the china-pakistan military axis

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  • 8/14/2019 The China-Pakistan Military Axis


    The China-PakistanThe China-Pakistan

    Military AxisMilitary Axis

  • 8/14/2019 The China-Pakistan Military Axis


    Pakistans Strategic FriendPakistans Strategic Friend

    During every war with Pakistan,During every war with Pakistan,China has moved the PLA ( PeoplesChina has moved the PLA ( PeoplesLiberation Army) towards India andLiberation Army) towards India and

    thus forced India to divert substantialthus forced India to divert substantialforces to the Chinese border.forces to the Chinese border.

    Even during the Kargil conflictEven during the Kargil conflict

    satellite images showed weaponsatellite images showed weaponshipments moving along theshipments moving along theKarakoram highway from China intoKarakoram highway from China intoPakistan.Pakistan.

  • 8/14/2019 The China-Pakistan Military Axis


    China is Pakistans main weaponChina is Pakistans main weapon

    supplier.supplier. China supplies 70 percent of militaryChina supplies 70 percent of military

    aircraft and Main Battle Tanks (MBT)aircraft and Main Battle Tanks (MBT)to Pakistan.

    Almost every missile project inAlmost every missile project inPakistan has been initiated throughPakistan has been initiated throughactive Chinese or North Koreanactive Chinese or North Korean

    assistanceassistance China has supplied Pakistan withChina has supplied Pakistan withover 1,600 main battle tanks, 400over 1,600 main battle tanks, 400combat aircraft and about 40 navalcombat aircraft and about 40 naval


  • 8/14/2019 The China-Pakistan Military Axis


    not known35 MBTs40 Fighters1993-94

    not known97 MBTsnot known1992-93

    not known125 T-59 MBTsnot known1990-92

    2 ROMEO CLASS200 T-59 MBTs60 F-7 Fighters1988-89

    not known200 T-59 MBTs98 Q-5 Fighters1986-884 HUANGFEN FACs150 T-59 MBTs42 Q-5 Fighters1983-85

    2 HAINAN PBs

    4 HEGU FACs

    150 T-59 MBTs

    50 T-60 LTs

    50 122 MM MRS

    20 F-6 Fighters1980-82

    not known

    150 T-59 MBTs

    200 130 MM TGs50 122 MM SPHs

    24 F-4 Fighters1977-79

    2 HAINAN PBs159 T-59 MBTs

    200 T-531 APCs15 F-6 Fighters1973-76


    210 T-59 MBTs53 T-63 LTs

    80 F-6 Fighters1970-73

    not knownnot known4 IL-28 Bombers

    40 F-6 Fighters1966

    not known80 T-59 MBTs4 MiG-15 Trainers1965

    Naval VesselsArmour/ArtilleryAircraftYear

















  • 8/14/2019 The China-Pakistan Military Axis


    Chinese help in setting up PakChinese help in setting up Pak

    Military infrastructureMilitary infrastructure China helped build the Heavy RebuildChina helped build the Heavy Rebuild

    Factory (HRF) at Taxila which servedFactory (HRF) at Taxila which servedto overhaul and upgrade Chineseto overhaul and upgrade Chinese

    supplied Type-59 , 69 MBTs.supplied Type-59 , 69 MBTs. Pakistan Aeronautical Complex atPakistan Aeronautical Complex at

    Kamra was established with ChineseKamra was established with Chinese


    The F-6 Rebuild Factory for Pak airThe F-6 Rebuild Factory for Pak airforce, established as a turnkeyforce, established as a turnkeyproject by China, becameproject by China, became

    operational in November 1980.operational in November 1980.

  • 8/14/2019 The China-Pakistan Military Axis


    Chinese hand assists Pak militaryChinese hand assists Pak military

    machinemachine The Light Aircraft Manufacturing FactoryThe Light Aircraft Manufacturing Factory

    (LAMF), another turnkey project completed(LAMF), another turnkey project completedby China in June 1981, was meant forby China in June 1981, was meant forproducing complete airframes andproducing complete airframes and

    eventual production of light aircrafteventual production of light aircraft The Heavy Mechanical Complex (HMC), theThe Heavy Mechanical Complex (HMC), the

    biggest undertaking in Pakistan, was setbiggest undertaking in Pakistan, was setup at Taxila in 1979 with the help ofup at Taxila in 1979 with the help of

    Chinese assistance and expertiseChinese assistance and expertise

    The Heavy Forge Factory (HFF) at thisThe Heavy Forge Factory (HFF) at thiscomplex has proved crucial for Pakistan'scomplex has proved crucial for Pakistan'sdefence production needs.defence production needs.

  • 8/14/2019 The China-Pakistan Military Axis


    Weapons development MOUWeapons development MOU

    Current military cooperation betweenCurrent military cooperation between

    the two countries operates under thethe two countries operates under the

    provisions of the June 1990, Sino-Pakprovisions of the June 1990, Sino-Pak

    Memorandum of UnderstandingMemorandum of Understanding

    (MoU) for a ten-year cooperation in(MoU) for a ten-year cooperation in

    procurement, R & D, technologyprocurement, R & D, technology

    transfer and co-production. This MOUtransfer and co-production. This MOUhas since been extended.has since been extended.

  • 8/14/2019 The China-Pakistan Military Axis


    Weapons development againstWeapons development against

    whom ?whom ? Al-Khalid MBTAl-Khalid MBT: The indigenous: The indigenous

    development of the MBT Al Khalid (MBT-development of the MBT Al Khalid (MBT-

    2000) in Pakistan was started with the help2000) in Pakistan was started with the help

    of the Chinese. Primary prototypesof the Chinese. Primary prototypes

    produced and fielded in China for trials inproduced and fielded in China for trials inAugust 1991.August 1991.

    The Karakoram-8The Karakoram-8 (or K-8) trainer/fighter(or K-8) trainer/fighter

    was a joint venture between the Chinawas a joint venture between the China

    National Aerotechnology Import ExportNational Aerotechnology Import ExportCorporation (CATIC), China NanchangCorporation (CATIC), China Nanchang

    Aircraft Manufacturing Company (CNAMC)Aircraft Manufacturing Company (CNAMC)

    and the Pakistan Aeronautical Complexand the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex


  • 8/14/2019 The China-Pakistan Military Axis


    Weapons development againstWeapons development against

    whom ?whom ?

    The Super-7The Super-7 ( FC-1) was originally a( FC-1) was originally a

    joint project for preliminary designjoint project for preliminary design

    between CATIC and Grumman (USA).between CATIC and Grumman (USA).

    After the Tiananmen SquareAfter the Tiananmen Squaremassacre of 1989, US companymassacre of 1989, US company

    pulled out. In 1992, to revive thispulled out. In 1992, to revive this

    project the the Chinese signed aproject the the Chinese signed afresh contract with PAC and thefresh contract with PAC and the

    development of this fighter hasdevelopment of this fighter has

    continued ever since.continued ever since.

  • 8/14/2019 The China-Pakistan Military Axis


    Pakistans indigenous missiles..Pakistans indigenous missiles..

    Collaboration in the area of longer range missilesCollaboration in the area of longer range missileswith the Chinese began once Pakistan becamewith the Chinese began once Pakistan becameinvolved in financing Chinese M-9 and M-11involved in financing Chinese M-9 and M-11missiles programmes.missiles programmes.

    According to the Deputy Director of the CIA, JohnAccording to the Deputy Director of the CIA, JohnE. McLaughlin, North Korea( A Chinese satelliteE. McLaughlin, North Korea( A Chinese satellitestate) transferred the 1,300 km-range Nodongstate) transferred the 1,300 km-range Nodongballistic missile to Pakistan. This was renamed asballistic missile to Pakistan. This was renamed asHaft.Haft.

    India's Scientific Advisor to the Defense MinisterIndia's Scientific Advisor to the Defense Ministerstates that Pakistan's Babur missile resulted fromstates that Pakistan's Babur missile resulted fromthe transfer of technology from China's state-the transfer of technology from China's state-owned China National Precision Machinery Importowned China National Precision Machinery Importand Export Corp. (CPMIEC) to Pakistan's state-and Export Corp. (CPMIEC) to Pakistan's state-owned National Development Complex (NDC).owned National Development Complex (NDC).

  • 8/14/2019 The China-Pakistan Military Axis




    T-69 TANK


    HAFT -II


    Images of Collaboration