the church

The Church

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Post on 13-May-2015




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Page 1: The church

The Church

Page 2: The church

The Church.What we are familiar with.

• The Church we go to.– Parish.

• Priest of the Parish.– Parish Priest.– Assistants or Associate.

• Archdiocese.– A fixed territory.– Governed by an Archbishop.

• Rt. Rev. Mgr. Nicholas Chia

Page 3: The church

The Church.What does it mean?

• Latin: ecclesia.

• Greek: ek-kalein.

• To Call out of.

• Convocation or Assembly.

Page 4: The church

The Church.What it is.

• People of God.

• Body of Christ.

• The Bride of Christ.

• Temple of the Holy Spirit.

• One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic.

• Sacrament of Jesus Christ.

• Hierarchy.

• City State.

Page 5: The church

The Church. People of God.

• The Faithful.– All the baptized.

• Members.• Recognize that Jesus is their head.• Mission.

– Salt of the earth, light to the world.– Priestly, Prophetic, and Kingly.

– All those not baptized who believe and comes to the church.

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The Church. Body of Christ.

• Through the Spirit and his actions in the sacraments, Christ establishes the community of his believers as his own body.

• Though one body we exercise different functions and charisms.– Charisms: graces of the Holy Spirit that

benefit the church and man.

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The Church. The Bride of Christ.

• The love of Christ for his Church.

• Faithful Mother to all God’s Children.

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The Church.Temple of the Holy Spirit.

• The Spirit is the Soul of the Mystical Body.

• The source of life.

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The Church. One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic.• One (unity).

– Faith.• Acknowledges Christ as Lord and Savior.

– Baptism.– Spirit.

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The Church. One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic.• Holy.

– Sanctified by Jesus.– The Spirit of holiness gives her life.– She is the sinless one made up of sinners.

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The Church. One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic.• Catholic.

– Universal; according to the totality; in keeping with the whole.

– Where there is Christ Jesus, there is the Catholic Church.

– She sent out on a mission to the whole of the human race.

– Present in all organized local groups.

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The Church. One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic.• Apostolic.

– Emissaries.– Was and remains built on the foundations of

the apostles.– With the help of the Spirit the Church keeps

and hands on the teachings of the apostles.– Continues to be taught, sanctified and guided

by the apostles until Christ returns.

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The Church.Sacrament of Jesus Christ.

• Sign of Jesus in our world.– Compassion.– Forgiveness.– LOVE.

Page 14: The church

The Church. Hierarchy.

Pope.Benedict XVI

Bishops.(Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops)


Lay faithful

Page 15: The church

The Church. Hierarchy.

• Pope and the Bishops.– Teacher.– Sanctifier.– Ruler.

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The Church. Hierarchy.

• Priest.– Collaborators of the bishops.

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The Church. Hierarchy.

• Lay Faithful.– Spreading the Good news to the world.– Collaborators with those in the service of the


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The Church. City State

• Vatican City is a City State.

• Pope as head of state.

• Government.

• Own army.

• Own currency.

• Own TV and Radio Station.

• Own train station.

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The Church. City State