the columbian. (st. helens, columbia county, or.). (st ...€¦ · the goltthbiakt. u. s. official...

THE GOLTTHBIAKT. U. S. OFFICIAL PAPER. HEWS DEOPS. Mrs. Ellen Perry lives in tho Taylor Hotel. Capt. Lemont has the finest calf in Columbia County. Orville Garrison is livinjr near the site of Moore's mill. Wan tod 5,000 rails, for vrhich cash will he paid by Major Adams. Mr. James has taken Mr. Hancock's place in the mill as niyht watchman. Wanted, one, two or three thousand pickets for which cash will be paid. Lawrence N. Maxwell has Iwen for some time Postmaster at Pekin, W. T. George Mfike lrid; don't nil the hill liia niin :l1U for US Ioil" JLS he is Sllll-'le- . cj VT Mrs. Piatt and Edna, Mrs. Hancock and daughter took tea wkh us Suuday ve. James Muckle and wife went down to Skamokawa oa Wednesday to a pic ciic Moiey to loan on real estate security by h A. Moore Esi. St. Helen, Oregon. Mr. Drew lives iu ihe Dturcll House, and Mr. James in MUl rowoa Columbia Street. Mrs. S. D. Morrison and mother were down with their spleiidid tea;u of bluet-- , on Thursday. Capt. Henderson will sootf move upon J"h;iny CampUll's place this side of J.T. MeNulty's place. SL Helen is a large place, because it contains square miles, at least, we think no, if ail do not. 7 Mi.ssf Nellie, artd Calista Moore have gone over to Cedar Creek to visit their Grandfather Shmtafter. Judge Marquam says the public road from here to Portland is magnilicent and the views are grand. JAr. Spenser, of Cnluuihia City will aoou remove to Montesauo, V. T. where hi.s brother has liought a farm. Capt. Billy Iloyt has got in a bad .scrape, he is hammenitg away at fee. Helen Uar with the Ok'Iuimmx. Frank MoXulty lately in Si. Hel-e- n looking as tine as the new dollars wherewith he paid his subscription. Mr. Htttry Girty has been peering the Taylor Hotel to prepare it for rent- ing rooms to gentlemen -- to lodge in. Win. Slavens killed the other day on yo. lofty tir ue::r his re.-d?u- an eagle; measuring 9 feet from tip to tip. Mrs. Uoyn cut 22 Sons of hay on her Sier pla 'Sirs. Dunham, J ike a sifter, stays with her in her groat sorrow. Wnu Siaveus au.l his excclle ife sirs, most aecom .uodatiitg p eople. They .are. very kind to us about our stock. Thu Muckks are tiiushing with rocks -- and Ward t'ujir store at ics elevated lieight so as t-.- j get it out of the reach of future floods. Mrs. Jane "McNulty wa the life of the encaaipaient a Bunker Hill. There Wi0 a danci on the turf and singing kc to enliven the evenings. :Stw Malcolm JttoKiy lately. He said the biby we waked with a cow ht.l and foe which u smaller boy got-&co!d- ed, was growing lustily. Mr. William Gleiidye and family live iu the house on Oak Street lately occu- pied by Mr. Watkins. Mr. Watkins has moved into a houoe on Cascnove jStreet. - verett Grey fixed our wagon-tir- e y.est,efday. jbvereit is the goJ begiu-n- g 9 a tine young mm, and thy blac'.c-- f qiith's .trade a good one to develop jiiuse' and braijjs. The Piiladdjjtui Musiad Journal for May is as full of good tlugs as ever, rontuning the following attractive sheet music:4 Fairly Caugh.t," " lie giyeth His B,-love-d Sleep," and TU Old Cal- lage Clock," all popular yocal selections; Chiuese Serenade," a pleasing melody, and 44 Evening Calm," an instrumental romance. 'fh June No. is even more attractive. It contains the continuation f Woman aid Artiste," a serial from the German, of which Adelaide Itistori, tho greajt Italian actress, is tho heroine: musical news; and the following pieces of sheet-musi- j: 44 1 Remember," by Pin-Kut- i: 44 A Leaf from the Sura v." bv Mey; j i m a " Confidence," by Mendelssohn; 4i An- gel's pream," by Lange;and "Litfcl Lpx Wsiltz." Lv Mnville. A suDidement. " ' J 1ft ' omtamir.g the initial instalment of a irench novel, translated iiito English, will be given away with the July iiu,iu-Le- r. Terms: One dollar a year in advance, or ten cents per .single copy. Published by Chandler Publishing Co., 306 & 308 Chestnut Street, Philadel- phia, Pa, Pope Creek is blocked up with logs so small boats cannot enter much of the time. Its mouth is a part of Frogmore, and wo insist on its being kept open for boats to enter. To Whom it May Concern. aBBSM- - I this day give my sera, Frank S. Carpenter his time, and n longer have control over him or will be responsible for his debts or acts. Shanghai Valley, Wash.Ty, Julv 3d. 1832. iD. CARPEXTEIt. i I 1 Tka lail'n? Fciantists of to-la- y gTe3that m st diseases are canned bv diseased Ki.lneyu or Liv er. If, therefore, the lvi hieys and Over are kep t in perfect order, perfect health will be the resu.t. TUm truth has only be.n kn-w- a short time and fur years jeojle suffereti jjreat auuy without beiaf able to find re'ief. Tne discovery of W.arner'8 S.vfe Kidney an I Liver Cure mirks a new era ia the treatment of th; troubles. Made from a simple tropical leaf of rare value, it c mtain-- i just the element n "cesry to n ur-U- h an4 invi.irate Imth of thesa jreat organs, an 1 itafelv an I keep them in order. It is a P.JSITIVVJ IiKmehy fjr all the dis 'ases that cause pahis iu the lower part of tha b dy for TorjH I Liver Heatl ichis faun lie 3 Diusinest Gravel Fever. Ai le Malarial Fever, an I all di.hcultieH of the Ki.lnjys. Liver an I Urina- ry Opitns. It is an excellent and safe rend ly. for females during l'rtnmcy. Itwillcmtrol Mentr:iati n and is invaluable for Leucorrhx-- a tr Falling of the Womb. j As a Purifier it isunenualed, for it cures the organs that MAKE the bio vl. This llemedy, which has done such wonders, isputui inthi LAlir;CSTSl2Kl KOTTLK of any me limine upon the ma-ke- t, an I is old ly Dni-ist- an 1 all dealers at $1.21 par b tt.le. For Diabetes, en pure for WAUS KK'S SAFK DIA-UET- S CU 11 K. It is a POSITIVE iteuiedy. H. H WAE3fa&C0. Roaster rt. Y. jr. WDti33 Fof Publication. Land Ori'icE at Van .L; . W. T. I A:inrt 10lh. 1SJ. I Ni'tio-- ' :s h : b. 'Vcii tiia' tb- - !.:!. r.viu-namo- d settler ua. lib ! Ti '.iv:i' of his iiiteuti- - n to make fiua! proof ii n rt of his cl.ii.u, ;i I that s.-ii- J ir--- f will nia.l- - e th. .lu.lj of the .- Court ;it Ivil.ima, V. 011 .Saturday, Sept. Ifltii. ir'iJ, via: . Carpenter, Horn stea l Application Xo. lli'J'J f.r the W J of X. W. i an I X i of S. V. $ of Sec. 9, Tt. 7 X. It. 1 W. He names th- - following wi:v s s to pr vehi.s cou tin tots rei leuj u;w)ii, and cultivation of, said I:)?, vzt: U ihiam (Mi uV, of Carrol twi, V. T. Jam.- - H k i.ituu, of 44 Warr.t.Tnnirf j 4f l 44 V."i:i:i li Milting n, x4 " 44 i ;:v:t: V. SI'AIiLIXG, Te-- ij r vSulaH i Nori33 fdr I Publication. tiAXD OFFIca W. T. ) j August 8th, 1SS2. f No-is- 9 i hereli.y piven that die foil wiu-nai- ue I ttler h:ts hleil 110 tic of hi inti xitiaii to make fin il pro f in Ktipp rt of lus c'aim, an 1 that Baid proof wil beiii.ide before the Judge of the Probate Cwnrt.j at Kalaiua, ok Saturda3, September 4Jth. 1S82, ,vi.. lienjamiii A. letz, Pre-empti- Dcaratory SUtemeiit Xo. 1078, for the X of X. W. . the S. H i of N. W. i an I the S. W. of X. E. of See 22, Tp. 9 y. Ii. 4 W'., An I names the following witcesset to prve his continuous resiJenci upon and cfltivatioii of, said lan I, viz: lieorge F. Slaughter, Chiustian Stuckmeier. Robert Westwick and Henry Oxman, all of Uak, Cow itzCo. W. T. W i.iiam I. Deetzj Pre-emptio- n Declaratory - Xo. 1079,1 for the S. K. of X. E. f, Uie K. of H. K. i and the X. NV. of S. E. i oi S.c. 22, Tp. DX.Il. 4 W., Ami names the following witnesses to prove his contin ions resi ience upon, an I cultivation of, said land, viz: tieorgj F. Saughtier, Christian Struckmeier, Rolert West wick an I Henry Oxman, all of Oak Point. Co-.vlit- z Co. W. T. (Jeorge F. Slaughter, Pre-emptio- n Declaratory Statement Xo. 103S.ifor the S. W. i of X. W. i, the W. i of S. W and the S. E. of S. V. ..f Sec. M, Tp. 9 X. U. 4 W. An I inns tii f.illo!'4riii witnesses to prove hi con in 1 jus retidence u;ou. aud cultivativin of, said lan 1, viz: j Christian Struckireier, Robert Westwick, Beaja. iniii A. Deetz an I William I. Deet;, all of Oak Point, CowHtz Co.,' V. T. FilKD W. SPARLING, Register. v3nlall j Notice of Application to Purchase Timber Land. I Lakd Office at Vancocve??, W. T. i j August oth. 18S2. f Notice is rerebyj given that in c Jintjli inje i:h tlxe proiiionsof the Act of Congress ap- prove I June H, 1878, entitled 44 An Act for the sale of Timber Lan Is in the States of California. Oregon, Neva la, anl in Washington Territory," Wihiam I. Deetz, of Cowlitz Coun'y, Washing- ton Territory, has thi day tiled in this o hce his application to purchiise the South West of Sec. 14, Towns ii; 9 North of Lange 4 Wet of the Willa nette Meii lian. Testim-m- in thi iabova case wi'.l be taken be-fo- re the J tulg-- i of ihe Prbate Court at Kalauia, W. T. on Saturday, October 14, 1882. Any an I all pc;rs ns having adverse claims to the abjve deiciibed Ian I, or any portion thereof, are hereby require I to tile their claim in this of- fice within sixty ((JO) days from date hereof. FKi'.D. V. SPARLING, Regfster. v3nlall j Notice of Application tp Purchase Timber Land, Land Office at Vancouver, W. T. 1 j August 5, 1882. f Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisi- - ni ot the Act of Congress approved June 3, 1878, entkied i An Act for the sale of Timber Lands in the' States of California Ore gon, Nevada, anlim Washington lerntory,' tfeujaniin A. Deetz, of Cwlitz County, Wash. iugton Terntory, lias tnis oay nlea in tnis office lijs applicotion to purchase the North West i of 14. Townshiu 9 North of lian-- e 4 West of the Willamette Men lian, Tes'imony in the above case will he taken be- fore the Judge of the Probate Court at Kalauia, W. T. on Saturday, October 14 1882. Any and all persons having adverse claims to the above described land, or any portion thereof, are herehv required to tile their claims in this office within sixty (60) days from date hereof. FRED.lW. SPARLING, Register. JvnlaU WE KEEP IN STOCK THE LARGEST VARIETY Of eooaa in the u. s. and can sell. YOU ANY ARTICLE FOR PERSONAL OR FAMXY 1"-- ? IH ANY QUANTITY AT WHOLESALE PRICS. WHATEVER YOU WANT SEND FOR OUR CATA- LOGUE tFRES) AND YOU W.LI. FIND IT THE3S MONTGOMERY WARD c CU. 227 ft 229 WABASH AVENUE. CWWWi; ITOTICE. - U. S. Land Office. Vancouver, W. T1 Julv 27th. 1882. Complaint having been entered at this Ort'ce by Frederich Geisler agaiust Cormack Hughes for aban louing liis Homestead Entry No. 4269. d; t-e- d Dec. Slit., 1377, upon the Xorth J of Noith Kast J -- iecti n 5, Township 9 Xorth, Range 1 W. in Cowlitz Co. W. T. with a view to the can- - celhvti n of sai I entry; the sai I parties are here, by to appear at this Oiiice on the 5th. day of September, 1S82. at 2 o'clock P. M., to re- - 8 pon 1 an I furmsri concerning saia al- leged Abandonient. PKED. W. SPARLING. Register. n-lj- 23 1TOTICE. U. S. LandOkkick at VANCocrEii, W. T. 1 July 20th. 1882. f Complaint having been entered at this lBce by Joseph Halleck Against John G. Parish for al an-doni- ng his H omen teat I Entry No. 2161, d; ted May 2"th, 1R77 njoa the Wet h of South E st Section 30, Township 10 North.'ltange 1 East in Cowlitz County, Washington Tenitory, with a view to the cancellation of said entry: the said parties are hereby s.immoned to appear at this O tice on the 5th "day of September, 1882, at 2 o'elosk P. M., to respond ami furnish testimony concerning said a'.leged abandonment. FRED. W. SPARLING, Register. n31v2j23 Notice of Application to Purchase Timber Land. Land Office at Vancouver, W. T. I July 2"th. 1SS2. f Notice is hereby given that incmip dance with the provisi ins of the Act of Congress approved .Tu.ie3, 187S, entitled "An Act for the Sale of Timber Lands in the States f California, Ore- gon, Nevada, anl in Washington Territory," Edward J. Searls, ot Cowlitz County, Wash. Ter., has thN nay filed in thU o'.fice his applica-timt- o purch ite the South i of Nrth VVest an I North h of South West J of Section 8, Town- ship 0 North of Range 1 West of the Willamette Meridian. Testi.uony in the above case wil be taken be- fore the Ju Ige of the Probate Court, at Kalama, W. T. on Kri lay, October 6th. 1882. Anv an I all ei-- s ns havin.' alvcrse claims to thi abve descii eil lan I, or any portion thereof, are h.Teby retpiire to tile their claims in this odice within sixtv(CO) days fiomdate hereof. FRED. W. SPARLING, Register. n"1523 ' Notice of Application to Purchase Timber JLandi, Land Okficb at Vancoitveo. W. T. J July 18, 1882. ' Noti3 i hre'iy givn that in omplianae with the provisi iih of the Act of Congress ap-prtw- ed June 3, 1878, entitled "An Act for the sale of Timber Lu te in the States of California, Mregon. Nevad, nd iu Washington Territory' Henry W. Niles, of Multnmah Count v, Oregon, has t "is day tilel in this o.tiee his application to purchase the South J o South West tand S uth of S uth East i f Secti n 2. Townsh n y North of Rau.e 1 East, of the Willamette Me-r- i lian. Tes imov.y in the abive case will be taken be- fore the Rester and Receiver at VawouVer, W. T. on Saturday, September ?0th. 1882. Anv anl all kbobs having adverse claims to the descibed land, or aw portim tlisreof, are hereby required to tile th iir claims in this oiiice within trixtv(60) days f r m ila e hereof. FRED. W. SPARLING. Register, n jlj28 X'otice of Ap:ilie ition to Purchase Timber Lund. U. S. Lanu Office, Vavoocveh W. T. ) July 7di, 1882. f Notice is herehv giv?n that in comp iance with the provi.-- i ins of the Act of Congress approved dune 3, 1878, entitled " An Act for the sale of Timber Lan Is in the States of California, Ore- gon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory, Samuel AI. Keenan, of Multn mah County, Or- egon, has this day tiled in this o tice his applica- tion to purchase the West J of North East J of Sec. 12, Township 9 North of Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian. Testimony in the alve cas? will be taken be-th- e llegister and Heceiver at Vancouver, W. T. on Saturday, September 16th, 1882. Any an I all persons claiming adversely to sai 1 descibed lan Is or any portim thereof , are hereby required to tile their claims in this oiiicd within sixty(60) davs from late hereof. "FRED W. S PAULING, Register. n49jl4 Xoticc of Application to Purchase Timber Land. Land Office at Vancouver, W. T. I July 14i.h, 1882. f Notice is herehv g ven that incompliance with the provisions of the Act of Congress approved J.msS, 1878, entitled 44 An Act for the Sale of Timber Lands in the State of California, Or -- gon, Nevada, an I Washington Territory, lJarthol -- mew T. Smlen, of Multnomah County, Oregon, has this day filed in this o hce hi i application to purchase the North West J of Secti nl2. Tow n- ship 9 Noith of Range 2 West, of the Willam- ette Meii Uan Tes'imony in the above case v ill he taken he-fo- re the Register on I Receiver, at Vane mver, W. T. on Saturday. Septemb r 23, 1882. Any anl all pere ns having ad veise claims to the ab ive esciibed land, or any portion thereof, are hereby requir d to file their claims in this of- fice within sixty(GO) days from date hereof. FRED. W. SPARLING, Register. n50j2l Xoticc or Application to Purchase Timber Lands. Land Office at Vancouver W. T. I July 18th, 1882 ( Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the Act of Congress approved June 3, 1878, ntided"An Act for the sale of Timber Lands in the States of Ca ifornia, Ore- gon, Neva la, and in Washington Ten itory," John L. Davids n, of Multnomah County, Ore- gon, has this day ti ed jn this ortice his applica- tion to purchase the South West 1 of North East the North East J of South "West i, and the North J of South East J of Section 2, Township 9 North of Range 1 Kast. of the Willamette Me- ridian. Testimony in the above case will be taken be- - for.- - the Register and Receiver at Vancouver, W. T. o 1 Saturday, September 30th. 1882. Any and all persons h.ving advtrse claims to the . above described lands, or any p rtion there-- j 1 1 1 r 1 11 uii m3 iiereuv renuirea vo nie meir uiaiuia 111 It.!.. . X5 5 a fiAV 1 t mm uuice wibnin8ixtt(uujaays iroui uawe, uercui FRED. W. SPARLING, Register. j 1 DELEB IN General Merchandise, ST. HELEN, OKEGON. A new and complete stock of Goods now In store. Prices reasonable. Terms Cash.' aul3tf F. A. r.lOORE, Attorney - at - Law, ST. HELEN, 0EEG0X. Office River Strest ia front of strand. Prompt Attention Oirsa to Collections, Etc. auiotf T. A. tl3BRIDH9 Attorney - at - Law, OREG0XCITY, OREGON. Particular attention given to business before the Land Oihce. novl2tf tfnd ataniftfor pKc-li- t. Celebrated Hinlo .rcec!.-:c- ai in? Chot Cxi a, at $10 UP. lmbl-bri- c t tit ; .0 r. jl:zl j ana Ureech-lo- si ing iiun. J.n r, an I risiili. of m 't Tnclirh acl Amerirn n.".. e. AU Vi f artinrt lmiilnnnii at-i- l reqn: l r f"f.Tt"i p rtT ni!V . Cclt'c r Eroccli-'O'vdir- .'r Poutle Cunt f.: jcGCPti c. enure e co., 712 ft. r '.'l'M. Fa. St. Helen Lodge :To. 32, A. F. A. M. Regular Meetings the 6rst and third Satur-lav- s of each ir ti. Sojourning brethren in good standing are cordially invited to attend. By order oi W. M. JAMES DART, Secretary. Great chance to make money. Those who al- ways COLD take advantage f g the good chances for making money that are offered, generally become wealthy, while thos who do n it improve such chances remain in pov- erty. We want many men, women boys and girls to work for us right in their own localities. Any one can do the work properly from the firs' start. The business will pay more ten times ordinary wages. Expensive outfit fur- nished free. No one who engages fails to makt money rapi lly. You devote your whole time to the work, or on'y your spare momeu. . Full information and all that is needed sent c-- Address Stinson & Co., Portland, Main Gjanly I3o.ic3 for Publication. United States Land Office, 1 Oregon City, Oregon, .June 27. 1S82. ( Notice if hereby given that the following-name- d settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof iu suprt of her claiai, an ' that said proof will lie made before W. H. Con-yer- s, CountyClerk of Columbia Co. at St. Helens Oregon, on Monday August 14, 1882, viz: Matilda L. Wjnslow, Homestead Application No. 4702 for the S. E. J of Sec. 2, T. 4. N. R. 3. W. She names the following witnesses to prov h-- . r con inuoas residence jupoii, and cultivation of, said laud, viz: Win. Ri lley, Chas. Briggs, Judge ScthTone, and N. L. Gray, all ol St. Helens, Columbia County. Oregon. L. T."BARIN,:Register. n47.30 Xoticc of Application to Purchase Timber Land. U. S. Laud Office at VANcacrE"Wf."T. ) Jun? 24th, 1882. f Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the Act of Congress approved Juie 3, 1878, .entitled "An Act W tfce sale of Timber Lan Is in the States of California, Ore- gon Nevada, and in Washington Territory,'' Richard J. Trousdalef Cowlitz Coanty, Wash- ington Territory, has thi.H day tiled iu this office his application to purchase the North & of South West 4 and the South West of South West $ of S c. 12, Tp. 9 N. R. 2 W. if the Willamette Meridian. Testi.uony in the above case will be taken lie-fo- re the Judge of the Probate bCourt of said Count v, at Kalama, W. T. on Monday, the 4th of September 1S82. Any and all persons claiming' adversely the above described land, or any iortion thereof, are are hereby required to file their3 claims in this office within sixtv(OO) days from dato hereof. FRED W. SPARLING, Register. n!7jun30 ; Xoticc or Application to Purchase Timber Lands. Land Officb at Vancottvkr, V. T. I June 24, 1881. ( Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the Act of Congress approved June 3rd. 1878, entitled 44 an Act for the sale of Timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," George F. White, of Cowlitz County, Wah. Territory to purchase the S nth h of North Kast $ and the North A of South East of Sec. 2, Tp. 9 N. R. 2 W f Willamette Meridian. Testimony in the above case will be taken be fore the Judge of the Probate Court at Kalama, on Monday, September 4, 1882. Anv and all persons having adverse claims to the above descihed lauds, or any portion thereof, are her by required to file their claims in this of fice withia sixtv ((X)) days from date hereof. FRED W. SPARLING, Register. n47jun30 SUMMONS In the Couxty Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia County. Janus Muckle an 1 Charles Muckle, partners under the firm name of Muckle Brothers, Riffs, .vs. ! D. D. McRae and A. McRae, Defendants. To p. D. McRae, one of said defendants, In the Name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby notified and reuuirod to ap- pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court, in the bove entitled cause on the first day of the next term of saM Court which shall commence six weeks or more after the first publication of this Summons, to wit: on Monday the 4th day of September, A. D 18 2, and if you fail so to appear and answer the plaintiff will take judgment against you for the sum of Four Hundred and Fifty Dollars with in- terest theron since June 1st 1882 and for the Costs and disbursement of this action, and will apply for an order to sell your property which has been attached, to pay said judgment. This Summons is published by order of said Court, Hon. F. A. Moore Judge presiding made on the 3d. day of July 1882. B. K1LLIN & J. C. MO.IEL AND. Attorneys for Plaintiffs Dated St. Helens, J uly 3, 1882. n48j76t THE MITCHELL STANDARD AUo Three-Soni- ig and Fotirprifig Wagon '1 ne Ml 1 tHfcLL wauu; is Monarch 01 tbe traction and made by tbe best waoo mechanics the world. Tho Spring Wtgoa and Buggy I entirely separate fromtho Farm Wagon ahopa. And for tho manufacture of this ciaas Crtmoat bar vaMUmtfcd. Scad for Catalogue sad Triee Lkb . ZlltCUXLLL, LBVU it ca.9 astlat, TTUw 3STo Patents, No Pay. Obtained for Mecl ani-ca- l PATENTS 1 evices, Com pounds, Dcsini anl Labels. All preliminary examinations as to patentability of inventions, free. Our 44 Guide for Obtaining Tatents" i sent free everywhere. Address LOUIS BAOQKR & Co. Solicitors of Patents, Washington, D. C. Established 18C4. n41ml9 DB. THOMAS STELAE?, P2IYSICIAX and SIKGEOX, OSctf with F. A. Moore Esq., River Street, tir. Helen1, Oregon. ' n42m2o H1TW HOTEL J. H. GB0VB3, -- Propristor, Th9 Dart House, Columdia Street, St. Helen, Oregon, Is now open for the accommodation if the Traveling Public. Being newly fitted u;, it will be found a pleasant place at which to stop. Terms, 2 cents for Meals, 25 cents for Lodg- ing, Board $4.00 ir .Week, Board and Lodging, $5.00 ja27n2V v JA2r!E3 3-- DAY3HP0BT, DEALER in C01IFECTI0IIARIES of all kinds, KnickknickS; Bread, and other Varieties of the same Class " Of the Uest Quality, nd BILLI AKDS. River Street. St. IIekln, Ortgox Barbar i& Shoemaker. Third Door from the Corner ol Ilivcr & Tu dltiii Streets, St. Helen, Oregon. n30tf , . nf lreW Caaei aasBB justness now before the public. You can make money faster at work for us than at anything else. Cai&a) not needed. We will start you. $12 a day and upwards made at home by the industrious. Men, women, boys and pirls wanted everywhere to work for us. .Vow is the time. You can work in spare time only or give your whole time to the business. You can live at home an I do the work. No other business will pay you nearly as well. Xo one can fail to make enormous pay by engaging at once. .Costly Outfit free. Money made fait, easily, and honorably. Address Tui'E & Co. Augusta, Maine. Gjanly PAT BSTT 8. We continue to act as Solicitor for' Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, Copyrights, etc., for the United Canada, Culia, England, France, Gerir.any, etc. We have had thirty-AT- s ynn expiriencs. Patents obtaine I through us are u.idced in the Scientific Ameuican. This large and splendid illustratrated weekly paper, $3.20 a year, shows the Progress of Science, is very interesting, and lias an enormous circulation. Address MUNX & CO., Patent Solicitors, Publishers of Sc-tifi- c: Ameuican.' 37 Park Bow, New York. book about Patents sent free. J. KELL0C3 & CO'S Steamers Joseph Kellogg and Toledo, rou C0TKTLIT3 BIVEB. Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG leaves Port- - landj foot ofYamhill Street, for Freejiort on Tuewlay, Thursday and Frilayat7o'clnok a. m., via Willamette Slough, touching at St. Helen, 8olumbia City, Kalama, Carroll's Point, Rainier, r, Monticello and all intermediate iMints. Ketuniing Ieave Freeimrt Monday, Weilnesday and Friday at 6 o'clock A. M. Steamer TOLEDO leaves Portland for Cow. itz Prairie on Monday ami Thursday at 6 A. M. via (Willamette Slough and above landings, touching at Freeport, Arkansas, Olooua aud, Way Landings. Returning Wednesday and Saturday. 3setf Lewis and Lake River Trans portation Compiny'a Fast and avorite Steamer LATO CsT iA. , W. G. Wiir, Mastse Will leave La Centre for Portland via St. Helen, Quigley's Landing and Columbia River every Monday, Wednesday ai 1 Fri lay at Go clock A. M., touching at all way lau.liiig. Returning will leive Everding an.i Ferrill's Wharf, fHt of Alder Street, Portland, every Tuesday, ThuraJay and Saturday at 10 . 'clock, A. M. sharp. For freight and passage apply oard. 3stf PLATFORM SPRING WAGON. and Sido-Spri- nc buggies. Koad; omy tn very boat atbek tiaed In Its tom ia is fwnli'Mt lUu&tratod r States, Kami SALOON. TNOCH SHINTA1TFEE. Proprietor.' Win93f Wlii3ki:3, BranlioJ, Beer. Cigars, and. Soda "Water All of the best iuality. Corner of Cowlitz and River StrasU, St. Helen. Qreoon. J. V. CAIV1PBELL. Civil Engineer and Surveyor. St. Helen, Oregon. All business attended to with promptness and diHpatch. ' aulSt Milk-Pans,- B acket 3,Stove-Pip- e Granite Iron-War- e and Everything in the lina at lOETLAUl) Tilts. WILLIAM WOODMAN, Mt Helen. Ouitooy. Real Estate Bought and Sold on Commission. Information given concerning Lands, Titles, Deeds, etc. All busineas attended to with the greatest care. 1SXOC1I G. ADAMS. Frost's Turkish Rug Pattenu. STAMPED O.V IILKLAP IX COLORS. Beautiful designs to be madf of rag a r.r yanu So simple that a child can make them. For Salk at F-- A Lemont's, St. IIelev, Obeoox TUIQ JCR mjy he found on fi'e at Geo. I nlO r rfcil P.Rowell & Co't per Ail vert mg Bureau (10 Spruce Sr. I where udivrtihiii contracts may be toad fur it in Xkw Vohk. ul3l NEHV0U3 DEBILITY. A SURE CURE GUARANTEED. Dx K. c. west's XKKVK AND BKAiy TREATMENT, a specific f r Hysteria, Liil-nes- s, CoovuJrionrt, Ncrvnr.s llciulache, Mental Depression, Jis of Memory,- - Sennatrhitt, Impotency, luvoluiitwy cuixions, rr mature old age, caused by tiver-exer- ti m, selt-abu- se or over-indulgen- ce, which leads to misery, decay and death. Una box will cure recent ca-a- . Each box contatus one month's treatment; en dollar a box, or six loxes for five dollars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxen to cure any case. With each order re- ceived by us for accompanied with five dollars, we will send the purchaser our writ- ten guarantee to return the money if the treat- ment does not effect a cure. Guarantees iand only by WOODAllD. CLARKE CO. Whol.n;de and Retail Druggiits, Portland, Or- egon. Orders by mail at'r'uhvr price. n27fl7 L. V. Advertising Asein, 'il Merchants' Exolnui-- e, S. F. It authorized to receive advrrlU-mcnt- s Tor this p:iper. a week in your own town. 5 Outfit free. 'o rink. Every, thing new. Capital not required. We will furnhth you everything. Many are makinsc fortune. Ladies make as much as men, aud toys and girls make great iay. Reader, if you want a busi-no- ss at which you can make great pay all the time you work, write for particulars to II. Hal LETT & Co., Portland. Maine: " 6janly itotige: ' nave arranged with the Iowa Farmer Co., of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, ( who are tbe pul-'iiher-s of one of the best fann papers in the west ) to furnish their fine journal one year at the low rate of $1.00, or it and our own taper one year at 33.00; and each one who subscribes under thU offer will receive, free, an elegant portrait of James A Oartield. ESTABLISHED IN 1853 L. P. Fisher's DVEETISIIfG G- - IE 1T C1T, Rsox-- s 20 5 21 Herclianta' Zz-ehan- 'd, California St., S. P. N B. ADVERTISING' SOLICITED 01 all ewspapers published on te Pad Ho Coast, San wich lHlands, Polynesia, Mexican Porta Pan una Valpai-aixo- , .laiian, China, New Zea. lunO , the Australian Coloniet, . the Eastern Stal es and Europe. Kile of neary every news pap ir published tn the Pacific (iaHt are kept con tautly on hand, and all advertisers are alloAresd fre access to them' during buLse hours. The Columbian is keil on tile attblt office of L. P. Fisher. i ec!5tf

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Page 1: The Columbian. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.). (St ...€¦ · THE GOLTTHBIAKT. U. S. OFFICIAL PAPER. HEWS DEOPS. Mrs. Ellen Perry lives in tho Taylor Hotel. Capt. Lemont has




Mrs. Ellen Perry lives in tho TaylorHotel.

Capt. Lemont has the finest calf inColumbia County.

Orville Garrison is livinjr near thesite of Moore's mill.

Wan tod 5,000 rails, for vrhich cashwill he paid by Major Adams.

Mr. James has taken Mr. Hancock'splace in the mill as niyht watchman.

Wanted, one, two or three thousandpickets for which cash will be paid.

Lawrence N. Maxwell has Iwen for

some time Postmaster at Pekin, W. T.

George Mfike lrid; don't nil the hillliia niin :l1U for US Ioil" JLS he is Sllll-'le- .cj VT

Mrs. Piatt and Edna, Mrs. Hancockand daughter took tea wkh us Suuday


James Muckle and wife went downto Skamokawa oa Wednesday to a picciic

Moiey to loan on real estatesecurity by h A. Moore Esi. St. Helen,Oregon.

Mr. Drew lives iu ihe Dturcll House,and Mr. James in MUl rowoa ColumbiaStreet.

Mrs. S. D. Morrison and mother were

down with their spleiidid tea;u of bluet-- ,

on Thursday.Capt. Henderson will sootf move upon

J"h;iny CampUll's place this side of J.T.MeNulty's place.

SL Helen is a large place, because itcontains square miles, at least, we thinkno, if ail do not. 7

Mi.ssf Nellie, artd Calista Moore havegone over to Cedar Creek to visit theirGrandfather Shmtafter.

Judge Marquam says the public roadfrom here to Portland is magnilicent andthe views are grand.

JAr. Spenser, of Cnluuihia City will

aoou remove to Montesauo, V. T. wherehi.s brother has liought a farm.

Capt. Billy Iloyt has got in a bad.scrape, he is hammenitg away at fee.

Helen Uar with the Ok'Iuimmx.Frank MoXulty lately in Si. Hel-e- n

looking as tine as the new dollarswherewith he paid his subscription.

Mr. Htttry Girty has been peeringthe Taylor Hotel to prepare it for rent-

ing rooms to gentlemen --to lodge in.

Win. Slavens killed the other day onyo. lofty tir ue::r his re.-d?u- an eagle;measuring 9 feet from tip to tip.

Mrs. Uoyn cut 22 Sons of hay on herSier pla 'Sirs. Dunham, J ike a sifter,stays with her in her groat sorrow.

Wnu Siaveus au.l his excclle ife

sirs, most aecom .uodatiitg p eople. They.are. very kind to us about our stock.

Thu Muckks are tiiushing with rocks--and Ward t'ujir store at ics elevated

lieight so as t-.- j get it out of the reach of

future floods.

Mrs. Jane "McNulty wa the life of

the encaaipaient a Bunker Hill. There

Wi0 a danci on the turf and singing kc

to enliven the evenings.:Stw Malcolm JttoKiy lately. He

said the biby we waked with a cow

ht.l and foe which u smaller boy got-&co!d- ed,

was growing lustily.

Mr. William Gleiidye and family live

iu the house on Oak Street lately occu-

pied by Mr. Watkins. Mr. Watkins

has moved into a houoe on Cascnove

jStreet. -

verett Grey fixed our wagon-tir- e

y.est,efday. jbvereit is the goJ begiu-n- g

9 a tine young mm, and thy blac'.c-- f

qiith's .trade a good one to developjiiuse' and braijjs.

The Piiladdjjtui Musiad Journal for

May is as full of good tlugs as ever,rontuning the following attractive sheet

music:4 Fairly Caugh.t," " lie giyeth

His B,-love-d Sleep," and TU Old Cal-

lage Clock," all popular yocal selections;Chiuese Serenade," a pleasing melody,

and 44 Evening Calm," an instrumentalromance. 'fh June No. is even moreattractive. It contains the continuation

f Woman aid Artiste," a serial from

the German, of which Adelaide Itistori,tho greajt Italian actress, is tho heroine:musical news; and the following pieces

of sheet-musi- j: 44 1 Remember," by Pin-Kut- i:

44 A Leaf from the Sura v." bv Mey;j i m a "

Confidence," by Mendelssohn; 4i An-

gel's pream," by Lange;and "Litfcl LpxWsiltz." Lv Mnville. A suDidement." ' J 1ft '

omtamir.g the initial instalment of airench novel, translated iiito English,will be given away with the July iiu,iu-Le- r.

Terms: One dollar a year inadvance, or ten cents per .single copy.Published by Chandler Publishing Co.,306 & 308 Chestnut Street, Philadel-phia, Pa,

Pope Creek is blocked up with logs sosmall boats cannot enter much of thetime. Its mouth is a part of Frogmore,and wo insist on its being kept open forboats to enter.

To Whom it May Concern.aBBSM- -

I this day give my sera, Frank S. Carpenterhis time, and n longer have control over him orwill be responsible for his debts or acts.Shanghai Valley, Wash.Ty, Julv 3d. 1832.


i I


Tka lail'n? Fciantists of to-la- y gTe3thatm st diseases are canned bv diseased Ki.lneyu orLiv er. If, therefore, the lvi hieys and Over arekep t in perfect order, perfect health will be theresu.t. TUm truth has only be.n kn-w- a shorttime and fur years jeojle suffereti jjreat auuywithout beiaf able to find re'ief. Tne discoveryof W.arner'8 S.vfe Kidney an I Liver Cure mirksa new era ia the treatment of th; troubles.Made from a simple tropical leaf of rare value,it c mtain-- i just the element n "cesry to n ur-U- h

an4 invi.irate Imth of thesa jreat organs,an 1 itafelv an I keep them in order. It isa P.JSITIVVJ IiKmehy fjr all the dis 'ases thatcause pahis iu the lower part of tha b dy forTorjH I Liver Heatl ichis faun lie 3 Diusinest

Gravel Fever. Ai le Malarial Fever, an I

all di.hcultieH of the Ki.lnjys. Liver an I Urina-ry Opitns.

It is an excellent and safe rend ly. for femalesduring l'rtnmcy. Itwillcmtrol Mentr:iati nand is invaluable for Leucorrhx--a tr Falling ofthe Womb. j

As a Purifier it isunenualed, for it curesthe organs that MAKE the bio vl.

This llemedy, which has done such wonders,isputui inthi LAlir;CSTSl2Kl KOTTLKof any me limine upon the ma-ke- t, an I is old lyDni-ist- an 1 all dealers at $1.21 par b tt.le. ForDiabetes, en pure for WAUS KK'S SAFK DIA-UET- S

CU 11 K. It is a POSITIVE iteuiedy.H. H WAE3fa&C0. Roaster rt. Y.


WDti33 Fof Publication.Land Ori'icE at Van .L; . W. T. I

A:inrt 10lh. 1SJ. I

Ni'tio-- ' :s h : b. 'Vcii tiia' tb- - !.:!. r.viu-namo- d

settler ua. lib ! Ti '.iv:i' of his iiiteuti- - n to makefiua! proof ii n rt of his cl.ii.u, ;i I that s.-ii-J

ir--- f will nia.l- - e th. .lu.lj of the .-

Court ;it Ivil.ima, V. 011 .Saturday, Sept.Ifltii. ir'iJ, via: . Carpenter, Hornstea l Application Xo. lli'J'J f.r the W J of X. W.i an I X i of S. V. $ of Sec. 9, Tt. 7 X. It. 1 W.

He names th- - following wi:v s s to pr vehi.scou tin tots rei leuj u;w)ii, and cultivation of,said I:)?, vzt:

U ihiam (Mi uV, of Carrol twi, V. T.Jam.- - H k i.ituu, of 44

Warr.t.Tnnirf j 4f l 44

V."i:i:i li Milting n, x4 " 44

i ;:v:t: V. SI'AIiLIXG, Te-- ij rvSulaH i

Nori33 fdr I Publication.tiAXD OFFIca W. T. )

j August 8th, 1SS2. fNo-is- 9 i hereli.y piven that die foil wiu-nai- ue

I ttler h:ts hleil 110 tic of hi inti xitiaii tomake fin il pro f in Ktipp rt of lus c'aim, an 1

that Baid proof wil beiii.ide before the Judgeof the Probate Cwnrt.j at Kalaiua, ok Saturda3,September 4Jth. 1S82, ,vi..

lienjamiii A. letz, Pre-empti- DcaratorySUtemeiit Xo. 1078, for the X of X. W. . theS. H i of N. W. i an I the S. W. of X. E. ofSee 22, Tp. 9 y. Ii. 4 W'.,An I names the following witcesset to prve hiscontinuous resiJenci upon and cfltivatioii of,said lan I, viz:

lieorge F. Slaughter, Chiustian Stuckmeier.Robert Westwick and Henry Oxman, all of, Cow itzCo. W. T.

W i.iiam I. Deetzj Pre-emptio- n Declaratory- Xo. 1079,1 for the S. K. of X. E. f,Uie K. of H. K. i and the X. NV. of S. E. i oiS.c. 22, Tp. DX.Il. 4 W.,Ami names the following witnesses to prove hiscontin ions resi ience upon, an I cultivation of,said land, viz:

tieorgj F. Saughtier, Christian Struckmeier,Rolert West wick an I Henry Oxman, all ofOak Point. Co-.vlit- z Co. W. T.

(Jeorge F. Slaughter, Pre-emptio- n DeclaratoryStatement Xo. 103S.ifor the S. W. i of X. W. i,the W. i of S. W and the S. E. of S. V...f Sec. M, Tp. 9 X. U. 4 W.An I inns tii f.illo!'4riii witnesses to prove hicon in 1 jus retidence u;ou. aud cultivativin of,said lan 1, viz: j

Christian Struckireier, Robert Westwick, Beaja.iniii A. Deetz an I William I. Deet;, all of OakPoint, CowHtz Co.,' V. T.

FilKD W. SPARLING, Register.v3nlall j

Notice of Application to PurchaseTimber Land.

I Lakd Office at Vancocve??, W. T.i

j August oth. 18S2. fNotice is rerebyj given that in c Jintjli injei:h tlxe proiiionsof the Act of Congress ap-

prove I June H, 1878, entitled 44 An Act for thesale of Timber Lan Is in the States of California.Oregon, Neva la, anl in Washington Territory,"Wihiam I. Deetz, of Cowlitz Coun'y, Washing-ton Territory, has thi day tiled in this o hce hisapplication to purchiise the South West of Sec.14, Towns ii; 9 North of Lange 4 Wet of theWilla nette Meii lian.

Testim-m- in thi iabova case wi'.l be taken be-fo- re

the J tulg-- i of ihe Prbate Court at Kalauia,W. T. on Saturday, October 14, 1882.

Any an I all pc;rs ns having adverse claims tothe abjve deiciibed Ian I, or any portion thereof,are hereby require I to tile their claim in this of-

fice within sixty ((JO) days from date hereof.FKi'.D. V. SPARLING, Regfster.

v3nlall j

Notice of Application tp PurchaseTimber Land,

Land Office at Vancouver, W. T. 1

j August 5, 1882. fNotice is hereby given that in compliance with

the provisi- - ni ot the Act of Congress approvedJune 3, 1878, entkied i An Act for the sale ofTimber Lands in the' States of California Oregon, Nevada, anlim Washington lerntory,'tfeujaniin A. Deetz, of Cwlitz County, Wash.iugton Terntory, lias tnis oay nlea in tnis officelijs applicotion to purchase the North West i of

14. Townshiu 9 North of lian-- e 4 Westof the Willamette Men lian,

Tes'imony in the above case will he taken be-

fore the Judge of the Probate Court at Kalauia,W. T. on Saturday, October 14 1882.

Any and all persons having adverse claims tothe above described land, or any portion thereof,are herehv required to tile their claims in thisoffice within sixty (60) days from date hereof.

FRED.lW. SPARLING, Register.JvnlaU






U. S. Land Office.Vancouver, W. T1Julv 27th. 1882.

Complaint having been entered at this Ort'ceby Frederich Geisler agaiust Cormack Hughes foraban louing liis Homestead Entry No. 4269. d; t-e- d

Dec. Slit., 1377, upon the Xorth J of NoithKast J --iecti n 5, Township 9 Xorth, Range 1

W. in Cowlitz Co. W. T. with a view to the can- -celhvti n of sai I entry; the sai I parties are here,by to appear at this Oiiice on the of September, 1S82. at 2 o'clock P. M., to re--8 pon 1 an I furmsri concerning saia al-leged Abandonient.

PKED. W. SPARLING. Register.n-lj-


1TOTICE.U. S. LandOkkick at VANCocrEii, W. T. 1

July 20th. 1882. fComplaint having been entered at this lBce by

Joseph Halleck Against John G. Parish for al an-doni- ng

his H omen teat I Entry No. 2161, d; tedMay 2"th, 1R77 njoa the Wet h of South E stSection 30, Township 10 North.'ltange 1 East inCowlitz County, Washington Tenitory, with aview to the cancellation of said entry: the saidparties are hereby s.immoned to appear at thisO tice on the 5th "day of September, 1882, at 2o'elosk P. M., to respond ami furnish testimonyconcerning said a'.leged abandonment.

FRED. W. SPARLING, Register.n31v2j23

Notice ofApplication to PurchaseTimber Land.

Land Office at Vancouver, W. T. IJuly 2"th. 1SS2. f

Notice is hereby given that incmip dance withthe provisi ins of the Act of Congress approved.Tu.ie3, 187S, entitled "An Act for the Sale ofTimber Lands in the States f California, Ore-gon, Nevada, anl in Washington Territory,"Edward J. Searls, ot Cowlitz County, Wash.Ter., has thN nay filed in thU o'.fice his applica-timt- o

purch ite the South i of Nrth VVestan I North h of South West J of Section 8, Town-ship 0 North of Range 1 West of the WillametteMeridian.

Testi.uony in the above case wil be taken be-

fore the Ju Ige of the Probate Court, at Kalama,W. T. on Kri lay, October 6th. 1882.

Anv an I all ei-- s ns havin.' alvcrse claims tothi abve descii eil lan I, or any portion thereof,are h.Teby retpiire to tile their claims in thisodice within sixtv(CO) days fiomdate hereof.

FRED. W. SPARLING, Register.n"1523 '

Notice of Application to PurchaseTimber JLandi,

Land Okficb at Vancoitveo. W. T. JJuly 18, 1882. '

Noti3 i hre'iy givn that in omplianaewith the provisi iih of the Act of Congress ap-prtw- ed

June 3, 1878, entitled "An Act for thesale of Timber Lu te in the States of California,Mregon. Nevad, nd iu Washington Territory'Henry W. Niles, of Multnmah Count v, Oregon,has t "is day tilel in this o.tiee his application topurchase the South J o South West tand S uth

of S uth East i f Secti n 2. Townsh n yNorth of Rau.e 1 East, of the Willamette Me-r- i

lian.Tes imov.y in the abive case will be taken be-

fore the Rester and Receiver at VawouVer,W. T. on Saturday, September ?0th. 1882.

Anv anl all kbobs having adverse claims tothe descibed land, or aw portim tlisreof, arehereby required to tile th iir claims in this oiiicewithin trixtv(60) days f r m ila e hereof.

FRED. W. SPARLING. Register,n jlj28

X'otice of Ap:ilie ition to PurchaseTimber Lund.

U. S. Lanu Office, Vavoocveh W. T. )July 7di, 1882. f

Notice is herehv giv?n that in comp iance withthe provi.-- i ins of the Act of Congress approveddune 3, 1878, entitled " An Act for the sale ofTimber Lan Is in the States of California, Ore-gon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory,Samuel AI. Keenan, of Multn mah County, Or-egon, has this day tiled in this o tice his applica-tion to purchase the West J of North East J ofSec. 12, Township 9 North of Range 2 West ofthe Willamette Meridian.

Testimony in the alve cas? will be taken be-th- e

llegister and Heceiver at Vancouver, W. T.on Saturday, September 16th, 1882.

Any an I all persons claiming adversely to sai 1

descibed lan Is or any portim thereof , are herebyrequired to tile their claims in this oiiicd withinsixty(60) davs from late hereof.

"FRED W. S PAULING, Register.n49jl4

Xoticc of Application to PurchaseTimber Land.

Land Office at Vancouver, W. T. IJuly 14i.h, 1882. f

Notice is herehv g ven that incompliance withthe provisions of the Act of Congress approvedJ.msS, 1878, entitled 44 An Act for the Sale ofTimber Lands in the State of California, Or --gon,Nevada, an I Washington Territory, lJarthol --

mew T. Smlen, of Multnomah County, Oregon,has this day filed in this o hce hi i application topurchase the North West J of Secti nl2. Tow n-

ship 9 Noith of Range 2 West, of the Willam-ette Meii Uan

Tes'imony in the above case v ill he taken he-fo- re

the Register on I Receiver, at Vane mver,W. T. on Saturday. Septemb r 23, 1882.

Any anl all pere ns having ad veise claims tothe ab ive esciibed land, or any portion thereof,are hereby requir d to file their claims in this of-fice within sixty(GO) days from date hereof.

FRED. W. SPARLING, Register.n50j2l

Xoticc or Application to PurchaseTimber Lands.

Land Office at Vancouver W. T. I

July 18th, 1882 (Notice is hereby given that in compliance with

the provisions of the Act of Congress approvedJune 3, 1878, ntided"An Act for the sale ofTimber Lands in the States of Ca ifornia, Ore-gon, Neva la, and in Washington Ten itory,"John L. Davids n, of Multnomah County, Ore-gon, has this day ti ed jn this ortice his applica-tion to purchase the South West 1 of North East

the North East J of South "West i, and theNorth J of South East J of Section 2, Township9 North of Range 1 Kast. of the Willamette Me-ridian.

Testimony in the above case will be taken be- -for.- - the Register and Receiver at Vancouver,W. T. o 1 Saturday, September 30th. 1882.

Any and all persons h.ving advtrse claims tothe.

above described lands, or any p rtion there-- j1 1 1 r 1 11uii m3 iiereuv renuirea vo nie meir uiaiuia 111

It.!.. . X5 5 a fiAV 1 tmm uuice wibnin8ixtt(uujaays iroui uawe, uercuiFRED. W. SPARLING, Register.




General Merchandise,ST. HELEN, OKEGON.

A new and complete stock of Goods now Instore. Prices reasonable. Terms Cash.'


F. A. r.lOORE,Attorney - at - Law,


Office River Strest ia front of strand.Prompt Attention Oirsa to Collections, Etc.


T. A. tl3BRIDH9Attorney - at - Law,


Particular attention given to business beforethe Land Oihce.


tfnd ataniftforpKc-li- t.

Celebrated Hinlo .rcec!.-:c- ai in? ChotCxi a, at $10 UP. lmbl-bri- c ttit ; .0 r. jl:zl j ana Ureech-lo- si ing iiun. J.n r,an I risiili. of m 't Tnclirh acl Amerirnn.".. e. AU Vi f artinrt lmiilnnnii at-i- l

reqn: l r f"f.Tt"i p rtT ni!V . Cclt'cr Eroccli-'O'vdir- .'r Poutle Cunt f.:

jcGCPti c. enure e co.,712 ft. r '.'l'M. Fa.

St. Helen Lodge :To. 32, A. F. A. M.Regular Meetings the 6rst and third Satur-lav-s

of each ir ti.Sojourning brethren in good standing are

cordially invited to attend. By order oi W. M.JAMES DART, Secretary.

Great chance to makemoney. Those who al-waysCOLD take advantage f

g the good chances formaking money that are

offered, generally become wealthy, while thoswho do n it improve such chances remain in pov-erty. We want many men, women boys andgirls to work for us right in their own localities.Any one can do the work properly from the firs'start. The business will pay more tentimes ordinary wages. Expensive outfit fur-nished free. No one who engages fails to maktmoney rapi lly. You devote your wholetime to the work, or on'y your spare momeu. .

Full information and all that is needed sent c--

Address Stinson & Co., Portland, MainGjanly

I3o.ic3 for Publication.United States Land Office, 1

Oregon City, Oregon, .June 27. 1S82. (Notice if hereby given that the following-name- d

settler has filed notice of her intention tomake final proof iu suprt of her claiai, an '

that said proof will lie made before W. H. Con-yer- s,

CountyClerk of Columbia Co. at St. HelensOregon, on Monday August 14, 1882, viz:Matilda L. Wjnslow, Homestead ApplicationNo. 4702 for the S. E. J of Sec. 2, T. 4. N. R. 3.W.

She names the following witnesses to prov h-- . rcon inuoas residence jupoii, and cultivation of,said laud, viz:

Win. Ri lley, Chas. Briggs, Judge ScthTone,and N. L. Gray, all ol St. Helens, ColumbiaCounty. Oregon.

L. T."BARIN,:Register.n47.30Xoticc of Application to Purchase

Timber Land.U. S. Laud Office at VANcacrE"Wf."T. )

Jun? 24th, 1882. fNotice is hereby given that in compliance with

the provisions of the Act of Congress approvedJuie 3, 1878, .entitled "An Act W tfce sale ofTimber Lan Is in the States of California, Ore-gon Nevada, and in Washington Territory,''Richard J. Trousdalef Cowlitz Coanty, Wash-ington Territory, has thi.H day tiled iu this officehis application to purchase the North & of SouthWest 4 and the South West of South West $ ofS c. 12, Tp. 9 N. R. 2 W. if the WillametteMeridian.

Testi.uony in the above case will be taken lie-fo- re

the Judge of the Probate bCourt of saidCount v, at Kalama, W. T. on Monday, the4th of September 1S82.

Any and all persons claiming' adversely theabove described land, or any iortion thereof, areare hereby required to file their3 claims in thisoffice within sixtv(OO) days from dato hereof.

FRED W. SPARLING, Register.n!7jun30 ;

Xoticc or Application to PurchaseTimber Lands.

Land Officb at Vancottvkr, V. T. I

June 24, 1881. (Notice is hereby given that in compliance with

the provisions of the Act of Congress approvedJune 3rd. 1878, entitled 44 an Act for the sale ofTimber lands in the States of California, Oregon,Nevada, and Washington Territory," GeorgeF. White, of Cowlitz County, Wah. Territoryto purchase the S nth h of North Kast $ and theNorth A of South East of Sec. 2, Tp. 9 N. R. 2W f Willamette Meridian.

Testimony in the above case will be taken before the Judge of the Probate Court at Kalama,on Monday, September 4, 1882.

Anv and all persons having adverse claims tothe above descihed lauds, or any portion thereof,are her by required to file their claims in this office withia sixtv ((X)) days from date hereof.

FRED W. SPARLING, Register.n47jun30

SUMMONSIn the Couxty Court of the State of Oregon for

Columbia County.Janus Muckle an 1 Charles Muckle, partners

under the firm name of Muckle Brothers, Riffs,

.vs. !

D. D. McRae and A. McRae, Defendants.To p. D. McRae, one of said defendants,In the Name of the State of Oregon:You are hereby notified and reuuirod to ap-

pear and answer the complaint filed against youin the above entitled Court, in the bove entitledcause on the first day of the next term of saMCourt which shall commence six weeks or moreafter the first publication of this Summons, towit: on Monday the 4th day of September, A. D18 2, and if you fail so to appear and answer theplaintiff will take judgment against you for thesum of Four Hundred and Fifty Dollars with in-

terest theron since June 1st 1882 and for theCosts and disbursement of this action, and willapply for an order to sell your property whichhas been attached, to pay said judgment.

This Summons is published by order of saidCourt, Hon. F. A. Moore Judge presidingmade on the 3d. day of July 1882.

B. K1LLIN & J. C. MO.IEL AND.Attorneys for Plaintiffs

Dated St. Helens, July 3, 1882.n48j76t

THE MITCHELL STANDARDAUo Three-Soni- ig and Fotirprifig Wagon'1 ne Ml 1 tHfcLL wauu; is Monarch 01 tbe

traction and made by tbe best waoo mechanics the world. Tho Spring Wtgoa and Buggy Ientirely separate fromtho Farm Wagon ahopa. And for tho manufacture of this ciaasCrtmoatbar vaMUmtfcd. Scad for Catalogue sad Triee Lkb .

ZlltCUXLLL, LBVU it ca.9 astlat, TTUw

3STo Patents, No Pay.Obtained for Mecl ani-ca- lPATENTS 1 evices, Com

pounds, Dcsini anl Labels. All preliminaryexaminations as to patentability of inventions,free. Our 44 Guide for Obtaining Tatents" isent free everywhere. Address

LOUIS BAOQKR & Co.Solicitors of Patents,Washington, D. C.

Established 18C4.n41ml9


OSctf with F. A. Moore Esq.,

River Street, tir. Helen1, Oregon.' n42m2o

H1TW HOTELJ. H. GB0VB3, - - Propristor,Th9 Dart House,

Columdia Street, St. Helen, Oregon,Is now open for the accommodation if the

Traveling Public. Being newly fitted u;, it willbe found a pleasant place at which to stop.

Terms, 2 cents for Meals, 25 cents for Lodg-ing, Board $4.00 ir .Week, Board and Lodging,$5.00




C01IFECTI0IIARIESof all kinds,

KnickknickS; Bread,and other Varieties of the same Class

" Of the Uest Quality, ndBILLI AKDS.

River Street. St. IIekln, Ortgox

Barbar i& Shoemaker.Third Door from the Corner ol

Ilivcr & Tu dltiii Streets,St. Helen, Oregon.

n30tf , .

nf lreW Caaei aasBB justness now before thepublic. You can makemoney faster at work forus than at anything else.Cai&a) not needed. We

will start you. $12 a day and upwards madeat home by the industrious. Men, women, boysand pirls wanted everywhere to work for us..Vow is the time. You can work in spare timeonly or give your whole time to the business.You can live at home an I do the work. Noother business will pay you nearly as well. Xoone can fail to make enormous pay by engagingat once. .Costly Outfit free. Money made fait,easily, and honorably. Address Tui'E & Co.Augusta, Maine. Gjanly

PAT BSTT 8.We continue to act as Solicitor for' Patents,

Caveats, Trade Marks, Copyrights, etc., for theUnited Canada, Culia, England, France,Gerir.any, etc. We have had

thirty-AT- s ynn expiriencs.Patents obtaine I through us are u.idced in the

Scientific Ameuican. This large and splendidillustratrated weekly paper, $3.20 a year, showsthe Progress of Science, is very interesting, andlias an enormous circulation. Address MUNX& CO., Patent Solicitors, Publishers of Sc-tifi- c:

Ameuican.' 37 Park Bow, New about Patents sent free.

J. KELL0C3 & CO'SSteamers

Joseph Kelloggand



landj foot ofYamhill Street, for Freejiort onTuewlay, Thursday and Frilayat7o'clnok a. m.,via Willamette Slough, touching at St. Helen,8olumbia City, Kalama, Carroll's Point, Rainier,

r, Monticello and all intermediateiMints. Ketuniing Ieave Freeimrt Monday,Weilnesday and Friday at 6 o'clock A. M.

Steamer TOLEDO leaves Portland for Cow.itz Prairie on Monday ami Thursday at 6 A. M.

via (Willamette Slough and above landings,touching at Freeport, Arkansas, Olooua aud,Way Landings. Returning Wednesday andSaturday. 3setf

Lewis and Lake River Transportation Compiny'a

Fast and avorite Steamer

LATO CsT iA. ,W. G. Wiir, Mastse

Will leave La Centre for Portland via St.Helen, Quigley's Landing and Columbia Riverevery Monday, Wednesday ai 1 Fri lay at Goclock A. M., touching at all way lau.liiig.

Returning will leive Everding an.i Ferrill'sWharf, fHt of Alder Street, Portland, everyTuesday, ThuraJay and Saturday at 10 . 'clock,A. M. sharp.

For freight and passage apply oard. 3stf

PLATFORM SPRING WAGON.and Sido-Spri- nc buggies.

Koad; omy tn very boat atbek tiaed In Its tomia

isfwnli'Mt lUu&tratod





Proprietor.'Win93f Wlii3ki:3, BranlioJ,

Beer. Cigars, and. Soda "WaterAll of the best iuality.

Corner of Cowlitz and River StrasU,St. Helen. Qreoon.

J. V. CAIV1PBELL.Civil Engineer and

Surveyor.St. Helen, Oregon.

All business attended to with promptness anddiHpatch. ' aulSt

Milk-Pans,- B acket 3,Stove-Pip- e

Granite Iron-War- e

andEverything in the lina at lOETLAUl) Tilts.

WILLIAM WOODMAN,Mt Helen. Ouitooy.

Real Estate Bought and Sold onCommission.

Information given concerning Lands, Titles,Deeds, etc. All busineas attended to with thegreatest care.


Frost's Turkish Rug Pattenu.STAMPED O.V IILKLAP IX

COLORS.Beautiful designs to be madf of rag a r.r yanu

So simple that a child can make them.

For Salk atF-- A Lemont's,

St. IIelev, Obeoox

TUIQ JCR mjy he found on fi'e at Geo.I nlO r rfcil P.Rowell & Co't

per Ail vert mg Bureau (10 Spruce Sr. I whereudivrtihiii contracts may be toad fur it inXkw Vohk. ul3l


Dx K. c. west's XKKVK AND BKAiyTREATMENT, a specific f r Hysteria, Liil-nes- s,

CoovuJrionrt, Ncrvnr.s llciulache, MentalDepression, Jis of Memory,- - Sennatrhitt,Impotency, luvoluiitwy cuixions, rr matureold age, caused by tiver-exer- ti m, selt-abu- se orover-indulgen- ce, which leads to misery, decayand death. Una box will cure recent ca-a- .

Each box contatus one month's treatment; endollar a box, or six loxes for five dollars; sent bymail prepaid on receipt of price. We guaranteesix boxen to cure any case. With each order re-ceived by us for accompanied withfive dollars, we will send the purchaser our writ-ten guarantee to return the money if the treat-ment does not effect a cure. Guarantees iandonly by

WOODAllD. CLARKE CO.Whol.n;de and Retail Druggiits, Portland, Or-

egon.Orders by mail at'r'uhvr price.


L. V. Advertising Asein,'il Merchants' Exolnui-- e, S. F. Itauthorized to receive advrrlU-mcnt- s

Tor this p:iper.a week in your own town. 5Outfit free. 'o rink. Every,thing new. Capital not required.We will furnhth you everything.Many are makinsc fortune.

Ladies make as much as men, aud toys and girlsmake great iay. Reader, if you want a busi-no- ss

at which you can make great pay all thetime you work, write for particulars to II. HalLETT & Co., Portland. Maine: "


itotige:'nave arranged with the Iowa Farmer Co.,

of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, ( who are tbe pul-'iiher-s

of one of the best fann papers in the west ) tofurnish their fine journal one year at the lowrate of $1.00, or it and our own taper one yearat 33.00; and each one who subscribes underthU offer will receive, free, an elegant portraitof James A Oartield.


L. P. Fisher's


Rsox--s 20 5 21 Herclianta' Zz-ehan- 'd,


all ewspapers published on te Pad Ho Coast,San wich lHlands, Polynesia, Mexican PortaPan una Valpai-aixo- , .laiian, China, New Zea.lunO , the Australian Coloniet, . the EasternStal es and Europe. Kile of neary every newspap ir published tn the Pacific (iaHt are keptcon tautly on hand, and all advertisers arealloAresd fre access to them' during buLsehours. The Columbian is keil on tile attbltoffice of L. P. Fisher. i ec!5tf