 2 : 30 th

first game In the ,Inter-department

league will be played between the

Total 1 . .... .. ... .. 447 4 3 " Lloyd R. Borland .... 7 90 177 Irving Institute wlll be represen t- sonag of this earth or other regl-

George W, Cain .. , . . . 5 91 176 ed by James L. Hodgson of Iow\\ ons, that being was to be found out.

Fren Boerner .. .. ... 0 !) 6 176 City ; John Brooks of Hedrick; and n In Room

enter d Into serious training as pros­

pectl v candidates fo r the t rip .

j\{ay Play Pool Raymond L. Jaeger .. . 84 III 175 Harry H. Gould of Iowa City. the Through a crack In the curtain To land lubbers such quallficatlou3

Arnold J . Oehler ... .. 7 9 167 leader of the team. Those who rep- the ghostly personage was even for an ar tic expedition as Stefan-

Total . , . .. .. .. .. . 414 45 7 71 resent tbe PhlJomatbea are GUY G. seen stealthily sneaking across the sson and Anderson deem requisite

Tb e second shoot as follows: Gabrielson of Sioux City; Warren far end of the room. That helght- are perhaps ludicrous but consld­ing this game the medics wlll con-

Arthur J. Arne on . , ., 9 95 193 Avery of Savage, Mont.; and Felix ened the Interest and resolution ered In the light of the remarkabll3

liberal artl! and the dtlnts. Follow-

test with the engineers and on Wed-

nesday evening the pharmacists and

the laws will play. These are un-

ulually strong teams representing

the different colleges this year and

Bernhard Reinsch .. .. 90 99 189 B. Ross of Galt, Iowa. leader. turned Into action. undertaking are vitally necessary.

Paul G. !Ingham .. . ,. 92 95 187 This Is the IIrst time that the ques- By dint of much ingenuity the Some unusual amusement has been

John W. Brooks . .. . . 8 99 187 tion of a single term presidency has door of 20 5 N was unlocked and created at the expense of the two

Woo. W. Han8eU . . . .. 91 92 183 been debated at Iowa. The debate man hacking man the sturdy engln- men who have applied for the trip,

Total . .. .. .. .. . , .415 9 480 939 will for this reason prove highly In- eers edged Into the room in the however. In the first place they on acoount of the rivalry wh.lcb bas

Waldo W. Wa.lker .... 86 97 183 tereating not only to the members darkne88, every moment expecting must be lean. One of these just alwaYI! existed between certain de-

Lloyd R. Borland ... . . 89 91 1 0 of the sooietJes Involved, but also to a sturred club or billy to descend now Is almost a heavyweight, but partments, the games wlll be lnter-

George W. Cain ... _ .' 89 91 180 political science Itudent8 and to per- out of the Inky blackness upon their declares be can qualify by April . ~~ t Fred Boerner _ ...... 86 94 180 sons who are watching the several cranluml!. Talk abou His fri ends suggest that he play pool

The liberal arts quintet have 11.1- Verruce Weems .. . .. 85 89 174 admlwstratlon with respect to Its bravery! Gee! Instead of going to churCh, since It ready made the assertion that they '35 '62 897 Total ............ ~,. fulfillment of tbls party pledge. Be Was Gone Is an Idea of Stefansson's that no will win the championship and from The team showed Improvement ManbaU Laws Out Suddenly somebody fumbled onto words of Christianity be brought to

their line-up their chances are good oVer last match, th ... five highest h 1 d kl B th f th v Forensic rooters will miss the the electric light button and-Inap! t e h on e Es mOB. 0 0 e

to say the least. Stewart. former h men making nine points more t an Marshall law debaters In the cham~ tbe darkness disappeared. And the Iowa men being of more than ordl-

star on tile Clinton high schoo) team last match. and the team (10 men) plonshlp serlell this year, but In tbe mysterlou8 being? As scarce as nary churCh going abJlIty It appears

wUl play oonter, Shrader and Beem, 35 points higher. who are out for the varsity at the

first ot the season, will be at the l-auI OorbtJI 18 Here

forward positions. with nles. Hanna. Paul Corbin, from the Shanai mls-

nd other stars competing for the slon, North CbIna. is In the city to ·

Interest of making that society more dental oonvenlence8 On hens. As an they will bave some dffflculty In qual­

strictly a law organization, the law8 Imaginary quantity as the square Itylng on the third requisite It

have withdrawn from the Forensic root of -1. Gone! Gone! Gone! Steransson's Idea of the blonde sav-

League and left the battle trlangu- And where? Nobody knows. UP age stili bolds good.

lar the ventilator shaft, out on the roof Oat. Down Eating guards. The dents have always had day and will give Ws time during . ,... a strong aggregation and they can- tills morning and the early part of The debate will commence at 8 and orr In the airship, else a broad

o'clock and wl1~ be beld In the nat- leap up over the window sill o"d can qualify 88 to the appetite clause

Botb Iowa men are confident they

not be counted out before the game this afternoon to penonal IntervlewtI ..... I ural science 8pdltorlum. down thIrty feet to the s ,layed. ",lth those wbo wish to talk over. solid Botb are heavy eaters, but Febl'u-

The medics wlll bave practically the opportunities for personal work

the same team that they bad last In China.

ground below, or el8&-where? Tbe ary and MarCh, they say, will be

Jlastadon Tooth Found men lOOked high and low for the good months In which to train and

r The largest tooth ot a mastadon personage and nowbere QquId he be test their ability along tbls Une as

ever toune! In Iowa was dug" out of found. Oertainly. tbe man had a It was always a hardship for them

a cra: el pit at Harn1>f.on .JanuaI'J 14 •• tl'OD~ avetslon to being discovered. to control their eating capacIties In

season. The engineers can be count- These Interviews may be arranged

ed upon to have a " scrappy" team. for with either one of the assocla­

Parsons, the football star, the Stev- tlon secretaries. This afiel'llOGn at

enson brothers. Oxley and Prince 4: 30 at Close hall he wlJ1 k to It HI be good ne to Iowa. 8fll~ 1I'or be &ure'IT was In the room thirty the .'nter time.

'will compose the team which wlll

play the medles.

Wre tUng Olass }Ieets

The wrestling class .Is meeting five

Umes per week and Director Scboe-

(Continued on page 3)

the taculty and students of the un 1- dents to know tbat MI'. Brandt. the minutes before and as surely was Anderson and StefanB80n wlll

verslty on "New Students In Old finder • .Is planning on placing It 1n not there when the boys arrived. cboose five men to accompany them.

China." and this eveDlng at 7: 30 .at the museum here. This will be '! Perhaps skel,l"g There That Iowa will be represented by at

the Congregational eburc-b b wlJI ' alullb)e addition to the a) ady theory hU b61en formulated least two In tbe ezpediUon see1ll8 &8-

speak to the l'edPle Of be city Oh large eollectlon of p ib1tltorte allf- tltat th "l'IOn ill ome tramp or sured and It h88 been reported that

the slgnlftcance of the Chinese re"- mal remains that are In the geolo- Stefansson Is favorable to ta1d1lg

olutlon. tJlc&1 museull1. (Continued on page 4) three from here.

Page 2: THE DAILY · i'raml c Good Fight. trong and night art r night, quietly clo sand locl;s th door ami loses hhuself In the land

!HB D A. I L Y lOW A N RANDALL REPLIES TO 23 E. Washington Phone 29

Vol. XII No. 76

Published every morning except Sat­

urday and Monday . ,.-RALPH G. GRASSFIELD

Edltor-in-Chief .. ~~----------




Managing Editors and Business



AlIlO1nus From Cedar Rapids Ttlkes

Exception to Article Recentlr


Since the statement that was mada

and published prIor to the Christmas

vaactlon In which the Hon. F. W.

Lehmann set forth his views on h.igh­

er education In Iowa, many things

pro and con have been said on the

matter and now Frank H. Randall,

Dffice Hours: 5: 00 to 6: 00 P. M. a promInent alumnus from Cedar Rapids, comes forth in a hot article --------------------

Ilntered Post OfHce at Iowa City, and attaoks the ' statement published

Iowa as second class mail matter.

Friday Morning, Jan. 17, 1913


by the board of education.

Mr. Randall comes out In plain

language and shows how things

have been juggled and misconstrued


Is There Anything You Need ? I~ There Anything You've Forgotten?



l until the whole question is In such

The use of the screen and the a tangle that It wlll take a Phlladel-pictures Qf the university of Iowa

should be a feature at the coming

university dinner. Many students

phla lawyer three weeks to under­

stand the situation from any stand­

point. r:«>«>X»~CX~~()o)(»O«)~ '1".".' ."1"1"1".'++++++++++ W


Yetter's Greatest January Clearance Sale ~ t.'."."I"l-oJ"I"I'+++++++~ . are curious to know just what has Much time Is taken In showing I Is a wonderfully important bargaln event? ~ DR. W. L. BYWATER

It's a genulne cut price sale. • Diseases of Eye, Ear, N:>se I been done throughout the state ho'" the statements of the board In 1'h t N 8 N CII t St

n It's a ale broad in scope and matchles in money aVing.. roa . o. . n on .

RE nlng

In the campaign for pub\!clty; so a regard to discontinuing and chang- Be sure that you get your share at tbese unmatcbable money- ~"' view of the means to arouse Inter- d ff i saving bargains. DR. FRANK L. LOVE

Ing the .college of engineerIng i et'. All winter goods, all odd lots, all broken sizes, all remnants, ~ Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. oma r est supplemented by short, peppery Mr. Randall shows that to enlarge etc., go, irrespectlve of cost. CaDle toda.y. ~ Paul-Helen Bldg. Phones: 0tI~

, (5 661, Rea. 35. . speeches concerning the county al- engineering at Ames ls not to remove i. ~~:I w:;v:~m::ln:~:;d h:::h;o v;~: ~a:roS:ld~h~s U:IV:;::~~e~t t::a:

o::: ~ Sta~E:!!~;:~;:~~:~~:~I': i

Itudent body of the university just many interpretations, and Is mls- ~ Summit St. OfHce phone, 380 1 OOOOO<»~~«»C>«>«)~«>OOO<»C)(o()O()to Res., 573 R.

what has been done by the greater leading to the people of the state. -------------

1Inlversity committee in lts work for In clOSing Mr. Randall brings HI l~O~U~~~~~ ~t. ~ho~e l18l ~ (

Iowa. forth articles showing that eight ALL THE The county alumni . movement years ago engineering was threaten- ~IorrJs Ellis pays Highest I'rie4 I

N · For Old Olothes and Shoes. Deeds a good deal of support rIght ed to be moved from the university ewspapers Address 832 South Dubuque 81M "

here at the university. A large num- but that the state legislature flatly 0t04

ber of students do not know just refused to consider the question and and Magazines Office hO~:' 1~' ~. ~~~.' 1 to I -

how muoh it m€a.ns to the university voted .a large appropriation for the p. m . Office, Paul-Helen Bldg., Root [0 4, Washington St. OfHce phone 311

and a clear and comprehensive show- college at Iowa City. He says In v.T lEN EKE'S J. Res. 378 M. ResIdence 17 , I f th it d d Governor. ng 0 e magn u e an ultimate closing that a tair reading at laws

purpose of county alumni organlza- of the question concerned wlll place DR. JOHN G. MUELLER I r» r» S AS 8 G 0 STRE E Physician and surgeon. 14 1·1 , tlons cannot but Increase the Inter- the lawyers on the side of Mr. Leh- ...... 0 EA 'f W IN TNT Dubuque St. Over Iowa theatn

est at the average student in the mann. Phones: Office 950, Res. 951.

work at our greater univerSity com­


~lore GO<Hl 'York

Edda Notice

There wlll be a business meeting

and social for the Edda SOCiety to-Yesterday it was announced that

morrow night In Irving hall. Meet­Professor Weller has completed a.

Ing starts at 8 o'clock. All mem-serles at tine cuts of p.lctures relat­

ing to student activities and pictures

of buildings. These pictures w!1l

be printed upon post cards and w11l

be distributed among the students

of the university free of oharge.

There are now completed five cuts as


The law Library.

The univerSity battalllon.

A group of Y. M. C. A. boaters

np the river.

Co-eda leaving one of the univer­

sity buUdJngs atter a class.

Under each picture w1l1 be a note

explaining the feature.

Bose Gives Address

Sudbindra Bose, a student or the

graduate college, spoke last night at

the Congregational ohurch. The

subject of his talk wa,tl "The Posf­

tlon of Woman in Indian LIte. It Mr.

Bose being a Hindu was able to give I a correct picture of thJs much dfB-

bers are asked to be present.


Peoples Steam Lau·ndry Either Gloss or Domestic Finish

Work Called for a .n d Debvered

c. J. TOMS Proprietor

Phone 58 225 Iowa Avenue

puted queetiolL .c1«***)OC~o+o.Ota.()4()4K)


uA WINTER'S TALE" Science Hall, January 22, 1913

LOLA OLARK MIGBELL, K. D. 218 1-2 E. Washington St. 010

hours 2-7 p. m., or by special It pOintment. Sunday 5-6 p. m. PhOll 931

S. K. STEVENSON Attorney at law, Life lnauru.

written. 115 1-2 S. Clinton St.

Tile wise ones are buying tllem early. Newman-C. F. U. societies are DR. J. WARD working night and day to make this event the high class treat of the Dentist. 15 S. Washington St Beason.


The Pure Food AT THf 'PASTIMf Emporium PICTURf· PAlAU

We cater to the class of peo­ple who are particular at what they eat but object to being "held up" on the price Our unusual facilities en­able us to give you excep­tional SERVICE all along the line.


A Pleasing Drama.


An UpUtt Story


South of university campus. Tel. phone 369 R.

O. M. RENO Real estate. Sale or rent: Larp

list or city residences, vacant Iota. and farms. Also stocks ot merehU dlse. 110 1-2 Waehiuton Sl

F. T. BREENE, D. D. 8., K. D. Dentist. 11 1-2 S. Dubuque St

Ofllc'e hours, 8 a. m. to 12 m., ul 1 to 5 p. m.

O. BOTHELL Money to loan.

S. A. SWISHER Sells the most liberal lire, lUI

and accident policies. 111E. Wull­Ington St.

DORoTHY DE FRA.ifOB Public stenographer. Paul-Belt.

BIde Suite No 8. Phone ''73.


A Nestor. Perfect Pbotography in

6 and 8 So. Clinton Street ThIs Picture


Ripe and Patches Moderate Prlcee

Best WorlanaDllhlp a& ""i'IO Bo. Olintoll st.

RESERVE THE DATE, lunary RESERVE THE DATE, lanUlll')' =========:JI r~.==:: 31, for the great Maaical Fete, "The 81, for the great Maalcal Fete, "The Ea--=- R

i ~ 0000



::-"':':0..-., ........ "": :::::...~..,.....".,,, at th. "": t aisins f Varsity D,a:Dce Ma~~~~p~e~egle II

Saturday, "Jan" .18 Orchestra"', t , , ARMORY


Page 3: THE DAILY · i'raml c Good Fight. trong and night art r night, quietly clo sand locl;s th door ami loses hhuself In the land

~ Iq

'I I ,

A II fAT fOR IHf fLilf


C. ' F. U.

N. S. Auditorium

Lundgren May ome to Iowa 1·<tOOOO()OoQt().oto«>OO~~~. ~~~~, (Continued from page 1) \ ~ ~

del' is busy getting them ready tor I ~ i the match with mes, which will be 'I . held at Ames some time during the

first part of February. There Is an I ab"ndan" of .,aWlal In tb. IIgbt ~ FOR YOUR BRAIN'S SAKE weight class, but few men In the § :~:: ::::~kaA::th:rl::t:i: :;~ § EAT' R A I SIN S ~ be put on In Iowa City in March. ~ §

The champions of last year were 8 . i out again tor the team. Ballard In Ii ' the featherweight, Gran In the light · NATURE'S OWN SWEET weight, Gilliland In the middle .,

::::::' a~:c~~~:::o~: th:h:nlv:;~~;; i EAT R A I SIN S S champion, In the heavy weight dlvl- ~ sian, have shown Improvement over


Wednesday, January the form which they displayed in ~

22 their matches In 1912.

Another Innovation In the physi­

cal training department Is the music 2


In connection with each of the gym 2 Reserved free at Wieneke's begin- classes. Shafer, the popular pianist,

nlng Monday, January 20th. has been engaged Cor the rema.lnder

-============ of the year and this feature alone QtC~~K>4()o~::>«)OC..a-.o~ will mean an Increased enrollment


On TIl. CortUlr

College StatlODS7 FOuataiD PeDS

fo r the second semeater .

O. F . U. Notice

Hawkeye picture to be taken at

Townsend's Saturday at 1: 30 p. m. It Is necessary that all members be

at the stUdio promptly at 1: 30.




Dally Papers and Eat Raisins HAWKE'-'E TO GIVE ~OOC»O«>~~O«»<»O«»OO<»C»O«>OO

: MagadDes >000+00OO N." R"~_P:,E"1~:n:: I THE 8HOE FOR y' OU ~ rr r~O«>K»O ~ Not NecessarllT Deal With the U ~ , I L U SC 0 ~ B'E ~ A,o,dl.g :~: :::om of p.,t I Is ,the shoe that !its y~urbofeekt i

§ years the Hawkeye staff will award SUitS your eye an~ poc et 0 2 Is making some special . i a prize of ten dollars for the best i ~

I I prices to JUDior students short stOry submitted for publlca- The Place for Y on . ~ tion in the annual. This contest i9 I

~ ~ ty whether graduate or undergradu-. for" Hawkeye" pho&os. ~ open to any student of the unlverSi- 1 to get aU of this for only

~ ate. The stories must be handed In $ 2 5 0 + ~~~~«»O«»O~ and the name of the author 1s no t _ _ 8

to the Hawkeye office by March 15' 1 8 ~ 'POSITIONS FOR TEACHERS to appear on the manuscr ipt but • 8

i handed in on a separate slip. I

THE MIDLAND SOHooL TEAOBEBS' AGENCY, OF~ In regard to the subject matter I is at the MOINES, IOWA, 8eC1I.I'e8 good positions for a large percentage of an Important change has been made

the graduates from Iowa colleges every rear· It doee a rellable in the rules. The stories may deal IOWA CITY SAMPLE and coDBerVative business and COID.IllADdB the conftdence of emplor- wJth any kind of life whether col-lDg officers in Mery state west of the l\ .... isslppi river. I ts contract i ~ is the m08t liberal. Write today for pla1ls. lege or otherwise, and they may bo morous or ser ious In their SHOE STORE ~;) c. R. SCROGGIE, Proprietor and Manager .:.

. FOR RENT g 8 ~ 119 E. Washington Street. Upstairs ~


we are now ready to take your photos for the Hawkeye

S~elal Bates Given

.wnsend's Studio

Dished rooms for housekeeping. No.


LOST-A red' fox mutf. please oeJl up 1052.


----------------------FOR SALE-Milk and cream,

There wtll be a l'Rr!lity dance, 1,'rl­

day, Jan. 17, at Co. I armory.

phone 6881. 1-16 RESERVE THE DATE, .Jannary

BERANEK'S Baggace, Traufer and

Parcel Delivery LOST-Bmall alligator purse witli 81, for the great Maalcal Fete, "The Oftlce Phone 12 RetJ. M&

change and $2.00. Finder please Ohlmee of Not'lDAlldJ," at the BDc· IOWA. CITY, IOWA. return to this office. 1-19 lert ThMtre. tf .

• toootO+otoootO~toootO+OOOOOOO'OOOOOOOOOtoootO+otoootOtoootO+>tOOOtOtoootO+otoootO~


.. ' ..


ARMORY . . i ~~.~~~~~KM·~~~~~O+OK~I~~ott~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Page 4: THE DAILY · i'raml c Good Fight. trong and night art r night, quietly clo sand locl;s th door ami loses hhuself In the land

NOTICE Mueller Bros. 115 Clinton St.

Drop in during the next ten days and see

how much you can save on

"Shoes that Satisfy"

WE do not make extravagant statements-~~ to dispose of our stock at less than it

costs to manufacture the shoes---But we do agree to save you a very substantial sum less than our regular selling price on any shoe in stock.

You need shoes. We have the best Stand­ard makes and are

sacrificing the price For Ten Days

Get the Right Place Men's Nettleton and Bostonians must go on sale with the others.

Don't MISS This ChAnce Ladies' Brown, Gray and Black Snedes. Custom Lace

Boots in Black and DarK Brown, all in the money-saving col~ umn for you. GET A BILL. We advertise facts which be relied upon.

. 115 Clinton St.

Mueller Bros.

+04()Ot()tOOC>O<»O~+C ANOTFIER FINE SHOW AT FOR RENT-Two large nicely C»CXoO«)(<»CXO()O:·O!oQo:oQo.'O:·O:O()OX)o:o()o:· O:oQo:o()oX)o:' O:oQo.'>O«)

§ o

§ PERSONALS ~ ENGLERT THEATRE furnished rooms, singly or in suite.

.ooot-<XoQo:oQoXX-<X<»O+Q<<XoQoX) --- Within one bloc-k of campus. Phone 6

Cbarls H. Morgan, eng. '08, who lntel'estblg 8lltl Olean how Oft'eroo M or eall at 114 E. Marltet. 1-21 § Ja now general manager of the 11m) l'retty Playhouse is

Sioux Valley Electric> Light and Crowded .

YO'.rer company at Canton, S. D., It Is 11 varied blll at Englert's

j ~ • isltln, his parents and frJends this last half of the week, but It Is a

here. good one; one which appeals to all

Mrs. Ross Powe11, formerly Miss classes ot people. Those ~ho like

,Irma Westenhaver, a former liberal to laugh may get their fill; those

arts student, Is dangerously i11 with

tu.berculosls. who like IIlaylet& with a solid moral

need only to spend the time and Eugene C. Ma110y Is dangerously

til with peritonitis as the result of money. With Edgar Foreman &.



.' .. Englneel'8 are Startletl

(Continued from page 1)

company In "The Danger Point,"

heading the bill, the rest fits In very

I appropriately.

Hermab &. Rice, "The Bumpity

Bump BoYs," are funny and cleve.' .,tber who likes the warmth of 203 N these cold winter nights and has actors and the way they do their

stun'ts Is a marvel. Did you ever formed .the habit of sneaking up th;re to sleep. The room Is o~IY oc- see a real rube? One from the rural

cailionally used, and It Is a. wonder districts for fair? WeB, if you never

that his presence was discovered at did, go and see Lolyd Coppins, the

alJ. If It had not been for his evl- rube violinist. For a full f1lve mln­

dent desire to while away tbe time utes last night the audience was in

somewhat by watcUlng the boys on an uproar whUe Mr. Coppins simply

the opposite side of the wall, stood on the sage abashed. Chester

througb the window, be probably .rohnson &: company put on a good

would not have been dlscov~J'~d at bicycle stunt, something out of the

all. ordinary and we11 worth seeing.

But his stealthy raiSing of the Davis and Allen put on a new and

cornel' of the curtain and peering unique stunt In singing and talking.

d'\l't<- ed tbrough tlte little wln- It is rich and full of "new ones."

dow high up on the partition wall

Come to the hot waffle supper, ~ Wedneaday, Jan. 15, at Presbyterian I church, 5:30. Tickets 25c.

RESERVE THE DATE, January 31, for the great Musical Fete, "The ObJmes ot Normandy," at the EDg.l~ Q len Theatre. tf

Eat \Raisins i

Iowa Theatre " ,~._ tPtl


Kay Bee Feature in Two Parts

SUNDAY gave him away and led to the LOST--8tone cameo ~rooch eet "THE FOREST ROSE"

r,slll'ch. Certainly the whole affair In pearls. Finder please return to 'fbanhotlser Westel1l in Two Reels

If! most mysterious. this omee and reeeive reward. 1-17


vVe ask that you send your O'arment for cleaning in early so we may have them three days. While we are installing new machinery in our cleaning plant we are sending all clean­ing to Des Moines. This make it necessary for us to have three days. Yon will be delighted with their work for your garments will be re­turned to you sweet and absolutely clean.

You will also be delighted with the delightful results we can give you as soon as our new cleaning machinery and high temperature de­odorizing dry room is ready. In the past ~ome garments have gone out with the gasoline odor still in them, BUT IN THE FUTURE we ab­, o]utely guarantee that every garment will be returned without the slightest odor of any kind and we will forfeit five donal'S ($5) for each and every garment returned to you with even the lightest odor of any kind. Your garment will be wonderfully sweet and clean and it will pay you to get the benefit of this improved ser-vice.

Cleaners, Pressers and Dyers for "Particular People"

Phone 54 27 Ea. t '\Vashington t.






Frte by i





It h


ot a


J8 aDd


ren 1I'elb

this j


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roune: nattnl

led d vote



edto InelJg



trom :

ant a



dent 1

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By t

to IDee


Thl8 c(


"hleh I

' lootlhlP


Cosmopolitan Olub Notice

There will be a social at the Cos­

J" opoli lan club tomorrow evening tn

(l ese hall, at 8 of clock.

LOST-Law notebook on sa1~,

Leave at Iowan office 01' notify the

owner. Walter I. Wolfe, lS2'7 8.

hdbuq~ 8t. Pbone Ioa-L. • :tf

Party pumps-prettiest patternsj RESERVE THE DATE, I ... . t--_

31, for the great llualca1 Fete, perfect fitting et Stewart'. now at I Chi f N d .. t"'-mes 0 orman " • ..... 108 S. Cu... .: _ lCJ't Th~ . .