the connected age - business india

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Book Review


  • u 99 uMAY 12 -25, 2014

    Busi n e ss i n di A u the M AgA zi n e of the cor por Ate wor ld Books

    sudhakar ram (right) has written an intriguing and challenging book, The connected age being the best you can by reinventing your world, which reports on his life journey in not only understanding the world but also about getting to know oneself bet-ter. he speaks of a new world, a time he calls the connected age, and urges readers to transform out of a vision where they experience abundance in the world for individual sovereignty, compassionate co-existence and well-being of the planet.

    ram, who is co-founder and ceo, Mastek, an it services firm headquar-tered in Mumbai, rues that everyone in this profoundly confusing age is obsessed with achieving success, know-ing well that material prosperity does not lead to lasting happiness, yet pur-sue unending growth in consumption. it is this industrial Age mindset, sym-bolised by abundance and too much freedom, which has been responsible for our current state of affairs defined by discontent, environmental degra-dation and individual powerlessness. he strongly urges people to rise over these ideals and recognise the interde-pendent nature of life on earth.

    rams pivotal moment in his life that led to this introspection was actually a combination of personal, professional and global factors. the economic melt-down of 2009 had a serious impact on Masteks business and it was the first time in the companys 25 plus years his-tory that it faced growth degradation. As i looked at the global situation, i

    realised that i had some new insights on what we need to do to usher in a new world that works for all of us on this planet. i was also going through a period of intense personal transforma-tion, working with some life coaches, he reminisces. he also started a weekly blog to share his quest to discover a new world and a new self and began writ-ing the book.

    gaining deep insights about the world helped him understand his com-pany and himself gain clarity from an objective perspective. his new insights further helped him evolve as a leader. his positive change ensured Masteks turnaround and its road to growth and profitability. in fact, his realisations confirmed his belief that engaged citi-zens can make great things happen in the world.

    According to ram, the connected age is more about making the right choices both in terms of responsible consumption, focus on wellness, alter-native healing and zero-waste systems. At an individual level, it is about eating right, keeping physically and emotion-ally fit while centring oneself through spiritual practices, health, consump-tion and environment protection. he emphasises the need to be altruis-tic and empathetic to fellow human beings and answer ones true calling.

    the book also looks at how the structural context needs to shift in the way companies, social organisa-tions, markets and governments oper-ate in todays times. ram pushes the case for people to be more engaged than empowered and how we also need to take complete charge of the three most important areas of our lives health, wealth and wisdom.

    in many ways, the book seeks solace in karmic theory, which means what you sow is what you reap. But karma, offers ram, can be seen in different ways some more empowering than others and beyond being fatalistic. As i learn and evolve, i realise that there is

    a more evolved approach to karma. it is to completely accept the situation i am in with grace and equanimity that will lead to the wellbeing of all.

    Although the interest in what the author has to say is unflagging, often times the writing feels like seeking answers to the deeper meaning of life. thats right, he concurs. instead of listening to our own hearts, we often go by what other people expect us to believe in and do operating in an auto-pilot mode based on social conditioning.

    The Connected Age is at base, then, a skilfully packaged yet interestingly serious essay about reinventing your world and willingness to change your life in order to leave a better place for the generations ahead.

    ram says his book is an invitation for people to open their eyes and they can open them only when they have a vision. it is meant for those interested in taking responsibility and willing to change the world around them. it is most relevant to young professionals who are starting their careers, he urges, as they still have the purity of heart and the idealism and its especially very relevant to the indian professional.

    u s h A s h i B h A g n A r i

    Sudhakar Ram offers powerful insights for those who want to reinvent themselves and create a new world


    Being the Best You Can by Reinventing Your World

    By Sudhakar Ram

    HarperCollins publisHers india

    `350; pp 214

    in pursuit of a better worlds




