the cloud, the exaflood, and the internet of things / by michael nelson

1 THE CLOUD, THE EXAFLOOD, AND THE INTERNET OF THINGS: REALIZING THE FULL POTENTIAL REALIZING THE FULL POTENTIAL OF THE NEXT GENERATION INTERNET Michael R. Nelson Visiting Professor Internet Studies 1 Visiting Professor , Internet Studies Communication, Culture and Technology Program Georgetown University [email protected] My Background B.S., geology , Caltech Ph.D., geophysics, MIT 1988 -- Congressional Science Fellow 4 years as Senator Gore's science advisor 4 years as IT policy wonk at White House 1998 1999 T h l it t FCC ASIST 30 Mar 2009 1998-1999 -- T echnologist at FCC 9+ years as IBM’s Director, Internet Tech. Teaching at Georgetown since January, 2008

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The Cloud, the Exaflood, and the Internet of Things - Realizing the Full Potential of the Next Generation Internet by Michael Nelson, Visiting Professor of Internet Studies in Georgetown University's Communication, Culture, and Technology Program


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Michael R. NelsonVisiting Professor Internet Studies


Visiting Professor, Internet StudiesCommunication, Culture and Technology ProgramGeorgetown [email protected]

My Background

B.S., geology, Caltechg gyPh.D., geophysics, MIT1988 -- Congressional Science Fellow4 years as Senator Gore's science advisor4 years as IT policy wonk at White House1998 1999 T h l i t t FCC

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1998-1999 -- Technologist at FCC9+ years as IBM’s Director, Internet Tech. Teaching at Georgetown since January, 2008

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50 Things I learned in Washington


ALWAYS have a good bumper sticker

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50 Things I learned in Washington


To make a point, you need two good, memorable “factoids”

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(preferably true)

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50 Things I learned in Washington


State your conclusions upfront

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We are entering the third phase of the InternetAs profound as the World Wide WebThe next 2-3 years will define the Next Generation Internet

Standards and business practices are shaping the Net as much—or more—than law and regulationThe Internet revolution is less than 15% complete

Number of users

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Total bandwidthTotal amount of contentNumber of devicesNumber of applications

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50 Things I learned in Washington


Always look beyond the headlines

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HEADLINE #1 – Cloud Computing

THE HEADLINES Google building huge data centers and

offering Google AppsWeb 2.0 buzzFlickr, YouTube, MySpace

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HEADLINE #1 – Cloud Computing

THE HEADLINE Google building huge data centers and offering

Google AppsWeb 2.0 buzzFlickr, YouTube,

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THE REAL NEWSWe’re entering the 3rd phase of computing

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From Eric Schmidt, the CEO of Google:

The Vision

, g“We’re moving into the era of ‘cloud’ computing,

with information and applications hosted in the diffuse atmosphere of cyberspace rather than on specific processors and silicon racks. The network will truly be the computer.”(“D ’t B t A i t th I t t ” E i t

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(“Don’t Bet Against the Internet,” Economist, 2007)

Phase One – Stand Alone Computer

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App. Data

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Phase Two – The Web

Web sites





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Phase Three – The Cloud


DataData Data


App. App.

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“The Big Switch” by Nicholas Carr

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Many Flavors of Distributed Computing

1 MPeer-to-peer

The Holy GridE thi i t t d

Number of nodes

Peer to peer(PC-based)

Napster KaZaaSETI@home

Everything integratedwith everything

Power per node1 100


Grid Computing(Server-based)

National Grids TeraGrid

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Gartner Says Cloud Computing Will Be

This is a VERY big deal

y p gAs Influential As E-business

Special Report Examines the Realities and Risks of Cloud Computing (June 26, 2008)

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Akamai – Visualizing the Internet

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PC-based Grids

SETI @HomeBerkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing

>340,000 volunteers>585,838 computers24-hour average: 1,190.46 TeraFLOPS

Fight AIDS @ Home Dozens of other projects

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TREND #2 – Internet of Things

Why it matters:y100 billion devices, not just 1.4 billion PCs

Impacts?Increased demand for ubiquitous wireless

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qNew uses for the Cloud

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The Cloud + The Internet of Things


DataData Data


App. App.

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HEADLINE #3 – Internet Video

THE HEADLINE Warner Brothers, Fox offer TV shows

(including “Desperate Housewives” on the Internet

Apple puts movies online

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THE OTHER NEWSAmateur and illegal video everywhere!

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TV shows, YouTube clips, animations, and other video applications already account for more than 60 percent of Internet traffic (CacheLogic)80% of all traffic in some countries is video98% of all traffic by 2009 (Hui Zhang, CMU)Amateur video

100 million downloads/day on YouTube

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100 million downloads/day on YouTubeStar Trek fan videosGaming videosWebcams everywhere

Estimating the Exaflood(Swanson and Gilder, 2008)

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What’s in the Exaflood?

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HEADLINE #4 - Collaboration


High-end video-conferencing (WebEx)Cisco Telepresence

THE REAL NEWSThe Gaming Revolution + Virtual Worlds

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The Gaming Revolution Virtual WorldsProducing GDP equivalent to Belgium'sMay 1 2006 Business Week cover story

Internet isn’t just a medium, it’s a PLACE

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Early Virtual Worlds Business Applications

Commerce Collaboration and Eventsand Events

Education Other

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and TrainingOther Emerging Applications

Within 5 years, 80% of all computing

BIG, Hairy Audacious Prediction #1

Within 5 years, 80% of all computing and storage done worldwide will happen “in the cloud”

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No, it won’t.

Not-quite-so-audacious Prediction #1

No, it won t.

BUT, within 10 years, 80% of all computing and storage done worldwide will happen “in the

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worldwide will happen in the cloud”

Within 5 years, 100 BILLION devices

BIG, Hairy Audacious Prediction #2

Within 5 years, 100 BILLION devices and sensors will be connected to the Net

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Within 10 years, 100 BILLION

Not-quite-so-audacious Prediction #2

Within 10 years, 100 BILLION devices and sensors will be connected to the Net

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TechnicalAgreement and adoption of key standards

Why Not?

g p yIPv6, DNSsec, IPsec, Grid standards

Business practicesCooperation around open standards vs. proprietary lock-in


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CultureUsers have to learn to “trust the cloud”CIOs and their teams have to adapt to new roles


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Policy – The rate-limiting step

•Hardware•Software•Organizations •People•Policy


How to be an early adopter of new technologies ? (such as Virtual Worlds, Grid)To do list:

Move to open standardsExplore open source softwareAddress security

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Fix procurementChange culture and reorganize

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Critical technology choicesAuthentication and directoriesOpen Document FormatPrivacy-enhancing technologies (P3P)y g g ( )Digital Rights ManagementFiltering technologies to block spam, pornVoice over IPWireless Internet standardsService-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Grid computingInstant messagingIP 6 d l t

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IPv6 deploymentLinking the phone network and the InternetRich media standards (SIP, multicast, etc.)End-to-end vs. walled gardens


Updating policies for the Cloud

ySearch warrants, wiretapping in the Cloud?

TransparencyInternational data flowsOnline copyright

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Liability for cloud service providersWho’s responsible for Illegal activities?

Competition policy

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Formula for Effective Cloud Policy

C + (OS1)(OS2) = I + (Ch1 )(Ch2)C + (OS1)(OS2) I + (Ch1 )(Ch2)C = CompetitionOS1 = Open StandardsOS2 = Open SourceI = Innovation

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I InnovationCh1 = ChoiceCh2 = Cheap

1. The Clouds Scenario

Three Possible Futures

2. The Cloudy Skies Scenario3. The Blue Skies Scenario

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The Clouds Scenario

Different, distinct, proprietary cloudsNon-interoperable standardsThe cable television network business model; bottlenecks and monopolies

The Cloudy Skies Scenario

Distinct cloudsInterconnectedCloud applications aren’t interoperableLittle common middleware (e.g. no ( gsingle sign-on)Lots of missed opportunities

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Blue Skies Scenario

A “cloud of clouds” like the network of networksTruly interoperable clouds services“Mix and match”

Sky’s the Limit!!

Common middlewareOpen Cloud ManifestoAlmost infinite opportunities

ConclusionsThe Internet Revolution is less than 15% complete15% completeCloud computing could be even more disruptive than the World Wide Web –IF it’s as open and competitive as the Web

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When in doubt, empower the user!