the daily alumni in regard to the elec-...

IL} EEN CITY THOMAS all kinds ot our specialty· made. Ice in all sbapes for parties All lUI)'thiDg ill senS On. We are right now to )' OU in botih 8iJe Ea rly. BROS. 00. Walnut St. 10. j{ouse THE DAILY IOWA PUB LI SH E' D BY THE STUD EN TS OF THE 8 TATID UNIVl!I R SI TY or IOWA I VOL X IOWA CITY, IOWA, SUNDA Y MORNING, n ROR 5, 1911. NUMBER 105 J. H. IRfWIN R tPutS TO PfTlTlON SIG NfRS TELLS 1<' QUALlFI ATIONS AND HEOOnD OF PRESlJ)ENT ELECT. .10'01'111('1' (owu WI'('stlel' Be·t ot all A featu re of the coming lowa-Ne- braska wrestling tourney which Is alreatly aronslng cons ltl era bl e Int r- 'I' hut BOil "1lUl be Gh'eu Fili' ' 1' .. illl Before Condemning Him n too Youthful. est Is the Ilregence d n torm 'I' Iowa expert on tbe Cornl!uskcr team. This is O. \\'. )1 iller. lasL mi:idlp- weight chaml}lon at Iowa ,lnu one Presld nt.1. H. Tr win of the State Board ot on lu Friday wrote of till' bl'lIt coli ge grappl rs in tbe west. tbe following h ttel' In reply to the signed hy yarlo us Fort '1Ille!' BAS t8A LL MANA GfRS AR RANG f SC HfDUlfS to\\ Wl'rll (;001) II .\TES. . '!lIUJ.I"CI III (II I IIIJlIt· tlf ,\.till - k lilt I·(· ... t •• : [I· IH'\':: . 'II'\'t II;ltr, (,h"11 (1I1I'lel I fit lUll. 1I1e('! in or th woe d finlt I: rran before receiving his degree Dodge alumni in regard to the elec- suit t hll mid-year con\'ocafion In F,bruory. th ' 1'111', 'rh{' III tlon or John G. Dowman as pres.ident Is nol\' cOIU"I,te. Lat;t fall he entered the :\ebra ka ot Iowa: well atll'ntlecl. there being law Bcho J. A t that tim there was 2, 1911. about flft 'n n'pr ntnt! . little [nterellt [n \u'estling at that n Ilxlng I hp UII !lbaH datl I v- unlvl'rslty. 1\11\1 1', I' melUberlng the J. R. Files, Atty., XO\ '. Hf ron . nlE. ( Ollr( n'IlI',' \'" Cutlll,l tl , h .. tlnll. Prof l'roh on th lIn'k), Fir t .· It lot. IOWA fALLS BffORt POW f fUL GOPHfRS 1 .\11 1 WITII It\, II Bl t ) ', \1 .1. HOW -- . \\ lit , "II L; tIl ( "li_ t I DC linn r ult lllm- Ith a th lIt.. to .. low 'a t alii uteI' 'I In thl II tl n- tor lb I' rloll. Ft. Dodge, Iowa. eral Illall I'S ot college !tllporlnnce al Illdoot' rill tournalll 'nt. b III success of the Iowa wre tlIng C lub . of 10 t 0PPOrlunlty Dear Sir: were til .t1!; (0(1, and SOUlt.' proceeded to organize a similar one I am this morning ill recell,t of a at Uuder the direction of JIIellts toukln · to track 111 ets protest against the election of John this body, a gr at tl at of enthus l- twe n tlOIllC of O. Bowman 11 president of the State asm was arc used In wrestling, antl weI' Aon' Inte. University, sign d' by yourself and t he Hrst hOOlO tournalUent was hId. Th I' ult of (h b t twe t flv other Th sa e thl' un I\' I'8It_v on a Oll n y- e s. m 1\liller wus l'1E'cted pre 'Irlpnt or the will be presented to the State Board club. At the tournament he won tll of el er had. Clf the. ' 11- or th Iowa HYII 11 \IIel hll lII('n h JII t lIn- op n u Ilh a rush whkh thrl I n- flrllt sh(}ot. Th r I) th \lIn at It alii on ItB ea('h Th 'Y IIhoOI r, I, anu h d th bnll In Ih 'II my', t\\O turgl t., lIIakln for 101\a hol ;;2 1 out of a I )() th tlr t tl'lI the 'TIm at- ot Education at its next meeting. mIddle-weight champlon s hlt} of 'e- )lanager 1\ lIogg fixed th confer- The I' ult follow: the lIa k)1 rush'u thl' The Board did no t elect Prof. Bow- brasl<a. enc dat & whlll' altt'ndlng the III t- J at 2ntl man on any sudden impulse nor wlth- Since the hom tOllrnament, 1\I1IIer Ing In blcogo cf th ath l tic lIIon- lie s bll kt t only to 10 til or goal Iho otlll , un luck. B It r dlr lion of a f w ot th lJIany Iho which th Iowa I am made would out the most careful Investigation, has thrown the , obraska heavy ng rs of til Institutions COOl posing and then only two lengthy personal I I that organization. Th e oupl d L. R. L per weIght champion and s now cons d- Interv iews with him. I am confident with the dat s s cured with severa l Sh 1)llard ered the best wrestler In the unl- 22 23 tbat when the signel'S of this protest state schools as Hllers alford an x- Klnl"o.ll verslty. 1n the Iowa match be will u 23 21 know as much about Mr. Bowman as cellenlly balanc d II t. William meet Webb, the local middlewe i ght, 21 :\ the Board does, they will not be so title holder. Last rear Miller won Two alumni Owen P 1'1'10 and Arn On 22 emphatic In the expression of opln- from Webb In the finals, the Hrst fall Carroll "Chich" Kirk-who are now Bruins bask t. 10n9, that he Is not the proper Illan lasting nearly an hour. In the seml- the athl tI I' pI' ntatlves of the Campb II 21 :It 21 20 Lawl r nnd th Goph I' fin 1Iy slart d they over- for presid ent IO! the Unlvel'Sity. Hnals he disposed ot "Peck" Hazard, State Normal and Simpson reHpe('Uv - Looe Unless something un toreeen tran- who the year before held the title Iy, wer promln nl tlgur s In th J. . Leep I' 21 Ipl res, be w111 be Installed 8S presl- meeting. Others In att ndance were of Iowa champion. dent, and will be presi d ent of the UniversIty with all the nallle Implies, Since their meeting last year, both Seymour of :\ormal; FI h I' of Grln- Webb and . 1Il1er have Improved. nell, Holll ter of MorningSide, FInger and with the united enthusiastic and Cornell B yer Ames Pease of Webb's advance has been llttle short l , l , co nti nued supnort of the Board of Tabor and K Ilogg of Jowa ... of phenomenal , his worj{ In the last . Total and r La I r. ot courl was r aponslble tor rno of th dam a,. 'olhln, the work of th .1Inn ota. won- der baa ever b n 6 en on the Iown s for as local crltlci ar n- Education. home tournament being high clasB. Inclurllng all the games both state Wa hburn Coli ge Prestd nt rrank K. III add r Mr. Bowman declln d the presl- None of the other local middlewe ights and conference. the lown schedule of University nlc thll rt 1'- b II W leome to tb lIltl b st In \I thl broa(l land. dency of the Roekafeller Ins titute, were able to get him Into difficullles. and w oO uld have b en made presIdent ga lll es Is as t0110W8: April ] 7; l.-eand r Clark, here. Miller also Improved, but It Is of the UniversIty of at a A I'll "0' hardly likely that he has made tho P Chicago, hlcago. sa lary of $10,000 a year If Dr. Vln- AprlJ 21-22: 1IIlno!., Champalgne. same phenomenal advancement as cent had not re-cons lder ed his declin- \ 11"- Webb. The match between these , pI' ,",,; m . me. allon. )11'. Bowman has had excep- April :.! " Wls onaln, h T two men should be one of the best tlonal <l pportunilies and has assld- I; , here. coUege alfalrs ever stagetl, with hon- uo usly studied ejucational prohl ms ors even and no favorites picked be- 6; Ames, here . throughout the United States and \Ia"!l ' ornell, here. tore the tlnal tall. 0 " Canada for the past six years. and Is possessed of thorough first-hand Inf<lI'lnation in r ete rence thereto. He Is a thoroughly sane, level-headed, In the Friday's Issue of The Dally practical man, and though quiet and Iowan occurred an error co ncernJng 11; t. Joseph, Dubuque. 12-13; )llnnesota. 20; Cornell, Vernon. May 23-24; Was da, hr. modest, has abundant courage and the sides taken by the two contest- June 2; Grinnell, Grinnell. determInation as well as the qual j. ants In the university championship ti es of leadership in a high degree. debates . Contrary to what was then We took council of some of the best stated the Pllllos have the negative Inlt"l't' tins IAc(UI 't' :\11'. J. W. Rich ave a very Int r- authorities in the country on educa- of the question, having had the af- es ting Illu trated talk on the " Battle tlonal al'falrs In reference to Mr. flrmaUve In the preliminaries, while of hlloh" to th Cadet Bowman, and wer e Informed that he the Zets have the affill'mative, the Friday afternoon. A la rge numb r fu ll y measures up to the pOsition of same Ide which th y had in the pre- of stud ntll be Ides the cadets attend- Presl:lent of the University of Iowa, IImlnarles. and that we would be fortunate In ecurlng the s rvlc of so able and thoroughly competent a man. ) lcl{lblJln to Lell \'l'. George B. )lcKlbbln, who I am also pleased to advise you former ly private cretary t hat such men as Pl'ofes ors Calvin. jent George B. :\laeLean, and l lacBride, "'utll ng, Wilcox, Loos, until recently has sen' d In a Raymond, Guthrie , Dean, Pre ntiss , liar capacity tor .Judge Emlln )IC- and others, are pleas ed with the se- Claln, has re Ignetl the latter posl- lection of Mr. BO<\v man, and will give tion to beeome prh 'ate secretary to Th W ather: Co n gr laman-el ect H. 11. 'fown I' at night and tomorrow, with Increasing (Continued on page 2) Washingto n. cloudiness In southwestern portion. noon at tb three to b heltl during th antl spring months. on "Broatl nlng On '8 Range." 1', and alth ough h did ell mos' Pre Ident ander t world-wide of the time, Lawl r ran at large at traveller, a w II-known du ator and the clo of each half and hot goals a brl1l1ant p ak r. He was form r- tl11 th fanl lUoaned In angnl h. Iy Dean , of Yale Divinity school, then Walker a th cth r northern I' S ('retary of the Congr gatlonal chool and Publishing un- to show 0 d form. Ro' nwald, ' clet} Frank, and Roblllilard form d an called to Wa hburn Call ge. ordinary cOlUblnatlon, and It was the Pr \jent ander· ' ork of the other t·o ' hlch ov 1'- Is a "ell-known aut bor antl n current whelmed the Hawkeye. evera l mag zln " H Ryd n, mlth and Schmidt played exten Ively In foreign th b t game' tor To ·a. With th and Is plendldly fitl d to exc ption of the I t-up at th nd of on the sllbj ct he has chosen. the fir t halt, when the \'1 Itor ran Heaperlans and Zeta their score up all f all proportions to the merits of the team , the work of the whole five was th b t of th y ar on he borne 1\O<!r. The mea fought harder than ver. and I.. pt the ball in their pos. "Ion mo l of the )Ies I' .Jone. and Th e game opened with the Old f\g htlng and Bradley. Hake. Scannell. Zet Paper-Josephine L onard. "I olln Solo-Esther Brenner . Hep Ecce ntrl Itles-Ray B ebe. Plan :! Solo- llr. Burnett. Gold five forcing th missing chane s at the ba keto Aft I' three mlnu at play Lawler hot a field oal, and {ollowe itb a {I' e ben Schmidt foul 1. Ryden caDle ba k with a ba k t. and after th Hawk y had kep th uall In (Co ntinue I on P8I :e 4, 1

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Page 1: THE DAILY alumni in regard to the elec- suit t hll mid-year con\'ocafion In F,bruory. th ' 1'111', tlon or ... n '~Ide' Ilxlng




THOMAS all kinds ot

our specialty· made. Ice

in all sbapes for parties


lUI)'thiDg ill senSOn. We are

right now to )'OU in botih 8iJe

Early. BROS. 00.

Walnut St. 10.




I~~~==~====~==~~~====~~====~========~~============ J. H. IRfWIN RtPutS




.10'01'111('1' (owu WI'('stlel' I~ Be·t ot all


A featu re of the comi ng lowa-Ne­

braska wrestling tourney which Is

alreatly aronslng consltl erable Int r­l'k~ 'I'hut BOil "1lUl be Gh'eu Fili'

'1' .. illl Before Condemning Him

n too Youthful.

est Is the Ilregence d n torm 'I' Iowa

expert on tbe Cornl!uskcr team. This

is O. \\'. )1 iller. lasL year'~ mi:idlp-

weight chaml}lon at Iowa ,lnu one Presld nt.1. H. Tr win of the State

Board ot ~d\lcat! on lu Friday wrote of till' bl'lIt coli ge grappl rs in tbe

west. tbe following h ttel' In reply to the

r~.olutlons signed hy yarlous Fort '1Ille!'


to\\ •

Wl'rll (;001) II.\TES.

.'!lIUJ.I"CI III (II • I IIIJlIt· tlf ,\.till -

k lilt I·(· ... t •• : [I·IH'\':: .'II'\'t II;ltr,

(,h"11 (1I1I'lel I fit lUll.

1I1e('! in or th

woe d finlt I: rran before receiving his degree

Dodge alumni in regard to the elec- suit t hll mid-year con\'ocafion In F,bruory. th ' 1'111',

'rh{' III tlon or John G. Dowman as pres.ident Is nol\' cOIU"I,te. Lat;t fall he entered the :\ebra ka

ot Iowa: well atll'ntlecl. there being law Bcho J. A t that tim there was

~larch 2, 1911. about flft 'n n'pr ntnt! . little [nterellt [n \u'estling at that

n '~Ide' Ilxlng I hp UII !lbaH datl I v­unlvl'rslty. 1\11\1 1', I' melUberlng the

J. R. Files, Atty.,

XO\' . Hf ron .nlE.

( Ollr( n'IlI',' \ ' " t~' 1I1Ill

Cutlll,l tl , h .. tlnll.



on th lIn'k),

Fir t .· It lot.


1 .\11 1 WITII It\, II

Bl t ) ',\1 .1. HOW --. \\ lit , (;1'lH'\lIII~ I"II~ "II L; tIl ( "li_

t I DC

linn r ult


Ith a

th lIt.. to ..

low 'a t alii uteI' 'I In thl II tl n- tor lb I' rloll. Ft. Dodge, Iowa.

eral Illall I'S ot college !tllporlnnce al Illdoot' rill tournalll 'nt. b III success of the Iowa wre tlIng Club. of 10 t 0PPOrlunlty ('C11I~

Dear Sir: were til .t1!; (0(1, and SOUlt.' proceeded to organize a similar one

I am this morning ill recell,t of a at ~ebraFoka. Uuder the direction of JIIellts toukln · to track 111 ets

protest against the election of John this body, a gr at tl a t of enthusl- twe n tlOIllC of

O. Bowman 11 president of the State asm was arc used In wrestling, antl weI' Aon' Inte.

University, sign d ' by yourself and the Hrst hOOlO tournalUent was hId. Th I' ult of (h

b t twe t flv other Th sa e thl' un I\' I'8It_v on a Oll n y- e s. m 1\liller wus l'1E'cted pre 'Irlpnt o r the

will be presented to the State Board club. At the tournament he won tll of gallH!~ el er had.

Clf the. ' 11- or th Iowa nv~. HYII 11 \IIel hll lII('n

h JII t lIn- op n u Ilh a rush whkh thrl I n-

flrllt sh(}ot. Th r I) th \lIn at It alii on ItB

ea('h t~alll. Th 'Y IIhoOI r, t· I, anu h d th bnll In Ih 'II my',

t\\O turgl t., lIIakln


101\a hol ;;2 1 out of a I)()

th tlr t tl'lI


'TIm at-

ot Education at its next meeting. mIddle-weight champlonshlt} of • 'e- )lanager 1\ lIogg fixed th confer- The I' ult follow: the lIa k)1 rush'u thl' The Board did not elect Prof. Bow- brasl<a. enc dat & whlll' altt'ndlng the III t- J at 2ntl

man on any sudden impulse nor wlth- Since the hom tOllrnament, 1\I1IIer Ing In blcogo cf th ath l tic lIIon- lies

bll kt t only to 10 til

or goal Ihootlll ,

un luck . B It r

dlr lion of a f w ot th lJIany Iho

which th Iowa I am made would

out the most careful Investigation, has thrown the , obraska heavy ng rs of til Institutions COOl posing 1~lllolt and then only two lengthy personal I I that organization. Th e oupl d L. R. L per weIght champion and s now cons d-Interviews with him. I am confident with the dat s s cured with several Sh 1)llard ered the best wrestler In the unl- 22 23 tbat when the signel'S of this protest state schools as Hllers alford an x- Klnl"o.ll verslty. 1n the Iowa match be will u 23 21 know as much about Mr. Bowman as cellenlly balanc d II t. William meet Webb, the local middleweight, 21 :\

the Board does, they will not be so title holder. Last rear Miller won Two alumni Owen P 1'1'10 and Arn On ~2 22 emphatic In the expression of opln- from Webb In the finals, the Hrst fall Carroll "Chich" Kirk-who are now Bruins bask t. 10n9, that he Is not the proper Illan lasting nearly an hour. In the seml- the athl tI I' pI' ntatlves of the Campb II 21 :It

21 20

Lawl r nnd th Goph I'

fin 1Iy slart d they over-for president IO! the Unlvel'Sity. Hnals he disposed ot "Peck" Hazard, State Normal and Simpson reHpe('Uv - Looe

Unless something untoreeen tran- who the year before held the title Iy, wer promln nl tlgur s In th J . . Leep I' 21 Iplres, be w111 be Installed 8S presl- meeting. Others In att ndance were of Iowa champion. dent, and will be president of the

UniversIty with all the nallle Implies, Since their meeting last year, both Seymour of :\ormal; FI h I' of Grln­

Webb and . 1Il1er have Improved. nell, Holll ter of MorningSide, FInger and with the united enthusiastic and o· Cornell B yer o· Ames Pease of Webb's advance has been llttle short l , l ,

continued supnort of the Board of Tabor and K Ilogg of Jowa ... of phenomenal , his worj{ In the last .


and r

La I r. ot courl • was r aponslble

tor rno of th dam a,. 'olhln,

the work of th .1Inn ota. won­

der baa ever b n 6 en on the Iown

s for as local crltlci ar n-Education. home tournament being high clasB. Inclurllng all the games both state Wa hburn Coli ge

Prestd nt rrank K.

III add r

Mr. Bowman declln d the presl- None of the other local middleweights and conference. the lown schedule of University nlc thll rt 1'­ b II W leome to tb lIltl

b st In \I thl broa(l land. dency of the Roekafeller Institute,

were able to get him Into difficullles. and woO uld have b en made presIdent

galll es Is as t0110W8:

April ] 7; l.-eand r Clark, here. Miller ha~ also Improved, but It Is of the UniversIty of ~lInnesota at a A I'll "0'

hardly likely that he has made tho P ~, Chicago, hlcago.

salary of $10,000 a year If Dr. Vln- AprlJ 21-22: 1IIlno!., Champalgne. same phenomenal advancement as

cent had not re-consldered his declin- \ 11"-Webb. The match between these , pI' ,",,; m . me.

allon. )11'. Bowman has had excep- April :.! " Wls onaln, h T two men should be one of the best

tlonal <l pportunilies and has assld- ~Iay I; ~Iornlngsld , here. coUege alfalrs ever stagetl, with hon-

uously studied ejucational prohl ms ors even and no favorites picked be- ~Iay 6; Ames, here.

throughout the United States and \Ia"!l ' ornell, here. tore the tlnal tall. 0 "

Canada for the past six years. and

Is possessed of thorough first-hand

Inf<lI'lnation in reterence thereto. He

Is a thoroughly sane, level-headed, In the Friday's Issue of The Dally

practical man, and though quiet and Iowan occurred an error concernJng

11; t. Joseph, Dubuque.

~Iay 12-13; )llnnesota. ~Ipls.

~(ay 20; Cornell, ~(t. Vernon.

May 23-24; Was da, hr.

modest, has abundant courage and the sides taken by the two contest- June 2; Grinnell, Grinnell.

determInation as well as the qual j. ants In the university championship

ties of leadership in a high degree. debates. Contrary to what was then

We took council of some of the best stated the Pllllos have the negative

Inlt"l't' tins IAc( U I't'

:\11'. J. W. Rich ave a very Int r-

authorities in the country on educa- of the question, having had the af- esting Illu trated talk on the " Battle

tlonal al'falrs In reference to Mr. flrmaUve In the preliminaries, while of hlloh" to th Cadet

Bowman, and were Informed that he the Zets have the affill'mative, the Friday afternoon. A la rge numb r

fu lly measures up to the pOsition of same Ide which th y had in the pre- of stud ntll be Ides the cadets attend­

Presl:lent of the University of Iowa, IImlnarles.

and that we would be fortunate In

ecurlng the s rvlc ~ of so able and

thoroughly competent a man.

) lcl{lblJln to Lell \' l'.

George B. )lcKlbbln, who

I am also pleased to advise you formerly private cretary

that such men as Pl'ofes ors Calvin. jent George B. :\laeLean, and

l lacBride, "'utllng, Wilcox, Loos, until recently has sen' d In a

Raymond, Guthrie, Dean , Prentiss, liar capacity tor .Judge Emlln ) IC­

and others, are pleased with the se- Claln, has re Ignetl the latter posl-

lection of Mr. BO<\vman, and will give tion to beeome prh'ate secretary to Th W ather:

Congr laman-elect H. 11. 'fown I' at night and tomorrow, with Increasing

(Con tinued on page 2) Washington. cloudiness In southwestern portion.

noon at tb

three to b heltl during th

antl spring months.

on "Broatl nlng On '8 Range." 1', and alth ough h did ell mos'

Pre Ident ander t~ t world-wide of the time, Lawl r ran at large at

traveller, a w II-known du ator and the clo of each half and hot goals

a brl1l1ant p ak r. He was form r- tl11 t h fanl lUoaned In angnl h.

Iy Dean ,of Yale Divinity school, then Walker a th cth r northern I'

S ('retary of the Congr gatlonal

chool and Publishing

un- to show 0 d form. Ro' nwald,

' clet} Frank, and Roblllilard form d an

called to Wa hburn Call ge. ordinary cOlUblnatlon, and It was the

Pr \jent ander· 'ork of the other t·o 'hlch ov 1'­

Is a "ell-known autbor antl n current whelmed the Hawkeye.

everal mag zln " H Ryd n, mlth and Schmidt played

exten Ively In foreign th b t game' tor To ·a. With th

and Is plendldly fitl d to exc ption of the I t-up at th nd of

on the sllbj ct he has chosen . the fir t halt, when the \'1 Itor ran

Heaperlans and Zeta

their score up all f all proportions

to the merits of the team , the work

of the whole five was th b t of th

y ar on he borne 1\O<!r. The mea

fought harder than ver. and I.. pt the

ball in their pos. "Ion mo l of the

)Ies I' • .Jone. and The game opened with the Old

f\ghtlng and




Zet Paper-Josephine L onard.

"Iolln Solo-Esther Brenner.

Hep E ccentrl Itles-Ray B ebe.

Plan :! Solo- llr. Burnett.

Gold five forcing th

missing chane s at the ba keto Aft I'

three mlnu at play Lawler hot a

field oal, and {ollowe itb a {I' e

ben Schmidt foul 1. Ryden

caDle ba k with a ba k t. and after

th Hawk y had kep th uall In

(Co ntinue I on P8I:e 4, 1

Page 2: THE DAILY alumni in regard to the elec- suit t hll mid-year con\'ocafion In F,bruory. th ' 1'111', tlon or ... n '~Ide' Ilxlng


g D A I L Y I 0 W AN 1 .. -----~iIIIII!II----I111!_~-..... -~1


r \\


LX NO 105

Ilry morning except C:;atulday. londaya. Of the Vldett~Report­d forty-second year anJ of the I. Quill the nineteenth year.

Edltor-In-Chlef ARTHUR C. GORDON

ay lay leaday ~day


THE STAFF: D k Editol'8

G. K. Thompson Conger Reynolds

Frank Baldwin T. H. Tapping

V. R. Seeburger

allc Editor SII' s Editor

J. C. Miller G. K. Thompson

Keith & McChesney Reliable Jewelers

S U I Jewelry in the really exclusive de­• • • signs is always carried here. Pins,

Rings, Fobs andl Hat Pins with Seals, Monograms and unique designs here at present are worth your inspection. Special orders for Cups or Medals are filled to the customer's delight.


Eight Addresses.

Arranged by Young Peoples' Society

of Unitarian Ohurch.

March 5; Mr. E. E. Johnston:

Newspaper )[aldng.

March 12; Supt. H. E. Blackmar:


March 19; Dr. E. A. Rogers:

Denti try.

March 2S; Dean W . G. Raymond:

April 2;


Miss Mary E. Nesbit:

NU1'8iug, A Professjon for

Women. J. U. TREWIN RTl'LlES +++ '1"1"1"1"1'+-1-1'++++ +++ April 9; Dr. Henry Albert:

A oclate l1:dJtol'8 h, Goodman

luter H. Bell

E. P. Korab

'.1'0 PETITroX IGXER + + Public Health Work.

IJ (Continued from page 1) + OO)nNG EVENTS. + April 23; Prof. Barry Gilbert:

The Law. + + C. B. Isaac him, as I believe will also all mem- ..!....L..L +,1"1"1,+,1,++++++ +++

F. R. Blythe ............ April 30; Miss Mary Brooks: . I. 1 Walsb F lI1enagh

J. B. ScalJnell bers of the faculty, and the great ill arch 9, Iowa-Grinnell basketball Office Work tOl' Women. F. lydel majority of the alumni and the peo-

II h tid I tr d game. SUNDAY EVENINGS AT SEVEN, AT til, :~s~." taB goo, owa a or 8 pIe of Iowa, their heartiest support. 'March 14. Iowa-Nebraska wrestling UNITARIAN CHURCH.

All we ask for Br. Bowman Is a

DA ,Y IOWAN PUBLISHING CO., lair trial, which we shall do our ut­Pu bllsher (IncorporatGrt.)

0\ :' If. MEREDITH, Business Mgr most to see that he Is given. Why

J (Il'r tl as second-class !l.lall mat­t r 'orember 12, 1903, at tbe post­oil , .! at Iowa City, Iowa, u!lder the n:1 IIf Congress of March 3, 1879.


01111' 23 East Wasbingt,m Street, Doth Phones

t; 'de- NomA of Iowa City Clli~en)

shoull you attempt to make It more

'IIIHcult for him, and to Impair his

II efulrH'ss In the beginning by mere­

ly pfnnln~ tit "roses of youth" upon


\' ry tr1l1r yonrs,

J. J[. Trcwln


The igner.

TIlt' signers of the reRolutlons fol­


match at armory.

Unitarian Church

('UI'. (Whelt lind 10\111 .Ave.

HE'-. ,,, S. LOm. 'a, :'Ililll tel'.

srxll.\Y :'IIOHXI\"G A'r 11:00



The Problem ct Immor-

l"OUJlg })eo]lle's Society lit ':.

Young P ODI s: Address on Choos­

ing a Profession: Mr. E. E. Johnston


~~;';[ewARROW ~otch COLLARS

114., I tor ll6e. Cluett, Peabody .t Co., Kat.,..


+++++++'I-I"I"I'I'+oJo+-t+Ho + + + BUS1NE88 DIRE<7l'ORY + + + +++++++·l-H· .... I·+++++++

HENRYG.W~ LaW)'er and NotllrJ PubUc Omce over Golden Eagl.


DRB. DEAN & BOILER Practice L1m.tted to DiJeMea 01 &lit

Eye, Ear, Nose and ThftNlt. Phone 1190.

W. R. Whltels p, S. Beet PHYSIOIANS & SUlWEON8

21 ~ S. Dubuque St. Hours 3-12, l-G, 74,

Phone 214-R.

DR. FRANK L. LOVE Eye, Ear, Nose and Tbroat

Omce over Novak's Drug Store Telephone


Office 17 ~ S. Dubuque 8t. Over Stach's Shoe Store

Residence 229 Summitt 8t. Office Phone 380R. _.Residence, 5781


Diseases 01 Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat

No.8 N. Clinton St.

DR. W. H. DONOVAN Physlclan and Surgeon

Office 117 * S. Dubuque St., 01e1 Wilkinson's Grocery.

Residence Cor. Colege and Sum­mit. Phones, Office 106; Resld~ 201.


l'hysiclan and Surgeon.

Omce, 15 S. Dubuque St., (tormerll

occupied by Dr. Biorring). ReII,

dence 716 Iowa Ave. Hours, 10·11

,\nnounCl"lIlcnts and notlrp~ should ho In the Iowan otllce by r. o'clock to indure publication.

topies for ~n l e IInri suh'lcriptiouR Inken III the I' lUlU office, Wieneke's

.1. n. Files, 'O:i, Atty.

n. ll. BUl'UIIUlst, 'O:i-'07, tty. ot The Dally Cit izen spealls on • 'ews- +++++++++++++++++++ a. m. ; 2-4 p. ro. TfI!ephones:

A .. cadu Book Store. eth Thomas, '04-'OS-'10, Atty.

CO:-.lCI<1R '1, 'G TRACK WORK ... Frank ~fnher, '07, Atty.

it again becomes neces ary to say D .nls Kelleher, '93, tty.

a word concerning the letbargy In C. F. Adams, '01, Dent.

tfllck work here at Iowa. The dls- Grant Bruner, '93, Dent.

mal response that has answered the Chas. F. Duncombe, 'S3, Ed1tOl.

('all sent out by Coach Kellogg merits R. D. rone, '97, City SuPt.

more than passing consideration . The E. F. Kennedy, '97, Dent.

showing, to state it shortly, but ex- V. Gabrielson, '10, Atty.

presslvely, was mlserable-unquaU- \\'. S. Johnston, '10, Atty.

tiedly miserable. It Is to be hoped J. F. Darton, '07, Atty.

that the Immediate prospects are not Emm t J. Kelley, '07, Atty.

wholly Indlcatlv of attitude or M. J. Fitzpatrick, '03, Atty.

the students here toward that branch Wm. T. CbantJand, '92,'94, Atty.

of support; if they are, track athlet- Fred J. Blake,' ,Att.y.

les should sulfer a speedy dlscontlnu- .~. Magowan, '98, Atty.

ance. Time Is too valuable to be ~1. J. :\lItchell , '93, Atty.

waFted In a pursuit yielding so little barles Saunders, 'S5, M. D.

satisfaction and encouragemnt. While J. D. Lowry, '01, M. D.

the number of men who reported for

work yesterday showed a perceptible

increase from that of tbe past few

. days It was far from pleasing, and

paper ~Iaklng.

FJ'eedolll- Fellow lIi1l- Chftl'lIctel'

in n eliglon.

I-++~++++++++++++++++ + Selld jn YOlu' sp1'i.llg c1euning + + noll'. Yon wm be plclIsantly + + sOl'pl'ised if Y011 elld YOlu' + + soUed gru'lueuts to the + + VAllSIT¥ WARDROBE. + I-H"%ooI"I"I'+++++++-Jo+++++

WANTED-Student girl for light

house work. No washing or ironing,


FIRE SALE ..• OF •••

Cigars Pipes and Tobaccos

2 in family. Phone 34 or call at 1141

E. Market street, west side of house. Come in and look over ==- this stock.

In a recent cross country run at

Minnesota ea<lh of the competing

teams wore the colors (If a cororlty.

The sorority having tbelr colors on

the winning team was given a silver . loving cuP.

o. H. FINK +++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++

1& yet In line for a very material aug­

mentation. It Is to be hoped that the

true nature of the situation wlll man­

Ifest itself, and that these few words

will be construed In the manner In

which they are Intended.

Spring An~ouncement

A. 1. E. E. Xotice.

Monday afternoon at 4:30 l\1r. J.

C. Young of eda r Rapids will deliver

a lecture on " Sollclti~g E lectric

Light Busin ." T his lecture will

be delivel'ed In the Physics Lecture

room. Tbose Interested are cordially

.Invited to be pre ent.


All applications for fellowships

and scholarships in the Graduate col­

lege for the year 1911-12 should be

In the offie of the dean of theg radu­

ate coil ge before March 15. Any

persons who are Interested In fellow­

ship and scholarships of other Inst.l­

tutions are invited ,to consult Dean

Seashore about them.



It lDeans II_tUn' yoar mea.are In a ooaple of dozea places rliht dO'WD to quarters of an Inch.

It means balldlntl up heft and there t Improve your filiure-ninety men In a bandred need this.

It means ataylnll and .trenitheolnll your aar­ments so that they keep their shape.

It means the blibest priced IIninlis anti trim­hlas, and the hilihest class 'Work all around.

We Illve these thtnlls to all buyers of our suits. We would like to .Uve them to you.1

JOSEPH SLA V ATA 107 S. Clinton St. 'TAILOR Iowa City, Iowa

OFFICE, 671\1. RES. 671,


22~~ So. OI1nt()u St. Iowa. Oit)', !I.


DRS. WASHBURN & WASuniJm B. E. Washburn, D. O.

Evelyn S. Washburn, D. O. Office and Residence 102 S. LinD 81.

Iowa Oity, 10WII. • . Phone ~8 Appoirunents Only

DENTISTS ----------

JOHN VO,,,S, D. D. S. The Students' Dentlst Hn~ South Dubuque St.

Pllone 1185. low!' ()It)', Ion


SALE AND RENT:-Largt' lWoI :ity re idences, vacant lots, and r_ Aiso 8tocks of merchandise.

O. )1. RENO, 110 ~2 Wn8hington "t.


ANNA DILLER STARBUCK l\lusic Studio 21 N. Dubuque

Pupils Received in Plano and Hannoll1

ANNA Sl\llTR OLOSE Soprano

Pupil of Ohas. W. Clark Rod Gte. Mamlln, CJncertB, Recitals, Vocal II strucUon. Studio, 114 South Clloto. St. Phone 162R. St. Phone 1077.

)Ire. Jennie L. Lewis



1522 East College Street •

First National Bank I

Capital Stock . $100.~ I Surplus - . . l00.~

Studenls Accounts S6licited I We do a general Banking Business


Capital tM,OII I A general banking buslneu trail'

acted. Ace.ounta solicited. <Jorner Oollejl'e &; Dubuque 8t.

-UN 11


(tXf B~ FOR I



use a




Page 3: THE DAILY alumni in regard to the elec- suit t hll mid-year con\'ocafion In F,bruory. th ' 1'111', tlon or ... n '~Ide' Ilxlng

1"1' H"l'+++++++ + :sa DIREO'l'ORY +

~+++~ t O. WALKER. Uld Not.ary PobUc I

Golden Eagl.

& BOILER to Di8eMeI 01 ...

Nose and Throat. 1190.

S. GRANT, J\I. D. * S. Dubuque 8t. Shoe Store Summitt St.

__ Residence, 61811

Ave_ Hours, 10-11

RES. 671.

Iowa Oity, Ja. \

RENT:-LaI"gt' u.t ~ vacan t lots, and ,.,.­

merchandise. 1\1. RENO, Washington "t.

STARBUCK 21 N. Dubuque

Received in and Harmolly

Sl00.~ I l00.~

nts Solicited I Banking BusineJI



[tXI Books and Suppllts FOR ALL COLLEG~S

P,ices Alwav.f Right




Dont t Strain

Notice Juniors Do you know what

$1 win do for your Hawkeye picture? If not call at

Crawford'i RESIDENCE


Marshall-O' Brien­Worthen Co.

Your Eyes 116 Iowa Avenue

-0- •.• Dental Supplies ...• But use Gas or Electric Light for studying ... A good light is necessary-Why use a poor one ...


Iowa City Gas and Electric Co.

11 solves Ihe problem of 3 ... mar1. closed­front Slyle w,lh ample space 10 knot Ih scarf.

_TRY] 1 I_ The THOMAS Hard-I

ware Store On thE: On the Corner Square


We are fixed to ac­commodate F 1FT Y STUDENTS with table board at $3.50 per week. W e h a v e a clean, up-to·date hotel and solicit 'Your pat· ronade. Try us for a week and you'll never leave. Just across street from interurban depot.

Manhattan Hotel H. A. DUNLAP, Prop.

Geo. D. Barth

+++ ++++++·1"1'1 'Hu l' +++ + + + PlAY AND PLAYERS + + P T .\ND PROAISED + + + +++ ·luI 'I"H' H' 1"1 '1-1 '1' +++

A OOMMERCIAL EDUOATJO. I ot Inat nine to rou .. No m to' ter hat your vocatIoll miT be. It

WRITEUJTof)AY wm pa, fOU BIG DlVlD 1.

73-Pac Catalol Fr e. Cedar Raplda Bulin Coli e,

Cedar Rapid •• Iowa.

Again Joe Haward, the proU1lc ..... ----------------------­Chicago composer, proved his popu-

larity with the students of the uni­

versity wben his latest musical com­

edy elfort, "The Sweetest Girl In Par-

is," was greet d by an audience which

broke all attendance records of the

Coldren theatre Thursday evening.

"The Sweetest Girl" is a typical

Howard show, neither b tt r nor

JUNIORS Make enllallemenh now for your Photos.

Special rates "iven to all juniors at

To'Wnsends' Studio worse than the many the tuneful Chi­

cagoan has put forth during th palt

decade. The personnel of the ca t ~ .... t .......................................... .. which presented the piece h re, how- -

ever, made its appearance something ~========================

of an evenl. Trixie Frlganza, the ------------------------­corpulent comedienne, Fred Bowere,

an old favorite, Dorothy Brenner,

"the sweetest girl," and Cathryn

Rowe Palmer, probably the cl vere t

woman clown on the stage today,

made the evening one of real enter­

tainment. Alexander Carr, who stren·

uously objects to being cOllslllcl'ed u

lIlU Iral comedy comedian, proved his

Nobby Party Slipper in Satans and Suedes

Mat ·Calf Pump& for Men

Mueller Bros .• JClintc:~~treet worthln s of b ttC't' roles than the ________________________ __

mo nn mu Icnl comedy has to o11'er ===========~======~====== and made us plan on seeing him ~ ........ I.I_E.-oII-... -~ .. d .......... ---.I ... -1 ........ - .... ~::::,= .:::,::::::f:::~::::::;::::: I ~rytNsATpURuEr· ~ ;;:lfRaE:EwD

y at~r "The ;\luslc ~lnster," nnd In the role J \. lJ" A \, of Cobosso, th self-appointed riYal

of Caruso, tbe monkey house ten or,

he showed real dramatic ability,

sOIllC'thlng rather uncommOn on the

mUSical comedy l'otage of modern Am­


"Polly ot the Circus," one o[ the

prettiest plays of recent year, wlJl

be the offering ~Ionday evenin g. The

production Is sUIl under the manage­

m nt of FrederIc Thompson ( [r .

Thorup on, by the way, most emphat-

Ically objects when a printer puts a

k on the end ot his first name) who

originally produc d the piece. Edith

Speare, said to be a very capable

young actress, now has the role made

popular by Mabel and Edith Talla-

In bottle, and lUi. Shipped only by U. C. Fry Co. fr m tb. orl~lnal Fry Mineral prloK located at Colfax, Iowa. HENRY LE", I druul t, and J. IN M[LLER 60 rrLIN li WORK, alt nt. for low City, have the wilter frelh from the Sprlne alway. on bEnd and ... 111 flU all orders promptly .

C:upe.rior ~erVICe

That is what con titute our claim for your bu iue . It means much in the way of the late ·t, most i-mproved machinery and laundry appiance . It mean furtber skilled employe who understand the art of so treating your linen as to give it th t re­fined finish for which we are recognized.


Linocord e:::..~ Buttonholes

ferro and Ida St. Leon. The play

The largest grocery store carries with it a small circus, which C.O.D.LAUNDRY TEL. 1169

------------------------~.~-----------Ihol are easY- lo-bullon and \'nbutton. and don 'I Irar out. arc found Lr,ij .. I Silver Brand Collar •.

in Iowa City and the largest Is presented on the stage. It should ~======================= For SOole By


Iowa. City - : . Iowa

stock to select from. be well received here.

Joe Howard will again have his In-

My facilities for supply. nings when " Lower Berth 13" is pre-

• sen ted here Wednesday evening. The mg you with groceries are

farce was originally written as a

unexcelJed. A ·trial will "straight" piece, Intended for Wl1-

convince you. lIam C<>JJ1er, the farceur. When Col­

lier found another vehicle, It was

++++-1+1-'1 I i 1 .. 1'+++'1_1 lul"I" ·Inl·+++·i .. ! 1·1'1'-1+1-""1 I I I Luscombe for Your I t ANNUAL PHOTOS 1 ·+++I'+++'I"ll"I"I-+++++++++++-I+I-'1-I"I'I"I'~11111 Write tor our Dcoklet " What',

What"-the encyclopedia ot correct

tdeas. Geo. D. Barth hastily transformed Into a musical ~========================:!!



II known throughout tbe world as a

Guarantee at Quality

Are tile Largert Manufacturer.

In the World of

Official Equipment FOR ALL


I F YOU are lutere.ted In Atbletic Sport yon Ibould bave a copy of tile Spald­

Ine CatalollUe. It'. a complete encl'­c10pedla ot Wha,'" New In Sport_

Iowa CityAcademy ... Pr~pares Students for State University. Fine

OPPOJtunity to made up deficiencies W. A. W ILUS, Prlndpol

comedy of more or les8 pretentious­

ness and adorned with seve ral tune­

tul ditties from the une-rldden brain

of the hard working Joe. It bad a

successful four month's run In Chi­

cago and Is said to he distlctly amus­

Ing. We have not been Informed =================;;:;;;;===;:;;;;=-=~. as to whether or not some of tbe fea­

tures which annoyed the ministerial

a soclation of hlcago In Its run

there have been eliminated, but, as

Is usual, it is probable that the farce

ha been more or less expurgated for

presentation 10 Iowa audiences, It be­

ing the common th ing to find that

the taste ot the Iowan appreCiate,

spice Ie s vehemently than that ot the theatre 20er of the western me­


The arti tic floral ability of Aldous is well known. No matter whether you de ire a modest tribute of respect, or a more elabor­ate tabJe decoration, con nIt Aldous and the re uUs will be satisfactory.

Greenhouses-Church and Dodge.

ng buslne::::: I I A. G. SPALDING & BROS. solicited. 147 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO

& Dubuque St. iII •• ___ L_.I ___ ~ _______ " ____ "


The Harvard Aeronautical SOCiety

hs 250 members enrolled.

Store-IS S. Clinton Street.

Page 4: THE DAILY alumni in regard to the elec- suit t hll mid-year con\'ocafion In F,bruory. th ' 1'111', tlon or ... n '~Ide' Ilxlng


.. ,," City Lodge No. 4, A. F." A. M. J. L. Records, W. M. Bruce Moore, Sec.

Regu lar meeting, 8d Monday of ar h month.

++++ ++++·I"H"I"tu1· ++++ .:. ~

'+ l'En NAL D SOOIAL + -r + ++++ ++++'H I' H-l- ++++

.!lsses EIs1e and Wil ma Whitner

rle spending the week- nd at their

bOllle in West Lib rty.


We are Agents for .weh standards as



\11 Wilma Lawrence is spending _.;;;;;;==~ __ -==:;.........;;:==-_____ -=~_==-=;:.-=-=-;:..;;~ ul1(lay at her hOIll In . 'ew haron. leiman, L. A. ' 13, Is of hold ing 60,0 00. The estimated

~llss Pansy ~\llInkk, whQ Is ttend- spt'ndlng unday at her homo In Tlp- lost Is $:100,0 00 .

g High land P ark College, vlsitE'd tOil. 'lIss Ada Yocum, L. A. '11 , ae- Authorities of the University of AI-

!th h r 1'1 t r. LllIlao, ' terda, at companied her. ahallla \Jave turned o\,er the ll1e~s hall

MILTON 2M iA.1aiP 1st I ....... ~

ARROW COLLARS They fit and .it right

lx~ ZfwZSc.

F. •

Cedar Rapids And

Iowa Citv Railway

• 40

vendi hall. J, .\ 1. r"lsk, SUJlerlntendent ot to the l:itudents, and the latter ha\'o L....;;::::... _________ -' HOURL}

DAIL l' y ~ W, " A, gil \' 0 nn Intorlllal at aud gro und ot th . unlrer- arrnged the Stud nts' lloardtng .t\J;-

~ollle yest rday 1I1'ternoon at Clo:' Ity has gone ' to Chicago where he o('\allon, wblch III conducted 011 tbe

I II. will I' mnln Cor .l few days transaet- l'U-Opt'ratire plan. The IlreS('nt price SUlllll'r at Con 'rogatlonal church,

~I· j nesday, ) l an'h ,from 5: 30 to ing unhen;Jty lJuslness. of hoa'rd Is fl. ed at $I:! llel' llIonth.

.'alllupi Sloan /)f the unlv rslt y : :10. Price 30 c nt , 3-8 Eugli h dpn r tUl Il t has ge ll ' to Chl-

lOW.\' .FALl,S BEFOR}} Last evening t he Irvlngs and Ero-I eago where he wlU be an over Sunday

Iilllblans enjoyed a dance at Ma- visitor with his mother. POWEIU'UL GOl'JlEHS

c. Prot. . W, Wassam delivered one (Contiouedfrom page 1)

PI Deta Phi ent rtalned informally of his lectures at Corydon last Frl- ------------

riday evening at the chapter house. day evening. Ooph er territory for the better (Jart

Hss Penrose chaperoned, Miss Hel 11 Vogt, a graduate stu- of five minutes withou t result In th e

Phi B La PI gave a dance last ev- dent, spent Friday visiting wltb. scoring Hne the visitors got s tarted

Ding In R dOlan hall. ;\fIss reel- fri ends In DavenpQrt. and ran the count to 9 betore Smith

nlan chaperoned. Prot. B. F. Sbambaugh lectured at llIade the next marker for Iowa, Law-

Harold ,Thoma bas returned to Fairfield last Friday afternoon. His IeI' began to shoot baskets trom all

1l1s home In Iowa City atter spending I cture ntltled , "Research in Iowa angl s. t the end ot the halt the

-.neral months In Florida and the IIIstory" was given before the Par- scor stood 22 to 4, Smith making

nth. He was for some tim employ- Bons Coli ge faculty and students.

ed as city edllor ot lhe Melbourne

a useless goal as the whistle blew.

The second period was harder

THUR. -FRI. -SAT, -SUN, RCH. 2-3 ·4 · ~






School Childrens Souvenir Matinee :Saturday






JOHN R, THOMAS Dealer In all kinds of

Coal, Coke, Wood, Flour and Feed ... Coal yards and Feed Mill Oorn. Wub

Ingtoo and VanBuren StM,

Iowa. Telephooe 452-R.


The Varsity Word robe, Phone 54. tought. the Iowa team shooting bas- ;:::::::::::=========== ===-========= Th I ane that clean 3-10, kets In better form and guarding Arthur Fowler has gone to spend e c e rs ,


Sunday at his home In Waterloo. closer, Every man on the Iowa flve

got one fie ld goal In this halt, But 'Iul-l I I , I J Inl .. I"l .1"1"1 .. 1111'+++ Theatre + + the Minnesota lead was tQo long, aod

the game ended with Lawler shoot-Coldren MONDAY

MARCH 6th ++ OTHER COLLEGES. ++ Ing his ninth basltet.

-fREDERIC THOMPS~ (- . PRESENTS J "' .. Qf A1 AMERICA'-' . ~f' " ~(

~~ , ~~

PRICES: ·SOc-7Sc-$1.00-$1.S0 Stat Sale Friday at 12 :45. P. M.


You get Grandrath Cofteeforbreakfastand you faee a day full of successes. It's the kind that never drove any one to Postum. Start the day right and see the landlady serves you Grathrath's Blend.


Grandrath's GROCERY

129 s. Dub. St. -:-Phon. 89

'1"1 'N I_I' I I J I I I I I H' 1r,J I The line-up:

All Virginia athletes are required Iowa Minnesota,

Lawler to take a pledge to observe strict Ryden RF

training before entering upon com- Sallander LF Frank, Lyford

Walker, Whl(Jperman petition for the various teams, Smith c The Prlnceoon wrestling team open- Schmidt RG Rosenwald

ed the sean on with a victory by de- Thomas LG Robl\llard, Grant

teatlog Columbia by a soore of four Summary: Field goals: Lawler 9,

bouts to three, on the latter's floor Walker 4, Frank 2, Ryden 2, Smlth2,

In ew York. Sallander, Schmidt, Thomas. Reter-

On account of the limited seating ee, Dearing aod Hyland. Umpire,

capaCity in the Yale stadium, the Hyland and Deering. Time of halves

University will erect stands capable 20 minutes,

Book Makel • Specialty of

Students 5upp:ies Text Bookl for all Collaae., Laboratory SuppUet, Fouo,.lo Peol. Liraelt Stock Lowelt Price.. .

JOHN T. RIES, 2b Clinton St.


PHARMACY Has Moved to

124 College Street

Weare still the sole agents for all Rexall Goods, Kodaks and supplies

Let us do your Developing and Finishing

LilleyUniforms R EICHARI)T Are made of the best qual­ity 01 doths, Perfect Mili­tary fitting.

The Confe~tioner

Palmetto Chocolates our specialty· All Candies Home-made, Ice Cream made in all Sh:;i and furnished for parti

Hats C a p s and receptions. All • - 'LATEST DRINKS,

C h e V ron s, =====_ ======== Shoulder Knots. swords etc.

For ~ i 11 e y Goods Call on




Fresh and Salt Meats Fisn, Game

and Poultry 216 E. College St.

Telepbone 61


BASE BALL TDIE. The Ilummer seaSOD brinp dle base ball fever and with It die new th.ings YOII will have to to make your work this yeal' a successful one. Our New Bllse Ball GoodS are

Here. New l\1itts, New Gloves, New Uniforms, New 1\[a ks, New Balls the HA WREYE OUR SPEOJAJ, GUARA.NTEED BALL. WIl1 you wallt anything In OUt' line season. We are in fine shapo l'igilt now to take care or you in botJl .18 and Iq·le.

Ordel' Early, HOPKINS BROS. CO.

618·620 W/I]nut St. Des 1\[oines, 10.

Largest SllOll'.ing Goode BOIIIie In the West.

DES }[QIN, IOW~ ..






al program,

'111 hold a
