daily iowan (iowa city, iowa), 1911-05-18dailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/di/1911/di1911-05-18.pdf · -tim...

determln· : of eaeh stu· for the en· reas, Secra- eated, also A. Care ot If THE DAILY IOWAN PUBLISHED BY THE STUDENTS OF THE STATE UNIVIlRIITT 01' IOWA '9 IOWA CITY, IOWA, THURSDAY MORNING, MAyk1911. VOL X NUMBER 152 1911 COMMfNCflfNT MARKfD BY RfUNIONS ALUl\lNI THAN EVEn, BE- }<'ORE TO UETURN. HONOnAltY so IE'rJE Owl I\nd ]\eys eJ ects Few Men from Freshmun lass. Yesterday was election day for tbe SPLtNOID ADDRfSS 61VfN AT ASSfMBLY 1\1. LOU! ' I'. LOKNER SPEAK ' O}o' l'EA E. L'R AMENT N BAWKE1'E t"RTS TODAY Luth 1', Ames, De, Co.·n II, an(\ (0\\ To truggJe fOl' Title. The drawings for the preJlmlnar- les In tbl.' state t nnls tournament PLAN NfW BUILDINGS fOR HAWKfYf CAMPUS UOAHJ) tl .U; IN "JEW "J.iNY junior ruld sophom()lI'e honorary 810- Tuesday, Jnne 13, to be greatest AI- 'rells of illUiti ' of Amerlc_ cletles, botb of which selected their wlll b made this morning at nln w Ldbr"1Ll")', Woman' UulhUng, and GYllllUl81um in ont(,UlI>lftU -Tim 1'1)( rtAln. UIIUli day in the History of the Platform ))e('Ol"llled ,,1tIJ tile pledges for the coming year. o'clo k and play will comm nce alter. Th sing les wlll b the UnJvCI:slty. Waskwl, the junior society, broke away from custom and chose fifteen If organization. men to its ranks tor the year 1912, for anything, Tuesday, June 13, Is Instead of ten. Owl and Keys, th'e going to be th 'e' greatest Alumni Day I honor8lry sopilJOmore society, elected In the i hlstory of 10wa reunions. , ten freshmen to enter Into Vhe work Clyde Robbins, alUmni secretary ,of of tbat society next year. the university, has made prepara- I The cbolce of the two societies fol- tions in a systematic way that Is bound to result in uniform success tor the plans. So far preparations hav e been completed whereby seven- teen classes will unite once more and jOlln in the festivities of the day. The lows: WasIl i-Paul Curry, Ray Gittens, Bruce Finblne, Reese Stewart, Ham- Ilton .Tohnso,n, Frank BaldWin, Carl Stwickler, Eugene MiCCaffrey, John Arthur, Herrington Pollard, Wright :f.'lllg of All Nation. '" What Is most matches run ott, tollow d a to 88 possible by the preliminary In th us as college men and women Is the doubles. interesting According to n ws r c Ived trom un ttl lal oure cont mplaUve pI ns fact that In all the movonents for peace It Is the scholar, the man of of bhe stat boa,rd of ;lucat n In- Five of the stat colleg sand unl- clude the erection ot a n w library ver lUes will be entered In the an- learning who Is taking the lead." building ju t north ot th campus to be the nual vent, proml So iJIlid Mr. Louis P. Lochner In the of til university 'at a ost of $476,- Luth r, Am s, cou rse of his address at assembly yesterday on "The College and Peace." n- 000, a gymnasium building on the best ot the league. oe, ornell, and lowa ar the north west corner of th ·unl vl.'rslty tranta and all have put strong leams Mr. Lochn I' proved into the running, Luth r come with himsell block, a r !rul(ielling of the n w N t- ural Scienc building in ord r to ac- one of tile most Interesting speak rs Trytten, Op ted, and Imley, all of ever heard at assembly. He treated olde st class to take part will be the Weeks, Burto n BaIrd, class of '71. 'Db a class's 'of '66 were his subject In a concrete way and Erwin Got- whom are tennis men ot blgh cIa's, and tournament play rs of long x- perlenc . oomodate the d p rtm n', of , 010- gy and botany, and til razing or the old clenc building on t'h ('orn r tsch, Donald Hunter, requested but it was found that of showed by the manoel" of handling of Jefferson allcl . ·orth ('nlll I 8tre ta and Horace m s pick d her team y stl.'rdar it that he was familiar with to llrovlde a mar nnoblllrlll't d \'Ie, evel'ytMng connected witl1 int rna- afternoon and will be on to- O I d K } ' Hal ot til new law bllllllin Itllntell 111- w an eys- lenry day with the three b st ot th g- Towner. the gl'aduaJtes of the law in '.' that year there are but three living vern lies, Everett and of the Liberal ,Aorta col1 ge but Jones, Walter ' tional peace. r ctlr opposite n tho ast. ''The American scholar," said th I!;ies. Dad" Walsaw, and What 111 aggt 1!:1Ite tost of til Penn;ingnotll, ,'lax Cunning, Charles two. The L. A. class of '7] was also :'Ieloy, Olin lIukill, Carroll nlartin, found to have only foul' living melll- Ralph Leff Reed. bers, Aside fnom these every fifth cla ,<.; \\IlJI be represented '\vltlh the ex- speaker, "I- especially fitted to car- ryan the work. Ills Is a country that furnishe R the best iIlllstratlon, the 11l0S, hopeflll promIse, tbe l'resident Gil' cs Ueceptiuu. cepti - n c f the class of '96 which has convinCing prototype of a PI esident and 1\1rs. failed to show any interest. The sec- States of the we rIc!. His hosts yesterday afternoon anc! even- is unable to account for the co un try' s history, Ing to the candidate::! for degrees failure of plans for this class as it ernUl ut . !III po In out t:) t e AllIerl .. State Col\ege are good m n 11 re expectl.'cl lI(' til (1I1allll- Co will have Green, Rogers. Tbe ' mell not be n announced. "The tournament proml srs blllld 11Igs Is to lw In nclclltlon t? the r tht> new women's building, air!.', til' IlI'ovhled tor in tilT d "11111'0- prlatioll, is not known, but th ex- 1)('1)8e will be material a Is the Intent! n o[ lJ1lttJ ng • n by o much highly S, II ceHsful," sal:! Sec.-Trea., 111 all 10'>' Into a library building north harrl1f(1 of Is still strong , in numbers and should fr ', 1lI all colleges, at their home at can schol ar 'h ow feasible and practlc- " Th e ent rles ar high ria Tbe lUen the head of Clinton street. r c Uy to (he NU;I the prOI) rli- f 1 h 111 W lIulld- put up I!l creditab le showing. 11any of the classes plan AI .ts able Is the substitution of Interna- competItion wlll b keen. and. women of ·the Liberal a 110 Sib Il , according 10 In- for tional law for international bloocl- will 1)(' no char e tor adlllisalon gtladuate colleges were received from breakfasts togetJher tOn the morning shed," three till six, and the candidates tho courts nud J bop there will ghell out her today, that library mny llRuma its position on the gronnll plann d for the gym- nasium bulldJng Ilnd in thst yen'; cf Alumni day. The association will from the professional and technical have a speCial photographer for the schools were entertained from seven The SIl allE'r took up in detail the goocl con! lite work of Elihu Burritt, {l ne of the ts." day and an effort will be made to get gre:lte st tactol' for till ten. A large majority of the sen- international His one de- the n w gymna 111111 would be pu hell to Q. position n ar the river, or at A compl te list of speakers for th(' the foot of Jetter 'o n str et hill. the plctu,res of each class in attend- peace th.3t e,'e:' lived. lars from all colleges attended. Pres- ance. At eleven o'clock all will meet ident and Mrs. MacLean en tertained sire was 'to found a League of Uni- for the annual business meeting of the aSSOCiation. I I The entertainment for the after- noon will be furniSlJed by the part I I in their usual hospitable lUanneI'. Medics (}lo C GIWI versal Brotherhood by whiCih men different functions of comm ncement According to th plans of s(:Yerlll COl1H l earn to love each otber and haa been secured, and all of those se- members Of the beard, It Is the Ill- t J, Ilve i npeace with ea,ch other. The lect d have accepteJ. As previously tention to reserve the edifice north which the Alu mni will take in the great work of Dean Charles announced, the Reverend Doctor J. of ' the campus for a library and aUdl- In a close al1J well played contest Gregory In tile direction of interna-· K. "'lcClUle, president of the :'IlcCor- torlum only. With these two provld- yesterday afternoon the medics de- Senior flXllic. Whlle the other ev- tional peace was gl\'en prominent rulck Seminary of Chicago, will d - d tor, tb spac now 0 cupl by feated the faculty by the score of -1 ents are gOing on there will be a ball mention. I!ver the baccalaureate sermen on tll m in the natural I nce hal t o. 1. Thre e ' hits were garnered off game between the classes of 1908 T'll e meeting was turned oyer to Sunday, .June 11. rthur could be g!"en over to depll'tment& of the pitcher, and very few errors and ] 910. From the line-up that the Co mopoJitan club whicb had, Fairbanks, director of the Boston <f g ology and botany which are . marred the game. Ihas been chosen It Is evident that made elahorate preparations for the Museum of Fine Arts, will glvl.' the more than crowded for room in the I Score by innlugs: both sides will have an all st!!,r team. Th e battery for 1908 will be Morey 1I 1edics assembly held In ommemoration of Phi Beta Kappa address on Tuesday, old science hall to the north. 2 1 0 0 0 0 -4 o 0 0 0 0 1 0-1 peace day. Flags of every nation June 13; ,and Judge Peter S. Gros&- When these building contemplated K Ilt and ChiCk Kirk, without doubt Faculty "'el'e arranged about the platform alld T 'honlas', " .:: up of the United States Circuit will be erected Is uncertain. Ac- Batteries, JacObs the greatest pitcher and 6atch el' re- Kellog and Hutchins. lip ectively who ever played tor Iowa. and e\' rythlng posslbl was lUade to Court cf Appeals w\l) deliver the cording to report from wblch the sal' or cf brotherh otO d, the one .:omll1encem nt ad:lress on the mern- story above Is tal<en, the buildings The 1910 line-up w ill be scarcely less conspiclbous for the fame of IUhe I . Sig !\lllh IIIHl ' £1111 neUs ":i n . men whom ,it will Include. Steve Sigma Alpha Epsilon defe!!ted Phi O'Bllen, the mainstay of the Iowa 1 Delta Theta') erday afternoon bY team fn 1909 will 1)ltch, with Ray- the one-sided s re of 12 to 1. Bat- m()nd bebind the bat. Sup- tel'ies Weeks and CtOJgrove; Burdick, po rting them will be seven oth r men McNeal, Rlstlne and Swab. who 'have won t11 II' "I's" including 'Dbe Kappa Slgs .also 'received thought In his mind in connection with world pe3ce. ,The the club, K. R. Ghose, the p 'approlJrl :t tf> words. Re('t'I'Hml fO I' enilll' . The lereptlon for the SenIor mem- Stub SI w ,3 rt, this y 81"13 coach, Al'- sev re b 'ng, 10 ingto h 'fau bers of th chie Hanlon, >and others famed on the Delts 7 to O. Batteries,' 8mPb'e,ll,. b.e held at diamond in II1', e years. Byers and Keller aud ner, 011 1n til venh.!; th r will bo a Crowe. numbel' of banquets. Phi Delta Phi, th law frat E' rtlity wilt meet in Its annual dlnntl, and If cV6rybhlng \\'orl, s out as plannc-d \\'m probably rOi' :\Iect. oach Kellogg gave hi athletes Initiate a number of the p;rent law- their last hal'l wcrk before the :'lin- yer oC the stat Into til oclety on nesota meet yesterday. :'Iost of the that evening. Z tagathian society men are In good for III , and the coach will cel ebrate its fiftieth annl" 1', ary h lieves th at they have a fighting +++++++++++++++++++ + + + )).\ILY + + * +++++++++++++++++++ O:Oo-Stllte Tellul TO\ll· 1U\Ulent. (Continued on page 3) chance with tJhe strong Gophl.'J's In .t:;lO-LI\ws Y. PhOl'1llncist'l. Friday's cont est. I s: (lell)hlall River Aiter Victim • now under way w\)) be Cllmpleted before ajdltlon are lUade. In all prcbabillty it will be some yeals be-- fore the program I oompleted, and in that time seyeral changes may be Iowa river came n ar clalm- a student victim again when made. harleson y st rday under Speak 011 LlrI' " ·o rk. Black prlngs. The Y. :.I. C .•. me t1ng la l ,'en- good headway, when h tTI:l fairly w 11 attended, con- foot on tbe bo tom. Idering the hot weath r. The in- t c, be n :> bottom, how ter, teresting talk by Eu 'lid Saund- his deptb, anti when harle- ers on "Business"8 a Clfe 'Vork," IJ lm')[ OD1pl tt Iy ub- was deservIng of a larger audience. became excited. he ter This was one ot the s 1'1 '. <:f Bptech- covered that somethin e on "Ufe Work," whi h "he 1. M. ,\,as wrO!lg, and be immedlat Iy C. .0\. has been ca'l'rylng on, and swam out to the scene. Aft r bath w:bich w1l1 be we k Uy had swallowed a great de!1 of water, Rev. J. T . .lone, who will speak on Corey Dlan:lged t get to "Opportunitie cf lhe hrl tlan .1In- shore In safety . IEtTY."

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Page 1: Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1911-05-18dailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1911/di1911-05-18.pdf · -Tim 1'1)( rtAln. UIIUli day in the History of the Platform ))e('Ol"llled ,,1tIJ tile


: of eaeh stu·

for the en·

reas, Secra-

eated, also

A. Care ot








Owl I\nd ]\eys eJects Few Men from

Freshmun lass.

Yesterday was election day for tbe


1\1. LOU! ' I'. LOKNER SPEAK ' O}o'

l'EA E.



Luth 1', Ames, De, Co.·n II, an(\ (0\\

To truggJe fOl' Title.

The drawings for the preJlmlnar-

les In tbl.' state t nnls tournament




junior ruld sophom()lI'e honorary 810-Tuesday, Jnne 13, to be greatest AI- 'rells of J~o illUiti ' of Amerlc_

cletles, botb of which selected their wlll b made this morning at nln w Ldbr"1Ll")', Woman' UulhUng, and

GYllllUl81um in ont(,UlI>lftU

-Tim 1'1)( rtAln.

UIIUli day in the History of the Platform ))e('Ol"llled ,,1tIJ tile pledges for the coming year. o'clo k and play will comm nce

alter. Th singles wlll b the UnJvCI:slty.

Waskwl, the junior society, broke

away from custom and chose fifteen If pre)jm~nary organization. ~ounts men to its ranks tor the year 1912,

for anything, Tuesday, June 13, Is Instead of ten. Owl and Keys, th'e

going to be th'e' greatest Alumni Day

I honor8lry sopilJOmore society, elected In the ihlstory of 10wa reunions.

, ten freshmen to enter Into Vhe work Clyde Robbins, alUmni secretary ,of

of tbat society next year. the university, has made prepara-

I The cbolce of the two societies fol­tions in a systematic way that Is

bound to result in uniform success

tor the plans. So far preparations

have been completed whereby seven­

teen classes will unite once more and

jOlln in the festivities of the day. The


WasIl i-Paul Curry, Ray Gittens,

Bruce Finblne, Reese Stewart, Ham-

Ilton .Tohnso,n, Frank BaldWin, Carl

Stwickler, Eugene MiCCaffrey, John

Arthur, Herrington Pollard, Wright

:f.'lllg of All Nation.

'" What Is most matches run ott, tollow d a

to 88 possible by the preliminary In th

us as college men and women Is the doubles.

interesting According to n ws r c Ived trom

un ttl lal oure cont mplaUve pI ns

fact that In all the movonents for

peace It Is the scholar, the man of

of bhe stat boa,rd of ;lucat n In­Five of the stat colleg sand unl-

clude the erection ot a n w library ver lUes will be entered In the an­

learning who Is taking the lead." building ju t north ot th campus to be the nual vent, w~lch proml

So iJIlid Mr. Louis P. Lochner In the of til university 'at a ost of $476,­Luth r, Am s,

cou rse of his address at assembly

yesterday on "The College and


n-000, a gymnasium building on the

best ot the league.

oe, ornell, and lowa ar the north west corner of th ·unl vl.'rslty

tranta and all have put strong leams

Mr. Lochn I' proved into the running, Luth r come with


block, a r !rul(ielling of the n w N t­

ural Scienc building in ord r to ac­

one of tile most Interesting speak rs Trytten, Op ted, and Imley, all of

ever heard at assembly. He treated

oldest class to take part will be the Weeks, Burton BaIrd,

class of '71. 'Dba class's 'of '66 were

his subject In a concrete way and Erwin Got-

whom are tennis men ot blgh cIa's,

and tournament play rs of long x­

perlenc .

oomodate the d p rtm n', of , 010-

gy and botany, and til razing or the

old clenc building on t'h ('orn r

tsch, Donald Hunter, requested but it was found that of

showed by the manoel" of handling of Jefferson allcl . ·orth ('nlll I 8tre ta and Horace m s pick d her team y stl.'rdar

it that he was familiar with to llrovlde a mar nnoblllrlll't d \'Ie, evel'ytMng connected witl1 int rna- afternoon and will be on ' h~IHi to-

O I d K }' ~,lundt, Hal ot til new law bllllllin Itllntell 111-w an eys- lenry day with the three b st ot th g-

Towner. the gl'aduaJtes of the law ~egt in

'.' that year there are but three living

vern lies, Everett and of the Liberal ,Aorta col1 ge but

Jones, Walter ' tional peace. r ctlr opposite n tho ast. ''The American sch olar," said th I!;ies. Dad" Walsaw, and What 111 aggt 1!:1Ite tost of til

Penn;ingnotll, ,'lax Cunning, Charles two. The L. A. class of '7] was also

:'Ieloy, Olin lIukill, Carroll nlartin, found to have only foul' living melll­

Ralph ~lcGlnnls, Leff Reed. bers, Aside fnom these every fifth

cla,<.; \\IlJI be represented '\vltlh the ex-

speaker, "I- especially fitted to car­

ryan the work. Ills Is a country

that furnisheR the best iIlllstratlon,

the 11l0S, hopeflll promIse, tbe mo~t l'resident Gil'cs Ueceptiuu.

cepti - n c f the class of '96 which has convinCing prototype of a PI esident and 1\1rs. ~lacLean

failed to show any interest. The sec- States of the we rIc!. His hosts yesterday afternoon anc! even-

1'E~'tary is unable to account for the co un try's history, Ing to the candidate::! for degrees

failure of plans for this class as it ernUl ut . !III po In out t:) t e AllIerl ..

State Col\ege are good m n

11 re expectl.'cl lI(' til (1I1allll­

Co will have Green,

Rogers. Tbe ' mell

not be n announced.

"The tournament promlsrs

blllld 11Igs Is to lw In nclclltlon t? the

r tht> new women's building,

air!.', til' IlI'ovhled to r in tilT d "11111'0-

prlatioll, is not known, but th ex-

1)('1)8e will be material a Is

the Intent! n o[ lJ1lttJ ng

• n by

o much highly S,II ceHsful," sal:! Sec.-Trea., 111 all 10'>' Into a library building north

harrl1f(1 of

Is still strong ,in numbers and should fr', 1lI all colleges, at their home at

can scholar 'h ow feasible and practlc- " The ent rles ar high ria Tbe lUen the head of Clinton street. r cUy to (he NU;I

the prOI) l~y rli­

f 1 h 111 W lIulld-put up I!l creditable showing.

11any of the classes plan AI

.ts 'an~ able Is the substitution of Interna- competItion wlll b keen. and. women of ·the Liberal a 110 SibIl , according 10 In-

for tional law for international bloocl- will 1)(' no char e tor adlllisalon gtladuate colleges were received from

breakfasts togetJher tOn the morning shed," three till six, and the candidates

tho courts nud J bop there will ghell out her today, that

library mny llRuma its position

on the gronnll plann d for the gym­

nasium bulldJng Ilnd in thst yen';

cf Alumni day. The association will from the professional and technical

have a speCial photographer for the schools were entertained from seven

The SIl allE'r took up in detail the goocl con!

lite work of Elihu Burritt, {lne of the


day and an effort will be made to get gre:ltest tactol' for till ten. A large majority of the sen-


His one de-the n w gymna 111111 would be pu hell

to Q. position n ar the river, or at

A compl te list of speakers for th(' the foot of Jetter 'on st r et hill.

the plctu,res of each class in attend- peace th.3t e,'e:' lived. lars from all colleges attended. Pres­

ance. At eleven o'clock all will meet ident and Mrs. MacLean en tertained

sire was 'to found a League of Uni­

for the annual business meeting of

the aSSOCiation. I I

The entertainment for the after-

noon will be furniSlJed by the part I I

in their usual hospitable lUanneI'.

Medics ~l'uke (}lo C GIWI •

versal Brotherhood by whiCih men different functions of comm ncement According to th plans of s(:Yerlll

COl1H learn to love each otber and haa been secured, and all of those se- members Of the beard, It Is the Ill­

t J, Ilve i npeace with ea,ch other. The lect d have accepteJ. As previously tention to reserve the edifice north

which the Alumni will take in the great work of Dean Charles ~oble announced, the Reverend Doctor J. of 'the campus for a library and aUdl­

In a close al1J well played contest Gregory In tile direction of interna-· K. "'lcClUle, president of the :'IlcCor- torlum only. With these two provld­

yesterday afternoon the medics de-Senior flXllic. Whlle the other ev- tional peace was gl\'en prominent rulck Seminary of Chicago, will d - d tor, tb spac now 0 cupl by

feated the faculty by the score of -1 ents are gOing on there will be a ball mention. I!ver the baccalaureate sermen on tll m in the natural I nce hal

to. 1. Three 'hits were garnered off game between the classes of 1908 T'll e meeting was turned oyer to Sunday, .June 11. Profe~sor rthur could be g!"en over to depll'tment&

of the pitcher, and very few errors and ] 910. From the line-up that the Co mopoJitan club whicb had, Fairbanks, director of the Boston <f g ology and botany which are

. marred the game. Ihas been chosen It Is evident that made elahorate preparations for the Museum of Fine Arts, will glvl.' the more than crowded for room in the

I Score by innlugs: both sides will have an all st!!,r team.

The battery for 1908 will be Morey 1I1ed ics assembly held In ommemoration of Phi Beta Kappa address on Tuesday, old science hall to the north.

2 1 0 0 0 0 -4 o 0 0 0 0 1 0-1 peace day. Flags of every nation June 13; ,and Judge Peter S. Gros&- When these building contemplated

K Ilt and ChiCk Kirk, without doubt Faculty "'el'e arranged about the platform alld T'honlas', " .::up of the United States Circuit will be erected Is uncertain. Ac-Batteries, JacObs the greatest pitcher and 6atch el' re-

Kellog and Hutchins. lipectively who ever played tor Iowa. and e\' rythlng posslbl was lUade to Court cf Appeals w\l) deliver the cording to report from wblch the

sal'or cf brotherh otOd, the one .:omll1encem nt ad:lress on the mern- story above Is tal<en, the buildings The 1910 line-up w ill be scarcely

less conspiclbous for the fame of IUhe I . Sig !\lllh IIIHl '£1111 neUs ":in.

men whom ,it will Include. Steve Sigma Alpha Epsilon defe!!ted Phi

O'Bllen, the mainstay of the Iowa 1 Delta Theta') erday afternoon bY

team fn 1909 will 1)ltch, with Ray- the one-sided s re of 12 to 1. Bat-

m()nd Gros~ bebind the bat. Sup- tel'ies Weeks and CtOJgrove; Burdick,

porting them will be seven oth r men McNeal, Rlstlne and Swab.

who 'have won t11 II' "I's" including 'Dbe Kappa Slgs .also 'received

thought In his mind in connection

with world pe3ce. ,The

the club, K. R. Ghose,

the p

'approlJrl :t tf> words.

Re('t'I'Hml fOI' ~ enilll' .

The lereptlon for the SenIor mem­Stub SI w,3 rt, this y 81"13 coach, Al'- sev re b 'ng, 10 ingto h 'fau bers ~ of th

chie Hanlon, >and others famed on the Delts 7 to O. Batteries,' 8mPb'e,ll,. b.e held at

diam ond in II1', e years. Byers and :.rac ~lul'1'ay; Keller aud ner, 011

1n til venh.!; th r will bo a Crowe.

numbel' of banquets. Phi Delta Phi,

th law fratE'rtlity wilt meet in Its

annual dlnntl, and If cV6rybhlng

\\'orl, s out as plannc-d \\'m probably

l'l'cpl11' iJl~ rOi' :\Iect.

oach Kellogg gave hi athletes

Initiate a number of the p;rent law- their last hal'l wcrk before the :'lin­

yer oC the stat Into til oclety on nesota meet yesterday. :'Iost of the

that evening. Z tagathian society men are In good for III , and the coach

will cel ebrate its fiftieth annl" 1', ary h lieves that they have a fighting

+++++++++++++++++++ + + + )).\ILY m'LL}~TL~ + + * +++++++++++++++++++ O:Oo-Stllte Tellul TO\ll·1U\Ulent.

(Continued on page 3)

chance with tJhe strong Gophl.'J's In .t:;lO-LI\ws Y. PhOl'1llncist'l.

Friday's contest. Is: OO-].~ (lell)hlall l~"Ogram.

River Aiter Victim •

now under way w\)) be Cllmpleted

before ajdltlon are lUade. In all

prcbabillty it will be some yeals be-­

fore the program I oompleted, and

in that time seyeral changes may be Iowa river came n ar clalm-

a student victim again when made.

harleson y st rday

under Speak 011 LlrI' " ·ork.

Black prlngs. The Y. :.I. C .•. me t1ng la l ,'en­

good headway, when h tTI:l fairly w 11 attended, con-

foot on tbe bo tom. Idering the hot weath r. The in­

t c, be n:> bottom, how ter, teresting talk by ~lr. Eu 'lid Saund­

his deptb, anti when harle- ers on "Business"8 a Clfe 'Vork,"

IJ lm')[ OD1pl t t Iy ub- was deservIng of a larger audience.

became excited. he ter This was one ot the s 1'1 '. <:f Bptech­

covered that somethin e on "Ufe Work," whi h "he 1. M.

,\,as wrO!lg, and be immedlat Iy C. .0\. has been ca'l'rylng on, and

swam out to the scene. Aft r bath w:bich w1l1 be we k Uy

had swallowed a great de!1 of water, Rev. J. T . .lone, who will speak on

Corey Dlan:lged t get harles~ n to "Opportunitie cf lhe hrl tlan .1In-

shore In safety. IEtTY."

Page 2: Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1911-05-18dailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1911/di1911-05-18.pdf · -Tim 1'1)( rtAln. UIIUli day in the History of the Platform ))e('Ol"llled ,,1tIJ tile


VOL. X. NO. 152.

Every mornlng except SaturdaYB and Mondays. Of the Videttt'-Heport;. er the forty-second year and of the S. U. I. Quill the nineteentt. year.

Editor-In-Chief ARTHUR C. GORDON

THE STAFF: Desk Editors


Two Teams From Each Society Will

bleat in Annual Debate.

Tomorrow evening occurs another

of the inter-society class debates t()r

tbe cll!rrent year, namely, the fresh­

man dual between Zetagathlan so­

ciety and Irving Institute. This con­

test was scheduled f()r last Friday

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Saturday

Dramatic Editor Sports Editor

Henry Bell Conger ReynoldB

Frank Baldwin T. H. Tapping

V. R. Seeburger evening, but on account of the Ineli­

gibility of Grover Alderman, one of J. C. MUler

G. K. ThompBon bbe Zets, ~t was postponed until to-

Associate EdJtors. monrow evening In order to give the

Paul J. Pierce Ralpll McGinnis Zets Ume to get another man in shape

India Goodman E. P. Korab LeSlie H. Hildebrand will take AI-Reporters

F. R. Blythe 1. H. Pierce derman's place on the team.

Carl C. Casswel!. The question to be discussed is

"or all that Is good, Iowa alfords one very similar to the one used by

the best." the Marshall Laws and Phil os,

DAlLY IOWAN PUDLISHING CO., thlough stated someWlhat differently.

Publisber (Incorporat03ti.) It Is, "Resolved, that the results of OWEN F. MEREDITH, Bus\Iless Mgr

the fifteenth amendment haye just!-

Entered as second-class mail mat- fied its adoption." ter, November J 2. 1903, at the post- The Irvlngs will alllirm this ques-office at 10,wa City, Iowa, 1Inder the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. tion In Zet hall with Gus Heiman,

E. K. Jones, und Robert Powers, Per year, paid before Nov. 15, $2.25 Per year, paid after Nov. 15, $2.75 against Stephen nsey, Leslie ~.

Per semester .............. $1.25 Hildehrand and Oscal' Hhbet. who Per single copy . .... ....... .05 Per month ................ .35 will deny for Zetngathian. Zetaga-

o ttl ce--2 3 IDast Washington Street, Botlh Phones

(Under Name ()f 10.wa Clty Cltlzen) Office HoU1'8.

Edltor-in-chief, 4:00 to 6:00 and

7:00 to 9:00 p. m.

Business manager, 10:00 to 12:00

a. m.; 1:00 to 2:00 and 7:00 to 8:00

p. m.

----------------------------Announcements and nOtices should

be in the Iowan I(}ffice by 6 o'clock to Insure publication.

Copies for sale and subscriptions

thian wlIl affLrm with G. O. Glick,

W. D. Hanna and Max Houghton in

Irving hall while C. D. Meloy. R. W.

Stearns and J. A. Liggett will deny

fOI' Irvfing.

The debates will take place at 8

o'clock. Judges have not been ci1os-

en as yet.

Engineers' Hop Co. I Armc'ry Sat-

urday eVEning, May 20. Mahanna

and Ogle four-piece orchestra. 5-19

taken a~ . he low!!n ()ffice. Wieneke's ~c============= Arcade BooIe Storl).


Commencement at Iowa ought to

be a more popular event tblan It Is.

In everyone of the big eastern

schools, where traditions and college

sentiment add an element Ito Univel'-

slty life, hardly feund in the newer

institutions of the west, the annual

commencement Is a tblng which no

student would think of missing. It

ranks with the Yale-Harvard foot-

ball game or the Poughkeepsie regllit-

++++++++++++++ + + + OOl\1lNG EVJ<~~TS. + + + ++++++++++++++

May 17-18-19. Iowa Inte~olleg-

late Tennis Tournament.

May 27-30th. Annu.al encampment ()f

the cadet ll'egiment.

May 19--Iowa-:\Iinnesota track weet

Icwa field, 4: 00 p. m.

1\1ay 19-20-State tennis tournament

Iowa courts.

May 23--Baseball, Iowa ,so Wa~eda, ta in poin ts of attractiveness tlor the , I Fi Id

. " owa e. undergraduates. . May 23--Baseball, Iowa vs. Wasetla,

Besides th Is, the year-end festivl- I Fi Id Iowa e.

ties are, In those places, the IOC08.S- IMay 30--Decoratlon Day .recess.

COMMENCEMENT Gifts are more appropriately selected from our

stock than any other place. We fur­nish articles of fine quality, beauty and usefulness.

The Best Time To Buy Is NO W The Reliable JtlWeler.r

Keith & McChesney

WHY WASTE the SUMMER MONTHS when you can attend our SUMMER BUSINESS AND NORMAL SCHOOL at a small cost? Complete courses in Bookkeeping, Banking, Shorthand, Typewriting and Penmanship. Write us today for our Summer Business and Nor· ~~~~~A.....m, mal School circular and catalogul'. ed~i;;I9?,«dJ<.5G//7;;~


i Luscombe for Your I t :t: t PHOTOS t ++++++++++++~r++++++++++++++++++++++++

HENRY G. WALKER, Lawyer and Notaq PobUe Otnce over Golden Eqle


DRS. DEAN & BOILER Practice Limited to DJBea .. of &bI

Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Phone 1190.


21 * S. Dubuque St. Hours 3-12, 1-5, 7-3.

Phone 214-R.

DR. FRANK L. LOVE Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat

Otnee over Nova.k's Drug Store Telephone

OHARLES S. GRANT, 1\1. D. Office 17* S. Dubuque St. Over Stach's Shoe Sto~e

Residence 229 Summitt St, Office Phone S80R. ..Residence, 3'78B

DR. W. L. nYWATER Oiseases at

Eye, Ear, Nose and 'Ehroa~ No.8 N. Olinton St.

DR. W. H. DONOVAN Physician IlJld SW'geon

Otnce 117 % S. Dubuque St., over !eI-_____ ..... __ L .......... _ ... _ .. _ .. ____ .. _~ Wilkinson's Grocery.

CANDIES We are pleased to state that all of our FINE CANDIES are made in our Own Kitchen and from the Purest of Ingredients. .

Try Our Fancy Drinks and Sundaes Our Specials are:··



<.to llege 1 n n ~an~~ 1kitcben •.....

Residence Cor. Co lege and Sum· mit. Phones, Otnce 106; Resldeuce 201.


Physician aDd Surgeon.

Otnce, 15 S. Dubuque St., (tormeriJ

occupied by Dr. Blerrlng). RNI.

dence 715 Iowa. Ave. Hours, 10·13

a. m.; 2-4 p. m. Telephones:

OFFICE. 87M. RES. 671.


la2~ So. O'lintnn St. Iowa CltJ, Ia.


:. __ .................. ____ .... __ ............. ~ ....... ____ • .; DRS. 1VASJrBUltN & 1VASBBURI



Tbe artistic floral ability of Aldous is well known. No matter whether you desire a modest tribute of respect, or a more elabor­Ate table decoration, consult Aldous and the results will be satisfactory.

----Greenhouses-Church and. Dodge.

Store--18 S. Clinton Street.

B. E. Washburn, D. O. Evelyn S. Washburn, 1.1. O.

Office aDd Residence 102 S. LtJm lit. Iowa Otty, Iowa. . . Phone '78

Appolnmente Onl,


JOHN VO.'4M, JJ. 0. S. The Studeltt.ll' Dentist

lin, South Dubuque St. Phone 11815. Iowa Ott1, Ion


Iowa City, Iowa. Office over Novak' Drug Store, t1~

South Dubuque Street Office haUl'S: 9:30 A. Dl. to 12 ..

and 1:00 to 15:00 p. m.

REAL ESTATE Ion for tbe return of tbe wandering "1 30 B b 11 I Gill

u ay -- ase a , owa vs. r nne , ~:~~~~~~~~::~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~= alurpnl from every corner of the I Iowr. Field. •

earth. Then every graduate makes J 1 B b II I 'II SALE AND RENT:-:Larp .....

:tty J'e81de; ces, vacant lots, and 1 __ Abo ltocks 01 merchandUe.

une -- ase a , owa vs. " nnesu-a mighty effort to get back to the I ta, Iowa Field.

scen'e d his college activities, land ============== every class holds Its annua l reunion. WashJngton University Moo. School

Instead {)f allowing the year to end in I St. Louis, Mo.

a dreary anti-climax, the astern Un- I George Dock, Sc. D., lU. D., DeaD.

Iversltles bring it to a close In a man- Full time heads c! departments

ner befitting the finish of a tasl{ well and staffs In leading cllnll'al as well

don'e. as In laborl\tory branches. Experi-

Here at Iowa things IIIre Improving enced experts drawn from the medl­

greatly In tbls ,respeCil. Tbe past cal profesBlon in st. Louis associated

few years have witnessed the return with these. Entrance examlnlltlonl

of an increasing number at .. lumnt, Tuesday and Wedneaclay, September

and more students are staying In the ~6 and 27. Academic year -opens

city for the exercises. Reunions are October 2. One year of college work

planned foCil' many classes, and the in prescribed lubject. required for

whole arrangements Indicate .a, grea.t admlsBlon In 1911; two yeara of col­

increase of spirit f,e r the coming lege work In 1912. For catalogue

graduation. Suob a condition de- ana Information, address Dean Wash­

serves encouragement, and the elfort Ington Univeraity Medical School,

Of every alumnus who can possibly t 06 Locust Street, St. Louis, Mo.

get back to lowa Cit~, for a few adv. Ian t. one of the IUreet and moet

laudable ways of bulldlng up a Unl- Engineers' Hop Co. I ArnlC'1 r Sat­

vel'slty spirit that Is re,ally worth the mday eVEning, May 20. l\(ahanna

trouhle. and Ogle four-pIece orchestra. 5-19

SENIORS Make Engagements For Commencement Photos

NOW AT - '--To~nsends' Studio

Cbt Jltbtn!s Cigars

Tobacco--====- Pipes

O. M. RENO, 110~ Waahlqton IU.


Pupu. Reeel.ed In Pluo and Hannoll1


Pupil of Cba .. W. Clark .Del 0.0. KamUn, CJncertl, ReCitals, Vooal II struction. StudiO, 114 South ClIotoi St. Phone 152R. St. Phone 1077.

ESTHER McDOWELL SWISHER (Pupil of lUary Wood Ohaae.)

PIANO SOHOOL A88IStaDts, Emeline )t'an-, Glad,.

Tbompson. Thorougibly modern an.d arU.Ue

methods In plano lllayl'ng, from the beginning of music to advanced grades. Phone 1318 305 SUllwd't Stree&


C.pltal IM.OII A general banking bUBlnel1 tJ'lllo

acted. AccountB .ollclted. Oonaer OoUece .Ii Dobuqae sc.

--A. C


For sitlons states ers: read about us. a falr one?


Death etc.,



Page 3: Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1911-05-18dailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1911/di1911-05-18.pdf · -Tim 1'1)( rtAln. UIIUli day in the History of the Platform ))e('Ol"llled ,,1tIJ tile



lit Stree&




i8 known throughout the world as a

Guarantee af Quality

'10+'1"1' +++ ·1 .. H"H·* -++'1"1"1-1' Are tbe Lara-ert Manufacture'"

In the World; of

Official Equipment FOR ALL


I F yOU are Interested In Athletic Sport yon .hould have a copy of tlJe Spald­

Ing Cntalo\tue. It's a complete ency­clopedia ot What'3 New in Sport.



Founded 1893 Henry Sabin, President Elbridge H. Sabin, Sec'y and Treaa.

l\1A.NRA.'rI'A.N BLDG., DES l\lOIl\'ES, IOWA. For many years we have paid par tlcular attention to securing good po­

sitions tor Iowa graduates, inexperl enced. We cover all of the western states thQroughly. Before enrolUng anywhere please send for our pap­ers; read them carefully; lea:rn our exact terms; ask former graduates about us. Look before you leap. T hat is our onl;v 'iuggestion. Is It Dot a fair one?


More New Styles In

O-X-F-O-R-D-S For Ladies and Men

Mueller Bros., 11S Clinton Street

Iowa CityAcademy ... Prepares Students for State University. Fine ,_Opportunity to made up deficiencies

W. A. WILLIS, Principal

You Live To EAT You EAT To Live

Live Well and EAT Well AT THE BIG CLEAN

Royal Restaurant 113 E. Colleae Street

CONSTANTI~E, Proprietor


Cedar Rapids Life'Insurance Company CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA

Presents Statement for its Successful Year of 1910

Financial Conditions January 1st, 1911 AII\IOunt of Ledger Assets Dec. 1909 ........ . .. ..... $ 96,678.55

Cash Income Premium Income .. ......... .......... $70,010.08 Interest and other receipts ............. 4,454.15

Total Income .................... 74,46".23

Disbursements D'i!:a .. th claims, "unender va.lues, dividends,

etc., paid policy holders ............... $ 4,816.32 Taxes al1dl fees ...................... . Commissions and other agency expenses .. . Medical fees and linspections .... ... .... . Salaries of officers and clerks ........... . Tra vel1ng expenses .........•......••....

All other disbursements .......... . ..... . Total dlsbursements ..... .. ........ .

Leaves balance ledger assets ............ .

1,028.6 19,565.41

2,249.50 5,980.00

361.63 2, 20.22

How We Are Growing Pl-emlmn Income for 1906 $3,288.00 Premium Income tor 1907 $20.703.00




Prenlium Inoome for 1908 $37,031.00 PretniUDl Income for 1900 $60,176.00

~Ium ,"<OhM ,.dOlO $ 70,01 0.00 Officers

OSCAR CASEY, President JUDGE ROBBINS, Vice President

J . H. TAFT, Vice President C. B. SVOBODA, Secretary

J. L. BEVER, JR., Treasurer J. P. KENDALL, Agency Manager

DR. J. E. CRA WFOR>D, Med. Director

. ,

DR. J. LYNN CRAWFORD, Asst. Med. D1r.




Directors c. B. ROBBINS




Total Insurance • In

Balance Farm Mortgages ....................... $73,300.00 Bonds ........ . ...................... 39,798.00 Premium notes and po1J1cy loans .......... . Cash in ottlceandl banks (not on Interest) .. . Deposits In banks on interest ............ . Other ledger assets .................... .

Total ledger assets ................. .

Non Ledger Assets

3,638.42 5,362.90 4,680.00 7,541.70

Interest accrued ........................ $ 4,431.71 Premiums due and deferred (net) ......... 2,440.58 Furniture and fixtures, supplies. . . . . . . . . .. 1,548.29

GRO~~ AS ETS .... . ..... . ..... . .... . Deduct assets not admitted . . .......... . . Admitted A ets .................... ... .

Liabilities Insurance reserve ..................... . Other liabilities ....................... . Admitted sorplus to policy holders ....... .

Reeord for 1910 Increase of groM auets oyer preYiOOB lear

IncreA8e ot AdDUtted Aseets . ..... ........... ... . .

Increase in 8uq)1as (admitted) •••••• ••. .• •. •••.••.

Increase in Total 8u.rplua (admitted aad not admitted)



,142,741.00 $ 6,127.48


$ 68,281.00 2,179.87



, .. 31,921.00


6 .1508.S3

8 ,388.21

Legal UabtUty on basl.MII in force .....•.......... 62,28.1.00

Covered by latereet bearing securities deposited with

Auditor of State . . ........... ...... •. .. ...•... 118,098.00

Tbeee aecurltlee coulst escJusJveJl of IOWA first c1.1S mo""

gages .DeI IOWA ~funlclpal Boads.

Paid to policy holders during last year, in cash and re-

serve additions .. ..... ... ....... ............ $ 38,285.32

Paid to policy holders since organization in casb and re-

serve additions .. .. .... . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . 80,255.67

Force $2,154,000.00 An Iowa Company for Iowa People

au a

1911 OO'~IE1~C1~ENT


(Oontinued trom pI)

with a great banquet at tb Durkl

Tbe Pbl Bet Kapp I tur I

IlCbedul d tor tbla v nlng, 1Hld 'Yo III

probably be largely attend d In spite

ot the other affairs.

r tary


of pr IlmlnalT

. • or I, 110 ,\ . Byington, 10".

Iowa ; In of ' 6, ttorn T

C. lark , Burlington, Iowa;

J A. t1Il ,

Cia of '01, W.

J .. fcDon Id, Iowa Ity. Iow a: n u

of '06, H nry C. Walk r, I< \\a ' It):

nd '1'118 or '0 • Frank H. It n aU.

Cedar Rapis, Iowa.

olt g(' of I.ilK'r I I t.

las!! d '7 G. }'I1ss lara R roley,

Mason Hy, Iowa; 111S8 of' I. fl'L

da Knight Terrel\, Ind p nJene ,

lass of ' 6, Chari R. Hnl1,

Pittsburg, Penn.; Clas of '96. ira.

C. Stover, Mlnn ~poIl8.

finn.; Class of '01, Clifford V. ('.cx.

Des folnes, Iowa; CIas of '06 . 0 .

Albr.l~t, Iowa. City, Iowa ; 18 of

'08, Herbert Harwood, Des oMln •

Iowa; CI8.86 of '10, ClUl"o.rd Powell,

10"'" City, Iowa.

Engln era' Hop Co. I Armory at­

urday evening, May 20. ?Iabanna

and Ogle four-piece orehestra. 5-19

CIRARD MILTON 2M....... ~ ...... ARRow CoLLARS

, They fit and .it riabt ( 1k., 2f.2Sc. o... • .....,.c.. ......


The THOMAS Hard-I ware Store

On tht: 00 the (;orner quare

Page 4: Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1911-05-18dailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1911/di1911-05-18.pdf · -Tim 1'1)( rtAln. UIIUli day in the History of the Platform ))e('Ol"llled ,,1tIJ tile


Iowa City Lodge No.4, A. F. Ii; A. 1\1. J. L. Records, W. M •

... ' Bruce Mool'e. Sec. Regular metrtins-, 3d ]~onday ot

each month.

+ + + PERSONAL AND SOOIAL + -+ + I·J H' +'1",..1·1 ,1,1,,1,,1, I· ++++

l\liES Etbel Bittle, who has been

t "e guest of Miss Madge Lee at Ilhe

Delta. Gamma houle, returned <to iller

bome In Centervllle yesterday.

Sioux, the junlQlr girls' society, en­

~ertalned the Epsilon Taus Tuesday


SODA NeUJ Things To Try Gvery D~

WHETSTONE'S ~------------------------------------~

'Ph'8t Victim of River. In )Jemory ot Jelll')' D. Herbek.

Paul Spencer of Iowa. City, a jun- Nebraska !las honored the mem-

venlng at a dance an Majestic hlall. dor In the high sobool, was drowned ory «)f one of Iowa's toremost gradu­

President and Mrs. MacLean en- In the Iowa river wblle bathing ates, Jeffry D. Herbek, wbo at tbe

tertaine dtbe candidates for degrees about five miles soutb of town. As time of his death was professor of

In June yesterday. In tbe ,afternoon

he Liberal Arts and graduwtes were

fteelved, wblle the professional stu-

soon as tbe body could be recovered

It was placed tln an automobile and

lJrought with 1811 speed to <the unl-

German and bead of the department

of Bohemian In tbe University of Ne­

braska. That institution llas ord-

~ents were entertained In the even- verslty ,hospltal, but all efforts at re- ered a bronze likeness of Proteseor


Irvlng-Ero w11l have a picnic dance

Friday 'at Little Dutch ball.

Saturday 1\1rs. F. C. EnSign en­

tertains at a luncheon.

Miss Mae Freeman L. A.-'98, IOf

Iowa OIty is spending the current

we'ek visiting with friends In Cedar


suscitation failed. He was 0 bro- Herbek to be construoted and placed

er ot L. R. Spencer, a freshman In In one ot the university buildings in

the college of law. honor of tbe memory of the faithful

instructor and first head of the De­

partment of Bohemian. Jeffry Her-

Engineers' Hop Co; I Armory Sat- bek was a graduate of the college (\f

urday evening, 1\lay 20, ;\lahanna Liberal Arts of S. U. I. dass '07, and

and Ogle four-piece orcbestra. 5-19 had the honor of writing the class

poem, entitled, "The Weaver."

Mrs. Harry B. Sbaw, of St. Louis, WANTED-Stenographer worl, of Engineers' Hop Co. I Arm()ry Sat-

• Ie., wife ot Prof. Shaw, formerly any kind. Work guaranteed, 222 N. urday ev~nlng, May 20. :\1-ahanna

in the department of Engineering at Clinton street. tf and Ogle. tOllr-piece orchestra. 5-19

S. U. 1., is doing nicely after under- ~====--=========== [ ~olng an operation on Iher tbroat at R ~be local Homeopathic hospital. , EI ~ H AR DT

ThoDloas F. O. Vance, a graduate

stu ~l!mt at S. U. I. filled tbe pulpit The (f Rev. Karl Stolz, of Solen, while 'Confectioner t .e la t'! er preachel in West Liberty

(:1 Sunday.

:\fts. Dr. L. W. Blerring, former-

ly of Iowa City, but now of Des

• ' cines, has gope after visiting Iowa

ity and university friends for the


~:';£ew ARROW :;v:,olch COLLARS \

110., t for 2k. Clnett, Peabody &: Co., YU6",

}last week. Dr. Bierring was recent- ========~====

connected with the university

lIedical faculty.

:\lrs. William Jepson, wife of Dr.

Jepson, bead of the Department of

Surge'lY at S. U. 1.. has undergone

an operation a.I(:; the Sioux City hos­

pital. Dr. Jepson is still under phy­

sicians care suffering with a sever

C3se of pulmlQlnary trouble.

Louis Wohlenberg is enjoying a

visit from his father, C. L. Woblen­

berg of Lyons.

' Louis Jackson, of Des Moines who

has been forced to leave bis unl:vers­

Jty. work !On account of Illnen h'as

; gone to Des Moines and Willl not con-

tinue hi work in S. U. ' I. at present.

~~' lntQnds to, locate at Dallas, fit DJ,

"for" ,he summer.

Ff. 0. Shnp has returnedil:o h\8,

}oOG, after visiting' with

his daughter Mlldrred or the univers­


R. "Om nd Mrs. Paul

S; ire!! tel'tained at thl! bome of

Get In At The Finish

If you have'nt been gettiog C. O. D. Laundry finish in your linen so far this school~year, hit the einders at once and call our wag-011 for this week's bundle.


C. ·O. ,[)·~ '. ~ I

}.(~e;; Dill on the West Side last Tues- ----------------. :'tl '

di': : evening. . THERE IS A Ii) s. Prof. F. C. Ensign and :Mrs.

'~eomQ bAV&' u d invitatlons for R·EASON WHY r Nensjn&tOl1 to be beld at the home

cf :.\.!rs. ,'ewc!)mb 011 Thursday af­

ternoon, and fOl' a luncheon at the

home of Mts. Ensign on Saturday.

Tb Trl D Its entertained at a re­

ception at their home yesterday.

Seniors, S()pbomore, Junior and Freshmen

have their photos made at


Palmetto Chocolates our specialty· All Candies Home-made. Ice Cream made in all shapes and furnished for parties and receptions. All LATEST DRINKS.

Geo. D. Barth The largest grocery store

in Iowa City and the largest stock to select from.

My facilities for s.l!Pply­iog you with groceries are unexcel1ed. A trial will convince you.

Geo. D. Barth


If you are not already a patron of the PEOPLES. LAUNDRY become one at once.

Your clothes will last longer and look look better if we

SEE 'EM Don't take our word for it···take the weather man's. You ought to lo.ok at the 1911 Showing of

~:;erClothes of Character And you ought to make yourself comfort­able and well dressed in spite of the hot weather by making a selection of one that will fit you, suit your taste" and meet your ideas of clothes-economy.

STRAW HAT SEASON didn't use to wait for the calendar. There's no question about the season being with us now and wise ones are snapping up the beauties in colors and soft straws here now at - - 50c to $3.00

Munsing Underwear, Poros-knit Un­derwear in full length or athletic


lifE 6111111 aDilfES .1111111

~"~"_d"""" __ """"""""""". __ .""""'_' NATURE'S OWN REMEDY

frv' $ Purt £olfax Wattr In bottles and jugs. Shipped only by lJ. C. Fry & Co. from the

I orl~inal Fry Mineral Springs located at Coltax, Iowa. HENRY LEWIS drug~lst, ani J. W. MlLLER 80 rTLING WORKS, alrents for lowl Cit). have the water fresh from the Springs always on hand and will flU all orders promptly.

• a ._ • I a ,.

COLORADO This Summer--Why Not?

P I Get away from your present environments for a few weeks. Bask in the sunshine and breath the ozone of the mighty ,monntains. Every facility for the full enjoyment of out­door sports and the greatest advantages in hotel comfort and convenience are provided.

Plan your vacation now···plan to take the

·ROCK ISLAND TO THE ROCKlfS To Denver, Colorado Sprinlts and Pueblo

Fast trains splendidly equipped all the way eyery day, Let us tell you how inexpensIvely the trip may be made in perfect safety and greatest com­fort. We will give you hotel rates, supply other needed information and save YOH the bother of ordinary railway travel.

• S. F. BOYD

Division Passenger Agent Dilvenporl, la.

H. D. Breen, Agent. Iowa City

FOR RE)lT-Furnisbed rooms.

('001 and conveniently located, also

1.rnished tint. Address A. Care of


Resident Studio launder them for you. A trial will convince you of the merit

:-_2_1_5 _C_o_lle_,,_e_S_tr_ee_t_....: j of our work. 1.:i __ ~ ____ iii;: __ ;; ___ =_jJ

own dlam

that Ted

bas been

tbe past


bave been

sota fans

beater as

there, and

good gam



I!1fI8 l~en I

\~ ' .aopo\~ t " .£0..

against th

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Iowa bats

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