the crazies questions

The Crazies (Eisner,2010)

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The Crazies (Eisner,2010)

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1. Does The Crazies follow the CHN (classic Hollywood narrative) Why or why not?

The classic Hollywood narrative structure follows a set of events. Usually an initial equilibrium is created which is then disrupted by a chain of events and once resolved a new equilibrium is made. However, in this film it does not follow the CHN as in the first scene we see Ogden Marsh on fire then the following title ‘2 days before’ which gives us an insight as to what is going to happen to the town. This would not be known as this equilibrium but as the disequilibrium. It was never planned for the cargo plane which contained “Trixie”, a “Rhabdoviridae prototype” biological weapon to crash land in the swamp which turned out to be the towns water supply.

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2. How many of Propp’s character types can be identified in the film?

Propp looked are 100s of folk tales which led him to identifying 8 characters roles and 31 narrative functions. The infected civilians in the film as well as the military would be known as ‘The villains’ as they are killing anyone who is seen to be near them and creates a negative effect to which the audience would identify them as “the baddies”. Our main protagonist and victor who is also one of the main characters (David) would be known as ‘The Hero’ as he makes decisions for what he thinks is the best strategy to survive as well as making sure his pregnant wife (Judy) is safe. Judy would be known as ‘The helper’ as she aids David making sure he has back-up and also to make sure he doesn’t get infected or killed. However, on opposite conjunction to this she would also be known as ‘The princess’; due to her being pregnant, it means she is restricted from doing certain things and is saved and protected by her husband. David puts himself first and is seen to be the brave individual as he leads himself and his wife to survival. He also is seen to help both Russell (his deputy officer) and a girl named Becca who Judy met when they were both strapped to a gurney in the high school being contained by the military. Going back to Russell, he is known to carry many character roles such as ‘The helper’ of David but also as ‘The false hero’ due to when he gets infected and turns his loyalty and help onto both David and Judy in attempt to hold them under his power. In the end, we see Russell turn into ‘The dispatcher’ as he sends David on his way to carry on his mission to save Judy. He sacrifices himself as he knows his life is coming to an end.

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3. List five examples of binary oppositions in the film and explain them briefly.

Levi- Strauss discovered the binary oppositions of a narrative structure. Binary oppositions are sets of opposite values which reveal the structure of media texts. In this movie, there are various oppositions. For example, good/evil can be linked to the non-infected and the infected people as well as the military playing the evil side as they are ordered to kill any civilian, even if they don't in fact have the infection. Additionally, in terms of who is infected and who isn’t, it can also be linked to normal/strange. When a person first comes infected, they embody strange behaviour just like Bill did in the beginning of the film when he repeated his words and murdered his wife and son. Another character was Rory, who at the start of the film came onto the baseball pitch with a shotgun, unaware of his actions. Another binary opposition would be known/unknown and how civilians such as David and Judy have no idea what the military are enforcing. Due to certain individuals who didn’t get infected there also is the problem of safety/danger- finding places of safety but unknown to danger that could be just lurking round the corner from them. Finally, the last binary opposition would be past/present. When the audience finds out that the cargo plane with the biological weapon inside has contaminated the towns water supply, it is clear that this weapon was created and tested months or even years before they decided to send it away somewhere.

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4. Identify the three ‘durations’ and give an estimate of the time each duration covers.

Screen Duration- 98 minutes (including the credits)Plot Duration- Four daysStory Duration- 2/3 years (this story duration is unclear and the duration is a rough estimate as the biological weapon which the armed forces have created can take a long time from the preparation, the production as well as the testing of the weapon).

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5. Give two examples of events that cause later events in the film but which occur before the film ‘starts’.

The biggest event that has caused this breakout in the first place, was the creation of the biological weapon “trixie”, as the production and testing of the weapon was never shown in the film however, we as the audience understand that it would have taken a long time to produce. It is in fact something which comes as a surprise when we find out that it has contaminated the towns water supply and residents are unaware of the compilation and drink it. Another event which occurs before the film actually “starts” is Judy’s pregnancy. This is important as it builds a chain of events which in fact save both Judy’s and David’s lives. When residents are tested for high temperature, Judy is separated from David and contained which they both know is only due to her being pregnant. Later on in the film, David is taken to another part of the town only to go back to where Judy is so he can save her. In the end of the film, Judy discovers that all the civilians who were not contained were executed anyway for safety measures in case the infection was amongst them which would have meant David would have been killed.

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6. List two events from the 92 minute film that happen in a different time and space to the one we are shown.

One event which the audience never sees during the film is the behind the scenes of the military operations and the orders the soldiers have been given. We are only told briefly in one part of the movie were David, Judy, Russell and Becca contain a soldier for questioning. Another event which happens in the film is when Russell escapes quarantine, we actually see this event through Judy’s eyes as she looks out from the window strapped to a gurney in the high school. A red truck crashes down the barriers and armed people execute people standing. The audience only finds out Russell is amongst those people and manages to escape as he re-tells what happens to David.